#[ halfdan ] ── * closet
amicusastra · 7 months
[ halfdan ] ── * vis
[ halfdan ] ── * ic
[ halfdan ] ── * msg
[ halfdan ] ── * hc
[ halfdan ] ── * study
[ halfdan ] ── * closet
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * vis
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * ic
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * msg
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * hc
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * study
[ kaeya alberich ] ── * closet
0 notes
hecohansen31 · 4 years
Little Lady Of Mine
Halfdan+Transgender! Reader (Modern AU)
(A/N): Hey lovelies,
HUGE DISCLAIMER: I am not personally a transgender person so I just wanted to say that if you find this in any way offensive, I am ready to delete this, just know that I had this idea and I felt like it was perfect for this period.
I also wanted to tell you that if you have any suggestion to write better transgender characters, just let me know, since I have just started and I low key hope that this won’t suck, but please DO LET ME KNOW WHAT I CAN DO TO BECOME BETTER!
I also wanted to say thank you to @volvaaslaug​ (who probably hates me by now, because I am constantly bothering them) because they gave me some interesting suggestions and even suggested a lovely web series that I absolutely suggest to you as well! (Her Story)
This being said: I really hope you’ll like it!
WARNINGS: Mention of Transphobia and Depression, Transphobic Insults, Being Outed, Fear of Relationships and Comments.
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You had loved Vesterfold since the first time you had moved there.
You had a nice job, although it wasn’t the best you could do it did pay the rent and you were also able to put aside a bit of money for the operation.
You had also developed a few friendships, although no one in the new circle of friends you had created around you knew about your ‘little secret’, because in the end it had been barely a month since you had transferred in the northern city, with the excuse of your new work at the bar.
And certainly, the climate was much more open than your closeted city, full of the narrow-minded people you had been running away from.
And then there was Halfdan.
He was the brother of the owner of the bar you worked in, and many times you had met him trying to run away from everyone, gaining a few free cocktail on the way, something he did not only because he owned partly the establishment but also because you found him inevitably cute, so you couldn’t deny him his daily glass of bourbon.
Although it was 9 a.m. in the morning.
He had a mix of dark biker vibes, with his pretty gelled blond hair and his leather jacket always on him, but you feel a softer aura that got you quite enamored with his shy personality.
You’d sometimes talk together, although your secrecy and his shyness made it difficult to have anything deeper than small talk when you were together, and you had caught him looking at you a few times, meanwhile you were serving drinks and you had noticed a few knowing smirks from his foreign friend, Bjorn.
He had been the one that had tried to set you and Halfdan up, although you always pushed it back, because boyfriends and lovers were something that you tried to swear off.
It was all a mess when things like this happened, you knew it all too well.
There were people who fetishized ‘your condition’ and there were others who would have found it sexy till it was brought out in the world, and then they were the firsts that threw stick and stones at you.
No matter the fact that behind closed door they enjoyed the thought of you.
So, you had been avoiding Bjorn’s attempt to set you up, joking that you ‘couldn’t just date your boss’, but when Halfdan had been the one marching to you to ask you out, your mind had gone blank and you hadn’t had any idea of what to say and what excuse to use and in the end on Friday night you were left choosing a dress and cursing yourself and your mind.
Why had you accepted it, when you knew that this couldn’t go further up than a small date?
It would have simply left you to torture yourself about the thought of a relationship with Halfdan.
You knew all too well that sadly, men like him, didn’t like women ‘like you’.
It would just make you fall again in the deep pit of sadness your life had been before you decided to move away.
But you had tried to push away all the overthinking you had done in these days, to try to appear relaxed at the date, in a small restaurant that Halfdan had suggested since it was the best in the city.
He had been a perfect gentleman, offering to come and pick you up and pushing your chair behind you as you sit down and complimenting on the dress you had chosen, a completely enamored look in his eyes, as he said it, making you smirk softly and hid your face in the menu.
“… are you… are you liking it in Vesterfold?” he had asked, hiding his own blushing face behind a menu, although he looked to know it by heart, as he suggested where you could find the freshest meals and the greasiest ones “… sorry if I am awful at this, I just… I haven’t had a date… in… in actually centuries”.
You had giggled softly, as you reassured him, gently putting down the defense of your menu.
“… don’t worry, I am in the same situation” you had commented, meanwhile he dropped for the surprise his own menu.
“With an angelic face like that? I doubt it” he had replied, with a truly surprised look, as you giggled louder “… Gosh, honestly what is a pretty girl like you doing in a shit place like my brother’s club?”.
