#[ gyro where is u ?? ]
angel13xo · 5 days
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vialaviolenza · 11 months
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𝑬𝑴𝑷𝑨𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑻𝑰𝑪 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺▓ ❛If you need someone to talk to, I'll listen.❜ @parfumeuses
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Baby blues can only glance at the stranger, a faint huff as he looks away, a bottle of bourbon in hand (where he got it. . that's anyone's guess). Gyro said he'd be back HOURS ago, and still no sign of him anywhere so Johnny decides to enjoy a 'drink' as he waits. Hours passed, and with them came self-doubt and deprecation as it often had. . .What if Gyro never came back? What if he was just holding him back?
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❝ What's there to talk about ? ❞ Despite the guarded words he's obviously living in melancholy, bottle in lap as he sits in his wheelchair outside a saloon in some random town. ❝⸻and anyway, I highly doubt you want to listen to me complain. ❞ It's the nicest way he can phrase it to her, ❝ You go five feet that way, and you'll be around people with 'positive' energy. Promise you don't wanna talk to me. ❞ Johnny gestures back to the saloon before he glances down, the bottle lid returned and tightened as he waits for her to wander off.
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goodlucktai · 2 months
if you’re taking suggestions for the leosagi series you wrote - maybe leo with champion when shes a little older being a menace? or just leo and yui on a date. idk whatever u want :)))
read on ao3
At first, Yuichi didn’t know why Leonardo was so annoyed about his family crashing their dates. The Hamato siblings were fun to be around and folded Yuichi into their shenanigans as though it cost them nothing to include him. And it was always worthwhile to see Leonardo in his natural habitat—those sweet and silly and childish sides of him that only came out of their shell at home—so he never minded when he drove down to the lair to visit Leonardo and their time together was never time alone together. 
Then Leonardo came over to Yuichi’s house to watch a movie and Yuichi’s cousins invited themselves into the den and each made it their life’s mission to make Yuichi wish he was an only child. Leonardo thought they were hilarious and encouraged their antics like the troublemaker he was but Yuichi firmly resolved to never laugh at him for complaining about his brothers ever again. 
“We should go out sometime,” Yuichi said pointedly, staring very hard at the unrepentant little fluffy faces peeking at him from the porch windows. “We could get dinner. Or go skating. Or vandalize public property. I’m not picky.”
“Or all of the above!” Leonardo chimed brightly, the blue light of a portal flickering playfully behind him. He squeezed Yuichi’s hands and added, “I like the way you think, Snowball. Let me know when you’re off work on Friday and I’ll come steal you from tío.” 
He leaned in like he was thinking about going for a kiss, then seemed to remember they had an audience and backed off again with a nervous giggle. 
Goddammit, Yuichi thought with feeling. The constant scrutiny was actually ruining his entire life. 
So that’s how they end up here; Yuichi has his bike helmet tucked under one arm, watching with amusement as his boyfriend stands in front of his assembled family and lays down the law. 
“One last time: what are you not going to do,” Leonardo says in a no-nonsense tone, arms folded across his plastron, borrowed purple bomber jacket glittering where the living room lights hit the sequins. He’s unfairly cute. 
“Stalk, supervise or spy,” his siblings recite with varying levels of agreeableness. 
“And what will happen if I catch any of you doing any of those things?”
“You’ll portal our favorite belongings into the ocean.”
“And I will catch you,” Leonardo adds dangerously. “My phone is on, I’m sharing my location, I’ll be with Yui the entire time, and we probably won’t do anything crazier than trying that new Greek restaurant on 9th Ave.”
“You’d try Gyros Stop without us?” Michelangelo demands with a look of absolute betrayal and wet, shiny eyes. Yuichi honestly can’t tell if he’s kidding or not, but Leonardo is completely unmoved.
“Pushing your luck, Miguel. I’ll bring back baklava.”
The crocodile tears dry right up. One camera shutter sound later, Leonardo is staring at Casey and Casey is staring at the floor, new phone clutched guiltily to his chest. 
“I promised April I’d get a picture,” he whispers.
“If you go into the settings you can turn the sound effect off for next time,” Donnie says, leaning over his nephew’s shoulder.
“Next time?” Leonardo all but shrieks.
“Hey, so you two should get going, huh?” Raphael interjects quickly—probably because he can sense the situation rapidly deteriorating by the second. “Have a good time! Tell Raph all about it later!”
Yuichi and Leonardo finally make it past the turnstiles with only a few more dramatics for the road, hopping down into the tunnel where Yuichi’s bike is waiting while Splinter’s pointed reminder of the curfew for little turtles echoes boomingly around them. 
Said little turtle looks seconds away from dying of mortification and busies himself with shoving his helmet on and pretending his father isn’t still talking about what he’ll do if ‘my Baby Blue comes home with even a single scratch!’
“Get me out of here before I do something drastic,” Leonardo grits out. 
Yuichi pulls his own helmet on and slings a leg over his bike. He twists around and pats the seat behind him, smiling. 
“I’ll go real fast, Stripes. Just hang on tight.”
He knows for a fact that the Hamato brothers have motorcycles that Donatello built from the ground up, and that even little Michelangelo can outdrive people three times his age. And Yuichi has floated the idea of Leonardo coming down to the Hidden City on one of the shell hogs so they could have a drag race with Kitsune and Chizu, which Leonardo agreed instantly was the best idea he’d ever had. 
But for now it makes sense to share Yuichi’s bike. It's date night! And it feels like Yuichi is literally the king of the entire universe when Leonardo wraps his arms snug around Yuichi’s middle and props his chin on Yuichi’s shoulder, knocking their helmets together playfully. 
