#[[all the muses]]
emmasaviorswan · 1 year
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Aand I'm back ❤️ I'll make my way through replies today, if it's been a while (not in the last two weeks) please let me know and I'll find it to reply.
Anything smutty please keep to DMS but I'm very happy to write that too 💖
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avictimofthejazz · 2 years
💞 (I'd settle for one way for all of our ships & Add brotps) (its go big with asks for go home for me) XDD
Street willingly puts aside his own hobbies, or things he wants to do in order to support Melody in her own duties as an heiress. He knows she finds a lot of high-end social events and interactions difficult so, barring calls from his work, he always goes with her.
Even if he has to stay out of sight, Face hovers whenever Amy is doing part of a con job solo—especially ones that involve her making contact with shady guys. He is always ready to intervene the minute anything starts going wrong, or Amy might be in real danger from the creep.
Murph finds ways to make Rose laugh. Thanks to Cal and her mother, Rose never laughs nearly as much as a person should—Murph seeks to remedy that every chance he gets.
During his Foundation travels, Michael is always picking up random gadgets or manuals that he thinks Bonnie might enjoy tinkering with or looking at.
Trudy’s car never needs to go into the shop. BA always takes care of anything her car needs, and usually does it before she even realizes it is needed.
When Kelly can’t make it up to LA to see Murdock, she is constantly sending care packages with homemade goodies, polaroids of the animals in her care, interesting cassettes she has found, books she thinks he will like, and anything else that comes to her mind. She also does not trust the VA to give Murdock his mail, so she sends them to Father O, who either delivers them himself or gets them to Face.
Maggie keeps Hannibal on track, whether he wants to be there or not, and is willing to tell him the hard truths that no one else wants to mention to him—this often leads to advice on how to navigate the situations he has been shifting around.
BA never balks at pulling all-nighters, or continuing to work after he has convinced Bonnie she needs to get some rest. Sometimes he convinces her that shiftwork is the best way to get big jobs done.
Michael keeps an eye on the big dates—Ricki’s birthday, the day she lost Raphel etc.—and always makes a point to buy her a drink at least, even if they cannot swing anything bigger.
Elaine keeps an eye on the elevator in the morning. As soon as she sees Dennis come off, she makes sure there is a fresh cup of coffee on his desk, and a first-aid kit if he needs it.
Murph tries to figure out Cuban cooking so he can surprise Gina with familiar foods without having to go to a restaurant. He is still getting it sorted, but his earnestness and the sweet idea behind his attempts has earned him the affection of the Cuban grandmother in the apartment next door.
Reed never gets up the courage to break Jean’s heart by telling her he can’t keep choking down her peanut butter-and-banana sandwiches. He just keeps pawning them off on Pete or the other guys at the station, giving them to homeless people he knows, or trading them to Hilda for a different kind of sandwich.
= = = = =
Luca & Street
Street has an uncanny sense of knowing when Luca needs someone to show up at his apartment with a pizza and a six-pack. He does not do it often, and he usually has some excuse about the game being in and his own television being in the shop, but it always seems to be timed to exactly when Luca needs a friend around.
Murdock & Face
Face created information cards for Murdock, carrying important information like his full name, his social security number, his blood type, the medications he is on, and anything else the pilot might need to know, but runs a strong chance of forgetting.
Hannibal & Face
No matter how much trouble Hannibal might cause at the nice clubs and restaurants that Face takes his boss too, it never really occurs to Face to stop inviting Hannibal. It would be as unthinkable as shunning Father O’Malley for the sake of his image.
BA & Face
Despite the obvious differences, it never quite occurs to BA and Face that neither of them really belongs in the other one’s off-duty world. Face still keeps taking BA out to the fancier side of town, and BA still keeps dragging Face into neighborhood issues, and chores for the community centers.
Luca & Face
In high school, Face tutored Luca in math for five cents a session, and some of whatever food or treat Luca’s mother and grandmother had made that week. It was one of the best deals Face cut with anyone at St. Mary’s, but he still stands by his choice and insists that anyone who has had authentic Italian food from an Italian grandmother would understand.
Malloy & Reed
Reed makes a point out of buying tickets to things like boxing matches that he knows Jean doesn’t want to go too. Then he offers one to Pete, using his wife’s indifference as an excuse when, in reality, he does not want Pete spending all his off-hours hanging out at his place alone. It is not good for the older cop.
Amy & Kelly
Kelly starts a long-distance book club with Amy. They pick a book, and either mail their opinions back and forth to each other, or have a phone conversation. Occasionally, they are in the same area. Then they go out to dinner, and talk about the stories.
Bernice & Elaine
When Elaine can get off early, she meets Bernice at the building that the Steele offices are in, and they hit up the bar scene together. They argue that two ladies have a better chance of meeting guys, but it also means they have help if one of the guys proves to be a creep.
Amy & Maggie
If Amy needs to get away from LA for a while, or lay low for any reason, Maggie always has a room she can crash in. Maggie won’t even ask questions, unless Amy wants to talk about the mess she is in—she’ll just give the younger woman a place to get back onto her feet.  
RC3 & BA
Since RC3’s big brother is still in Chicago, and unlikely to move out to California, BA fills that void in RC3’s life the only way he can—mostly by trying to make RC3 make more cautious choices and listen to Devon more the Michael. He also yells RC3’s head off when he learns about the rubber M16 stunt.
