#all of the hosts will be introduced next chapter!
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It is nighttime now, and Ren’s dressed for work. He looks quite unlike himself—unlike the man from earlier who was so humbly dressed in a sweater and slacks with glasses and loose hair. That was Yori, he would argue, and to go to work, he must be Ren. That is the difference. Hosts never use their real names. He didn’t even take this name himself.
A man gave it to him—That Man.
His suit is pressed, with matching gloves and shiny shoes. All black, all precise, and all too familiar. His hair is gelled back perfectly. Loose enough at the front to give the illusion of approachability, yet retaining the professionalism of a man in charge. The balance is painfully necessary. His employees have to respect him, but there is a high level of desirability to fulfill.
Knotting his black tie, Ren looks at himself in the mirror, dusts away the remaining particles of foundation that have collected near his neckline and nods affirmatively. Spritzing on the remaining bits of his best cologne, he frowns as he remembers to order that ‘business expense’ sooner rather than later. It always takes so long that Ren often delays even ordering it. Ren always seems to be on top of everything, balancing two lives with corresponding responsibilities. It’s the little things that slip most often.
“Kyosuke?” he calls, finally leaving the bathroom. It takes him at least an hour and a half to get ready, which means Kyosuke’s on his own for a while. “Son, I’m leaving for work soon.”
Kyosuke, at only five, appears to hold everything together well on the surface. Ren is very good about shielding him from things that he finds unnecessary. Stressing out a child, as far as Ren is concerned, is just mean. For all his faults, and there are many, he wants to raise a son who can eventually leave him and succeed, even if that separation will hurt. It’s not Kyosuke’s fault his life is like this right now. Ren likes to think it’s not all his own, but he’s certainly got a huge hand in it, right? Without Ren, there is no Kyosuke, and without Kyosuke, arguably, there is no Ren.
I’m the adult. He’s only here because of me. If anyone should be stressed out all the time, it’s me. And he certainly is stressed. Ren doesn’t know when the last time was that he hasn’t felt worried, tense, or on edge. No amount of escapism—personal or professional—can take him far enough away from his reality.
So again, being only five, it’s quite obvious when Kyosuke feels dejected and upset. He doesn’t like his father leaving so often, even if it is routine. Routines are not always understood, even if they are necessary, and this feels more like a disruption to Kyosuke than a necessity.
“Do you have to?”
“I do.”
“...Why?” Kyosuke clutches the stuffed rabbit he’s been holding tighter. As his father delays answering him, Kyosuke questions him further. “Why do you have to go all the time? Why can’t you just stay here?”
“Because I have to. I’m an adult, so I have to work. We like living here, and I like feeding you and buying you things, and I want you to be able to do fun things when you’re in school.” Not to mention the other expenses on his docket. The bills, the medical expenses the government won’t fund, food, and everything he can’t write off through work come out of his pocket directly. The cycle Ren is in serves itself. Thus, it serves its master—though it is also terribly harmful to him. This is where his boss has always come in. To save Ren from himself. To alleviate debts to many others into one collective debt to Him. “And we like being a family that can celebrate holidays and do that sort of thing. Right?”
“That’s why, Kyosuke. You’ll understand when you’re older.”
A whine, but ultimately, Kyosuke agrees. It’s like this almost every night. He’s been a little more needy lately, which Ren has tried to discourage and accommodate. He wants Kyosuke to gain independence, but a part of Ren craves Kyosuke’s dependency on him. In a way, aside from his mother, Kyosuke is all Ren has, and to lose him in any capacity, even to something like growing up, causes him a private pain he can only bury and ignore for now.
I know this is hard for him. It was hard for me with my mother when I was a kid. I understand it now, but I didn’t then. It must have hurt her to leave. I get that now. I didn’t before. It must be the same for him. I have to just…try and understand, to remember what that was like.
Although…I was hoping he would at least be used to it by now…
“Besides, you’ll be with Grandma! And you love her, and she needs us. You’re a good boy, Kyosuke. I know you’ll be okay. I’ll be home after you’re in bed, but I’ll come to check on you, okay? But you can’t wait up for me again.”
“Yes, Papa,” Kyosuke murmurs.
“Do you promise?”
“I promise.”
“Good. I appreciate you doing this for me, Kyosuke. You’re always helping me.”
Ren kisses his son’s forehead, touches his shoulder, and looks at him fondly. He likes to remember these moments if he can. Kyosuke is already five, almost six, and he won’t be little for much longer. Ren remembers when he was born, how proud and scared he was, and how much it changed everything for him going forward. He calls out to his mother a farewell, who calls back to him. He remembers doing the same thing as a teenager in this same apartment, leaving to go meet with a friend or his first girlfriend. I really liked Emiyo back then. I wonder what she’s doing now.
Grabbing his jacket, Ren is sure he has his watch on his left wrist before stepping out the front door. Shutting the door behind him, he locks the apartment from the outside before staring up at the lettering on the door. 4D. It’s always felt like an omen. Ren has always felt plagued by something heavier than life should allow, as if cursed from birth.
Because my birth was a curse. For my mother, it cost her everything. The least I can do is take care of her now. I was never going to leave her.
It had to have been before birth. He is just the consequence of some offensive action. His mother never talked too much about his father. Like a good son, he stopped asking early.
It was best to leave it alone. I never meant to make her cry. I just wanted to know...who was he?
He takes the stairs, hits the pavement, and weaves his way into the concrete jungle. Observing the people who pass, he smiles at those who take an interest, flirts a bit on the way to the train, and notices that he’s been oddly free this past week.
It’s just strange, he thinks to himself.
Checking his watch, he boards the train, stands with his left hand on the strap, and uses his right hand to check his phone. A few texts have filtered in that he can finally answer without interruption, confirming a few after-hours visits and flirting replies to regulars who request him often. There’s a degree of separation he wishes he could keep, having even considered two phones, but his little black book—the one he keeps on his desk in his office—does all the work for him. Whatever Ren can’t remember the next day, the Ren from the night prior always takes pen to page. His past self is often his worst enemy while consistently being his best friend.
I haven’t seen him lately. Hm. Probably for the best.
He’s traveled further into Kabukichō, a place he recognizes as home. He’s not scared to wander freely. Waving at a few tourists, he rolls his eyes as he passes, traveling up a bit further into the heart of it. Flashing lights, promising attractions, and open doors call to anyone who passes, but Ren is here to work, not play.
Approaching a building tucked away neatly, he glances up at the sign he’ll turn on. SHINING! is a host club here, one that Ren has worked at for a long time, and has managed for almost the same length of his tenor. He came here without the intention to stay, but his face is a staple, plastered inside and out, and he remembers how uncomfortable he felt all the times those cameras were on him. Ren is best at being photographed naturally, not on command, so he always leaves himself for last. Simply put, he takes the longest. Most of the others are natural. That bothers him. There is no natural type host to choose from at Shining!, nor will there ever be, so long as Ren is in charge.
“They better be on time,” he sighs to himself. He doesn’t notice the figure who has appeared to watch him, encased in shadow. “Should I text Daisuke just in case? He’s usually pretty responsive. No, Satoshi is the one who I can actually rely on these days.”
Ren checks his watch again. It’s almost 3 PM; they open at 4 PM today, so they have a bit of time still before he begins sending out you better come to work or else group texts. Typically, Ren has noticed that they come in groups and pairs. They must meet along the way or something. Ren always comes alone. He is always the first, unlocking everything for them, which he does now, and he gets all the lights on first. It’s a typical opener routine, nothing that takes proper focus, and by the time the other hosts are filtering inside, Ren is already in his office.
It’s time to get to the floor. He can hear them all getting ready, talking excitedly in the employee changing room, and he shouts to wrap it up. He’ll be waiting for them. He always is.
After roughly five minutes, Ren’s gaggle of hosts—all nine of them—come to greet him in their various looks. He’s picked a pretty diverse cast, he’ll give himself that, and he still feels confident in the roles he’s assigned them. Ren does his research. After being in the industry for so long, he started to get this natural read on people.
No…I could always read people. I can just read them better now. Being here has made me more aware than I ever wanted to be. I didn’t want to know so much about everyone around me.
No one knows him, though. Not the real him. He prefers to keep it that way. No one has to know Yori here. He’s not meant to be Yori here. Shining! requires a leader like Ren, not a father like Yori. Yori would die here. Ren thrives.
Appreciating their skill, he notes they’re all gussied up. Good of them to take it seriously, he thinks. He’s tired of being so serious, but the moment he lightens up, they pounce on him like it’s a weakness. Their times together after closing don’t count. Ren likes to encourage the company culture that’s prevalent here. He wants to be a boss they can drink with.
And Ren loves drinking. Any excuse to take another sip, even at the cost of being criticized.
Like a king holding court with his royal subjects, he observes them with the clipboard he swiped from his desk. He never uses it when he needs it, but he always needs it when he doesn’t have it. “I expect a perfect performance tonight, boys. No slacking off…and no playing around. That means you, Sho. Got it?”
#original manga#original characters#light novel#original light novel#host club#my dad is a host#mdiah#all of the hosts will be introduced next chapter!
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My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 11)
Have a nice big chapter/part for the weekend! :D
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |
Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
Part 11:
Did.. did Charlie just say... Alastor?
You felt someone poke your face, multiple times, all at once, "Hey, Hey, miss bandage face, you good?"
You blink rapidly, being pulled out of your stupor and laugh awkwardly, "Ah haha, uh yeah. Yup, I'm good... Haha, thanks Angel.."
Angel just squints at you, not convinced of your act at all but just sighs and says, "Alright, whatever you say, weirdo.." and then returns back to chatting with Husk.
Vaggie, who was sitting next to you struck up a conversation, "Are you really sure you're okay to be up and around already? You look like you saw a ghost or something."
You briefly glanced at the radio that was sitting on the mantle on the wall before returning your attention to Vaggie, "Yeah, being up was much better than sitting doing nothing, I thought I was going to waste away if I didn't do something."
Vaggie sighs and nods her head, "I know the feeling."
"And.. I swear I thought I heard Charlie mention the name Al-"
"Alastor! You're back! We have a new guest staying at the hotel! Come say hi!" Charlie shot out of her seat as soon as she saw Alastor's shadows start to manifest, signaling his return.
You felt your blood run cold as your suspicions were confirmed. Yes, she just said Alastor. How common could that name be down here? This is just a coincidence, surely- Of all names!
"My, my dear Charlie, you seem quite excited! I haven't seen you bouncing off the walls like this in ages!" Alastor chuckles as he allows Charlie to practically drag him over by the wrist to the group.
He sounds like a radio host...
Your breath starts to quicken as Charlie guides him over to you, his aura feels so oppressive, unlike any Overlord you had ever met before... But what made your hair really stand on the back of your neck was the static noise that filled the air as he got closer. You felt your eyes shake and your gut sink in your stomach.
What was this feeling?
You gulp and look up, eyes wide, looking like a deer in headlights as you make eye contact with this "Alastor".
"Go on! Introduce yourself!" You felt Charlie nudge you excitedly, in an attempt to nudge you out of your frozen state.
On his face, a large, creepy grin/smile- (if you could even call it that) grew even larger on his face - a feat you didn't even know was possible. You felt like you should be scared but then... It dawned on you.
That feeling in your gut dissipated instantly and it felt like a weight got suddenly lifted off your chest.
This was Alastor. This was your Alastor.
Tears start rolling down your face uncontrollably as your body is racked with sobs.
"Heyyy! Hey! It's okay, (y/n)! I know Al can be a wee bit intimidating sometimes but I promise he's not a bad guy! Well... mostly.. haha..." Charlie trails off with a nervous chuckle as she scrambles around the lobby to find you some tissues to dry your tears.
Upon hearing your name said out loud, a loud record scratch filled the air.
"Haha... ha...Charlie, dearest! My, you'd think the years are catching up to me! Was that some sort of joke? Why, I didn't know you wanted to become a comedian! Did you say.. (y/n)? That must be a mistake. I've only ever known one person by that name and they surely couldn't have ended up in Hell of all places!" Alastor chuckles, the laugh track coming from his staff warping as he hovers over Charlie with an intimidating aura- thinking she was playing some sort of sick joke on him.
Charlie whips around to see Alastor up in her face and then she scrambles back, "Woah! What? Alastor! Gods, no, why would I joke about our new guest? That would go against everything i'm trying to do here!"
Alastor's gaze darts over to you, "You see, I think this '(y/n)' and I need to have a chat..." His eyes narrow as he makes quotation marks with his fingers as he says your name.
He walks towards you and grabs your wrist with force, finger like claws starting to dig into your arm- despite protest from Charlie and Vaggie to let you go- to stop harassing their new guest because you were still quite injured and fragile. Even Angel and Husk got up from their seats at the bar after hearing the commotion in the lounge and started yelling at him to stop hurting you because it was very apparent that you were in pain with how rough he was handling you.
Then, with a snap, he teleports you and himself up to his radio tower- away from all the commotion.
Alastor slams the door shut with a fury that you've never seen before, and locks it to make sure you won't even try to make a feeble attempt at an escape.
He was powerful. Alastor knew he didn't really need to lock the door because with his power, he could vaporize you before you even thought of making a dash for the door. He did it as an intimidation tactic because he knew the fear it instilled in his prey.
Now, walking towards you, he pointed his staff at your chest, and leaned in close to your face. Strange static and symbols fill the air as he and his antlers grow in size, towering over you.
"Now... who are you really? You get one chance to make a feeble excuse before I kill you and broadcast your screams for all of Hell to hear, for making a mockery of my dear (y/n) by taking the name of my beloved and masquerading around Hell- thinking you can show up here like this to try and mess with ME- tHe RaDiO DEMON."
You see dark shadows and tentacle-like masses appear, and you stumble backward until your back hits a wall, never breaking eye contact with him- your lip quivering in fear.
"I.. But- It... is me...hun... I missed you so much..." You whisper with a somber smile that's quickly warped into an ugly crying face. The unrelenting tears keep rolling down your face, and your left hand reaches up towards his even more demonically altered form that towers over you in a desperate attempt to get him to recognize you.
Before you can touch his face, one of his hands snatches your wrist and pulls it closer to himself to examine the sparkle that caught his eye as you started to reach out to him, roughly jostling you and lifting you up in the air by your wrist as a result.
You wince briefly at the pain in your wrist and shoulder joints as he examines your hand when you remember you were wearing your ring. You never took it off all these years.
You could hear his breath hitch just ever so slightly over the static as he gently put you down and let your feet touch the floor again.
Alastor realized that the ring on your left ring finger was the exact one he had gotten for you- the one he put on your ring finger right before he buried you right the night you were brutally assaulted and murdered back when he was alive.
He slowly morphed back into his "normal" form. (Normal for Hell, that is, this was an entirely new look for him from what you remembered when he was alive).
The shock dawning on him that it really was you was apparent as he took a few steps back, still holding your hand. He looked at you in disbelief, the look of pure shock was just like how you had looked at him initially in the lobby.
Then suddenly, he pulled you into a warm embrace, "My dearest... I am so sorry for hurting you. My darling... whatever are you doing here? Someone like you doesn't belong here!"
Now, holding your face in both of his hands, he wiped your tears with the most gentle expression on his face, a stark contrast from the nightmarish demonic one just a moment ago. and you could almost swear you could see the slightest traces of a misty look in his eyes as he held you.
His claw-like fingers slightly dug into your face, but not enough to hurt, as he examined your new appearance, his gaze turning from soft into a hardened expression once again. Almost snarling, he began to ask you again, "Tell me, darling, tell me the name of the gods forsaken angel bastard that cast you down from Heaven. I will find a way to make them pay. I'll make them ALL pay for this... NO ONE will ever harm you again..." The strange symbols and glitchy auras were threatening to come out again.
You sniffled, still trying to calm down your tears, which immediately made him halt in his tracks and turn his attention back to you at this moment.
You looked at the ground, and you knew you couldn't avoid this conversation forever, "Hun... I... Before we met... there was something I never told you-" Before you could finish, you felt your legs start to wobble underneath you- the adrenaline was starting to fade and you were starting to feel some of the pain from your previous injuries come back to you.
"Please, my love, take a seat first." He guided you to a set of a table and two chairs. Ever the gentleman, he pulled your chair out for you and helped made sure you were alright before he sat down across the table from you.
You put your hands on the table, a signal he immediately picked up on as a sign to envelop your hands in his. You looked at him in the eyes with a look of shame that scrunched up your face as you prepared to tell him the truth, "Alastor, hun... I never went to Heaven..."
You swore you heard another record scratch before a quiet hum of static filled the air again. Alastor chuckled, "Oh my dear, never lost your sense of humor, I see!"
A look of even deeper shame washes over your face as you break eye contact with him and stare at his hands that held your's on the table, "It's true. Alastor..." You sigh deeply, feeling an aching pain in your chest, not only from your injuries but also from the mental anguish you were dealing with as you shakily begin to explain everything about your past. Your shitty family and messed-up inlaws. Your narcissistic, unloving, and abusive ex-husband that you killed.
You painstakingly revealed every single minute detail. You told him everything.
-> Part 12
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@mysticwitchcraftco @lil-bexie @lonely-burger @cherry-cola-100 @angelxx7 @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 @avitute @justhellacesome @mcrtrashfan @spookysisters
#hazbin#hazbin hotel#fanfic#hazbin hotel alastor#alastor#alastor hazbin hotel#alastor x reader#alastor the radio demon#alastor x you#hazbin alastor#alastor hazbin#radio demon#the radio demon#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel x you#hazbin hotel fandom#hazbin hotel fanfiction#hazbin hotel x y/n#alastor x y/n#alastor x female reader#happy weekend#hope you enjoy#love you guys#fan fiction#fanfic writing
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Vamos Madrid : ̗̀➛ Carlos Sainz
summary: as the newest signing for real madrid, you can't help but capture the attention of a certain spanish driver
liked by olgacarmona7, realmadridfem and 349,706 others
ynusername: such a proud day to sign for this incredible club…hala madrid 🤍��️
username1: ahh i can't believe this finally happened for you!!!! 🤩
chelseafcwomen: thank you for all that you've done for our great club, wishing you all the best for the future yn!
username2: can't wait to support you on this new chapter yn 🎉
elliecarpenterr: at least i'll finally get some rest from you constantly messaging me about this now
ynusername: @/elliecarpenterr thanks for being my agony aunt over the past few weeks
username3: i hope real madrid know what they're in for with a talent like you 😂
carolineweir95: your spanish tour guide is at your service 🫡
ynusername: @/carolineweir95 cannot wait for a thousand and one coffee dates with you
username4: i've never been happier to see a post from you omg
realmadridfem: welcome yn! we can't wait to have you as part of the team 🤍
username5: officially now real madrid's number one fan btw
mackenziearnold: imma miss just being able to drive up the road to see you 😭
username6: at least you won't have to deal with the british weather anymore
liked by landonorris, georgerussell63 and 1,604,394 others
carlossainz55: thanks to real madrid for hosting me this evening, had a great time cheering the women on ☺️🤍
username7: we love a man who gets behind the womens team as much as the mens 🤩
landonorris: it still disgusts me that of all the teams you support real madrid 🙄
carlossainz55: @/landonorris i refuse to take abuse from a fake fan like you!!
username8: i can't believe carlos was in the same stadium as yn tonight
username9: hala madrid ⚽️
georgerussell63: one day i'll introduce you to a team that's actually good at football
username10: hope you had the best time and got to meet lots of the players
schecoperez: could they find you a tighter top to wear??? 😂😂😂
carlossainz55: @/schecoperez gotta show off the physique somehow
username11: i was just thinking how long it's been since we had madrid content from carlos
charles_leclerc: now that you've posted can you stop talking about that footballer that you met please??
username12: wait carlos met one of the players...who? when? why? omg i've got so many questions 🤔
username13: carlos sainz we need all the gossip asap
lewishamilton: so that's why you refused to come out for food with me tonight 🙄
olgacarmona7: on behalf of the team, thank you for all of your support tonight
ynusername: thanks for the photo...
liked by charles_leclerc, samanthakerr20 and 493,607 others
ynusername: off season at last 🌴✅
signebruun20: can we all just take a moment to appreciate how stunning you are
username14: it's unfair for one person to look this good 😓
samanthakerr20: lock up your wardrobe next time i see you otherwise it's all mine
ynusername: @/samanthakerr20 just gonna screenshot for the prosecution
username15: are we all just going to pretend that we don't see that middle photo?? 😅
username16: i can't believe yn might finally have a boyfriend
linda_caicedo11: off season looks pretty good on you 💕
username17: you can't just post something like that and not say anything else yn omg
caitlinfoord: idc about timezones pick up the damn phone now woman 😂😂
username18: anyone else feel like that hand looks suspiciously familiar?
evanavarro12: so you go on holiday with someone and don't even tell me about it first. rude. 💔
username19: yn i'm not willing to play this soft launch game i swear-
stephcatley: did you move to madrid for the football or the men btw??
username20: charles in the likes too...makes me wonder
liked by lewishamilton, pierregasly and 1,492,705 others
carlossainz55: turns out I’ve still got it ⚽️💪🏻
username21: footballer carlos is a vibe that i didn't know i needed in my life 🥺
landonorris: all the gear and no idea 😂
carlossainz55: @/landonorris are you asking for me to block you or something??
username22: oh to play football with THE carlos sainz...
alex_albon: one day when i imagine myself being a footballer, i want to look like you
username23: jw is there anything that this man can't do??? ☺️
lancestroll: i need the secrets for that hair asap my friend
pierregasly: i thought the spanish were supposed to be good at football 🤔
username24: why is this man suddenly obsessed with football once again
lewishamilton: bets you managed a total of 10 keepie uppies before dropping it
carlossainz55: @/lewishamilton it was 11 i'll have you know 😂
username25: the hair. the shirt. the concentration. i cannot cope.
maxverstappen1: i really hope this isn't you trying to play it cool
ynusername: if you want some pro tips you know where i am
carlossainz55: @/ynusername might just take you up on that offer
username26: omg first date when?? ❤️❤️❤️❤️
liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 329,607 others
ynusername: turns out red suits me just as well as white does ❤️🏎️
username27: stfu i can't believe this is happening 🫢🫢🫢
georgerussell63: come and test out the white at mercedes instead 😂
caitlinfoord: what is happening to you right now, how’ve you managed to get to go to the f1 for free 😬
username28: someone pinch me, is this really yn in the ferrari garage
charles_leclerc: hope you enjoyed your weekend with us!!
ynusername: @/charles_leclerc it was the best time tysm 🫶🏻
username29: anyone else praying that these photos mean what we want them to mean?
samanthakerr20: and you just conveniently forgot the invite for your best friend…I see how it is
username30: i'd argue that red suits you so much better btw 🤩🤩
carlossainz55: we loved having you with us, dare I say you’re an f1 fan now??
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 you might’ve just convinced me 🥺
username31: red suits you more than white suits carlos hahah
username32: not yn tryna get in on the soft launch game too
maxverstappen1: btw carlos did not stop talking about the fact that you were here with us all weekend…
carlossainz55: @/maxverstappen1 shut your face now!!!
landonorris: wtf you were supposed to come and visit me before going to those losers
ynusername: @/landonorris guess I just got a better offer 🤷🏻♀️
username33: i refuse to let these two tease us about a potential relationship for much longer
liked by landonorris, ynusername and 3,504,102 others
carlossainz55: all warmed up and just waiting for the call if you need me @/realmadridfem
username34: notice how he tags the womens team instead of the men?? 🤔
charles_leclerc: can guarantee you would end up pulling your hamstring after the first five minutes my friend
username35: yn and carlos in central midfield is a dream team waiting to happen
ynusername: there’s a nice spot on the subs bench with your name on it!
carlossainz55: @/ynusername hey im starting 11 material surely 😓
username36: i saw carlos at the game today, he went crazy whenever yn got the ball 💞💞
landonorris: I’d pay a lot of money to see you try and play football with the professionals 😂
carlossainz55: @/landonorris why do you bully me all the time?? 🤦🏻♂️
username37: he definitely went to be cheerleader for yn rather than the whole team
alex_albon: how many takes before you were happy with that photo???
username38: I love how much they support each other it’s adorable 😭
danielricciardo: you look like the worst fifabot in the world 😂
username39: now this is a couple I can see seriously get behind!! 💕
username40: is it okay to already be obsessed with these two even though we don’t know they’re acc together yet?? 🤔🤔
liked by matildas, carlossainz55 and 492,192 others
ynusername: 50 caps for this great country, it’s always the biggest honour 💚💛
username41: what would the national team do without you?? 🤔
carlossainz55: congratulations, such an incredible achievement ❤️
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 tysm for flying out and cheering me on ❤️
username42: won't be long before you get to 100 caps yk
username43: we're so proud of you yn!! congratulations!! 👏🏻
samanthakerr20: so proud to stand right by your side tonight and watch you reach this milestone
username44: was it ever in doubt? the best to ever do it 🥺🥺
charles_leclerc: that was awesome to watch…I hate how you’re turning me into a football fan 😂
ynusername: @/charles_leclerc told you I’d change your mind!!
username45: the matildas are the luckiest team in the world to have you
caitlinfoord: if i had it my way you'd have thousands of caps by now
ynusername: @/caitlinfoord not really sure that's how football works 😂
username46: i could sit and watch you play football forever
mackenziearnold: best. team. mate. ever.
username47: thank you for being such an amazing part of the team, we'd be lost without you in that midfield
matildas: congratulations yn, heres to the next 50 💚💛
liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 3,694,702 others
carlossainz55: a well deserved break for the both of us ☀️💕🌴
username48: this is everything that i've ever wanted to see and more
alex_albon: still offended that you didn’t invite me on this trip 😭
username49: i cannot begin to tell you how happy i am for you both 🤯🤯
stephcatley: omg i could not be happier to see you two together
ynusername: thank you for such an amazing trip, you're the best 💕💕
carlossainz55: @/ynusername you deserve the world and more
username50: now please continue to spam us with adorable pics
alexandrasaintmleux: so pleased to see you guys had such a good time 🎉🌴
username51: thank you for bringing the soft launch to an end, welcome hard launch!!
landonorris: shall i vacate the role of boyfriend now or later??
carlossainz55: @/landonorris i'll show you the door 🚪
username52: a match made in heaven if you ask me
username53: i'm not even in this relationship and i feel emotional
charles_leclerc: thank goodness, don't think i could keep the secret for much longer 😅
username54: everyone say thank you real madrid for introducing these two to one another 🤍⚽️
liked by carlossainz55, elliecarpenterr and 593,604 others
ynusername: three of my favourite things, football, boyfriend and all the coffee ⚽️❤️☕️
username55: yn it's not fair of you to melt my heart like this 😭
oscarpiastri: now the coffee I can get behind ☕️
landonorris: you’re forgetting the part where you mention your boyfriend’s best friend???
username56: look at their faces, they look so in love together!!
caitlinfoord: can you stop being so annoyingly cute please and thank you
carlossainz55: i better be number one out of those three things 🥺
ynusername: @/carlossainz55 the top spot is yours forever 🫶🏻❤️
username57: you'll find me in the corner crying absolute tears of joy
danielricciardo: well this is a bit cute isn’t it 🤩🤩
username58: officially now my favourite couple in the whole entire world 🌍
username59: i don't think i'll ever see enough posts from these two
charles_leclerc: presuming from this that football tops carlos 🤭
username60: cannot wait to see these guys spend the rest of their lives together ngl 💞💞💞
maxverstappen1: btw carlos does not shut up about you 😂😂
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
#f1#f1 imagine#carlos sainz#carlos sainz imagine#formula 1#formula 1 x reader#f1 x reader#formula 1 imagine#formula 1 x you#f1 fanfic#f1 reaction#formula one#carlos sainz smau#carlos sainz x you#carlos sainz x reader#formula one x you#formula x reader#formula 1 social media#formula 1 drabble#formula one x reader#formula one imagine#formula 1 fic#formula 1 fanfic#f1 smau#f1 drabble#f1 fluff#f1 x you#f1 fic
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Every Corner of This House is Haunted
Pairing: Kento Nanami x Fem!Reader Content: Fem!Reader, Fluff, Flashback Chapter, Suggestive, Reader and Nanami are in College, Not Proofread
Chapter V -> Masterlist if this Series
Thirteen Years Ago
Your heart thumps as you stare at the email inviting you to take a special seminar offered to seniors exclusively. You know you are the only junior to have been offered it. With your hands shaking with equal amounts of nervousness and excitement, you accept the offer.