There’s another camera shutter sound behind them, and Leonardo whips around like he’s going to surrender to the Cain Instinct once and for all. Biting back a bark of laughter, Yuichi revs the engine really loud and takes off. 
It’s late and the sky is overcast, which means that when they turn onto the street from the underground it’s to a smear of headlights and bright neon signs and glowing storefront windows.   
None of the Hamatos seem particularly interested in Cloaking Brooches, beyond the single time Yuichi heard them curiously pondering what their human forms would look like while they were waiting on the popcorn in the microwave. Brooches aren’t particularly hard to come by, and Yuichi knows for a fact that there are a bunch in a drawer at home somewhere, but when he offered to bring over a few, he got a round of “nahh”s.
“Embrace the turtle, baby,” cheerful Michelangelo piped up.  
“Maybe pops would want one,” Raphael added thoughtfully. “We’ll have to ask.”
“It’s New York,” Donatello explained, since Yuichi probably looked as confused as he felt. “No one pays attention to anybody else. At best, the humans won’t even notice we look weird because they’ve got their own stuff going on. At worst, they will notice and automatically assume we’re in costume and not care why. What a town.”
So when they pull into a drive thru for smoothies, Leonardo just says, “Leave your helmet on, they won’t say anything,” proving it when he leans over to pay for their drinks with his phone and his sleeve rides up past his wrist. The teenage cashier clocks his green skin, visibly decides she’s not paid enough to care, and smiles at them brightly when Leonardo tips 25%. 
The Hamatos have lived in—or beneath—Midtown their entire lives, so Yuichi is comfortable deferring to their experience. He doesn’t think he’ll tell Auntie, though. 
They wind up at a little park with a wooded waterfront area, almost entirely empty due to the threat of rain. There’s one dim, buzzing streetlight that offers a warm orange glow against the tree coverage and overcast sky, so the two of them gravitate that way. 
Yuichi can see a few other people on the walk path, all the way down at the other side of the park, looking as though they’re making their way out.  
“There’s so many people in every corner of this town but you still manage to find little pockets like this where nobody’s around,” Yuichi says. “It seems impossible.”
“The Hidden City is like that, too,” Leonardo says, hopping up to sit on the railing that separates the greenery from the water. “Every time you take me to one of your secret hangout spots I’m like, ‘Wait, there’s a billion yokai half a street over, how is it just the two of us here?’” 
Yuichi laughs and says, “That’s fair. Did you get pineapple-banana this time? Let me try.”
“You gotta branch away from strawberries and cream, there’s a whole world out there,” Leonardo complains, but gamely switches smoothies anyway. 
Hanging out just the two of them takes much the same shape as it does when they hang out at the farm or the lair. They talk and watch videos on their phones and recreate TikTok dances they’ll never post but save anyway. The only big differences are the ambient noises of the city—traffic and sirens and music and humanity—and the lights on the water behind Leonardo that frame him like a movie scene. 
And also that there’s no nosy siblings to get in the way when Yuichi leans in for a kiss. He does exactly that, mirroring Leonardo’s smile, when suddenly his boyfriend’s gaze cuts to something over his shoulder and he goes through the five stages of grief in rapid-fire. 
“Pizza Supreme,” the slider mutters, letting his forehead bump against Yuichi’s in defeat. “Gram-gram’s laughing at me, I know she is. I mean it’s free entertainment at this point.”
“What?” Yuichi says, turning around. “What did you see?”
“My all-time least favorite B-list bad guys, probably up to their same old stupid tricks.” Leonardo puts his hands on Yuichi’s shoulders to guide him out of the way as he hops down from the railing. His attitude has cooled slightly, a gleam entering his eyes that wouldn’t look out of place in Donatello’s. Which definitely means trouble. “Hey, morons!” he calls. “Stop trying to out-ninja me, I’m so far out of your league it’s actually insane!”
There’s a beat of silence, less than a handful of seconds, and then a dozen humans in dark clothing reveal themselves. Yuichi spends a lot of time with a ninja clan these days and still finds it a little unnerving the way they can spill out of the shadows soundlessly. Even Leonardo and his siblings, with all their bright colors and larger-than-life personalities, can disappear into thin air like it’s nothing. 
These ninja wear hooded cowls with a burnt orange emblem that give away exactly who they are.
Yuichi’s hand goes to Edgewing, belted at his hip. He knows exactly who to blame for the Krang invading New York City—and ultimately for the battle scars Leonardo and his brothers all bear as a result. He only has to take one look at the healed gashes that stand out stark white against the pretty blue of Leonardo’s carapace and it’s enough to make him want to start breaking faces with an eagerness Karasu-Tengu-sensei would disapprove of. 
“Can we please just cut to the chase here?” Leonardo says, hands on his hips. “I’m a busy guy, and frankly, you picked the wrong night.”
At the beginning of the evening, the only solid plans on Yuichi’s itinerary had been dinner and driving around really fast to hear Leonardo whoop in his ear and maybe going to that drive-in movie theater in Brooklyn the turtles loved because it was screening the original Jurassic Park trilogy this weekend and Yuichi had only seen the first one. 
Maybe he should have been surprised to end up engaged in a sword fight with his boyfriend’s hereditary enemy in a cute postal-stamp sized park in Manhattan, but he’s not, really. Part of running with the Hamato clan is learning really early on how to roll with the punches. 
And—he’s taking some mean glee in this. Sue him. When he slams the hilt of Edgewing into a cowled face and hears the crunch of cartilage he goes, “Ha,” under his breath, and only feels guilty for a second about what sensei would have to say about it. 
