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tumblr account for the official light novel and manga of my MY DAD IS A HOST?!header + icon credit: ottermelonart
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hehosts · 5 hours ago
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here is some official art i have done for the light novel we are working on over at @hehosts! read the pilot, chapter 1.5, and chapter 2 there!
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hehosts · 6 hours ago
For the Discord, I am thinking of doing some early chapter releases there (sans art) as like both a thanks for joining and being there but to also encourage folks to join while getting some early access stuff happening there! :))
Here is the link!
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hehosts · 6 hours ago
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“Eh? Excuse me?! What the hell is that supposed to mean? Ren!” 
“You know what it means.” Unbothered, Ren checks his clipboard. “I said you know what it means.”
“I heard you! But we’re not even performing tonight! We’re just working the bar and hosting. What’s the big deal?” Flashing a confident grin, the pink-haired host continues easily. “Besides, I always put on a show.”
“I’m sure.” Ren looks up at Sho with the most neutral face he can muster. “If you want to keep your rank, you’ll listen to me. Second, for now, but not for long. That’s what the big deal is. Got it? Oh, come on. You know I’m right.” 
“No, you’re the worst! And jealous. I bring in profits, okay? BIG PROFITS! Don’t be like that, Ren!” 
Uncomfortably, the other hosts watch. This is how it always is with them. A display of challenge, authority, and a grab for power. In the end, Ren and Sho are powerless against each other. Always evenly matched, they invariably will find something to fight about.
“JEALOUS?” replies Ren in open disbelief. He’s dropped the clipboard at his side, holding it tightly. “Ha! In what universe? I made you what you are. Without me, you wouldn’t be here. If I wanted to, I could swap you and Haru. How would you like that?” 
“Haru can barely hold a tray!”
“That’s not true,” a soft voice interjects. 
This is Haru, currently supported by a larger host named Daisuke. Haru is the rookie, whereas Daisuke is the athlete. The tenth and seventh-ranking hosts have more or less come together these last few months. Counterbalancing each other, Daisuke is usually there to pick up whatever pieces of Haru remain from Ren and Sho’s constant use of him. 
“Haru can hold a tray just fine.” That’s Satoshi. He’s the third in command. Satoshi is more like a shadow, the intellectual who takes up the mantle of an unofficial assistant manager. He adjusts his glasses. “I’ve seen it.”
“Ugh, this is ridiculous. Look, no more stalling,” declares Ren. He’s had enough. “And I’ll be however I want, Sho. Look, there aren’t any notes to go over. I just want us to start bringing in the profits this season, okay? The last quarter was good for us; I was happy with it, but we can do better. The more money the club makes, the more money we make. Understand? Now. We have customers to serve.” He leers at them. “So…serve them.” 
To himself, Sho mutters that Ren “really is the worst.” 
Ren ignores that for now. Instead, he goes to unlock the doors again. Satoshi is good about locking them behind everyone when they come in for their shifts. Ren never has to worry about that. 
He’s just about the only one I can trust around here. I’ll have to meet with him later to talk.
Now open for business, Ren instructs everyone to their places. This is more or less a usual night for them, so he has Haru at the door, Ringo and Katsu (the angelic and devilish types, hosts nine and eight respectively) handling the bar runs as the other hosts station tables even for their named clients or the regular flow of customers they’ll be seeing tonight. 
The night is all champagne towers, floating laughter, ambient music, and the illusion of romance. Once in their elements, there are no mistakes. One would hardly know they were all bickering just before serving drinks and telling stories with accompanying jokes or fun facts. With heavy flirting, of course, but reserved touches, if any. Each host leans into his strengths, avoids weakness, and takes diligent notes with each bathroom break. 
Host Ren—being the man of the hour, as always—is in the secluded VIP area upstairs. 
Shining! is a dual-floor operation. The bottom floor holds the main stage, primary bar, lounge, and most seating areas. Its entrance is a small waiting area that Haru often tends to these days. Upstairs is the aforementioned VIP area. With velvet ropes, a private bar, and smaller spaces for more intimate conversation, it’s Ren’s preferred playground. 
These smaller spaces typically belong to the main three. Number one, Ren; number two, Sho; and usually number three, Satoshi, but tonight, it’s number five, Yūto. 
Ren needs Satoshi downstairs more and more often these days, and while Yūto will not usurp Saotshi’s rank, he will take his physical place for now. Besides, Yūto’s gentle type of energy contrasts Sho’s Genki personality, while Ren’s romance harnesses the three of them into harmony.
For a moment, Ren wonders how things are going beneath his feet. Otherwise occupied with three women who demand his focus, he can overhear as Sho tells a group of ladies an illustrious story. 
Yūto is happy to be doted on, told in repetition just how cute and soft he is. That is his appeal. This encourages more drink and dessert requests as they spend more time and money on the small blond. Yūto is non-threatening, and that is exactly why Ren hired him. 
Downstairs, Haru’s overwhelmed. He’s ready to hit the floor as everyone else seems to go with the motions, their evenings flowing as easily as the bottles of champagne they order. Liquor flows easily into shot glasses, and laughter erupts from a silly picture the artist Rōnin has drawn. He is comfortable being fourth, just beneath Satoshi’s third. He looks at the intellectual, finding his eyes across the room. 
Every night, Satoshi is getting better at handling the main floor alone. He’s able to have some control without Ren’s peering gaze. While he appreciates Ren’s commitment, knowing that he means well, Satsohi finds he can decide in the moment much more easily without Ren there. It’s more comfortable without Ren’s doubt of his abilities.
