#[yeah they jinxed themselves-ooc]
say hello to solar flare, the newest part of the family-eclipse
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hope nothing else like this happens-eclipse
...i feel like he jinxed us-bloodmoon
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donutsupremacy · 1 year
Muscle head
"After the Vision Hunt Decree's sucessfully abolishment, your dear beloved big brother has the opportunity to see you after what felt like decades... It sure is a surprise to see you with someone else."
Reader is Arataki Itto's little sibling
Fluff fluff fluff very fluffy
Reader having a vision is not mentioned, but can be read as still having one or not anyway
Protective but still goofy itto
A/N: I started playing HSR, I'd write fics for my lovely Gepard or soon to be husbando Luka, but I didn't pay attention to the lore enough lol
Your romance begins here
"He should be here..." You muttered, your clawed fingers rapidly tapping against the surface of the smooth wooden table. "Soon?... Maybe? Hopefully?"
You leaned outwards from your seat to scan the streets once more, frantically looking around for the familiar white haired male you knew as your older brother. However, the bustling streets of Port Ormos had no signs of the red Oni anywhere.
An annoyed sigh erupted from your lips, slumping onto your wooden chair in defeat. "I hope he didn't get caught in the storm... or the boat sunk..."
"Haven't you heard of the word 'Jinx' before?" The grey haired man sitting across from you asked, setting his book down and crossing his arms. "If you keep naming each and every negative outcome that had a reasonable chance to actually occur—"
"Yeah, yeah... It might happen..." You sulked, moping in your seat like a kicked puppy. And that was exactly his image of you, a sad, cute and lost puppy wimpering in it's seat across from him.
Alhaitham planted two fingers on the hard covered book, sliding it over to you. "Your brother will arrive eventually. If it helps to calm that endlessly chaotic mind of yours down, occupying it by reading something to your preferences will help greatly."
You took the book, flipping it to see the title. "Eh? Since when were you into Inazuman related stuff?" You asked, seeing the familiar picture of a purple and green baring it's sharp fangs at eachother, the title above written as; 'The Serpent and Drakes of Tokoyokoku'.
"Don't you remember? Back when you first arrived in Sumeru's Akademiya?" He asked, prompting you to recall that fateful encounter with the male.
The tall bright ceiling towered over you with lights that could blind anyone if they stared at it too long, rows of bookshelves displaying a variety of reading material, students either standing next to said bookshelves or sitting by themselves, engrossed in their studies.
The interior design was no laughing matter. It was so simple, yet, modern compared to your usual Inazuman designs that you were used to. So much plant life... and books.
You blinked in confusion, you didn't think the House of Daena would be this big. You felt like a small insignificant spec of dust in this room, and quite lost too.
"Eh... how in the world am I going to find that—"
"Standing around here and whining about getting lost instead of asking around for help isn't the best idea." A stoic voice spoke behind you, causing you to jump before turning around. "Oh. You're an Oni."
You touched your horns, but the markings on your face were pretty obvious too. "Uhh, yeah, i'm an Oni! My name's [Full Name]!" You chirped, offering him a handshake.
He stares at it for a second, with a blank expression, before eventually giving you a single firm handshake. "Alhaitham. You're from [Darshan], aren't you?"
"Eh? How'd you know?" You asked in shock, only for it to dissipate into embarrassment when he pointed at the book held closely to your chest, which had the Darshan's logo imprinted on the cover.
"Isn't the Vision Hunt Decree still ongoing? How did you get past Inazuma's borders?" He asked, crossing his muscular arms. He was way more muscular than your kin. "And you dropped this on the way in the House of Daena."
He hands you 'The Serpent and Drakes of Tokoyokoku', you thanked him before explaining your decision to leave Inazuma was long before the decree was implemented. You dearly missed your brother, but he respected your decision nonetheless. It was your dream to enter the Akademiya, after all, why would he want to crush it?
And as you continued to explain it, you weren't aware of his focused gaze on you.
You were cute when you ramble endlessly.
You giggled fondly to yourself, your legs swaying back and forth childishly underneath the table. "Yeah! Yeah! I didn't think you'd... ah..." You felt your cheeks flare up, hiding the bottom of your flushed face with the book.
"Didn't take a romantic interest in you because of our personalities clashing? Let's be bonest, no one would. But..." He reaches over and holds your hand, smiling affectionately at you. And he rarely smiles. "Your little ramblings weren't the only thing attracting me to you."
You melted when he brought your hand up to kiss your knuckle, something he knew would make you swoon without fail.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Port Ormos, stood a white haired male and his pet bull. "Uhhhh, hey, did we take a wrong turn near that rock we saw? I feel like we should've taken a left instead of a right... I don't see little [Nickname] anywhere, and we are in Port Ormos, right?" Itto asked, the little bull responding with an equally confused 'Moo'.
"Eh, we'll find our way there. There's a sibling out there waiting for us! Let's roll, Ushi!" Itto marched towards a random direction, his head held high despite receiving many confused looks.
Alhaitham stared at the white haired man walk by without realizing he had accidentally ignored his little sibling, who also didn't realize he was here. 'Certainly related.' He thought as you continued to descrive your brother's appearance, all the while neither of you realized the other was nearby.
He didn't bother using his words, only leaning across the table and held your chin. Flustered, you stumble over your words and froze in your seat. "A-Alhaitham?..." You whispered softly, your heart pounding against your ches—
"Oh! Itto!!" You cried as soon as he turned your head to face the said male nearby. Hearing your voice, the Oni turned around to see you enthusiastically waving at him. "Little [Nickname]!! Hah! See, Ushi? I told you Oni can sense eachother nearby!" He exclaimed proudly before running towards you,
With the grey haired scribe behind you, you ran towards your brother and jumped into his arms. "How's my lil' [Nickname] doing? It feels like an entire decade went by since I last saw you! You've grown so tall!"
"Speak for yourself!... Oh, hi Ushi!" You greeted, giving the little bull a chin scratch. "Man, I have so much I wanna talk about! But how's the gang? Any new rare beetles you caught? Is miss Shinobu still taking good care of you?" You asked, bombarding him with one question after another.
All the while, Alhaitham was silently reading the book and standing behind you, wondering how you could tolerate that boisterous laugh of his since birth.
"Relaaaaax, my lil' compadre. I know you wanna know all about my super cool adventures and how the Arataki "Shogun Slayer" Itto took on the Almighty Raiden Shogun all by himself!" Itto boasted, basking in your praises.
Alhaitham stared at you in disbelief for actually believing in this obvious lie. Then again, there's a reason why you're both related.
"If I recall, it was the traveller who defeated the electro archon. They're also the reason why the Vision Hunt Decree was sucessfully abolished and lifted Inazuma's border." Alhaitham suddenly spoke, closing the book and crossing his arms.
The white haired male's eyes widened at his built figure, his arms were far more muscular than his, the suit he wore hugged his body tightly and showed off his abs. Who in the world is this guy and what kind of training regiment did he go through!?
"Ohh, right! Taki', this is Alhaitham! My boyfriend—"
"BOYFRIEND!?" He yelled, his voice echoing loudly in the air.
Alhaitham only blinked, unfazed by the Oni's sudden outburst and the many eyes staring curiously at the scene. All the while you shrank under their gaze, smiling sheepishly at the grey haired male who gave you the usual blank expression.
"Hold up, hold up, hold up. Since when did you start dating!?... And why him!?" He asked, his eyes hurt and betrayed. You winced internally, you haven't seen those puppy doll eyes since you left Inazuma.
"T-Taki', don't get upset. We... just got together pretty recently, right, haitham'?" You asked, your eyes gazing into his for help. Alhaitham, though knowing that was an obvious lie, only sighed and lazily nodded in agreement.
He doesn't care if your relationship with him was publicly announced, so as long as he doesn't end up getting more work just because he's taken. But, it seems like this would be a tiring reunion for him.
"As for why we... starting datin—"
"Is it because of his muscles!?"
Alhaitham barely flinched when the white haired male suddenly grabbed his wrist, lifting his arm up and gesturing to his biceps. "Look at him! He's absolutely beefy! As a preeeetty buffed dude myself, it ain't a surprise when there's a fan club dedicated to the One and Oni! Everyone loves a dude with muscles!... How did you get so buff anyways? You better not lay a hand on my lil' [Nickname]!"
"[Name]'s dating me for a reason. They wouldn't have continued our relationship if it they held no romantic feelings towards me. Besides, it doesn't benefit me whatsoever if I harm them. There's a reason why I chose them as my [S/O]... because I truly do love them.." Alhaitham stated, his eyes— though normally cold and unfeeling, was full of affection and love as he stared at you.
Itto stumbles over his words, waving his clawed hands around frantically. "Benefit this, benefit that, yeah, yeah, whatever. What if they run into some... I dunno, some dangerous dudes!? You—"
"Well then, what can I do to reassure you that I won't?" Alhaitham interrupted. "I don't exactly need to seek for your approval of our relationship, nor would I let them be harmed in any way. But if it helps to ease your mind, let me know how I can 'prove' myself to you."
Just to make you happy, he'll satisfy this... guy.
The white haired man blinked, processing his proposal. His eyes stared at his muscular figure for a minute, tapping his chin with squinted eyes as he thought of an idea. "Heh, well, you said you would protect em', right? Wanna make a bet on that?"
Itto cracks his knuckles, his arms bulking up slightly while showing a toothy grin. Despite having smaller biceps compared to Alhaitham, the male thought of him as a small fry. "I challenge you to an Onikabuto Battle Royale!"
He presents the brightly coloured bug in his fingers, small legs swimming in the air aimlessly. Alhaitham blinked, raising an eyebrow at the obvious fact that he doesn't have an Onikabuto.
"Ohh, hi there lil' guy! What's his name?" You asked, playing with it's legs. A giggle left your lips as it's nuzzles your finger, seemingly showing you affection.
"Say hello to my new compadre; The Sibling-Oni-Bonder-Boyfriend-Breaker!" Itto announced, presumably making up the name on the spot, you only continued to play with the bug while your boyfriend smirked a little.
"Aww, he's adorable!... Except Haitham' doesn't have one... We're in Sumeru, not Inazuma." You sheepishly stated.
"Bah!— Pssh, yeahahaha! I know. I know. And since he doesn't have one, he forfeits! And i'm the forever unbeatable champ of Onikabutos!" The Oni exclaimed, puffing out his chest proudly and smirking to himself.