“Aren’t you guys embarrassed?” Leonardo calls out to the gaggle of Foot ninja he’s fighting, sounding more annoyed than anything else. “All of your overlords either leave you for dead or sick a squishy pink brain parasite on you.” He glances at Yuichi and adds, as if he had somehow missed the entire alien invasion earlier in the year and this was his first time hearing about it, “It was a whole thing.”
“You know, I do have the Internet.”
“You have dial-up. I didn’t even know what that was until Donnie Googled it.”
If Yuichi wasn’t already in love with this guy for an embarrassing number of reasons, watching him fight five to one without breaking a sweat definitely would have helped him get there. He doesn’t even need the edge his ninpo gives him; fighting an enemy like the Krang kind of makes everything else seem like small fish in comparison. 
By the time the last ninja has crumpled bonelessly to the ground, Yuichi’s muscles are burning in that pleasant post-workout way. And his mind is completely free of everything except a giddy runner’s high. So when Leonardo tilts a smile at him, already reaching for his abandoned smoothie, Yuichi doesn’t think. 
He just closes those four steps between them, takes Leonardo’s face in both hands, and kisses him. 
It’s perfect, obviously. Even with the sound of a nearby eavesdropper squeaking and then being soundly muffled. 
“Okay,” Leonardo says very calmly, and disappears in a flash of cyan. 
Somewhere in the wooded part of the park, there’s multiple shrieks and the sound of Raphael pleading, “No listen, we weren’t spying I swear we were, uh, we were—” 
“Geocaching,” Donatello fumbles, “what an insane coincidence that it took us here, he lied convincingly. Nardo, you know how susceptible I am to both peer pressure and FOMO—”
“You guys are so cute!” Michelangelo chirps enthusiastically. “Ow! And totally a power couple, you should see the pictures we—Lee, ow, ow, okay, I’m sorry I’m sorry—”
Yuichi sighs, and looks down at the Foot ninja beginning to stir weakly on the ground nearby. 
“I’m so lucky,” he confides in them, the truth of it a warm little star in his heart, and then slides out his phone. 
Donatello added him to the Hamato family plan ages ago, which means he gets service everywhere and data speeds he didn’t even know were possible. Yuichi finds Gyro Stop on GrubHub and places a pick-up order for enough spanakopita and baklava to feed however many of Leonardo’s siblings he decides to leave alive. 
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bambiilooza · 2 months
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ew 🤢🤢🤢 gyro gearloose i hate him boo 🍅🍅🍅
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why does he looks so cute getting stomped to death
Sexuality Headcanon:
demiromantic and gay. like the trans hc, that's canon to me.
Gender Headcanon:
transmasc. it's real. mickey mouse broke into my house and told me!!
A ship I have with said character:
i don't ship him with anyone. he doesn't have interactions with any character where i looked and it and said 'they should date!' (imo of course, ik fenro is popular and i like their dynamic and it's at a good place by s3 but i don't like it romantically)
A BROTP I have with said character:
him and della. i made a 5 page comic on it that got corrupted and died but it got me very attached to them. i love the idea of them interacting a lot. they're also two of my top 3 characters so ofc i love them as friends.
they got weird beef and it's a cute, funny idea that was hinted at but never developed further. just imagaining them before and after the spear of selene incident is so interesting. i need more fan content about this honestly.
besides that, him and manny are iconic
A NOTP I have with said character:
besides anything gross, him with mark beaks. i KNOW i drew the divorce selfie with them but i actually dislike them as a ship sm. like i said, i just do not ship gyro with anyone but i hate when it's like 'they're the dads of B.O.Y.D!' no hate to anyone who likes that ofc, but i just do not. i dislike it heavily. get mark beaks away from them.
A random headcanon:
i think he has the most fancy, japanese dishware like ramen bowls and a sake set with gorgeous art on them and so on. but he barely uses them cuz he overworks and doesn't have time to fully make great meals. so he just eats toast for dinner on most days and gets 2 hourse of non-continuous sleep.
General Opinion over said character:
i love everything about him and my best friend wants to fuck him. so he's kind of perfect i could go on about him for hours and that's my closing statement
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i wanna hug him. fuck u gizmoduck lucky bastard
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cowboycakes · 2 years
Could we get letters C, K and M with Gyro please ? 👉🏻👈🏻🫶🏻 Thank you so much!!
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✰ masochism, crying, kissing.
MINORS DNI (18+) warnings: masochist gyro? whaaaat? crying/dacryphilia. oral. penetration. spanking. scratching. biting. smooching. praise if u squint. wc: ~350 note: forgive me anon for i have sinned. this has been in my inbox since like beginning of february. dirty a-z headcanon list (requests closed!)
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C - Crying (is it a turn on? a turn off? do they cry during sex? have they cried during sex? what was the reason?) 
he doesn't need to see you cry, he doesn't try to make you cry, but he's sure as fuck not complaining if you do. especially if your sobs are broken up by moans. he thinks your fucked-out face looks so pretty when its wet and tear-stained. he'd kiss your tears away and whisper about how good you're taking him before he starts fucking you harder <3
K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks / having marks left on them?) 
he greets you with a kiss on the lips. he's always shamelessly kissing you on the lips. doesn't matter where you are or who you're in front of. he likes when you to kiss his tip before you blow him. <3 bite on his lower lip when you're making out. it drives him nuts.
