#[ ic ]...“the second hokage”
nidaiime · 1 year
@hatredcurse sent:
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[ jewelry  ]  your muse clasping a piece of jewelry for mine , such as a necklace , or earrings .
                                      。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。
         HIS FINGERS ALMOST LEFT INDENTS INTO THE WOODEN BOX. His eyes never strayed far from the rectangular case; a yellowish-brown cypress with the earthy aroma of hinoki oil embedded into the wooden grooves of the box.
         What lay inside the case beat it in expenses. The necklace was a delicate piece of artistry, crafted from gleaming silver and adorned with an assortment of glittering gemstones. The pendant, an intricately designed flower with petals of emerald, amethyst, and sapphire, sparkled in the light, while the silver chain should drape gracefully around the wearer's neck. 
         The overall effect was one of elegance and sophistication, a testament to the skill of the jeweler and the beauty of nature's own creations. 
         When Tobirama first laid eyes on it, only one woman came to mind. Regretfully, he wouldn't be able to gift it to her, no matter how much it hurt him not to, or how much it hurt him to even think about her. His duty to the clan before his own desire; his brother before himself.
         Lady Uzumaki Mito should be betrothed to the greatest shinobi to ever walk this land, Senju Hashirama. It was how politics worked, it was how clans came to power; to unity. Tobirama, a mere warrior, a scientist, an advisor to guide his brother's powers, could not ever compare to the sheer strength his brother held by his presence.
         The whitehaired Senju, much like his alias, had been a lone wolf since his birth. Different than his brothers and feared by his clan, Tobirama's duty could only be fulfilled if Hashirama attained his dream. 
         The wood would have splintered in his hand if not for the shadow that fell next to his. A very familiar silhouette. 
         “Lady Uzumaki,” he whispered, not turning around to meet her face, lest his desire should be known. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?” He asked in a formal tone, amicable to his brother's soon-to-be-wife.
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sebastiansstea · 10 months
Minato x Reader
Cozy Winter Season
Gender neutral
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You're sitting on the couch, warm and comfortable, protected by the cold, unforgiving snow of Konoha's winter. Despite your comfort, you feel a small tinge of anxiety.
You wonder if Minato is okay.
It is quite cold outside, especially with all the snow it must be hard for a shinobi to work in such conditions. Your eyes dart to the clock for a moment.
tick... tick... tick...
The sound of the clock's consecutive and rhythmic tick was a reminder of each second Minato did not arrive back home in time. But these thoughts of yours, they're nothing, nothing but thoughts, they aren't always true, and you know that. You remind yourself that it's often that he stays at the Hokage's office this late.
As a few seconds pass by, you unfocused your eyes from the clock and reintroduce your mind into the TV. You listen in to a cheerful show. It seemed to be a Claymation of a reindeer with a shiny red nose, a short and sweet movie.
As snow catches on the windows outside, you start to feel more relaxed. The snow on the window dims the room until you are left with a small few candle lights and the rays of the television.
The scents of the candles filling your nose with a pleasant newly baked cookie smell.
It was quiet...
And Peaceful...
Now, you know somewhere within yourself that he is okay. Shinobis are adept at adjusting to their surroundings, especially the hokage himself. And you knew he would be coming home soon.
Despite your nagging anxiety, you find solace in your thoughts and flop onto your side, your body relaxing as the couch curves to fit your body. Grabbing a pillow from underneath your neck, you position it just right so that it's right under your head.
As you rest, you hear something at the door.
The fumbling of keys, shuffling, and humming. You knew who it was.
It was your lovely Minato, here after a long day of work.
His hands struggled to put the key into the knob. Without even looking at him you knew he must be freezing.
You quickly got up with a small grunt, leaving your cozy and comfortable spot on the couch.
As you walked over to the door, you quickly and gently opened the door. Minato looked up from his keys and smiled happily, excited to see you. You're relieved to see him too as you quickly pulled him inside.
While being pulled in, snow trailed behind him, heaps piled up by the door and the balcony and now into your home.
A cold breeze from the outdoors sends a number of chills down your spine, all you wished for at the moment was Minato and to be cozy and warm with him again.
However, the snow trailing back into the house was none of your concern right now. You felt his cold body against yours and you shivered once again. His hands gently holding you as you brought him inside.
Minato looked down at you with a smile as he spoke in a calm manner.
"Ah- Thank you. I was having trouble opening the door, but I suppose that was because of how cold it is outside."
He chuckled slightly as you started to take off his coat that was covered in clumps of snow. You take your hand and gently rub it against his, letting your thumb glide across the back of his hand as you noticed how cold he was, it was almost incredible that he was able to make it back home without turning into an ice popsicle.
"You're freezing."
You whispered under your breath, sighing a bit.
You were worried for him regardless of if he was fine or not. And his calm manner and gentle demeanor of his was something special, he was so calm and happy all the time even after trudging through the snow to return back home.
"Gosh, Minato. Let me help you, you're freezing."
You urged him, still holding onto his body as you ushered him onto the couch with urgency.
All Minato did was look down at you with loving eyes and a small smile, his gaze filled with nothing but warmth and love as he willingly and quietly sat down on the couch.
"You're so good to me. What would I ever do without you?"
He smiled wider, a sense of comfort filled your heart as you looked at his face, his face turning a slight red from being reintroduced into a warmer environment after being in such a cold area. You couldn't help but smile yourself as you looked deep into his eyes for a few moments.
You grabbed the blanket you had previously been using and wrapped it around Minato's body with care, making sure nothing from his being was left out. All warm and cozy.
But was it enough?
After you ran through a few more blankets and pillows, you turn back to him, realizing how silly this looked.
Minato was absolutely covered in blankets and pillows, making him appear as if he was in a small tent.
"Wow. You've outdone yourself, huh?
He starts to laugh, but he loved how you wrapped him so tightly just to keep him warm, how you cared enough about him to open the door and how you so desperately kept him warm. His content eyes gazing longingly at you with affection.
You've tuckered yourself out...
Though you felt embarrassed by the sheer number of blankets you put on him, you still felt a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth as you tried to hide a smile, your cheeks blooming into a pink color.
You decided this was enough. You lay yourself down onto the couch, seeking comfort in the multiple blankets on the couch as you go under a few, crawling to get to Minato's body. He grips your torso and gently placed you on his chest, rubbing your temples with his cold and rough hands as you both begin to feel the heat of the house consume you.
You never thought you could love someone so much. As corny as it sounded, even in your head, everything you've heard about falling in love was right. This feeling was special, something important and valuable. You looked up at Minato's face, and though he was distracted at first, he noticed you in the corner of his eyes and gazed back down at you. He pulled you up some more and pressed gentle kisses on your forehead, one kiss after another around your face and head.
"You're so sweet."
He whispers, nuzzling your ear teasingly.
You were both happy, letting the warmth of the blankets envelop you completely as you melted into each other.
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soaringpigeonshovel · 10 months
AU idea where the eye Naruto gives Kakashi is accidentally a Perfect Magic Eye a la Hagoromo, capable of Sharingan and Rinnegan and all that jazz.
Kakashi has no idea until he wakes up from a particularly hellish nightmare to find a two-meter sphere his bedroom just. gone. A chunk of wall and floor and table have vanished like an ice-cream scooper scooped it out. It can only be Kamui. Except it can't because that was Obito and Obito is gone and his gift is gone and he doesn't have the Sharingan anymore.
He approaches the destruction. Almost absently, he reaches forward and performs a wind jutsu. It knocks him back against another wall, denting it too, but the job is done: the wreckage looks natural now, rough and splintered.
Sheepishly, he goes to fetch Tenzo. Back at his house Kakashi explains that there was a nightmare, and an accidental Rasengan, and he could really use a hand. Tenzo can tell Kakashi is lying about something. But he gets the specifics wrong, and scolds Kakashi about not developing dangerous new jutsu indoors. The room gets fixed.
