#[ this aint even a reaction icon.
hermanunworthy · 1 year
im a bit late bc i was at work all day but time for ep37 reactions!! i cant believe its already here
- now ive heard everyone talking about the intro i bet its gonna be a rickroll or some shit
- hermie mention in the intro im so calm and cool and chill about this /j
- WILL CAMPOS U ABSOLUTE MADMAN. i already knew he was gonna find a way around using revivify but THAT WAS WILD
- are people gonna start drawing normal w that piece of jewelry now. bc i wanna. i already like drawing him w bracelets
- oh god what is beths fact gonna be.
- "i just keep meeting all the right people at all the wrong times" BETH MAY U ARE EVIL. THE PLOT OF THIS EPISODE HASNT EVEN STARTED AND IM ALREADY EMO
- NICKY BETTER FUCKING SHOW UP im curious to see what they actually decided on for the reason for him not being there last episode
- HERMIE WAS REMEMBERED giggles and kicks my feet
- were getting terris reaction rn i cant believe this is happening
- IM starting to feel sick godddd
- i bet im gonna see art of the lincoln and taylor piggyback ride hehe
- "theres my girl" STFUUUUUU
- "just wake him up" I. HATE. THIS EPSIODE
- "whoooa shit thats fucked up!" anthony burch i know u are just so incredibly pleased w urself.
- there was never a more obvious lie than willy saying hell revive terry
- beth is out for fucking blood this episode. god she is so good at making the audience feel for her characters
- halfway through the episode now. cant wait to see what could possibly go wrong next!!
- i love whenever anthony allows a fun rulebreaking idea to work
- rons status remains a mystery....
- "we could do a whole scene w just hermie and all the other ones" u joke matt but i enjoy every scene w hermie no matter how unnecessary and drawn out
- as always linc and taylor are such a funny iconic duo
- i just realized WE STILL HAVENT SEEN NICKY!!! GODDAMN!!!
- "the gayest fucking mecha of all time" swiftli fans do u like the new ship name /j
- ig i cannot deny it anymore swiftli is practically canon atp
- i thought nicky got all his limbs back?? did anthony just forget
- btw ive probably been waking up my whole house w how hard im laughing over swiftli this episode
- "so what are u gonna do, ur gonna kill me?" as i said before. i hate this episode.
- i just had such a weird thought/prediction. but i will hold my tongue. bc the last time i said something like this it came true and i do not want this to come true
- "i love u and i hate that u made me love u when u are who u are and u knew it." I WISH U COULD SEE MY FUCKING FACE RN. HOLYYY SHIT THATS DEVASTATING
- oh. my. good. lord.
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If I may add, adding the heart painting to merchandising also brings more attention to the scene itself. Say for instance if there’s someone who hasn’t seen the show and find the poster, most likely they’ll want to know what scene it’s from, regardless if they’ll read into it platonically or romantically. Or it puts the importance of the scene into a new light for regular viewers because it’s meant to be payed attention to.
I don’t think there’s been something like this from the show put out before, yes you have general products but this highlights two characters and their corresponding arcs specifically. It seems this is a soft launch for Byler, gently building up and softening the audience reaction. It’s a smart move if played right considering we have two years until the final season is out. I mean look at what we got on ST day relating to Byler. If not then it’s not a good look.
yes!!! there were so many iconic moments in s4 to choose from, so it's very telling that there's been so much made of will's painting and his speech to mike in the marketing. all of the merch emblazoned with the painting, the postcard... if u were here in june u might even remember the calendar leaks :000 each character on the official stranger things calendar had a quote from s4 attached to them as a tagline, and wills was "without heart, we'd all fall apart." it literally spoiled the line like half a month before v2 dropped lmaooo. they were pushing this scene in the marketing before we even knew it existed, That Is Significant!!!
literally at this point i'm barely even skeptical about where the show is heading with this. it's one thing to have misleading story beats, that's just every queerbaity show ever they aint slick, and another entirely for all of the real life promotions to be pointing not just away from m'leven but ACTIVELY toward byler endgame!!!
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
I've read hilarious tags to a tweet (that was posted on tumblr): Don't think Harry Styles likes dressing like that. Looks miserable in pics. Probably is like hey man can I wear a suit or something. maybe a big t-shirt Pete Davidson gets to wear big stinky shirts. And his handler is like nah you're a fake gay guy gotta wear fake gay guy clothes
The tags (and some replies): -he exists so straight people can be allies without actually being allied to any queer people /hj -Hey yeah the issue is not that he isn't wearing ""man clothes"" the issue is that he looks like shit and it feels incredibly performative to everyone except you fans. -the issue is that his music is bad. if he was putting out bangers no one would gaf how he looks. You know who never got this kind of reaction for wearing a dress? kid cudi. cause man puts out bangers -its what happens when you only achieve level of solo fame by being part of a wattpad ship -I just saw you rb the diamond jumpsuit and he looks so uncomfortable it gave me sympathetic dysphoria. Like legitimately he looks like he's desperately closeted, but like for cishet people. He looks like want transphobes think we do to people. Like those shitty alt right political cartoons of like 'in 2030 everyone will be forced to be queer at gunpoint'. Lazer sniper sight glinting off his diamanté encrusted extra nipple -sure he's fighting gender norms but the gender norms are winning -he looks like a very boring conservative man's idea of a gay man. Like whatever he's made some good music and he seems like an alright person. But I cannot find it in me to be happy for him. He looks manufactured -Literally like you look at the photos of 70's glam rock stars and like. Not only are they rocking it but they seem to be beyond comfortable in it in that 'this is me' way. Styles looks as if he'd kill for a pair of khakis and a hoodie -Dude the logic around Harry has fully switched. First it's 'oh no management isn't allowing him to be gay' and now it's 'omg he's acting gay only because his pr team told him to -Why do Harry Style stans try to suck your eyes out of your skull if you criticize him? Celebrity culture makes me wanna self immolate lol I am saying that's just him trying to be more special than his designated bland pop singer for straight girls niche

Said in a server last night he looked like he just came in straight from a cke binge. Then said he looked like that hairy pink dancing creature with that silver look 😭 
He just always looks like sht man…you're rich. I know you can afford to challenge gender roles and dress well Wearing the ugliest rompers w his nips out just aint cutting it

LMAO he looks SO sad in the diamond jumpsuit people have been comparing it to their pre transition pics
-fake pretentious c*nt. *untalented -he really is just some guy being forced to be a gay icon mf showed up looking like a batman villain -Nah i was directioner and harry biased then and he always dresses like that. But yeah i agree his stylists and producers say for him to exaggerate and pretend he is the modern david bowie when in fact he is just a boyband soloist lmao hes in my top 5 on spotify for the past million years TWO THINGS CAN BE TRUE
-if 2021 target pride collection was personified.
-this is exactly how my 62 y/o mom talks abt him lmaoooo. Liike she HATES him she thinks he’s a total phony and finds him an insult to the lgbt community#best ally tbh gotta love her
-I've literally been saying this like he’s just doing this for the money but for how long 😭😭 -ite transtrender but for gay people
-ok. there was this huge ass paper thing full of his new cd in the middle of my favourite record shop. Making the already small store even more cramped. so fuck him#there you go i <3 being a hater
-he’s literally not gay. if he was i’d become homophobic
(Sorry if some of them are too rude, I have hard time discerning bc I don't speak to many people on the internet and don't know fully what's the proper etiquette)
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Bright morning sun, warm sand, flesh breeze and the smell of the ocean...
This is the best that the beach has to offer, and no doubt our crew is enjoying to the max.. Well, most of them. Some just cant stand the Sun or will literally die if a single ray of sunshine hits them. Nonetheless, they still have fun alltogether.
Here we have our team, our protagonists: Future Hope is what they called themselves, because they are the hope of the future (corny but still a good message).
Eitch one is doing something different. Our big and buffy WereRabbit himself, Griff, is happily making a sandcastle along with the baby of the group, Muffin the Fairy, using her magic to make the little detaila of the castle. Meanwhile Rooko/Rooki, Spike, Blinkachu and Kip are having a volleyball tournament, and watching them are Spooks, Togekiss and the leader of the team.
Maria, but everyone refers to her as Queen. While she may not be an actual Queen, her actions and leadership replicate the same ones of an actual Queen, always loyal to those who care and help her, and isnt afraid to speak her mind.
Maria was sipping on a soda, watching the game, while Togekiss read a book and Spooks played Animal Crossing on her Switch.
"When the bubblegum pops..~ I want you to smile..~" Spooks sang along to the game's iconic tune, Maria looked at her and smiled. "I know you cant go out in the Sun." She said "But Im sure your cloak can protect you, you should go have fun too"
Spooks smiled softly. "Thanks but I am having fun, look I just got Marshall to move into my island!"
"Aw damn, I havent even got Ankha yet!" Maria said, the two girls giggling.
They turn back to the game to see Blink running in circles, celebrating another win between her and Spike, who were both a team. Kip was shaking her head.
"We get it dude, you won for a third time in a row" She said with a slight smile.
"And it was a remarcable victory indeed! You have such a wonderful jump!" "Ooh man why did we even bother playing? We suck at every kind of sport out there, we were destined to lose ever since we touched the ball!" Said the witch bird Rook, with her split personalities Rooki and Rooko. Polar opposites, one being a ray of sunshine and the other being a drag in the mud.
"Hey dont sweat it birbie" said Spike, brushing his hair back. "You werent so bad, too bad your height didnt help your jumps much" He playfully scoffed.
"Ohoho! See my dear? Even our friends know that we did our very best in this game!" "Why did we even bother? We were doomed to fail since our very birth with our stupid height, why are we even here? Just to suffer?!" "Oh dear me.. Let's get you some icecream, shall we?"
The witch birb along with the blonde kitty cat went together to get some icecream, meanwhile Spike and Blink went over to Griff and Muffin, who just finished their sand castle
Griff laughed out proudly "This is awesome! It's so pretty! And these details are so.. Detailed!"
Muffin twirled in the air "Im so happy too! Fit for a King!" She shouted proudly
"Or a Queen" Griff added, looking at Maria as she laughed along with Spooks about their conversation. He sighed.
"Our Queen hasnt been doing anything but stay in that tent with Togekiss and Spooks. While I get Spooks cant go out in the Sun and Togekiss is, well... Not really into beaches, I think Maria deserves to have some fun..." He added, Muffin looked at Maria and nodded in agreement. "You're right.." She responded.
"So how's the sandcastle?" Said Spike, chewing on a piece of gum. "Aw hey it looks nice. Why do ya'll look so down?" He then noticed that their looking at Maria, and imediatly knew what they were talking about. "Ooh I see. Queen aint doing much huh?"
"It was her idea for us to come to the beach, yet she isnt having any fun? What's the damn point then?" Blink added to the conversation, just as puzzled as the rest. "Is she just gonna sit around under the tent all day? I mean I get Spooks because she cant go to the Sun and Togekiss-"
"I literally said the same thing" Griff interrupted, seeming annoyed that the conversation isnt really doing anything to get Maria to have fun under the Sun.
"Well, what do you suggest Bunny Boy?" Spike asked, blowing a bubble with his gum. Griff's floppy ears twitched as he pondered a bit, then his ears perked as he got an idea, smirking.
"I got an idea."
A little bit more into the day, Maria noticed it was quiet. Looking up from her phone, she noticed that no one was in her view. Getting worried, she put on her flipflops, tied a swimming cloth around her waist, matching her swimsuit and walked out of the tent. She looked around and couldnt find her friends, beginning to worry.
