#|| please tell me that i'm not the only one who thinks they should've SHOWN WHY STANDARD DUELS SUCK so that Rush Duels could y'know
m1ssunderstanding · 6 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 4.1
This is embarrassing but I'm actually so obsessed with the first five minutes of this episode that I've got it bookmarked in my YouTube account. It's just so perfect!
“Say you don't looooove him, my salamander. Then why did you neeeeeeed him? Ono don't answer.” He genuinely thinks need and love are the same and I really hope he's got therapy for that messed up mindset by now.
Officially honored as the most successful musical composer and recording artist of all time. That damn well better be mentioned in his movie. And people still don't take him seriously. But also. John definitely smashed his TV.
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I'm screaming. I love Linda the promoter so fucking much!! Interviewer: I knew a lot of your records had went gold and platinum and– Linda: a lot of them? All of them! Ugh I wish she was still with him now.
And then THIS! “What really happened between you and John?” As the first notes to “I Will Survive” play. It's too good. Everyone has to go watch that bit right now.
Linda coming in for the kill again with her fake posh accent: critics? Critics? Oooooh! … They're always three years behind.
Look at him (to the tune Bitch by Meredeth Brooks) he's a whore, he's a father, he's a star, he's a success, he's a lover he's smug, he's laughing, he's having fun, he's working hard. He's everything.
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Interviewing Wings concert goers and this one girl goes, "oh I just got off on all of it" and another one goes “It was great, i came twice!” Literally it should've been me!!!!
The McCartneys are seriously such a big family. And it's been Paul's responsibility since was about 21, really, to make sure they're all okay financially. That Francie story of him crumbling in the street in Liverpool haunts me.
"Why shouldn't they go to the same school as everyone else goes to?" State schools should be the only legal schools btw.
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I love what the creator does to contextualize their songs by pairing them with other contemporary footage. It makes it much easier for me to understand why something like “arrow through me” (which I love but none of the people I've shown it to do) would've been so popular.
Oh here we go again. Just show us the marriage certificate already.
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Cackling at the contrast between “Old Siam Sir” which is one of my all time fav rockers and footage of the Stones being cringe AF and Dylan being so beyond done he's basically dead.
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Oh. Okay. And then they slap us in the face with John's poor baby late 70s demo voice crooning, “Don't want your looooove. Anymore.” “I die each time I hear your name.” I'm fine. It's fine. I'm just vomiting my guts out because I'm sick. That's why.
The pairing of “Mr H Atom” with Paul's would've-been drag show is genius, but what is that clip of some sort of trial stuck in there? If anyone knows, please inform me. (16:15)
John sounds so sad talking about the “endless search for . . . Scotland . . . Within an hour of New York.” I can't help thinking of the Mull of Kintyre. But John was also the one who turned Paul on to Scotland in the first place, ≈always waxing poetic about the heather and the hills≈.
Sean is so adorable. Reminds me of my little guy a bit actually.
Why do I always want to tell Paul to be nice to John? John is worse to him. Idk maybe because John's pain is more visible.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
ASSASSIN'S CREED III PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the video game, adjust as necessary
we never took them seriously. maybe we should have.
i'm getting ahead of myself.
we've been fighting them for thousands of years.
i've seen the truth.
it holds the power to change everything.
there's only so much we can do.
if we can't find a way to stop it, these next few weeks will probably be our last.
it worked. we think. we hope.
we're here. let's go.
you must find the key.
here we go again.
do you hear us?
you collapsed and entered into a fugue state.
you weren't in any danger.
i know what i'm looking for, by the way. it's a key.
i'd like to run a couple of quick tests.
have you seen it before?
my father brought me here as a child.
on to business then.
the stairs are watched. you'll need to find another way up.
you should have come to me.
for what it's worth, i'm sorry.
that's why we've called you here.
i am yours to command.
well, then i'd best be on my way.
my research has been stolen. without it, i'm of no use to you.
i'll see if i can't speed things up.
we need to find a way inside.
i believe i've found the solution to our problem.
we'll attack on my signal.
i made a promise to you, [name], one i intend to keep.
the sooner we're done, the sooner we can get out of this cold.
it does not engender peace to cut your way to resolution.
if we applied the sword more liberally and more often, the world would be a better place than it is today.
now i've upheld my part of the bargain, i expect that you will honor yours?
you seem disappointed.
you have shown me great kindness, [name]. thank you.
really? that's your response? it's like dealing with a six year old.
i sense my words cause pain.
do you even know what that symbol represents?
come on. i've got something to show you.
very well. i'll train you.
you're also going to need a new name.
what's true and what is aren't always the same.
you'll be happy to hear there's actually good news for once.
it's silly for us to go back and forth like this.
we cannot give up our home.
do you have a name? do you know who is responsible?
time will tell if you speak the truth.
why are you here? has something happened?
you should have heeded my warning.
perhaps you'll respond better to the sword.
are you threatening us?
i thought it might bring clarity or instill a sense of accomplishment. but all i feel is regret.
such sacrifices must never come lightly.
all of them must be dealt with in turn.
you speak the words, but do you believe them?
takes a true monster to do something like this.
every day i wait, more will suffer.
many who should've died today now live because of you.
we do the best we can with what we've got.
you wield your blade like a man, but your mouth like a child.
there are more important things at stake here.
i do what is right. no more. no less.
i don't even see a stall in here. what if i had to take a dump?
please just mute the microphone if you do.
life is not a fairy tale, and there are no happy endings.
in your haste to save the world, take care you don't destroy it!
our interests are aligned.
perhaps some time together might do us good.
i can kill you now if you prefer.
would you like me to come along and hold your hand, perhaps?
why the change of heart? where is this coming from?
you oppose tyranny. injustice. these are just symptoms. their true cause is human weakness.
you have said so much... but you have shown me nothing.
tell me of your latest exploits.
you have not come this far to throw it all away over misplaced sentiment.
there is nothing more to discuss.
i should have stayed.
now you must hide it.
what once was shall be again.
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danieyells · 2 months
In Tokyo debunkers I have been thinking about the first years and what they have in common.I think all of them are short-sighted or have tunnel vision this isn't a bad trait
I may be wrong on this or miss remembering so if I'm wrong please correct it.Please excuse the formatting I'm on mobile and the length.
He is the easiest one for this,the speech that Alan gave him at the end of vagastorm kinda sums up lot of leo problems.There was a post about Leo possibly self-sabotage or disregard for his own self, there's merit look at the scene of Leo,Alan and Thoma.
He may have figured out that Alan wasn't going to hurt him but Thoma was a complete wild card in that situation,he was grabbing his axe.Along with setting up the PC,he used her to his liking and was planning to fuck her over after the fact.Image if his planned success what would have happened most likely no more access to the PC if she believes her boasting does not work.That means no more spying on Thoma and Alan.
Please tell me if this has any weight.I have to go to work.Thank you
Sorry this took so long, anon! I wanted to reply earlier but I thought that maybe mobile wasn't showing parts of the message(it sounded kind of like you were going to list the ways the other first-years were short-sighted/prone to tunnel vision) so I wanted to check it on desktop and my Taiga brain ADHD made me keep forgetting 8'D Excuse me for rambling so much, I get a little long-winded! TL;DR, I do think you're right, although Leo isn't as careless as you think, and I think Sho isn't really prone to tunnel vision or short-sightedness beyond that he seems to bounce between interests somewhat easily.
Yeah, I agree that the first years are a little prone to tunnel vision--like, they all must have come here with something in mind and that something will expand in their time here. Ritsu intended to acquire clients--particularly the famous and wealthy Frostheimers who are prone to controversy and scandal. Ren has implied some issues with his family so he possibly did this to escape the responsibilities of home--and now he has to try and escape the responsibilities of work too. Sho. . .I think Sho is the least short-sighted of them in a sense? Sho seems very much like he takes things day by day and he does whatever catches his interest and whatever makes things easiest for Leo, even if it means he gets in trouble when Leo should've. He's really intelligent and has a plethora of hobbies and interests, although he puts a lot of his passion in cooking and tends to drop most other things that aren't sports. And Leo, like he said, came here expecting it to be a lot more fun to be around other people who made pacts with demons, and he acts like he only cares about thrills, profits, and having a good time. Most of them don't care about others or only care about others in superficial ways that benefit them(again, with the exception of Sho who at least seems to be more good-natured and considerate so far, unless Leo is telling the truth when he says Sho acts that way to get and keep customers, which wouldn't make sense since Sho only recently started the food truck.)
