#[ link: archived memories ]
athena-theunicorn · 10 months
“I wish could’ve made her listen to us, one way or another. I would have done it. I would have fought much worse than Calamity Ganon. I would have fought Demise himself just so you could be happy. But I can’t bare you hating yourself or me for something we couldn’t have helped.”  
“I could never hate you, Link.”
“You did, at one point.”
“No, I didn’t. It was never hate. I was jealous because I thought you were perfect. I thought you knew what you were doing, and I thought the goddess favored you. It was stupid and childish that I couldn’t look past my own nose and see that you were suffering too. And for that, I am truly sorry.”
Don't mind me just one of my favorite scenes I've ever written.
Read the fic here
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kravkalackin · 2 years
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nanowrimo is still over half a month away but i made a book cover for the novel i'll be trying to write this year on canva.
It's technically a prequel for a series I plan to write with @technicalchaotic later based off the dnd game I'm running. It tells the story of Optimal Archive Storage Unit, the 9.18 billion year old downloaded consciousness of an archivist of the first ever sentient species in the universe.
Her story will tell what it was like to navigate a society that possesses a collective unconscious, what made her decide to break off of the collective unconsciousness to become a storage center for all their information up to that point, and the events that led to her being left on a rogue planet floating along the infinite darkness for nearly 7 billion years before she was found by our present day protagonists
I know I haven't been posting fics much lately, but hey I hope this sounds like it might at least be some of y'alls jam.
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gamerkinz · 1 year
hnngh i rlly wanna talk abt fictionkin/fictionlink stuff with ppl but THE EMBARRASSMENT
"oh yeah im an irken and a jester and an edgy mii and an AI and a spambot and a littol guy who likes halloween and a rat filled with angst who wantz to distance myself from my mediaz creator and a scottish,, bird thing??? and a polygon girl and a gay radio host and a nice robot master AND i also identify WITH a girlboss and a silly flipnote cat"
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petridishdraw5 · 1 year
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fcxchild-blog · 4 months
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peeks in
#i was trying to see which of my emails were still available here and somehow logged into s.hippo SDFGHJK#i miss my fox baby ... i can't believe i made him in my senior year of high school bc i am now out of college lol#truly miss all the funny shenanigans i had here with all the i.nuyashas and k.aguras i met#and i miss k.agome and s.ango and m.iroku AND THE REST OF MY GANG PRETTY MUCH LIKE DRAGON MAMA AND FOX DAD#scrolled thru my archive for a trip down memory lane ;-;#seeing my ooc posts back then really made me realize how much of an obnoxious idiot i was ... i feel ashamed :/#i was deleting my other old archived rp blogs but .... i don't think i will ever delete s.hippo tbh -- i rlly loved it here ;-;#will keep this blog up for memories !#i may not write for the fandom anymore but i am still an active i.nuyasha fan tho ! this series is a huge part of my childhood after all#also : if anyone is even active anymore and notice me liking some posts tagged with me ....#i just think it'd be nice if i can sometimes log into shippo and go through his posts and likes for the memories#i don't think i have any muse/motivation to rp in i.nuyasha fandom anymore#but i am still active in tumblr rpc !#idk if any of my old partners will see this -- but you can find me over at ednaeflowers if you ever want to reconnect in 2024#my pinned post there should have links to my other rp blogs too#that should be all i wanted to say -- thank you for all the memories !#( ☀ ❛ out of acorns. // ooc. )
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il-fangtasma · 2 years
There was an artist who drew my OC Sebastian Lowes for me and I've been trying to remember who it was since, it was a late piece for the ArtFight of 2021. All I remember is that they had grumpus OCs... Mysterious artist, if you're out there, give me a sign. 🙏
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comment-exchange · 2 years
262. Divine Right (Legend of Zelda)
Title: Divine Right
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40886802
Platform: AO3
Creator: ChuckleManx (not mine, asked permission)
Work Type: Fanfiction
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Rating: T
Pairing: Link/Zelda
Word count: 10074
Warnings: Trauma, memory loss
Number of comments: 1
Completion Status: WIP
Short summary/description: So far the story is Link and Zelda making their way back to Kakariko after defeating Ganon, while trying to process what happened to them. I love it for the richly detailed setting and the care given to the portrayal of each character they meet, from Impa and Paya to the random minor characters at the stables. Also some chilling flashbacks to Zelda and Ganon's psychological struggle during the hundred years.
