#[mc rolls out of bed and falls to the ground] [asmo takes more photos]
zephyrchama · 18 days
Asmo's wake-up call
You sensed that were you were not alone and gradually stirred from your sleep. Upon turning over and opening your eyes, an ethereal sight greeted you.
Asmodeus. Head resting on his arms, he leaned against the side of your bed like a fairy tale royal. His skin looked smooth and glistening. His eyes were as clear as an untouched tropical sea. Not a single hair was out of place. Artists would go to battle to acquire a muse even half as wonderful.
Your eyes felt crusty. Even half-closed, the light (or maybe just Asmodeus) was too bright and forced you to squint. Your limbs were inelegantly splayed out across the bed, with a sheet corner tangled around your ankle. There was a spot of dried drool at the corner of your mouth.
"What." That was all you could muster to say. What time was it? What was he doing there? What was going on? It was the prelude to many questions on your mind.
"Oh, you're awake? Good morning, sleepy head!" Asmodeus beamed at you, showing off flawlessly white teeth. Every tooth was perfect. You stared while waiting for your brain to turn on.
"I wanted us to hang out today," he continued, "so I came to see what you were doing. Sleeping in! It was sooo cute. Even now, look at you!"
You felt like a rotten moss-covered log in the forest out back. Asmodeus raised his D.D.D. and started snapping away, preserving the moment for eternity in images. That was a more alarming wake-up call.
Your brain urged its cells to move faster with a spike of adrenaline. Your hand lunged at Asmodeus' arm, grabbing his wrist, trying to sit your body upright. It was always so startling how soft his skin felt. Today's fragrance was something fruity. "What are you doing...?" you managed to say.
Asmodeus grabbed your hand back with delight. "So affectionate in the morning! I love it. I want to make sure I capture all of these adorable moments." You heard more shutter sounds, a whole burst of them.
Nope. Not while you looked like a spoiled potato in bed. This meant war.
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obeythedemons · 3 years
When his heart first skipped a beat [Obey Me! Headcanons]
Obey Me! Masterlist
"No," MC stood their ground in front of him. He narrowed his eyes and told them to move once more. "I'm not moving, you need your rest." They spread their arms out as if their body would be enough to stop him. "I'm going to take care of your brothers, you go to bed."
"Who do you think you are ordering me around? You don't have a pact with me," he lowered his voice in an attempt to intimidate them.
"Your friend," MC replied, not at all scared of him. Instead, they looked up at him with a look that made him want to take a step back.
He felt his heart squeeze and his eyes widened at the sensation. He shook his head. Perhaps the exhaustion was giving him heart palpitations.
"Fine," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "But once I wake up, things had better be in order."
"I don't want to make a pact with him like this, Levi," he heard MC talking in the kitchen. He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest as he continued to eavesdrop.
"I want my money back, MC," Levi whined. "If you make a pact with him you can force him to give it back to me."
"But forcing someone to do something isn't right," MC protested.
"If he forms the pact with you, then that's his fault!"
"But holding Goldie hostage?" Mammon's eyes widened at the thought of his credit card being found. He peeked around the corner, seeing MC chipping away at the ice block surrounding his precious card.
"Just do it, MC," Levi said with a roll of his eyes.
"I don't want to use Mammon like that," MC murmured, sadness evident on their face. He felt his heart squeeze at the sight of someone not wanting to treat him like the scumbag he is. Taking a deep breath, he sauntered into the kitchen. Maybe he'd let them think they'd form a pact with him just for Goldie.
"Hey Levi!" he heard MC's voice from behind his door. He rolled his eyes and shared a look with Henry 2.0.
"Password?" Levi called back, going back to gaming.
"I-I don't know it," he heard MC mutter. "I-sorry, I just wanted to see if you wanted to watch some anime from the human world with me?"
His fingers froze as they were keying out commands to his character. With a sigh, he paused the game and dragged himself to the door. He looked at them, expecting them to laugh at his face.
"Human world anime?" he questioned.
"Uhuh," MC grinned and held up a disc set. "It's my favorite one."
"W-wait!" Leviathan took a step back. "You like anime?"
MC tilted their head to the side. "Well, yeah?"
He gulped. His heart skipped a beat before pounding away heavily.
"Just put it on, MC," Asmo cooed. "I promise he'll love it."
"I don't know," MC sounded reluctant.
With a sigh, Satan looked up from his book to Asmo's closet where the other two were. "What are you trying to make MC do, Asmo?"
"Oh hush!" Asmo stuck his head out of the closet. "You'll see in just a second!" Asmo winked at Satan before heading back in. "Just wear it, MC! Please!"
He heard MC let out an exasperated breath of air followed by Asmo's cheering. Asmo sauntered out of the closet with a wide grin on his face, but when he looked at Satan that grin turned mischievous.
Satan narrowed his eyes at him. "What did you do?" Before Asmo could answer, Satan's attention was diverted to the soft footsteps of MC leaving the closet. His eyes widened, his heart skipped several beats to where he was wondering if he was dying, he felt a rush of heat spread across his face.
"Do they look stupid?" MC questioned, adjusting the cat ears they were wearing.
"They look fine," Satan answered quickly, burying his face in his book, but unable to read with the image of MC stuck in his face.