About the meeting in the car, both of them were reaching for their weapons, not just Tohma. Because they didn't know what was happening when they were summoned to the car by the other but they were both confused, so they suspected foul play and prepared for a fight either way. They may have been about to fight each other, suspecting the other wasn't actually themself, frankly. I think they had their hands on their weapons before that panel was shown. See how they both already have their hands off to their sides by the time Leo pops in, after they both get confused? Reaching for their weapons was happening before Leo made himself known.
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But Leo is smart enough to know Alan wouldn't let him get hurt even if Tohma started swinging--although I imagine he was being sarcastic when he said he didn't think Tohma knew who he was and he knew Tohma wouldn't just start attacking him mindlessly. Tohma was at the entrance ceremony(he already saw Tohma's information with Darkwick so he would have recognized him anyway, and he could probably ascertain from how diligent Tohma is that he would also recognize Leo already) and he also knew Tohma knew of him from when he listened in on them previously. Even if Tohma did pull out his weapon, Alan would have recognized Leo and his voice when he started speaking and protected him. Leo knows who his muscle is. He wouldn't have had put himself in a situation he didn't think he couldn't safely get out of. He does this kind of thing far too much to not know his exits--not to mention, you don't immediately hurt or kill someone who pulled something like he did. You get information first. It's just the smart thing to do, especially when they're already worried about a spy. (Plus you can't just willy nilly try and kill motherfuckers on campus. The likelihood that Tohma was actually going to try and kill, or even injure, him was slim to none.)
As for convincing the PC their power didn't work, they already knew it worked from when they used it in Frostheim. They just wouldn't think it always worked. He would still be able to ask them to come and use it on the basis of 'let's see if we can get it to work.' He'd be claiming it'd help them, because if they don't know what does and doesn't cause it to work, they and Darkwick would want to figure it out--and since he would be able to say 'it seems like it works when we use it together' they'd end up relying on him to help them understand when it does and doesn't work. The PC just probably wouldn't be sent on missions with them due to being a liability. Also, he could still spy on Tohma and Alan--just not while they're in the soundproofed car. He mentions in the campus chat that they likely have more than one place they meet up(unless he wasn't spying on Tohma and Alan at that point, but somebody else), and he also plants bugs in the car according to his home screen dialogues(although they get destroyed.) He'd be able to spy on them less, but it's not like they only ever meet in there, and I'm sure he'd figure that out quickly enough.
You have to remember what the guy does for a living outside of being an influencer--he corners rich people and basically makes them give up money in exchange for him not releasing information they'd wanna keep private. His proper introduction is at the "mercy" of a guy with a knife who's clearly threatened to stab him multiple times based on the multiple stabbed pillows around them, summoning Sho to help him. He puts himself in danger all the time, but he always has at least one way to be backed up. He was second in scholastic ability among all the first years. He's extremely intelligent and clever. Yes, he is short-sighted, but that's in terms of making things work. He'll treat the symptoms without resolving the problem if he can, like Alan said--if it gets the desired result who cares if it's right or wrong in the long run? But he's not so careless that he'd put himself into that much danger with no backup plan--although he is careless enough to put himself in the danger in the first place, but. Everything involves risks.
The problem is that backup plans can fall through and understandings of situations can too. Like Alan said, he does need to take better care of himself because he absolutely is careless--not extraordinarily so imo, but definitely careless. Leo is willing to put himself in danger for an end goal, but it's not like he runs into things with no plan and no backup. Leo is smart enough to get things to work with his wits and his words 99% of the time, but that one percent is gonna get him in real trouble eventually--and we've already seen his plans partially fall through two or three times(although two were after they served their purposes.) Alan realized when Sho wouldn't eat the spicy donuts that he and Leo lied about who was at fault for their acting outside of the scope of their mission. Even at the end of the encounter with the anomaly, Sho ended up telling the [half?] truth and backing up that the PC was able to buff his stigma instead of going on with their deal, which Leo hadn't expected. And the PC and Alan, in Alan's character story, end up investigating the actual circumstances behind Jun and Takeru's deaths. He's used to things working out for him and going his way, so he doesn't consider enough what could happen if they don't. Short-sighted, yeah, careless, yes but not as much so as you might think. Calculated risks, normally really good at math. But sometimes you get the math wrong.
I do think you're not wrong as far as most of them being a little short-sighted though. The only one I kinda disagree with is Sho, but even Sho's like. . .he only cares about his interests, but he goes through with what other people want from him anyway sometimes? Like he tends to train with Alan in The Pit despite complaining about it a lot, enough so that Alan doesn't have to use the punching bag in his room as much when he trains since he can spar with Sho instead. He's also constantly doing whatever Leo wants despite seeming to dislike it, and letting himself take the fall for Leo's bad behavior. But maybe that follower mentality is a sort of short-sightedness and tunnel vision as well. . .then again, like he said to Hyde, "If I can use you to get ahead, I'm doing it." That's not really very short-sighted at all, he clearly has other things in mind. . .but it's hard to tell with Sho. We rarely see his motivations. Like I can't really pin down what Sho is. . .after in life. But also, Sho cycles through interests(with the exception of cooking and maybe basketball) frequently, so I get the feeling that's the point. Sho doesn't know what he wants either, and he follows who and whatever seems most interesting. When the PC says he could make money off of cooking, he takes a shine to that idea and immediately opens up a food truck. Fortunately he seems to like cooking and serving food for others a lot, because he's sticking to it at the moment.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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the itoshi brothers (and how bluelock handles betrayal as character motivation)
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✦ or why i don't think sae hates rin afterall.
✦ a / n ; this absurdly long and absurdly extensive. my bad. also sorry if this is obvious to some people, sometimes it takes me a few reads fdfksj
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i want to preface this by saying - i'm not really very invested in the itoshi brothers. or at least i wasn't originally. the character im usually most taken with is isagi, but i've sort of been wanting to dissect sae because i can't fully wrap my head around his character. and when i want to understand a character, i usually end up going through a re-read of their chapters and arcs - to get a feel for them and all.
sorry for the thick paragraph, but tl;dr this is the first time im really analyzing these two so if this is obvious to everyone else please ignore me asjdskjds
anyway. the analysis.
there's two things that need to be examined when taking a look at the itoshi brothers. the first being their relationship before sae took off to spain, the second being how bluelock sets up concepts like betrayal for the sake of improvement.
firstly - i think we need to address saes character on a base level. sae is shown to be relatively detached in general. whereas rin has forever been more of sensitive character - sae is critical and level-headed. i suspect this is partially accredited to his role as older brother.
but you'll notice that sae is significantly more gentle to rin. he's a good older brother, both encouraing rin to do well and play soccer with him. even if he lacks that sort of finesse with teammates.
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from the beginning, rin idolizes his older brothers character. every goal he has is in some way relating to pleasing or impressing sae. it's not unusual for him to do as a younger brother, especially one who was obviously doted on by rin. it's very clear that rin loves his brother deeply and feels a need to earn his favor nearly always.
there's this conversation they have in ch.124 that really drew me to this conclusion and sort of shifted my perspective on this relationship. i had always figure that sae had experienced something in spain that we, the audience don't know. it's very bluelock for characters to change drastically due to some crushing defeat (case and point kunigami)
but i hadn't take into consideration what that event would've changed in these twos relationship where maybe i should've. the thing is that sae is always concerned about how rin will fare without him.
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in this chapter, sae asks rin what he thinks about or considers with playing soccer and rin responds with something along the lines of - he's not really thinking. he uses instinct and has confidence his brothers passes to him. sae is of course critical of this.
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aside from the very obvious affection that this two share - sae goes onto tell rin that he's going off to spain soon. he once again, encourages rin to do his best and not fall behind while he's gone. rin responds with of course, and promises to become best in japan while sae goes onto become best in the world.
from there, we see rins life as he continues to grow up while his brother is in spain for several years. rin is shown to feel a little bit lonely, but keeps his promise of dedicating his entire life to football. not only is he a good team-player, he spends his free time practicing alone because he has full faith in the promise that he made with sae when they were young.
whats noticeable to me is the way rin describes playing without sae as constricting or inconvenient. the sport doesn't quite feel the same without sae around, but rin continues to practice because he values his relationship to his brother.
it's coming directly off of a win that sae returns home and sees rin practicing, and it's here i had a realization about the nature of their relationship and their driving force.
and it's here where i really put together what the actual consequence of saes spain trip was.
but before i get to that, i want to touch on the way bluelock as a series handles the concept of failure and motivation. because there are two seperate instances where a character has some sort of major event happen to them - whether that be a kind of betrayal or a massive failure and that drives their character to improve farther.
the first one being kunigami and his transformation as the hyena. the second and imo - the more important one, the relationship between reo and nagi.
to keep it brief - nagi essentially 'betrays' reo by choosing to go with isagi and separate himself from reo in order to improve. while nagi doesn't entirely understand it as a betrayal (because he still considers reo a close friend) it is indeed a crushing moment for reo - who makes it his goal and his ego to be a player that nagi can play with.
in laymans terms - it's betrayal of a pairing that provides character development and is often used to highlight the intense bonds between two people. to be motivated by someone instead of something can only speak to how much you value that person, and want to play with them, right?
and that's where i want to pick up with rin and sae.
there are so many details about this scene to nitpick. so many things i want to shed light on because i just find it so interesting when i look carefully. sae returns home while rin is practicing on the field, and rin is incredibly excited to see his brother.
but it's obvious both to us as the audience and to rin that sae has changed somehow.
