#vikings actor fic
viking-raider · 10 months
A Christmas Miracle🎄
Summary: You and Henry are celebrating Christmas with family, while expecting your first child together.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 5.9k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Soft!Henry, Fluff, Kal, Papa Bear!Henry, Domestic Bliss, Christmas Decorating, Pregnancy Stuff, Cotton Candy Fluff, Loving Marriage, Christmas Fluff
Inspiration: This story ties into my Easter story, The Golden Egg.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLISTand turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
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“Babe!” Henry gasped, as he came into the living room, nearly tossing the steaming cup of tea in his hand, upon discovering you.
You were standing on the two-step high stool, to sprinkle golden tinsel on the fragrant and robust branches of an eight foot Fraser Fir that stood proudly in the corner of the living room. You chuckled, shaking your head at your husband, but didn't look back at him, as you picked a bit of tinsel off one of the emerald branches, having adorned the needles with too much of the sparkling, thin strands.
“You shouldn't be up there, love!” He scolded you, setting the tea he had made you on the coffee table as he rounded it and the couch, to come towards you, resting his hands on your hips. “I told you, I would help you decorate the tree, once I was done with your tea.”
“I know you did, Hen.” You answered, sighing softly, finally looking down at him and seeing the wrinkle of worry between his brow. It hadn't smoothed since the Brit found out you were pregnant with his child on Easter, nearly nine months before. “But I'm also capable of doing it myself.” You reminded him, resting a hand on his shoulder and giving his neck a gentle squeeze.
“I'm pregnant, not invalid.”
Henry sighed softly, leaning forward to press a tender kiss to your round and pronounced belly. “I know you're capable, sweetheart.” He assured you, looking up at you with an affection in his blue eyes that always melted your heart. “I just don't want you to get hurt. Especially with you so close to the due date.” He said, helping you step down off the stool. “Just sit down and enjoy your tea. Then, we'll tag team the tree together.” He told you, putting an excited smile on his face.
“All right.” You conceded, settling down on the couch and took up your tea, cupping the mug between your hands and letting the heat seep into your palms, before finally taking a sip.
“Your parents will be here in a couple days.” Henry commented, squatting beside a box of Christmas decorations neither of you had opened up yet. “My parents made up their guest house in preparation for their arrival.” He told you, peeking into the box.
Halfway into your pregnancy, Henry had taken time off from acting and the two of you decided to leave your secluded London home for the coziness of Henry's home island of Jersey. Buying a nice, beach front property, three streets and a five-minute walk from his parents' place, with the intent on having your baby boy born in Saint Helier. You loved being on the little Channel Island, sitting on the back patio or taking walks on the beach, breathing in the soothing sea air, which helped your morning sickness a good deal.
The only downside was your family was far out of reach of you, having to fly into Jersey to visit and check-in on you. Your parents wanted to be on hand when you finally had their third grand-baby, so Henry footed the bill to bring them out and his parents were amazing enough to host them while they were here.
“That's great.” You smiled, flexing your sore and swollen feet, watching him pull out ornaments, garland and other little tree decorations. “I can't wait to see them again.” You commented, not having seen them since your fourth month, just before you and Henry left for Jersey. “I'm sure my mom will bring more knitted items.” You chuckled, glancing over your shoulder to the soft, butter-yellow blanket your mother had knitted a couple months ago.
“I would be shocked, if she didn't!” Henry laughed back, his broad shoulders shaking as he stood. “What garland do you want on the tree?” He asked, holding up a strand of colorful beads and another of red and white, twisted ribbons.
You hummed, pressing your lips together and studied your tree, eyes narrowing slightly, scrutinizing the colors on its branches. “I think the ribbon would work best with it.” You finally settled, nodding content with your choice.
“All right then.” He nodded back, putting the other garland aside. “Ah, nope!” He tisked, when you set your tea down and started the mini struggle of standing up. “You put the tinsel on the tree, it's my turn to put the garland on. You relax.”
“Fair enough.” You sighed softly, picking your tea back up and rested against the couch cushions, just in time for Kal to jump up beside you. “Well, hello there, sweet boy.” You cooed at him, reaching out to give him good scratches between the ears and around the neck. “Have you come to make sure I stay put?” You quipped, the Akita resting his head in your lap.
“I did no such thing!” Henry called over his shoulder, carefully tucking the garland into the branches.
“Sure, love. Sure.” You chuckled at him, though Henry's protectiveness at times could be a little overbearing, you knew he did it out of love and first-time father worries. “He's paying you in treats and promises of all the good turkey, ham and brisket bits he plans on cooking for Christmas dinner.” You accused, lifting a brow at the unphased Akita, before wincing and pressing a palm to the side of your belly.
“You all right?” Henry asked, catching a glimpse from his peripheral, pausing a moment.
“Yeah, your son just kicks like a Fly-Half.” You answered, chuckling halfheartedly. “If he keeps these strong legs, he'll for sure make the England team.” You said, trying to ease the look of suspicion on Henry's face, that it was the baby kicking, and your own, that the pain was something more than a false contraction.
“You missed a branch there, Bubs.” You commented, drawing Henry's attention away from the subjection, motioning with your steaming black, Nightmare Before Christmas cup.
“Mm.” He grunted, narrowing his eyes at you, but turned to fuss over it.
You took a deep breath, rubbing the globe of your stomach, hoping to soothe any would-be pains. Thankfully, you didn't have any more throughout the morning, helping Henry put up the ornaments and other little hanging knick knacks on the tree. Something Henry was comfortable with you doing, since you kept your feet on the hardwood, safely beside him.
“I want to do a little plaster imprint of his hand and foot, to hang up on the tree for next year.” You commented suddenly, gently holding a little needlepoint ornament you'd made. It was a silhouette of Henry and you, with Kal between you, the year above your heads. You had made one every year since the first Christmas the three of you had spent together. “Should make a new needlepoint too.” You added even softer.
Henry glanced down at you, a fond and nostalgic light in his blue orbs. “I think that would be a lovely idea, babe.” He smiled, warmed at the idea. “I like the idea of making and expanding our little traditions.”
“I should have given myself a baby bump in this one.” You joked, carefully adding the stitched ornament on a branch, accompanied with the others around it. “So much for accuracy.”
“It looks perfect, my love.” He assured you, kissing your hair. “Now, let's turn the lights on and see how this thing looks!” He proclaimed, shuffling around the tree and plugged in the two strings of lights skillfully wrapped around the tree.
You stood back to get a good look at the Fir, just as the tiny, cool and warm-white LED, diamond facet bulbs flickered on. Making many of the ornaments glitter and twinkle. It brought a great feeling of delight bubbling up inside of you, tugging on your exhausted and hormonal raged body, until tears spilled over.
“Sweetheart.” Henry cooed, pouting at you sweetly, as he closed his arms around your shoulders, hugging you as closely as your belly would allow.
“It looks beautiful.” You mumbled into his chest, fingers gripping at the sides of his shirt.
He smiled, nosing the hair at the top of your head and rubbing your back with one hand. “It is, dear, and so are you.”
“I'm also starving.” You blurted out, breaking the melancholy mood.
“Butter chicken or pepperoni and feta pizza?”
“Oh god, you know me too well at this point.” You giggled, licking your lips. “But, the butter chicken.”
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You sat up in bed, Kal resting between your legs, with his head laying on your belly, as you read your latest book on your Kindle. While Henry was downstairs doing some work on the new Warhammer minis he ordered as a way to keep himself occupied, when he wasn't taking care of you.
“Oh.” You gasped, feeling a sudden, sharp pain. “Gosh, did we disagree on the butter chicken, Bean?” You groaned, pressing your palm to the side of your stomach; Kal lifting his to sniff at your belly as another pain caused you to cramp. “It's all right, Bud. Your brother is just being a little difficult.” You sighed, setting your e-reader on your nightstand and lumbered out of bed, before heading downstairs.
“Hey, love.” Henry smiled, looking up from the Ultramarine mini in his hand. “I thought you were going to bed.”
“I was trying to, but your son doesn't agree with dinner.” You explained to him, looking over his progress on his Warhammer army. “Can you do your trick?” You asked, lulling your head to the side and giving him a cute look.
Henry chuckled, setting his mini down. “My trick.” He smirked, standing up and moving behind you. “Any reason to cuddle.” He teased, reaching around to cup both hands beneath your stomach and leaned you both backwards, taking the weight of your belly as he did.
“Mmm.” You hummed, eyes falling shut, while you let your head rest against Henry's chest. “It feels so good.” You sighed, resting your hands on his.
Henry cradling your baby bump had become a god send throughout your third trimester. Taking the weight of your healthy and active baby boy off your lower back and hips. However in your earlier trimesters, the two of you learned it helped relieve your heartburn and whenever your little one got a bit too restless.
You liked to think it was the baby reacting to Henry's touch.
It was calm for a long, few moments, just you and Henry, slowly swaying side to side, the baby calm. But again, your stomach spasmed and you whimpered, making it clear to Henry, you were indeed having some sort of contractions.
“How long has this been going on?” He asked, eyes wide and brows pinched.
“Since this morning.” You confessed finally, taking slow, deep breaths.
“Why didn't you tell me?” He demanded, startled and worried.
“I didn't have any through the afternoon.” You assured him, patting his hands. “I figured it was just false. But, I'm starting to think otherwise, with how much that one hurts.”
“We should probably go to the hospital.” Henry fret, starting away from you, but you turned and caught his elbow.
“Henry.” You said in a soft, soothing voice. “You remember what the OB said?” You tried reminding him. “Four-One-One.”
“Four minutes apart, a minute long, lasting an hour.” He recited, having listened to your OB, and read numerous baby and expecting parent books.
You had taken a couple of parenting classes as well. Until people started posting photos of you on social media, annoying you and causing Henry to be even more of a papa bear. So, you'd found an online, private class to do in the comfort of your living room.
“Not one has lasted a minute, been four minutes apart or lasted an hour.” You assured him, dropping your hand to his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “If they're the real deal, I'm in the early stages and going to the hospital now will only incur hours and hours of waiting. Which we'll be doing here anyway.”
“What if something happens?”
“Nothing is going to happen, you worry-wart.” You chuckled at him, shaking your head. “Come to bed with us.” You cooed, pushing up on your toes, kissing his bearded cheek and brushing your fingers through the curls above his ear.
“You'll tell me.” Henry insisted as he followed you upstairs to the master bedroom.
“Of course, I'll tell you, Henry.” You assured him. “Then, I'll tell Kal.” You quipped, trying to lighten the mood and get him to smile.
But he didn't smile, his mind preoccupied with making sure everything was ready, should you wake him up and tell him your contractions were growing close together.
Did I get the car seat in the Audi correctly? Where did I put the hospital bag? In this closet or the coat closet downstairs? Everything's in it she and the baby needs, right?
Perhaps I should just go down and get it, to make sure. What about the nursery? Thank God, I finished the crib last month!
Do we need more diapers? Are they the right size? What if--
“Henry!” You called out, when he didn't answer you, a far off and growing alarm look in his cerulean eyes, startling him out of his worried trance. “Everything is all right.” You said slowly, holding his gaze steadily. “We have everything we need. Everything the baby needs. If we don't, that's perfectly fine. Your parents and mine have offered their help, should it arise. As have your brothers.”
“I don't know how you're so calm.” He sighed, shaking his head and dropping down on his side of the bed.
You laughed, smirking. “I'm not calm. But there's no use for us both freaking out, especially at the same time. Besides, when I freak out, I have you to pull me back together, the least I can do is return the favor, when you start to lose it.” You told him, maneuvering yourself back under the covers.
“What's a spouse for?”
“You're right.” Henry nodded, turning the light out and resting against the headboard beside you. “One of the many reasons I love you, and married you.” He said, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
Snuggling down, your back pressed against Henry's chest with his hand ever present on your belly, you tried to focus on falling asleep.
“You know.” Henry commented, half-asleep himself. “I sort of miss when you were in your first and second trimesters.”
“Oh?” You mumbled back, with interest.
“Yeah, you were always jumping my bones.” He laughed, shaking the bed with his mirth. “Well, until the end of your second trimester, when your belly got too big to do anything other than waddle and ride my cock.”
You were instantly awake again at his words. A huge smile of hot guilt and embarrassment on your face, that you hid in your pillow. It was true! The first stages of your pregnancy had made you quite frisky towards Henry. Sometimes so much so, he hadn't recovered from the last time you'd had sex and would need to pleasure you in other ways to bring your arousal down. Not that the man complained about it! But a couple weeks into your third trimester, the raging inferno of your passions cooled off. Even beyond what they were before you were expecting. You were just too tired and sore, uncomfortable, and just ready to give birth, to think of such things. But again, Henry didn't complain. You were grateful for that, because you felt bad that your mood didn't match his, at the moment.
Having seen the look of concupiscent on his face more than once, as the two of you showered together, went to bed or woke in the mornings. But you just didn't have it in you, and he took it with grace and understanding acceptance, not pressuring you or making you feel like a bad partner, for not reciprocating.
The two of you calmed down and allowed each other to finally fall asleep.
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“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Henry asked, the next morning as the two of you finished breakfast.
“I feel all right, Bubs. Only a few pains here and there.” You answered, polishing off your usual cup of chamomile tea, something that had been a staple throughout your pregnancy, to battle your morning sickness and heartburn. “Excited to make cookies with your mum.”
Henry smiled across the table at you. “Good. I bet all these sugary smells are going to drive you and wee man nutty.”