Devon & Michael
As much as Michael enjoyed answering his calls “Yo Devon!”, he respected the older man enough to stop doing it when Devon asked him too… at least most of the time.
RC3 & Michael
Michael fuels his good-natured rivalry with RC3 about the LA teams versus the Chicago teams by teasing he younger man, and occasionally doing things to lightly rub in the latest loss on his friend’s side, or jokingly deny any losses on the LA side.
Mena & Face
As long as Face is physically in LA, all Mena has to do is call, and he’ll come help her. He’ll get out of bed, drop dates, and even put business for Hannibal temporarily on the backburner in order to go bail Mena out, and make sure she gets somewhere safe.
Nancy & Face
Face sends Nancy postcards of the various places A-Team missions take him. If he can’t get a postcard, he gets his hands on some other kind of memento, so his cousin knows he is still in one piece.
Elsie & Murph
Despite not being as big an outdoors person as his sister, Murph allows Elsie to drag him out in all kinds of environments, weather, and at all times of the day or night. She just has to ask, and know that his initial grumbling is just for show.
Missy & BA
BA is a constant source of support for Missy, helping her develop all kinds of non-feminine skills such as mastering baseball, being able to fix her car, and throwing a mean right hook. He wants her to realize she is worth more than her fashion choices, or which boys are looking at her.
Missy & Face
Face has no qualms lying to Mary Cooper about Missy, covering up all kinds of messes that Missy gets herself into. He gives Missy advice and space to find her own answers, but he won’t hand her over to be yelled at by her mom when he is convinced most of Missy’s bad choices are rooted in her parents dysfunctional relationship, and its ripple effects on the kids.
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thenarryparable · 2 years
Everyone gets a slap across the face and a kiss on the forehead
"Oh im gonna fucking kick your ar- nevermind." Tangerine backs up though.
Lemon slaps you back but does accept the kiss on the forehead.
"There's a better way to express our anger then...oh. Thank you" Ladybug smiles, but also looks a little confused
"You're lucky I don't have my syringe bitch" The Hornet scoffs, she did like the forehead kiss though
Yuichi looks confused as hell and stunned. Nothing comes out of his mouth as he tries to process what the fuck just happened.
Bonus one:
Rosie tears up but then smiles when they get a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you."
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st-just · 9 months
'White Americans don't have any culture, they're just [normal/boring/generic/empty]. 'Culture' is when you're quaint and exotic and have interesting ethnic foods and holidays." is such a grating bit of nonsense to have somehow become progressive commonsense in a lot of places.
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noodles-and-tea · 16 days
Little Stan getting manipulated by Bill has excellent angst potential but consider.
Stanley just, keeps tricking Bill. Because Bill would definitely massively underestimate Stanley and how far he’ll go to protect Ford (like in the actual show). We also know Stanley has the street smarts between the twins and could absolutely tell Bill is full of it.
And because Bill would absolutely loose his mind if he kept getting foiled by a snot nosed eight year old that isn’t even supposed to be here
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I like to think that he doesn’t even try that hard he just does not even care about bill
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I know Vanessa regret saying this in the FNAF movie,,
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bagel-bird-ainsor · 24 days
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A couple angry Edgeworths for ya, plus a Gumshoe who’s just happy to be here.
Man he’s so fun to draw. I’m excited to get started on the Investigations remaster! It’ll be my first time playing those games. Looking forwards to seeing Gumshoe and Franziska again, since I’ve gotten through Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, which I enjoyed thoroughly but there was a severe lack of those two.
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locallibrarylover · 1 year
*by live theatre i mean plays, musicals, operas, ballets, concert versions of musicals, staged readings, & things of that nature. EDIT: YES this includes amateur, local, kids, high school, & community theatre. almost every show i've seen has been local
if you want, list the names of the shows you've seen in the tags!
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coastaltowned · 5 months
the manuscript ending the album on the utter jawdrop moment that neither of the muses of the actual album were the first men to fuck her up with promises of marriage and babies, and that first heartbreak so long ago laid the scene for the woman she would become and the ways she would approach love and how we all watched her life like scenes in a show but she kept coming back to the manuscript of the first torrid affair that ruined her, to bookend an album about two love affairs that destroyed her utterly in almost the exact same way, because all her muses are acquired like bruises........ it's bone-chilling
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emmasaviorswan · 1 year
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Happy Easter from the muses&the mun🐣💝
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yuzuuu4 · 6 months
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nothatsmi · 6 months
CW: MCR :)
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'Cause I love all the poison away with the boys in the band
Okay so this one is L O N G- Don't question the format I'm trying new things.
Aftg, it's been a while! Almost got a full playlist of song that would match aftg and that I would love to animate, unfortunately I have exams to pass (3rd year art school film incoming) so this is a kind of compromise.
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ajthecrocodile · 1 month
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The clip of Bill saying YELLOW was all over my FYP and it inspired me…
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ruporas · 4 months
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it's time to go, my love (ID in alt)
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madamemiz · 1 year
sad: falling out of a hyperfixation
tragic: watching your beloved friends and mutuals fall out of the hyperfixation while you're still in it
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lavend3r-stardust · 7 months
Shy, whiny, subby boys who look at you like you're the world to them, rutting their hips into your palm as you jerk them off and watch them twitch while you praise them for how good they feel cumming on your hand like a good boy
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