"How about this—" Alhaitham walks back to the table, removing one of his sleeves before rolling his shoulder. Your face flushed, his muscles flexing at every movement almost effortlessly. "—Lets just get this over with. Fairly and quickly."
Propping his elbow on the table, Alhaitham nods at his opened hand, gesturing at the seat for your brother. "Oh! An arm wrestle, huh? Hah, rookie mistake! I'm also known as 'The Undefeated Arm Wrestling Champion'! Get ready to lose!"
To be fair, Alhaitham disliked physical challenges, opting for more intellectual-related games. But to not upset you and your brother, he decided it would be more fitting for something small and physical.
Without missing a beat, he takes his seat across Alhaitham, locking hands and fingers with the male. You jogged over excitedly, taking a seat in the middle as to not upset either one of them. You loved them equally and dearly, it kind of hurts to see your brother acting so dramatic about your love life.
But you understand, after all, you've only got eachother.
You hold their locked hands, deciding to be an unbiased referee. Itto smirks confidently, gripping the table for stability with his other hand as Alhaitham did the same. "Ready?~ Three, two, one... go!"
Letting their hands go, it (unsurprisingly) came as a shock when Itto's hand was slammed onto the table with a soft but audible thud. "Gaaah!" The Oni yelped, nearly thrown off his chair.
Alhaitham released the male's hand, his muscles twitching a little under your gaze. It never fails to make you flush, and that blush never fails to make him amused.
"Wah?? Heyheyhey waitwaitwaitwait... you were by like— one second early! That's not fair at all! C'mon, let's go again. And this time; I won't be going easy!" He rubs his wrist and goes back to the same position earlier, waiting for your boyfriend to accept his rematch.
Alhaitham looked at you with bored eyes, he didn't want this pointless shenanigan to drag on endlessly. You grinned sheepishly, mouthing 'One more round?' to him.
He stared at you, brows furrowed and wanting to decline... but, it seems your puppy dog eyes never fail as he begrudgingly locked hands with the Oni once more.
And he sure regrets agreeing to this rematch.
"Best out of 57!" The white haired Oni exclaimed once more, gripping his sore wrist and rotating his near tired hand, the faint sound of his bones cracking made you cringe.
Alhaitham, on the other hand, leaned back and rolled his eyes. "How long do you want this to drag on for?" He asked, voice a little dry.
You gave him a cup of water, guilt eating you up for asking your boyfriend to accept every rematch. You looked at your still determined brother, who's still begging for one more round. "Itto..." You moved your chair closer to his, wraoping your arms around his slightly muscular ones. "Haitham's tired... C'mon, just let this go? For me?"
"Seriously, why'd you pick this dude to take care of you?... Am I not good enough?" He asked, voice growing softer at the end as he stared at you with glossy eyes.
You sighed, enveloping him in a hug. "Now, when did I ever say that? You're my one and Oni big brother, you have a special place in my heart because we've been through a lot."
You heard a quiet sniffle, his shoulder shaking a little. "There, there... You can let it out." You reassured softly, patting his back. It bring you memories of when he'd do the same, the days where you'd trip over a rock clumsily and bawled our eyes out as he cuddled you while reassuring he'd 'Take revenge on the rock'.
"I... I'm not gonna cry. I'm a man!" He croaked out, you pulled away and already seeing tears streaming down his face. "I just miss you, lil [Nickname]... I don't wanna lose you to this weirdo!"
Alhaitham coughed into fist, before taking another sip of water whilst you pout at him. "You won't, big bro... And he won't do anything bad, I guarantee it!... Besides, if I ever get a vacation, i'll always visit you in Inazuma!... If Alhaitham joins me?...."
You slowly turned to Alhaitham, showing him the best puppy eyes you could muster. Which— you didn't need to out much effort in anyways. "A vacation is a vacation. Less work for me, more time to be with you. As long as I can rest in a quiet, solitary place with you. You may be a handful, but at least you know how to handle yourself well and I don't have to bother cleaning up any mistakes you might've left for me."
Itto visibly narrowed his eyes, but noticing how happy you looked when he agreed and how he doesn't hesitate in doing whatever you want— You both truly love eachother.
Even if Alhaitham sounds stern, cold and unpleasant, you don't seem bothered by it at all.
"...Fine, i'll let him be your man. But you better take good care of them if i'm not around! This Oni's got a lotta work goin' on with the gang back in Inazuma, so I can't always visit you in Sumeru." Itto said, puffing up his chest proudly.
"No problem! Since the decree's been removed, we can write letters more frequently! But we'll worry about that later... I wanna show you some mushrooms we can play with!" You exclaimed, tugging your brothers arms, your eyes filled with childlike excitement.
"No way! You talkin' about those bouncy mushrooms! Wnat are we waiting for? Let's roll!" Itto yelled, punching the air with a fist while you looked at Alhaitham.
"...Sitting this one out, my energy is needed for some paperwork back at home." Alhaitham explained, dreading the loads of unnecessary projects asking for approval. Most of which might've come from his blonde roommate.
You shrugged, running over to his side and pecking his cheek before dragging your brother away to a spot where there were plenty of bouncy mushrooms. "If you're too tired, you can share the workload with me!" You exclaimed, before running off with Itto.
As Alhaitham stared at the two of you running off to who knows where, the corner of his lips slowly tugged upwards. "Have fun, love. Reliable as you are, there's no need to worry about the paperwork, i'll handle them all today. Just prioritise on your happiness and his."
Perhaps that contagious smile of yours was another thing he was attracted to.
A/N: Ahahrhquabix I had this sitting in draft for a while and wanted to finish this once and for all. Took a break for my mentality after losing another 50/50. (5 Losses back to back to back to back to back ;-;) Spent 145 wishes and only got 1 Kazoot, AND HERE I THOUGHT THE RNG GODS WOULD THROW ME AND BONE BECAUSE I WANTED C2 KAZOOT BUT GOT C1 KEQING INSTEAD—
Gl and may all of you [Desired character] wanters be [Desire character] havers <3
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kattythingz · 6 months
My beloved wife, I’d be honored if you answered 7, 12, 25/26, and 28 😩😩😩😩
Why, husband dearest, you flatter me! Of course!
7 - Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
One of my favorite projects isn't nearly as popular as my other ones, but I adore it to pieces, and it's my teen wolf stalia fic. Stalia is a ship that I hold very dear to my heart, and the fic I wrote for them was the first time I really breached "longfic" word count and felt proud about it. A lot of research went into it, and a lot more stress near the end of it. But it's so important to me still to this day. Scott and Malia's whole subplot and relationship development was particularly sth I was proud of back when I first wrote it, hence the chosen snippet:
“We can’t just kill every person that crosses us!” Scott yelled, his wound-up nerves finally snapping. “It’s one thing to kill in a fit of blind rage, but to do it just because you can? That sounds like something Peter would do, not us!”
“Yeah, well, maybe Peter’s right about something for once!” Malia shot back. “Maybe if you didn’t spend every moment making friends with your enemies and letting them walk away, your own pack wouldn’t feel unsafe despite the presence of an alpha!”
“This isn’t about safety anymore, Malia! This is about murder! This is about all the people that’ve died to similar methods that you’re seriously considering right now! How could you be okay with that?”
“Because it saved Stiles! Do you think Stiles would still be here if I hadn’t arrived when I did, Scott? Do you think Garett would’ve waited for instructions from Violet before tracking down Stiles again?” She swung her arm toward Stiles. “Stiles is still alive right now because I did what I had in order to protect him! And if you can’t be happy with that fact, then it’s no wonder he landed here in the first place!”
Malia didn’t know which one of them was the first to stand up in their rage, but she did know that Scott was the first to falter. The first to stagger like he was the one lying strangled and muted in a hospital cot.
12 - Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Hmmmm, this question's a little vague. For my current hyperfixation, ig, it would be ep44 from FMA 03. I love the dynamics between Ed and Team Mustang, and I love Ed's beef with Hohenheim, and I love the fact that we're spending a little time away from the plot to just let the characters (mostly Ed) ruminate on what's happened and just exist together. I go back to rewatch it pretty often.
25 - What do you look for in a beta?
Fishing for compliments I see. Subtle, Jinx. Real subtle. /j
Okay, so, genuinely: one of my first considerations is whether I'm friends with the person. Not because I'm looking for bias (I'm literally avoiding that with a beta?), but because there's a certain... comfort to it being a friend? If it's a complete stranger, no matter how nice they are, I'll always misread and/or overthink their tone in feedback. With a friend, however, I know for certain that they mean it well.
I also look for someone who knows the characters as well as or even better than me, because my insecurities about my writing aren't really in the technical aspect, but rather the characters. Consistency, OOCness, Would He Fucking Say That; that sort of stuff is the one thing I can't trust myself on.
It's a nice bonus if the person is also a good writer themselves, which I was very lucky to stumble on in my current beta <3
26 - Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
Often, yes! If my official beta is for character purposes, then I am the technical beta that dings myself on grammar and language bullshit. I used to post fics without proofreading them. Keyword: used to.
28 - Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Oh, oh, first person that comes to mind is @shanastoryteller! Their Untamed fics are my EVERYTHING, from the headcanons to the characterization to the prose??? I can't even pick a favorite fic from them—actually, wait, I can. Rotten Work, easily. crust and sugar over too... but that's another fandom, oops. I've read basically all their stuff kjvnwjbw. Raberba_girl on ao3 too has SUCH amazing httyd content, dear god. The Dragon Queen of Berk is my everything. And uhhhh... I can't think of a third that's not you lol. GOOD 'NUFF
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pendragonthegreat · 2 years
All numbers for ya boy spader, ofc
:3 :3 :3 my boy spader
My first impression of them:
i think i have always liked him.. it's hard for me to say exactly because of the hashtag memory issues but i wouldn't be surprised if he was my fav back when i was 8 and reading for the first time .
When I think I truly started to like them:
well i reread the series when i was 13 and that's when i really developed my special interest in it . and i started liking spader a lot on that reread of the never war :) i think he's just so good in that book
A song that reminds me of them:
hmm fathoms below from the little mermaid always makes me think of that old au i had (which i still love even though i will probably never write it). spader was prince eric so i guess all the songs w eric remind me of spader. but i like this one "the salt on your skin, and the wind in your hair, and the waves as they ebb and they flow..."