This is how you end up in a seminar conducted by a senior. You still don’t know who this student is when you enter the classroom and take a seat next to a long haired guy with piercings. He looks at you and gives you a tight lipped smile, this simple act is somehow a little too striking.
“Suguru Geto,” he introduces himself, his deep voice vibrating seductively in the air.
“Y/N,” you say softly, making yourself cringe, but your mind washes it all away when the senior that is supposed to hold the event comes out and stands tall in front of the classroom with beautiful flowy blond hair, thin framed glasses, defined cheekbones, and a stern expression masking his face.
“Good morning, class,” he greets dryly. “My name is Kento Nanami, and I will be hosting today’s seminar. Thank you all for joining. I believe we have a junior here with us today?” He looks around the classroom until his eyes land on you. When it does, you can swear something shifts in his eyes. “Y/N, is it?” he asks.
You clear your throat, trying to break yourself away from the wholly inappropriate thoughts you’re getting. “Uhm– yes, that’s me.” He simply nods and continues with his presentation.
As the discussion continues, you find yourself immersed in the way he presents his information– practical and well thought out. You snap out of your thoughts when the guy beside you– what was his name? Suguru, right. He asks you, “So how come you’re the only junior here?”
You shrug. “My professor recommended my name to Nanami, or something.”
When the seminar ends, the room is quick to empty itself. You take this opportunity to go up to Nanami as he is packing up his belongings.
“Hi,” you say, a little too cheery before pulling yourself together.
“You were– uhm– you were great today. With your presentation and everything…”
He tilts his head, clearly finding your awkwardness amusing. “Thank you, Y/N.”
“Do you, like, do this often or…?”
“Not very often,” his tone is a little too proper. “But I have done it before, yes.”
Before you can process your own thoughts, you blurt out, “Would you like to grab a cup of coffee with me?” When you realise what you’ve just said, you try to cover it up. “I mean, you can always say no, of course. You’re probably busy anyways. Like, I don’t even know if you like coffee, you’re probably a tea person, or maybe milk–”
“I’d love to grab a cup of coffee with you, Y/N.”
Tags: @itsafairytalekay @qualitygiantshoepsychic @uzuimirika @coffeeandcrimeshows @lov3vivian @lady-of-blossoms @lavenderdaydream97 @gigiiiiislife @yeehawbrothers @heartsforkento @loveliest-ghostwriter @darkstudentsaladbakery @for-hearthand-home @creative1writings @corvid007 @realesttruther @jades-bullshit
(I hope I didn't miss any)
#jujutsu kaisen#nanami kento#nanami x reader#nanami kento x reader#jjk headcanons#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk smau#jjk drabbles#jujustsu kaisen x reader#jjk fanfiction#jjk nanami#nanami angst#nanami headcanons#kento angst#jjk kento#kento x reader#nanamin#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujutsu kaisen angst#nanami kento angst#kento nanami#jujutsu kaisen fluff#nanami kento fluff
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Love Rival??
Cannibal chef! reader m.list | Author profile

The day finally came when Lucifer, Charlie's dad, would come to the hotel. So, out of consideration for your friend, you hosted a dinner party to leave a good impression on Hell's King himself.
So, you busied yourself in the kitchen for the past hour trying to whip up as much and as fast as you could, given the limited time you had been offered.
Everyone was gathered as they would on any regular day since you had started preparing breakfast. However, today they brought a little bit of... class~. They wore their best outfits seeing how special this event started to be and wore suits and dresses to dinner.
After everyone was present and settled themselves down. You appear before them donned in your chef's uniform, an apron wrapped around your waist stained with sauces and your hair curled, tied into a bun inside a hairnet. You introduce each dish that was placed down in front of them by Alastor's shadow puppets.
"Ooh! This pasta are incredible! Compliments to the chef!" Lucifer exclaims lifting his head and grinning at you.
"Oh, thank you!" you replied while gave him a polite smile and nodded your head.
While you we were wiping Niffty's face that was covered in the ragu with a napkin. Lucifer turns to Charlie and says, "Say, do you always eat together like this? I wouldn't mind staying here if that were the case."
While he was laughing at his own jest. Alastor, who sat opposite of him, glared at him not even being subtle about it. "It's a shame that his majesty has so many important matters to deal with. He hasn't even come to see how his daughter was in a while and finds his only reason to stay is through my companion's cooking," Alastor jabs at him while delicately cutting the meat on his plate that you especially made for him.
Lucifer splutters nervously as he aggressively denies the deer's claims. Lucifer watches as you approach Alastor's side and pour him his drink, seeing your heart shaped manic eyes ogling him while Alastor exuded a softer aura around him.
"Hohoho," Lucifer laughs in revelation before raising his own glass, "Uh, chef dear? Could you also pour me a drink?"
You raise eyes towards him, eyes turning normal before giving him another smile before coming over to his side. Lucifer gives Alastor a smug grin as you poured him the wine and sees how Alastor narrows his eyes at the blonde, as if asking him what the hell he was doing.
"So, you uh.. you made all of this by yourself?" Lucifer trying to start a conversation with you and keep your eyes off Alastor.
"Why, yes! Given I only had an hour to prepare, this is the least I could do," you reply with a small smile.
You didn't find it odd that much that this very important person was talking to you so candidly. You didn't really mind that much given how well he complimented your cooking so, all of his antics flew passed you head as he continued conversing with you.
By the time Lucifer decided to go home, you all gathered at the door to send him off. After he gives Charlie one last hug, he steps closer to you. All of you were confused at his actions especially what happens next.
"I'm sorry for my sudden intrusion then. I'd love to try you cooking some other time," he says with a flirtatious smile after he kisses the back of your hand.
Your eyes widen open as Alastor's ears peel back while giving the blonde a snarl. After he disappears, Alastor wipes the back of you hand on his coat and takes you to his quarters to get rid of the outrageous' sent off of you.
While in the bath as he scrubbed you down without batting an eye at your naked form. He takes the stained hand of yours and bites down on it with his sharp fangs deeply causing it to bleed.
"You belong to me. Got it?"

@bonnie-02, @marxo5, @whaatttlaufey, @froggybich, @rybunnie, @midorichoco, @lucifers-silhouette, @kimmis-stuff
#hazbin hotel#hazbin alastor#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin lucifer#hazbin charlie#hazbin angel dust#hazbin husk#alastor x reader#hazbin vaggie#alastor#alastor hazbin hotel#alastor the radio demon#hazbin hotel alastor#radio demon#cannibal chef reader#harleehazbinfic
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business matter — chapter 70.

↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.

masterlist | prev | next
[written chapter]
[a/n: the reactions of the fans are not happening at the same time as the events written.]
a large team with cameras and employees of different categories were in a field not far from the city. from the makeup area where they also got their microphones to that piece of land where there used to be nothing, but now there was a recreational structure for the recording, it was about twenty minutes by car. the filming crew surrounded the cast of azza time!, which was meeting for another week to produce a new episode.
the celebrities were casually chatting about everyday topics and also conspiring about what today's maze could be, already accustomed after three years to the dynamics of the program in which the production devised confusingly ordered circuits in which there were different games as obstacles that required general knowledge, intelligence, and also physical skill.
serim often asked herself how she had ended up being part of this kind of program and not one where she could merely sit, eat and talk, as she knew there were many.
after waiting a moment, the director was heard throughout the set announcing that they would begin recording, so the regulars stood next to each other looking at the camera to start the program.
“so…” sejeong, who was standing next to serim, leaned even closer to her friend so that she could talk to her without anyone else hearing. “is she your girlfriend today or not?” she asked as she watched the guests approaching from a distance.
serim returned an annoyed look, causing sejeong to laugh with accomplishment. “they asked us to act friendly in front of the camera.”
“in that case, i hope she doesn't go into acting.” she commented, looking at karina, who showed irritation on her face.
they received the indication that they were already being filmed and then jaesuk, the main host of the program, began the presentation of the episode and gave way to a short exchange of words between the arranged cast, to finally introduce the guests.
“…they finally returned to azza time with their first full album, ‘armageddon’, aespa!” the four members entered the camera vision and were welcomed with applause from the mcs.
the group introduced themselves, as well as one by one, and then their new project, courtesy questions that are asked at the beginning of any variety show took some time, in which the leader of aespa did not deign to place her eyes even close to the position in which the leader of heaven was, as if they did not partially live together.
“serim-ah." jaesuk called, catching her attention. “you are an idol, are you close to the members of aespa?”
“well…” she turned to look at them, noticing that winter and ningning were holding back the urge to laugh, while giselle looked terrified at the possible answer to that question, and karina had her eyes on the ground. “we have recently promoted together, as you know,” she recalled. “we are co-workers, we can still become closer." she replied, careful with her words.
“didn't you exchange contacts after the episode they appeared in before?” another member, jukjae, chimed in, surprised that they weren't close.
“to be honest, i don't really remember that episode.” serim's answer caused her mates to laugh.
“that sounds like serim.” sejeong accepted.
“from among them,” the star of the conversation pointed to the guests with her hand. “karina and i…” the aforementioned raised her head quickly to look at her seriously, causing serim to smile sideways, smug. “we are the closest.” she adverted, turning her gaze from the girl to her work friends.
the others started talking over each other asking questions, after all, they were quite close since they recorded together every week and even met after when they could, but it wasn't enough to know who was in their inner circles, so they were fascinated by the new information of a possible friendship between their beloved serim and another of the most popular idols in the country.
“karina and i,” this time she spoke to the camera, possibly because she was disturbed by the furious gaze of the blackhaired woman who was staring at her. “we met through what she describes as…” she gave a sigh and thought for a second. “a business matter.” she nodded her head, affirming the memory of jimin using that term. “we've spent a lot of time together” she added. "at work." she commented, creating even more tension than there already was between her and the guest, but seeming like an ordinary anecdote to those who had no idea of the context behind it.

“i can't believe we're on the same team again." sejeong complained to serim as both of them, part of the red team, entered the maze prepared for that day.
the azza time labyrinths were artificially assembled sets that were easy to dismantle, but they needed large spaces to be settled up in, which is why the episodes were always recorded in open fields or large spaces such as baseball stadiums or sports courts. they were generally themed based on what the guests were promoting, and in this case, the topic was an alien invasion.
the dynamics of the program is that the participants are divided into two randomly chosen groups that have to explore the map until they find the exit, completing missions, playing games or passing obstacles along the way, and once reached the end they cannot win without a certain number of these carried out.
“it's destiny trying to tell us something.” she brought her hand to her chest acting in love with her.
“serim, could you behave?” the oldest punched her shoulder in frustration. “karina is right there." she joked, without having the latest news on the relationship between these two.
ningning turned to look horrified at the brunette, then at her leader to capture her reaction, but she just, very poorly, pretended she didn't hear, while serim swallowed hard and opened her eyes wide as if she were trying to tell her friend to shut up with them, although she didn't see it since with her competitive spirit she had taken the lead in the team. even so, the atmosphere did not become uncomfortable since the other two members of the cast did laugh at the joke, although they may not have understood it very well.
without giving time for there to be any type of interaction between the two leaders because of that comment, a sharp shout from sejeong was heard, and as a result, the two members of aespa who were on the team reacted the same out of inertia. when they turned a corner they ran into an actor in an alien costume, and once everyone saw what it was that had scared the woman, they simply burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation. once they grew normal with it, serim approached the boy and took a letter that he had in his hand to open it so she could read what it said.
unconsciously, due to her restless, game-loving and impatient nature, jimin pressed her body against the older girl's, trying to grasp the instructions to start the mission as quickly as possible, wrapping her touch around the other's upper arm and leaving her cheek only a tilt of her head from jang's skin. but serim loves being right, in addition to being in control of every scenario, and considering the grudge and annoyance she held against jimin at that moment for the attitude she had adopted that they were complete strangers, she couldn't help but notice the girl's closeness, nor contain the victorious smile that appeared on her face, creating a pedantic and arrogant aura, which only unfolded with karina abruptly breaking apart from her side in madness.
“let's see if i understood." dongyeon spoke after hearing the explanation. “he" pointed to the alien. “is going to sing in an extraterrestrial language and we have to guess what song it is?”
"exactly." assured ningning funnily before the mini-game.
they prepared to carry out the activity, sitting on some stools that the production prepared for them and paying attention to the man when he began his part, failing in some, but eventually getting four of the five songs right that they needed to complete that point of the race.
everyone was waiting for the next melody, leaning on the edge of their seats, ready to shout the answer. the boy awkwardly started humming something after receiving the name and the show's stars took a moment to guess what it was.
“ah!” serim exclaimed after identifying the sound, feeling a tap on her shoulder from one, very passionate about the game, jimin, who seemed to have also deciphered it and wanted to communicate it to someone in some way. “snsd!” she shouted, upset.
“party!” yu finished.
for just a second everything was silent, but the moment it was confirmed that it was the correct answer, they both squealed happily. the song began to play through the speakers so they could complete the next part, which was to dance and sing it, to which they both got up running. serim got to the center faster, but she has always been terrible at remembering choreographies, so she stayed static, although not for long because as soon as karina caught up with her, she pushed her out of the shot and started performing impeccably.
upon seeing the youngest, the vocalist remembered the steps and returned to her position, covering her work mate in front of the camera lens and continuing with the dance. however, this one approached quickly and she used the full weight of her body to rush at the girl who had interrupted her, quickly returning to the middle to continue from where she had left off. jang stopped to look at her in disbelief, but quickly regained her determination and approached with wide steps to wrap her arms around her waist and lift her off the ground, carrying her back through the air to leave her behind, going back to the center to finish the challenge by herself.
“girls, remember that you can dance together, we are all one team.” tried to intervene jaesuk from his seat, although in any case, all the spectators found the leaders' tom and jerry act entertaining and funny.
but no one listened to the man and the main dancer once again gained the spotlight by pulling the older's shirt until she was off camera, ending in serim running back towards her and grabbing her by the torso again, but this time maintaining her grip, no longer trying to dance, but to prevent the girl from achieving what she wanted.
"let go!" perhaps because of the distraction of wanting to win, she didn't give that order with bitterness, but rather charged with the emotion of a child who wants to continue playing.
“no! it's my favorite group, i have to answer!" she refused, still having her captured in her embrace.
“it's my favorite group too, nam…” she realized. “serim." she retracted herself, trying to get free.
“it can't be because you and i would never have anything in common.” she contradicted.
“i liked snsd before you did!” seeing that she couldn't get out of the woman's arms, she changed her strategy and began to try to throw her to the ground.
“how would you know when i started liking snsd?” she struggled to maintain balance.
"intuition!" she responded simply as she finally managed, after kicking serim's foot and causing her to lose balance when it lifted suddenly, to get her to fall off. although perhaps she didn't expect the vocalist to take her down too.
“they both got the point for the team.” someone from the staff announced. they hadn't even noticed that the song was no longer playing.
"that's not fair!" from the ground, jimin pointed accusingly her index at the person who said that, with her back against serim's front and still in her hold, still too blinded by her desire for victory to notice what position she found herself in.
"i don't believe you!" serim continued.
“it is possible, we are playing as a team.” interrupted sejeong, appearing in their field of vision above them. "get up please."

after several hours of recording, the red team was on the fifth mission, and this was one of those that required physical dexterity. before them stood a platform that swayed, decorated as if it were a spaceship. in the middle of it, there was nothing more than a tube that connected from the floor under the machine to the ceiling of the place, which had various steps that wrapped around it, and a little higher hung a series of figures in moons, stars, hearts, and butterflies of different colors. on the sides of the wobbly stage were two baskets.
the game consisted of reaching the required figures and placing them in the containers without anyone falling off that surface that kept rotating and moving up and down. those in charge of climbing to reach the emblems were ningning and dongyeon, while jaesuk and sejeong were the ones who had to throw them into the barrels trying to fill them, and karina together with serim worked as hinges, holding the previous two so that they do not fall, but also ensuring that those who climbed didn't either.
the figures were very high, so the hosts really had to work hard to reach them, but dongyeon managed to get a pink star, as requested in the game instructions, and went down to pass it to serim who would get it to sejeong. but as soon as the last one stretched out to try to throw the object where it had to enter, as it was her first attempt, she lost her balance and also the support she had in serim's hand, almost falling into the water that was under them. fortunately, her friend, with speed and agility, released her grip on the tube, taking advantage of the fleeting moment in which the platform was tilted on the opposite side, but elevated on hers, she approached kim, hugged her against her body, and returned to hold on just in time so they wouldn't be propelled out of the game.
on the other side, ningning already had a green moon in her hand, but she was still on the iron bars that functioned as steps. it was difficult for her to go down because of the movement, leaning on her leader so that she could tell her when it would be appropriate to step. but the blackhaired woman had her eyes distracted by serim and how she was hugging sejeong, which is why she was not paying attention to her maknae when she tried to get down just at the moment when the ground rose on their side, causing the girl's foot to suddenly rose and with it the rest of her body that was still over the metals that formed a staircase, leaving her hand trapped in the one it was wrapped and causing her thumb to bend unnaturally as she did not adapt to the abrupt change in position. the youngest girl's scream echoed throughout the place, accompanied by her body falling on top of her bandmate as she released her grip because of the pain.
upon hearing her, the game stopped and the production, as well as the group's staff, came to help her without delay. taking her off the set to the car they had arrived in so she could be checked by a doctor, followed by karina, while the others were notified. everyone gathered outside to deliberate about what had happened and wait for answers about whether they could continue recording, while the members of aespa gathered around the car with their manager and others to see how serious the maknae's injury had been.
after a moment, when she saw the emergency staff leaving, serim decided to approach the girls.
“hey, ning, how are you?” she gave her a kind smile.
"fine." she assured her, she didn't look distressed. “it's a sprain, but it's not serious, in a few days it will heal.” she raised her hand to show it. “they only gave me this.” a splint held the injured finger in place, wrapped with some bandages to support it.
"i'm happy to hear you're well." she walked over to lie against the truck next to the opening where ningning was. "but what happened?" she put her palm on the girl's leg, which made her nervous and so begin to mix up her words when trying to explain, without getting her to understand.
"it was my fault." karina interrupted, gaining the attention. “i should have been attentive to help her get down, but i wasn't.” she explained.
“no, it wasn't anyone's fault.” ningning denied. “my finger got caught in the tube, no one would have imagined that would happen.” she clarified.
“either way, it was my role to prevent something like that from happening.” yu repeated.
“you seem to have a tendency to lose control of things.” serim observed, her tone slightly hostile to her.
"what do you mean by that?" she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her with annoyance.
“whatever you want to understand.” she shrugged her shoulders. “ning, have they already told you if you will be able to continue recording? maybe you should rest.” she turned to see the named one.
“serim, i think i already told you more than once, but you don't know me enough to make assumptions about me.” she warned irritably.
“don't you get tired of repeating the same things over and over again?” jang turned her gaze to her in distaste. “even jesus rested.”
“i wouldn't have to keep repeating the same thing if you would just stop acting so immature.” karina defended herself.
“i'm done talking to you.” serim cut off her words.
“how can you be so unbearable?” she took a few steps to get closer to her.
“that question is too personal, i'm sorry, i thought you didn't want to know anything about me.” she pushed herself from the vehicle and faced her.
“can you two not fight? ningning almost ripped off her finger…” giselle tried to stop them.
“is all the resentful attitude you've had today is because i rejected you?” she crossed her arms. “poor little serim, finally a woman says no to her.” she hummed mockingly.
“what resentful attitude are you even talking about?” she inquired unperturbed.
“your constant laughing, looks and comments with double meanings.” she recounted. “that speech of yours about how we met that you gave at the beginning, was it necessary?” jimin was furious.
“i was just repeating what you told me.” she argued with an innocent tone. “and for someone who doesn't want to know anything about me, i noticed that you were very aware of what i do all day.” she tilted her head, looking at her expectantly.
“how can i not notice the stuff you do if you are over me all the time hoping that i do something you can hold against me?” she exclaimed, raising her voice.
“did i force you to do those things that i ended up rubbing to your face?” she responded, turning up the volume of her sentences.
“i didn't do anything to you all day!”
“aside from letting your groupmate get injured because you were too focused on what i was up to?” she exclaimed exasperatedly. “or did you really think i didn't catch you staring?” she spoke normally again, but still with anger.
“fuck you, serim.” she said angrily and turned around to leave.
“fuck me yourself!” she shouted loudly for karina to hear as she walked away from her.

#aespa#aespa karina#karina#yu jimin#yoo jimin#giselle aespa#giselle#winter aespa#winter#ningning aespa#ningning#aespa x reader#yu jimin x reader#karina x reader#kpop x reader#kpop smau#aespa smau#smau#aespa fanfic#karina fanfic#aespa scenarios#aespa reactions#aespa imagines#fromis 9#itzy#ive#loona#gidle#blackpink#exo
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Intemporelle; timeless
Paring: Quinn Hughes | OC Female (Older)
Chapter: 1 of ? | A Chance Meeting
WC: 5,825
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Warnings: Alcohol use, swearing, mentioned depressive thoughts, guilt/shame, embarrassment
Summary: Off-season wedding within the Canucks' organization. Quinn is drunk when he's introduced to a friend of the bride and groom. Things take a turn when he gets sick and requires being tucked into bed.
Big thank you to @insidious-apple for letting me gush about my silly ideas and spamming you with updates.
White flowers fell in cascaded archways over top of every doorway in the chateau's ballroom. No expense had been spared on the wedding, now in full swing, that evening. Guests had been arriving the last three days to the Fairmont Chateau to enjoy the luxuries afforded by their hosts. No matter where you looked, luxe decorations reminded you of the scope of the affair.
By now, the reception had gone late into the beginning hours of the morning. Parents, grand-parents, aunts, and uncles had all said their goodbyes hours before, leaving the younger generations to continue the festivities. Shoes had been abandoned, empty glasses, and plates of cake littered several tables, their respective owners all mingling on the dance floor or in their rooms entirely.
Madeline Ramsey, best friend of the bride, had gotten to the resort just that morning. Work as a dress consultant in one of Vancouver's high-end bridal stores had kept her away from joining the rest of the bridal party's celebrations and had made her feel like she was playing catch-up ever since the ceremony. She was tall, curvy; a deep brunette with striking sage green eyes. She had just turned thirty-four two months prior in June; becoming now the last of all of her girlfriends to tie the knot. Years before, she was so consumed by the fact that she wasn't even in a relationship let alone engaged, but now, it was just another day on her own.
"Maddie! About time you showed! You were missed!" The groom hollered over the booming DJ equipment. He was obviously feeling no pain, throwing his arm over his friend that was standing next to him and whose conversation had been interrupted when she wandered near. The friend, looked in way worse shape than the groom but equally enjoying his time at the reception, locked eyes on Maddie and never took his eyes off her.
"I'm sorry! You didn't have to schedule your wedding in peak season either! I work in the industry, you know!"
"I forgot about that. But hey! You're here now!"
They stood there for a few minutes, just talking, giving congratulations and catching up. Maddie still being admired from the unintroduced bystander, took a sip of her wine, smiling with her eyes over the rim of her glass.
"Ah, goddamn, sorry! Maddie, Quinn; Quinn, Maddie."
"Hello," she says, making Quinn smile, his eyes finally falling away from her for the first time.
"Quinny's a little shy," the groom jokes. Quinn's face goes beet red in the dimly lit hall, at the sound of being called by one of his nicknames. He receives a playful shove to his shoulder from his teammate before he turns to leave. "I hate to leave you too, but I need to check on my bride. She's been left unsupervised with an open bar...for probably too long. Don't be strangers!"