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neil-gaiman · 2 months
The Unofficial Art Of Coraline
Good day! You might already know about this and could have posted about it already and I just missed it but there is an unofficial art of Caroline book on Internet Archives. (link in the title, I hope it works in asks too).
I was looking at James Gurney's blog and he wrote about this a month ago in his post Digital Media and Cultural Memory. He writes this about it:
"All of the films by Laika Animation have "Art of" books available, including Paranorman, Boxtrolls, and Kubo. But their first film, Coraline, doesn't.  Much of the concept art had been shared online, but it wasn't organized, and hard to find. So a group of fans gathered up everything they could find, and created an unofficial digital book in PDF form and put it online. But after the book had been available for a while, they started receiving takedown notices from Laika. They weren't making any money from it, just honoring the artists' work. They wrote to the management of Laika, who found out that the takedown letters were coming from their legal department. Fortunately Laika reversed their position and allowed the book again. For now, you can view the book. (It’s a big file and takes a while to download.)"
I just thought I share it with you in case you didn't know about it (which I think is unlikely but possible). It's really amazing book. Have a nice day!
That is wonderful. I'd love to see a physical Art of Coraline book.
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ktkat99 · 27 days
Update to this prompt I posted a little while ago. Scroll to the bottom for a link to the story.
Tim gets injured while not wearing his suit one night.
Bernard, who has never met Tim before, finds him and takes him home. He ends up losing his memory and Bernard decides to let him move in while he heals, unaware that he's really Red Robin.
Bruce and the rest of the family can't find Tim anywhere.
Days turn into weeks.
Weeks turn to months.
All without a trace.
Tim and Bernard are getting used to living together, and both the pros and cons of being roommates.
Tim will sometimes have nightmares or flashbacks, but he’s also started to heal.
His family ends up torn, with Jason, Dick, and Steph convinced he’s alive, while Bruce, Cass and Damian have all resigned themselves to believing that he died.
One night, Tim and Bernard take a nighttime walk to a convenience store and witness a robbery.
Tim stops the guy on instinct and has a flashback of fighting with Nightwing. He assumes he was a criminal and runs off before the clerk can thank him.
Something the clerk mentions to Officer Dick Greyson when he arrives to arrest the thief. The clerk hands over the surveillance footage, which ends up being proof that Tim survived.
Dick is overjoyed, but Steph and Jason point out that he isn't being held hostage. He's free and yet never contacted them.
Was he in hiding?
From them?
Or for his own protection from someone?
Or maybe the civilian he was with had done something to him?
Whatever the reason, they decide against telling the rest of the family until they can figure out what's going on.
They begin following Tim, keeping their distances.
Tim, meanwhile, after ‘remembering’ being a criminal, can't stop obsessing over his scars, and who he might have hurt to receive them. He keeps thinking about the convenience store clerk and Bernard, wracked with guilt about all the things he may have done.
Bernard stays by him the whole time, doing his best to calm him down.
Tim doesn't tell him what's on his mind out of fear of being kicked out, and Bernard assumes the event was too stressful for him and doesn't push him to talk.
Eventually, the two of them fall asleep together, and Tim promises to make up for his past crimes by protecting Bernard. Things gradually go back to normal with Bernard going to work and Tim, who has no valid id, staying home and taking care of the apartment.
Nightwing, Red Hood, and Spoiler take turns watching Tim and Bernard.
They still haven't told their family, but know they can't just follow Tim forever.
