#[ verse | saint seiya ]
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terresdebrume · 2 years ago
"We are not gods," Aphrodite says, sweet boyish smile turning into something untouchable. "We can't create something from nothing. When I create my garden, I look at what I have to work with, first."
Deathmask blinks, frowning despite himself. Aphrodite's grin turns impish again, like he's about to suggest some sort of prank for them to pull on the rest of the Sanctuary.
"I'm pretty," he says, almost teasing. "People think that's the same as meek and docile, like a flower they can pluck."
Cosmos burns between them, and from the ground a flower blooms, soft red and impossible to identify.
"But you're not meek," Deathmask says.
It is a rare day, when he compliments Aphrodite outright, and it shows in the way the boy smiles—wide and crinkly around the eyes, like a gift just landed on his lap. He tilts his head, looking at Deathmask with enough fondness to kill, and in the ground the rose grows thorns harder than diamond.
"I told you. I don't create from nothing. Now try it."
Deathmask doesn't know how to create. Not like Aphrodite was taught—the things he shows his victims aren't meant to stay in the waking world: they go up in smoke, lingering only as much as nightmares do. Aphrodite's roses, much like half of the vegetables of his gardens, stay and bloom and ripen when left alone to their devices.
It's a gift Anchise—naive, still, clinging foolishly to an illusion of the world—used to envy more than almost any other. But today Deathmask watches Aphrodite make something real out of something true, and knows with desperate certainty that he can never do the same.
It doesn't matter. Aphrodite's roses are his: they are memorable and as beautiful as they are terrible, and that's why he's known for them. Deathmask creates nightmares the world has seldom seen, and steals faces to put on his walls and make something fearsome out of something scared—but what is the point of using truth?
No one here would notice another grave.
(He does not ask Aphrodite for lessons again.)
ETA: This snippet now has a full grown fic to go with it!
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talesofmuses · 22 days ago
Beginning of an Alliance
🌿- Minerva stepped out of the forest, wearing a long brown robe and a scarf enough to veil her red hair. She finally made it to Athena's temple after a few days of journey. Regulus's map was a little bit crude, but it was good enough as her traveling guide. She could see Athena's temple stood high on the mountain, with several temples and countless stairs. She looked around and blinked a few times. She wondered if she can make it to the top before the dawn. Where is Regulus when she needs their help the most?
She pulled back her scarf slightly, noticing some people wearing armors seemingly sparring each other. Would it be proper to actually ask for help from them?
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"Hm. What happened if I just...?" She then made her way up those countless stairs herself..? Before she even step on the first stair, she could see the lingering figure of her daughter waiting her up above from the higher level.
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"Mommmm!! Over here!" Lumina then turned to float towards the other stairs.
Minerva became worried immediately and ascended faster to catch up with her daughter. "Not so fast, okay?"
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featherchan · 11 months ago
Exhausted from their most recent mission, the Lionet Kanako struggled to ascend the steps leading up to Athena's temple. Her armor felt heavier than usual but she continued to press on. Along with the throbbing pain and dizziness that plagued her head, it caused her to nearly lose her footing and fall. Fortunately, Noburu, the Bronze Saint Wolf, who was also her sworn sister, grabbed her wrist just in time to keep her from falling.
Upon noticing this, even their mission leader, Silver Saint Whale, grew extremely concerned and insisted that the Bronze Saint head to the infirmary to be checked out. This was because, during their mission, the Lionet was found unconscious without any apparent reason. 
Despite their concerns, the Lioness stubbornly shook off their worries, citing fatigue as an excuse, and assured them that she would visit the infirmary after their briefing. Since the raven was reluctant to break her promise to their youngest sworn sister, who had been eagerly anticipating their return, a decision she would later regret.
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Kneeling before their goddess, the Lionet struggled to remain alert and awake during the debriefing. Turning white as a sheet, sweat beading on her skin, she felt the headache intensify, and her surroundings seemed to blur and muffle, like a fading watercolor painting. It wasn't long, the raven swore, she heard a sound, a voice that didn't belong to anyone in the room. It sounded so twisted, menacing, and slurred with evil. And sensing imminent danger from it and acting on her instincts to protect her loved ones, every fiber of her being implored her to flee the temple without delay.
On her feet, her actions quickly caught the attention of her team leader, the Silver Saint Whale, who began calling her out for being disrespectful. However, he quickly stopped when he noticed her terrible state. Struggling already to maintain her balance due to the throbbing pain in her head, she stumbled forward before clutching both hands to her heart when she felt a sharp, stabbing pain. As the pain grew unbearable, she let out an agonizing scream, and a shock wave erupted and burst forth out of nowhere, surrounding her in a dark purple cosmos. The explosive wave was so powerful that it blew everyone away and nearly knocked them unconscious, especially the Silver Whale and Bronze Wolf, as they were in closest proximity to the Lionet.