Maddie said her goodbyes and turned her attention back to Quinn. He was looking down at his feet, kicking one with the other. His awkwardness made her smile. "So, I take it you play with Connor?"
"Yeah, he's a great guy," Quinn replied, trying to keep his drunk gaze on her face. "You're really...pretty."
His compliment was the last thing she had expected to hear so she just stared at him like a deer in the headlights for a second. Knowing she heard him correctly, she still asked him to repeat himself like the music was too loud.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Quinn shook his head, trying to make it come off like he hadn’t said anything, realizing in his drunkenness he had some regret over saying what he had. After a few moments, he began to crack a smile.
“Yeah, huh, you said I was pretty.” Maddie teased, taking another drink from her glass.
“Nuh-uh,” Quinn grinned.
Maddie, realizing he was being full of shit, gave her best fake, dramatic gasp. “How rude!” Quinn just continued to smile that same cheesy grin. Leaving it alone, Maddie looked forward to the dance floor, trying to see if there was anyone she needed to say hello to before while they could still remember seeing her. However, from where she stood it was hard to say.
“Would you want....would you like to dance?” Quinn blurts out, when the song changes to a slow one making Maddie look back over at the young captain.
“You want to dance? With me?”
Quinn nodded quickly in succession, like a little boy asked if wanted candy.
“Since you called me pretty…I guess,” she teased. “Yes, I’ll dance with you.” Putting her glass and clutch down on a nearby table she takes Quinn’s wobbly, outstretched arm and tries her best to let him lead her to the outer fringes of the dance floor.
At first, Quinn seemed hesitant to put his hands on her for the dance. Maddie helped him along by putting her arms around his neck which brought the two of them together quickly. Quinn’s face burned hot smelling her perfume and feeling her so close to him.
"Are you okay?" She said, leaning in to tease him.
"Mhm." He blushed, again.
The two of them just swayed back and forth to the slow beat of the song, in their own little world and no one paid them a bit of mind. Maddie stood an couple inches taller than Quinn due to her heels but he didn't seem to mind. From time-to-time, she'd look over at Quinn who would just start to giggle. However, towards the end of the song, something changed in his face.
"Quinn?" Maddie's brows pulled inward. Looking at him a little longer, she knew that look. His breathing had deepened, his brows were knitted together, and he just looked worried. He was going to be sick if she wasn't proactive in getting him out of there, for the sake of his pride if nothing else. "C'mon, let's get you outside."
This time, he doesn't even nod. He fully lets her guide him to the connecting hallway where she hoped she might find a bathroom. Quinn's feet began to drag, like he was fighting the urge to expel his guts all over the marble hallway.
"You're okay," she reassures, her hand in his. "Hold on just a little longer."
He didn't answer her; didn't even hum an answer, just kept his eyes down and clung to her grasp. Eventually, she'd find him a safe place and he wasted no time pushing through the door while Maddie waited outside. While she stood there, she remembered she had left her purse behind. If she didn't get it now, the possibility of someone else running off with it, or forgetting it entirely, was growing with each second she stood there.
Down the hall she sprinted - sprinted as fast as she could in her heels - to gather her things and return to Quinn hopefully before he was better. Before she reached the door she slowed to a dignified walk and acted like nothing was wrong. No one needed to know there were things going on; not her friends or his.
"Maddie come here! Where have you been?" A couple bridesmaids spotted her and at the top of their voices they yelled her name. "Come dance with us!"
Maddie just smiled and waved a "no thank you" in their direction. Their audible, disappointed whines melted into the music as she passed by them. She'd blow the group a kiss before finally parting ways, thankful that she had been able to skirt that situation without being too hindered, or asked why she was leaving; worse yet if they had seen her leave with Quinn.
Back down the hall her heels clicked almost at a panicked pace. She'd turn that final corner to see Quinn sitting on the ground, outside the bathroom door, his head resting on his knees as he hugged them. When his eyes lifted to see her, they were red and wet. He looked so tired, drained, and just like he still felt like shit.
"I'm sorry, Quinn. I just left to get my bag."
Quinn shook his head, his eyes staying locked on her face, "It's okay."
"C'mon, how about we get you upstairs?" Maddie reached down, both of her arms extended for him to take her hands and get up off the floor. His skin was cool and clammy when he finally decided to move and reach out for her. "Nice and slow."
He had lost his suit jacket by this point, it laid beside him in a crumpled heap but he was so wobbly getting back up that Maddie decided to get it for him instead. Quinn stood against the wall, his breathing slowed now and he was leaning.
"Do you have your room key, Quinn?" She asked respectfully feeling around in the pockets of the jacket in case it was in there.
"Mhm, somewhere. Oh, here, I think." From the pocket of his pants, Quinn produced the black room key and did his best to hand it to her.
"Thank you. Do you want to wear your jacket?" Maddie asked, thought it laid draped over her left arm. He shook his head and stayed leaning against the wall. "Do you need a minute?"
He sounded awful; like there was nothing left in him to interact with. Maddie put her hand against his back and his eyes opened, looking at her with exhaustion. She wanted to help him, but there was only so much comfort she could offer him from their current position. "Ready?"
Getting Quinn towards the elevator had been easier than getting him to the bathroom, but it was still no speed walk. He was still wobbly underfoot and couldn't walk in a straight line without Maddie as a bumper. He mumbled inaudible apologies, laying his head on her shoulder as the elevator doors closed and pulled them upwards towards the top floor suites.
"I...sorry." Quinn spoke through a sigh. "I am...I'm really sorry."
Maddie smiled, her cheek laying against his head ever so slightly to give him that brief moment of unashamed comfort. "We've all been there, Quinn, it's fine! You'll feel better in the morning."
"I don't...think....I doubt it," he replied, causing Maddie to stifle a laugh. His deep, full-bodied sighs were the only sound beyond the dings from the floors the elevator was passing. The chateau's top floor opened up to the two of them and she let Quinn step out at his own pace. Naturally, his room would be at the other end of the hall but she never once rushed him. It didn't matter if it took five minutes or fifteen, she'd let him stop whenever he needed to collect himself.
"Do you...have...do you have my key?" He asked, feeling around in his pocket. His voice was getting deeper, more monotone. Was he getting more relaxed or just on the verge of falling asleep?
"Yes, Quinn, I have your key."
"Oh, okay."
The lock clicked and with the weighted door pushed open, Maddie would insist Quinn go in first. He put one hand on the door, then the other on the wall and felt his way inside while Maddie stayed close behind; her fingertips hovering just behind the center of his back. He'd find his way safely to the edge of the bed and flopped down with another heavy sigh, laying on his back.
"I'm sorry," Quinn continued to apologize, his hands covering his eyes. "I'm...I'm really sorry."
"Don't be sorry," she added, hanging up his jacket. "Do want some help getting into bed?"
"Yes, please. Wait, no, yeah...I don't know."
Maddie smiled though Quinn never saw it. She stood there just looking at him have an existential crisis in real time. "Come on, let me help you or else you're just going to lay there all night in your suit."
"I'm fine."
"Quinn." Maddie said, her brows raised.
"Okay." He was just being a big kid at this point but she found it cute. She'd get his shoes untied and him pulled back up to a seated position. His little legs didn't reach the floor and she'd find Quinn kicking his sock feet when she turned back around.
Quinn's golden eyes just looked at her while she slowly unbuttoned his dress shirt. "Have I told you...that I think....that you're really pretty?"
Maddie tried not to look at him, not out of embarrassment, but because she, too, wanted to get back to her room and if she looked at him every time he said something adorable, she'd be there all night. However, when he brought a hand up to stop her from undoing another button, she had no choice.
"Have I? Because you...because you are." The natural sincerity in his words touched her, drunk or not. The look in his eyes said nothing but the truth.
"You have, a couple times, yes," she smiled, his hand still holding on to both of hers. "That's very sweet of you."
Finally, the childlike joy flashed in his eyes again and he mirrored her smile, "Okay...okay good. Someone should...you should be told that."
"Alright, Prince Charming, can I finish what I'm doing?" Maddie winked.
"You're trying to get me...you're taking my clothes off! You're...you want me naked, huh?"
This time she couldn't help but snort, she laughs so hard. Quinn just looks at her wide eyed and serious; almost shocked thinking he got her intentions correct.
"I knew it! Here, I'll...I'll help you!"
"Quinn it's fine! I--," but before she could finish her sentence, he started fussing with his belt but clumsy fingers couldn't conquer the buckle.
"I can't...I'm stuck...in my pants. Wow..."
Shaking her head she'd finally finish with the last remaining buttons of his shirt while he hung his head in what appeared to be the most self-defeating shame. She was, however, able to get him to his feet just long enough to get him out of his pants, leaving him wobbly there in a t-shirt and his underwear.
"Okay, bedtime," Maddie said, giving his back a little tap.
"Okay," he yawned, shuffling a few feet towards the turned back covers. Once he was under the blankets she put his phone on the charger but not before putting her number in his contacts, just in case.
"If you need anything, you can call me, alright? Do you remember my name?"
"Mhm, so if you need anything, just call, okay?"
"Thank you," Quinn said, giving her one of his bashful grins from earlier in the evening.
Maddie, standing next to him held her hair back before leaning forward to place a soft kiss to his forehead. Quinn smiled wider, snuggling deeper beneath the blankets after she turned off the light. "Good night, Prince Charming."
"Good night, Maddie. It was...I'm glad that...it was really nice to meet you."
"It was lovely to meet you, too, Quinn. Get some sleep, okay?"
"Thank you, you too."
In the darkness of the room Maddie smiled, before turning away from her not-so secret admirer. Once the door closed behind her, she hoped he'd be alright through the night. She felt that after some good sleep he'd bounce back to his old self which was a thought that she held for herself as well. And with said thought, Maddie returned to her own room, two floors down from Quinn's, instead of returning to the reception.
Maddie's room was much smaller than Quinn's suite, but seeing as she could only stay the one night, it was for the best, plus, she didn't have NHL money to afford the twenty-five-hundred-dollars a night charge. She undid the ankle straps of her stilettos, removed her jewelry, and slipped out of her dress. Having those heels off was such a relief but walking without them was terribly painful.
The cold tile brought some relief, as she stood before the vanity removing her makeup. Hot steam rolled from the spa-like tub filling with water and fragrant scents behind her. By this point, it was well after 2am, and by her face in the mirror, she felt it. This bath would be well worth the wait.
Forty minutes later, with her hair in a messy top-bun, Maddie stood there in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of boyshorts. She was exhausted as she applied her skincare, yearning for the comforting embrace of her bed that was just around the corner. That was before her phone began to ring in the next room. There was only one person she could think of that would be calling her: Quinn.
From the other end of the phone, a slight reverberation echoed with each word he struggled to speak.
"I need you. Please."
"Okay, okay, I'll be there in a few minutes," she replied, worried.
His line went dead and the phone call ended. Maddie didn't even bother putting on her leggings; just slipped on her white sneakers, grabbed her phone and sprinted down her own hallway to get to Quinn as fast as she could. The elevator took forever to open to her floor but at least it had been empty. Her acrylic nails tapped against the buttons, queuing Quinn's floor as she impatiently waited for the final stop.
"610, 611, 612," Maddie whispered to herself, hoping she had remember the correct room number. Knocking lightly, she hoped he would hear her.
"I'm sorry," Quinn said, opening the door to her slowly. He was covered in sweat, his white shirt damp and his hair all in front of his eyes.
"What's wrong?" No sooner had she reached for his shoulder, Quinn was turning away to stumble back to the bathroom.
Dry heaves. The devil.
He had nothing left to lose, but his body was trying to convince him that if he didn't clear his system, he'd continue to be miserable. Maddie followed behind him, seeing him draped over the toilet, his shoulders rolled forward as his body tensed against each retching episode.
"Oh, Quinn," she said under her breath. She knew his pain; dry heaves were almost worse than actually having to vomit: less painful. Maddie ran a washcloth beneath the cold tap and wrung it out before placing in on the back of his neck. His body shuddered against the sharp sensation which prompted her to run her hand up and down his spine for comfort and support. "You're okay."
He started to sniffle when he pulled away, feeling awful both physically and about having her see him like this. Maddie would hand him a towel off the warmer and he buried his face in it immediately. Her sympathy for him was growing. He just looked like a little boy getting sick for the first time.
"Want to try laying back down?"
He nodded.
"Okay, come on, sweetheart," Maddie cooed, getting him to his feet. His fingers clung to her body without hesitation, unlike before. Now, he came off like he needed her; no longer bashful about being so close to her. "You sit right here, okay?"
"I'll try," Quinn said, sitting back down on the edge of his bed a second time. She returned to his side with a bottle of water he had left out from earlier in the day. It wasn't full but it would serve its purpose.
"I need you to drink this, okay? Just little sips, alright?"
Quinn took the bottle and brought it to his lips several times; each time he pulled it away, he gasped for air slightly. He was still shaking; his shirt slightly damp from sweat. Maddie was standing directly in front of him, close enough for him to lean into her. When the bottle was nearly empty, Quinn reached out for her and pulled her into him; his head nestled directly between her breasts. She knew he didn't mean to be so forward, so she didn't push him away.
"You'll be okay, Quinn, I promise," Maddie said softly, both hands lost in his hair.
Eventually, he'd look up at her, the faint light from the harsh overhead bathroom fixture giving the bedroom enough illumination to see his expression. He looked so worried, so scared by everything going on with him in that moment. Maddie brushed the hair from his forehead; his eyelids fluttering closed each time she brushed them away.
"Wanna lay back down?"
Quinn's brows pulled together, like he was unsure if he should or not. Maddie continued to play with his hair, her pointed nails raking against his scalp comfortably,
"I don't want to get sick again." Quinn's voice was meek and solidified the notion that he was scared.
"I don't think you will. I think your body knows now that everything is gone now. Let's try getting you back in bed, okay?"
He nods again, his arms falling away from her waist as she takes a step back to give him room to move, taking the bottle from him. Quinn slips back beneath the covers as Maddie covers him up to his chin. "Can I get you anything?"
"No, thank you."
"Okay, if you're sure."
"You're not leaving, are you?" He asked, seeing her turn away from him again. Maddie turn back, her eyes locking onto his face immediately.
"Aw, Quinn you don't have to pout." The sight broke her heart, but she wondered if staying was really the best decision. However, looking at him beneath the covers, his dark eyes conveying immeasurable amounts of sadness, and that bottom lip. How dare he look so cute yet so heartbreakingly miserable.
"I don't want you to go," he mumbled.
"You're okay now, I promise."
"Please, stay?" Quinn pleaded again, this time with more emotion in his voice.
Maddie's eyes pulled away from his face. The bed was an obvious King; too much for one person let alone two. Quinn hadn't come off like a guy who couldn't keep his hands to himself so what harm would it be to stay?
"Okay, if you want me to say, I'll stay." She tried giving him a reassuring smile, but it didn't change his sorrowful expression.
Climbing into the bed from the other side, Maddie got close enough to Quinn that if he needed her she was within arms reach. She didn't want to crowd him, they didn't know each other that way. Surely he'd understand, right? She'd let her eyes fall closed but they didn't remain closed for long. The feeling of Quinn's hand touching her bare leg made her flinch.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He mumbled. "I just...I didn't mean it, I just..."
Maddie didn't say anything, instead, she found his arm and followed it downward until her hand found his. Quinn gave hers a little squeeze, his heart falling back into its normal rhythm after his scare. It was all he had wanted in the end. They'd fall asleep hand-in-hand; Quinn's head facing Maddie's on their respective pillows.
Hours later, way into morning, Maddie awoke to find Quinn snuggled up beside her. His stray curls had tickled her nose, pulling her from a comfortable slumber. He remained asleep as she did her best to carefully leave his side, ensuring he stayed asleep. Afterall, it was Quinn who needed to recover from the wild night of drinking, not her.
Quiet as she could, Maddie laced up her shoes, grabbed her phone and redid her hair before slipping out of the room. She tugged at the hem of the shirt she wore as she walked, and even though it fell just below her backside, she wasn't at a frat house; this was a luxury resort... She felt dirty, like she was walking a modified walk-of-shame. Had Quinn been awake she might have asked to borrow a pair of his sweatpants or something but that just didn't happen. Maybe she could play it off like she had been in the gym or something, but though she wasn't sweating or out of breath, it might just look like a big lie.
Thankfully for Maddie, there was no one around. Everyone still seemed to be sleeping off their hangovers which kept the halls and elevators empty. Once back inside her room, everything was like she had left it in her frantic leaving some hours prior. The lights were still on, her bed was still made, even the containers of skincare remained open and strewn about the counter like she was in the process of applying it. Looking at the mess, she couldn't believe she had just dropped everything for a guy she had just met. Granted, the way Quinn had sounded and what he had said, it had conveyed urgency. She'd spend the next hour packing and preparing to head back to Vancouver.
It was the headache that had woken Quinn up.
The curtains were still drawn, his phone was silent, and he was alone. He didn't dream about everything that had happened the night before, had he? He had met Maddie, and gotten sick, and had begged her to stay, right? They went to bed together, too? Where was she now, he wondered. Clawing his way up to rest his body weight on his forearms, he looked around the room, but there was no sign of her; no sound but the gentle whistle of the air conditioner.
Quinn sighed, pinching his eyes shut before the buzzing of his phone on the nightstand grabbed his attention.
Connor: Hey bud (10:38am)
Connor: You alive? (10:38am)
Connor: Just checking in
Didnt see you again after leaving you with maddie (10:39am)
Quinn: Yeah, I'm alive. (10:40am)
Connor: Thats good
She treat you alright? ;) (10:42am)
Quinn: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I made an ass of myself, though.
She's the only reason I made it back to my room this morning. (10:45am)
Connor: ooooh ;) (10:45am)
Quinn: It was nothing like that. (10:47am)
Connor: Well damn, lol
You get sick? (10:48am)
Quinn: Yes. (10:49am)
Connor: On her? (10:54am)
Quinn: No, but I have a feeling I said some things I shouldn't have. (10:56am)
Connor: Oh im sure shes okay (10:58am)
Quinn: Hopefully.
I need to get up and shower. What are you guys doing today? (11:01am)
Connor: Sounds good
Come meet us downstairs for brunch (11:09am)
Quinn: I'll see you in a few. (11:11am)
Quinn let his phone from his hand into the duvet as he laid on his back once his conversation with Connor had concluded. He had no strength to get out of bed and get in the shower, though he knew the hot water would likely bring him some comfort. Several minutes passed before he finally threw the covers aside and left the warm embrace of the linens.
Before he made it to the bathroom, in the small closet area, Quinn noticed his suit hung up and his dress shoes on the rack below it. He hadn't expected to see everything so nice, so tenderly cared for. Maddie really had taken care of him from the moment she had met him. Normally, he would have smiled to himself at such a kindness, but instead Quinn found himself with an opposite emotion. He should have been able to do everything she had done for him on his own. Instead, he was ashamed of everything and dreaded hearing of anything he didn't remember.
Hanging his head, Quinn entered the bathroom and hoped the hot steam would erase his lingering shame.
"Maddie! You're not leaving us, are you?" Sarah, the bride of the whole affair said, seeing her best friend walking past their private, outdoor dining area. The chateau had no shortage of stunning views, outdoor patios, and grand interior decorating. Maddie was sad to be leaving after essentially just arriving, and considering she hadn't even turned back the blankets of her bed, it was shame to just pack up and leave, but she had other obligations.
Maddie stopped and gave a sorrowful expression to her childhood friend. "I've gotta get back to the city, babe!"
"Not even for brunch and mimosas? You literally just got here!" Sarah got up from her table and made her way to where Maddie had stopped. They met in a hug and Sarah hoped she could still convince her friend to stay just a little longer.
"Yeah, I know, and I want to stay, but I just have so much to do. It was so hard for me to even get yesterday off! I have over a dozen appointments a day right now. I'm working twelves just to make my numbers."
Sarah pouted, both because she hadn't been convincing enough and also because she hated to hear how over-worked her bestie was. "Well, we'll have to meet up sometime when you have a minute. I miss you, girlie!"
"I miss you, too!" Maddie responded, giving Sarah another loving hug.
"You be careful! Text me when you get home, please!"
"Oh, absolutely, I'd like that. And Connor, you take care of her for me!" Maddie threatened playfully. Connor returned comments of assurance before giving his well-wishes as well. She didn't like goodbyes, but thankfully they were all around Vancouver and it was easy enough to make plans. Maddie would just have to survive wedding season first.
"Well, we'll let you go! Please, be careful!"
"I will. Love you," Maddie said, with one final goodbye.
"We love you, too!"
Before Maddie left, Connor left the table to give her his personal farewells. His hug was tighter than Sarah's but it came with a meaning.
"Hey, thanks for taking care of Quinn the other night. I appreciate it."
Maddie pulled away, and looked upon his face with confusion. "He told you about that?"
"Yeah, and he was pretty embarrassed. I just wanted to thank you. I don't think anyone else would have done that."
She gave him a slight nod, a silent agreement between the two of them. Maddie waved back to the table once they parted ways and turned back towards the direction of the main lobby. At the same time she was leaving, Quinn rounded the corner and stopped when he saw her. Those legs, bare beneath the pale, floral sundress she was wearing; the same ones he vaguely remembered touching by accident. The dread came flooding in once again, remembering bits and pieces of things he had done that morning. She was leaving and he found himself feeling sad yet he was unable to do anything but watch her go. It was only after she was out of sight that he forced himself to walk again.
"Ah, there he is!" Connor teased, seeing Quinn finally darken the patio doorway. "You just missed Maddie. You know, if you hurry you might be able to apologize to her before she leaves."
Quinn looked down and sighed. It would take him a second to take his seat at their table.
"It's alright, bud, we all do stupid shit around pretty girls sometimes."
Sarah gave her husband's arm a slight tap, "Baby! Don't tease him like that! That's not nice!"
"Oh, he's fine, but you should have seen him, though. I don't think he blinked the whole time we stood there."
"Connor! Stop it!" By now, Sarah was trying not to laugh.
"Is she still dating the Henrik Lundqvist looking guy?" Connor asked, taking a slightly more serious turn with the conversation.
"Who, Jared? No, they split a year ago or something," Sarah recollected before taking a sip of her champagne drink. "I couldn't stand that guy. He was a pretentious asshole."
"Wasn't he a lawyer or something?"
"I think so, yeah. I mean, I know what she saw in him, but Christ. She's better off."
"Now's your chance, Quinny! Next year, it's your wedding we'll be going to if you play your cards right!"
"Ha, yeah, okay," he mumbled, his eyes scanning the morning's specials instead of interacting directly with the couple.
"I don't see Quinn the type to get engaged and married within a year," Sarah said, looking upon the young man with a smile, a hint of mischief in her eyes. Of course, she'd love to see her best friend find a great guy to be with, but she wasn't sure if Quinn was that fit either.
"I don't know, you should have seen how he looked at her, babe. It looked like love at first sight to me."
"I'm sitting right here," Quinn said in a huff, starting to get annoyed with the constant berating.
"Alright, alright! Fair enough," Connor chuckled.
Quinn's mind was racing like his heart in his chest. He still felt terrible about everything he had done, that other people knew, and that Maddie's opinion of him was probably terrible. He'd sit with Connor and Sarah through brunch, mostly hearing them talk, occasionally including him when needed. His mind was elsewhere: replaying the night before, wondering what he could do to rectify the past situation, and wondering if he'd ever see the tall brunette that called him Prince Charming, again.
After brunch, Quinn would remember that he had her phone number. By then, however, she would be hitting
Quinn: Hey, I'm really sorry about last night.
I hope I didn't do anything to offend you last night. (1:15pm)
Quinn: I feel awful about everything.
You were very kind to me, through everything. (1:25pm}
Quinn: I'm sorry if I'm rambling and bothering you. (1:27pm)
Quinn: I'd love to make it up to you, if you'd let me. (1:31pm)
Quinn: I know you're busy with work right now, but if you have some free time, may I take you to dinner sometime? (1:33pm)
Quinn: I'm sure you're still driving.
Sorry to keep messaging you. (1:37pm)
Maddie: You don't have anything to apologize for. <3 I'm just hoping you're feeling better! (2:45pm)
Maddie: Dinner sounds nice, but you don't have to do that just because you're sorry. (2:45pm)
Quinn: I'm tired, but I'm okay. Thank you. Did you make it home okay? (2:46pm)
Quinn: I am sorry about my actions, but I honestly would like to take you out. Genuinely. (2:46pm)
Maddie: :) You're sweet!
And yes, just got in, thanks. (2:53pm)
Quinn: That's good. (2:55pm)
Quinn: Hope you have a good afternoon and evening. (3:25pm)
Maddie: Sorry! My phone died! I didn't realize what my battery was on! D: (3:50pm)
Quinn: It's okay. (3:51pm)
Maddie: I'll let you know by the end of the week what my schedule looks like.
I'm already a day behind so I've a lot of catching up to do! :/
Where do you want to go for dinner? ;) (3:55pm)
Quinn: No rush. It sounds like a lot.
How do you feel about sushi? (3:58pm)
Maddie: It's my favourite! :D 🩷🩷🩷(4:05pm)
Quinn: Mine, too.
I'll make it up to you, I promise. (4:09pm)
Maddie: Nothing to make up for, Quinn. <3 Promise.
Take it easy, okay? (4:12pm)
Quinn: Okay, I'll try.
Have a good evening. (4:19pm)
I really worked hard on this daydream; days of brainstorming and note making. I hope at least one of you enjoys it. c: I can't guarantee a consistent posting schedule but I will do my best to get a couple out each month, as they tend to be a little on the longer side.
If you have any requests for stand-alone blurbs, please don't hesitate to reach out in my Asks.
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3. i'm gonna yak! | time lapse l.mk
Pairing: mark lee x fem!reader
Tags: pre idol debut to idol au, christmas and new years time line, slice of life moments, college student reader, substantial plot leading to smut, very dialogue heavy, angsty moments, slow burn, relationship struggle, lovers to exes to lovers
Intended for 18+ readers, minors do not interact.
masterlist for time lapse
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Word Count : 6.3k+
Summary: Mark has always had the dream of becoming a big music star, meanwhile your aspirations lied with academics and coexisting with Mark. Mark struggles with telling reader that he will be leaving for Korea to pursue his music career very soon, in fear of losing what they have.
warnings are under the tab for chapters that apply.