M - Masochism (do they like pain? scratching? biting? being bossed around? spoken down to? choked?) 
choke him out while you ride his cock. spank him til he's begging you to stop. pain isn't really something he seeks out when he's having sex, but he can't deny that it enhances the experience for him. he'd be a little embarrassed by that fact at first, but unfortunately for Gyro, he thinks with his dick -- as soon as he realizes all the scratching down is back and the hands around his neck is just making him throb harder, he'll lean into it. imagine him gritting his teeth and wheezing out moans while you're grinding down on his cock. he'd have a dirty smirk on his face the whole time, acting like he can take more. imagine spanking him over and over while he's on all fours in bed. he's got his cock in his fist while you paddle his ass and watch him turn into a slobbering mess, shaking and whining cause he's so damn close to cumming. he can be a little bitch if you know how to turn him into one &lt;3
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Diegosaur requesting for Gyro wow how surprising and original(not)!!!
LMFAO i cant help it i love him sm
I just rlly rlly rlly wanna try different hairstyles on him bc his hair is so WOOOWW so like HES PERFECT FOR THE JOB
Braids curls pigtails literally anythingomg
I really dont know how to like title this like js use it as some kind of fanfic inspo(??i dont know man is that how it works) so i can save u some time for the topic💯
just having some fun with Gyro and his hair fr🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Looks straight out of an ad for hair products if u ask me🤷‍♀️
Hair Stylist - Gyro Zeppeli
notes - I have really been missing SBR and my Italian cowboy, so I RUSHED over to my pending requests and literally SEARCHED for this one. It's one of my fav requests and I was so happy to do it for you. I can only imagine how soft this man's hair is, but even so, I'm really happy I wrote this. Thanks for the request! ilysm stay super hydrated!! <333
word count - 367
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"What are you doing back there?" Gyro asked for the fifth time, trying to turn around, but you grabbed his hair tighter to stop him from doing it. "Ow! Hey! Just tell me!"
"Stop moving or you'll ruin it!" you told him, starting another braid on the back of his head.
"Ruin what?!"
"You'll get mad if I say it. And I'm already too far."
"I won't get mad, I swear. Just tell me or I'm gonna get even more mad."
You sighed and finished the braid on his head before grabbing a nearby mirror to show him the curls and braids you put in his hair.
Gyro grabbed the mirror from you, his face in complete shock and he touched every part of his hair that you did up even finding some colorful hair ties and even beads braided in.
"Don't be mad." you said, hiding behind a pillow from the couch.
Gyro stared at himself for a bit longer, feeling the soft curls again and again. You peeked out from behind the pillow to find him in awe and didn't know what to say.
"Gyro I-"
"Well, are you gonna finish the job?" he asked, sitting in an angle where you could continue and handing you a brush.
Now you were the one in shock. "Y-You want me to do your hair?"
He just nodded, knowing that he was blushing. He would've never let anyone do this EVER, but knowing that he wasn't going to be leaving the house anytime soon and knowing that you would be the only one to see this was fine with him.
So quickly, you got back to work, tying his hair up and curling it. It didn't take you long to finish the job, which was nice.
"There, done." You showed Gyro his reflection again and he laughed.
"I look like a little girl." he said, playing with the little beads tied into his hair.
"Is it bad?"
"No. It's fun. I like it."
You smiled to yourself and hugged around the back of Gyro's chest. "You have really soft hair."
"Do I?"
You just nodded and pressed a kiss onto his back.
"We should do this again sometime."
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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prettykikimora · 2 months
The thing I miss abt chi was the gyro plates yu could get on every corner. I jsut made one at home n it made me Hella nostalgic. Have U had one yet?
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It's the thinly sliced oregano onions and the tomatoes that rly makes it
Wow I've never where is this at? My neighborhood has elotes and tacos on every street corner I haven't had a gyro in a while.
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thefearsomefangirl · 3 months
Blathering blatherskite means WHAT?!
OMG, duckblr. I just found out something hilarious and I cannot let it go unnoticed.
Although I'm from Mexico and spanish it's my mother tongue, I don't have the habit of watching my cartoon or tv shows or movies in Spanish, except..., when I'm searching for a specific translation of words o phrases. Only then I switch the language in the Disney + app from english to spanish (latin american).
Just a moment ago, I was searching for the translation of "worry room" in the chapter La gran bomba from Ducktales 87 (S2E19), an it was "Cuarto pensadero", which, for my taste, sound lame, but... meh.
Anyways, cuz I enjoy this chapter (cuz Gizmoduck it's in it) i continue to watching it with out swiching back to english and... OMG. I didn't know that they (the translators) translate the famous secret words for the gizmosuit "blathering blatherskite" as "Por las plumas de mi abuelo!! (min 20:02)"
I'm in shock xD I can't express how hilarious that finding was xD
In reality, I don't even know what "blathering blatherskite" is, I mean, the meaning. I never even thought of searching for a meaning, I just have this believe it was nonsense xD and just for checking, i rewatch the chapter Valores Congelados (S2E7) where Gyro configure the gizmosuit for have a secret word for usage and it is in fact "Plumas de abuelo"
For context, we Mexicans do have a similar phrase: "por las barbas de mi abuelo". It can be translated as For my grand father's beard! and it's used to denote astonishment, amazement, surprise or disbelief xD
And so… yeah… I get curious and wanted to ask what's the actual meaning of blathering blatherskite and if you talk other language, could you tell me how it was translated in your language? :D
Thank u, duckblr
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bunnymedley · 6 months
yeah these puzzles where they expect u to move a block around to precisely light certain ropes on fire using gyro controls are absolutely impossible on an emulator using the mouse for motion controls holy shit it does NOT work im gonna be here until the end of time
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kuromi-hoemie · 4 months
11, 21, 30
11. favorite extracurricular activity? hm, if it's an educational activity i guess my favorite is electrical engineering (❁´◡`❁) I'm rarely inspired to make something but it is very pleasing to make A Device or collection of devices, from making the circuit board to designing and printing various encasings to programming microcontrollers. it is fun to conceptualize what u can do with technology when u know how it works but don't have 2 make anything for A Business or even just for work.. In practice i only ever make stuff for taking care of plants, my next setup was going to be rly fun to put together and much bigger/distributed — but plants and a dig crazy kitten are incompatible =ω= i find working with electronics fascinating though bc the smaller u go the simpler the functionality is, and there r so many building blocks 2 play with!! it's one of the very interesting spaces where technology and the real world interact with each other by design. my dream would be to have a huge lab with different zones for different climate n groups of plants. but i could settle for a greenhouse too ╰( ̄ω ̄o) idk how realistic that is for me to get but i love plants!