Besides, if Ren were downstairs, he could see the man outside of the window, peering in dutifully before disappearing into the night.
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Ren feels like he just closed this place up, but here he is again the next day. 
Unlocking the front door, he leaves it open for the hosts, who know not to keep him waiting long. Besides, even if Ren locks the door for real, Satoshi has a key. 
And Satoshi is always on time. He does nothing without a purpose, which Ren likes about him. 
Going inside to slip into the usual routine, Ren expects nothing unusual to happen today. Just like yesterday. The day before that, too. The last few weeks. Shining! has been stagnating a bit. Sure, the profits are good. That’s what’s got him thinking. 
Out of all Sho’s troublemaking, he had brought up a good point yesterday. He had mentioned performing. Moreover, Sho mentioned a lack of performance. It was a thought Ren carried home with him that night, mulling over before falling asleep. 
I guess it has been a while. We used to do more performances, but I got too busy to choreograph new routines all the time. I just…have to find the time, I guess.
There is no way in hell Ren will allow Sho to take over the closest he’s ever gotten to his dream. Playing piano at the host club is the closest Ren will ever get to being the pianist he always preferred. Letting Sho run anything that could influence what Ren does on the stage, including relinquishing control over his employees, will never happen.
“They better not be late,” he complains. Didn’t he just say that yesterday? Or something oddly familiar? The repetition is becoming unnerving, even to Ren, who feels an odd sense of deja vu. “I should turn up the heat.” 
Looking over, he sees some of the hosts mingling outside the doors. One of them turns to jeer at Ren, pointing at him as they laugh. Pressing his face to the glass, Ren can see it is Sōta, the sixth-ranked host and notorious wild type, in all his glory. The punk sneers before wiping his hand across the window. 
Ren approaches, whips the door open, and snaps at his crew to get inside. They greet him as they filter in, resuming their prior conversation as they head to the changing room. 
“—And that’s the truth!” Sho finishes. 
“As if!” Sōta snorts. “That’s total bullshit, Sho. Come on! I’m not a fuckin’ idiot.” 
“I mean…” Sho moves on quickly. “I can confirm it! As fact! Besides, like you would know. I happen to be a very reliable source of information.” 
Sho manages to get all the information he needs. He’s the second-in-command for a reason. His looks get him far, his natural charisma carrying him, but ultimately? There is a way of working the system that Sho uses to his advantage. He learned it even before moving here. That, and he has his particular points of interest. Points are generous. Sho is more interested in people than anything else. Particular people. 
“Oh yeah, prick? You know everything?” 
“You said it, not me.”
“Then you can confirm it, right? Like, for real?” 
“...Confirm what?” 
“See! I knew it!” Sōta is jeering openly at Sho as the others begin to undress from their daily wear into their uniforms. Most seem comfortable to change in front of each other, though Rōnin has taken to a stall that’s set up for privacy. Sōta continues his barrage otherwise, hardly bothering to get ready at all. “You don’t know shit!”
“I can confirm it!” A beat. “Confirm what?” 
“That the owner is in town. He’s back. If he’s here, then he’s out for blood.”
At the mention of this mystery man, most of the other hosts falter, stopping to look at Sōta for any sense of real confirmation, something they can actualize and believe. Ringo and Katsu give each other knowing looks, while Haru seems the most worried.
“T-That Man?” he squeaks. Haru is all but sweating bullets now. 
“Is here?” Daisuke finishes. He’s doing his best to comfort Haru’s rising anxiety. 
Sōta nods, crossing his arms. Who else is going to challenge him on this? 
“Where did you hear that?” Satoshi presses. 
“I got my sources. What, you don’t believe me, Satoshi?” Sōta barks. “Fuck you!” 
“I don’t.” Satoshi’s tone is flat. He isn’t going to be so easily swayed, it seems. “You lie a lot, Sōta.” 
“Gah, fine! But seeing is believing, assholes. When He comes here, you’ll know I was right.” 
“Why don’t we just ask the boss ourselves?” Daisuke suggests. 
“I agree,” says Rōnin, coming out from the stall. He looks as good as he always does. His uniform is perfect, tailored with a fine hand. “I think asking Ren is a good idea.”
“I think it’s pretty generous to call Ren our boss,” adds Sho, who begins to get ready. “He’s a manager, not a boss.” 
“Ren takes care of everything. He’s our boss. His boss is…” Daisuke falters. He usually stands up for Ren, but sometimes, it’s difficult to find the right words. “...Him, right?”
“Which makes Him all of our bosses. If he fired Ren, who would we listen to?” Rōnin suggests. He’s trying to be a more subtle voice of reason here. 
“That Man isn’t coming here. He barely shows up anymore.” It’s Sho who feels confident in saying this as he stares at himself in the mirror. “Ren just likes to use him as a threat these days. What if He comes back? You know Ren never knows anything for sure. He just likes to pretend he does so we’ll respect him more.” 
“Ren deserves our respect,” Haru adds gently. “He does a lot of us.”
“He’s jealous of us!” Sho replies. “And jealous of me. He’s always giving me a hard time! I do everything around here. You really should appreciate me more, you know?” 
By now, most of them have changed and are ready to join their leader. 
“If we ask Ren,” Haru says from behind them, “he’ll tell us the truth. He’ll tell us if That Man is coming.” 
“No,” Sho replies. His disbelief is sarcastic. There’s no way anyone should expect Ren to be honest with them. He’s the most dishonest man Sho knows! Satoshi said Sōta lies a lot, but the reality is that Ren is always lying. Sho is so close to proving he’s hiding something. “He won’t.” 