Kakashi carefully doesn't think about the incident and moves on. Time passes. The Hokage rarely confronts incidents directly, so there's no opportunity for any skeletons to come tumbling out of closets. Kakashi almost forgets.
Then, on a journey, Kakashi and Gai stumble into an Incident. The ensuing fight against a gang of missing-nin would have been easier if there were no innocent villagers to defend. The fight is long and messy. One of the last missing-nin tries to take a hostage. Kakashi is too far away to stop him.
Gai alights back onto his wheelchair after an awesome backflip where he punched a missing-nin in mid-air to find the last opponent shrieking in agony, clutching a bloodied stump where his leg recently was. Kakashi further away that Gai is. The leg is nowhere to be seen.
Kakashi dashes forward and puts the missing-nin out of his misery. He desperately explains about, um, a new jutsu, long range, inspired by the Yellow Flash—it's still in it's experimental stage, see, which is why even Kakashi can't really say what just happened. Haha. Guy can tell something's up, but they're both exhausted, and there's a crowd of terrified villagers to reassure.
When they return back home, Kakashi tries to put this second incident out of his mind yet again. But Guy keeps bringing it up, excited and also somewhat concerned, and that triggers Tenzo's curiousity too. Kakashi can't escape it. Questions he can't bear to even look at directly weigh down on the back of his mind like a lead weight in his skull.
One night, Kakashi is alone. Cold rain is coming down. His eye doesn't hurt. The wrongness of that tips some scale inside him. After so long spent choking his instincts, avoiding the place out of some overwhelming emotion, his feet take him back to the memorial stone.
Kakashi stands. He can't find any words. There's nobody here—none of the living and none of the dead either, he knows that—but he feels like the stone is looking at him. Like everything is watching him. Suddenly, all he needs is to see what they're seeing. He yanks out a pocket mirror.
Both his eyes are open. One is grey, as it ought to be. The other is grey too, as it ought to be. It was a gift from Naruto, after all. Kakashi's not ungrateful. He's not. The eye is grey as it always should be with absolutely no possibility of red or black or anything else. He stares at the eye. His mind quakes.
There's a stab of pain in his eye. It shouldn't be, but it's a relief. Familiar. He latches onto it like a tether, grounding, letting the sensation fill his senses.
The sharp pain swells into burning agony. That is not familiar. But he's somewhere between sleep and awareness, operating on instinct, and agony feels appropriate here. He's at the memorial stone. He doesn't have the right to try and stop it. The agony is overwhelming, but he can't bring himself to stop clutching on to the sensation.
Something reaches it's apex. It's intensity whites out Kakashi's senses for a moment. Then he's on his knees, throat raw, scrabbling for his fallen mirror.
He cracks open the eye. Something violet stares back. The world stops.
He rips the eye out.
The pain of his eye being where it was not supposed to be, i.e. in his hand, is actually less than when it was in his head. It's funny. Comical, even. Luckily he knows a statis sealing jutsu, so he seals away his eye in a scroll and tucks it in his pocket. Now his eye is in his pocket. He giggles.
After some quick first aid, he pushes himself to his feet. He blinks himself into the nearby training ground. It's probably the shortest amount of time he's ever spent at the stone. It's a record. Gai would be proud.
He staggers home. Halfheartedly, Kakashi tries to convince himself that the bedroom would be the best place to sleep, but the room feels off-limits for now. He slips into the kitchen instead. He's slept on worse things than a cold floor, and the boxy cabinets felt strangely safe. And it never hurt to have the sink nearby.
The next morning, Kakashi pulls his forehead protector over his eye in his usual way. There's a surge of mixed emotions. He focuses on the comforting familiarity and makes his way to work.
There's a commotion. Of course there's a commotion. It's nearly as funny as everyone's obsession with his mask. It almost makes it all worth it. He jukes Guy's darting grab. Naruto's confused yelling informs everyone in a five mile radius. Even Shizune looks thrown for a loop. Kakashi brushes it all off with a teasing eye-smile. It's a fashion choice, see? He thinks it makes him look dashing.
But everyone knows there's something wrong. And they're not going to let it go until they get to the bottom of it.
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setokaibapetty · 2 months
Fic Friday 5 + 1 Roundup: No Meta Knowledge to Speak of
Some more inserts but of people who have limited (or zero) familiarity with the setting they have been reincarnated/transported to.
Mana (Ao3) - "An extremely self-indulgent slow burn Shisui/OC fic in which a woman reborn as a sickly Uchiha girl discovers that this Sharingan thing that everyone raves about isn’t a superpower, it’s a damned congenital disease."
Shoganai (SB) - "My idiot younger brother was going to be Hokage. Not because he actually had the skills or temperament for it, but because he was the protagonist, the world would warp to accommodate his core desire. My job, as I saw it, was to live my own goddamn life, and make sure that when the curtain closed and the plot armor doffed, he wouldn't simply fuck up the job."
Naruto and Katsuo are Friends (AO3) - "One of the other boys at the orphanage remembers just enough of a past life to see Naruto as a cute kid in need of looking after. Growing up with a brother figure watching his back, Naruto isn't a desperate, love-starved, illiterate weapon ready-made for authority to wield. Some people in Konoha aren't very happy about that..."
The Winning Move (AO3) - "When Alistair appeared in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, he knew impressively little about the world, its plot, the characters, and, really, anything useful."
parting is all we know of heaven (AO3) - "This second life of hers has been violent, depressing, and altogether fucked up. Adding the world's most pathetic mafia boss along with the scariest baby in existence probably isn't going to fix things. (But damn if it isn't entertaining.)"
Bonus: My next life as a Clone Trooper (AO3) - "So, here’s the thing, I haven’t actually watched any of the Star Wars movies. In fact, the only reason I even knew I was in said franchise was because of the laser sticks. But hey! Even though I’ve been reincarnated as a child soldier to fight in a war for a Republic with a rather sus moral ideology, it doesn’t really have to mean anything bad for me personally! I mean, the Jedi seem like chill space monks. All I’ve got to do is survive this kriffing war and everything will be fine…"
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kageofthehiddenmist · 3 months
Dash Commentary
[ic][open?][drabble?] We just don't know. See tags for instructions.
"Ara ara ♥... what a catch," Mizukage Terumi Mei said.
The double doors of her office banged against the walls, as two jounin from Border Control dragged in a limp body. They tossed it in front of her ancient desk. The body slid, then came to a halt in the center of the office.
The Mizukage's assistant, Ao, sorted through a stack of reports and didn't intend to get involved. Mei paid him a glance, then she stood up.
"I will have a look at what prize you boys dragged in," she said. She rounded her desk. "Where did you catch the little rat?"
"Cargo ship to Konoha, ma'am. He was among the vermin."
The lady Mizukage put her shoe against the captive's shoulder, and flipped him onto his back. Once the cloak slid down, she saw his hair was like straw. And he wore a red scarf, and white armour. The ANBU mask was as tattletale as his scarf.
She squatted down. "And the mask?"
"It's still Tobirama Senju-grade, ma'am. Careful. Can't remove it without blowing up the head and setting everything ablaze."
She knew that. Her red nail ticked against the mask. Tick, tick, tick. "What are you?"
"An ANBU from Konoha, ma'am," said the officer on the left, and the officer on the right quickly filled in: "A sparrow, ma'am."
"Sparrow, mm?"
The captive remained unconscious as she ran her finger down over the beak. She said thoughtfully:
"Konoha ANBU are prideful, they often employ members of the high clans. Straw hair.... so there's a heightened chance this one is a Senju or Yamanaka or Akamichi.
"Sparrows are flighty birds. This foreign combatant isn't a tank or DPS, not even an assist. He's most likely a scout or information-gatherer that does medium-distance communication with spies. His clothes are dirty, his pouches are empty, which means he was on his way out..." So there's even more information leaks.
