#[ halfdan ] ── * vis
amicusastra · 4 months
[ halfdan ] ── * vis
[ halfdan ] ── * ic
[ halfdan ] ── * msg
[ halfdan ] ── * hc
[ halfdan ] ── * study
[ halfdan ] ── * closet
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * vis
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * ic
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * msg
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * hc
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * study
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * closet
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dkavisen · 2 years
Bilist påkørt i uvending
Bilist påkørt i uvending
En bilist, der foretog sig en u-vending, blev her til middag påkørt imens. Færdselsuheldet skete klokken 12.55 mellem Viborgvej og Horsensvej i Vejle Kommune. – Der skete ingen personskade, men uheldet har givet trafikale problemer, fortæller vagtchef Halfdan Kramer. Her på AVISEN bringer vi dagligt nyheder fra Sydøstjyllands Politi. Du kan følge med på AVISEN for de nyeste kriminalhistorier.…
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alicedopey · 4 years
Gratulerer med dagen
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Fandom: Vikings
Genre: Fluff , Modern AU
Pairing: Harald x Reader
Warning: None
Words: 1785
Summary: You haven’t been feeling well because of a loss and Harald wants to make you feel better for your birthday.
A/N: This is written for my dear @gearhead66​ to celebrate her birthday. I’m sorry for the delay, love and I hope you will like it. Huge thanks to my other half here @naaladareia​ for the wonderful moodboard.  Also, I took the liberty to imagine lockdown was over everywhere. 
Harald looked at you, sleeping peacefully in the care while he was driving. You needed to rest, this year had been rough enough – and it was only halfway done. Losing your aunt had been hard on you and this broke Harald’s heart every time he read some sadness in your eyes. He knew how it felt to lose someone dear. His parents had died in a car crash when he and Halfdan were teenagers, and they only had one another to rely on. They never really felt at ease with anyone apart from each other and it was still like that today… well, until he met you.
You represented what Harald had craved for his whole life, a woman to love who would love him in return. Right now, he wanted to do everything in his power to keep you happy and satisfied – hence his plans for today to celebrate your very special day. It was a good thing lockdown was over in the USA or everything would have been ruined.
After the funeral, he knew he had to take you far away from your place. He suggested to go and visit his family, meaning Halfdan in Norway.
“What about my dog?” You had exclaimed.
“We will take him, of course.” He smiled. How could he leave behind the fluffy thing that brought them together?
The day you met was still on his mind. You were walking two dogs when he first saw you, smiling and laughing at their antics. He liked you instantly, even more when he got to know you. First, he had invited you for coffee a few times then for dinner when he had tried to cook a nice meal at his place. Trying was the word since their main course had ended up burnt in the oven. You had laughed and promised to teach him a few things. In the meantime, he bought some sweet things for you to enjoy.
It’s been a year now and he had felt it was the right time for you and his brother to meet. Halfdan had always been the odd one but you got along quite well with him. Well enough for you to trust him to take care of your dog for the day while the two of you were away. His brother was good with animals, not with women. Harald could not even count the number of girls he had scared away. He was a free bird, enjoying women from time to time but never committing. So, he often mocked his brother for searching love so frantically. Harald did not care and kept searching. Now, he had finally found the one and he would not let go.
Here he was, driving from Oslo to his secret destination. He had woken you up at dawn this morning and you had not stopped grumbling until he had told you that you looked like the dog you used to take care of. You had struck out your tongue at him and hopped in the car in silence. Then, you had fallen asleep instantly.
The sun was high in the sky when they finally reached Trondheim. Perfect. He parked the car and gently shook you awake. You slowly opened your eyes.
“We’re there, love.”
Rubbing your eyes, you threw a look outside to try and guess where you had stopped.
“We are in Trondheim. Do you want to get a closer look?”
“Why not?” You both exited the car. Harald put his huge backpack on and he gave you yours.
“First stop?”
“Lead the way, Sir.” He kissed you softly and took you by the hand. You stopped in front of a huge cathedral.
“Wow…this is beautiful”. You whispered, in awe.
“It is, isn’t it? This is the Nidaros Cathedral. Want to get inside?”
“Please.” You almost pleaded. The moment you set a foot inside the Cathedral, you were amazed by its architecture, a beautiful mix of Roman and Gothic styles.
“It was built from 1080 to 1300 and had been the place where the Norwegian Kings are crowned since the Middle Ages.”
He knew he had captured your interest, then. You were really fond of history.
“So, Harald V was crowned here?” You asked and he nodded. “I guess it means that you would be crowned in this Cathedral if you ever became Harald VI, King of all Norway.”
Harald rolled his eyes. “You definitely watch this show too much.”
But he liked it as well and the way you would compare his life to the ‘real’ Harald’s life. He did not mind because he was assuredly more in luck than the lonely king you were so fond of.
Harald let you wander around the place and take a lot of pictures. He sometimes added some historical comments to which you listened intently. When you went out, it was noon. Your stomach grumbled loudly.
“What?” You said when you saw he was smiling. “You woke me up really early and I did not have time to eat. I’m hungry.”
“Then I think you will like our next stop.”
To your surprise, Harald did not take the direction of the town center. “Don’t worry.” He explained when he saw your interrogative stare. “I know a better place than here. The town is really nice, and I promise we will come back someday, but it is too noisy for what I have in mind.”
You went back to the car. Harald drove for a few miles before parking in a beautiful green valley full of trees surrounded by a lake.
“Let me introduce you to the Golden Road or as we call it, Gyldne Omvei.”
“Harald, this is breathtaking.” He chuckled lightly and kissed your forehead.
“Let’s go get some lunch.”
You found yourself in front of a nice little restaurant, Gulburet. Inside, it looked like a farm. It was warm and cozy.
A middle-aged plump woman welcomed you. “Hallo, vellkommen.”
You let Harald do the talking then you sat down at a nice wooden table.
“I know it’s not much but I can assure you will like it. The food is really good and they have a lot of Norwegian specialties.”
“My dear, dear King Harald…” You set a comforting hand on his. “I love it. You couldn’t have pleased me more.”
They were served different homemade meals: soup, bread, goat cheese from the local farms and a large piece of Fyrstekake, an almond and cardamom pie. The meal was simple but absolutely delicious.
Afterwards, he watched with a tender smile as you listened to the stories told by the host, giving a good impression of farm life over a 100 years ago. The stories, told in English especially for you, had caught your attention and you were listening to every word that came out of her mouth. It was a relief to see you so enthusiast about something after the troubled times you had to go through.
When the story was finished, you fiercely hugged him. Harald simply hugged you back and you stayed there for a while, enjoying each other’s embraces.
“Ready for more?”
You tilted your head upwards to look him in the eye. “We are not done?”
He shook his head. “Far from it. Brace yourself though because there will be a lot of walking.”
He let go of you and handed you your backpack. “Argh walking?”
“Yes, grumpy girl.” He kissed the tip of your nose. “I promise you won’t regret it though.”
He was right, you did not regret it. Harald took you to Inderøy where you visited two medieval churches and there also was a lot of hiking. It did not bother you. The trails were not that difficult to walk on and the landscape was so beautiful. It was this wonderful mixture of valleys and mountains, green and blue in front of your eyes with every step you took. That could easily make you forget you had been walking for hours.
