#aaaaa i hope this works!!! tysm for liking my starter call! <333
revengesworn · 5 months
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"I swear... sometimes he just doesn't listen!"
Hinata sighs, but that sigh quickly transitions into a laugh as she finds herself smiling fondly. She may complain about Takemichi sometimes, but even when she does, it's clear just how fond of him she is from the way she speaks - and how she can never stay annoyed for long.
But it makes her happy to be able to talk to Yuzuha like this, too. Especially when Takemichi's always hanging around with guys - having a fellow girl she can spend time with is really nice, and Yuzuha is honestly someone who Hinata really admires at that. A lot has been on her mind, lately, but... she doesn't want to burden Yuzuha with all of that, so for now, Hina decides to turn the conversation back to the other girl.
"How have you been doing? Since everything that happened at Christmas... it must've been really hard..."
@starjynx ( starter for yuzuha! )
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