“… just running away from responsibilities” you had commented lowly, with a sad smile.
“… aren’t we all?” Halfdan’s smile had matched your own “… but let me tell you (Y/N): I am glad that in your run, you walked in that bar”.
“… flatterer” you had been simply able to reply, even more when Halfdan looked at you with that smirk that made you feel all liquid inside.
Strangely dinner had been comfortable, since Halfdan seemed not only to be an amazing listener but also he seemed to understand what arguments could be deepened and which you didn’t like talking about, easing you up in giving him a little information, without needing to straight up lie to his face.
He had also insisted to pay the bill, telling you again with that small smirk that if ‘you desperately wanted to pay the bill, you would have done so next time you went out’.
Today he had been the one to ask you out, hence it was only fair he paid.
Next time you would have invited him outside and you’d have paid the bill.
A clear invite for one more date, something to which you weren’t exactly against, even more when the entire date had kept itself purely chaste.
Although as you both went out, his hand fell by his side, right next to yours, and slowly and slowly it came closer and closer to yours, till you decided to damn yourself gripping it.
He reacted with a blush that shone even in that dark night, which instead made you smirk, although you were again surprised by the tall man when he gently draped his leather jacket on you, noticing that you were shivering.
‘It won’t take too long to reach the car I swear’ he promised you sweetly and this time he was bolder, pushing you closer to him ‘… is this alright?’.
‘I am already feeling warmer’ you joked with a knowing smirk sent to him and right when you were reaching the parking lot, you saw a familiar silhouette and a breath choked in your mouth.
You moved closer to Halfdan, who didn’t notice it, meanwhile he searched in his pockets for the key.
You tried to put a bit of space between you and the known face, although it wasn’t possible anymore as he came to your side to open the door.
You hoped that for once your luck would work in your favor.
But it didn’t and suddenly the man was in front of you, turning to you who faced Halfdan, having finally fished out the keys from his pocket, and now he was ready to unlock the car, but then it was too late.
“Look who is here” the man commented arrogantly, and you were faced with Edgard, an old friend of your times in high school, when you hadn’t started the hormonal therapy, but you had already started transitioning, mostly in secret through some more feminine clothes and a bit of make-up you’d wipe off before coming back from school “… the freak”.
A shadow appeared on your face as you felt Halfdan still behind you, and he lightly pushed you back, coming face to face with Edgard, a third of his muscles weight but with no brain or sense of self-preservation.
“… you look incredibly real, also… the surgeon you paid must have been very very good” he continued commenting, as Halfdan grabbed the front of his shirt.
“Listen dude, you are ruining our night, I don’t know if you understand it… but we’d prefer to be left alone” he commented, lightly raising the man a bit “… fuck off”.
“Oh man, didn’t she tell you?” Edgard continued on goading him on, as you tried to have Halfdan back off “… or should I say did he…? Do you still have your cock? You are probably screwing old guys to get it removed, aren’t you?”.
Now a rather horrified shrink left your mouth at the truth being out, hurting you in every conceivable way.
But what truly got you was the way Halfdan’s whole body stilled and before you knew it, you had run away, not truly knowing where to go.
Just. Needing. To. Get. Away.
You had felt this way for your entire life, your high school life being completely hell for people like Edgard, who couldn’t simply accept that there was a reality that was different from the boring one he had lived in his whole life.
That people like you weren’t freak.
But were simply… people.
You could already see what would happen.
Halfdan would undoubtedly talk with his brother about this and by next week you’d be fired.
Probably Halfdan wouldn’t spread the word around, because he was afraid of having fallen for such a ‘trap’ but you would have lost the chance to go out with him again, after the lovely night you had been having.
Gosh… you fucking knew it.
You had gone through it so many times.
You were running right outside the parking lot, when an hand gripped tight your arm, and you were reeled back, right when a car appeared in front of you, almost running you over, hadn’t you been brought back by your own personal angel.
Which turned out to be a red-cheeked Halfdan.
“… please don’t run” he commented breathing heavily “… I am an old man, and you’ll give me a stroke”.
You were surprised that he hadn’t already tried insulting you, but maybe he did need to catch on his breath.
“That fucktard, by the way, I took care of it” a bloodthirsty grin appeared on his face “… I am sorry you had to go through that, it wasn’t certainly a planned idea for my date night”.
An awkward silence appeared between you two.
You didn’t know whether you should have just faked nothing happened and just let Halfdan bring yourself or confront him about what Edgard said.