He smiled seductively at the camera before hitting a snack. After the photo was taken, he hummed with content as he looked it over. Perfect angle. Perfect lighting. Perfect model. It was a perfect photo, but for some reason, he had no desire to post it on Devilgram. Not, his desire was to share it with one person.
"And send," he spoke, sending his selfie to MC.
It only took a few seconds before they responded.
MC: !!!!!
MC: It's not fair how beautiful you are!
Asmo chuckled before typing away.
Asmo: Let me see how cute you are <3
It took a couple of seconds before a photo popped up. Asmo let a snort come out. He hid his face with his hands from the rather unattractive noise that just came out.
He peaked at the photo of MC making the most unattractive face possible. He burst out laughing, his heart dancing about happily.
He had just gotten back from practice and starving was an understatement. He was sweating, his hands were shaking, he felt nauseated, he felt like he was going to die from his hypoglycemic episode. He stumbled into the kitchen, searching desperately for food.
"Beel! Perfect timing," he faintly heard MC's voice call, but he couldn't see them. His vision was getting blurry. "Beel?" Their voice sounded concerned. He narrowed his eyes, trying to focus, but the hunger was becoming too much.
"Food," he managed to get out as he put most of his body weight on the kitchen counter. He was getting dizzy.
A couple of seconds later, he felt something press up against his lips. He opened his mouth and swallowed whatever it was. There was more. This time, he noticed it was sweet and he chewed it. It was crunchy.
His vision started to focus back. He looked down seeing MC frown up at him. They held a batch of cookies in their hands.
"Are you okay?" they asked quietly. Beel nodded his head, eyeing the other cookie. MC let out a breath of relief before they handed him another. He happily ate it, savoring the sweet taste. "Do they taste okay? I baked them just for you?"
Beel's heart thumped heavily. "Just for me?" he questioned with his mouth fool. He swallowed the cookies and smiled happily. "They taste amazing!"
"Belphie," he heard a distant voice call to him. Although, this voice didn't seem to be too distant, just in the realm of the waking. "Belphie, if you sleep here you'll catch get cold."
Belphie reached his arms out and tightly gripped the person shaking his shoulder. They yelped as he brought them close to him. His arms wrapped around them.
"Then keep me warm," he retorted. He buried his face in their chest. He froze when he inhaled. It wasn't the sent of his brothers, but someone else.
He peaked his eyes opened, seeing MC close to him. His heart thumped heavily at MC's bewildered expression. With a yawn, he sat up, acting like he wasn't affected by MC's scent. It was comforting, warm.
MC was sitting at his desk while he finished up some paperwork. He had expected to be finished with them by the time MC got there, but alas, here he was.
"Lord Diavolo?" MC questioned, drawing the demon prince of Hell from his work.
"Yes, MC?"
"Do you like being called Lord Diavolo?" He looked up at them, seeing them look off to the side, refusing to make eye contact with him.
"I suppose if I had friends, I wouldn't want them to call me Lord Diavolo."
MC pouted, their lips sticking out. "You don't consider us friends?"
Diavolo's eyes widened. A painful sensation burst from his heart, though he wouldn't call it unpleasant. In fact, he wanted to feel it again.
"I would very much like to consider us friends."
"Good, Dia," MC grinned widely at him, making his heart flutter once more.
He was looking everywhere for the human. Somehow, they had gotten separated at the market. Something had caught his eye and he wandered off, but he had a sneaking suspicion that the same thing also happened with MC.
"Help!" he heard the human screech. His eyes widened as he sprinted to where the scream came from. A demon was towering over their form, salivating at the sight of the human's soul.
With a flick of his wrist, the demon was sent flying through a wall. Barbatos grabbed MC's hand and dragged them away from the alleyway they were trapped in.
"Are you hurt?" Barbatos asked once they were a distance away. His eyes trailed over MC's form, looking for any scratches or bruises.
"No," MC mumbled, looking down shamefully.
Barbatos frowned. "What's wrong?"
"I..." MC sighed. "I ruined our trip to the market together, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize," Barbatos shook his head. "All that matters is that you're not injured."
MC gave him a weak smile. "Thank you, Barbatos." They paused for a moment. "Oh! That's right." They dug through their bag. "I bought this for you. It's not much, but I wanted to thank you for bringing me here today." Barbatos's eyes landed on a bouquet of lilacs. "They're flowers from the human realm! I was surprised to see them here."
Barbatos felt his cheeks heat up and his heart dance about. Lilacs, the flowers indicating the first sign of love.
"And how have you been adjusting here?" Simeon questioned as he took a sip of his tea. He smiled kindly at MC. "I know it's been a couple of months now, but a lot has happened since then."
"It has," MC nodded. "To be honest, I was surprised to actually meet some demons and a couple of angels, I didn't know what to think. Humans have some pre-conceived notions on angels and demons, but seeing as I've never met one, I didn't want to let that cloud my judgment."
Simeon chuckled. "That's a very diplomatic way of seeing things."
MC shook their head. "I didn't do it to try and protect myself or get anything from any of you, I wanted to get to know all of you for who you are, not what you are. And after I got to know you, I wanted to be your friend!"
