#[ic; hina]
lilypadpanda · 1 month
Hina: *Leaves the Glacial Village*
Some random Fire Demon she met:
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le-agent-egg · 6 months
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is this anything
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lunaetis · 5 months
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starriesse · 5 months
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Pro.shippers + Rad.queers, please do not interact with this post! If you use my filtered gifs, please credit me and the original gif makers + reblog.
Credits— 01 ; 02 ; 03 || 04 ; 05 ; 06 || 07 ; 08 ; 09
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magicmorningmeteora · 10 months
Who is your birthday oshi? ~December 1-20~
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revengesworn · 5 months
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"I swear... sometimes he just doesn't listen!"
Hinata sighs, but that sigh quickly transitions into a laugh as she finds herself smiling fondly. She may complain about Takemichi sometimes, but even when she does, it's clear just how fond of him she is from the way she speaks - and how she can never stay annoyed for long.
But it makes her happy to be able to talk to Yuzuha like this, too. Especially when Takemichi's always hanging around with guys - having a fellow girl she can spend time with is really nice, and Yuzuha is honestly someone who Hinata really admires at that. A lot has been on her mind, lately, but... she doesn't want to burden Yuzuha with all of that, so for now, Hina decides to turn the conversation back to the other girl.
"How have you been doing? Since everything that happened at Christmas... it must've been really hard..."
@starjynx ( starter for yuzuha! )
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lustbcrne · 3 months
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@dcndrolust said : free. our muses getting frisky in a secluded lake. ( Dcndrolust. 🙏 Kazuhina ofc) 『 Meme / And yes, I AM connecting to this || Accepting 』
          The glow of Chinju Forest was always one he adored.
          Kazuha once found the gleam of the flora about a modicum of solace, through his time as a wanderer, as well as those days spent on the run. He remembered foolishly wanting to collect one of the blooms for himself, a pretty little something to always carry with him, not realizing how fast they'd wither in hand if he did.
          Yet, now, they meant something utterly different.
          Now, it was not solace for a heart's ache they'd brought to settle over him, rather delight, as the soft azure glow around him would leave shadows dancing across him.
          Across Hina's lovely body, as she had shifted to face him, crystalline waters cascading in rivulets along her supple skin.
          By moon's light and gentle radiance of blooms, she was truly a vision before him. A siren's call, beckoning him forth, tempting him into the waters like the fair maidens of legend upon the seas. And thus follow her into the pool's depths he would, with only a brief moment's pause to take in her beauty a moment longer, before he'd eagerly stripped away his clothes and waded in after her.
          Of course, by no means was Kazuha's mind in any way devoid of desire as he did.
          No sooner had he slipped into the warmed waters, then a drawn-out sigh had left his lips. He was keenly aware of how her ears had twitched in hearing it. How the softer mood would shift as tension would begin to wind, before the distance between them swiftly closed, as he'd taken that hand and drawn her in. As he'd reached to gently brush hair from her face. To touch along the little traces of water trickling down her skin, almost wishing it were his mouth worshiping instead.
          Ahh...but he could be a little selfish now, couldn't he?
          "This is truly a splendid gift," Kazuha had murmured, the low rasp of his voice and glimmer in his eye betraying the want simmering within.
          Want that would soon be indulged in, as he'd find his mouth mapping along her body, tongue lapping up those subtle little rivulets of springwater as his fingers had trailed along her body, brushed ever so slightly against her sex before gently moving to touch and tease.
          "Perfect. Simply perfect-"
          To push past her folds in eliciting a cute little whine from her, feeling her hips rocking into his touch in seeking more of it. More he would happily grant in turn, as his fingers would curl and twist within her.
          Each subsequent little cry and breathless hitch of her voice, he couldn't help but adore. To spoil himself with its timbre, as he'd push his fingers to go just a little further, reward each little slip of it with all the more pleasure, and watch her every reaction with fond, keen interest.
          As her own hand had taken and held his length, set tight, deliberate strokes to match each move he'd make within. As each eager pump of his cock would follow a deliberate, particular press into her clenching walls, his teeth and mouth painting marks wherever they'd fall.