"Griff?! Spike?! Muffin?! You guys?! Where did you-" "Woah!!!"
She was suddenly picked up by the WereRabbit, and by her side she saw all of her friends, and they were all running.
"What the hell are you-" "AAAH!!!"
With a sudden movement, Griff threw her into the ocean, as the others laughed at her. "We came to the beach cause you wanted Maria! Why dont'cha cool off?" Spike added, making the laughter escalate harder.
As she submerged from the water with her back turned, panting, her voice changed..
"You... You..."
They stopped laughing, instantly knowing they were fucked.. Until she turned around with the widest smile they've ever seen, laughing her heart out.
"You damn rascals! This water is so freaking cold!" She laughed out loud
They sighed in relief, knowing they'll live for another day. And laughed once again. Until Griff got rudely splashed in the face with the sea water.
"Blegh!! Aye!! What was that?!" He sneered at her, who was giggling at his reaction.
"I know it was your idea to throw me in here, Im just returning the favor!" She said, showing her tongue.
The WereRabbit growled with a smirk "ooh now you're gonna get it, Lass!" He dived in the water, swimming after her as Maria ran laughing.
"Alright!! Cannonball bitches!!!" Shouted Spike, cannonballing into the ocean along with Blink and Muffin. Kip and Rook, who came back from getting icecream, saw the entire scene play out.
"I may be a cat, but Im down for a swim!" Kip said, running towards the ocean.
"Ohoho! Come on dear!" "Nooo I dont like the taste of salt water!!" Shouted Rooko as her body flunged towards the water.
Spooks and Togekiss, watching from afar, smiled at the fun mess that was happening in the ocean, Blink and Spike splashing eitch other, Griff was holding Maria in the air as she laughed, Kip was floating in peace as Rook twirled and spun around with Muffin.
"Such children.." Togekiss said. "Im so proud to be their friends" They said with a soft smile.
"Yeah.." Responded Spooks. "No doubt the future will be bright, as long as we're together.."
"I agree my dear Royal Of Darkness. Now, want to visit my island?" Said Togekiss, pulling out their Switch as well.
"Oh heck yeah!" Spooks smiled.
And so they enjoyed the rest of their beach day, as a well-deserved break from saving the day, changing the world..
Giving Hope, to the Future...
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
AND I am back. Once again on this lovely day to give my review for the EPISODE 24 so, here we go :
Agustin is squinting his eyes at him, as Sergio keeps muttering that Agustin has in fact done what he just mentioned he did and which both of them have known for years. 
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Federico is 99% dead?! Damn, what is Sergio's gonna do?! Make it 100% ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
(I got a feeling that Federico is the kidnapper or atleast a very important lead to them)
Btw, WHO IS FEDERICO?! Tatiana's alive husband?!
(Look at me, hoping like a moron she aint dead
My dog : Yep, total moron 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Me :
Martin, my darling, my sweetheart, my poor angel. Nada, some help? Atleast gimme some tips, bruh, come on, you cant desert me like that. Not when I need to help someone 🙁🙁🙁
since, drunk, the last idea he got was that Laura turned out to be completely insane and kidnapped Andrés to marry him
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Martin, honey, stop drinking. This getting out of hand 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. But then again, Andres is so hot poor thing keeps on doubting.
As Roci said in one of the tags, his wives deserve the highest civilian award for putting up with him.
(Although, I just had a frisky thought. What if Sergio wanted Andres away from Martin, not because he cared bout his hermano but......😳😳😳😳😳 *whispers loudly* he wanted Andres all for himself? In *frantically looks around* INCEST WAY?!)
(Calm down, my deranged mind, you went too far 🤣🤣🤣)
Who knows, it could be the professor he punched in the middle of an exam once. Martín doesn’t think he has forgiven him.
Mood, bruh, such a mood 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 NO, OMG 😆😆😆 I didnt do it, but I do kinda have a beef with my Organic prof. I'll go off tangent again, so tell me if you wanna know the story.
He sent Silene in disguise to collect the cctv from the nearby shops and streets. His own cctv has been disabled since the IT bitch ruined it, Martín will kill him when he gets them back.
I think if and only IF Silene finds something good, her % of redemption will increase.
(Raquel s2e7 deja vu, I see what you did there 😏)
And Martin about to go John Wick on anyone & everyone. I tell ya Keanu Reeves will be crying when he sees Martin go nuts. I am willing to bet he'll pull a gun on the poor milkman, who just wanna do his job 😆😆😆
So he calls Bogota, with a little (not that little) handwritten list in his hand with the names of people he thinks he might have ruined their life in the past. 
Martin : Okay, I'll just take out the list and
*the paper rolls out the door, travels around the world for 5 times and comes back while going over top of Everest and bottom of Marina Trench*
No, it’s because when he hated Martín, he had always hated him openly. If he wanted to hurt him, then he’d just try to stab him in the middle of the living room.
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“Bogota, did Tatiana have any family?”
“No, who of us did, Martín?”
“You literally have 7 children and 7 ex-wives.”
“Those kids are ungrateful bastards, if I fall dead tomorrow they would just run to see what they’ve inherited.”
Aka THE PLOT of 70% Indian Telenovas 🤣🤣🤣. Also this line alone has so much soap opera vibes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
He has no choice but to go to fucking Sergio Marquina. And if it’s his wife, then even better. Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. 
For fuck sake, Martín, Ive been telling you from last 2 ep
Stop. Blaming. Raquel.
Also, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 damn, these 2 assholes cant keep away from each other. Nada, are we sure these 2 married the right people? As much I am a Berlermo ship stan, this here is just smth else 😆😆😆
Uh-oh 🙁 this asshole son of a bitch just poked the mama bear. And if ANDRES of all people narrows his eyes at you, You are, quoting Martin from last ep, truly, utterly, entirely, thoroughly and wholly fucked.
“Do you know him?”
“Oh yes, a childhood friend, I stole his pencil once and he never forgave me. Have you heard this Paula? Don’t steal your friends’ pencils, they will never get over the betrayal. You could steal the teacher’s ones though.”
“Why did you steal his pencil?” Paula asked seriously, with a delirious tone, and too tired to even move her head upwards. Raquel is gonna kill every single person involved for doing this to her daughter.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sassy Andres = Best Andres. Words that should be written with GOLD. Wisdom passed onto generations
Poor Paula 🤣🤣🤣 I just imagine this in some other situation :
Andres : *saying smth smth*
Paula : *taking notes & asking questions*
Raquel after seeing her daughter :
Look what you made me do
🎶But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time
I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do🎶
(Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift)
I am telling you Nada, by the time Raquel will be done with everyone, Uma Thurman will cry buckets because no one, okay?, no one can compete with A MAMA BEAR RAQUEL MURILLO.
“Poison is a woman’s choice of weapon, Anibal. Don’t be disrespectful.”
Again, words of wisdom. Only time hes not being a misogynist.
Also, Andres, my dear, are you speaking this from experience?
(Why do I think that Martin got Tatiana killed cause she poisoned him and Martin had to watch Andres fight for his life in hospital?)
“He won’t say anything, Mama. He’s the one who kidnapped grandma with Silene!”
Is anyone gonna listen to her? Or do I need to bonk Raquel myself? 🤦‍♀️
“Silence!” she screams. “I need to know everything that happened, if we’re getting out of here alive.” 
And as for me, its time for me to say goodbye and goodnight (Cause its quarter to 12 rn in my watch)
I'm back as well! And we've finally caught up with each other.
Valid reaction. Sergio is also slowly going insane. Love that for him.
He's hoping he could. We all know this family has beef with that last one percentage.
(we'll see👀👀👀)
Hope is all we got at this point afabgs.
Now, now, don't speak to him like that. He has valid criticism.
I'd help him if I could, but alas (lmfao no, I do love them suffering)
Same recommendation. But he just, poor boy, could nothing to think of. So might as well be Laura. (also fair, who knows, maybe Andrés gets constantly kidnapped and forced into marriage)
Definitely, she's 100%. I really don't know how they do it.
Avsnsjsvjshsjs all theories are valid. Maybe Sergio does want Martín or Andrés, who knows what goes in the head of that fucker.
Seems like an interesting story! I never got along with my chemistry teachers. (Got one once to tell me that he's still not kicking me out of class only because he feels bad for my parents that they have to deal with me and they'll be the ones who will have to deal with the mess lmfao.)
Yes, have some faith in her!
100% accurate. Martín is this close from just shooting random people in the supermarket because they also could be the ones who kidnapped Andrés.
HAHAHA YES. This is exactly how the scene went.
We stan honesty in this house.
So happy you found it funny!!
I can confirm! Like 70% of all Egyptian drama as well.
I don't think he's hearing you well. But afnajscsgsh SAME. Okay look, now I really understand show runners with super homoerotic ships that they refuse to make canon. You try and make two male characters hate each other so much for plot then it slips and gets homoerotic.
Totally agree. This guy isn't making enemies with the right people (they are all dumb, but also none of them have anything that even resembles a moral compass)
Totally agree. This guy is honestly super amusing to watch and it's mainly because he's incapable of taking any situation in life seriously.
This family is really iconic. (love the song agsnsg) but also like Raquel would basically tell her after writing done his notes just put the title on top: things to never, ever, do.
I believe you! They really fucked with the wrong dumb family.
I mean, he's still a misogynist. Maybe some of us really like dagger, has he considered that?
That's as valid theory as any right there.
Hopefully Raquel will finally start listening to the child!
Raquel is the only one with a semblance of common sense.
Hope you had a good sleep! I'll see you tomorrow!
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
good evening my love! 💌💘🌹 how was your day?? have you been eating and sleeping enough?i have to work on those things myself, but i thought i'd check in hehe 💖 today's letter will most likely be very short since i have a very busy day tomorrow 😖 (1/6)
"to start, oh my stars!!! i was astonished by the reactions a simple name reveal could warrant! i was flustered at your initial reaction when i told you it for the first time!! but now i'm positively overwhelmed ❤ i personally don't think much of my name, but i'm over the moon with the fact that such a simple thing could make people so happy, it confuses me hehe!! (2/6)
oh, and i should say this since i know it's inevitable: nicknames are alright with me! i have tons and tons in real life, so i'm fine with it if they aren't inappropriate or disrespectful! but in all serious, my nicknames range all the way from the basic "Abby" to things like "applesauce" and "strawberry" hehehe!!! it's quite amusing~ 🌼 (i'll still address these as waifu though ✨) (3/6)
oh, and those memes were very funny, it's fun to see all of the special anons put together!! the last one was very sweet, thank you for taking time to do that op 💓 (4/6)
tomorrow i must finally head up to the university for the move-in day, i know i'll probably get very sad again, but i know that's just because i really care for him! he's gonna let me ride in his car so he can show me music and hang out for me, so i do look forward to that 💕 i also made a little card for him to read after my family leaves, it has a tiny little froggy figure in it 😊 i really hope he likes it!! (5/6)
finally,, i'd love to duet with you darling!! whether it's in private or in public, it doesn't matter to me, i bet your voice will win me over 💗💗💗💗 well, i guess i should head to bed, i'll need the sleep since i have to wake very early! goodnight beloved, i'll see you tomorrow!! rest easy 💋 - love always, waifu 💌😘🌺 ps: i bet your irl name is as beautiful as you honey!! even if you don't reveal it (which i don't mind at all, it's your choice) i know i would never clown on it!! 🌸 (6/6)"
Darling ur name really is as beautiful as u are urself and u got all the proof for that since not only i but the clown army too went crazy and stupid once u revealed it😳😳😳 trust me my name really aint that great lol its like both common and boring/plain sounding and i dont think if fits me at all but thats another story🤡 i also dont really have any nicknames aside from the ones related to morgane like morg or morgy or F A T H E R dnxjxhsh and im p bad with giving ppl nicknames too since its usually just crackheadery but who knows i'd just have to b inventive with urs👁️
Im p sure ur bro will also do amazing in uni cuz hes a goddamn icon and tbh riding in his car and being showed new music sounds hella fun ngl...what if i took u for a spin in the future haha jk u n l e s s 👁️👁️👁️👁️
Also i have major bruh moments when it comes to singing with others (in the beginning i could barely open my mouth around my teacher since the a n x i e t i t t y) but who knows maybe we will b able to duet one faithful day😳👊
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dingletragedy · 4 years
tbh i aint got a clue where millwall even is in the south (i feel like that very londoner of me tho skjdhf) but its such a shame that they've got the privilege of going to actual games and still find ways to ruin it. pathetic behaviour honestly
millwall is in london anon 😭😭 that’s iconic tbh!!!! Shut god the whole thing is awful! i never expected much from millwall fans because they’ve always been horrible but this absolutely takes the belt, and i’m happy that skysports/other new outlets are replorting it because every needs to know about their DISGUSTING behaviour. if i was a millwall fan i’d be SO ashamed and i’m glad to see the reaction from derby fans is general disgust.