Then she stood up with a smile and a hand confidently on her hip. "Would you care to help a lady out?" The question was an order in disguise and everyone knew that. "Take him down below, give him to the DM. The dungeon master will know to strip-search him and put him in chakra mittens. Thank you. Good work."
Once they were out, they closed the double door.
Mei went to the double doors, opened them, and she turned to Ao.
"Ao? Send in Yapper from International Relations. She and I will write up a message to Hell's Capitol to let the devils know we caught one of their spawn."
"Birds of a feather, flock together. Do you think Oriole is involved?" he asked.
"I'm keeping that option open," she said grimly. "Does Konoha currently keep any of our people prisoner?"
"No, as far as we know the kill-before-capture strategy has been flawless." Ao answered.
"Good, we have four of theirs now. With the Sparrow, this makes five. Five is a good number. Let's see if I can finally get a high-ranking devil at my dinner table~"
"Do you want to invite the Hokage?"
She shook her head. "No. That is too high-profile. I want someone who I can bargain with. Someone who can go home as a changed man."
Ao offered: "You can consider Commander Shimura of Administration, or Commander Hatake of ANBU, or Commander Morino, Jiraiya of the Sannin, or perhaps a clan leader?"
"Shimura is unmarried, right?"
"Our spies suspect he has regular meetings with the Senju princess who broke Lord Second's hand."
The Lady Mizukage cursed like a sailor under her breath, and then she smiled.
"Let's see who will show up, shan't we? If they leave Sparrow behind, we can do to him whatever we want. I suggest we turn him into a breeding stallion, and then in twelve years, we give Konoha a taste of their own bloodline limit."
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Ao rarely heard her speak with such a scary happy voice. He did knot like that. She was quite intimidating. "Ma'am, you're raising your voice too high. It's inappropri-"
She smiled. Then she closed the open doors. On a lower voice, she said: "This time, I wanted the spies to overhear. They'll get antsy, and move, and make mistakes."
Ao was quiet.
She said: "Be a dear and send the ANBU Commander after we're done talking. I want the ANBU to cross-comb the city so find out whom exactly Sparrow talked to. And if any civilian or bureaucrat dares to suddenly go on an 'emergency holiday', we will set our Hunter-nins on them. We have five prisoners now. Let's up those numbers. Ten. Fifteen. Fifty. I want this city as tidy as a geisha's hair. A single woman always cleans her house before an esteemed guest arrives."
She didn't hold Konoha in high regard. But she was a lady looking for marriage. And in the affairs of bachelor love, one can't predict their future audience!
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rainbowfey · 11 months
Day 1: Magic
This is written for @madatobiweek.
Madara shielded his face with his arm while hurrying along a dimly lit street, the ice-cold rain piercing the sleeve of his jacket like a myriad of tiny needles. He growled when his foot slipped in yet another puddle, almost sending him to the ground. He barely managed to keep his balance but he felt the water soak through his shoe, feeling like as if his foot was only seconds away from turning into an ice cube. Madara cursed under his breath and quickened his pace even more, sending a hint of chakra into his feet so that he wouldn’t stumble again. The sky had already looked rather dark when he had entered the training ground but he hadn’t expected a downpour like the world was about to end. Wind was howling through the empty streets of Konoha, rustling the trees between the houses aggressively until they were swaying like monsters preparing to attack.
Madara shook his head and ducked when he heard yet another loud crack, followed by a thud when the broken branch hit the ground only a couple steps away from him. If the storm decided to rage even a bit more furiously, falling branches wouldn’t be the only thing Madara had to worry about. He risked a peek at the closest roof from under his arm but he didn’t see any shingles trembling just yet. He sighed and rushed around a corner – when he suddenly hit something big. With a muffled yelp, someone stumbled backwards while Madara desperately tried to keep his footing. When he had caught his balance again, he angrily looked at the person who was straightening their clothes where they had bumped into each other. The other person looked up and Madara felt a wave of contempt washing over him when he noticed the red markings on a pale face.
“You,” he hissed without thinking, his eyes narrowing at the unwelcome sight.
Tobirama Senju’s face twisted with repulsion when he recognized who he had run into. “Ah,” he said in a voice that sounded like as if he had stepped into something particularly gross. “Madara.”
Madara felt his anger grow at this disrespectful tone. Out of all the people that lived in this village, of course the only other one outside in the rain was the most insufferable person imaginable. “You should better watch where you’re going,” he growled, staring at Tobirama. “Or else you might one day have an … accident.”
Tobirama furrowed an eyebrow and looked up at him with undisguised scorn. “As if you stood any chance against me,” he spit out, a sardonic smile playing around his lips. “It’ll be a cold day in hell when I get scared of a jackass like you.”
Madara clenched his fists. The only thing keeping him from bashing Tobirama’s head in was the fact that it would be hard to explain to Hashirama why he had murdered his brother. Especially since Hashirama was the Hokage and probably wouldn’t take it easy if he followed through with his fury. Instead, he forced an unfazed expression to his face and stared at Tobirama unblinkingly. “This doesn’t mean much from a person who’s too stupid to know what’s good for him,” he said calmly while raging internally. “Just you wait, Senju.”
Tobirama shrugged, his eyes full of disgust. “Go spew your bullshit somewhere else, Madara. Maybe you’ll find someone who’s willing to listen to your stammer.”
And before Madara could come up with an appropriate retribution, Tobirama had already walked past him, boldly jostling him in the process. Madara’s hand darted to his pocket which was filled with shuriken but he stopped himself just in time. From the corner of his eye, he saw Tobirama’s ghost like figure disappearing behind the corner he had just turned.
It took Madara a moment to collect himself again. His whole body felt like it had been set ablaze and he gritted his teeth, Tobirama’s scornful smile still fully present in his mind. He didn’t even remember when or how their feud had started but what he did know was that each of their encounters brought him closer to ambushing Tobirama and giving him the whipping he deserved. Over the past couple of months, they had had a handful of fights disguised as training sessions and each of them had only fueled Madara’s disdain for him even more. Tobirama was not only an insufferable person but he was also keen on playing foul, gloating over his own strength whenever one of his insidious strategies had worked. But the worst of it all was Tobirama’s contemptuous smile whenever he thought he had the upper hand.
Madara clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into his skin. Only when he felt the sharp pain, he forcefully released his grip. This prick wasn’t worth the air he was breathing – and standing in the rain fuming also didn’t bring him closer to his own place. Thus, he set himself in motion again, heading for his place with big, aggressive steps. The rain kept coming down hard, washing against his body like a surge of icy water and a shiver ran down his spine. It was about time that he got home and changed into some dry clothes.
Madara tried to banish the thoughts about his fiend from his mind and fixed his gaze on the hazy shadow of a house at the end of the street. He would’ve recognized its silhouette everywhere. Like a silent threat, his house loomed over the other buildings of the street, its dark color seeming to devour all of the twilight that was left around it until it appeared to be a bottomless shadow. Madara smiled at the thought and he finally felt some of his tension fade away. When he was halfway there, he broke into a sprint, dashing through the heavy rainfall, water splashing from the puddles he stepped into. The closer he got to his place, the more it felt like as if the rain started pouring even worse, almost like as if someone or rather something wanted to quicken his steps, chasing him away from the outsides, luring him to the supposed safety of his home in the process.
Madara shook his head at this menacing thought and jumped over an enormous puddle right in front of his house. He climbed the slippery steps and already fumbled for his keys, when he noticed something strange. His doorstep was still dry, protected by the meager porch roof that barely even covered the steps. But in this small dry spot lay a narrow wooden box. Madara paused and stared at it. It was rather flat and not much bigger than the palm of his hand. The wood was entirely untouched by the rain but the tiny hinges seemed worn. He could see hints of silver between the scratches and tears and he was fairly sure that this box hadn’t been here when he had left his house earlier that day. He glanced at the empty, now almost entirely dark street but he couldn’t make out any movement or trace of someone having been there.
