#[vic’s] ❤️ spy
Too many questions for one ask so here’s another:
To Spy, in French so no one else understands (unless someone else does?): sorry if this is rude, Madame, but are you Scout’s parent? Do you think she remembers your face? Is that why you keep the mask on?
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Call this teampilled fortressmaxxer
mod response: nope, they aren’t related! These characters are different people from the TF2 mercs and so they have different relationships.
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vics-fem-fortress · 1 month
Intro Post
Hello! This is an ask blog for my fem fortress OCs.
Yeah, no. This project got out of hand before it even went public. If you want, you CAN still ask questions/give suggestions about characters! Just know I'll be responding to it, not my OCs, and that this is now nothing more than a place to showcase my characters. I have a new ask blog for only the RED team, and I might add the other characters if I find friends who are into TF2 (because I only trust people I know IRL to run a blog with me, at least at this point.)
follow the ACTUAL ask blog @ask-the-red-fem-mercs
My main is @ilovegayvampires
Find more info about them on my Unvale
Characters listed under the cut (there are a lot lol).
— R.E.D. —
Scout ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ scout
Soldier ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ soldier
Pyro ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ pyro
Demo ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ demo
Engineer ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ engineer
Heavy ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ heavy
Medic ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ medic
Sniper ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ sniper
Spy ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ spy
— B.L.U. —
Scout ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💙 scout
Soldier ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💙 soldier
Pyro ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💙 pyro
Demo ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💙 demo
Engineer ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💙 engineer
Heavy ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💙 heavy
Medic ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💙 medic
Sniper ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💙 sniper
Spy ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💙 spy
— Backups —
Scout (1) ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💜 scout [1]
Scout (2) ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💜 scout [2]
Demo ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💜 demo
Heavy ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💜 heavy
Sniper ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] 💜 sniper
-Additional tags (tumblr only lets me have so many)
#Sniperspy yuri
#vic’s fem fortress
#vic’s art
#demospy Yuri
#engiedemo Yuri
0 notes
intersexbookclub · 6 months
Summary: Power to Yield (Feb 2024)
We assembled on 2024-03-01 to talk about our February book pick: Power To Yield and Other Stories by intersex author Bogi Takács. The book is a collection of science fiction & fantasy short stories.
This was a first for our book club in that we spent the whole session gushing about the book. Everybody loved it. We haven’t been giving books ratings thus far but this one would get a 5/5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟.
Overall takes:
vic: I loved it, I loved it so much. The stories all felt so different. Disability and intersex were very normalized and not shoehorned, it just felt so good. 
Michelle: the worlds in this book felt so richly crafted. This book reminded me that short stories can be the bomb! I got gender euphoria from seeing characters use neopronouns!!! So refreshing and exciting to see them in text. That was how I got started with them, I wrote characters like that and then I was like.... moi? It’s just so joyfully affirming. 
Bnuuy: I only read “Folded into tendril and leaf” and started "The 1st interspecies solidarity fair and parade" but it deeply impressed me. 
Elizabeth: I'm not really a short story person. I find I take a while to get immersed in a book, and I don't like the switching from story to story so much. And as someone who does not like the short story genre, I liked this collection, which I feel says a lot. 
Intersex themes:
Intersex representation throughout the book that feels both casual and important at the same time. It’s normalized in a way that feels tremendously validating. Takács also importantly depicts a variety of intersex characters in terms of gender (binary vs genderqueer), type of variation, and age. Folded into tendril and leaf depicts a romance with an intersex character that does not sexualize or fetishize being intersex. ❤️
Intersex sea creatures, always a classic 🦑 - clear example in the Good Friday story.
Plants as intersex. 🍃 A bunch of stories throughout the book involved somebody turning into a plant. We talked about how this turned out to be a fruitful (lol) metaphor since so many plants are cosexual or dichogamous, there’s so much variety and difference in plant reproduction and it disrupts our ideas of what sex is. Bnuuy pointed out that botany can also just be an affirming thing for intersex people to learn about, e.g. a flower with both male and female reproductive parts is called a “perfect flower”! It’s valued rather than described as a deficiency.