21. something you've kept since childhood? my trauma, scars from skating and other clumsy childhood incidents and a spiritual curse (?) of sorts which i actually enjoy and want to foster 🫡 this is not a metaphor or anything lmao i mean literally.
as far as physical objects go, I just have a red screwdriver I've had since i was 17 and a socket wrench set. they've been w me through 3 states over 12 years (❁´◡`❁) i have other tools from early adulthood too but i didn't leave home under good circumstances so i didn't rly have much i could bring w me besides what were most important/enjoyable for me.
30. is there dishes in your room? yea im fucking up some gyro fries rn 😈
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dutchwinter · 9 months
what are some of your favorite foods :3
well im a big chocolate guy!! every kind too. idc. the best is dark chocolate though. where do u stand on white chocolate/milk chocolate/dark chocolate. ill go crazy though gyros too i had some TODAY!! with tzatziki like it cant get better... it cannot. and id drink garlic sauce if i could too. like. GOD. lamb with garlic sauce thats everything that is everything
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goatpaste · 2 years
Finished SBR and I liked it But God is it so held back by the shit Lucy is put through and sudden plot movements (sandman/sound man, frozen lake, Ticket to ride, HP’s death, the Gyro final fight and AU Diego). Your rewrite looks really interesting and I wanna check it out bc the final fight HP/Dio Vs Valentine was fucking amazing, even tho Dio lost in a way I thought was fair (but not without fighting), HP was done so dirty and I bet u do her justice. Sorry for the ramble (I know u hate SBR lol)
so much waste.. GREAT characters and story potential all ruined by the second half becoming obsessed with being grossly fixated on the narrative and nearly literal rape of lucy steel
and all these plot ideas that feel like they could unfurl into something VERY interesting and unique and amazing as a story. only to be dropped or just go no where. so many characters with AMAZING potential who go no where
i did like the Dio and HP fight with FV and Diego is kinda a baller death i wont lie.. but its.. really poorly done only because we dont even get to sit on it hardly? idk maybe its because i cared more than the narrative wanted me to did about diego? but they sure do just cut to johnny and gyro IMMEDIATLY with johnnys fucking bug bite fetish...
but yeah im like, the FEW chapters with diego and hot pants opened up such interesting doors to their dynamic and everything it could be that my rewrite really is a focus on that.. and utilizing Lucy better
listen, i LOVE a story about shitty things happening and everything goes bad! i really do find it good if well done
but yknow
araki you did such a bad dissatisfying job ? im taking your story and making it happier. you make it unreasonably miserable with no story enjoyment payoff? i take the story and flip it on its head, its about adults whos childhoods were fucked over and ruined by the cruelty of the world, then grew up into terrible adults, but when the safety of a child is thrust upon them they learn to grow as people, 4 people are saved by their will to not continue the cycle they have all experience onto her. People who need to grow up or die. people who learn your become so much kinder and stronger with a child who relys on you for protection.. ough.. i need to work on my SBR rewrite shit,, i think so much about it
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goatandwatch · 6 months
Hey, its me Again.
I’m back here to deliver another actual post, here not Twitter because here it can be longer.
Thinking more on the GameDev thoughts today, I’ve been thinking of making my dream game for years so most of this stuff has already been planned for a while but I figure I’ll give a brief restatement of the general idea of the game.
The Game Concept & Idea's I've Previously Thought Up:
So I love PokéPark so I want to make a game that's like PokéPark but the protagonist is a cute kind friendly character who communicates with the player, akin to OneShot, you meet the protag and become general friends, but you help out the protagonist so much over the span of the game that by the end the protag character cherishes you so much they’d be willing to take a bullet for you. I dunno maybe like a Yandere trope sorta(??) but that's too far, no "romanticness" to it or not as mentally unstable, just that the sweet adorable angel protag gets so dedicated to you that he’d be willing to do anything for you by the end of the game, mainly just that he’s innocent to the extent that the protagonist and player dynamic go beyond just like best friend as to “I would die for you” from the protags perspective of the player.
Its like PokéPark, so its a 3d segmented open world game that progressively unlocks more areas as you continue through the plot, helping more NPC's and doing good deeds, having fun controlling and cooperating with the protagonist.
I previously thought it’d be cool to add some kinda mouse control in a 3d space, like you can press a button and it’ll remove your control over the protagonist, like he’d go into a sitting animation until you retake control, the camera view wouldn’t change though as you’re still in the third person camera behind him. From there if you’re not controlling him, you can press the button again to retoggle control over him again, or (the reason the feature exists) you can hover your mouse over the screen and click and drag items with special indicators or colors on them.