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you can just tell that sae looks exhausted, where as rin has the same same expression as he did four years ago.
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there are so many things in this panel that i think are worth analyzing. the fact that rin notices that sae has lost weight as a marker of just how much sae has changed. what he's been through.
and more specifically what sae says in order to summarize his experiences in spain.
"turns out the world is huge. there're players way better than me out there. i..i've changed my dream."
now, my understanding of japanese is none so i can't compare this to the raws. but i want to discuss the phrasing here with a little more nuance - specifically, i want to talk about the way sae has phrased the sentence.
you'll notice that sae does not say "my dream has changed". he instead says "i've changed my dream." and i think this is a testament to what happened to him in the fours years he was abroad. sae wants it to seem like its a choice he's made, if only to convince rin that he's fine with it. it's obvious that sae likely experienced whats very common for characters in bluelock - which is the mortifying realization that he was practically nothing in comparison to his peers.
we know what the means for sae as individual, in that he was deeply discouraged by what he understood as reality. but what does that mean for sae as an older brother? particularly an older brother who dotes on his younger brother.
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rin is very against the idea of sae playing as a midfielder, and tells sae to his face that he doesn't want to see sae like this. he recognizes that saes change is actually stemming from a sense of defeat, and is against the idea of sae giving up his dream. and you can see in saes expression that he's saddened at rins reaction - thought he might've predicted it to some extent.
he's insistent on the fact rin doesn't understand, but hearing rin say "you're not the same brother i shared a dream with...!" causes the façade to crack momentarily. in the minute that sae is covered in shadow, we see his approach to rin changing.
and i think it's here i realized what the sudden attitude change was about.
sae goes onto to challenge rin to a one on one duel. he tells rin, that if you're able to win against me here then ill continue to believe in that dream. he absolutely crushes rin in the match, and when that match is over - rin finally confesses it outright.
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its this moment where it all finally clicked for me that saes response here was entirely intentional. and the reason i know that to be true, and that the way he talks to rin here is insincere is because of the way he hesitates.
we get an entire panel where sae simply stares at rin and is silent. this isn't a gut reaction. we intentionally get to see the briefest moment where sae is hesitating to say all of this cruel shit to rin. because he knows rin will never stop idolizing sae or hoping for that dream.
and you'll notice the way he's using this moment to drill something in rins head for later on. he says something explicitly i want to talk to about
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"don't use me as your reason to play football ever again."
its this moment that confirms it for me. this, on top of the fact we don't get to see saes expression when he says the last part. he's turned away from rin entirely - when he had been facing rin for most of this conversation.
that's the thing, though. sae to some extent, is familiar with the cruelty that soccer on the international level has to offer. in the early part of the manga, you see him have a similar reaction to bluelock and egoism as a concept. sae is intrigued by it and supports its core tenets to some extent, because he's seen professional soccer at its most brutal.
when you think about it, what reason does sae have to be so intentionally cruel to rin about not wanting to play football? if he was really so indifferent to rin, what reason would there be to crush him to that extent? wouldn't the appropriate response be just that, indifference?
sae's disposition is never naturally cruel. but his whims and feelings adjust based on input. he plays soccer and thinks very heavily about his moves. so if his experiences is telling him that he is no longer fit to be a striker, then what does that make of the promise he made to the younger brother he adored.
all of that to say, i think sae wants rin to become a striker and wants to continue playing soccer with rin. but he believes that if rin remains attached to him the way he is - he will never reach his full potentional. and in order to bring that full potential out - he's willing to be the catalyst and subsequently the villain rins story.
i think all of it, and the intentional salt in the wound is a mechanism for rins development which sae achieves by the end of u20 almost.
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daystarvoyage · 3 months
Hey! I know most people like to imagine Philip's reaction upon seeing Lilith centuries later and realizes that she's the one who punched him in the face but hear me out and imagine this:
Ghost Caleb who's following his brother around/ Papa Titan watching Philip through the cubes and both sees Lilith punching Philip in the Deadwardian era: .... He deserved that...
Both men centuries later, seeing a younger Lilith and recognizes her: OMG, it's her! *immediately starts the countdown when will Lilith go back in time*
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hmmm, I do feel you're talking about the interactions with the claw-thrones & witter banes in the show,
SO I'm going to make this elaborate answer,
But I have a lot to add along this by ranting in my input.
Yes, I do feel that was a lost opportunity to flesh out these groups more, cause Eda is a main character, with Lilith being her sister, which should've been explored properly.
along with their family Gwen & dill, they were the coolest characters shown, Gwen to be exact ever since her debut showing off her magical prowess.
The father's Name I think?, I feel he never got proper exposure except for that strained family moment episode, and that’s it so that’s a missed opportunity.
(SIGH It's weird how they treat the MEN in the show very weird, cause they didn’t make a prominent impact like the females, ANOTHER TOPIC SOON.)
we never get any future closure within the series centered around the family, cause they could've made room to due alot, let alone even a conversation, or more advancements on how IDK the palismen can properly excel the magic system within the show CAUSE DILL HAS KNOWLEDGE OF THEM.
As for lilith time travel episode,
Ghost Caleb Shoudve made a debut in season 2 instead being muddled with discourse to have more characters who haven't had proper spotlight to Get to know them being overshadowed.
I mean its a fantasy show, you have to have proper worldbuilding and lore being talked about more, Which the whole show-and-tell thing didn't work out cause it was never explored again, plus the time travel aspect should've contributed a lot more but was played off just for bplot manner that should've been bigger, (unlike another episode with one bplot overtook a certain characters spotlight?!)
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LIKE THE WITTERBANE LORE BEING RUSHED and the only achievement that Lilith got after your fans treated her badly,
(with Camilia who’s a good mother, SO WE DONT WELCOME TOXIC HATERS HERE.)
For Lilith to get in your good graces is just punching Phillip, OR BEING KNOW AS AROACE cause when your sexuality wins with no proper character development or Writing in the Owl House. (which is understandable cause lgbt media has been taboo throughout times.)
but not properly give nuance on why I know she wanted to have objectives, please we need Good writing characters plz.
(besides Lilith befriending Phillip in the time travel episode.)
Lilith development i feel should've been placed in an organized manner. I Swear the show treats its adults in a useless adults or demonizes them if they don't let their favorites get there way. shunned them retcon them or not celebrated more compared to the other popular characters. SMH
so heres term for it
(not to mention their characters being retconned at times.)
it felt they got off easy with her ever since I watched pitched bibles of her being antagonistic, (along her run of the show), as time goes by, We got to see which contributed that, that should've been explored
as for the yes along Papa Titan ordeal, I felt they should've made him more impactful cause he is a literal god yet he's just made as a joke for luz to revive herself. COME ON
all i know is the Witterbane & Clawthrones should've had more interactions with A POWERFUL GOD SMH, cause dill had knowledge of some powerful items that could've contributed to the story but he was sidelined, the way they shelved half the characters is just wow
So hope this answers all your questions and thanks for sipping tea with me more topics on my youtube Channel - Daystar Voyage
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monaskydancer · 8 months
Into the West - Chapter 6
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption 2 Pairing: Arthur x fOC Genre: romance, adventure, drama
@photo1030 @cassietrn
Hastily, Nancy scrambled behind the dining room wall as bullets whizzed past her. She saw Arthur across from her in the kitchen. He cast a glance at her too, then peeked around the wall. Raising his gun, he shot one of the guys who had broken into the house. She calmed her breathing as best as she could, then whirled out of her hiding spot and raised her shotgun, aiming at another guy. The bullet hit him, and he tumbled backward, crashing through the window next to the door and landing outside on the front porch. She had no idea if he was still alive or if she had just killed him.
"Just give up!" One of the guys called. "You brought this upon yourself, bitch!"
She gritted her teeth and aimed her gun at the man. Her eyes grew wide, though, as there was only a click from her gun.
