#[After being used to having people around for a bit... I miss it again. // starter call]
thebrimstonewitch · 1 year
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Like for a starter, if you want one!~
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pietrodart · 3 months
No one asked for it, but here it is: an impulsive post about each and all interactions Pietro and Emily ever had and an analysis of their dynamic as it progressed and regressed(and yes, I'm only doing this because I miss them).
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First, let's start with the Uncanny Avengers stage and give a bit more context to what was happening in both of their lives.
Emily was first introduced in the Uncanny Avengers(2015) run, but even with little content we still got to have a lot of clues about what was happening in her life at the time: she was going through a dramatic change, a moment of transition and where her and her family were all struggling to get used to their new heritage and powers, and at the same time she was in a position of constant isolation in a team where all people knew each other but her, and Rogue hostilized her due to her Inhuman blood. Also, I would like to point out that Ivan, Emily’s grandfather, had cancer before becoming healthy very suddenly due to the terrigen clouds and the moment he became healthy he started traveling around the world, so Emily was alone while worrying for her apparently powerful brother. At the same time, Pietro was going through a moment of MCU synergy where he discovered Magneto wasn't his biological father and his personality became more outgoing for a while with the justification that now, without the ties to Magneto, he felt like commemorating their lack of relation – I think it's nice mentioning that Pietro also was in a good moment in life on where his relationship with Luna and Wanda was concerned.
Long description short: both of them were going through a major transition but in different ways and with different impacts.
The first time we see them interacting is on Uncanny Avengers(2015) #1 during a date by the end of the afternoon, on the same day where Emily was introduced to the public officially during a press event – an event she says she wasn't completely ready or prepared for. While Emily was having a bit of a bad day, Pietro was having multiple dates around the world. Again, they are both going through a phase of transition but in different ways and that contributes a lot to why they got closer; Emily needed someone and Pietro wanted someone.
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During the date, Emily requested for Pietro to call her by her name instead of using the alias of Synapse and asked him to confirm that they weren't on a date since earlier that day Steve had asked her not to date anyone in the team, and she didn't wish to disappoint him. Pietro proceeded to say that they weren't on a date, giving emphasis on that denial even if it was a lie – not only was it very obvious that the setting was meant to be romantic, but he had also used with Emily the same conversation starter as the one he had used in his previous dates. After that, Emily ended up apologizing for the way her words came out even if her words weren't necessarily rude, adding that Pietro wasn't undateable.
She never implied that he was undateable before – she only said she didn't want to disappoint Steve, that's all. From what she said, it was easier to assume she was sounding more apologetic in the sense of “it's a nice idea but we can't” than “i don't want a date with you”. Emily was clearly trying her best to be nice and likable, going as far as over-explaining herself to avoid misunderstandings when Pietro was clearly not offended and was, at maximum, disappointed but remaining polite towards her. Pietro was the first person on the team to be gentle towards her without putting her in the position of the token Inhuman, actually treating her like a person(differently from Rogue and Steve).
During the date, Emily commented on how pigeons were bothering her ever since her earlier mission with the Avengers, where she used her powers to control a lot of them. After that, she fell back from her chair, being rushed to the hospital by Pietro before telling him that instead of going to the hospital, they should reunite the team and go to Boston.
I'm going to try covering all of their minor interactions as shortly as I can, but have in mind the fact that I'm very obsessed with them, so there's a chance I'll end up over-analyzing and making stuff up as it goes.
Their next interaction happened on the same issue but a few pages later, where Pietro asked if Emily was mind-linked to him, and for her to help cover more of the civilians in the area he was in. Something nice pointing out is that no one else tried including Emily in the mission: Rogue barely talked to her if it wasn't to bring up criticism over things out of Emily's control, and the rest of the team was indifferent to her(except Jericho, who kept being polite). But Pietro actually tried including her, requesting for help from her for something that feels almost stupid, since he could have taken those civilians out of there without asking for help.
Even if it isn't a big interaction, there are also a few interactions in issue #2: one where Emily tried speaking to Rogue and Pietro interrupted her, and another where Emily asked telepathically for Pietro to rejoin the team but froze when she realized he was in danger. Again, not big, but I did say I would cover all of their interactions.
After the end of Emily and Ivan's arc in Uncanny Avengers, Emily and Pietro are next seen interacting in the background of Black Knight(2016) #2, #4 and #5 where Emily appeared close to Pietro and with her hand on his shoulder, commenting with him about the situation they were in during that run and once again appearing closer to him than to others. Next there's their apparition in Squadron Supreme(2016) #3, where Pietro is seen protecting Emily over the rest of the team.
Things to notice: Emily was a very recent addition to the Uncanny Avengers at that time, so it made sense for her to not be so close to anyone in the team and only talk to them if spoken to or when wanting to pitch in on a plan, and it also made sense for other members to be concerned about her well-being during fights, but that doesn't really happen. No one talks to her and she doesn't talk to anyone, and no one else seems to want to lose time babysitting the new member except for Pietro.
Emily reacts to what Pietro says, even when it's unnecessary, and Pietro worries about Emily, even if it's also unnecessary. I believe that Emily acts that way because Pietro is the closest to a friend she had between her teammates – she refers to everyone by their hero names at that point, except Pietro, again –, so for her it was better to interact with him only.
And from Pietro's point of view it also made sense: Emily literally fell backwards out of nowhere during a date and was seen crying and obviously distressed after her first real mission, it would make sense for him to see her as more fragile and “in over her head” as Rogue said, and since she had been nice to everyone, why would he not help her, especially if he was clearly interested in her before to the point of asking her on a date?
(I'm adding this a little while after writing this part, but: Emily is also very inexperienced and distracted. Wade also ends up having to save her, but Pietro is the one that pays more attention to her safety. Adding too that Pietro is very reckless about the rest of the team's wellbeing, and he usually only acts when someone asks him to, differently from Emily who he helps faster.)
Now, I have covered all of their appearances outside of Uncanny Avengers but that happened during the same time space, so we can continue with their interactions on the main run.
In issue #8, it's possible to see Emily and Pietro in the same gym, but that's about all that we get until issue #13, where Emily revealed she had been amping up Pietro's healing abilities while he got better from an injury in a fight against Ultron, and is then shown giving him a tissue when his nose started to bleed. It's not much, just like most of their interactions, but it gets a bit better when they are mostly shown close or together after that interaction in specific.
Oh, and it's a turning point on their dynamic. Issue #13 comes a little after Scarlet Witch(2016) #8, where Pietro and Wanda argued and fought and Wanda told Pietro that she didn't want to be around him anymore: Pietro pretty much only ever interacted with Wanda, if we're honest. At the time he wasn't as close to Lorna anymore and the events of Civil War II could have probably affected his relationship with the Inhumans too, so I doubt there was anyone(other than Wade) visiting him in the hospital, since most of the people he knew had better and more important things to do – it's also probably the moment they grew closer.
Emily is there to help Pietro – not because he's Pietro, but because she's like that – when no one else is, in a time of his life where he's not only alone and distant from his loved ones, but also being called constantly by Red Skull, which took a very heavy mental toll on him. Her presence there, in the hospital, feels like the turning point of their relationship because it is.
After issue #13, we only see them interacting again on issue #16, with Emily failing to put Hulk to sleep and Pietro telling her to let go of that idea and focus on protecting the civilians. Note: Emily calls Pietro by his name, but Pietro calls Emily “Synapse”. We only see him call her Emily in issue #1, and I want everyone to keep that in mind until he stops using her hero alias to refer to her.
Minor interaction: in issue #17, Pietro and Emily are seen looking at each other and I think that's cute.
Time to talk about one of the most important issues! In issue #18, Pietro is mind-controlled by Red Skull and forced to attack the other members of the Uncanny Avengers team, taking each of them to the Avengers' mansion(which had been turned into a theme hotel). It's also shown another one of Red Skull's calls with Pietro: it was an awful moment, with Red Skull saying absolutely vile things, but it's also the moment that confirmed that Pietro was interested in Emily.
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After another round of “let's torture Quicksilver”, Pietro was shown attacking each member without hesitating until it came to Emily, to who he apologized while crying before punching her. Again, Pietro called Emily “Synapse”, while Emily referred to him as “Pietro”.
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Minor interactions: Pietro and Emily exchanged a few words in issue #22. Emily also mentions Pietro in issue #24 after trying to call him but being unable to reach him.
Note: By this point, Emily was closer to everyone in the team and only referred to Steve as “Captain America”, prefering to call everyone but him and Wasp by their legal names instead of aliases(Rogue is an exception, since she's…Rogue). Most of the team also referred to her by name.
After issue #18, their interactions remained being very small until issue #26, when the end of the run was approaching and both Emily and Pietro were getting more development. Pietro and Wanda went back to speaking after a messy case of possession and Emily expressed her worry as she saw Pietro be more stressed out, regretful and frustrated, not even caring to the fact she was eavesdropping on Pietro and Wanda's conversation. Later, when the team was attacked during the night, Pietro went after Emily and not only changed her clothes so she could fight but also stayed close to her while both of them made sure to not get separated, holding hands while being attacked. The fight lasted for two issues, and in issue #27 Pietro tried beating up Graviton after he threw Wanda into the air and attacked Emily.
Minor interaction: in the background of issue #26, Emily looks uncomfortable while close to the Maximoff twins, which I assume is because she's worried about Pietro.
Minor interaction: in the background of issue #28, Pietro and Emily were close together again and Pietro was shown looking at Emily with annoyance. I'm not sure what that panel meant to say, but Emily is seen shrugging off the glare.
Now, the last 3 issues of the Uncanny Avengers era and the ones with the biggest impact on their dynamic.
In Uncanny Avengers #28, Pietro and Emily went on another date, and that's when they mutually reached first name basis – up until this point, Pietro had only called her Synapse with the exception of a few rare moments. During that date, Emily shared her guilt about leaving the team while they saw each other and Pietro dismissed those worries, saying that they had probably not noticed their absence. He continued by saying that the “loud and obnoxious” members of a team got the glory while he and Emily were left to go out, and Emily replied by saying that it wasn't all bad. After that, she mentioned that she noticed how he had a lot on his mind – probably a reference to her eavesdropping earlier – and received the confession that he had missed her during the Darkforce event, which prompted her to question him for confirmation about his revelation before they were interrupted by a call from Rogue.
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I'll move on quickly from this, but I find it worth to mention that it made sense for Emily to question Pietro and I don't believe that she was simply trying to hear him say it again, but that it was more out of disbelief: Pietro didn't spend time with Emily for Emily. Sure, they spent time together in the team, but while Emily had spent her time helping Pietro when he was in the hospital, he wasn't there for her when Cable was hospitalized(and yes, Emily spent a lot of time there. He was very important to her) or when Cable left, and though that was probably not his fault since he did have more important things to do, it makes sense that Emily said that because she truly didn't believe Pietro: he never showed anything that indicated that he could or did miss her.
A little after answering Rogue's call, Emily and Pietro went to meet the team for a reunion, to which Pietro complained saying he and Emily had more important things to do. Without getting permission to go back to their date, they stayed there until Jericho and Wanda revealed small creatures summoned with magic that they planned to use to rebuild the Avengers mansion, something that bothered Pietro and made him express his distaste for magic while Emily was in awe of everything.
In issue #29, it's revealed that Jericho's summoning of the creatures also made space for Juggernaut, who attacks the team unexpectedly. Pietro focused his attention on Emily, saving her from getting hit and earning reassurance from her when she says he doesn't have to do that to impress her, which he denied and said would only be “another byproduct of our impending victory”.
Emily was put on the ground by Pietro and he started giving out orders for a plan he had, wishing for both of them to get the spotlight since the team constantly ignored how useful they were(and he wasn't wrong) – but, unfortunately, the plan didn't work. Emily ended up getting hurt, and in issue #30, Pietro had his request to see Emily turned down while his teammates, including his own sister, said he had been the one responsible for Emily's injuries and that he had done enough for the day. After hearing those things, Pietro ran away but left a letter for Emily. In the end of the issue, Emily was shown crying after reading his words, and that's how their time in the Uncanny Avengers ended.
In Pietro's letter, he revealed he had turned to religion after being faced with his mistakes and said that he prayed for Emily's future, hoping that his actions hadn't taken away her beauty and grace and making it clear that he did not expect her to forgive him for what he did, since nothing he could write would take away her pain – except he was wrong. Emily was not in pain when she woke up, and had not cried after being hurt, and the only moment we see her cry after Uncanny Avengers(2015) #1 is when she read his letter.
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His actions had hurt her physically, yes, but Emily had always been shown as clumsy: people had to save or guide her all of the time, at some point she would get hurt and there was nothing no one could do about it. That's the thing about being a superhero after all, so it was impossible for her to be an Avenger and never get hurt. What did hurt her was Pietro's absence, accompanied by the absence of the rest of her teammates too.
No one was there. The only thing left for her was a letter from Pietro, because they had taken away her chance to see him when she woke up too. Emily didn't even have her brother by her side when she awoke, but she showed in Avengers(2018) that she held nothing against Pietro, though he refused to see it.