A sudden gust of wind made him shudder and he shrugged. He would surely find out eventually who left the box there. Madara grabbed the wooden box and noticed absentmindedly that it felt surprisingly heavy when he finally fumbled his keys out of pocket and unlocked his front door. He stepped over the threshold and for a moment, his body started trembling. A bit confused he paused but after a moment he concluded that it must have been due to the warmth of his house engulfing him and driving off the unhospitable weather behind him. With another shrug, he closed the door behind him and set the wooden box down on a cupboard next to his coatrack. With cold, stiff fingers he pried his jacket open and slipped out of it. Next were his shoes that he carelessly shoved into a corner where they would slowly dry without making a mess.
He sighed in relief when he had finally gotten rid of his wet clothes but he quickly noticed that his sweater and pants also felt rather damp. With an annoyed grown, he went up the stairs and grabbed a dry change of clothes, quickly putting them on and throwing his damp clothes into the hamper in his bathroom. Afterwards, he walked down the stairs, feeling a lot more comfortable now. He was about to head for his kitchen when he caught a glimpse of the wooden box that forlornly sat on his cupboard. Now that he wasn’t out in the pouring rain anymore, the box started to pique his interest. It was fairly odd for him to find something on his doorstep that he hadn’t known about before. Sure enough, sometimes Hashirama made a joke out of sending him random stuff but this didn’t seem to be the case this time since Hashirama had been on an extended mission for almost a week now. This did pose the question who had left it for him to find – and why.
Madara carefully lifted the box and this time he noticed how heavy it felt. If he had closed his eyes, he would have thought he had just picked up a flat stone, not a wooden box. His curiosity grew and he decided that the kitchen could wait. Instead, he carried the box to his living room and sat down on his sofa, the box in his lap. He switched on the lamp that sat next to his sofa and examined the box thoroughly. Now that he was out of the rain, he noticed the fine cut of the box. Its edges were soft, almost like as if countless hands had wandered over them. He noticed that the box didn’t have a lock and when he carefully lifted the lid, the box opened with a faint clicking sound.
Madara’s eyes widened when the lid revealed black velvet that filled the wooden box. He carefully grabbed one edge of the velvet and tugged at it. To his surprise, it gave way immediately – revealing a brilliant silver amulet. Madara held his breath and marveled at the delicate ornaments which formed a wheel around an obsidian in the middle of the amulet. Everything around him seemed to fade away when he examined the amulet, mesmerized by its beauty. The obsidian attracted his gaze and he leaned over it, staring into the black abyss that seemed to deepen with every second he looked at it. But somewhere deep down, seemingly at the bottom of it, he noticed a faint light. Madara leaned closer and closer until his face was almost touching the amulet. His body started feeling lighter and the world around him became quiet, the sound of the rain pattering against his windows drowned out by the all-embracing silence that had befallen his house. The light deep down in the obsidian started dancing and somewhere in the depths of his mind, Madara heard a faint voice calling for him, beckoning him to come closer.
“I’m coming,” he murmured to himself, his gaze lost in the abyss growing in front of him. As if in a trance, he slowly lifted his hand until it hovered directly above the amulet. The voice took on an urging tone, luring him in, growing louder with each second. And just when Madara felt like someone was standing directly behind him, his finger touched the amulet, grazing the obsidian in its middle.
Something surged through his body and his limbs started trembling violently. His eyes widened in horror and his mouth opened but the scream suffocated in his throat. He started seizing and choking on his own gasps for air. The world around him grew dim and shadows formed in the corners of the living room, closing in on him. His whole body shook and he desperately tried to move but something had taken over. Madara screamed silently when the world fell back, the abyss engulfing him.
And all at once, he was calm again. His body stopped trembling and he took a deep breath and then another one. After a moment, Madara glanced down at his hands that were still holding the amulet. And slowly, very slowly, a faint smile curled his lips.
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alkalinefrog · 2 years
MAN so i was thinking about how you draw Hijack, but it used to be Death Note, but now all I can think about is the idea of an Inuyasha-type au, like a portal between worlds kind of vibe.
This just appeared in my brain and I needed to share with someone who enjoys both Hijack and anime, I hope you don't mind haha. Feel free to ignore if you want to!! :)
I tried to think of a DN au for Hijack just now but neither of them are horrible enough people to fit into the DN world LMAO
Just as there was a sort of expectation put on Tobirama and Naruto to lead due to lineage, Hiccup would be assumed as next in line to be Hokage in the Land of Fire after his father Stoic (dude like even in the second movie they carve his head into a mountain on Berk it’s perfect). All the villagers are super skeptical of this scrawny book-smart academy student who can barely throw a shuriken straight and gets his ass handed to him during spars.
But lo and behold, when the academy does an intro-to-summoning jutsu class, little Hiccup surprises them all — he’s the first ninja in three hundred years who can summon DRAGONS. At least, we think it’s dragons, the first one he summoned was this tiny black lizard looking thing with no teeth.
Years later, Hiccup has grown into a fine young jounin with his go-to summoning companion, Toothless the dragon. The pair of them dubbed the “Night Furies of the Leaf”! But disaster strikes, and Stoic gives his life to save the village from their invaders. Hiccup steps up as the youngest Hokage in history at just eighteen years old.
So at this point you can guess how wary the village would be to any outsiders — and how unwelcoming they are to this blue-eyed, white-haired refugee from the Land of Water stumbling to their gates.
It hasn’t even been a week after the attack when Jack, the last known descendant of the Yuki Clan, known for their famous ice-release technique, comes fleeing with like ten bounty hunters in tow. Every village he’s run to has turned him away, fearing the “curse” his bloodline brings. The border guards are about to deny him when Hiccup and Toothless swoop in and fold those ten guys like a ninja-lawn chair.
Despite everyone’s protests, Hiccup welcomes Jack to join their village and even offers him rank as a chunin ninja. Everyone’s like wtf dawg and shun the outsider, ignoring Jack and pretending he doesn’t exist.
Jack’s used to this since his clan was ostracized long before he was born, and plays pranks on people just so that they notice him. The last straw is some rather “inspired” graffiti on Stoic’s mountain face, and Hiccup assigns him to be an academy teacher to keep him in line. However, to everyone’s (except Hiccup because he’s always believed in Jack) surprise, Jack takes to the job like a duck to water — he LOVES kids!! All the students flourish under his gentle guidance and have so much more fun going to school! Slowly but surely the village warms up to him.
Eventually he gets promoted to jounin given his talents and assigned his own team of genin (you bet Jamie’s in there) because of how great a teacher he is.
However, he gets very reckless when it comes to protecting his students, and ends up in the hospital a lot for overdoing it on missions. Hiccup reprimands him constantly and definitely only visits him in the hospital to make sure he’s learned his lesson and not because he’s fun to talk to and is genuinely so kind and has really pretty eyes and wait what was he talking about, he lost track.
ALL THAT IS TO SAY yes I enjoy Hijack and anime, thank you for swinging by with the fun ask I hijacked (hehe)
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mdr-reikas · 5 months
For the Naruto asks, do the questions 2, 11, 23 and 26
thanks for the ask mootie <33
2. Favorite Team
Team Minato for sure. They make me go actually insane like fdhnsofndslsf I can't think about them for too long or else I go fucking crazy. There's genuinely so much to say about them, the tragedy, the parallels, hdfgfhdigf
11. Favorite Technique
This might be recency bias, but since I've been rewatching Naruto classic, I have to go with Kimimaro's bone technique. It's a little gross but it's so cool???? Like I really love the idea, if naruto was made for an older audience kimimaro's bone shit could've been vile. Haku's ice mirrors are a close second, along with many others like Kamui and Amaterasu
23. Who is the best Hokage?
Either Tsunade or Kakashi. Tsunade just pulled an ass card, since she didn't even want to be Hokage and when she did become Hokage, the Akatsuki was on the rise and trying to fuck everything over. Considering all that, she did a really good job of keeping everything in check and not causing even worse escalation imo. I'll also go with Kakashi, since once Naruto finally became Hokage, Konoha was already a fully modernized village and had great relationships with the other villages, which I think can be attributed to not only Naruto, but Kakashi as well.