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As darkness began to engulf the throne, a chilling voice pierced through the cold air. "How pathetic. The once-great Sanctuary has been weakened over countless lifetimes, especially by this reincarnation of Athena." It snickers devilishly. "And I only needed to slip through its defenses undetected by using a Saint who holds great hatred for you..." A ghostly specter soon revealed itself, with blood-ruby-colored eyes hovering above the Lionet. The Lionet's eyes were hollow and lifeless, as if she were a puppet controlled by her puppet master. "Athena, prepare to die by the hand of your own soldier!"
As she raised her arm, a fiery vortex swirled into existence before her. With a clenched fist, she condensed the flames into a massive fireball. "Lionet...Explosion..." The Lioness mutters.
[ Starter for @eternalstarlights ]
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eternalstarlights · 1 year ago
@featherchan continued from here.
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This was a longer spar than Regulus thought it would be. Usually, he would defeat his opponent fairly quickly, however, this spar was harder than it was. Observing his opponent while exchanging blows, he found this spar more fun and interesting than his previous spars with other trainees. He could also see that she was having fun as well as she was taunting him. He only taunted her back with a huge grin.
Unfortunately, the fun did not last forever as a familiar saint stepped in.
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“Kunikida? Why did you do that? We were sparing!”
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“Sparing for too long. There is a limit. I understand that you are having fun sparring each other but there are still other trainees that need to spar too.” Kunikida glanced at the other trainees that were watching them. “Stop standing there and go back to your training now!”
The trainees immediately flee back to their training spots. They didn’t want to stand around and get lectured by Kunikida. After all the trainees were gone, Kunikida turned back to them.
“Are you two doing okay?”
He was a little worried for Kanako as he knew she was having a hard time fitting in. Not only that her opponent was Sisyphus’ nephew and he had already heard rumours about how skilled the boy was. He was what people called a prodigy.
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caduceusnocassandra · 1 year ago
VERSES - The various verses I can set a roleplay for
I thought I would give a more in-depth background about the verses I have, I hope this is helpful.
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Cassandra is an accomplished Healer at the Epidaurus Temple, bearing the Cloth of the Caduceus. She takes care of all the injured and sick people around the temple - not only that. As she is under oath she is bound to heal all Saints from all existing orders, regardless of the god they follow and believe in. She occasionally travels back to Athens to see her family, mum, dad and her twin brother Helenus, the Bronze Saint of the Sextans.
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Cassandra, upon suspecting too much about her boss, the Great Healer, who seems to have placed a fake Staph into Asclepius’ temple instead of the real one, is sent to Hell in Hades’ realm for a mission that seems impossible for literally everyone. She undertakes the mission, in order to a) challenge herself, b) demonstrate to the other orders of Saints that Healers are not useless and c) so she can go back to Epidaurus and have some serious backup on her investigation and hopefully proof that the Staph in the reliquiarium is fake. So far things are stuck at the very beginning. Hades has trapped her in, however it does appear that he has taken her as a protégée of sorts. She still has a lot of mixed feelings about being in the Underworld, but she is slowly resigning herself to being there forever.
The Temple of Asclepius has been attacked and raided by Ares’ warriors, the Bersekers. Panic has spread, all her comrades seem to have vanished, while she’s run to ask for help. She has to run away with Asclepius' Staph under request of the Great Healer and she has gone to ask for help and her first place to go is the Sanctuary. After all Athena's Saints are those who fight for peace and justice, she may have a chance to be listened to.
Older Cassandra - she’s now around 40 years old - is heading to the Sanctuary to help out the Saints in healing their injured comrades, after a request made by a Gold Saint. She’s also looking out for her own brother and family, knowing that they were more i danger than her.
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legendreign-archived · 2 years ago
Saint Seiya
Please do not reblog my post!
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[ Disclaimer: I do not own the Saint Seiya logo. The logo was found here. This will be a temporarily image placeholder until I can find the time to make a proper edit for Chantelle's verse post. Thanks to the wikia for helping me describe the Delphinus Saint's attacks. ]
In an era before the 20th century, Chantelle’s father, Takara, a wealthy merchant, travelled from Japan to France. He married her mother, Vivienne, and they had six children together but after her birth, her mother died of sepsis. This caused her second, third, fourth, and fifth elder sisters to resent her. One of her earliest childhood memories was going to a beach house with her family and being told by her second, third, fourth, and fifth elder sisters to wait for them at the beach and if she waited, they would come back for her with gifts and play with her. It was actually her sisters’ cruel attempt to try to get rid of her while their father and eldest sister were occupied with making sure the beach house was set up for them to stay in. After some time, she realized her elder sisters weren’t coming back for her and as she cried while sitting near the waves, a dolphin balancing a small ball on its snout called out to her and they played catch with the ball. The Delphinus Saintia sensed Chantelle’s Cosmo crying out in pain and found the girl playing with the dolphin. The Delphinus Saintia realized that the girl must have a strong purity to be able to understand the language of the dolphin. After the Delphinus Saintia heard Chantelle’s story, she helped Chantelle find her family then asked permission from Takara to take the girl to Sanctuary where she would be better cared for and she could learn to refine her strong Cosmo and follow in her footsteps to become the next Delphinus Saintia. As time passed by, Chantelle became the current Delphinus Saintia and Athena’s personal attendant and bodyguard.