          It was her eager touch and responsiveness that held him fast, brows furrowed as soft little sounds spilled from his lips, joining her sweeter ones and the ripples of water in the otherwise still night air. Each touch would further wind the warmth and pressure building within, his teeth would close over her should, easy to hide to bruise he'd worry into her skin before releasing his mouth's hold.
          His forehead pressed into the crook of her neck, as she'd curled into him, soft pants of praise and desire leaving him as his fingers worked in deeper, moved a little faster the more the feeling pooled and boiled inside.
          Her little whines would soon give voice what he too so craved: to press inside and let her sweet melodies truly ring out in the night.
          Of course, who was he to deny her that?
          Of course he wouldn't, pulling his now slick fingers free and taking hold of her hips. Within the waters, her body would be all the easier for him to maneuver, moving to turn then press her to a boulder nearby for stability.
          Like this, he would move to take hold of her knee, lift her leg just so, as a murmured, "I love you," would grace his lips. As kiss after kiss would linger along her spine, lining himself up and pushing in. Slow at first, to indulge in the feeling of her soft, welcoming walls clenching around him. To let her feel him, as he wouldn't be able to see her pretty little expressions now. Shame, but it couldn't be helped. It wouldn't do to let her back be injured like this after all-
          The thought would dissipate as her walls tightened down on him again, a pitched moan leaving him in turn. His gaze moved, locking with hers, watery with want as her body shuddered in his hold.
          An arm wrapped tight around her, a secure, reassuring embrace ( I'm here, don't you worry, I'm right here- ), before he would move again. Once, twice, he'd rock into her in a shallow, languid pace before a lovely little cry of hers would have his self-control fraying, the next few a little more punched out as his eagerness would quickly overtake reason.
          His head hung as a groan left him, fucking into her with abandon she'd tighten around him, as her voice would plead for more and the desire in him would demand it just as much. As he would cast aside as inhibition and tug her back onto his cock, again, again.
          "So good," he managed, as he felt that telltale pressure within him build and burn away the thin thread holding him together. "So good for me. I love you, I love you-"
          A hand released to reach around her front, fingers circling then rubbing at her clit.
          "Could you cum for me like this, Cherry Blossom?" he crooned, letting further pressure grace and tease the sensitive little bundle of nerves as his hips would cant forward a little faster. "Wanna feel you, just like this. Wanna feel you cum on my cock, wanna hear you-"
          A moan cut his words short, as her back arched and her body tensed. Feeling her walls squirm and snug around him one final time, before he'd swiftly follow suit, cumming with a breathless sigh of her name.
          A breath, two, the a soft laugh would spill from his lips as he--carefully--would separate from her, briefly, if only to turn and pull her back into his embrace.
          "Thank you," he would murmur, placing a kiss as best he could reach upon her forehead, her nose, and finally her lips.
          Truly, I adore you so.
          Thank you.
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dcndrohime · 1 year
To believe she made ways for Ritou, on foot amidst the pouring rain, grim weather & thunderous sounds, would be right.
Without catching a break at the knowing there should be no time to waste but still conscious enough to be wearing a wooden hat as shelter from incessant raindrops, Hinamori, dressed as she is by default, had ran a long way, even if to see one person alone.
After she heard a bit on what occured, by gossips alone, the canine woman has gone as far as sneaking past guarded roads & paths.
As she reached Ritou though, there is no sign of her slowing down. Teal hues catch sight of a vessel ahead, very Liyuean-like and while she continued to head for the wharf area, Hina's attention lit up when finally able to set eyes on whomst has been deemed fugitive, a criminal to be brought in but she was not here for any of this.
Its with heavy breathing, with a rather hoarse tone from all that running, that she calls out...
She had to see him, if for a few minutes.
There was much to say.
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dutybcrne · 1 year
          To say he felt utterly thrown for a loop right now, it would be an understatement.