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73 questions.
I was tagged by @wescoasts @machine-gun-casie (BABES)
Almost all my friends have been tagged and I don't wanna be that asshole so ill try not to be. I tag @awkwardrocker @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @trixiehoe @she-who-is-timey-wimey
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
Well it’s finals week so about -864. After that I have two weeks of legitimate nothing where I will bake my heart out so we’ll see
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
#yikes #ughshesinherfeelsagain 
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
Milo Ventimiglia, Kells, Rook.....being a music video love interest is only my life’s pipe dream 
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
And that’s on daddy issues and no supervision...
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
I used to model like went to modeling school and got paid for it type shit
What’s your wakeup ritual?
get woken up by my dog tired of hearing my alarm, walk said opinionated quadruped, feed quadruped, get dressed, COFFEE, then take life as it comes
What’s your go to bed ritual?
melatonin gummies (gotta make anxiety fun), skincare when executive dysfunction will allow, brush teeth, fight dog for my spot in bed (moving a 90lb animal is no joke), turn on my sleep playlist or use my ambient noise app, stare at ceiling
What’s your favorite time of day?
witching hour followed by golden hour
Your go to for having a good laugh?
lately tiktok and Kellyvisions, previously vine compilations or Netflix specials
Dream country to visit?
Ireland. I NEED to go to the motherland. My families castle is still standing and I get in for free. its on my bucket list FOR SURE. 
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
getting into nursing school and chiropractic school. I’m a loser and I’ve never had a surprise party. I’d melt in puddle of love tbh
Heels or flats/sneakers?
Flats 98% of the time. Heels are reserved for business casual necessity, Halloween, or if I’m feeling myself 
Vintage or new?
both, depends on the item
Who do you want to write your obituary?
Amy-Sherman Palladino 
Style icon?
lmao a what? on the real though catch me fucking with those eco-friendly kitchen witch vibes. All the dainty jewelry, linens and converse/docks fam
What are three things you can’t live without?
my dog, my family (found and blood), healing people however I can (medicine ruined me for any other career and its sucks you guys)
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
tbh salt, I question a recipes validity if salt isn't involved 
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
Kells and the band (I'd be too nervous for a one on one), a dinner party with my MGK fam, Elvis
What’s your biggest fear in life?
Failure, not accomplishing anything 
Window or aisle seat?
window all day everyday, on the wing preferably cause I like to feel the landing gear #pilotsgranddaughter 
What’s your current TV obsession?
Roadies forever, pry that series from my cold dead hands (also Gilmore Girls and Criminal Minds)
Favorite app?
tie between Tumblr and Pinterest (im an aesthetic slut)
Secret talent?
I am bomb at disney princess songs, the girls I babysit for treat me like a jukebox at bedtime, cutest thing ever
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
delivered a baby has hands down been the coolest thing I’ve ever done
How would you define yourself in three words?
I fucking hate this question. always have. empathetic, resilient, intuitive 
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
overall: my senior prom dress. its emerald green, backless, with a slit to upper thigh chefs kiss 
everyday wear: Colorado sweatshirt
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
I second Jude: over sized hoodies
Superpower you would want?
nonspecific healing powers so they aren't limited to physical ailments
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
HA. probably that the body remembers more about trauma than the mind and your seemingly irrational physical reactions to things are your brain’s attempt to protect you
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
his mistake does not define your worth. I went for a variant of these boys aint shit don't judge me cause she needs to hear it
A book that everyone should read?
Harry Potter series (yes the whole thing), Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Giver by Lois Lowry 
What would you like to be remembered for?
empathy, the way I made people feel
How do you define beauty?
FOR THE LAST TIME ITS SUBJECTIVE, things that give you peace, it could be a song, a person, a sunset, a scone, a leaf. If it makes you stop a second and exhale then its beautiful to you
What do you love most about your body?
holy trigger question Batman...my eyes, my hair color, texture, and its ability to grow
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
drive with the windows down and blast music while singing at the top of my lungs
Favorite place to view art?
unexpected places, like street corners, carnivals, just somewhere it takes you off guard and makes you stop and pay attention
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
it’d be one of those crazy long 2000s fall out boy titles for sure, subject matter yet to be determined 
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
violin hands down, it hits me different
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
I have a bunch planned, plane on my right shoulder, Kells related between 3rd and 4th ribs (maybe lower in case I ever need a chest tube), watercolor portrait of my dog at some point location TBD
Dolphins or koalas?
dolphins are stoners and they're super smart, but koalas cause they’re grumpy af and honestly same
What’s your spirit animal?
again Jude and I are vibin: I've been identifying with a phoenix as of late. according to pottermore im a greyhound though (yes a patrons is a wizarding spirit animal. fight me)
Best gift you’ve ever received?
seven year old me was stoked to get a functional microscope and metal detector, I was in my egyptology/archeology phase, I still have them lmao
Best gift you’ve ever given?
oh hell idk...I made my cousin cry once cause I made cupcakes for her birthday party, they were cherry limeade flavored and had little straws and everything. that was pretty cool, granted she was seven. I also made my teacher cry cause I made sea salt caramel chocolate cupcakes for her going away party. I guess my baking brings people to tears
What’s your favourite board game?
candy land, battleship, cards against humanity even though there isn't a board
What’s your favourite colour?
forest green atm
Least favourite colour?
bright yellow/orange, its offensive to my general The Dirt Mick Mars disposition
Diamonds or pearls?
pearls (actually opals though)
Drugstore makeup or designer?
not picky provided they are evironmentally friendly. I really like Besame Cosmetics though
Blow-dry or air-dry?
air-dry, I don't have the patience for blow drying
Pilates or yoga?
Coffee or tea?
COFFEE, im still learning to like tea
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
holy shit how much time do we have, my favorite weird word to say is fistula or omphalocele (they're medical conditions, don't goole it unless you have a strong stomach) 
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
dark chocolate
Stairs or elevator?
Summer or winter?
neither FALL BITCHES   winter if I had to pick cause I love Christmas 
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
A desert you don’t like?
red velvet cake....just why is it a thing that exists 
A skill you’re working on mastering?
baking scones or shit that’s flaky in general 
Best thing to happen to you today?
being tagged to do this twice, I felt special for a hot second (thanks babes)
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
that I would make a good doctor (I handled a scary pt situation like a champ, they didn't know I threw up after I made sure my pt didn't die. puking in a foreign country on the download is a skill in and of itself)
Favorite smell?
bergamot, baking bread, baking spice cakes at Christmas
Hugs or kisses?
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
gifted kid fall off
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
In These Walls - Machine Gun Kelly
Casual Sabotage - Yungblud
genius assholes...
Lipstick or lip gloss?
lipstick for special occasions but actually tinted chapstick or lip stains 
Sweet or savoury?
savory to eat sweet to make for someone else
Girl crush?
Brittney Furlan Lee, Alexis Bledel, Lauren Graham 
How you know you’re in love?
you look at them and just say yep. them. usually while they're doing something stupid 
Song you can listen to on repeat?
imma out myself but Swing Life Away - Machine Gun Kelly
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
the grass is not greener ya’ll. id rather go back and relive days 
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
hopefully passing my first trimester of chiropractic school. fingers crossed pls
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vnshkk · 5 years
Let's talk about Kyo's media blackout.
Tumblr media
It is with a slight reluctance that I post this. It's not wise to mention Tanuki online nor share what they talk about within the overseas fandom for a multiple of reasons. 
1. I don't want them to get angry at me
2. I don't want the overseas fandom to flip out and judge the Japanese fandom
3. I just want everyone to be chill and happy and flowers
But I've seen a lot of people freaking out, a lot of random theories floating around and people worrying so I wanted to post this theory and open it for discussion. 
Of course this isn't fact. It's pure speculation. But given the timeframe, PERSONALLY I feel like this may have had something to do with Kyo decision. 
So I post this with two DISCLAIMERs. 
1. As mentioned this is not in any way fact. There is no proof that Kyo does or doesn't look at Tank. I simply find it interesting the sequence of events, the timing of the media blackout and I am only translating this for those who are interested. I hope this doesn't cause any huge arguments or any bad blood. It's simple here to discuss and consider.
2. Please do not judge the whole fandom based on Tank. Just like any forum, any comment section on the world wide web; there will be people who leave negative feed back. It is a tiny portion of people and not a reflection of the Japanese fandom as a whole. Judging them based on what they said would be like someone looking at negative comments or sarcastic jokes on Tumblr and judging the English speaking fandom. That's not to say what they post is okay, but it's just dumb shit posting and shouldn't be taken to heart. 
you get me fam?
Okay, so I contemplated posting screenshots and translating what happened immediately after Kyo changed his profile picture up to when he deleted everything but as I said I don't want to be taken out by angry tank users so I'm just gonna translate a selection of posts. 
These posts are taken from the Meg thread (remember the girl linking arms with him at a concert? That's Meg.) which to be honest is a shit show. It was a thread born from those notorious pics and for over a year now has remained a place where people post rumours, shit talk, complain and just make shit up a lot of the time. So please, AGAIN, bare that in mind. It is a place of negativity born from a scandal that shocked a lot of the fandom. Aint nothing nice ever gonna be said there. Periodt. In reality a lot of the people who post there are still fans of Kyo. I think they're just still a little hurt by the way it came to light about Meg. 
After Kyo posted his new picture I checked tank before going to bed because I was curious about what their reactions would be and everyone had exploded. During the 7 hours I was asleep Kyo deleted everything and left the internet forever so tbh given the fact he was probably bored in a hotel in Fukuoka, just did a radio show, probs wanted to see peoples reaction, etc I personally, believe he was on Tank. This is a running theme in the thread itself and people often say he actively browses it (this is not a major thing, a lot of guys in bands browse tank same as celebs browse twitter. Why Kyo would look at the meg thread in particular? idk. ) 
Yesterday around 7pm the thread suddenly changed to mixed reactions after Kyo changed his Twitter pic. 