~Modern Setting~
In a modern setting where Delphinus Mii did not become the Delphinus Saint, Chantelle’s father, Takara Aomi, owner of Aomi Cruises, married her mother Vivienne, and they had six children together but after her birth, her mother died of sepsis. This caused her second, third, fourth, and fifth elder sisters to resent her. One of her earliest childhood memories was going to a beach house with her family and being told by her second, third, fourth, and fifth elder sisters to wait for them at the beach and if she waited, they would come back for her with gifts and play with her. It was actually her sisters’ cruel attempt to try to get rid of her while their father and eldest sister were occupied with making sure the beach house was set up for them to stay in. After some time, she realized her elder sisters weren’t coming back for her and as she cried while sitting near the waves, a dolphin balancing a small ball on its snout called out to her and they played catch with the ball. The Delphinus Saintia sensed Chantelle’s Cosmo crying out in pain and found the girl playing with the dolphin. The Delphinus Saintia realized that the girl must have a strong purity to be able to understand the language of the dolphin. After the Delphinus Saintia heard Chantelle’s story, she helped Chantelle find her family then asked permission from Takara to take the girl to Sanctuary where she would be better cared for and she could learn to refine her strong Cosmo and follow in her footsteps to become the next Delphinus Saintia. As time passed by, Chantelle became the current Delphinus Saintia and Athena’s personal attendant and bodyguard.
Attacks / Abilities:
Angel Splash: Delphinus Chantelle throws a blast of water at her enemy.
Heaven's Maelstrom: Delphinus Chantelle creates a whirlpool around her foe.
Zoolingualism: Chantelle possesses the ability to talk to dolphins.
Extra Information: As the eldest of Athena's Saintias, she is the current leader of the Saintias.
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fandomtrumpshate · 2 months ago
Unlisted Fandoms Challenge
While we pull together the post on the various types of fan labor being offered so far, here's a quick update on the *hundreds* of write-in fandoms we've received ...
At the top of the list we have Jeff Satur holding onto the lead with 7 entries, but Zhen Hun/Guardian is right on his heels with 6. And then there's a three-way tie for third place with 5 write-ins each for BBC Ghosts, Control (Remedy Game), and Dungeon Meshi / Delicious In Dungeon. Schitt's Creek claims fourth place with 4 entries, and in fifth there's a 14-way tie:
Alien Stage Cabin Pressure Dungeons and Daddies (Podcast) Fire Emblem Awakening Fire Emblem Fates Iron Widow Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Roswell New Mexico Stand By Me/The Body by Stephen King The Goblin Emperor Series - Katherine Addison Transformers Voltron: Legendary Defender White Collar Zhen Hun / Guardian (drama) RPF
All it would take to upset the apple cart and reset the leader board is one signup. Manage two and it's a whole new ball game. Yes, we're mixing metaphors. And we're not done yet!
Below the cut are the 133 fandoms that have so far received only ONE signup. Want to really shake things up? Get two more signups for any of these and watch them leap into the fray on the leader board ...
