blindedguilt · 1 year
“i couldn’t trust my own parents to protect me.” - nox!! you get him because life is better with a purple guy
Leonard tried to understand what it must have been like - to have always been alone, without a shoulder to lean on or a place of solace to confide to. The man beside him, from what little he knew about him, was a distant sort, and the more he had confided in his past, the more Leonard could see it reflected as if from his own brother - it was an almost childishly optimistic way to have seen it, but the man Leonard saw was one simply lacking in the knowledge of what it meant to have the love he craved... Or something like that, anyways.
To some faint extent, he could understand what it felt to be without the companionship of one's parents. Leonard remembered the fear and shame he felt when he had become first aware of his affliction and the trouble he had being able to look either of his own in the eye after that, the weight of potential disappointment, anger, the crushed expectations and self-hatred weighing immensely on him whenever he had done so much as exist beside them. Each second spent at home had felt as if the air got thicker, and thicker, his heart beating just a little bit louder, until one day...
Leonard's jaw momentarily clenched at the memory, his head silently bowed. Unlike the case of young man beside him, who had lived a life entirely without the knowledge of what it meant to be supported, those were his walls he had put up - had he cared any less he would have asked: "What other choice did I have?", but he knew his parents. Though they were quick to tell him of their expectations as a child and quicker still to state their disappointment, they were never absent from caring about his life... Just the opposite.
They had loved him, and Leonard knew that. They had worried themselves constantly over him especially as the eldest, the image he set for his brothers, the name he made for his family, the role he played in their community - but it had always been clear: If he had troubles, they were the ones to settle them. Leonard never had remembered keeping any secrets from his family before that one, as his parents, stern in their advice yet closer in their bond, always gave him just the tools and comfort he needed to face whatever he had been faced with, and to himself, as well as many others, he had what could have largely been considered a "Perfect" upbringing... It was why it hurt so much.
Leonard took a deep breath. To live without even knowing support, he thought, was a terribly horrible thought. What role could his parents have played in his life if not for their own child's protection? He didn't know this boy but he had at least deserved that much. Any child did.
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...Leonard's expression was clouded by a deep, muddled expression of misery as he thought on, seemingly troubled by all the nuances those words had brought with them. He sat, gloved hands hanging limply from either side of his lap, and after some hesitation, finally spoke.
"...It must have been a great challenge to have been faced with such insecurity so young..." A hint of uncertainty lined the hermit's voice in his response - he didn't really know what to say when he could only offer condolences instead of equal understanding. Certainly, for as little as he knew about him he could tell Equinox would care little for pity.
"You were only a boy. Even so... I am certain that you have turned into a fine young man today. There is little I can offer you - but at the very least, I hope that you may continue to seek peace."
They were words that did little good, and if anything, he had struggled to find them - how could he respond, after all, if not with pity and without knowledge where to even go from there? Still, there was one thing that was certain and it was written in the still-lingered frown that Leonard had worn on his face as he lifted his head to gaze blindly upwards - it was that they were genuine.
How could he be any less than that, of course, when it was as if he was talking to his brother right beside him?
...He sometimes wondered if he was going mad, being unable to ever truly see people as themselves anymore.
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Happy Easter, sweetie! ^^
Thank you. I wish you all a joyous Easter, as well as a merry spring equinox and a nice feast of the goddess Eostre.
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laufire · 1 year
☕️ related to our discussion before... why is Elena Like That.
Born this way?
LOL. I do think that's part of it, but I will elaborate (quite a lot).
To put this ask in context: we've pointed out that Elena's extreme awareness of social hierarchies and other people's emotions (with some blindspots) is similar to those of characters like Cammie's Laila in The Essence of the Equinox or Dean Winchester (Elena's soul twin as far as I'm concerned!): characters who suffered abusive upbringings. Even Stefan is shown to behave the way he does in part due to growing up with an abusive father he had to manage and fawn at. It's remarkable that Elena resembles this type, given that until her parents' deaths, she lived as charmed and cushy a life as a young girl possibly could in this world.
First thing first: I see no reason to question this assumption. Cushy doesn't mean perfect and I don't think the Gilberts were so. I mean, Grayson did unethical experiments on sapient beings LOL, that's not a good sign. IIRC Elena as a child saw Something of that, but wasn't equipped to understand it at the time and seems to have shaken it off, as she often does. And there is room to argue that Miranda's encouragement of Elena could've taken the form of high expectations of her; Elena, however, seems to want to honour and meets those expectations in a pretty level-headed way that doesn't interfere with her life and ultimate goals, which is a good sign. In summary, there's absolutely nothing in the show's writing that could be interpreted as "Elena is a victim of parental abuse" without making the reach of the century.
With that out of the way, in my opinion, there are some important factors that contribute to Elena's... let's call it mimicry? of this attitude. I think, to begin with, she has an intrinsic intuition she was born with; a capacity to understand and navigate social hierarchies with ease and with no need to reflection, practice, or focused study. Some people are like this, period.
Another factor I'd consider important is her natural amorality. I know, I know, this is not how most people see Elena, to say the least. But c'mon. That girl does NOT have a code, she does NOT have principles, she does NOT have an ideology. Nothing as solid as that could survive her fluidity of character. She constantly moves the goalpost and reacts accordingly when other people move it for her. This is very different from say, Laila: someone with a sturdy moral core, with principles that, if not completely solidified (she starts out in her twenties!), develop and gain strength through the story and through the challenges she goes through. Laila's moral quandaries and outrages, in summary, are genuine.
Meanwhile, Elena is good at mimicking morals, because of another factor: she's subconsciously tuned to the image others have of her, and she knows how singularly important it is. Specifically, she knows how singularly important it is for her to retain exactly the image she wants to cultivate.
Because the thing is, and this is something that ended up working against her: Elena's learned to glorify soft power, at the expense of hard (real, personal, nontransferable) power. Personally, I've always had the headcanon that Miranda was a soft power MARVEL. Loved and idealised and perfect in that just-slightly-imperfect way that makes it all the more loveable, always at ease, admired for it. Elena looked up to her and wanted to live to her image. She might've seen the social power Miranda wielded and wanted to imitate her. And because of how charmed and privileged their lives were, and probably because Miranda was taken from her when Elena was young enough that she had yet to forcibly become aware of the limitations of this method, Elena sticks to it, sometimes stubbornly so. She's seen how well it works when it's meant to work, and for a long time it worked perfectly for her.
This leads me to how I think Elena's privilege is an important factor in how this socially-aware nature happens to work for her. The fact that she instinctively understands how structures and hierarchies work, and how to use other's feelings for her benefit, combines with how she's perfectly at ease with the status quo because so far, it's done nothing but aid her. She doesn't chafe against perceived or real limitations* because she has a (partially earned!) overconfidence in her capacity to thrive in her environment.