How many people I ship them with:
well really it's just bobby sorry guys. i'm not really opposed to other ships but they're literally number one of all time to me
My favorite ship of them:
My least favorite ship of them:
well it's hard to say since no one else really ships him outside of bobby either
A quote of them that you remember:
"besides, nothing's gonna happen to you so long as i'm around."
Your favorite outfit of them:
that part in book3 where they go to the party for jinx. bobby talks about the fancy waiter uniforms they wear and i always though they sounded nice :)
Your least favorite outfit of them:
this isn't a real answer but his like normal outfit that bobby meets him in is just kind of boring. it's just a plain black swimskin with no sleeves which means in picrews and the sims and whatever i'm always just putting him in a black tank top (when i'm trying to be accurate to canon lol)
Describe the character in one sentence:
my little thingy
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?:
his stupid australian accent. why does he have it. i love it
Sexuality hc:
i think he is bisexual (explosions)
Your favorite friendship they have:
i can't say siry since you know they don't actually know each other in canon.... um i'd say him and gunny then :]
Best storyline they had:
he really only got the one storyline across the books but i already said i think he's really great in book3
Worst storyline they had:
i think he is honestly fantastic in every book he's in
A childhood headcanon:
shrug i'd have to think about general headcanons for growing up on cloral first
How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc):
probably the same as always.. getting into trouble but everyone likes him anyway
The most random ship you've seen people have with them:
i honestly don't think i've seen any besides bobby and courtney
A weird headcanon:
um (he's about to drop the most self indulgent headcanon you've ever heard) his digimon partner is gomamon :3
When do you think they were at their happiest?:
before he knew he was a traveler LOL (cries)
When do you think they were at their lowest?:
when bobby broke up with him i mean sent him home
Future headcanon:
in like, an au where he got to exist after the war, i imagine he'd be very involved with the effort to rebuild cloral after ravinia
What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?:
honestly he's pretty much an open book. the only thing he really keeps secret is being a traveler
When do you think they acted the most ooc:
honestly i don't think he was even in before the war
When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?:
i don't really get this question but i guess in book10 after he's spent all that time on eelong and he's sort of grown into himself
If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?:
ohhh i don't know. maybe tucker from sylo since they both have revenge issues
The most unnecessary thing they ever did?:
hmm i don't have an answer for this one
How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?):
i've never really thought about it before.. i think he'd really love his kid(s) and like just being friends with them
The funniest scene they had?:
i can't choose here's some funny moments off the top of my head:
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jeeperso · 2 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Treasure Island Edition, Chapter 15
OOC: Tonights episode: You put the DIE in the coconut. OOC2: Next weeks episode: Jonni’s barely disguised fetish! OOC3: Gonna have to narrow that down a bit. Jonni seems like she's got a lot of barely disguised fetishes. Nima: "Barley disguised. Is that what we're calling it. Calling Jonni's fetishes barely disguised is like calling a Banshee "the silent killer." It makes one wonder if you can actually speak Common." Irost: "Now hold on… those are her OBVIOUS fetishes. What about her hidden fetish of Old English accents?" Nyx: "Nima, we know you like the sound of your own voice. Now please spars us it anymore, it is like fingernails on slate." Nima: "It really is. I think that's just a side effect of the Necromacy Like you think I shave my head? I went bald when I was like twelve." Jonni: "Dunno, most people that piss me off and survive are bald. On account of all the fire." Nima: "I grew up in Geb, the lander of necromancers where the dead outnumber the living. I didn't see another living person who wasn't a slave or food till I was sixteen." Marshal & Magnus: "Neither did I but but we didn't use that to become a servant of anti-life... JINX!" Gorbash: "Horns and frills are vastly superior." Irost: “Yikes, housing market so bad even the plots are evicting…” OOC: Speaking of Nima, I'm trying to come up with chaos and law aligned versions of Lichloved and Nymphs caress. So far my tentative titles are "Slaadicurious" and "Why Jennifer isn't allowed near the electronics section anymore." WE CAN NEVER GO BACK TO BEST BUY JENNIFER. NOT AFTER WHAT YOU DID. OOC: Tonight was tacos. Tacos take a little longer than usual. "Wilkin's coffee is used by some Warforged to clean rust off themselves, and get barnacles off. How any organic being can drink that and survive is beyond me." "It is said Wilkins harvested the beans to make his coffee from the Nine Hells itself. They can grow and thrive in virtually any condition, but they taste wretched." "It's not every day you meet your ex on an unchartted island." "Yeah, I only had that happen to me twice in over a thousand years." "Ded have been having memories of peeing on a tree." “Deja wee.” “Are you saying he forked a wooden leg? That’s wild. Seems like you’d get splinters though.” The kakamora have no idea who you are, but you are clearly ANGRY and ON FIRE so they are also terrified. “Tell them if they surrender there’s weed.” OOC: I.e.: make the fire bigger and more on fire. "BLUE FORTY TWO. BLUE FORTY TWO. HUP HUP HIKE!" "See how many of these nerds you can stuff into Davy Jones' Locker." Amber: "Crud, they are combining into a giant. I should have seen this coming." Archie: "HOW?" MJ: “Combiner technology. They must have found the Enigma of Combination!” "Now this is something new, a coconut-based mecha, seems to use the milk like hydraulic fluid to help it move. Neat." “Even I’m not high enough for that to make sense.” Archie: "I'M GONNA BUST A COCONUT!" Janus: "Oh that was terrible." "I HAVE AN IDEA. TOASTED COCNUT AND ALMONDS, COVERED WITH DARK CHOCOLATE. WE SHALL CALL THEM.... BUTTERFINGERS. I may have a concussion." Cookie gestured and made an animal call, as a little spider monkey came out from the jungle and climbed onto Archie's head, begining to pick at his hair and groom him... Making him feel better. Archie: "Aw, I shall name him Mojo. When this is over, we shall go and rob a bank." Archie gets hit in the face, then catches the second blow. "No toucha my monkey." "We will not be felled by gods-damned doughnut toppings!" MJ moves around the side, her staff brimming with electricity before Dingo opens her [sic] mouth wide and a bolt of lightning arcs from his tongue. “Holy crap, that actually worked! Uh… sorry if any of you lose feeling in you toes for a while.” Archie, laying face down on the ground, smoldering. "I'm okay" Amber: "No you're not, you big galoot. Now rest while we mope up the small fries." He gives a weak thumbs up, as Mojo breaks out the extra large box of bandaids. "No Amber we must confound Jerry at every turn!" Amber sees the kakamora go flying and swear she hears it say "Team Coconut is blasting off again!" Archie (bringing axe up to coconut’s… neck?): "Don’t move or he gets it!" The Surviving Mutineers seeing the way the wind is blowing either drop their weapons and surrender or take their chances with the jungle and flee. Cookie: "The wild beasts... will eat well tonite.. such is nature." Ded: "In the jungle, the hungry jungle, some people get eat-ennnnnnnn..." MJ: “They will be… ded?” Amber: "I hope none of them get sick: some of those mutineers weren't in the best of health." Janus arises, his body covered in banana shaped band aids "Right as rain. Now then, where's Konk?" OOC: Bananna Aids. Janus runs his tongue across his teeth and shudders a bit "I have to stop volunteering to take lightning bolts. I think my fillings have become magnetized." MJ: “Oh, it would take way more, or way more prolonged exposure to do that permanently.” "It's a race. And... the tortle... always wins the race..." "Yes, because the Harengon was caught using illegal magic potions of expeditious retreat." "Oh they're all drunk on the rum of greed. And we all know what to do with Drunken Sailors." Dingo has produced a black hood and a length of rope. "Dingo, one of these days we need to have you see an animal psychiatrist." “Oh, Dingo’s from the Feywild.” "Which would explain where he got the tiny hood." "Are Fey Psychiatrists a thing?" "You're thinking of frontier psychiatrists." "Ded see one, once. Ded drunk at time. Look like duck." "...Sounds like a quack."
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reallybadfeeling · 4 years
FanFic RecList March 2021
Remember how I wanted to forget February even existed? Yeah, March was worse! Kinda jinxed myself there...  SO, long story short: the ‘rona hit me hard. I dodged it an entire year, but at the start of the month I got sick and for about 20 days I was incapable of doing pretty much anything but stay in bed. You would think that was the perfect time for me to read and read and read… You would be wrong! Most days I couldn’t even manage to look at a screen for more than 5 minutes. SO, this month’s list is gonna be pretty short. Never read so little in a month in the last 2 years. ANYWAY, I’ll leave you to the good stuff I found.
Star Wars Sequel
-Stay in my shadow by MurderOfCrowss Rey/Ben Solo - 21.666 words - Rating E - Zombie Apocalypse!AU, Bittersweet ending, Angst (TW: mention to attempted rape, unplanned pregnancy, death) You guys! I was up till 3 am cause I couldn’t stop myself! I had to reach the ending and… THAT PLOT TWIST! I don’t know if it's just because I was very tired or because it’s a very well written plot twist, BUT IT HIT ME SO HARD I WAS SOBBING! Ben is such a good father... I’m still crying. I’M NOT SORRY!
Star Wars Prequel
-Nor the Suns Themselves Brighter by glimmerglanger Obi-Wan/Anakin - 26.546 words - Rating M - Alternate Universe, Mechanic Anakin, H/C, Family fluff/angst, Open ending (kinda) When I was reading this I kind of had the feeling that Anakin was written like Rey should have been written in the Sequel trilogy, and I think this is why I liked this story so much. Add to that Obi-Wan being Luke’s dad and Anakin basically adopting both of them… I’m a sucker for a found family happy ending, apparently.
-Digging Up Hatchets, Sharpening the Blades by zara2148 Obi-Wan/Maul - 3.039 words - Rating T - Inquisitor Obi-Wan, UST, angst (TW: mentions of suicidal thought, torture, dub/con) A short one, but it’s SO FUCKING GOOD! This is such good angst, and somehow it filled my craving for Sith!Obi-Wan but at the same time it didn’t? It’s hard to explain without spoiling it, but trust me! Worth reading it! For sure my fave fic of this month!