“Daisuke is right,” Rōnin says. “It’s best to ask Ren ourselves.”
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hehosts · 12 hours ago
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a little chapter 2 teaser art of the three main hosts: ren, sho, and satoshi
art by: ottermelonart
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hehosts · 1 day ago
What period is this novel set in?
So, for me, I initially wrote this in a semi-modern setting, but I always imagined it to be anywhere from the 80s to early 2000s. i settled around that sweet period of 2013-2015. There's still technology (mobile phones, etc), but there is still a 'nostalgia' factor for that time.
This also avoids the more modern problem of online booking for most host clubs. the way I have Shining! operate is that it is unusual because it can cater so heavily to tourists while also being essentially a lot of walk-in with the ability to book reservations for named hosts.
Does the ranking system for hosts change monthly? Sometimes. Most hosts at Shining! have a permanent rank, all of which have different benefits. The higher the rank, the more benefits that host receives. Their rank is usually by their newness, though that's not always true.
How did they decide their types? They didn't. Ren did.
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hehosts · 5 days ago
Some fun facts about your main character:
He likes to cook! And bake. He also sews. He mends a lot of his own clothes, including clothes for the host club to save on costs. He does contact a local tailor in town named Adachi Nana, who runs a spot called NEEDLE & THREAD. She gives him good deals because she is friends with someone he knows. A sort of 'friend of my friend' situation. This 'mutual friend' is actually a character named Fujita Akira, who will appear semi-regularly.
Akira works at the local Easy Mart, is 28, and is known to be a lazy, apathetic man. He is Ren's friend from middle and high school. They reconnected in adulthood. Akira is half-Thai, half-Japanese, lives on his own, and has a fondness for cats.
Ren had Kyosuke when he was 22. He fell into being a dad pretty easily. He loves being a father, which is probably why he's so stern on keeping his lives separate.
Ren loves to play the piano. It's his biggest hobby, one of his highest skills, and something he does both at the club and on his own. He took lessons from ages 6-15. He began writing music at 14. He can read music.
Ren speaks Japanese as his first language but is very fluent in English. This makes him a huge draw for tourists. Not all host clubs entertain tourists, but Shining! does. Ren and a few others usually take on the tourist load during 'tourist season'. He also speaks French, which he learned early in his hosting career. At first, it was just to say romantic lines in French, but he really enjoyed it, almost finding a natural 'draw' to language learning, so he eventually became fluent. It's helped him immensely in his career.
Ren is constantly rivaling with another host club. Who are they? We'll find out.
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hehosts · 5 days ago
It is nighttime now, and Ren’s dressed for work. He looks quite unlike himself—unlike the man from earlier who was so humbly dressed in a sweater and slacks with glasses and loose hair. That was Yori, he would argue, and to go to work, he must be Ren. That is the difference. Hosts never use their real names. He didn’t even take this name himself. 
A man gave it to him—That Man. 
His suit is pressed, with matching gloves and shiny shoes. All black, all precise, and all too familiar. His hair is gelled back perfectly. Loose enough at the front to give the illusion of approachability, yet retaining the professionalism of a man in charge. The balance is painfully necessary. His employees have to respect him, but there is a high level of desirability to fulfill. 
Knotting his black tie, Ren looks at himself in the mirror, dusts away the remaining particles of foundation that have collected near his neckline and nods affirmatively. Spritzing on the remaining bits of his best cologne, he frowns as he remembers to order that ‘business expense’ sooner rather than later. It always takes so long that Ren often delays even ordering it. Ren always seems to be on top of everything, balancing two lives with corresponding responsibilities. It’s the little things that slip most often.
“Kyosuke?” he calls, finally leaving the bathroom. It takes him at least an hour and a half to get ready, which means Kyosuke’s on his own for a while. “Son, I’m leaving for work soon.” 
Kyosuke, at only five, appears to hold everything together well on the surface. Ren is very good about shielding him from things that he finds unnecessary. Stressing out a child, as far as Ren is concerned, is just mean. For all his faults, and there are many, he wants to raise a son who can eventually leave him and succeed, even if that separation will hurt. It’s not Kyosuke’s fault his life is like this right now. Ren likes to think it’s not all his own, but he’s certainly got a huge hand in it, right? Without Ren, there is no Kyosuke, and without Kyosuke, arguably, there is no Ren.
I’m the adult. He’s only here because of me. If anyone should be stressed out all the time, it’s me. And he certainly is stressed. Ren doesn’t know when the last time was that he hasn’t felt worried, tense, or on edge. No amount of escapism—personal or professional—can take him far enough away from his reality. 
So again, being only five, it’s quite obvious when Kyosuke feels dejected and upset. He doesn’t like his father leaving so often, even if it is routine. Routines are not always understood, even if they are necessary, and this feels more like a disruption to Kyosuke than a necessity. 
“Do you have to?”
“I do.” 
“...Why?” Kyosuke clutches the stuffed rabbit he’s been holding tighter. As his father delays answering him, Kyosuke questions him further. “Why do you have to go all the time? Why can’t you just stay here?” 
“Because I have to. I’m an adult, so I have to work. We like living here, and I like feeding you and buying you things, and I want you to be able to do fun things when you’re in school.” Not to mention the other expenses on his docket. The bills, the medical expenses the government won’t fund, food, and everything he can’t write off through work come out of his pocket directly. The cycle Ren is in serves itself. Thus, it serves its master—though it is also terribly harmful to him. This is where his boss has always come in. To save Ren from himself. To alleviate debts to many others into one collective debt to Him. “And we like being a family that can celebrate holidays and do that sort of thing. Right?” 