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After Uncanny Avengers(2015) #30 we only see Emily and Pietro interacting again in Avengers(2018) #677, but their interaction is quick and lacks their usual care or gentleness with each other. After Rogue refused to take Pietro with her and other heavy-hitters to a mission in Rome, arguing that she needed people she could trust and he was not one of those, Pietro decided to leave the room out of spite towards the way he was spoken to.
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Emily, who had recovered from her injuries in Uncanny Avengers(2015) #30 only a short time before but was clearly feeling better enough to fight, ended up trying to speak to Pietro and was rejected since he “didn't want her pity” when she was clearly only looking to show him support: well, she was the one that got hurt due to his actions. She had the right to speak and say she wasn't angry or blamed him for it, but no one cared or respected her enough to listen.
It took 10 issues for them to interact again, and between that time Emily was not only traumatized by the knowledge that the heroes fighting were just “obstacles in a game” but also by Human Torch's death, something that made her more bitter as the run kept on going – they weren't close, but they were friends and Emily had already lost enough.
Their next interaction happened in Avengers(2018) #687, with Pietro wearing himself out because of something only he sees and Emily insisting for him to rest and attempting to use her powers for that, which he rejected and added that she shouldn't even talk to him after what he put her through. Emily finally gave voice to what she thought, reassuring Pietro that something like that was part of the job and that she was fine and didn't blame him, including the fact that it was impossible for them to always plan things with every possible bad eventuality; unfortunately, Pietro didn't listen, getting distracted when the beacon he was looking for ran past him again.
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It's in Avengers(2018) #688 that their last interaction and their first kiss happened. Emily helps Pietro lose any blockages from his mind that could stop him from running faster, and before he could sacrifice himself to help save the world, they shared a bittersweet kiss and a few words.
Note: I won't elaborate on that kiss, but I don't like the way it happened. I'm happy they got to kiss, but at the same time it feels rushed and out of character for Emily.
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There's not much to say now, I suppose. Emily and Pietro didn't interact again after Pietro's sacrifice, and though Emily is mentioned in Quicksilver: No Surrender #2, her mention makes it even more obvious that Pietro saw Synapse, but not really Emily. He apologized for hurting Synapse, but he didn't listen to Emily when she said she didn't blame him. When he talked about her, he called her Synapse, but when he talked to her, he called her Emily only because she requested that.
It's only in that issue that he is shown calling her Emily: “Emily, what an amazing woman. We might have had something if I hadn't screwed it up”, but that's not true. He didn't screw anything up. Emily clearly still wanted him, but Pietro didn't understand that.
Both of those characters deserved something better, but their story ended there. Still, if anyone wants to see more of them: Pietro was last seen in Scarlet Witch(2024) #2 and Emily was last mentioned in Death of the Inhumans #2.
Okay, so, that's it! I'm not sure if anyone will read this or agree with everything I said, and maybe I forgot something, but I'm pretty sure I covered all of their interactions. I'm sorry for any English mistakes or typos, English isn't my first language and I wrote all of this while busy with school exams. Thanks for reading!
reading list.
uncanny avengers(2015) #1, #2, #8, #13, #17-18, #22, #24, #26-30
black knight(2015) #2, #4-5
squadron supreme(2016) #3
avengers(2018) #677, #687-688
quicksilver: no surrender #2
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laurenairay · 11 months
Hello lovely! 1.5k is huge, congrats 🥳🥳♥️♥️ would you do the passionate kiss prompt with Jack Hughes please? ♥️♥️♥️ Love you Lauren!!
Passionate Kiss – Jack Hughes
Words: 950
Love you Kayla, even more so for choosing Jack for this one! I really hope you like it!
“Guess who’s finally coming back to the lake this weekend?”
You turned your head to face your friend, raising an eyebrow. “Who?”
She just grinned. “The Hughes boys. Bringing a few friends like usual. They’ll be here for at least two weeks, from what I hear.”
You fought to keep composure as your other friends in earshot whooped. “And where did you hear that from?”
“The cleaner they hired to give it an airing out is the same one my mom used yesterday for our guest cabin across the lake. She told me just now, because she knows that we all hang out while we’re up here at the same time.”
She wasn’t wrong about you all hanging out together. It had been a tradition as long as you’d known your friend that she would invite your friendship group up to her family lake house in the summer, drifting in and out over the various months as you pleased, and when the Hughes brothers bought their neighbouring cabin (as neighbouring as completely out of sight but the closest other people around could be) a few years ago, your friend had made a habit of inviting them over for at least a couple of cookouts and parties.
It was a highlight of the summer, that was for sure.
But not the only highlight.
“Looks like we’re having a party on Saturday night then!” you said cheerfully, earning a roar of agreement all round.
By the time Saturday rolled around, you were more than a little nervous. How you’d managed to keep your secret locked down for these past few summers you had no idea – hell, you didn’t even know each year if it was going to happen all over again, but you knew you’d find out one way or another tonight. You’d spent most the day going on supply runs with your friends, making sure you were stocked up for the party as well as the inevitable hangover the next day, before cleaning the cabin and setting up the expansive backyard with beer pong and a fresh firepit and coolers ready for ice. You knew by the sheer amount of alcohol you’d bought that the ‘guest list’ had expanded way beyond what you’d originally thought, but you couldn’t complain. If tonight turned out to be a non-starter then at least you’d have plenty of distractions right?
And distractions there were. 9pm rolled around to music blaring, drinks flowing, and you’d already won two out of three beer pong matches. Your gracious defeat allowed you to bow out of the running and grab a bottle of water, needing to clear your head a bit as it was barely late into the evening at all, heading down to the side of the cabin where the non-alcoholic drinks were being kept.
It wasn’t until a pair of familiar hands gripped your hips that you realised exactly who had arrived in your absence.
“Jack,” you breathed.
“Hi baby,” he murmured.
You just leaned back against him, letting his arms wrap around your waist as he pressed a few hot kisses into your neck. This was your secret – your summer fling with Jack Hughes. Ever since that first summer that the brothers had bought their summer lake house, you’d hooked up with Jack the entire time he was up here. After the first year you’d thought it was a fluke, but every year since, Jack had always approached you immediately and the two of you carried on like you’d never stopped.
To some people it might be strange, to have so little time with him. To most people, it wouldn’t be enough, knowing that he was hooking up left, right, and center when he was in New Jersey. But to you, having him as solely yours in his summer visits was enough. In these weeks, he was yours and yours alone, even if no-one else knew.
“I’ve missed you,” he sighed into your ear.
You turned in his arms, looping your own arms around his neck. “I missed you too. I’m glad you made it up here.”
“I wouldn’t miss these weeks with you for anything,” he said seriously.
These weeks with you? Not these weeks with his brothers and friends?
“I heard you’re here for two weeks?” you asked, playing with the ends of his hair.
“Yeah, two weeks. And I’m going to make them count,” he grinned.
Your breath hitched in your chest just as he leant down to take your lips in a kiss, consuming you right from the get-go. You couldn’t stop the groan that tore from your throat, kissing him back just as eagerly, threading your hands through his hair just how you knew he liked. As you tugged gently at his hair, Jack groaned himself, and backed you against the wall of the lake house, aligning your bodies perfectly as he slid his tongue past your lips. It was dizzying, to be kissed so passionately, to be desired in the way that you knew Jack desired you. How could you ever resist this? How could you ever say no to the only guy that sent you to heights like he did?
“Fuck, I need you,” Jack groaned softly as he tore himself away from your lips, resting his forehead against yours as he panted.
“Already?” you teased, more than a little breathless yourself.
“It’s all I’ve been thinking about since my season ended. You’re all I’ve been thinking about,” he admitted.
Well…that was new.
But it was something to think about when his large hands weren’t spanning your waist.
“I’ll head in the side door and you head in the back?” you suggested.
“Sounds like a plan,” Jack grinned.
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sleepyhollands · 2 months
hi my loves. as many of you know, i’ve been sleepyhollands on tumblr since 2020. since then, i’ve written fanfiction about tom holland and co., peter parker, and harry styles. most recently (and i say this loosely because this was a year ago) i posted a demon!harry blurb that received a lot of attention, and i announced it would become a mini-series. however, after much deliberation, i’ve decided against moving forward with writing on tumblr altogether.
i didn’t come to this decision lightly, because i feel like i have so much left to create, and the fanfiction community i run in has been so lovely and supportive of me over the years. i also feel guilt over letting go of a project i promised to complete. but at the end of the day, i know this is the right choice for me.
there’s a few reasons. for starters, i feel as though my life is really fast-paced at the moment (and for the foreseeable future), and i don’t quite have time to write in day to day life. for a couple years now, every time i’ve sat down to start writing, it’s felt like a chore. for the demon!harry mini-series, i wrote (i kid you not) at least 20 drafts of the first chapter, which is why i kept promising the release “soon,” but it never came. it felt so forced each time i read it back, and once i realized i had fallen out of love with writing, i knew i would never end up finishing the series. so i figured it would be best to not start it at all for the sake of saving everyone from a story they would never know the end of.
additionally, i’ve lost interest in the people i’ve written about. that’s not to say i don’t love them as people/characters and won’t continue to support them in their careers, i just don’t feel motivated to create or consume content about them anymore. again, it feels more like something i have to do rather than something i want to do, and that’s no fun for anyone.
finally, and i truly hate to say this… i’ve honestly come to dislike what reading and writing fanfiction has come to. now, i’d like to make it very clear that i am not attacking any creators either on tumblr, wattpad, or ao3. i love all my mutuals and the writers i consume content from. that being said, this new culture of “social media alternate universes,” “text message alternate universes,” and my least favorite: capitalizing on fanfiction through patreon or other related sites has just made me less and less inclined to engage in the fanfiction community.
our generation is so phone/social media-oriented that it’s made its way into the content i’d prefer to just read. and if that’s your cup of tea, that’s totally fine! consume whatever content you enjoy, seriously. but i don’t get fulfillment from reading make-believe text threads or instagram posts, and i’m noticing it more and more, to the point where blocking tags such as “#smau” just isn’t cutting it anymore.
and the patreon thing…. listen, i get that we live in a world where people are just trying to make money in any way they can. i’m not judging in the slightest. it’s hard out here, i understand. that being said, the beauty and allure of fanfiction to me is that it’s free— it’s pure and accessible to everyone. and i’ve found that i’m simply not willing to spend money on a non-essential product i used to be able to consume free of cost. i mean that in the least petty way possible, truly. i’m not calling it immoral, or a scam, or unfair for creators to earn money for their work. i just miss when everything around me wasn’t subscription based, and now that even fanfiction can cost money, i’ve developed a bit of an aversion to it.
(as a quick, unrelated side note, i’d like to mention that the fanfiction circles i’m in are all hyper-fixating on tropes i’m really not into, such as heavy bdsm-centered content, major age gaps, dad’s best friend, best friend’s dad, etc., and this is making it hard to continue engaging with them and their content. while i will always love and support the writers on this site, i want to avoid coming across this content entirely.)
all of this to say, i’m not sure if i’ll keep this account. i’m not planning on leaving tumblr, but i’m heavily debating deleting this account and creating a new one for a fresh start. that, or i’ll leave this up and move to a new account. i’m not sure yet. in any case, i’ll try to make sure there’s a place you can go to access my writing if you choose to come back for a re-read.
i want to thank everyone for being so kind to me over the years, and i’m sorry if i’ve disappointed anyone with this information. i’ll be tagging people from my taglist, and those who mentioned they wanted to be tagged in the demon!harry mini-series below. much love. 🤍
@callsign-scully @lnmp89 @keepdrivingkisses @tenaciousperfectionunknown @landosangel @tom-hlover @voguesir @iadoresleep @lmaotshollandd @starkscosmos @st-ev-ie @axelinchen @pleasinghellfire @kimmi-kat @mopeymousey @coolhotsexygemini10 @harrys-cherrry @vamprry @sunflowervol18 @lillefroe @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @bbontenswhhore
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zipzapzopzoop · 3 months
There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
Chapter 27: Hide and Seek
“Again, Franny?”
A teenage Art scolded the girl as he drove the battered pizza delivery car. It smelled like pizza inside. He only just got it back from the police station after it was stolen. It nearly cost him his job, so he wasn’t exactly in the best mood. “We’ve been over this! You can’t kiss the frogs!”
Franny crossed her arms with a pout. Her brother wasn’t thrilled about having to pick her up early because she was ill. Only a bit! She was doing better now!
“If they weren’t meant to be kissed, why do they look so cute and dumb and kissable!” She exclaimed, holding Frankie up to emphasize her point. “See him? Look at him. Look at him, Art… Art, you’re not looking-” “I see him, Fran. You know he’s supposed to stay at home-”
Art slammed down on the breaks and held his arm in front of his sister. The car skidded to an abrupt halt, the poor frog flying from the girl’s hands and plopping into the windshield with a ‘slap!’
“What!? What is it?!”
“Lewis lives that way!” She pointed. “He hasn’t come to school in a few days and I want to make sure he’s okay!”
“Fran, I’m certain he’s fine-”
“Please!” “It would be rude to stop by unannounced-”
“Please! We’ll just knock and ask!”
She gave her brother the biggest puppy dog eyes she could. “Please? For me?”
Art only looked unimpressed. “That’s not going to work this time.”
She leaned in and gave him a big hug, somehow making her eyes even bigger.