Simeon smiled brightly at MC, loving the feeling of his heart skipping a beat at their kindness.
"Just hold still for a moment," Solomon warned as he glanced at his book. "Alright, let me just...." He trailed off into muttering the encantation. His eyes flickered off from the book to where MC was standing in the circle. "How are you feeling?"
MC blinked at him. Their eyes drooping shut. "Tired." Their knees buckled and they started to fall forward. Cursing, Solmon rushed forward and caught them in his arms before they could hit the wooden blanks below.
"Are you okay?" he questioned, manipulating their body so he could look at their face.
They gave him a lopsided grin. "Just need...some sleep. But the encantation should help with insomnia," MC yawned. Their eyes drifting shut. "But maybe not with relaxing, this is a bit...too much." MC turned and buried their face in his chest. "Protect me while I sleep?"
Solomon's face turned a bright red. He adjusted MC a bit so that he was able to hold them tightly against him. "Of course, I'll always protect you." He ignored the wild hammering in his chest, opting to look after his fellow human.
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leviathans-watching · 4 years
Sticks & Stones Chapter Three
Tumblr media
A/N: Be sure to check out the masterlist for important information abt this series!
"MC," Mammon called, and you childishly turned your head away from him, unsure of what to say or think.
"MC, I'm sorry." He dropped onto the ground next to you and you repressed thoughts of Those are his favorite white pants, he hates to get them dirty-
You shrugged, not letting him explain, and watched his face fall from the corner of your eyes.
"I don't know Mammon. I thought I could trust you, but you told everyone. I'm hurt. Really hurt. Now they all know and are trying to make me feel better and shit, but it's obviously pity." You stood, brushing off your pants. "I don't want to say something I'll regret, so I'll find you when it's cool."
This time, it was you walking away, trying to pretend every step wasn't physically painful, like you didn't just walk away and leave your best friend behind.
Getting to your room, you did something that you hadn't done since your first week in the Devildom: firmly shut your door and engaged the lock.
* * *
When you didn't show up for dinner, knocks rained on your door, but you ignored it all, pulling your pillow over your head and turning over.
You were hungry but couldn't face everyone.
Distantly you heard them complaining.
Shocked: "Is their door locked? It's never locked!"
"Beel, what did you do?"
"It wasn't me. When I left them, they seemed fine. It's probably Mammon's fault!"
"Mammon you idiot! What did you do?"
A groan: "I knew this was a bad idea."
Then said heavily: "They don't want to talk right now. Let's respect their wishes and leave them alone."
A little while later a softer knock sounded and Belphie's voice sounded from the other side of the door.
"MC, I brought you a plate of food. If you don't want to open the door I get it, I'll just leave it outside the door. Beel might get it though," He teased.
You shuffled to the door and unlocked it, masking your emotions before opening the door and leaning against the door frame.
Belphie eyed you up and down, making sure you were all right, and also seemingly taken aback by the oversized t-shirt and pajama pants you had thrown on.
"Is that Satan's shirt?" he asked and you shrugged, taking the plate from him.
"I don't know, probably. Most of the clothes I have belong to you guys. I wasn't exactly pulled down here with a full wardrobe." You admitted, and he chuckled, shaking his head.
"I don't think you have anything of mine. If I leave but come back with something for you, can we chill together?"
You hesitated, but he pulled out the puppy dog eyes which he knew you were weak for.
The normally apathetic demon smiled, making his way down the hall towards his room, which was in the other wing of the house.
After Belphie had apologized for betraying you and lying to you and everything, the two of you had gotten along easily.
He was really chill to be around, and you thought he liked how you didn't expect certain things of him, but just wanted him to be himself.
You shut your door after it was clear that Belphie was going to take a minute.
When he finally returned, he threw you an oversized cow print sweatshirt that was really soft. You slid it on and patted the bed next to you.
The two of you sat and talked while you ate, and you noticed he was careful to keep the topic light and easy.
Setting your plate aside you checked the time.
"I can't believe it's already this late." A yawn took over the middle of your sentence, and Belphie nodded.
"We really should be getting to bed."
He said that but made no move to get up. You looked over at him and he looked half asleep already.
"Do you want to stay here for the night?" You finally asked, and a lazy smile crossed his lips.
"If you don't mind."
Rolling your eyes, you got up and brushed your teeth in your bathroom, pushing him over and getting under the covers when you were done.
You often had sleepovers with Belphie, Mammon, Levi, and sometimes Beel, so this wasn't that odd.
Ok, it was a little odd, since it was just the two of you, but you pushed that aside and quickly let the emotional strain of the day pull you into sleep after setting your alarm.
* * *
Loud banging on the door woke you.
"MC, and Belphie, if you're in there, get up! You're going to be late!" Levi called through the door, and you shot up, confused.
That is, until arms wrapped around you and pulled you back down.
"MC and I are sick!" Belphie called, and you looked over your shoulder at him, confused.
Lucifer's voice sounded through the door. "Belphegor..." His voice was low and threatening, and upon hearing it, you strained against Belphie who merely gave you an infuriating smile, his arms still trapping you.
"Mental health day," Belphie replied, pseudo-innocence clear in his voice. You managed to get your DDD to see why your alarm hadn't gone off to see it had been disabled, obviously Belphie's doing.