-Sith Obi-Wan AU (series) by Vault_Emblem Obi-Wan/Maul, Obi-Wan/Cody, Cody/Obi-Wan/Maul, mentions of Padmé/Anakin - 11.646 words (not complete) - Rating G/T - AU, Sith Obi-Wan, Inquisitor Maul, Dark Padmé (TW: some mentions of violence)
That’s a very long list of tags, but I wanted to put the relevant ones and… there’s a lot! BUT, this series is not only very well written, but made me ship Obi-Wan with even more people. I like the focus of the story changing between characters and the way the dialogues flow even when they basically explain what has changed from the original story.
-The Ineffable Force by Lintilla Obi-Wan/Maul, Padmé/Anakin (mentioned), Obi-Wan/others - 117.399 words - Rating E - Maul redemption, Nightsisters’ magick, Force dyad
Okay, I was very much into the ObiMaul mood for some reason and while the characters are sometimes OOC, I enjoyed reading it nonetheless. The last 2-3 chapters feel a bit rushed, but honestly the good parts are in the middle with the build up of both Maul and Obi-Wan’s relationship and everything else happening in their lives. Overall, it’s a fic worth reading.
The Witcher
-Choral tradition by LenaLawlipop Geralt/Jaskier - 12.300 words - Rating T - Getting together, Fluff, Singing
Sooo, singing again, huh? Do I have a thing for Geralt singing? Maybe? Whatever! The important thing is that this one shot is very good! I love how Jaskier is written, I love that we get to see Geralt interact with the other Witchers, and of course, the singing! I truly love this one.
-Take Another Little Pizza My Heart by Phreakycat Eddie/Buck - 6.491 words - Rating T - Valentine Day’s Fluff, Getting together One oblivious dork doesn’t realize he’s asking the other one out on a date. That’s it, that’s the story. What can I say, you guys; the show made me crave fluff with how things have been in the last couple of episodes
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Believe [Jack Kline x OC]
My first original post on tumblr. This is exciting and terrifying at the same time. This has been hanging around in my ‘Writing’ folder for a few months and figured I should do something about it. I guess it was meant to be a oneshot, but it would be so easy to make it a more-than-one-shot. 
It’s been a little while since I’ve had reliable WiFi to watch SPN on Netflix, so this is going to be pretty canon-divergent. Deal with it. 
Title : Believe Pairing : Jack Kline x fem!OC Warnings : Nothing to bad, mentions of some serious homophobia and the death of a family member, some OOCness maybe Summary : Jack meets a girl while out for a walk.  Basically some agnsty fluff I own nothing but my OC.  Please be nice to me. 
“Can I go outside?”
The question broke through the silence of the bunker.
It was late afternoon and it had been quiet all day. No one dared to do more than turn a page in a book or type on a laptop; none of the men wanted to jinx or break the calm that had settled over the unconventional home.
The question asked by the young Jack Kline had been the first words spoken in hours.
 “Uh, yeah, Jack.” It was Sam Winchester who answered. “Go ahead.”
Grinning at the hunter’s words, the half-angel leapt to his feet and pulled on his jacket.
 “Hey—Stay close,” the older Winchester called as Jack ascended the metal stairs to the door.
“I will, Dean,” Jack assured with a nod of his head. “I just want to stretch my legs and get some fresh air.” 
Sam and Dean made soft grunts to indicate they heard the Nephilim, but they had already gone back to their respective quiet activities; Sam was reading a book (he was working his way through the series Game of Thrones was based on) and Dean was doing something on a laptop.   
Once outside the bunker, Jack took a deep breath, feeling the cool air fill his lungs rather than the stale air of the bunker. After looking around, contemplating in which direction to walk, he set off to the wooded area just across the dirt road the Impala roared down when the hunters came and went. 
During his short life, Jack realized it was normal for one to spend time by themselves. Dean worked on his beloved Baby, Sam read fiction books, and Castiel left for short periods of time, side-stepping questions about where he had been. Jack read all the time, and he didn’t know anything about cars, so he opted for a Castiel-like approach; going off somewhere.
Like he told Sam he would, Jack stayed relatively close to the bunker, taking great care not to get lost. Every now and then, he reminded himself that he could simply pop back into the bunker with the powers that came along with his grace, but after some thought, the Nephilim chose the human way. He also chose not to think about his grace, aside from the errant thought. After spending so much time trying to gain more control over the power within him in the recent months, Jack wanted to take a break. 
All I’ve done is give myself headaches and bloody noses and moved a pencil a few feet. Jack shoved his fists in his pockets and kicked a pine cone as the thought came across his mind. 
Jack chose to focus on the trees and environment around him; with his heightened senses, he could see the small droplets of water on the leaves and suspended between pine needles. His feet made soft crunching sounds on the ground, and he found the sound oddly satisfying, almost calming. Now and then, the chatter of a squirrel or the song of a bird rang clear in his ears, causing Jack to stop walking and try to find the animal from which the sound came. The tiny creatures amazed him; they were so small, so breakable, yet the species continued to survive for millions or years of years. 
While he listened to the song of a plump bird with an orange breast, Jack heard the sound of tires screeching to a halt on gravel in the distance. It was soon followed by the slam of a vehicle door. The bird flew away when the slam echoed through the woods, bouncing off trees in a way Jack found very distracting. 
When Jack heard the footsteps stamping through the trees, his first impression was that the footsteps sounded angry. The angry footsteps began walking in the general direction of the half-angel, so he made a slight turn so his own path didn’t cross that of the angry footsteps. 
It wasn’t until Jack stopped to watch a mother rabbit and her small brood under a tree that he noticed the angry footsteps were quite close. It wasn’t hard for his sharp eyes to make out the shape of the person stomping through the woods. They had their hands in fists at their side, shaking with absolute rage. His curiosity was piqued, but Jack hesitated in following—Sometimes people wanted to be alone, and, as Dean put it, Jack could be annoying at times. 
He hadn’t even taken a step before a particular sound hit his ears; a sob. The angry footsteps belonged to a person who was crying. The sadness in that sob seemed to contradict the anger expressed in their cadence. Jack took a couple steps towards the sobbing, angry-footed person out of sympathy and curiosity, debating if he should approach them. 
Suddenly, a scream pierced the calm. 
Jack flinched in surprise at the sound. He quickly jogged towards the sound, questions flashing through his mind. Where they hurt? Was someone attaching them?
When he broke into a clearing, he took in the sight before him in a matter of seconds. 
An octagonal sort of building, which was little more than a floor and roof held up with slim pieces of wood, a low railing was along the floor, and led into the railings of the three small steps. The owner of the angry footsteps was a girl. She looked about the same age as Jack’s body, but was much smaller—more petite. Her little hands where in tight fists, shaking at her sides as she leaned forward slightly as another scream ripped out of her throat. 
When she stopped to take a ragged inhale, Jack spoke. 
“Why are you screaming?” 
The innocent question made the girl jump around and let out a short, high-pitched shriek. She looked at Jack with a tear-stained, confused face as she clutched her hands to her chest. 
“I’m sorry,” the boy said earnestly, ducking his head slightly. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
The girl sniffed loudly, shaking her head. Her hands, no longer clutched to her chest, raked her hair back from her face, as the strands were getting stuck to her wet cheeks. “No, no it’s ok…I just wasn’t expecting anybody to be out here.” 
Jack nodded at the explanation. “Why were you screaming?” 
She let out a laugh that didn’t sound all that happy, and harshly wiped the tears from her face with the cuffs of her sweater. “I…I’ve had a very hard day, and-and I just had to scream. Let it all out, you know?” 
The brunet boy simply tilted his head slightly to one side and furrowed his brows in confusion. “Did screaming help?” 
The girl laughed again, but it sounded a little more genuine than the previous one. “I dunno…Kinda, I guess…Sure didn’t make me feel worse.” 
There was a pause. 
“I-I’m Harlow,” the girl said, moving to sit on the steps of the funny little building. She gave a tight-lipped smile that she tried to portray as genuine, but it made her look like she was in pain. 
Jack realized he was supposed to say his name, now. “I’m Jack.” 
Harlow had her elbow on her knee, and her chin on her hand. She sighed heavily. “What��er you doin’ way out here, Jack?” 
Remaining where he stood at the edge of the trees, the Nephilim answered honestly. “I’m out for a walk, I wanted some fresh air. What about you?” 
Curiously, Harlow didn’t answer Jack’s question. Instead, she looked around at the worn wooden building. “You know, my dad built this gazebo.”
“What’s a gazebo?” Jack asked innocently. The confused, disbelieving look on the girl’s face made him shift on his feet. “I…had a very sheltered upbringing.” 
Sam had said something similar to a waitress while Jack was in awe of the honey-comb pattern in his waffle, having never had or seen one before. 
Harlow seemed to accept the answer with a slight nod and gestured to the octagonal building behind her. “This is a gazebo…Well, it’s a very run down gazebo…My dad built it for his wedding to my mom—They got married way out here with just a priest, themselves, and a handful of close friends.” 
Jack nodded, and slowly approached the gazebo. He raised a hand to touch one of the railings. It was covered in chipped varnish that flaked off at his touch, and at least two decades of dirt made a film over it. The railings on seven sides of the gazebo were held up by intricately carved flowers, spirals and spokes. 
“This is a beautiful creation,” Jack commented. He found it amazing that the trees around Harlow and him could be turned into the small building—a gazebo—with human hands. “Your father is very talented.” 
“Yeah, he really was.” Harlow’s voice was soft with emotion, but slightly raspy from her crying and screaming. She looked over her shoulder at the floor of the gazebo. She dragged her fingers through the dirt on the smooth floor, making pattern of wavy lines. “He’s gone now.” 
Jack’s heart filled with sympathy once again. He took a step so he stood next to Harlow as she sat on the worn wooden steps. “My mother’s gone, too. She’s in Heaven now.” 
“I’m sorry,” Harlow croaked out, coughing once and clearing her throat after. Jack could feel the honesty and warmth from her words, and it made him feel oddly safe. Her voice was smoother the next time she spoke. “How old were you?” 
A conversation with Dean and Castiel came to Jack’s mind. They told him that he shouldn’t say some things to ‘normal’ people, his actual age being one of them. Because Jack didn’t want to outrightly lie to people, Dean told him about ‘half-truths.’ “She died when I was born.” 
“Oh…I’m sorry.” Harlow was just as sincere as before, looking up at Jack with wide brown eyes. The color reminded Jack of whisky. When he held her gaze, Harlow’s cheeks turned pink and she looked down at her skirt. No longer holding each other’s gaze, the half-angel took the opportunity to look at Harlow more carefully. 