In the end you just felt like you had to at least tell him you didn’t fuck old men for a living.
“… it wasn’t true what he said” you commented through your teeth, nervously “… about the older men, I wouldn’t date you for money or…”.
“That’s good, because Harald is the rich brother” he commented with a light laugh, as he reached out for your hand softly “… ok that wasn’t… nice of me, but… believe me I know that you aren’t faking it… I had the time of my life on this date and might I be so presumptuous to say that you did too?”.
You choked on air, again, nervous and unsure, as Halfdan blushed lightly letting you choose the pace of this relationship.
And it had never happened to you.
And it scared you.
“… but about the other thing… I…” you choked on a sad smile, meanwhile Halfdan patiently waited for you, lowering his gaze to make you feel less pressure on yourself “… I am a woman but…I am not… I am not operated, so I understand it… if you aren’t comfortable…”.
You didn’t know why you blurted it out, but usually with most people that was a dealbreaker, because it made you stick between two states and it made people uncomfortable, because they couldn’t put their noisy tags on you.
But if there was one thing you knew by now, it was that it wasn’t your fault.
You couldn’t change your thoughts and body to appease them.
But you still understood why Halfdan might not want to continue a relationship with you.
“… it is ok, if you want to end things here, I wouldn’t expect you…”.
“Listen… “ he commented, as he softly, moved you closer to him, trying to calm his body, to make himself appear less threatening and you couldn’t help but relax under those attentive moves “… it doesn’t change anything”.
“… seriously?” you weren’t used to people being so calm about it.
“Seriously” he breathed out “… you are the pretty girl I have had a crush on since the first moment you started working, which might make me pass off as the creeper…”.
You shut up Halfdan with a quick kiss to your lips, so fast that although you did effectively shut him up, it almost didn’t seem to happen and you laughed a bit at Halfdan’s ridiculous kiss face, as he slowly came back from it, blabbering something about ‘you definitely thinking that he was a creeper now’.
“… nobody had ever… been as gentle as you with me” you commented “… that is why I am… nervous”.
“I am sorry you had to go through that” he replied “… I mean… it is human decency to treat you like anybody else”.
“… not everybody has had the decency of that” you muttered, as Halfdan gently brought you closer, enveloping you in a soft hug, as he felt you completely shattering against him, but he simply smiled at you continuing his mission to reassure you.
You didn’t know if an entire day passed or an hour, what you knew was that Halfdan gave you all the time, making sure that you were comfortable once you were back in the car, even making a bit of fun with you to try to bring you a smile on his face.
‘Gosh people will think that this has been an awesome date if they see you cry’ he had tried to humor you, and your hand shot over his, as it stood on the gear shift, which made him turn around to you.
“… it was an awesome date” you confirmed it to him, as you gently moved in for another quick kiss, gaining a totally enamored look from Halfdan, who peppered a few more kisses on your lips.
And to think that you had worn lip-gloss because you were sure that there wouldn’t be any kisses.
Meanwhile he kissed you, he asked you, where he didn’t have to touch you and where he could.
He tried to avoid questions, letting you speak in case you wanted to, wanting to make you feel comfortable, although sometimes he’d interrupt you with a question, always trying to word it carefully but not as if you were a glass doll, but more like he wanted to give you all his respect.
Your eventually started a long conversation, meanwhile Halfdan held you comfortably, which was interrupted by Harald’s call, since he was worried his brother wasn’t home and you could hear a very distinct ‘please tell me that you didn’t get kidnapped and instead got laid’ which made you and Halfdan blush.
The man quickly shushed his brother with the promise of being home in a few minutes, after he dropped you off.
The rest of the ride was spent in silence, this time a comfortable silence lulling you in a peaceful mood, as your hands were joined together on the gear shift-
“… thank you for the lovely night” you commented once you were home and Halfdan insisted to escort you to the threshold of your apartment, as if he expected Edgard to appear again and attack you, although… from his slightly bruised knuckles you wouldn’t have to worry about any transphobe coming at you, soon “… if you haven’t changed your mind, we could do it again”.
“It’s more like… if you haven’t changed your mind…”.
“Don’t sell yourself short” you joked, with a laugh that made Halfdan kiss you.
And he did kiss you, on your lips, softly and gently.
“… goodnight, little lady of mine”.