“For your favorite baby sister?” Art scowled and looked away. She responded by holding Frankie up next to his face. Even as he tried to look away, she moved Frankie to follow. “Pwease? Fow Fwankie?”
Art threw up his arms in defeat. “Fine! Just leave the frog at home tomorrow.”
Franny leaned into Frankie and chuckled. “Not gonna happen.”
She held Frankie up again. “Frankie was just telling me that you’re the best brother ever!”
Art breathed a heavy sigh and put on his turn signal. 
“What am I going to do with you?”
While Wilbur tuned everything out, Lewis did all he could to listen in.
“My biggest concern is that these people know who we are and are trying to get ahold of us,” rather than his usual expressive and broad tone, Art spoke low and quiet, as if they weren’t the only people in the house.
“That’s ridiculous. This bozo here and I were arrested and they let us go!”
“Please calm down, honey. The important thing is that you’re with us. We don’t know these people or their motives just yet. We may have just gotten lucky.”
Franny put a hand on Laszlo’s shoulder, making a mental note to ask about getting arrested later. “How are the maps coming along?” Laszlo brightened a bit, seemingly eager to change the topic and escape being the center of attention. “Good. Here, they’re all done.” He handed them to Franny.
“Alright!” Franny spoke up, quieting the rest of the room. She placed the maps on the center of the table. “Role call. What are some points of interest? Where did everyone start out?”
Everyone pointed to different spots around the Midtown map. Wilbur pointed to Joyce Williams Elementary. “There. They wouldn’t let me leave.”
Fritz pointed to downtown. Petunia pointed to an alleyway behind a toy store. Laszlo pointed to a church. Art to a bowling alley. Lefty to a bookstore. Finally, Franny to a car demolition site. Lewis took a pen and marked where each person pointed.
“Who are we missing?” Fritz put on a pair of reading glasses and got another piece of paper. Lefty meanwhile decided to clean up the kitchen.
“Our damn daughter for starters?” Petunia squawked. Fritz nervously wrote down names as the others suggested. 
“Alright, so that’s Tallulah, Billie, Gaston, Joe, Bud, and Lucille.. God, I hope they’re okay…” he put his head in his hand. 
Laszlo suddenly went still and took on a worried expression.
“What if… Those people who went after me… What if they have Tallulah?”
They all looked up, nobody having the heart to confirm the likelihood of the possibility.
A knock at the door suddenly brought them into the abrupt present.
Lewis turned to his family in a panic. “Hide! Now!” He whispered as loud as he could without being heard outside.
“Hello! It’s Franny! Are you home? Can I come in? Your door’s unlocked!”
Suddenly the kitchen became a mad scramble for everyone to hide. 
Franny slowly pushed the front door open. She turned and gave a grin and thumbs up to her brother sitting in the car. He looked puzzled. They let her in? Huh.
“Lewis!” Franny called out as she stepped into the empty home. “It’s just me! I’m here to make sure you’re not dead!” She stepped into the kitchen, not noticing the rapid shuffling by the figures hidden just out of sight. The house smelled like bacon and eggs, so someone was just here. Franny didn’t see the two pairs of eyes (one of which were fake) watching from the pantry. Petunia opened her mouth but Fritz quickly covered it and shook his head.
“Lewis! Are you having a breakfast party?” Franny turned to look at the table while a camouflaged Lefty slowly moved from his spot on the wall up to the ceiling, changing his color to match his surroundings. There was an open iBook on the table. Cool! She and Lewis would play games on it sometimes when she’d visit. To her confusion, there were no games, just pictures of the city. Just out of her sight, Wilbur stood balanced on a door, holding Buster under an arm. He silently shushed the dog. Suddenly, his foot slipped but he was snatched up by a long tentacle arm.
Some drawn maps with crosses on them caught her eye, next to it a list of names. “‘Tallulah, Billie, Gaston…’” she read aloud. “Hey, I know a Gaston,” Franny spoke to nobody in particular.
The girl jumped up when she thought she saw the curtains move slightly. She didn’t see the figure flinch and huddle back behind the curtain. “Hey! Who’s there? I know karate!” 
Franny snuck up to the curtain, her arms raised. She yanked the curtain back and jumped into position. “Hiya!” 
…There was nobody there.
Franny stood for a moment. Huh… She went back to the pictures on the table, failing to notice Laszlo, now on top of the curtain rail, breathing a sigh of relief. That was close.
She looked over the papers again, trying to figure them out. A pen fell and rolled under the table, stopping right next to the girl’s older counterpart, who had been using the table as a hiding place. “Dang it.” She felt the ground with her arm, but couldn’t seem to find the pen. Mrs.Robinson held her breath when the girl moved to look underneath the table-
“WAIT!” Lewis ran in and Franny jumped up. Mrs.Robinson took the time to crawl away.
“There you are, Lewis! Where have you been? Are you okay?” Lewis hurried over and ushered Franny another way so that she wouldn’t see Uncle Art huddled behind one of the counters. “Yeah, I’m good! Just some… family in town! Been spending some time catching up.” 
“Neat! Oh my gosh I totally forgot! I found a robot! At school!” Lewis froze. “What?” “Yeah! He’s in the janitor’s closet and he’s made of gold! And he’s got an ‘R’ for robot on his chest!”
Lewis grabbed Franny’s shoulders. “You have to show me! ASAP!”
A bright grin spread across Franny’s face. “Way ahead of ya!”
The two went running out the front door, Franny unaware of her friend’s panic, mistaking it for curiosity. “You should fix him up so he can be our friend!” “That’s the plan!”
The moment the door shut, the entire family fell from their hiding spots, breathing a collective sigh of relief.
Way. Too. Close.
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months
Gomz rambles about something again so feel free to scroll pass :]
Recently had a video recommended to me on youtube and gave it a watch: how you play games is how you do everything so I wanted to give some thoughts after watching it
for starters, the video was pretty simple and straightforward and easy to watch, it got me thinking how true that statement is and I started reflecting a bit.
I rarely play games any more, simply because sometimes I couldn't bring in the time and commitment to games like I used to be, or that it feels like I'm completing tasks instead of enjoying the game (kind of what the original author felt)
That applies to some games I've played in the past, Minecraft, Valorant, Dont starve - when I play a game, I clock tf in LMAO I just tend to focus so much on it that everything else didn't matter. I guess irl this applies to me too, whenever I want to do something I make sure to put in 110% into it, very meticulous with completion and deadlines and ensuring the work I do are good quality, I spend time on researching every single questions or queries I have and yeah just, being into something. Though lately, I've dialled down a bit and take it easy (bcuz stress isn't fun)
Honestly, in another aspect, say Minecraft again, I used to be very active in a community, being the lead builder and just pumping out ideas and making builds after builds while still having fun, I loved brainstorming idea and vomit it out in blocks, being able to use part of my interest that are less relevant in my studies to something else, you know? but ever since the said community grew larger, I got overwhelmed and stepped away from the people. They're great friends, really, but sometimes it's a lot when a friend circle grows.
Reflecting this to irl, I tend to work in smaller groups and have a close-knit of friends instead of many friends. Better yet, working alone or just with another one person. It's easier to focus and manage things. Another takeaway would be, I guess, is the way I tend to walk away when things gets more than what I like, or can handle.
I used to be part of a group of friends online too, I liked what we had going, we were silly we were honi (lol) and things were more light-hearted. But as more and more people join, I started feeling overwhelm or a sense of disconnect. There's a lot going on, like a bouncing ball started yeeting against each surfaces at lighting speed and I can barely catch the ball kind of feeling.
I wouldn't say it's entirely their fault, it's mostly myself, which is more comfortable in controlled or slower pace(despite being hyper as well- brainrot goes brrrr). I guess what sucks the most is also watching a friend who liked hanging with another person that you don't really vibe with can be uh something(idk what or how to describe it, it's not jealousy either). The main issue is always around the aspect that I like person A, B, C and F, but not the rest of the bunch. Yes, I could bring it up, talk to them about it, and then highly possibly creating drama and beef with that process (relationships are so fragile). Knowing the people I was dealing with, I decided to just leave quietly (which, to no one's surprised, caused drama itself too - sigh)
I do miss them sometimes, the people I like talking to and be friends with, some of us kept the connection, some burn the bridge for good, some remains a mystery.
That brings me to another aspect in decision-making games, where I tend to walk the passive, most diplomatic route ever to finish the game. Well because irl I hate dealing with conflicts XD I also lean towards neutrality most of the time, unless it's something important then only I pick a side strongly. Using persuasion, communications and understanding, compromising and delegation to let a project or anything really(like relationship) run smoothly. Some of this cost my sanity, patiences and often, gaining less from the agreement lol
I stopped caring more than I do, I stopped trying to please everyone in the room after going through some stuff, and I learn to let go a lot of things because of those experiences, which for now feels like a good experience for me (Literally my page motto is my life motto, it is what it is)
This also made me think, that I am a person who likes to stay the same, more often than I'd like to admit. I mean this by saying like for example, no matter how many times I play Stardew Valley, I will follow a similar route. If irl, the mix rice shop I visit for almost 4 years now? I'll pick the same veggie and meat choices everytime I go there. I find comfort in repetition, I like following the same pattern, I enjoy being safe in a known routine.
If i want to ramble about this, I do like to change sometimes, explore different options, pick a different route etc. But, only if I finished the "foundation" first(both in game and irl)
So for example, stardew valley right? I tend to go min max route, getting my greenhouse and my plants, relationship, all those jazz to maximum first before I actually try something else. What's funny is the something else can be as small as picking a different spot to fish, wearing a different hat, try defeating the dungeon without espresso(that was awful) or romance other people(I still love Harvey more than anyone, sorry Sebastian, I do love the frog though)
Same with Minecraft, Im a builder yes, but I also grind a hell lot in the game, building industrial district and shit ton of farms to get whatever I need.
I think this is kinda reflected irl, where I like to have a strong stability of foundation before I try something different, something that is not part of the route Im used for. It's like once I am sure that our project presentation has the right amount of slides, informations and delivery, then only I try and test out animations, maybe some infographics and whatnot. Same with patient counselling, I usually follow a flow strictly in patient information gathering because that is what we were taught in University (name, age, height, weight, etc), but one time I decided to switch it up a bit to and try to make small talk in between info gathering (like when a patient tells me they're married, instead of moving on I congrats on their marriage instead) and has found it a nice experience and change of pace. You may find this a silly or heck, an obvious thing that I should've tried, but you need to understand every video, notes and lectures always follow a systematic manner with stuff like this. I've only started incorporating this style after being in the med course for like, 2 years, so when I transitioned to Pharmacy, it came naturally to me when it comes to building rapport with patients. The patients and lecturers love it, because the process can feel more like a conversation rather than an interrogation you know, it feels more lively, more empathy and whatnot. I hope to continue to improve on this actually, Im really happy that one of the change I made on an impulse stick through and benefitted my career.
Id say one bad thing with this habit (with how I approach change) is sometimes I miss out opportunities and again, missing out the fun. Heck, sometimes the process to finish the "foundation" itself feels like a chore that sucks out the fun from games. Like rn with tears of the kingdom(totk), I like collecting Light of Blessing to get more hearts and stamina, but god- totk is so much bigger now compared to the first one, and I got overwhelmed and stressful to play the game. So I dropped it on my previous semester break. (I wanna go back to it one day, hopefully)
This kind of also tie into something Im aware of, is that I get weary and overthink in the face of uncertainty. Like there are a lot of places in totk that I have yet to explore, because I have thoughts like
oh shit does this have important story plot? wait what if im suppose to go place A before going place B first? will it mess up the timeline? oh no that place is new what the heck let's just put a marker first-
you get the gist, same applies irl too. An invitation to quizzes, participating talk shows or experiments, most of which I usually don't attend in fear of my lack of skills or just, nervousness in new environment. There's always a lingering thought that I am not good enough to go to events that clearly, required skills and competence beyond what I have. Im no 4 flat student, hell my cgpa is shit lmfao, the only thing Im good at are soft skills and maybe level 1-2 clinical judgments. I still regret that one time I didn't join a community event where they've explored and talked about stem cells intervention, they had a whole freaking lab!! of cells!! like in the movies!!!!!!!!! ok anyways
Idk what im tryna say with this ramble, I just wanted to share and relate my experience to the video, maybe this is like a self reflection. I've been trying to be better at managing some of the issues I talked about, building confidence or maybe facing confrontations instead of dipping entirely.
If you read till here, thanks I guess! maybe you can relate to me or maybe you just wanna read my yaps, either way I appreciate it :D if you want to share your thoughts or experiences as well go ahead!
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ameftowriter · 2 years
Clavell with the 3rd starter headcanons.
Here you go @zomandfriends , I may as well share it here.
Under the cut cause it's actually longer than I thought
Clavell with Quaxly:
Office is the neatest place in the academy.
Sometimes there's some wet patches around the office because of Quaxly using water gun to clean around.
Quaxly sees Clavell like a dad/mom.
Quaxly can and will climb on top of Clavell's head and watch him do his work.
Also at times try to fix his hair like it's own.
Quaxwell will copy his gentlemanly actions like bowing, putting its arms behind it's back etc... As it sees Clavell, especially in his Clive disguise as the epitome of style.
With Clive, it also does the hair thing.