"No, no, no, no!" she muttered angrily and looked at Arthur, then at the man heading towards her with his gun aimed at her chest.
"Raaaah!" Arthur growled loudly and jumped out of the kitchen, crashing into the man. They tumbled to the floor, the gun dropping out of the bounty hunter's hand. Nancy dove for it and shot another man who had just entered the building while Arthur still wrestled with the guy. He found the opportunity to shoot him in the head. Pushing himself up, he brushed sweat from his forehead. His hair fell a bit into his eyes.
"There's still at least one outside." He brushed his hair back and turned toward her. "Are you okay?"
She nodded, panting lightly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. Let's end this once and for all." She picked up Arthur's hat and put it on her head. "You don't mind, do you?"
"Not at all," he smiled lightly, taking her shotgun and quickly reloading it for her. "Sorry, I should've shown you how to do that properly."
"No time for apologies." She took the gun from him. He nodded and readied his own. Together, they stepped outside onto the front porch. The man Nancy had shot was still lying on the porch, groaning as he reached up for her. She wasn't sure if he sought help, begged for mercy, or if he'd love to strangle her if only he had the chance. She checked where she had hit him. It looked like she had gotten him in the shoulder and bits of his chest, but not as life-threatening as she had thought.
"I'm not done with you yet." She hissed at him and kicked his hand away as he tried to grab her boot.
"Where are you?" Arthur yelled into the night. "We know you're still out there, coward!"
They turned as the sound of thunderous hoofbeats drummed on the ground. A horse bolted past them, one guy on top. That bastard dared trying to get away. Arthur aimed and shot, hitting him in the back of his head. The body rolled off the horse and the animal went fleeing into the night.
Nancy put her gun into the holster and crouched beside the injured man. He whimpered as she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
"If I were you, I'd start spilling. Who hired you?" She hissed.
Arthur stepped closer, putting his foot on the man's hand, ensuring he wouldn't try anything funny.
"Don't know...what you're talkin' bout." He sputtered. Blood covered her hands as he coughed. "J-just saw the poster!" He cried out as she put pressure on his shoulder.
"You sure about that?"
"Y-yes! Yes, please!"
Arthur pulled her away from him. "He must know more. Think about it. They were ready to kill you. They won't get the bounty in that case. Sheriff wants you alive."
She looked down at the man again. "You're lying. Tell us the damn truth!"
He shook his head. "N-no! I'm not lying! I really am not! Please, don't kill me!" He sobbed.
"You came here to kill me! If you know me from the posters you'd know killing me is not part of the deal. You won't see any money if you kill me, so, I ask you one more time. Who sent you?"
He groaned and remained silent. Arthur reached down and pulled him up. "Speak!" He growled and knocked his fist against the man's jaw. He cried out and tumbled backwards down the stairs.
"If you don't speak now we'll make you squeak later." Nancy stepped down from the porch alongside Arthur. "You're coming with us."
Arthur took some rope from his horse's saddle and tied the man's wrists and feet. "You heard the lady." He picked him up and stowed him on the back of his horse. "We should leave now before any reinforcements are coming."
Nancy nodded shortly and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. She fastened the second bag to her horse's saddle before she mounted. She cast a last, wistful look across the property, then pressed the heels into the horse's side.
"You can't do that!" The man protested. "They will come and get you! They will find you!"
"Oh, suddenly you're talking?" Nancy said amused. "Now all you gotta do is tell us who they are and you're free to go."
He huffed. "As if you'd let me go just like that. I'm taking everything with me into the grave if I must!"
Arthur groaned and halted. Nancy stopped and looked at him questioningly as he dismounted. He ripped some cloth from the saddle and balled it up, stuffing it into the man's mouth. "That'll shut him up." He said and grinned at her as she laughed.
They rode for a few hours, mostly in silence. It was still the middle of the night when they reached what looked like an abandoned shack. Arthur checked it, finding it empty. Rain had been pouring down on them for a while now.
"Let's stay here for now, at least until the rain stops," he said and secured his horse, carrying the guy into the shack. Nancy followed him inside and closed the door. The interior looked just as shabby as the outside, but at least the roof was intact.
She put her bags on the ground and slid down along the wall, burying her face in her hands. Arthur walked over and crouched down in front of her.
"You okay?"
She lowered her hands. "That was just...intense. I've never been in a gunfight before. And this damn gun acted up at the wrong moment. If I had been alone there tonight, I might be dead."
She kneaded her fingers. Arthur hesitated for a split second before reaching out, taking her hands in his. He squeezed them gently.
"You're still alive. And I'll make sure that you stay alive. I ain't gonna let anyone hurt you."
She smiled weakly, pulling her hands away slowly. "Thank you, Arthur. It's all just so confusing. I can't think of anything that could possibly make me a target. Or my father. I guess it doesn't matter anymore now."
"You should rest. Here, I found these." He got up and fetched a few blankets. "Use some as a pillow maybe."
"What about you?" She asked as she prepared her makeshift bed. He shrugged and gestured at the table.
"Probably sitting here, making sure our friend doesn't die." He pointed to the other corner of the room where the hostage was lying.
"You sure you don't need some sleep too?"
"Nah." He waved her off. "It's fine. I'm used to this stuff. You must be exhausted." He walked over to the bench by the table and sat down. "Sleep well, Nancy."
She shifted, covering herself with a blanket. "Good night, Arthur." She mumbled and almost instantly fell asleep.
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☆This is still a work in progress, but this is mostly what the first part will be. I will most likely post this on Archive of our Own at some point, just cause some people might prefer to read it on there.
☆I absolutely adore feedback, so please let me know if I can use some work on certain spots or even if it's just to tell me you enjoy it.
☆Double spacing exists solely cause I felt it looked better, I may take it away. Idk
Metal Institute
You're not good enough
You'll never be good enough
Everything you do only leads to disappointment
Your family hates you
Your mother
Your sister
Even Your father
They all hate you
"Shut up."
You're a mistake and that's all you'll ever be in this life
"You're wrong."
Why do you think they put you in here then? Do you think this is some camp? Get to play around outside all day then go sleep in a tent? Tell stories around the campfire while indulging in sweets?
You're living in a fucken fantasy, Glam.
A laugh. "My name isn't Glam. It's Sebastion and You're nothing but a voice in my head, schizophrenia as the doctors call it. Father put me in here to make me better and that's exactly what the doctors are doing." A smile crossed his lips.
Blasphemy and you know it. We both know it. I'm your conscience and you need to accept that cause guess what, You're stuck with me.
You hate the name Sebastion and you hate playing the Violin. You love rock music and your best friend was a guy you met by the dumpster, remember that?
"I don't know what you're talking about. Father never allowed me to have friends and I would never make friends with someone near the dumpster no less."
How about your favorite song, huh? What about Twisted Sister?
"That music is unholy, shouldn't even be legal. It's rubbish. Bach and Vivaldi are-"
Bach and Vivaldi are the real rubbish. You hate that shit. That's all you were forced to listen to, forced to play.
The father you claim to love you beat you with a ruler. Remember that?! Remember how he made you bleed?! All because you were off by an eighth of a pitch!
"Stop it. You're lying."
These doctors that you claim are helping you are doing the fucken opposite! They're brainwashing you into staying under your father's thumb!
You should've ran, should've went back to your friend, but instead you stayed and look what happened! He beat you and now your in a mental asylum! All because you didn't want the type of life he was making you have!
"S-Shut up!" His hands went to his face, covering his eyes as tears slowly began to trickle down. It wasn't true, was it? His father wouldn't lock him away just cause he... wanted a different life, right?
Look at yourself! Look at your wrists! Look at the scars your father inflicfed upon you! Look at the marks from the binds that held you down while the doctors performed their sick experiments on you! What about your ankles? Tied so damn tight that it nearly cut off blood flow, all so you couldn't escape!
Look at those wounds covering your body and tell me that I'm not speaking the truth.
He moved his hands down from his face, leaning over to the dim moonlight that shown in through the plexiglass window. Tears rolled off his cheeks now, one after another as he examined his wrists, the scars that will forever remain due to his dear father.
Look at them, Glam.
Tell me, does this look like something a loving father would allow? Would a loving father allow such experiments to be had on his one and only son? Would a loving father beat their son?
He placed his hands over his mouth, trying to muffle the soft sobs that followed his tears. He'd been so far gone with all the 'treatments' that he blantly accepted them. He blantly accepted being strapped to a cold metal table, allowing the doctors to inject God knows what into his veins.
The food he ate, the beverages he'd recieved... who knows what was in them, what sort of shit he was being slipped. Not to mention the effects he'd been feeling. The nausea, the headaches, the fuzzy memories, and now he was hearing voices...