Before they can decide on their next move, though, Cass bumps into him while grocery shopping. She freezes and he doesn't recognize her, but Dick, Jason, and Steph have to come clean.
Cass is pissed, Bruce wants to bring Tim home immediately, and Damian points out that he might not even want to come home, and that they should leave him be.
They decide that, before they make their decision, they need to talk to Tim. Maybe he really did just decide to quit.
Tim, meanwhile, has been using his free time while Bernard is at work to help people who need it. He becomes somewhat of a neighborhood vigilante, believing that he needs to make up for his past crimes.
Most of the injuries he incurs are minor and easy to hide from Bernard, but one day he takes a knife to the arm.
Bernard freaks out and tries to give him stitches in their kitchen, but then has to convince Tim to let him take him to a hospital.
Tim, not wanting to be arrested for crimes he doesn't remember committing, therefore leaving Bernard alone, argues that he's fine.
It doesn't hurt that bad.
He'll heal.
Bernard gets frustrated and shows off his own scars, which he had worked hard to always keep hidden. He explains what happened to him, and how his family disowned him as a result of ending up in the cult, and that he promises he won't put Tim in a situation where he could be in danger.
He asks to know why Tim is so adamant against going to the hospital and Tim reluctantly admits what he's pieced together from his flashbacks.
Bernard is shocked to find out that he might have been sharing his apartment with a criminal, but reasons that that must be why Tim knows how to fight.
Deciding to focus on the problem at hand, Bernard convinces Tim to at least let him take him to Leslie’s place, as she doesn't ask questions.
Leslie proceeds to ask questions, prompting Bernard to be the one to answer them for Tim.
Leslie comes to the conclusion that Bernard is answering so that Tim doesn't say the wrong thing, and only grows more concerned when she tries to subtly give him openings to slip her a message or some sort of sign that he needs help and he doesn't.
She decides that, since he's acting like he's never met her, she'll play along.
Once Bernard and Tim leave, she calls Bruce and tells him what happened.
Bruce decides it's time to step in because something is clearly wrong with Tim.
Tim and Bernard head back home and have a long talk about everything Tim's been hiding and what he's been up to.
Bernard wonders if Tim might be wrong about his assumption that he was a criminal, but Tim remembers stalking Batman, fighting with Nightwing, Robin trying to kill him and a few other things.
Tim was a criminal, and he's certain of it.
At a loss of what else to do, Bernard convinces Tim to get takeout for dinner, since neither have eaten yet.
Tim agrees and they walk down to Tim's favorite place.
On the way there, Batman and Nightwing show up and order them into the Batmobile.
Tim manages to fight off Nightwing as Batman is driving and Nightwing isn't expecting Tim to fight him and escapes with Bernard.
Their suspicions all appear to be confirmed; the Batfam believe Tim is being controlled by Bernard, while Bernard and Tim believe he's a wanted criminal.
Tim decides he needs to leave, since he's obviously being hunted, but Bernard refuses to let him.
Not alone, at least.
Tim wants Bernard to stay safe, which means away from him, but Bernard is just as worried about Tim's safety. They argue, but ultimately both find an abandoned building to hide in together.
They decide to take turns sleeping and Tim falls asleep wondering what sort of crime he committed to warrant the Bats searching for him. He ends up dreaming of the night he found his father's body and wakes up believing that he killed him.
Bernard has nodded off at this point and Tim needs to clear his head so he heads up to the roof to process what he dreamed about.
The bats decide that, for their safety and his, Tim will need to be taken by force and they can figure out what's wrong with him once they have him back home.
They track them to the abandoned building and break in, but only find Bernard.
Bernard ends up getting captured quickly and taken to the batcave for questioning.
Tim, who witnessed the abduction but hadn't been quick enough in getting down from the roof to do anything, decides it's time to go on the offensive against the bats.
He has had enough flashbacks to piece together that Batman is Bruce.
He's tired.
He's been living for months without knowledge of who he used to be and having to deal with random flashbacks and trying to piece together what his life before looked like.