Lucifer tried the door, but it was still locked.
"Fine." Lucifer gave up. "But if this reflects badly on Diavolo or the exchange program in any way, I will hold you responsible, because I doubt MC is in there still willingly."
The brothers outside of your room walked away.
Once he was sure you wouldn't up and leave, Belphie let you go.
"What was that about?" You shot him a glare.
He stretched, his shirt riding up on his stomach. "I figured you needed a break."
You went into your bathroom and got dressed and ready for the day, not putting on your uniform for once, since apparently you weren't going to RAD.
When you came back into your room, Belphie was asleep again, sprawled against your bed.
You knew RAD had started by that time so you went down to the kitchen and got some breakfast, bringing it back up to your room.
Belphie was still asleep, his breath coming out in little puffs. His face was smooth and he looked more boyish than ever in that moment.
You snapped a photo, saving it to your camera roll.
Time passed and you spent it relaxed and quiet, cleaning up your room and watching tv, at one point even sliding in next to Belphie to take a nap. You didn't mind that he was sleeping, just like you didn't mind when Asmo was a little full of himself or when Satan was a little mean.
Getting mad at the boys for falling victim to what they represented was like getting mad a a dog for barking. It was in their nature.
When you awoke some time later, Belphie was awake and staring at you.
"Sorry I slept for most of our day off," He apologized, and you smiled sleepily up at him.
Your legs were tangled together and your head was on his chest.
"T's fine," You whispered, and stretched.
"I meant to tell you to go easy on yourself and-" You cut him off.
"I get it. I need to give myself a break and stuff." You did get what he was trying to say. He wanted you to be easier on yourself and give yourself a break more often, because that was another important aspect of self care.
"Yeah, basically."
The silence of the house was interrupted as the front door was thrown open, signaling the arrival of the rest of the brothers. RAD must have been over.
"Wanna stop hiding and get up?" You asked, and Belphie scrunched up his face.
"If I must."
Tags: @nimeryaa @crispyarttravelhumanoid​
Chapter 1
Chapter 4
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evelinamox · 4 years
Mammon x MC - Bewitched
*Side note before reading; I wrote this a few weeks ago. Been really out of practice writing, my peak was in 2017, so please go easy on me. ❤️ Also I should have named this something more like “Fell For You” 😂*
"Is he always late?" You groan to Satan as you wait outside RAD for Mammon to show up. Leaning against a wall, visibly pouting.
Satan shrugged and thumbed through one of his books. "Knowing him, he probably fell asleep in class or another teacher is scolding him for his grades."
You slid down against the wall until you were sitting on the ground. "Sadly I wouldn't be surprised," You looked down and picked at a loose thread on your RAD jacket. "Why did I even agree to meet with him here when he can't even try being on time? I'm never late so how come he can be whenever he chooses?"
Satan closed his book and looked down at you. "I have heard that exact line from you five times now. If you hate waiting on him then say something. I need to get going, good luck." With that he stepped away before you could even come up with a rebuttal.
Has it really been five times now? I mean I enjoy going with him places, especially photo shoots, but him always being late.. I think I'd rather be stood up at this point because at least it'd be clear how little he cares.
While lost in thought, Mammon snuck up to your side and attempted to scare you by grabbing your hip. Being an easily spooked, you let out an embarrassing yelp of fear that caught the attention of any demons within earshot.
"Grr Mammon!" You yelled at him as you jumped to your feet. Even while standing straight and trying to appear angry, you weren't near intimidating to him.
Mammon laughed at your attempt to be scary and ruffled your hair. "That's right! The Mammon has bested you! Say my name again for my victory!" He beamed a smile at you and put a hand behind his ear waiting for you to say his name again.
Crossing your arms at him and pouting, you shook your head in refusal. "Nope! Not happening!"
Mammon exaggerated a shocked look and clutched at his chest, pretending you physically hurt him. "After I grace you with my presence and you refuse my simple request?" Though still upset, his goofy nature caused you to crack a smile despite your annoyance.
Seeing you had cheered up some, Mammon did a "after you" hand motion, you started the walk together from RAD to Majolish.
Even while feeling a little better, Satans advice kept nagging at you until you spoke up. "Ya know... Not much of gracing me with your presence if you're making me wait every time." You said sounding dejected while kicking the same pebble every few steps to keep from looking at him. "I don't want to keep waiting for you on stuff you invited me to. I'm never late when it comes to our plans." The truth in your words hurt as they came out. You wanted to spend more time with him but being late for every plan he made got old fast.
Mammon at first became defensive at your words, "Why should I change my habits for a mere human?" but when you started picking up speed to get away from him, he quickened his pace to keep up with you. "Okay, fine! I will try to be on time from now on."
Due to his words you stop walking and so does he. "Promise?" You ask him with a hopeful tone.
He rolled his eyes at your question before saying "yes, I promise."
Without thinking you grabbed his hand while smiling at him. "Thank you!"
He became a bit flustered at first before nervously scratching the back of his head with his free hand. "N-no problem, (y/n)."
