#{lupin 3️⃣}
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hpanimagiweek · 5 months
🦉 The masterlist is finally there!
This masterlist officially (and sadly) marks the end of HP Animagi Week 2024. 
I'd like to give a huge thank you to everyone who took a chance in this fest. Whether you participated as a creator, a beta, a reader, or a cheerleader, this fest wouldn't have been possible without you all, so thank you! Everyone interpreted the prompts with originality and wildly different pairings, it was a delight to read all your stories!
Creating this fest and moderating it was a real joy for me, and a long-time goal I finally got to realize. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to see it through!
I hope everyone had fun participating in this fest, and I hope to see you all next year for another edition of HPAW!
- From your mod @nihilisticnomad
And without further ado, let’s take a look at the fest’s masterlist!
📜 We had a mindblowing total of 29 fics submitted for this fest, and about 32 725 words written!
1️⃣ Day 1: Nook
Furry snuggles (Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Potter, 2.1k, G) by SiobanHazel
Scorpius is enjoying visiting his boyfriend Albus at the Potter's house, and this afternoon he's brought a little present. (Magical alternate universe)
Cats and dogs (Arabella Figg/Minerva McGongall, 359w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Minerva is as fond of water as any other cat could be. Which is not at all.
Enjoying the sunshine (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, 365w, G) by ftmshepard
After a fight, Harry finds Draco sunning himself in a nook and they cuddle.
Lightning crashes (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 409w, M) by eggmett
Tom wants to be an animagus, but not if it means being a rabbit.
2️⃣ Day 2: Aurors at the door
What have you done (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 624w, M) by eggmett
Regulus knows Tom is up to no good. But he still doesn't expect what's coming.
Whines, Knocks, Shouts (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, 3.1k, E) by SiobhanHazel
A bit of afternoon delight at Grimmauld Place for Sirius and Remus, until...
Vigilante Tabby (Arabella Figg/Minerva McGonagall, 349w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Minerva takes matters into her own hands which results into an impromptu meeting of the Auror Department at the door.
What being in love means (Poppy Pomfrey/Minerva McGonagall, 2k, T) by sky_watcher_rose
An unexpected visit from the Aurors leads to a confrontation between Minerva and Poppy.
Dog days of summer (Harry Potter & Severus Snape, 3k, G) by ftmshepard
Harry asks for more occlumency lessons, and that changes everything.
Or: (Harry moves in with Snape over the summer after 5th year, gets better at occlumency and also discovers his animagus form.)
The Magpie Song (Lee Jordan/Fred Weasley - Fred Weasley & George Weasley, 200w, G) by lumosdrabbles (lumosatnight)
Six years after the war, Fred is still missing.
3️⃣ Day 3: Lost
When it's lost (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 597w, M) by eggmett
Love had no place in his plans. But Regulus was his lifeline to any sort of humanity. Now Tom was lost.
Lost & won (Sirius Black/James Potter, 1.4k, T) by SiobhanHazel
Sometimes, James and Sirius take off into the Forbidden Forest for some fun of their own.
Kitten on the run (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Severus Snape - Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Severus Snape, 632w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Sirius Black is the father of masterful ideas, and disastrous plans.
4️⃣ Day 4: Soothing touch
The cruelness of peace (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 921w, E & Dead Dove) by eggmett
"There was something in his aura of melancholy and his unwavering devotion that Tom craved. But it didn’t stop Tom from destroying him. Cracking him into pieces over and over again, just to rebuild them in a way that better suited Tom’s plans."
Or: Tom tries to find comfort in a fleeting moment of intimacy with Regulus.
Hanami (Cherry Blossoms) (Minerva McGonagall/Eileen Prince, 511w, G) by SiobhanHazel
Did you know there are cherry blossom trees on the Hogwarts grounds?
A brother's touch (Regulus Black/Sirius Black, 381w, G) by cassetteinability & GoldenBi
A hard day had Sirius shifting into Padfoot, desperate only for Regulus’ soothing touch.
Protector of the Queen (Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger, 115w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Once an Animgus disappears into the wild it is almost impossible for them to return to Wizarding Society.
5️⃣ Day 5: "I'm sorry, you did what?"
Horcruxes and Heartache (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 1.2k, M) by eggmett
Regulus found it harder and harder to remain quiet as the days dragged on...More often than not, Tom was returning home covered in blood that wasn’t his own. It would have been so easy to magically whisk away any evidence first, but it was almost like Tom was proud of it.
Nibbles (Sirius Black/Severus Snape, 1.1k, G) by SiobhanHazel
Severus wouldn't say living at Grimmauld Place with Sirius equals domestic bliss, but they have their moments, both sweet and not-so-sweet. It's just natural that Severus gets irritated at Sirius.
Into the unknown (Helga Hufflepuff/Rowena Ravenclaw, 2.6k, T) by sky_watcher_rose
Rowena has been acting strangely all week, and Helga is determined to find out why.