It was a Cavill family tradition to get together, before Christmas, and make cookies for the big family dinner party, as well as to give out as tokens to friends and neighbors. It was also considered quite the honor among the Cavill brothers' wives to have Marianne ask to join her in the massive production. Since she didn't ask just anyone to help her; having a couple secret family recipes to protect in the process. But Marianne had asked, surprisingly and much to Henry's pride, you to help her, at your and Henry's first Christmas. Something that made one or two of Henry's sisters-in-law jealous, especially since the two of you were new and still dating, and one of them had never been asked.
Even to this day.
“Our mouths are already watering for your mother's chocolate chip, mocha cookies.” You confessed; it was one of the many things you looked forward to for Christmas. Marianne's chocolate chip, mocha flavored cookies were something you'd start a fight over, as were her chocolate covered, Oreo truffles with peppermint bark crumble on top. “Oh god.” You moaned, stuffing the last bit of bland, buttered toast into your mouth; Henry laughing at you.
“I'm going to roast up another heritage turkey this year.” He commented, finishing his coffee, then helped clear the breakfast table. “Everyone seemed to love it last year.”
“That's fine with me.” You answered, loading the soap dispenser and starting the dishwasher. “I have one small request.”
“You could make an enormous request, love!” Henry snorted, taking a protein shake out of the fridge.
“I want yams with roasted marshmallows on top.” You told him, confidently. “To myself.”
“To yourself?” He echoed, a smirk on his lips. “How big is the dish?”
“A small one is fine. I just don't want to share it.” You confessed your craving to him.
Letting out a laugh and nodding, Henry shrugged. “All right then. I'll make sure you have your roasted marshmallow covered yams, and I'll have Kal guard them.”
“Excellent.” You nodded back, then looked at your watch. “We should get going. Your mother asked us to get there before ten.” You informed him, heading for the front door and eased yourself down on a small bench that was there.
Henry joined you, squatting down to grab your shoes from underneath the bench and slipped them on your feet, tying them securely, since your prominently belly prevented you from reaching your feet to put on your shoes. Let alone tie them. Your shoes on and helping you back up, Henry got his own shoes on, but paused as he opened the door for you and Kal. He glanced back at the hall closet. Biting his lip, he hurried over and grabbed the baby bag from inside, then dashed after you, putting the bag in the back as he got behind the wheel.
“Just in case.” He answered your lifted brow.
“Fair, I suppose.” You shrugged, unable to argue with his logic.
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“How are you holding up, my love?” Henry asked, peeking into the kitchen, before shuffling over to you, sure his mother wouldn't shoo him out.
“My cookie restraint thinned dramatically after the second batch.” You confessed, looking around at all the Santa's, snowmen, candy canes and snowflakes that were either waiting to go into the oven or cooling. “However, your mum apparently anticipated this. Making me batch yesterday, so I could nibble on them, while we made these.”
Henry grinned, touched at his mother's thoughtfulness. “That was sweet of her.” He cooed, brushing the back of his fingers over your cheek. “Have you had any more pains?” He asked, his brows pinching slightly, worried.
“Nothing concerning.” You told him, closing your hand around his wrist. “You know I'd come get you.” You tried assuring him, giving him a soft smile. “Or your mum would, should my water break.” You giggled, a smile turning into a smirk.
“That's not funny, babe.” Henry snapped softly, eyes big.
You pressed your lips together, guilty, before pushing up on your bare toes, having taken off your shoes for the long standing in the kitchen, to press your lips against Henry's. “I'm sorry, Puppy.” You mumbled against them, before reaching around him, grabbing a finished Snowman, presenting it to his mouth in place of your own. “I baked and decorated this one myself.” You grinned at him, a glitter of pride in your eyes.
“Oh, did you?” He cooed, opening his mouth to admit the round biscuit of white icing, adorned with two black chocolate pearls for eyes and smaller black sugar pearls for a mouth. It had a carrot nose, made of orange icing and the upper crown of the biscuit was covered in purple, blue and white hundreds and thousands, then outlined with silvery snowflake-shaped sprinkles.
Taking the biscuit from you, Henry nibbled on it, already knowing it would be delicious, since you had made it with his family's age-old recipe. “You know.” He mumbled around his mouthful. “I can't wait to share these with our little guy.” He said, smirking down at the bake, before glancing around the kitchen.
“Well, technically, I've already done that.” You giggle, running your hand over the globe of your belly.
Henry snorted loudly, his smirk growing. “You have me there, my love.” He replied, finishing his treat off, reaching out to lay his hand on your stomach as he saw the moments of your son shift, pressing either an elbow or knee out. “Still trips me out to see him move inside of you.” He commented, feeling something around nudge against his palm.
“You should feel it from this end.” You huffed, making a face at the kicks as he tumbled about, prodding a heel into your ribs and a shoulder into your slowly screaming bladder. “Poor bud is running out of space in there.” You cooed, moving your hand to cup the underside of your stomach.
“That he is.” He agreed, leaning down to press a kiss to your belly. “But, soon he'll be out here with us.”
“Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill.”
A cold chill washed down Henry's back, making the little hairs on his neck stand up as he straightened. “Mum.” He squeaked, looking at her over your shoulder.
“You know the rules of setting foot in my kitchen, while we bake.” Marianne scolded her second youngest.
“I do.” He nodded, biting his lip as he half smirked at her. “I was just checking up on her and our little one.” He explained, motioning to you.
Marianne's gaze shifted, her soft and kind blue eyes looking you over. She had noticed the few contractions you'd experience while helping her bake, and had sharpened her eye on you even more. Everyone in the family had a side eye on you it seemed, with your due date so nearby, like they were concerned you would pop like a water balloon.
“I'm fine.” You sighed softly, offering her a reassuring smile.
“Then, you can pop out of our kitchen.” Marianne said, cocking a brow at her son.
You chuckled, loving the nonchalance she had. “We'll see you later, my dear.” You cooed at him, kissing the corner of his mouth, tasting the sugar on his lips and inciting a need for another cookie from your stash. “Off you go.” You giggled, patting him on the chest and set your eyes on your task.
Henry looked at his mother with a pointed look, gesturing towards you, to which Marianne answered with a roll of her eyes and picked up a sheet of cookies needing to go into the oven.
“My back is to you, Henry, not my senses.” You shot over your shoulder, cutting out more cookies from the dough.
“Christ alive, our son has his work cut out for him.” He chuckled, winking at you as he turned to leave and rejoin his brothers and dad in the living room.
You looked over at Marianne and laughed, your mother-in-law joining in, the two of you amused he didn't realize you'd seen her roll her eyes.
“That boy.” Marianne chuckled, shaking her head as she moved to stand beside you, helping portion out the raw dough.
“He's freaked out.” You commented, gently laying a Santa on the sheet.
“Understandably.” She answered, wielding the snowflake cutter with skill. “The first baby is always the most stressful, and Henry's wanted to be a father for a very long time.”
“I know he has.” You nodded, feeling your stomach lightly bump the edge of the counter. “I'm happy and excited for our little one.” You told her, wadding up the scrap dough, then picked up a rolling pin. “I'm definitely ready not to be pregnant anymore.” You snorted, smiling faintly.
“And your worries?” Marianne asked, tilting her head at you, without pausing her work.
You drew in a slow, deep breath. “I'm worried about the labor. I'm terrified about whether or not I'll make a good parent.” You confessed to her, letting your breath out. “I know Henry will, he's incredible with kids. I love watching him with his younger fans, with his nieces and nephews.” You gush, grinning at the flashes of memories. “Seeing him hold Ellie, when we first met her--” You shook your head, a bubble of emotions overwhelming you for a moment, til you cleared your throat.
“You'll be a great mother.” Marianne reassured you, running her hand up and down your back. “You have nothing to worry about there. You'll have me and your mum to help you, as well as Heather and all the other girls.”
“I know.” You nodded, resting your shoulder against hers. “And I appreciate it, with all my heart.”
“Why don't you go upstairs, to Henry's old room, and rest for a bit?” She suggested to you. “I can finish the cookies with Heather.”
“Are you sure?” You frowned, glancing around the organized chaos of the kitchen.
“Yes.” She nodded, resting her hands on your shoulders and turning you away from the counter. “You and my grandson need all the rest you can get.” She directed you towards the entry of the kitchen. “Soon, you won't have it.”
Henry saw his mum guiding you and instantly jumped up from the couch, where he sat beside his brother Simon. “Are you all right, honey?” He cooed, his handsome face pinching.
“She's fine, Henry.” Marianne replied, looking up at him. “She just needs to rest a bit. Take her upstairs.”
“All right.” He nodded, taking your arm and showed you upstairs to the bedroom that was his as a kid. “Can I get you anything? Some water, maybe.” He asked, helping you lay back on the made, full-size bed.
“I'm all right, Puppy.” You sighed, rubbing your face.
“What's wrong, honey?” He asked, pulling up a chair from the desk in his room and sat down in front of you.
“Nothing's wrong.” You replied, sighing, flexing your plump toes as Henry grasped your foot in his hands. “I'm just tired and sore.” You told him, closing your eyes as you let out a soft moan, feeling Henry's thumbs work your arch.
“I got the Dad Talk from my dad and brothers.” He chuckled, gently touching the tip of your toes, each painted a cute red color, that he had done himself about a week before.
He had started giving you little at home, medi-pedis to treat you to something nice. Though, it had taken him a couple tries to get painting your nails down. Admitting it wasn't as simple as painting his Warhammer Minis, like he'd thought.
You giggled back, smirking. “Did they?” You hummed, letting your eyes fall shut. “Any good advice?”
“Um, Simon said that I should explain my job to him as soon as we think he can understand it.” Henry recalled, biting his lip with an amused smirk pulling across his mouth. “So, we don't have another Thomas Incident on our hands.”
“My dad's Sherlock Holmes!” You replied, laughing aloud. “Or god-knows who else!”
“Exactly.” He nodded, amused by it too. “My dad suggested, should we have any more kids, to have girls, that way it doesn't continue on the Cavill boy madness, like dead arms and throwing each other off the couch.”
“I would like, at least, one girl, anyway.” You told him, laying your hand on your stomach, feeling your son shift and kick again, wincing as he did.
“Same.” He smirked, as excited as he was for a son, he had wanted a girl too. “Maybe the next one.”
“Mmm.” You hummed back, falling silent and drifting slightly.
Taking the hint, Henry rested your legs in his lap and leaned back, closing his own eyes to rest. Both of you were exhausted from the months of preparation for the baby, all the worrying about if you would be good parents and protecting your son against the world of social media and paparazzi. But the pair of you had only laid there for twenty or so minutes, before you jerked at a sharp pain, inadvertently kicking Henry in the stomach as you did.
Henry gasped and groaned at the blow, doubling over. “Babe?” He rasped, frowning across at you, finding you half sitting up, hand cupping the underside of your stomach with a look of shocked horror on your face. “What's wron—oh shit!” He snapped, seeing the wet patch seeping through your leggings and onto the duvet on the bed.
“Was that--”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded, gulping thickly.
“It's okay, all right.” He nodded, running both hands through his curls. “Up we go.” He said, holding his shaking hands out to you, pulling you up and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Broke your water on my childhood bed.” He commented offhandedly, letting out a nervous chuckle.
“It is where we had our first kiss.” You added, lifting a brow at him. “Why not this too!”
“Mum!” Henry called out as you reached the bottom of the stairs. “We have to go.” He said as Marianne rounded the corner from the living room. “Someone's water broke.”
“Oh gosh!” She exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “Go hurry!” She shooed the two of you towards the door, before spinning on her feet. “Code blue everybody!” She shouted at the family gathered in the living room, snapping them into gear, sending brothers and in-laws scrambling everywhere.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Henry asked as he helped you buckle your seatbelt.
“Like I just peed myself.” You snorted, clutching your belly. “Henry.” You cooed at him, watching him make jerky movements but not move from your side. “Hen!” You called, reaching out to grab his shoulder, giving him a gentle shake.
“Huh?” He whimpered, blinking a few times.
“My shoes are still in the house.” You informed him, offering your sweet partner a smile.
“Oh right!” He nodded, kissing your hand and backing away to close your door, then raced back inside, running into a gaggle of his family fighting to put on shoes and coats. “Excuse me, pardon me!” He barked, diving into the huddle, scrabbling for your shoes.
“Henry!” Nik shouted after him.
“I forgot her shoes!” Henry yelled over his shoulder, pelting back to the car. “Got them!” He smiled, sliding home into the driver's seat and dropping them onto the center console. “I'll put them on you, when we get to the hospital.” He told you, starting the car and pulling away from the curb, while ordering Alexa to map the route to Jersey General Hospital, the very hospital where he and his brothers had been born.
“Speed limit, Cavill!” You reminded him, frowning.
“He's not going to pop out right now!!”
“He could!
“Between the two of us, Hank, I'm damn sure he's not!” You snapped back, through a contraction. “Deep b-breaths! ” You wheezed, through the pain.
“Relax your shoulders, don't clench your jaw, take a deep breath in....and let it out!” Henry reciting your Douala and doing the technique with you. “Amazing, baby doll. I'm so proud of you.”
“Jesus Christ on a motorbike.” You sighed as the pain faded. “We're waiting at least three years before we have our daughter.” You panted over at him.
“Yes, ma'am.” Henry laughed, holding his hand out to you. “Whatever you want.”