She was a small human; shorter and slimmer than Jack was. Her hair was a deep, dark brown—almost black—and hung far past her shoulder blades in a natural way. There were some pins stuck in the thick waves, and Jack could smell something vaguely chemical from her hair; Harlow apparently wanted to tame her brunette mane with product and pins. He had an inkling that it would look much nicer if she had left it in its natural state. She was dressed quite formally in a black skirt, a white collared shirt under a black sweater, sheer black tights, and black shoes that were probably once shiny, but stomping through the woods had made them less so. 
Harlow looked up at Jack again. 
He had been caught staring, felt an uncomfortable heat creek up is cheeks, and he pursed his lips whist trying to smile. While Harlow’s irises were a warm whisky brown, her eyes were red and puffy. He recalled the sobs he heard earlier. “Why were you crying?” 
She looked down at her hands, picking at the pale purple varnish on her fingernails. Harlow’s gaze flickered to Jack, and a smile tugged at her lips briefly. She sniffled. “You can sit down, you know. Don’t have to stand around like scarecrow.” 
Although he didn’t completely understand what he meant, Jack sat on the steps next to the human girl. He was significantly taller than Harlow even while sitting; the top of her head was level with his shoulder.   
Neither spoke as Jack settled on the squeaky step and the silence continued for a while after. He supposed that she would speak when she was ready, so he admired the woods while he waited. 
“I came here from my brother’s funeral,” Harlow said, seeming to answer Jack’s question. She began picking at her nail polish more aggressively. “We were really close…He was my best friend, really. I’m having a hard time trying to imagine my life without him.” 
“I’m sorry.” Jack parroted the words she’d said earlier, but with the same sympathy and earnestness she had. 
Harlow let out a gross sniffle, wiped her nose and mouth with her sleeve and shrugged. “He’s with our dad now, I guess…Better him be there with him than here with our mom.” 
“What do you mean?” Jack asked, both curious and confused by her words. Even if Harlow’s brother was in Heaven, how was it preferable to remaining living? 
“My mom is very religious, and Beau, my brother, was gay,” Harlow mumbled, glancing to Jack, who still had a confused look on his face. She managed a small smile of amusement and let out a chuckle. “Wow, you weren’t kidding about being sheltered, were you?” 
Jack’s cheeks turned pink, and he looked at his lap with a closed lipped, embarrassed smile. 
“Beau was homosexual. He liked boys, not girls. Romantic-liking, you know?” Harlow explained briefly, then trailed off. She sighed heavily. “Beau liked boys and not girls like my mom said he should…He liked boys, and my mom just hated him for it.” 
Jack nodded slowly as he absorbed and processed the information. “What does your mother’s religious beliefs have to do with her hating your brother for being gay?” 
“Oh, I am not the right person to ask about that.” Harlow had a wry, bright smile on her face. “I’m an atheist.” 
She preemptively answered the question she just knew Jack would ask. “I don’t believe in it—Religion, I mean. None of them. I don’t think there’s any higher power out there with some master plan for everyone.” 
Before he could stop himself, Jack blurted out a question. “What about angels?” 
Harlow shrugged. “I believe in what I can see, and I’ve never seen a guy in a white robe with a halo and fluffy wings.” 
Jack remained quiet. He wasn’t sure how he felt about Harlow’s words; she didn’t believe in half of him. But, she also didn’t know she didn’t believe in half of him. As far as she was concerned, Jack was as human as she was. Suddenly, the Nephilim had an illuminating thought. With her, he could be human. They could have a human, uncomplicated, natural friendship. No angels or demons, no angel blades—It was very hard for Jack not to smile at the idea; a normal friendship. 
The human girl had nearly removed all the nail polish on her right hand, so she turned to her tights, beginning to pick at the thin strands. Quickly, there was a large run over the left knee. “She said it was good he was dead.” 
The half-angel’s brows furrowed. “What?” 
“At Beau’s wake…People get up and say all sorts of nice things, you know? Well, everyone had great things to say about him. He was really smart, played football in school, and he volunteered at the animal shelter on the weekends. His football coach talked, most of his teachers, the guy who oversaw his volunteer hours at the shelter, all of his friends—Everyone was crying because he—Beau was so good and he’s gone.” Harlow sniffled, and roughly wiped her hands over her face. “Then dear old mom stood at the podium, and in front of everybody—There had to be a hundred people crammed into that room—She-She says she’s glad Beau is dead and-and now he can’t embarrass our family anymore and that the Devil was whispering in his ear and that he’s-he’s burning in Hell and-and she’s happy about it!” 
Jack could only watch helplessly as the human girl dissolve into tears. 
Suddenly, the Nephilim felt something rub against his grace. Curious, Jack reached out carefully, and he nearly gasped at what he felt. 
He was feeling Harlow’s soul. 
Because of the grace he possessed from his angelic side, Jack had the ability to feel people’s souls. He couldn’t naturally feel anything, but because he was tuned into humans in a way that angels were not, if he focused hard enough, or a person was feeling hard enough, flickers of the soul would peek out and his grace could feel it. He spent a lot of time with Sam and Dean, so feeling flickers of their ragged, resilient energy was common for Jack. 
That was nothing like Harlow’s soul. 
Harlow’s soul was bright; Jack swore it was illuminating her eyes from within her. Her soul was bright, kind, and warm. When his grace brushed up against the aura of Harlow’s soul, he felt like he’d just drank a cup of hot chocolate on a cold day; it warmed him from the inside. Seeing someone with such a pure soul expressing such utter sadness broke his heart. This wasn’t a flicker like Jack had felt before, this was like Harlow’s soul was exploding from her petite body and his grace was just standing in the way. 
“Can I hug you?” 
Still crying, Harlow looked at him. She was a bit surprised, but nodded slowly. She turned a bit to face Jack and leaned her body towards his until her forehead was resting on his shoulder. Jack wrapped both arms around Harlow, carful not to squeeze too hard. She didn’t wrap her arms around him in return like he expected. He was about to let her go, but the comfort and thankfulness that bled through her soul and into Jack’s grace prompted him to hang on. He moved his thumb up and down over Harlow’s sweater-clad arm. He’d seen couples embrace on TV in a similar way; he copied them farther by gently resting his chin on the crown of the human girl’s head. Harlow eventually embraced him back, her hands coming to rest on his sides, under his jacket. The heat from her palm seeped through the white t-shirt he wore. 
As if the universe knew what needed to happen, when Harlow’s hand touched Jack, only a thin layer of cotton between them, the Nephilim felt her soul more intensely than anything he’d ever experienced. It was like her hand touched his grace, not him, and the contact made Jack shiver in an unfamiliar way. He hugged Harlow closer in response, his eyes closing and brows furrowing as the feeling consumed him. The power he struggled to contain and control was calm. He no longer felt like a glass bottle struggling to keep the cork from bursting out the neck, or that there was an inner battle raging inside him with each side urging him to make a good or bad choice. He felt at peace. Harlow’s soul felt warm in comparison to the comfortable temperature of his grace, and he couldn’t recall a moment he felt so normal. 
After some time, became used to the feeling and Jack felt like he needed to say something. “I’m sorry what your mother said made you cry.”
The human let out a teary laugh. “You’re a special guy, Jack. Anyone ever tell you that before?” 
He nodded in response, his chin moving against her hair. “They have, yes.” 
That made Harlow laugh even more, genuine laughter. She leaned back and again wiped her face with her cuff. “I’m sorry to just…To unload all this on you. If you’re walking through the woods alone, you must be going through your own stuff.” 
Jack’s brows furrowed as he thought. “I’m not really supposed to tell people about it.” 
“I get it,” Harlow sighed softly, very aware that although Jack had dropped one arm, his other remained over her shoulders. She scooted closer to him; the sun we setting and the temperature was dropping, and Jack absolutely radiated warmth. “According to my mom, I’m not supposed to tell anybody that Beau is gay. But it’s not like he kept it a secret, most people knew anyway.” 
“If you’re not supposed to talk about it, why’d you tell me?” Jack asked curiously. “If my father told me not to talk about something, I wouldn’t.” 
“No, no I get it,” Harlow mumbled, playing with the run in her tights. It spanned her knee and up her thigh. “But sometimes things are just too…They’re just too heavy and you just gotta tell someone.” 
Jack nodded, his thumb still moving slowly against Harlow’s shoulder. 
“Given all that…I gotta ask that you don’t tell anybody about what I told you.” She seemed ashamed that she had to ask that of him. 
“I won’t,” Jack assured her, a closed lipped smile on his face. 
Harlow smiled, this time it was playful. “Pinky promise?” 
Looking between her face, and the hand held towards him with a pinky finger, with the remains of the light purple varnish around her cuticle, extended from a closed fist. “What’s a pinky promise?” 
Harlow smiled softly at his naiveite. “It’s like…It’s like a stronger promise. Just wrap your pinky around mine.” 
The Nephilim put his hand out in the same position as Harlow’s and curled his little finger around hers. Jack glanced at her for approval, which was given by way of Harlow’s gentle smile and nodding head. She shook their interlocked fingers once, then let his go. “Congratulations, Jack. You just took part in your first pinky promise.” 
Jack responded by grinning wide, making Harlow smile as well. She eventually blushed and ducked her head. “You know, I probably should’a left a while ago…I should technically be at the stupid buffet planned after the wake.” 
“Why didn’t you go earlier, then?” 
The human girl looked away shyly. “I dunno…I like talking with you…Makes me feel happy, and I’m not happy very often.” 
Jack’s grin turned into a softer smile; he was honored Harlow felt that way, but when she said she wasn’t happy very often, his concern grew. He watched Harlow tuck her hair behind her ear; Jack saw four earrings in the revealed ear. Two small gold stars, a small dark blue stone, and at the top curve of her ear, was a small gold hoop. “I’m happy I can make you feel happy.” 
Harlow looked Jack in the eye. Her whisky irises were still swimming in red, but were brighter than before. “Good.” 
It was quiet for some time after that, both Jack and Harlow feeling comfortable in each other’s silence as they sat on the gazebo steps. The sun was just a sliver on the horizon now, but neither felt the urge to leave right away. 
The human was the one to break the silence. “I really should go now.” 
“I should return home as well,” Jack admitted. 