“And there’s our final stop.”
You lifted your head at Harald’s words. The sun was slowly setting down on the valley, its numerous colors being reflected in the lake downwards.
Lost in the amazing view the Norwegian landscapes were offering, you did not hear Harald coming near you. He circled your waist and set his head on your left shoulder.
“You like that?” He kissed your ear, tickling your skin with his beard.
“It’s wonderful”. You whispered, putting your hands over his. “This day was wonderful…thank you.”
“Everything for you, my sweet…and I’m not quite done yet.”
He made you turn around and you discovered he had set down a whole picnic on a blanket.
You looked at him, amazed.
“So that’s what you’ve been hiding in this huge thing all day.” You exclaimed and lightly punched his shoulder.
“What can I say? I’m a man full of surprises.”
He helped you sit down on the blanket and took place near you. Then he filled two glasses with champagne before giving you one.
“Gratulerer med dagen, my love.” His glass clinked with yours.
You watched him closely, tilting your head on the side. “You just wished me a happy birthday, right?” He nodded. “Harald, thank you for today, for all of this. I didn’t know I needed it but it helped a lot.”
As you took a sip of champagne to fight back the emotions that were invading your heart, Harald squeezed your hand to comfort you.
“You don’t have to thank me. I did it gladly and I would do it again without a hesitation. Losing someone is never easy and it also made me realize how unbearable it would be for me if I lost you. I could not imagine my life without you. In fact, I want to tell the whole world that you are mine as much as I am yours.”
You gasped as Harald pulled a little velvety box from his pocket.
“Harald, are you…?”
He opened the box to reveal a white gold ring set with diamonds. “Y/N, will you marry me?” He asked with his deep hoarse voice that always sent shivers running down your spine.
“Oh…err…of course. Yes! Yes! I will marry you!”
Your half full glass fell on the blanket as you threw yourself in his arms. You exchanged a few kisses, laughing and crying at the same time. Then Harald put the engagement ring on your finger. You admired it, your eyes still full of tears.
You looked at your Northern man before saying “Jeg elsker deg*, my King.” His eyes widened so much you laughed. “Yes, I did some research. I can speak Norwegian too, you know.”
He chuckled. “Jeg elsker deg også**, my Queen.”
* Jeg elsker deg: Je t’aime
** Jeg elsker deg også: Je t’aime aussi
Tagging (tell me if you want to be added or removed): @naaladareia​ @gearhead66​ @therealcalicali​ @tephi101​ @maggiescarborough​ @peaceisadirtyword​ @mblaqgi​ @flowers-in-your-hayr​ @captstefanbrandt​ @medievalfangirl​ @girlonfireice 
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Blood. 43.
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(y/n) watches from below the hill, awaiting for their signal to arrive upon the battlefield, she’s shaking, practically panting beside floki.
but she was not shaking from fear, she was shaking from the rage that was starting to bubble over.
she clutches her sword in her palm tightly, loving it’s weight against the strength of her hand.
what she didn’t notice was her older brother ubbe looking at her with concern.
this just wasn’t her. none of it. she looked lustful, looked as if she were thirsting for the blood that was about to be spilled this cold morning.
ubbe was pulled from his thoughts as a war paint covered floki ushered them along, keeping (y/n) close to his side.
they overcome the hill, and (y/n) feels the air leaving her lungs as she takes in king alle’s army.
it was small, easy to take on, (Y/n) knew they’d be finished before the hour mark would hit, but that’s not what she was struggling to see.
she was looking for their king.
she peers over many of the men and women’s shoulders to get a look, and when she does, she contains the angry cry that wants to erupt out of her body.
he is a large man, glaring down at the great army with a fear filled glare, his stubby hands gripping the hilt of his sword.
a coward, a disgusting coward had murdered her father.
the great army just keeps coming, larger and larger they become, overpowering king alle’s.
this battle was going to be easily won, and (y/n) was seething to get it started.
(y/n) sees both harald and halfdan leading their part of the army, ivar in his chariot not far behind.
halfdan gives (Y/n) a small nod and confident smile, but (Y/n) can’t move, nor return the kind gesture.
her brothers arrive behind her, bjorn coming up beside her, ubbe and hvitserk flanking her right, sigurd her left.
and ivar arrives beside them, swinging his axe in their direction threateningly.
once everyone had lines up, they started shouting and screaming.
they were laughing at the small saxon army, clearly seeing how little they were compared to the vikings.
(Y/n) hears a man behind her screaming her fathers name, as if he were calling upon him, and that only fuels the fire that was now roaring inside of her.
she looks to the king daringly, smirking at him, pointing her sword at him from up the hill.
“i want him” she says to floki, and by the look on king alle’s face, he had read her lips, he knew what she was after.
floki giggles, nodding at her words.
“of course”.
then, they charge, shouting out in glory as they finally came for what they sought after.
(y/n) takes the first swing, holding her axe up, and throwing it, watching as it lodged itself into a english soldiers chest, killing him instantly.
this was going to be fun.
(y/n) stands up from her crouched position, covered from head to toe in blood, her hair soaked and slick against her head,
her sword was dripping, as was her axe, and was the wound she had receieved upon her thigh.
as she looks around the body covered battle field, she honestly can’t remember much of the battle at all.
she turns slowly, almost in a daze, and sees that ubbe and bjorn had just finished tying up the now crying king alle to ivar’s chariot, ready to take him and finish the job.
but it was hvitserk who had called her name.
“are you coming?!”.
she nods, sheathing her sword and walking slowly, following the brothers,
ignoring the squish sound of blood that had not yet dried on her boots.
(y/n) screams with fury as she slices a man down the middle, the thought of knowing these men were her first kills had completely left her mind.
and her brothers were stunned, watching as their baby sister took joy in killing these men.
she ducks under the second man’s attack, sliding on her knees, and she takes her dagger from her boot and stabs the man in the inner thigh as she does so, making him cry out and fall to his knees.
she stands back up and aligns her sword with his neck, her eyes lingering on the now lone body falling to the ground, lifeless.
she turns only to sob out in agony as a sword pierced her thigh.
the anglo saxon above her, pulled the blade from her leg and aimed for her chest, which she easily dodged.
she rolls on her back, grabbing her fallen axe and swiping for the man’s legs, but she had missed.
suddenly, the man dropped his sword, staring at his middle with shock.
behind them, sigurd had dropped his bow, running at the man with full speed, his axe swiping the man’s throat.
sigurd holds his hand out for (Y/n) to take, and she does so, jumping to her feet.
she nods to her brother in thanks, grabbing her sword and resuming her bloodshed.
(y/n) follows her brothers as they pull alle along the muddy path, ubbe, bjorn hvitserk and sigurd running to keep up, meanwhile, (Y/n) was walking as quick as she could, her mind fogged and blank. her thigh burning.
she goes to swipe the hair away from her eyes, only to find that her vision was red with the blood that covered her hands.
she blinks softly at this, her brothers calling her name the only thing that breaks her from her train of thought.
she presses her hand against her wound and seeths in pain as she tries to keep up with them.
ubbe looks over to check on his sister, only to freeze and find her repeatedly stabbing a man over and over again, overkilling him.
he didn’t even look like a man once she was finished with him.
she looks over to ubbe, her face streaked with blood, but her eyes were behind him now.
ubbe can’t turn in time to see a man coming his way, sword held high, ready to behead ubbe.