You finally get it, don't you?
Your father doesn't love you. You will forever be a disappointment in his eyes and you will forever be in your sisters shadow.
"L-Leave Lydia out of this... she doesn't deserve to be... placed on the same platform like father." He spoke again, dragging his hands down his face and pulling his legs up.
As much as he despised being constantly compared to the likeness of his sister, she'd never once laid a hand on him. She'd actually used to be the one to bandage him up when they were younger, while their mother hid in the shadows, too scared to stand up for her children.
Tell me, Sebastion... what sort of platform does your loving father deserve to be put on? What sort of outcome does he deserve in all this?
"Outcome? He won't get to receive the deserved outcome. In the end, I'm stuck in here and... those doctors will continue to try and... 'fix me'."
Oh, don't you worry about that. He will get his fill of Karma. Don't frazzle your pretty mind with such worry. Besides, you have me! I will get you out of here.
"How will you help me escape? You're nothing but my own conscience. Besides, the guards in this place are armed."
You needn't worry. All in due time. Why don't we look at the future, though? Why don't we look at what will come to your father?
So tell me, when we do escape, and we will by any means necessary, what end does your father deserve?
He began to laugh, his eyes seeming to fill the dark room with vivid thoughts. Then his laughing grew. It became louder and louder, more maniacal. The things he was seeing, the actions he was performing... Violent actions. The same actions he had once written down, the same actions his father had confronted him about upon finding his journal.
He still felt like such an idiot for that mistake. If he just... double checked, and made sure that the 'line of defense' wasn't at a risk of being found out about. None of this would have happened. He might still be stuck at home, sure, but he'd have his best friend. He'd have access to his records. He'd have access to THE record.
"I'll tell you what he deserves! I'll tell you what end I want to grant him!" He stood, going to the window and placing his hands firmly upon it, glancing up at the moon.
"I want to see his blood spill. I want to beat him with that fucken ruler until he's begging for mercy. Maybe even a baseball bat!" He turned, facing the darkness of the room, more laughing emitting from his mouth. Now he really did sound like he belonged in such a place.
"I want him to suffer and bleed, the same way I had to. I want to see that bastard cry and beg for forgiveness!" He could only continue to laugh as he fell to his knees, the vision growing more and more realistic by the second.
Glam ran his fingers through the tangled mess of hair, looking up at the ceiling for a moment with more maniacal laughter.
"Maybe I'll make him play the Violin. Then I can stand there and criticize every bar and note he plays! Slap his wrists until blood it dripping to the floor!"
Good! Good! You're getting the hang of it! That's the spirit! You're spine is tingling with the excitement, the anticipation!
So remind me, what's your name again?
"Glam! My name is Glam..." He spoke calmly now, placing his hands on the ground in front of him.
Right, you're finally getting it. What else do you know?
"I-I have a best friend... what was his name again?" He glanced around the moon lit room for a moment before scratching his head, fingers getting tangled in the matted mess of hair.
You know this answer, Glam. Don't expect me to help you with such stupid questions.
"I-I don't remember..."
You need to remember him! Don't let your memory start fading away, now think harder. What was his fucken name?!
He held his head in his hands for a moment, more tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He couldn't remember him, no matter how hard he tried. He couldn't remember his name, why he was called that...
Just... who he was physically. What he looked like, how he had helped Glam through the bullshit. The messy brown hair, the disgusting green jacket, that annoying voice and those horrid yellow teeth.
"C-Chive..." He finally mumbled to himself after a moment. That was his name, right? He knew it at least started with a C.
Good boy, Glam. You're making progress. Do not forget Chive. Don't forget what he looked like or what he did for you. If you forget him, then that might as well be the end.
Glam put his face in his hands again. Don't forget? How was he supposed to manage that when he was being tortured and experimented on day in and day out. Hell, he barely remembered the last this he ate.
The fact of the matter was that without his friend, he'd never discover the beauty of rock music. The beauty outside of that fucken prison of a house. Sure, he had to deal with some... painful repercussions, but it was so worth it. Getting to play in front of a crowd, especially play music he was actually proud of? It was the best feeling in the world to him.
"He probably thinks I abandoned him..." He gripped his hands into fists. "M-my one and only friend... thinks I abandoned him..."
Who would ever know what became of Glam outside of his family. -He was sent away to a special music school, one that didn't allow such... worthless talent to blindly be accepted- That was probably along the lines of what he'd say to the school anyways. Chive would never step foot near his front door, so it's not like he'd come knocking.
Stop worrying. We'll get out of here in no time. Soon enough you'll be back at his side and the two of you will be playing again before you know it. You'll even have your favorite record back.
Remember that song Glam? It's your favorite.
He began to chuckle softly, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "We're not gonna take it..." He started singing, the vocals raspy and sloppy.
No! We ain't gonna take it!
"We're not gonna take it anymore..." He pulled his knees back to his chest, tears continuing to flow as his off key singing kept up, his voice seeming to echo in the emptiness that was his confinement cell.
That song. It'd got him to discover life outside of classical bullshit. Now it was gonna be the song to help him escape this hell. No matter the cost.
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caua-nasiasene · 2 months
I'm just your problem
La da da da da
You think you're just a problem to me
La da da da da
But you're the only one I see
I want to taste the love
In your crimson eyes
Sorry I don't show it like I should
Is that what you need from me?
Sorry I don't say it every day
Like you do so effortlessly
Sorry if I seem distant
Do I push you away?
Is that why you always doubt me?
It must be so confusing for you, well
You're not just a problem
You're not just a problem
You're the one who makes me feel alive
You're my solution, well
I-I-I should've told you sooner what you mean
I-I-I should've shown how much I care for you
I'm sorry I kept it hidden
I forget what made me scared to admit it
But I-I-I should've been the one
To tell you the truth
So now I want to
Now I want to
Feel your fangs on my neck
Your hand in my thigh, oh heck
La da da da da
You're not a problem, you're my heart
La da da da da
Please, don't ever be apart
I want to feel your love
With every bite you give
Eu fiz essa releitura como uma forma da princesa jujuba ter se declarado para Marceline com a mesma canção no episódio "o que faltava" de hora de aventura. Obrigado por terem lido e agradeço a todos que comentarem ou gostarem. Eu provavelmente não vou fazer muito de outros desenhos, já que Steven Universo é meu desenho favorito, mas sempre dá pra surpreender ou aceitar pedidos.
I wrote this rewrite as a form of statement from Bonnie to Marceline, using the same song from the "What was missing" episode from Aventure Time. Thanks for reading and i thank all of you that liked the song or comment something. I probably won't do this with other cartoons, because Steven Universe is my jam, but o can always surprise or take requests.
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A/N: not proof read because the original revision didn't save and I didn't want to edit the whole thing again.
Gwen bit her lower lip in concentration. To disclose or not to disclose, that was the question.
She had already revealed one secret tonight, should she reveal another?
He had taken the first one pretty well , he might take the second one in a similar way.
" you're making your worried thinky face G , if you wanna say something spit it out "
He caught her. Guess when you're with someone for years it's hard to truly hide things from them. You just know each other too well.
Dang it
Gwen sighed, " okay um so you know when I asked you to the dance,"
Ah the dance, Kevin remembered. Their first not-an-actual date date.
It was the day they almost kissed for the first time , the day he realised he wanted to be with the redhead in a more than just good freinds kind of way.
A moment in time he remembered fondly.
" and you know how we got to my school and you happened to say the only reason I didn't want to go in was because you thought I was embarrassed by you?"
A moment in time he didn't remember fondly. While he had been flattered by the anodites interest in him back then, he couldn't possibly understand why. He still didn't, but now he wasn't shrouded by his own crippling belief of his self worth.
The only people who had ever shown interest were the ones who wanted an in on whatever big thing he had scored, or could score for them. Not to mention all the years he had spent in hiding because of his mutation. It was hard looking every reflection and seeing himself as the monster from the stories his mother used to tell him about his father's battles to keep peace.
The night after he was first mutated, Kevin got out the river and went home , soaking and sobbing for a mother's comfort , only for her to scream at his sight and slam the door in his face.
He flew away when he heard her yelling into a phone " there's a giant ugly monster on my porch! I don't know what it wants...okay ...hurry please "
He had become something his own mother was petrified of. If she didn't love him, how could believe anyone else could?
" Kev I was never embarrassed by you. The opposite actually. I ...um... wanted to show you off...." her voice trailed off.
The boy's head turned in her direction , his left eyebrow raised in confusion.
" what do you mean?"
" babe I don't think you realised, but you were a pretty big deal. Smoking hot bad boy with a mysterious background? You were like....every girl's dream."