In the fantasy story Power To Yield, the doctor feels the pain of his patients as he treats them, which per Elizabeth: “feels like such an intersex and/or disability fantasy”. Pain may not always be avoided but having doctors feel and be aware of our pain would change the patient-doctor dynamic so much.
Neopronouns: there are a lot of neopronouns used in a variety of settings for a variety of characters, disrupting ideas of gender and sex in ways that felt joyfully inclusive and affirming. As Michelle put it: “we get a glimpse of the world outside the binary in a kind of ecstatic way. Like, hey, you don't have to be male or female. You can be intersex and something else. And you can be trans. Like, it's just so, like, joyfully affirming. Genuinely like a rainbow-colored feeling.” 🌈 (also, reading neopronouns in context is a great way to learn how to use them!)
Other themes:
System change happens through people relating to each other differently. As vic put it: “Bogi really showed that the people are the system and the system is made of people”. Such as in the Spy-Turns-Into-A-Plant story the ways that Hasidic people were combining old and new cultural practices to include intersex & genderqueer people, in the Solidarity Fair story everybody noticed the trader was missing, and in Power To Yield there’s a need for all of the possible neurotypes. 
Mentorship: the book defies the conventions of the mentorship trope. A lot of times in media, mentors are marked for death once their apprentice has learnt what they need, but here the mentors stick around and continue to be in their apprentices’ lives in different ways.
Survival stories that were communal in mindset rather than rugged individuals. We see characters putting the pieces back together after catastrophic events such as wars and invasions. There’s an optimism that we can survive catastrophe. We liked the depictions of joy and competence. Michelle identified a Talmudic theme of "You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it”, throughout the book.
Other things we liked:
The prose. Michelle praised it as approachable. Xe also commented: “Bogi has an authorial voice that feels well read. People who don't read so much have a particular style and it can be hard to read, they have a hard time expressing themselves... and this was the opposite of that!”
Disability representation that felt realistic. For example, a character being constantly exhausted due to being drained of blood, and a character worried about breaking an ankle while walking through uneven terrain. Disability wasn’t skimmed over nor was it romanticized, just treated with good humour as a quotidian kind of limitation.
Representation of old people. There’s a big range of characters’ life stages. Old characters are active and given things to do, and got to have personalities beyond “old”. For example, the old sociologist in the solidarity fair story was open-minded and competent. She didn’t want to sit around and be a granny. 
Not being US-centric: in speculative fiction there’s a way of talking about or relating to things that can feel very American (vic: “even though they’re in space, they act as though they’re in California”) and Takács doesn’t do this, which we appreciated. As Michelle put it: “There’s a definite immigrant vibe to the book.”
Representation of Jewish characters. Not everybody could relate to the Orthodox Jews but not every story needs to be relatable.
All these forms of representation come together. As vic put it: “the disability politics, intersex, the trans stuff… It all felt so normal and was incorporated in a way that felt so seamless. It felt really good reading it,  didn't feel like any of it was shoehorned in.. Just like, yep, normal people living their normal lives and we're not making anyone feel weird about their differences. Usually with books that have people that are different from the mainstream in some way it's kind of clunky: even if it's #OwnVoices, it still reads as self-conscious and apologetic. But this book all read very un-self-conscious and very comfortable.”
What we didn’t like:
Elizabeth doesn’t like the order in which the stories were presented. Ze felt the first few stories were fine but didn’t showcase what the book has to offer. Ze recommended to the group to start with:
"Folded into tendril and leaf" (medium length)
"The 1st interspecies solidarity fair and parade" (medium length)
"The ladybug, in flight" (very short)
"Power to yield" (novelette)
Bnuuy and vic started reading with Elizabeth’s recommended stories, and this may have influenced the conversation.
After the book discussion, vic went back and re-read the stories in order, and mentioned they also didn’t vibe with the order of the stories as presented in the book.
Stories of note:
“Folded into Tendril And Leaf”: we liked the water caltrop description and visualization. It was Elizabeth’s favourite: “The reason I put that on my list of recommendations is it was just such a big, warm hug of fiction. It's such a tender story, but at the same time it grapples with really serious stuff. I've brought it up before that I'm a sucker for any sort of intersex at puberty story because that's the kind of intersex I am. But also the intersex people as plants theme really landed here.” Elizabeth also praised how there was a character who realized their privilege that they didn't have to follow the news.