“That’s why, Kyosuke. You’ll understand when you’re older.” 
A whine, but ultimately, Kyosuke agrees. It’s like this almost every night. He’s been a little more needy lately, which Ren has tried to discourage and accommodate. He wants Kyosuke to gain independence, but a part of Ren craves Kyosuke’s dependency on him. In a way, aside from his mother, Kyosuke is all Ren has, and to lose him in any capacity, even to something like growing up, causes him a private pain he can only bury and ignore for now. 
I know this is hard for him. It was hard for me with my mother when I was a kid. I understand it now, but I didn’t then. It must have hurt her to leave. I get that now. I didn’t before. It must be the same for him. I have to just…try and understand, to remember what that was like. 
Although…I was hoping he would at least be used to it by now…
“Besides, you’ll be with Grandma! And you love her, and she needs us. You’re a good boy, Kyosuke. I know you’ll be okay. I’ll be home after you’re in bed, but I’ll come to check on you, okay? But you can’t wait up for me again.” 
“Yes, Papa,” Kyosuke murmurs. 
“Do you promise?”
“I promise.” 
“Good. I appreciate you doing this for me, Kyosuke. You’re always helping me.” 
Ren kisses his son’s forehead, touches his shoulder, and looks at him fondly. He likes to remember these moments if he can. Kyosuke is already five, almost six, and he won’t be little for much longer. Ren remembers when he was born, how proud and scared he was, and how much it changed everything for him going forward. He calls out to his mother a farewell, who calls back to him. He remembers doing the same thing as a teenager in this same apartment, leaving to go meet with a friend or his first girlfriend. I really liked Emiyo back then. I wonder what she’s doing now. 
Grabbing his jacket, Ren is sure he has his watch on his left wrist before stepping out the front door. Shutting the door behind him, he locks the apartment from the outside before staring up at the lettering on the door. 4D. It’s always felt like an omen. Ren has always felt plagued by something heavier than life should allow, as if cursed from birth.
Because my birth was a curse. For my mother, it cost her everything. The least I can do is take care of her now. I was never going to leave her.
It had to have been before birth. He is just the consequence of some offensive action. His mother never talked too much about his father. Like a good son, he stopped asking early.
It was best to leave it alone. I never meant to make her cry. I just wanted to know...who was he?
He takes the stairs, hits the pavement, and weaves his way into the concrete jungle. Observing the people who pass, he smiles at those who take an interest, flirts a bit on the way to the train, and notices that he’s been oddly free this past week. 
It’s just strange, he thinks to himself. 
Checking his watch, he boards the train, stands with his left hand on the strap, and uses his right hand to check his phone. A few texts have filtered in that he can finally answer without interruption, confirming a few after-hours visits and flirting replies to regulars who request him often. There’s a degree of separation he wishes he could keep, having even considered two phones, but his little black book—the one he keeps on his desk in his office—does all the work for him. Whatever Ren can’t remember the next day, the Ren from the night prior always takes pen to page. His past self is often his worst enemy while consistently being his best friend.
I haven’t seen him lately. Hm. Probably for the best.
He’s traveled further into Kabukichō, a place he recognizes as home. He’s not scared to wander freely. Waving at a few tourists, he rolls his eyes as he passes, traveling up a bit further into the heart of it. Flashing lights, promising attractions, and open doors call to anyone who passes, but Ren is here to work, not play. 
Approaching a building tucked away neatly, he glances up at the sign he’ll turn on. SHINING! is a host club here, one that Ren has worked at for a long time, and has managed for almost the same length of his tenor. He came here without the intention to stay, but his face is a staple, plastered inside and out, and he remembers how uncomfortable he felt all the times those cameras were on him. Ren is best at being photographed naturally, not on command, so he always leaves himself for last. Simply put, he takes the longest. Most of the others are natural. That bothers him. There is no natural type host to choose from at Shining!, nor will there ever be, so long as Ren is in charge. 
“They better be on time,” he sighs to himself. He doesn’t notice the figure who has appeared to watch him, encased in shadow. “Should I text Daisuke just in case? He’s usually pretty responsive. No, Satoshi is the one who I can actually rely on these days.” 
Ren checks his watch again. It’s almost 3 PM; they open at 4 PM today, so they have a bit of time still before he begins sending out you better come to work or else group texts. Typically, Ren has noticed that they come in groups and pairs. They must meet along the way or something. Ren always comes alone. He is always the first, unlocking everything for them, which he does now, and he gets all the lights on first. It’s a typical opener routine, nothing that takes proper focus, and by the time the other hosts are filtering inside, Ren is already in his office. 
It’s time to get to the floor. He can hear them all getting ready, talking excitedly in the employee changing room, and he shouts to wrap it up. He’ll be waiting for them. He always is. 
After roughly five minutes, Ren’s gaggle of hosts—all nine of them—come to greet him in their various looks. He’s picked a pretty diverse cast, he’ll give himself that, and he still feels confident in the roles he’s assigned them. Ren does his research. After being in the industry for so long, he started to get this natural read on people.
No…I could always read people. I can just read them better now. Being here has made me more aware than I ever wanted to be. I didn’t want to know so much about everyone around me.
No one knows him, though. Not the real him. He prefers to keep it that way. No one has to know Yori here. He’s not meant to be Yori here. Shining! requires a leader like Ren, not a father like Yori. Yori would die here. Ren thrives. 
Appreciating their skill, he notes they’re all gussied up. Good of them to take it seriously, he thinks. He’s tired of being so serious, but the moment he lightens up, they pounce on him like it’s a weakness. Their times together after closing don’t count. Ren likes to encourage the company culture that’s prevalent here. He wants to be a boss they can drink with. 