*I do think her gender can't be ignored: she's still a girl in a world where that can be dangerous (where that does become dangerous once the Salvatores enter the picture, but although I'm not there yet in my rewatch, IIRC her flashbacks at the end of season 3 regarding her relationship with Matt definitely painted a picture). This quote I reblogged recently really stood out to me:
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But this can't be separated from how well she otherwise navigates and adapts to the status quo and from how ultimately she thinks it's better to maintain it and work within it than to challenge it. She's profoundly misogynistic, she has no use for feminist praxis, and she subtly (and later not-so-subtly) works to separate from and elevate herself above other girls, often seeking reassurance of her superiority (see: making sure Matt dating Caroline didn't actually mean he was over her). Instead of thinking "hey, men have one over me no matter what and this is unfair", her goal is to be the One Special Woman they'll be willing to compromise for (without acknowledging this won't necessarily last forever*). This works wonderfully... until the show no longer centres the perspective of a man that considers her special.
*sometimes I wonder. what if some of the information we got about Grayson had involved being a less-than-stellar husband? I think THAT would've wrecked Elena far, far more than to learn he was a torturer lol.
Another way in which her privilege both comes at hand AND gets in her way is that she will always dismiss people she sees as "below" her. People like Vicki, like human!Caroline, etc. She's aware of social hierarchies but she doesn't question them, and she sees them as far more immovable than they truly are.
This is when Dean Winchester becomes a good point of comparison. As I've said before, I think they're cut from the same cloth. But one key difference IS their wild disparity in upbringing.
Dean got four good years in (although we're eventually told they are less idyllic than they might seem, because surprise surprise, it turns out John was always a lousy husband and parent. Or, paraphrasing Dean, "the marriage wasn't perfect until she died"). Then his mother died, and everything went to shit in a SPECTACULAR way. The audience is told that there might've been periods of straight-up food scarcity, because John would leave the brothers alone in motels for longer periods than the money he left covered, and at one point Dean was even caught stealing food. He's such an obvious case of parentification that it hurts. He's a drifter, he doesn't have a safety net, the money he uses comes from schemes and hustling people at pool and poker and the like, something he obviously wasn't born learning, etc. etc.
Dean has his own blindspots but in general I think he's a better judge of character than Elena because of this. He navigates reality and hierarchies and structures, he adapts, but he's not built in to discard people at the bottom because he's been at the bottom (or as close as a white guy will get in this world!). There are several times where Sam expresses a Blissfully Liberal Opinion (sometimes college un-educates you, ime xD), like implying that doing a job at a prison is a waste of time because who tf cares if convicts get hurt, and Dean immediately shoots that down. Another time Sam makes a disapproving comment about the guy in charge of the group home Dean stayed in as a teen being an ex-con and Dean replies "what, and we're such saints?".
He has principles, is what I'm getting at. He has a morality; one he might not have in another, cushier life (he seems far chillier and breezier in "alternate timelines" episodes where his backstory has been altered in that direction). To be clear, these principles aren't fool-proof or completely consistent. He believes "every person deserves our help", but that belief holds maaaaany caveats. For one, his definition of person is limited, to the point of abject cruelty to those that fall outside it (and sometimes even more damning, towards those that once deserved the consideration until they failed to meet his standards). He has genuine, sincere sympathy for victims, AND this sympathy will translate into actual help for them!! amazing!!!... unless the way you are a victim is perceived by him as faulty on some level (see: Max, a boy with psychic powers that used them to kill his abusive family in season 1, while Dean was still at Peak Daddy Knows Best mode. And of course, Bela, who he can't process as a victim at all, even when he should see that the facts don't add up).
My point is that, despite all that, imperfect morals are still morals. There's a struggle there. They might not come natural to him and be a product of his experiences, but they're there. With Elena................. I don't see them LOL.
But another useful point of comparison is grief. It caught Elena older, on more solid ground, but I think in both cases it contributed to a need for a sense of control (of themselves and their projected images AND of those around them, more evidently manifested in their younger brothers). I think losing her parents enhanced Elena's tendency to hyper-awareness, basically.
Another thing that enhanced it? VAMPIRES VAMPIRES VAMPIRES. See, I think before the show, Elena was understimulated lol. I mean, she was dating Matt, who is ALSO very in tune with social hierarchies (but who chooses hard-power female role models like Liz and Carol. I cannot tell you how funny I find this on its own. But I mean, he clearly saw first hand how soft power was shit with Kelly's parade of lousy boyfriends). But, well, for her, Matt wasn't exactly a strong proposition. There was no challenge there. She was BORED. Caroline's insecurities and her ambition were probably the most difficult thing she had to deal with, and at that point Caroline had yet to be a real challenge herself.
But then Stefan came, and all the dangers to her life, and even Damon to a certain extent (at least, when he was something to retain and be managed without giving him too much). Elena is easily bored and THRIVES on high-stakes situations. In regards to her actual life, of course, but more in terms of high-stakes social situations, where it's only her charisma that might prevent her downfall. They make her more creative, more efficient. She pays more attention as well, which obviously makes her act more hyper-aware.
Her relationship status cannot be ignored here. Elena is extremely dependent on romantic relationships/bonds for her modus operandi, and even outside that, she's an extraordinarily social animal (that also works best with as much forced closeness as possible). It's a good thing she was a doctor during the pandemic* because if you'd make her remove herself from the world at large (worse, alone with only Damon...) she would've died of sheer boredom.
(*......... writing this down for my horror delena wip brb).
This is why she was at her best, in terms of social capital, with Stefan. HE was a strong proposition. HE was a challenge. A worthy partner and worthier opponent. And this is why she slowly loses her magic touch when she dates Damon, who has the social finesse of a baby elephant in a glassware shop. Elena responds to and raises to a challenge. If she's put on the spot, she'll surpass expectations.
This speaks to why becoming a vampire was... not that great for her social capital. Suddenly her soft power strategies didn't work as well, because nobody could forget she now had superpowers. Maybe if the show hadn't combined the double punch of hard-power-thrust-at-her with now-she-dates-Damon things would be different, she could've adapted to a new MO, but alas. This is why she's one of the only two vampires volunteering for the cure (along with Rebekah), and why she actually follows through. On some level, she's trying to return to a better time for her. She almost... fetishizes that human vulnerability of hers, and how she could get others to fight for her with it. But season 6 is a different world, with different rules and very different players, and it proves to be a huge miscalculation on her part.
Oof. This got long xD. Tl;dr: I attribute Elena being Like That to a variety of factors: her intrinsic nature: great instincts wrt social hierarchies, easy charm; a combination of lack of morals and excess of privilege both aiding her and getting in her way depending on the context; a personality that responds to challenges and gets bored and more passive without them; and a learned glorification of soft-power manipulation.