As an example of this:
If February (yes I’m just calling the protagonist February now after my OC) is under a ledge, but you see a several boxes with a sparkle design on them on-top of the ledge above him, you can position him where you can see the boxes but he’s out of the way, so then you can pause control over February, hover your mouse over the boxes, and move it in four cardinal directions, likely off the ledge, in order to build a staircase for February to walk up after you resume control of him, thus allowing him to get on-top of the ledge. And that's the concept, its a tool used for puzzles, and also possibly to interact with the characters or February. Think like the pointer from Wii games with Super Mario Galaxy for pushing and pulling or shooting Starbits, or the on-screen gyro sensor in captain toad treasure tracker on the switch. I guess a glorified Wii U touch-screen but in-game with a pointer, and if the game gets ported to consoles then a button that does the thing and then your control just gets placed in the center of the screen for you to use the sticks in order to move and press a to interact with the mouse, I hope you get the idea.
That's all past ideas that I’ve already thought up.
But today I thought of maybe 2 more aspects I’d like to throw into this hypothetical PokéPark successor dream game:
First off, I really enjoyed playing through “SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE”, a sequel or DLC to Superhot, it did something really interesting where it kept the level format with different maps every level, but the interesting part is that most if not all levels had no invisible walls. That's the idea here. In PokéPark there are many invisible walls that keep you from falling off the beating path, but the idea is I design a normal playground area/level like in PokéPark, with loading zones so you can go to each area if you interact with the loading zones, but otherwise if you try to run out past the bushes or trees in the distance that you’d think would have invisible walls to keep the player on the path, there are no invisible walls.
The protagonist, February (again it’ll probably not be February but a new protag I’ll design, I’m just using him as a reference) will downright acknowledge either at the beginning of the game or through later text that he and the other NPC’s know that they’re in a game, but try to play it off as if they’re sentient creatures, not that they have predetermined text boxes and stuff, so February knows. Anyway back to the invisible wall idea, there will be a invisible wall on the outskirts of every map but it’ll have no collision, and will purely be a check to show if the player is going outside the map, if the player does, it’ll trigger some flavor text from February, where for the first time you realize you can go out of bounds February will talk a little about something along the lines of “Oh yea. The game developers designed the Park to have boundaries so we couldn’t walk out of bounds, but never actually eventually put thous boundaries in place. So you’re fine to roam outside the level as far as you’d like until you eventually hit the Skybox Floor. I know it might seem odd that there's nothing underneath, but it’s okay when the Park is designed to be a paradise. Also, don’t worry about falling and hitting that Skybox Floor, if you do stray too far it’ll just put you right back up on the ground.”
I figure this first explanation can be more of a “Pause the game and February comes up from the bottom of the screen to give you the dialogue looking directly at you.” thing since its more long-winded, but every subsequent time you pass through the no collision invisible wall check (flavor text check) it’ll be a "Hat in Time"-esque dialogue box that’ll just play as you continue to move, Hat in Time has dialogue boxes that as you continue to platform around display dialogue, with flavor text from February like “Going off the beating path again huh?” and “Nice to always explore outside the intended area, its interesting.” and such, just to recognize that the player is doing so. Though it’ll have a cool-down of every 3 minutes or so, so that going in and out of the check doesn’t just spam the screen.
Other than that, with the idea of no invisible walls, maybe the first area will have invisible walls or something just to give the player the illusion that there usually are invisible walls, but eventually in the next areas they might accidentally walk back into the trees where the visual design is trying to tell them they can’t be, and realize “Oh wow I can actually just run out as far as I’d like.” for the rest of the game. That and I don’t want it to be so they accidentally stumble close to the flavor text check, get the info dump cut-scene about it from February (as explained above), and don’t have the player make the realization that “Oh I just walked outside the boundaries, I can really do that?”, that’d be bad, the point is that they have to consciously be trying to do so. That's the point.
Also this should be obvious by this point, but if I’m going to allow them to go out of bounds then (nearly) every surface should have collision. So:
The far off grass behind the trees in the forest.
Likely the low poly or flat trees off in the distance.
Any hills or landscape in general in the background that the player can see on the main path from a distance, it has to be walk-able.
The player will be able to run onto or into them like they’re floors or walls, not fall through the ground, like no-clipping out of a valve game past the chain fence in TF2 on 2Fort, where the ground has collision despite it's out of bounds. Or! you can go to the PokéPark VRChat maps I found previously and go see if there isn’t invisible walls on that, if I recall correctly. That should be a good demonstration.
So, that's one, the invisible walls thing stated above.
Other than that I thought playing on the idea of the game developers and out of bounds stuff knowing the game is self-aware that its a game, my second thought today was: “What if I put a character in the game who was a real person in the real world but loved the game so much they uploaded their consciousness to it, and its not just like a random person or a fan but a developer of the game that was so passionate and caring that they willingly uploaded themselves into the game before release”. So every NPC in the game is a fictional character who pretend they have sentience and enjoy living inside the game, but one NPC is an actual developer, in his model and text name and all, he uploaded himself into the game. This developer NPC I figure could be just a self-insert for myself or something if I wanted to do that, or I could make it an actual character in the game’s lore, regardless they’d have to show up in the list of names in the credits of the game at the end of the game.
Anyway, this developer NPC would maybe first be found directly on the main linear story path where he interacts with the protagonist, and all the other NPC’s and protagonist include him in the dialogue as well. I could do a route where they don’t acknowledge him as he’s not directly written into the code, but the idea is is that the NPC’s in the game are sentient and have feelings as well, like February, the protagonist. After you first interact with this developer NPC (who I’ll just refer to as myself from now on), he’ll show up exclusively on out of bounds areas of the map.