Unintentionally he looked down at your joined hands, but when you noticed and tried to pull away he held on tighter. "We'll keep it this way for now so I know where you are." He said while blushing brighter than you thought possible. You began blushing too since he wouldn't let go, but you went along with it as you both walked on.
Watching the shoot was intense as usual for all the workers. To avoid being caught in the hustle of all the other workers you took your usual spot against a wall between some unused equipment. You didn't ever mind your hide away nook since it also gave a decent side view of the action, and it was better than staying home studying.
After some time passed while watching the shoot, it started feeling awkward just watching Mammon. You liked him and he was undeniably hot, but you had a creeping feeling later he was going to say something like "Couldn't keep your eyes off me huh? Can't say I blame you though." Plus you weren't just tagging along to be some weird fan as much as it was entertaining.
Just as you took out your DDD to check Mononoke Land, you catch a glimpse of him winking at you which seemed to be anything but what the camera man wanted.
Was that intentional? Some kind of signal? You asked yourself. After that you continued to watch to see if it'd happen again. Before you knew it you forgot your plans catching spirits of Mononoke. Distraction. Definitely a distraction tactic that worked too well.
Finally the camera man ended the session and one of the assistants brought him a towel while a second assistant brought him a drink. It was noticeable that she tried to hold a conversation but he clearly just wanted to get away with how disinterested he acted.
Seeing him walk your direction you wanted to gather items and be ready to leave together. Rushing to pack your bag you didn't notice how numb your legs and butt were, causing you to stumble forward. Before you could fall face first Mammon caught you with his left arm wrapping around the front of you. Effortlessly he pulled you back up but then didn't let go. "Oh human, what would you do without me?" He laughed while still holding you against him.
Blushing from his bare muscles wrapped around you in what could best be described as a hug from behind, you glance around and notice a few staff looking at you two. Out of all the glances, there was a particular set of eyes glaring you down from the assistant that was trying to talk with him earlier.
"Probably have a few extra bruises." You try to laugh off how awkward you felt and lightly pushed off his arm that was still wrapped around you. "How much longer?" You nervously ask, feeling like a sheep with a wolf across the room planning its next meal.
"Aww want to know how long till we can leave and you can be alone with me?" Mammon beamed his same cocky smile.
Though you weren't sure it was actually happening, it felt as though the second assistant was starting through your back harder than before. If looks could kill, a crater would've been in your place. "Thanks." You sigh the word under your breath avoiding looking in her direction.
Completely oblivious to how uncomfortable you were, Mammon continued. "I'll get changed and we'll go. I'm not getting paid for cleanup so I'm not staying."
"I'll wait for you outside." You quickly answered before making a break to get out, not wanting to be alone in what felt like a lions den.
Waiting outside and taking in a fresh breath of air, you felt a dozen times better at the least. Mammon didn't take long either, but you did notice him shoving a strange crumpled piece of paper in his pocket while stepping out.
Awkwardly stopping at your side he extended his hand out to you while also bashfully looking away. "Let's get going."
Reaching out to grab his hand but stopping, you couldn't help but feel flustered. "Are you sure you want to still lead around a clumsy human?" You poked fun at yourself thinking back to him catching you.
Even after your question he still held his hand out but then looked back down to you. "It'd be for my own amusement, I'm not concerned or anything like that." He argued back, trying hard to not let his emotions show through.
Knowing he was trying to hide that he wanted to hold hands, you couldn't help but be a bit excited. Quickly you took hold of his hand and left together.
The walk home was fine, if not a little tiring. As a thank you gift you left a kiss on Mammon's cheek which left him so flustered that he was speechless as you quickly stepped away to hide your own embarrassment.
Next few days passed like any other school days, save for a few exchanged tsundere level flirting lines from Mammon and the usually shenanigans from the other brothers.
Early Saturday morning while sleeping you were suddenly awoken by rapid knocking on your door followed by a visitor coming in without permission.
Without even giving you a chance to comprehend his presence, Mammon deemed it appropriate to jump onto your bed in excitement.
"The hell do you want?!" You yelled while throwing a pillow at his face.
Mammon still excited ignored the pillow assault and showed you what looked like a paystub. "I got paid and decided you deserve a night out at a restaurant as thanks for coming with! We'll leave at 6p.m., so don't keep me waiting!"
He seemed so excited but you still wanted to pelt him with more pillows for waking you at 7 a.m.. "If you let me go back to sleep I'll give you a night to remember," you said, not really thinking on the meaning of the phrase.
Mammon's eyes widened and before you could take it back he ran out of the room while saying "Deal!"
"Nice one." You sighed sarcastically to yourself when you realized what you just said. In a short time you rolled back over hoping to sleep more but as soon as you closed your eyes many questions started running through your mind: Is this a date? Which restaurant? How should I dress? Did I really say I'd give him a night to remember? I mean I guess I wouldn't mind but... I must know if this is a date! It must be a date if he got that excited right? How long has he been planning this? Since when has he been a morning person?
After a fitful attempt at sleep that only lasted a few more hours, time passed and you began to obsess a bit too much over finding a outfit that wasn't too casual but also not to fancy either. Asking Asmo for help near noon, his shopping trip for you ended up taking another four hours before you could break free and retreat to your room.