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veilstricken · 9 days
Solas IS going to the ball, but he's going incognito and disguised. He's wearing his Orlesian Bard outfit from Tevinter Nights, which includes a mask made to look like a dragon and a blonde wig. He's also putting on a french accent. Reference image is here.
People can find him mostly hanging around with the musicians. He'll play if asked, but he's mostly there to listen in on gossip and see what's going on. (And to wonder if any of the other Thedosians in Isola will figure him out.)
That being said, like this for a starter at the party? I'm capping at 2 like I usually do, but castmates are exempt. I DO want him to meet some new people though!
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ethereal-eudaemonia · 6 months
my dumbass did a thing and now theres two replies that coudl probably count as a paragraph if i just wrote a little more
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braxiatel · 2 years
So I just read the Equinox AU and I have Thoughts ™ now. My brain is buzzing there's bees in there. I beg for crumbs.
So, (assuming that's not a spoiler) would you care to reexplain to me how Grian, lord of the underworld death personified's relationship to Scar evolved? Like first, he loved him, all that. Then there was the pact, and he felt guilty about dragging Scar down to the underworld. But how has it evolved since then? We know that he's busy, and he doesn't really have time for it anymore, but deep down what are his thoughts on him? Does he still care just as much?
Ah, thank you very much!
Sure, I'd be happy to. Put it under a readmore because it got a little bit long, haha.
(Disclaimer: while this series is inspired by Greek mythology, I am also pulling from canon and focusing on what I think makes an interesting story, so some details are not accurate to the actual mythology.)
Going to be referencing A Love Life Under Two Shadows a lot in this, and so I don't have to type that mouthful of a title so many times I'm just going to be referring to it as Four Seasons, as that is its alternate title.
As you say, they met and fell in love. It was a bit of a whirlwind romance by god standards (In my mind the real-life equivalent would be eloping with someone you met half a year ago).
I think for the first few years the whole “we have to be apart for half of the year” thing almost felt a little romantic. Longing and yearning do after all feel like an expression of love, but only until loneliness starts to set in. 
But time passed and it became tiresome. They expected their love to be enough, but when you are in pain half of the time and you have to watch your loved one be in pain as well it drains you. And it’s hard to be romantic and to keep hope alive when you’re just exhausted all of the time from either missing the one you love or knowing that you’ll be missing them again soon.
In the Summer section of Four Seasons, Grian feeling this heartache, and the first cracks in their relationship have formed. 
It had been the brightest of ideas to trade stolen moments for half a year together, but you cannot trade what you do not own, and now he is the one paying the true price. 
[I]t is hard not to grow bitter when he always has to be the one to let go first. 
Grian began to feel that he was the one carrying all of the burden of their relationship, while Scar was in the Overworld having fun and barely thinking of him. This was also partially to do with Grian missing the Overworld himself, but the feeling was mutual. They 
So Grian was unhappy, but didn’t tell Scar because 1) he didn’t want to worry him 2) he was a bit angry with Scar for not realising that he is struggling.
(which is obviously not a reasonable expectation. No matter how much someone loves you, they won't be able to read your mind, especially not when they are not even in the same place as you.)
Eventually he realised that Scar was miserable too, but at this point the bitterness had taken root and the task of fixing it just seemed impossible. Essentially Grian was unhappy and held a bit of a grudge against Scar, but at the same time it was also breaking his heart to see Scar so sad. 
So he started to push Scar away. He told himself it was entirely because he wanted to let Scar go so he could be happy, but what he didn’t want to admit was he was also protecting himself from the pain by taking the easy out of hiding from the problem. 
Scar felt rejected and started to push Grian away as well. Grian, in turn, became more bitter because why should he be suffering like this when Scar clearly doesn’t even care about him? 
And so they continued, both of them too hurt to admit that they really still did care for each other. 
Another factor is the fact that Grian's domain is always expanding (which is why is referenced as being busy several times.)
Gods’ domains change over time, as the world around them changes. The best example I can give you is the God of the Forge who in our age would have modern technology added to his portfolio. But for most of them their tasks have changed very little. There is still just one Overworld that needs spring, still one moon to ferry across the sky, etc.
But because Grian is the god of every dead soul to ever have lived, and the more time passes, the more people will have lived, and the more people will have died. 
The dead vastly outnumber the living, and in terms of what the gods have to manage, Grian's task is definitely the one that has grown the most. 
So, he was already feeling hurt and bitter about Scar, and then you add an ever-increasing pressure to that, and it was a recipe for disaster.
He had to prioritise his work, but that left him with almost no energy left to make the effort of being a good partner. Cause it's hard to be happy and creative and playful when you're in survival mode just trying to keep up with what is demanded of you.
In some ways he stopped thinking of Scar as a lover, and started to regard him more as just another person in his kingdom to protect and serve, because he just didn't have time for anything else.
In the Spring section of Four Seasons Grian describes Scar as "a force of nature" but in the Autumn section he describes him as such:
The Underworld is a place for the dead, and not even Scar who holds life at his fingertips can change that. And like a trapped butterfly devoid of light, he flitters and falters, then withers under Grian’s touch. 
There is a lot of difference between a force of nature and a dying insect. Grian had started to think of Scar as something that needs protecting, but to Scar that just felt like Grian regarded him as a chore.
And that obviously hurt Scar. Both because it implied that Grian didn't actually want to be around him, but also because he felt condescended.
So he in turn decided that if Grian didn’t want him around he wouldn’t be, and he started to avoid him even while in the Underworld. 
But to Grian that just looked like Scar had finally given up on him, and even if he had told himself he wanted that so Scar would stop hurting, it still felt like betrayal. Because he still loves Scar. 
He wants to see him safe, and happy too if at all possible. It hurts that he is apparently no longer a part of Scar's happiness. 
In the Winter section of Four Seasons it is stated that
At night Grian sleeps alone, or his bed is warmed by trusted friends. He wonders how much longer it will be before he stops listening for Scar’s breath in the dark. 
He still wants Scar, but he doesn't want to want him because loving Scar has proven to be nothing but painful for both of them. So he is counting down the days until he stops wishing Scar was there. Only it never comes because he also doesn't want to let go.
And of course in In Equinox Interlude II he panics and goes searching through the entire Underworld when Scar has vanished. And in Still We Call it Love we have this part
Grian blinks at him several times, his face softening to make him look younger than he has in centuries when Scar strokes his cheekbone. His lips are slightly parted and all Scar can think of is how badly he would like to taste them against his own.
It only lasts for a moment, the spell broken as fast as it came over the king of the dead. The mask slips back on and Scar lets go of him before he is pushed away.