And Ren loves drinking. Any excuse to take another sip, even at the cost of being criticized.
Like a king holding court with his royal subjects, he observes them with the clipboard he swiped from his desk. He never uses it when he needs it, but he always needs it when he doesn’t have it. “I expect a perfect performance tonight, boys. No slacking off…and no playing around. That means you, Sho. Got it?”
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hehosts · 5 days ago
As the 'mediator chapter' between the pilot and chapter 2 is actually being posted tonight, I figured an introduction to this full cast is necessary! And will be helpful going forward.
Hatanaka Yori 畠中頼 (Hatanaka’s kanji meaning ‘in the midst of fields’ and Yori meaning ‘trust’). This is our main character and the father to Hatnaka Kyosuke. This is what you could consider our "primary protagonist" next to his secondary protagonist, who is the #2 host Sho. You'll read more about Sho shortly.
A bit about Ren:
Age: 27
DOB: August 17
Professional Alias: Ren 恋 (kanji meaning ‘love’), sometimes called 'boss' or 'Manager Ren'
Occupation: The #1 host and manager of the host club Shining! under the leadership of Watanabe Goro — Ren is the club's romantic type. He considers himself Shining's! King, often referring to himself that way.
Watanabe Goro 渡辺五楼 (Watanabe meaning “cross, pass over” and Goro meaning “tower”). He is known collectively and globally as solely “That Man”. HJe is a main character. Goro is the boss to Ren. We know him as Goro now...as that is what he is currently going by. He is what most host clubs have running the operation from behind the scenes, so many consider Goro to be Yakuza-affiliated, but this is not the case.
Alias: We assume Watanabe Goro could be an alias
Occupation: The actual owner of the host club Shining!...and many other businesses in the Red-Light District (Kabukichō).
Hatanaka Kyosuke 畠中恭佑. A main character, he is the son of Ren. We do not know who his mother is yet. About to go into the first year of primary school.
Age: Almost 6
DOB: December 12
#2 Host Sho 初: meaning “soar, fly,” or “prize, reward,” occasionally meaning “general” depending on the kanji used.
Age: 23
Occupation: Ren’s #2 host and subordinate
Host Type: Genki
The Rookie: Haru - #10, the newest host / can mean “light, sun, male, or spring.” Haru is a gender-neutral name.
The Angelic Type: Ringo - #9 / meaning “apple.”
The Devlish Type: Katsu - #8 / meaning “victory.” 
the athletic type: Daisuke - #7 / a gender-neutral japanese name meaning “great, big, or help.”
The Wild Type: Sōta - #6 / meaning “sound of the wind” plus “big, thick.”
The Gentle Type: Yūto - #5 / can mean “excellence, gentleness, superiority or permanence with person,” or “soar or fly.”
The Artistic Type: Rōnin - #4 / meaning “drifter or wanderer.”
The Intellectual Type: Satoshi - #3 / meaning “intelligent or sharp.”
The hosts are regarded by locals as 'The Rabbits of the Red-Light District'.
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hehosts · 5 days ago
This project is so cute! I don’t come on tumblr anymore for reasons, but for this I will. I can’t wait to see more!
Aw thank you! I really appreciate it! We’ve been building this universe for a while now (5 years?) — I am so excited to share more with you all!
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hehosts · 6 days ago
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Every story has a villain. This story has three main villains. But who is the main antagonist of this story? We've heard Ren refer in the pilot to working for a man he only regards as "Him". Here is a sketch of Ren's boss from the original pilot!
art by: ottermelonart
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hehosts · 6 days ago
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CHAPTER ART CREDIT: @ottermelonart
A steady pair of gloved hands dance over the somber keys of a piano. The room is dark and isolated, and the tune is melancholic. It is strange to see oneself, and that is what Ren is sure he is witnessing now. He cannot make out a face, only the hands. Wearing gloves, they continue to play expertly, as if unaware the user is being observed. When Ren goes to speak, he finds he can say nothing. Instead, he wakes up. 
It’s always the same, and he’s already frowning.
That dream again…
Ren is calm and alert to the world. He also appears to be looking for something or someone. It’s perturbing, isn’t it? To have the same dream so many times over again? Over and over. Usually, Ren can’t remember falling asleep, let alone dreaming. He’s always assumed that whatever he forgets in the brief hours of calm must be nightmarish. My life is kind of a nightmare. Beginning to rise from the Western-style couch, he shifts the thin blanket off his body. 
Another day. I can do this…I have to do this. Just get up already.
Pounding feet from the hallway tell him he should prepare. His young son barrels inside, jumping on his dad excitedly. He manages to catch Ren’s groin with his knee, climbing up to his father’s chest to get their faces together as close as possible. Kyosuke, a five-year-old, smiles brightly. He seems to favor his father, thus, the child’s devotion is immediate to gathering all of Ren’s attention. 
“I’m up, I’m up,” Ren assures with an affable grin. “You’re already awake, huh?” 
“Yeah! You were sleeping forever. Time to get up!” 
Kyosuke beams at his father. This is his favorite person and the one he relies on to take care of him. If asked, Kyosuke would say Ren does the best job at being his dad. Yori would disagree but is happy to take the praise. 
“It’s only 7 AM, Kyosuke. It’s still early.” And Ren works late. His schedule often conflicts, but he imagines that when Kyosuke enrolls in school soon, this will change. He’ll have to figure that out, too. Worn out but willing, Ren rises as he encourages Kyosuke to walk around. "Come on, let’s wake up Grandma��”
“—I already woke Grandma up! We’re ready for breakfast now.” 
