#[ probs ]
mellowkotto · 28 days
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Don't mess with a teenage girl and her emotional support skull
I know the skull was scorched after the explosion but I forgot ijbol
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sunnymainecoonx · 5 months
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Lil silly drawing.... probably the only proper drawing I'll ever do on magma ehm
For anyone interested... though ehm I need to sleep so I won't be there... though I'll def come back so ehm eh idk
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finngualart · 7 months
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dont have time for this nonsense today AT ALL but i have no say in this matter apparently
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chelldoscocaine · 6 months
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making julie taller than gideon (as god intended). my screenshot editing skills are subpar but it is okay I will learn.
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suengmi · 1 year
✧ curious ✧ .9k, g
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you raise your head, eyes scanning along the bank on the opposite side. all you can see is a pair of beady eyes, and long pale fingers pressed onto a large tree branch that's resting on some rocks.
pairing: felix x gn!reader genre: fluff, magical/fairy!au warnings/other: felix is a water nymph/reader is human, it's like 2am and i just thought of this. it's self indulgent pls enjoy
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little ripples bounce around the small pebbles rolling in the water, a fish or two swim past, weaving around the little plants growing at the bottom of the lake. it's not too deep, maybe just above your ankles.
a group of small blue fish enter your eyes as you venture further down the bank, pretty pearlescent green scales shining in the late night of the evening sun, their tails so small they'd be no bigger than your iris. gently, you press your hand into the water, trying your hardest not to disturb the fish. when you splay your fingers, the mud beneath is slightly disturbed, causing a few of the dish to swim away.
but one of the fish stays, slowly dancing in and out of your fingers. it stops on top of your hand, as if resting it's weary body from swimming all day. you decide not to disturb it and just enjoy what nature has gifted you.
further along, the water is disturbed, it somewhat sounds like a splash. you raise your gaze, eyes scanning along the bank on the opposite side. all you can see is a pair of beady eyes, and long pale fingers pressed onto a large tree branch that's resting on some rocks.
the boy doesn't blink, just stares back at you as he seems to be assessing what you're doing. you raise your neck, slightly turning your head to the side as if signalling you're curious about him too. he copies your actions, head turning the same direction as yours. one more time, you flop your head to the other side and he follows.
you bounce your head back and forth and he copies. this goes on for about ten seconds, but you stop as you begin to feel dizzy.
"ow." you say to yourself, raising your hand from the water to rub your temple. the boy across the water smiles, resting his chin on the branch.
within a split second, he jumps on top the fallen tree, legs flopping in front of himself as he lets them dangle. his feet are slightly webbed, and his hands too. when he turns his head to the side again, almost comically, a long pointy ear bounces out from his blonde hair, little silver trinkets dangling, maybe some small gems decorating his ear. you're not too sure, he's not close enough for you to see.
the boy smiles at you again as he wiggles his legs, his brown cotton shorts and shirt almost falling off of him. he's small, but not too short from what you can see.
ah, a water nymph, you realise. you've never seen one before. not this close. you realised you've ever actually heard one speak.
the boy nods to the river a few times, pointing to something. you follow his gesture. there's a another school of blue fish, seemingly gravitating towards him.
"you... want me to watch?" you ask, slowly dipping your bare feet into the water. he returns with an eager nod, pointing again at the fish.
the same group of small fish you saw prior look as if they're swimming towards him. they seem to happily oblige as he wiggles his fingers back and forth, the school of fish pooling at the other side of the bank. he looks up at you with a big grin on his face, pointy fangs pressing into his bottom lip.
"that's amazing!" you say in disbelief, trying your hardest not to disturb them.
slowly, you edge a bit forwards, now only about two metres away from him and the fish.
the nymph makes a cupping motion with both of his hands, instructing you to do as such.