Moose on the loose (Narcissa Malfoy/Mrs Zabini - Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape, 278w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Some animagi are a lot more convenient for indoor activities than others.
6️⃣ Day 6: Injuries
The price of devotion (Regulus Black/Tom Riddle, 860w, M & Major Character Death) by eggmett
Tom returns to the sea cave, but doesn't leave the same person. Time doesn't heal all wounds.
Hidden whiskers (Narcissa Malfoy/Mrs Zabini - Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape, 271w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Lucius is very hurt by the fact that no one cares that he got hurt. Really does no one care about him anymore in this house.
7️⃣ Day 7: Free prompt
The truth hurts (Regulus Black/Voldemort - Voldemort & Nagini, 439w, M) by eggmett
Voldemort stared into the fire, watching embers crackle and fly around the hearth. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been staring into its depths when Nagini slithered into the room to curl at his feet.
Lightning Strike, Loving Squeeze (Harry Potter/Ron Weasley, 3.4k, G) by SiobhanHazel
Harry and Ron have been Auror partners for over a year, and the Auror animagus programme leads to developments in more than just their careers.
Lectio Draconis (Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger, 371w, G) by Elvira_Kamgut
Hermione has a wonderful surprise for Fleur, it is a bit more surprising than Fleur was expecting.
#️⃣ Joker 1: In the library
A long time coming (Sirius Black/James Potter, 2.1k, E & Dead Dove) by cassetteinability
“You don’t wanna tell Remus that you put your cock in my mouth… so I won’t make you,” Sirius assured him with a questionable wink. “Keep quiet, Jamie,” he added, just seconds before he slid down his seat and underneath the table.
Or: Sirius is sexually deprived, and James can’t say no to Padfoot. Not even in the library.
Laughter in the library (Regulus Black/Voldemort, 464w, M) by eggmett
Tom finally asks Regulus to join him on one of his forbidden trips to the Restricted Section.
#️⃣ Joker 2: Firewhiskey
Fiery Sniffles (Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, 2.1k, T) by SiobhanHazel
Scorpius is back at the Potter's for the Christmas season, and he and Albus get up to some mischief. (Magical alternate universe)
And that's it for the HPAW 2024 masterlist!
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wolffyluna · 4 months
I find myself in a position where I need to work out what my pen name should be. There are three options:
1️⃣ Zoe Brennan (pros: named after cool female ancestor. Cons: clashes with former Daily Mail journalist, makes me sound married or related to another writer I know)
2️⃣ Zoe Shaw (pros: 'Shaw' means wolf in Irish and is thus a Fun Reference. Cons: clashes with someone who writes relationship advice)
3️⃣ Zoe Lupin-Luna (pros: no one is called this. Cons: no one is called this)
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akkivee · 3 years
Hihi!! I don't know if you've seen this already but someone on twitter made a post of of the flower meanings of the 2nd anniv cards and I thought you might be interested! :D
VERY INTERESTED AND IT IS INTERESTING lol so like according to that post:
🔴: red poppies- gratitude
1️⃣: king protea- essense of a king
2️⃣: sukashi lily- stepping into the spotlight, unrefined beauty
3️⃣: red gladiolus- firm, cautious
🔵: delphiniums- nobility, clear and bright
🐴: bellflower- mourning for your love, righteousness, incredible self-confidence
🐰: bluebeard- thinking about someone unforgettable
🐦: japanese/siberian iris- reliable, camaraderie, wisdom, hopes
🟡: yellow tulips- fame
🍭: goldencup st. john’s wort- sparkling, ending sadness, secrets
📚: daffodil- come back to me, i want your love one more time
🎲: op doesn’t know what dice’s flower is, but if we assume it’s a goldenrod: strong hearted and reassuring
⚪️: silver ragwort- i will support you
💉: crown imperial lily of a very specific size- emperor’s crown, talented, dignified, giving happiness to others
🥂: purple petunias- popularity
👔: black christmas rose- relieve my anxiety, sympathetic (could also be read as labour lmao), slander
🟠: dahlias- magnificent, gratitude
🎋: coppertips- lovely memories
🍮: catchflies- quick-witted, witty
0️⃣: tiger lily- delightful, jovial, sage
🟣: wisteria- kindness, welcoming
📿: water lily- pure-hearted, purity, reliable, faithful (mostly in the religious context)
🌙: grape hyacinth- despair, disappointment, empathetic heart, big dreamer, bright future (jyushi’s flower could also be lupines: powerful imagination, long lasting happiness, greed, you are my tranquility)
⚖️: hyacinth orchid- i will never forget you, unchanging love (hitoya’s could also be lavender: i will wait for you, anticipation, silence, cleanliness)
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khaimahfe · 4 years
390/100 (10 Jan 2021, Sun)
1️⃣ Finished Azeus research task 👩🏻‍💻
2️⃣ Binge-watched Lupin in Netflix
3️⃣ Free wallpapers
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