(y/n) slips her dagger from her boot once more and throws it at the man, and he cries out as it sinks itself into his eye.
ubbe is stunned back to reality, and grabs the sword from the man, killing him.
(Y/n) doesn’t have time to check on him as another man approaches her.
once they stop, ubbe and bjorn had untied him, and bjorn heaves alle to his feet.
“vis os, hvor min far døde” bjorn says to the man, glaring deeply into his eyes.
when alle refused to speak, bjorn slapped him.
“vis os!” bjorn shouts, and alle nods fearfully, just as thunder and rain started to befall them.
(y/n) feels weak in the knees as they mention the place where their father had been killed, it set a pit of despair into her stomach.
they walk on, leading alle like a child, or an injured mutt.
the battle was almost over, but (y/n) couldn’t get enough, or find the will to stop.
she turns, but not quickly enough, she is pinned to the ground now, a man straddling her hips as his hands are wrapped around her throat.
he kicks all her weapons out of hands reach and watches as she struggles for air.
this man was much stronger than the others.
she tries to pry his hands off her neck, but to no avail, she’s suffocating.
her vision is becoming spotty, and her limbs feel weak, she’s slowly dying.
she uses her last bit of strength to kick her legs up, but it’s too light of an impact to do anything.
“die! just die!” the man screams in her face, pressing his hands harder into her throat.
no. she will not die.
she’s had enough.
she shifts her shoulders a bit, noting that he had lost his grip just a fraction of an inch, and she has the opportunity to use her legs.
she kicks his groin, making him groan out in pain, his hands releasing her neck, she takes in a deep breath of air, but he wasn’t finished.
and neither was she.
she had to do this.
he tries to reach one of her weapons, something, anything to kill her, but he doesn’t have time.
she wraps her hands around his neck, tugging him towards her, her mouth open as her teeth found his neck.
she bites hard over his jugular, and with that, clamps her jaw shut, twisting her head away and pulling his skin along with her.
everyone turns and finds (y/n), underneath a man who’s neck was spilling blood onto her face by the gallons.
 she closes her eyes to prevent blood from getting in them, spitting out the hunk of flesh that dangled from her lips.
she inhales deeply, finally getting that fresh air she needed. her lungs burning as she turns over and tries to stand.
and she realizes that was the last one. alle was sitting on the dirt hill just feet away from her.
she raises her bloodied hand, pointing her finger at him.
“you’re next”
@darkwhisperswolf@youbloodymadgenius@blonddnamedhandz@thelastemzy@annekleyn @inforapound @supermassiveblackhope @captstefanbrandt @roonil-wxzlib @alostsoulinhumanity @syreni-dea
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i12bent · 3 years
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Halfdan Rasmussen (January 29, 1915 - 2002) was a Danish poet who is mainly known in Denmark for his rhymes for children, for instance in an ABC book from 1967 (illustrated by Ib Spang Olsen) which was included in the official Danish Canon for Children’s Culture.
Rasmussen was a leftist activist and part of the Danish Resistance during WWII. After the war he became active in a number of causes, including the movement for nuclear disarmament and Amnesty International.
In his work for children, Rasmussen used terms for people of color that are now seen as derogatory and harmful, but which 60-70 years ago were everyday expressions. As a result Danish publishers have whitewashed some of his works - which probably isn’t the smartest way of dealing with unconscious racism.
Here is his own take on his poetry and its readers:
Jeg skriver sjove digte, - I write funny poems
jeg skriver osse triste - and some I write are sad
de første læser andre folk - the first are read by people
selv læser jeg de sidste. - and the latter just by me.
He also wrote this stanza:
Vi er een familie. - We are all one family.
Børn af samme jord. - Children of the same earth.
Sov, min sorte søster! - Sleep, black sister, dear!
Sov, min gule bror! - Sleep, my yellow brother                                                      
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Soft - Chapter VI
Warnings: Bullying, rape, strong language, adult themes, child death
Tags: @alicedopey@naaladareia
“How did you meet your wife?” Bjorn asked softly, one eye wandering to Antonia who was nodding her head in time with the music.
“Harald arranged it, last Spring,” Halfdan answered, swirling the mead in his cup.
“Are you in love?”
Antonia’s eyes flicked to Bjorn at his words. She found herself not wanting to hear Halfdan’s reply. She also wished his friend Bjorn would stop staring at her. Although, he was the first Viking to not spit at her, or call her names. But from the way he stared at her, she wished he would ignore her like the others did.
“No,” Halfdan scoffed.
One of Bjorn’s men approached the table and sat down heavily, a woman in his lap laughing flirtatiously.
“To Prince Bjorn Ragnarsson, Halfdan the Black, and the many beautiful women that bestow this land!” The man raised his glass in a toast.
The Vikings laughed and joined him, “Skol!”
“Tell me Halfdan, how fares the English woman in bed?” Bjorn’s man asked.
Halfdan felt Antonia stiffen beside him. She stopped nodding her head and clasped her hands tightly in her lap.
“That is something that only I, and the Gods, know.”
“Do you share her?” Bjorn asked. “With Harald? Or anyone else?”
Halfdan turned his head to look at Antonia sitting beside him. Her gaze held perfectly forward, seemingly staring into space. Her jaw was a little clenched, mirroring her hands, and her cheeks were tinged pink. She fully understood what the men were talking about and she was equal parts mortified and horrified.
Halfdan turned back to his friend, and laughed. “Why does she want anyone else? My cock fills her up more than enough.”
“She looks a little...”Bjorn mused, “Uptight?”
“Indeed she does,” Bjorn’s friend spoke. “She needs a good fucking, Halfdan. Make her walk with a limp.”
The man chuckled but Halfdan remained deathly still and silent. He suddenly pounced across the table in one fluid motion like a cat, and pushed the laughing man to the floor, landing on top of him. He raised his dagger and plunged it into the mans thick, muscular thigh. Halfdan felt the muscle and fat surround his blade before twisting it, prying open the flesh as blood poured onto the straw lined floor beneath them.
“We will see who walks with a limp after this, young one.” He seethed into the man’s ear who was now screaming in agony.
As quickly as he had forced the man to the floor, Halfdan stood. He beckoned Antonia to follow him out the Hall. Outside Halfdan walked with purpose to their house, Antonia nearly jogging at times to keep up with him. He held the door open for her and as soon as she stepped inside he locked the door and pressed his lips against hers. She froze but then managed to break away from him by pushing against his shoulders.
“What are you doing?”
“What do you think we’re doing? We’re married, we need to act like it.” He grabbed one of her breasts roughly through the thick material of her dress, the other hand grabbed the back of her head steady as he pressed his mouth against hers one more time.
“Stop it!” She pleaded.
“Get on the bed.” He growled.
“Stop!” She repeated, voice more forceful and shoved him back. He glared at her, breathing heavily. “I know why you’re doing this but you don’t have to prove anything to me. Or to them.”
Antonia watched as his eyes softened, his senses returning to him. He exhaled heavily and ran his hands along the shaved sides of his heads, collapsing onto a nearby wooden stool. He shook his head, mumbling to himself incomprehensible words.
She sat on the stool next to him. “I wish I knew how to help you,” she whispered laying her hand on his knee.