The bats taking Bernard is his last straw.
He decides to start by breaking into the manor and looking for Bernard there.
Bernard, meanwhile, is desperately trying to convince Bruce and the others that he has no idea where Tim is, that he didn't do anything to Tim, and that Tim has amnesia.
They don't believe him until Tim shows up and goes all-out trying to attack them and escape with Bernard, but Bernard is the one who manages to calm him down and convince him to listen to his family.
It takes a while, and a lot of proof, but Tim finally regains his memory.
He and Bernard officially start dating and move back in together.
They like to joke that Bernard had the craziest introduction to the family, despite being a civilian.
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athena-theunicorn · 10 months
Chapter 11: Anniversary 🕯
The Memories Between Them Wattpad Ao3
There was a before where we were confused and doing our best.
There is a now where we can make up for lost time.
There will be an after where we can be together for yet another lifetime.
The third and final installment of the Between Them series.
In which Link and Zelda try to navigate a life of peace.
Chapter 11 Summary:
In which it’s the first anniversary of a free Hyrule
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 3 months
you don't need an AO3 app - round 2!!!
"AO3 is ugly and I hate the formatting!" -> you can download site skins. very gorgeous ones. and you can use them to change the aesthetics and visuals of AO3. just search 'AO3 skin' on Tumblr or even on google and you will be in A Whole New World. (and those searches should yeild tutorials on how to install the skins as well - it's not something I know a lot about, because I used to primarily use Quizilla and FFN, so I am more than used to Ugly Website. AO3 is very aesthetic and pretty compared to those.)
"AO3 is too bright!!! it hurts my eyes!!!" -> there is a dark mode. scroll down to the bottom. there is a heading that says 'customize'. under this heading, hit the button that says 'reversi'. that is their version of dark mode. and again, you can look for site skins that you like that have a darker background.
"I want to be able to make reading lists!" -> you can make bookmark collections on AO3. In your bookmarks, there is a button that says 'add to collection' beside each work. have fun. go ham. (Also, you can make private bookmarks if you are reading something with more controversial content that you don't really want others to know about - and please know, that any bookmark comments you make on public bookmarks can be seen by the author.)
(this last one made me laugh - because it seems like people are just coming up with bullshit excuses to 'need' an AO3 app when there is literally nothing that an app can go that AO3 can't.)
"my memory is really bad because of reasons sooo I remember to use things better by having them on my homescreen like an app!!!" -> create an AO3 shortcut on your homescreen. most mobile browsers have the capability to put a shortcut to a specific link or a specific website on your homescreen so that you can go straight there - like you would with opening an app. and it can be labelled 'the AO3 app' while simply having the icon of that browser. you can even do this with a link to a specific fic that you are in the process of reading (even down to the specific chapter that you were on). there is literally 0 reasons to have or use an AO3 app.
and remember kids!!! any and all apps with AO3 in their title are not associated with the real archiveofourown in any way, shape, or form - they are unofficial, and technically, they are illegal. and using them is putting all fanficition writers at risk legally (even if there is no active lawsuits right now) - just don't fucking use them. it is a threat to the entire fanfiction hobby just because you want 'the app experience'.
the archive is a non-profit website with 0 ads for a reason, and those apps are scummy scammers who put ads on our stories to make fast easy money when none of the people who made those stories ever consented to it.
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daedelweiss · 1 year
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first up: Life Mission: Save My Brothers (Comic) 🌟
"Life Mission: Save My Brothers" is a Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles separated AU (alternate universe) where it explores on the concept that Splinter saved only one turtle after the mutation process: Leo. The other turtles are separated in the world: Raph was brought to and raised by Big Mama to be a Battle Nexus Champion, Mikey was taken by Draxum and trained to become a warrior to combat humans for the Yokai to take over the surface, and Donnie was thought to be dead but was taken in by a mob until he ran away and found Big Mama at the age of 7. Their story involves their process of finding out that they are not alone, that they have family, and how they reunite and become the ninjas they were always meant to be.