He’s the only NPC to actually walk out of bounds, and that gives more incentive to explore out of bounds to find secrets or just to see the level slowly fade in less detail as you get further out.
But also, there’ll be a check for how many times each you load into an area, so if you load into the area for the first time, first time ever seeing that area, it’ll track that, as that number goes up to 5 or 10, you’ll see changes that specifically myself as the developer NPC will make, as because he’s uploaded his consciousness into the game, he also likes to tinker around and maybe build himself a little hut out of bounds, as that counter I previously mentioned goes up, you’ll see him slowly build stuff each time the level is reloaded. He’ll take apart pieces of the environment, like twigs or plank board’s lying around and use them to build a little shelter, and it’ll look out of place since it’s out of bounds, the ground it sits on will be a low quality texture meanwhile the individual pieces that make up the shelter will have higher quality textures because hypothetically the storytelling is that he took a tarp or board from the main area and carried it out of bounds to build his little shelter, and that's often where you’ll find him out of bounds, making cool stuff for you and himself to enjoy.
He’ll also offer more in-depth game-play tips besides the tutorial stuff you’ll be taught on the linear path, this is where if, for example, I were to implement a racing mini-game, there’s be a controls screen that’d tell you how to drive forward in the race, but my developer character would give you the tip that you can hold a button to activate a boost, and that button prompt doesn’t show up on the controls in the tutorial for the minigame, you only find it out by reading the text of this NPC, or experimenting and finding it out for yourself. Its like if the combo’s in fighting games at the arcade were exclusive moves people had to figure out themselves and pass by word of mouth, instead of those combo’s being listed out on a menu if you paused the game.
The developer NPC would tell you these as flavor text, tips about the game that you’d only know either from learning it from him, or by experimenting and getting lucky. Almost like the developers left in some cheaty button combinations or whatever to give them a way to easily destroy the competition in harder mini-games later in the game for example, Dev routes in a Mario Maker Level or something. It’d be fun for him to tell the player tips like that, stuff only the developer would know.
To wrap up this long post and end my thoughts.
The previous stuff I said regarding the developer I don’t think I emphasized the best, but hopefully you get the picture.
I like the idea of the player being able to just naturally walk out of the intended design path of the level, going past walls to the out of bounds areas, and then also finding the developer NPC back there just hanging around enjoying his time spent in the paradise he helped create, giving some exclusive tips to you if you talk to him.
That sums it up really with those new thoughts that inspired me to write this all down, so hopefully I might be able to develop a game like this someday, but that's a lot of work and free-time I don’t have.
I don’t want people reading this and stealing and using my idea, I hope that doesn’t happen, but I figured these were fun concepts regardless that if I don’t ever get to develop the game I want that at least I got those ideas out there for people to enjoy some way or another. I hope this hasn’t been completely rambling and you can imagine and visualize my vision in your head and think “wow that does sound interesting and fun to interact with!”
If you managed to read this all, I guess even if you skimmed it, then I genuinely thank you a lot, I know it probably could’ve been shortened, but oh well.
Have a great day regardless, I thank you a lot for reading.
And to the person who just scrolled from the top immediately to the bottom without reading, darn it, come on guy, give a chance to hear me out...
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in the witch au fic u posted was that lilbulb mentioned as a cat?
Yes!!! It was!!!!
His name is Garlic Bulb so he’s a light white cat, it was the only way I could figure out for him to keep his name sldlflglfldl
He was originally Boyd’s kitten, and somehow was the only thing that survived their house being burned down by the villagers when he was just over two months old. Fenton found him in the woods nearby when he went back for Boyd’s body, and brought him with him back to Gyro.
Gyro was actually against Boyd having a cat (Fenton and Boyd talked him into it but he refused to help out with it’s caretaking), but after Boyd's passing he put his all into taking care of Bulb. It gave him a purpose during the first few months, something to get out of bed for sldlflgld (metaphorically- they were still trying to build a house at that point and were probably sleeping wherever they could outside) So Bulb is now Gyro’s familiar, and goes with him everywhere! That’s why in the fic as soon as Fenton sees Bulb he goes to ask where Gyro is.
Ik witches usually have black cat familiars so people are superstitious of them, but even tho he’s white Bulb does have a way of radiating that feeling. Villagers are always extremely uncomfortable whenever they see him, he’s known around the village as the ‘phantasm cat’ as he’s thin (wispy, almost) and white and has a knack for disappearing and reappearing (don't have a set eye color for him yet but he Stares Into Your Soul). When Huey stumbles upon their house, it’s Bulb that still continues to make him more uneasy than the literal witches sldlflglfldl
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torawro · 1 year
3some with johnny you say.. sosaa listen to me on a poly relationship with them😵‍💫johnny is such a pillow princess alright, it's difficult for him to take charge anyway, and he just so badly wants you & gyro to coddle him and make him feel good... gyro fucking you and making johnny watch, telling him "keep her head in your lap, baby~ be a good boy f'me and we'll fuck you like this next" SATIATE ME RN PLEASE !! both you and johnny just wanna be bred by your silly big dick bf and it makes you both turn so good and sweet for him<3
rekha............ REKHA.
OH MY DAYSSSSS DO YOU KNOW HOW THIS MADE ME FEEL? YOU MUST KNOW HOW THIS WOULD HAVE MADE ME FEEL IF U SENT THIS IN???? i wish you could have seen my face when i read this half asleep!!! it took me all mf day to get back to this and i deeply apologize for it but now that i'm settled?????? oh gosh. clit doing the hippity hop all over again :( let's get into ITTTTTT. minors do not interact!