26. Which character do you want to be your teacher and why?
I wanted to pick Madara first but then I realized that he'd probably just call me weak and beat my ass, so I guess Kurenai or Gai. Kurenai seemed to be a great teacher who had a genuine connection with her students and cared about them and Gai was just a great sensei overall imo. Like how he waited for an extra year before sending his students to the chunin exams. It shows that he's attentive and knows how strong his students are, and knows what's best for them.
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narasnooze · 1 year
@009720kakashi cont. x
Shikamaru had rolled his eyes and sighed at the sight of Kakashi snoozing away so peacefully when he'd stepped inside the Hokage's office, carrying a small tray with ice'd tea. "You have got to be kidding me..." He said, mostly to himself since there was nobody else around to hear him, and the man he worked for... could be dead, for all he knew.
He had put the tray down on the desk and pondered for a moment before smirking. He had shamelessly, and childishly, fished up a cube of ice from the cold beverage and placed it on the exposed skin on the back of Kakashi's neck. The very next second, Shikamaru's eyes were wide as ever and he didn't dare breathe at first.
"...Well, I'm glad to see you still got your excellent reflexes." he exhaled out once the knife was removed, then he took Kakashi's offered hand and was pulled up, adjusting his vest the moment he was on his feet.
"You shouldn't be drooling all over these, you know. You can sleep in your bed. And––" He tried reaching for the book, "––that indecent book can be left on your nightstand..!"
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tsuraiwrites · 2 years
✨weekly fic roundup✨
another round of fic I enjoyed this past week! please leave the authors a kudos and/or comment on these lovely fics.
Dragon Age
dismantle the sun - female lavellan/sera, dorian pavus/iron bull wip. I love the sibling relationship lavellan and dorian have.
One year after Trespasser, with no warning, Lavellan and Dorian Pavus are sent through time again, all the way back to the very beginning: the destruction of the Conclave.
This is obviously a problem.
Ouroboros - dorian pavus/iron bull complete
Dorian has been living through his own personal Groundhog Year and he's finally decided to tell everybody. It doesn't matter though, this run's a wash anyway.
to continue being alive is also an art - gen wip
"Wave has been nothing but a disaster since the second that Naruto had gone bleating to the Hokage about needing a mission harder than catching cats and Tazuna had walked through the door reeking of booze. Mariko had, at that point, been struck by a sudden and powerful premonition of some of the shit that Future Mariko was going to be unable to escape, and had strongly considered asking the old man if he was willing to share the contents of the bottle he was toting around."
The Sandman
Hopes & Dreams - dream/hob gadling complete
Hob is the anthropomorphic personification of Hope.  It takes him an embarrassingly long time to figure it out.
my love is thine to teach - dream/hob gadling complete
or: Dream of the Endless Goes To Uni 
of my misery make thy use - dream/hob gadling wip
the 1889 meeting ends a lot differently, but Dream is still captured by Burgess.
Star Wars
Not a Good Man - boba fett/obi-wan kenobi
Boba snorted. “Has anyone ever told Vader that he’s delusional? You can’t change the past."
Except Obi-Wan didn’t agree.
Stranger Things
windowsill - steddie complete
(recovering in the aftermath of Vecna's attack, Max is stuck at home. Somehow, spying on Eddie Munson has become her number 1 hobby.)
Yuri!!! on Ice
eternity will be born from hope - katsuki yuuri/victor nikiforov wip
Twenty-nine year old Yuuri wakes up in his seventeen-year old body and decides fuck it, if the universe decided to screw with him, he’s going to screw back.
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narutostore · 2 years
What is Ninjutsu?
Ninjutsu is a term used to describe a wide range of techniques and skills used by ninja in the Naruto series. One of the key components of ninjutsu is the use of special techniques called "Ninjutsu no Jutsu," or ninja arts. These techniques are often unique to individual ninja or ninja clans and may require specialized training or abilities to use effectively.
In the world of Naruto, Ninjutsu techniques can be divided into several categories. One of the most well-known categories is Kekkei Genkai, which refers to genetic traits that allow users to perform unique techniques. Examples of Kekkei Genkai include the Sharingan, Byakugan, and Rinnegan.
Another category of Ninjutsu techniques is Elemental Ninjutsu, which involves the manipulation of the five basic elements: earth, water, fire, wind, and lightning. This category includes techniques like Fire Style Jutsu and Water Style Jutsu.
Other categories of Ninjutsu techniques include Genjutsu, which involves mental manipulation and illusions, and Taijutsu, which is a form of hand-to-hand combat that does not rely on the use of chakra.
Ninjutsu techniques are often critical to the success of the characters in the Naruto series. They are used in a variety of situations, from combat to infiltration and espionage. The use of Ninjutsu is also a key part of the series' overall themes, exploring the idea of power and the ethical implications of using it for various purposes.
Hydrokinesis: Hydrokinesis is a ninjutsu that involves the element of water. Most Hydrokinesis techniques require a source of water to be available in order to be performed, which can come from any body of water such as a pond or a lake.
In addition, some master ninjas of Hydrokinesis may not be dependent on a water source and can create water from their own bodies to use for their ninjutsu, such as Hoshigaki Kisame and the Second Hokage. Aside from using water for offensive or defensive purposes, Hydrokinesis users can create clones of themselves from water.
According to the Five Elements theory, the water element can easily extinguish fire (the fire element). When combined with the wind and lightning elements, the power of Hydrokinesis is greatly increased. However, Hydrokinesis will be suppressed by Earth techniques in actual combat. Hydrokinesis is also one of the basic elements used to create Bloodline Limits such as Ice Release, Vapor Release, and Wood Release
Earth Release: As the name suggests, Earth Release is a ninjutsu that involves the element of earth, typically used by ninjas from the Hidden Rock Village. Users of Earth Release will manipulate chakra to control the earth for defensive or offensive purposes. Additionally, they can use Earth Release to move through rock and soil, or to create tunnels and move underground. Some Earth techniques can even alter the properties of earth, making it as hard as metal or as malleable as clay.
Unlike Hydrokinesis, Earth Release users do not require an existing source of earth and can create earth themselves. In the Five Elements theory, earth counters
water but is weak against lightning. Therefore, opponents should use Lightning
Release techniques to suppress Earth Release. In Naruto, Earth Jutsu often involves the use of the Seal of the Boar when performing the technique.
Earth Release is also one of the basic elements used to create Bloodline Limits such as Mud Release, Wood Release, and the Particle Style.
Fire Release: Fire Release, also known as "Katon" in the Naruto universe, is a powerful elemental ninjutsu used by ninja of the Leaf Village, especially the Uchiha clan. By increasing the temperature of their chakra, ninja can manipulate flames for both offensive and defensive purposes. Fire Release is particularly effective at medium to long-range attacks, causing widespread damage. The technique is usually initiated with the "Ram" hand seal.
Advanced ninja are capable of creating variations of Fire Release techniques, such as Sasuke's Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique or Jiraiya's combining of oil and Gamabunta's oil with his Fire Release: Flame Bullet technique to create the Fire Release: Great Flame Bullet. Fire Release becomes even more powerful when combined with Wind Release, increasing its range and damage. However, it is vulnerable to being extinguished by Water Release techniques.
Fire Release is also an essential component of certain powerful bloodline limits, such as Scorch Release, Blaze Release, and the selective bloodline limit: the Blaze Release: Susanoo Kagutsuchi.