“The 1st interspecies solidarity fair and parade”: we liked the realism of the organizing, and we all wanted stories from this setting, especially about the aliens that were genocide survivors. It was Bnuuy’s favourite, enjoying its comedy and how it flips stereotypes of Gen Z/Alpha by having them be the older generation in this future. The depiction of an alien who presents as though she is a cat was amusing; vic described it as: “Yeah, the image of a gigantic, floating metallic orb  meowing so that it can be more relatable to humans is, I think, a huge non-binary mood.”
“Power to Yield”: we appreciated the depiction of autistic special interest (and it has its own word: abuwen!) that is realistic without either romanticizing or spectacularizing it. It shows how a special interest can happen suddenly, it can be overpowering, it can sometimes be inappropriate, it can be unpleasant for the person as they neglect other parts of their life. We could all relate. The depiction of asexual BDSM also stood out; per vic: “oh, I guess it can not be a sex thing!”
“The Ladybug, in Flight”: Michelle was horrified (in a good way) by the slow consensual cannibalism. Whereas vic read that one as practical and utilitarian in an autistic way, like sometimes autistic people will horrify others for practical things.
“Volatile Patterns”: Michelle is very crafty and this was xer favourite: “the story talks about  reappropriating motifs and being like, no, you're doing it wrong. We can show you how to do it right. It's fine. Just stop doing it the wrong way. Like, especially clothing attacking people was very funny to me because it reminded me of a game called Fall in London, where in certain areas of the world, everything is sentient.”
“A Technical Term, Like Privilege”: This one vic highlighted as a favourite: “I often feel sad about the place where I live, because it is a rental and it's not getting cared for the way it deserves to be. So the metaphor of the house needing your blood was apt. I've read a few rental horror metaphors, and they were all bad. So I was really happy to read this one.” Also, the disability representation: “when the character in the house story came up with a good, reasonable solution and then was SHOT DOWN it was so real”.
Overall: out of all the books we’ve read thus far for the book club, this is the one everybody was most positive about. It was a joy to read and we recommend it! 💜
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rhonnie23 · 2 months
Bite Me Introduction!
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Bite Me M.List
Chapter One~ Run!
Summary: When 3 girls who don't know their family's past, a terrifying lycan King, a 750 year old sweet & handsome vampire king & a 75 year old newly crowned vampire king, who doesn't give a fuck about no one all meet, what's the worst that could happen ?
‼️ SERIES WARNING~ Will have mentioning of rape abuse violence & death. Nothing too detailed though. I wouldn't know how to even explain situations like that. Mature language as in mentioning of private parts & swearing.‼️
Each Chapter will have its own warnings⚠️ will be updated every or every other Saturday or Sunday❤️
Everyone is very tall but for lycans 7'3 is considered kind of short. Werewolves are tall too but nothing compared to the lycans. Yes these some big mother fuckers😅
Characters~ Lycans/Wolves:
*  Bang Chan aka Chris- Pack Alpha & King for all wolves & lycans, Acts cold but really is a big puppy (7'4)
*  Minho aka Lee Know- Beta & second in command to the King, wouldn't trust you as far as he can throw you.(7'5)
*  Changbin- second beta can & will not hesitate to beat you black & blue or completely to death. Can find everything about you within 24 to 48 hours. From the things that happened before you were thought of to the moment you both met. Has alpha tendencies (7'2.5)
*  Hyunjin - third beta has a sick things for knives & torture. Most likely is a sadist not like he's hiding but that don't stop the woman from wanting his crazy ass, the tallest of Stray Kids (7'7.5)
*  Jisung aka Han- the ace & fourth beta. Good in the field with or without a weapon, very sneak. Usually the person set as a spy (7'3.5)