“I have not been kind to you. I am not a good man. Especially not a good husband. I knew the way the others were treating you and I did nothing to stop them. You do not deserve this.” He gestured to himself.
“Someone once said, that what we get and what we deserve are not always in balance,” Antonia smirked and nudged his shoulder with hers.
Halfdan gave a small smile. “I am pleased to know that you listen to me.”
“Occasionally, yes.” Antonia teased. “Especially about your adventures in the Mediterranean.”
“That seems a lifetime ago.” Halfdan thought back to his time there and could almost feel the harsh sun on his face and smell the exotic fruits and spices.
“You were very happy there.” Antonia had noticed how his facial expressions and overall demeanour softened whenever he told her stories of his journey there.
“I was.” He nodded in realisation.
“Let’s go back.”
“To Vestfold? Not yet.” Halfdan shook his head, not wanting to see his brother for a while.
“No. To the Mediterranean.”
Halfdan laughed. “We need boats and men to sail there. And the map, which Bjorn still has. Provisions. New armour - I do not have the gold for such an expedition.”
Antonia stood and went to her trunk, buried beneath her clothes and furs. She rummaged around, taking almost everything out and appearing with something in her hand.
“Will this be enough?” She held out the largest lump of gold Halfdan had ever seen. He took it from her, feeling it’s weight. It was almost the size of his clenched fist.
“Where did you get this from?” He asked incredulously.
“My Father gave it to me on our wedding day.”
“You’ve had this the entire time? Why didn’t you leave? This is more than enough for you to start over again anywhere you wanted to!”
“I didn’t want to start over.” She answered defiantly. “Until now.”
Halfdan tilted his head and threw the gold in the air and caught it in his hand. “Well, then. You best start packing.”
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lordavanti · 7 years
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Imagine Ivar saving you from certain pain Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V
Imagine you and Ivar love to raid and battle together Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
Imagine Ivar being the one who wants to take over your kingdom Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX
Imagine being a slave to Ivar Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V
Imagine Ivar VS you Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
Imagine being the twin sister of Ivar Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
Imagine you being the one to safe Ivar his horse Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
Imagine your weddingnight with Ivar Part I - Part II 
Imagine being the sister of Ivar in a brotherly struggle Part I - Part II
Imagine you always loved that smile -  Here Imagine you and Ivar getting through your struggles together - Here Imagine Ivar challenging you out of jealousy - Here Imagine being Ivar’s anchor after Sigurds dead - Here Imagine you and Ivar being the powercouple of the army  - Here Imagine you being the one to piece Ivar back together - Here Imagine little Ivar and his first feeling of power and a chariot - Here Imagine getting Ivar his attention - Here Imagine Ivar and his teenage daughter - Here Imagine being the goddess in Ivar his dreams - Here Imagine Ivar wanting to leave you - Here
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Imagine Ubbe keeping you safe without really showing it Part I - Part II - Part III
Imagine Ubbe protecting you from your father Part I - Part II - Part III
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Imagine Hvitserk taking a bet over you Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
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Imagine Halfdan seeing you as a Goddess Part I - Part II - Part III
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Vikings x Game of Thrones Part 1 - ...
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Marrying Ivar would include - Here Marrying Ubbe would include - Here How the Ragnarssons would react on you being jealous includes - Here How the Ragnarssons would kiss - Here How vikings are in bed - Here Vikings and their scars - Here Vikings and I love you - Here Ivar and pregnancy & birth - Here Marco and pregnancy - Here
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#1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 - #8 - #9 - #10 - #11 - #12 - #13 - #14 - #15 - #16 - #17 - #18 - #19
#1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 - #8 - #9 - #10 - #11 - #12
#1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 - #8 - #9 - #10 - #11 - #12 - #13 - #14 - #15 - #16 - #17 - #18 - #19 - #20 - #21 - #22 - #23 - #24 - #25 - #26
#1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 - #8 - #9 - #10 - #11 - #12 - #13 - #14 - #15 - #16 - #17 - #18 - #19
Alex Hogh
#1 - #2
Marco Ilso
#1 - #2 - #3 - #4
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On Wattpad and Ao3 // LordAvanti
Alixandra (Hvitserk) - Here The Cripple and The Shieldmaiden - Here The Cripple and The Shieldmaiden II - Here The Cripple and The Shieldmaiden III - Here Torhild and Young Ivar  - Here Heathen Lords (Modern AU) - Here The Crown - Here  
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signaldk · 5 years
De sidste fire år i Morten Nielsens liv som dramadokumentarisk roman
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Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag pressemeddelelse
Vi glæder os utrolig meget til, på 75-årsdagen for Morten Nielsens død, den 29. august, at præsentere Arne Herløv Petersens nye roman “Hvede” der tager udgangspunkt i de sidste fire år af digterens liv og hans møder med andre unge digtere som Halfdan Rasmussen og Tove Ditlevsen.
Her forfatterens egen præsentation af sin bog nr. 156:
Fra 1. januar…
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danskfagdidaktik · 5 years
Kulturmødet (slut 2.g/start 3.g)
Fra mødet lande imellem til mødet internt i landet. Fra at drage ud for at møde det fremmede til at det fremmede er iblandt os – i samfundet og på nettet. Diskursen om det fremmede.
Centrale begreber/teori: Konnotationer + semantiske felter (evt. diskurs), kulturmøde og værdier (Hans Gullestrup), dansk som globalt fag (i Dansk didaktisk set), intro til kulturmødet i De seneste fem års litteratur.
Arbejdsformer og rækkefølge:
1) Yahya Hassan: “Yahya Hassen 2″ (2019): for at fange elevernes interesse – og for at bygge på det de allerede ved. Nemt at forstå, god ramme. Hassan som et resultat af mange års kulturmøder.
·       Oplevelsen af teksten (reader-response)
·       Både indhold, form, lydsiden
 2) Johannes V. Jensen: “Amerikas farvede befolkning” (1907, uddrag)
·       ”Roast” af Johannes V. Jensen for at give afløb – evt. rollespil med en retssag
·       Introduktion til begrebet ’historisk relativisme’. Kunne også være med nutidige eksempler, hvor man blot går fx 10 år tilbage.
 3) Karen Blixen: “Den afrikanske farm” (1937, uddrag)
·       Høre hendes stemme
·       Find steder I forstår
·       Lærervalgte citater med dybde
·       Klip fra filmen til at understøtte dette/disse nedslag
·       Dikotomi: Os >< dem, hendes relation til arbejderne
 4) Halfdan Rasmussen: “To små negerdukker” (ca. 1930′erne)
·       Forforståelse for Rasmussens uskyldighed
·       Omskriv dette digt en mere politisk korrekt version (konnotationer, semantiske felter) som stationer
 5) Morten Pape: “Planen” (2015)
·       Metaforen som formidling af en kultur man ikke forstår
·       (Evt. producerende øvelse – formidling af en kultur til andre)
·       To kulturer, der normalt ikke kan forenes, men det grumme/den lave sociale klasse er det, der forener dem: Perker-Pape (integration den modsatte vej). ·       ·       Produkt: TV2-reklame: ”Alt det vi deler”.