After taking a second to compose herself, Harlow got up. She let out a little disgruntled sound that Jack found very amusing as she inspected her tights. He stood as well and watched as she took her phone and car keys from the gazebo floor. 
“Can I see you again?” Jack asked, smiling hopefully at the human girl. 
She shyly smiled back and bit her bottom lip so she didn’t smile. The boy looked like a puppy, bouncing on the balls of his feet with his hands at his sides, eyes shining and brown hair flopping over his eyes. “Yeah, yeah I’d like that…What’s your number?” 
Jack stopped his puppy-like antics, and looked from Harlow with his confused, slightly tilted face. “What number?”
Harlow laughed a little, ducking her head. “You phone number, Jack.” 
“Oh,” he said, nodding in understanding. “I don’t have a phone.” 
The human girl smiled wider and nodded after a moment of thought. “That actually doesn’t surprise me at all.” 
“Can we meet here again? At your gazebo?” Jack looked hopefully to Harlow, and there was no way she was going to find the willpower to deny the sweet boy. 
“Yeah, that’d be nice.” 
“Great! Can you come back tomorrow?” Jack was grinning once again and radiating hope. “Same time?” 
Harlow nodded, her cheeks pink, and spoke softly. “Yeah…See ‘ya tomorrow, Jack.” 
“See you tomorrow Harlow!” Jack responded enthusiastically. 
The Nephilim stood by the gazebo, waving briefly, as the human girl walked away. He stood there until he couldn’t see Harlow’s dark brown hair through the trees anymore. A few minutes later, a vehicle door opened and closed. Jack let out a sigh as the sound of an engine and tires on gravel faded into the distance.
“Hey kid,” Dean greeted, hardly looking up from the book open before him. “How was your walk?” 
“Very nice,” Jack answered, trying to suppress his smile. “I’m going on another one tomorrow.”
Worth continuing?
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nightglider124 · 8 years
Okay, this is literally a oneshot that just looks at the immaturity of the Titans.
Might seem ooc or very unlikely but it really is just a humour piece. Don’t read too much into it.
It’s modelled after one of my favourite scenes of NCIS. It’s flippin’ hilarious and I found myself wondering what it would be like with our fave hero network. It would probably help to go and watch the scene I am talking about just so the context is kinda backing it up.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCp9RGGliDQ
I just don’t want people commenting like oh my god, it isn’t something to joke about. I know but for this particular scene; it really is funny, especially if you are invested in NCIS as a show, like moi.
It is purely being written because it reminds me of some kind of high school situation.
The big screen buzzed with light as yet another slide appeared before them all.
Superman cleared his throat and turned to face them, with the remote still in hand, pressing a button to turn on the lights in the room.
“As you can all see from the presentation, there are many forms of harassment in the workplace that can go somewhat... unnoticed. These little signs shouldn’t go without being addressed when you feel uncomfortable.” He paused and glanced over the faces staring back at him.
Rows of Titans sat there, staring back at him as he spoke. Their expressions varied from mildly interested to absolutely bored senseless. And, Superman was fairly certain he could hear snoring but he wasn’t sure who exactly it was.
Cyborg sighed, his fingers clasped together atop of the small desk he had been sat at. He was struggling but his eyes were on the Kryptonian as he continued to drone on about the topic at hand. They had all, needless to say, been reluctant to turn up to the watchtower this morning for the mandatory meeting.
The league had suggested that they were all very young still, despite being in their early 20’s and needed to be made aware of the dangers that can occur in the workplace; even if the occupation in question was a superhero.
There was a whole bunch of meetings like this they still had to look forward to such as health and safety, performance issues, discrimination... things like that. Things that normal, white collared folks usually had to worry about.
And of course, the Titan network obliged their mentors and superiors and attended the meetings as expected. However, who was to blame them if they lost interest about 2 minutes in?
Beast Boy grumbled a little and jolted as he sat back in his chair, mouth agape with a yawn falling from his lips. He was on the very edge of falling asleep to the rant that Superman was giving them. He probably didn’t want to be there with them that much either but alas, duties such as these were more often than not, shifted to his attention. Or Batman’s but you had more luck convincing Superman with this kind of topic.
Garfield’s head dangled slightly over his girlfriend’s desk that was placed just behind him. Raven had an eyebrow raised and she was mildly content with watching the shape shifter drift in and out of consciousness.
Hands clasped and resting under her chin, she was trying her best not to smile at how funny the situation seemed. It was just so ridiculous that they were having a meeting like this. She had no qualms making an appearance but she was vaguely wondering if something like harassment had, could or would ever happen within the Titan network.
Starfire was one of the very few Titans who appeared somewhat curious of what Superman was saying. She was sat at her little desk, a hand raised with her chin resting upon it. There was a pen in her other hand, trying to be accommodating and note down points of importance.
Nightwing sat beside her at his tiny desk. He leaned back against the seat with his arms crossed over his chest, suppressing sigh after sigh. He supposed the topic was valid but then another part of him continued to scoff at that. He blinked wearily behind his mask and grinned at the sight of Kid Flash who sat a seat ahead of him, with Aqualad sat between them.
Wally was jerking every now and then as he tried to defend himself from the sandman’s spell. His head drooped lower and lower before abruptly snapping back up with a snort of confusion, followed by realisation of where he was.
Many other Titans were scattered amongst them, all sat at a desk, much like that of a high school class which really didn’t help the playful atmosphere in the room.
Kole, Argent, Hotspot, Speedy, Bumblebee, Jinx, Mas y Menos, Jericho, Killowat... literally everyone had been summoned today.
“A teammate looking you up and down with certain intentions... or a teammate showing you a photo of an inappropriate nature.” Superman continued,
Beast Boy grinned and leaned back some more to murmur to Raven, “If you’re lucky.”
“Or... a teammate might-“ The man of steel curled his index and middle fingers to show air quotes, “’Accidentally’ brush a hand up against your body.”
Raven tilted forward, eyes on her boyfriend, “If you’re really lucky.” She deadpanned, causing the changeling to grin even more,
Superman turned to the projection screen again as another slide popped up, revealing a set of traffic lights,
“Physical contact can be split into three areas.” He began as Speedy raised an eyebrow and glanced at Hot Spot, “Green light includes normal behaviour. Yellow light includes borderline behaviour such as hugs or-”
Starfire abruptly stood up, her chair scraping the floor and her hand going up, waiting to ask a question. Her eyebrows were furrowed and a frown was fixed against her features.
Superman inhaled, “Yes, Starfire?”
“Please... what is wrong with hugging people? I hug my friends all of the time.” She mumbled, feeling meek,
The broad man shrugged, “Well, whilst you might see it as being friendly, your teammates may find it offensive.”
Starfire’s expression shifted to one of concern, turning to look over the Titans who were glancing up at her.
“Oh! You are offended when I hug you all?” She gasped, hands curling against her chest,
There was a low but soothing rumble of “no” throughout the room, reassuring the alien.
The Princess beamed and lightly clapped her hands, “Then I shall continue to give out the hugs!” She affirmed, earning a smirk from Nightwing and a quiet chuckle from Cyborg.
“This is an important part, Starfire. You must first ask for permission from your teammates before hugging them.”
Starfire’s hands fell to her sides and her expression turned incredulous, “As in... every single time?” She asked in disbelief,
Superman nodded before shaking his head and turning to continue talking,
Her expression still one of confusion and mild defiance, she slumped back into her chair. Nightwing turned his head in her direction and flashed her a smile, picking up the hand closest to him.
Bringing his girlfriend’s hand to his lips, he gently kissed her skin to reassure her that her hugs wouldn’t be a problem. She squeezed his hand in return and offered him a tiny smile that Dick could have sworn was bordering on flirtatious.
He released her hand as Superman’s voice echoed against the walls,
“And finally, there is red light behaviour which is deliberate, unwelcomed touching-”
As the last word fell from his mouth, Raven sat forward and licked Beast Boy’s cheek in a brief moment of playfulness. She didn’t allow herself to be childish too much but Garfield tended to bring it out a little more in her.
Beast Boy yelped loudly and stumbled to his feet, rubbing at his face and becoming the centre of attention, leaving Raven to smirk.
Superman exhaled and rested a hand against his hip, “Another question?”
The changeling awkwardly blinked before stammering, “Um... y-yeah... what if you slap someone in the back of the head like this-”
With that he smacked the back of Cyborg’s head, resulting in the cybernetic man returning fire with a thump to his upper thigh. Beastboy grunted and his voice turned to more of a croak.
Beast Boy bit his lip, “Would that... be considered inappropriate behaviour?” He grumbled,
“Absolutely,” Superman agreed, folding his arms over his chest, “are you saying that this has actually happened?”
The green skinned jokester awkwardly pouted his lips, his eyes shifting to his leader who had indeed dealt a few head slaps every now and then.
Nightwing merely raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, as if challenging his teammate to continue,
Wally and Starfire both smirked and forced themselves to stare at their desks, knowing full well what Dick sometimes did to get Beast Boy’s attention back on a case or mission.
Beast Boy made a popping sound with his lips before rapidly shaking his head,
“Erm... no... I was just wondering; that’s all...” He commented before sliding back into his seat, reaching back to gently pinch Raven’s leg.
Her nose scrunched and she immediately kicked the underneath of his chair, causing him to mouth the word, ‘Ow’.
Superman peered at them for a moment, “Are there any more questions before I go on?”
Wally furrowed his eyebrows and was seemingly wide awake now, “Yeah, I got a question-”
“Go ahead, Wally.”
“So... okay, I get the harassment kinda stuff but what about when you’re dating another teammate... because I’m pretty sure almost half of us in here are dating someone else in here.”
Superman’s brow crinkled, “Well... what’d you mean?”
“Like does it count as harassment or does it just count as some tender loving to your partner?”
A number of Titans smirked at that, including Nightwing who was already picturing how the rest of this conversation was going to go.
“Give me an example.”
Wally shrugged, “Okay, say I get up and go plant one of Jinx. Is that bad or acceptable because she’s my girlfriend?”
“Or is it more like if I get up, pull my pants down and start doing her-”
With a loud yelp, Wally found the legs of his chair snapping and he ended up on his ass, looking around in confusion. That was, until he saw a half irate looking Jinx with glowing pink eyes.
“It was an example Jinx!” He called, only for her to roll her eyes,
Getting up, Wally sat cross legged on the desk instead of trying to find another chair.
