#[he is all about being tempting]
tea-cat-arts · 4 months
Shen Yuan getting transported into pidw isn't "the system punishing him for being a lazy internet hater," but instead representative of "step 1 of the creative process: getting so mad at something you decide to go write your own fucking book" in this essay I will
#svsss#scum villian self saving system#shen qingqiu#shen yuan#the fact that people think scum villain#-a series that examines and criticizes common tropes in fiction-#is somehow against criticism or being a little hater is wild to me#especially since shen qingqiu never gets punished for being a hater#heck- he's still a little hater by the end of the series#he mostly gets punished for treating life like a play and like he and the people around him are characters#(or in other words- he suffers for denying his own wants and emotions and his own sense of empathy)#I think some of y'all underestimate how much writing/art is inspired by creaters being little haters#like example off the top of my head-#the author of Iron Widow has been pretty vocal about the book being inspired by their hatred of Darling in the Franxx#I think my interpretation of Shen Yuan's transmigration is also supported by the fact that this series is an examines writing processes#side note- though i understand why people say Shen Yuan is lazy and think its a valid take it still doesnt sit right with me#i am probably biased because my own experiences with chronic pain and depression and isolation#but ya- i dont think Shen Yuan is lazy so much as he is deeply lonely and feels purposeless after denying parts of himself for 20ish years#like yall remember the online fandom boom from covid right?#being stuck completely alone in bed while feeling like shit for 20 days straight does shit to your brain#the fact that no one came to check on him + he wasn't exactly upset about leaving anyone behind supports the isolation interpretation too#+in the skinner demon arc he describes his life of being a faker/inability to stop being a faker now that he's Shen Qingqiu#as “so bland he's tempted to throw salt on himself” and “all he could do is lay around and wait for death” (<-paraphrasing)#bro wants to be doing stuff but is stuck in paralysis from repeatedly following scrips made by other people#another point on “Shen Yuan isn’t lazy” is just the sheer amount of studying that man does#also he did graduate college- how lazy can he really be#he doesnt know what hes doing but he at least tries to actively train his students#and he actually works on improving his own cultivation + spends quite a bit of time preping the mushroom body thing#+he's experiencing bouts of debilitating chronic pain throughout all this#but ya tldr: Shen Yuan's transmigration is an encouragement to write and not a punishment and also i dont think its fair to call him lazy
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bacchuschucklefuck · 17 days
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space sweepers but they're delivery people and are at no point on screen through the entire movie
#fantasy high#riz gukgak#kristen applebees#gorgug thistlespring#adaine abernant#fabian seacaster#figueroth faeth#the bad kids#half tempted to say these names are forum handles they use so much it pretty much became their professional names lol#I keep them teenagers bc its funnier that way#no real lore I just like drawing this. but I do think abt how theyre all weirdos too also bc thats funny to me#riz is a huge conspiracyhead who does everything by hands. he has a casio fx-570 in mint condition. nobody knows how he's maintaining it#he is nonetheless Really Good at his job. which somewhat tracks bc it's a job that requires keeping up with interstation conflicts#and new policies and an obsessive amount of planning. but he is Too Good at it. and also he dresses like that#kristen has the atomic engine that theoretically lets her unmake and remake matters with her mind. but it consumes a huge amount#of energy so it's mostly useless. she's still a cult survivor also#gorgug lives his entire life on a ship with his parents who quit a cushy deal maintaining a space station bc he wouldn't be allowed on#the low gravity let him grow very tall but also his oxygen saturation is pretty bad so he's got breathing support#fig is a robot who just found out she's a robot like two months ago. she's been assuming everyone's a robot like her and she's been feeling#very betrayed by her mom lying about that part. she's on a body mod spree which is rough bc system-specific parts are expensive#and so is adapting random parts to her system#fabian's still a pirate captain's son. can't say anything that'd be able to get the vibes across clearer than that#adaine went to tech/business school. she put her monthly allowance towards an ecoterrorist group in her academy which turned out to be an o#and she's currently wanted by UTS. more than fabian. which makes him slightly mad#she's also acquired a passion for low-tech weaponry on the way. she likes ice picks and cleavers#I think up all of this for no reason except that once again the idea of all these people being 1/teens and 2/on the same ship to be posties#is hilarious to me. esp. if they were in a forum group chat beforehand
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medi-bee · 5 months
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isat pokemon au, my liege?