Actually Clavell got the Clive hair from Quaxly trying out different hairstyles on his hair and wig for the disguise.
If he didn't have Quaxly, he still saw it move it's hair upwards like a pomp and stuck with it.
With Quaquaval though, sometimes it will dance to cheer him up, especially with stressful days.
Quaquaval will always look to see if Clavell's outfit is perfect and same with the hair.
It will adjust his outfit if it feels it's off even just slightly.
Misses the Clive disguise and would sometimes try to tell him to wear it again, much to Clavell's embarrassment.
Clavell would also embarrassingly learn some dance moves from Quaquaval and get better at it.
Whenever Clavell does a morning jog that Quaquaval joins in too to strengthen its legs.
Also Jojo posing cause why not.
Clavell with Fuecoco:
Fuecoco loves being around Clavell and would run around circling him.
Fuecoco sees Clavell like a dad/mom.
Would also enjoy just watching him work and not really understand, it's kinda empty in the head department there.
Would also bite a lot, mostly bite him and the desk. It came to a point where Clavell managed to train it to bite a specific part of the desk, after replacing about two desks.
People ask why is there a huge bite mark on one side of his desk and normally Fuecoco is there hanging on to it happily.
Fuecoco has unfortunately started a few unintentional small fires, quickly put out by one of his other Pokemon though. Fuecoco feels bad for it too.
Crocalor has mellowed out a bit, still bites the side of the desk sometimes. But most of the time it takes care of the fire egg on its head.
Clavell offers some soothing music to help which Crocalor tries to copy by singing, and failing, but it's getting better.
Skeledirge strangely has developed sort of like a parental desire to protect Clavell and his Pokemon.
Singing has greatly improved of course, and sadly doesn't bite the desk anymore but does look at it happily from time to time with its bird thing.
The bird also sits on the desk and sleeps there sometimes.
Skeledirge will also just come out of the ball and try to either sing or cuddle up with Clavell even during meetings etc.
Clavell with Sprigatito:
There is a special spot on his desk where the sunlight hits just right and Sprigatito sits there and sunbathes regularly, then moves on the windowsill, the floor, on Clavell at times. Sprigatito just sleeps there.
There's a tiny pool where it can sit and bathe itself at times.
Sprigatito sees Clavell like a dad/mom.
Typical cat stuff where it would knock over things just to get his attention.
It was quickly trained to stop as it can get very dangerous with the lab equipment around.
Also typical cat stuff where it would sit on his lap or on his laptop while he's working.
Floragato mostly doesn't do those anymore... Clavell kinda misses it...
And does yo-yo tricks to cheer him up and shows off how awesome it is.
But it's starting to develop a habit on pulling harmless pranks onto him. Sometimes getting more elaborate by the day. Clavell is both impressed and annoyed.
It has pulled pranks on other teachers...
Did it to Tyme once and never again...
Meowscarada's pranks are so elaborate that it looks more like a magic trick. Which it just does to impress Clavell and of course cheer him up on stressful days.
He does it to his guests and even during meetings when it's not needed.
Clavell has sort of appreciated those magic tricks and has trained Meowscarada to use the elaborate ones to get more sneaky with his opponents which shocks everyone and it doesn't seem like he would do. But he is quite a tricky trainer to face anyway.
Once Meowscarada is out on the field, it had already set up it's Flower Trick traps without anyone's notice, other than Clavell and can and will use it on you if you dare hurt his students and teachers.
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piffany666 · 11 months
Ok just one more punk progeny won't hurt ~
Chapter 3: consent (part 2)
(Disclaimer: treasure and Bright eyes are the same person in this fic so just assume 3 things before reading, 1: Bright knows Porter is a vampire and vise versa, 2: I can't afford patrion but I do know what happend In the BA so if you have seen it just assume that they did bite each other they just didn't drink each others blood, 3: Bright dosnt know that Porter is a solaire. Got it? Ok)
TW. Mentions of mental health issues, abandonment issues and Foster care. Bright is ftm trans and uses he/him pronouns
Vincent and Bright had interacted before but not enough for Vincent to not feel nervous about talking to him. Especially about this.
William had told him what happened with Bright and that his answer was that he'd 'think about it'.
Now obviously Vincent wasn't going to sway him one way or the other,
But William had given him the vampire equivalent of 'dad's belt' for gossiping and causing that meeting with Bright to happen earlier than expected.
Besides, Vincent saw how egger William was to take in Bright so he just wanted to show Bright just how sweet this deal could be for him.
If he could just pluck up the courage to just walk over to him!
Just then, Vincent noticed Bright was stretching and groaning in a way that suggested he was stiff or in pain.
The perfect conversion starter.
"Ruff night?"
Bright turned his head towards him.
"Hmm? No actually, I had a great night"
He said this but still stretched out across the common room's couch.
Vincent knew what that meant, of course he did, he was Vincent!
He didn't know where this 'small talk' was going but he was genuinely intrigued.
"Yeah. Went out, fully intended on getting wasted after a long and confusing day but then ran into some old friends and I hate getting drunk in front of people I know, so I got stuck as their double D-"
"Their what?"
"Double D, designated driver"
"Oooohh! OK continue"
"So yeah I got stuck, sober, then all of a sudden this guy comes up to me, lays it on real thick, so we started talking and I'm sure you of all people can figure out what happened after that"
"Wow good for you"
Bright hadn't told anyone this but he had met some of his and Fred's old friends from before....yeah.
You'd think they would have been a little bit concerned considering he and Fred had been 'missing' for ages now, but no.
When he finally sees his old 'friends' again....they didn't even care.
And yet, he still felt like he owed them for leaving and never coming back, so that's why he endured being their DD.
But a certain someone recently taught him that he didn't need to do that anymore.~
"He was also a vampire, which was kinda cool"
"Well I'm glad your mingling with vampires other than Sam and Fred"
There was a moment of silence between the two but then Vincent reminded himself of why he started talking to him in the first place.
"Speaking of mingling with other vampires, I heard about what happened with William"
Bright didn't answer
"And I also know I'm kinda what caused it so I came over here to apologise, it wasn't my news to tell, I'm sorry"
Bright's face went a lot colder than it was before but he still answered him, only he didn't look him in the eyes.
"It's cool, whatever..."
"Well I got the vampire equivalent of 'dad's belt' for gossiping about it so I thought I'd make it up to you"
Bright's face sofend with curiosity.
Vincent continued
"I thought it would be a good idea if I showed you what perks being a solaire Prince comes with"
Vincent held back a smirk.
"Yeah, William is the vampire king so becoming his progeny would make you a Prince, like me. I mean he's not your maker so you probably won't have the same level status as me or alexis but you'll still be classed as 'Prince'".
Bright eyes stared, starstruck. He remembered being a kid, running around with the "other girls" who were all dressed up like princesses, laughing and screaming with him chasing after them. He got yelled at for it later but he just didn't want to be a Princess.
He wanted to be a Prince.
And now, years later, literally after death,
He can be.
"Huh....I guess I never realised that..."
"Well It can be pretty cool, and since your considering it, I thought I'd give you a rundown on what it's like"
"What dose that mean...?"
"It basically just means,
Do you wanna go shopping with me?"
Vincent realised that this was a really long winded way of asking him that.
Bright then looked dead serious and got up from the couch, looked him in the eyes and said
"Vincent, I'm a gay, trans man who grew up with f*k all money
Of course I want to go shopping with you".
"Isn't she gorgeous?"
Bright looked In awe at the car Vincent was showing him.
He whistled
"Sweet ride"
"I know!"
He was smiling ear to ear.
"Wanna ride IN it?"
Vincent jingled the keys
"Can I drive?"
After Bright asked that, Vincent no short of belly laughed.
It took him a moment to pull himself together, but when he eventually managed to stop laughing he looked at Bright and coldly said
Vincent opened the car and Bright slid in after him.
The sun had just gone down.
Bright still hadn't gotten used to the whole 'sleep-all-day-and-stay-up-all-night' deal. Usually he was a master at the 'stay-up-all-night' part but not so much the latter.
And considering what happened last night...let's just say he wasn't exactly 'Bright eyed and bushy tailed'.
"Could we get coffee while we're there (Wherever we're going)"
"Yeah of course"
Vincent wanted to avoid awkward silence as much as possible, he also genuinely wanted to get to know him, the real him.
Not the one Sam had told him about.
It could be cool...having a little brother.
"Sooo...your 'thinking about' being William's progeny?"
"Can I ask why?"
Bright sighed
"Well it's like this, I hate being Sam's progeny, it sucks! Nothing I do is ever enough and whenever I get mad or frustrated that I'll never be as good a vampire as Fred HE gets mad at ME because it's my fault...its all my fault...
But it's not like I don't know that and it's not like apologising is gonna fix anything...."
Vincent took a moment to take all this in.
From what Sam had told him, Bright was just a punk with a bad attitude who couldn't accept the blame for what happened at wonderworld and was a jerk to everyone.
But that's not what Vincent saw.
He just saw himself.
Or who he used to be.
Bright had accepted that what happened was his fault, he just didn't think apologising would do anything.
"So...why not take the offer right away?"
He really didn't want to seem like he was trying to swing him one way or the other, he just wanted to know why he wouldn't, since he hated Sam and Fred so much.
"Because....im used to being passed around from person to person, I hate it. I don't want to be reminded of that feeling again. Especially if William at some point figure's out that I'm not the little broken kid he clearly thinks I am, cos to be honest,
I really am the worst"
"What do you mean...your used to it?"
"Oh! I'm a Foster kid"
He said this much more casually than he did just previous statement.
That did make a lot of sense to Vincent though, and it did clear up a lot. However his reason for why he won't take up William's offer was... worrying.
But low self esteem was definitely something William could help with.
Most of Bright's problems could probably be solved by this agreement.
But that wasn't for Vincent to say.
"Well...im sorry"
"Don't be, its cool......your cool"
Vincent looked at him but he was facing the window
He chuckled.
"So what did you think of William?"
Bright perked up but then looked embarrassed
"Hes cool too..."
"Uh huh, hes been known to have this...power over 'troubled vampire youth'"
Bright scoffed
"I guess...there was just something about him that made me want to-"
"Trust him? Respect him?"
"Yeah! What's up with that?! Does he have like a....genetic dominance over other vampires or something?! I respect NO ONE THAT quickly!"
Vincent began laughing at his sudden outburst
"No, hes just kinda...like that I guess. It pissed me off SO much when I first became his progeny, but you don't seem as upset about it"
"Yeah well...its like I said
He was cool".
Vincent wanted to go on but by now they had reached the parking spot of their location.
"OK looks like we're here, get out"
They both left the car, Bright waited by the car as Vincent paid for the spot.
It looked like this was a regular spot for him
And probably Lovely too, thought Bright.
When Vincent came back from paying, Bright and him walked into the mall.
"So, coffee,"
"Oh god yes"
As soon as they stepped into the building, a Starbucks was waiting for them.
Bright practically ran up to it, put his hands on the counter and asked for a caramel macchiato with as many shots as they were legally allowed to put in.
When Vincent caught up to him he made his order and sat down at the nearest table, Bright joined him.
"So, based on that order I'm guessing the whole 'up all night and sleep all day' thing has been kicking your ass?"
"Keen observation, but aren't we suppose to not talk about that sort of stuff in public?"
Vincent shrugged then gestured towards their surroundings
"Bright, look around, it's getting late and no one is here! Besides vampires have....culturally been known to ummm not ignore covert but....bend the rules a lil"
"It's like that one bad stereotype that is completely true"
"Here are your orders guys!"
The batista gave them their drinks after they both thanked her.
They took a minute of silence just to indulge in their drink of choice.
Vincent was way more comfortable around Bright then he was before actually getting to know him.
From what Sam had said, he had assumed he'd be more....hostile....? But he wasn't, he was just like any other newborn but with the added angst of abandonment issues and god knows what else.
After Bright had taken a few sips he looked up at Vincent
"So what's the actual plan here? Like yeah we're at the mall but WHERE are we going?"
"Well I just thought we'd hit my usual spots, clothes shopping, maybe get some snacks and then head down to 711 or something"
Bright nodded.
"OK so basically everything you do with Lovely? Got it"
"Y-yeahh but please don't phrase it like that, it would be a lil weird considering who you would be to me if you agree"
Bright shot him a look of confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"Well" Vincent took another sip from his coffee "there's this general consensus that a mentor is supposed to act as a parental figure to their progeny, which means there progenys are kinda like siblings, at least that's how most of us view it...thats how I view it"
Bright paused. He had had many 'parental figures' throughout his life, none of them were ever permanent or knew how to handle him and his attitude.....why would this be any different?
He had also, as a result, had many siblings, but next to all of them were younger than him and if they weren't they were always older sisters.
He'd never had an older brother before.
"So...William's like your dad?"
"Yeah but just don't ever call him 'father' ok?"
Vincent seemed serious, it made Bright eyes a little nervous
"O-ok why?"
"He gets super defensive about how he's not a father"
"O-oh, yeah, right"
Bright's head hung a little but he didn't know why.
He didn't want another failed attempt at a father figure to be added to the list so why was he-
Vincent interrupted his train of thought when he tilted his head down to be at eye level with Bright
"But he IS like a 'dad' he will always tell you that".