“No, Wally... that would be fine. It would be inappropriate for the second one though-”
The speedster suddenly clicked his fingers, “Oh! Or is it to do with gender?”
Superman pinched the bridge of his nose, thoroughly exasperated already, “What are you talking about?”
“Like, okay, it’d be inappropriate to go and make out with Jinx... but is it because she’s girl?”
“Well, not-”
“I mean, if I was to go up to Dick and-”
Nightwing shuddered, “Ew... dude. Please. I didn’t need that kinda mental image.”
Wally blew a kiss at his best friend, “You know you want me.”
Starfire meekly tilted her head to look at Wally, “Yes, please friend. I would also prefer if you refrain from doing such things with my boyfriend-“
Superman deeply exhaled, “Titans. Focus. Please.” He turned to Wally, “No, Wally. It goes for any gender; the principle is the same. It’s still inappropriate behaviour.”
Wally seemed to accept that and shrugged, quietening down.
The dark haired hero took a breath before continuing, “Alright, now we’ll move onto red flags of harassment in conversation-”
Suddenly, a series of beeps erupted from Nightwing’s communicator. He brought it out to check it over.
“Oh thank you God.” Beast Boy breathed,
“Titans,” He started, addressing his own immediate team, “Trouble down main street; Control Freak looks to be causing some trouble at the movieplex.”
“Now he’s someone who needs a lesson in harassment.” Cyborg muttered, getting up from his chair,
“Agreed, Cyborg... and a lesson in the personal hygiene...” Starfire replied, wrinkling her nose in disgust,
As the five original Titans moved to get up, Superman shook his head,
“Guys, you can’t just-”
“It’s okay, Supes. I’ll write down the important stuff for them.” Wally stated,
Superman paused before giving up and waving them off, “Alright, alright. Go.”
Nightwing grinned and shuffled out of the watchtower as quickly as possible with his team in tow, determined to get the hell out whilst they had the chance.
“Hey, Supes? I think I got another question,” Dick heard Wally mumble as he left.
102 notes · View notes
Who Would Have Thought?: Chapter 7
Chapter Title: Alive Fandom: Shameless, Mickey/Ian Rating: M Summary: Mickey and Ian are finally tying the knot. Notes: So, after completing some research on wedding ceremony scripts, I have come to the realization that all wedding ceremony scripts annoy the hell out of me—they’re beautiful in the moment, but they’re so awkward out of context, and I just couldn’t manage to write that way—and as such, I have chosen to skip many of the ceremony details. Hopefully, it works. Also, this whole thing is so corny and probably ooc, but this is the way it came out, so here we are. I’m kind of low key proud of it.
Also, I hope the reasoning behind the reading choices is clear (and, I hope they’re correctly quoted because I just found them online—it’s been awhile since I’ve had these texts in hand). I didn’t want to spell it out too obviously here, but I feel like each excerpt really captures their history together and the role of their personal struggles. So. Hopefully that comes through.
Title from Darren Hayes’s “Alive.” Basically the track that inspired me to continue this.
Ao3 Link
Chapter One * Chapter Two * Chapter Three * Chapter Four * Chapter Five * Chapter Six * Chapter Seven * Chapter Eight * Chapter Nine * Chapter Ten * Chapter Eleven * Chapter Twelve * Chapter Thirteen * Chapter Fourteen * Chapter Fifteen
“Is that a fucking coffee bar?” Mickey’s voice is incredulously as he scrunches his nose up in confusion.
“Yeah,” Trevor nods with a little shrug. “I know it’s probably not your thing, but Casey offered it. Figured it’d be nice while people wait on the ceremony.”
“Hey, man, I’m not complaining. I’m about to marry Ian in a fuckin’ bookshop. All bets are off,” Mickey insists, and when Trevor laughs at that, Mickey cracks a half smile. “Thanks, Trev. For all of this. This place? Gettin’ it for the wedding made Ian so happy. Made us both happy. I appreciate it. Especially considering how everything went down.”
“Don’t sweat it.” Trevor waves it off, voice honest. “Water under the bridge. Ian and I never would’ve worked. You two are like the fucking definition of meant to be. Everything worked out the way it was supposed to.”
Mickey’s eyes narrow playfully for a moment as he stares Trevor down. “I still feel like you should be more pissed than you are, but I guess I’ll take the win.”
Mickey notices Ian approaching then and nods as he reaches out an arm, tucking Ian under it and kissing his forehead as Ian beams at him. “Hey,” Mickey murmurs before pressing another kiss to Ian’s lips. “Trev got us a coffee bar.”
“I saw,” Ian smiles at Trevor then, and adds, “It’s fucking awesome, man. Thank you.”
“You should be thanking Casey,” Trevor insists. “Whole thing was his idea. Keeps insisting it’ll be good for business, bring back some of your guests. But I’m pretty sure he’s just got a big soft spot for weddings.”
Trevor’s smiling fondly in Casey’s direction, and Mickey and Ian share a look. “Something going on between you two?” Ian asks curiously, a playful shine to his eyes.
Trevor whips his gaze back to Ian and Mickey with an embarrassed scoff. “No! He’s just a friend.”
“Mmhm,” Mickey mocks playfully with a little smirk. “You’re lookin’ at him the same way Ian used to look at me when he thought I wasn’t payin’ attention.”
“Fuck off,” Ian throws at Mickey, jostling him with a shoulder as Mickey laughs with that carefree smile on his face that Ian loves. “He’s not wrong, though.”
“All right,” Trevor counters, throwing up a hand to try to stop them both, “It’s weird chatting about my love life with my ex and the guy he left me for.”
“You’re at our fuckin’ wedding,” Mickey shoots back, pulling an incredulous face and throwing his hands up in question.
Both Trevor and Ian laugh and that and Trevor shakes his head in surrender. “Okay, yeah, there might be something going on. But I don’t wanna jinx it, so just leave it alone, all right?”
“Whatever you say,” Ian smiles. “We’ve gotta head back anyway. Finish with the setup. We’ll see you at the reception. Bring Casey.”
Trevor rolls his eyes and shakes his head at the two of them as Ian twines his fingers with Mickey’s and tugs Mickey away to finish prepping for the ceremony.
When Fiona finally finds Ian and Mickey, they’re in the main space helping to set up the seating. Not one of the lovely wooden chairs are the same, but each one has been wrapped with a soft, cozy knit throw, all in varying shades of cream and beige. It’s an eclectic collection, but somehow every one works with the others, and it’s becoming a lovely space.
When she spots Ian and Mickey, though, Fiona rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, trying her best to look stern. “The fuck are you two doing?” she calls, stopping them in their tracks. “You’re supposed to be getting ready.”
“We are getting ready,” Ian insists.
“Somebody’s gotta get the place set up,” Mickey chimes in, still carrying in chairs.
“Really?” Fiona throws up her hands at them in exasperation. “We literally have an army of Milkoviches and Gallaghers here. You two can relax. Enjoy your day. All of it.”
“Fiona—” Ian attempts to protest, but Fiona cuts him off.
“I’ve got this under control. Now go. Get dressed,” she insists, pointing toward the back room that houses their tuxes. After a moment of contemplation, Ian shrugs at Mickey and tilts his head in the direction of the back room in surrender. Mickey sighs with a smile and a shake of his head, and they both comply, Mickey reaching out to draw Ian’s hand into his own before heading off. Fiona notices the looks they’re wearing immediately, and she calls after them quickly. “And if you two are late because you’re fucking back there, I am going to lock you in that fucking room and commandeer your fucking party!”
“Your sister’s fucking bossy, man,” Mickey complains as they shove through the door to the little back room that’s serving as their changing space, their tuxes already hanging off to the side, waiting.
Ian laughs as he hooks his arms around Mickey’s waist to drag him into a hungry kiss. “Yeah,” he agrees when Mickey pulls back for air, “but she’s got some great ideas.” Ian’s eyebrows raise in expectation as he smirks down at Mickey, who bites his lip against the sudden surge of want that hits him at Ian’s display.
“Ian, we can’t,” Mickey counters, but his voice is soft and yielding, and they both know his heart isn’t in the protest. “We’re getting married in a couple hours. Fiona’s gonna be back here looking for us.”
Ian scoffs at that, pressing a playful little kiss to the corner of Mickey’s mouth. “We’ve got plenty of time.”
“We don’t even have any stuff,” Mickey protests again, but his words hold little weight when his voice wavers with the feel of Ian’s lips where they’ve moved to ghost down Mickey’s jaw. Without breaking contact with Mickey’s skin, Ian pulls a packet of lube and a condom out of his back pocket and presses them into Mickey’s hand. When Mickey realizes what he’s holding, he lets out a sharp, amused laugh. “Are you fucking serious? You planned to fuck me in the back room before our fucking wedding?”
“It’s tradition,” Ian deadpans, and after a moment, they both break down into happy laughter, faces beaming with bright smiles.
“Fuck you,” Mickey offers with amusement.
“Looking to switch things up, huh?” Ian smirks down at Mickey, lifting an eyebrow. “I could go for that if it’ll get me laid.”
“Jesus Christ. Stop with the jokes and let’s fucking go, Gallagher,” Mickey counters, dragging Ian back against the little table that stands by the wall and hiking himself up onto it, wrapping his legs tightly around Ian’s waist and pulling Ian down into a harsh kiss.
The space is amazing. It’s warm and inviting, and Mickey and Ian are standing before a blazing fireplace with intricately carved bookcases lining much of the open space, framing the rows of blanket-wrapped chairs that only add to the cozy feeling that emanates from the space. The lighting is dim, most of the light coming from the stained glass lamps that stand in the empty spaces and hang from the ceiling. It’s strange for Mickey, really, because it’s not a space he ever would have imagined, but he has to admit that it’s amazing and the joy it brings to Ian’s face is well worth it.
Most of the ceremony is a blur. Mickey hears next to nothing their officiant is saying, his eyes focused only on Ian as he holds Ian’s hand gently in his own, Yevgeny perched on Mickey’s hip. They’d decided early on that they wanted the toddler to be part of the ceremony. It was just the two of them and Yevgeny, though. Briefly, they had considered asking Fiona and Mandy to stand up with them, but something about the idea just didn’t sit right. Mickey had suggested instead that they forego a wedding party altogether, and Ian had agreed quickly, enamored with the idea of an intimate ceremony between just the two of them and their son.