Bunch of 15 year old girls with a free wattpad account? Dating a moody bad boy was the vibe of the era! Everyone wanted a Kevin Levin, and Gwen couldn't help but feel a little proud that she had him.
It didn't matter how preppy and mature she was, at the end of the day, she was just a girl.
Kevin was silent. He knew his aura caught the attention of a few girls, it still does no doubt , but he didn't think it was that big of a deal.
" it's not that I didn't genuinely like you though, I did. I really did want to get to know you more and see where it went , but I guess I also wanted to brag to the world that I got the town's most desirable bad boy. I'm sorry, that was pretty shallow of me"
Kevin didn't know how to respond to this. He was flattered that that's how everyone saw him, even though he's had his more than fair share of dysmorphia over the years.
The osmosian looked straight ahead at the dark waves crashing against the shore. The moon was close to the west, indicating it was time for it set soon; and the sun would rise, illuminating the rest of the stars into oblivion.
" So you paraded me around like a trophy at the carnival? " his expression was stoic.
" like please help me understand why you'd do something like that"
Gwen gulped.
Oh no. Maybe I should've kept this one to myself.
" like... I said Kevin , you were good looking"
Her voice was small now. She didn't want to upset him anymore than she already had.
Stupid stupid stupid.
" you did it because I was just another good looking dude ?"
" just anoth-, kev you were outright gorgeous okay?! And really cool. and funny and smart and like, the whole package really. Not to ment.." She stopped mid sentence, noticing the little smirk on his face.
" eff you levin "she yelled as she pulled away, playfully slapping his upper arm while Kevin rolled back in laughter.
" hahaha you should've seen the look on your face"
Emerald eyes glared in his direction, secretly holding relief that he wasn't mad at her.
" well don't stop now, tell me more about how amazing I am"
" shut up"
She laid down on the cool blanket beside him, her hands intertwining with his.
He turned to her , his other hand softly caressing her cheek as she gently stared into his eyes.
The redhead might've been superficial, but she'd constantly proved time and time again that she loves him for more than what he just looks like.
Maybe if wasn't so insecure back then, he would've noticed the excessive attention that Gwen spoke of, maybe dated around more.
But he knew deep down, no girl could ever come close to his.
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Hey JWB!
Hope you are doing good!
I really wanted to know your opinion regarding Arnav's character development in the show! (I'm unaware if you've answered this earlier)
We all know that Arnav's childhood trauma made him truly Harsh & Ruthless, But then khushi comes into his life, and slowly his character growth starts taking place, I do believe that love can definitely have a tranformative effect on a person, However, love is not a magic cure-all and it's not a substitute for a professional help and personal growth, it's important to seek out a professional help! Also i have seen people becoming harsh in real life due to trauma and depression, but it takes a lot of professional help so that they can heal, I know ipk is set in a fictional world, but still there are many people in real life who are dealing with traumas just like Arnav, So it will be quite unrealistic for such people if they watch Arnav's character growth and start believing that one day they are going to have someone who can heal them completely, instead of seeking professional help, Because the fact is love is not a magic cure-all, That's why i feel like they should've shown Arnav seeking professional help along with Khushi's love, That would have made much more sense! What are your instance regarding this? Please let me know!
Hello Anon!
I am very good thank you :) I believe Arnav was one of the best written characters in the show and the most consistent. He does not change because of love, rather Khushi grows closer to him and is able to see his softer sides.
Arnav still has PTSD trauma from his parents' suicide after Khushi coming into his life - he even tells Khushi that slowly the more he fell for her, the lesser time he had to dwell on his trauma.
So in a way his loneliness went away but finding someone he loved. But you can see how his trauma ended up creating very damaged relationships, especially romantic ones.
Arnav doesn't heal because of Khushi, he gets better over time with his own effort.
The only time he actually is able to overcome his trauma is when he faces his grandma and realizes the fact of what happened. His father was a weak person. He hates his family. And Khushi tells him no matter how bitter the past was, it's still a part of his history that he needs to keep.
And what I love about the show is that Arnav's past still haunts him. Otherwise even after marrying the love of his life, he spends the start of his wedding night nearly crying in his arms about the whole debacle.
His past is written very humanely. He's able to live, love and laugh regardless. Just with a better support system he's able to smile more and more every single day. So they never present Khushi as a fix-all for his sadness, but as a companion with whom he starts sharing pieces of his life with.
Also Indian media RARELY shows mental health help. Especially back in 2012, expecting mainstream show to show psychiatry is rare. Especially on a channel that's very traditional (Star Plus). And I think given that they did an excellent job with Arnav and his mental health. I like to think he went to therapy sometime later in his life.
Idk if you watched the Rewind but whatever little pieces of Arnav narrating his own life sounds like someone who has been to therapy. He recognizes his irrational anger, is calmer, understands Khushi was legitimately wrong in situations but also recognizes how his response to her mistakes outweighed everything else.
He's less resistant to showing vulnerability, in fact he's open about the fact that he loves his wife, idiosyncrasies included.
And to me, that means a lot :)
Jalebi (you might want to check the navigation link)
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lacktastrophe · 2 years
I know it's been hinted at for a long time... but is it just me, or are Paulo's feelings for Daisy coming out of nowhere? I always thought their interactions prior to the current chapter were platonic at most with Daisy being the one developing romantic feelings for Paulo. Am I missing something? (1/2)
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They've always been pining for one another but their insecurities and happenstance tend to keep them away and thinking the other is unattainable. They are absolutely compatible, they're both good friends who look out for each other.
Paulo acknowledged his interest in Daisy first back in Intervention when David persuaded him with a hypothetical where he had to choose between her or Tess. Despite all the running after Tess he'd been doing chapters before, the winner was Daisy, of whom he had never attempted to womanize once because of his belief she didn't deserve him at his worst. She's always been his main means of support and accepted him for all of his faults.
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He likely would have gone ahead and spoke with Daisy afterwards once they returned from Silvershore, likely becoming a pair, had it not already been that during that period of his absense, Abbey had snuck in and denied us of potential.
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We could be sure that Daisy had always had a thing for Paulo too which probably went back to when she first met him. There isn't anything that really makes that as clear but we can attest that Daisy has always liked boys, we saw interest and admiration building up over time quite a bit during the very early chapters and even more so once her relaitonship with Abbey was over when she could put more thought towards her best friend.
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Admitting her interest might've taken comparitively longer because as far as she could tell, Paulo hasn't ever shown interest in her, only going after Lucy, which sheds this uneasy light that existed despite their amicable relationships.
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Is it coming out from nowhere again? Not at all! All of the moments you're looking for is when Daisy's relationship with Abbey starts showing signs of trouble, the moments specifically are in Guest of Honour, Moments apart and Featured Attraction.
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As far as Paulo's sexuality being explored...isn't that happening in this chapter? (Future LackLuster: Actually no, it's relationships. Should've given it more thought, past me.) Paulo has technically admitted that he doesn't see either James or Mike as potentials, so even though it's not happening, he's seriously considered it.
I think Paulo's done enough discovery of his sexuality, we've had chapters like Boy Toy, Golden Hour and Fair game where he either considered the possibility or gushed over Mike. I don't think there's anything more that could really be learned. He's accepting of this fact now though. He still has an eye out for Daisy, more so too since all the distractions, James, Mike, Lucy are all unattainable.
I'm finding myself mostly warmed up to Paulo x Daisy these days but I could imagine why people might hate it as well (Do give me your reason!). I have also reached the point where I feel like this needs to really hurry up and be a thing or die already. It's been dangled over the story's head like a carrot for such a long time and Paulo's constant "Nah, I'm not ready to admit my love for Daisy" has me all.
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shellyswirlz · 1 year
Since I wrote a whole blog on my last account which includes me "breaking down Ryder's personality and getting a closer look at him" I've decided to also start doing it here as well!
This was made mainly because he's probably my favorite Frozen 2 supporting character. He's very interesting in my eyes.. and considering he doesn't really do that much, yet I've become obsessed with this guy nonetheless, I've decided to talk about more of his personality and what I think they should've added to him in the movies.
Let's begin!
First of all.. Based on the movie.. If you haven't noticed it already he seems like such a nice guy who just wants to help out and be like "the wingman" of the story, along with share his love for reindeer. That's all we really know about him but if you were to dig deeper you can see a bit more than what's shown throughout the rest of the movie.
If you were to look closely at some of the concept art, and how we was portrayed at the beginning of the movie and during some other scenes in the movie, you are able to see a few hidden details in his personality not everyone is able to spot.