 Aflevering: Debatterende artikel
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alicedopey · 5 years
Heartless: VI
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(edit by my sweet @naaladareia)
Genre: Angst, Romance, Smut
Pairing: Harald / Reader
Words number: 3452
Warnings: Smut ahead, angst, mention of violence
A thrall was devoted to her master and her day consisted in doing her chores. There was no time for laziness or…waiting. You were not used to this unbearable wait where you could do nothing to pass the time. Sitting nicely on a fur was not what you were used to and it was disconcerting to feel so useless in some way. You tried to keep yourself busy: smoothing the sheets and furs on the King’s makeshift bed, tidying the small tent - - but right now, you were going around in circles, nervously walking back and forth in the tent and your heavy woolen skirt was sweeping the floor in place of your old broom.
The wait was long and unbearable but at the same time you did not want it to end. This would mean you would have to go without knowing if the King was alive and well. You definitely did not want that to happen. But, if you stayed what would become of you?
That is when your heard it. Steps. Heavy steps squishing in the mud and making their way towards you. You scanned the room anxiously. It offered no place to hide so you had no choice but confronting whoever was coming your way. What if it was a warrior of Ivar the Boneless? What if it was one of Harald’s men coming to announce his death in spite of them winning the battle?
A flap of the tent suddenly opened to reveal a bloody Baldwin. Your shoulders sagged with relief. They had really won the battle this time...or so you thought until Baldwin’s sinister face made you freeze.
“Come with me.”
He turned around without giving another word and you hastily followed, your pouch of gold forgotten on the floor.
The valley around the camp was silent except for the wind blowing furiously in your face. As if it was not difficult enough to keep up with Baldwin’s furious pace. Something was wrong. Harald would have never sent him to fetch you, even if he was his most faithful soldier. There was probably some trouble he was trying to solve with the Ragnarssons or Baldwin would not be here with you, looking so stern.
The closer you got to Kattegat, the worse you felt. When the two of you finally reached the famous town, you were exhausted and out of breath from almost running after Baldwin. What you saw really took your breath away and made your stomach churn. Several corpses were covering the grounds of Kattegat: some dead; others mutilated or simply beheaded. You felt as if you were going through a sea of blood as you went deeper into town.
Bjorn and Gunnhild were standing side by side, their faces painted with war paints and blood.  Hvitserk was not very far away from them, sitting on a rock and wearing a deep scowl on his face.
Several injured soldiers were being taken care of by thralls and healers. No trace of Harald, though. A shiver ran down your spine. Where was the King?
“Come on, hurry up!” You startled at Baldwin’s booming voice and went after him.
He led you through the Great Hall and entered the master’s bedroom. Queen Freydis was lying on the bed, seeming to be asleep but you knew better. You turned your eyes away from the scene and looked at the floor while you kept walking. At some point, you bumped into Baldwin who had come to a stop in another chamber.
There was your King Harald, lying unconscious on a bed of furs. Tears welled up in your eyes and you bit the inside of your cheek to prevent them from falling. His persona healer was taking care of him, the same who had helped you get better when you were attacked.
She turned her eyes towards you at the sound of your steps. “Ah! Here is the special thrall of the King. Glad to see you standing on your feet, girl.”
You smiled softly at the old woman who had saved your life, praying inwardly she would do the same with the King.
“Will he be alright?” Baldwin asked grouchily, watching the healer applying some herbal ointment on Harald’s bare torso where you supposed his injury was.
Letting out a deep sigh, the healer washed her hands with an old cloth and stood up.  
“He lost a good amount of blood but his wound is clean now. All he needs is some rest, he should wake up in a few hours if the healing goes well.” She paused to let the piece of information process in your brains. “Warn me when he does.”
She left the two of you in a somewhat tense silence. You waited for him to tell you what you had to do like the good thrall you were.
He heaved a deep sigh, closely watching Harald. Was he affected as well?
“You heard her. Stay with him and call for me when he wakes up.”
His eyes never left the King as he talked to you. He looked at him a few more seconds and he left.
Tentatively, you approached the bed and knelt down beside Harald. He looked so peaceful and so beautiful. You could not resist and traced the tattoos on his face with your fingertips. His skin was surprisingly soft, except for his board which had gently rubbed your face when the two of you kissed. Your face got hot at the memory and it annoyed you to say the least.
You had no right to act like a virgin maiden falling in love for the first time. This was not your place. This was not your fate. Serving was your only purpose, there was no room for any feelings in this situation.
You promptly folded your hands on your lap, furious against yourself. Something wet touched your fists and your realized you were crying. For you King or for yourself…you did not know but it was a bittersweet reminder that you could feel indeed.
Time flew and you did not move one bit, praying for the King’s recovery. Sometimes he groaned or moved and you hoped he would open his eyes…but nothing came.
Night had fallen but you did not feel the need to sleep. You were too anxious. The last thing you wanted was Harald to die while you were sleeping.
“Still unconscious?”
You struggled to stand up, your feet getting caught in your heavy dress. Baldwin was back, stern as ever. You nodded weakly.
“Yes, unfortunately but he does not have a fever so there is no infection.”
“Good.” He brusquely handed you a bowl full of what looked like chicken stew and stomach growled at the mouth-watering smell. “I figured you might be hungry.”
“Thank you.” You whispered, bowing your head respectfully. You took the bowl gratefully and started eating silently with a wooden spoon. You could feel Baldwin’s stare on you, watching your every move.
Your meal vanished quickly, you were hungrier than you thought. The soldier gave you a wry smile as you blushed, embarrassed.
“Devoted little thrall knows to enjoy the things given to her…. or that she takes by herself.”
You frowned at his words and your eyed widened when you saw he was holding the bag of coins Harald had given you.
“I found this on the floor in the King’s tent. Did you forget your loot?”
Of course, he believed you had stolen from the King.
“Leave her alone, Baldwin.” You gasped and the bowl fell from your hands. This hoarse voice could have made you cry of joy. You wanted to come closer but Baldwin stopped you.
“Go and fetch the healer, Y/N!”
You were not one to ignore a direct order but since your master was alive, you waited for him to make a comment. Baldwin tsked in annoyance as the King confirmed you should go. He watched you walk away and only talked to the King when the sounds of your step had died down.
“How are you feeling, King?”
Harald coughed and struggled to take a sitting position. “I’ve felt worse.”
His warrior nodded sternly and looked intently at the bag of gold.
“I gave it to her.”
Baldwin repressed the urge to sigh. “Of course, you did.”
“She is trustworthy.”
“Of course, she is.”
Harald was the one to sigh. “I wanted to give her a chance to escape.”
Baldwin shook his head. “What if she did? Huh? King, I sincerely hope you know what you are doing. The last thing you want is for this to end up like with…”
“I know what I am doing.” Harald snarled, making himself cough again.
Frankly, he was not sure but he would never admit it…least of all to one of his warriors. Baldwin reminded him of Halfdan and this unnerved him. His brother was always suspicious of women – that is the ones who crossed Harald’s path. And he was always right. But this time…this time he wished he was the one to be right. He could feel something was different with Y/N.
Baldwin knew he had crossed a line and did not pus the subject. The two men did not have to stay in this tense silence before you went back with the King’s personal healer.
The old woman closely inspected Harald’s wound and cleaned it before spreading the herbal ointment once again and protecting it with a clean piece of cloth.