"His new twitter icon had me shook lol" 
"I hope he changes his instagram one too" 
"Idk I don't like how quickly he's become some kind of social media old fogey" 
"Kyo's turned into a social media monster too" (*edit; my bad Yuchi is beer monster, Shinya is social media monster lol)
"It's kinda cheap" 
"I get you, it's like he's lost his values" (probably because Kyo has always made big deal about how much of himself he shares) 
 It continued like that for a while with people more or less saying the same thing until he posts about leaving social media.
"He just suddenly said he's not gonna do social media anymore" 
"lol after he went to all the effort of changing his profile picture" 
"I'm shook" 
"annoying 40 year old nut job" 
"Bet you he came on here"  
"Do you normally change you icon then quit" 
"Join Kyo online" 
"idg why even though Kyo's had so many haters since he first started twitter he's suddenly affected by it??" 
"I still think he's cute even when he's sulking like this lol" 
"I knew he was looking at Tanuki"
"I don't get why he's suddenly deleting it after all this time?? It's like what is this old man on about?" 
"It's lame how he's making such a big deal of out saying he's quitting" 
(lots of people agreed with this post saying that he's acting childish)
"I wonder what happened? Like everything seemed fine recently. I mean we'll never know but like I'm sure he has a lot going on.." 
"I can't believe he basically wiped his instagram clean but left all the pics of cake and omurice lmao" 
"If only he'd go to sleep earlier and eat a banana the serotonin would fix everything" 
The random comments and mixed reactions continued for all of Friday.  One of the main points that stuck out after the initial reactions was how people began to become suspicious that this was merely a tactic to get people to join Kyo online with people claiming this was typical of business man kyo,  that it was about that time of year where they usually begin to advertise and promote in order to get new members. 
So, allow me to play devils advocate for a second. As someone who is a member of Kyo online I have to admit since he started posting more and more online (compared to hardly ever on Kyo online), the membership has become more or less invalid. In the past it was worth the money for the videos and pictures that as fans we rarely saw. But if he's going to post them online then it raises the question (tickets to concerts aside) is there any point in being a member if you can just get the content for free?  I'd imagine that this plays some kind of role in why the reactions are often negative. Members of Kyo online have suddenly gone from having something exclusive that was only for them, to simply being a part of something anyone can access. 
Another point someone brought up is that whilst it's acceptable for Kyo to be upset. It is very, very childish and the timing is selfish.  Sukekiyo literally made their instagram days ago and suddenly Kyo states how he isn't going to post online anymore. This act instantly casts a negative feel on Sukekiyo's insta. It almost gives a vibe that any picture Kyo is in might be "against his will". Kyo is not new to criticism. He's been in this game for 20 plus years. Everyone who is in the Indies scene knows about Tank. Every fan, every bandmen, knows it's a bad place filled with mostly shit posting and rumours and doesn't represent fans a whole. 
The meg thread is simply fans flogging a dead horse, posting any poor Japanese girl with a straight fringe and some tattoos, anyone who looks even a little like Meg and saying she MUST be a groupie of Kyo. Which begs the question why would Kyo go there? Why would he look at that? Why would he want to subject himself to that kind of thing and then punish the majority for some dumb comments a few bored fans made? What was he expecting by going there?
Of course there is no proof Kyo lurks. But the reality is he probably does, I mean he's only human, he' s bound to be curious about fans reactions for Madara, etc and where else to get honestly reactions than an anonymous forum? Personally, as someone who has lurked tank for a few years now, I think he reads it. There have been times in the past where he's mentioned certain things, done certain things and I've thought "hmmm that's weird tank was literally talking about that". But once again there's no proof. It's just one of those vibes you get sometimes. (one major one I can think of is during the interview for mode of gauze where he said everyone massively complained about it. I know people can submit questionnaires after lives but I feel that a lot of Japanese people are more brutally honest when they can hide behind anonymity. ) 
Considering the "staff" posted a pic of his feet on the sukekiyo instagram today, I feel like this is just Kyo being (sorry to say) butthurt and it might just blow over.  A lot of the comments mention his age, mention how he's clearly trying and failing to copy 20 year olds by using insta, that he's lame or cringe and that's gonna hurt anyones pride. But I honestly think Kyo should be looking at the billions of comments on instagram of people who love him rather than a few trolls online. 
So with that being said I hope this was an interesting read and gave a little insight into why Kyo is often private. It was a big deal that he was posting so much and actively using instagra. I for one was very happy. I believe that in this day and age it is something that is required in order to engage with your audience and keep a good relationship. Hazuki and Ruki are good examples of this and Ive been saying for the longest time I wish Kyo would get more on board with it. So it's a shame he's left at the first hurdle. 
Oh well. This is why we can't have anything nice isn't it. 
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goddamnmuses-a · 5 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones
Alright so I did this for Episode I which you can find here. So.. here’s my weird.. live reaction/note taking/whatever this is.. to Episode ll. 
Alright so.. Once again the opening crawl is very politicy. 
Count Dooku I think is mentioned for the first time in it and Padme becomes a Senator instead of a Queen in it.. which.. is weird. 
The Naboo ships im not sure about.. I like the design but they seem too new and clean for being a prequel. That said they are owned by royalty so i can let it slide i guess. 
“I guess i was wrong, there was no danger at all” *EXPLOSION* ffs Jeff, you couldn’t keep your mouth shut? 
Nooooooo! Not.. Cordey? Omfg that was the worst death i’ve ever seen. Terribly acted. 
Ayy it’s the Jedi avengers, no but like why is like i presume the whole or half the jedi council in this meeting? Shouldn’t they have like 1 representative? 
Yooo thats live action Barriss Offee in the back... hey girrrll ;) 
actually she’s probably supposed to be like 13 or somehting so i take that back. 
 I love just all the traffic flying by the window
YOOOO it’s my boy Jar Jar aka Darth Plagueis the Wise, don’t @ me. 
Spice mines on the moon of Naboo you say? Isn’t Spice a drug but you mine for it.. there are drug miners in Star Wars.. good stuff. 
That elevator would be terrifying. 
Obiwan just like.. LOL I fell into a nest of Gundarks.. what a character I am. .. Love him. 
Anakin like “I haven’t seen her since i was underaged master.. now i can  get my fuck on!”
“Ani you’ll always be that little boy” *Police sirens*
Anakins a little bitch
I think Jar Jar’s ears things are much longer.. but might just be me imagining things. 
She’s not forgotten you, she said your name.. you creep. 
Heeyy look it’s your custom star wars character Zam. 
Obiwan is so sassy
Anakin is pretty creepy towards Padme. 
Those worm things are naasty
Yo tbf that was some smooth lightsabering, they were like an inch tall and right up on Padme and he didnt even hurt her accidentally. I’d have killed her there. 
Obiwan just fucking dives out the window like its nothing. Mad man. 
Zam is the worst, instead of shooting Obiwan she shoots her own damn droid. 
Damn it Anakin, he’s told you to stay away from power couplings. 
Obiwan is just gonna be like “FFS ANAKIN!” this entire movie... well.. Saga. 
I wonder how Jedi pick their robes because like some are very similar and then theres like a few that have darker leather stuff, it’s like there’s a jedi stylist or something.. Someone make that OC. 
 Amazing catch Obi. 
So Obiwan is his real name but he goes by Ben later on and then Ben Solo is named after him but shouldn’t it be Obiwan Solo? 
A changeling, she really is a custom character. 
Yoo that Twilek wasn’t stupidly thin, I’m here for Thicc Twilek. 
What species is Death Stick guy! I wanna know what he does with his life after he rethinks it
I hope it backfires and he’s like “Hey.. I could be doing so much more” and he ends up like the head of a crime family. 
She didnt even change.. so much for changeling. 
....she did when she died i take it back. 
Damn the background Jedi are ugly. 
I like how this shows that Palpatine has already begun manipulating Anakin. 
Still dont understand why Jedi see the balance being a good thing when it’s leaning heavily towards the light side right now. 
Anakin “IM READY FOR THE TRIALS!” .. you aint. You a moody bitch.
I like Padme’s dress. 
Anakin just got warned to back down because he’s being a creep. 
Omfg whats that rape face. 
Dormy or whatever her name is, better actress than Padme. 
Poncho! Cal approves. 
Jawa Juice? Ew.
Wtf is the Rishi maze?
Dex suddenly went sinister at the end, why? 
Yess the librarian! She’s the best. I think she has a badass Order 66 story if im remembering correctly. 
She’s very sure about her records though.. calm down lady. 
“No droids” says the droid to the other droid. 
So i presume the head of the Jedi Council is always the one who looks after the younglings. 
Awwh the little babies and they’re all gonna get killed by Creep Vader. 
Yoda is so soft, good dad figure. Best boy. 
They elect queens on Naboo.. thats interesting. 
I love the Jedi fighter look. 
.... some bullshit. 
I should really look into Sifo Dyas
And Why are there not more Clones in Star Wars... 
Other than like.. .. spoilers for.. you know what nevermind. 
Anakin you creep
Why the fuck would Padme even lean in at all? He’s been nothing but a creep and she’s shown 0 interest in him at all so far. 
The Camino people are pretty chill. 
That was the first bit of actual chemistry between Padme and Anakin 
Omfg the pear, fuck off. 
Also forgot to comment but theres some clear like.. oohhhhhh moments im having with how order 66 got set up. 
Has Padme had an outfit change again?
She’s got her sexy outfit on to turn him down.. seems right. 
Her make up is a bit.. much
Sooo the force is weaker with the jedi because the light sides had it so good for so long that the force is trying to balance out and bring it back the other way, makes sense. 
It’s actually his connection to his mom that brings him towards the darkside to start.. nice. 
Padme trying to be inconspicuous is super conspicuous 
I like that the droid said okey dokey. 
I love how Watto is happy to see Ani. 
Watto doesn’t deserve the shitty life he ended up with. 
Love some New Zealander up in my Star Wars. 
Seismic charges have such good sound design. 
Thats one hell of a missile. 
Eyyyyy it’s c3p0 it’s amazing how much i’d forgot of this. 
Tusken Raiders are dicks. They know sign language but they’re dicks. 
Even Anakin is like “These are good people”, good. They’ll raise your son. 
Is that general grevious’ voice? 
What the fuck are these aliens
Awwwh noooo she waited just to die in her sons arms. 
Tbf i’d go full darkside if someone tortured my mom. 
You know what.. this Ani is nothing like the ones from the cartoon, he seems like less of a whiney bitch in the clone wars but we’ll see.. 
Cleg Lars’ hover chair is pretty dope. 
Anakin got over hating Obi Wan real quick. 
Even captured Obiwan is a sassy boy. 
Jar Jar as badass as he is.. is basically putting the Sith Lord in charge. 
So far if you dont know that palpatine is the Sith there isnt really anything obvious telling you which is pretty interesting. 
Padme has had another outfit change, another iconic look. 
And so behind the adventures of r2 and c3po
C3PO had a costume change, he’s been watching Padme. 
The fake out they have you thinking Padme is covered in magma is pretty good
Okay then suddenly she loves him.
Also bye bye lightsaber
Genosians are pretty gross
In my head they were always the same as Toydarians for some reason
I like that bug monster, i remember killing them in one of the older battlefront games.. as maybe Aayla Sekura but maybe i made that up. 
Anakin surely got the best one to fight. He basically tames it.
The fucking peck on the cheek, was that needed? 
Droidekas are still cool as fuck. 
Suddenly Jedi. 