Finishing putting on your favorite outfit of the assortment Asmo picked, you worry seeing that it was already 5:20p.m. and you haven't even attempted to help your hair yet. Sitting down at the vanity in your room, suddenly you noticed your face in the mirror appeared distorted. Your reflection appeared... Dead?
-Mammon's view-
While looking at his phone Mammon noticed it was already 6:20p.m.. Already annoyed he paced by the floor. "I gave (y/n) plenty of time to get ready. How dare that human make me wait." Getting tired of waiting Mammon marched up to your room about ready to pull you out of the room for the date. Nearing your room he felt dark magic in the air similar to what the witches have tortured him with. He made an audible gulp knowing that something wasn't right.
Knocking on your already open door he cautiously stuck his head in. "(Y/n)?"
Stepping into the center of the room he glanced around his eyes landed on a broken mirror and some strange green liquid he's seen before with the same witches he feared.
A churning feeling settled in his stomach and he ran to the first brother that came to mind that could help.
Slamming on the door to the twins room he started shouting. "Beel! Witches got (y/n)! Open up!!"
Beelzebub opened the door quickly when he heard that his favorite human was missing.
Completely panicking that two of Mammons worst fears became one, he didn't know what to do but he knew he needed help. "Beel! Can you sniff out (y/n)?!"
Beelzebub disappointedly shook his head at Mammons idea. "I'm a glutton but I'm not a dog! I will help you look though."
Mammon honestly thought it would be a solid plan for Beelzebub to sniff out (y/n).
Belphegor overhearing the conversation rolled his eyes at his greedy idiot brother, then got out of bed. Without a word he left the room and went down the hallway.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?!" Mammon shouted to his youngest brother. Half tempted to grab Belphi by the back of his neck like a kitten and make him help.
"Getting Lucifer, (y/n) is screwed if you're in charge." Belphie answered with his back to Mammon, still walking down the hall.
Before much time passed all the brothers were searching the property.
When it turned 6:35p.m. it became established there was no sign that a human left on foot.
Lucifer shook his head while thinking over all the information the brothers have gathered. "There's no sign (y/n) left in a normal manner. This means either (y/n) was taken by teleportation magic or managed to break the enchanted locks to the roof. We should all contact with any mages we know to see if they know what happened."
Mammon ignoring the last of Lucifers plan, his eyes widened in realization as all the pieces came together. At the photo shoot the other day he received a message from one of the assistants that was the key to all of this. One side had a phone number but when he checked it the note again later on the numbers were replaced with the message, "A tragic fall at dusk the day of Sabbath."
Mammon didn't think long on this note, thought it was a bad poem from a fan.
Without giving a explanation, he ran as fast as he could up the stairs till he reached the roof exit that only the best at magic should've been able to unlock. Much to his surprise and dismay he was right. Seconds away from dusk, you were stepping to the edge of the roof.
When you stepped off you regained control of your body, giving you a chance to scream out as you fell. Your scream was cut short, not because the ground or form impact, but because you felt someone grab onto but also falling with you. The scent and feel of the person holding on from behind was familiar, but everything was happening so fast you couldn't even think. Mammon had twisted you both in midair so you'd land on him. The feeling of the air engulfing you two before the landing deafening all the senses.
Crash landing together with a loud thud, Mammon let out a gasp while still holding your back tightly to him. "I got you. I have you." He said between gasps.
Opening your eyes you looked up at the building seeing that easily the fall could've severely hurt if not killed you.
Mammon let out a groan before rolling you over to the side of him so he could see your face. "(Y/n)... are you hurt?"
Slowly pushing yourself up into a sitting position, you nodded to him, feeling more concerned of his physical condition, though he didn't appear to be grimacing.
Mammon then sat up facing you, without a chance to ask his condition he pulled you to him in a tight hug.
Forgetting that witches were involved, only thinking of how his heart nearly lurched out his throat at the sight of you stepping off, he started shaking without realizing it. "Why? Why would you do something like that?! Do you hate it here so much that you'd rather die?!"
Unable to see his face or know what he was thinking, all you had to go on was the fall and the sound of him choking back sobs. "I.. I don't remember," You admit, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I was in my room, then next thing I knew I was falling in your arms."
"Don't ever scare me like that again!" He cried out, a few sobs escaping his mouth afterwards.
Forcing some space in his hold, you leaned back to look into his deep blue eyes. Instinctively you wiped away one of his tears rolling down his cheek. For longer than you could remember you had feelings for him, but could never get a full grasp of his emotions. For once his eyes and actions reflected how much he cared for and feared the thought of losing you. It hurt knowing how scared he was, but that made you all the more sure if there was ever a time to confess how you felt, it was then. "I love you too much to leave now." You whispered as you leaned in, your forehead against his.
In response to your words he placed his hand on the back of your head to push you into his kiss, it was a unexpected but welcomed surprise. Soaking in his emotions, a real feeling of love came from him. No force to it like lust, or void of emotions like pity. No, his kiss was perfect and reflected the bond you two built over the past few months.
When the kiss ended, his concerned expression was replaced by content. Hugging you to him once more he whispered in your ear. "I protect the things I love most, that includes you... (y/n)."