Lightning Release
The Lightning Release is a ninjutsu technique that creates an electric current by increasing the vibrational frequency of chakra within the body. The lightning-based attacks are characterized by their incredible speed and the ability to pierce through solid objects in an instant. A target hit by a Lightning Release technique will be paralyzed and easily susceptible to follow-up attacks, potentially even fatal ones. This type of ninjutsu is especially prevalent among the ninja of the Hidden Cloud Village.
Lightning Release is often combined with weapons to infuse them with chakra, increasing their sharpness and destructive power.
Lightning Release is stronger than Earth Release but is weaker against Wind Release. When combined with Water Release, the Lightning Release creates a formidable power.
Wind-style ninjutsu: Users of Wind Release can manipulate chakra to create sharp, blade-like gusts of wind for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Wind Release is also the rarest element among the five basic elements. It is typically used for short and mid-range attacks, and ninjas can also infuse chakra into weapons to increase their range and power. If classified by strength and difficulty, the jutsu in Naruto is divided into 6 ranks:
E-rank: The most basic jutsu for academy students, such as the Transformation Technique (Kawarimi no Jutsu), Clone Technique (Bunshin no Jutsu), and Naruto's Sexy Technique (Sexy no Jutsu).
D-rank: A more advanced jutsu than E-rank, usually used by Genin, such as the Body Flicker Technique (Shunshin no Jutsu). D-rank jutsu is often one of the first techniques a ninja will learn after leaving the academy.
C-rank: Jutsu for mid-level ninja (Chuunin), notable C-rank jutsu in Naruto include Zabuza's Water Clone Technique (Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu), Ino's Mind Transfer Technique (Shintenshin no Jutsu), Naruto's Toad Oil Bullet (Kawazu Tataki), and Sasuke's Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu (Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu).
B-rank: Usually requires high-level technique and large chakra reserves, only Chuunin or Jounin-level ninja can use B-rank jutsu. Examples of B-rank jutsu in Naruto include Konan's Dance of the Shikigami (Shikigami no Mai), A's Hell Stab (Jigokuzuki), Jiraiya's Needle Jizo (Hari Jizou), and Dokugiri's Poison Mist (Dokugiri).
A-rank: High-level jutsu that is usually only used by Jonin and Kage, some A-rank jutsu are also classified as forbidden techniques because of their danger. Examples include Naruto's Giant Rasengan (Ōdama Rasengan), Jiraiya's Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld (Doton: Yomi Numa), and Kakashi's Chidori.
S-rank: S-rank jutsu in Naruto are techniques with incredible power and are considered to be secret arts. They can only be used by the person who created them, such as Naruto's Rasenshuriken and Guy's Night Guy (Yagai).
The list above provides a comprehensive breakdown of the various jutsu classifications in Naruto. The ninja universe is brimming with unique and inventive techniques that have helped maintain the popularity of Naruto over the years. If you're a Naruto enthusiast, don't forget to check out our Naruto Store at
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nidaiime · 1 year
@shinobinvku sent:
                                      。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。
# edgeplay﹕  sender  tells  receiver  not  to  come  until  they’re  allowed .
                                      。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。° 。
         THE PULSE ROARED IN HIS EARS. Tobirama groaned in pleasure as Chitose peeled off his shirt, revealing his wide, toned, pale chest. A reddish hue marred his torso as the blood rushed furiously to the surface of his skin, engulfing him in heat he rarely felt. Her hands traced the lines of his muscles, pushing him closer to the edge; to let all out.
       Chitose leaned down to kiss him, her lips soft and inviting, pulling his between her teeth in a teasing bite. Tobirama's groans only grew louder as he returned the kiss with the same fervour, his hands travelling all over her body, unsure were to rest. He could taste her on his tongue as they kissed, their bodies moving in perfect synchronization, sliding against each other in hot sweat.
       Tobirama reached up to pull her dress off, revealing her luscious curves. The Senju could hardly resist running his hands over her body, feeling the smoothness of her skin, the dip in her waist, the strong, powerful musles that pulled taut as she writhed on top of him.
       “Beautiful,” he murmured, leaning up to take one nipple into his mouth, teasing the hardened nub with the point of his tongue. She let out a keen, a quiet sound from the back of her throat when he lightly bit down. 
       Tobirma's mind clouded over, nothing registered except her heat surrounding his cock as Chitose moved her hips in circular movements that drove him crazy with lust. He could only groan in pleasure. They moved together in a frenzy of desire.
       The wolf felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge, and he knew he couldn't hold on much longer. With one final thrust, he—
       Chitose pushed herself up and off his aching cock, the pleasure disappearing in an instant.
       “—what...?” he breathed out, chest moving with each harsh pull of air. “What are you doing?” he asked, closing his eyes shut in agony. His breathing stuttered as he tried to regain back his thoughts.
       Her response was only a smirk, as she leaned forward to lick a long strip from the base of his cock to its head. Not enough to push him over the edge. Climax was just around the corner and she chose to torture him.
       “Please,” he whispered, moving his hand to bring pleasure to himself, to soothe that aching itch, only for her to pin them over his head.
       “No,” she whispered, eyeing him from her position at his legs,
       He could easily break away from her grip, overpower her and take his pleasure. But this...this promised a much nicer climax, an explosion of pleasure he knew was to come. “Please,” he urged again, thursting his hips upwards for any friction. 
       Moving away at the last second, Chitose slid forward, sitting on his stomach, just above his neglected cock. “You do not come until I say so.” 
       Tobirama's head burrowed into the soft pillow beneath him. He watched in fascination as she moved slightly with his chest and abdomen as they expanded with each breath. He could enjoy this.
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prince-everhard · 2 years
Weekly Oneshot Challenge - week 2
Title: Assessment Rating: gen Fandom: Naruto Word count: 723 Summary: It’s guest lecture day at the academy, and Sakura surprises herself.
There was a jounin in the classroom when they came back from lunch. Sakura tried not to stare too blatantly as she hurried to her seat. Visiting jounin usually meant a guest lecture and Sakura secretly loved guest lectures. Not that there was anything wrong with Iruka-sensei! He was warm and encouraging and didn’t make her feel awkward for staying after class to ask for extra reference texts to study. 
But a jounin… even her parents hadn’t made jounin. Hearing about what it meant to be a ninja from someone who’d made it that far was exciting. Sakura could admit to herself, secretly, that she wanted to be a jounin. That even more than the other kids not teasing her, even more than getting Sasuke-kun’s attention, she wanted to be a jounin one day so badly she could taste it.
Iruka-sensei cleared his throat as the last of her classmates filed in and took their seats. “Class, please welcome Yuuhi-san to our classroom today.”
“Welcome, Yuuhi-san!”
The jounin- Yuuhi-san- smiled at all of them. Sakura blinked a couple of times. She was so pretty. Pretty and a jounin! What a great role model; Sakura couldn’t help but think that she was even prettier than Ino-chan.
Iruka scowled at the class until the whispers that had erupted at her smile subsided. Once the class was quiet again, he continued, “If you recall, last week we were covering genjutsu and how to recognize them. Yuuhi-san here is one of Konoha’s lead genjutsu experts, and has very kindly volunteered to share with us the practical applications of genjutsu in the field...”
If she hadn’t been paying attention so closely, Sakura wasn’t even sure she would have noticed. But as Iruka-sensei continued to talk, she felt as if something wasn’t quite right. Even as Yuuhi-san took over and started explaining how genjutsu could be used in infiltration, some weird sense still settled over Sakura. Like a fine dew or a gauzy blanket. Sakura couldn’t explain the feeling, precisely, but she knew that something wasn’t right.
Ignoring Yuuhi-san’s lecture was hard. Harder than it should have been. But Sakura tuned it out all the same and tried to remember what the textbook had said about genjutsu. She could picture the text in her mind. Carefully, she pulled her fingers into the ram seal and focused on her chakra. Carefully, she paused her chakra flow just for a brief second.