For a moment he dared to let himself imagine that Scar and him could have what they once had. But he decided not to seek it out, out of fear that he will end up even more hurt than he already is.
And so the cycle continues, until we ended up where they are now, neither of them willing to turn the other away but both seeking companionship and love with other people.
TL;DR: Grian and Scar were both very unhappy, but neither communicated this properly, and it created a divide between them. This divide was widened by Grian’s task as the god of the underworld becoming more complex and stressful. However, ultimately Grian does still love Scar, he just isn’t currently willing to put both of them through the pain of hoping they can fix their relationship only for it to fall apart again. 
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hi laura!! sorry this is random but my brain decided I needed to draw little Solara so a little Solara you are receiving
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Hiya Kit!! It's good to see you!
No worries, I feel like I've been such a scatterbrain with fandom stuff lately. But brains do brain, and sometimes they brain not so brainily XD
ZJBSHSBSHEHEH A LITTLE DRAWING?! FOR ME?! 🥺❤️🔥You've drawn her so many times that I think it's about time I return the favour with Lee 😏👀
Thank you!! ^^
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laplacemail · 2 years
[ YOU'RE DOING GREAT, NOX! keep it up <333 ]
"I'm doing what now?" Equinox stops himself from a scathing and horrible reply just in time. No reason to explode on a complete stranger, but there is something that escapes his lips. "You mocking me?" Of course she is.
Or probably is. Or is pretending she is. He scowls, baring his fangs for a split second. "Take your praise somewhere else. Probably to one who deserves it, or is trying to find it. This way it just looks like you are making fun of me." And if she isn't, well... That is a problem for later. "I'm not that bad at talking to others that I need people to tell me I am doing a great job or not -- what I mean to say is -- well, fuck. Thanks, I guess. If you are not making fun of me. If you are, then you better hope I do not figure it out. For your own safety, lady."
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stygicniron · 2 years
singofus asked:
1)  for sender to pick up a sleepy receiver and carry them to bed. (lil Nico and Hades)
Ask Meme: Lifting Nico -- @singofus
Nico no longer knew what time it was although he did register faintly the passage of one day to the next, which meant today was the day his mother would be home. Typically this would send a jolt of excitement through his body, giving him a thrill of energy to send him darting towards the mouth of the Underworld to wait for her. But this year he could barely keep his head up because this year he promised himself he would stay up as late as he could to be the first person to see Persephone when she arrived.
He was old enough to do it this year, he argued, and he’d stationed himself in the main hall of the House of Hades so that when the time came, he could make his way just as eagerly to the opening of the Underworld to see his mother. But Hypnos must have been playing a trick on him, or the excitement of the day simply had the opposite effect, head dropping onto his folded arms and eyelids falling not long after.
And just as his head found a comfortable place on his arms, he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around him, strong and reassuring from their familiarity. “Hmm?” he muttered, not so much a word as a sound, and a reassuring voice hushed soothingly, lulling him back to the sleep he’d just found.
His mother would be there when he awoke surely.
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iknwreid · 13 days
pumpkin – spencer reid x reader.
spencer loves autumn and halloween so much, and you and him are always togheter, this time for a pumpkin carving.
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wc: 2.5k | disclamers: fluff, realy fluffly. bau!reader. no use of y/n. | a/n: english is not my first language, also, this is my very first time writing a fic in english, lmk if theres anything i can improve. glasses reid is my favorite. text divider by cafekitsune.
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Reid and you were more than work colleagues, you were friends. You were always talking to each other, even outside of work, using your free time for friendly dates, going to cafés, museums and anything else you'd like to do on your own but didn't dare, because leaving the house alone had been a bit of a problem since high school. And deep down you knew it was a problem for him too, not a problem but probably an inconvenience. Going out alone was always awkward for everyone, the feeling of people looking at you and wondering what they were thinking – Not that it really matters what people think, but social anxiety is a real thing.
So you and Spencer were always together, your teammates already had jokes ready when you left the bullpen together, with Morgan and Prentiss always being the first to say something they found hilarious. “Going away together again? Soon you will be living together too.” Morgan’s voice echoed through the office in a joking tone. Spencer looked at him with an annoyed face. “Yes, Derek, but better than living with you, tho.” You replied, also jokingly. The dynamic between the two of you was sibling-like and you were constantly annoyed with each other. 
“We're going to the fair to buy a pumpkin to carve.” Spencer said, packing up his things. “Halloween season is starting!” Reid loved Halloween, everyone knew that, and you loved it too, not as much as he did, but his excitement and anticipation infected you too this year. 
The Halloween season had not started yet, it was only the middle of September, but for him it was Halloween season when fall came and the pumpkins were sold. You could not count how many ghost stories Reid knew by heart that he told you over and over again. You did not really mind all the excitement, but you knew it could be overwhelming for the others. In fact, you loved his excitement at this time of year, loved watching the movies on his list even if you had already seen them all last year, loved the pumpkin-flavored things he bought, and loved the smile on his face when he saw a pile of leaves in the street. 
If you looked out of the window, you could see that the trees were beginning to look autumnal. The hot summer air had already faded away, welcoming the cold breeze and the orange paisaje he liked so much. It was nice to have fall again, to not feel hot all the time and to not see Hotch’s disapproving face when you broke the dress code a little just because it was too hot for all the formal wear. 
When your thoughts were interrupted by Spencer’s touch on your shoulder, you turned your head towards him and smiled a little. “Are you ready?” he asked with his typical face, but it was impossible not to see his excitement. “Yes, yes… Sorry. I've been thinking too much.” It was normal for you to get tangled up in your thoughts, you loved thinking to yourself. “I love this time of year.” I love seeing you like this, you meant. 
You grabbed your purse and coat and began to walk with him to the elevators. He was silent for a moment, then you smiled as he began to speak. “Did you know that the fall season used to have a completely different name? In the 12th and 13th centuries, autumn was known as ‘haerfest' in England -" You beamed at his words, because every time you walked towards the elevators, he regaled you with another fact that he had probably read one day years ago. “One of the reasons it has that name is because the full moon closest to the fall equinox is called the Harvest Moon. The other reason was that harvest time was also a time when farmers could finally reap the fruits of their sowing, resulting in an abundance of produce.” 
“Have you noticed that you tell me a different fact every time we walk this way?” You say, looking at him after pressing the elevator button.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to–"
“No! That's not what I meant, Spence. I just think it's really nice that you always have something on the tip of your tongue. It's pretty impressive.”
Spencer's rambling never bothered you, it was so nice to hear him talk about anything, anything at all really. His voice echoed in your head every time, and you remembered the random things he said when you didn't have important things to do– sometimes when you did have important things to do. The truth was, you thought about Spencer a lot more often than you should. Probably way more than he thought of you.