THE RED KNIGHT'S ARC Episode 1: The Buried Memory
SET 1 (Beginning of Episode)
SET 4 (End of Episode)
Episode 2: Found Alone (Coming Soon)
TAGS: rottmnt life mission AU, life mission AU, life mission comic
more AUs under the cut 💖
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Quiet Your Mind (Fanfic) 🌌
15 years into the Krang invasion and everything is going south: food was running low, everyone had to take multiple shifts in multiple jobs, and almost everyone is missing a family member. Mikey's mystic powers haven't developed fully and Donnie's and Leo's were dwindling. There was one way to regain that power, one way to turn the tide to their favor, and, possibly, save the twins' bond.
The cost? Silence.
TAGS: rottmnt quiet your mind, quiet your mind
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Pieces of Home 🌊
"Pieces of Home" is an original TMNT iteration where Donnie is the oldest, followed by his twin Raph, their middle sibling Mikey, the youngest turtle Leo, and their little sister April. The turtles were all once human and lived a happy, normal life until one day, a mysterious person cursed them with a green, magical liquid that burnt away their human bodies and mutated them to half turtles. Their father, Splinter, was mutated to a rat and his husband was never seen since. 12 years later, Leo ventures to the surface despite his oldest brother's wishes and finds secrets about his other father. Their journey begins when they discover who he was and when they receive gifts he left them.
(More about the iteration coming soon...)
TAGS: my tmnt, tmnt: pieces of home, pieces of home AU
Links to my other socials can be found in the bottom of the Life Mission website ✨
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gamerkinz · 11 months
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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Here's an underrated cognitive virtue: "object permanence" – that is, remembering how you perceived something previously. As Riley Quinn often reminds us, the left is the ideology of object permanence – to be a leftist is to hate and mistrust the CIA even when they're tormenting Trump for a brief instant, or to remember that it was once possible for a working person to support their family with their wages:
The thing is, object permanence is hard. Life comes at you quickly. It's very hard to remember facts, and the order in which those facts arrived – it's even harder to remember how you felt about those facts in the moment.
This is where blogging comes in – for me, at least. Back in 1997, Scott Edelman – editor of Science Fiction Age – asked me to take over the back page of the magazine by writing up ten links of interest for the nascent web. I wrote that column until the spring of 2000, then, in early 2001, Mark Frauenfelder asked me to guest-edit Boing Boing, whereupon the tempo of my web-logging went daily. I kept that up on Boing Boing for more than 19 years, writing about 54,000 posts. In February, 2020, I started Pluralistic.net, my solo project, a kind of blog/newsletter, and in the four-plus years since, I've written about 1,200 editions containing between one and twelve posts each.
This gigantic corpus of everything I ever considered to be noteworthy is immensely valuable to me. The act of taking notes in public is a powerful discipline: rather than jotting cryptic notes to myself in a commonplace book, I publish those notes for strangers. This imposes a rigor on the note-taking that makes those notes far more useful to me in years to come.
Better still: public note-taking is powerfully mnemonic. The things I've taken notes on form a kind of supersaturated solution of story ideas, essay ideas, speech ideas, and more, and periodically two or more of these fragments will glom together, nucleate, and a fully-formed work will crystallize out of the solution.
Then, the fact that all these fragments are also database entries – contained in the back-end of a WordPress installation that I can run complex queries on – comes into play, letting me swiftly and reliably confirm my memories of these long-gone phenomena. Inevitably, these queries turn up material that I've totally forgotten, and these make the result even richer, like adding homemade stock to a stew to bring out a rich and complicated flavor. Better still, many of these posts have been annotated by readers with supplemental materials or vigorous objections.