It felt like a bucket of ice water had been poured over her, and Sakura was embarrassed at the yelp that she let out. Looking around the classroom, she noticed that no one else seemed to have heard her. In fact, everyone but Shikamaru (who was, as typical, sleeping) was still looking forward intently at Yuuhi-san and Iruka-sensei. What baffled Sakura in this scenario was that Yuuhi-san wasn’t lecturing. She was instead holding a folder in her hands that she may have been looking at with Iruka-sensei before Sakura’s outburst.
“Oh?” Yuuhi-san looked from Sakura to Iruka-sensei, then back to Sakura. “She broke out of it on her own?”
Iruka-sensei looked confused but proud, and Sakura ducked her head. “Sakura is currently our only student who has been assessed as a genjutsu-type.”
Footsteps were coming her way. Sakura looked back up in time to see Yuuhi-san leaning down over her desk. “Sakura, was it?” Sakura nodded, feeling strangely tongue-tied. “Breaking out of my genjutsu was pretty impressive. You may have a real talent for this kind of thing, if you think that's something you’d like to pursue.”
“Yuuhi-san, the minimum age for apprenticeship is-”
“I know, Iruka.” Yuuhi-san smiled at her even as Sakura’s mind reeled at the implications of the exchange. Yuuhi-san wanted her, Sakura, as an apprentice? “Just as I know how to petition Hokage-sama for an exception. There are precious few genjutsu masters in Konoha as it is. A genjutsu type not beholden to a clan? That’s more than a diamond in the rough. It’s a once-in-a-career kind of opportunity.”
There was precious little in their textbooks about apprenticeships, but Sakura still saw this jounin standing before her and she saw her own chance to achieve her dream. “Yuuhi-san?” Both Iruka-sensei and Yuuhi-san looked at her expectantly. Sakura bowed her head low and proper. “If you’ll have me, I would be honored to learn from you.”
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authenticjust · 2 years
O guy vs madara impossible hahaha stupid game
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As such, we've tossed in another five shinobi we believe could do the deed. Tajima, however, didn't have anything special up his sleeve and was much weaker than his sons. He was known to have a fully matured Sharingan with which he could match Butsuma Senju in combat. Sensing that he wasnt into this little game, she let his hands go. The project consisted of two residential creative writing workshops that were held in Colombo and Jaffna respectively, and an online forum after each workshop. Madara knew he could easily overpower her, but he didnt want to use force in something as petty as this. Guy is is IC (as always, calm head) And has the power of youth on his side Who take this one I say guy takes it, but just barely. Uchiha bros are ooc and blood lusted to hell and back. Uchiha band is all living and healthy with current shown feats. That said, several shinobi have since arisen that could likely take down even the powerful First Hokage, and there are certainly more than 10 who could do so. Tajima Uchiha was the leader of the Uchiha clan during the Warring States era and the father of Madara Uchiha. The harder he pulled back, the stronger her grip became. Guy is primed from a fresh training session and ready to fight. Kazuma, Shino, and Haku, right now are in the way to the hospital that providing Hinatas treatment. He was an immensely powerful shinobi, and he was the first leader that the Hidden Leaf Village needed to become the strong and influential village it is now. 'Well then, thanks for all the effort you exerted for these trials Youre all dismissed until a month from now' The second test of the Chuunin Exam is over and the gennins are dismissed. He was the First Hokage, and he is an ancestor of Tsunade, who went on to become the Fifth Hokage. He and his brother helped found the Village Hidden in the Leaves, and he had a legendary rivalry with the powerful Madara Uchiha. Updated on August 21st, 2020 by Josh Davison: Hashirama Senju has an impactful and long-celebrated history in the world of Naruto. Still, desperate times call for desperate measures, especially considering the stakes involved in a. The Evening Elephant is a Taijutsu technique that's by and large forbidden, given its devastating potential. However, there are actually many characters who can take on Hashirama Senju and beat him in a fight. Might Guy pulls out an absolutely overpowered move against Madara Uchiha when he decides to use the Evening Elephant. When you think about the power that Hashirama had it just makes you wonder if there is really a character who is capable of beating him. It's crazy to think that someone like Madara was never able to beat him. Hashirama was dubbed as the "God of Shinobi," due to his tremendous power. RELATED: Naruto: 5 Filler Arcs You Absolutely Can't Skip (& 5 You Probably Should) Adding to this, Hashirama has the sage mode that further increases his power and chakra levels. With the wood release, Hashirama was able to tame the tailed beasts without any problems. Kaguya seemed easy in comparison to this one. I died thrice, it's the only mission in the whole game I failed first try, previous to this I didn't retry once. He was capable of using all five nature releases and was blessed with the wood release. Night guy is so ridiculously fast and powerful 10 Jean-Philippe 12:58am Hardest fight in the game for me was Guy vs Madara (before using 8 gates). Many people might not believe it, but Hashirama was born a genius fighter. Your name appears at the end of the message and, in an email, in its "From" line.Hashirama is one of the most powerful characters in the entire Naruto-verse. First, it seems a bit narcissistic-Your name isn't of great interest. Leading with "My name is."is far from optimal. Starting a written message with, "My name is." Your first sentence is your first impression."I don't worry about nothing." "He sings good." "He was not hardly finished."įrequently using a vague phrase instead of a specific, for example, I like boating, camping, and stuff." Mispronounce words, for example, "heighth" instead of "height," "nucular" instead of "nuclear," "excetera" instead of "etcetera," "irregardless" instead of "regardless," "jewlery" instead of "jewelry", "libary" instead of "library," "duck tape" instead of "duct tape," 'aks" instead of "ask." So anyone who smokes in the face of that is widely viewed as less than Einsteinian. Today, not only is smoking clearly dangerous, it's become uncool. With that she ran off temporarily, in mind to return with his coffee. Err, just Hinata is fine.' Madara sighed at her naïveté and stopped flirting. She gave a whimper and hid her face, 'oh my. Of course, many intelligent people do some of the following, but the more of them you do, the more likely you'll be perceived as, well, not the brightest crayon in the box. Madara chuckled at her response before elaborating, 'I mean, all I could read on your name tag was take-out'.
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The Fourth Wall by TheAuthor5263
Anime » Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Rated: T, English, Adventure & Romance, [Boruto U., Sarada U.] Mitsuki, Words: 16k+, Favs: 1, Follows: 1, Published: Aug 29 Updated: Sep 28
Chapter 3
The first place Boruto went upon waking up was Mitsuki's house. After talking with Sakura yesterday, he was beginning to develop an idea of how he could complete the mission without potentially getting punched in the face. And he would need Mitsuki's help.
"Boruto? You're here early."
"Remember what we talked about last night?"
Mitsuki smiled. "Ah, it's about that."
"The sooner we put it into action, the sooner that creep will go back home."
"Do you really think it will work," asked Mitsuki, closing the door to his studio apartment behind him. "If I recall correctly, Hebi said that you can't get punched."
"You're actually using the name you gave that weirdo?"
"Why not?"
Boruto sighed. "Oh well. Mitsuki, you can transform into a little girl, right?"
One cloud of smoke later, a small girl with pigtails was standing where Mitsuki had been.
"Perfect." Boruto gave him a thumbs up. "Sarada won't punch me in front of a little kid who just dropped their ice cream."
"I wonder about that," said Mitsuki, transforming back into his normal self.
Suddenly, one of Mitsuki's snakes came slithering up. "It seems like Sarada is at that new famous sweet's shop with Cho-Cho," he said, holding the snake up to his ear.
"There's a place to buy shinobi cards right next to that shop! If everything goes according to plan… It'll be mission complete in no time."
Mitsuki smiled. "I wonder about that."
"That again? Come on Mitsuki, have more faith in my plan!"