So now here they are, ceremony rushing by in a blur of words, and Mickey’s paying next to no attention. All he sees is Ian, smiling softly at Mickey from a couple of short feet away, happy tears shimmering in Ian’s eyes. Mickey thinks his own might match Ian’s, as he tries to blink away what threatens to fall. No one but Ian Gallagher has ever been able to turn Mickey Milkovich into a blubbering mess, but Ian’s a fucking master at it.
Partway through the ceremony, Mickey tunes back in when their officiant mentions their readings, which they’ve all agreed Ian and Mickey will read themselves. After a bit of research, and in honor of their venue and Yevy’s presence, they’d each chosen a ceremony reading from Yev’s favorite books, and they’d planned to read them together, Yev settled in their arms. It felt less awkward that way, having a reason to read the excerpts aloud, and reading with Yev has become one of their favorite pastimes with their son—something Mickey never would have predicted, but that had somehow happened along the way. Ian and Mickey hadn’t shared their choices with one another, though. Instead, they’d handed them over to their officiant to be sure there was no overlap and moved forward with a plan to surprise one another on their wedding day.
So when their officiant hands over the first book, Ian and Mickey shift close to one another, Yev still cradled on Mickey’s hip, and Ian holding Mickey’s choice for him, smiling down at the book in his hands with happy tears in his eyes.
“Can we read you part of a story, Yev?” Mickey asks quietly, bouncing Yev on his hip.
At the question, Yevgeny glances down at the book in Ian’s hands and his bored face lights up as he squeals in excitement. “Story, daddy! Rabbit!”
Ian laughs, resting his chin on Mickey’s shoulder as they stand, shifted toward their guests so their voices carry, as Mickey begins to read:
The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams
“What is REAL?” asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. “Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?”
“Real isn’t how you are made,” said the Skin Horse. “It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.”
“Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit.
“Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. “When you are Real you don’t mind being hurt.”
“Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,” he asked, “or bit by bit?”
“It doesn’t happen all at once,” said the Skin Horse. “You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”
“I suppose you are real?” said the Rabbit. And then he wished he had not said it, for he thought the Skin Horse only smiled.
“Someone made me Real,” he said. “That was a great many years ago; but once you are Real you can’t become unreal again. It lasts for always.”
By the time Mickey’s finished, he can feel Ian’s tears dripping onto his shoulder, and he can’t help but turn to Ian to whisper, just for the two of them, “You make me Real, Ian.”
And when Ian inhales a sharp breath at that, another rush of tears dripping silently from his eyes, Mickey smiles gently and turns his head to drop a kiss to Ian’s hair. In response, Ian’s lips fall to press against Mickey’s neck as he closes his eyes and breathes slowly to get his emotions under control.
After a moment, Mickey laughs softly and jostles Ian a bit. “Your turn,” he reminds softly with a little smile.
Ian takes another sharp breath and presses one more kiss to Mickey’s shoulder before pulling himself back together. Ian draws away from Mickey then, just far enough so he can reach out for Yevgeny. Mickey passes Yev into Ian’s arms so they can resituate, Mickey holding the book in his hands open to Ian’s choice of excerpt and making sure Yevgeny can see the pages, a big smile covering the child’s face.
Ian kisses Yev’s cheek, blinking away the last of the tears that linger on his lashes before he begins to read:
Now We Are Six, A.A. Milne
Wherever I am, there’s always Pooh. There’s always Pooh and Me. Whatever I do, he wants to do.“Where are you going today?” says Pooh. “Well, that’s very odd ‘cos I was too. Let’s go together,” says Pooh, says he. “Let’s go together,” says Pooh…
“Let’s look for dragons,” I said to Pooh. “Yes, let’s,” said Pooh to Me. We crossed the river and found a few. “Yes, those are dragons all right,” said Pooh. “As soon as I saw their beaks I knew. That’s what they are,” said Pooh, said he. “That’s what they are,” said Pooh.
"Let’s frighten the dragons,” I said to Pooh. “That’s right,” said Pooh to Me. “I’m not afraid,” I said to Pooh, and I held his paw and I shouted, “Shoo! Silly old dragons!” – and off they flew.
"I wasn’t afraid,” said Pooh, said he, “I’m never afraid with you.”
So wherever I am, there’s always Pooh. There’s always Pooh and Me. “What would I do?” I said to Pooh, “If it wasn’t for you,” and Pooh said: “True, it isn’t much fun for one, but two can stick together,” says Pooh, says he. “That’s how it is,” says Pooh.
The fingers of Ian’s free hand are resting gently against Mickey’s waist, and as Ian finishes, he squeezes Mickey’s hip gently, offering the grounding the touch provides. Mickey has tears in his eyes again, but he presses them away with the palm of his hand as he shifts away from Ian and they return to their rightful spots, Yevgeny staying with Ian this time as they prepare for the exchange of vows. Mickey tunes out again for a moment, too enamored by the sight of the man he loves cooing to their restless son. For most of his life, Mickey had believed this kind of happiness was an impossibility for him. But then, Ian came along and turned his entire goddamn life upside down, and now here they are, pledging their lives to one another in front of everyone they care for—the most important cradled in Ian’s arms—and Mickey has never been happier.
When their officiant calls their attention back with the announcement that they’re approaching the exchange of vows, Mickey feels like his heart is about to beat out of his chest. For Mickey, this was going to be the hard part—bearing his soul and love and adoration for everyone to see. But he’s ready for this, and he squeezes Ian’s hand gently in his own to help hold himself in the moment.
Ian smiles softly at Mickey, squeezing back just a touch. Before moving forward, though, Ian turns to Yevgeny for a moment, tickling the toddler’s tummy to draw his attention.
“Hey, Yevy?” Ian whispers, just loudly enough to be heard by Yev and Mickey and maybe a few of their guests. “Is it okay if I marry your daddy?”
Yev shrieks in excitement and claps his hands together. “Daddies!” he shouts happily, and that’s all the confirmation Ian needs. With a happy smile and a little laugh, Ian kisses Yev’s forehead and turns his eyes on Mickey.
“I think he’s okay with it,” Ian murmurs playfully to Mickey, and Mickey laughs and reaches out to run his fingers over Yevgeny’s blond hair.
“I think you’re right,” Mickey confirms before they turn back to their officiant, faces alight with joy, and awaiting the moment when they will officially recite their vows.
In the end, it’s Ian who begins, still holding Yev. He entwines his fingers with Mickey’s then, choosing to ignore the script their officiant attempts to pass his way. He knows he’ll remember the important parts, and he’ll speak from the heart for the rest.
“I have loved you since I was fifteen years old,” Ian begins, his voice soft and yielding. “Since that first time, when we were supposed to hate each other but found so much more because you let me in; you let yourself trust me. There have been times when I’ve taken that trust—that love—for granted. But I swear to you, Mickey, that I will spend the rest of my life loving you the way you deserve. You’ve taken care of me, loved me more than I’m worth, given me a family.” Ian squeezes Yevgeny, then, kissing the boy’s cheek and drawing happy giggles from him before turning back to Mickey with a watery smile. “You are my everything, Mickey Milkovich. And I will love you every moment for the rest of our lives.”
Mickey lets out a little laugh in a huff as he tries to hide the sob that nearly escapes him, and he presses the fingers of his free hand against his eyes to stop the tears that threaten, just barely managing to pull himself together before the officiant is looking to Mickey expectantly.
Finally, Mickey gathers himself with a deep breath as he begins: “Not so long ago, I had to live without you for a year and a half. I never want to be without you again, Ian. You taught me how to love. How to be me. You gave me a safety I’d never had before. Welcomed me into your home, your family—your heart. You broke down all my walls, saw through everything I tried to hide. I have never in my life loved anyone the way I love you. It will always be you, Ian. And I promise you, no matter what this life throws at us, I will stand by your side. I love you. And that means we take care of each other. It means thick and thin. Good times, bad. Sickness, health, all that shit. You and me, Ian. For the rest of our lives.”
Ian breaks at that, drawing a long, shaky breath and swallowing hard. He’d always known Mickey had meant those words the last time he’d said them as much as he does now, and hearing them again, here, a promise they’re both willing to make in this moment erases all the bad and the loss and the loneliness that had come with them before. This time, they mean forever, and Ian can’t help but collapse into Mickey’s arms, tucking his face into the crook of Mickey’s neck as Ian lets a few tears fall freely. Mickey smiles, drawing Ian as close as he can with Yevy still perched on Ian’s hip, and he presses a kiss to Ian’s hair, stroking his fingers through the soft locks and savoring the moment with his little family.
When Ian gets himself together, though, he pulls back with a quiet laugh, wiping at his tearstained cheeks for a moment before capturing Mickey’s fingers in his own once again. “Sorry,” he whispers, and it’s meant for their officiant, but his eyes never leave Mickey’s, and Ian can see the tear streaks that decorate Mickey’s own features. Ian has never felt happier or more complete than he does in that moment, and the soft, affectionate smile Mickey offers him only enforces the feeling.
Finally, when it’s all official and Mickey’s allowed to kiss Ian, he leans forward to press his lips to Ian’s gently, fingers coming up to cradle Ian’s cheek. It’s soft and sweet, and just before they move to pull back, Yevgeny leans forward to smack loud little kisses on each of their cheeks, and Mickey can’t help the laughter that bubbles up in his chest as he drops his head to the crook of Ian’s neck. A moment later, when he gets his laughter under control, he leans up to smack his own kiss to Yevy’s cheek and the boy giggles while Ian rocks him.
And as the officiant announces them for the first time as Ian and Mickey Gallagher-Milkovich, Mickey can’t help but lean forward again to capture Ian’s lips, fingers finding their way into Ian’s hair and joy shining from his eyes. “We’re married,” he whispers against Ian’s lips, his voice wavering with excitement.
“We are,” Ian agrees with a bright smile, pecking Mickey’s lips again before using his free arm to pull Mickey into the closest hug they can manage with Yev still balanced in Ian’s arms.
Chapter One * Chapter Two * Chapter Three * Chapter Four * Chapter Five * Chapter Six * Chapter Seven * Chapter Eight * Chapter Nine * Chapter Ten * Chapter Eleven * Chapter Twelve * Chapter Thirteen * Chapter Fourteen * Chapter Fifteen
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