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Wow! I had a crazy day but I am so grateful for being able to help others- helped a coworker get back to her car, she had already spent over $20 for a Lyft to work, I wasn't going to let her do it again for more to get to the auto shop, especially when her auto shop and house are 15mins down the road from mine and my last client had to reschedule last min for next week. Thankful and grateful for my awesome husband who already worked 100hrs in 11 days of the payperiod and was forced to take today and tomorrow off, but instead of taking a break got the laundry room and hall closet cleaned out and organized and broke down the old futon and took it to the dump! He even got Jj to do the organizing and cleaning I've been trying to get him to do for 3 weeks! So grateful for the animals finally getting along more and Halfdan deciding to become a real part of the family!
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laketaj24 · 7 years
Admiration Pt 2
Request: “ Modern AU, For Ivar and an OC of your choosing: 15. I think we can both fit. - @captstefanbrandt
A/N:This was requested from my 300 Followers Prompt List! I have about three more from there and Valentines Day Prompts left!  @captstefanbrandt I hope you’re okay with it not being  Modern AU! I’m sorry I had started writing and then looked up and saw that you wanted Modern! 
Admiration Part 1
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Alana and Ivar never spoke in Kattegat. They only exchanged looks and sneaky smiles that went unnoticed by anyone else. She didn’t know what to say to him after it all. Alana wanted to say everything to him, how that wasn’t how she wanted her first time to be or how she didn’t want to lose their oddly different friendship, but he never came close enough to her to say it.
He sat next to his mother in the great hall, teasing his mother and brothers as usual. She sat one table away talking with Floki and Helga about the upcoming raids planned with Bjorn. He almost had all of his boats ready.
“I hear the streets are made of gold.” Helga smiled pouring you some ale.
“Nonsense.” Floki giggled. “Will you come with us Alana? I think this will fair well as your first raid. It will be something new for your young eyes to see.”
“I will think about it.” Alana wouldn’t though. The farm would need protecting, while her father traveled with the warriors.
Ivar waves Alana over to her the table once his mother leaves. She sifts through the crowd sitting next to him. “Why have you been ignoring me, Alana?”
“Because I don’t know what to say to you.” She sips her mead giving Hvitserk a small nod and Ubbe as well. “Did you want something Prince Ivar?”
“To go about Kattegat with you tonight.” He said leaning in to her. “I would like to show you something.”
“There is not a place in Kattegat I have not seen.”
“It is a simple yes or no answer Alana.”
“Yes.” She doesn’t hesitate to whisper back to him.
“Then we should go.” He climbs down from his chair crawling through people. And no one seems to notice or care about him slithering about. She follows him through the streets of the city into a small shack. “There is about to be a be a meeting between some important people here. I would like to listen.”
“If we are caught?”
“Who cares, I am a prince.”
“And I…”
“Are the princes friend. Shut up.” Ivar opens a small door to the adjacent closet. “I think we can both fit.” He says sneakily waving her into the small room. She sits beside him, and he removes a small wooden tile from a small peep whole. “We have to be quiet.”
“I wasn’t planning on talking.”
“I wasn’t either.” He says as he pulls her on top of him. His hands pull at the corset and he leans into her kissing her softly. His kisses weren’t rushed or forced. They gently showered her lips and neck and she didn’t protest. Alana ran her hands through his short hair. She was happy that they didn’t need words because even though it had been only once she missed him. Those slick conversations and snide remarks. He untied his pants and lifted her dress. “My brothers are feigning over this slave and I cannot see what they desire in her.” He pauses. “Not when there is someone ass beautiful as you available.” He doesn’t prepare her for his assault as he pushes her down on him and it’s not needed for she is smooth to push into, thanks to her anticipation.
The main room door opens, and Harald enters with his brother. “What are plans during this raid?” Halfdan says.
Her eyes widen as Ivar continues to push into her. His angle is perfect with each stroke. He smiles at her nodding his head for her not to make a sound. Alana tries to lift off of him and he pulls her closer to him. “Bite me if you have to, but I don’t intend on stopping.” He warns.
She buries her face in his shoulder controlling her pants while he pushes into her over and over again causing her whole body to melt above him.
“I think that Ubbe is suspicious of us.” Harald adds.
“And that younger one is well aware of everything.” Halfdan slides a chair out and sits down. “He can’t do much though, given his state.”
Ivar stops shooting his eyes at Halfdan, His chest shutters in anger. Alana snaps his head back to her and smiles. She rocks on top of him loving the way his thick dick filled her. She shook her head peppering kisses all over him.
“Never under estimate ones who look weak.” Harald adds.
“He’s a cripple. He can’t even walk.” Halfdan half chuckles.