I call this all "The Memex Method" and it lets me write a lot (I wrote nine books during lockdown, as I used work to distract me from anxiety – something I stumbled into through a lifetime of chronic pain management):
Back in 2013, I started a new daily Boing Boing feature: "This Day In Blogging History," wherein I would look at the archive of posts for that day one, five and ten years previously:
With Pluralistic, I turned this into a daily newsletter feature, now stretching back to twenty, fifteen, ten, five and one year ago. Here's today's:
This is a tremendous adjunct to the Memex Method. It's a structured way to review everything I've ever thought about, in five-year increments, every single day. I liken this to working dough, where there's stuff at the edges getting dried out and crumbly, and so your fold it all back into the middle. All these old fragments naturally slip out of your thoughts and understanding, but you can revive their centrality by briefly paying attention to them for a few minutes every day.
This structured daily review is a wonderful way to maintain object permanence, reviewing your attitudes and beliefs over time. It's also a way to understand the long-forgotten origins of issues that are central to you today. Yesterday, I was reminded that I started thinking about automotive Right to Repair 15 years ago:
Given that we're still fighting over this, that's some important perspective, a reminder of the likely timescales involved in more recent issues where I feel like little progress is being made.
Remember when we all got pissed off because the mustache-twirling evil CEO of Warners, David Zaslav, was shredding highly anticipated TV shows and movies prior to their release to get a tax-credit? Turns out that we started getting angry about this stuff twenty years ago, when Michael Eisner did it to Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911":
It's not just object permanence: this daily spelunk through my old records is also a way to continuously and methodically sound the web for linkrot: when old links go bad. Over the past five years, I've noticed a very sharp increase in linkrot, and even worse, in the odious practice of spammers taking over my dead friends' former blogs and turning them into AI spam-farms:
The good people at the Pew Research Center have just released a careful, quantitative study of linkrot that confirms – and exceeds – my worst suspicions about the decay of the web:
The headline finding from "When Online Content Disappears" is that 38% of the web of 2013 is gone today. Wikipedia references are especially hard-hit, with 23% of news links missing and 21% of government websites gone. The majority of Wikipedia entries have at least one broken link in their reference sections. Twitter is another industrial-scale oubliette: a fifth of English tweets disappear within a matter of months; for Turkish and Arabic tweets, it's 40%.
Thankfully, someone has plugged the web's memory-hole. Since 2001, the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine has allowed web users to see captures of web-pages, tracking their changes over time. I was at the Wayback Machine's launch party, and right away, I could see its value. Today, I make extensive use of Wayback Machine captures for my "This Day In History" posts, and when I find dead links on the web.
The Wayback Machine went public in 2001, but Archive founder Brewster Kahle started scraping the web in 1996. Today's post graphic – a modified Yahoo homepage from October 17, 1996 – is the oldest Yahoo capture on the Wayback Machine:
Remember that the next time someone tells you that we must stamp out web-scraping for one reason or another. There are plenty of ugly ways to use scraping (looking at you, Clearview AI) that we should ban, but scraping itself is very good:
And so is the Internet Archive, which makes the legal threats it faces today all the more frightening. Lawsuits brought by the Big Five publishers and Big Three labels will, if successful, snuff out the Internet Archive altogether, and with it, the Wayback Machine – the only record we have of our ephemeral internet:
Libraries burn. The Internet Archive may seem like a sturdy and eternal repository for our collective object permanence about the internet, but it is very fragile, and could disappear like that.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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dnfao3tags · 1 year
Finding Deleted Fics: A Multi-Method Guide
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i feel like we are the fandom who needs this post the most any fandom has needed it ever.
all of these methods require you to know the title, author and/or link of the fic.
[disclaimer: the fic i am using as an example is not deleted, i just can't think of any other fics to use as an example right now.]
Method #1: Wayback Machine
this is my go to method that i always try first.
every fic on ao3 has a url of archiveofourown.org/[specific-numbers]. you're gonna need that url, doesn't matter if it doesn't work anymore.
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2. now you're gonna go to archive.org and enter your url in the search bar.
3. something like this will come up. it probably won't be saved as many times though, just once or twice.