"Do you think Hebi will let it be over that easily? I have a feeling that isn't what Hebi wants," replied Mitsuki, letting the snake slither into the collar of his kimono.
"I at least have to try." Boruto slumped his shoulders. "I don't want to be the cause of a war, especially not over a dumb mission like this."
"I'm willing to go along with whatever you say… But be careful. We have an opponent who can do anything on our hands."
"I know," he said, clenching his fists. "That's why I have to put an end to this today… Don't forget to smile when she exits the store."
With that, they both set off towards Sarada's location, Mitsuki running ahead in the form of a six-year-old girl to buy some ice cream and spy on Sarada.
Upon arrival, Mitsuki headed into the shop while Boruto lay in wait.
A few moments later, little girl Mitsuki strolled out of the shop, ice cream in hand. He signaled Boruto with a toothy grin, then hopped up onto a bench and began swinging his legs back and forth, licking his ice cream.
The second Sarada set foot onto the sidewalk, Boruto sprang into action. "Hey, old man! Got any card packs?"
"Ah, Boruto." Cho-Cho was the first to notice him. "Buying cards again?"
"Heh, I bet he still won't be able to get the one he wants," laughed Sarada.
Boruto's eye twitched. This is why I don't want to complete that dumb mission. Nevertheless, he took out his wallet, pretending to be surprised that it was empty.
"S-sarada," he stuttered, holding his empty wallet, "could you lend me a couple ryo?"
"Huh? Why would I lend you money for your pointless card game?"
Boruto narrowed his eyes. It was now or never. He took a step closer and faced her, retorting back. "It's not pointless, it's a really good game. You'd know if you played it."
"Why should I play it," she said, accepting his challenge and stepping closer. "I don't have time to waste on pointless card games, I have to train to become the hokage."
"Hmm? I bet you just want to spend all your money on sweets." He smirked, taking another step closer. "Cho-Cho is fine because her Jutsu relies on her consuming calories, but don't you need to be super-fast to do Chidori properly? I'd watch it if I were you."
Sarada narrowed her eyes. "Huh? What about you, Mr. I only eat fast-food burgers."
"Like you can talk," he replied, "I eat my mom's home cooked food every night. Doesn't your mom only cook once a week?" It was a low enough blow to make her lose it.
Just as Sarada took another step forward and put up her fist, little girl Mitsuki bumped into her leg with enough force to make her fall forward. Please, let this work, Boruto prayed as his eyes began to shut. But just before he left his fate up to fate itself, a kunai flying towards Sarada's head entered the crease of his vision.
What the…
Battle instincts taking over, Boruto no longer cared about the mission. From her position, Sarada couldn't dodge.
Reacting as quickly as he could, he put one hand on the back of her head and pulled her chin into his shoulder, knowing full well the momentum would topple both of them over. He squeezed his eyes shut as he fell backwards, bracing for impact.
The second he hit the ground, pain rocketed from his lower back all the way up to his head, leaving him dazed on the concrete.
"Sarada!" Cho-Cho crouched down.
Sarada was frozen, her eyes blinking in confusion at the sideways street. It wasn't until Boruto groaned from underneath of her that she scrambled off of him.
"You're heavy, you know that," he moaned, heartbeat pounding against his skull.
She adjusted her glasses. "You didn't have to pull me out of the way, I could have dodged…"
"Sure," he let out a faint laugh, despite knowing she couldn't have dodged it when she was already off balance and didn't see it coming. Was that… Hebi?
"There's no one suspicious here… Where did that come from?" Cho-Cho looked around.
Boruto slowly tried to sit up, but his head immediately began to throb harder. He reached behind it and felt hot sticky blood against his hand. "Darn it…"
With that, he passed out.
. . .
The author was sitting in Kaminari Burger, quietly skimming the text as it generated on the screen. Now that Boruto had verbalized his willingness to complete the mission, there was no longer a need to type every event as it occurred.
Peering into certain character's thoughts, as long as they were in close enough range to them, was another bonus that came with the chosen character accepting a mission. They were fully aware of Boruto's plan, and while it was rather lame, it made them laugh.
But just as his plan was about to be enacted, the author noticed something odd. He wasn't carrying it out.
Putting down their soda and pulling the laptop closer, their eyes rapidly scanned every later, the text stopped generating. Fantastic, they said with an eye roll, abandoning their soda on the table and rushing towards the place where Boruto had passed out. Someone else is here.
. . .
Boruto opened his eyes to a white celling. He blinked away the haze from his vision to find Mitsuki sitting on a chair.
"Oh? Boruto. You're awake."
"Mitsuki?" As he sat up, a shiny wrapping caught his eye. "This is…"
"Sarada bought them for you. She was here until just a few minutes ago."
Boruto picked up the package. "Ha. I guess the plan failed after all."
"I figured Hebi wouldn't want it to end like that. They've been waiting eight years after all."
"So that Kunai was…"
Mitsuki nodded. "There were no traces of anyone throwing it. And it vanished shortly after it passed by you both."
Boruto sat up carefully, noting the bandages around his head. He didn't feel any pain… Did Hebi heal me?
Disregarding the thought, he responded to Mitsuki. "I thought Hebi didn't want to stand out... Throwing a kunai in a public place like that doesn't make sense. What if someone else had gotten hit?"
"No one else seemed to be phased by it," Mitsuki replied. "I don't think they were able to see it."
Boruto frowned. He looked back down at the pack of cards in his hands. This mission… will I be able to complete it? If I have to take it seriously… Fingers gripping the edge of the wrapper, he pulled down and opened the cards. The pinkish bluish silver coating on top indicated an SSR.
Breath hitching in his throat, Boruto closed his eyes. If by some miracle, Hebi gives me Sasuke-san… I'll consider it. Cracking one eye open, he pulled the cards out of the package. "No way…"
Mitsuki craned his neck to see over the edge. His yellow eyes widened.
Jumping out of bed excitedly, Boruto dashed towards the door. "Mitsuki! You said Sarada was here until a little bit ago, right?"
Mitsuki nodded his head with a smile. "Mmm." He knew it was no use telling Boruto to rest.
Still clothed in the standard hospital uniform, Boruto raced down the hall. He spotted Sarada just outside the entrance and nearly smacked into the glass door. "Sarada!"
Blinking a few times, Sarada turned around. "Boruto? You just passed out! You should be—"
"Look! I got Sasuke-san!" He shoved the card in her face, too close for her to even make out the picture.
"Ahh, is that right? I guess I pulled a—"
"Thank you!"
Before she could even comprehend what was going on, her arms were pinned to her sides and his chin was on his shoulder. By the time she comprehended it, he was dashing back into the hospital to show Shikadai.
Blinking a few times and wondering if someone had just used genjutsu on her, Sarada rubbed her eyes. Boruto… HUGGED ME?!
She stared through the glass in disbelief, and back at her hands, and then back at the glass. First, he demanded money from her and insulted her family. Then he saved her from getting stabbed. Then he hugged her for something she didn't understand. What is with him lately? Cheeks tinging pink, she pushed her glasses up and turned away.
Well that turned out better than expected, thought the author, this time watching from a nearby bench in human form. I even left the cards up to the luck of the draw… But the question still remains. Who threw that kunai?
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fox-mother · 5 years
@zankouu​ liked for a starter.
The boy had been fighting with Naruto again and this time it had gotten out of hand. She needed to address his behaviour now before it gets worse, but she was struggling to come up with a way to express what she is intending on saying. So here she is, perched on her desk with him in a chair in front of her. “I hope you realise why you’re here, Sasuke-kun. I do not like punishing you but your recent behaviour has become a cause for concern. Fighting within the boundaries of the village to the degree which you did is a punishable offence,” The Hokage sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose before she continues, “So, your team and yourself will be required to complete up to 30 D-Rank missions within the village. You will all be prohibited from leaving the village or taking part in the upcoming chunin exams as well.”
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