#{little mac 🥊}
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d3zz-art · 1 year
Fem! Little Mac 🥊🥊
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flamigoat · 6 months
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Day 3 - Draw a figure that’s in action, using a reference - Reference Image
Gradient Maps under the cut!! :D
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Chapter 1: Expected Beginnings
Glass Joe walks up to the WVBA building and opens one of the large metal doors. Each door has half of the WVBA Gym logo on it, designed to look like platinum with a World Circuit crown on top, and has a black glove with a glowing white star in the palm.
Glass Joe was about to head to the training area when he received a text from his coach.
C - I don't usually ask this.
C - But
C - Do you want to fight a kid?
J - What?
J - What are you talking about?
C - There's a boxer whose name has been going around recently.
C - His name is Little Mac
C - He does look a bit young
C - I think that you can beat him
J - Can you send a picture of him?
C - Yeah, I can
[Sends a picture of a boy who looks at most 15 years old. It looks like a mugshot for some reason. The boy is pale with black hair.]
J - Thank you
C - Np
J - I'll fight him
C - Ok
Joe tapped on the photo that his coach sent and just stared at it. He put his phone down and smiled to himself. He went towards the training area and started training for his fight with Little Mac.
Glass Joe opened the rusted WVBA Minor Circuit double doors. He confidently walked up to the ring, hoping that he masked his nervousness well. When Glass Joe saw Little Mac, he instantly knew what his coach was talking about. Mac's voice stood out the most. It sounded like his voice hadn't fully deepened yet. The room was extremely noisy, so he just hoped that he hadn't heard his opponent's voice just now.
Mac slid into the ring, smiled, and waved at Joe. He waved back with a little hesitation. Joe put his fist in the air to show the very little confidence he had and walked up to Little Mac.
He knew his loss was inevitable. He needed to keep going, no matter how much pain he endured. He needed to do this. Get through every loss and disappoint everyone who believed in him.
Just like he always does.
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nickysfacts · 6 months
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Little Mac was greatly based off a famous boxer who suffered from toxic masculinity🥊
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thekindisco · 8 months
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✧˚。・゚— Little Mac [Punch Out!!] stimboard with pink and green gifs!
🎮|🟢|🥊 🌐|🥊|🌐 🥊|🟢|🎮
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wishgrantingedits · 8 months
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🥊 Little Mac Punch Out!!! Moodboard for anon!!
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ninghusart · 1 year
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Break time friends [Little Mac & Diddy Kong] 🥊🍌
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spookyscaryships · 1 year
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🥊 💌 🥊 | 🥊 💌 🥊 | 🥊 💌 🥊
Anon requested Doc Louis x Little Mac from Punch Out!! with red and green colors, stars, and boxing stimboard! -Mod Stake
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "He gave it his all 😂😂 #shorts (via hardhitterzuk/TT)" on YouTube
This is me and I'm hitting pretty hard and it is my salt And format too sultan format and usually it works very well. Lately not so good. It is a high score but I've seen our friend hit it harder and BG too. But he's not been the highest score when he was doing it but he knows he could do it more and we want to see him grow up he's a little baby and there's no air here you keep walking it
We have oxygen levels of about 22 and last night they were 24 but he got more air and it helps but it made him kind of sore tonight we're going to expect maybe 25 here less ships they're out looking at things and they're not going to be walking back because of what they're doing and all of them I'm going to be fought by the empire.
Couple things have happened in the past hour
-it's a huge crowd gathering at the outside of Charlotte county it's like two trillion people and behind them are 5 trillion behind them 30 trillion and it is probably 3% of Florida's population and the moloch Mac are 5% I'm trying to break in and it's mostly them with any realize the leaders are here it's a nightmare here okay Max trying to bring their troops and these idiots go at them and they kill each other and come back it's disgusting I wish they do they say. And there is a huge huge contingent it's on the way down from Georgia and it is minority moloch and they're coming down to take over from the morlock and they're going to infill because they left it's going to start a small War and the warlock will fall and the colons will be weakened. The minority morlock are not included in the 2%. What talking about Mack warlock and there weren't enough of them here to include them and they're not part of the remaining 7% it's a different number it's about 5%. What's going on now if they're coming here and the morlock are getting ready to mount the attack on the big ships and stuff again no they're gearing up for more stripes on the empire. The moloka committing 2000 trillion more and that's a percentage or less and almost one 3,000 trillion. And the clones are contributing 2001 right now at 10,000 trillion and it will bring it up to 14,000 trillion those are huge numbers and the empire is astonished and they're hitting like madness... Tommy f is rolling his fleet in the empire is going mad and are fighting them and like madness they are trying to defend and strike and it is harsh they are not out under a man it's just that they have a lot of targets below and above and it's going on now it's a huge Force huge that's attacking the empire it's never been seen before in history and our son and daughter said it first they said this is never happened to the empire this is a precedent that this portion of population is large percentage of the general population would attack and he's so brazen too it's never been this large percent it's probably 5% at the same time and they're astounded there's just a massive number of hardware in manpower and they're going to have to their ships running from all over the place and they're pulling chips out and they're pushing for it okay and they're going like mad Men is a huge battle it's getting bigger and bigger every minute and it is not going to slow down.