December 1, 2023
“So you have slept with him… right?” Kathy interrogates ignoring her stacks of papers.
You two were situated in the library cramming for the last exam of your undergraduate career.
“I have not,” you responded lazily while flipping through the textbook in front of you, “As I told you before, I don’t even know if I’m ready for a relationship yet.”
“It’s been almost a year y/n! Don’t let this go because of He Who Shall Not Be Named…” Kathy groans while attempting to loosen your grip on your pencil, “Seungcheol is so hot, plus he’s a gentleman!”
“I feel like those should have been reversed,” you giggle, finally setting down your things and looking at her, “But yes, he is indeed very hot.”
“Stop holding back! Bring him to the annual Christmas hangout! I’m sure seeing him with all of us will make things a bit more realistic for you. Izaiah is hosting Christmas and New Year’s again. Hopefully, we can rewrite some sour memories and replace them with some sweet ones.”
It wouldn’t be a bad idea. Seungcheol is everything that makes sense as a long-term commitment- not to mention he is someone who wants a long-term commitment with you.
“Okay fine, maybe I will bring him.”
Kathy cheered a loud burst of excitement that elicited a few shushes and glares from around you two.
“Now can we go back to finishing our work? I want to finish all my classwork before the Christmas party this weekend.”
Kathy smiles and nods in agreeance.
Kathy: He will be there this weekend, right?
Izaiah: Yes he will. Is she prepared?
Kathy: I think she will be okay 🙂
December 2, 2023
“Red or white?” you ask Seungcheol as you hold up two different dresses in your room, him lying on your bed scrolling lazily before looking up at you.
“Red, it is Christmas after all!” he smiles before continuing to scroll.
Today is the day that Seungcheol will be introduced, properly, to your friend group. As you tugged the mascara through your eyelashes you couldn’t help but wonder what you should even introduce him as.
“Hey guys! Merry Christmas! This is my friend that I don’t know if he’s more than a friend, sir-friend, Seungcheol!”
Ick. You shook your head and pulled your pajamas on. You walked out meeting Seungcheol at the door as he laced his shoes, him in matching pajamas.
He grabbed his keys and the mac and cheese from the kitchen table before meeting your anxious gaze, “Ready?”
The crisp winter air filled with the aroma of pine and chimney smoke greeted me as you both approached Izaiah’s house. His neighborhood was adorned with twinkling Christmas lights, and the anticipation of warmth and joy hung in the air. You two reached the doorstep and knocked on the festive wreath-adorned door.
The door creaked open, revealing Izaiah’s smiling face. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he welcomed you both inside. The cozy living room was transformed into a winter wonderland, adorned with tinsel, ornaments, and a beautifully decorated Christmas tree that stood proudly in the corner.
“It’s about time!” Izaiah exclaims while pulling you into his warm home, “I was wondering when you would show up.”
“Hi Izaiah, it really has been a while huh?”
He chuckles as you and Seungcheol shuffle in from the cold and take your shoes off. The boys share a hug and close the door.
“Yes, far too long! Congrats by the way! Finally done, welcome to the alum life!”
“I’m so happy I’m done. Now let’s just hope I don’t fall on that stage.”
Friends surround you two greeting you two with holiday cheers and introductions.
A smile creeps onto your face as Seungcheol brightens the room even further with his charisma and charm.
"Hey there! Merry Christmas!" Kathy exclaimed, giving you a warm hug. The sounds of cheerful holiday music and laughter filled the air. The room was bathed in the soft glow of fairy lights, casting a warm and inviting ambiance.
"I love what you've done with the place. It's like stepping into a Christmas dream," you say, taking in the festive atmosphere.
"Thanks! I went all out this year. Come on, let’s eat," Izaiah said, leading us through the festively decorated rooms. The fireplace crackled with a gentle warmth, casting a comforting glow over the room.
In the kitchen, the scent of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air. A plate of gingerbread men, snowflake-shaped sugar cookies, and chocolate truffles tempted you from the counter. Kathy pointed proudly at the treats.
"I spent all morning baking. Help yourself!"
You two settled into the cozy living room, surrounded by the glow of Christmas lights. The flickering flames in the fireplace danced to the rhythm of the laughter and conversation. Festive ornaments dangled from the tree, and wrapped presents nestled beneath its branches.
As you all shared stories and caught up on each other's lives, the joy of the season was evident. Seungcheol’s energy felt like he was always a part of your little group. He was extroverted, making jokes here and there and telling crazy stories from his fraternity. Everyone loved him, and maybe you were included in that everyone? The room echoed with the warmth of friendship, and the spirit of Christmas was alive and well.
The memories of the year prior hung heavy in your heart as you saw the same curtains you hid behind as you played with the little kids. The way Mark would stand against the counter, his eyes never leaving your frame as you held a baby. You remember in that moment you wanted so badly for that baby to be yours, to be his.
Your mindless thoughts were shaken away as Seongcheol laid a lazy arm around your shoulder and gave you an ‘Are you okay’ eyebrow raise. You gave him a thumbs up before trying to settle between his arms on the couch.
A doorbell cut off Kathy retelling a story of how you both got lost during your study abroad trip in Peru.
“Terry my boy!” Kathy shrieked as she was nearing the penultimate part of the story, “Get the door!”
“I need to break the seal!” He shouts back, running towards the bathroom, “I’m going to pee myself from laughter!”
You chuckle before standing up. “I’ll get it don’t worry.”
“Actually! How about I get it!” Izaiah squeaks while standing up quickly almost racing you to the door, “I am the host after all!” he sings.
“I’m already here!” you giggle pushing him out of the way.
“Please I insist!” He chuckles uneasily, starting to shove you harder, “Go get a drink!”
“I have one I’m fine-” you shove back playfully.
“Then get me one,” he grips your shoulders tightly, “please?”
“Okay…” you eye him wearily before walking backward, “Who is late anyways? Everyone is here.”
Walking back into the living room everybody is tense. Kathy hurriedly meets you at the minibar as you pull out a glass, “So Seungcheol is assimilating in nicely I see!”
“Yeah, I guess he is…” you mumble while pouring the gin. Commotion came from the door, greeting the new face to the party.
Kathy turns your frame to face her, “I’m so glad you brought him! You two are like perfect together!”
“I don’t know if perfect is the word…” you bump into her lightly, “It’s only been like a month.”
“Well, a lot changed in a month! You’re finally all smiley after a year of Miss Grumpy, I’d say let’s cheers to that!” She raises her cup to meet yours.
“This isn’t even mine,” you chuckle before clinking glasses with her.
“Well trust me you’re going to need that shot!” She hurriedly lifted the cup to your lips and felt the liquid burn down your throat.
“That sucked!” you yelled while making a face.
“Not as much as this…” She mumbled while pouring you another.
“Woah slow down!” you laughed about to stop her, but she handed you the glass again.
“No no… you’ll need that!”
Before you could protest you heard something from behind that made you drop the glass on the floor, everyone’s head turning towards you, the silence deafening.
“Merry Christmas everyone!” the voice rasped out before turning towards the mess of a noise you made.
There he stood. Looking more amazing than ever. His hair was a light brown, not put together but gorgeously effortless. His cheeks were dusted pink, growing more red by the second as you two stood there taking each other in. The room seemed to start spinning as you took in the man you once knew so fondly.
He’s changed a lot, yet not at all. His posture was better, long gone was that slouch that used to slump over his guitar in your apartment. His style was still the same, baggy sweaters and sweatpants only this time adorned in name brands that probably cost the same as your semesterly tuition. But his hands. They gleamed in the silver jewelry, rings stacked with bracelets to match.
Your hands shook as he felt time still staring at the woman he never stopped loving. Your curves hugging your silk red pajamas, fluffy socks with small snowmen. It’s you. It’s always been you.
“y/n” he breathed out.
“Mark-” you whispered.
“Oh my God! It’s thee, Mark Lee!” You heard from across the room breaking your eye contact between you two, Mark’s unmoving.
“Dude, you are a legend!” Seungcheol said while motioning to Mark to dap him up. Mark doesn’t look away as he accepts his handshake and mumbles a small thank you.
“Babe, you never told me you know Mark Lee?” Seungcheol says while wrapping an arm around you, “The pride of our town, man, thee, Mark Lee.”
“Babe?” Mark scoffs while narrowing his eyes at Seungcheol, finally breaking eye contact to take in your two matching pajamas.
“Not official,” Seungcheol laughs before heading towards the fridge, “But don’t worry, we’ll lock that down soon,” he winks at you before turning back to Mark, “Yo bro, want a drink? I bet you have so many stories, you know, with you being famous and all.”
Mark shook the thousands of angry thoughts away from his mind and managed to shake out a stiff nod accepting the beer and taking a hefty gulp.
“Let me help you clean that,” Mark marches over to your still frozen yet shaking self.
“It’s fine.” you squeak as he kneels starting to pick the glass up with his bare hands.
“Like I’m going to have you hurt yourself…” Mark mumbles while picking the large shards.
Anger began to resurface, along with pain and hurt, “It’s fine, you already did.”
Pushing past him, you run to the bathroom to finally get some air that your lungs didn’t seem to be taking in. Sliding down the door you let the tears fall.
It’s him. It’s him. It’s him.
"So, Mark, how do you know y/n?” Seungcheol asked, taking a sip of his beer in the living room. He sat adjacent to Mark, your friends scattered across the room, eyeing the scene in front of them carefully.
Mark forced a smile, hiding the twinge of discomfort. "We've known each other for a few years. We’re friends. Met in grade school. We were… best friends.”
Seungcheol nodded, genuinely interested in getting to know the famous man better. "That's cool. She is a great person. What made you two so close?”
The room took in a quick gasp, Seungcheol too oblivious to notice.
Mark hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words. "We just crossed paths naturally, you know? Izaiah and I were friends, played basketball together, and she would always be there. She was always there.”
Seungcheol smiled, oblivious to any underlying tension from Mark’s response. “That’s crazy, dude.”
Mark nods.
“She like, never mentioned you. I always just thought it was her and Kathy as the 4lyfers.”
Mark's eyes flickered, masking the unease he felt. "Yeah, we've always been on good terms. It’s just you know… the new life as an idol and all…”
Mixed knowing looks were exchanged around the room as everybody tried to not scoff at his words.
Seungcheol had no problem talking about himself. He chatted about work, hobbies, and shared interests. Seungcheol's excitement grew, not only did he achieve another level with you today by meeting the rest of your friends, but he also met your longest best friend. He had been contemplating asking you to be his girlfriend, and he couldn't help but share his thoughts with Mark.
"You know, Mark, everyone, I've been thinking about something. Christmas is just around the corner, and I'm planning to ask y/n if she'd like to be my girlfriend. I enjoy spending time with her, and I feel like it's the right time to take things to the next level," Seungcheol confessed, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
Everyone oohed and ahhed at his confession, but everyone’s attention was on Mark.
Mark's forced smile faltered for a moment, his internal struggle evident. "That sounds like a great idea. I hope it works out for you two,” his words tasted like vinegar, his voice laced with jealousy and hurt.
Seungcheol grinned, oblivious to the conflicting emotions in Mark's mind. "Thanks, man. I appreciate your support. I'll make it special for her."
Little did Seungcheol know, the conversation had stirred a storm of resentment within Mark. As he contemplated the upcoming confession, Mark couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and regret, concealing the complicated history between you two. The holiday season seemed to hold more than just festive cheer; it carried the weight of untold secrets and unspoken feelings.
You couldn’t wait in this bathroom forever. You knew that.
But why the fuck was he here?
He was supposed to be gone at least for three years. At least.
You were still trying to figure everything out with Seungcheol. And how dare he just claim you like that in front of everybody? You weren’t even ready to be in a relationship yet… right?
But why not? Why couldn’t you be?
You took more deep breaths while staring intently in the mirror trying to level yourself.
You’re fine. You’ve been fine for a long time. He’s old news, and truthfully you’re probably even older news to him.
Patting under your eyes and straightening out your clothes, you said some affirmations before tugging on the door handle.
I’m fine. It’s all good.
“There she is!” Kathy shouted while rising to her feet, and rushing over to you, “How are you doing?” she whispered while pulling you softly into a hug.
“You fucking knew didn’t you?” you sneered back with a fake smile.
“So sorry! But no way to get over it completely without ripping the bandaid off completely!” she pouts, “Plus…” she wiggled her eyebrows, “What is the best way to show your ex that you’re doing great? How about a hot new boyfriend?”
You sigh as you mull over her words… maybe Seungcheol would be a great way to rub it into Mark’s face.
“Sorry, y’all!” you present to everyone while making your way to Mark, “Just couldn’t believe my bestie boo was back after all this time!” you shove him hard as you pull him into a threatening hug, “What a Christmas miracle huh?”
“Haha…” Mark chuckled with a confused tone while returning your tight embrace taking in a deep breath of your scent, “Guess Santa came early!”
“Coal would have been just as fine…” you hum pulling away and walking towards Seungcheol and plopping right onto his awaiting lap.
“So Mark,” you start in a sickly sweet voice, “How’s Korea been treating you?”
“It’s good.” He flatly says while throwing daggers towards your happy frame sitting on a more than glee Seungcheol.
“Hmm… And being famous, how’s that?” you uninterestingly reply while playing with Seungcheol’s hair.
“It’s great. But I don’t love having to hide just to go to the store and get some snacks.”
A few laughs ricocheted off the walls from your friends.
“But you’re used to that right?” you turn to him, “Ya know, hiding?”
“Something like that,” he whispered through tight lips.
“How about being a big-time idol? What’s it like reaching your big dreams?” you make a show of jazz hands emphasizing your sarcasm.
“Not my dreams, not yet,” he sighs his eyes becoming sad.
“Always wanting more, right? Never could be satiated here right?” you felt your anger starting to bubble while you eyed down Mark.
“Woah, y/n, calm down a bit yeah? Mark has probably been through a lot to get where he is now. You gotta respect that!” Seungcheol eased into your ear trying to deescalate the palpable uneasiness from you.
“Oh no, yeah Mark has done a lot!” Izaiah chimes in cutting the tension, “Now enough catching up! Welcome back, Mark! Now let’s play some music, karaoke maybe? And let’s get this Christmas party started!”
Everyone seemed to snap out of the drama scene that was happening in front of them before finally cheering along and dispersing toward different parts of the room.
“Y/n,” Seuncheol cleared his throat from behind you during a game of cup pong, “I think Mark might have like a thing for you or something…”
You turned to him with frantic eyes, “No! No! No, he wouldn’t. That’s dumb. You’re dumb. He’s dumb. Why would you say something so dumb?” you quickly spew.
“I don’t know… He keeps staring at you like he wants to eat you or something…” he whispers into your ear pulling you closer, his hands wandering down your backside before landing on your rear, “I mean I don’t blame him, you are very attractive and the best girl I’ve been around in a long time, but he probably has millions of girls begging at his feet. He’s got to leave you alone.”
Mark stood at the other end of the table watching the interaction, the cup he was forced to chug about to succumb to his tight grip.
“Yeah, millions…” you whisper before aiming at one of his cups and it ultimately missing.
“You know I’ve been thinking about something, something about us…” Seungcheol says as he reracks the cups, “I was thinking about locking us down before Christmas time, how does that sound?”
Seungcheol’s words felt uncomfortable as they sat in your heart. You didn’t like having this conversation with Mark just a yard or so away. It didn’t feel genuine. It felt like a petty attempt to ward Mark away from you. A trophy to hang off his shoulder.
“What a weird thing to bring up now, hm?” you dismiss him before taking aim once again.
“Come on! We’ve been seeing each other for a few months now! I’m into you, and you are definitely into me, what’s holding you back now?”
His words deemed to be a bit too loud as Mark interrupted Seungcheol’s confession by hitting him right on the forehead with the ball.
“Whoops! Sorry dude.” Mark muses disengenuinesly.
“Watch it bro,” Seungcheol mutters tossing the ball back, “If I didn’t know any better I would have thought it was on purpose…”
“Just… get your head in the game,” you whisper to Seungcheol as you take the shot that Izaiah seemed to sink in the meantime.
Seungcheol shook his head. Shortly after, you two admitted defeat as Mark sunk the last cup on your side.
The drinks seemed too keep flowing down your throat, each drink blurring the feelings of Mark and Seungcheol. You just needed to make it through the night, after that you can deal with the mess.
As the night progresses, you start to realize that maybe you have had indulged in one too many drinks. Your laughter became louder, your movements became slower. Seungcheol starts to notice the change in your behavior, concern etching his features.
“Hey, you okay? Maybe you should slow down on the drinks a bit yeah?” He says while steadying your rocking frame.
“I’m fine, Seungcheol! It’s Christmas, the end of the semester, let’s enjoy!”
“Alright little angel, your wish is my command!” He chuckles before grabbing your hand and making his way towards the minibar.
The alcohol, however, takes its toll, and your antics became increasingly unpredictable. Everything seemed to happen so fast, you almost didn’t realize what was happening. Seungcheol accidentally bumps into someone while trying to guide you through the room. The person, annoyed, confronts Seungcheol.
“Watch where you’re going bro!” Yelled Mark as he stands up quickly and starts wiping at his now stained sweater.
“It was an accident okay, calm down big shot.” Seungcheol annoying says while pulling you forward.
“Didn’t seem like an accident,” Mark retorts while pushing Seungcheol.
“What the hell is your problem dude?” Seungcheol says while letting go of your hand to size him up.
“Absolutely nothing.” Mark seethes while getting closer. His eyes shift to your spinning inebriated frame.
“Let me just give my girl a drink Mark.”
“I think she’s actually ready to go, come on y/n” Mark replies while grabbing you before you fell to the floor.
“Dude, what the hell? Get your hands off of her, she’s fine. Izaiah, pour me two more shots! One for me and one for my graduate!” Seungcheol hollers while trying to pull your other arm.
“Woah I’m on a cruise!” You drunkenly sigh as they pull you both ways.
“Yo! Let go of her, she’s going to yak!” Mark shouts before just lifting you up to run you outside.
“I’m gonna yak!” You shout as Mark’s running had you bouncing up and down.
Mark made it just in time to Izaiah’s front yard before you started throwing your guts up.
“Don’t worry I got your hair,” Mark coos as he gathers up your hair into a ponytail.
“You always know what to do Markie,” you sigh as you fell onto your side, hands massaging your stomach.
Seungcheol rushes outside with a water bottle in hand, knees falling to the ground to hold your head up.
“How did you know she was going to throw up?” Seungcheol asks quietly while feeding you the water slowly, “Did you two drink a lot before you left?”
“She says she’s on a cruise then she’ll throw up right after,” Mark smiles then joins you two on the floor, “Never surprised me.”
“Mark just tell me straight up.” Seungcheol clears his throat, “do you want my girl?”
“I’m not your girllll…” you slur with saliva dripping down your chin, “Stop calling me that!” You hiccup before starting to drift off into sleep.
Seungcheol sighs, “Mark, if you two are best friends, why did she never mention you? Why did she all of a sudden start acting weird when you showed up today? What is everyone not telling me? So tell me, are you in love with y/n?”
Mark finally took his eyes off of you to meet Seungcheol’s accusation, “Yes I love her. I never stopped.”
Seungcheol clicks his tongue, “I knew it, just from the way you’ve been staring at her! Look bro, just so we’re clear-“
Mark cuts him off, “No, just so we’re clear, she’s mine. She always has been. It was a mistake to leave her a year ago. But I’m back, and no matter how hard you try to come and take her from me, she’ll always know that I’m the one for her.”
“I won’t let you take y/n away from me. Now go back to Korea and keep singing your little songs. She’s moved on from you.”
Everything was still as the two stared each other down. Despite your in and out consciousness. You heard every word. He still loves you. After all this time, you had to admit you still loved him too. But he left, and soon he’ll leave again. You have to move on.
“What’s her favorite song?” Mark whispered.
“Sunday Morning, easy.” Seungcheol shrugs
“What’s her favorite color?”
“Pastel blue.”
“Why did she want to become an English major?”
“Because she loves to write.”
“Sure, but why does she love to write?”
“I don’t know man, she just likes to write, she’s always writing.”
“She likes to write because,” Mark sighs while staring at the sky, “she has all these thoughts in her head and she needs to let them out on paper for her to think straight. She writes because she thinks if she talks, no one will remember, and her words will outlive her. She writes not because she likes it, but because she needs to. It’s her dream to have others listen to her and feel something.”
You tried to stifle the tears in your eyes, so neither of them would notice you were awake. Mark was right. He always was, he understood you in ways that you never had to convey, he just knew.
“You’ve known her since you were kids, of course you would know that. I’ve known her for a couple months, I’m sure in time she would have told me.” Seungcheol scoffs.
“She never told me,” Mark whispers while sparring one last glance at you then brushing off his jeans, “Make sure she gets home safe, Seungcheol. She’ll want kimchi fried rice, an iced coffee, and a cut persimmon with the skin off in the morning. Take care of her for as long as she’ll let you.”
Mark leaves as Seungcheol lifts your tired frame, your eyes unable to stop the tears coming out any longer until you fell asleep on the car ride home.
December 9, 2023
“What do you want for Christmas?” Seungcheol asks as you two lay on the sofa at your apartment watching some cheesy Hallmark movie. You haven’t been able to move all day. Somehow the lingering feeling of a hangover lasting a week, keeping you rooted to your couch huddled in blankets.
“Ah, nothing really,” you sigh huffing as the main female protagonist kisses the lead male, “not really feeling the Christmas spirit this year.”
“What are you actually going on about?” Seungcheol laughs, “you put your Christmas tree up on November 1st. You baked snowman cookies and set up a hot cocoa bar? That is the penultimate Christmas experience!”
You blew at your bangs and rolled your eyes before turning the TV off.
“Christmas just presents unrealistic expectations and and gets people’s hopes up for nothing. So overrated.”
Seungcheol sighs then begin pacing the room, “I think you need to get out of the house. I know you got sick after the party, and although you can be quite the messy yet funny drunk, I have cleared you well enough to leave the apartment!”
Hungover is now an understatement. The mention of the Christmas party glazes over your eyes and your throat feels tight.
“I miss you, y/n.”
I miss Mark.
Hold on. What the fuck are you saying? No you don’t.
“Let’s go shopping!” Seuncheol yells while heading into your closet to find you an outfit, “head to the shower, respectfully babe, you lowkey stink.”
There’s no point in fighting him. Maybe you need some fresh air.
The mall was packed. It was buzzing with Christmas cheer, lights twinkling in every window, the smell of cinnamon and pine wafting through the air. You pull your coat tighter around her, trying to shake off the heaviness in her chest. It should’ve been the perfect day to soak in the holiday spirit, especially with Seungcheol by her side. He was grinning ear to ear, pointing out everything from festive scarves to ridiculous holiday mugs, clearly enjoying himself.
"You think you could pull off this reindeer sweater?" he teased, holding up a bright red knit with a goofy-looking reindeer plastered across it.
Y/N chuckled softly, her heart not quite in it. "You’d look way better in it," she replied, nudging him gently.
Seungcheol laughed, oblivious to the sadness clouding her thoughts. Every corner of the mall felt like a reminder of Mark. This was where they used to spend hours just loitering until they were forced to leave by security. You remembered being young and dumb teens trying different mismatched outfits and forcing each other to wear them around the rest of the day. The bright green sign of Yogurt Mountain reminding you of Mark not being able to turn off the machine ending in the frozen yogurt spilling all on the floor. The memories felt like ages ago, so nostalgic but painful. It had been a year since you two broke up, but the memories still lingered, tugging at you as you tried to shake them off.
Seungcheol’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. "Hey, let’s check out this store! I think I found the perfect gift for you," he said with excitement, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward a small boutique.
You forced a smile, wanting to be present, wanting to enjoy this moment with him. But your gaze always seemed to drift, catching a glimpse of the jewelry shop across the way. As luck would have it…
He was there, casually browsing a display of bracelets and rings, completely unaware of your presence. His frame was unassuming, all dressed in black. His face was hidden beneath a baseball cap, the perfect disguise for an idol unwanting to be seen and regain even a fraction of normalcy. But you would recognize him anywhere. You froze, unable to pull your eyes away.
Seungcheol, still focused on the display in front of him, started talking about a delicate silver necklace he thought would look good on you, but you weren't listening. You watched as a few people started to notice Mark. Then, in an instant, everything changed. Paparazzi flooded the scene, cameras flashing, voices yelling his name.
Mark’s expression shifted from calm to panicked. Y/N could see the tension in his shoulders as the crowd pressed closer. He backed away, his hands shaking as he tried to escape the chaos. The noise seemed to blur, and all you could think was how this was the side of his life he probably hated most—the relentless pressure, the invasion of privacy.
Mark’s breaths became shallow, his eyes wide as he struggled to keep it together, and before you realized what you was doing, you had started toward him, concern overtaking you.
But Seungcheol called your name softly, pulling you back to reality. "Y/N? Are you okay? You seemed distracted." He looked at you, concern written on his face, and for a second, you considered telling him everything—about Mark, about how hard it was to shake the past.
But you didn’t. Not yet.
You glanced back toward the jewelry shop, but Mark was gone, swallowed up by the crowd. The moment passed, and you turned back to Seungcheol, offering him a soft smile.
"I’m fine," you said, trying to mean it. "Let’s keep looking."
Mark was not fine.
“Mark! What’s it like being home?”
“Mark! Who are you shopping for? Someone special?”
“Mark! Care to comment on rumors of you and fellow idol Miyeon dating?”
“Mark! Is it true you will be the new leader of the next subunit of NCT?”
Mark really though he could just keep his head down as he walked through the mall.
“All you need is a hat to cover your face, maybe a face mask, and you’ll be fine!” He can hear his older member, Johnny in his ears. Obviously, the terrible advice from over the phone proved to be very wrong.