“Well, I'm glad you like it then.” He said after wetting his mouth with his tongue. It was a habit, maybe a tic, but you always saw Spencer doing it. Adorable. “I have a feeling that saying facts to you is almost unconscious. It's just nice to share.”
You laughed a little, then the elevators came. You got in as usual, waited a second for Spencer, then pressed the button to the floor. Spencer practically never pressed the button, he thought there were too many people pressing and he didn't know how clean their hands were beforehand. Since he had told you that, you had a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your purse, and even before you took the bottle out of your purse, Spencer’s hand was already extended in your direction, waiting for you to put some in his hand. And you did, as always. You and he had everyday rituals that no one knew, that no one could interfere with. Just you and Spencer doing silly little things together. Like going pumpkin hunting to make incredible Halloween decorations, even though it's not even October yet.
You loved his companion, the world felt lighter every time you were together. And as always, the elevator ride was quiet, the silence that only comes when two people understand each other. And Spencer understood you and vice versa. Rambling on your walk, being silent in the elevator after your hand sanitizing ritual. It was better than all the silly little jokes Morgan or Prentiss made. And you knew that and hoped Spencer knew that too.
“I don't think I tell you often enough how much I enjoy being with you.” You commented after you exited the elevator and looked at him.
“Well, you don't have to.” He explained, turning his eyes away from you. “I think I know. In fact, I like to think you're enjoying it as much as I am.” His tone was calm and flustered. You giggled and touched his arm briefly. “I guess I do, Spence.”
The walk to the fair was so nice, the laughter and the conversations and the short break to buy coffee. You would stop every time you could at the tiny coffee shop that made the best coffee near work, and the seasonal flavors began to appear. Spencer got his usual pumpkin spice latte, you got a chai latte, which is always good, but at this time of year it was just hitting different.
The two of you spent the whole walk chatting non-stop. You felt the stares of some people when you were talking louder over excitement about something, but it did not matter when you were together.
“Originally, jack-o’-lanterns would have been carved out of potatoes, turnips and beets, but when immigrants came to America, pumpkins were more fruitful, so they became part of the tradition.” Told Spencer as you sipped your coffee and nodded your head in agreement to what he was telling you.
“I think it's easier too. Imagine having to carve something out of a turnip, it's so tiny.” You gesticulated to express how difficult it would be to make tiny faces in the little vegetable. He chuckled and his face showed pure confusion as he tried to understand the gestures, you rolled your eyes and laughed as well.
“You understood what I was doing, don't make a fool of me.”
“Yeah, I get it. All those little knives to make little faces. Really hard.”
A little further and there you were, some stalls with big vegetables and some with baked goods, toys or decorations. There were fairy lights everywhere, so your eyes hurted a little, but it was so beautiful that you could forgive the inconvenience. The way the lights reflected on Spencer’s face, in his glasses, made him look really pretty too. You felt like this moment had lodged itself in your brain like a core memory. He gave you a quick glance as he began searching through the stalls to find what he was looking for: a big ass pumpkin.
You followed him and looked at all the cool stuff that was being sold  there. All the trinkets were so interesting to you, you loved little objects that you could display in your home. It was tempting to buy them all, but unfortunately you did not. Every time you liked something, you showed it to him and he said, “You should buy it. It would look good in your house.” And you and Spencer would think about whether it was really worth it. For him, the Halloween decorations were always worth it, but you laughed and left it to save up for something greater.
“Hey, look at this!” He said, pointing to a big pumpkin, a really big one. Honestly, you shouldn't buy it, it was big and it would be a pain to get it home. But the way his face lit up when he pointed at the orange vegetable, you knew you wouldn't have the courage to say no. “Spencer, this is huge.” You said, stepping closer to him to look at the pumpkin. “Yeah, exactly. It's perfect for us.”
A few minutes later you were on your way home with the pumpkin. When your arms got tired, he carried it and when he was tired, you carried it like a little child who wants his parents. Apart from that, it was a nice walk to his apartment. You already knew the way by heart, just like he knew the way to your home and where you had hidden your key. It was only natural. You and Reid were a natural product of friendship– of love. The two things came together, but you couldn't help but wonder if this love was something more, something bigger. Whether Spencer's skin burned as much and his heart ached as much as you did. The September flush hit your face and made you shiver for a moment, in stark contrast to the feeling you had just a second ago when you thought of the possibility with him.
You were near his home now, turned the corner of the street and there you were. Spencer and you entered the building and now came to the worst part. “The stairs,” you said with a giggle, imagining yourself walking up the stairs with this thing. “That's on you, Dr. Reid.” you added, handing the pumpkin into his arms. 
“That's definitely not fair.” He whined, but he knew it was more than fair. It was his idea to buy such a large pumpkin, so it was his responsibility to carry it upstairs. “You should be glad you live on the second floor,” you laughed, touching his back to encourage him. “Let's go. You're strong.”
With some difficulty, you and Spencer got into his apartment, you took off your coat and put it in the coat rack with your bag. You went into his kitchen and searched for a large knife and all the other utensils, a bucket for the pulp and smaller knives for the details. He was prepping the floor with some old newspapers, so it would be easier to clean after. 
“Well, what face do you want to make?” You knew he'd never done the original Jack-O-Lantern face, so it must be something original, spooky and funny. “Maybe a scary cat?” He looked at you as he sat on the floor and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. “I think we can do this, yeah.” It can't be that hard, can it? you thought. You grabbed the big knife, sat down next to him and started to slice open the lid. It was a messy part, because you had to take the lid off to remove the pulp and seeds. As you did this, Spencer drew on a piece of paper what he wanted the pumpkin to look like and showed it to you to get your approval. You kept nodding and saying it looked nice. And it did. Spencer had many talents, some people wouldn't say drawing was one of them, but you really liked the little doodles and all the things he drew. A creepy little cat face that had a strange charm.
“I love it. I might steal that for myself.” You say, admiring the drawing. Spencer smiles and looks down at his knuckles. Still today he didn't know how to deal with compliments.
It was an intimate atmosphere, you on the floor, close to him, so close that every now and then you felt your arms against his, your skin touching and radiating the hot feeling in the area. His elbow casually touches your forearm, triggering a chaos of emotions in your head. You sigh and admire him drawing on the pumpkin. Your eyes linger on the way his strands of hair fall perfectly into his face, highlighting his profile. His glasses on the tip of his nose and his slightly open mouth show how focused he was. In an unconscious moment, you move your fingers and adjust his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Spencer looks at you and giggles after wetting his mouth with the tip of his tongue. You love it when he does that. 