“You should be fine. Tomorrow, you will get something to eat but for now, only water allowed.” She deposited a jug of water and a horn near the bed and walked back towards the Great Hall. “I could use some help with the injured warriors, big man.”
Harald snorted at her tone and smirked at Baldwin who rolled his eyes before going after her.
Harald motioned for you to step closer with his hand. You did and he took your hand in his when you were near enough.
“Lie down with me.”
“My King, your wound…”
“…will be fine as long as you don’t ride me.” He winked wickedly and you blushed so much your cheeks felt as if they were on fire. Nodding, you let go of his hand, got rid of your dress and took place next to him with caution.
Harald gently tugged you against him and you nuzzled your head in his neck despite yourself. Once of his hands caressed your back. His heat, his smell, his breathing appeased you. Your eyelids dropped and you finally fell asleep.
It took some days for Harald to recover but he finally was up and well. He had kept you close to him and you almost felt guilty for spending those days in bed. Of course, you took care of him but he would not let you leave his side, even when he was asleep and almost ordered you to stay with him at all costs.
Baldwin did not say a word but he did not need to. His eyes were clearly mocking you because he had realized how embarrassed you were.
He also had this smile when he was looking at the King. He seemed to be really fond of him after all and you had to admit it surprised you a lot. He looked so stern and severe all the time…especially with you. He was giving you the impression that he was trying to protect the King from you. As if you could be a threat…if only he knew you would not hurt King Harald for the world. You wanted him to be happy, even if it was not with you.
Happy he was when Bjorn had told him he wanted to organize a feast now that he could celebrate the victory with them. The new King of Kattegat was currently standing, Harald before him.
“To the warrior who chose honor over victory and greed, who endangered his life to save mine so that I could become King of Kattegat and reign over it with my queen.” He raised his drink. “Sköl my friend.”
Harald inclined his head as the crowd joined their King and raised their drinks to honor King Harald. Your chest swelled with pride and you castigated yourself for acting as a proud wife…especially because in the back of your mind, something was bothering you in Bjorn’s speech.
You did not have time to think about it though. Harald called you near him and you took place next to him….and the royal couple. Once again, you felt embarrassed and out of place but quietly waited for the King to call it a night.
Harald dismissed you after a while but what seemed odd this time was that he joined you in the chamber a few minutes afterwards.
“Are you in need of anything, my King?”
“Just you my dear Y/N. Just you.”
His words made you gulp. So, did the way he approached you with a dark gaze, full of lust.
“That is, if you are willing to…”
You eyed him suspiciously, searching for any sing of mockery…nothing. He was not even drunk.
“I almost died. You almost died. Life is short and I don’t want to leave this earth before getting a taste of you.” He was so close; your mouths were almost touching. “But if you don’t want to…”
“No…I mean yes. I want to, my King.”
He smiled. A real smile that reached his eyes and created those sexy wrinkles you liked so much. What were you doing? You did not know but what you certainly knew was that a night between your King’s arms would not hurt anyone, not even you…or would it?
So, you kissed him, cupping his cheeks between your hands. Harald gave you the lead, waiting for you to ask for more. The tip of your tongue slid between his lips and met his own tongue. He kissed you back, his tongue running smoothly against yours. His hands finally dared embrace you. His gestures were hesitant though, as if he was waiting for you to push him away so you clung your body to his, giving him your assent.
That was the signal Harald desperately needed. His hand went from your back to your ass cheeks – that he gripped fiercely before pushing them forwards. Your core met his pelvis and a jolt of electricity ran through your body. Your lips got separated. Both of you were heavily panting, your bodies undulating with fever against the other.
Tentatively, you slid your hand under his deep burgundy tunic and felt his muscles tense under your touch. Smiling, you helped him getting rid of the piece of clothing. He took of his pants and boots. The view of his body was breathtaking. You never got the chance to see him fully naked. It was quite a sight.
Harald took advantage of your dazed taste to take your clothes off. You only noticed your nakedness when you felt his lips leaving butterfly kisses on your skin. His beard gently itched your shoulders, the swell of your breasts…then he took a nipple between his teeth and tugged on it. You gasped and pushed his head against your chest so that he would keep going. Harald gladly complied, sucking one nipple, then the other. The sensations were unspeakable. Your body was on fire. A fire he would the one able to extinguish, you noted as his lips went down your body and worshiped every inch of it, leaving you breathless. You could not believe the sounds you were making – it was a first. Men you had been with took, they did not give. But King Harald seemed to be a giver. He set his lips on your scar, kissing it so tenderly you could have wept. Nonetheless, when his lips reached your sex, you tensed. Harald sensed your hesitation and looked up at you.
“None of your masters made you discover such a thing?”
You fervently shook your head. Harald seemed to consider making you discover it himself but once again, he could you were feeling uneasy.
He stood up, kissed you and made you step backwards to the bed. When you had reached your destination, Harald turned you over and let himself fall on the bed.
You took the time to admire his body one more time – his toned chest, his muscled legs, his…erected sex falling against his stomach. You moistened your dry lips with the tip of your tongue. He was mouthwatering and your insides clenched as the nasty thought to devour him entirely crossed your mind.
“You are coming?” His voice. This hoarse voice that sent shivers through your skin and made you weak in the knees.
Almost shyly, you knelt on the bed and lay down next to him. Your hands explored his body with the bashfulness of a virgin. It was the first time a man was let you really touch him – and not to just help him jerk off. Speaking of which, you looked at his erected member and force once, it did not seem threatening – quite the contrary. Feeling bold, you massaged his balls and gently scratched his length with your nails.
“Fuck!” Harald hissed and you smiled. Leaning over, you took him in your mouth, inch by inch. The King pushed his groin upwards to urge you to take him deeper. This power you suddenly had over him made you feel good; You never had this kind of experience before and you had to admit it was really pleasurable.
Suddenly, Harald reached for you. Your eyes met and you stopped, confused. Maybe you had crossed a line.
He smiled reassuringly. “You have to stop. Otherwise, I won’t be able to hold back…and that is not how I want to finish.”
His words made you blush but what he said next set your cheeks on fire. “Ride me.”
He meant…?
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“I’ve never been…”
“You will like it.” He stroked your hip and looked deeply into your eyes. “Trust me.”
Of course, you trusted him and it was ever so tempting. A man was giving you the upper hand during sex for the first time.
Hesitantly, you rode him. Your slick entrance touched his pulsating and hot member and you began rocking your body back and forth, rubbing your sex against his. Harald let out a growl. He was getting impatient, you could tell. His blue eyes had almost turned dark with lust and he was doing his best to control himself.
You decided to put an end to his misery so you caught his shaft between your fingers and slid over it. He stretched your walls in the most pleasuring way. Your head fell backwards and you moaned in pleasure. Your breath was already erratic and you had not moved an inch yet. This sensation was unknown, never had a man made you feel this way – having him inside of you was both a torture and an everlasting pleasure. You tilted your head upwards to look him in the eye as you started jumping up and down on his dick.
His hands rested on your hips but you were the one to give the pace of your lovemaking. Slow and smooth, your moves created the sweetest friction between his pubic bone and a very sensitive point in your core. Harald’s hands traveled up your breasts to kneed them sensually.
A bubble was growing inside you…something you would define as a tickle, but a burning tickle that made your pant and sweat. Usually, sex was painful for you but now – definitely not.