It was supposed to be a quick trip—get a few Christmas gifts, maybe grab something to eat, and get out before anyone recognized him. But, of course, that was too much to ask.
It started with a couple of fans who spotted him near the jewelry store. A few whispers, a camera phone raised, and within seconds, it spiraled. The murmurs grew louder, and the crowd thickened, flashing cameras following every step.
"Mark! Over here!" someone yelled, their voice cutting through the noise.
His heart raced as the mob of paparazzi and fans surged around him, closing in too quickly. They were everywhere—voices overlapping, questions hurled at him, hands reaching out. The flashing lights blinded him, the noise overwhelming as they shouted his name, desperate for a reaction.
He tried to move away, but there was no escape. His breaths came faster, shallow and uneven, his chest tightening painfully. The world spun, and his pulse thudded in his ears, drowning out the chaos for a brief moment.
He can’t breathe.
Mark’s hands trembled as he pushed through the crowd, his vision narrowing, everything becoming a blur of faces and flashes. He needed to get out. He needed air. But every step he took, the crowd pressed in closer, suffocating him.
His legs moved on autopilot, driven by the single thought of escape. That’s when he saw it—the bright, colorful sign of a Build-A-Bear store up ahead. Without thinking, he bolted toward it, slipping through the doors and collapsing against the wall just inside, the noise of the crowd finally muffled by the glass.
The smell of soft fabrics and the sound of cheery music greeted him, a stark contrast to the madness outside. His breathing was ragged, his hands still shaking as he pressed them against his knees, trying to calm the rising panic.
One of the employees, a young girl with a Santa hat on, looked up from the counter, startled. Her eyes widened when she realized who he was, but instead of rushing over, she stayed where she was, giving him space.
Mark closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of his own heartbeat, willing it to slow down. He took a deep breath, then another, the plush toys around him oddly soothing. The calm atmosphere of the shop felt like a small bubble of peace, a stark difference to the chaos outside.
"Hey," a soft voice called from nearby. He opened his eyes to see the employee standing a few feet away, holding a small teddy bear. "I thought you might want something to hold," she said gently, offering it to him with a kind smile.
He hesitated for a moment before reaching out and taking the bear, the soft fur comforting beneath his fingertips. His breathing steadied, the tension slowly easing from his body. He sank onto a nearby bench, clutching the bear to his chest like a lifeline.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, still catching his breath.
She nodded, understanding in her eyes. "Take your time," she said before quietly retreating back to the counter, leaving him in peace.
For a few minutes, Mark just sat there, cradling the bear and letting the panic subside. Outside the store, he could see the paparazzi through the glass, still waiting, still searching for him. But for now, inside the Build-A-Bear, he was safe, wrapped in a strange, quiet comfort that he desperately needed.
After some time, Mark was finally able to stand. With wobbly knees he lifted his eyes, his sweaty palms finally loosening his grip on the small bear. Taking in his surroundings, he finally realized how pathetic he felt. How alone he felt. Most of the crowd has disappeared by that point, probably escorted out by security due to the safety concerns.
“I’m sorry for the startle,” he finally spoke to the girl at the register.
“No need to apologize,” she smiled, “it can’t be easy living like this huh?” she softly says.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”
Mark felt like he needed to pace so he roamed the plush store, feeling comforted by the empty skins of the various options. In a weird way, he related to this sad, sad, shell of a bunny.
He held up it’s limp body, it’s smile sewn on, never to be changed. But it was empty.
“This is the life I chose, this is the life I will love,” he whispers holding the sagging brown bunny close.
“Do you wanna stuff it?” The girl from the register asks from behind, “they’re kind of weird when they are all sitting there sad and limp like that, but I swear they come out very cute. Great presents too!”
Mark contemplated for a moment before agreeing.
“I’ll lead you through it okay? It’s kind of weird but I am obligated to do the heart ceremony with you,” she giggles.
“Rub your heart in your hands for warmth.”
Mark closes his eyes and rubs his hands imaging warmth. The last time he felt true warmth was an embrace from you.
“Pat your heart, for your friends heart beat forever,”
Mark pats his chest while clearing his throat. Has his heart really kept beating since leaving you?
“Rub it on your head, for smart thoughts,”
Mark chuckles at the thought. His little scholar… he can imagine you with your hair up in a claw clip chewing at the tip of an apple pencil planning out your paper… his little graduate.
His graduate.
You graduate next week.
“I see that you have someone in mind…” the girl laughs while she picks up the bunny, “if you’re looking for a sign, I’ll say it. Yes, you should give it to her.”
Mark perks up, “do you have any graduate outfits for the bunny?”
She laughs while taking the bunny out of his hands prepping to stuff it with fluff, “slow down there mr. romantic, we will dec out this bunny in no time.”
Mark walked out 30 minutes later with two boxes and a new pep in his step.
It’s time to get his girl back.
LET'S GO MARK!!! orrrr are you team seungcheol???
have a happy new year everyone <3
foreva mark
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Yes, I am making a reaction fic....... eventually lol
i know it says i started this back in 2023, but all i really did was make a cover. i didn't start making any chapters until a few months ago hehe
BUT ANYWAYS YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT! i am making a reaction/reading the books/watching the movies fic for arsenic blues!!!! in this case, it will be ror reacting to pjo
for anyone interested to learn more, go under the cut!
(this started off as me just giving you some info about cerulean cyanide, but then i ended up ranting about how much i loved the pjo tv show lol, soooo if you haven't watched it, don't go down)
first off, THIS IS MY FIRST TIME MAKING A REACTION FIC! i've read a lot of them, but i have no experience in actually making one. i'm kinda nervous ngl 😅
secondly, i've already started... somewhat. i've copied all chapters of the lightning thief into a google doc and made necessary edits, but i haven't written any reactions... YET. i want to include the ror gods AND humans as members of the audience, and since i haven't written about the ror humans as thoroughly yet, i won't be writing the reactions until i get to act 2 of arsenic blues, since that's when the ror humans are introduced. this is important for me because i don't have their characterizations down yet, and won't until i actually start writing about them and their dynamics with percy. same goes with cú chulainn, he's a literal love interest, but won't get introduced until act 2!
thirdly, because of what i said up there ^ cerulean cyanide won't be published until act 2 is finished to avoid spoiling what happens during ragnarok and the god's apocalypse.
fourthly, IT WILL BE INTERMIXED WITH THE TV SHOW!!! i fucking LOVED the show and (most of) the changes that were made, so i'm totally going to add them into percy's past that the ror characters will be reacting to.
so what elements of the show should you expect to see? glad you asked!
poseidon in the books is great, but i loooooove the new stuff they put in the tv show. in the books, we're mostly told that poseidon loves percy and there are times where it's shown, but it's kinda hard to pick up since the books are written in PERCY'S POV, and since poseidon is literally restricted from interacting with him, it's hard to notice how much he actually loves his son when he's not even allowed to be AROUND the dude who's perspective takes up the whole series.
but in the tv show, it's not just percy's perspective that's explored! that little moment poseidon had with sally told us SOOOO MUCH about how he actually felt for the both of them. and when he and percy finally met??? THE ANGST AND LONGING THEY BOTH SHOWED UHDFSIGVSVGD I LOVED IT SO MUCH
so yes, expect to see a lot of the poseidon scenes from the tv show
i actually really like the fact that hermes was shown in here instead of the next season. some people were confused as to what the point was for having him in the casino and why he tricked the kids into staying at the casino longer, but i found this post on tumblr that explains why he could've been there:
in the last olympian, we (and percy) find out that hermes knew all along what luke's fate would be; that he would rebel against the olympians, bring forth kronos, become his host, etc. he knew ALL OF THAT. but he was never allowed to tell him (ancient laws), so he tried to CHANGE luke's fate in order to save him even though he knew it was pointless.
we get a bit of that in the tv show. hermes was there because he wanted to change luke's fate. he tricked the kids into staying at the casino longer so they would pass the deadline. war would come, and luke would get away with his thievery and nobody would know it was him because they're all too busy trying to kill each other. but ofc, like always, it didn't work because you can never change fate.
i love how the show showed us that hermes was trying to change his fate in the first season whereas in the books, it only started in the second book where he was introduced for the first time.
the gods' cruelty and apathy was much more obvious in the show's first season compared to the first book. in the first book, most of the gods shown were jerks at best but the tv show really showed us how horrible of a family they are (most of them at least) to each other and their kids
like what show!ares said, his family loves to stab each other in the back, they love to hurt each other to get a higher leg up; they're not really a family. the audience and percy becomes VERY aware of that unlike in the books where it's more sugar-coated at the start.
we're shown very early on that they're not good people, but at the same time, we're shown that some of them DO care.
hephaestus was abused and mistreated by his family, but he refuses to be like them which is why he released percy from his trap; because he realizes that he and annabeth are good kids (ending the cycle). hermes loves his son and desperately wants to change his fate despite being told over and over again that its pointless. poseidon loves percy and wishes to be a proper family with him and sally, but isn't allowed to.
there are some good gods out there, which is why percy decided to stand by them instead of taking luke's offer to bring it all down. he's been shown that some gods ARE good. unlike in the first book where you don't really meet any decent gods, so book!percy honestly didn't have much of a reason to defend them, yet he did anyway when luke left camp. the show gave him (and us) a better reason to actually defend them
in the show, he's exposed to the god's cruelty, but he sees that it's not as black and white as he once thought "oh all the gods are bad and none of them care for their kids >:(", he sees the good in some of them and it's enough to make him want to save them instead of letting them crash and burn (like luke, who's blinded by his anger and hatred *cough cough* fatal flaw!!!! *cough cough*).
book!luke was trying to kill percy very early on and was pretty much pretending to be his friend the whole time. yes his intentions and character get fleshed out as the books go on, but his relationship with percy... didn't offer much.
then there's show!luke who genuinely liked him and wanted to recruit him rather than kill him (that's why there's no scorpion scene). his betrayal was more personal and painful for percy. the fact that annabeth was there to watch it all happen was even better (not for her though LOL).
(and dont even get me started on how show!luke didn't hate grover like in the books. the genuine fear in his eyes when he found out that percy gave the shoes to him and the way his eyes got all misty??? he fully blames thalia's "death" on him and him only THE ANGUISH WAS SO 😭😭😭)
so yes, these are some of the changes you should expect to see!
i wanna really contrast how different things are between the ror and pjo verse. ror gods are very close and tight-knit whereas the pjo gods are... well, "a mess" as percy so eloquently put it.
ror gods aren't forced under the tyrannical rule of zeus, their zeus is chill and just wants to have fun. they have no restrictions to follow and their divine laws aren't as oppressive
whereas pjo gods are under the tyrant rule of zeus and can't even interact with their kids.
ror gods are independent while pjo gods have to rely on the preservation of western civilization to stay alive and use demigods to break rules, etc etc.
pjo gods (some, at least) are kinder and have no issues falling in love with humans and loving their demigod children while ror gods are cruel assholes who commit genocide against humanity despite being the ones to create them
and etc etc.
ANYWAY, I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE AS HYPED UP AS I AM!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 can't wait to start writing reactions for the first time ever 🫨
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Chapter 2: Curiosity Killed The Cat
main masterlist || series masterlist || previous chapter || next chapter
summary ~ You begin to adapt to the unusual events of Harrenhal and your mysterious host. An unexpected guest arrives.
warnings below the cut for your convenience
warnings ~ spooky ghostly stuff, spiders
note: and so begins our spooky adventure! I hope you enjoy it!
banner made by the fantastic @ewanmitchellcrumbs, ilysm ange!
You lay in bed, tossing and turning for several hours waiting for another scream to inevitably pierce through the now silent halls of Harrenhal house.
Your eyes are too heavy, and you drift into a dreamless sleep. The belly full of tea must have helped soothe your nerves. Or perhaps it was more your time spent with the stoic head of the house.
It is Maelor’s cry that wakes you the following morning, rather than his mother’s, through the baby monitor on your nightstand. You hear his small gurgles as he wakes, hungry for his morning bottle. Grabbing the monitor, you jump out of bed to head toward the nursery.
As you walk down the hallway, the door opens and Jaehaera stands dressed in a pink dress, her hair done in two braids down the side of her head.
“Beat you!” she says, grinning like the Cheshire cat.
“How’d you get ready so quickly?” you comment, smile slightly faltering, “And how did you do your h--”
“Come on Miss Gevie, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!” she sings, brushing past you and towards the hallway.
“Jaeha--- um--- I have to get Maelor!” you call, as she disappears around the corner her braids swinging behind her, “Okay….you head down!”
The day starts with a simple breakfast of oatmeal and eggs--Jaehaera is first to inform you that the only way to eat eggs is sunny side up. Aemond joins you but only for a cup of coffee. You notice he prefers it black. He doesn’t speak to you, listening intently to Jaehaera as she chatters away. Then Jaehaera begins her morning lessons when her tutor arrives promptly at nine. A kind older woman who awards you a tight smile when she introduces herself.
You hold Maelor against your hip as he babbles, walking through the main foyer and toward the library. Several workers have arrived, and you’ve seen Aemond directing them to different areas of the house throughout the morning. He’s present in the library, sitting at the oak desk when you enter.
“Sleep well?” he asks, as he notices you enter the library. His eye flickers to Maelor in your arms.
Rising from his seat, he closes a folder of papers before rounding the side of the desk. He walks closer to you, lifting his hand toward Maelor. The baby grabs Aemond’s forefinger with his pudgy fist.
“As well as I could. I was nervous during the night,” you admit, cheeks warming, “Just in case anything happened again.”
Aemond hums, still watching Maelor who holds his finger hostage. The baby brings it to his mouth, gnawing on it with his gums.
“He’s teething,” Aemond comments, “Hopefully that won’t cause more late-night disturbances.”
“It’s alright. I know what I signed up for,” you assure him, as he pulls his hand away from Maelor, patting the baby on the head.
“I’m afraid you’ll get more than you bargained for,” he says, eyes meeting yours, “This is…a lot.”
Your eyes search his face, trying to decipher the emotions he hides. Trying to find some cracks in the armor he wears during the day. You saw some last night, in the kitchen. The walls came down, if only for a moment.
“You need help,” you tell him, “You can’t manage this all on your own. The kids, Helaena, the house…I’m here to help.”
“The children,” he clarifies, “You’re here to help the children.”
“And you,” you offer, “I mean…if I can be of help with anything I’m happy to do so.”
Let me help you, you silently beg. Someone has to.
Aemond hums once more, “You’re very kind, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Just doing my job,” you assure him, but your face continues to warm at his compliment.
You hold each other’s gaze for several moments before Aemond finally looks away.
“I have some work to do,” he tells you, and you take it as a sign to leave him be.
“Maelor is about ready for a nap,” you tell him, turning on your heel to go.
You shut the door behind you, neither speaking again.
“I’ll be gone for a few days,” Aemond tells you later in the week during one of your late-night chats.
A cup of tea at midnight has become somewhat of a tradition for both of you. Helaena wakes nearly every night. It's always the same. Screaming for the son she lost. The green and purple cups are always waiting for you in the cabinet by the stove for your inevitable journey into the kitchen.
“Just tying up some loose ends in King’s Landing,” he assures you, “Helaena should be alright. I’ve spoken with her doctor about increasing her nighttime medication.”
“And if she isn’t?” you ask, unable to hide your nervousness at the thought of him leaving.
Aemond watches you for a moment, humming softly to himself. It does little to soothe your nerves.
Things go smoother than expected while Aemond is away. You fall into a gentle routine with Jaehaera and Maelor.
While Jaehaera is in her lessons you bring Maelor to Helaena. As Aemond had prepared you, Helaena refuses to hold him. She barely even looks at him. Her eyes instead are trained on your face, reading your microexpressions like the pages of a book. You and Helaena don’t talk much during these visits, though you attempt to engage her in conversation.
She always joins you for lunch, after you put Maelor down for his afternoon nap. Jaehaera comes fresh from High Valyrian and chats with her mother in their native tongue.
Then it’s time for Jaehaera’s afternoon lessons and you get some time for yourself as Helaena returns to her room like a bird returning to its cage.
Usually, you journey to the library, browsing through the collection of novels and trying not to snoop. Though you must admit, in an old house like this it's hard not to.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Advice you should probably heed. You glance at a desk in the library strewn with papers. Aemond has a private office, he’d told you as much when you arrived. Still, your fingers skim the papers, and you pick up a manila folder examining its contents.
Old documents, withered and yellowed nearly disintegrating from age. You can barely read the cursive ledger on the page. Squinting, you are able to make out the word Strong.
Satisfaction brought it back.
A loud thump causes you to drop the folder in surprise, sending pages scattering to the floor.
“Shit,” you curse to yourself, dropping to your knees and picking up the pages, putting them back where they belong.
You hurry over to the window, looking outside. A red Corvette is parked, its driver missing. The noise must have been the car door slamming shut. Dusting off your knees you hurry out of the library closing the door behind you. You quicken your pace down the hall and front steps as voices echo from the kitchen.
A man stands in front of the sink clad in a three-piece suit, holding his cell phone to his ear.
“Tell Corlys…dammit, I can’t hear you,” he snaps, holding his phone in front of him, “Hello?”
The call clearly drops and he sighs, “Bloody service.”
You clear your throat, alerting him of your presence. He turns slowly, still looking at his phone as though he couldn’t be bothered with you being there at all. A lock of silver hair falls into his eyes as he leans against the counter. A ring on his hand catches the light. Like you’d need to see the Targaryen sigil stamped on the back. You knew he was a relative the moment you saw him.
Targaryens don’t camouflage well.
“Just a moment,” he comments, glancing up at you from his phone. He does a double-take, straightening up and slipping his phone into his back pocket, “Hello.”
“Sorry…I wasn’t expecting anyone,” you tell him, watching the corner of his mouth tick upwards in a smirk.
Aemond does that too.
“And I wasn’t expecting a beautiful woman to greet me,” the stranger says, “So I suppose we’re both surprised.”
Warmth floods through you at his flirtatious tone. He’s older--much older-- and an air of confidence encircles him like a veil of smoke.
“Daemon,” he introduces, extending his hand for you to shake, “And you must be the au pair.”
You place your hand in his, and he grasps it firmly. His palm is rough and warm; much larger than your own. Your lips part, you’re sure you haven’t taken a breath since he’s looked at you.
“Mhmm,” you answer, telling him your name.
Daemon releases your hand, shaking his head slightly as he chuckles to himself. The hair on the back of your neck stands on end.
“Something funny?” you ask, trying to keep the annoyance from your tone.
“No, nothing. I’ve found au pairs to be particularly helpful,” he comments, laughing under his breath as though he’d told a joke, “It just surprises me, is all.”
“Why is it surprising?”
“Aemond’s not usually the sort,” Daemon says, not clarifying any further.
You understand what he is implying, your cheeks growing hotter.
“Aemond and I have a strictly professional relationship,” you tell him, causing him to chuckle more.
“I’m sure you do. Aemond does value his professional relationships, doesn’t he?” Daemon says with his smirk growing, “All this talk of my nephew and I’ve yet to see the man. Where is he?”
“He’s not here.”
Daemon’s eyebrows lift toward his hairline.
“Not here?”
“He’s away on business. Won’t be back for a few days.”
“And he left you, all alone?” Daemon asks, taking a step closer to you. He reaches up, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. You can’t suppress the shiver that rolls through you.
“I can take care of myself,” you insist. Daemon’s scent floods your senses; teakwood, smoke, cinnamon. Intoxicating; it makes your head spin.
“I’m sure you can. My nephew wouldn’t have hired you if he had any doubts,” Daemon murmurs, dropping his hand, “It’s not the harmless nanny he needs to worry about.”
“What do you mean?”
Daemon watches you like a cat toying with a mouse. His lip curls slightly, enjoying your discomfort.
“Are you aware of the history of this house?” Daemon asks.
“Yes,” you tell him.
“Well, there you have it,” Daemon says, walking by you, “Have Aemond call me when he’s returned.”
You can hear his steps echoing down the hall, followed by the slamming of a car door. You stand in the kitchen for several moments, trying to catch your bearings when Jaehaera runs in.
“Who was that?” she asks, throwing her arms around your waist.
“Just…nothing,” you assure her, stroking her hair, “How were your lessons?”
As Jaehaera tells you about her day, you focus on calming your racing heartbeat. You can’t help but linger on what Daemon had said.
What exactly was he worried about?
Helaena Targaryen loves arachnids.
This becomes apparent when a spider scurries across the floral picnic blanket you’d laid out for Jaehaera.
Maelor sits with his thumb in his mouth rocking back and forth as though a gentle breeze may knock him onto his back. Sitting up is quite new to him. The afternoon had been going quite well before the eight-legged monster descended on the tea party.
“Miss Gevie! Miss Gevie!” Jaehaera screeches, launching herself off of the blanket and into your arms. Her girlish scream echoes through the backyard and she trembles against you.
The arachnid freezes at her movements, eight legs tensed and ready. Maelor stares at his sister, violet eyes wide before they drop to the blanket. Helaena is seated in a chair a few feet away, the large sun hat she wears partially obscuring her face.
“The fresh air does her good,” Aemond had told you before he left.
Helaena dives off of her chair, knees crashing into the grass beside the picnic blanket. You comfort Jaehaera as Helaena dips her torso lower against the blanket letting her hand dance above the spider. She presses her cheek into the blanket as the spider curiously lifts two legs up toward her dancing fingers.
“Don’t be afraid,” she murmurs, touching the tips of her fingers to the spider's outstretched legs. She stays like that for a moment, a small smile appearing on her face.
Maelor watches his mother, his thumb falling from his mouth.
“Kill it!” Jaehaera demands as her mother scoops the creature into her hand.
Helaena rolls onto her back, the rim of her hat getting crushed beneath her. Her knees are stained green. Maelor claps his pudgy hands together letting out a gleeful squawk.
“Why?” Helaena asked, looking at the creature in her palm with the fondness she no longer gives her children, “For simply being here?”
“He’s ugly and I hate him,” Jaehaera insists, “Make her kill it, please.”
Helaena only hums, letting the spider climb down her arm. She sounds like Aemond when she does that. Warmth bleeds down your cheeks and onto your neck. You’d been missing him. The nights have been rather empty without your late-night chats.
Helaena turns on her side, ignoring her daughter’s pleas and releasing the spider into the grass. Once free, it takes off lost from sight almost instantly.
“There,” Helaena says happily, “No need for violence, byka jorrāelagon.”
“Kepus would’ve killed it,” Jaehaera says, with her lower lip jutted outwards in a pout.
There is a shift in the energy between mother and daughter.
“Why don’t you ask him then?” Helaena says, rolling onto her back once more and closing her eyes.
“Kepus!” Jaehaera says, pushing away from your arms and running toward the house. You watch her run, following her gaze up the stone steps until you meet Aemond’s eyes.
He’s back.
She throws herself into Aemond’s arms much like she did your own, and he reaches down, scooping her up in his arms and holding her against his waist. There’s a swooping feeling in your stomach as he approaches, the heat returning to your cheeks.
“How are my girls?” Aemond asks as he moves closer.
You move to the other side of the blanket, scooping Maelor in your arms as he begins to bang his fists on Helaena’s hat.
“We’re having a tea party,” Jaehara tells him, “Muña saved a spider. I said she should kill it.”
Aemond chuckles softly at her pointed tone.
“Your mother would never,” he says, setting her down on the blanket, “And you?”
You glance up at him, surprised he addressed you, “Me?”
Aemond nods, holding your gaze, “How are you?”
You can hear the blood rushing in your ears as he continues to stare, piercing gaze never leaving your face.
My girls.
“I’m well,” you answer.
Aemond joins you as you sit back on the blanket, the spider no longer disturbing your peace. Jaehaera dotes on him, she loves her uncle dearly you can tell. You return Maelor to the bassinet as his eyelids begin to droop, rocking it side to side with your hand as he begins to drift off to sleep.
Jaehaera places a saucer on Helaena’s stomach before balancing a teacup on top of it. Helaena barely raises a brow as Jaehaera wedges a lemon cake onto the plate as well. Though she doesn’t thank her daughter, she brings a hand to the corner of the cake, tearing off a piece and placing it in her mouth.
Aemond sits straight up, balancing a teacup on his knee as Jaehaera stands behind him, combing her fingers through his long, platinum hair and twisting small braids throughout. You hadn’t realized how long he kept it, it’s usually in a bun when you see him, but now silver waves cascade down his shoulders to the middle of his back.
“We should head inside,” Aemond mutters, “The clouds are gathering.”
“A storm is coming tomorrow,” Helaena murmurs.
“How’d you know?” you ask and Helaena’s mouth ticks upwards. All Targaryens seem to have the same smirk.
“She always knows,” Aemond says, smiling softly as his elder sister.
In sleep, someone speaks to you. Whispers in your ear, breath hot like flames licking against your flesh words you do not understand.
A scream pierces through the night and you awake with a start. An ache begins behind your eyes and you press the heel of your palm against your forehead. You catch your bearing, sitting up and blinking as your eyes adjust to the darkness. Realization washes over you.
She’d been taking a second dose of her sleeping medication ever since Aemond spoke with her psychiatrist. Had she missed a dose this evening? You quickly rise from your bed, not bothering to grab your robe and flinging open your door.
The hallway is dark, and no moonlight spilling through the windows tonight. You reach out, holding onto the wall as a guide as you move further down the hallway.
A shuffling noise behind you makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Your breath hitches and you turn around, staring into the dark behind you. You can’t see anything, just pitch black. You should’ve left a light on in your room, something to anchor you. Your hands begin to tingle as adrenaline speeds the beating of your heart.
There’s nothing but darkness, you assure yourself, the dark can’t hurt you.
But you can’t shake the feeling that as you look down the hallway, someone….or something…is looking back.
You release a shaky breath, turning back around. Something moves toward you, this time you’re certain. And suddenly a hand covers your mouth blocking the scream that rises in your throat and slamming you into the wall. It's not too hard, just enough for your shoulder blades to make a solid thump against the wood.