“I know what we should name him.” You said, softly.
“Oh?” He replied, pulling into the hospital parking lot. “What?”
You looked over at him, your expression soft. “I want to name him, Charlie.” You told him, biting the corner of your lip, you'd put a lot of consideration into it over your pregnancy. “We wouldn't have met, if your brother didn't nag you to come talk to me at that club.”
Biting his lip, a heart shaped lump thumping in his throat. “You're right.” He whispered; voice raw.
Charlie had prodded him for an hour, while supplying him with shots of liquid courage, to finally cross the club you both were in. You were with your friends, blowing off steam after a long work week, and Henry, Charlie and two other friends of Henry's were just hanging out, since he was in town and not working on any projects.
He never forgot the look on your friends' faces as he approached your table, recognizing him, melting into the dark leather of your corner booth and mumbling to each other with hungry, googly eyes. But you, while surprised a celeb was approaching you, hadn't fawned over him, like they did. You'd kept your cool, with jittery insides. Henry politely acknowledged everyone at the table, but his blue eyes were set on you. He asked, trying to have a persona of cool and calm, if he could get you a drink, noting on the way over, yours was empty, and with relief, you'd said yes. So, you dislodged yourself from your friends and followed him to the bar. Striking up a conversation with him, that moved to an empty table, after getting your drinks and lasted until the announcement the club was closing, at two am.
Neither of you had wanted to move apart, but it was late and you both knew it. So, you exchanged numbers and texted while you got yourselves home, then fell asleep. Making the promise to have a proper dinner the next day.
All of which snowballed to this moment. Sitting in the car at the hospital, married and staring at each other between contractions, discussing the name you wanted for your first born, for your son.
“It's perfect.” He nodded, reaching out to cup your cheek. “I could ask for nothing more for Christmas, than you and our son, for Charlie.” He choked up, leaning across to kiss you deeply.
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@winter2112rose / @littlefreya / @kemillyfreitas / @thereisa8ella / @courtlynwriter / @starfirewildheart / @beck07990 / @goldenirishpotato / @pipsqueakkitten
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rookthorne · 10 months
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The 12 days of Christmas have never looked so good, and I am here to spoil us with the best miniature advent calendar in the form of my Bucky's!
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֎ Biker!Bucky Barnes — Brotherhood & Bullets ֎ Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes + Bodyguard!Winter Soldier — Staya Volkov ֎ Farmer!Bucky Barnes — Peaches 'n Cream Ranch ֎ Incubus!Bucky Barnes — Depths of Pleasure ֎ Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes — Sturdy Roots, Strong Hearts ֎ Mafia!Bucky Barnes — His Empire, Her Rules ֎ Artist!Bucky Barnes — The Queen's Masterpiece ֎ Mechanic!Bucky Barnes — His Girls ֎ Nurse!Bucky Barnes — A Hero ֎ Alpha!Mafia!Bucky Barnes — Ruling Instinct ֎ Paramedic!Bucky Barnes — Lights, Sirens and Sincerity ֎ Personal Trainer!Bucky Barnes — Progress, Not Perfection ֎ Pornstar!Bucky Barnes — Purity ֎ Scare Actor!Bucky Barnes — The Hunt ֎ Viking!Bucky Barnes — The Skógr
֎ Firemen!Stucky — Built Differently ֎ Tattoo Artist!Stucky — Garden of Ink
— The EVENT PLAYLIST can be found HERE. — The AO3 SERIES can be found HERE.
I would like to extend a massive thank you to @smutconnoisseur for helping me come up with prompts for this, and to @sebstanwhore for brainstorming for hours and hours with me!
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𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── 𝐊𝐄𝐘 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
— 𝐀  = angst — 𝐖  = whump — 𝐈 = sick fic — 𝐃  = dark — 𝐃² = dead dove — 𝐏 = poly — 𝐊 = kid fic — 𝐅  = fluff — 𝐒  = smut
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🌟 𝐓𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐬
─── Bodyguard!Bucky x F!Reader x Bodyguard!Winter Soldier ── 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
A trip downtown and into a haven for Christmas was meant to be a fun, uneventful day out — a chance to refresh your decorations and introduce James to the festive spirit. A low key and calm trip into the chaos. Only, Bucky had other ideas, and there was nothing that would get in the way of his dastardly deed.
🎄 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬
─── Tattoo Artist!Stucky x Florist!F!Reader ── 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
The reveal of Bucky and Steve’s plans for the day took you by surprise, but you would only let shock and awe hold you for so long in its clutches. A job needed doing, and for damn sure were you going to do it with a flourish.
✨ 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬
─── Incubus!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
There weren’t many things that could surprise your Incubus — aeons old, with the wit and wisdom to match, but when it came to Christmas, it turned out the sex demon himself was a virgin in celebrating the festive season, before you.
🎁 𝐀 𝐏𝐚𝐰 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥
─── Lumberjack!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
A girl’s day out with Koda takes a surprising turn, and you were left with more questions than answers with Bucky’s strange, mysterious behaviour.
🎀 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬
─── Mechanic!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
To turn the Grinches into Reindeer, you needed to work hard to win them all over — some were easier than others, but with your own Santa on your side, it made it all the easier.
🧸 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐬
─── Nurse!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Christmas shopping was a dangerous mistake, Bucky realised, and all he could do was hope that in the end, he could rein you in, and you wouldn’t go home with the whole entire store. 
— 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩
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✨ 𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞
─── Farmer!Husband!Bucky x Wife!F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
You knew very well that your husband was up to something ever since he woke up before the crack of dawn to sneak out of the bedroom, but he wasn’t alone — there were two trouble makers in on the mischief.
🎅🏻 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐚
─── Firemen!Stucky x F!Reader ── 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
A day at the station reveals more truth than you could have ever imagined — not in the presence of your boys and little ones, or how they were so gentle with the young ones in their joy for festivities.
🦌 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
─── Lumberjack!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
You were expecting it to be an ordinary day; prepare for the festivities with Koda and Sarge by your side, begging for treats and whatever else they set their eyes on. But what you did not expect, was to do so, with two reindeers in tow.
🌟 𝐃𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
─── Mafia!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Opulence was so readily and freely available to you in your lifestyle, and you had your love to thank for that. Of course, that meant you were going to find him the most dashing present, and spend a fortune on it, whether he liked the pop of colour, or not.
🎀 𝐎𝐡, 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥
─── Alpha!Mafia!Bucky x Omega!F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
The love that Bucky and you shared was unparalleled, unlike anything you had ever felt before. It was a joy to witness and be a part of the tender side of the otherwise ruthless and effective Mafia King. And on that day, it was no different — playing your cherished role had never been so fulfilling.
🎁 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫
─── Pornstar!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Christmas was a time for gifts and giving; of sharing with those you loved with all of your heart. Bucky was one of the lucky ones, and you had the most perfect gift for him.
🕯 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚
─── Scare Actor!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
The festive additions to Bucky’s Soldat costume had been a genius idea, you only had to work out the best way to bribe your boyfriend to go along with it, first. 
— 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩
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🌟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞
─── Biker!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Miracles and surprises were never in short supply around Christmas, you had learned that during the last Christmas you spent with Bucky and the club; your own family. But, what if something came along, uprooting your certainty, and presenting all of the questions you were beyond nervous to find the answers for? You knew one thing was for certain, though. Your heart, while full of love and adoration for the man you called your own, maybe, just maybe, had room for another special someone. 
🍪 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐲 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐧
─── Farmer!Husband!Bucky x Wife!F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Bucky knew well enough that your venture to the Christmas market would not leave him unscathed, but still, as your loving husband, he trailed behind you loyally and almost complaint free — until you sprang a surprise on him.
🕯 𝐓𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞
─── Tattoo Artist!Stucky x Florist!F!Reader ── 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
There was never, ever a dull moment when it came to the pair of troublemakers you had involved yourself with, and your Christmas market stall was not immune, either.
🎁 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠
─── Artist!Bucky x Mafia!F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
To test the patience of a lioness; a predator that watched over a pup, it was to toy with danger. You would flash your teeth in warning, but the real threat lurked in the shadows behind you, and there was no way he would let harm befall all that you held dear.
— 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩
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🌟 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
─── Bodyguard!Bucky x F!Reader x Bodyguard!Winter Soldier ── 𝐀 + 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Decorating the tree was a tradition you were determined to bring into their home, and you were just as stubborn as they were to make it stick. But when night fell, that all washed away, leaving room for the love that one of them needed to make it through the silent night.
🎀 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲
─── Tattoo Artist!Stucky x Florist!F!Reader ── 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
The holiday season was in full swing, and you were keen to make a head start for the coming days — each bouquet wouldn’t make itself, nor would the orders be filled if you stayed where it was warm and cosy.  What you didn’t expect in your shop before the crack of dawn, however, was two men intent on sprucing up the space.
🕯 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥, 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥
─── Incubus!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
It was not the first time you had made a deal with a devil, but at least, on this occasion, you could watch the way his eyes darkened, or how his tail swished in the air; perfectly in beat with the hammering of your heart. The night only just started, but you were determined to get all you could from this unorthodox agreement.
✨ 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝
─── Lumberjack!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Christmas in the snow was something you adored about the festive season, and spending it with the ones you loved, both human and animal, would make it all the better. But Bucky had a surprise up his sleeve for you; the cards of his mischievous ways held close to his chest until the moment was right.
❤️ 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬
─── Mechanic!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 + 𝐒 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
The distractions of festivities irked Bucky like no other, especially when you were standing there as though you weren’t the woman of his dreams, innocently decorating the living room and the Christmas tree within it.  You weren’t to know just how far he would push and prod, not until it was too late.
🎅🏻 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬
─── Nurse!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Organically, a hospital was a place where gloom spread faster than a wildfire — it was hard to picture the environment as joyful and festive.  Until you appeared, Christmas tree and ornaments in hand, and with the determination of a stubborn reindeer for the task you set yourself: decorate the hell out of the place, and bring some cheer to those who needed it the most.
🎄 𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
─── Alpha!Mafia!Bucky x Omega!F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
A new tradition you introduced to Bucky took a turn you should have, at the very least, expected, but it did not mean you wouldn’t milk it for all of its worth.
🧸 𝐀 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨'𝐬 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡
─── Paramedic!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Your surprise arrival at the station brightens more than Bucky’s day, and you couldn’t be happier to witness the joy in all of their faces when you revealed that you came bearing gifts.
💛 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞
─── Pornstar!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Bucky was a sweet talker; able to get every last thing he wanted if he just used the right words or tone with anyone. It was part of his charm. Though you thoroughly enjoyed it, he tended to weaponize it against you at the least convenient times; up a ladder and decorating the tree one of them.
— 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩
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🦌 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝
─── Lumberjack!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
A few visitors to the cabin take both Bucky and you by surprise, and the sweet, kind creatures were as curious about you as you were of them.
🧸 𝐏𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
─── Nurse!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Sometimes even the hardest, most independent workers needed someone to lean on — whether they be of flesh and blood, or wool and stuffing.
✨ 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧
─── Paramedic!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
The festivities of Christmas were often overlooked by Bucky in his job in favour of rushing off to save a life, but not this year — this year, you were there to bring joy to him, and to all of his team.
❤️ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧
─── Personal Trainer!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐀 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
With little else to do during the busy festive period, you made your way to Howlie’s Gym, the place you made a home away from home and where you know your best friend made your haven safe.  What you did not expect to find, however, was him in the office with the brightest smile on his face — as though you hung the moon that shone down over the two of you.
💚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐫
─── Viking!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Thieves came in many different forms — from Loki to a simple villager, or to a horse with the mind of a trickster and a heart of gold.
— 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩
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🌟 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫
─── Biker!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
As the President of his club, Bucky always made sure that he made it home, whether it be for his brother’s, or to just keep his legacy alive one more day.  But it was not just that anymore, not after he had you as his guiding light — a beacon so bright that he knew he’d be a fool to act reckless, when he knew you were waiting for him back home. 
🎀 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐝
─── Mechanic!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐒 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Surprises were not an unexpected occurrence when you come to think of it, not when you had Bucky Barnes as your boyfriend, though you had to give him credit where credit was due — he was a crafty, cunning man when it counted.
— 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩
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❤️ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬
─── Biker!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐀 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Bucky was adept at making the best of a situation; a rain of bullets or his pain, it did not matter. A comedic, blasé brush off of whatever was wrong, and he was on his way.  Though, that trick didn’t work on you. And you always saw straight through it.
🕯 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫; 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
─── Paramedic!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐀 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Battles were fought and won, ruthlessly bloody and heartbreakingly sorrowful, for all. Especially your own warrior, who put his all into the work needed on the front lines, and sometimes, he needed protection of his own.
🎅🏻 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧
─── Scare Actor!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
Bucky had more than one way to scare the living daylights out of you — it wasn’t just in his job description; it was in his nature.
🎄 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐟𝐮𝐥
─── Tattoo Artist!Stucky x Florist!F!Reader ── 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
There was never a boring moment during the festive season with your two loves, and it was no different during one of their many visits to your shop. Only, this time, Bucky had a trick up his sleeve.
— 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩
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✨ 𝐀 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐞
─── Biker!Bucky x F!Reader ── 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
A battle raged and weapons clashed on that festive day, and only one of the two warriors would make it out alive.  You were determined to make your opponent fall to his knees and beg for mercy — only then would you celebrate the victory. But first? Wade through the plight of the treacherous terrain and land that one hit. 