* Felix aka Prince of death- second alpha who's very good at hand & hand combat & loves guns. Also is Minho's half younger brother (different mom's, their will be a chapter about this & how min & lix met).(7'4)
*  Seungmin aka Doc/tec- fifth & finally beta much like Changbin who has alpha tendencies but doesn't likes guns & prefers to be not in the field with others but is a very skilled fighter (7'7)
*  Jeongin aka I.N- the youngest of the group & alpha, Is in charge of the hand & hand advance combat team & basic gun handling, Amazing sniper (7'5)
* Rhonda- she's a victim of trafficking but wasn't been used for it before she ran away. Has had training from an ex professional fighter. Doesn't know that wolves/Lycans/vampires are real. Also doesn't know she a one herself at first (6'0)
* Ryan aka Buttercup- one of Rhonda's younger fraternal twin sisters. Ryan is a beta werewolf. She is the youngest of the 3 sisters, does bite her tongue for no one & dares you to try her. This bitch bites! hints why her nickname is buttercup, has unique abilities thanks to their grandmother, They are 19 (5'10)
* Mrs Kang...- full blooded werewolf. She was an omega.(5'10)
Characters~ Vampires:
*  Kim Taehyung- the vampire king of South Korean. He's old as dirt 750 years old but looks like he's in his mid or late 20's. Full blooded vampire. Owns a large portion of land in Thailand. Sweet as candy but dangerous as Lucifer himself. (5'10)
* Kim Namjoon- Taehyung second elder brother. Rapper doesn't really care of his family bullshit but loves his little brother a lot some may say he's obsessed. Looks like his in his late 20's but is 751 (5'11)
* Kim Seojin aka Jin WWH- the oldest Kim brother, models, sings, dance, & love his video game. Some say he's more terrifying than his baby brother. It's like look at the world's more beautiful demon. Look like he's in his late 20's early 30's but is 753 (5'10)
*  Nishimura Riki aka Ni-Ki - the newly crown king of Japan. Also a full blooded vampire. Niki is 75 but looks about 18 or 19. So he is young reckless & ruthless. Like most humans in their teens. Youngest king in years of Japanese vampires (6'1)
Characters~ Human
* Riley- the oldest of the twins & second oldest. Much like Rhonda the twins are victims of trafficking. Riley is honestly the nice one of all three of the sisters. Very shy but very protective of her twin, often mistaken for being dumb & naive but is the complete opposite. (5'10)
* Mr. Kang Jay- underground mafia leader, many enemies, feared be more, was the CEO of a very successful cellphone company. (6'1)
Taglist Open
@whoreforchanin @namjoonandchanswife @itzzyyyyyyydaaaa
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soundtracker27 · 3 years
Day 3, "Home" - @koriandrappreciationweek
I love thinking of them like a family. They come from vastly different backgrounds but have found a safe place together. Friends are the family you choose for yourself. ❤️
It's been strangely quiet in Titans Tower today. Gar and Raven have been out running errands, Dick has been busy with a lab analysis for Bruce.
Kory softly mouths along to the words of the song she's got playing in her ear buds, and wanders through the dormitory floor looking for Donna. "He-lloooo? Donna?"
Donna pops her head out of their shared bathroom, brushing her teeth. "Hey honey, wanna pick up bagels with me for the meeting later?" Kory almost leaps for joy. Any time with Donna is a good time - she's the best friend she's ever made and Kory is beyond grateful that Donna doesn't seem to mind her awkward unfamiliarity with earth. "Let me change into something cute!"
She dashes in her room and comes out moments later trying to zip a summery dress. Donna finishes the zip, checks her phone to send a text and the two head downstairs, Kory dangling her high heels on her fingertips, and Donna pulling her hair into a pony.
Kory bounces into the kitchen only to be shocked by a spray of streamers in her face.
"Surprise!!!!" yells one voice. "Happy anniversary on Earth Day!" yells another.
"Glad you're here, Goldie." Vic says.
"Well, oh my goodness! What is this about!?" Kory is amazed and ready for whatever this pleasant surprise happens to be. Everyone is here - Gar, Rae, Vic, Wally, Dick.
Dick hands her a small, nicely wrapped gift and kisses her cheek. "You've been with us for exactly a year, Kory." "A year?" "Yup, one whole revolution around the sun."
