#« mutant and proud »
thebaddragon · 3 days
I need ficrecs focused on how no one really accepts Charles Xavier's telepathy. Like how Raven is always 'Get out of my head, Charles.'
How Erik is always protecting his mind with his helmet.
I think I have read them all.
But I am willing to see if others can propose some so I can go searching again. Maybe, happily, I missed some.
Because I need a tag on AO3 but don't know what..
Does anyone have a few to suggest?
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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Jubilee (and what's left of a defeated sentinel) commission by artist Ben Harvey (2024).
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star-lights-up · 17 days
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This shirt doesn't exist for me to buy so i drew it anyway
and then twenty others:
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I also had one that said "whip. laaaaaash" and "James Mcavoy ships it. Do you?" but i have no clue where they've gotten off to so I'll post them later.
Reblog with a description of yourself and which is your favorite shirt and I'll draw you in it (:
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bedazzled-sparrow · 8 months
me? oh yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking about how Charles Xavier loved everyone even if they were nobody, but no one loved him when he was a nobody
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charlesyapperxavier · 2 months
Charles Xavier mutant and loud
I like to imagine Charles being tired of passing as human he suddenly starts telepathic conversations. It doesn't help that he's such a yapper that he tries having conversation with 2 people because he can speak with his mouth while also talking with his mind.
Or maybe he starts 2 topics with Erik. Verbally they're talking about chess, mentally he's shit talking about the stupid CIA. and the tone of his 2 voices differ too. Verbally he's calm, but telepathically he's practically surpassed Johnny Storm's cuss vocabulary.
Erik tries hard to keep up, but doesn't stop Charles. He did want his boyfriend to be mutant and proud even if it means he has to keep 2 conversations going.
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artplague · 1 month
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I don't think about the past it's always there anyway Don't think about the past, always there anyway And I will never die, I will never die, I will never die I will never die, I will never die, I will never die I will never die, I will never die...
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natalievoncatte · 1 month
This isn’t another Supercorp ficlet, though I may do one soon.
I’m going to get political. I’m sorry, but I need to vent. If that’s not for you, I’m going to put a “read more” cut before I start my rant.
I’m not going to do that because I’m worried about being offensive. I think most of the people who enjoy 547 short stories about the same blonde and brunette yearning for each other would probably agree with me on all of this.
I’m putting it below the cut because some people have a limited bandwidth for dealing with politics, culture, etc, and that’s okay and needs to be okay. We can’t all be warriors 24/7.
Rant starts now.
I watched a movie tonight where one of the main characters is clearly gay and quickly develops a teenage infatuation with a member of the same sex/gender and this dynamic drives the plot in a classic star-crossed teen lovers story angle.
I went to view online discussions about it and of course the first comment thread I find on social media is full of hate and vitriol.
The chuds all the same thing: “stop sexualizing them”.
Depicting a boy falling in love with a boy or a girl falling in love with a girl is no more “sexual” than depicting the same thing with opposite gender/sex characters.
Implying that any queer romance is innately “sexual” in some dangerous/perverse/exploitative way is absolutely 100% homophobic and needs to stop.
Crying that “two women can’t be friends in a movie anymore” when historians and journalists try to declare actual queer relationships “just friends” is homophobic and needs to stop.
Queer youth aren’t fucking monsters for existing and adults aren’t monsters for treating their feelings as real.
The monsters are the “youth pastors”, cops, ministers, businessmen, doctors, and other patriarchal predators who call love a sin while they molest and abuse and torture and drive kids to suicide.
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0livdocx · 4 months
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Of course, you’re a mutant! What else can you be?
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cyberxennial · 6 months
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stew-magnetos-version · 6 months
Screw the Right, Mutant Pride Month
I think that in the X-Men universe they'd need to have a time to celebrate their differences, like a mutant pride. I think they should have a Mutant Acceptance Month and that it should be in October since it's the X gene that causes the mutation and that X is the roman numeral for 10.
They'd also have a day in October that would be the official day and a day of remembrance, for the mutants in service and those who died because of hate crimes. At first it would just have been the mutants who decided to have this holiday but then after a couple of years (decades) the govt would make it a national holiday.
I'd just think it's hilarious for mutants to go around saying "during Acceptance Month?" for every inconvenience and then for there to be huge parades and also for the corporate capitalism, like all the tacky merch and shirts and ads that would go around October "celebrating" mutants.
Who's in?
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vertigoartgore · 3 months
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X-Men Vol.7 #4 Godzilla variant cover by artist Chris Samnee (2024).
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xs1344 · 4 days
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karimac · 1 month
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bobjackets · 1 year
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artplague · 3 months
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went to Houston Pride over the weekend!
I do plan on finishing the last two MFP prompts. got em planned out and everything. In the meantime, have Morph x Bennett's First Pride!
you could head over to ig ( @/bennettxart ) for my highlights, but its mostly me sweating and my sis being way cooler than me
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albertonavajoart · 1 year
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#Xtober Day 3 Storm
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