my rambling in tags
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#my art#in stars and time#isat#isat spoilers#pokemon#siffrin#mirabelle#isabeau#odile#bonnie#i am not individually tagging pokemon sorry. floragato eevee ursaring scorbunny meowstic <- for anyone who does not know them#im personally a big fan of when artists mold pokemon designs like clay to fit their characters so i tried to channel that#siffrin really does have the perfect mystery dungeon backstory. washes up on a beach with no memories of their past type of deal yknow#i imagine that he was still a sprigatito then? and evolves at some point during their journey? dont ask me for details i dont know them#veryy tempting to make him an absol but ive already seen that done very well!! so i kept most of these to floragato sif#mirabelle being an eevee is suuuch low hanging fruit sorry. i could not resist the evolving pokemon not wanting to evolve trope#i was concerned that sif was no longer shortest party member until i realized they just stand on their back legs all the time to feel talle#when quadruped like mira he is still shortest. sorry siffrin#isa gave me such a hard time. like i never thought i would turn a character into ursaring of all things but it really was the best choice#my other choices were bewear or pawmot if you care. he’s so bear coded#if going purely based on looks i probably would have made odile a sneasler. but i wanted her to be psychic#ill be honest bonnie was purely vibes. they carry the treasure bag :)#never draw bonnie's hat in profile worst mistake of my life#loop is still cat shaped here but i’ve seen the idea of them changing species thrown around. much to think about#i like the idea of the party seeing sif and loop side by side and immediately clocking their entire deal#the change god is mew btw. very important information to no one but myself#eurasie as hisuian zoroark?? lots of hair. and the king can be darkrai#don’t mind the inconsistencies. me and my 2781 ways of drawing the same character#wait what does an eevee look like again. googles it. oh i really crabbed this one up#uhh. looks around. been sitting on this one for a bit too long i think. maybe ill clean up some more sketches later
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isogenderskitty · 2 months
people who’ve only seen hatchetfield: starkid has like practically no gay characters :/
the avp trilogy which has been sitting right there for probably most of their lives and is the foundation of everything:
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plus these less explicit more headcanony (but like, BARELY) examples that i really think are worth mentioning as well, i have receipts don’t tempt me i will literally make an entire video about this stuff (and i might actually):
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renthony · 2 months
Sure, you show up when people are organizing picket lines and protests that'll be covered in the news, but do you ever go to the fucking organizing meetings? Do you have any idea what's going on between the high-profile actions? Do you know what other tasks need volunteers? Or are you just there for the things that are "fun" and get attention from outside observers?
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tswwwit · 8 months
I feel like if Dipper were ever reincarnated as a demon, he wouldn't fit in super well with the others. Yes, he's been raised to vie for power and step on everyone in his way using whatever means is necessary - it's the same toxic bizz as when he was a human, appealing to gender norms. He's tougher, scarier, more powerful (than ordinary humans, that is), but when it comes to asserting control - being Evil - he doesn't have it in him. Given enough time, I think he'd grow pretty vocal about leaving living things alone. NOT torturing organisms for the hell of it, or stealing people's souls, or conquering planets. Sure, he's a demon. That's no excuse to be a MONSTER.
It's a VERY unpopular opinion amongst neighboring demons, and rumor spreads fast about the Goody Two-Shoed Activist imp raining on everyone's blood-splattered parade, so much so that it makes it to Bill, who's immediately intrigued. Call it intuition, but only one soul's capable of overriding goddamn demon nature for some preachy bullshit about "Doing Good." Lucky for him, demons occupy the same plane of existence, so all it really takes to verify the guy is a snap of his fingers, and POOF! He's floating right next to him. Sure enough, Dipper's fashioned himself a new and improved demonic form, and it is lovely!
No one likes Dipper's kumbaya "Can't We All Just Get Along" ideology, but Bill's almost instantly smitten with the guy, whoever he is, so he's gotta be at least somewhat powerful. Demons take notice when the all-powerful Bill Cipher starts lending his time (and magic?) to some low-leveler like Dipper. Is he being blackmailed? Are they working together? No. Not possible. Bill doesn't "work" with anyone, save for whatever human catches his eye every few decades. Doesn't look to be doing him any benefit, either. The opposite, even. Lending power to a saint like Dipper only makes it harder to cause chaos, after all. Why would he actively go against his OWN best interest to cater some imp's? It's almost like he's. He's.
A henchmen.
(Bill's also 30% more affectionate the first month they reunite, because he still can't believe that his adorable little human husband came back as the same SPECIES as him! He'd never complain over having a sweet human to squeeze, but one with teeth and claws and cute pointy ears doesn't hurt).
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#answers#I can't help but picture demon dipper starting out all like#I'm Bad 😡 I'm Mean 😡 I'm Evil As Heck!! 😡#And still having a HUGE hatred for things that are Unfair or Unjust. One time he saved a kitten from a tree and got embarrassed about it#Eventually he just has to give into his nature and speak up about all the BULLSHIT he sees going on around him#Sorry Dippin' Dots even the society that 'raised' you can't prevent you from your do-gooder ways#Don't worry Bill loves you for the stupid idiot you are#Everyone is completely BAFFLED by Bill acting like a friggin' henchman though#I bet they don't even peg it as romantic interest at first. Dipper sure doesn't#He's thinking this is some Grand Scheme to convince him back into the evil fold#And to be fair Bill's very tempting in that respect. But not leaning as hard into it as he *could* be#Maybe he thinks Bill's trying to 'mentor' him for something. Seems like the kind of thing Bill would imply and let Dipper fill in the gaps#They're technically not the same SPECIES since Dipper's probably some human-shaped 'demon'#And Bill's originally from a two-dimensional weird universe. Technically speaking he's His Own Thing#Aside from whatever refugees escaped that plane. If any.#Demon covers a LOT of different beings that don't have much or any genetics in common#But you KNOW Bill's thrilled as hell that Dipper's Slightly More Immortal than usual!! This one's gonna last a WHILE#*slams fist on table* Give Dipper A Tail With A Tuft That Bill Can Pull To Be Annoying#Final thought: In this incarnation Bill might have been wondering where the hell Dipper got to since there's no human around#Given a long enough time he might even wonder if he was LOST#So you know that when Dipper reemerges on the scene everyone else was dealing with a VERY unhappy Bill Cipher for QUITE a while
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volleypearlfan · 7 months
may there never be another dan schneider or brian peck or anyone like that ever again, especially working around children
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
sorry I’ve been on such a Dabi high lately but I almost croaked earlier at the thought of being his college gf and just being so opposite of each other!!!!!! you’re all good grades and perfect attendance, easily approachable and sweet smiles. and he’s all grumpy faced and dark clothing, makes people nervous whenever he stands outside smoking right by the doors.