Aemond catches your fist in his opposite hand as you attempt to strike him, pushing your wrist back against the wall above your head. Your eyes widen when you realize it's him, cheeks blazing with rage and embarrassment, your body sagging with relief.
His hand remains on your mouth, though for a moment you’re sure it’s your scream tearing through the halls. Your stomach drops at the agonized wail and you squeeze your eyes shut. Aemond’s hand slides down until your chin rests in the space between his thumb and forefinger. His fingers are pressed so tightly against your throat you’re sure he must be able to feel your fluttering pulse.
“Hela--,” you begin to speak but are cut off by the return of his hand over your mouth.
“Shhh,” Aemond insists, as your eyebrows crease with confusion.
You mumble incoherently against his palm, lips pressing against the calloused flesh. Aemond presses closer, his tall slender frame towering over you. You cease trying to talk, your thoughts muddled as the warmth of his body presses against you. Aemond dips his head so his lips rest against the shell of your ear.
“That’s not Helaena.”
It would be intimate, sensual even, if it weren’t for the words he spoke in that low whisper. A feeling of dread washes over you like a bucket of ice water.
“Shh,” he says once more, his lips grazing your ear, “Close your eyes. Stay very, very still.”
You don’t dare move, you don’t dare speak; you simply do as you’re told, squeezing your eyes shut. Trembling against him your fingers dig into his arm while the other remains trapped in his grasp over your head. Fear burns in your belly, so hot it's as though someone is stoking a fire right in front of you.
Aemond presses closer, your breasts press against the hard planes of his chest, nipples hardening at the stimulation through the thin material of your tank top. You’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so frightened. Your heart is beating like a rabbit’s foot, and you try to listen to the sound of Aemond’s breathing in your ear as some way of grounding yourself.
A groan echoes from down the hall.
Your grip on him tightens.
“It’s alright,” Aemond murmurs, his voice barely audible, “We’ll just let them pass.”
Your breathing stops.
Let them? Let what? Let who?
The heat intensifies around you, colors bursting behind your eyelids as though someone is shining a light on the pair of you, though you don’t dare open your eyes. You cling to Aemond’s command like a life raft despite your morbid curiosity.
You don’t know how long you stay like that before the light begins to fade, the warmth leached from your skin as whatever passed you moved on. The hall is silent, your ears are ringing and all you can hear is each shaky inhalation of your breath. It’s not enough. It feels like all the air has been sucked from the hall like you’ll never breathe again.
What was that?
“Open your eyes.”
His voice. Aemond’s voice. The only thing that makes sense.
You open your eyes.
The hall is dark and you blink, adjusting. Aemond releases your hand and your arm falls, slightly sore and tingling with pins and needles from being held above your head for so long. He uncovers your mouth as well, taking a step back.
“Are you alright?” he asks, the concern evident in his voice.
You don’t answer, frozen. Aemond cups both of your cheeks in his hands, thumbs smoothing away tears that fall. You hadn’t realized you’d been crying. Aemond’s brows knit together and you bring your hands to his wrists.
“What was that?” you whisper, voice hoarse.
Aemond’s expression is pained.
“There are things I haven’t told you about Harrenhal,” he says softly, releasing your face.
“What kind of things?”
“Unpleasant ones,” he continues.
You hold his gaze. If there was ever a chance to run from the manor screaming, this was it. Aemond watches you as though he expects you to run, his hands clenched into fists at his side. You know him already, know that if you chose to leave he wouldn’t follow you. He’s used to doing things on his own. It’s all he’s ever known.
It’s your choice.
Aemond lifts his eyes to meet yours as you reach for his hand. His fingers release automatically at your touch and you weave them through your own, holding tightly, anchoring yourself to him.
“Let’s get some tea then,” you tell him, “I want to know everything.”
note: hope you enjoyed this chapter! as always, comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated but never expected (though you will receive a forehead kiss from me if you do any of them).
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To Have and To Hold
Warnings: Yandere!Aliucard, SMUT, creampie (wrap it before you tap it my dudes this is FICTION! Kids cost money), slight degradation, a little bit of fluff. A/N: Yall, please don't judge me. I had a hell of a rough time writing this out because I had to take a break every three minutes to BREATHE lol. I hope the smut is okay. I'm not ready to be that explicit just yet. I hope y'all like this. This is another 2k words and is not proofread. If you want to be in the taglist just lmk! Summary: You travel to Dracula's Castle to help the owner get the place registered as a historical landmark and enter into an overwhelming relationship with Alucard.
Masterlist Chap 1.
Chapter Two
The next morning you awake to an old chest half your size in the middle of your room. On top of it, there’s a note. “ I was informed this morning that your bag was lost in transit and they’re unable to locate it. I took the liberty of getting you some clothes to wear while you’re here. I hope they fit you and if they don’t we can make adjustments.
A. “
A bit bummed at the loss of your clothes, you open the chest and immediately forget about what small things you packed in your bag. The first piece of clothing was a soft pink sundress with white flowers on it. The Queen Anne neckline was lined with white lace and you loved it instantly. Setting it aside to wear it for the day. There were multiple sets of silk pajamas. Pretty nightgowns and fluffy slippers and beautiful shoes (that were all your size). You giggled like a child in the long mirror against the wall, swaying this way and that.
Granted, in your job description you wore clothes that kept your skin safe from poisonous spiders, cobwebs, and splinters. But the knowledge that Adrian had picked these out to lend you made butterflies spring to life in your belly and you couldn’t resist thinking of what he’d think of you in them.
Deciding to bathe before you start your day, you enter the bathroom and examine the large tub and new shower head. The place was spotless and smelled of lemon. You turned on the faucet and allowed the hot water of the shower to steam up the room before getting in. Being too tired to shower the night before you basked in the warmth of the hot water washing the days of travel off your skin.
However, your peace was short-lived because a rush of cold air cut across your skin beckoning a wave of gooseflesh. There were no vents or holes near the shower so you shut the water off and peered out of the shower curtain. The bathroom door was open and you struggled to remember if you’d closed it or not. Surely, you would’ve closed it to keep the heat in, right?
Stepping out of the shower you wrap yourself in a towel and enter the room to find nothing amiss.
You searched the chest for the round container of lotion you’d spotted when you were rummaging through it earlier. After getting dressed, you leave your room, notepad in hand, and find your way to the kitchen.
Marguerite is there and quickly introduces herself and offers you a full breakfast. Shamefully, you find yourself very pleased with the fact that she’s an older woman. Much too old to be romantically involved with your host. Her grey hair is pulled back into one bun, pulled away from her round face which is free of wrinkles. Her eyes are almost catlike which would appear almost frightening if not for their warm disposition and the childish curve of her features. She looks incredibly young and old at the same time. You watch as she pours you both a cup of tea and puts exactly four sugars into your tea.
“How is your room?�� Her voice is warm much like her eyes. Hoping she hadn’t noticed your staring, you mix your oatmeal in an innocuous figure eight. “It’s lovely. Everything is perfect and the bed is quite comfortable.”
Marguerite hums with approval. “Wonderful. I put everything to right myself. The little prince would have nothing less.” Baffled, you turn to face her.
“Little prince?”
Marguerite’s warm eyes all but twinkle in the morning light. She sips her tea once before getting to her feet. “I’ve got some small tasks to finish before the morning ends. Once you’re done eating, you may leave your dishes in the sink. I’ll tend to them.” She doesn’t wait for your answer before she leaves, cup in hand.
Curious but too excited to think about it for too long you hastily finish your breakfast. Now, you have a system. Always begin at the first room you entered when you’re exploring a new place. It’s crucial to start in a familiar place so that each new discovery is easier to document and keep track of. Following this system leads you to head to the foyer. The room looked much the same as it had when you’d first arrived except for the streams of light that were pouring in from all directions. You’d missed the windows behind the humongous curtains that covered them the night before. Some of the windows were stained glass and you took a moment to examine them.
Each picture showed a man with dark hair in battle, covered in the blood of his enemies, and returning to the gothic castle you now stood in.
“A bit grotesque, is it not?” You jump and whirl around to find Adrian standing behind you much as he had the first time you met. “Have mercy! You’ve got to stop doing that!” His eyebrows draw together as he laughs lightly. Today his hair is in a messy braid down his back. The button-down white shirt he wears is tucked into the sleek black pants that sway over his sandy brown boots. “My apologies, my dear. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” His eyes travel from your face down your body and back up again causing those butterflies to flutter up to your heart. Fingers knotted in the dress you wore, your eyes scanned the room nervously. “Thank you for the clothes and the other things. They’re beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like them. Does everything fit well?” “Scarily well,” you joke. “I would’ve thought these clothes had been made for me with how perfectly they fit.” His jaw tensed slightly. Confused once again, you opt to examine the stained glass. You hear him inhale slowly.
“I’m told there’s a book in the library that describes the stories in these windows. Would you like to help me search for it?”
The doors of the library are large. Just as large as the front doors. He pushes them open with ease and leads you into a room full of one of the largest collections of books you’ve ever seen. There are books on every surface. Lining the walls and stacked spaces all over the tables and desks. It was overwhelmingly massive and you took it all in wonder. “The place is a mess and I haven’t hired anyone to help me organize it all just yet. It’s such a large collection.”
“Can I help?” The words come out louder than you expect and you can’t see the smile on his lips as he pulls open the heavy curtains of the room. “If it’s not too much for you. I know you’ve only come here to stay a week. Are you sure you’ve got enough time for this?”
Already eyeing a ruby-red book covered in dust, you nod vigorously. “I’ve got plenty of time. I’m the youngest historian of my group and I’m pretty sure my boss let me go on this trip because he figured it would keep me busy and out of the way of their more important jobs. Jokes on them though, this place is immaculate! I could write a million books about the architecture alone.” You glance over to see him leaning against a table watching you intently. “That is..if you would consent to that.”
He sits motionless for a moment before shrugging. “I don’t see why not.” Grinning, you begin sorting through the books nearest to you. Several of them are in languages you’ve never seen and you examine them thoroughly. Organizing this library would not be easy but you were reluctant to think about giving yourself a time limit anyway. Judging by the size of this room alone, there was no way you’d be able to sort through it in a month let alone a week. The next three days, you focused on your task while pondering the idea of staying a little longer.
During this time, you and Adrian had entered a rhythm. You’d wake up in the morning, he’d meet you in the kitchen and you walk together to the library. You’d spent hours in there reading over ancient stories of witches and vampires. All of them fill you with delight.
You had become accustomed to Adrian being near you throughout this time. Relishing every moment, his skin brushed yours or he leaned over you to read whatever book you wanted to show him. It was on a late night almost identical to the others that Adrian had left without a word and reappeared with a tray with two cups and hot chocolate.
“You didn’t have to bring me anything.” You replied after many thanks. He shook his pretty head. “Nonsense. After all you’ve done to help me, I won’t hesitate to do whatever I can for you.” He set a smoking cup in front of you before sliding into the chair closest to yours and sipping from his own cup. You watched him as he took a drink and you absentmindedly did the same. The scalding hot liquid bit at the skin of your bottom lip and tongue. You yelped.
“Shit!” Adrian grasped your chin in one hand and sat your hot mug to the side.
“It’s smoking hot, Y/N. You can’t just inhale it that way.” He all but whispered as his callused thumb gently rubbed your bottom lip.
“You did.” You mumble. His frown deepened and you watched his face as you impulsively let your tongue slide over the tip of his thumb. His breath caught in his throat. Less than a second later, he slid his thumb into your mouth and you wrapped your lips around it without a second thought. His pupils dilated as he tilted his head, lips parted. You tasted the cocoa on his skin and sighed breathily.
Quickly, he moved his hand from your chin and pressed his lips to yours. Tilting your head, you leaned into him as he pulled you to his chest and slid his hands down your throat and shoulders. Past your arms and around your waist. Your arms find their way around his neck as you let him slide his tongue between your lips. The sound of your heartbeat and the noises you couldn’t help but make filled your ears.
Just when you think you might have to lean back for air he breaks the kiss and presses his lips all over your face. Without a word, he lifts you by your waist and you wrap your legs around him quickly. He kisses you again, rougher this time. You don’t know how and nor do you care but soon your back is against the soft cushion of your bed and Adrian is leaving a trail of kisses down your neck and over your collarbones.
After a moment, he rises and looks into your eyes. You can tell he’s searching for something but is unsure how to ask. The apprehension and obvious vulnerability tug on your heart and you place your hands on either side of his face. You nod, not waiting for him to ask. “Please.” You whisper. He closes his eyes and kisses you again before leaning back on his knees and pulling his shirt above his head from the hem up. You gasp when you see the long scar across his chest. It’s faded greatly, but the outline is still there and you sit up a little to drag your fingers across it. “What happened?”
He looks to the right. “It was a long time ago.” He said nothing else and you didn’t press him. Gingerly, you pressed your lips to his chest and he shuttered against your lips. Like he’d never been touched there before. In a rush, he slid his hand through your hair held the back of your skull, and kissed you deeply. It was easier for him to undress and explore you without fear now. Eyes on yours, he pulled your panties from around your hips and slid them off. You giggled as he slid his cool fingertips between your knees and slowly spread them.
You held your breath as his eyes roamed over your body. “So pretty.” He breathed and you whimpered as his hands slid down your thighs and over your pelvic bone. He kissed the bare skin of your shoulder, your knuckles, your thigh, your ankle. He inhaled your scent and you sighed with each touch. His fingertips found their way to the apex of your thighs and slid between your glistening lips. A shuttered moan falls from your lips and he chuckles. He kisses your temple while rubbing slow circles around your clit.
Your eyes are squeezed shut as you teeter closer and closer to your orgasm. Without warning, he speeds up the movement, sucking the skin of your neck between his teeth sending shivers down your spine as your hips move against his hand of their own accord. In a burst of feeling you tip over the edge. A sharp shriek escapes your lips and it feels like forever before the shocks of pleasure end. As soon as it stops, you huff impatiently. It certainly wasn’t enough to make the heat of your skin cool down and the way he continued to caress your skin was only making it worse.
He slid between your thighs and lined himself up with your entrance. “Are you ready?” He whispered in your ears. “Yes.” You reply quickly and he laughs at your eagerness. Then he gently presses the head of his cock into you. Both of you moan in unison. The air in the room thickens as he graciously waits for you to adjust to the intrusion. Slowly he edges himself all the way inside of you to the hilt and you fight to breathe. You had guessed he could fill you up but you hadn’t imagined it would feel like this. Your legs were still vibrating with the aftershocks of your first orgasm and you kiss his shoulder before telling him you’re ready for him to move. And that he does.
Forehead to yours, he pulls his hips away from yours, leaving just the tip inside you before surging forward. The wind is knocked out of you and you squeeze your eyes shut as sounds you’ve never made before push out of your belly and mingle with his own. You lose yourself in the pressure and the rhythm as his hands bring your wrists together above your head. He holds them there with one hand and uses the other to pull your right thigh up higher on his hips. This allows him to reach deeper inside you and your back arches.
Breath uneven, you raise your hips to meet his thrusts as your second orgasm oh so slowly gets closer and closer. Unable to see and barely able to hear, you beg him. “P-please. Please. Please.” You chant like a sinner praying for salvation. He presses his lips to your ear.
“Please what?”
You whimper.
“Use your words.” He laughs against your skin as he leaves little bite indents on your forearms. The sound of your wetness echoes throughout the room, egging you on in the most obscene manner. All but screaming, you beg him to let you come. He murmurs “Good girl” in your ear and releases your wrists. He brings both of your knees up even higher and your hands grip his biceps as he plows into you. Almost instantly, your body tightens. Your eyes roll as your orgasm finally hits you, causing every part of your body to shake. This time you scream as he presses his hips into yours a few more times before stilling inside you. You watch as he closes his eyes and your name falls from his lips as he comes inside of you.
Adrian lets your legs slip from his grip and lays down on you. The room is quiet save from the sound of your breathing. You can feel his heart beating against yours and you wrap your arms around him. Hand in his hair, you press your lips to his temple much like he’d done yours and he sighs into you. A smile dances across your lips as you hold him to you.
“You’re so perfect.” He whispers. “I was going to say the same thing about you.” You reply. He exhales heavily and places a kiss on the inside of your elbow before getting up and entering your bathroom. You hear the faucet water turn on as he hums a song you’ve never heard before. He returns a moment later with a warm cloth and wipes your skin so gently that you feel your heart swell inside your chest. He continues to hum and the sound of his voice lulls you into a dreamless sleep.
Taglist: @hoppershoe. @c-crow-chatters
#castlevania#adrian tepes#alucard#alucard tepes#alucard x reader#adrian tepes x reader#alucard tepes x reader#alucard castlevania#yandere!alucard#alucard smut#to have and to hold#thewriterwhowritesnot
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9th Anniversary story - Chapter 6 : The fired-up match begins with full spirit.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Reporter: “9th Anniversary Nanasports Presents ★ The Idol Grand Sports Festival!!”
Audience: Kyaaaa…!!
Reporter: Well then, here we are! The long-awaited Idol Grand Sports Festival !!
Reporter: Now let's welcome our idols, all decked in Nanasports towels and shoes!
Reporter: Calling everyone in the audience!! Cheer loudly for the competing stars!
Audience: Kyaaaa…!!
Reporter: Red team! Come forward!!
Inumaru Touma: Hell yeah! Let's do this!
Momo: Here we come, everyone!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Looking forward to it!
Kujo Tenn: Everyone, cheer for us!
Osaka Sougo: Thank you! I'll do my best!
Nanase Riku: I'll give it my all!
Isumi Haruka: Ready, set…
Izumi Iori & Isumi Haruka: VICTORY!
Audience: Kyaaaa…!!
Audience: They look adorable in their tracksuits too…!
Audience: Do your best…!
Reporter: The cheers are crazy! This feels like another Black or White!
Reporter: We can’t fall behind either! Next up, here comes the White team!
Audience: Kyaaaa…!!
Yotsuba Tamaki & Yaotome Gaku: Yaaaaayy…!
Izumi Mitsuki & Mido Torao: We’re definitely gonna win…!
Natsume Minami: I’ll do my best.
Yuki: Hey there.
Nikaido Yamato: Ready, set…
Rokuya Nagi & Nikaido Yamato: We do our best! (t/n: they said this in English)
Audience: Kyaaaa…!!
Audience: This sight alone is enough to make me happy!!
Audience: Everyone, do your best!
Audience: Don’t lose-!
Reporter: The excitement is outta this world!! The energy in the venue is incredible!
Reporter: Now, let’s introduce the cheerleaders and commentators for each team!
Reporter: Here we have the host of his sports festival, Nanasports' president Nanai-san, and vice president Nanami-san!
Nanasports President: Hello.
Nanasports Vice President: Looking forward to this.
Reporter: Congratulations on Nanasports’ 9th anniversary! Both of you are so young and handsome!
Nanasports President: Thank you.
Nanasports Vice President: We're only in our 9th year and we’re still a young company, so we’ll continue to grow stronger and do our best.
Reporter: The president will be cheering for the Red team, while the vice president will support the White team!
Reporter: By the way, do you have any favorite idols or songs you often listen to?
Nanasports President: I love IDOLiSH7. But the song I listen to the most is Re:vale’s “Theory of Eternity”. (Eiensei Riron)
Reporter: “Theory of Eternity” was the theme song for the soccer tournament, right? What a fitting answer from someone in the sports industry!
Nanasports Vice President: I’m a TRIGGER fan. Lately I’ve also been keeping an eye on ŹOOḼ. But really, everyone here is so cool.
Audience: Yeesssss…!!
Reporter: Thank you very much! Now please give a message of support to your respective teams!
Nanasports President: Red team, do your best! We’re counting on you!
Audience: Kyaaaaaa…!!
Inumaru Touma, Izumi Iori & Isumi Haruka: Yes!
Momo: Leave it to us!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke & Nanase Riku: We’ll give it our all!
Kujo Tenn: Looking forward to it.
Osaka Sougo: Um, let’s see… Even if my body rots away and crumbles to dust, I will pour my soul into this and give it my all.
Kujo Tenn: T-That’s kinda extreme…
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Let’s relax a little and be normal and casual about this okay!
Osaka Sougo: I’ll do my best!
Nanasports Vice President: White team, go for it…! Crush the Red team!
Audience: Kyaaaaaa…!!
Yaotome Gaku: Alright!!
Mido Torao: Let's do this!
Izumi Mitsuki: Let's go, guys!
Rokuya Nagi, Nikaido Yamato, Yotsuba Tamaki & Natsume Minami: YEAHHH…!
Yuki: Hooray.
Reporter: Now, as the representative of all the participants, we’d like to ask Yuki-san to lead the athlete's pledge!
Yuki: Okay.
Momo: Yukiiii! You look super handsome as the representative!!
Yuki: Thank you.
Audience: Kyaaaaaa…!!
Yuki: I solemnly swear!
Yuki: We, the participants of this Idol sports Festival, will cherish teamwork alongside our friends and…
Yuki: I pledge to never give up no matter what, and always compete with a smile.
Yuki: We will strive for victory and create the best memories with all our fans. Please cheer for us until the very end.
Audience: Kyaaaaaa…!!
Reporter: And with this, let the Idol Grand Sports Festival officially begin!
Reporter: The first event is the ball toss! Everyone please take your positions!
Inumaru Touma: Hell yeah! No way we're losing!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Lock in, lock in! We’re def’ gonna win!
Reporter: A heated ball toss match is about to start! The rules are very simple! Just aim carefully and keep tossing as many balls in the basket as you can!
Reporter: The time limit is one minute! The point is to see how many balls you can toss into the basket in this timeframe!
Reporter: Work together with your teammates and fill that basket to its limit!
Reporter: Okay everyone, are you ready!?
Izumi Mitsuki: Okay!
Rokuya Nagi: I will aim accurately!
Nanase Riku: We got this! Right, everyone!?
Isumi Haruka: We got this! We got this!
Kujo Tenn: Stay focused and aim carefully.
Reporter: On your mark! Ready…
Reporter: Start!
Whistle blows
Reporter: Whoa…! Both teams started tossing at the same time!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Got one in!
Nanase Riku: …Guh, ahh! I missed…!
Inumaru Touma: Keep going!! Don't worry about it! Just keep throwing…!!
Mido Torao: Got one in!
Yaotome Gaku: Hell yeah!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Balls! We’re out of balls!
Izumi Mitsuki: I'll go pick ‘em up! Keep throwing!! Catch this, Nagi!
Rokuya Nagi: Alright!
Isumi Haruka: Ah-! I missed!
Iori Izumi: No, it’s in.
Isumi Haruka: Really!?
Yuki: Ow, something just hit me out of nowhere.
Nikaido Yamato: Yuki-san, watch out! Don't stand directly under the basket!!
Yuki: I was just trying to pick up some balls-…Ouch!
Yaotome Gaku: Just come back here!
Osaka Sougo: Tsunashi-san, can I leave this to you?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Got it!
Momo: Makes sense! It’s probably best to leave it to the taller guys!
Iori Izumi: Let’s split the group into ball pickers and throwers then…
Mido Torao: Should we do the same?
Nikaido Yamato: At this rate it’s gonna be over before we figure it out! Just keep throwing…!
Natsume Minami: Yay. I got one in!
Reporter: 10 seconds left!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh no, oh no! Throw! Just keep throwing!
Nanase Riku: …We’re out of balls! I have to grab more! Here, and there!
Kujo Tenn: Give them to me, Riku. I’ll get them all in.
Nanase Riku: …Okay!
Kujo Tenn: …And bingo!
Natsume Minami: Mido-san!
Mido Torao: Alright! It’s in!!
Yaotome Gaku: Ryuu! I'm counting on you!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Uh?
Nikaido Yamato: No you moron! Tsunashi-san’s on the other team!
Yaotome Gaku: Ah!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Ah, uh… Here, take it back!
Yaotome Gaku: My bad! …No, I’ll do it myself!
Izumi Mitsuki: Tamaki! Nagi!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Alright!!
Rokuya Nagi: Shoot!
Audience: 5!
Inumaru Touma: ……! Final push!!
Momo: Get them in, get them in!!
Audience: 4!
Kujo Tenn: Go in…!
Audience: 3!
Audience: 2!
Isumi Haruka: Killer special move!! Triple throw…!!
Audience: 1!
Reporter: Stop!!
Whistle blows
Audience: Kyaaaaaa…!!
Reporter: Wow, that was a close match! What do our cheerleaders think!?
Nana Sports President: That was intense! The Red team was extremely active and couldn’t stay still!
Reporter: Their energy levels were incredible! What about the White team’s cheerleader?
Nana Sports Vice President: I think the White team won, no!? There were a lot of tall players so the odds were in their favor.
Reporter: Alright, I wonder what the final results are!?
Referee: Red team, 39 balls!
Referee: White team, 44 balls! White team wins!
Audience: Kyaaaaaa…!!
Izumi Mitsuki & Yotsuba Tamaki: We did iiiiiiit !!
Rokuya Nagi & Natsume Minami: Yaaaay…!!
Yaotome Gaku: Hell yeah!
Nikaido Yamato: We’re off to a great start!
Mido Torao: Let’s keep this up and win it all!
Yuki: Yay. We won.
Isumi Haruka: Ahh, so close…!
Momo: Don’t worry, don’t worry! We’ll get them next time!! You looked super cool, Haruka!
Isumi Haruka: You think so!?
Nanase Riku: Tenn-nii, you got them all in!
Kujo Tenn: Nanase-san, my name.
Iori Izumi: And yet you called him Riku earlier. Pay attention. Don’t get too hasty.
Kujo Tenn: Guh…
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That was close! Let’s switch gears and keep pushing forward!
Osaka Sougo: Yes! Let’s stay focused!
Inumaru Touma: This actually made me wanna lock in even more! Let’s win the next round and catch up!!
Momo: Let’s go, Red team!
Tenn, Ryuunosuke, Riku, Iori, Haruka, Sougo & Touma: Yeahhhhhh!!
Reporter: Let’s give a big round of applause for our brave competitors!