Bright's head perked back up, still not knowing quite why
"But thats only if you agree that is now come on you can finish that on the way, I have a shopping craze that needs to be satisfied"
Bright got up, sipping his coffee along the way, then a smirk crawled on his face as a thought popped into his head.
"Hey you got turned when you were like 2 years older than me right?"
Vincent looked back at him, worried where this conversation was going.
"Y-Yeah why?"
The smirk got wider
"So do you shop at forever 21?"
After saying this he bust out laughing
"Oh you lil shit come here!"
Vincent said playfully.
He lunged for him but Bright ducked and ran, Vincent followed on.
There was basically on one there, it was like back in the old days when Bright and Fred would check out abandoned buildings together.
For the first time in ages, Bright didn't let that memory bother him, he just ran and howled playfully with Vincent on his tail.
And it was awesome.
After a while the two got out of breath, but Vincent caught up to him and not very hard and with little effort, pushed him to the ground.
They both just laughed for a moment, Bright still on the floor.
"OK OK you've had your fun, now come on, up"
He extended his hand towards him but he got up without it, not in any rude way Vincent just figured he didn't need help.
"So we ran past a couple of the shops I had in mind, wanna WALK back to them?"
"Yeah sure"
They went into the first clothing shop they saw and started browsing.
After a while, Vincent noticed Bright trying on a couple of accessories, chains, hats, shades ect.
"You thinkn of actually buying some of those?"
"Oh god no, some of these prices could pay for the second half of my surgery, I could never afford this!"
A smirk crawled on Vincent's face, he had been waiting for this moment.
"Oh, you think YOU'RE paying for these?"
Bright's head turned towards him so fast the shades he was wearing fell off his head and onto his face, covering his eyes.
He slowly lifted them back up then asked
"Come again?"
Vincent then reached into his wallet and pulled out what could only be described as a 'fan of credit and debit cards'.
Bright was flabbergasted.
"Dare I even ask? You aren't a stripper are you?"
Vincent gave a one note laugh.
"Ha! No no no this is just a solaire thing. What you didn't think Prince was synonymous with rich?"
Bright pulled himself together and stepped closer to him and sheepishly took one of the cards and went up to the desk to pay for the accessories he had on.
Vincent watched on and smiled to himself.
After no short of ransacking as many places as they wanted, the two left the mall but left the car where it was.
"Umm, what about your car?"
"Hm? Oh! Were just going around the corner"
It was pich black outside, when they turned a corner the only sorce of light....was the 711 stood before them.
It looked almost holy and it might as well have been with the way Vincent was gazing at it.
After a moment of watching Vincent bask in its glory, Bright felt a sharp pull on his sleeve and was pulled into the store.
Bright didn't exactly appreciate being pulled around so when they passed the threshold, he snatched his hand back.
"OK JD keep your pants on, it's just 711"
"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that because I've enjoyed our night so far. Now follow me"
"OK but I can walk on my own"
Bright followed him through the aisle, 'freeze your brain' now firmly stuck in his head.
Coincidentally enough, when Vincent stopped, Bright was met with the infamous slushy machine.
"You literally dragged me here...for slushys?"
"No I did not 'JuSt DrAg YoU oUt HeRe FoR sLuShYs' I brought you here to enjoy some ice cold liquid gold, after a long and and eventful night! Now pick your flavour, come meet me at the counter and go outside so we can sit on the sidewalk and chill!"
"OK OK, gezz"
Bright picked up a cup and pressed the blue raspberry and cola flavours.
Vincent went round the corner to get more snacks so Bright did what he was told and went up to the counter.
Vincent came back with his 'supplies' and slushy in hand.
He paid and they both went outside.
Vincent took a big gulp (hehe) of his slushy and listened to the silence for a while.
Until Bright eyes spoke up
"Do you think I should do it?"
"Do what...?"
"Agree to be William's progeny?"
Vincent hesitated.
He did have a lot of fun today, Bright wasn't a bad kid and he could tell that William liked him a lot.
But this wasn't about him.
"Well...I know you and Sam don't get along, I also know that kind of person William is and yeah being a solaire dose come with its perks
But I don't think I should sway you one way or the other.
Listen, I know this must sound bullshit but when I was first turned by him, I was so much like you that it kinda scares me"
"Oh f*k off"
"No, I'm serious. I had the same realationship with William as you have with Sam. So if I were you, knowing what I know now, I'd stay with Sam....but I'm not you and I don't think that thats really what you want"
Bright sighed and took a swig of his slushy.
"Yeah well...I think I'm still gonna marinate on it, ask around a bit maybe get to know you guys better"
"That sounds good"
That's way more than I did, thought Vincent.
"It's so funny to me, you'd think me and Sam would get along better considering how much we have in common"
At first Vincent thought he was being sarcastic but then he thought about it, then he asked
"Wait.....what are you talking about?"
"Oh yeah I forgot everyone leaves this part out....
You know what happend in wonderworld right? Sam told you?"
"Well...you know that he was turned by Sam and that Fred turned me but what no one seems to know or care about.....is that I didn't want him to. I wanted him to stop. I didnt know exactly what he was doing but I couldn't. Make him. Stop.
Who knew being turned without consent was a big 'no no' am I right? I only found that out after it happened. Anyway its getting late or I suppose early, I can finish this I the car, you coming to or what?"
Bright stood up and walked towards the car but Vincent just sat there trying to take in everything that was just said.
Why did no one tell him that? Why dose no one know about that?! And how long was it before he found out that that wasn't OK?....
All these questions flooded Vincent's mind but he snapped out of it when he saw Bright waiting alone by the car.
What could he possibly say after that....?
The car journey back was deadly silent. Vincent realised why he was so scared to talk to Bright in the first place. He was worried that Sam was wrong about him, scared that all the things that Sam seemed to hate about him were just the same things HE did back then, scared that William would-
"Oh man I love this song!"
His spiraling, intrusive thoughts were interrupted by the sound of "dear Maria count me in" and by Bright's excitement when it started playing.
Vincent began to smile, he let himself ignore what Bright said before and let the sound of his voice overshadow the sound of his mind.
Eventually the two were belting it out together, Vincent lowered his roof and Bright stood up in his car, hands up, still singing as loud as he could.
That crazy kid.
Taggs - @darlin-collins
(Also let me know if you want to be tagged in the next chapter)
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ansbobcar · 2 months
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EP 1 - Introducing trouble
Link to overview
_ _ _ _ _
"Aww... I can't believe Alexa Ivona’s postponing her charity concert," a boy sighed with discontent after reading the local newspaper, he tossed it across the desk to his friend.
"The Voice Cane’s still performing?" It was a bit absurd. "I thought she would stop since she became a Divine Visionary this April,” he quipped causing the fanboy to point his finger in defence.
“That’s why it’s a charity concert! It was to raise funds for the regions widely affected by the dragons!” However, it was still a mystery for the reason she had postponed in the first place. The Bureau had nothing to comment regarding the matter.
“Being a Divine Visionary must be tough work…”
With a high ceiling made of stone, quietly walking into the classroom were 2 students amidst a sea of clashing conversations. Only a few delusional fangirls would have bothered to pay attention when the stern-faced prefect in the classic navy blue robe with an eagle emblem and a red tie had entered with a one liner of a girl, auburn hair fluffily tied into some low pigtails while still reaching her back. She seemed to sneer at the boy much to their displeasure as she cracked open a cooked mussel shell and even sat right beside him on the 2nd front row seats.
Who was she? Why was a one liner sitting beside a two-liner who clearly hated everyone apart from Max Land? She didn't seem to resemble anyone important either to have earned the privilege to sit next to him.
It couldn't be...
"Alright, settle down," their teacher, Marvina Mevitable, sounded with her clipboard. "We'll begin attendance."
As everyone's names were being called, the few girls most peeved by the sight had started to trade inked messages with each other quietly in order to avoid suspicion. If she was new, then they would put her into place.
"Darren Randel?"
The ginger brunette raised her hand and everyone's eyes glanced at her. It wasn't an elite family's name, it wasn't related to anything noteworthy.
“A new girl? But we’re nearly halfway through the term…” Someone at the back whispered out loud as the professor continued calling out names.
_ _ _
Typical intrigue filled the hall at the sudden appearance of the transfer student as they begun their lecture. 
“As a starter, I would like everyone to use magic to try solve what’s in the box,” flicking her wand to float their first exercise without a hitch onto their desks. 
Darren watched as everyone else took out their wands and began to cast spells, since the wooden box she held in her hands was practically a clean and smooth surface on all sides. Like a die. 
‘I think I’m supposed to forcefully open it,’ she told herself. ‘What was the spell called again?’
“Make sure you don’t make a mess either,” the woman added as she watched people violently chant their spells out to chipping success. “You’ll have cleaning duty if you do.”
“Absolutum… Opti Ars.”
The box clacked open to reveal a jack in the box with a bucket. It giggled before hurling water in her face which brought up an uproar of laughter and snickers around her. The new girl didn’t use Venetris to check the contents of the box? ‘How absurd!’
Even the teacher sighed at the sight of her, dumbfounded by this reaction, “Apologies, Miss Randel. I forgot to ask what your current knowledge of advanced spells were.”
‘If she knew the basic spells then we shouldn’t have a problem doing some catch up sessions,’ the teacher told herself as she awaited a response.
“Mostly offensive and lethal spells.”
‘Huh?’ The class was puzzled by her response as she took out a face towel from her robe to pat herself dry. ‘We haven’t even learnt lethal spells yet but she doesn’t know Venetris?’
'Also where did that towel come from?' Watching as she swiftly wiped clean the affected areas with ease. Her deskmate' forehead seemed to crease more at this situation.
“Is that so?” Immediately the teacher brought back their attention away from their starter, the brunette glanced towards Rayne who had managed to seamlessly receive a silver bit for solving the box. “Today, all of you will be practising your use of spells. I expect all of you to be able to complete 12 of these by the end of the lesson,” bringing forth even more boxes alongside some miscellaneous possibly easier ones which landed infront of the transfer student instead. 
Focusing only on the brunette, the woman took a deep breath. “I’ll bring you up to speed then. In order to execute the spell, channel your magic through your wand and aim your wand at the point you would like to see through before you chant Venetris,” demonstrating the use of the spell infront of her which showed a glimpse of a red fabric inside. “Now you try. Take your wand,” only to watch the girl with blue dipped tips aim her index finger at a point with concentration. “Your wand,” the lecturer repeated sternly. “Miss-”
“Venetris,” she executed the spell with ease onto the same box. She had successfully managed to cast a newly learnt spell. Baffled by this successful moment, “Miss Randel, do you have a wand?”
“I do not.”
Everyone behind her scoffed or hid their reactions at the absurd answer.
‘But she executed the spell beautifully,’ the woman told herself as murmurs flew across the room. ‘There hasn’t been any case of wandless casting like that in years with such precision too.’ Recollecting herself, as she coughed to stop the snickers.
“Let’s go through the other spells then.”
She simply agreed to her words as she was exempted from cleaning much to a girl’s fury.
_ _ _
“You’re actually wandless?” the Adler Prefect reiterated as they headed towards their next lesson. She hummed as she snacked on some more mussels from her pocket. 
“They kept breaking so my family stopped providing any funds for them after my last wand 6 years ago nearly broke,” she shrugged off. “I broke that wand quite recently though,” peeved by the memory. “Even though I used it sparingly,” she muttered under her breath.
"How many did you go through?"
"... four...?" She slowly muttered under her breath. 
"Just 4?" Watching as she just muttered words without sound before she just nodded before they entered their Potionology class.
"Welcome back everyone!" The man dressed in a white apron greeted them. The classroom was equipped with stovetops and cabinets filled with equipment. His face lit up at the sight of the new face. "Welcome, Miss Randel, I'm Professor Caul," he took out his hand which she shook as a few more students waddled inside. "Please wear some protective equipment"—his eyes smiled instead—"Thank you, Mister Ames for helping out," gesturing to the latter for the girl to take.
Eyes stared at her lack of reluctance and manners towards the pretty frowning boy, watching her follow him to their station without uttering another word as class would begin shortly.
“And as you can see,” the professor dropped the oozing broth liquid into the clear flask; “that’s how you make a simple lethargy potion.” She watched as her desk partner got the same results as well, she furrowed her brows at the ingredients in front of her. Already diced perfectly.
Raising up her hand, she asked her question, “Professor, what does a lethargy potion do? Is it that important to know?”
This was her 3rd time asking a question, the class was irked by her participation.
Smiling at her, she was given a thorough response. “Good question, Miss Randel. It reduces the energy of the subject that has ingested the concoction,” the professor explained. “It’s one of the fundamental potions you must know, variations that are possibly more familiar to you but aren’t limited to include sleeping potions and calming potions.”
“So,” carefully eyeing the ingredients. “Which ingredient makes it more deadly?” She pointed, clearly wondering the details. “Assuming it can reduce the subject's energy, does that mean until 'the subject can die' type of levels or…”
'SHUT UP!!!’
“Overall, there is no ingredient which makes it more deadly if it’s done in any wrong proportions. The key to making it more deadly is by adding certain herbs outside of the base formula ingredients,” the professor smiled brightly. 
“Then why do we have to follow the measurements?”