10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Among Us Arctic Monkeys/The Last shadow Puppets Around the World in 80 Days (TV 2021) Baseball RPF BBC’s Musketeers Bendy and the Ink Machine Beyond Evil Black Doves Boygenius (Band)(RPF) Brokeback Mountain Bullet train Canji Baojun De Zhangxin Yu Chong (The disabled tyrant's pet palm fish) Cassette Beasts Castle Challengers Charmed (1998) Danger Force (TV) Dark Deception Dark Rise Dead by Daylight Descendants Destiny 2 Dimension 20 Downton Abbey Dr. Stone Dragonball Dragonlance Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey Due South Dune (Villeneuve) Emma - Jane Austen Etta Invincible Fangs of Fortune Farscape Fields of Mistria Finder no Hyouteki / Finder Series Flight Rising Formula 2/3 RPF Frieren Fruits Basket Gangsta (Anime & Manga) Giselle Grantchester (TV) Grimm Hatoful Boyfriend Haven (TV) Helluva Boss Henry Danger (TV) High School Musical (Movies) Hikaru no Go HLVRAI - Half-life VR But the AI is Self-Aware House MD In Other Lands In Stars And Time IndyCar RPF It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Jeeves and Wooster Jet Lag The Game RPF Jurassic Park (Extended Universe) Kamen Rider Gotchard Kane and Feels Kraven the Hunter Kuroko no Basuke / Kuroko's Basketball Law & Order Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Lays of the Hearth-Fire Series - Victoria Goddard Lies of P Live A Live Lord Seventh/Qi Ye Mass Effect 1, 2 or 3 Mononoke (2007 series and 2024 movie) MotoGP RPF My Time at Sandrock Mystic Messenger NBA RPF Nerdy Prudes Must Die Norah Grant Bruce's Billabong books Oh No! Here Comes Trouble Once Upon A Time Order of the Stick Outlast games Over the Garden Wall Pacific Rim Pathologic Peaky Blinders Persuasion - Jane Austen Phandom Pirates of the Caribbean Power Rangers (2017 movie) Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen Prodigal Son Puella Magi Madoka Magica Quantum Break Ranma 1/2 Resident Alien Resident Evil Rise of the Guardians S.C.I Mystery S.W.A.T. (2017 show) Saint Seiya Saw franchise Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated (2010) She-Ra Netflix Shipwrecked Comedy Sonic the Hedgehog (Games) South Park Spinning Silver (Novik) Spirited Squid Game Starkid Musicals (no hp) Stephen King's It Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical Super Sentai That 70s Show The A Team (either the 2010 movie or the 1980s series) The Coffin of Andy and Leyley The OC The Pairing - Casey McQuiston The Paradise of Thorns The Radiant Emperor The Silt Verses The Umbrella Academy the vampire diaries universe The Venture Maidens The Walking Dead The West Wing Thousand Autumns Tokusatsu Tron Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Turning Universal Century Gundam video games by Arkane Studios Wander Over Yonder Warriors / Warrior Cats Watcher Entertainment/BuzzFeed Unsolved RPF Wind Breaker Wonka Word of Honor Yellowjackets Young Wizards (Diane Duane) บ้านหลอน ON SALE / Peaceful Property (TV)
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featherchan · 11 months ago
As the young goddess glanced back, a soft gasp escaped her lips when she noticed the frown on his face. The goddess of spring had never intended to hurt him in any way, nor had she anticipated that her actions would cause harm. Feeling guilty for her actions, she turned away from him and began unconsciously biting her thumbnail, a terrible habit her mother constantly nagged her to break. And remembering her mother's constant nagging only worsened the uneasiness swirling in her mind, reminding her of all the faults her mother often criticized her for.
Within her mother's garden, the lush greens, which loved her as much as her mother did, bore witness to her distress. That they felt compelled to take action and alleviate the worries of the young and naïve goddess. Letting the wind whisper through the leaves, it carries his words to her ears. His voice, calm and soothing, brought her senses back to the present. Allowing herself to inhale a deep, calming breath, she shook away the swirling thoughts that hopelessly dragged her down in her mind.
With a clear mind, the goddess felt ashamed of her behavior towards the stranger and believed she did not deserve to face him again. So instead, the spring goddess pressed her hand to the earth, and a soft light emanated from her palm, where the ground was blessed by her Cosmo energy. Soon, a small pink flower appeared before the outsider, as it echoed her voice to him.
As the pink flower echoed her small voice back to him, it spoke. "No. Your voice sounds wonderous. It carries a sweetness that even surpasses any muse's song." Only to be taken aback by what comes next after he speaks. "You? Loneliness?" The goddess paused before continuing to speak. "Your beauty is extraordinary, surpassing anything I have ever seen in this realm. It is as if the universe has gathered all forms of beauty and combined them into a single person. How could you ever feel lonely?"
Tucking her strawberry-red hair behind her ears, she couldn't help but secretly wish to be as beautiful as the other. "I would imagine people would worship you with great devotion." She spoke truthfully. "I would..." 
[ tagging | @lightcreators ]
@featherchan continue from here
“I’m sorry…” Peeling herself from her hands. Finally, intaking every sight of him, under the light of the Apollo sun. Her amethyst-colored eyes looked up at the taller figure, meeting his kind and gentle golden eyes and smile. Mesmerize. The maiden couldn’t bear to tear her eyes away from him, as he was so captivating, as if all the beauties of the Cosmo were crafted into one person. Sighing softly. As her admiration only grew for him, she felt a sting under her bosom, unaware that something had blossomed inside her heart. 