          Bennett had long since known his luck was terrible, but this really took the cake. He'd only intended to take a nap on the ship after playing with those kids, how in Barbatos' name did he end up in Inazuma?! Worse still, they'd kicked him off the moment he'd made himself known and up and left! Which...he supposed was fair, he didn't have any Mora on him to pay for his, even if unintentional, journey here. Still...
          Ahh, maybe he ought to just find the nearest Adventurer's Guild? Yeah. Yeah, that oughta help!
          ...which was where, exactly?
          He shook his head and smacked both hands onto his face. Right, focus, Bennett! Find someone who could help! Like...maybe the pretty lady with the canine ears? She looked nice and friendly-
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          "Uh...h-hey! Hey there! Can you help me?"
|| @dcndrohime ||
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hehosts-moved · 8 months
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❝ shining!? i usually avoid that place. you should, too ... if you know what's good for you. the hosts there breed nothing but trouble. ❞ // * open starter from miss hina !!
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fruiteggsaladit · 6 months
Headcanon that while Yukina has Hina's visual everything, and it looks as though Hiei got nothing, in fact Hina had an extremely similar outlook on life like Hiei and life story. Big reason he values his birth crystal is bc he somehow felt it in the Vibes that she was the same kind of person as him:
A (Question says "what is 2+2" and they interpret it as "1+3" and get the right answer but something went Cosmically Wrong here) type judge of character, too rash in his assessments and decisions bc he can't stand thinking about his reasoning or else his brain'd explode from how much of a dumbass he is, how he desperately wants connections but he doesn't believe he meets the requirements of love and he knows it'd destroy him to hear a person beloved to him, tell him "you're too much and I don't want you". It'd destroy him to think about how much he actually dislikes himself and why.
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viatrixtravels-a · 8 months
[ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 ] : receiver hears sender calling their name while asleep (scoot my dragon au)
𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝
[ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 ] : receiver hears sender calling their name while asleep
ーー ( Traveler... )
Eyebrows knit into a frown as she stirred in her sleep - not quite waking up just yet.
ーー ( Come, Taveler... )
The blonde's eyes gradually opened, yet her consciousness was barely there, almost as if she was in some kind of trance when she slowly lifted her body off the bed and began to walk towards the door.
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Her little flying companion was still sound asleep, unaware of what was going on.
"...Mm...Paimon can't eat any more..."
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By the time Lumine snapped back to her senses, she found herself in some kind of underground cavern, her surroundings dark and quiet.
"...Huh? Where am I...?"
Upon further inspection, she was not alone, her heart dropping at the sight of an enormous, emerald-colored dragon lying on its belly in front of her.
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dnangelic · 1 year
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' no one steals from phantom thief dark !! i'm not going to sit back and watch while people take what's mine ! ' @lunaetis || one liner .
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kurotm · 9 months
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@lunaetis writes: eden was feeling particularly playful. if she had a tail, it would be swishing about mischievously when she approached the other. silent were her footsteps, as she ambushed him from behind, locking him in place with her arms and hands — only for her to tilt her head and parted her lips, sinking her fangs right into the part of skin that was visible for her. crimson insignias in form of her teethmark immediately appeared following the bite. she grinned, looking like a proud puppy catching a rabbit.
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despite being with his sister, the raven kept mostly to himself. but one thing was clear to everyone in the ASTRAL EXPRESS.
kiyoshi did not like being touched.
even light contact was enough to make him flinch, one of the rare times that he ever expressed emotion. one that of shock, then came one that of irate, but right after being a quiet “sorry” before heading off to anyone’s guess. in a way, he was like DAN HENG, but more closed off from the others … and possibly the world. just a man of few words that gave off a COLD feeling towards others he interacted with.
but that facade of his was an EXCUSE to hide away his true self.
just like what he was hiding underneath his clothing: scars from a past he dared not to remember.
parts of humanity stolen from him, in favor of seeing what a normal body could handle with their … experimental peripherals. horrific enough for him to try anything to BLOCK those memories out, enough for him to be unable to look at his own reflection without showing a hint of disgust. regardless, he had to accept the harsh reality he was part of now. 