“Oh.” A beat. “Well, go get dressed while I get ready, okay? I’ll make us something to eat after.” 
“Okay! But I want miso, and Grandma wants ohitashi!” 
“That’s fine. You can have miso.” I think we still have some left. “Go get dressed like I asked.”
“Yes, Papa!” 
As Kyosuke patters off, Ren checks his mobile for the time. 7:15 AM. He was close enough. Stretching, Ren meanders to the one bathroom their apartment shares between three people. When examining himself in the mirror, he frowns. He doesn’t like what he sees. It’s a man he doesn’t know. Touching his face, he pauses before noticing how messy his hair is, how tired his eyes are, and how utterly different he looks by day. It’s easier to exist at night. He’s always preferred the dark. 
Touching one of the bags under his eyes, he winces before bucking up for the day. There’s no use mourning over what he’ll fix later. He needs to change out of this shirt and boxer combination, become more presentable to society, and then return to become his other self later. It’s almost silly, he thinks, having two lives. 
Silly isn’t the right word for it. Insane is what it is. I’m living an insane double life. Who does that? What kind of dad does that? 
Running the water, he opens the cabinet attached to the mirror, looking over various pill bottles in search of something specific. Finding what he wants, he shuts the mirror, opens up the small bottle to take a shot of unspecified liquor, and drops it in the trash. The hair of the dog has been the only way he can stand to get his mornings started these past few months. It’s all getting worse for Ren. 
As he finally brushes his teeth while multitasking to comb his hair, Ren catches Kyosuke peering in at him from his peripheral. Even without his glasses, Ren always knows his son’s form. Spitting out toothpaste before rinsing his mouth clean, Ren turns to face the boy. 
“What is it, Kyosuke?” 
“Are you done yet?” 
“Almost.” He swivels his head to catch a glimpse at himself in the mirror one more time. “Yeah, I guess. Where are my glasses?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“Well, you wouldn’t, so that makes sense. Come on. Let’s go to the kitchen. I remember getting water when I came in last night. I must have left them in there.” 
“Okay!” Kyosuke is always so agreeable. Ren is fortunate to have a cheerful yet docile child. I got really lucky with him. “Can I have miso now?”
“Yes, you can. You’ve been very patient, and you did a good job getting dressed today by yourself. You’re really growing up.” 
“Not too fast, though,” Kyosuke worries aloud.  
“No, not too fast, but fast enough.” 
Yori doesn’t think this will bother Kyosuke. He should know better than that.
“Come on. Don’t take it so hard.” 
“I’ll try not to…” 
He often forgets how sensitive to everything Kyosuke is. He would wonder where he gets it from, but truthfully, Ren raises Kyosuke mostly alone. Kyosuke’s fears and anxieties about the world stem directly from the man who worries about him the most. 
“It’ll be fine, Kyosuke. Just enjoy yourself. We should have an easy day together before I go to work.” 
“Oh! Can we do morning stretches?” Kyosuke is fond of repetition, which Ren can appreciate.
“You can stretch while I make breakfast. Now, where are my glasses?” 
It’s starting to become a bit of a bother. Making his way through the living room’s open floor, he finds his glasses, which he seems to have tossed carelessly last night. Inspecting them, they seem fine enough, though a new scratch in the lens has him thinking this day might be more challenging than he anticipated. 
Can nothing ever just be easy? I feel like I find a new problem every day…
He can hear the television in the background as Kyosuke diligently exercises. Ren goes to the fridge, opening it with anticipation that he’ll have everything he needs. It’s more bare than he remembers from the last time he cooked, though he has brought in a bit more takeout than normal. Ren hates to do it, but sometimes he’s too tired to meal prep all day when he’s constantly gone and unable to provide a real home-cooked meal. That’s why breakfast and lunch are so important to him. If he can feed his family that way, leaving them prepared for dinners without him, he can at least rely on that. He wishes he could make every meal for Kyosuke and his mother, but life isn’t like that for them, and part of that comes down to the decisions Ren has made. They are hard to swallow. 
He manages to throw together not quite what they requested, but something good enough, with the promise that he’ll do better tomorrow. He says that a lot. It’s something he always wants to do. Ren is trying, but even he knows that’s often not good enough. 
While his family never complains, he wishes they would sometimes. Then, he remembers that he might not be able to take that kind of honesty. It’s one thing to bemoan over himself. It’s another to hear outright. Besides, he has someone in his life for that. Someone who constantly reminds him of his mistakes. 
I have a lot of people for that.
They eat breakfast together in Ren’s mother’s room. Kyoko is a sick woman. She has been for a long time. With a low immune system, naturally prone to pneumonia, and overall complicated health from birth, she was lucky to even have Ren. It was like a miracle. He was her miracle, even if he’s always been hyper-aware of how much he complicated things for her, how much harder he made her life by merely being born. They have no other family. He knows it’s because of him. 
I don’t even have a dad. If I did, I doubt it would have been different. People look at me all the time like I don’t belong here. Like there’s something…different about me.
But he’s found that what intimidates or dissuades people from him by day works well to his advantage at night beneath red lights. What makes him different by day lures in customers by night. A host club is only as good as its number-one host. Ren makes sure he’s worthy of that title. He’s not the manager and high rank for no reason. It is frustrating to be so beloved by night and so avoided by day. It is the stigma of his life. He is from a single mother and, thus, is now a single parent. 