We have more to announcement we're going to get this out
Thor Freya
Olympus this is huge it's a giant development and people need to see it now
We publish now Hera
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platinummice · 3 years
Please I must learn about Grunt
👶, 🏠, ✨, and 🥊 Here
👖 JEANS - what is their most iconic outfit?
Overalls + Straw Hat + Cowboy Boots
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - do they have a favorite season? what is it and why?
They like the hot hot summer mojave heat. Its miserable and they love it.
🪨 ROCK - do they make friends easily? (if not) why?
Grunt is pretty skittish, they're small and easily snatchable, so they're kinda weird around new people, but they are also a salesperson! Their livelihood depends on making friends.
🕷 SPIDER - what is / are their biggest fear(s)?
Rad Scorps crawling on them while they're sleeping (gross) and also Mirelurks are very scary.
🍿 POPCORN - do they like being the center of attention or more in the shadows?
They don't mind attention. Random people walk right up to them all the time to buy stuff so attention isn't the worst thing. Just attention from the wrong folks is bad. Id say they would prefer the shadows, just so they dont have to take the chance.
🎸 GUITAR - do they know how to play any instruments?
They could probably keep a little beat on a drum, but nothing too special.
📖 OPEN BOOK - do they open up easily to others? (if not) why?
Yeah i'd say they do. Mainly because Grunt wasn't really raised by anyone? They've wandered around a lot and have gotten help from a few kind people. And those people always asked questions. "what happened to your parents" "Why are you out here alone" You know, the usual. And they always talked about it. So now when people ask questions Grunt doesn't mind answering because thats what they've always done.
🏳️‍🌈 PRIDE FLAG - what is their sexuality?
Grunt is ace
💍 RING - are they in a relationship? (if so) with who?
They aren't, they travel a lot and don't tend to find a lot of people their age.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
🦖 TREX - what is the biggest creature they have ever seen?
They witnessed a Deathclaw from afar and nearly peed
🧼 SOAP - are they clean? do they try to shower often?
I mean. They are as clean as you can imagine a lone 16 year old in the desert would be. They sleep curled up next to a donkey i that helps.
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So I finally got my platonic F/OS list done I may add more on here but this all I have for now
Isabelle: hard working secretary 🐶
Yoshi: dino pal 🦖
Princess daisy: ass kicking tomboy 🌼
Little Mac: boxing buddy 🥊
Cloud strife: chocobo head ☁️ 🐣
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chittapornswife · 5 years
also the fact that we’re the same person and i absolutely adore every little thing about you and love you with my whole entire heart and soul yet i’m always five seconds away from punching myself bc i sUCk 🤔🤔🤔 but i love being on the same wavelength as you and having so many things/interests in common, you just make everything feel peaceful and calm. just know your presence is such a gift to this earth and no one could ever rival the sun and stars like you with your ever glowing beauty ♥️☀️💓
Okay I’m sorry but I started LAUGHING SO HARD AT THE PUNCHING PART DJDJ don’t punch yourself
>:( let me punch you with extra foam padded heart gloves to let you know how much I love you *3* 😳♥️ but also I always think of how it would be if we met up because we’re legit like the same ppl like hello what’s your fav vegan ice-cream flavour? (Reminds me that you should come here so I can take you to the vegan ice cream place in my city :D) Do you like ketchup with vegan mac n cheese and vegan grilled cheese? Do you like macaroni salad? Do you like just listening to classical music as you lay in bed and wonder? Because even if you don’t I still love you and still love that we’ve gotten so close and have come to the point where I can just look or hear about something during class and be like “hmmm I wonder if nonnor would like this....” I’m always thinking about you and hoping that you’re taking good care of your health or I will SeRIOUSLy punch you 🥊 😡 (again with the extra padded, cushiony heart gloves that I’ll just boop u with). but you have no idea how much warmth and happiness you give me each and every day and I always just want the best for you and for you TO THINK OF URSELF OR ILL FLY DOWN TO CALI AND BECOME LIKE UR PERSONAL ADVISOR WHO TELLS U EVERYDAY THAT U BETTER WAKE UP AND LOVE U LIKE HOW I LOVE U >:((( ♥️✨❣️💘🌺💝 okay I’ll stop being aggressive now but I love u😗♥️
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ninghusart · 1 year
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Little Mac 🥊
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