it was part of his flesh now, and forever it will be.
and he believed no one outside the EXPRESS would accept him.
at least, that’s what he thought … until he met EDEN. 
she was different from the others … way different than he expected. besides those golden hues of her that had him in awe, there was more of her that he heard about. having a STELLARON inside her, to draw power from other PATHS, her supposed connection with KAFKA of all people, she was truly a mysterious, yet POWERFUL individual.
then he saw her hidden side.
there are many ways he can describe her, and any assumption he had of her when they first met went flying out the window. eden was somewhat like march 7th, except way more OUTGOING and MISCHIEVIOUS. even though she had the CANCER OF ALL WORLDS, it never really stopped her from interacting with others.
and for some reason, the raven felt drawn to her. 
he didn’t know when or how, but it was just like that.
she was a little annoying when they first met, then time passed as he began to feel more COMFORTABLE around her. from small talks to leisurely hang outs, her presence alone was enough to warm his heart. but doubt still plagued after all that. the BIGGEST one being how she’ll react when he shows what he really looked like underneath. to be rejected by her would just be an absolute nightmare for him.
but then again, was having metallic prosthetics worse than a literal seed of disaster?
to make a long story short, as their relationship grew, all was revealed. their secrets, their insecurities, their … feelings towards one another. awkward at first, yet progress was made the CLOSER they got. to fully describe what their intimate bond is, think of a brooding man in black handling his raccoon dog with so much tenderness and care.
so what could’ve been the raven usually rejecting physical contact was instead WELCOMED in open arms as he allowed eden to sneak up on him. he didn’t even need to turn his back to see who it was the moment he felt her teeth slightly nibbling through his exposed skin. all he could do was respond to that puppy-like smile with a smile of his own, bringing her close to him with a firm but warm embrace.  
❛ missed you, eden… ❜
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she was an ANOMALY in this ever-expanding universe, but that’s what he loved about her.
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revengesworn · 1 year
"Ah, Matsuno-kun!"
Hina smiles as she realizes she recognizes the boy walking a bit ahead of her, and waves, jogging over to greet him. It's funny - months ago, she never would've imagined that she'd be greeting a gang member so cheerfully like this. Of course, Takemichi has always been a delinquent, so it's not like Hina's ever had a problem with them or anything - but Takemichi is... well, Takemichi. It's hard to think of him that way even when he gets into fights all the time.
But the other members of Toman are a bit different. She may not know them well herself, and at times they can be intimidating, but... Hina's not going to be scared of anyone that Takemichi calls a friend. And Chifuyu... he seems to be especially close to him.
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"Were you looking for Takemichi-kun? He got caught up with his teacher about something, but I'm sure he'll be here soon!"
@ofsavior ( starter for chifuyu! )
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lustbcrne · 4 months
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@dcndrolust said : She'd just about finished their little get-together, so to speak, on the house's divan. As Hinamori slowly recover her breathing, arms loosely draped across Haitham's shoulders, does she feels a certain touch from the back and needless to say, it leaves her startled before turning her head quickly. Only then does the Amurta scholar realizes its just Kaveh... gripping at one of buttock's cheek. She's a bit puzzled at first but it seems round two is in order. Well, if a certain acting grand sage doesn't mind... (drop this threesome ask and run. Her Akademiya verse obvs) 『 👀 || Accepting 』
        ・⊱ An eye like his would never fail to appreciate what he deemed sublime, or otherwise a work of art. Still and handmade, or living and breathing, such beauty would always move him. Perhaps in different ways, depending on each case but even then...
        "Ah–sorry," Kaveh murmured, pulling his hand back. A roseate sheen would rise in his features as he sheepishly met her gaze. "I-I didn't mean, are you...I-I hope I didn't-"
        "You tend to overthink far too loudly, you know that?" Al-haitham's mumbled voice rose from beneath her. "Stop that." Ignoring the abrupt, indignant sputter that would leave the blond for the moment, the scribe's attention would fall upon Hina as he raised himself to look upon her. A hand moved to gently rub at her back,
        "How are you feeling?"
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