That time where he hid in fear behind his sister seeing the sight of a talking snowman, that time he was running away in fear from SOMETHING in one of his concept art drawings, that time he was worried for the reindeer in the forest when it was on fire, and the times he was nervously talking to Kristoff about the proposal you could see that he's also a very caring, nervous, and soft person.
Genuinely feeling bad for Kristoff, and about to put the blame on himself for what happened before Kristoff cut him off.. However he also seems like the easygoing, chill, happy, silly type of guy. To put it this way, Ryder is the type of person who seems to be very anxious at first, but once they were to warm up to you they'd become more of the "silly friend".
It also seems, based on some of the concept art that I've seen, that he's most likely good at fighting like his sister probably is. We see him and the other Northuldra about to attack the soldiers right after Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven first notice the memories put into ice in the forest. He might have a decent amount of strength according to this alone. In the 3rd movie.. Who knows we might get some Nattura sibling action.
He also seems to be a rather positive and friendly character, as seen in this description of him on his wiki:
"He has a friendly deposition, making him fast friends with those he meets."
We only really saw him become fast friends with Kristoff.. That's literally it.., We never saw him become fast friends with anyone else, this most likely has to do with the fact that Frozen 3 was extremely rushed.. Like I'm sorry to tell you this but it was. I like the movie, but holy hell was it rushed!
Honestly it'd be great if Disney actually showed more of his friendliness to other people. Also I haven't seen Once Upon a Studio yet, idk if he even does anything in there but if he does don't spoil it for me please..
I also wish they showed more of what makes him different compared to Kristoff.. Because I'm betting to those watching the movie for the first time they only see him as a Northuldra Kristoff clone.. That is however not all that he is and this post is all the proof you need!
Here's one last thing before I wrap it all up..
Has anyone else noticed that Ryder is literally single...?
He states that he "knows nothing about women", which leaves me kind of curious.. It's probably something simple like "He never thought about it before because Northuldra don't really think about that kind of thing", but I'm still in need of answers nonetheless.
There HAS to be more behind that.
I need the lore!
That's all..!
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maguro13-2 · 2 months
[Request for an Immediate Rescue by Naofumi Hataya]
Shinra : Here we go again with another collaborate. I have no idea of how we collaborated with the Mashimaverse, then delinquents, and of course the previous manga that our author used to work on. Here are we...Except the girl who crossover with the Rent-A-Get Yo Girl service. Another lame old saturday of dealing with addicted gacha games in Japan. Isn't there a fiesty way of saying I don't like having too much crossovers with everybody. Except the part that it was me who created Soul Eater, I did all of that stuff before I was turned into a Chao.
Arthur : But I guarantee you that this is the worst day ever since we got into those resurrected bodies in the real world. I was resurrected into the body of a woman they call it "Saber". Can't believe the Ohkuboverse has been one heck of a universe since the author was an assistant to the Getbackers.
Shinra : So does that stupid addictive gacha game that were on, we can't be diddly dallying on the peach front saying who is who is going to collaborate us with the other universes I'm gonna tell everyone that who is it going to be this time? who's it gonna be this time around? Since no one is collaborating with us anymore, I think we should all take a break from collaborating. I'm sick of Japan collaborating with others.
Arthur : I know someone who can collaborate with this dude. I found him on the internet.
Shinra : Really? Who did collaborate this time?
Arthur : easy, It's this guy that we are collaborating him.
*Eren's face is shown on his phone*
Shinra : Oh, Arthur. Please, you didn't collaborate with that guy. We don't who he is.
Arthur : I think so too, dude. We've seen this man all the time and he has been around in the Kodansha line since Arakawa came to the company to make manga out of a novel from the 20th century, actually, the heroic legend of Arslan is from the 1980s and he she made recreated that 80s novel of Arslan to turn into the modern art style of Fullmetal Alchemist. Please...I have business opportunity to carry on female human body, that is a stuck up servant to japanese dudes like you who wanted to have sex with. But I can't have sex to a guy, I'm straight and single! And just to proven to you that...I am not gay.
Shinra : Hey, Arthur. Is it me or is it your feet shaking the ground too much?
Arthur : Uhh, I don't think that wasn't me, dude! That's not my feet that is doing it!
Shinra : Then what's with all that....*realizing* Oh heck no.
Arthur : Oh sm
*cues The Rumbling*
Eren : Hey, guys! I just wanted to say that this is the best collaboration that I ever worked with you guys! Does this mean I can finally get my paycheck now?
Shinra : [to Arthur] You were saying?
Arthur : [to Shinra] This is why we can't have nice things in Japan.
Shinra : [to Arthur] *sighs* For the record, I really hate those guys so much.
Maki : Hey, guys. Why do we hear boss music? SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!
Sister Iris : Maki, Is there something wrong here? OH MY GOD!!!
Tamaki : Guys? Will you just keep it down already? WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?!
Lisa Isaribi : Ey, yo girl! Chill out. it's only a collaboration with--OH DEAR LORD! IT'S GOING TO SQUASH TO US ALL!!!
Hinawa : Girls! What's with all the screaming--WOAH! WHAT THE F***!?!
Vulcan : Come on guys, this isn't the time to be fooling aro--No, No, No, No,NOOOOOOOOO!!!
Obi : What is all with the darn noises!? I'm trying to break a sweat.
Hinawa : Like, captain. You gotta see this! There's some kind of thing going on with the collaboration and this dude just brought an army of giant muscle headed dudes!
Obi : Oh, for the last time, Hinawa. I told you that Muscle heads are worth the brains and brawns--*realizing* HOLY F***ING SH*T!
Maki : [To Shinra] WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!
Eren : And now...Prepare to be crushed by the rumbling!
Shinra : I knew I should've stayed back at a Chao at the garden.
Viktor Licht : WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
*A Titan about to crush Company 8*
*SPLASH+Record Scratch*
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : Huh? What?
*It is only revealed to be just a dream*
Saber (Arthur) : That would make you shut up. You've been screaming in your sleep for 10 seconds.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : I can't believe that I am still stuck like this. Well, at least I'm not in the mood for an ice cream shake. Do you think that I was gonna collaborate with a guy who literally died by the hands of his hot asian GF?
Saber (Arthur) : No offense, but that Ackerman lady is kinda pretty hot.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : Dude, Boyle. I was talking about his adoptive sister.
Saber (Arthur) : I'm gonna pretend that I did not hear that.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : So much for being the one hit wonder on making these gacha games pretty addictive. Yeah, I don't if that's gonna work in the future. I bet we'll just stay clear and promise that you'll never tell about it! So...Whose idea was it to live in the Chao World business. You still have my keys to my walker, right? My Chao Walker that I really need to take out?
Saber (Arthur) : Sure dude. I think your ride's in the back of the Pyramid base left by that mad scientist.
Shinra the Devil Chaos Chao : Darn. I hate this life of mine. At least, I still have my personality.
0 notes
withthebigbendyhorns · 9 months
ok FINE. i enjoyed loki season 2. or at least the last 2 episodes. if you're interested in my other thoughts you can see them under the cut
there are a lot of thing i like about season 2 but i've gotta be honest before i go any further: i have largely moved on from my mcu hyperfixation. marvel and disney are shit and if news came that they're shutting everything down tomorrow i would be delighted. i'm really only still here for loki and tony. i love the art i love the fic but i'm not interested whatsoever in participating with the larger fandom or what have you. also, don't take me seriously. i am a picky bitch. just some guy on the internet. if you loved everything about this show don't let me take that away from you. i love you
i don't think the show overall is good at developing it's characters, which can be for any number of reasons. something i've noticed from more recent disney/marvel stuff: they are good at finding people who can write powerful endings/3rd acts. but until it gets there i just feel like i'm being strung along and shown things that are happening but not how they all fit together. like little bits and pieces of itself, as opposed to a complete picture. at times it feels rushed and unfinished, which with disney's track record makes a lot of sense.
i have grown to hate the little mcu-isms where someone says a joke or does a thing and then there's a small pause where it's like the screen is telling you "please clap". it used to be when they did this what happened made sense, now it just feels like something for them to throw jibberish onto and hope it sticks. not every time but when it falls flat it really irks me.
that green bastard twink should've kissed that old man.
now let's get to what i do like. i love that loki isn't nerfed anymore!! every time he got to do magic shit i was poggin. he was so slay
i LOVE ouroboros. i love him and victor they are so cute them a thousand times over. at any given moment i am giving ouroboros little kisses and pats on the head
i love jet ski mobius!!!!!! YES!!!! and he's a single dad???? his name is DON????? god he's so perfect. i love the character development, how they show that he wants to know about his real life as much as anybody but that he's afraid of what he'll see. i love the end scene where mobius says he just wants to sit and let time pass. he likes key lime pies and hot chocolate EVEN when everything is exploding and GOOD FOR HIM!!!!
personally, i feel like loki would've changed his outfit as soon as he got his magic back. but godDAMN if it wasn't satisfying when he does it at the end. i did like where each character ended up at. i loved that the throne loki has been after this whole time is one he has to earn, and that it's different than one he expected, it's one that holds much more weight. i love that
i love the themes about hope and nuturing. any media that goes for saying something about trying even when it seems stupid and useless in this media landscape gets a big hug from me.
and i LOVE that loki and mobius repeatedly choose each other over and over. mobius is the first person loki goes to for guidance after he figures it all out, among other little moments i forgor bc yayyy adhd. when i rewatch i'll update this if i remember hehe
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 11, Episode 2: Form And Void
Yeah, that looks like Nebraska
Heh. Biblically, left-handedness was a sign of being evil.