With help from all the brothers, Mammon found the witch responsible for the bewitching of (y/n). It turned out that a witch was helping the demon assistant steal Mammon's attention away, but the demon hoping to have just a disfiguring curse done to (y/n) was double crossed by the witch.
As it turned out this witch and Mammon held a contract but when he wasn't able to help with her most recent request, she decided to hit him where it hurt; by killing his precious human.
Though Mammon and the witch had a contract, no contract could save her from the brothers ripping her apart.
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To Be Daumerling
Fandoms: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!   Not Rated Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings M/M Complete Work
Master List
Chapter 8
Mammon had thought MC was small before, but now he was usefully small.
MC stood behind the demon across from Mammon. The tiny human scanned the cards in the demon's hand, then signaled to Mammon his best move. He'd made half a fortune already.
It was surprisingly easy to get MC to agree to the scheme, he had a surprisingly lax moral compass. Mammon knew there was something he liked about the little nuisance. Though sometimes he would purposely signal the wrong plays, probably so his colleagues wouldn't get suspicious.
Little shit.
After an evening of robbing petty demons blind, he and MC head back to the house of Lamentation. Mammon loved the Devildom at night, crazy people out sinning, scamming, fighting. It was like his favorite club but you didn't have to pay to get in and no one could kick you out when you puked on the ground.
MC sat on the arm of Mammon's shades, he remained close enough to speak in the demon's ear so he didn't have to use their pact.
"Did you see the look on his face?" Mammon barked. "He knew somethin' was up but he couldn't prove nothin!" He laughed heartily and MC rolled his eyes.
"Maybe now you can pay off some of your debts" MC suggested, Mammon hissed a breath.
"No...it would take a thousand years profit like this to pay off that mess. Best to just avoid it until it blows up in my face" he laughed nervously. MC pulled on his ear. "Ow hey!"
"Get your shit together man!" He scolded. Mammon rubbed his ear and grumbled.
"Yeah, sure, I'll get right on that."
0Levi stole MC while Lucifer wasn't looking. He'd been heartbroken when MC supposedly went back to the human world, so now that he was miraculously still around Levi was going to hang out with him dangit.
He was showing MC a new game he'd gotten when he realized just how different it was when MC was tiny. He was too small to use a controller and he kept wandering out of Levi's field of vision. After the fiasco with the drain he was terrified of letting the little human out of his sight. There was a lot of water in his room.
After pausing his game for the eighth time to find the little pest he switched things up, putting the human on top of his head.
"You stay up there so I know where you are," he commanded. MC sat cross-legged in the purple locks and pouted. How could he stay still when he was so bored? Watching Levi game was fun at first, but it had long since lost its appeal.
Stretching his legs out in front of him he felt the straight hairs curl around his feet and legs. Levi twitched a bit at the sensation, but he said nothing. MC got a wicked idea. Crawling to his hands and knees he started scratching the otaku's scalp with his little finger nails. Levi shuddered at the unexpected contact and almost dropped his controller.
"H–hey! What are you doing up there?" He tried to sound casual.
"Just scratching your head, you don't mind do you?" MC responded innocently.
"I guess not…" Levi muttered, then he mumbled to himself under his breath, "scritches for Levi" before returning his attention to his game.
MC continued diligently itching the demon's scalp, sinking deep into the lilac hair. He must've showered recently because it wasn't greasy, and it smelled good.
Levi found the sensation soothing. Too soothing. His eyelids became heavy and it was hard to focus on his game. Eventually he couldn't fight sleep any longer and resigned to pause his game and rest his eyes. Just for a few minutes.
MC watched Levi slump over, controller lightly falling from his hand. With a satisfied grin he hopped down from the demons hair and moved to continue exploring his room.
0Satan knew about MC's knack for getting into things, he'd found Belphie in the attic after all. But one would think he'd be tired by now. He'd climbed stack after stack of books, Satan chuckled at the antics as he set up more complex obstacles for MC to conquer.
Sometimes Satan would get nervous when MC climbed particularly high or jumped particularly far, but he comforted himself knowing he'd be nearby if anything happened. Far be it from him to say MC shouldn't be exploring his new stature.
Eventually MC did tire of the obstacles. His legs were too tired and he signalled to Satan he was done by crossing his forearms in an x shape in front of him. Satan picked the little figure up and set him on his lap.
"Finally out of steam?" He asked. MC shook his head vigorously. "What now then?" MC looked around, he was sore but he still had energy. He surveyed the room and it's clutter, it would be the perfect place to get lost for a while. The perfect place for a little hide and seek.
Motioning for Satan to lean down he spoke his idea in the demon's ear. Before Satan even had a chance to respond MC hopped down onto Satan's bed, then slid down the bed frame to the floor. He scurried off at full speed to hide in the mess.
Great, Satan thought to himself, find the human in the book-stack.
He started searching, moving each tome carefully so not to accidentally hurt MC. The human snickered from his place under the tall bookshelf, it would take Satan forever to find him.
Satan searched consistently until he'd cleared a portion of his room, it took him an hour. Stepping back he realized the portion he'd cleared was probably two foot square. He sighed and kept working.
This human was gonna keep him there all day.
0Asmo was more than ecstatic when Satan gave the little human to him. He'd had so many tiny outfit ideas and because they were so small it took basically no fabric and he could make them really quickly.