The audience starts clapping.
Nana Sports President: Fantastic job! Keep it up! This is just the beginning!
Nana Sports Vice President: Congratulations on your first win!! Keep up the great work!
Audience: Keep going…!!
Audience: There’s still more…!!
Audience: Fight on…!!
Audience: Kyaaaaaa…!!
Reporter: Thank you for your passionate support! Next up, we have the tug-of-war match!!
To be continued…
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Y/N hadn’t expected to see so many people in line, waiting to dine in for breakfast when she arrived at the restaurant the next morning. She had barely slept the night before, her nerves keeping her awake, and even now her palms were slick with sweat. She wiped them hastily on her dress shirt before walking past the waiting crowd, a growing sense of existential dread tightening in her stomach. With how out of it she’d been last night, she hadn’t considered that her new coworkers might not like her. What if they tried to get her fired?
No, that was ridiculous. This was her first job, after all—surely they’d take pity on her.
Most of the people in the lobby bustling around seemed like ordinary travelers, much like herself. Suitcases clustered near the glass revolving doors, and sunburned children darted between harried parents. Y/N had arrived surprisingly early, a small victory considering she was running on four hours of sleep and two shots of espresso. The wealthy guests probably attended evening events; no one here seemed particularly out of the ordinary.
She shuddered at the thought of serving those intimidating people, though she wasn’t planning to be the center of attention—like a host might be.
Before she could step into the dining area, a stranger stopped her and smiled.
"Hey! You must be the new starter?"
Y/N blinked, momentarily startled by the voice cutting through her thoughts. The man standing before her had a kind smile, the sort that seemed to radiate warmth. It caught her off guard, making her wonder if she was just imagining the friendliness. Maybe it was her nerves playing tricks on her again.
His neatly parted black hair gleamed under the kitchen's fluorescent lights, and his brown eyes had a soft, almost feline-like quality. She felt her pulse quicken—how was everyone here so intimidatingly put together?
"That’s me," Y/N replied, willing her voice to stay steady. She forced a small smile, hoping it hid how overwhelmed she felt.
“Nice to meet you. It’s been a while since we got a new addition to the crew—especially a girl.”
The man’s voice was light yet confident, as if he was used to welcoming newcomers like her. Y/N’s gaze flicked to the polished name tag pinned neatly to his shirt: Yang. Family name, she noted.
“Thank you, Mr. Yang,” she replied, forcing her voice to steady despite the faint waver she could hear.
For a second, his expression froze in mild surprise, as though he wasn’t accustomed to such formality. Then his lips quirked into an amused grin, and he rubbed his forehead with his palm.
“Just Jungwon is fine,” he said with a short laugh. “We’re probably around the same age anyway.”
Jungwon extended his hand, and Y/N hesitated for a fraction of a second before taking it. His grip was firm, his fingers rough and calloused—an undeniable testament to long hours spent in a demanding industry. Despite his easy demeanor, the handshake reminded her that this man wasn’t someone to underestimate.
“Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. It’s really early,” he added with a slightly sheepish tilt of his head.
Y/N managed a small smile as he handed her the menu he’d been holding. She almost stumbled under its weight; it was larger than she’d anticipated, bound with a thick black fabric that was soft but sturdy. Gold letters gleamed under the overhead lights, spelling out God's Menu in elegant script. The name piqued her curiosity, but she tucked the thought away for later.
“Come on, let’s introduce you to the rest of the crew,” Jungwon said, motioning for her to follow. He adjusted a gold-encrusted belt over his apron with a practiced motion before heading toward the dining area.
As Y/N trailed after him, she found herself taking in the grandeur of her surroundings. The dining room was more opulent than anything she’d ever seen—like something pulled straight from a period drama. Ornate chandeliers hung from the soaring ceilings, their golden light casting a warm glow across the room. Maroon curtains framed every window, their thick folds cascading down to the floor like velvet waterfalls. Towering black marble columns lined the space, their glossy surfaces so polished they reflected the chandeliers’ light.
She trailed her fingers along the edge of a nearby table as they passed, the linen smooth and cool beneath her touch. Across the room, a stage loomed in the distance, its polished wood floor gleaming under subtle spotlights. She could almost imagine it coming alive during an evening performance, filled with laughter or music.
It was breathtaking—every detail deliberate yet effortless.
Y/N’s stomach fluttered as she adjusted the menu in her hands, trying to steady her breathing. How could she possibly fit in here?
“Sunoo, for the last time, I’m not doing that!”
The sudden shout jolted Y/N from her thoughts. She flinched, the clang of metal ringing out a moment later. Her eyes darted toward Jungwon, who didn’t so much as bat an eye. He pushed open a set of heavy steel doors leading into the kitchen.
“Listen, I’m just spitballing here!” a voice whined as they stepped inside.
Y/N blinked, her eyes widening at the chaos unfolding before her. A blonde man—presumably Sunoo—was practically dancing out of the way of a ladle hurtling through the air. The weapon’s sender stood across the kitchen island: a man with crimson-colored hair and piercing eyes. Even from a distance, his sharp gaze made her want to shrink into herself.
The two men were dressed in aprons, but each was unique—Sunoo’s was embroidered with intricate floral patterns, while the other’s bore minimalist geometric shapes. As Y/N glanced around, she noticed no two uniforms looked alike. It was a small detail, but it only added to the surreal atmosphere of the place.
“What the hell is going on here?” Jungwon demanded, exasperation heavy in his tone.
“Wonnie, Heeseung’s being an asshole!” Sunoo called out, his voice dripping with mock indignation.
“Can you tell this son of a bitch to mind his own business?” Heeseung retorted, rolling his eyes.
Sunoo gasped, his expression the picture of betrayal, before reaching for a stray chopstick to retaliate.
“Woah, woah, calm down,” Jungwon interrupted, snatching the chopstick out of Sunoo’s hand before it could escalate further. “You guys are making this place look like a zoo in front of the poor new girl.”
At Jungown’s words, both Sunoo and Heeseung froze mid-motion, their eyes snapping toward Y/N. They looked at her incredulously, as if they hadn't seen a woman in years.
Her stomach churned under their stares. She clutched the menu a little tighter, suddenly feeling like the spotlight was burning too brightly on her.
“This is all Heeseung’s fault!” Sunoo exclaimed, his grin returning as he strode toward her. The warmth in his expression was almost blinding, and Y/N swore for a moment she was staring into the sun itself. Did everyone here have such radiant smiles?
“Y/N, right? The boss told me about you,” Sunoo said.
His voice was lighter than she’d expected, catching her off guard. Freckles dusted his face, and dimples appeared as he smiled. There was an effortless charm about him that made Y/N’s nerves simmer down, if only slightly.
“Don’t listen to him; he’s the real devil,” Heeseung cut in, his smirk sharp and teasing.
Y/N offered a polite laugh, though her gaze stayed locked on Sunoo, unwilling to meet Heeseung’s eyes. Something about his presence made her skin prickle, like a predator sizing up its prey.
“What's her position?” Sunoo asked, tilting his head toward Jungwon.
“No idea. Boss didn’t tell me.” He shrugged, wiping a cleaver clean.
“General manager, huh? Real thorough,” Sunoo teased, earning yet another tired glare from Jungwon.
Narrowing his eyes, he started twirling a knife in his fingers with a precision that was both impressive and mildly intimidating. For a moment, Y/N thought he might actually throw it. Instead, Sunoo blew him a raspberry, hopping away toward the ovens with the carefree energy of a child.
“He’s like a child,” Y/N muttered under her breath, intending it only for herself.
Heeseung, however, caught it. His sharp, slanted eyes eyes locked onto hers with unsettling accuracy.
“He’s immature, sure,” Heeseung said, pulling on a pair of plastic gloves with deliberate slowness, “but he’s got a pure soul.” He leaned back against the counter behind him, crossing one leg over the other in a way that seemed too casual to be uncalculated. “That’s his best quality. Don’t think too lowly of him.”
Heeseung’s gaze remained fixed on her, drilling into her as if he were daring her to disagree. Y/N swallowed hard, offering a small nod before looking anywhere but at him. A few minutes ago, Heeseung had been arguing with Sunoo; now he sounded almost protective. The sudden shift in mood was disorienting.
“Dude, leave her alone. You’re scaring her,” Jungwon said with a roll of his eyes, his arms crossed in an authoritative, almost sassy stance.
“Nonsense,” Heeseung replied smoothly, slipping an arm around Y/N’s shoulders before she could react. Her entire body stiffened at the unexpected contact. “We’re already friends, aren’t we?”
Y/N blinked up at him, utterly dumbfounded, but managed a noncommittal hum of agreement. This guy was so strange. Almost as strange as Park Sunghoon from last night.
“Yeah, totally,” she mumbled, grimacing when Heeseung gave her back a hearty pat, seemingly satisfied.
“I’m not sure what position you’ll fill,” Heeseung said, stepping back and adjusting his gloves. “But I’m the Executive Chef here. What I say, goes.”
Y/N gave a small nod. Truthfully, she had no idea what position she was supposed to take either. She’d applied on a whim and somehow ended up here. What would Sunghoon assign her to do? She tried not to think about it, but “janitor” seemed like the most realistic option.
“Jungwon over here is the general manager, which means he always has a stick up his ass,” Heeseung added with a smirk.
Y/N had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Despite his unnerving demeanor, Heeseung was undeniably funny.
“That’s enough,” Jungwon said with an exaggerated sigh, though the corner of his mouth twitched upward, betraying his amusement.
“Yeah, Jungwon, you really need to get laid!” Sunoo’s voice rang out from across the kitchen, loud and unapologetic.
Y/N couldn’t hold it in this time—she laughed, a genuine, bright sound that echoed in the chaotic kitchen. It caught everyone’s attention. Sunoo, Heeseung, and Jungwon all turned to her, their surprise evident.
Jungwon recovered first, pointing a finger at Sunoo. “I’m so going to get you for that,” he threatened, though his tone lacked any real malice.
Sunoo simply grinned, forming a heart with his fingers before skipping off toward the ovens again.
“You have a cute laugh,” Heeseung said abruptly, ruffling Y/N’s hair gently as if she were a kid.
“Thanks,” she murmured, looking away as her cheeks flushed. She didn’t know why heat rushed to her face at the comment, but when a good-looking guy compliments you, what else are you supposed to do?
“Not as cute as Jake’s, though. But still.” He continued, a soft smile growing on his face.
The moment the name “Jake” left Heeseung’s lips, Jungwon and Sunoo groaned simultaneously.
“You and Jake again? Just fucking date already,” Jungwon grumbled.
“I’m sorry, what K-drama episode is this?” Sunoo asked, deadpan.
Heeseung scoffed, his tone dripping with playful arrogance. “You’re just jealous someone actually likes me.”
Jungwon and Sunoo gasped in unison, spinning toward him with exaggerated expressions of mock offense.
Y/N stifled a giggle, marveling at how easily their banter shifted between tense and ridiculous. The dynamic in the kitchen was chaotic, but it felt oddly warm– inviting, even.
She opened her mouth to ask who this ‘Jake’ was when the kitchen doors slammed open.
All heads turned instinctively toward the sound.
Now, Y/n hadn’t been attracted to any man ever since experiencing a very messy breakup with her ex– yet all those years of celibacy had flew out the window the moment she saw who just sauntered in. He had long, luscious locks of black hair and the plumpest lips he’d ever seen; even on a girl. The man looked like he hadn’t gotten a lick of sleep in years but it managed to make him look even more attractive. His figure was lean, but you could see through his see-through blouse how toned his biceps were. She couldn’t help but stare.
There’s nothing wrong with thinking your coworker is attractive, Y/n. She consoled herself.
“You’re late,” Heeseung said flatly, his tone laced with just enough disapproval to sound believable. He straightened from where he was leaning against the counter, arms crossed.
Riki strode in without a trace of apology, his expression a mix of irritation and defiance. He dropped his crossbody Prada bag onto the floor as casually as if it were a grocery tote.
Y/N blinked, unable to hide her disbelief. He just put a Prada bag on the floor. Not even she would do that, and she’d grown up in a pretty well-off family.
“Sorry, your majesty,” Riki quipped, smirking as he pulled a black bandana from his pocket and tied it around his head to push his bangs out of his face. The gesture was quick and practiced, his fingers moving deftly. Y/N noticed how his confidence exuded throughout the room, and she quickly looked away with a blush on her cheeks.
“Riki, you’re on dish duty tonight. Jung-Hoon’s still sick,” Jungwon announced, tossing him a stained washcloth and gesturing toward the sink with a tilt of his chin.
“Are you serious?” Riki groaned, throwing his head back dramatically. “I swear he’s just saying that to get out of work.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Sunoo chimed in, laughing as he patted Riki’s shoulder in mock sympathy. “Rules are rules.”
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek to suppress a grin. She was beginning to think she might enjoy this strange, lively environment.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
As the minutes turned into an hour, the kitchen transformed into a full-fledged operation. Waiters and servers bustled in and out, balancing trays of empty plates or carefully scrawling order notes onto slips of paper. Sunoo, one of the fastest and most efficient among them, barely paused to catch his breath as he dropped another set of orders onto the counter near the chefs. The cooks moved like clockwork, passing sauces and side dishes to sous-chefs, who quickly returned them plated and garnished.
Y/N couldn’t help but be captivated by the precision. The staff worked in such perfect sync, their movements calculated yet fluid. And then there was her—awkwardly lingering at the edges of the chaos, feeling more like an outsider with each passing minute.
“Hey, what is this girl doing here?”
The shout cut through the noise, and Y/N felt her stomach drop as a few heads turned in her direction.
She was frozen in place, caught off guard, but before she could answer, Riki’s voice piped up from near the bathrooms.
“Who, David hyung?” Riki was adjusting a tie in a small wall-mounted mirror, his tone casual. His hair had been tied back with a hair tie, of all things, and Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if he actually intended to leave it that way.
She hesitated, awkwardly raising her hand in a half-hearted wave. She’d been standing near Heeseung moments ago, but he had wandered off to argue with a waitress.
“Oh,” Riki said, his tone brightening when he finally noticed her. “So you must be the new hire. Wait here, I’ll find Sunghoon-hyung for you.”
Y/N nodded, though disappointment flickered faintly in her chest. She’d been hoping to introduce herself properly, but everyone just seemed too busy.
“Nishimura here, has anyone seen Mr. Park yet?” Riki’s voice came through a walkie-talkie clipped to his ear as he pushed his way out of the kitchen doors. And just like that, he was gone again.
Y/N tried to keep herself out of everyone’s way, retreating to the quieter area near the cold storage. Curiosity tugged at her, though, and she couldn’t resist peeking into the walk-in fridge. She was curious– too much for her own good, her mother would tell him, so she felt an urge to go inside. It’s not like there's much in there anyway, but she wanted to explore every part of this place to familiarize herself. After all, she did plan on working here for a while.
While nobody was looking (which no one was in the first place), she walked inside the ventilation room which didn’t have a door. The temperature dropped sharply as she stepped inside, her breath puffing in small clouds. Shelves lined the walls, stacked with imported fruits, bread, vegetables, and neatly labeled containers. She noted the gleaming steel doors on either side of the room, their surfaces polished enough to reflect her face. Her breath came out in small puffs, hot smoke emitting from his her.
Her fingers brushed against one of the handles, but something in her stomach twisted—an instinctive unease she couldn’t quite place. Get yourself together. It’s just a freezer, she told herself, exhaling slowly.
She stepped closer, her hand hovering over the keypad next to the door. It required a code to unlock. Y/N sighed, letting her arm fall back to her side. No use poking around where she didn’t belong.
“What are you doing here?”
The low, cutting voice came from directly behind her, so close she felt the heat of their breath.
Y/N froze, a startled gasp slipping from her lips. Her heart jumped to her throat as she spun around.
Speak of the devil.
Park Sunghoon stood there, his expression hard and unyielding, his dark eyes sharp enough to pierce through her. His brows were furrowed, and his clenched jaw only added to the intensity of his glare. She started trembling, an uneasy feeling washing over her as she felt her limbs go numb.
“I asked you a question.” His face was contorted with rage, hostile gaze boring into her eyes. and Y/n swore she had never felt more terrified in her life. She was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding her in a tightening grip.
“I— I didn’t mean to—” Y/N stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
His hand slammed against the door behind her, just inches from her head. The metallic clang echoed in the small room, and she flinched instinctively. Y/n took two steps backward, recoiling herself as much as she could. Sunghoon mimicked this, taking two steps forward until their faces were inches apart.
Her mind was whirling, confusion and fear etched on her face. She didn’t know what provoked this type of reaction, as the same playful Sunghoon from last night seemed to have dissapated. Y/n did not like this new version at all.
“Get out,” he spat, his voice cold and venomous.
“What?” Y/N blinked, unsure if she’d heard him correctly.
“I said, get out. Now.”
The command snapped her out of her daze. She slipped under his arm and bolted for the door, her pulse pounding as she emerged back into the bustling kitchen.
“Never come here again, you understand?” Sunghoon’s voice followed her, sharp and unrelenting.
She didn’t turn around, couldn’t turn around. Her legs carried her forward on autopilot, her body reeling from the encounter.
That was a close one, Sunghoon thought to himself, his sharp gaze lingering on the door Y/N had fled through moments ago. He hadn’t planned on firing her—not for something as trivial as this. Other people had made the same mistake before, and Y/N was far too important for his future plans to let go.
If I go through with it, that is, he reminded himself, the thought laced with calculated restraint. There were still details to finalize, conversations to have with his affiliates.
He exhaled slowly, his expression unreadable as he turned back toward the steel door. His fingers moved with practiced ease, punching in the security code. The small beep echoed faintly in the stillness of the room. The heavy door clicked open, and he slipped inside, the cold air biting against his skin. Without hesitation, he reached for the keypad on the interior wall and locked the door behind him, ensuring no one else could follow.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Y/N’s feet didn’t stop moving until she was safely out of the cold storage area and back into the bustling kitchen. The warmth of the space wrapped around her like a shield, but her heart was still hammering against her ribs. She pressed a hand to her chest, willing herself to calm down.
She scanned the room, searching for something—anything—to ground her. Her gaze landed on Riki, who had just returned, casually sliding into the room with a clipboard in hand. He glanced up, immediately noticing the strained look on her face.
“So I couldn’t find Sunghoon, but you can work with Sunoo as a—Hey, are you okay?”
His teasing tone disappeared, replaced by genuine concern. Riki tilted his head, his sharp eyes narrowing as he studied her.
Y/N tried to respond, but her throat felt tight, and her voice caught before she could form words.
“Y/N?” His tone softened, and he took a cautious step closer. The sudden shift in his demeanor, from playful to protective, nearly unraveled her completely.
“I’m fine,” she managed to say, though her voice cracked slightly. She blinked rapidly, forcing the tears threatening to spill to retreat. She hated feeling like this—so vulnerable, so exposed.
Riki frowned, not buying her answer. Without saying anything, he stepped forward and wrapped her in a short, loose hug. It was quick, just enough to let her feel the comfort of another person’s presence.
Y/N froze for a moment, startled by the gesture. Then she let herself relax, if only slightly. She already had the craziest past 24 hours, so a hug was really what she needed right now– even if its from a total stranger she had just met. Her childhood butler would kill himself if he knew what she was doing, the hilarious thought making her feel slightly better.
“Thank you,” she murmured, her voice barely audible.
He pulled back, offering her a small, reassuring smile. “Look, I don’t know what happened, and I know we just met, but we’re technically family now.” His voice was quiet, almost careful, as if he didn’t want to overwhelm her further. “If something’s wrong, you come to me, okay?”
Y/N hesitated, unsure whether to trust him. He seemed sincere, but then again, so had Sunghoon when they first met. Still, she nodded.
“Good,” Riki said with a simple smile, as if that settled everything. He straightened up just as Sunoo walked by, arms full of freshly folded linens.
“Riki, they need you out front,” Sunoo called, not bothering to stop as he breezed past them.
Riki sighed dramatically, giving Y/N one last look. “I’ll be back. Don’t let Sunoo boss you around too much.”
“Hey!” Sunoo called from across the room, his tone indignant.
Riki grinned, raising his hands in mock surrender as he headed for the doors.
Sunoo turned to Y/N once Riki was gone, his easygoing smile immediately putting her at ease. “Well, since you’re stuck with me for now, let’s keep it simple for your first day.” He handed a notepad and pen to Y/n, who took it with grace.
“Just watch what I do, and if you have any questions, ask away.”
“Thanks, Sunoo,” Y/N said softly, grateful for his straightforwardness.
He smiled wider and led her out to the dining area, where the atmosphere was entirely different from the chaos of the kitchen. Guests sat at elegantly set tables, the low hum of conversation and the clinking of silverware filling the air. The chandeliers overhead cast a warm, golden light, and the scent of freshly baked bread mingled with the rich aroma of sauces and grilled meats.
Y/N followed Sunoo closely, observing as he navigated the room with practiced ease. He moved quickly but never appeared rushed, greeting guests with a polite smile and taking orders with precision.
“You have to be exact,” Sunoo explained as he scribbled a note onto his pad. “A single mistake, and the chefs will make you regret it.”
Y/N nodded, hurriedly writing down his advice. She couldn’t help but admire how effortlessly he handled everything, even when a guest became visibly impatient.
The next hour passed in a blur of activity. Y/N trailed after Sunoo like a shadow, trying to absorb everything she could. Despite her initial nerves, she found herself growing fascinated by the rhythm of it all—the way everyone had a role to play, how every detail mattered. She also liked the blonde’s company, as his extroverted personality made her feel at ease.
By the time they reached their fifth table, Y/N was starting to feel more comfortable. That is, until a petite girl wearing a black mask approached her, her dark eyes sharp and focused.
“Mr. Park told me to give you this,” the girl said simply, handing over a small post-it note.
Y/N’s heart sank the moment she heard his name. Her hands trembled slightly as she unfolded the note.
Meet me in my office by 2:30. No company. – President Sunghoon
Her stomach churned, a familiar dread creeping up her spine.
“Is everything okay?” Sunoo asked, noticing the way her face had paled.
Y/N forced a nod, quickly folding the note and slipping it into her pocket. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just... an orientation thing, I think.”
Sunoo didn’t seem entirely convinced but didn’t press further. “If you say so.”
Y/N tried to focus on the task at hand, but her mind kept circling back to the note. She didn’t know what the man wanted, but she doubted it was anything good.
How fun.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
author note: ahhh what is he gonna say?? 👀 also im sorry if the character descriptions are weird, i was trying to figure out which member fit which role best (i switched heeseung and jay last minute bc heejake <3 and 02z supremacy). thank you for all the love!! hope you enjoyed! not beta read! (we die like men), wc: 4.4k
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taglist: @rebeccaaaaaaaa, @strxwbloody, @shuichi-sama , @pshbites
#enhypen#enha#enhypen au#sunghoon x female reader#sunghoon#sunghoon x reader#enhypen sunghoon#sunghoon x you#sunghoon fanfic#enhypen jake#enhypen jay#jungwon#heeseung#nishimura riki#enha smau#sim jaeyun#enhypen heeseung#enhypen sunoo#jay enhypen#enhypen x reader#enhypen x you#enhypen imagines#enhypen x female reader#enhypen x y/n#horror#heejake#sunghoon is an asshole lmao#riki potential love interest?
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Superstar (Superstar Chapter 1)
I'm no one special, just another wide-eyed girl
Who's desperately in love with you
Give me a photograph to hang on my wall, superstar
The Reader is thrilled to start a new job at AFC Richmond- especially since it means working with a certain player-turned-coach.
Roy Kent x Reader
2.7k words
Warnings: language (because Roy Kent); I’m a bit rusty so forgive my writing!
A/N: Been having some horribly bad writer’s block in addition to work stress. Thankfully my man Roy Kent helped me finally break through!!!
“Well, there she is!” Coach Ted Lasso waved enthusiastically as I parked my car in the staff lot. Next to him stood Rebecca Welton, who offered the tiniest of waves and something of an apologetic smile.
I took a deep breath, my hand hovering over the driver’s side door. First day on the new job: coach’s assistant. Between three coaches, there was a lot going on; they needed someone to handle communication, schedules, and small tasks so they could focus on training and (hopefully) winning. Having grown up just around the corner from Nelson Road, it felt almost like an honor to be part of the organization.
In a blur, Ted had firmly shaken my hand for what felt like an eternity, yammered off about a dozen Lasso-isms that I wasn’t quite sure I heard correctly, and ushered me into the building, all with Rebecca following along, interjecting short corrections and reassurances every time Ted paused to take a breath.
“And this here’s the locker room,” Ted announced with a small flourish. “Now, the boys tend to be pretty modest, the only one you may see too much of is Jamie, but if you just throw a towel in his face, he’ll take the hint.” He opened the door, gesturing for me to follow.
Rebecca touched my arm gently, that tight smile still on her face. “I should be going. But please, let me know if there’s anything you need. You’re in great hands,” she added, nodding towards Ted. “Welcome to Richmond.” With another touch to my arm, she was gone.
I followed Ted into the changing room. A few guys were milling about, still in their street clothes, chattering and beginning to put their things away. They looked up when I entered, offering small nods of acknowledgement. Ted rattled off their names, all familiar to me. I made mental notes about how each one smiled and shook my hand, trying to take snapshots in my brain so I could describe every moment to my family later that night.
After meeting all the players that Ted called “early birds”, I followed Ted into the coaches’ offices, where I was quickly introduced to Coach Beard, who nodded from behind a tattered copy of Either/Or.
“Now, Coach Beard and I share this office,” Ted was explaining. “You’ll be right through here. Hope ya don’t mind sharing!” He led me through the side door to another office. “I’m sure you know this ray of sunshine here is Roy Kent.”
My stomach jumped to my throat as the man in black track pants and a dark Richmond shirt glanced up from his desk. As if I really needed to be introduced to the man whose poster still hung above the bed in my childhood bedroom. Several kits sporting his name and number hung in my closet. Hell, for one birthday my jokester dad even got me a cardboard cutout of the man. It currently sat folded in the back of a closet in my flat, but it often made an appearance in my living room when I hosted game day parties with my mates.