The Jedi that made it up to Dooku is terrible, he cant even reflect a few blaster blasts.
Well.. Jango lost his head. 
The smile on that green jedi’s face is beautiful, what a beautiful alien man. Kit Fisto.
Obiwan is an icon. 
Dooku is pretty reasonable all things considered. 
Woo clones!
“Around the survivors, a perimiter, create.” Yoda.. just speak normally damnit. 
Yoo what if Jaro Tapal shows up in the new Clone Wars cartoon season.. i’d lose my shit. 
I like Dooku’s bike. 
Anakin you dumb fuck. 
I always thought Dooku’s curved lightsaber was weird. 
Rey should have done this sick ass catching the lightning trick instead of the two lightsabers. 
Jedi flips all over the place woop. 
As obvious as it is that Palpatine is the hooded Sith, i feel like they dont show his full face because i feel like a little kid might not be able to tell. 
I kinda like how it shows a bunch of clones (the basic start of the stormtrooper) and then star destroyers and it’s like.. heres where the empire started. 
Aaaaaand they’re married? so yeah.. congrats Ani you creeped your way into being a husband. 
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whattheklance · 5 years
Klance AU
-Keith is a super pop star akin to Katy Perry -He can dance -he can sing -and every concert of his is a TRUE performance and experience -he's sexy as fuck and fine wearing more feminine clothing (see the outfits from Katy Perry’s 2018 concert series) -people speculate on his sexuality -he's had some public relationships with different female celebrities -despite it only being speculation he's somewhat of an icon for the lgbt+ community
Can't decide between K.K. (keith kogane) K2 (k squared) or K/K (k slash k). or 2K (two k) or (double k). LOTS OF OPTIONS. i can't decide.
He doesn't give a lot of interviews but he's active on social media with his tumblr and instagram. his agent made him get a twitter, but he doesn't run it himself. Mostly just tweets of his actual posts from the other platforms.
all his time speaking whether in interviews, between songs to the audience, etc, is exTREMELY rehearsed
when he's a guest on talk shows he already knows everything he's gonna say and the questions he's gonna be asked because it's part of the deal of getting him as a guest.
cuz he is EXTREMELY socially awkward. he is like most any other tumblr user. Online most of the time and hiding away in some dark corner.
But his people keep that on the down-low to protect his image.
Everything he does in front of people is a performance. Something he rehearsed countless times until it became second nature. If he ever has to think or come up with something on the spot he's in trouble.
I just really like the idea of a Keith version of katy perry. Keith in katy perry's outfits
so I CANT DECIDE how lance would factor in, in order to make this KLANCE
HERE ARE MY THREE IDEAS where Lance fits in. all are completely different
1) Lance is a huge fan, and a dancer. He has all the routines from his music videos memorized. Lance auditions to be a backup dancer and gets it. New mission, speak to Keith. But everything the other dancers have to say don't sound promising for conversation. They see Keith as a snob who never talks to anybody who works under him unless they're taking his lunch order. Lance observes him over time and concludes: that aint right. He gets a surprise chance to talk to him alone and discovers what an awkward turtle he is, stuttering over himself and kind of adorable and endearing. Lance doesn't tease him for it. He calls him cute for it, which just makes Keith worse. Lance makes it his mission to help Keith get over his fears. Fierce confidant star, onstage. Awkward social shut-in, offstage.
2) In his free time Keith does mmorpgs and has the headset and everything. He has a group he meets at certain times on certain days for raids and whatnot. One guy on his team (lance) is this cocky guy who gets on his nerves but sometimes sounds like he's flirting with him. Keith can't remember how lance ended up on the team anyway. The team already existed and somehow he got pulled into their group. He was just there all of a sudden
No one in his group knows that keith is THAT KEITH. Lance reveals he's a huge fan of his, accidentally when he starts singing one of his songs over the mic. this makes keith nervous and blushy (even if no one can see him). his records are platinum, it shouldn't be a surprise to stumble upon fans. But it being Lance, of all people, makes him extra flustered and he doesn't know why.
The group starts talking about meeting in person one day when they find out they all live in the south west united states. Especially with San Diego comic con coming up which all of them had expressed interest in going. Keith keeps balking, everyone else is totally up for it. He's most afraid of the whole identity thing, more than being socially awkward. It's only when one of them talks about cosplaying that Keith has figured out a way. If he's cosplaying he can hide his face, and go unescorted.
There's eight of them total, including Keith. The cosplay idea works. They hang, go around together. Lance zeros in on him and hangs off him most of the time.
It's all good. At the end of the night they find their way to a party
SOMETHING happens or goes wrong and Keith has to take off his helmet (which is hiding his face) and lance walks in the room behind him, starting to ask him a question, to which Keith turns, helmet-less and Lance stops and drops everything he's holding–his phone, a drink, maybe something else. "KEEEEITH???" "yeahhhh?" Keith tries to keep it cool and quiet and not acknowledge why Lance is acting ridiculous. "KEITH?!? You're–YOU'RE–" and that's when Keith clamps his hand over Lance's mouth to shut him up, and Keith talks without stuttering for once. Keith threatens to leave when Lance is still gawking and being surprised to which Lance kind of switches back to how he was before. "dude, you could've just–" "–what? told you?? i'm in that game to NOT be recognized."
lance keeps the secret from the rest of the group but he and keith do exchange phone numbers with a general promise to hang out again sometime.
their meeting here is so innocent and stuff but I need them to get to: lance admitting one of keith's outfits makes him so damn fuckable he can hardly contain himself. He goes weak when he sees keith wear it. tight spandex covering very little of his body. spandex sleeveless crop top and spandex booty shorts. but lance is the one who's fucked when keith wears it. Rushed makeouts in dressing rooms whenever keith can get lance in there. sometimes rushed makeouts during set/costume change.
3) Lance is also famous and before even meeting Keith, has expressed his interest in interviews. In which it only counts as flirting if Keith happens to hear, see or read the part of the interview. Keith has always denied other celebrities requests to meet or hang out. Lance's commenting and referencing Keith goes on for months before an interview with Keith asks him about if he knows about Lance's comments. This is an unrehearsed question that the interviewer slipped in. But of all questions to slip in it had to be one he'd never been asked. "I–I–I don't know, I guess? I mean–how is that relevant?" and his response broke the internet cuz his awkwardness made fans think that something was going on between them now. Before it was just Lance saying things, but now with Keith's embarrassed reaction, people talk. Little do they know it was 80% keith's social awkwardness and maybe 20% of what they were thinking. Lance reacts on his social media same-day when Keith's interview comes out. Keith shuts himself in his room and goes to tumblr.
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marinazoueva · 6 years
(i wanna preface this with i am a singles/synchro skater. i do not give one fuck about ice dance as it is boring as shit, with the exception of vm and the odd program here and there. also i like watching compulsory dances, weirdly. all of the ice dance i’ve seen this season is like 30 seconds of hubbell and donohue’s rd and the gay ones at skate america. these are my very biased and superficial reactions.)
@maripoi requested marina’s #Thots about ice dance this season. even though she’s a very busy lady training all zero of her teams she found the time to talk to me. here’s what she has to say:
first of all, why are they calling it a rhythm dance. aren’t they all supposed to be rhythm dances. it’s a short dance. because it’s shorter. we might as well go back to original dance if you’re gonna be that way. 
we will begin with madison hubbell and zachary donohue’s short dance from the grand prix final. 
-excuse me WHAT is that twizzle leg position. that was a conscious choice and it was the WRONG one.  -both this music and this program leave a lot to be desired.  -oh i see you stealing lifts from my former skaters. put that back where it came from. virtue and moir’s 2009 iconic pink floyd fd. -this music change was needed. -that music needed to change a lot sooner.
onto their freedance: -not sure where this trend of dramatic voiceovers came from but it needs to go. -they do have nice fast twizzles though -i might be taking back my hard rule of no one over the age of 18 can skate to romeo and juliet. i apologize, tessa and scott. (thats the first time ive ever said those words) -STRAIGHTEN YOUR GODDAMN KNEES IN THAT CAMEL THIS IS WHY YOU DIDN’T MEDAL AT THE OLYMPICS -also nevermind i hate this music no one should skate to romeo and juliet period. it started off strong but. -when will there be a voiceover deduction. this is ice dance not audible.com -hard to tell if zachary keeps almost tripping or if it’s just bad choreography. either way, tragic. -so that program needed another music change.
stepanova and bukin were supposed to be “good” until they got fourth. we’ll see. (rd and fd) -why do people keep choosing to do these truly terrible twizzle positions. why do they want their legs to look like those of flightless birds rather than humans. -thats a really sad imitation of the goose with a really fancy entrance.  -more awful, purposeful twizzle positions. oh, he just fell out of them. what a shame -one more gross bent knee spread eagle and im retiring. -we just KEEP stealing lifts, don’t we. two for four in stolen carmen lifts. 
i have time for one more tonight. let’s enjoy the famous french dancers.  -first of all, who let this dress happen. this isn’t a funeral. well, i suppose it is a funeral for the sport of ice dance. carry on. -this music doesnt strike me as a tango but we’ll let it slide for now.  -MORE awful twizzle positions. that bent knee thing AINT CUTE.  -was that supposed to be a curve lift? because i barely saw a curve and i didn’t see a lift. -thanks to the cameraman for cutting off their legs so i dont have to look at their extensions. -i’ve seen rhumbas that looked more like tangos than that did. and cha chas, and pasos. in fact, i’ve choreographed them. -just one more program left. you can do it, zouvs. you can make it. -you chose this? you chose to wear this, gabriella? who hurt you. -i have not seen a single catch foot twizzle in six top senior dances. ice dance is dead and the isu killed it. -i, too, can do crossovers around a rink and pretend to be in love with a gay man. show me something impressive. -ohhhh my word straighten your knees in your spins. -mmmkay so they’re gonna call that a rotational lift huh. -must be rough doing the same program every season. -i almost didn’t make it through that one. i almost gave up. and i wouldn’t have regretted it.
i may not be “relevant” anymore, but i do still have opinions. and at least my skaters could all do catch foot twizzles.
big thank you to Marina for taking the time to talk. maybe we’ll see her in the kiss and cry again someday.
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yllucsanad · 6 years
14 and 15 from the x files asks 😊
14. Favorite episode(s)? Why?
ok you didnt ask for nearly this much but ive always wanted to make this list anyways so here ya go!!
1x01 Pilot: I mean,,,, does this even need an explanation? 