who the hell would’ve thought you two would end up together? it just didn’t make a lick of sense seeing you two from the outside. but when they get a glimpse of you guys together, alone, everything just falls into place.
he’s so supportive of everything you do, no matter how dumb or nerdy he thinks it is. he keeps count of your stitches for you when you crotchet, doesn’t mind being your model for a cropped hot pink sweater you’re creating, wears the knitted beanie around campus that you made for him. he hates not having your attention but he takes some of the same classes you take so that he can help you study, quiz you when you’re not too sure of the subject, maybe even help you cheat if you want (you don’t, but he always offers).
he buys you your favorite drink at the cafes and always carries an extra laptop charger in case you forget. he helps you pick out your outfits when you’re unsure, and loves the opposite aesthetic whenever you stand hand in hand with him. he praises you when you succeed, and comforts you with your failures. he looks like a dirtbag that hangs around campus to be a creepy bum, but he’s there for you through and through <3
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
Got super excited the other day cause I found one of the few comics where Stephanie Brown was Robin
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wasn’t until I got outside that I realized it’s the one where she gets fired🫠
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canarydarity · 1 year
having a normal one watching Bdubs lim life tonight and thinking about how when Bdubs betrayed Tango in last life, Skizz told Tango that for the sake of team best he had to go and forgive him.
But when Bdubs boogey kills Skizz in lim life before team ties is even really formed, Skizz is allowed to have it out for Bdubs for almost the entire first half of the season, even when the clockers ally with them and it would've been easier to let sleeping dogs lie.
Tango, the perpetually extraneous and undervalued member of his alliances...the too often shoved aside and betrayed...being told it was his duty to the team to forgive bdubs and move on....
But no one—especially not Tango—tried to tell Skizz to let it go.
#and like. now im thinking about how no one is ever really ride or die for tango. ever#people are allied with him but no one PRIORITIZES him#as a team rancher fan myself id be tempted to argue Jimmy is but you can just as easily point to how that was in a way self serving#and I dont just mean with the soulmate mechanic so worrying about tango was worrying about himself for jimmy#but i mean it in the way of jimmy was so worried about tango because#jimmy was worried about HIMSELF being the thing that hindered him and dragged him down#whihc is not to say that jimmy didnt also worry about tango#but it is to say that the dl rule set played heavily on jimmys insecurities and fears#he was most of the time worried about himself. YES because of how that affected tango. but also because it served his guilt complex#and so his intentions were colored by that as someone whos incredibly willing to make himself the problem whenevr he sees fit#whihc is again nothing on him hes my fave ya know i love the guy#i just mean even in double life where by design it shouldve happened tango wasnt made anyones top priority#not in the way that we come to see it across many other pairs. not in the obsessive worrying about his safety#or just in the general Being Weird About Each Other Way#sure you could argue skizz and tango last life...tango was for a while skizzs priority—until skizz shifted his sights to team best#even when team best wasnt giving their all backt o him that was skizzs focus#and if tango were really his priority over the wellbeing of the team such as it was for bdubs and etho#skizz wouldnt have tried to make tango forgive bdubs after he was betrayed#skizz wouldnt have kept asking tango to give more and more to a team he got little if not nothing out of over and over.....just#GAH! NO ONES EVER DEVOTED TO TANGO!!! NO ONE EVER CHOOSES TANGO TO BE THEIR //PERSON// THEIR. HES NEVER SOMEONES TOP PRIORITY#again im nto saying teh ranchers werent devoted to each other you know i love them more than anything in the whole world#i just mean. not in exactly the way i mean....#and not completely when jimmy was so (understadnably) preoccupied with trying not to carry on his curse again#especially while attached to someone else#worm says
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Jon becoming KiTN in Winds (specifically) would actually be bad as far as themes go
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longagoitwastuesday · 2 months
I have learnt things about Geto that I wish I could unlearn
#I think I'm getting about the same amount of spoilers as a few weeks ago except now I understand them#But like. I expected so much of him#Seeing gifs of that one scene in which Gojo gets distracted because of Geto almost made me watch this a year ago#Geto was actually my favourite character in that one JJK fanfic I read that I mention so often even if he had literally one scene#I know so much of the emotional turmoil and conflict in JJK and Gojo in particular depends on him#And you're telling me he's Thanos?#I learnt a few days ago that everything pretty much happens in one year. That there's one year between Geto's death and Gojo's#I thought it would be like ten years. Ten years of the act haunting him#But no? So it's not a broken teenager who has these ideas and is killed by another teenager to stop him?#It's a what? ~30yo man saying Light levels of stupidity? Even worse perhaps?#Goodness I hope this is not so. I hope this is better written than what I am seeing#Because goddammit I can't do it. It would kinda ruin every emotional scene from then on?#That one scene I was so looking forwards about patting Gojo's back or whatever. The one in which Gojo gets distracted. It just. I don't know#I won't be able to be moved if Geto doesn't work xD#I was fearing I wasn't going to like him a lot because my expectations were big but oh my god please not like this#This is way worse than I expected. Someone tell me he actually makes sense. What's the point of this whole political play#in which no one is fully wrong and no one is totally right otherwise? What is the point of the haunting. This feels just idiotic xD#And I don't care about the traumas and all that. That works for the teen not the ~30yo man#It would have worked if Gojo would have killed him like 1-2 years after everything not like a few months ago. Last winter#After like ten years a 30yo man should have realised this plan sucks.#Even if it's utilitarian. Who is going to make clothes? Buildings? Streets and railways? Bread??? Go have a talk with Nanami please#We have been told there are not a lot of jujutsu sorcerers. How are you going to fulfill all those needs out of nothing?#And even if it were little by little so the needs could be getting fulfilled little by little too#If you decimate humans won't that cause more curses? I guess he's thinking on the long run but still this plan seems like a mess#I hope it makes more sense than it's looking it will make because of my god this would truly be the last nail on the coffin xD#I am being more and more tempted to get to Utahime and then just drop this. This is breaking my heart xD#It could be soooo good and it always almost is#And then. AND THEN. Abfksbfndbfkan#Jen pick me up. Come solve this. I am scared xD#I talk too much
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asitrita · 9 months
One Piece Harry Potter AU (Hogwarts Houses) SPOILERS!