— 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩
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❤️ 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞, 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞
─── Firemen!Stucky x F!Reader ── 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
You knew with absolute certainty that you meant a lot to both Bucky and Steve — to them as themselves, and to their marriage, but you did not truly understand the depth of their devotion to you, not until a frosty, chilled morning where they revealed just how much they truly adored you.
🌟 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
─── Tattoo Artist!Stucky x Florist!F!Reader ── 𝐏 + 𝐅 ─ 𝐀𝐎𝟑
A long day led to a long week, snowballing into a long, long festive season. The boys — your knights in shining armour, residing in their castle of artistry — they knew long before you yourself did, and they had an idea of how to turn it around, to bring a smile to your lips and to restore your vitality.
— 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐩
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Looking for some recommendations by you or your kind followers 🥰
Steve or Bucky mafia / mob or abo series
And Henry Cavill series (I've fallen into a big rabbit hole of lusting over that man lol)
I've read all of your stories so much Lulu, like Consolidation Bride is like my number 1 series. I reread it often sometimes when I walk my dog or when I'm moody and on my period😂.
Hi lovely. Aw, I'm happy someone loves Consolation Bride as much as I do. I'm tempted to write a sequel, I just don't know when.
Let's see, I will list the blogs coming to my mind in random order. I hope I don't forget half of the people I follow...
I highly recommend @angrythingstarlight's blog for Mafia AUs. She has wonderful Mafia AUs for Bucky.
@navybrat817 has great stories for Bucky & Steve & Henry's characters. Check her Bucky list for Mafia stories.
@kinanabinks has an awesome Mafia Bucky x Best Friend (fairy) series. You can find it here: MOB!BUCKY MASTERLIST
@jtargaryen18 has a wonderful Mafia Steve / arranged marriage story called His Inheritance (ongoing). I got it on my reading list.
@sinner-as-saint has all your little heart desires, including mafia AUs, A/B/O and so much more.
@biteofcherry has great a/b/o & mafia stories for Steve. I think some are dark, so check the warnings for triggers.
@smutsonian has this mafia Steve I just discovered and need to read.
@buckyalpine has a story called pretty little thing with Mob Bucky. It's on my reading list.
You are looking for Henry & his roles? Fear not. Look at @littlefreya's blog. Here's her "stories" masterlist. There is a drabbles masterlist in her bio too.
Do you need more Henry? Here you go: @viking-raider will help you out.
@waiting4inspiration has an Alpha Bucky series.
These are the ones coming to my mind atm. If anyone has stories for nonnie to read, please feel free to add them to his post. 😊
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Hi would u write for Cato Hadley from thg?
okay, before I answer this, this is my first ask on this blog and I'm so happy!!! Thank you for being my first ask :)
Also, how do you know what I'm thinking? I love Alexander Ludwig (Cato's actor) and there is not enough fics of him outside of Vikings because I've never watched it, so I've definitely been thinking about a fic, I just can't figure out a good idea... I'll probably write some small drabbles and then go from fics (maybe a series where he survives and goes to the rebellion- y'know, writing this, I already have an idea for a series, just gotta figure out how to make it work with his personality in the series) but when I write some fics and drabbles, I'll reblog this post!
with love, asteria ♡
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atinyjules · 7 months
Broken Melodies : Fake or True ft. Lee Jeno {ch-6}
A/n: Welcome to chapter 6! And as promised, it's my birthday so three chapters for this series and an update on Mark's fic.
I'm finally 18!
But anyways! Here it iss✨
The mini - masterlist for this series can be found here
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"Are you okay?" I ask a rage filled Jeno as I try to keep up with his footsteps after he almost popped at Jaemin.
"Do I look like I'm okay?" he says through gritted teeth.
"Well, no. But calm down!" I say as I follow him to the roof top.
"Don't! Tell me to calm down! Stop acting like a leech and leave me alone!" he shouted at me making me scoff.
"You! Need to learn! How to fucking control your fucking ANGER!" I exclaim and hit him on the chest before leaving for class making him kick the flower pot and scream in anger.
After we returned to class he triggered another argument by nudging me, ruining my notes while walking past me to go to his seat. I got up and threw my textbook towards him, making the rest of the class gasp when it hit the back of his head.
"Everyone says that you're a nuisance. CLEARLY they were wrong cause you're the Demon's Spawn himself!" I exclaimed as he looked at me offended before breaking into a sarcastic chuckle.
"Like you're any better. If you think you're a graceful princess you're wrong cause you're Viking! Everyone said that I won the lottery cause you were like a Goddess but damn...you're a pig instead!" he said making me gasp.
"Lee Jeno!" I exclaim.
"Na Eunbi!" he exclaimed when the sound of a book hitting the desk brought us back to reality. Professor Kim glared at us through her glasses and smiled.
"Well, since the beautiful couple can't live one second without screaming at each other...why not punish you together?" she said as we widened our eyes.
"This is all your fault." I breathed out as I struggled to scrub out the burned food from the pot.
"Stop blaming me, you played a part in this as well!" He exclaimed and aggresively scrubbed the pot.
"You always blame me for any minor inconvenience you face!" I exclaimed and threw the dirty scrubber at him.
"What the fuck is your problem?!" he exclaimed and wiped the dirty foam from his cheek aggressively.
"You! After the argument at the rooftop we could've just quietly gone about with our day but of course you being LEE JENO had to do a classic Lee Jeno move by showing your anger and taking revenge!" I exclaimed and he was about to reply when Hyuck's voice caught our attention.
"So cute, our power couple is already embarking on marvellous adventures with each other all the while showcasing their undeniable power of love~" Hyuck cooed as the both of us faced him at the same time.
"Shut it Hyuck!" We both exclaimed in unison.
"Whoa whoaaa- I'm just kidding!" he exclaimed with his hands up in defense. Hyuck decided to take a seat by my side as he watched us intently.
"You know, you guys should audition to become actors. Everyone at class is convinced that you guys are having that one big fight every couple has once in a while." Hyuck said with a smile when Jeno threw his scrubber at me.
"What the FUCK, LEE JENO!" I exploded as he huffed.
"So you went on to spill the secret to this big mouth huh? Who else did you spill it to? Girls can't even keep a secret." he said making me dip my scrubber in the dirty water before throwing it at him and standing up.
"I can tell whoever the fuck I want. At least Hyuck and Renjun are more reliable than you'll ever be! You can do the rest of the dishes on your OWN!" I exclaimed and stomped away to the girls wash room.
"Bro, it doesn't hurt to treat a lady with respect you know..." Haechan told Jeno who just shrugged and chased him away.
After doing my business I looked at my face in the mirror, sighing before turning on the tap and washing my hands.
"That Lee Jeno will get it from me." I mumbled and washed my hands and face aggressively before silence enveloped me and I stared at my hands.
Why does he always treat me so aggressively the moment we're out of eyes and ears shot?
And why does he always...stare at Xiaolian?
I was brought out of my thoughts when someone stopped the tap.
"You're wasting water." I turn to see the devil herself.
"Oh, I didn't realize." I mumble as I wipe my hand and face with my mini towel as Xiaolian herself touched up her makeup.
"I heard...you and Jeno are dating." she said while reapplying her mascara making me tense.
Why does she care? Its not her business anyways.
"And?" I ask, clearly making it obvious that I don't have any interest in having a conversation with her. She sighed as she got the hint.
"Someone as amazing as him is your boyfriend, he treats you like a queen...so I think you should return the favour and treat him with care and respect." she said making my eye twitch as I took out my lip gloss and applied it on my lips after completing my skincare.
"And I think that you should worry about your own life instead of butting in other peoples love life." I say in a cold tone before turning to face her.
"Besides...its none of your business how we treat each other." I say before turning and leaving the wash room.
After walking out of the wash room I walk towards the class and stop in my tracks. I take a deep breath and decide that I want to go home. Today was just...not my day. I send Jaemin, Hyuck and Renjun a quick text before making my way to the parking area.
Jaem  ̄へ ̄
I'm going home, I think I'm running a cold.
Hyuckie ☀
Dong Xiaolian fucking pissed me off, I'll spill the tea later. Come over.
Junnie 🦊
Dong Xiaolian fucking pissed me off, I'll spill the tea later. Come over with Hyuck.
"Where's she?" I ask Haechan as he lets out a sigh.
"Home, she caught a cold cause someone threw a damp scrubber at her." he said in a monotone voice making me smack his head.
"She can't just suddenly catch a cold like that." I said in an angry tone.
"I already told you the reason! What else do you wanna hear?" he exclaims while rubbing at the spot I punched him in.
I huffed and turned around. I took a short glance at Xiaolian but quickly diverted my eyes elsewhere, the moment we made eye contact. I internally cursed the moment I saw her small figure come towards me.
She smiled and sat on the empty seat in front of me as I cleared my throat.
"I don't see Eunbi anywhere?" she asked as I controlled my bashfulness and looked at her.
"She got sick." I said as she furrowed her brows.
"But when I met her in the wash room she seemed normal. Maybe she was just in a bad mood." Xiaolian said as I scoffed.
"We had an argument and she ran off." I said as she nodded.
"No wonder she went off at me. But its fine, I'm sure she had her reasons." she said making my eyes go wide.
"S-She went off at you? I'm sorry." I apologized as she waved it off.
"No, no! It's fine. I get it, us girls tend to have anger episodes...well I'll get back to my seat." she said with a smile before waving and walking off.
I smile softly as I watch her figure retreat to her seat.
Xiaolian is so much better than Eunbi. Compared to Eunbi, Xiaolian is more soft and tender.
She's definitely the one for me.
I turned back only to see Haechan staring at me and his phone simultaneously.
"What are you looking at?" I questioned as he narrowed his eyes at me and tch'd at me.
"Nothing." he said and turned towards the board.
I was currently laying on my bed with warm clothes and a large blanket on me when Hyuck and Renjun arrived. I immediately let out a sigh of relief and motioned them to come by my side quick with a smile.
"Did Jaem come too?" I asked as Renjun motioned the door.
"He's right behind us." he said and as if on cue Jaem entered my room with a stone cold face.
"You would never date someone like Jeno. Just admit you're lying." he said making me roll my eyes.
"I'm not. We just had a fight today because someone tackled and attacked him like a wild animal." I said referring to him.
"Don't lie." he said in a warning tone as I scoffed.
"I'm not, now leave." I said as he narrowed his eyes at me.
"Jaemin, love doesn't lie. Eunbi is sick, don't parade her with questions like that." Renjun said as Jaemin peered at me and the guys one last time before leaving for his room.
"We're not done." he said to me, stopping by the door and closing the door behind him before leaving.
"He's so dramatic." Hyuck said making me agree with him as they sat by my bed.
"So...spill." Renjun said as I let out a frustrated sigh.
"After me and Jeno had an argument I went to the wash room to clean up but I met Xiaolian there. She was being so annoying!" I exclaimed as Hyuck motioned me to continue.
"What did she do?" he asked as I took a sip of my tea.
"She was blabbering on about how much of an amazing boyfriend I had and that I should return the favour and treat him with care and respect because he does the same with me." I told them as Renjun and Hyuck narrowed their eyes.
"That's not even her life." Hyuck said and I nodded.
"Exactly, so I told her to fuck off and worry about her own life." I said when Renjun spoke up.
"Why is she so concerned about how you treat Jeno? It's not her business or her love life." Renjun said making me nod.
"Exactly, she's was being so specific about me treating Jeno nicely. But in reality it's Jeno who doesn't treat me nicely." I say as Renjun still has a monotone look on his face.
"I...I'm gonna be honest right now. I think she definitely has her eyes on Jeno. Even after you left, during class...she went up and talked to him." Renjun said making my eye twitch.
"That was exactly what I was gonna tell you about! After you left, she came and sat infront of Jeno asking where you were. Jeno told her that you were sick and she went on to tell him about your little chat at the girls wash room." Haechan said making me narrow my eyes.
"What did she say?" I asked in a low tone.
"She told him that you might just be in a bad mood and Jeno told her that you guys fought then she acted so...she acted like a victim. She told him that maybe that was the reason you went off at her and told him that it was fine and it was a girl thing since girls usually have anger episodes once in a while. And Jeno looked so shocked the moment she told him that, he quickly apologized for your behaviour."he said making my blood boil.
"I didn't even go off at her. She started the conversation and I just told her to mind her own business." I said in disbelief as Hyuck nodded
"That's why, when you sent us the text I was confused." Hyuck said as Renjun came back from his thoughts.
"She...definitely wants him. I mean...why else would she confront you about your love life and give a bad image of yourself to Jeno?" Renjun said as I looked down at my hands.
"I shouldn't be affected by any of this but these days...she's been eating my brain. Jeno keeps stealing glances at her and talks to her with such a delicate tone. He treats her differently and I shouldn't feel threatened or affected but that's all that occupies my mind." I say and groan as Hyuck rubs my back.
"You like him don't you?" Hyuck asks carefully as I sigh and sit up.
"I...I don't know." I say as Renjun clears his throat.
"I don't want to pop your bubble and make you feel worse but...I have a theory..." Renjun says as I motion him to continue.
"Even before you came...Jeno always behaved differently in front of Xiaolian. She was the only person he allowed near him. Not to mention...he keeps stealing glances at her and smiles in adoration when she makes a mistake or embarrasses herself accidently. So...what I'm trying to say is...maybe....MAYBE...Jeno likes her too...?" he say making my stomach drop as an overwhelming bad feeling takes over me.