The burning tickle was intensifying. You looked at Harald, utterly lost.
“My King, I…”
“Shh…you’re doing so good. Don’t be scared, love. Let…”. His teeth clenched, he was growing inside you. “Let go, sweet thing.”
You let go. Your body shook and a deep shout, almost a growl left your mouth. Harald gripped your breasts almost painfully and tilted his hips upwards as he came in heavy spurts coating your inner walls.
Sated, sweaty and panting, you fell on him. Harald’s own hot breath blew on your lips. Wrinkles appeared on his face as he smiled and he set a sweet kiss upon your lips.
His softened sex left your body. You tried to disentangle yourself from him but Harald kept you close, only letting you slide down his body to rest next to him.
You put your head on his chest. He embraced your body with one arm, his fingers gently tracing circles on your thigh thrown upon his own. A contented sigh fell off your lips, all worried had left your body. You listened to his soft heartbeat which lulled you to sleep.
Tagging (please tell me if you want to be added or removed): @naaladareia @therealcalicali @peaceisadirtyword @tephi101 @mblaqgi @captstefanbrandt @thevikingsheaux @two-unbeatable-beaters @alhenablack @neeadinghugs @bangtanandbruno @uncomfortable-writers @itshippiesworld @ivarswickedqueen @ivarslittlebadgirl @akamaiden
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1920sgirl · 6 years
Les 40 meilleures citations de Vikings
Le film revient sur l’histoire du personnage légendaire Ragnar Lodbrok, un jeune viking est finalement devenu le roi des vikings. Avide de conquêtes et d’aventure, il se lance dans l’exploration des terres de l’ouest afin de trouver de nouvelle terre, mais aussi de nouvelles richesses à piller. Cette fois-ci, il décide de voyager par la mer avec une bande armée. Les vikings sont des personnes d’une taille impressionnante, qui savent bien manier la hache et le glaive. Il a réussi grâce à l’aide de son ami FLoky à construire de nouveaux vaisseaux plus rapides et plus légers. Au cours de son aventure, Ragnar va découvrir de nouveaux territoires et de nouvelles réalités, ce qui ne manquera pas de l’enrichir et faire de lui un homme plus sage.
Les Vikings adorent plusieurs Dieux ont recours à des pratiques très différentes de ce que la morale moderne connait comme politiquement correct. Quelques citations Vikings peut vous donner un avant-gout sur la profondeur des dialogues et des thèmes développés dans cette série. Cette série nous permet donc de revenir sur l’histoire des barbares européens et l’histoire des conquêtes. La série compte désormais 5 saisons et connait un succès grandissant, grâce à son originalité. Viking est sans doute l’une des meilleures séries de sa catégorie.
1. « Ne perdez pas votre temps à regarder en arrière. Tu n’iras pas par là. » – Ragnar Lothbrok
2. « La paix ne m’intéresse pas. La paix est un mot sale » – Ivar
3. « Le monde change et nous devons changer avec lui. » – Ragnar Lothbrok
4. « Les guerriers ne montrent pas leur cœur jusqu’à ce que la hache le révèle. » – Floki
5. « C’est la même chose pour nous, les femmes. Nous donnons naissance au massacre. » – Torvi
6. « L’espace entre la vie et la mort, c’est là que nous sommes les plus vivants. » – Floki
7. « Le pouvoir est toujours dangereux. Il attire le pire. Et corrompt le meilleur. » – Ragnar Lothbrok
8. « Je suis assez vieux pour savoir qu’on ne peut jamais dire avec certitude ce que quelqu’un d’autre fera. » – Lagertha Lothbrok Lothbrok
9. « A tout il y a une saison, et un temps pour chaque but sous le soleil. Un temps pour aimer, et un temps pour haïr. Un temps de guerre, et un temps de paix » – King Ecbert
10. « Le pouvoir n’est donné qu’à ceux qui sont prêts à s’abaisser pour le ramasser.— Ragnar Lothbrok
11. « Au nom de notre père décédé, au nom de Ragnar Lothbrok, le plus grand héros de notre pays, et au nom d’Odin, nous déclarons la guerre au monde entier. » – Ivar Désossé
12. « Certains hommes ont envie de femmes, d’autres d’or, mais je n’ai envie que de plaire aux dieux. » – Floki
13. « Jusqu’à la quille renversée. Clamber, avec un cœur d’acier. Le froid est le jet de l’océan. Et votre mort est en route. » – Rollo
14. « Avec le temps, le nom de Ragnar Lothbrok s’effacera et sera oublié. Personne n’oubliera jamais Ivar l’Désossé. » – Ivar
15. « Vous, les Vikings, vous êtes incorrigibles. Vous émergez du ventre de votre mère avec une seule chose en tête…. comment mourir. — King Ecbert
16. « Plus une personne est compliquée, plus elle est intéressante. Mais en même temps, plus il est dangereux, le roi Ecbert.
17. « Chercher des possibilités extrêmes vous rend aveugle à l’explication probable juste en face de vous » – Dana Scully
18. « Les pierres sont beaucoup plus faciles à porter que la terre. » – KingEcbert
19. « L’avenir est ouvert. Faites confiance aux dieux. Vivre chaque instant » – Lagertha Lothbrok
20. « Tant que mon frère est en vie, il n’est pas vaincu. » – Rollo
21. « Je n’oublie jamais rien.» – Lagertha Lothbrok
22. « Je n’ai jamais été l’usurpateur, toujours l’usurpée. » – Lagertha Lothbrok
23. « C’est toujours une force de connaître les faiblesses de ses amis. » – Siggy Haraldson
24. « Tous les chemins mènent au trône. » – Ragnar Lothbrok
25. « Les mauvaises nouvelles voyagent beaucoup plus lentement que les bonnes nouvelles. » – Thorvard
26. « On m’a dit que votre dieu est charpentier. Et devinez quoi ? Moi aussi, je le suis. » – Floki
27. « La vie n’est pas une promenade à travers un champ ouvert. » – Siggy Haraldson
28. « Tu ne pourrais pas me tuer si tu essayais pendant cent ans. » – Lagertha Lothbrok
29. « Nous avons perdu plus de connaissances que jamais.» – king Ecbert
30. « La vérité peut être un mauvais choix pour un homme sage. » – Lagertha Lothbrok
31. « La seule façon de savoir si quelque chose est réel, c’est d’y naviguer. » – Bjorn Lothbrok
32. « Toute ma vie, et toutes vos vies, en sont arrivées à ce point. Il n’y a nulle part ailleurs qu’ici. Nulle part ailleurs pour vivre ou mourir, mais ici. Etre ici maintenant est la seule chose qui compte. Rassemblez» -vous, rassemblez toute votre force et toute votre douceur en une boule de fer. Car nous attaquerons encore et encore. Jusqu’à ce que nous atteignons et vaincre leur roi, ou nous mourons dans la tentative ! » – Rollo.
33. « Dans mon esprit, j’aurais aimé ne jamais avoir quitté la ferme » – Ragnar Lothbrok
34. « Regarde ce que tu m’as fait devenir. » – Judith
35. « La possession est le contraire de l’amour. » – Harbard
36. « Un Viking n’abandonne jamais sa vengeance. C’est ce que nous sommes. » – Erlendur
37. « Tant que mon frère est vivant, il n’est pas vaincu. Rollo.