Ok ok ok, so first, I'm new to the one piece fandom. I actually have known One Piece for over a decade, and even watched the first chapters (actually, I watched till just the end of Arlong park arc, and maybe I did spoil myself the entire Doffy/Cora/Law backstories because I randomly found out about them and felt in love with the three of them immediately), and I was familiar with some characters, but I wasn't really into it till the live action, and now I'm just obsessed, lol. So just mind this is just my personal headcanon, and I do not intent to force my view of these characters on anyone. Also, SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS. Please, refrain from reading if you're not up to date with the manga.
Thing is, I also love Harry Potter, and I was wondering what house some of the characters would be assigned to and this is more or less what I've came up with. Also, since J.K.Rowling confirmed that hybrid houses would kinda be a bit more accurate, I will assign to some characters (most, actually) a mixed house alongside the house I imagine they would be assigned to according to the classical 4 house system. Let's see:
Luffy: Slytherin. "I'm gonna be king of the pirates". Okay boy, we hear you. Also, he won't share his food. Hybrid house: Slytherpuff. I mean, going around doing unintended but still good deeds, his ability to make friends and make people follow him, plus the reciprocal support and loyalty he gives his friends. However, I'm not entirely sure Luffy needs a hybrid house, I feel he's a solid Slytherin, tbh, we know they can also be charismatic and draw people in to follow them. So take the hybrid house with a pinch of salt, I feel Slytherin fits him just right.
Zoro: Hufflepuff. Tbh, it was actually a bit hard for me to choose Zoro's house, I'm not that well acquinted with Zoro, so maybe I'm missing out on this one, but, though he does seems a little Slytherin-like to me, or even Gryffindor (the whole swordman code of honour and all that), Hufflepuff wins this over. He is hardworking and loyal, and he tries to keep things logical (iykyk). Maybe not exactly just, or empathic, but still objective and practical. I feel it does fall into Hufflepuff sense of fairness. Also, Hufflepuffs make a good companion for Slytherins, so him beign Luffy's first mate plays into it. Hybrid house: Slytherpuf. Just like Luffy. "I'm gonna be the best swordman in the world". Say no more. He sure is very hardworking and loyal, but he is also ambitious, and at least as a kid, he was pretty... intense about it XD Heck, even as a teen/young adult he is. However, just like in Luffy's case, I think Zoro would make a solid Hufflepuff.
Nami: Ravenclaw. She's kinda the brains of the group, at least at the begining, and she is quite witty and cunning. I thought about Slytherin because of her being a thief and the cunning aspect of her personality, but it was a bit too obvious for my liking, and I think her personality goes a bit in a different direction when you dig deeper. Hybrid house: Ravendor. I don't know, she just has a Griffindor vibe to me, even if she's a little bit of a "coward" (more like, she's not stupid, tbh), but she did face up to Arlong, and her ambition to save her village all by herself all those years kinda strikes me as a Griffindor; not like a Ravenclaw couldn't do the same (or a Slytherin, she sure had to do a lot of shit when she was part of Arlong's pirates, she was all for gaining her island's freedom at all costs), but there's something in Nami's personality that I find Gryffindor fitting? Hope it's not the ginger bias, lol (although it could be the live action bias). Maybe it's just me, though.
Ussop: Gryffindor. He's kinda the Neville Longbottom of One Piece. I say kinda because both characters are pretty different, but there're undeniable similarities between the two of them. Also, it was stated that you could also be assigned to the house which values you valued the most, and Ussop dream is basically to become a brave pirate captain, so, from that pov, this house fits him like a glove.
Sanji: Gryffindor. That's it. He's a noble knight in shiny armour. He's Gryffindor poster boy. His backstory, how he faces up to his family, but honestly, his entire personality and demeanor and code just scream Gryffindor to me. He's so sweet (more so in the LA) that I was tempted into making him a hybrid with Hufflepuff, but who said Gryffindors can't be sweet? He's a Gryffindor through and through.
Ace: Gryffindor. He feels like a Gryffindor to me. He's a dork, he's brave, he thinks himself a hero, carries himself as such, he's hot-headed, and in the end, that's his downfall. Whatever, I just feel his face would come up first when searching for Griffndor boy in Google.
Coby: Hufflepuff. He's a hard worker and dreams of justice, he's loyal and strong-willed. Plus, he's adorable and a loving child, he's a Hufflepuff u.u Sure, I could make him a hybrid with Gryffindor, as he is brave (he stands against his friend, Luffy, that's part of his arc), but I think most of his personality traits linger strongly on the Hufflepuff side, so I see no need to give him a hybrid house.
Helmeppo: Slytherin. This was so hard, because at the begining he seems to fit the Slytherin stereotype quite a lot, but he does change a lot. And sure, Slytherins can be decent people too (again, to me, going by classic sorting, Luffy is a Slytherin through and through), but there's something else to his character. And that's why... Hybrid house: Slytherpuff. He becomes a very hard-working, just, and loyal individual. Maybe his true nature was hidden behind all that horrible nurturing he got, who knows. He still is at least partially a Slytherin, though (btw, I love him in the la, the actor really made the character stand up).