“Spence.” You call his name in an almost non-existent tone, so softly that he only listens because you were so close. He calls your name back in the same way. You can literally feel your breath catching and mingling with his. Feel how hot his face was, see how his glasses start to fog up. “Can I kiss you?” You say it without thinking, because your subconscious wanted this, needed this. “Y-yes. Absolutely.” Spencer's answer sounded like he wanted it as much as you did, like he was just waiting for confirmation.
And there was. The confirmation. You move eagerly to join your lips as his hand drops the pen to cup the back of your head. The kiss was gentle, just like his touch. You moved a little closer, placing your hand at his waist and tilting your head to better accommodate him. It was so much better than you had expected. Your lips met softly and tenderly and his hand held you like it was the most precious thing ever. The tip of his nose caressed your cheek and the glasses tingled against your skin in an endearing way.
You didn't want to let him go, but when your lungs demanded help, you slowly parted your lips. You both smiled while your faces were still close together. You kiss the corner of his mouth, looking at him. “I thought you'd never ask that,” he said, kissing you on the forehead.
At that moment, you realized that this kiss was only the first of countless kisses to follow that autumn night. 
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gloryofroses19 · 4 months
The Heist
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x mate!reader
T/W: Making out and allusions to sex
“This must be what my father was referring to when he said you were going to be my downfall.” Spoke a playful voice intending to steal the attention of the figure at the desk. Eris Vanserra did not often joke about his father, especially the biting and caustic words thrown his way. However, when in a good mood, such as today thanks to his mate, sometimes he would. 
“I don’t know what you’re referring to.” She replied evenly, continuing to gaze at the court document before her. 
But of course she did. And he did as well. Even the maids knew, no doubt setting the Forest House alight with new gossip to disperse. 
Chuckling, Eris began to move from the study doorway to the desk. A desk that had been his until their mating and marriage. Tugging at the bond thrumming between them, he noted how perfectly she fit into the space he had occupied alone for many centuries. “Oh surely you do, my little thief. Though I admit your technique is sloppy considering I know you pulled it out of my closet.” 
“Excuse me, I did a wonderful job at stealing your heart.” Rising from her seat, offered her a mischievous smile as she tugged back at the bond between them. She had once, many years ago, told Rhysland that she had no intention of becoming a bride to a High Lord. The Cauldron must have taken that as a challenge. For all her naivety was shattered by the depths of her devotion to help her husband, her mate, run their court
 “First, you steal my heart and then my clothes?” Warm amber eyes and a feline smile watched raptly as she brushed up against his body. “Will I be resigned to walking around nude?” 
“The horror,” she intoned as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Making herself at home in his arms, she didn’t think twice of how the movement exposed a sliver of her shoulder due to the collar’s ill fit. Nor how the movements of his hands down her back, caused the shirt to fully reveal her left shoulder. 
However, her ever observant mate did, who in turn took it as an open invitation to begin to press his pert lips against the skin. It was only right he mused, it was his shirt after all.
Breathlessly, she grounded  herself against Eris. With the Autumn Equinox approaching, they had been inundated with things to complete leaving them with limited time for each other.  
Limited time that created a yearning so strong that she would be embarrassed to admit that the heist occurred two days prior. That two days prior, she took his abandoned shirt and hid it in the depths of her closet. Hid it with the knowledge that she would be free from court appearances and able to spend the day working in their private study surrounded by his smell. 
Refusing the temptation to take her there, ever the fox, Eris hooked a finger under her chin. “What will you take next?” he said in his soft, rich way, “My firstborn child?” 
Although not born in the Autumn court, she matched the fire in his eyes. “And every child afterwards.” 
“I am wondering what I gain from this bargain.” He murmured gently, as his thumb brushed over her petal soft lips. 
She pulled him to her, his lips eager and  warm. They parted slightly, allowing her tongue to slip inside. Allowing  her intentions to flow down their bond, she gently pushed him back.
Allowing himself to be led, Eris kissed her back fervently as his hands effortlessly undid the buttons of her skirt. 
With the final brush of the silken material down her body, she pushed Eris a final time. Seated on the couch, Eris lounged wantonly taking her in. Swathed in only his shirt, she looked equal parts ethereal and dangerous. No doubt his downfall indeed, he reflected as she moved to straddle him.  
“Nothing,” she began as she pressed a light kiss to his lips, watching fondly as his lips followed her. “This isn’t a bargain but rather a robbery, remember, High Lord?” 
“How could I forget, my High Lady?” he murmured against her lips, sucking at the lower one.
A/N: All feedback is appreciated!
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blindedguilt · 2 years
Oh yeah? Do the hearty thing for Nox
It was unknown to him, the faint grimace that automatically crossed Leonard's face at the request. It wasn't that he had regarded Equinox with any ill will, if anything, it couldn't be further from the truth. Leonard was rather fond of Nox, though in such a fashion of a guardian or protector to their (at times rather nonsensical and terribly strong) child, and so the idea of naming any traits with the intent of being labelled as “Attractive” had placed a small knot of unease in his stomach.  Still, it couldn’t be helped. Leonard took a moment of thought, his brows furrowing just barely in deep contemplation before he spoke. Though there were times when Nox’s brashness had reminded him of Caim, there was a certain comfort Leonard felt around him in the confidence that brief pause of thought would not have been taken as means to any offense - Perhaps dullheadedness - But that was something Leonard was as aware of in himself as he was any other miniscule issue, and he far preferred an assumed fault than psychical harm done of any nature.
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“Equinox is a fine and independent young man. Though he may come from lands afar,” At least, such was his knowledge, “It is clear he bears no lighter burdens than we of our own land. It is to some that he may be seen as cold, but that he has allowed for room enough in his heart to allow me to accompany him is of great value for such stagnant times... It troubles me to say that so many have let frozen their hearts in wake of such great loss. I cannot expect that I ever know what burdens he may carry, nor do I wish for that knowledge - But it must be said. For many who may come to know him in the future, I am sure their own sights shall be drawn to that opened heart as well. It is a nature both fine and rare.” A pause. He hadn’t the slightest clue what he could have looked like, so any compliments made towards that direction were quickly forgotten. But, his mind had soon settled differently, and Leonard took another moment to think out the delivery of his words before finally stating them. “I also believe... That his is a comforting presence,” He began, giving a thoughtless nod as if to reinforce the thought. “There is something that wills me protect and guide him, whatever path he may take... I do not know what.” Leonard could only leave it at that - Perhaps a somewhat empty note, but the last thing he could do was even fathom to explain it. It was odd, even by his standards, to have grown what some may be inclined to call “affection” for the young man. Truly, Leonard knew when to back down and leave other adults to their own independence when it could be helped - Even as a child, he never had so much interest in adults as much as he did the nature around him. But perhaps it was that familiar tinge of pain he felt when thinking about it that had informed him it was nothing more than the instincts of an older brother - That there was something he sensed in Equinox that needed help. He hoped he could provide that help - Whatever it may have been - one way or another.