"Today...when they were talking...he smiled at her so sweetly...he didn't even break out in anger." Haechan said adding to the bad feeling as I stared at my hands.
"Be honest Bi...you feel hurt don't you?" Renjun asked as I thought about it.
Am I? But why? I mean it's not like I am but why would I feel hurt? We aren't even that close to begin with.
Ooh is that jealousy I smell? Eunbi is unsure of her feelings towards Jeno, do you think she likes him?
That's it for this chapter ✨
Chapter 7 can be found here
Taglist: @multifandomania @chenlesfeetpic
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter 💖✨
Likes and rebloggs are appreciated 💖✨
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grcnseer · 2 years
hi there! i was just wondering, do you have any fancasts for cregan stark? like anyone you could see as him before s2 comes out? sorry if this is a weird question :(
Not a weird question at all! I'm a massive fan of the asoiaf universe & probably know more about Westeros history than I do actual history, so questions like this are my favorite! I'm sure they’ll be casting a relatively unknown actor to play him, but until then here are a few I think could fit the role as Cregan Stark!
While reading about Cregan Stark I had always envisioned him to resemble season one Rollo (Clive Standen) from VIkings! Sadly, Clive is too old to portray Cregan in HOTD as it seems they’re going to stick to his canon age, which was around 21-23 during the Dance of the Dragons.
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Honestly I think Gijs Blom is the perfect fancast for Cregan! His entire look in The Letter for the King reminded me of a Stark. Kinda reminds me of Robb. He’s also 25 so as I mentioned earlier he’s the perfect age for a fancast closer to canon! I can only imagine the HOTD team getting their hands on him— all he needs is a wig and some fur. He’s my personal preference and most likely the one I’ll be using for future Cregan fics!
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Despite being a bit older (late 20s), I could also see Leo Suter as another option! He’s got the mass and height that Cregan is said to have. His performance in Vikings: Valhalla was, in my opinion, outstanding. Leo has a natural aura about him that just screams House Stark. I think he is a fantastic contender for the fancast of Cregan Stark!
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Okay this is absolutely insane, but please bear with me.
Please note that this is SOLELY based on the actors' looks, it has nothing to do with their personality or other films they starred in!
Also neither of these are face claims, I always see my characters exactly how they're designed in-game, this is just for fun! A movie adaptation AU, if you will.
1. Megan Fox or a Black haired Scarlett Johansson as Ravonna (green contact lenses are needed, though)
✨️the crazy yet charming wizard-bard protagonist✨️
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2. Chris Hemsworth as Miraak (look, he is the most mainstream viking-looking dude who has Miraak vibes 🤣) - brown contact lenses needed
✨️the sunshine boy with the gentlest heart. Healer. First Dragonborn. Will definitely cry✨️
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3. Toby Regbo as Lucien
✨️the stressed and occasionally awkward academic✨️
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4. Rami Malek as Inigo
✨️the loyal Khajiit who finally found his family✨️
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5. Max Baldry as Marcurio
✨️the short and angry gay everyone wants to be or wants to be with✨️
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6. Tom Hopper as Rumarin - gold contacts needed
✨️the tall and funny himbo who is actually really complex✨️
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7. Ray Stevenson (as seen in Black Sails) as Hjaldir
✨️the og bard who is also a pirate. Very charming. Helped in raising Ravonna✨️
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8. Tom Hardy as Teldryn
✨️the tired-of-this-bullshit uncle, super protective of Ravonna✨️
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9. Taika Waititi as Endryn
✨️the adoptive dad, wholesome, kind, stressed, innkeeper✨️
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Tagging @bougainvillea-and-saltwater - this was her idea!! and also @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @thelavenderelf @shitty-drawer @totally-not-deacon you don't have to do this, I just wanted to show you my casting choices :)))) I'd tag more people who read/know about my fic, but I am so shy and scared that I'll annoy you with a random tag🤣
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basilone · 8 months
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine, ty! 💚
A band you don’t like that many others do:
Coldplay. I am absolutely mesmerized by how popular they are, because every single song of theirs I’ve ever heard gets on my last nerve.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly:
I used to do ballet and got to perform in a huge theatre once. I remember hanging out backstage, watching the older dancers, getting to see what the lighting crew was doing… It was a brilliant time, though the hassle to get hair and make-up done had a lot of people yelling and losing the plot. (I learned how to do stage make-up myself when I was a lil older, partially because that’s how you roll in drama classes but also because of that experience hahaha!)
Least favorite animal and why:
Listen. Listen to me. We do not need lightbulb fish. We do not need them. We do not require their presence in our waters.
Hot fandom take:
Do you know how many hot takes can fit in me? It’s a lot. I’m going to go with two hot takes because it’s my party and y’all have never ever seen me post one to this blog before.
Numero uno: readerfic is not OC fic, OC fic is not readerfic. If you name your character, it’s an OC. Even if you write them in first or second person POV. If you write Y/N, it’s readerfic no matter how much backstory you try to chuck at it. Learn to tag it properly. A fic cannot have both the canon character/OC and canon character/reader tags. Please do my last remaining pieces of sanity a favor and don’t make me read Y/N with my own two eyeballs just because you mistagged your fic.
Numero two: smut belongs under the cut. I don’t make the rules. If you start your fic with smut of any kind, put it under a readmore. Especially do this if that smut contains highly specific kinks. Aside from the fact that there are minors on this website who’ve got no business being subjected to that, people should be given the choice whether they want to see that level of smut on their daily newspaper dashboard scrollthrough first thing in the morning.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
I do, though not all the time. One of my fave pieces is a small ring with an eight-pointed star that I wear on my pinky finger.
A movie others liked but you didn’t:
Titanic. I know it’s got many many many fans, but I was cheering that iceberg on.
Three things you love about yourself:
My creativity, my ability to switch gears and learn on the fly, and my hair that does whatever I want it to do.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Dude, have you seen the state of the world lately? I think I’m just gonna hope to visit my bed later on today, much safer.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why:
I have Tom Cruise blacklisted on this hellsite for good reason. The good reason being that I think he’s batshit and that people should stop entertaining his presence in anything. I’m not drinking that cult juice, thanks.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future?
My birthday’s coming up on Feb 9!
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
At the risk of getting utterly disowned by a good number of folks that follow me: Webgott. I have gone for an outing or two in this ship, if memory serves me correctly, and I think I understand why people like it. I love banter in a ship as much as the next person, and the push-pull of opposites can be fun. But I also think Lieb deserves a lot more than someone who’s fundamentally at odds with his life and his POV. I think that the discussion they have in that final ep is indicative of something so major that it is a dealbreaker in that ship. (Plus, Web is just… not my fave character. Putting this mildly.)
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?
Vikings. Hands down, no contest. Absolute toxic cesspool of lies, backstabbing, and badmouthing. There are a few very good reasons why I’m no longer on speaking terms with people I used to call friends (at least one of whom was also in our lovely little war fandom back in the day) and why I’ve all but given up on doing any new gifsets or writing in that fandom for the foreseeable future.
List three things you find beautiful about life:
I’m gonna all caps this like a particularly obnoxious internet citizen because !! important !!
Any dreams for the future?
I just want to live a life that’s good. I don’t really do future plans or dreams, it’s all vibes. I will know the move I need to make in the moment it needs making. Everything else is confetti.
How are you really feeling today?
Tired! (She says while about to embark on a screencap-to-gif journey. You might note the tiredness by the fact that I have completely lost my filter somewhere down the line of answering these questions, lol.)
lmao I feel like half this fandom got tagged already and I’m very shit at remembering usernames and who likes tagging games sooooo. uhm. ain’t tagging anybody today.
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targs-on-zorses · 1 year
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Welcome to my sideblog for all things dragon-y (mostly ASOIAF at this time).
I am Eli. Owner of @freddie-foxs (my main blog so all likes and follows come from there) and @viking-chaos (my sideblog for all things viking)
This particular blog is my space for House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones. I may add some more dragon-y stuff in the future, but for now, just those two. I am currenlty opperating a queue system for my reblogs since there's a lot of stuff right now and I don't want to clog up anyone's dashboards. If I like something, I've added it to my queue and it will be reblogged in a day or two.
I am primarily a gifmaker over here, but I also write things from time to time. My masterlists below contain the links to all my HOTD-related fics, and you can also find them on AO3. I am currently not taking any writing requests.
I do take requests for anything that can be done in photoshop, so gifs, edits, screens, icons, headers and that sort of thing.
My askbox is always open. Feel free to pop in with whatever normal or feral thing you have in your mind right now. I do not engage with Green v Black discourse or Lucaemond content of any kind. I will not tolerate hate of any kind on this blog. This extends to my ask box. If you are rude or condescending in my ask box, you will be blocked. If you have a blank blog, you will also be blocked. No bots, no cruel people. You will be blocked. The only cruel people allowed here are fictional. Because they are FICTIONAL. Note for the idiots who can't seperate real people from fiction: I will not allow any hate towards the actors in HOTD or GOT to be spread around this blog. They are actors. They are just doing their job. I do not condone the actions the CHARACTERS on screen have done. But the actors are just doing their job. Take your rubbish, and go touch some grass. I mean it.
Masterlists House of the Dragon Game of Thrones
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bookgeekgrrl · 10 months
My media this week (3-9 Dec 2023)
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just fucking spatchcocked him
😊 The Late Mrs. Willoughby (Mr. Darcy & Miss Tilney #2) (Claudia Gray, author; Billie Fulford-Brown, narrator) - another perfectly serviceable, decently entertaining historical cozy mystery feat. Austen characters and their progeny. Plot's pretty basic but it's still cute to see Jonathan Darcy (autistic king) and Juliette Tilney (mom's adventure sense, dad's common sense) solving murders again. The 'obstacles' to their romance are typical for a series like this but still annoying [tbh in more deft hands they might be more angsty and less annoying but it is what it is]
😍 The Charming Man (Zenaidamacrouras1, author; Late_to_party_81, artist) - 65K, shrinkyclinks no powers AU - just a delightful fic with adorable art (TEXTILE ART!) - I'll let the author's summary speak for itself: "Tldr: Steve has an eventful three weeks. Longer version: Steve Rogers is quite happy with his pleasantly simple life working as a graphic designer, chatting with his best friend Sam who has the desk next to his, eating the same gluten free sandwich for lunch every day, and staring out his office window hoping to catch a glimpse of The Charming Man walking by. Unfortunately, life has a tendency to get complicated without our permission, particularly when Steve begins to suspect that a certain evil corporation is doing criminal things that decidedly grate on his nerves." Great banter/hilarious lines - even the secondary characters get great lines plus some fine quality angst.
😍 Proper English (England World #1) (KJ Charles, author; Bella Lowe, narrator) - reread, love love love. The origin story of fluffy Fen & practical Pat getting together and solving a country house murder.
😍 Think Of England (England World #2) (KJ Charles, author; Tom Carter, narrator) - reread. Another country house mystery featuring blackmail and treason being resolved by Daniel Da Silva (poet & spy) and Archie Curtis (blond viking himbo, about to have a gay awakening) with secondary but crucial support from Fen & Pat
😊 Lessons In Chemistry (Brenda) - 42K, stucky no powers college AU - I’m not often in the mood for a college AU but this hit the spot
💖💖 +46K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Cupid's Rugby Ball (softestpunk) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 5K - h/c meet cute with instalove, as is only correct for this pairing 😆
you'll never be blue ([currently anonymous]) - The Cabots (Cat Sebastian): Peter/Caleb, 3K - "Caleb and Peter, adjusting to living together." Perfectly captured the character voices! {written for the Fic In A Box 2023 exchange, authors not yet revealed}
D20: Fantasy High: Sophomore Year - e4-7
Dirty Laundry - s3, e7
D20: Burrow's End - "Evolution and Revolution" (s20, e10)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Welcome to the Honk Honk Club" (s15, e10)
Dimension 20 Interview: Siobhan Thompson Talks Jaysohn's Near Death In Burrow's End & Fantasy High
Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023 special #1)
Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder (2023 special #2)
⭐ Welcome to Night Vale #239 - Sister Cities: Vermillion Falls
What Next: TBD - They See You When You’re Shopping
Desert Island Discs - Lea Salonga, singer and actor
⭐ The Sporkful - Rise Of The Foodie Bro (The Year In Food 2023)
Cautionary Tales - The Dunning Kruger Hijack (and Other Criminally Stupid Acts)
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Amy Tan
Vibe Check - Nostalgia, Ultra
99% Invisible #562 - Breaking Down The Power Broker (with Conan O'Brien)
Endless Thread - "Extremely Online" with Taylor Lorenz
Ologies with Alie Ward - Syndesiology (CONNECTIONS) with James Burke
NPR's Book of the Day - Norman Lear's memoir recalls a life and career that shaped American television
Cautionary Tales - Demonizing Dungeons & Dragons
⭐ Switched on Pop - Hear the Year: The music we loved in 2023
One Year - 1990: Bush vs. Broccoli
Song Exploder - Raye - Escapism (feat. 070 Shake)
Today, Explained - Get the lead out
What Next: TBD - Spotify Unwrapped
Today, Explained - Are movies too long now?
Dear Prudence - My Friend Won’t Stop Buying Me Gifts. Help!
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Super Museum
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Fred Schneider
Strong Songs - The Band: The Last Waltz
Endless Thread - What Is That?!