“So resources don’t go to waste," he promptly replied. "Moreover, this recipe follows the minimum quantities."
'Resources that go to waste,' she echoed to herself, with a sceptical face before she coughed to hide a scoff. "Thanks for the information," following his instructions. The room was more dusty than the others too.
"Feel free to use them for a good night's rest."
The school day continued, almost as normal if it wasn't for the new girl flanking the teachers with random and often dumb questions left and right.
By the time lunch rolled around, she was immediately left alone, placing her robe down on the desk. "Getting lunch," he had excused himself and she simply waved him away. 
What a convenient time to strike, the girls thought.
"Hi, Darren," a blonde girl slammed her hands on the desk Darren was at. "Do you have plans for lunch?"
"Other than eating my lunch, nope!" She promptly replied.
'This girl wants to pick a fight with me.'
She cracked open another mussel, as she stared at her blue eyed with no sense of dread. "What about you?" She could sense more girls entering the room following by someone locking the door to the class.
"Giving my advice to you," Chloe's nails dug into her shoulder. "Stay. Away. From. Rayne. Will. You?" She gritted with a smile on her face.
Breaking another mussel open. "And why should I do that?" Her eyes calmly testing her. "What are you gonna do? Dump a bucket of water on me? Kick me down the stairs? Make me get caught with illegal drugs?" Carefully she firmly held onto her delicate fingers and stood up from her seat. Her rough hand, seemed to bring some discomfort to the taller girl. 
"You are a one-liner... like... me," she stressed watching as terror slowly encroached upon the blonde's face. "If any of you were in my first lesson... I can ruin your pretty faces if that's what makes you filled with vain," raising her other hand to trace her line on her cheek. "Why do you think I transferred in the first place?"
Another girl readied her wand, her voice cracked at the two. "Darren... Lady Chloe... please stop it."
The brunette looked at her with a grin that stretched from ear to ear. Slowly she removed the rich girl's hand from her shoulder and dropped her other hand. 
"Are you girls happy now? Got the delusional expectations and words out of your system?" She pivoted her heel with a less haunting smile. As if she didn't just lace a death threat to the daughter of a mayor.
There was considerable distance between the two and the spectators, some even slipped out of the room from the mere glance of the shorter girl towards them.
"What if I haven't had my fill yet?"
The door slammed open startling the taller girl to turn her heel and bear a friendly facade.
The Adler Prefect, the girl's saviour, had arrived. With a silencing glare aimed towards the others, the brunette rolled her eyes as she quickly picked up her robe before she was harshly yanked by her wrist elsewhere.
After walking a considerable block of classrooms away, his grip released her. "A bit harsh, you know."
He continued to judge her with his eyes.
"I could've handled that on my own," she mirrored him, crossing her arms at his lack of words."It doesn't matter if they're rich or powerful either. I can deal with them all."
Finally, with a massive sigh, he seethed with some annoyance, "The old man said to keep you out of trouble."
"And you didn't fail yet," she added.
_ _ _
“Ohohoh! That’s quite the spectacle you’ve done for yourself, Darren,” the revered old man, Wahlberg Baigan, was humoured by the girl’s appearance amidst the sickly smoke, sporting a simple black blouse slightly tucked into her pants with a suitcase in hand. She seemed peeved by this visit to say the least, it was just the middle of May after all, as she tapped her finger. “I can see why you’re a favourite for the upcoming year’s selection,” he commented, to which she didn’t utter a reply. 
“Your principal said you were stubborn and expects you to be back in a few days.”
She scoffed at this, “He really hates me doesn’t he?” The respected wizard flicked his wand, zipping a map and a key for her with a tag on it. 
“You’ll be staying in that room for the duration of your stay. Breakfast will be provided at 8 and Dinner at 6 to your doorstep.”
Her eyes looked back towards Easton’s principal with scepticism. “You want me to avoid the student population?”
“I doubt they would take kindly to your intrusion as a visitor and you wouldn’t want to cause a ruckus either.” Which was correct. 
“What about the itinerary then?”
“We’ll begin with a tour of our facilities away from the castle once you’ve settled in,” he began before checking the time. “It’s getting late, I’ll escort you for the time being.”
For her to be here, the principal must’ve wanted to expel her, she told herself once the old bearded man left. 
_ _ _
It was 5 in the morning, and the girl had begun her morning run within the forest surrounding the campus. It felt refreshing to run even though her thoughts found this whole thing useless.
She wouldn’t change schools.
There was no point to it, having reluctantly accepted this visit after being threatened with receiving failing grades as the semester continued.
‘The abuse of power in that school is crazy but that’s how this world worked. This messed up world which continuously relies on these marks to indicate your power and therefore your position in life.’
To many, she was a one-liner. A really really annoying one. Like a pesky weed. But what else could she be if she wasn't such a thing? 
An unnaturally sharp rustle of leaves were heard towards her left. Stopping her tracks. She couldn’t sense anything unusual?
'Maybe someone was training their magic? No, that wouldn’t make sense, don’t they have practice rooms to do that in?' It wasn’t an offensive spell either, as the rustling continued. 'A squirrel?'
A rabbit, she slowly lowered herself to her knees as she took out a piece of cloth with some celery. Placing it infront of her, she patiently anticipated its next move. It took the bait! She cheered to herself as it viciously destroyed the food and looked towards her expectedly.
“Sorry, I’ve got no more,” she whispered as it jumped towards her lap and curled itself to rest. Gently, she caressed its forehead and back. “Fluffy,” enamoured by it’s fur. “Who’s your owner? Your fur’s well groomed,” she complimented the small mammal.
“Impart Zero,” she chanted, dispelling the large and bright sword ramming towards her as she cradled the fluffy creature in her arms to turn towards the source. It was a boy, his hair parted between yellow and black with a sour pair of eyes, who held out his wand apprehensively. “The owner?” 
“Who are you?” He nearly hissed, wand aimed at her still. She didn’t resemble a student from his school and dispelled the large blade, keeping his guard up.
“Darren. Is this yours?” She slightly lifted the bunny pressed against her chest peacefully. It leaned to her touch.
'Why is...'
'As long as she's safe.'
"Follow me.” He pocketed his wand as the sky was coloured cornflower. His cautiousness around her was an overreaction, “Sorry about earlier.”
“It’s fine. I’m kind of used to it,” she replied back as they arrived at a quaint house which only revealed more bunnies jumping around including the one in her arms which startled her a bit. 
“You have a lot of them,” assessing the area while the rabbit owner continued about his own routine. “Have you fed them yet?”
“About to.”
“I’ll help out.”
‘She’s good at this,’ he commented as she became engrossed in taking care of his bunnies, brushing through their fur as he simply observed with some tea in hand. ‘But she’s not a student at Easton either.’
He checked the time, it was nearly 7 as he stood up. “I’ve got class soon.”
“I’ll finish brushing them in a bit,” she chimed back as he left.
It'll be fine to leave the stranger with them, right? He couldn't afford to skip classes anymore.
_ _ _
“Mr. Wahlberg!” The curly gingerhead cried. “I haven’t been able to get a hold of Darren Randel since breakfast! As the one overseeing her stay at Easton before her transfer, this is bad,” overwhelmed at her disappearance. “They might kick me out of my job! What if it’s actually true!”
The principal ran his fingers through his beard, “Please calm down, Nerey. I’m sure she didn’t go far.”
The girl in question groggily noticed a figure right above her who sighed, “I thought you died.”
Without hesitation, her heart leaped dramatically as she chanted a lethal offensive spell. “Rupturas!” Barely registering with her eyes for her target to be the boy from earlier, enough to dispel it before it had taken effect. ‘Why was that the first spell I thought of?’ She grimaced to herself as she pulled herself up to stand. “Sorry about that."
“How was class—actually what time is it?”
“It’s 6 o’clock.”
“So it’s been…” she left her room at 5, and he left at 7 to go to class, she quickly added up the hours and her face paled. “13 hours since I left my room…” she snapped her head towards him; “Can you take me to Mr. Wahlberg’s office?”
Slightly weirded out, he agreed to guide her, locking the door to the rabbit house as they left. No words were spoken, finding it unnecessary.
Once they reached the doors, they weren’t just greeted by the principal but also a Divine Visionary, based on the red emblem on his trench coat's back. “Miss Randel, we’ve been trying to find you.”
“I dozed off so I asked,” she pointed towards the boy, realising too late that she didn’t get his name, “to bring me back.”
“For 13 hours?”
“What’s going on?” Rayne interrupted the man’s questioning. Firstly, this girl was very clearly not a student from Easton yet is in the school campus, and her disappearance caused The Flame Cane of all people, to be involved. He was missing a significant portion of the context to be completely composed by the situation they were in.
“Simply put, she's caused a lot of trouble for her school and the Bureau,” the white haired man explained which puzzled the boy even more. “We can’t force her to transfer, but we highly encourage it hence her stay for 3 nights instead.” The auburn brunette sighed at his words. 
“I just arrived recently but it seems my involvement wasn’t needed,” adjusting his gloves. “I’ll take my leave then,” abruptly destroying the mood of the room.
Looking over towards the old man as if the scenario wasn’t perplexing enough, she asked, “So… do you think 2 days is enough to do everything on schedule?”
_ _ _ _ _
This changed a lot from the initial version which would be more chronological but where's the fun in that? Also Chloe Bourgeois reference I'm sorry guys. Don't summon that fandom down my doorstep.
Originally, I had this descriptor that Darren was average looking but uh... nah I doubt that. Also she's kinda tanned/sunkissed skin? It's briefly mentioned in one of the next episodes but I don't fully develop it.
Might publish on ao3 becuz of how big the wordcount is as a just in case. Would do weekly updates but with these chonky chapters being 2-3 typical chapters length wise, it'll be every other week prolly.
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blu-ish · 1 year
Pat-Pats connection to Glamrock Bonnie?
Okay, so I for one- like barley post at all so.. hello, haha! But this has been on my mind since I finished watching all the gameplays for ruin and I just NEED to know if anyone has the same thoughts. (I haven't seen anyone mention this so I am taking it upon myself!)
So for starters, Bonnie has ALWAYS been my favorite, since like, FOREVER. And I was foaming at the mouth at his tiny mention in SB, but I never thought we'd get to see my poor boi again after discovering that he was decommissioned :(
Our only clues about him came in the duffle bags in SB that Gregory would find around the PizzaPlex, which stated his last known location being Gator Golf after going MISSING, the re-branding issue, ect.
But we ACUTALLY got to see his body in RUIN! Which was behind Bonnie Bowl? Hmmm, sus. >:0
Now I'm not even going to try to say I didn't make the most animalistic noises when I saw him again- (and his adorable official design!!) but the one thing that caught mostly everyone's eyes was that our bunny was SURROUNDED by Pat-pats! (Yes me finally getting to the point of my ramble lmaoo)
Now I for one, was also riding The Gator Behind the Slaughter train. We just didn't have enough clues for it to have been ANYONE ELSE. Besides maybe our girl Vanny lmao...
Until now... NOW HEAR ME OUT!
I got this theory after listening to Dawko's videos about the Mimic.. which was INSANE to learn about! (I never read any of the books xD)
(But I'll let you watch that if you wish <3 I highly recommend for anyone who wants to learn more about the Mimic!)
I read someone's post about this also. (So so sorry for not remembering their name jshjshsj.) About how strange it was that in one of the duffle bag messages, it mentions how Bonnie LEFT his room to go walk around the Plex WAY after closing time. He took a one hour trip to the Fazcade, before taking another hour an a half to get to Montys Golf, where he was last seen. Taking him around 3 hours tops to just WALK around the Plex?? An EMPTY Pizza Plex??
Yeah I'd admit, this is weird. It didnt take Gregory or Freddy THAT LONG to zoom around the PizzaPlex in SB, so what took Bonnie so long?
Now for my theory..
I think someone lured Bonnie on a wild goose chase around the Plex, using the Pat-Pats as bait.
And I think that SOMEONE wasn't Vanny or even a Infected Monty.
It was the Mimic.
Now let me explain.
All throughout Ruin, we see these still functioning Pat-Pats throughout the Pizza Plex. And ONLY with the mask on, they emit a weird crying noise that stops only when shut down.
Even when Cassie was at the Daycare, there was a Pat-Pat there. Could It have been emitting that child crying noise? If so, why? If not to lure someone to that area.
Now if Bonnie is anything like our beloved bear is, he would've def heard this and went to investigate.
But if that's the case, why didn't the other animatronics hear it too?
When Cassie put on the Vanny Mask, she was connected to the Network.. she heard voices from the Pat-Pats AND from the Mimic/Fake Gregory the whole night, even without the mask on 24/7.
Bonnie, being a animatronic himself- is always connected to the Network most likely, therefore enabling the Mimic to reach into that same Network to trick him. We've seen it seemingly disable M.X.E.S for a short period of time, why couldn't he mimic the cry's of the people he's killed through the Pat-Pats?
But why would it want Bonnie in particular?