Dreamingly staring back at the outsider. Noticing as his pale pink lips began to move, it quickly brought her back to the present, to listen. Only to be flustered by him, as her face turns to a deep shade of red, again. As her pink lips turned into a pout, she concluded the man to be a ‘meanie’. There’s only so much a woman can take, as he seems to be enjoying himself. Casually teasing her while provoking her heart and emotions. Crossed at him. She stood up and looked down at him, with her arms crossed and tucked under her chest. “I do not wish to talk to you anymore….” Turning around. “Hmph!” She purposely slaps her long scarlet hair at his face, where different shades of scarlet petals flew from her hair. Landing a few on the outsider’s hair, face, and even his clothing, before she stomps off, angrily. 
With each stomping step she makes, it begins to lighten, as regret begins to set in when she realizes her blunder. Creating a distance between them. She quickly hid behind one of her mother’s elder trees. Before comically peeking her head out, from the side of it, eyeing at the stranger and recoiling back in quickly. Soon, the scarlet began to let out a mournful sigh; as the flowers in her hair began to droop. Unhappy. She leans against the big old tree, as she slides down against it before hugging her leg; where her amethyst-colored eyes stared down at the grass beneath her feet, and began playfully, twisting and turning its blades, with her fingertips.
Letting out a heavy sigh. The immature goddess has made a grave judgment. Her mother has often lectured her for being impulsive and childish. And now her bad behavior has finally gotten up to her. Ruining her only chance to make a friend. Her mother’s love and overprotective nature have caged her from the outside world, where her mother is her only company. But she wanted more; she wanted to meet new people, make more friends (who aren’t her mother) and expand her horizons. But, what did she do? She ruined her only chance to make one. Mournfully sighing. The scarlet poked her head to the side once more. Wondering, if the stranger had stayed or left. She wouldn’t hold it against him, for being cross with her, since she was terribly rude to him. 
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How many times she had been passed inside that fairytale garden, far away of all possible gaze that could watch her, remaining untouched and unperceived by someone else ? Immediate apologies hadn't been something he had been expecting to receive. No harm had been done. No displeasure had been created. No ill intent had been created for had associated her gaze towards his physical presence --- especially when such existence had been quieted in middle of Hypnos realm, able to ignore for fragmented moments, consciousness to touching an lightness Spring pushing Demeter to ask for explanations … Desired rest that wanted to be found, away temporary of his constant responsabilities inside the Underground, away of the affectionate (manipulative) attention of Thanatos and Hypnos, wasn't desired within an associated consequences for such wish … Somewhere, naivity could be followed by simplest of such thoughts. No, coming from him, the God of the Underground, remaining with an unfocused gaze --- at least what the mortals thought of him --- upon humanity land, to be perceived somewhere, even for an temporary moment, most likely was an omen of something who had to happens … A sign of something to come. For too long, he had searched to find an comfort inside the lands of the Underground. For too long, he had been accoustumed to the realm of darkness, for experiencing the land of living from another perspective, that cannot be described in understanding terms. Sincerety concerning an Spring appreciation, as he was confined in an long-term Winter without possibility to find an particular fragment of bloom somewhere if he didn't counted lightness emerging from souls, will be something hard to be believed about if he confessed it. Following words had been forgotten inside the ears of the beautiful young goddness. Oh, no blame would be following down that remark. Immediate sensation he had been for once, looked closely as a jewel, as something that could be admired back, in same manner he had been watching her couple of seconds ago, had been taken in consideration. How communication was able to pass across an instant of an gaze, without words. It wasn't something he had been experiencing before … and had been inclined of hopeful sentiment in return, who seemed cursed with disappointement.
Or should had been. Questions he had been asking had been clearly listened back. However no answer would came in return, as apparently sweetness coming from gentleness of his voice generated unknown emotions inside adoring look she had adressing to him. No comments had to be exposed when her face turned red, maybe surprised how calmy an stranger can searching start an conversation, maybe too much eaten by that quiet admiration. Inside other circumstances, when Nyx brothers always found manners to expressing themselves and sharing their opinions, he would be the one remaining in his throne, looking at them with an distanced eye, hiding an kind of frustration around them. Internally, the remembrance allowing him not feeling offended in the matter. Internally, that comforting familiarity experienced otherwise simply turned fast realization she was attracted by the obscure presence he was representing, while himself imposing barriers. Understanding expression reacted to her pouting emotion, to the immediate rejection. What did he did wrong ? An sentence he didn't wanted to ask. An sentence who didn't wanted to be exploding in front of his brothers business, when he had decided remaining totally unconcerned over their casual chaos they had desired to make --- unless it touched a bit the Underground and a bit his presence that didn't have to be impacted … How could he responding to an clear sentence when delicate flower to be perceived decided to look away of the sun inscreasing sunlight for her ? If uncare was present, he would pretending to return inside the realm he had leave, and remaining unaffected. Nevertheless, single thing he had desired to do at the moment had been to help. Staring respecteful emotion simply accepted the fact, as his gaze followed her down inside her quiet disappareance inside previous experienced closeness. Instead of focusing of possible bitterness emotion that could have been came to that failed introduction --- communication wasn't his straight point inside the mortal realm, neither inside regular conversations … for had reminder of an niece in which conversations over humanity turned inside an large misunderstanding over his point of view, in which apparently his elder brother appreciated the chaotic dynamic instead to be on his side, preferring promote Athena's point of view meanwhile he remained at fault concerning some couple of details upon humanity --- delicate hands touched one of the petals who had touched him, watching it closely. Sadness betrayed his features, when the distance imposed between each other left him with silence. Visitors she didn't have received, for what he could understood of her reaction, or listened his compliment left in the wind.