It has to be more than that, right? It’s the way people look at me before they even know that about me. Before they know anything about me. Like they seem something I can’t. Like they know something about me…
By lunchtime, Ren and Kyosuke have had a promising morning. Breakfast, stretching, a bit of housework, and even an hour for one of their dramas. Standing, Ren promises to make Kyosuke something for lunch, making his way to the kitchen to repeat his morning. 
Damn. I can’t avoid it anymore.
“Kyosuke?” he calls as he makes his way back out to the living room. The boy is alert immediately. “How about you come to the store with me, okay?” 
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“Look! There’s a sale!” Kyosuke is already grabbing a basket as they enter the Lucky Mart, and Ren is doing his best to avoid a woman who seems to know him. “Another sale! Wow! So many! Papa, look!” 
No, Ren’s body language seems to tell the woman as he follows Kyosuke’s youthful whims. We don’t know each other. I’m not him here.
“Wow. That’s, uh, that’s great, Son. How about you grab a few things, okay? I need to go to the beauty aisle.” 
“You’re always in the beauty aisle.”
“I, uh, heh. Well…” Ren takes his moment for a clever exit, patting his son on the head as he strays to do some private shopping. Kyosuke is a smart boy, and he’s already confident enough to grab what they need on a budget. That kid is more worried about our finances than I am. “Oh, here we go.” 
Sorting through a few brands, Ren grabs a collection of new shampoo and conditioner, a bottle of mouthwash, floss, some new foundation, and various other items he feels might enhance the look. The cologne here is too cheap, so he’ll have to order another bottle imported, but it’s worth it. 
Besides, that…comes out of the budget from work. I can make that a work expense. 
Reuniting with his son, he tosses his items in the basket he takes from Kyosuke’s hands, encouraging Kyosuke to start gathering vegetables. They can only afford a few cuts of fish this week, but Ren is sure he can make that work. He lets Kyosuke pick each vegetable as he always does, allowing his offspring to go through a moderately tedious process as Ren idly checks his phone.. 
Just a few messages from his employees, but nothing worth worrying about. No one has called out, and they’re smart not to unless it’s a real emergency. Only a few push it with him, but Ren quickly reminds them who the king is. 
You work for me, he often tells them. And I…work for Him. The latter is always a personal reminder. 
Once they’re finished, Ren grabs the rest of the usual staples, the fish he’s worked into their budget, and makes his way to one of the checkout lines. They only have to wait a few minutes before their items are being scanned, totals ringing up fast…and far out of their expenses. Ren cringes, planning to just take the hit or ask for a few things to be removed with a white lie of Oh, I forgot we already had that at home. He was going to flirt a bit with the cashier, but Kyosuke’s whining cut him off. 
He’s getting fussy.
“No,” he whines, eyes welling with tears. “Papa, no! The signs said there were sales.” 
It’s hard to reason with a child, although Ren still tries. These are the moments to make ‘learning lessons’. That’s what he tells himself as judgmental eyes fall over them, patient shoppers overhearing their small dispute. 
“It’s fine, Kyosuke. Sometimes, things aren’t always what we’re told. Things change all the time. We just have to adapt to it, even if we don’t want to or aren’t prepared. Does that make sense?” 
Smooth save. I’m pretty good at this. 
“I’m sure it was just a mistake.” 
A damn expensive one.
“But we can’t afford all of this, Papa!” Kyosuke exclaims, trying to reach up to grab items he’s ready to run and return. Ren encourages him to stop, grabbing Kyosuke gently by the arms. “Your credit card is almost maxed out! It’ll get declined!! And you only have a little bit of money! What are we going to do—?!”
What the hell?! What the hell?! Has he been in the bills again? I need to put those up higher…
“I have money, Kyosuke. I got paid recently. Don’t worry.” Besides, people are starting to stare. “I’ll put it on my credit card. I already made the payment. You don’t even need to worry about this, Son.” 
He tells the cashier to continue, putting the tab on his card, cringing inside, and carrying their bags as Kyosuke holds onto one very carefully. They leave quietly, but Ren can feel the eyes on their back as they exit. It doesn’t matter. They have what they need now, so Ren is ready to take Kyosuke home. 
They pass a few food vendors. It’s getting late, and he knows by the time he gets home, unloads everything, and manages to make lunch, it’ll be more of a late lunch or an early dinner. 
“How about we stop somewhere for a second, okay?” 
“Where?” Kyosuke pauses, looking up at his dad. Still holding the bag carefully, he seems to have recovered from his minor meltdown at the store. “I’m hungry.”
“I know. How about we get something special today, hm?” 
“Yeah! Can we get taiyaki?” 
“We can. We’ll grab some for grandma to take home, too.” Ren offers to take the bag for Kyosuke, who graciously accepts. “Oh, and Kyosuke? You need to let me focus on the budget. That’s not something you should be thinking about at your age. In fact, you should focus on school starting next year.”
“I guess so,” Kyosuke replies uncertainly. 
“What? I thought you were excited to start school. You were a few months ago.” 
I should have expected this. I already kept him out of kindergarten. That was probably a mistake, but I wanted more time with him. Hm. I guess this is my selfishness coming back to bite me.
“Well, I-I am excited…but I’m also scared! I won’t know anyone there! And you won’t be there, a-and Grandma will be all alone!”
That last part bothers Ren. He doesn’t even regard it, instead changing his strategy with Kyosuke to one more promising. Besides, Ren hasn’t quite figured that all out yet. How can he be everywhere all at once for everyone all the time? How can anyone do that? 
“I know it seems scary, but it’s something we all do in life. Even I went to school.”
“No, you didn’t,” Kyosuke giggles. 