1x03 Squeeze: amazing MOTW, “do you think i’m spooky?”, “it seems you were acting very territorial” “of course i was” this is episode thREE PEOPLE, the gray/green alien conversation lmaoooo
1x24 The Erlenmeyer Flask: rip deep throat, iconic “trust no one”, the alien plot seriously begins the thicken here
2x01 Little Green Men: they have a secret meeting how cute, Mulder recording everything for Scully um hello someone is in love
2x08 One Breath: Mulder TEARING apart the hospital and screaming at people for Scully, coma hand holding and crying in his apartment, the return of her necklace, “mulder? i had the strengths of your beliefs” 
2x13 Irresistible: like obviously donnie pfaster makes me uncomf but the way mulder tips up scully’s chin and makes her look at him and then she breaks down and FINALLY lets mulder see her as something besides hard as a rock
2x17 End Game: Scully taking charge and saving Mulder’s life, Mulder trading “Samantha” for Scully
3x04 Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose: this episode is very funny and i appreciate that in this dark x files universe, QUEEQUEG, “how do i die?” “you don’t”, “autoerotic asphyxiation” 
3x13 Syzygy: “sure fine whatever”, jealous scully, cigarette smoking scully, “shut up mulder”
3x17 Pusher: this ep is simply amazing in every way and we all know it
3x22 Quagmire: mulder hating the dog for no reason, RIP queequeg, the conversation on the rock
4x03 Home: this episode is gory and cool, the conversation on the bench, scully making noises to try to get the sheep to move lmao, mulder playing with the baseball and the tv and being sad that elvis died, and im a sucker for kevlar 
4x13 Never Again: Iconic is all i need to say
4x14 Memento Mori: yeah the cancer arc sucks and all but the msr is soo good in this like i can never get over it, the flowers
4x20 Small Potatoes: a great light hearted episode in which scully and “mulder” almost KISS
4x22 Elegy: this episode makes my list because it is so raw and emotional, because mulder gives scully no personal space ever, the bowling scene. scully’s session with the therapist
5x01/02 Redux & Redux II: “keep going fbi woman”, mulder never ceasing to cry about scully, “one sorry son of a bitch speaking”, all the kisses, the hand holding, mulder coming back “from the dead” because he had to see scully, the smile when he tells skinner her cancer is in remission
5x04 Detour: “kill me now”, the wine and cheese (poor scully she really tried), “i dont wanna wrestle”, “maybe if i rains sleeping bags you’ll get lucky”
5x05 The Post-Modern Prometheus: a happy motw ep is always great, b&w, the humor in this one is just golden, the dancing scene of course
5x10 Chinga: mulder without scully lmaooo, “marry me”, the pencils lmao
5x12 Bad Blood: do i even need to explain my love for this one?
5x19 Folie a Deux: a lot of people dont like this ep for some reason but i do, mulders split lip is Hawt, “one in five billion”, “folie a deux. a madness shared by two”
5x20 The End: fuck diana BUT uh, pic of mulder and scully hanging in the office, gibson impressing the fuck outta everyone, gibson exposing mulder about diana and scully, mulder fuckin up spender, the way scully holds mulder after the office fire
6x03 Triangle: the filming is so beautifully done, i love a good irl AU, the KISS i could write ESSAYS about this kiss, “i love you”
6x06 How the Ghosts Stole Christmas: mulder literally steals scully’s keys so she cant leave, they LITERALLY kill each other and then go exchange gifts after they said they wouldnt get each other anything i mean CMON
6x08 The Rain King: everyone assuming mulder and scully are a couple, “i do not gaze at scully”, scully’s speech to sheils
6x14 Monday: i just really really like this episode for some odd reason i cant put my finger on
6x15 Arcadia: again, another episode that i don’t feel the need to explain why i love it lol
6x18 Milagro: scully being fascinated by this guy, mulder being possessive jealous and worrisome, the hug when scully doesnt die, scully grabbing mulders arm, “in my book I’ve written that agent scully falls in love. but that’s obviously impossible. agent scully is already in love.”
6x19 The Unnatural: the ice cream thing, the ripping of the document, i do enjoy the story, fuckin mulder and his baseball obsession, the Scene (you know the one) hips before hands OO baby
6x21 Field Trip: a very cool episode, mulder telling scully that he ends up being right like 98.9% of the time and shes like o fuck, she thinks mulder is dead :’(, they literally trip together, the hand hold at the end
7x06 The Goldberg Variation: lots of good ol flirting, i enjoy the case, the sink lmaoooo, “i like baseball too”
7x14 Theef: “i’ll always keep you guessing”, mulder saving scully by pulling the pins out of the eyes, 
7x16 Chimera: “do you have a significant other?” “not in the widely understand definition of that term”, “mulder when you find me dead, my desiccated corpse propped up, staring lifelessly through the telescope at drunken frat boys peeing and vomiting in the gutter, just know that my last thoughts were of you, and how i’d like to kill you” “i’m sorry who is this”, and also mulder just being really great at his job seriously turns me on
7x17 all things: must i explain?
7x19 Hollywood A.D.: a Classic, scully showing tea leoni how to run i heels, mulder packs it to the left, skinman, bubble baths, the laughing and the hand holding at the end i am DECEASED
7x21 Je Souhaite: i def like the case in this one, scully’s entrance to the office in the beginning (hmm someones suspiciously happy), scully and her invisible body lol, mulders wish was fantastic, the whole last scene as well as “well i’m fairly happy. that’s something” atths ya know
7x22 Requiem: ok like even though its depressing as fuck in end i love this ep, scully visibly turned on by the fact that mulder assaulted someone, “let’s go waste some money”, “we could start sharing rooms”, mulder holding scully when she faints in the woods, mulder watching scully with the baby, the whole bed scene, the HUG cause mulder couldnt live without her if something happened, PERGNANt
and as far as season 8 goes….. every episode besides the ones with mulder are meh and lets pretend 9 didnt happen except i guess The Truth was good considering the circumstances
and i aint gon get into the revival ho boy
15. Favorite MSR moments?
most of them are listed above but other than those:
in firewalker when mulder holds scully’s face
when scully puts herself in contempt of court for mulder and then the HUG
in die hand when mulder rolls himself over scully when shots are firing
all the comfort and care in end game
they way scully cares for mulder when his father and mother die
haha mulders reaction when scully identifies the plane at the bottom of the water
the lace thing, the china pattern thing
scullys concern for mulder in paper hearts and the hug
mulders memoization of scully’s senior thesis
mulder showing off athletically for scully, scully enjoying it
in pine bluff variant when scully recognizes mulder by his bandaged fingers
in dreamland when scully says she would kiss mulder if he wasnt so ugly and the exchange of the sunflower seeds, also mulder knows her breakfast
jealous scully in alpha
the touchstone conversation
the millennium kiss
everytime mulder calls scully dana (beyond the sea, lazarus, the field where i died, trust no 1)
in tooms the first and only time scully calls mulder fox (i know he doesnt really like it but i still wish they did it again because it carries a big weight)
the decontamination shower
when scully cares for mulder when he is in shock
when scully shoots mulder and tends to his wound later
and we musnt forget fight the future and i want to believe
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sorikkung · 7 years
You did an intro to got7 a while ago could you maybe do one for A.C.E.??? They seem like a good group but I'm clueless atm so it would be v helpful!!!
lololol i did an intro to mark from got7 but not got7 as a whole, but yes ofc i will i love my talented bois and i love rambling about them heRE WE G O
an introduction to a.c.e, for dummies (jk ily choice is a great fandom pls join us)
also this is gonna get rlly long so im gonna put it under a cut
A.C.E is a 5-member boygroup under beat interactive!! which is a p small company atm so my boys dont exactly have the high quality living and practice areas and food that they deserve :(( THEYLL GET THERE THO IM SURE OF IT THEYRE LEGENDS
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here’s their youtube channel with aaaaall sorts of goodies
i started stanning a.c.e predebut, bc they had a lot of content for a group that hadn’t debuted yet, and it was enough to snatch my attention real quick so you should check that shit out, they did a shitton of AMAZING covers and to get their name out there more, street buskings its a lot but i swear its worth your time theyre so talented!!
also they have matching tracksuits what more could you ask for tbh (as you can see from that vid, they’re literally so fucking extra)
a few of my favs are
this rlly long busking video w girl group songs and just a bit of everything tbh,
THIS amazing remix/cover of kard’s don’t recall by the rap line + this one cute girl,
their flashlight cover that is enough to make a grown man cry omfuckigngOD it makes me feel things hjskskkh
that ONE TAKE dance cover they did of 3 of taeyangs songs, all focusing on a different member of the dance line
im gonna stop here before i link every damn cover they made
okay so now that thats covered (bad-um-tss) time for…DEBUT
THIs beauty right here is their debut song cactus, which has this really deep meaning to it. bc they came from a small company so they have to work extra hard to even be able to debut let alone be successful and they’re like a cactus bc cacti grow in the desert where there’s very little water but they still manage to stand strong even through the hardest of weather an environment conditions and eventually sprout beautiful flowers,, buuuuuut its also a meme for obvious reasons.
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tbh debut era choice culture was just listening to cactus on repeat for days bc it was their only song at the time skjslaas not much has changed tbh LMAO but yes theyre a very edm loving group so their DANCE SKILLS ARE ON POINT SERIOUSLY IVE SEEN FEW GROUPS AS AMAZING AT DANCING AS ACE WOWOW
oh yeah did i mention that their fandom name is choice and that choice are literally the softest fandom my multifandom ass has e v e r been in?? theres literally no cringy or toxic side of the fandom its just so soft and welcoming and pure and everyone is so nice and sweet and friendly and just??? wow i love choice a lot hjkskjsshkhk choice are also SUPER talented too stan talent stan choice
speaking of cringe ace is that group that just like skipped the entire “rlly cringy boygroup debut phase” completely like no weird debut haircuts or outfits or weird lyrics about girls, well actually thats all kinda objective but like they made those outfits work ok and im a cactus isnt that weird of a lyric if you know the deep meaning behind it
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aS yOu CaN sEe, cactus era was the era of the tHIGHS and the hot pants. it was literally so iconic it blew up and with great reason too, have you seen those thighs?? AND THEY KNOW IT TOO they even mentioned they chose the hot pants as their style concept and took better care of their legs than their faces. true kings. heres a video of a.c.e talking about the whole hot pants thing and just their legs in general its some quality shit. and heres a video where they decide to show off just how great their thighs are bc they like to kill choices like that, this video is important and iconic bc its where the wowson ship began and also when they declared who the king of thighs were amongst the kings of thighs. definitely a necessary watch for new choice imo. donghun lowkey grinds on the floor at 4:04, you’ve been warned. honestly that video just gets progressively gayer lmao i love it
also for us international choice they made an ENGLISH cover of cactus CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I LOVE THEM SM they didnt have to but they did and oml stan a group who stans you back this hard their english aint that great but theyre trying and i appreciate it so much theyre so amazing look
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five months later they dropped their second single, callin’, and b o y was this a stressful comeback, beat had us FOOLEd,, i genuinely thought it was gonna be a flowerboy soft concept yknow with like some sweet lowkey ballad or soft pop song, but nOOooOOOooo, MORE HARDSTYLE EDM not that im complaining callin is a bop but i was TRICKED
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LOOK AT THIS SHIT ITS ALL AESTHETIC AND THE CLIP OF THE SONG WAS ALL SOFT I WAS REALLY EXPECTING SMTH SOFT im sorry im still salty that beat tricked me but ITS FINE bc callin is a HELLA BOP like i honestly didnt expect them to top cactus so quickly bc like cactus was hella but they DID and its amazing and heres the link be blessed (warning, these gifs above make it look like a soft vid but there are LOTS of flashing colours and lights and its really intense on the eyes if youre not comfortable with that dont watch, just listen)
they also supplied multiple dance pracs you can find on their channel for callin bc ace feeds us well, although callin had a reaaaally short promotion period bc right after they got thrown onto survival shows for more publicity, but hey, its working!! choice is growing bigger every day and im so proud
donghun, wow and jason all went on yg’s show mixnine, and jun and chan went on the idol rebooting show, the unit. both teams are doing EXTREMELY well on their respective shows!! but ill talk more about that in their individual member profiles bc they havent been put on the same team for anything yet rip
edit: mixnine finished and donghun and jason made the cut for the final group, sehyoon didn’t :(( so dongson will be promoting with the mixnine group for a lil bit!! also chan made it to the unit debut group but jun didnt. im hoping for a sehyjun subunit pls
that was long af but now im gonna dive into the members individually!! so its probs gonna get twice as long sorrynotsorry i warned you
Jun (Park Junhee)
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jun is the so-called fiery leader of ace (also lead dancer and lead vocal) but is honestly just a giant dork and a sweetheart. hes the type of guy who you scream at for being dumb and call him an idiot but thats your weird way of expressing your undying love for him?? ask literally any jun stan, they’ll say they hate him. hate him for being so PERFECT like a fucking DISNEY PRINCE he’s the designated prince of the group you know theres always that one member and hes just so LOVEABLE and stupid and skjdakhkjs he fuckign dropped his cake on his birthday when do your faves ever. dad of the group, probably lost the maknaes in the shopping mall about 3 times already. talks a lot, hates aegyo, his members might be planning on sacrificing him to satan? he does on idol class with chan every…i think its wednesday and fans vote who gets punishments n stuff and jun loses every damn time i think hes losing his faith in choice lmao. #saveleaderjun
he’s kinda married to donghun, they’re the parents of ace but donghun might try murder him in his sleep idk man, but now hes on the unit with chan and theyre all cute and you can literally ship everyone with everyone in this group
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he has HELLA charisma on stage tho oh my gOd also he has one of the most unique singing voices ive ever heard so its really easy to single out, his face also is the first i learned to tell apart?? he has rlly high cheekbones and a wide but thin smile.