Now this MIGHT be a bit of a stretch, since I'm not entirely sure if the Mimics systems could be the same as the program in Glitch-Trap in the Help Wanted VR game. (Who was mimicking Afton.) But Bonnie is a Bunny, if not the same kind of design as all the Bonnies in the past. (Duh lol) But It could be a possibility that in a effort to mimic whatever was left of William, it wanted to steal Bonnies parts. (Therefore when not defeating princess quest in SB gets you a Mimic Afton?? Idk I'm spitballing here LMAO) But since PQ in mostly likely the canon ending after all, this doesn't hold completely. It could be a random attempt to lure ANY animatronic to a place where it could dismember them to steal their parts to repair itself after the sinkhole finally freed it. Who knows for sure!
But unfortunately our favorite bunny bites the dust for being so caring. :(
But what does this have to do with the Pat-Pats surrounded Bonnie behind Bonnie Bowl?
Well, perhaps after totaling Bonnie, the Mimic hid him. Which explains why the reports are saying he's MISSING. Like how a predator would hide its kill for later. This leads us down 3 paths.
The Pat-Pats were places there to keep emitting that noise to keep bonnie quiet and deactivated. Via why his eyes are the same color as the Pat-Pats.
The Pat-Pats are no longer connected to the Mimic and are trying to help Bonnie in a way. By leading someone to HIM instead of the Mimic. In a almost ironic way lmao.
They could also be working as our bunny boi's eyes, which means if he was truly still semi-functional, he was watching us all thoughout SB and Ruin. And shutting them down could maybe reactivate bonnie if not accidently make him dormant for now, oops lol.
I was also wondering how the Mimic knew the layout of the Pizzaplex. This could be because he was connected to the Network before hand? Or he could've stole some chip of some-kind out of Bonnie after smashing his head in with a bowling ball. We do see Bonnie in pieces.. ex. being his arms and legs seemingly pulled outward. Like how the mimic would rip his victims apart, while smashing their heads. (Would this give Bonnie amnesia if awakened again? Ooo the Angst potential! Heheh xD)
When caught by the Mimic, we see Cassie suffer that same fate. Along with the Mimic seemingly clawing at her aswell. Just like how Bonnie is clawed open.
There is no doubt in my mind that we don't see our favorite bunny active again, he's in too good condition still if not BETTER condition than the others! If Cassie doesn't reactivate him or maybe someone else imma riot! xD
Of course this is just a theory of mine, just for funsies <3
If you read all of this, sorry you cant get those minutes of your life back they are legally mine now hehe >:D
Hope you have a Faz-eriffic day ya'll! ;)
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thebrimstonewitch · 6 months
In the mood for threading again. Like this post and I'll attempt a starter.
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brckensocietyarch · 9 months
hi lovely humans. this is a long post. but i need to talk about this. yes, i'm ranting, but i'm genuinely tired of this and i can no longer be the "i'll just deal with it" type. i read every person i look at interacting withs' rules. it's common sense in this community and not doing it at this point is kinda disrespectful in my opinion. TLDR: (although you should read if we interact unless it's been for a long time, i know y'all understand my rules very well) READ MY RULES! a reminder for anyone who wants to interact with me, my rules are important and it's obvious when people haven't read them especially the "female vs male muses". one, i have a ratio rule of 1:1 male:female (i don't have nb/genderfluid muses rn so that's the ratio rn), if you are someone who doesn't care about ratios that is fine, i am happy to give more females if you'd like but my males come with rules. i prefer playing my femmes and being used for my males has irked me to no end over my many years in the rp community. now, to help myself stay on top of this there is a time limit for if you've posted a reply to my males and not my females, i've been giving leeway with it given my own health and the holiday season BUT next year, after my bday i will be enforcing the time limit again (of two weeks). as usual, if muse level is an issue, that is more than okay, i am happy to hold onto your reply to my male until you get around to having enough muse to reply to my female but otherwise, i will drop the thread after two weeks and it'll be a strike against me interacting with you. (note: i, whether queuing or directly posting, will post my male and female replies together/one after the other, this helps me so i keep the ratio especially if someone i'm rping with also finds it important, you can always not reply to my male and wait til your muse replying to my female is musey again. hold it in your drafts, that's fine, i am happy to wait. it's far better than feeling used. i do sometimes give slack with a couple of replies but over the past year it's been harder to do that given how disheartening it is (especially with my rsd).) also, if you reply to male muses starter, reply to a females too OR reach out to interact with one, not doing so makes it awkward for me because i then have to follow up on something that should be a no-brainer given my rules, which you should've read. i've legit been told once that they figured my rules didn't kick in until we interacted a little bit, that's not how it works. two, sadly, f/f threads are still rough, there are a few muses/people i interact with willing to do them platonic and not but they are minimal rn. so most threads are m/f rn. m/m is still open but lower muse too. i get this isn't for everyone and that's totally okay. sometimes i will reach out and ask for f/f and you can do the same but it's not guaranteed. this also connects to three... so, three, i don't rp with all female blogs. i understand some people don't like playing males at all and that is totally okay but this is my preference, especially when i don't have much muse for f/f threads having all female blogs like my posts to interact with me is.... bothersome. like, the f/f thing is on my pinned post and my rules, so you can't miss it if you're looking at my blog. which means you've liked something or reached out without giving my blog a real look at all or you've ignored/haven't read my rules or expect me to just to m/f threads with solely my males with you. that's isn't going to happen. i'm not kidding when i say there have been at least 20 all-female blogs in the past month that have liked interaction posts or reached out to rp. sorry, but it's my preference right now and will not happen.
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bcnedaddy · 6 months
Closed starter for: @shadxwmoonlight Location: Moonlight Casino
Jack had been frequenting the casino a bit more since meeting the owner of the place the first time he'd stumbled in there. It was usually on one of his late night walks that he mindlessly ended up there as his thoughts would wander. It was one of those nights. Jack was pretty exhausted in all honesty but was running on copious amounts of caffeine and manic thoughts. He couldn't think straight, word that failed to go from pen to page and nightmares that plagued him whenever he closed his eyes were uphill battles he couldn't conquer. In attempts to be free from the chains that were his problems he had a few drinks and tried his hand at blackjack. Time seem got away from Jack though and before he knew it the night was nearly at an end. The place wasn't empty, but it was noticeable that people were starting to slowly disappear through the front door after a long night of gambling and drinking or whatever other vice people used to indulge. Jack had opted for a water when he went to the bar one last time, setting his whatever number empty gin and tonic on the bar-top. The man behind the bar was a face Jack wouldn't forget since meeting though. "Well, look who has come out of hiding for the night. I swear I haven't seen you once all night." He grinned brightly at the man. Okay, so maybe he was a little drunk. It happened to the best of people. His hair was a bit disheveled from running his hand through it when a game began to have high stakes. "I'll admit I've stopped by a few times but we must always miss each other. This place has a certain...charm." As he looked at Oz it took him a moment to focus his vision. Maybe he was more than just a little drunk. Regardless, he was curious about Oz. Even inebriated he knew something was off about him and he wanted to get to the bottom of it. It almost made Jack feel guilty for being suspicious, seeing as Oz seemed like such a kind and genuine person. Something felt so strangely familiar and Jack wouldn't pinpoint why. From the moment they had met something was off to Jack. Still, he kept his friendly demeanor around him and felt there was no harm in doing so. What's the worst this man could do to him anyways? Probably not much, or so Jack thought. His grin softened into a goofy smile before he spoke up again. "Have you been lurking in the shadows, or something? I'm sure as the owner you've got a watchful eye on the place, even from afar."
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
❛ are you wearing my shirt? ❜ ( from Captain Daigo ! )
subtle smut sentence starters . accepting
The question was purely rhetorical - that much was evident even in how Daigo had offered his counselor one of his very private but boyish grins, teeth flashing in a way that promised benign mischief. He propped himself better on the bed next, folding an arm to keep his torso angled to admire Melissa and using the free hand to scratch at his chin idly, face suddenly pensive almost as if he was elaborating an assessment on her look.
"Well - it appears to have your name on the back," Melissa chuckled, and then twirled around for emphasis, both hands pointing to the symbols that she assumed meant 'Dojima'. Japanese was not one of the languages she knew from Earth, and the fact that the alphabet was different made it more challenging. The universal translators could work for speech and computer files, but that shirt was a bit of a mystery for the Inadian.
In addition to the name, there was a big number too (a three - which Melissa had supposed to allude to his birthday, although she wasn't too sure). The shirt in itself was huge - enough to leave the female almost swimming in fabric when she sat down, but apparently it was a trademark thing of that type of ancient sportswear from Earth. The hem reached the middle of her thighs and the sleeves were loose over the elbows, covering the essential of her anatomy if anyone entered the captain's quarters.
(Not that it would do any of them a lot of good with Daigo visibly naked under the covers and his counselor wearing something from his personal wardrobe, of course.)
"I'm sure I'm missing a few accessories to play, though. I've looked it up before - this used to be popular in your home country in Earth, right? Baseball?" Melissa queried while sitting down at the edge of the bed, and her proximity removed the false look of contemplation from the captain's face. Probably because the idea of having the ship's counselor on one of these ancient fields chasing after a ball was incredibly funny - as well as something not within her skill set; the last tournament held among the crew to emulate some sort of Olympic competition had proved that Melissa was not particularly gifted with team play.
Daigo chuckled, pulling her closer - his arm wrapping around the telepath's midsection achieved that easily enough, particularly when all Melissa did in protest was to giggle and allow herself to be dragged back to his side. Once more laying in bed, the woman received the kiss offered by the captain with a satisfied humming, her own hands moving to bury themselves in Daigo's hair and unconsciously shifting over the mattress to give him room to maneuver and place himself over her again.
"I can show you an old match one of these days," Daigo murmured against her skin, his lips drifting closer to the ear as he spoke and seemingly uncaring for how the bedsheets were slipping from his figure and leaving very little to hide the fact that he had quite enjoyed the sight of Melissa in something of his, "But maybe you should be wearing something different otherwise I may not be able to concen-"
'Bridge to captain.'
The familiar sound of the ship's communication system being activated and the voice of Kasek echoing these simple words had Daigo groaning next, deliberately hiding his face in the crook of Melissa's neck. The Inadian laughed, arms holding him gently before offering a pat over his head in a very typical gesture of consolation, but keeping quiet - the last thing people on the bridge needed was more confirmation that his free time was being spent in bed, with their counselor.
"Daigo speaking," he responded, but doing an impressive effort to sound neutral and professional while raising his head. Melissa could have teased him further - but instead, she behaved. A hand caressed the captain's face softly, combing some of his head into place as Kasek further elaborated on the message.
'We have picked up a distress signal, captain. It appears to be coming from an inhabited moon of Mondor IV. It may be a stranded ship, sir.'
"Right. Yeah. On my way - Daigo out," the captain confirmed and disconnected, eyes returning to the face of the Inadian on his bed with a look of regret that was too endearing to be ignored. Melissa moved to kiss him - a deep, passionate one, but also a gesture that meant a temporary goodbye. Duty called - they both understood that perfectly.
"Go change, elskede. I will do the same and we can pick this up later when you're free. I only have appointments until 7pm," the therapist elaborated, and he nodded, moving away but not before allowing his thumb to trace Melissa's jaw, pausing right underneath her lips to offer her a smile that was just sincere and serene - a sight that always made her feel incredibly special. So very few were awarded a window to his soul - the Inadian was happy to see it so frequently.
"Baseball night it is, then."
"I can't wait to learn more about it," Melissa responded, and a sweet, short kiss ended their contact. The captain moved into the adjoining bathroom and the telepath sat up, looking for her own clothes and making an effort to look presentable enough for the walk from his room to her own - but not without her heart fluttering in the chest and noticing that she was eager to learn more about him and everything that was important to Daigo.
Not the best sign for one in charge of counseling, but definitely a commendable trait for a girlfriend.
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Chapter 4 I also forgot to mention the fic is called
Word count 2953
Still angsty atm , mention of possible panic/anxiety attacks , I swear it does get better (many typos )
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I get into my class and sit down. I've been placed in a seat that is the closest to the teachers desk as this class is my least favourite so I tend to mess around so I've been moved were Mrs Greer can see me. She's already sat in the class waiting for us all to come in and get out books out. I don't really have many people in this class to talk to as I keep to myself as well as quite disruptive. So for the most part I start on the starter task which takes me almost all of five minute to get frustrated over tearing my page out of my book and throwing it into the bin missing slightly. She spotted me throwing it and asked me to go pick it back up. I skulk over to where I missed it then turn around to the person behind me "hey watch me basket this from my seat ". After returning to my seat with the balled up peice of paper I try again to get it into the bin. I get it in this time and cheer loudly in faux excitement "look what I just fuckin did ".
"Mr Healy have you started the task on the board "
"Yes I have but it doesn't make sense "
I can hear her trying to explain the question to me but I'm just not in the right headspace to listen to her. So I turn around and start talking to the person behind me about utter nonsense
"Mr Healy I'm trying to help you ...are you paying attention
"I am paying attention I just don't get it " I raise my voice a little. Which on my behalf not the brightest idea
"Am I going to have to remove your from the class ..,your being very hostile right now "
"Oh am I , we'll what do you know Matty Healy not paying attention in math class " I know I'm winding her up but I really do just want to be removed from the class today maybe go home early even
"Right I don't think that's anyway to be behaving right now...please go wait outside and I'll talk to you once I've gotten everyone settled
"Nah there's no need I'll just go" and with that I pick up my rucksack and leave slamming the door in my wake. That was very much not my worst encounter with this particular teacher but honestly she knows it's just going to get worse as the class progresses so throwing me out was a better idea.