⭐ Cautionary Tales - How the Radium Girls Fought Back
'90s R&B Girl Groups
Presenting Etta James
Pop Motivation
Victoria Monét
Troye Sivan
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Some other tag game
Thanks @i-can-even-burn-salad for the tag! These questions sound fun :)
Favorite Video Game?
I am actually not a big gamer, but does The Sims count? I used to spend hours playing, but with all the writing I want to do and other hobbies I pushed it aside a bit :) Still got Sims 3 and 4 on my computer and love both versions, but nothing will ever beat Sims 2 for me.
And besides that I also enjoy playing Animal Crossin New Horizons on my son's Switch from time to time.
Favorite Video Game Character?
Huh, sorry I wouldn't know :)
Favorite Movie or TV Series?
Ok hands down Lord of the Rings is my favorite movie of all time, other fantasy movies come and go but this trilogy will forever live rent free in my heart. But only the orginal Peter Jackson movies, not the bs that Amazon did.
As for series, I have a quite wide spread taste I'd say :) Currently I am very much into Outlander and Bridgerton.
But my favorite animated series will always be Dragons Rade to the Edge and as for my favorite series with "actual actors" (don't know how to say it otherwise) that would be Vikings and Game of Thrones probably (minus Season 8, I'll ignore it exists lol)
Favorite Movie or TV Series character?
Quite some, but I'll only mention a few here like my top 5 :)
Viggo Grimborn (Dragons RTTE)
Hiccup Haddock (HTTYD)
Jamie Fraser (Outlander)
Lagertha (Vikings)
Daenerys Targaryen (GoT)
reading, writing, getting lost in the worlds I create in my head, coloring, going for long walks, embroidery, baking, gardening, watching series/movies
fictional characters, books, getting lost in the worlds I create in my head
Favorite genre/type of background music for whump daydreams?
I don't listen to music when I daydream, but for writing it's usually something instrumental that fits the vibe of the scene. Like I'd specifically look for an ambient playlist on YT.
What is your favorite whump trope?
I love it when a character gets kidnapped/captured by the enemy and gets into a (seemingly) hopeless situation, let the kidnapping/captured trope be followed by angst and torture (emotional and/or physical) and I am all in :D
What is your favorite whump pairing?
From fandom: Viggo and Hiccup definitely, but Dagur also makes a great whumper imo
From my own work: I can't say yet ;) but keep the name Garren in mind (as a whumper)
What was (one of) the first time you experienced whumperflies?
Huh that's a tough one... probably sometime back when I was a kid and watched a kids detective show that was popular back then in Austria and when I tied up my Barbie dolls because they were kidnapped lol
What's your favorite whump scene from a piece of media?
Not a scene a whole episode: Midnight Scrum from Race to the Edge, lol
What's a book you would recommend, whump or not?
At the moment, Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros! It has dragons and an academy and deadly competition and amazing charachters <3
And add your own question: What's your favorite whump fic?
I am tagging (with no pressure as always) @ficklestar @evilwriter37 @jay-avian
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viking-raider · 1 year
A Witcher's Legacy - PART FOUR: MUTAGENS
Summary: What should have been a short stay in Beauclair, turns into something much more complicated. Both to your and Geralt's present and future.
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia/Reader
Word Count: 6.6k
Parts: I II III
Warning: PG - Witcher!AU, Dad!Geralt, Protective!Geralt, Sassy!Reader, Language, Nicknames, Medical Experiment, Portals, Monster Fight, Mention of Smut, Fluff, Mention of Grave Robbing, Witcher Mutagens, Bickering, Mage Technology
Inspiration: A subject from my story, A Witcher’s Destiny, Season Two of Netflix’s the Witcher and the quest, Turn and Face the Strange, in The Witcher 3!
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy it! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to be added A Witcher’s Legacy Tag List, please message me!
I also have the story on my AO3
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’
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“Who's the letter from, Geralt?” You asked, watching the little carrier boy run off, excited about the ten crowns Geralt had kindly given him.
Frowning, Geralt unfolded the parchment, finding another piece of folded paper inside with a familiar writing in black ink. “Yennefer.” He said softly, casting his eyes up to you for a moment.
“Oh.” You replied, a tight smile pulling across your lips. “A wonder how she found out we were in Toussaint, since we just arrived.” You commented to yourself, moving to a vine covered staircase, with roses the size of your hand, the color of butter and the finest Toussaint Red, making the air so fragrant.
Letting out a humming grunt, Geralt read the letter aloud.
“My dear friend, I've been told you're on a jaunt in Toussaint, with your sweetheart. I've come upon some information which might be of interest to you. While browsing through a colleague's, Tomas Moreau's, book collection, I found mention of him conducting research into mutations.” Geralt scowled at the letter, a troubled feeling brewing in the pit of his stomach. “The details I've come to learn are rather vague and his laboratory's location remains a mystery. Yet his journal should at least provide hints as to both. It is said he was laid to rest with it in his tomb. I enclose a map I found in the tome I happened upon. Though less than completely legible, I trust it will prove useful.”
“Your friend, Yennefer.”
“So, mutations.” You echoed, turning back to Geralt and folding your arms tightly over your chest. “What kind of mutations? Was he trying to mutate the normal stuff or do you think he was trying to fuss around with Witcher mutations?”
“It's hard to tell without finding his laboratory and discovering more about his research.” He replied, pushing his jaw forward has he stared down at the letter, mulling it over in his mind. “I need to look into this. If he was testing mutagens for Witchers, then I have to find it and get it back to Vesemir.”
“Before anyone else finds it.”
“All right then.” You nodded, chewing on your lip, just as concerned. “Where to first?” You asked, wishing to help.
“Yennefer's letter said he was possibly buried with the location of his laboratory.” He said, unfolding the map the Sorceress had enclosed. “So, we go there and find it.” Geralt examined the map for a long moment, his brow twitching in his concentration. “It looks as if he was buried in Orlémurs Cemetery. That's not too far from here.”
“We can walk.”
“Lovely.” You smiled, then glanced about. “Which way, you big grump?” You asked, eyes sparkling with amusement.
Geralt smirked back at you, waving a hand towards the gently sloping, pathway. “This way, Firefly.” He replied, with a cock of his head.
Nodding yours at him, you started down the brick street, Geralt following closely behind you. The Capital city of Toussaint, Beauclair, was gorgeous and it filled you with a light, gaiety that put a skip in your step and a pleased smile on your face. As you looked about. Taking the architecture in, the hot sun beaming down on top of your head and shoulders, reflecting your mood. Geralt smiled at the back of you, seeing and sensing the joyfulness inside of you. He felt it seep into him.
You had an effect on him and his ordinarily sulky moods.
“It's so beautiful here.” You commented, glancing at Geralt over your shoulder.
“That it is.” He agreed, looking about, seeing the bustling stalls and shops, the Toussaintois going about their business and day. “We'll have to make our stay a more serious one.” He said, moving around to your side, his arm wrapping around your waist as you passed through a thick crowd. “I know this is your first time here.” He smiled, dipping his head slightly to press his lips to your temple, in a rare show of public affection.
“Hm.” You hummed, nudging your shoulder into his side. “That would be nice.” You cooed, looking up at him, trusting him to guide you. “You do still have a few injuries to nurse from that Wyvern contract, you took in Caravista.”
He grunted back at you, still smiling as you crossed out of the city gates. “It's settled, then. I'll investigate this matter, and afterwards, we'll find the best room in the best inn, and we won't leave until you wish to.”
“So, until they kick us out?” You quipped, giggling.
“As you wish.” Geralt chuckled, as you both stepped off the paved path of Beauclair and onto the well trod trail to the large, Orlémurs Cemetery.
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Making it to the Cemetery, that looked like a manicured set of ruins with grave-sites dotting it, you and Geralt drifted apart, searching the faces of cracked and crooked, tombstones, that had seen many years out in the open weather and tears of loved ones.
“What did Yenn say, this colleague of hers name was?” You called out to Geralt, reading the worn name of Patrick Moulins, who, according to his headstone, had talked himself to death.
“Tomas Moreau.” Geralt returned, walking along a line of graves, before stopping. “Found him!”
You joined him before the overgrown and disheveled grave, the heavy stone that was meant to seal Professor Moreau's coffin in the ground, slightly askew. You looked at Geralt a confused and questioning expression on your face. Frowning back at you, Geralt moved closer to the grave, dropping to a squat to read the mossy etching.
“Typical Mage. It's in Elder Speech.” He huffed, shaking his head. “Ellas k'havani allder aen Dol Naev'de, ellas allder n'corrason. Glorsann a'Aelirenn.” He read aloud, despite it sounding like gibberish to you. “Salvation lies not in Dol Naev'de, but in our hearts. Glory be to Aelirenn.” He translated, as he reached into the grave, through the small opening, feeling around.
“Oh god.” You frowned, biting your lip and imaging his hand touching one of the Professor's bones.
Not the worst thing he's ever touched, honestly. You thought, shaking your head.
“Do you think it has anything do with what you're looking for?” You asked, as he glanced side to side, knowing he was falling into his Witcher seek and find mode.
“Maybe.” He rumbled back. “Someone's robbed the grave, the journal isn't inside.” He said, narrowing his eyes against the bright, cloudless sun and looked around, before standing back up. “The grave won't tell us anything more.” He said, pull Yenn's map from his back pocket.
“A regular ol' treasure hunt.” You quipped, peeking around his arm. “Anything helpful?”
“The map has mention of Aelirenn and Dol Naev'de, also known as Valley of the Nine.” He said, pointing them out on the map for you. “There's a small mark on it. So, it's worth a look. I'll have to grab Roach to make the trip though. It's a long way from here.”
He folded the map up and tucked into his pocket, then turned back towards Beauclair.
“Geralt.” You called out to him, motioning to the grave, when he turned back to face you.
“What?” He frowned, not catching the meaning of your gesture.
“Close it.” You cooed at him, with a somber expression. “It's not right someone disturbed him for a book.”
“We just disturbed him for a book, min minne.” Geralt countered, the corner of his lip twitching.
“Still, Geralt. He deserves his rest, as we all do.” You entreated him.
Drawing a soft sigh, Geralt returned to the grave side and leaned over it, he used the strength of his powerful arms to shove the thick stone slab back into its rightful place over Professor Moreau's coffin. He straightened up and looked at you, lifting a brow, and you nodded at him, satisfied.
“One less dead person risen from the grave you have to deal with.” You commented, sarcastically. patting him on the back and kissing his cheek.
“Funny.” Geralt chuckled, giving your bum a playful smack, making you yip. “You can't come with me.” He said, as you returned to Beauclair and where you had left Roach.
“Why not?” You frowned, a bit disappointed, you enjoyed helping him with his contracts.
“I don't know how dangerous this could be.” He reasoned, grabbing Roach by the reins. “I won't endanger you. So, I'm going to take you to the Rose and Knight inn, in the center of the City, and you'll wait for me there.”
“What if something happens to you?” You argued, following after him, while he led you through the streets.
“What else would be new?” He chuckled at you over his shoulder.
“The new thing is this matter isn't about you going to slay a monster in the countryside.” You huffed, annoyed by how nonchalant he was being. “This professor was mucking about with mutations.”
Geralt's shoulders slumped and he stopped, his head hung for a second, before he finally turned around to look at you. He could see all the concern and fear in your eyes over this task, more so than usual. Which he understood. Considering it for a minute longer, Geralt tugged Roach around and mounted up, then reached down and pulled you up behind him.
“If anything should happen-”
“I know, I know.” You assured him, leaning against his back. “Tuck tail and run.”
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The ride through the Toussaint countryside was stunning. The rolling hills of vineyards baking in the cloudless sun, their vines drooping with fat grapes waiting to be picked and turned into area's finest wine. Homey and extravagant villas dotted the landscape as well, abuzz with their daily chores as you Geralt rode by them.
You sighed, pressing your cheek against Geralt's shoulder blade, relaxing. “I could stay here forever.” You cooed, as Geralt guided Roach onto a path that led in a thicket of trees, cooling you with their leaf-y shade, after the unrelenting heat.
“Oh.” Geralt answered, his chuckle rumbling against your cheek. “That's because you haven't seen it in the winters.”
“It can't be much worse than Kaer Morhen.” You commented, smirking.
“Oh, you'd be surprised.”
Coming out of the woods and around the bend of a sloping hill, Geralt pulled Roach to a stop on the shore of a large and startling clear lake, where the two of you got down. Geralt took a sword from a holster that hung the horse's saddle and the pouch of his vials from in the bag, before the two of you started looking for any indication of an entrance to a mysterious laboratory. You walked along the one side of the shore, where the bank was built up, eroded from years of the lake water lapping at, while Geralt check the water.
“What is it with Mages and their mysteries?” You sighed, shaking your head.
“They live too long.” Geralt grunted back. “After so many years on the Continent, they become paranoid and full of themselves.”
“Starting to make a lot of sense.” You agreed, spotting a unique little rock sitting on the edge of the sand and grass. Going for the rock, you noticed a narrow, grassy culvert that went back a good way. You couldn't see where it ended, or if there was an end, with the limbs of several trees flanking the culvert drooping over it, like a leafy curtain.
“Geralt.” You called out, cocking your head and taking a step into the ditch. “What about over here?” You mumbled, inching further.
The Witcher turned, just as you disappeared and called out your name. “She'll be the death of me.” He sighed, hurrying to follow after you. “Wait.” He hissed under his breath, grabbing you by the wrist as he came up behind, pulling you to a halt. “We don't know if the Professor's lab is down here or what is.”