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stellar-solar-flare · 1 month
The Literary Universe Of StellarSolarFlare
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Welcome to my little library of fanfiction! Please note that my blog is a 18+ only space, and all content is intended for adults only. Minors DNI.
I currently have my requests OPEN for short prompts, see this post for instructions. My side blog with only fic updates is HERE.
Reblogs, comments, thoughts, asks and everything along the lines are very welcome! I also welcome constructive criticism, emphasis on constructive. My replies to things might be delayed due to life & using the queue function, so it's definitely not personal if I don't reply immediately.
FIVE LATEST WORKS: Equinox - CH10: Trophy Wife | S.R. | Explicit A Fairytale Of A Disaster - CH3: The Royal Castle | S.R. | Explicit Volatile - CH3: Debrief | S.R. | Explicit | Completed! Volatile - CH2: Flammable | S.R. | Explicit For Centuries - CH18: War Council | S.R. | Explicit
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About my writing:
mostly Steve Rogers x Reader and Steve Rogers x OFC (some Bucky Barnes /Reader and Tony Stark/Reader thrown in too!)
Readers that tend to be described as smart, intelligent, slightly socially awkward types that often have STEM-related jobs in-universe.
romance, romantasy, and healthy relationships, usually combined with an action-adventure plot.
Slow Burn, Protective Steve Rogers, Idiots In Love, Mutual Pining, Forced Proximity, Pretend Relationship, Chosen Family, Fluff & Hurt/Comfort, and Fix-Its.
If you were around during the 'Everyone lives at the Tower' era, I never really left that place: Most of my work takes place in an AU where SHIELD fell right after the events of the first Avengers movie, and something called The Avengers Initiative, funded by Tony and strategically led by Steve took its place.
I am a longfic person at heart. For logistical reasons, my really long longfics live on my AO3 - the links on this list that lead to AO3 have a little (AO3) after them. I don't have plans to post all my past work onto tumblr, but my fics on AO3 are open for guests, and guests can leave comments too. I will also make a post on tumblr when I update a story that is on AO3.
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HALL OF FAME - my own favorites!
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For Centuries (AO3) | Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader | Explicit
As the only daughter of King Howard Stark of Richford, you have always known that you are expected to eventually enter into a political marriage. When King Howard attempts to save his kingdom by marrying you off to the conqueror of half the world, you accept the responsibility bestowed on you. But as you arrive at the court of Emperor Steven the Righteous to be wedded and crowned the Empress of the Centurial Empire, your husband-to-be is not what you expected.
Reader is the daughter of Howard Stark and his second wife, who is not named or described. This is a 'From Political Marriage to Love Marriage' story, featuring lots of romantasy elements, court politics, and protective, righteous Emperor Steve Rogers. The 'Touch her and I'll kill you.' vibes are strong with this one. The slowest of burns.
WIP - 18/x chapters published.
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Astronomical Odds (AO3) | Steve Rogers x Reader | Explicit
When you met Steve Rogers, the spark was definitely there, and the way you two hit off made one thing lead to another. But the consequences of that night will reach a lot further than either of you thought. Because now that you're pregnant - despite the astronomical odds - you and Steve need to navigate the situation after having known each other for exactly one night (and the two and a half weeks he spent off the grid on a mission). That wouldn't be an easy thing to do, even if he wasn't a superhero and you weren't trying to become the next Nikola Tesla (or Tony Stark).
So, people really need to stop implying that this is sign you two are meant to be, because honestly, it's just a mess. And Steve really needs to stop proposing to you.
An accidental pregnancy fic with lots of chosen family themes, and Steve and Reader figuring out each other and the upcoming baby situation. Heavy on romance, fluff, and not only Steve but the rest of the Avengers, too, being protective and caring of Reader, who is a literature nerd studying to be an aerospace engineer. Features some discussion of medical realities of pregnancy, and some supersoldier biology related issues.
WIP - 24/x chapters published.
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A Fairytale Of A Disaster | Steve x Doctor!Reader | Explicit
Reader has been stood up by her Valentine's Date. Or has she? Romance, fluff, meet-cute, hurt/comfort. WIP, 3/4.
Equinox (AO3)| soft dark mob boss Steve Rogers x superpowered Reader | Explicit
When you’re caught in the crossfires of a war brewing underground, Steve does what he has to. And as you get pulled deeper into his world, it may very well turn out that starlight can scorch, too. A dark romance story about a woman scorned and a man who is so much more than he seems. WIP, 10/x.
Volatile | Steve Rogers x Scientist!Avenger!Reader | Explicit
Reader has been subjected to an aphrodisiac while on a mission. Steve and the medical team attempt to find a solution. Smut with feelings, eventual fluff, eventual happy ending. Complete, 3/3.
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Warmth | Steve Rogers x Chronically Ill Reader | Mature
Steve is the most caring husband and the best heating pad in the world. Even on the bad days when you don't feel easy to love. Hurt/comfort, established relationship, protective Steve Rogers. 1,771 words.
Worthy | Steve Rogers x Reader | Mature
You and Steve Rogers have been dating for a year. When a journalist is out to get you, you will have to stand together and come out stronger. Romance, angst with a happy ending, fluff & hurt/comfort, protective Steve Rogers. Reader has past trauma and unspecified mental health issues. 2,045 words.
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(This list is a work in progress and will be updated as I publish more things on tumblr!)
My taglist is open! Drop an ask / reply / reblog and I'll add you on (must be 18+ to join). Let me know if you'd like to be tagged to all fic, Steve fic, just a specific story, etc.
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laufire · 3 months
I want to give you a TEOTE character as well but I don't want an example that's too obvious/"developed" (I use the word loosely but ykwim) so even if I know you wouldn't write them I'm curious about how you'd interpret this for Lyra xD
This is intimidating 🥺👉👈 but I'll make an effort not to copy your homework xDD
One thing that always stands out to me is her compassion for the underdog. I think it can get lost among her, yes, self-righteousness and inflexibility lol, and because in female characters such a trait manifest in "softer" ways that don't match Lyra. But I always think back of her reaction to the souls trapped in Mortos' citadel, for example.
In the hypothetical case someone wrote TEOTE fic and had her and Laila in perfect synchronism, I would hightail out of there so fast. These are not my girls, they need to butt heads 😤
You touch upon this on your own post, on the differences between her and another masc lesbian as Sabina due to their upbringing, and yes. I see Lyra as someone very secure on who she is and comes across to the world, as an individual.
She is principled, and constant, and it costs her, but she doesn't change. You know how I said that I think Silver is on the most adaptable end of the spectrum in terms of his "core" as a character? Lyra is on the other extreme lol.