this is actually an ot5 video not just jun but jun’s reaction was by far the most iconic so i have to put it in his section, get you a fave who can FLY lmaooo
it would be CRIMINAL if i didnt solo out jun’s ringa linga cover, thE MOST ICONIC JUN COVER EVER HJFKDSJKFDSJK if i ever stop talking about this assume im dead bc IVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER IT jun in a leather jacket looking all rude and staring at the camera like that im WEAK, SO WEAK, AAAAAAAAHHHH
[ahem] MOVING ON
Donghun (Lee Donghun)
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donghun, sometimes romanised as donghoon and often referred to by choice as hun or hoon, is the oldest member of the group and another total sweetheart, honestly ace is just a group of sweethearts, he cares for his members so damn much and is super soft?? but ALSO A s Av Age he’s on mixnine with sehyoon and jason and he SHOT DOWN YG, once again I C O N I C, yg was at a loss for words, heres more receipts of him being savage, i love my sassy boyfriend. BUT HES ALSO A SWEET NOODLE HJKSHJKS oH and did you know that before he joined a.c.e he had no experience in dancing whatsoever and in a year and a half, he caught up with the other four members that have been dancing since they were kids?? I STAN TALENT YALL you’d literally never be able to guess that bc all of them are like on an equal dance level its insane
also he used to have braces during cactus era and it was the softest shit
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[cOUGHS] so like did someone say disrespect,,, bc he can do that too,,,,, aAAAAAAAH the duality of this man istg
he’s the main vocalist and has vO C AL S OF AN A N GEL, he has so much soul and emotion in his voice, and has adlibs for days oh my god, he also has the MOST BEAUTIFUL FALSETTO i’ve ever heard, fight me, actually come at me. his voice works REALLY well with chan so they pair him up with him for quite a handful of covers like the all of me one i linked (one of my favs omfg it makes me emo) cause like, his soulful voice plus chan’s higher, sweet voice just sounds so great together i love our main vocals wow.
Wow (Kim Sehyoon)
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his stage name is wow, but its hard to take seriously so the fandom just calls him sehyoon lmfao. it used to be seyoon but when he went on mixnine, he revealed sehyoon was the official romanization so here we are lmao. even if your bias isn’t sehyoon…it’s sehyoon. he’s just that guy ya feel me?? anyways sehyoon is a relatively quiet and reserved guy, but his members really pull out the dork in him, i love it so much?? he doesn’t talk much but when he does all of a.c.e directs their full attention to him to listen, its really sweet, hes pretty awkward with people but you can tell he just feels so safe and comfortable with ace it honestly warms my heart. he’s the main rapper and main dancer, but!! our multitalented man is also a vocalist. yes, you heard, me, the main rapper can sing, and really well at that. (if you scroll up back to the flashlight and dont recall covers, you can see more of his voice.)
gets the least lines, but not by much. although hearing his singing voice in their actual songs has happened like with 2 lines?? so idk man im just waiting for their ballad song that theyre apparently doing for their third song, god im so ready. i love his voice a lot, damn.
he’s also like reeeeeeeeeally gay for jason…the entire fandom ships it and they even ship it themselves. wowson, the otp of ace, they honestly just cant keep their hands off eachother??? i know a friend who struggled to tell apart jun and jason so she just looked at who sehyoon was standing next to and instantly knew it was jason. THEYRE SO CLINGY. i love my squishy boyfriends. 
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OHHH BOY…i really could’ve used an even more disrespectful gif than this but that would ruin the surprise of watching it in the actual video!! as you can see, sehyoon is the K I N G of disrespect on stage, that shy lil fluffle bean you see offstage?? GONE. DISAPPEARED. VANISHED. this is why his stage name is wow, sehyoon disappears and you just go wow. choice has dubbed him king of bodyrolls with great reason, he makes every concept into a sexy concept, he just has that intimidatingly sexy aura to him, its incredible. 
now…are you ready….i bet youre not…who am i kidding NOBODY was ready for this shit. on mixnine, sehyoon was picked as leader for one of their stages (i think he was leader for ringa linga too??) and got to choreograph the routine. if you think its already rude 10 seconds in, its all over for you bitches when the lighting goes yellow. i feel the need to repeat, our boy CHOREOGRAPHED THIS. IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA. EVERY. SINGLE. PART. this is the same kid who everyone on the show knew as the shy, quiet, handsome boy. but then. 
but then he did this.
Jason (Kim Byeongkwan)
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jason is his stage name that he chose for himself but his real name is byeongkwan, its another case of an idol having a stage name and nobody calling them by it?? i mean most new choice call him jason and i personally switch between the two but most choice seem to call him byeongkwan or bk if theyre extra lazy lmao. memers call him byonk sometimes.
jason is the weird child of the group and we all love him…he’s the second lil ball of sunshine and part ½ of the maknae line. he’s often found clinging to sehyoon or literally any of the members bc he’s an affectionate son who loves cuddles okay?? p r o t e c t   h i m.
he’s also the lead everything. yeah thats really not fair but jason is op ok?? singing, rapping, dancing, visual, like sehyoon he’s the full package, i can hardly call them the rap line they’re just the op line t b h. triple threats.
on their official twt jason likes to confirm wowson a lot, its p great lololol he’s the biggest wowson shipper of all time. want more wowson? i gotchu, here’s one of my absolute fav moments. (ft. junchan/chun)
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he has some HELLA CHARISMA on stage like boy can u pls chill. they also love doing his eye makeup with that red makeup and it looks rlly good bc bk has such pretty eagle eyes and its his Look™ and that along with his onstage persona is a DEADLY COMBINATION HDSJKSKSLKJS 
i’m just gonna keep this short; even if your bias isnt byeongkwan, your bias is byeongkwan. he has that affect on everybody. number one bias wrecker out of the fandom t b h apart from sehyoon (he cant be my bias wrecker if he is my bias so im safe :^J)
Chan (Kang Yuchan)
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INTRODUCING OUR CHANSHINE, MAIN VOCAL OF ACE, CUTIE MAKNAE CHAN!!!! he always introduces himself as a.c.e’s main vocal cutie maknae chan, its his iconic line and it suits him so well like LOOK AT HIM ISNT HE JUST A FUCKING RAY OF SUNSHINE WHAT A PURE CHILD I MUST PROTECC he’s literally the happy virus y’all AND ACE KNOWS IT TOO heres this one time where donghun even said that looking at chan cheers him up. certified sunshines only, everyone. also watch that whole video its long but its worth your time.
anyways our boy is a main vocal and as mentioned in donghun’s part they harmonize!!! so!! well!! i mean tbh all of ace can harmonize with eachother its the most beautfiul thing but these two are main vocal for a reason okay. if you didn’t already watch it in donghun’s part listen to THIS and have your ears be blessed i cry everytime oh my god skdfhd ALSO THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT ITS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVOURITE VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET i want to cry i lvoe chans voice so much i love chan i love kang yuchan og hmylhdg sodf i was gonna say i swear im sehyoon biased but im not istg ace is bias wrecking me 24/7 its been the hardest group to pick a bias in ever im not kidding i cant even
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also known as kang RUDE, chan was all innocent sunshine and daisies until out of the blue he decided to give the disrespect king sehyoon a run for his fucking money. NOBODY FUCKING SAW IT COMING WE ALL THOUGHT HE WAS SO PURE AND THEN HE SUDDENLY STARTED FLASHING HIS ABS EVERYWHERE AND GRINDING ON THE FLOOR AND DOING THAT AND WE JUST CANT HANDLE IT i dont know a kang yuchan please save me oh my lord
okay this already has an ungodly amount of links and honestly i could go on, but this should be a good enough kickstart for you!!
stan talent stan a.c.e everyone. welcome to the choice family. its literally the softest and sweetest fandom out there. we welcome you with open arms and lots of cacti!!!
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
AUNTIE-CHELLA VERZUZ BATTLE: Patti LaBelle & Gladys Knight Serve Up Soul & Sequin, Demand Brandy & Monica To ‘Work It Out’ + Dionne Warwick Pulls Up
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What a time to be alive to witness two TRUE legends celebrate one another and their music. Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight gave us the soulful VERZUZ Battle (aka AUNTIE-CHELLA) we needed. And they made sure to send a message to singers Celine Dion, Brandy and Monica. Get it all inside…
  Describe tonight's #Verzuz pic.twitter.com/kxMrNbuX3y
— Verzuz (@verzuzonline) September 14, 2020
  A VERZUZ Battle with two living legends: Patti LaBelle & Gladys Knight.
We knew when Patti walked out with the vintage Louis Vuitton luggage set and shoes (letting folks know who the ORIGINAL diva is up in this piece) we already knew how this night was about to go. Two lifetimes of incredible hits, vocals and performances brought us to this moment, and we could hardly stand all of the Black Excellence oozing through our screens.
Folks had endless jokes about the iconic singers using technology to participate in the Verzuz Battle (dubbed AUNTIE-CHELLA), but co-founders Swizz Beatz (who also celebrated his birthday yesterday) and Timbaland made sure the legends didn’t have to worry about a thing when they pulled up to The Fillmore in Philly. All they had to do was put a on show for the masses that streamed live on Instagram and Apple Music last night. It was the perfect post-church event. Oh, and Ciroc was on deck as well.
It was more of a lovefest than a battle between the ladies as they went hit-for-hit. Both singers made a splash on the music scene in the 60s and have tons of hits to choose from, which was probably the hardest part of the whole battle – choosing which songs to perform.  When Patti can slay follks with ABC's from "Sesame Street", you already know it's a legendary AF battle.
It was all love between the Empress and the Godmother of Soul. They openly shared their love for one another and even sang each other’s songs during the set.
Check it:
Babies take notes!!!
Gladys Knight sounded absolutely effortless singing “Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me”
Timeless vocals & looks from both she & Patti LaBelle. #Verzuz #verzuzbattle pic.twitter.com/s3zZCpnMeH
— WellTheTruthIs (@truth_well) September 14, 2020
Miss Gladys and Miss Patti gave us that warm and loving group hug from the aunties that we all needed tonight and I am grateful! Watching them, hearing them and seeing Miss Dionne join them was a historical blessing for all of us who witnessed it. pic.twitter.com/MpYz8qnLv5
— Sy Smith (@Syberspace) September 14, 2020
When Patti sang “If You Asked Me To,” she made sure to point out the fact that HER version came out before Celine Dion’s recording. No real shade to be honest. Facts are facts.