Landscape he witnessed for the following seconds wasn't something he usually perceived. Inside fragmented moments between each other, simplest gaze between one another as an sound escaped their throat, he had been touching an jewel that could yet polished, without knowing amount that could be done. Inside his own conception, Spring was something who wasn't supposed to fade --- for be consequence of his realm entering inside the scene, brought up Winter. Desolation of the garden insise seconds following their exchange created discrete understanding that garden that linked to her emotions --- and possibly anything that could be touched by her hands, anything in which her emotions could react on … Bring life joyfully and remove it inside an hand of sadness … There was irony inside such power. There was familiarity emotions too, as much his gaze searched not to betray himself on that point. ❝ Is the sound of my voice unpleasant ? ❞ He dared. Loneliness was an emotion he had been accoustumed for, in which no consolation or desirable wish of ease had been requested for treatment he experienced at the moment. Mortals couldn't look their eyes on him until they were pure souls in front of his presence. Mortals wouldn't easily understanding an physical existence away of the Underground, regardless, on his concerns, he remained yet as much allowed to have one than Athena. Concerning Olympus --- pleasant entertainment in which they were engaged gave him a lot of work. Thanatos on his side complained upon humanity at every occassion, and Hypnos, closer of all souls, stayed with that condescending outlook who didn't wanted add affects --- even if that complain was far more complexed than common expressions from both. Remaining inside his position, his gaze stayed inside an silent observation. She had run away from him, and as much she regretted it, he didn't wanted imposing rudeness by reversing an mutual closeness in reverse ? Hence, when she turned her head towards his position, he offered an smile in return, too respecteful for offering immediate comfort. He wasn't even sure his previous questions did reach her --- outside emotions brought to her. ❝ I didn't want to be harsh by these questions, neither that my presence to be unpleasant for you. It seems we have a lot in common, inside our loneliness. ❞
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onthesandsofdreams · 3 months ago
*Obi Wan's Voice* Hello There!
So, after posting my Cregan x Reader fic I've gotten a couple of new followers, so I figured it would be best to let you know that this blog is for all my fics.
I don't exclusively write Character x Reader. I write what catches my fancy from any of the fandoms that I write for. Yes, there are character x reader fics, but they are not the only things I do.
I write gen fic, canon ships, could-be canon fics, rare pair ship and wtf is she thinking ships.
My fandoms are the following: ASOIAF (which is very, very skewed towards the books), Netflix's Castlevania, Netflix's The Sandman, BBC Sherlock, Miss Fischer's Murder Mysteries, Saint Seiya (aka Knights of the Zodiac), Pushing Daisies, The Star Wars Movie franchise, Tolkien franchise (again, heavily inclined towards book verse), Wonder Woman (movie franchise), Netflix's The Witcher, among others.
So far, I've only have 2 HotD fics: From Duty to Love (Cregan x Reader) and No, Vhagar! (a crackfic).
All my fics get always posted to AO3. Same username as this one. All my fandoms are there too.
Be welcome friend.
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fallershipping · 11 months ago
since I imagine Anabel and Looker being born in the early 80s, I wonder what kinda anime they would've watched as kids/young teens in the 90s. Obviously they'd both like Lupin. I can see Looker watching stuff like Detective Conan and Saint Seiya, and Anabel watching Slayers and Inuyasha. Both might've liked Yu-Yu Hakusho too.
-sweating, having not watched a lot of anime or any of these animes-
NO WAIT I SAW SOME LUPIN i love that for them :D Unless this is a thinly veiled anime recommendation list in which.. hm. might have to see what this yu yu hakusho business is then.
That sounds great for them though!!! they seem very fitting!