What is this?
Hand-made taser!
Pretty far from Superior
Season eleven came in sexually-liberated, I guess
Dean with a baby. You agree
She should've shown him the Mark
That'll be fun to explain
Something like that
Not exactly an angel
It was a bad storm
Great question
I love grandmas
Oh, that's not good
Jedi babies are worse than regular ones
He's gotten a lot worse
He might be able to help
That's the plan
Okay then
And then organ failure
Not likely, Sam's got plot armor
Poor guy
He's a little preoccupied
Yikes, that could've been useful
Rip that guy
They still didn't cure him
Uh oh
Nope, it's the kid
Okay then
They've gotta do something!
Bad idea
Counting 11x04 Baby, that's the third time he's done a 180° in a car when it really shouldn't be possible
Sam, you are not fine
It is definitely not great
He doesn't know
Oh, Cas...
This is horrible
So it's a real person
Key change
A reaper?
Makes sense
Not really
How does that work, anyway?
That's ominous
Death was lenient
Heaven's no longer a revolving door
You can't do that
You'd be surprised
Makes sense
Ah. Billie
Of course he did
Called it
I'm so glad she has a soft spot
You'd better hurry, Sam
Of course
Oh, Sam...
Yeah. Yeah, he does
He's out there, he's just being a jerk
There's always hope
That was Hell!
The Cage, maybe?
That's hilarious
What was that?
This is cute
Then who can?
That feels illegal
That's just weird
Not really
There she is
And she's a baby
Oh, honey...
He doesn't know
This is fun
Oh no
Dean, get inside
He can't trust anyone anymore
More than that
I don't think so
Makes sense
Oh, that's really not good
She's possessed
Not exactly
Oh no
It's too late
Not the time, Crowley
It's only a matter of time
Even dead she ruins everything
Cas is gonna kill them
That's horrifying
You shouldn't have done that
Okay, but he's still cursed
Oh, Cas...
Wow, this really sucks
Sam, you are not fine
He needs to purify himself
Salt and burn
So how does it work?
It's working!
There's a win
It's a baby, Crowley!
The implications...
The bond. She recognizes him
And there it is
You joke, Crowley, but it's true
And now he's a beacon
Interesting music choice
It's working
She's not okay
Rip those angels
Yeah, they noticed
Like Sam?
She eats souls???
Oh, that's freaky
Sam didn't, either
I like the beat
Oh boy
She's the Darkness
Ding ding ding!
I think he's right
You can see it already
He never was
The soundtrack is cool
He won't let that happen
I have one of those now!
She's gone, Dean
That's a fun mess to clean up
Probably a vision
I remember those!
Please tell me I'm right
Oh, it's just Cas
That's concerning
Bad idea, Crowley
Really leaning into it
I thought the season ten soundtrack was good, but this is fun
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carlsainz · 2 years
Hey, I love you writing! Can you write something about dating luke and you get in a fight and his brothers are there to comfort you and get mad at Luke and forcing him to apologize to you! Thanks 😊
that's so sweet, thank youuu <3 i love seeing there are people who enjoy the silly little things i write
this is not proofread
luke had been acting weird all day. he isolated himself and you just went to a boat ride with his brothers, since he was strange and refused to talk to you or anyone.
at night, after dinner, you, luke and his brothers were just chilling and stargazing when luke snapped in front of his brothersb.
"why didn't you tell me you and brendan have been a thing?"
"you heard me," he said, sounding really mad.
"ok first of all, i didn't owe you any explanation of my previous dating life," you started. "and second, i never told you because it wasn't nothing special, it wasn't even a thing. we were just needy one night and that's it, you didn't even join umich when it happen."
he covered his eyes with his hand. "y/n we're friends, brendan and i. you should've told me!"
"why are you so worried about it? i'm with you now, not brendan."
"because i wish i knew! that's why," he got up from his adirondack. "i wish you had told me before i saw a picture of someone with you and brendan kissing in the background."
"luke hughes i won't say it again," you started, hard tone. "it was literally a year before i met you. what i did is none of your business, do you understand? are you seeing me throwing a tantrum about any of the girls you've kissed before me?"
"you could've shown some respect and told me, you know. now this is puck bunny behavior, don't you think? going from a friend to another?"
"what did you just say?" you asked, getting up too.
"you're not deaf, y/n. and what's the next thing, huh? cheating on me with one of my brothers?"
"ok guys this is not good so luke, you should go to your room breathe a little bit, this is only going to hurt you two."
luke just mumbled "whatever." and left, while you sat again, shocked that luke directed those words to you. it was just so cruel you couldn't even think straight.
"hey y/n, are you alright?" quinn asked, benting down in front of your chair.
"i- i don't think so," you stuttered. "q, he knows i would never do that and yet he said that."
"i know, i know, i'm so sorry for this, i'm sure he didn't mean it," quinn responded with a soothing voice.
"yeah, i think he was just mad and out of his mind," jack agreed.
quinn and jack stood up in front of you, jack saying "come here." you got up too and they hugged you very tightly, comforting you while you cried over luke's words. after some time just hugging, they released you and you wiped your tears, sniffing.
"thank you boys, i love you," you said. "guess i'll just sleep in one of the other spare rooms, can one of you get luke out of the bedroom so i can get my things please?"
"sure, he needs to hear some things too," quinn said. "just wait five minutes and them the room is free."
with that, they left the backyard and you were there, the words still haunting you.
meanwhile, the boys carried luke to quinn's bedroom so they could get some things clear to him.
"first of all, you're an asshole," jack started.
"yes, you are," quinn agreed. "you were a jerk to her and for what?"
"but she literally kissed and did god knows what with one of my best friends," luke protested.
"yeah, and so what? did she cheat on you?"
rolling his eyes, luke replied "well, no but-"
"but nothing, luke. she did nothing wrong and you can't say shit about it," quinn said. "now insinuate she would cheat on you with one of us was so cruel, you have no idea now but you'll regret it, probably for the rest of your life."
"god you're so idiot, i'm holding myself back from punching your stupid face right now," said jack.
"you two are making it sound so bad," luke commented.
"because it was bad, dude. are you dumb or what?"
luke sat down and started thinking about the things he had said. and he also said that was puck bunny behavior. god he was such an idiot.
"now go apologize to her," jack said.
"yeah, we know she has anxiety and this is terrible to her mind," quinn added.
"fuck me," luke mouthed and stood up. "where is she?"
"probably taking a shower or in some of the spare rooms."
"do the right thing now, hughes," quinn said.
closing the door behind him, luke started searching for you inside the bedrooms and found you in less than a minute. "baby?" he said after knocking on the door.
"go away."
"please, let me apologize."
"no luke, go away."
"at least hear me, please," he begged. "i didn't mean any of those things, i- i guess i'm just scared of losing you because i don't think i'm good enough for you or even pretty enough. nothing justifies what i said to you but i'm so sorry, i was just jealous and afraid of losing my girl."
you didn't say anything but he could hear you sniffling and that made him feel like the worst guy in the world.
"i will never say that again and never ever make you feel bad about things you did before we started dating, okay? i'm so sorry and i love you so much," he said.
you opened the door, making him feel even more guilty after seeing your red eyes. "you really meant that?"
"of course no, baby, i was just acting like an asshole and for that i am sorry."
you just kept quiet, looking into his eyes. the only thing you saw was truth, so you just sighed and hugged him, instantly feeling his arms around you. he started kissing your head, repeating i'm sorry between the kisses.
"please don't do that again," you begged.
"i won't, i promise."
you just stood there, hugging until you started yawning.
"we're fine but i really think we should sleep in separate rooms tonight."
he agreed because it was your will and you went to bed. however, he could feel the exact moment you laid down with him in the middle of the night and wrapped your arms around him.
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