“I am telling you that one is the one we should fear most. He has more Ragnar in him than any.”
“We shall see, huh brother?” They leave the room lowing out the one candle.
Alana hadn’t cared to hear what either man had said. She continued to ride him with his hands holding her for support. Her body shakes on top of his in small orgasms and she rest her head in the nape of his neck. “Ivar.” She whispers. “Come back to me.”
“I will.” He mouths lifting her up. He ties her corset back up and gives her one more kiss. “They will miss us at the Hall.”
“What is wrong?” She says. “Was I not what you wanted?”
“You’re everything that I wanted.”
“Then why are you sitting here…” She nods her head. “They called you a cripple.” She said sitting next to him.
“I don’t care.” He spat. But his eyes told a different story as they watered to the brim.
Alana shook her head disappointingly. “You shouldn’t be worried with what they say. You are so strong Ivar. So what, yes you are crippled. And that makes you a better man than any of your other brothers, even those who have went to battle. You’ve been in a battle your whole life. It’s why I admire you. I want your resilience and strength and your heart.”
Ivar nods his head wiping the trail of tears from his face. “Tell no one of this okay?”
“Have I ever?”
“No.” He gave her another quick kiss. “Come on. My brother is already teasing me about you.”
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percontaion-points · 3 years
Ghost in the Blood chapters 7 & 8
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 7
Caina left as fast as she dared.
Chapter 7 summary: The next night, Caina goes back to Agria's house. Ducas complains about the entire thing, and Halfdan has to remind the man that they're ghosts, and that this isn't some bratty daughter of a jewel merchant.
Caina sneaks inside, and decides to search the house's ledgers. However, the only thing she finds in them is a house of cards propping up Agria's lifestyle. She next checks the basement, and thinks for a moment that she's uncovered it, but only just finds the remains of slaves having been kept in there, but they're gone now.
She goes up to the bedroom, and finds a thing similar to what she saw on Icaraeus. Just as she's looking around some more, the door opens and Agria's brother-in-law, Hiram, comes in. Caina hides under the bed, and wonders what he's looking for. After about half an hour of searching, he leaves.
Caina has just enough time to get out from under the bed before the door starts to open again. Caina hides in the closet this time. Agria comes in with one of her guards, and it doesn't take Caina long to figure out that Agria turned the man into a puppet. As the two of them start to go at it on the bed, Caina sneaks from the room and runs out from there.
Chapter 8
The girl in the gray dress watched in silence, the silver comb glittering in her hair.
Chapter 8 summary: Caina returns to the others, but only finds Radast. They talk for a long time. He tells her that his father sold him to the military after he “grew tired” of his son. Radast wasn't physically fit, but he was smart, which was how he got into locksmithing. Caina also shares a heavily edited version of her backstory.
Radast takes Caina to the window and asks what she sees. She describes the various buildings, but agrees that there's no people out, but says that it's after midnight. Radast tells her that he usually counts people when he's stuck on a problem, and he knows the exact number of children who pass by on any given day. However, the past week, literally zero children passed by. He goes on to say that there used to be a lot of beggars, but now there are no more. He begs Caina to take his concerns seriously, because not even Jiri will listen to him.
They go downstairs, where Caina tells them what happened at Agria's house. Ducas is more hung up over Caina's voyeurism than the fact that Agria is using magic to turn people into her sex puppets. The others are quick to point out that Agria's abilities are worrying, and wonder how she learned them. And about her bad debt.
They talk about how Agria could have smuggled 30-40 slaves out from her basement so easily without notice, but everybody else is quick to point out the dozens or so ways it could have been done.
They also talk about getting close to two other widows in Agria's inner circle. Ducas talks about seducing one or the other, but Halfdan simply seeks to get an invite into their homes.
Caina, Halfdan, and Ark return to the inn. Caina has more nightmares.