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just click any of the links now, either the dates marked blue on the calendar or the earliest/latest date. that's it.
often, a problem arises when searching for fics rated mature or explicit.
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the site will have archived this page but not the actual fic. though, maybe lady luck is on your side and clicking proceed will lead you to a saved version of the actual fic. but usually not. and not all fics are saved here. in those cases, i have some more methods.
Method #2: Search Engine Cache
search engines like google and yandex often save a cached version of sites, though yandex is much more reliable than google. i'll give you a tutorial for both.
steps (yandex):
the link isn't completely necessary, just the title and author of the fic will suffice.
go to yandex.com and search for your fic by either entering the url or entering the title and author as such.
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3. this will probably immediately come up.
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just enter the captcha and it should let you in on the first go but there's a glitch i've encountered where you could be entering the captcha completely correct but for some reason the site still won't let you in. for that, you just have to keep trying again and again until eventually the site lets you in. might take more than 10 tries.
4. once you're in, search results will pop up. directly clicking them will only lead you to the not found page. what you're gonna do is hover over the box of the search result and you'll see 3 dots pop up on the right.
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click those and a dropdown menu will appear. click the first option 'saved copy'.
and thats it! this is a much more efficient method especially for explicit or mature fics.
for some reason, when i open yandex in google chrome, i can't see the 3 dots. i can in firefox though. don't really know what thats all about.
i'll show you how to do it with google too just in case yandex doesn't work.
steps (google):
in the url bar, type cache:[link of fic]. that's pretty much it. google doesn't have a lot of fics saved though so you'll probably get a 404 page.
Method #3: Reddit
there's a subreddit called r/DeletedFanfiction that can probably help you out. either search for the fic as it may have already been posted or req it and someone will probably get you a google drive link soon enough. u/throwthisaway11112 is my lord and savior.
afaik it's still up and running fine despite the reddit protest thing (which i recommend taking a minute to look into).
Method #4: Archive.org Database
okay, now you're gonna need a lot of memory on computer for this one. i'm not gonna even bother and try to explain it, i'll just link you to the original post. thank you once again to the anon who sent me this method!
Method #5: Fandom
if absolutely none of those methods work, you can still just send me an ask and maybe my followers or i will have a saved copy. same for any other fandom, i recommend asking around in popular fandom spaces, someone is bound to have it.
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genderkoolaid · 3 months
tw suicide, s/a
hi i wanted to submit something for the antitransmasculine violence archive. unsure if it counts but basil brown was a genderqueer disability activist recently who killed themself after being raped on campus. the school is covering it up, they're being misgendered everywhere, and it hurts. I knew them.
same anon that sent about basil. just found out libs of tiktok posted about them. sick to my stomach
Yes, this absolutely counts. Thank you for sending me this.
From their Instagram I can see that they were on T at some point and used to identify as trans man; if anyone can find out if they were still comfortable being grouped under the "transmasculine" umbrella by the end of their life, it would be much appreciated. I am going to put them on the list for the sake of visibility, but I want to make sure their full genderqueer identity isn't being ignored.
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Basil wrote this Instagram post, apparently in reference to a trans boy who died (according to this, also by suicide) and was misgendered by the Louisiana School for Math, Science and Arts, now unfortunately too relevant in their own death:
Honor Max. Use his name, use his pronouns. Be brave enough to handle the consequences, and stand up for him. It is equal parts heartbreaking and blood boiling for you to make the choice to disrespect him, even in death. Protect trans kids.
They link a neocities website in their Instagram bio, which appears to be a product of their own creation. Its very interesting and full of art, so if you want to check it out to honor their memory, go to ocimum.neocities.org
Their name was, and is, Basil Brown.
UPDATE: According to a friend, Basil used he/they pronouns at the time of his death.
Additionally, I want to point out that one of the people Basil accused of raping them is a professor at the university they were attending. The university has only put out the vaguest nothingburger of a response (linked above) to a student's on-campus suicide & accusation of rape.
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