38. « J’essaie de vivre comme les dieux. Je rejette tout de ce monde…. L’honneur et la gloire, l’amour de soi» -même, même la honte. Je ne me soucie que de la volonté des dieux. Ce n’est qu’alors que tout peut passer dans le monde, que les voix des dieux peuvent être entendues. Et puis leur esprit habite en moi, et je sens la capacité de guérir et de prophétie. Et prendre les péchés du monde…. Sur moi» -même. » – Harbard
39. « Quand Balder, le fils bien» -aimé d’Odin est mort, non seulement les gens pleuraient….mais le feu pleurait….Et le fer, et tous les autres métaux pleuraient….Les pierres pleuraient….La terre pleurait….Adieu, voyageur….Adieu, mon cœur….Adieu….Adieu…. pour l’instant. » – Floki
40. « Ma mère m’a dit qu’un jour j’achèterais, Galley avec de bonnes rames, Sail to distant shores, Stand up high in the prow, Noble barque que je dirige. Cap sur le port, quelques hommes d’avant, beaucoup d’hommes d’avant, beaucoup d’hommes d’avant »» – Halfdan & Harald
Source: https://www.chillcity.fr/citations-vikings/
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i12bent · 4 years
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Halfdan Rasmussen (January 29, 1915 - 2002) was a Danish poet who is mainly known in Denmark for his rhymes for children, for instance in an ABC book from 1967 which was included in the official Danish Canon for Children’s Culture.
Rasmussen was a leftist activist and part of the Danish Resistance during WWII. After the war he became active in a number of causes, including the movement for nuclear disarmament and Amnesty International.
In his work for children, Rasmussen used terms for people of color that are now seen as derogatory and harmful, but which 70 years ago were everyday expressions. As a result Danish publishers have whitewashed some of his works - which probably isn’t the smartest way of dealing with unconscious racism.
Here is his own take on his poetry and its readers:
Jeg skriver sjove digte, - I write funny poems
jeg skriver osse triste - and some I write are sad
de første læser andre folk - the first are read by people
selv læser jeg de sidste. - and the latter just by me.
He also wrote this stanza:
Vi er een familie. - We are all one family.
Børn af samme jord. - Children of the same earth.
Sov, min sorte søster! - Sleep, black sister, dear!
Sov, min gule bror! - Sleep, my yellow brother!
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Titel: Ben i alle retninger Forfatter: Trine May Forlag: Høst Udgivelsesår: 2017  Sideantal: 157
Resumé: Trine May har skrevet en bog om moderne børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Her har hun hovedsagligt haft fokus på fem tendenser, hun ser i børne- og ungdomslitteraturen i dag. De fem tendenser kalder hun for: Kort og godt, Så blev det hverdag igen! -Realismens renæssance, Bøger med billeder -Multimodalitet som virkemiddel, Sproget som legeplads og Når bogen bliver en ting. Forinden alt dette har May givet en introduktion til emnet, samt baggrundshistorie. Her nævnes The Big Five, som er fem danske værker (alle skrevet i 1967), der har været med til at flytte den danske børne- og ungdomslitteratur derhen, hvor vi er i dag. Her nævnes Lille Virgil (Ole Lund Kirkegaard), Silas og den sorte hoppe (Cecilie Bødker), Halfdans ABC (Halfdan Rasmussen), Cykelmyggen Egon (Flemming Quist) og Snøvsen og Eigil og katten i sækken (Benny Andersen). Bogen består af en gennemgang af de fem tendenser og giver en masse gode introduktion er til, og analyser af, nyere værker. Til sidst nævnes sammenhængen mellem de fem tendenser; det kompetente barn, og dette hænger sammen med The Big Five.Afslutningsvis skriver May om hvordan man kan arbejde med litteraturen i praksis.
Refleksionstanker: Bogen giver et godt indblik i, hvordan man arbejde med forskellige bøger og dermed kategorisere dem. Bogen giver læseren utroligt meget kendskab til de forskellige tendenser der opstilles, og samtidig gives der god stilladsering i forhold til hvilke bøger, der passer til de forskellige tendenser, og hvorfor de passer ind. Til sidst giver May også læseren god mulighed for at sætte sig ind i forskellige brugbare strategier, når det gælder læsning. Dette giver læseren ideér til, hvordan man senere kan arbejde med netop læsning i folkeskolen.
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roxanatesting · 7 years
@inaclau: RT @BrianMikkelsenC: På vej ud med Mærsk på Halfdan Bravo. Godt vi lavede nordsøaftalen som sikrede en masse arbejdspladser 👍#dkpol https://t.co/YPmr2VG6hH
from http://twitter.com/inaclau via IFTTT
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aeseloere · 7 years
Halfdan 2 - Englen, af Daniel Zimakoff & Ida-Marie Rendtorff
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Det er kærlighed ved første blik, da Halfdan ser Laura. Hun står der i Parken og ligner en engel. Hvordan skal han blive kærester med hende? Dylan har heldigvis et par ideer. Men det der med kærligheden er ikke det letteste i verden. Laura er ikke lige sådan at vinde. Halfdan må have hjælp fra både Oda, morfar, der er genfødt som papegøje. Og så skal han bruge en hund. 
Vinder Halfdan Lauras hjerte? Det synes jeg du selv skal finde ud af i bog nummer 2 om Halfdan. 
Daniel Zimakoff & Ida-Marie Rendtorff har skrevet en skøn bog om den første forelskelse. Den glemmer man aldrig - forelskelsen. Halfdan glemmer man heller ikke lige. Han er det vi voksne kalder en god dreng. Ham kan vi lide. Sød, fantasifuld og helt sig selv. Det her er mit første møde med ham - men bestemt ikke det sidste. Jeg skal straks have fat i den første bog om Halfdan - Halfdan 1 - Den ondelyneme. 
Bogen er illustreret i farver af Peter Bay Alexandersen. Illustrationerne understøtter teksten på den fineste måde. 
Halfdan 2 - Englen, skrevet af Daniel Zimkoff og Ida-Marie Rendtorff. Illustreret af Peter Bay Alexandersen. Gyldendal, 2017. 96 sider
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alicedopey · 6 years
A Birthday Encounter 
A Birthday Visit
A Stormy Birthday
Third Birthday’s A Charm
One Last Wish
Heartless : Chapter I - Chapter II - Chapter III -
Chapter IV - Chapter V - Chapter VI  - Chapter VII
Vampire Charming
New Year’s Eve at the Office
A Gift for Daddy: Chapter I
A Birthday Visit
In the Hands of the Gods
A Royal Night
Gratulerer med dagen
In Bed with the King (Drabble) 🆕
Playing with little devils: Chapter I   Chapter II
The more, the better
A Royal Night
Jealous, You Say ?
The Wallflower : Part I
Childhood Memory
Unrated Truth or Dare: Chapter I - Chapter II
A matter of belongings
Some Ivar TLC
Mine: Part I
Dreams, Dreams, Dreams
The Northern Princess
Leah x Embry
New Year’s Kiss
Harry Potter
The Enslaved Witch
Chris Evans Characters
Lloyd Hansen
The Wound Licker
500 Followers Drabble Celebration (Vikings, Harry Potter, Good Girls)
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