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lordavanti · 7 years
Christmas drabble II
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Marco Ilso x Reader
Requested by: @float-autumn-leave and anon Request: Meeting up with his family and Marco buying you a puppy to keep you company when he is filming vikings. Words: 1650
Taglist: @itharley @inthenameofodin @dani-si @missbrightlyred @burningsunshin3 @zombie-zayde @nothingbuthappydays @ivarbarnes @supervalcsi @kolvanismirk @sweetvengeancee @mysticsthinking @odins-missing-eye @laketaj24 @mcuimxgine @tiredofthisgeneration @fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @manuugxlvis @akamaiden @happys-crazy-queen22 @oddsnendsfanfics @deaffeinatedeaglefart 
You were nervous looking to the three dresses on your bed. Christmas eve never meant so much to you as it did now and you were a little scared of how it all would go. When you looked through the mirror hanging on the closet you noticed Marco standing in the doorway, watching you. You turned around, smiling quickly. ‘Are you nervous?’ He asked you with a relaxed smile. ‘Yes a little. It’s the first time I’m gonna meet your parents and brothers. What if they don’t like me?’ He started laughing on those last words, grabbing you around your waist to pull you against him. ‘What would they not like about you? You are sweet, gorgeous, friendly,’ he felt silence as your cheeks turned a little red. ‘and you make me happy.’ He shrugged, looking you into your eyes. You breathed in, nodding softly before looking back to the bed and your dresses. ‘Wear what you feel comfortable in.’ He said, kissing your temple before letting you go to make himself further ready. You choose your favorite dress, your hair loose because you felt less naked in some way? If that made even sense. Your hands felt almost sweaty when Marco parked his car before a big house. The Christmas lights sparkled at the roof and through the window you could see a major Christmas tree standing. ‘They will like you.’ Marco said, squeezing your knee. He leaned over and you closed your eyes on his soft kiss, smiling insecure when he pulled back. ‘Come on.’ He stepped out of the car, walking around it to help you out. It would be a white Christmas, on these heels it wasn’t easy to walk over to the door that almost immediately flew open. You knew Marco and his  family were always together on Christmas evening, you kind on feeling like an intruder in their family night. The woman that stood in the doorway smiled widely to the both of you. ‘Marco.’ She greeted her son with a kiss on his cheek. ‘Mom, this is Y/n.’ He introduced you. The woman turned to you with a loving smile. ‘Y/n, we heard so much already of you, come in dear. You can call me Else.’ She said with an inviting arm wave. ‘Thanks for having me.’ You said softly. ‘We are all eager to get to know the girl who stole Marco’s heart.’ She winked. You threw Marco a fast look and he folded his hand around yours, leading you after his mother to a big warm living room where the other members of his family were. ‘There he is!’ One of his brothers said loudly, already a bottle of beer in his hand. The other whistled between his teeth, sending you a big smile. ‘Son.’ His father greeted him with a firm shoulder pet before turning to you. ‘This has to be Y/n.’ He guessed with an inviting smile. You looked aside to Marco before nodding and biting your lip a little. ‘Thank you for having me.’ ‘Pleasure is all ours.’ His father immediately reacted, greeting you with a kiss on your cheek. ‘Finn and this are my two others sons Ken and Nick.’ His father introduced the family. ‘She is way prettier than you described her Marco.’ His eldest brother winked taunting before greeting you in the same way as their father did, with a kiss. You felt your cheek turn lightly red on all the attention, luckily Marco never lost your hand in the progress. His mother walked in with a plate of filled glasses and gestured everybody to take a seat. Marco his brothers pulled him loose from you talking secretly against one another while laughing. ‘Y/n, we woman need to stick together in this group of men.’ His mother winked while offering you a glass of champagne. ‘Thank you.’ You smiled, taking it over. She came to sit aside you and in a way you felt completely reassured by this. ‘You are totally not in the film business right?’ She asked. You rested the glass on your knee while shaking your head. ‘No, I’m still studying.’ ‘Isn’t it lonely? I know with Vikings Marco isn’t much around.’ She guessed. You looked aside to Marco who was still talking with his brothers. ‘I have books to keep me company.’ You winked while shaking your head. You both felt silent when Marco sunk down on the other side of you, taking over the glass his mother was offering him. ‘Y/n, we are dying to ask you,’ one of his brothers asked. You looked aside to Marco who rolled his eyes, already knowing. ‘is Marco a good boy?’ Ken asked serious. You started laughing on the question, looking aside to Marco who laid his hand on your knee, stroking your skin softly. You looked at him a little longer before nodding and turning your eyes back to Ken. ‘He is, very good behaving.’ You nodded again. ‘No secrets we have to know about him?’ Nick asked. This was funny, here you were thinking they would interrogate you. ‘No, nothing major, or,’ you looked aside to Marco who was watching you. ‘nothing I know about at least.’ You followed with slightly squeezed eyes. Marco chuckled and shook his head. ‘No secrets.’ He promised. His mother was glancing at the both of you, with that wide admiring smile on your lips that you felt your cheek turning red all over again. ‘A toast,’ his father began, holding out his glass. You stretched your arm to and listened to his father. ‘on a amazing evening, amazing days with love and joy. May all your wishes come true. What an amazing family I have.’ He said, giving you a nod like you now were part of it. ‘Skol.’ ‘Skol.’ Everybody repeated with a chuckle. You nipped from the glass. Marco laid his arm on the back of the couch and you sat back, leaning a little against his chest, his fingertips resting on your bare shoulder. You looked aside to him and he smiled, bringing his head closer for a short peck on your lips before the both of you turned back to the subjects of the conversation. It was the most amazing evening, way after midnight when you got home and in bed. You hardly remembered Marco getting in bed beside you, it was until you didn’t felt his warmth again that you woke up, groaning a little on the loss of it. ‘I’m gonna get us breakfast.’ He whispered into your ear. ‘Do we need breakfast?’ You yawned. ‘Put the Christmas sweater on.’ He followed. That forced your eyes open and turning around to look at him. He had a red Christmas sweater on and you started laughing at it. ‘What, don’t I look cute?’ He asked with a warm smile. ‘You look always cute but yes,’ you felt silence as he pushed his head closer and kissed you tenderly. You softly moaned, wrapping your arm around his neck. ‘I’m gonna get breakfast.’ He whispered against your lips. You kissed him quickly before releasing him. ‘Come back quickly.’ ‘Put the sweater on.’ He pointed to the bathroom before he left with that joyful smile. You squeezed your eyes together a little, finding him to be to cheerful.  You let it go, dragged yourself out of the bed into the shower and into that Christmas sweater. It was a cozy one. Given you weren’t going out until tonight you decide to stay in a sweatpants and that sweater. Your hair in a messy bunny you were preparing coffee. An hour it took him before you heard the door open. ‘Where did you get your breakfast? In China?’ You shouted. He didn’t answer and you looked up only to see him standing there, with a big puppy in his arms. ‘What are you doing with a puppy in your arms?’ You asked while slowly walking over to him. The puppy wore the same Christmas sweater as you and Marco did, a fluffy blond golden retriever puppy. ‘Surprise.’ He said. The puppy started fighting as you came closer and Marco handed it over to you. ‘Marco.’ You whispered as the puppy started licking your face, you laughed, petting it over his head. ‘I thought, given I’m so much away for filming you at least should have something to keep you company in the meantime.’ He explained. Your eyes started watering as you looked back to up. ‘You bought me a puppy?’ You asked still in shock. The little one in your arms started protesting and you put him down on the ground, he immediately started sniffing around. ‘To soon for kids so,’ he winked and you shook your head, not knowing what to say. You cupped his face and brought your head closer. ‘I love you, you know that right? If you do things like this again I won’t be able to wait for a house and kids.’ You smiled, completely in love. He brought his hands together on your back and hugged you tight. ‘Merry Christmas Y/n.’ He smiled before kissing you. You enjoyed it until you heard the puppy stumbling around and you looked away from Marco to the golden retriever running around. ‘I’m totally gonna name him Hvitserk.’ ‘For real?’ Marco asked. ‘Hvitsy, isn’t that super cute?’ You asked, crouching down. The golden retriever ran over to you and you chuckled, petting him already completely in love. ‘I have nothing for the little guy.’ ‘I bought everything, it’s in the car.’ ‘Did you bought breakfast?’ You asked, looking up with a smile. He chuckled, nodding before crouching down aside you to pet the puppy to. ‘He is so adorable.’ Marco noticed. ‘Not so adorable as you. Thank you Marco, you are amazing.’ You breathed out. He kissed your head and went to get everything for the puppy. He bought you a puppy, best Christmas present ever.
Other Christmas Drabbles: Hvitserk // Ubbe // Halfdan
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Negative To Positive Part 2
The last part to Negative to Positive. I hope you all enjoyed it. I really like writing this story.
Happy Reading Dollies.