I go back outside for another smoke and snap George "I'm not staying here today I really am not " . While I'm in the process of lighting my cigarette I hear my head of year behind me "Matty what do you think your doing with that..."
"Oh uh nothing " it's not fully lit yet so I just drop it back into my pocket
"And what are you doing out of class "
"I just walked out I can't be there right now ...I'm not feeling great today and maths is just messing with me head "
My head of year gestures for me to sit down and she sits next to me "so you really think it wise to be skipping on lessons this close to your GCSEs especially maths when I know how much your struggling "
"I just can't not today" I place my head in my hands as my breathing become ragged "I just wanna go home ....can I phone my dad to come pick me up "
"How about you just come back to my office with me and we talk for a bit ...I know you struggle talking about feeling but we can sit down have a biscuit and some tea and just relax ...have you been taking your medication...I've seen a decline in your behaviour the last week or so " she knows me pretty well and I do feel safer in her company so I just nod my head yes to coming with her to her office but then reply with a "no I haven't taken my meds they just make me feel so sluggish and slow ...like a zombie ...I don't like it ...so I stopped " . We rise from the cold grey step at the front and make our way back inside . I stuff my hands into my pockets as we walk.
"You know that's not wise Matty " she looks at me sympathetically as she can hopefully understand what I might feel like
"I know but I'd rather just be jumpy and hyper than feel like I being held back and stuff " I pull my rucksack around me properly again as it was slipping down my shoulders due to my slouchy walk
"We'll we can see what else we can do about that another time , in we go " she unlocks her office door and pulls up a chair close to her desk and I sit myself down basically curling myself into me
"Now if we may start , would you like to tell me what's been wrong lately. If we can maybe have a little chat and later we can get you back to class "
"No! " I accidentally shout "sorry Miss , sorry I just don't really want to go back , if you won't let me go home can I just stay in here and do work please "
"We can discuss that later yeh , just let's have a chat , tell me something good that's going on and something that you need to let out "
I let out a long sigh deciding to start with the good thing i suppose "we'll uh the boys and I have written a song for the school production and Mr Hardy said that if we get him a demo in by next Friday he might consider letting us sing it , that's quite exciting. It's not set in stone yet but we'd really like to do it , the boys are quite pumped really "
She smiling at me contently "that's very impressive Matty, and what's plaguing you ?"
I can feel my eyes start to well up and sting before I even begin to describe it "uh, I uh , just fuckin really miss Janey like a lot " tears start pouring down my face "and she only got into the wreck like 3 months ago and no one's talking about it and I understand that people don't want me to be upset by it but I just wish people would at least seem like they care and it would make me feel less like it was my fault which I feel like that anyway cuz I was the one messing around in the car while we were driving and obviously a little intoxicated , and ....l" my breath hitches "I just can't stand not having her around she was my closest friend miss and I can't do any of this without her " I breakdown right there and then and it just doesn't stop.
Miss Conner's came over to me quickly and wrapped an arm round me and kept telling me everything would be okay and that its out now and it should hurt less now.
I don't calm down for at least ten minutes that's when I get my breathing back to a steady pace, my eyes now puffy and itchy. "Can I please just go home Miss".
I can sense her really pondering it for a minute "alright , I'll let you off today but try and come in tomorrow and if you really need to I can get some work from your teachers and we can try work on some stuff together, Can we try that ?"
"I can certainly try Miss".
"So, who am I calling, your mum or dad "
"Dad, please, He's at work so you'll have to call there, can I speak to him just so I can explain"
"let me just call him and you can talk once I've spoken to him , please just stay in here quietly for a second while I go get a phone "
"alright "I watch her leave the room then get my phone out and text my mum letting her know ill be coming home so to not be surprised that I'm home when she's home I go to snapchat to speak to George he's replied few times since my last message
"I'm sure that's not the case right "then not long after there's a video of him and what I assume to be his friends all huddled outside smoking captioned "finally getting my smokes "
I snap him back instantly trying to plaster on a fake smile even though my eyes look terrible and my hairs a state as I've wracked my hands through it a million times since reaching the office "that's amazing, I'm sure you've got to feel a little better now for sure".
I get an immediate reply of his face and god does he look good when he looks free and at peace "yeh man I feel way better, how about you, what's wrong you look upset?"
Another message comes through but just texts "I'm here and I know we barley know each other but I'm here"
"I don't really wanna talk about it right now , I'm just feeling the worst today, I'm going home from school early, so if I don't answer its probably because my dad is trying cheer me up or I'm napping but I'll talk to you later. Thank you though "
Just then Miss Conners comes back in the room, on the phone to my dad. I only catch the end of the conversation.
"Matty would like to talk to you, I'll hand the phone over", I jump up and get to the phone.
"Hi Dad"
"Hiya son, what's up lad".
"just really not having the best day, don't feel great "
"Im at work right now lad, but I go on my break at 12, I can pick you up then, can you hang on that long son, Its about an hour yeh?"
"If I have too , then I will, I love you Da".
"I love too son, I'll see you soon alright"
I hand the phone back over to Miss Conners "He's coming to get me at lunch time". After a small look around the office I notice a small sofa on the back wall "Do you mind if I rest for an hour?"
"I know I should be trying to be getting you work to do but if you really need it then ill let you today" she gestures to the sofa behind me "just have a rest there it might help you feel a little better"
"Thanks Miss". I drop my rucksack on the floor next to the sofa next to me once I've sat down and try to get somewhat comfortable. Once I've closed my eyes I let the world around me die down and quieten trying to ignore it all.
I must have drifted off because the next thing I realise Miss is shaking me out of my slumber "Matty, your dads here, he's just waiting outside". It takes me a good few minutes to get myself together, wracking my hands through my hair and rubbing my eyes "Thanks for listening". She takes me through reception and lets the receptionist know where I'm going. Then I say my good-byes and make my way to my dad's car and hop in after throwing my rucksack in the back
"Hiya". I strap myself in as my dad takes off
"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong then son?"
"I told you I just feel really ill". I don't want to look at him as I know I'll just breakdown again, so I pull my discarded cigarette from my pocket and roll the window down quickly lighting up and relaxing a little.
"Have you had anything too eat and no before you start those don't count", He means my fags "No not yet, I was gunna get something at break, but it totally skipped my mind". He's looking at me like I've just killed the pope now. "Dad come on I'm sorry"
"I know love, but honestly you really need to work on eating right. your bloody skin and bone as it is"
"I know Dad I really am trying; I just can't find the time for something as menial as eating right now, I know its important but I'm so busy and forget so easily". My dad knows the struggles I had when I was younger so doesn't push me with it
"What about sleep, how is that going now that you've stopped your meds?"
"Yeh that doesn't seem to be going as well as id have liked it to, my brain just won't stop running, everything is just blur then its time to sleep it doesn't work, I got a few hours last night and had a nap at school. It's just hard to settle down".
"I know your busy and they make you tired and you don't like them all that much but are you sure going off the meds was the best idea".
"We've already done this dad, I know you and mum didn't really agree with it but I don't feel like myself on them, I'll learn to cope without them I promise". My head is pounding at this point and my ears were ringing "Can we stop and get a coffee?"
"sure we can but first I need you to promise you'll get something to eat and have a proper sleep when I drop you back home". He's looking directly at me I can feel his eyes boring into the back of my skull. I turn to look at him after dropping the remanence of my cigarette onto the ground below me "I can get something to eat , but I've got work at half three and if I go to sleep now I wont wake up in time , but ill try to get an early night".
"That I can live with". The rest of the car ride goes by quite quietly even after he goes through the maccies drive through to get us both a coffee. The warmth of the cup momentarily stopping the tremor in my hands. "Thank you, Dad, I love you". I really do adore my dad were remarkably similar in many ways and my dad has always been my biggest supporter in anything I do "I love you too son."
He drops me back at home just after 12:30 after saying a quick goodbye I unlock the front door and slam it behind me as I watch my dad leave for work again. I drop my bag at the front door and quickly make my way upstairs to my room. My haven. After setting my record player up I put my Joy Division record on and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I feel like I've laid their ages, but I think it's only been about ten minutes as I'm only on the third track on the record, but my head starts to spin more, and my stomach feel weird "ah shit". I get up quickly and run to the bathroom nearly tripping over the mess scattered around my room just making it to the bathroom as I throw up violently. My whole-body shakes as I retch as there is not much to come out of my stomach this is a quite common occurrence these days, but I don't hate it any less. I sit next to the toilet with my back against the cool tiles on the wall trying to catch my breath. This part of my day is never fun. I sit there for another 20 minutes just to make sure I don't need to throw up again and let the shaking subside.
I take out my phone, I go to message Ross to ask him for help, but I think twice about it he's already worried enough as it is, so I see myself hovering over George's name. He doesn't really know me so it shouldn't be too bad. I message him "Bro I'm so sick, I can't deal with today". He doesn't have to help me or really know how to but telling someone might help a little. I get a text through not much longer after
"Why what's wrong love?" Love? where did that come from? It takes a minute for me to think of a reply to him that doesn't make me sound like a mad man.
"Just been a tough day ay, my whole body is against me right now, my brain is fighting a losing battle with itself and I just wanna disappear, also love?" I catch myself staring at the sentence for a little longer than I feel I should have, and my cheeks start to flush, and the reply startles me a little "sorry I didn't mean to say that, I'm just so used to saying that , I didn't think but seriously mate that's seems like a lot to be dealing with is there anything I can do to help?" . He's so damn sweet "I don't think anyone can help at this point G". That's the honest I have been in a while the only person that can help me is me but I've no idea how to do that. "Well, I'm going to do what I can to help, no matter how long it takes." I just throw quick thank you back because I don't really know what else to say at this point.
I get back up off the floor and begin to strip my uniform from my body a shower might do me good
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starlitfunkster · 1 year
Friday Night in Hell AU BUT only the FNF Lullaby Mod Characters... PART 2?!?!
Yeah that's right, part 2. Containing some characters that were missed, and the OC's (including uh... a non Pokepasta character).
That's barring a few of them, which will be explained now:
Hypno - Exists, but isn't too different from the mod's canon.
Belze - Isn't he supposed to a devil? Well, regardless, not that different from canon.
HELL BELL - Not that much different from canon, but is here nonetheless.
Lord X and MX - Already made info about Lord X. MX though.. Uh... Let me get back to you on that b/c I don't know-
Alexis - Guardian Angel - A young girl who took her own life after so much relentless bullying for her choosing a Hypno as her starter. When she was brought into the world, she saw her Hypno again.. but very different. It seems like she is an angel, but sadly her Hypno cannot see her. She was assigned to protect Eve from the more dangerous spirits.
Dawn (Human name: Diana) - Demon - A human that got dragged into hell after being tricked by signing Belze's contract. She just wanted to play HER FUCKING GAME-!! Her transformation is what drags Bitter Barry into the Pokepasta world. She is very rebellious, and often watches over Gray. Her rebelliousness became too much for Belze, and he let her roam the 'upper realm' more often. She and Shinto have a minor rivalry with each other.
Green - Fallen Angel - A fallen angel who was bound to Mt. Silver as punishment for not protecting her Red from Blue. She is mostly found crying, but if you dare try to hurt Red.. you will have hell to pay. Even though she knows that Red is now killing people who cannot make it to shelter in time.
Mike's Heart - Shade - A shade that has separated from Mike's Spirit after he became a revenant (which caused it to flee in terror). It's scared of everyone, and ended up hiding in a random house.. Which happened to be Eve's. After getting over a brief moment of terror shared with Eve, it started to hide in Eve's shadow. It'll pull itself out and protect Eve and Ethan whenever Alexis and Silver are down for the count.
(And now for the section containing the OC's)
Eve - Human - She is a human that lives in the Pokepasta world now. She was pulled into the world by accident through Wally. She once had a crush on Gray, but she stopped because it was, in her own words, "Not my place to force fate onto another person". Strange girl. Anyways, she is protected by Alexis (and later, Mike's Heart), and later makes friends with Ethan and Silver.
Sugar - Mutated Sweets Demon - Being that she was created by a baker demon, you'd think she'd at least be a bit more stable? Well, she used to. But after that baker demon started adding more and more sweets, Sugar became extremely fucked up in more ways than one. She's basically just as dangerous as Mike, but way worse because she's a lot more animalistic in her motives.
Bitter Barry - Living Glitch - Someone who joined the Pokepasta world in search of his friend. It was she who made his life better, what gave him a purpose. He's not going to lose what little purpose he has. He's the reason that Eve and Gray don't like meeting up when Red's around, purely because these two will start arguing with each other. ESPECIALLY if either Red or Barry bring up their friends (Green and Diana respectively).
Anti-Cheat - Mimicry (Oh boy, I get to describe these guys finally) - Whilst not a Pokepasta, they snuck into this world when their dad (Caver) was not watching them. They look like Mr. Driller purely to confuse 'cheaters'. Sometimes they take the appearance of Wally to pull at people's heart strings! In the end though, it's always the same. The cheater will fall for Anti-Cheat's tricks, and bury themselves in the metaphorical grave they made. Sometimes they do try to escape from them, but their deaths arrive all the same!
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