Garp: Gryffindor. He's mad as a hatter hahahahaha but I love him. He's brave, has a strong feeling of justice, a strict but fair moral code, and he comes up as a bit impulsive. But he has this hero complex going on too, as well as hero guilt (not sure that's a thing, but I hope you get what I mean). Him backing down from becoming an admiral because he believes in freedom and doesn't want to follow orders he already knows he won't like so he can be free to follow a more morally aceptable and chivalric path strikes me as very Gryffindor coded. That sense of justice also strikes me as Hufflepuff-like, but considering the rest of his personality traits, I think Gryffindor suits him best.
Mihawk: Ravenclaw. This was a super tough one. I was so tempted to just throw him into Hufflepuff. Sure, Hufflepuff house values are loyalty, fairness, justice (Doffy knows) and hardwok, but it was said this house would also accept any student that didn't quite fit the other houses, and Jesus, Mihawk was so hard, plus he lives a calm life growing vegetables (smells like a Hufflepuff if you ask me). Problem is, he really doesn't give much of a flying f*ck about anything so... Ravenclaw XD For whatever reason, I do see people from this house being the ones more capable of living an isolated monastery-like life, and that's exactly what Mihawk does, except his life is more of a cementery-like one, plus he has a ghost daughter XD It is also the house that gives me the most "I couldn't care less about politics, you, or your family" vibe out of them all XD Plus, he's a little b*tch with Shanks, not wanting to fight him only because he lost an arm (sure, he appeals to the honour code of a swordman and whatnot, but it still smells fishy to me u.u), and that kinda gives me a Ravenclaw vibe too. Hybrid house: Ravenpuff. Again, he lives calmly, actually acts with honour, kindness and fairness, taking Zoro in and training him, even when he knows Zoro's to become his rival and most probably take his title in a near future; and he values determination, hard work, and fairness in a fight, and again, he grows vegetables, knows how to cook, and enjoys a good wine. That's a Hufflepuff.
Shanks: Gryffindor. He IS a Gryffindor. Golden boy Shanks. I know some people enjoy the idea of him being a Slytherin, and though I do see the appeal of it and it would definitely fit some aspects of his personality (the cunning rat he is), this guy could be a poster boy Gryffindor. His hero complex is also quite obvious (though, truth be told, that burden was bestowed into him since he was a child). His ambition (obvious by his conqueror haki) could play into a Slytherin personality, but it also has a very strong Gryffindor vibe to it. And I said could, yes. Hybrid house: Gryffinpuff. Have you seen him as a kid in the Oro Jackson? How Buggy teased him about being too soft and naive? Sure, Gryffindors can be soft, but kid Shanks is just so Hufflepuff to me. As an adult, his laid-back, goofy, extrovert, affable and charming demeanour also reminds me of a Hufflepuff. Again, people from all four houses can show traits of other houses, there's no clear cut, so Shanks could just be a Gryffindor. But, honestly? I feel he could even be just a Hufflepuff, I would 100% support Hufflepuff Shanks hc too, my sweet alcoholic golden boy (I just don't want his fate to be that of Cedric T_T). Seriously, he IS a Griffindor, but he IS a Hufflepuff too. And that's why I definitely believe this hybrid house suits him the best, it reunites most traits of his personality perfectly.
Buggy: Ravenclaw. I mean, it matches his pretty long hair. Ok, no, but truly, he's a Ravenclaw. He is witty, he is smart, he's creative, he's a showman. His charisma and everything about him, including his goofiness and drastic humor changes, for whatever reason, strike me as Ravenclaw-like. I can think of a charismatic character who belonged to the Ravenclaw house that used his wit and quackery to fool everyone. Plus, as a child he seems to have been more observant and perceptive than Shanks, which makes him seem "wiser" in a weird way; plus he is also very crafty (buggy balls anyone?). He also likes to avoid fighting, be it because he thinks fighting unnnecesary or suicidal, which is quite "clever" of him. True, even in the direst circumstances he gets himself into trouble for not being able to shut his big mouth, but that's just his bombastic personality and caothic nature getting the best of him, he's just a passionate guy, the boy can't help it. Despite what some may think, despite he's egocentric and semi megalomaniac personality, he's also well aware of his weaknesses (I mean, his inferiority complex is quite obvious), and he isn't fond of attention if he hasn't planned for it beforehand. This is obvious by his reaction to all the attention he was attracting after escaping Impel Down, everybody claiming how great he must have been, for he was a former memeber of Roger's crew, a "brother" to Shanks and a close acquaintance of Rayleigh. Yet, he was so shy about it, and reluctant to take in all that attention, till he thought about it and planned a way to take advantage of the situation. A bit delusional, but still a quick-thinking clever guy. Hybrid house: Slytherclaw. Yep, he is also ambitious, and even with his whole inferiority complex and obvious weakness he aspires to be pirate king. He loves treasures and shiny things (actually, this sounds a lot like a magpie, which are close relatives of ravens, and yes I know Ravenclaw's pet is a bronce eagle, but there's still a raven in the name). And again, he is very witty, but also selfish, and he is not beyond abandoning everyone and everything to save his ass. Also, Buggy loves the sea, he would probably like Slytherin common room with its underwater views of the lake and mermaids. It would remind him of the ocean, he would be so happy there (I just want the lil silly clown to be happy u.u). Slytherin is a house associated with water, and we know Buggy was a very good swimer, and he surely loves the sea and the freedom it gives him (by now we all know the real reason why Buggy holds a grudge against Shanks is not exactly sea-related, but I'm pretty sure he still regrets what happened to some extent, though he probably, and rightfully so, blames his dumb self for that). Also, loving the sea, and loving treasure maps, also adds to my Ravenclaw headcanon, because I associate Ravenclaw with the sky, constelations, astronomy, star maps, etc., and to sail you defnitely need to know how to map the sky, and I feel that's something Buggy would be pretty good at, he seems to enjoy maps a lot (same logic applies to Nami, btw, she loves money, but she certainly values map knowledge above money). So yeah, hybrid house for Buggy, definitely. I think these two houses complement each other very well in Buggy's personality and character, similar to how I really like a hybrid house for Shanks (and they would complement each other so well, being from the exact opposite houses).