Four months later. "Halfdan we have to go, she's in labor". You hurried to the closet to get the bags. "I'm coming , I'm coming". He came through the hall, with a shoe in his mouth, trying to get his jacket on. "Take your time, I think she can wait for you to get ready with out a accident". You giggled at your husband. "You think this is funny"? He muffled through the shoe. "Yeah, if I had a video camera, I could show this to our child". "This happen the day you were born, your father acting silly". Halfdan chuckled. "Okay I'm ready, lets go get our baby". He grabbed the bags from you and kissed you temple. Waiting in the waiting room was nerve racking. You had butterflies in your stomach. Not getting much sleep the night before, was not a good idea. Halfdan and you sat up the whole night blushing and talking about the baby. Thats all everyone could talk about. "Y/N, you okay"? Halfdan asked handing you a coffee. "Yeah, just sleepy and excited". You smiled. "Me too, I can't believe this is really happening". "I know, it feels like yesterday we started dating". "We been through alot together". Halfdan took your hand in his. "We have, I couldnt ask for a better husband to journey through this with". You said as you sniffled back the tears. You laid your head on his shoulder, slowly drifting to sleep. "Am I to late"? Harald asked Halfdan. "No, she's still in labor". "She's out of it". Harald nodded to Y/N. "Yeah, we stayed up late, not knowing when the baby will come". He shrugged. "You both need your rest, cause for at least eightteen years you get no sleep". Harald and Halfdan laughed, trying to not to disturb you. "Halfdan tell your brother to keep quit". You said droggy. "Sorry babe, shut up Harald". Halfdan said playfully. Harald chuckled. "Nows not the time to sleep, you have a baby coming". "I know, I feel like I could vomit". "Its the nerves". Halfdan and Harald said together. "I'm going to the bathroom and getting a soda, y'all want anything"? You asked as you got up. "No I'm good". Harald waved off, Halfdan shook his head no. As you walked down the hall a rush of nausea hit you. "Oh Gods". You busted through the door to the bathroom and spewing in the toilet. Holding your hair back, you threw up again. Wiping your mouth off, you flushed the toilet and stood there thinking. You were late, but it could be from all the stress. So you went to the gift shop and got a pregnancy test, to be sure. It felt like it took for ever for the thing to take.  Two bright little pink lines showed up. A huge smile came to your face. Knowing it was possible for you to carry a child. You stuck the text in your back pocket. Wanting to tell Halfdan after everything settles down. "Y/N you okay"? "Yeah couldnt be happier, we're having a baby". "I know, the nurse said she was pushing now". "She's pushing, oh my God". "This is really happening, like really". You hugged Halfdan. Harald saw the test as you hugged Halfdan, he secretly smiled to himself. "Mr and Mrs. Black"? The nurse came in. "Yes thats us". "Congratulations, its a boy". Halfdan and Harald celebrated as you wrapped your hand around your stomach. Halfdan came and kissed your lips, his hand wondering down your back side. He picked at the test. "Whats this"? "It has two pink lines". "Y/N"? "I'm pregnant". You blurted out. "What, how". He said dumb founded. "I guess it happen when we wasnt trying and all the focus was on the baby coming". "I've been feeling sick but everyone said it was nerves so I figured it was too". "I'm going to have two babies at home"? He stood there shocked. "Yes". "Are you happy"? "I'm so happy, I couldnt ask for more". "This is what we wanted, and we have received". "Two babies". Harald gasped. "Two". Halfdan mouthed to him as he hugged you. "Mr. and Mrs. Black would you like to meet your son"? She handed you the baby. He was so cute and small. He had blond hair, little chubby cheeks with a little birth mark on his arm. "Halfdan he's beautiful". "He's our son". A tear fell from Halfdans eye. Harald was looking over your shoulder, crying. "What will he be called"? "Journey". You looked at Halfdan. "I like it, it tells him that it was a very long journey for him to get here and that he is very special to us". "Hello Journey, I'm your mom and this strong man over here is you dad". "We love you and cant wait to start this life together with you". "You are very loved by your family and we can't wait to show you the world". Halfdan softly spoke as Journey smiled. "We did good". Halfdan kissed your head.
Eight months later. "Journey, meet your little sister". Halfdan held Journey close to you as you held the new baby. Journey poked at his little sister, she stirred around and Journey smiled. "I think he likes her". "I think so too, I hope they have a great bond when they get older". You laid your head on the pillow as you looked at your family. "They will, Harald and I can teach them about bonding". He chuckled. "Oh Gods, I can see it, them running around trying to kill something with a stick". You and Halfdan laughed. "I'll leave that part out, I promise". "Good, I don't need another pair of you two". Giggling you couldn't stop smiling, the Gods have gave Halfdan and you the best things in life. Journey was the most wanted thing, he came at the perfect time. You were starting to give up on the whole baby life. but knowing that you had this much love you would have done it sooner. Meadow was a very grateful surprise, they both were. She thought you that you were able to get pregnant and are able to bring more of Halfdans and your children in the world, it just takes time, patience, forgetting about the stress and dont try to hard cause everything you want will come. You wouldnt trade your family for anything in the word.
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