"like this?" you ask, placing your hands together. he nods excitedly, gesturing for you to pick them up.
placing your cupped hands into the water, you wait for a moment. the nymph rubs two of his fingers together, his tongue sticking out to the side underneath one of his fangs. within a few moments, one of the fish swims into the palm of your hand and stills.
you gasp, trying your hardest not to move. but the boy doesn't mind, he seems to be enjoying your fascination with what he's doing.
"can i... lift it?" you ask, eyes feeling like they're going to pop out of your skull. the boy nods, jumping down from the branch to be at your level. he steps forwards and bends down, his soft webbed hands cupping your own. softly, he helps you raise them, the small fish swimming in little circles in the tiny pool you've made with your palms.
when you look up at the boy, he just smiles, those little fangs appearing again.
"it's so... pretty." you smile, watching the fish swim around. the nymph watches you intently, seemingly curious about your fascination with that he's doing.
"i wonder how they get so blue-"
"felix!" the nymph blurts out, pressing his face a bit too close to yours. you raise your brows turn to face him. he's no more than ten centimetres away.
he pushes his nose against yours, and pulls back. those big dark eyes wide and staring into your own, silly grin showing. "i'm felix."
idk what this is don't ask i lov felix
taglist: @l3visbby @daddyjoonchua @abcdefgiwsmcty @blankdyean
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binvibin · 6 months
may be a little silly, but peter, james and marlene as the mako mermaids??
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kristinbayleigh · 5 months
It’s 2024, why are y’all still shipping Harley and the joker?
Fictional relationship or not we should or be romanticizing a toxic, abusive relationship.
Also Harley and Ivy for life, no if and, or buts about that.
I will die on this hill and i fully believe my Roman Empire is making sure everyone knows that the joker is a horrible, unredeemable, monster, plain and simple.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk
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gammija · 1 year
it's a bit of a fandom joke that Martin is good at lying to authority figures (elias, peter, even jon with his CV), but i wonder if his CV is the first of it, or if he had to learn younger
we don't get a lot of info on his mum, but we do know a few things. she's stubborn, too unwell to support both herself and a child, hates Martin, awful.
Probably too proud to ever ask for help, much less from Martin, much less to weather the indignity of having to ask her only son to drop out of high school to support the both of them. So it was probably Martin's idea, and i bet he was already trying to work full time at whatever paying job he was able to get, a while before he actually officially dropped out
just leaving in the morning, after helping his mum, telling her he was going to go to school and then going to work, hoping school wouldn't call about his absences while she was awake
on a sidenote, it makes a lot of sense that he would start lying about his age specifically - minimum wage practically doubles between being 17 and 21. and when minimum wage still didn't pay enough to support two adults, well, it's a small step to try and fill up those extra years with some extra credentials
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vamp1r3gf · 12 days
I 🩷 yaoi doomed by the narrative I just want to squeeze their necks and then mine
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northernpintail · 7 months
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uhohdad · 4 months
you know the smut is good when i get too distracted proofreading phhheew 🥵🥵
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albaqae · 10 months
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I rewatched MM TMNT and I noticed this one dude w a casey-like haircut??? maybe it’s his iteration???
Also the credits for the extras are hilarious lmfao
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iniyaas · 26 days
blue lock slowly heading toward a locked room murder mystery by ch 313 trust me we gotta find a dead body or two in the pentagon prison mens' lockers
for example play-devouring isagi not knowing how he is losing vs rin who is devouring his players while he is not looking kind-ah situation yk
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jakascoo · 4 months
Bruce: So you like cats? Selina: Yeah. Bruce: Tries to impress her by slowly pushing a glass off the table.
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Hey yall 😅 sorry for being mia! Summers are busy for me, trying to keep two medium sized humans alive and all. I hope everyone was able to see the Haikyu! Movie! I saw it twice 🫣 unfortunately it left my theater before I could see it again. However I am going to see the new Bluelock movie coming this next week! Not me driving an HOUR to see it 💅 anyways I hope everyone is having a great summer and I miss you all so much!
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