“What?” asks Yori, shaking his head dismissively at his son as they begin to walk toward the nearest stall that serves their purpose. “Of course I did. What are you talking about? You’ve seen my photos. I was your age once, Kyosuke.” 
“No, because you were never that young!”
“W-what? Do you think I’ve always been this old?”
The lack of any hesitation wounds Ren’s pride. He is a vain man, so his looks mean a lot, and he’s only twenty-seven, so he’s not that old. He is starting to feel it, though. The younger hosts are making him more nervous with each day that passes. This haunts him. Yori can’t stand the thought of getting to even thirty. 
“Seriously? No way! Oh, and don’t ever say that to your mother. She’ll kill me.” Kill me. Not you. “She’s, uh, you know…she’s…”
“What? She’s old, too!” 
If she could hear us, I would already be dead.
“Can I order now?” 
“Hmm? Oh, right. Yeah, go ahead. Here.” Ren sets the bags down. His arms are getting tired, so this works out as he hands Kyosuke a few bills. “Make sure to order enough for all of us, okay? I’m going to make a call.”
“Okay, Papa!” 
Kyosuke is such a polite boy. He generally makes a great impression wherever he goes. He always looks good for Ren, is very respectful, and minds himself. However, he is incredibly cautious, so he tends to assume the worst if he feels threatened. Ren has tried to minimize anything threatening in Kyosuke’s life, but there are things even he can’t protect his son from, and he’s learning to accept that. He won’t be able to protect Kyosuke forever, but he can protect him now. He can guide him always. As long as he’s alive, anyway. After he dies, he imagines Kyosuke will live a pretty free life. 
The call he makes is admittedly important. It’ll decide if he’s getting a nightly bonus after work or not, and Ren needs every dollar he can scrounge up. Even if it’s just one client, he can easily work his time’s worth out of it. Enough to make the week a little easier, at least. From there, he can book out more regularly, like he usually does. Things have just been a bit more complicated recently. 
My life is complicated. It’s easier to leave it at that. It’s easier to ignore the complications he makes for himself. My life has always been complicated. I don’t even think I’d recognize myself from back then. I don’t think I even know who Yori is.
Because he is Yori. He is also Ren. That’s where it becomes complicated. 
Kyosuke doesn’t know Ren, but he knows Yori. Yori is Kyosuke’s father. Ren is the man who masquerades at night, hosts women, and comes home later than any respectable father should. This is what he knows; this is what his life is. 
Getting the affirmation he requires, Ren hangs up the phone as Kyosuke returns to his father in a balancing act. Three to-go boxes are stacked in a bag that he’s carefully trying not to spill. Ren helps him, swapping him out with something a little lighter and rearranging the load to be easier to carry home. 
I should stop by the Easy Mart to grab cigarettes tonight. I bet Akira will be working. He usually is.
“Let’s go home, Kyosuke. We don’t want this to get cold, okay?” 
“Yes, Papa.”
Kyosuke is a good son. Ren wishes he could be a better father to him. Regardless, they walk home together, and Ren listens to his son’s countless stories, observations, and random facts he’s learned. They practice a bit of English, which Kyosuke fares well enough. Ren tries to teach him a few phrases in French, and for the last time that day, Ren smiles with a sense of true purpose and authenticity. These are the last moments of the day when he can be Yori, when he can be Kyosuke’s father. 
When they get home, he will be who he always is inside. He will become Ren. Yori never goes out at night. Ren never sees the sun. 
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hehosts · 7 days ago
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original concepts for the beta version of the hosts. some looks have swapped, roles have changed, so new concept art will come. enjoy the first run of concept art for these guys!
art by: ottermelonart
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hehosts · 7 days ago
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an unfinished 4-koma featuring most of the hosts (i left this image bigger to be read easier, enjoy)
art by: ottermelonart
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hehosts · 7 days ago
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key frame of main character yori "ren" hatanaka from the original manga pilot
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hehosts · 7 days ago
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the entire original pilot of the manga. this was when it was going to be made for webtoons, so we were following their structure. now, this pilot will be redone entirely more in a manga style that is black and white. that is how the entire series will be going forward, but this is cool to look back on where it started. some of the pilot has changed, but this is a good visual to get an idea of at least ren and kyosuke, who are the two main characters as we know so far.
as we knew we were going away from webtoons, obviously the progress stopped, it's only the first several pages that are fully rendered. otherwise, it's more like storyboarding and sketching, which i find very cool. i love to see the process.
art by: ottermelonart
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hehosts · 7 days ago
It is the process of a light novel being published and becoming an eventual manga. We are active in the convention scene. You might know us! We have promised this series for a while now, so we decided to follow a traditional route of light novel -> manga -> hopefully an anime someday! This project started in 2020-2021.
What is it about? A host by night and dad by day. It's a family-centric story, features romance, and is primarily set in the red-light district of japan at a host club called Shining!. Our main character is Yori "Ren" Hatanaka, and it follows his daily life as the #1 host and manager of the club...all while balancing being a father to a young son. This story features a huge cast of hosts, hostesses, villains, and more.
What is rated? It's in that general '17 and up' category. This is about the water trade in the red-light district, so there will be content in that realm, but this is not an explicit NC-17 manga, though it is for mature audiences. harsh language, violence, drinking, and some brief sexual content will appear. This comic is LBGT+ friendly.
Otter's Art
The Original Manga's Pilot
Who are the hosts of the host club + main character information
The Pilot
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 2
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hehosts · 7 days ago
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art for childhood friends yori "ren" hatanaka (the main character) and his pal akira fujita (a retail worker at the local market).
art by: ottermelonart
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