“You need to be careful.” He softly scolded you, protectively.
“Sorry.” You whispered back, but cast your eyes up ahead. “But don't you think we should check it out?”
“I will investigate it. You will stay behind me.” Geralt corrected you, pulling his sword and moving forward.
You stayed on Geralt's heels, while he used the tip of his sword to part the tree branches, the muscles of his body tense and every one of his keen senses on high alert for anything out of the ordinary and wishing ill intent. You jerked and gasped softly at the whoop of a bird in the distance, instinctively grabbing the back of Geralt's black shirt.
Coming out of the other side of the foliage, you and Geralt discovered a decayed stone wall. It was covered in moss and dead, creeping vines, several of its ashy stones laying in the spongy, overgrown grass and mud. You saw nothing special about it and figured Geralt hadn't either, so you started to turn back.
“Fuck.” Geralt growled under his breath, stopping you.
“What's wrong?” You frowned, turning back to him.
“I hate portals.” He scowled, moving closer to stone wall and bent over, picking up what you had figured was just a rock, then slotted it into one of the gaps.
A low hissing, hum filled the space around you and the hair on your forearms stood up as the static from the portal mounted. Geralt stepped back from the wall, took a deep breath, and with a jerk of his arm, produced the Sign of his Aard. The Aard hit the stone, making it wobble in its base, before it started to glow and an arched portal appeared on the face of the wall.
“That's promising.” You commented, looking at Geralt with a lifted brow.
He shot you a dark, narrow eyed look and approached the portal, taking deep slow breaths. “What's wrong with a good, solid locked door?” He complained under his breath, before stepping through.
“Kills giant, poisonous monsters for a living. Terrified of portals.” You grinned, hooting with laughter, and following after him.
You came stumbling out the other side, gasping for air, disoriented and nauseous. But managed to land on your feet and was slowed down by Geralt's strong arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you against his torso. He looked you over, with an expression that wanted to make sure everything was in the right place and you had all the part you were meant to have.
“I'm fine, Geralt.” You cooed at him, gently kissing his stubbly cheek.
Nodding, he let you go and glanced around the cavernous room you had been spit out into. It smelled damp, moldy, airless and like a nest of Kikimore had been using it as a litter box. You could hardly see more than two feet in front of you, but thankfully Geralt had no such issue. His sharp, cat-like eyes could see around you, as if it was a well lit room. So, you made sure to keep near him, putting your feet where his had been.
The place was like Elven ruins that had caved in or been covered over across time. With tall arches and columns. Rubble and rubbish littered the ground, making your footing unsure as you went deeper in. Geralt stopped, causing you to bump him, your lips parting in question of why he had halted, until you saw the spark of his Igni, lighting something you couldn't quite make out in the shadows. Until, it ignited, a iron brazier, casting an amber glow against the wall and a small radius around its base.
“This is a crazy place to have a lab.” You criticized, giving the place a better look, now that the brazier was lit. “I can understand wanting to do your research in peace and privacy. But hiding your portal in such away, then having to navigate through a ruin to get to it.” You shook your head, confused.
“It seems like over kill.”
“It is.” Geralt agreed, lighting another brazier, that revealed a crumbling set of stairs. “It's only making me more suspicious of what type of mutagens he was working with.”
Your eyes shot up to the back of his head, an uneasy feeling filling your stomach at the thought of Professor Moreau testing Witcher mutagens.
Carrying on, you descended the stairs and passed through a narrow hallway, coming out into an elevated cross way, leading off in three directions, one of which was blocked off by a large statue of a panther. Sighing, Geralt moved forward, investigating the other two paths, in doing so, he discovered the body of the grave robber.
“Hm.” He grunted, shaking his head at the poor soul, but nevertheless, he searched his person for the Professor's journal, only finding a few loose pages of it.
“Geralt.” You called out, softly.
“One moment.” He answered, scanning the pages, learning the Professor had become paranoid with someone trying to break into his laboratory, and had installed security measures.
“Geralt.” You called again, a bit more urgently.
“What is it, min minne?” He sighed, turning on his heels to look back at you.
Your eyes were fixated on the panther statue standing menacingly above Geralt. “Is-is that-” You licked your lips, trying to compose yourself. “Is that statue-the panther's eyes—supposed to glow?” You asked, your voice squeaking a bit at the end as your eyes flared.
Geralt's head jerked upward to the statue, just in time to have the creature strike out against him. “Run!” He roared back at you, fumbling for his sword.
Not needing any other prompts, you turned on your heels and bolted down the hallway from where the two of you had just come. The panther knocked Geralt flat onto his back, forcing him to brace his forearm against its throat in prevention of its powerful jaws from biting into anything vital. Unable to grab his sword, Geralt brought up one foot, yanking a dagger from inside his boot and driving the needle thin blade into the snarling animal's neck. The panther gurgled, then dissolved into a pile of ash, revealing itself to be a specter, one of Professor Moreau's security attempts.
Getting up, Geralt searched for you, running almost full speed down the passageway and up the crumbling stairs. But skid to a halt, when he found you by the first brazier, a look of terror and worry on your face. Seeing Geralt was all right, you ran to him, colliding into his chest and locking your arms around his torso, to hide your face in his neck.
“You see now, why I didn't want you to come?” He sighed, resting his head on top of yours.
You nodded, still to overcome to speak for a second. “I do, but I still want to help.”
“I don't know what help you can be.” He countered, tipping your head back, so you looked at him, studying your eyes. “You are the most stubborn woman I've ever met.” He chuckled, shaking his head, knowing he couldn't deter you.
“It's why you fell in love with me.” You quipped back at him.
“One of the reasons.” He teased back, before becoming serious again. “You'll stay in the room I've cleared, before going any farther, do you understand me?”
“Loud and clear, Witcher.” You nodded, pushing up on your toes to kiss him.
Continuing on, You and Geralt navigated through the maze, hoping you were getting closer to the Professor's lab and the answers to your questions. There hadn't been any more specters to jump out and attack either, but there had been a few traps Geralt needed to disarm, before either of you could move forward. Such as a spike trap, that came up out of the floor.
“This place is endless.” You remarked, edging around the disarmed spikes, heart pounding in your chest.
“Seems that way.” Geralt answered, waiting for you, then entered the next room. “The fuck.” He barked, brow wrinkling.
“What?” You called out, staying in the other room, just like he wanted you to. “Is it safe?”
Geralt took a deep breath, studying the creepy Gargoyles that lined alcoves on the main level, with an inactive portal, while the next two levels were lined with inactive portals. “Stay there.” He barked, slowly approaching two pedestals in the center of the room, on either side of a massive statue, and examined them, finding scrap marks on the sides.
Looking at the Gargoyles, he noticed two of them were missing hands. Narrowing his eyes, Geralt approached one and broke the hand off with blast of his Aard. Taking the heavy piece of stone to the pedestal, he rested it on top and a loud clicking noise echoed in the room, followed by the unmistakable whoosh of a portal opening. Turning in a circle and casting his eyes around, Geralt found one of the portals on the upper level active.
“Geralt.” You shouted, planting you hands on your hips.
“Just wait.” He growled, seeing if he could map out a way up to the portal, but wasn't sure where it would take him or if he could get back.
Taking the stone hand off the first pedestal, Geralt shifted it to the other one, gaining the same results he did with the other one, but opening a portal on the middle tier. Humming, he broke off another Gargoyle hand and set it on the other pedestal, activating both portals, but not the portal on the main level.
“What's the issue, Geralt?” You called out to him, growing curious.
“Mage shenanigans.” He growled under his breath, circling the statue and regarding the other gargoyles and inactive portals.
Impatient with waiting for Geralt to tell you the way was safe, you strode into the room, but jerked back a step, surprised by the thick set of grotesque gargoyles. You recovered quickly though, spotting the singing portals and your frustrated Witcher.
“What's the rub?” You asked, lifting a brow at him.
“That portal-” He pointed to the portal in question. “needs to activate. But so far, only these two have.” He explained, motioning to the others.
“Mmhm. Quite the situation.” You nodded, biting your lip.
“Yes.” Geralt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I loathe mages.”
“Didn't you date one?” You inquired, giving him a teasing and sharp gaze.
“Against my better judgment.” He replied, rolling his eyes.
“So, what happens, if you only have one of the pedestals active?” You asked, studying them.
“Only one of the portals open.”
“Have you tried going through one of them?”
“No, not yet, and I'm not really in a rush to.” He answered, pacing. “I don't know where they go, or if once I go through them, that I can get back here.”
“Perhaps, you're right.” You sighed, gazing at the statue. “Mages do live too long.”
That brought a soft chuckle out of Geralt. “They do.”
Seeing no other options, Geralt began climbing towards the portal on the middle tier, just as you noticed a crevice, low in the robe of the statue. Glancing between it and Geralt, you slipped your hand inside of it, praying not to come into contact with any unsavory creatures that could make their home in the small space, and felt around.
“Geralt, wait!” You called out, your fingers coming into contact with something.
“What is it!” He called back, spinning around as he stood before the portal. “What's wrong?”
“I found something! But I can't quite manage it.” You told him, staining.
“Don't touch it!” He warned you, jumping back down and quickly moving to your side. “It might be a trap.” He told you, his breath hot on your neck.
“And if it's not?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Move, I'll do it. Go back into the other room. In case, something happens.” He ordered you, jerking his white head towards the door.
Knowing that arguing with Geralt was useless, you did as he asked of you, but angled yourself so you could see him. Geralt pulled his glove off and wedged his large hand into the crevice, just finding the button that was hidden inside. With a little wiggling, he pressed on the button and yanked his hand back out again, readying himself for the worst.
Several of the gargoyles turned on hidden bases in the floor, all turning to face the statue and the direction of the inactive bottom portal, and a suspenseful moment later, the portal came to life. Geralt let out a huff of amused surprise, looking the portal over.
“It worked!” He called out to you. “And, it's safe.”
You ran into the room and grinned at the portal, proud that you had figured out a Mage's security system, but felt your stomach twist a little bit. “So, do we go through it?” You asked, looking up at Geralt.
“It's through there or back the way we've come.” He replied, pulling his glove back on. “I'll go first, in case there's anything dangerous.”
“Very well, I'll wait a minute, then follow after you.” You nodded, lightly touching his arm.
Nodding, Geralt stepped through the portal with no further ado and you waited anxiously for a minute or two, stomach in knots not knowing if Geralt was in the fight for his life on the other side, wherever it led. Unable to wait any longer, you slipped through the portal after him, coming out the other side gasping and sick to your stomach, but intact.
“Geralt?” You called out, pressing a hand to your tummy.
“Welcome to Professor Moreau's laboratory.” He replied, coming from around a corner.
You looked about the strange and disheveled space with a shake of your head. “I expected more.” You answered, moving down a set of stairs.
Geralt had lit the many braziers and standing candelabras situated around the room, giving the already unsettling room an unsettling feeling. You found cluttered tables, bookcases, tall brass instruments, a Mage communication device, a large, iron cage and a huge and grotesque, glass specimen jar with something black and almost human floating in it.
“Well, have you learned anything yet?” You asked, hugging your arms against your chest, even with the braziers, there was an eerie cold about the place.
“There are Megascope crystals on a pillow next to Moreau's Megascope.” He motioned to them, next to the mage communication system of three stands, that stood in a circle, a loop at the top, where the crystals rested and a powerful piece of glass to project the image magically etched onto the crystal. “I found another on that desk over there.” He added, motioning over to it.
“I'm going to see what our dear Professor has on them.” He said, moving over to the Megascope.
“I can dig around, see if there are anymore.” You said, glancing about. “Or anything else of interest.”
“All right, just don't touch whatever those are.” He said, pointing to the brass instruments, one of which looked like a strange Iron Maiden.
“Don't have any plans to, love.” You gulped, getting goose-bumps as you edged by them.
Geralt picked up the three crystals, slotting them into the Megascope and turned the rune cylinder at the bottom of one of them, activating that specific crystal's information. A bleak image of Professor Moreau, devoid of color, flickered to life in the center of the Megascope stands. Professor Moreau wore typical mage robes, he had a wrinkled face with a pair of pinch glasses perched on his nose, and spoke with a typical Toussaint accent.
“Today, I begin my great life's endeavor, one greater and more significant than any I have thus far undertaken, for it relates to me personally. To me and my son.” He spoke, confessing his son, Jerome, was a Witcher and he made an oath to recover him, his apparition turning in circles as he spoke.
“So, it is Witcher mutagens.” You said, poking around a bookcase.
“Yes.” Geralt nodded, troubled.
The crystal ended with the Professor vowing, Gods being on his side, to reverse the Witcher mutagens in Jerome and make him an ordinary man again.
“I wonder if the Professor managed to do so.” He frowned, turning on the next crystal.
“Observation twenty-two, despite applying a surfeit of toxic substances, significantly more than usual, the subject displayed no symptoms of overdose.” Professor Moreau's reanimated projection explained, as Geralt stroked his scruffy cheek. “This is a minor success. Jerome may be able to tolerate better toxicity.”
The crystal ended with a soft pop and Geralt moved on to the next crystal, explaining how to make the mutagens less taxing and listing the mutagen base. He slotted the last crystal he had in, listening to Moreau speak about how one mutagen could be transmuted into another through the addition of certain ingredients, and of his subject, though on the brink of death, was much stronger than he had been and came back from the edge of death.