Roger: Gryffindor. The King, the Hero, the Legend. I don't know, it just fits him right. He's brave, he is hot-headed, he jumps into the fight without thinking. The way he's praised as a hero, with so many followers with that last stunt he pulled off right before kicking the bucket. That's very Gryffindor of him. Whatever went down in God Valley, why Roger decided to side with the Marine, why he didn't side with Xebec against the Celestial Dragons and World Gobernment, got me thinking. We still don't know what really happened there, I feel like the reason behind Roger's actions could change my mind about his house, but as it is for now, I think Gryffindor fits him good.
Rayleigh: Hufflepuff. He's the calm guy. Sure, he fights, and he's a menace, but what he finally wished for was to live peacefully in a calm island for the rest of his life. He's so chill and also fun, and enjoys a good party. Hufflepuff for the Dark King. Hybrid house: Ravenpuff. I don't know, he just has this "wise" bive to him. Maybe it is because of how he wants to have a nice, calm life as an adult. Also his calm and softer demeanour around Roger. I feel a wise and calm partner would be a good contrast to Roger's Gryffindor personality.
Crocodile: Slytherin. He's a snake. Not a crocodile, but still a reptile. Seriously, he's ambitious, he's maffia boss level, he gotta be Slytherin. Hybrid house: Slytherclaw. He's smart, cunning, and has experience. He manages bussiness with expertise, he just has that ravenclaw vibe to him. Plus, I just find the idea of Buggy and Crocodile being in the same house hilarious. At first sight no one would even phantom these two characters to have anything in common, nor his personalities to be somewhat compatible or similar in any way or form, yet this hybrid house fits them both like a glove.
Doflamingo: Slytherin. I mean... I hope the giant fish bowl that is the common room reminds him of the fashion back home.
Corazón: Hufflepuff. The boy is all heart. He believes in justice (heck, he's a marine), he's good-hearted, golden-hearted even, basically, a cinamon roll. He's also most probably a pretty hard worker, and he risked his integrity for a kid he didn't even know all that well. Also, he's a "trickster", so to speak. He must be a Hufflepuff, no doubt. Hybrid house: Gryffinpuff. He has a lot of the traits of a Gryffindor. You can't deny he's brave. He overcomes trauma as a child, and is willing to revive it and face his brother, spying for the marine, while dealing with Doffy's crazyness, and then he makes the selfless decision to save Law no matter what, at risk of his own life. He also feels he has some type of responsability regarding his borther's actions, when he truly doesn't, but taking responsability for things you're not really responsible for due to some sort of self inflicted guilt tripping type of torture sounds pretty Gryffindor to me, plus the "I must save the world from my evil brother, and because he's my blood brother, it must be me who faces and stops him" also strikes me as very Griffyndor-like. As I said many times before, I know some traits are shared between houses, and can apppear in members of different houses, but Corazón is definitely at least partially a Gryffindor. This would also explain his betrayal, Hufflepuffs are supposed to be loyal, I'm with Doffy in this one u.u (though I guess he never truly commited treason, as he was never on Doffy's side to begin with, lol).
Law: Ravenclaw. To be honest, a friend convince me of this one, I was so unsure and conflicted about him. But yes, I think Ravenclaw suits him well. His background as the child of doctors, and wanting to follow their parents' steps works out with a Ravenclaw personality. He's knowledge starved, and he's smart and witty, even a bit manipulative. Hybrid house: Slytherclaw. There's no way to avoid Law's ambition for knowledge. He is also quite determined in his path to avenge Corazón and bring down Doflamingo's downfall no matter what. I know determination is more of a Gryffindor and Hufflepuff trait, but it also goes well with Slytherin's desires to get their way, take what they want, and achieve whatever they've set themselves to (which is why Luffy is definitely a Slytherin too).
Aaaand this is all for now, it was already quite long, I may do a second list with the remaining mugiwaras and maybe some other characters I like :)
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masonspecialist · 2 months
I'm honestly so excited to see more of Li-Sar and their interest in the detective, specifically when it comes to how each RO is going to react to Li-Sar and their....everything lmao.
Specifically, since I'm on a Mason kick lately, I've been wondering about how Mason is going to react with someone as blatantly into the detective as he is. The entire series so far has been Mason completely oblivious to the fact that he wants more from the detective than just sex. And then we've got Li-Sar who's got no qualms about saying that the detective will be theirs after 2 seconds of being a corporal being.
Mason is going to have to be watch someone who is adamant about how much they want ALL of the detective, while he himself doesn't know that's what he wants too.
He knows the detective is important to him, that he feels peace and comfort whenever they're close, that he fully feels like himself whenever he's with the detective. But he doesn't connect that to being in love with the detective
So to see Li-Sar, someone who knows EXACTLY what they want from the detective. Someone who is determined to get that as well. I can't imagine Mason would take very well to that lol.