For my verse, Looker might have, might have not grown up with anime? he was born and raised in poke-europe in my headcanon, but i mean that doesn't stop anime from airing or being dubbed before it took off as a worldwide thing ((and why am i even saying this about a game series where poke-Spain feels japanese to me))
Nevertheless I'd say he'd still like these shows. God wouldn't it just be funny if he spent some break time watching something like Lupin or Detective Conan-- Or even mostly reruns of Columbo growing up? Is he coping with trauma and memory loss by adopting the personality of a TV show cartoon detective?
also anabel watching inuyasha tickles me personally because of course she fucking would. furry.
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soutakuphi · 11 months ago
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Wanted to get out a drawing rut and ended up making a new Yu-Gi-Oh oc story, hate it when things turn out like that.
Tentative name for this verse is Yu-Gi-Oh Stars, but with how lazy i am it basically is its name Its practically set in the same world and acts as a sequel to GX, with a new campus location and a new cast and crew to chill out in the schoolyard.
Our (un?)lucky protag is Yuji Hoshino, an easily excited new student at the new Central Campus Duel Academy (Academia for sub onlys) who thanks to a rough encounter with some snobbish Upper classmates ended up in the 'Remedial Group,' a selection of students who through either mistakes or poor performance are relegated to this program due to the strict misery chancellor of the campus, who wants them gone but due to budgetary/other vague reasons cant outright expel them. They're the "Slifer Slackers' of the campus.
Hoshino tends to rush through things but cares a lot for his friends. He's also a huge toku/superhero fan and his deck is basically Masked HEROES but constellation themed and learning more towards Super Sentai, with a hint of Saint Seiya mixed in as well, "Celestiar Heroes." His ace cards summons are usually followed by an elaborate pose mimicking tokusatsu transformation poses
Will try to post more as time goes on and add more thoughts and details for him.
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featherchan · 1 year ago
Meeting the Gold Saint at the meeting point. Kanako was a little taken aback by how bare he was, the complete opposite of her. Leading her to wonder if she had overpacked by preparing too many necessities for the trip. It was, after all, her first trip traveling further away from the Sanctuary ground, especially after gaining her own cloth. Unless, this is what puts them on different sides of the scale: a Gold Saint to a Bronze Saint, different in the level of Cosmo and so much more. Something she both admired and feared at the same time.
Meanwhile, the travel was, thankfully, uneventful. Despite not exchanging many words, the silence between them wasn't that uncomfortable, a blessing in disguise for the Lioness, who, to be honest, wasn't much of a small talker. But her youngest sworn sister, Chidori, who was deeply concerned for her, prepared her some flashcards to build a conversation dialog with the Gemini Saint, which thankfully she never needed any of it. Burning it between their long hikes to the local village, as she could never imagine asking. 'What is your favorite color?' Towards the Saints whose silence is literally gold.
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Soon, they arrived at the village entrance and it was late noon. Kanako then pulled her hood down before pulling out the map from her messenger bag to re-examine the village name. "Yes, this is indeed the place…" She soon spotted a Priest who was nervously pacing back and forth, who caught sight of them and looked overjoyed. He quickly ran up to them, but there was an expression on his face that showed how unsure he was of how to properly greet them. Taking a moment to think, the priest decided to bow to the Gold Saint instead, before speaking. "Thank the heaven you have arrived safely…" Pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket, to wipe away the sweat caused by his anxiety that had plagued him. "You have no idea how worried and anxious we have been, as we all feared that it could be 'them'…" He emphasized that what he could assume were the specters. "But-but please, you must be exhausted from the long journey. Please-please come in…" He quickly changed the topic, realizing how rude he had been. "I'm Father Paul…" The priest introduces himself. And judging by his appearance, he seems to be in his early 30s.
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While Kanako seemed to be all set up for a long trip ahead of them, Shaka appeared to be the exact opposite. He wore a bland but also a traditional garment, showing a glimpse at his indian roots, with only his pandora box sitting right beside him.
It seemed as if he had delegated to her, and the several other Sanctuary's associates they would cross paths with, along the way to care for their supplies and anything else they would need.
The way Shaka conducted himself in these missions were always odd, when compared to his colleagues. It never failed to leave his peers scratching their heads.
When Kanako arrived, Shaka was already facing her direction, still not opening his eyes. He had sensed her presence for quite some time now. The virgo saint gave her a quiet and slight nod with his head, in order to acknowledge her. Then, without wasting anymore time, he stood up and took the lead on their way out of their sacred land. He didn't say a word, and reading him was practically impossible.
Despite the long travel, very few words would be exchanged between them. Unsurprisingly, Shaka was a man of very few words and clearly, liked his travels to be mostly quiet. Thankfully, it would all come to an end, when they finally arrived their destination after a few long days.
"Kanako, this is the place, isn't it?" Shaka called for her in his ever soothing tone of voice, as they were only a few miles away from getting into the village.