I believe she's someone people feel drawn to, despite (or sometimes because) her emotional unavailability lmao. Not in the way, or to the extent, or for the reasons they're drawn to Laila, who also cultivates it, but it's there. It's about that self-assuredness and bravado, about that righteousness and constancy.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 5 months
Hey! Can I please get 13 with Cal or Hunter? Here’s some context- the reader is having a bad day.
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A/N: Thanks for the request @sleepycreativewriter! The prompt is "cuddles of consolation." I’ve never written Cal before, but I love him beyond reason, and I did my best. I hope you enjoy, and even more, I hope the day is kind to you. If you need to talk, my DMs are open. 🩶
Pairing: Cal Kestis x Reader (GN)
Rating: G (but as always, minors DNI)
Wordcount: 475
Warnings and tags: hurt comfort, cuddles, Cal’s love language is acts of service
Summary: Some days just suck. Cal understands, and he’s there for you.
Suggested Listening: 
This fic smells like: Remarkable People by Etat Libre d'Orange (cardamom, jasmine, sandalwood)
Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list
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The Mantis was unusually, even suspiciously, quiet. If you had to guess, the rest of the crew were avoiding you like the blue shadow virus, and you didn’t blame them. In a way, it was a relief. After the day you’d just had, all you really wanted to do was sit alone in the dark and lick your metaphorical wounds. Your head ached, your throat felt raw, and the last thing you wanted to do was socialize, so when you heard a soft footfall behind you, you took a deep breath and braced yourself for an interaction that you desperately wished to avoid.
As it happened, though, the person who intruded on your solitude was the only one in the galaxy you actually wanted to see at the moment. Cal approached the sofa and sank down next to your huddled form. He reached for you slowly, giving you plenty of time to stop him, and when you made no move to do so, he grazed his knuckles down your cheek, then cupped his fingers beneath your chin and tilted your head toward him so he could look into your eyes. His concerned expression was almost more than you could bear, so you looked away, staring blankly at the table in front of you.
Please, please don’t ask how I’m doing, you mentally begged.
“Have you eaten anything today?” he asked instead.
You blinked, then gave a halfhearted smile. “Equinox Day candy.”
He kindly refrained from pointing out that Equinox Day had passed weeks earlier. Instead, he pulled a ration bar out of his pocket, unwrapped it, and handed it to you. You took a reluctant bite, then crammed half of it into your mouth, suddenly realizing you were famished.
“When was the last time you drank water?” he asked.
You finished chewing and swallowed, then admitted the truth somewhat hesitantly. “Uh... Yesterday.”
Without a word, he handed you a canteen of water and watched as you drank the entire bottle, then polished off your ration bar.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked quietly.
“Not really.”
“Okay,” he replied. 
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, not stopping until you were practically sitting in his lap with your head resting against his chest, then he began to rub tiny circles between your shoulder blades. He cradled your head with his free hand, then rested against your neck, his fingers grazing over your pulse. 
“Today sucked,” you muttered with a choked, sardonic laugh.
“I know,” he replied. “I’ve got you.”
You didn’t even realize your tears had begun to fall until his thumb brushed across your cheek, smoothing them away. He didn’t say a word about it, just held you tightly, as long as you needed.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered, and you knew he would never lie to you.
Want to request a ficlet? Check out this list of prompts!
@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49
@anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu @starqueensthings @marierg @idontgetanysleep
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@multi-fan-dom-madness @heavenseed76 @wizardofrozz @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @dickarchivist
@cw80831 @kimiheartblade @flyiingsly @lightwise @swcowgal
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @yve-barr
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
It's not much but I have five dice made from the knuckle bones of sheep for you. Be careful not to loose one, as while five is a very lucky number, I find four to be very, very unlucky. If one day you should find there are six, don't panic. Simply choose one and bury it under a bush.
Tim had plenty of contingencies for just about anything that could happen, and he knew this would happen eventually. Both of them did. In fact, they had gone over possible plans together and chosen a cover story ahead of time. But now that it was time to use it? Tim felt internally nervous. It was never a good thing to have to explain to your family full of detectives that you have a secret boyfriend.
The story they settled on was one that was easy for them to maintain due to not being able to see eachother much because of both of their rouges galleries. They decided to go with a classic "star crossed lovers who could never be together for they are of two different worlds", which narrowly beat out "Romeo and Juliet".
When asked about his boyfriend, Tim will gladly tell his family about how his boyfriend is beautiful and strong and smart, but also dumb and silly and sweet. He will tell them stories about the time Danny got ice cream on his nose and insisted he could reach it for three full minutes while going cross eyed trying to reach it with his tongue, followed by the time Danny single handedly knocked Mister Freeze out for interrupting their date. The family remembers the time Freeze just showed up in Arkham after spraying ice for two minutes, knocked out and tied up, ready to be put in a cell but they could never figure out what happened.
However, no one gets to meet Tim's mystery boyfriend until a night when Tim was supposed to be off. It's the March Equinox so of course a villian decided to attack. Tim and Danny help Dick, Jason, and Damian with the fight, grinning internally when they notice the time. After the villian is all wrapped up and their plot to end the city at midnight is done with, Tim's own alarm goes off and he immediately hugs Danny saying in the softest voice he can manage, "please don't go."
Danny has a sad look on his face as he hugs Tim, using his powers to slowly turn himself invisible as he replies, "I'm sorry my dear but I have to. The veil is thinning again." Danny nuzzles the top of Tim's head, voice getting more distant with each word, "but I'll be back in a few months. The Solstice isn't that far away. I'll see you then, I promise."
Danny almost isn't visible as Tim holds him as tight as he can, like if he clings tight enough his boyfriend won't slip through his fingers. Tim gives Danny a kiss before he says, "I will await your return with baited breath as always. Perhaps some day we'll find a way to anchor you to this world." Danny almost isn't visible and his voice is hardly a whisper as he replies, "if only it were that easy my dear." With the final word, Danny vanishes fully and goes intangible so Tim's arms slip through where he was. Tim stares at the place he knows his boyfriend is for a few moments, trying to think of sad things so his heart broken voice sounds convincing as he says to his family, "I'm going home."
Tim has to grapple to his boat house as fast as he can so that his family won't see him break out into laughter over how well he tricked them. Dick looked like he was going to cry! Danny shows up and says, "guess who got Kitty to record their faces while invisible." This only makes Tim laugh harder. Truly this was the best idea.
You scheming fuck /lh. I was so so enraptured and then I remembered that these two gremlins are mischevious little bastards.
Oh I adore this so much. How long do they play this up for? I know that the bats are now both EXTREMELY wary and also want to help Tim find a way to be with his boyfriend. They start trying to experiment and figure out ways for Tim to let his boyfriend through the veil. Issue: that’s not at all a problem.
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