Grabbing his new doll he ran back to his room to get started, tiny MC waving his arms in protest.
It wasn't nearly as bad as MC thought it would be. Asmo made a little dressing room for him out of a tissue box so he could change in private, which was surprisingly thoughtful given Asmo's scandalous nature.
MC was never wealthy enough to afford his own wardrobe. All his clothes were thrifted or hand me downs. He liked those clothes, but the ones Asmo made were tailored specifically for him. Every measurement was to a T, everything was cut for his body type. MC quickly found himself looking forward to trying on each outfit the demon laid out for him.
Asmo had to take thousands of pictures, that's how cute MC was. He just had to document every angle for every outfit. In the end he made a whole devilgram just for MCs tiny fashion line. MC didn't like having photos of himself online but what he didn't know couldn't hurt him.
The account completely blew up.
Asmo was already pretty popular on devilgram but his following paled in comparison to the cult MC accumulated. He'd get lots of feedback as well. People saying things like "Wow Asmodeus this is your cutest line yet!" Or "I want to eat him with cheese and red wine".
In the end Asmo couldn't resist showing the page to MC, earning him a whole silent lecture. Asmo just watched MC pace and yell in obvious adoration.
0Evening was settling on the house of Lamentation when Beel got his time with MC. He was so happy to hear the human wasn't gone that he'd almost cried. MC had reunited his family, rescued his Belphie. He was one of Beels very best friends, practically another brother. He was so happy he decided to celebrate it with a snack.
Sitting in the kitchen he devoured slices of cake and whole loaves of bread and peanut butter.
"Oh...sorry" Beel apologized to MC. Finally coming up for air from his food he realized MC had barely anything to eat. His cheeks tinged pink with embarrassment. "I guess I should've shared…"
With a crinkle MC surfaced from the bag of shredded mozzarella he was sitting in, face and arms covered in cheese powder.
"Trust me B I'm more than ok." He laughed, nibbling the shred of cheese in his hand. It was the size of his head. "I could use something to drink though"
Beel nodded at the human with a smile and got up to get him some soda. "We only have cans" he mumbled. MC thought for a moment.
"What about straws?" He asked. Beel nodded and put a straw in the cola can, placing it on the table next to MCs cheese bag. While he was up he grabbed two entire boxes of cereal and brought them to the rest of his pile.
MC tripped slightly getting out of the bag and brushed himself off, walking over to the can of soda. The can was significantly larger than he was and he circled it analytically. Standing on a box of mac and cheese he still had to balance on his toes to reach the straw.
"I wish I was small" Beel rested his head on his hand while he shoved fistfulls of cereal in his mouth.
"So I don't have to eat all my brother's food." He paused his cereal eating and cast his eyes downward. MC leaned on the soda can and immediately regretted it as he was covered in condensation.
"Yeah but you also couldn't do a lot of stuff" MC reasoned, Beel looked at him. "Like working out or carrying Belphie around... protecting your family." Beel smiled a little, he did like doing all those things.
"I guess"
"You've got a lot going for you and you're a great work in progress, don't mess with it." The human waved his hand dismissively as he got back in his cheese bag.
Beel laughed a little and continued scarfing down cereal.
0MC must really be exhausted to fall asleep in his hand like this.
Belphie looked down to the vulnerable little creature in his palm. Surely his brothers wore the human out through the day, that's why he'd passed out here. MC would never willingly sleep in his hand like this.
But as the human curled around himself, nuzzling into Belphies skin, he couldn't help but feel his breath catch.
These hands had once murdered this human.
Didn't MC understand how dangerous he was? Didn't he see Belphie wasn't fit for normal demon society, much less a humans company? How could one be so stupid, so naive, so disgustingly trusting to be so calm in his presence. To bear his most vulnerable state to a cold hearted monster.
The rise and fall of MCs tiny chest reminded him that MC was alive. He was alive. Belphie almost didn't get to know this crazy wonderful human who'd done so much for his family. He'd almost snuffed him out for no crime other than his own life. Now he was alive, though Belphie had almost lost him the day before.
He was small, so impossibly small he couldn't protect himself. He was in danger from everything, even a short fall or a shallow puddle. Belphie could crush him like a bug in his hand if the desire struck.
Who would protect him?
Belphie looked to Beel sleeping on the other side of the room. His better half had never hurt MC. He'd never hurt a soul unless they deserved it. Belphie could understand if MC wanted to let his guard down around his gentle brother. But who would protect MC from Belphie now that Beel was asleep?
MC rapped his arms around Belphies thumb and the demon looked down quickly. MC's hair was shrunk so fine it felt like feathers. His little fingers gripped his hand and his skin was so soft...he weighed about as much as a sponge.
Belphies heart beat faster and it rushed in his ears. It was like holding a baby bird in his hand. So breakable and innocent and trusting.
He would protect him.
Belphie felt his resolve harden like concrete. He was dangerous and broken and unstable...but if he vowed not to harm MC then that was the biggest threat out of the way right?
He put his free hand over the first, bringing both of them close to his chest. Nothing would dare touch the human in his hands. He was the Lord of the Gap dammit, and nothing could take a family member from him again.
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