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featherchan · 7 months ago
🤕 (Regulus and Kanako)
[ misc action memes / @eternalstarlights / Still Accepting! ]
🤕 - to dress your muse’s wound .
[ P.S : Do not turn this ask into a thread without asking first 😉 ]
I misunderstood the meme and already wrote the whole thing. 🤦🏻‍♀️ So will be switching up a bit 🙇🏻‍♀️
As Kanako and Regulus grew up together in Sanctuary, even though he has risen to become a Gold Saint, she sometimes talked to him just like in the old days when they were both foot soldiers without ranks. Naturally, she only dared to speak this way in the absence of the other Gold Saints, knowing her place after all.
"Regulus!" Kanako exclaimed, with her hand on her hip. "You idiotic fool!" She pulled the healer aside as she began to personally tend to him. "I warned you to be careful, and what did you do? You recklessly jumped into the line of fire and got yourself hurt." Taking a fresh set of bandages, she proceeded to lecture him like two good friends would, before she proceeded to smack him in the head with her hand. "I'm surprised, yet proud that you've become a Gold Saint. But I'm constantly worried about your childlike state of mind."
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eternalstarlights · 5 months ago
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@featherchan asked: 👍🏼 / Send 👍🏼 and my muse will tell yours
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Their first impression of them: Young, angry, scared. Kunikida could recognize all the emotions and understand that she wasn't happy to be taken away from her family. He assumed she would hate him but he tries his best to make her.
Their current impression of them: He is glad that Kanako is getting along in the Sanctuary and she is able to make friends and be happier than when she first came to the Sanctuary.
If they have the potential to be in a romantic relationship: Definitely not. Their relationship is a mentor/student one.
If they have the potential to be friends: Yes. Mentor/students can be friends!
What their most attractive physical feature is: Her appearance and how neatly she grooms herself. I don't think he pays much attention, honestly especially since she is his student.
What their most attractive non-physical feature is: Her personality. I mean he gets along with Kanako very well.
What nickname they have for your muse, if any: No nicknames, Kunikida don't really do nicknames (unless that person is Dazai who loves to infuriate him)
How much they like your muse, on a scale of 1-10: A 9. Since Kanako is hardworking and never cause trouble for him, he has no issues with her.
Out of character:
Do you have a song associated with the muses: Unfortunately, I am not a music person so I don't know.
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lookingforroleplayers · 2 years ago
Saint Seiya RP Masterlist!
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they’re canon or an OC
your muse’s name, and from where they come from
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, canon, Scrunkly the Mighty ( pokemon mystery dungeon )
to be added in the list!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, feel free to write as many muses as you have; if you have a fandomless OC, specificy that you just have a specific verse or their “title” – and remember to reblog the fandomless masterlist too!
feel free to specify if your muse is canon divergent too!
Character list in alphabetical order can be found HERE!
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legendreign-archived · 2 years ago
Silver Saint
Please do not reblog my post!
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[ Disclaimer: I do not own the Saint Seiya logo. The logo was found here. This will be a temporarily image placeholder until I can find the time to make a proper edit for Masaru's verse post. Thanks to the wikia for helping me describe the Eagle Saint's attacks. ]
Face Claim used: Azel Halgal from Otoyomegatari
In an era before the 20th century, Masaru originated from a village in Japan. One day, it was found that he and his childhood friends, Yukio and Taiga, possessed powerful Cosmos. His cousins, Shintarō and Mika also possessed powerful Cosmos. They were all sent to Sanctuary on the same day. He was chosen to become the next Eagle Saint and trained with his master in Kazakhstan, so he adopted the hairstyle that his master and the people of the steppes wear. He is now the Eagle Saint and a Silver Saint.
~Modern Setting~
In a dimension where Marin didn't become the Eagle Saint, Masaru originated from Tokyo, Japan. One day, he and his cousins, Shintarō and Mika, were found to possess powerful Cosmos and they were sent to Sanctuary on the same day. He was chosen to become the next Eagle. His master was a survivor of a previous Holy War who still followed the old traditions of the people of the steppes and trained Masaru in Kazakhstan, so he adopted the hairstyle that his master and the people of the steppes wear. He is now the Eagle Saint and a Silver Saint.
Abilities / Attacks:
Agility: He is extremely agile like the eagle due to his training which allows him to run quickly, charge at his enemies, make a speedy exit, or quickly evade his enemies and their attacks.  
Physical Strength and Endurance: As a Silver Saint who has undergone harsh training, he has a lot of strength and can endure pain to an extent.
Eagle Talon!: A powerful attack using both of his fists charged with Cosmo to crush his opponents.
Eagle Toe Flash: A hard flying kick.
Empty Fist: A non-offensive technique involving the creation of illusions. 
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