I was pretty sure if I dug far enough in my parents’ attic, I’d find my school notebooks with “Mrs. Roy Kent” scribbled all over them.
And now he sat in front of me, staring up at me through thick eyelashes that made me go weak in the knees. A half scowl appeared on his face. “You’re the assistant then?” He offered his hand.
I nodded, praying that neither coach could see my body trembling slightly as I reached out to shake Roy Kent’s hand. “I- I am.”
Ohmygod ohmygod I’m shaking Roy Kent’s hand I’m touching Roy Kent Roy Kent spoke to me Roy Kent is looking at me ohmygod ohmygod.
It felt far too soon when he let go of my hand. “Well, as long as you keep your shit off my desk and don’t wear any rancid perfume, we should be fucking fine.” He nodded behind him toward an empty desk. “That’s you.” Without another word, he stood up, grabbed the notebook he had been drawing in, and left.
Ted beamed at me. “Well now, that went great! That’s about as charming as you can expect Roy to be, so count yourself lucky. Now, why don’t you get yourself settled and we’ll see you in the locker room in about ten minutes?”
“D’you like kebabs?”
I turned my head, pausing my fingers above my keyboard. “Excuse me?”
With a giant sigh, Roy swiveled around in his chair, leaning his elbows on his knees. “Kebabs. D’you like ’em?”
“Uh, I guess.” I scrunched my nose as I stared at him. After two weeks of working for Richmond, this was the first time Roy had spoken to me so directly. Up until now, it had been mostly grunts and growls in my general direction. But, after years of watching him on the pitch, I knew by the look in his eye that he didn’t hate me- at least, not any more than he hated the rest of the world. And that was fine enough with me.
“You guess?” There was that scowl. “You either fuckin’ like ‘em or you don’t.”
It took all my strength to suppress my grin. God, he was just as gorgeous as when I used to watch him play on the television. “Fine, fine. I like kebabs.”
With a suddenness that almost made me jump in my seat, Roy stood up. “Okay.” Without another word, he walked out of our office.
About twenty minutes later, a Styrofoam container slammed onto my desk. I looked up at Roy, who towered over me, a plastic bag clutched in his fist. He glowered at me.
“Thanks, Roy,” I managed, opening the box. Sure enough, kebabs. I smiled up at him, but his eyes were scanning my desk.
“That your family?” He pointed at a frame that held a photo my family had taken during a camping trip.
“Oh, yeah. My folks and brothers. They live not far from here. We grew up huge Richmond fans.”
His eyes continued to roam my work area. “What, no pictures of your boyfriend? Is he fuckin’ ugly or somethin’?”
My cheeks heated up. “No boyfriend.” Somewhere inside me, boldness surged forward. “What about you? I don’t see your model of the week on your desk.”
He smirked. Ohmygod he smirked. “I’m too fucking old for that shit now.”
“Uh huh.” I couldn’t make myself say anything else. All I could see was that smirk, and those brown eyes. Until I realized he was waiting for me to say something. Speak, you idiot! “I like kebabs,” I blurted. Shit.
The smirk softened slightly. “So I heard.”
For a moment he just stood there, smiling down at me. Then he cleared his throat, glancing at the bag in his hand. “Don’t tell anyone I got you lunch. They’ll be trying to make me some fuckin’ errand boy if they find out.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
With a small hmmf, Roy nodded and headed back to his desk. I smiled down at the container on my desk and returned to my work, ignoring my burning cheeks.
“What does Jamie Tartt smell like?”
“Is the gaffer really like that in person?”
“Did you pass out when you met Roy Kent?”
Swallowing the bite of pasta I had been chewing on, I grinned at my family. “Tartt wears a homemade combo of Tom Ford, Dior, and Juicy Couture that he calls ‘Tartt by Tartt’. Coach Lasso is exactly what he seems. And Roy Kent…” I cleared my throat and prayed my face wasn’t completely red. “He’s fine.” My voice cracked slightly. “We, uh share an office. He got me kebabs for lunch last week.”
“Come off it,” I scoffed. “Or else I’ll take back those VIP tickets I got you for your birthday.”
“Ooh, Roy Kent bought you kebabs?” my dad hummed, grinning at me pointedly. “My future son-in-law, the football superstar.”
Before my dad could retort, the doorbell rang. I jumped up, relieved to have a distraction.
“I’ve got it!” I just about sprinted down the hall to the front door, confident it was our elderly neighbor asking to borrow the spare key, as she did at least once a week. Instead, when I threw the door open, I found Roy Kent on my parents’ front porch.
“We should really put a fucking tracking device on you,” he grumbled as he moved past me into the entryway.
I stared at him, closing the door. “Um, not to be rude, but why are you here? At my mum and dad’s house?”
He shoved a manila envelope into my hands. “Some papers Lasso wanted you to work on if you can this weekend. Said it was important. I dunno, I don’t fucking listen to him when he yammers.”
“Oh.” I placed the envelope on a nearby table and folded my arms. “And how-how did you know where I was?”
Roy wiggled his phone in the air. “You’re one of those idiots that has their Snapchat locations on. You’re gonna get fucking murdered one of these days y’know.”
Right. Ted had made us all join multiple Snapchat groups with him; he was adamant about keeping our streaks.
I couldn’t help but grin. “And you’re gonna murder me?”
“Not today.” A small smirk cracked through that grizzled face. “But apparently if I wanted to, you’d be easy as hell to find.”
“I’ll just have to keep being a good officemate then,” I supposed teasingly. Am I flirting with Roy Kent?!
“You’re doing a fine job so far.” Roy took a step towards me, looking down at me.
Is he flirting back?!
My brain short-circuited. “Um, well I…” I coughed, looking around the entryway, as if I hadn’t walked through it my entire life. “Thanks for uh, bringing those papers.” A question interrupted the high-pitched buzzing in my brain. “Why’d you bring it by the way?”
Roy cleared his throat and took a step back, allowing a respectful space between us again. “Told you, Lasso said it’s important.”
“Yeah…” I started slowly. “But I’m sure it’s something you guys could’ve sent Will to do. Or something Ted would probably love to do, tracking me down to my dad’s birthday dinner. Why are you-?”
“He’s here! He’s there! He’s every-fucking-where! Roy Kent!” Beaming, my dad burst past me and clapped a hand on Roy’s shoulder as Roy stared at him with wide eyes. “Oh hell, Roy Kent’s in my foyer!” He turned and faced me. “I can’t believe you got Roy Kent to come down here! You’re my favorite kid, you can tell your bloody brothers that anytime.” He grabbed Roy’s hand and started pumping it, reminding me of the first time I had met Ted. “It’s an honor to have you here. Absolute honor.”
I finally found my voice. “Dad, Roy’s just here giving me some stuff for work. He’s not here for your-”
“What kind of cake do you have?” Roy’s gruff voice interrupted.
“Chocolate,” my dad answered. “M’wife made it herself. And we have plenty of pasta if you’re hungry.”
Roy unzipped his jacket. “Then happy fucking birthday. Let’s eat.”
A half hour later, I was still in a state of shock. Roy Kent was sitting next to me in my parents’ dining room, chatting with my dad and eating my mum’s pasta. He took all everyone’s questions in stride, not seeming to mind how obsessed my brothers were. He only growled at them twice- once when they asked about his knee, and again when they said how much they like Jamie Tartt. Of course, they made kissy faces whenever Roy wasn’t looking, and my mum kept raising her eyebrows at me with a twinkle in her eye, but the dinner was much less painful that I had expected.
And getting to sit there with Roy’s arm pressed against mine? A dream come true.
My dad cleared his throat as my brothers began clearing the plates. “I think it’s time for presents and cake then?”
I stood up; my arm felt cold after having Roy’s arm keeping it warm. “I’ll be right back, gotta go get your present.” I pressed a kiss on my dad’s head as I passed by. “Don’t embarrass me,” I hissed, giving his shoulder a squeeze. He offered me an assuring wink.
I quickly went up the stairs to my old bedroom, not completely closing the door behind me. Since I was planning to spend all weekend a their house, I had just haphazardly thrown all my things into the room when I had arrived after work. I regretted it now, noting that my idiot brothers could be saying anything to Roy while I searched for the envelope holding my dad’s birthday card and the tickets to Richmond’s next match.
I groaned. “Where the hell-”
“Ah, this isn’t the fucking loo.”
I whirled around. Roy stood in my doorway, eyebrows slightly raised as he glanced around the room. My cheeks burned as I watched him take in all the Richmond posters, which disproportionately featured his bearded face.
He is never going to talk to me again, a panicky voice in my head whimpered.
To my surprise, a small smirk formed on his face as he quietly closed the door behind him. “Why the fuck are there so many pictures of me in this room?” he asked, a chuckle escaping his lips.
I cleared my throat and stood up, straightening out my top as I cursed my teenage self for being so obsessed. “I, uh, I told you. My family’s huge Richmond fans. You’re kind of our favorite player. Hence, my dad’s excitement when he saw you.” I winced. Lame, lame, lame.
“So…” He stuck his hands in his pockets, still looking around the room at the embarrassing number of photos of himself. “Does that mean I’m your favorite too?”
Somehow, my cheeks grew warmer. “I… I mean… I guess.”
His eyes moved upward and widened slightly.
“Is that a fucking poster of me above your bed?”
I shifted my weight, wishing that somehow the carpet beneath me would spontaneously turn into a black hole. “Oh, you know, gotta keep the monsters away somehow.” You’re fired. You are so freaking fired for being a creepy fangirl.
Roy let out a bark of a laugh. “That’s what I’m good for? Scaring away fucking monsters?”
With a groan, I covered my face and collapsed on my bed. “Please don’t tell anyone,” I grumbled. “This was my room when I used to live here, I was a dumb kid. I swear to God, my flat is normal. A normal adult flat.”
The bed squeaked as I felt someone sit beside me. When I peeked out between my fingers, Roy was looking at me with a hint of concern on his face.
“Hey, no need to be fucking embarrassed.” He glanced up at the poster that now laid directly above us. “Can’t say I blame you. I was young and hot.”
Despite my inner anguish, I moved my hands and grinned. “You’re not that much older now, Kent,” I teased.
He raised his eyebrows at me. “I’m still hot then?”
Before I could come up with some clever retort, Roy cupped my face and leaned close. “Please say yes,” he said softly.
I gulped, knowing he could definitely feel it. “Yes,” I whispered.
He gently pressed his lips against mine, a soft, small kiss that made me melt closer to him. His beard tickled my face as his hand stroked my cheek. Roy Kent is kissing me Roy Kent is kissing me Roy Kent is kissing me.
When Roy let go, a tiny giggle escaped my lips. He smiled at me- a real smile, the one I had seen maybe a small handful of times on television over the years. He opened his mouth to say something-
“Oi!” A loud knock banged on the door. “Mum and Dad want to know if you’re snogging Roy Kent in there!”
Roy grinned at me, still holding my face. “Don’t suppose I can tell your brother to fuck off?”
I wrinkled my nose. “’d rather you didn’t,” I whispered.
“Well then.” Roy stood up, stretching out his hand to help me to my feet. “Guess we should go have some fucking cake.” He nodded up towards the poster above my bed. “You should bring that thing to work sometime. I can fucking autograph it if you want.”
#he's here he's there he's every fucking where#roy kent#roy kent x reader#roy kent fanfic#roy kent fanfiction#roy kent fic#roy kent fluff#ted lasso#ted lasso fic#ted lasso fluff
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» The Jealousy «
[ modern! ✦ Aemond x stepsister! ✦ female ]
[ warnings: sex content, fingering, smut, angst, domination, ass slapping, degardation, possessive behaviour, orgasm denial ]

» Rage | Revenge | Relief Special Chapter «
Aemond finally introduces his girlfriend (or actually his fiancée) to his older sibling. To his frustration, Aegon seems to enjoy this acquaintance more than he would like.
This work was created as part of a series The Christmas Drabbles which will consist of ten drabbles taking place after the events of some of my favorite fanfictions. Each of them is concerned with one feeling that dominates the characters at a given moment. This is my little gift to all my fans.
Word counter: 700
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
"As I understand it, you and my brother found common ground quickly." He said coolly after locking himself in the bathroom with her, pressing her against the cold tiles, his hand sinking between her thighs, her womanhood increasingly wet from the nimble movements of his fingers.
They could both clearly hear the voices of Aegon, Daeron and Helaena coming from their living room, after Alicent confessed to them what had happened and why Aemond no longer lived with her they pressed on to meet his girlfriend.
Or rather, his fiancée, although he was still looking around for the right ring that he would find beautiful and worthy enough of his beloved future wife.
However, to his frustration, the light-hearted and ironic nature of his elder brother pleased her greatly, and she responded to his sarcastic remarks with a pearly, innocent laugh. Aegon chatted with her with increasing curiosity throughout the evening, even daring to make her another drink while sitting next to her sprawled out on the couch.
He watched this trying to focus on what Helaena was talking about, but to no avail. He felt a growing discomfort in his stomach, his brother sitting closer and closer to her, definitely crossing the line in his eyes.
What enraged him most, however, was her lack of reaction.
"− you've caught his eye − I think he'd like to slide in here −" He hissed, pushing his middle finger inside her, he covered her mouth with his palm hearing her mewl of delight and surprise, he began to slip it in and out her with a loud click of her juices.
"− be fucking quiet − did he turn you on that much? − hm? −" He growled enraged and she shook her head quickly, panting and squirming loudly into his hand, her hips began to move to the rhythm of his finger.
He gasped quietly as he pressed the bulge in his trousers to her buttocks, rubbing against her, feeling his cock throb at this wonderful sight, his heart pounding like mad.
"− sorry, but it's not his cock you'll be hosting in this slutty cunt −" He exhaled angrily, quickly undoing his button and trouser fly, releasing his swollen manhood, using his thumb to push the material of her panties aside.
"− lean forward − fuck, what a view −" He gasped, his thumbs spreading her folds to the sides to help himself, exposing her wet, fleshy, throbbing core before him. He guided the tip of his cock at her and sank confidently into her, the deep, sure thrusts of his hips stretching her tight, hot insides.
She pressed her lips together, trying not to make a sound, breathing loudly as he did, their bodies slamming against each other loud and fast, her body bouncing and shuddering with each of his thrusts.
"− imagine that he's the one fucking you now? − that he is in my place? −" He growled, rooting deep into her with brutal, sharp movements, rubbing her with precision exactly where she needed it, her hands clenched helplessly, her cheek pressed against the cold tiles.
"− no − g-god, Aemond − don't stop −" She mumbled in delight, he sighed low at her words, feeling his cock throb painfully hard in satisfaction, he licked his lower lip dried from the exertion.
"− that's fucking right − made to take my cock −" He muttered between final, desperate thrusts, her lips parted sweetly in surprise, her eyes tightening as she came at his words, clenching down on him so hard that he just let go and cum inside her at last.
"− ah − yes, yes, yes −" She mewled quietly and he panted along with her, delighted, feeling the remnants of his semen fill her hot core, thinking only of the fact that when she came back to them she would be talking to Aegon having his seed deep inside her.
He slid out of her with a murmur of discomfort, looking with satisfaction at their combined juices running down her buttocks, fastening his trousers with a lazy motion.
"I'm waiting for you in the living room. We'll talk again about what happened today later."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes
#aemond fic#aemond fanfiction#aemond targaryen#aemond x oc#hotd aemond#ewan mitchell#ewan mitchell fanfic#aemond kinslayer#prince aemond#aemond#aemond one eye#modern aemond angst#dark modern aemond#modern aemond smut#modern aemond#dark aemond#dark aemond smut#aemond smut#aemond targaryen smut#ewan mitchell smut#aemond targaryen angst#aemond angst#hotd angst#ewan mitchell angst#aemond fanfic#aemond fandom#ewan mitchell fandom#house of the dragon fandom#hotd fandom#hotd fanfiction
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Baby Steps
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 21] Officially a Parent
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Blood, Childbirth (Doesn't go into details)
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Happy to co-host Gojo NSFW Week 2023! Come join us on Twitter!
“Please don’t go.” You’re on the verge of tears as you hug Satoru. You don’t understand anything that’s happening but you’re vulnerable, the last thing you need is to be left alone with a complete stranger. Satoru can protect you, you need him by your side. “Please don’t leave me now, Satoru.”
“I’ll be back so fast. I promise. I’ll leave you with someone I trust for a little bit. I’ll be back in no time, and then we’ll get you checked up and go home.” Satoru responds as he hugs you back. He wants nothing but to hold you right now, being worried sick is an understatement. He had no idea where else to look, and he couldn’t eat or sleep just thinking about you and his baby. But he has to take care of Suguru because he can’t let this happen again. He kisses the top of your head, “I promise I’ll be back so fast. Ijichi will take good care of you. Eat something, relax. He has my number if anything happens.”
“Please, Satoru.” Tears stream down your eyes and he wipes them away. He cups your face before pecking your lips. Maybe he isn’t so sure about what he feels, but he knows that he wasn’t worried sick just because you’re pregnant with his baby. He genuinely cares so much about you and maybe… Maybe his care is a deeper sentiment than he thought. He watches as you cry and it brings tears to his eyes as well. He takes off his shades and puts them into his pocket.
“I was worried sick about you. I didn’t know where else to look, I was running out of places. I knew I was running out of time… I knew he wouldn’t harm our baby but… You, I knew he would do something to you.” He begins to cry with you before he pecks your lips. “I have to do something about him, I promise I’ll be right back.”
He walks you to his friend, and introduces you two before he disappears just like that. You’re not understanding anything but you’re not caring about that at all. You feel that same pain from earlier which makes you moan in pain… And right now you’re focused on it because there’s nothing else going around you. Satoru’s friend opens the backseat door for you and you enter because at this point you have nothing to do. You’re in pain and you need to take a seat. It passes after almost a minute.
“Are you hungry? We can eat something while we wait for him.” Ijichi asks, and you shake your head. Suguru forced some food down your throat before going out since he didn’t want you to eat too much at the restaurant. The last thing you are is hungry, especially since for some reason you can’t fathom eating in this heat. You’re hot and sweaty. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
You’re still crying because of everything going on. You’re processing everything that has happened the past six weeks and it’s all so much; you’re glad that right now you’re okay and you know that Satoru will protect you, but with each minute that passes, your priority shifts. At first you try to dismiss the pain but it’s so hard to. When you moan in pain again, Ijichi asks, “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I’m just having some contractions…” You mutter, trying to play it off as if it isn’t a big deal. He doesn’t realize that it’s a big deal until he actually processes it. His eyes widen and he begins to stutter, unsure of what to say or do. He wasn’t trained for this situation. “It’s fine… Nothing too big. I’ve been having them since this morning. Nothing too painful.”
You attempt to play it off but you’re not sure for how long you’ll be able to, it was uncomfortable before but now it’s getting more and more painful.
“Um– Maybe I should call–” He begins but you cut him off.
“So what do you do, Ijichi? Better yet, what does Satoru do?” You ask, because clearly what you’ve been told has all been a lie. You’re curious to know what the father of your baby does before the baby is born– And it feels like the baby wants to get out very soon. “C’mon, entertain me.”
“Well… I’m sort of like a chauffeur… And Gojo is–” He begins and you moan in pain again. You apologize and tell him to continue. You really need to know what Satoru does. “Are you okay–”
“Just tell me what he does!” You raise your voice again, and you would’ve felt bad if it were at any other moment, but not now.
“He’s a jujutsu sorcerer.” Ijichi answers, and you furrow your eyebrows before you shake your head. What Ijichi said has to be some kind of joke because you had no idea what he’s talking about. What the fuck is a jujutsu sorcerer?
“What the fuck is that? Are you fucking with me?” You’re clearly irritated and he can tell by the tone of your voice. Not only that but also by the way you look at him. “God, can’t believe I’ve been gone for over a month and you’re fucking with me. I know that we don’t know each other but–”
“I’m telling the truth, you just wouldn’t understand.” Ijichi responds, and you roll your eyes. You stand up, your eyes looking around for a bathroom somewhere. You’re in the middle of nowhere.
“How close is the nearest bathroom?” You ask. He’s about to answer about how far away you are from any civilization but just as he opens his mouth, he watches your eyes widen and your jaw drop. He looks down and he sees a liquid that streams down your legs.
“Did you pee yourself?” He questions until it hits him. He pulls out his phone to call Satoru. “Get in the car, I’ll get you to the nearest hospital.”
“Yeah…” You respond as you get into the backseat. Ijichi gets into the driver’s seat, dialing a couple of times before he finally gets a hold of Satoru. Before Satoru can say anything, Ijichi says,
“We’re going to the hospital. Her water broke.”
As much as Satoru would’ve loved to end Suguru’s life right then and there, before he could finish the job, he got Ijichi’s call. Suguru certainly got his warning though, covered in his own blood and barely able to breathe; Satoru didn’t even bother using cursed techniques as he beat the living crap out of Suguru. His rage was enough to protect him and fight Suguru. He isn’t so sure if Suguru will keep on breathing, but Satoru is sure that some fool will try to take care of him.
Satoru doesn’t think about Suguru for too long though, he has other priorities– Like the fact that he’s becoming a father soon. And by that he means in a day or less. He gets to the hospital that you’re at, and checks in before he can finally go to your room. You’re laying down on the bed, watching TV as if everything is okay. Ijichi is sitting in the corner of the room, his arms crossed as he focuses on what you put on the TV.
“I’m here.” Satoru announces since you two are so focused on the TV that you haven’t noticed him walk into the room. Satoru smiles as he walks over to you. He kisses your forehead before he says, “I assume you got the drugs.”
“I did.” You answer. You look at him for a moment. His face looks fine but you look down to see the bloodied knuckles. You look up back at him. “I’m waiting for an explanation.”
“Ijichi, leave and call her parents. Tell them that she’s safe and in the hospital. Then call Kaya.” Satoru orders and Ijichi ends up standing up and walking out of the room. You mute the TV and watch as Satoru takes a seat in the same spot that Ijichi was once before. He takes a deep breath, trying to figure out how he’ll say what he has to say. He isn’t sure if it’s the right moment to say everything… But it’s better to do it now than when the baby is here. “So I… Don’t actually have a corporate job.”
“Yeah, no shit. What do you actually do? Your little friend told me something absurd.” You respond, clearly annoyed. You’re not in the mood to hear anything idiotic– In fact, you’re not in the mood for anything considering you’ll be pushing a baby out of your body soon enough.
“What was it?” He asks, curious to hear what lie Ijichi came up with… Or maybe he just told the truth.
“Jujutsu sorcerer.” You tell him, and he bites down his lip. He isn’t sure how he’s going to explain it, but he has to tell you the truth about him and his job. Before he opens his mouth to speak, he chuckles. “What’s so funny?”
“He’s not… Lying. I am a jujutsu sorcerer.” He says, and you furrow your brows. It has to be some sort of joke but before you can claim that he’s a liar, you’ll ask for some sort of explanation.
“What is that?” You question. He can’t look straight at you. He has to look around you– Somewhere else because the thought of explaining this to you is so embarrassing. He deeply cares about you but right at this moment he really wishes that he would’ve gotten someone that can see curses pregnant.
“Well… I fight to defeat cursed spirits and stuff. It doesn’t make much sense unless you can see them, but you can’t.” He tries to explain but you certainly don’t believe it. Most people don’t believe things that they can’t see, and you certainly can’t see curses. However, you try to understand. He may be telling the truth… But he could also be insane or a pathological liar. Either way, he’ll be in your life for your remaining years because in a few hours, you’ll officially have a child together.
“So are you like… a wizard? I’m sorry, this is all so confusing… and so crazy…” You respond, trying your best to wrap your head around the situation. “I have no idea if you’re telling the truth either.”
“There’s no way that I can show you right now. But I promise I’m telling the truth… For the first time, I am.” He claims, and you end up sighing. You’re about to unmute the TV but first you have to ask,
“Do my parents know about this? Kaya?” You ask, wondering if they’ve been told the same foolish story.
“They do…” Satoru begins before he takes a deep breath. “I did appear from thin Earth to save you, didn’t I? Shouldn’t that be enough?”
“I don’t know… This is all too much right now, Satoru. Nothing is making sense right now… I do want an explanation but something I understand.” You tell him. “I still want to hear who Suguru is though…”
“So Suguru is…”
After he explains everything to you, you ask him to give you a minute. You’re upset that he kept so much from you but you also need a moment to yourself for before you’re not able to any longer. So Satoru sits in the cafeteria of the hospital, just listening to the gossip that everyone says. It soothes him, considering he’s panicking since he’s almost a father. Most of the gossip is too dramatic for his liking– Only thing he found funny was hearing how a nurse blew up a microwave in the breakroom which earned a low chuckle from him.
Ijichi tries to approach him, but Satoru dismisses him. Satoru doesn’t know for how long he’s sat down in the cafeteria, he just sees people walk by, completely losing track of time. Until Ijichi approaches him again, “It’s time.”
“Huh?” Satoru furrows his brows as he looks up at Ijichi. Then it hits him. Satoru bolts out of his chair, and he runs to the delivery room to be by your side. His mind is hazy as it all happens. You’re squeezing his hand so hard, screaming.
He’s really out of it. He isn’t processing what’s happening. Time feels so slow yet so fast. God, he knew this day would come but just not today. He just got you back, and here you are. He’s blocking out what the doctor says, and it must be important but Satoru is just so out of it.
He’s out of it until he hears it– His son’s first cries. The biggest smile comes to his lips, as tears flood his eyes. They begin to stream down his cheeks as he hears the cries. He cuts the umbilical cord and he tries to get a good look at his son, but the tears that cover his vision make it hard to. He just can’t believe it.
He’s officially a father.
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#anime#jujutsu kaisen x reader#gojou satoru x you#jjk gojo#gojo x reader#gojou satoru x reader#satoru gojo#jujutsu gojo#gojo fanfic#gojo x y/n#gojo satoru#jujutsu kaisen gojo#gojo saturo
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