I'm very curious as to how that...unease, I suppose, from Mason will manifest as well.
I'm just overall incredibly excited to see how everything is going to go and how it's going to affect Mason to the point where he HAS to acknowledge what's between him and the detective
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Hii, can i request a drunk confession au? pretty please 🩷🤍
Thena who doesn't really drink much, wants to change things a little and drink more at this party the eternals have to attend, but she can not hold her alcohol to save her live and get terribly drunk.
The woman can barely stand, is talking nonsense, can get hurt if unsupervised, it's a miracle she didn't pass out in a ditch yet, so it's Gilgamesh duty to get her to her room safely.
When they are near her room, Thena starts telling her new friend her secret, she is in love with Gil!! but he can't know, she thinks he is soo charming and nice and beautiful and he is really stong and soo attractive, but he can't know.
And Gil is there blusing, because the love of his live just confessed her love to him but he can't do anything about it because she is very very drunk, so he just says "Gil? Never heard of him but he sounds nice, you should talk to him"
"To Gilgamesh!"
Cups of mead were raised in the air to celebrate the victory of the Strongest Eternal. Truly, it was a celebration of all of them--one's success was everyone's. The Eternal himself was happy to brush it off with a modest smile and a charming blush.
Thena smiled, raising one in her own hand, although she never actually partook in drink. She wasn't one for it--didn't like the taste, had no stomach for it. Her blood was too fast in her system, at least that was what she thought. Warriors did not need revelry.
Gilgamesh happily accepted three mugs and gulped them each down. He was good with revelry, and lucky he seemed so made for mirth and celebration. The townspeople happily jostled him in good humour.
Thena tilted her head as Kingo made his way over. There were times when Kingo could feign annoyance or reluctance to partake in their celebrations at times, but he and Gil had much in common in their characters.
He gave Gil a solid pat on the back, of course waving his hand from having slapped the metallic back of his armour. Kingo gave her a genial smile. "Come on, T, I thought you'd be in a good mood."
"I am."
He rolled his eyes at her. "Y'know, not being in a bad mood doesn't make it a good one."
She offered no further comment, looking at Gil again. He was attempting to move away from being the centre of attention. He was made for good times, of course, but he had a shyness to him, too. He was slowly gravitating in their direction.
"Loosen up a little, T," Kingo advised her quietly, and at a distance she would strictly forbid for anyone but him and her sisters. "It'll make him happy if you relax some."
She bristled under her skin. He was right. And after the fight they'd had today, she wanted Gilgamesh to find some reprieve from the ravages of the Deviant world outside Babylon's walls. She smiled at him from afar, even taking a sip of mead (it tasted awful).
"Hey," Gil smiled at her as he finally reached her side, replacing Kingo as the latter went to bug their smallest sibling. "I thought you didn't like ferment?"
She did not. But she smiled at him, "surely it is beloved for a reason."
He shrugged, taking another sip of his own. "It can be nice after a tough day."
She felt as if every sip she swallowed could be felt like a hot rock, travelling down her throat and then dispersing through her veins. Not even their senses could communicate such things, but she certainly felt herself succumbing to the fever of it. "You should rest."
He looked around the room, people partaking in the party and high spirits. "They wanted to celebrate us. It's silly, but they all worked hard to make this stuff. Seems a waste if we don't stay for even a little of it."
Such a soft heart, her Gilgamesh had.
Thena tilted her head, letting her eyes travel over the form of her partner for every and all battles. They had worked as well together today as any other. She had been airborne when she had seen Gilgamesh deal the last, finishing blow. It was impressive, even for an Eternal.
He was quite good at grasping her waist to throw her up in the air.
"The people here are nice," he commented very simply, but very honestly. He raised his cup for another sip.
She found herself mirroring his actions, as if it were the same as matching his rhythm in a battle. It was becoming easier with each sip. "They are."
Sersi was having a wonderful time, dancing with the women. Ikaris was hovering awkwardly, unknowing of how to insert himself but always looming over their sister's back.
Druig and Makkari were both having fun taunting and riling the various tradesmen sitting around the edges of the room. Now, that was a pair made for mirth and merriment. Even more so than Kingo and Sprite, who were having a drinking contest, much to some horror in the eyes of those who did know that Sprite was the same as her siblings in every way that mattered.
Ajak was watching from above, a funny look on her face, before disappearing, probably to wherever Phastos was hiding.
"Y'know I asked Ajak," Gilgamesh began quietly, having followed her gaze up to their leader before her departure. "She said that there were a few injuries, but no one died."
That was good news, worthy of revelry. Some battles would always have casualties, but every day in which they managed to escape with minimal loss was deserving of celebration.
"Thanks to you," she volunteered rather eagerly. He took another sip, and so, as did she. "You killed that thing all but single-handedly."
"Ah," he made a sound to excuse her flattery, taking on a bashful grin again. It pushed up the apples of his cheeks to the corners of his eyes. The lines indicating his good mood were tempting to her fingers. "None of us fight single-handed. It's all of us, together."
"Hm," she agreed, to a point. Indeed, they all fought together out there, as a team. But she often was of the opinion that Gilgamesh carried more than his fair share of the work on his wide shoulders. Wide, strong shoulders. She tilted her head. "Ikaris could do more."
Gilgamesh immediately snorted some laughter but turned his head towards her. "Thena!--you can't say that about your brother."
She rolled her eyes, happily swaying her head to and fro. It felt loose on top of her neck. "It is precisely because he is my brother that I may say that."