Garfield pipes in, "And what a year it's been, huh? You've tasted pizza and cotton candy, put the Scarapelli gang behind bars, ridden on your first subway and been to a Yankees game."
"And learned to be a pretty good barista at Kelly's, and balanced a modeling job with being a badass crime fighter." Wally always knows how to compliment her in the ways that mean the most. She shoots him a beaming grin. "Thanks, Wally. I think this has been the best year of my whole life!"
Gar puts a paper birthday crown on her head and the team drags her over to sit on the couch. Each has a gift for her - from Raven, a book, from Dick, a pretty "T" necklace that hides the world's tiniest spy cam. Donna ordered those furry boots she had been eyeing from Macy's. "Sorry they haven't come yet! I didn't think of it in time." Kory throws her arms around her friend. "This is the best day of my whole life!"
"We're poor, so we went together and got this album for your polaroid photos!" Gar presents a pretty pink photo binder from him and Wally both.
"Poor? I'm a skeptic," Vic chimes in. "The rise and fall of the good fortune of Logan is a mysterious thing indeed," Gar quips back.
"Alright princess, here's my gift. Dick helped me with it, with some assistance from the Justice League database. Click the button on top." Victor hands her a small metal orb with etchings all over, and a small red button on the top. She clicks it and the orb opens like a flower and shines a hologram on the ceiling with what looks like the night sky filled with stars.
Vic looks at Dick to launch an explanation. "No, you go ahead, this was your brilliant idea and mostly your hard work. I was a consultant."
"Okay. So this is my best guess at the Vegan star system, Kory. It's hard to find exact measurements to go off of because, as far as I know, you're the first Tameranean to make contact with earth. I took some maps off the ship you crashed when you arrived, and did some educated guessing to fill in some bits. But my best guess is that Tameran would be right about here." He points to a pinkish haze in the upper left of the quadrant of the hologram.
Eyes wide, and brimming with tears, Kory nods. "That seems right. It's the eighth planet in the system." She reaches out to brush the pink spot representing where her life began. "Home," she whispers. "Victor, thank you." She throws her arms around him, and he is pleased knowing his gift hit just right.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone. This has been the most unexpected and wonderful surprise! You all mean so much to me, and... As much as I miss Tameran, you've made Earth a most lovely new home. I don't even know what to say to thank you."
"How about, 'Let's eat' because I'm starving and Vic, jack of all trades that he is, made lasagna!" Dick squeezes her hand and nods towards the table. Kory giggles, "Let's eat, then!"
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Intro Post
Hello! This is an ask blog for my fem fortress OCs.
these are my own original characters, not just genderbent versions of the male mercs. Also, a lot of these characters are based off of or inspired by the art of Makani, one of the TF2 comics illustrators.
I struggle writing accents and broken English, this is just one person running this blog! Notes to the mod are greatly appreciated.
I haven’t finished the character bios yet. So if you want, you can suggest things (names, relatives, fav songs) and I’ll credit you in the character bio.
I am an amateur character designer and trying to draw more older people, but I am struggling. I’m also bad at deciding ages for characters. Suggestions and constructive criticism are welcome.
I do not have a PC, so I can't play TF2, meaning some info may be inaccurate. Feel free to let me know if I mess up game info!
NO NSFW or you will be BANNED. This includes suggestive asks (shipping or asking the characters to kiss doesn’t count as NSFW)
No weird/illegal shit.
I already have a sort of story set up for them, so their relationships are already pretty clear (kinda) in my mind, so while I do appreciate shipping asks please keep in mind it might not always be what you wanted.
My main is @ilovegayvampires
My side acc for them is @vics-fem-fortress
Find more info about them on my Unvale
Some asks will be drawn!
Mod response is colored green. Characters listed under the cut.
Scout ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ scout
Soldier ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ soldier
Pyro ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ pyro
Demo ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ demo
Engineer ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ engineer
Heavy ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ heavy
Medic ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ medic
Sniper ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ sniper
Spy ~ Unvale ~ Tag: #[vic’s] ❤️ spy
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girl 1 is BLU Spy, girl 2 is BLU Demo, girl 3 is RED Sniper
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