And when Patti was asked why it was a bigger hit when Celine did it, she said “Because she’s a white girl”
— Naima Cochrane (@naima) September 14, 2020
"Celine recorded this after me. I recorded this first."
-Patti LaBelle-#Verzuz #VerzuzBattle #PattiVsGladys pic.twitter.com/BU3u751aMP
— A High-born Nubian (@UrsineNoir) September 14, 2020
Auntie Patti was having a BLAST:
  When the DJ finally drops your song after requesting it 5 times... #Verzuz pic.twitter.com/wKvO06MOQb
— Alexis Wainwright (@AWainwrightTV) September 14, 2020
  After Gladys sang her hit track “License to Kill”- a track from the James Bond film – she encouraged people to NOT kill anyone.
"I aint giving you license to do none of that mess,” Auntie Gladys said.
Now, y’all know how your auntie always spilling tea and be telling everyone’s business. Well, Auntie Patti & Auntie Gladys were on that vibe last night.
#Verzuz Gladys: Brandy...Monica... y'all go head and work it out.
It: pic.twitter.com/u97fOzh4j3
— Jameer Pond (@jameerpond) September 14, 2020
At one point during the battle, the singing legends encouraged singers Brandy and Monica - who battled last - to squash whatever beef they have going on between them.
“Brandy, Monica? Y’all go ahead and work it out,” Gladys said as Patti agreed.
Of course, that sent Twitter into a frenzy:
Brandy and Monica: I know y’all heard what Auntie Gladys said, but we gone keep it moving. Reflect on that though. pic.twitter.com/AzmHfe98Tu
— L E X X (@LookinLikeLexx) September 14, 2020
I hollered when Gladys told Brandy and Monica to gone head and work it out #Verzuz
— Rea Davis (@IAmReaDavis) September 14, 2020
Not Gladys in full auntie mode telling Brandy and Monica to work it out in front of everybody...omg.
— Kourtni (@KPG_) September 14, 2020
Gladys: Brandy & Monica work it out
Brandy & Monica: pic.twitter.com/i87kz2FUu8
— Sis Shaquille Sunflower Seed (@fe_TISH9) September 14, 2020
The Grammy Award winning singers continued to go through their catalogs, including hits “Midnight Train to Georgia” (plus the remix) and “Lady Marmalade,” before a surprise guest popped up:
The best Sunday night in a while. Thank you @MsGladysKnight and @MsPattiPatti for blessing us with your greatness tonight This is something we all needed.
Thank you @_DionneWarwick for making our night with your surprise appearance!!
@benselkow pic.twitter.com/tGawXvrqUW
— Verzuz (@verzuzonline) September 14, 2020
Legendary singer Dionne Warwick made an appearance to perform two songs, "That’s What Friends Are For” and “Superwoman” to close out the event. Check it:
Dionne Warwick joins Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight #Verzuz pic.twitter.com/ByBw0pazge
— Stephanie. (@qsteph) September 14, 2020
We were NOT readyyyy!
Over a half of million viewers tuned in to see the musical greatness that transpired last night. In case you missed, you can check it out below:
Also, below are a few clips of Patti and Gladys talking about the battle before it went down and the other battles they tuned in to:
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                  Tonight’s Auntie-chella might take the crown, but what’s been your favorite Verzuz so far? Miss Patti’s got some real thoughts on that. See you tonight at 5PM PT/8PM ET for the master class on @AppleMusic in HD (Link in bio) or here on our @VerzuzTV IG livestream. Drinks by @Ciroc.
A post shared by Verzuz (@verzuztv) on Sep 13, 2020 at 3:52pm PDT
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                  This is beautiful. Tune into tonight to take part in the truest definition of sisterhood: Patti vs. Gladys. Pull up and fix you a plate at Verzuz at 8pm ET on our IG or @applemusic (Link in bio). Tonight our souls will feast on this love
A post shared by Verzuz (@verzuztv) on Sep 13, 2020 at 3:54pm PDT
Yessss.  Gladys Knight performed "Love Overboard" on the hit TV series "A Different World" where Whitley and Jaleesa performed with her. Peep the classic moment above.
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                      A post shared by Cara Estol (@caraestol) on Sep 14, 2020 at 6:57am PDT
  Peep this throwback clip of Patti, Gladys and Dionne talking about love above.
As always, the Internet was undefeated when it came to the VERZUZ memes and we've got them for you below! 
Photos: Jamie Lamor Thompson/Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock.com
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/09/14/iconic-verzuz-battle-patti-labelle-gladys-knight-gives-all-soul-sass-demands-brandy-monic
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nothesc · 7 years
@ur-nitemare  said: THIS was like the worst reading experience ive ever had, like you first of all, posted it in the worst time possible and i was like “im a strong woman” ((i kind of hear now words strong woman in cengiz’s voice oh my god why)) and decided to go on a walk with my dog, and was like ‘its just an hour, you can survive it, you’ll wait’ so i went with my dog, already stressed and hyped as when my 12 years old self was expecting one direction to drop their new music video  so when i came home, my dog acted like he was dying and i was like?? excuse me??? you cant act like a choking primadonna now, here you have water drink it’ll be okay. after all, this ended up okay and i was running to read that fic and was like shit my phone has only 9% of battery but i was like I CAN DO THIS and made myself a popcorn and literally ive never prepared more for reading, i swear. i actually wanted to send you a picture where i like had a bit of wine  (i didnt really drank it, i was so done with that fic while reading, i forgot bout it), popcorn and tissues and i wanted to send it to you like “more than words last chapter starter pack” well,,, i was so hyped that i forgot about it and started reading THEN when we got to the “do you still love me?” question MY AUNT STARTED CALLING?? AND I WAS LKE??? HOW DARE YOU?? I WAS THAT DAMN WHITE MAN BLINKING MEME AND I WAS LIKE?? THAT AUDACITY?? CALLNG ME RN?? LIKE I ANSWERED IT  AND SHE WAS LIKE “im coming over in 10 minutes” and i was like?? okay ?? then like a second after i ended that call my granma started calling me and i was like wHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENNG and she told me that my cousin called her and now hes not picking up and that shes coming over probably and i was like??? okay im at home like 3 hours and NOW when all i want is peace and silence you decided to hAVE A FUCKING FAMILY REUNION AT 9PM. so i was running downstairs to tell  my mom about all this mess and was so stressed because what did yousef answer??? he thinks shes engaged!!! does he love still love her?? aND WHILE I WAS RUNNING DOWNSTAIRS I STEPPED ON MY FAVOURITE SUNGLASSES AND BROKE THEM AND I WAS LIKE why. so with my already fucked up karma i was 100% ready for yousef to die and me to actually use these tissues and sana to get together with anna’s karl. well, i survived that 5 minute meeting with my family and they all kind of  gave me peace and i was like YES!! CANT WAIT TO READ ABOUT HOW YOUSEF DIES!!! and well, the rest was calm, my phone was only dying meanwhile so before elias had THAT conversation with yousef i was searching for a charger like 10 minutes, and if i thought i had my one direction are about tO DROP A FUCKING CLIP hype, this was worse. this was such a big hype my 12 years old self would be like oNE DIRECTION ARE ABOUT TO DROP A FUCKING FULL TITANIC LENGHT DOCUMENTARY  and then yousef started to realize?? and i literally had to look up from my phone to the sky and was like “THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE UP THERE THANK YOU I FEEL BLESSED” and then yousef told sana he cant meet her and i this video is my accurate reaction twitter.com/bechnas… AND I WAS LIKE OH MY GOD IS HE GOING TO TELL HER !!!!THERE!!!! ??? AND THEN THE PARTY HAPPENED AND THEY WERE ABOUT TO GO TO THE ROOM SANA AND YOUSEF HAD AND I WAS  LIKE YOSSI?? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS WHY ARE YOU PLAYING WITH SANA LIKE THIS THAT AINT FAIR THAT POOR GIRL JUST NEEDS TO REST AND THEN HE TOLD HER “BE CAREFUL YOU DONT WANT TO GET HURT YOUR FOOT WITH THAT DOOR AGAIN” AND I SUDDENTLY TURNED INTO THIS MEME twitter.com/AnselEl… aND THEN THE REUNION HAPPENED AND I UNCANCELLED YOU FOR LIKE NEXT UPCOMNG 10 YEARS I SWEAR I ALMOST NEEDED THESE TISSUES OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO PURE AND SO GOOD  like honestly,,,, sorry for this lenght but you wanted peoples reactions so here you are ALSO??? the time you dropped this fic riverdale panel started and new s02 trailer is out and the new season has 22 episodes? i was literally aggresively skipping through these posts abou that panel but like as i said noelia, worst timing EVER. anyways, this fic was SO FREAKING GOOD. honestly, ive never been so invested in a fic before and i was never invested in somene’s fics before  that much bc i was more like that random ao3 reader but now you are my favourite fanfic writer EVER, like when people say “noelia?” or “nothesc” iM LIKE YAS MY QUEEN THE HERO OF SAVING MY LIFE WITH HER NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE WORTHY FANFICS I LOVE HER HAVE YOU READ HER FICS COME ILL TELL YOU MY FAVES I READ EVERY SINGLE ONE AT LEAST TWICE, IM PLANNING A ROADTRIP TO SPAIN TO PERSONALLY THANK HER YAS QUEEN!! and seriously, more than words? that was amazing. like… skam is shaking. teen wolf is shaking. THIS HAD SUCH A GOOD PLOT? i laughed, i fell in love with the characters, i felt the pain, i felt the joy when they told each other as pen pals that they like each other and then when they stopped writing my heart broke but at the same time it got healed because irl yousana got together and then the break up we dont talk about as we dont talk about karaoke apocalypse like it was so well written?? like every good fanfic needs that  angsty part and this absolutely broke me, in the best way possible. and then the angst continued?? but then the plot twists and all of that, tHAT WAS ALL SO WELL THOUGHT, and the whole last chapter?? tHE WAITING THAT WAS THE WORSE, like you followed every rule to make the perfect plot and you DID THAT, i swear i want to study film and im about to suggest that as an actual plot of the movie and im gonna make the second oscar worthy piece, like a movie based on fanfiction?  an oscar winning movie based on fanfiction? name something more iconic. you cant. like titanic, the notebook, love rosie… all these movies are shaking. but seriously, i know that theres really a small chance that this could happen but my hopes are never really low, im extra when it comes to expectations. honestly, this was amazing. perfect in every way and im so glad i could witness a masterpiece like this. seriously noelia, thank you from the bottom of my heart  also sorry for 1,3k words long comment, this fanfic made me feel more than all my real life crushes and it was just so genius i couldnt help myself
I’m so sorry to hear that you had to suffer that much to read the fic but I’m gasd you finally didi it and that you liked it.
I loved the memes and the videos you linked hahaha and yes I asked for people’s reactions and your is just priceless
Thank you so so so so much for taking the time to read the fic and to leave these amazing comments, I don’t even know how to thank you 
Seriously it means so much to me
also.....i’m sorry.......but........wine with popcorn???? seriously??? and I’m the weird one??? smh 
I’ll forgive you ‘cause you’re the queen of comments but okay....
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