He partner merely chuckled, hiding it in his cup. Was it not yet empty? Hers was. "Okay, fine, just don't let Ajak hear you saying that. She'll make you two go on a bonding walk again."
It had been less of a walk and more a watch duty during which they had been all but physically shackled together. They had done their duty, surveilled the area. Then, once again within sight of Babylon Temple, Thena had kicked him from behind and clear through the city walls.
She had been scolded by both Ajak and Phastos, but she had no regrets.
She sighed, examining the bottom of her clay cup with only a stray drop swirling around within. "I would rather walk with you."
Gilgamesh said nothing of the plain but oddly sentimental remark. He looked at her, catching the way she was examining her vessel. "You okay?"
"Hm," she said again, and Gilgamesh always understood her little noises. No one else would. She tossed the cup onto the nearest table. It did not fall, but she hadn't done so with particular care either.
"Hey." Gilgamesh reached for her hand. He wasn't reprimanding her, but it was more than just curiosity in his voice. He grasped the hand that had tossed her cup away like a pebble.
She watched his hand apprehend hers. It was gentle, and soft, just like everything he did with her. Gilgamesh was kind, of course, but it was not mere kindness when he held her hand like this. Like he had been doing ever since they touched down on the planet.
"Look at me," he whispered. The chatter of the room faded and she felt the warmth of his breath on her cheek as he drew her face closer to his. The warmth of his palms added to her feeling of basking in the sun, like a lizard on a hot rock.
She swayed in his grasp, no longer caring if her knees were up to the task of walking. Perhaps she was more fatigued from the fight than she had first anticipated. What funny thought; she laughed.
"Whoa, hey," Gilgamesh moved closer, catching her against him before she could lean too far off her feet. He held her carefully, even casting glances around them. "Thena, you don't seem good."
She felt good, though, borderline ecstatic. It felt wonderful to be leaning on him like this, and her head felt as if she were being carried, rocking back and forth with the breeze. She pulled her head up, taking in Gil's concerned look and deep brown eyes. "Do you always look like this?"
His face contorted. It was a handsome face. "We gotta find Ajak."
Thena pointed, although she frowned when Ajak was no longer looking over them from the mezzanine. "She's gone somewhere."
"Okay," her companion said gently. He moved her more within his grasp, although still encouraging her to try and use her feet. "Let's get you to bed, huh? That sound good?"
"Bed," she remarked. They each had their own rooms in the temple. She would rather just sleep on the Domo. But Ajak said it was better for them to integrate themselves...somewhere...or something.
"Bed," he repeated, guiding her quietly towards the edge of the room to the nearest corridor. "You can get some rest, Thena."
She blinked. Her vision felt bleary, her feet as if they weighed...too much. "You know me."
He chuckled next to her. Her palm could feel the rumble of his chest against the plate of armour. He had a big, strong chest. "Yeah, I do know you."
She blinked, finally in the corridor. At least there was more air. "Do you know everyone?"
"Well, not everyone," he continued to laugh, as if she were oh-so-very funny.
She sighed, tilting her head against his shoulder. It was comfortable, and it allowed her to peek at the moon on their way to wherever he was guiding her. "Do you know Gilgamesh?"
"Uh... "
The delay was too long. Anyone who didn't know Gilgamesh was living a life bereft of joy. Thena leaned heavier on her walking assistance. "Gilgamesh is...the very best on the planet. On this planet, or any!"
He swayed from her outburst, trying to hold her both carefully and delicately.
She looked at him again. Her hand even came up to touch his cheeks. She liked the hair around his lips. It drew attention to them. "He is the very best. Kind, sweet, very funny. And he's handsome."
Her companion turned a peculiar shade of red. "O-Oh?"
She nodded, distracted for a moment by her hair swaying into her view. "He's kind, and sweet, and he's funny."
"You did say that."
She pursed her lips. Did she? "And handsome. And strong--he's quite good at lifting me, throwing me."
"Throwing you?"
"When we're fighting together," she sighed again. It was a happy sigh, though. "Fighting is when I may touch him all I like."
Again, he turned a shade of red.
"Off the battlefield I must control myself," she lamented. Not that she was always desiring to touch him. Or perhaps she was, based on what she was saying. "But something about him is so magnetic. One wishes to be as close to him as possible."
"Is that so?"
She stared ahead. They were at her room. It was her bed in front of her. But she didn't like her bed. "Oh."
"Are you okay?"
She looked at her friend again. He was lowering her to sit on her bed. But she didn't like sleeping. It was hard work. And sometimes she would sleep in Gil's bed instead. She preferred Gil's bed. "I miss Gil."
Her companion lowered her arms gently, setting her hands on her lap. She liked his arms. They were thick, but also soft. "You, uh, you should tell him."
"Hm," she pursed her lips. She didn't want to, for whatever reason she could not recall at the moment. "I don't think I should."
He was lying her down on her side, pulling her linen blanket over her. "Why not?"
She tried to tilt her head at him but it was already on the pillow. She wished it was on Gil's chest. "I don't know how to tell him I love him, I think."
"Well," he chuckled again, before leaning in and pressing a kiss on her hair. "I bet he'll understand, no matter how you try to tell him."
That was true, Gilgamesh always understood her.
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giantkillerjack · 5 months
If media has taught me one thing, it's to never own a paperweight capable of causing traumatic brain injury.
My dad owned a heavy glass paperweight once that tapered into a sturdy sharp point on the top, and the fact that no one was murdered with this at all before his retirement from the lawfirm is the surest proof I have that this reality is in fact not fiction.
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