“It seems he's enhanced his subject, instead of cured them.” Geralt commented, more to himself than you.
“Have you never met this Jerome?” You asked, coming to stand beside him.
“No.” He shook his head. “But that's not too uncommon. He might be from another Witcher school or dead.”
“Ah. Well, I did find the Professor's journal on Witcher Mutagens.” You informed him, holding up the worn, purple, cloth bound book to him. “I suppose, you want to take it and the Megascope crystals back to Kaer Morhen with us.”
Geralt gave you a golden glance from the corner of his eyes, that told you he did, but not before getting into something you weren't going to be happy about. You sighed at him, letting your hand drop back to your side, eyes falling shut for a moment.
“You want to test this mutagen stuff out, don't you?” You asked, needlessly.
“I do.” Geralt answered, with a short nod.
“Why?” You groaned, looking up at him with a pleading look. “Can't we at least go to Kaer Morhen and do it in a safe environment, with Vesemir? That way, if something happens, we'll have him to revive your stupidity?”
A broad grin passed over his lips. “But all the equipment is already here, min minne.” He cooed at you. “We'd have to build all of it at the Keep.”
“Then, you'd have to fight Eskel and Lambert for first go inside.” You added, knowing that was going to be his next argument. “I thought you were over the whole Trial of the Grasses! You bitch about how hard it was! How much it hurt and blah blah! But you're all pony up to do this?” You scolded him, shaking your head. “Jaskier would be tripping over his lute, if he was here to witness this.”
“What if it fails and you die!” You protested, waving the book in his face.
“I'm sure I'll be fine.” He smiled, kissing you lightly on the forehead.
You rolled your eyes at him. “It's not like I can talk you out of it. So, what do you need me to do?” You sighed, giving in.
“I want you to go through his book and tell me what ingredients I need.” He said, brushing the back of his fingers against your cheek, trying to pacify you.
“Very well.” You glanced around and found a low stool by the table, next to the strange Iron Maiden, and took it up, starting to skim through the book, while Geralt investigated the rest of the laboratory.
“Something about a Pale Widow.” You said aloud, still skimming. “Getting a syringe full of mutated giant centipede albumen from the Pale Widow and the Ashwagandha herb.” You looked up at Geralt.
“That's all it states.”
“Well, he has to have it readily here.” Geralt answered, scanning the room, spotting an opening in the stone wall inside the iron cell and a well used needle on the wooden table you sat beside. “Stay here, I'll be right back.” He said softly, heading that way.
“Ger-” You started to call after him, before giving up and going back to reading the book.
Geralt ducked into the opening in the wall, finding a dank and dripping tunnel, following it into a large, cavernous space, the floor deep with stinking mud. He slowly pulled his sword as he dropped into the mud, knowing a space like this was a ripe place for a creature to live and attack. But he only saw the walls lined with eggs, quiet and dormant. His medallion was still, giving no indication of magic or monster wishing ill intent upon him.
Though, he kept a firm grip on the hilt of his sword, approaching one of the eggs. He squatted down and pulled the dagger from his boot, slicing open the egg, to be greeted with a putrid scent, making his nose wrinkle. There was a long dead, juvenile, mutated giant centipede inside. Geralt wouldn't have been surprised if the Professor had been keeping its parent as a pet, breeding it for the eggs in his countless Mutagen experiments, then killed the elder after he gave up, leaving the babies to starve and rot off.
Stuffing his dagger back into his boot, Geralt pricked the curled up corpse with the syringe and drew out what little albumen was left inside of it, getting half a syringe full. He cut open another, until the needle chamber was full, then returned to you.
“All right, Albumen acquired.” He said, holding up the syringe.
“I found the herb, Ashwagandha, in one the chests.” You answered, pointing to where you laid it on the table. “All you have to do, is put them both in that boiler, then get into the machine yourself.” You told him, a hard lump forming in your throat, at the thought of your beloved Wolf getting into the iron maiden contraption.
Nodding, Geralt set the syringe down carefully, along with his sword, before pulling off his boots. He stripped naked and looked at you, seeing the worry and conflict on your face. “I'll be fine, Firefly.” He cooed at you, reaching out to cup your cheek for a moment.
“You best be, or I'll never forgive you.” You whimpered back, turning your head to kiss his palm.
Adding the ingredients and activating it, Geralt stepped into the machine, while you stood there, helplessly. You paced before the machine for several minutes, figuring that's all it would take, listening to it pop, hiss and clank. But ten minutes went by and Geralt didn't step out. Thirty minutes, still Geralt was inside. You grew concerned, debating on whether or not you should open it and check on him.
Perhaps he'd passed out and couldn't open the door himself? Or what if he was-
No, he's fine. You cut off the thought, pressing a fist to your mouth. He knows what he's doing. Geralt knows his limits. You tried reassuring yourself, pacing from the bottom of the stairs to the back of the room, your restless impatience growing as the hour and half mark was passed.
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You started at the sound of unoiled hinges opening, lifting your head from the table you had rested yourself on, several hours before. However, seeing the door to the machine open and realizing Geralt was finally coming out, you jumped to your feet and rushed to him, just getting your arms around his torso as his legs gave out from under him.
“Geralt!” You panted, feeling his burning skin through your clothing, his head heavy on your shoulder as you both went down to your knees. “Are you all right?” You inquired, hearing his breathing slightly labored.
You cupped his face in your hands and pushed his head up, shocked to find his eyes glowing, the skin of his face dark and marked with black lines, as if he had taken one of his potions or elixirs. He didn't speak for a long time, just catching his breath and resting against you, his eyes and skin returning to normal.
“I'm all right.” He rasped, gulping thickly, his throat and mouth dry. “I'll be all right.” He groaned, pushing himself up onto his feet, wobbling for a second. “How long was I in there for?”
“Hours.” You replied, standing as well. “I was starting to think you weren't coming back out.”
He nodded, moving around the table for his clothing, which in your anxious impatience, you had folded. “We should go.” He said, sluggishly pulling them on.
“For fuck sake, Geralt, sit down and rest for a moment.” You barked at him, pointing to the stool by his leg.
“I'm fine.” He grunted back at you, bunching up his black shirt to pull it over his head and jamming his feet into his boots.
“All right, fine.” You huffed back. “While you were having a merry jaunt in there, I found a map of this place in the Professor's journal.” You told him, with a lifted brow. “Behind that bookcase is supposed to be a hidden passage out, that's shorter.”
“Good.” He nodded, looking towards the Megascope.
“I have the crystals and the journal.” You assured him, resting your hand on his back, feeling the tense muscles there. “I took care of all that, while waiting for you to finish cooking in your Mutagen steamer.” You quipped, forcing a smirk.
Grunting and nodding again, Geralt continued and shoved the bookcase out of the way, finding a vulnerable wall behind it. Without hesitation, he used his Aard on the loose bricks, blasting them inward and rocking the room around you.
“Gods alive!” You gasped, grasping the back of Geralt's arm.
Geralt chuckled and the two of you followed the low ceiling tunnel, finding another portal, that was simply activated by a crystal that laid on the ground. Stepping through, you found yourselves back on the shore of the lake, but a mile or two down from where you had originally entered. With a shrill whistle, calling Roach, you and Geralt walked along the water, to meet the horse, while also enjoying the fresh and cool air.
“I look forward to that luxurious room at the inn.” You commented, getting up behind Geralt on Roach. “To a nice, hot bath. That experiment has made you a bit-foul.” You chuckled, resting your chin on his shoulder and peeking around at him.
“More than usual?” He asked, cocking a brow at you.
“Just a tad.” You laughed, squeezing your arms around his waist.
He spurred Roach back to Beauclair and got a handsome room for the two of you, at the Rose and Knight Inn, that sported its own tub and a balcony, letting you see the vineyards and apiaries in the rolling hills past the city gates in the distance. You stayed for two weeks, not leaving the room for anything. Having your meals brought up to you. Preferring to stay in bed or the bathtub together. It was romantic and refreshing.
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asirensrage · 1 year
Dark Angel
For the fandom ask, I decided to give you several options, in hopes it's a yes 😋
Okay, so...I can already tell you that this will be an entertaining answer.
Yes to the Buffy!verse. I started a Stranger Things/Buffy crossover with a Slayer entering Hawkins via the upsidedown. The only catch is she was a slayer in the 40s. So her slang and mannerisms are old. It's not posted or completed.
I also have an idea roughly planned out for a Buffy fic, but it focuses on Joyce. I did it with @vixenofcourse when we hashed out how there should have been more to Joyce. It also led us to some of our crackships like Riley x Cordelia. The fic summary is: "Joyce had been many things in her life. Thief. Assassin. Con woman. So far the hardest of them all was: Mother."
As for X-men...I once started a fic that was supposed to be a "character travels through universes" ages ago. The first place she arrived in was for X-men Evolution. I clearly have never moved on from that idea considering my wip "Reality is Fictional". I also think I wrote a Pietro/Rogue oneshot when I was in high school based off of a Our Lady Peace Song (also for Xmen Evolution). I have no idea what happened to that.
I never watched Dark Angel so I never felt the need to write for it. I've seen a couple eps of Vikings but that's all, though I think my cousin knows one of the actors in it...
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you if I’ve ever written for it or if I’ve ever had an idea for it (or if I ever would).
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therealvikingstrash · 10 months
7 & 17? I'm eating popcorn and choosing violence tonight!
You just wanna watch the world burn, love 😂😂
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
Ivar. Istg, I liked him well enough, he was interesting as a character to write, but the way some people (not namimg names) acted about him had me recoild SO HARD. I can't even look at the actors face without grimacing to this day. So, uh, thanks for that Ig.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Platonic, story driven character study type fics. Fics without "reader". Romantic canon character/canon character type fics (I mean, we have a fuckton of characters to choose from in Vikings and lucked out big time when it comes to that, mix and match baby). More WLW fics. More art of our female characters in general.
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Mead Moons Event: Prompts 13-15
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Is Stiles a villager chosen to make sure viking raider Derek's cup is always full? Or is he a modern home brewer giving expert advice to the novice sourwolf over a web forum?
Does Derek court Stiles with a symbolic gift of honey wine? Or is he transported to another land when accidentally taking a drink of that realm's mead and runs into Creature Stiles?
Is apothecary Stiles making a special metheglin to heal a cursed, always beta-shifted Derek? Or do they enjoy tasting a variety of melomels and bochets on a date at a meadery?
Make up something sweet...or dry!
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Is new emissary Stiles matched with Derek's pack in Fairbanks, Alaska? Or are they trying to track down an important artifact in Svalbard, Norway where the sun doesn't set for 4 months?
Is it a futuristic space AU where Derek and Stiles live under the ever-present light of a dome on a hostile planet? Or is some major supernatural bullshit going on to keep night from falling in Beacon Hills?
Is Midnight Sun the name of Derek's new album, which super fan Stiles is determined to get autographed? Or is it what they call the strange place where they can meet up in their shared dreams?
Bring your ideas to light!
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Is Stiles a stage actor whose latest performance as Puck is reviewed by theater critic Derek? Or is he an actual fey being who gets a kick out of reading the fantasy series Derek writes that's supposedly based on his people?
Do a jealous Titania and Oberon try to keep happy couple Derek and Stiles apart in the Preserve? Or does a trickster tired of their UST and obliviousness engage in all sorts of mischief until they finally confess their feelings?
Do they have their first kiss while randomly watching the 1999 movie version of A Midsummer Night's Dream? Or is that the theme of the college party where they hook up and end up becoming more than a one-night stand?
Share your vision!
Accepting new and unpublished fic, art, and playlists June 3rd - July 3rd. See the pinned post here for more info. 
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creepweirdo · 1 year
so what r the 6 good eames/arthur fics 👀
(i was gonna make a post about this the other night so this is why im prepared 💀✋️)
here the the 6 good arthur/eames fics 😌🫶
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show me the way home is actually hilarious and minutely angsty just bc of how insane arthur is 💀 poor eames' sofa 😔
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orgins verse is a classic—its probably due for a reread !! im like 99% this one came up with the headcanon of their respective matching totems. lol maybe that will be my weekend plans 🤔
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in our line of work is also a classic—LMAO to me all these fics are 🫶 but this one has a scene in it that plays in my mind every couple of months (arthur and eames pretend fight in a vietnamese supermarket and get kicked out by an old lady with a broom) it's so goooood it makes me laugh
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antimony has such good worldbuilding ! i reread it within the last month and it still felt so fresh. i really liked eames' voice in it! also makes me envious about how good the author is at expanding the narrative post-inception without it being silly. like how do people come up with CONCEPTS and then VERBALISE them ???
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steady hand THIS ONE AHHH im pretty sure i mentioned this one off hand like last year but i finally reread it just now ! this one alternates between their perspectives but it doesn't just regurgitate the same scenes/feelings. this is honestly like a movie to me 🫶 lol in the comments someone said this walked so vikings could run. also if you read it, read through the first 3 pages of the comments, the author says what happens in the future for them ❤️
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HAHAH omg and this one 💀✋️ it TECHNICALLY counts. also like its very content heavy but the worldbuilding is so good, and also like a movie to me. every year or so when i do my rewatch of nolan's batman trilogy i tack this on at the end ✋️ maybe one day we'll get a third nolan movie with both tom hardy and jgl again (if jgl stops being unemployed and trying to get people to be voice actors via his twitter 😭)
okay lol that's it from me !!! if anyone has any others that should be on this list please let me know 🫶
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