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this is..... is one of the best, most indulging, delicious, entertaining, moan-producing, feet-wiggling, back arching thirsts i have received and i am STILL struggling to gather my thoughts🥴 bisexual johnny but only for gyro is canon because we are all in a mf poly relationship !!!!!!!!!!!!! i love my boyfies and they love me <3 ugh this LITTLE PIECE OF DIALOGUE THAT YOU'VE WRITTEN HAS ME GOING INSANNEEE!!! gyro calling a johnny a GOOD BOY? oh yes. YESS HE WILL BLUSH SO HARD AND LOOK AWAY BUT HE FUCKING LOVES IT. and i haven't quite gotten to the part where they talk about his family life but because of my growing obsession with him and gyro, i read up on some stuff (without spoiling too much) and i see he had some problems at home and a strained relationship with his dad 🥺 UGH MY POOR BOY! so i think gyro calling him a good boy and offering him something he wants will truly stun him and he'll freeze up, because a pet name like that, being referred to as a good boy when he's been hating and beating himself up for most of his life, will touch / heal something deep inside of him :( and even though he won't admit it, he is willing to do anything to have gyro-- or us-- to call him a good boy.
i didn't mean to get that analytical and solemn but i just had to mention that LMAO ANYWAY, back to the main point here. when you said both me AND johnny just want to be good for our silly, big dick boyfriend so he can breed us both AHHHFHDHFHSDHFSH I LITERALLY SCREAMED BECAUSE THAT IS SO REAL OF US ! me and johnny both pillow princesses too but i definitely don't mind putting in some extra work for my boys from time to time <3 just as long as they return the amount of pleasure threefold 😊 i'll coddle my baby johnny as much as he likes, and just watch him get so flustered but still put on a tough exterior and be smooth about it. like when it's time to sleep at night, it'll be like a sandwich situation and me and him alternate on being in the middle, cause sometimes i'll just hold him against my titties so he can use them as a pillow and just rub on his head softly and then gyro is the big spoon holding us both close to him 🥹 alright wait because now i'm thinking of specific scenario:
thinking about it's late at night and we're not wearing any long pants, we had already dozed off to johnny gently caressing up and down our bare thigh and gyro's big hand rubbing our pudgy tummy and it's just so peaceful. the moonlight shining against our skin, the feeling and sensation of being pressed up against them is making something akin to desire to stirs in the pit of their stomachs. although johnny tries to ignore it—by snuggling closer into your boobs and holding pulling our thigh over his slim waist—gyro let's his impulses take over because he knows he won't be able to sleep if he doesn't resolve this issue. and he knew johnny was already awake so why not confide in his special, pretty girl and his special pretty boy for some relief? you'll know it'll help us both, he says to johnny with only his eyes and a growing, sly grin.
next thing we know, gyro has us bent over into the prettiest arch, our panties clutched and dangling in between the glistening, golden grillz in his mouth. while we're bent over, our face rests in johnny's lap, his own cock up freed from its cloth confines and standing up at attention, twitching violently with each puff of breath from our mouths, each kitten lick, lewd suck down his entire shaft, or a graze of our finger. one of his hands is supporting our head upright, the other is on the back of our head, guiding us up and down his cock whenever we end up engulfing his entire length into our mouths. the clapping sound of gyro's hips against the fat of our ass, the noises of us gagging and gargling all over johnny's dick the sound of our and johnny's moans, along with gyro's groans + cursing?! omgggg it's obscene and it smells like sex, gyro's signature musk, and the special, sweet-smelling soap we use to bath ourselves and it only collectively turns everyone on with each passing moment. johnny had to gather the willpower to stop himself from cumming too early at least three times because his crystalline blue eyes were laser focused on the ripples on our ass cheeks whenever gyro plunged his cock into us or tugged on our hair a bit to deepen our arch or force us to look at him. you two were so . . . . tantalizing it drove him insane, which caused him tighten his grip on us and did all he could to thrust his hips into our mouth to fuck our poor throat.
gyro sees this and that startling grin of his only widens, if possible, and lets out throaty, guttural chuckle that sends a chill up johnny's spine, his dick twitching in your mouth, and causes us to tighten around gyro. we couldn't seem to fathom how a short laugh could be so attractive but both of our minds were too far gone, too deep in the never-ending abyss of pleasure that we were giving each other. gyro pushed the long, ashy blonde locks that fell from his hair tie from his face with one hand, and the sight alone almost proved to be too much for him, feeling his body increase exponentially in temperature and the need to cum down your throat was all-consuming. "aw, look at you. you're doing so good, f'r me baby boy, so fucking good. keep fucking her throat just like that—yeah, there you fucking go. good boy." leaning closer to johnny, gyro planted one arm on the bed to support his weight, all without missing a beat in his hips. in fact, this only made him able to reach the furthest depths our cunt and we mewl loudly in pleasure, gripping the sheets of the bed.
with gyro's face now hovering in front of johnny's, the older man spoke again, "i saw you watching before. you want next baby? wanna get fucked like a whore too? hmm? i know you do, and i'ma give to you. . . real good." with each word he purred, his voice got lower and huskier, grunts paired with every letter he uttered. johnny cursed the man in his mind for being so goddamn sexy, but the only thing that came out his mouth was a moan of our and gyro's name from behind gritted teeth, and a long, drawn out, "fuck, yes!" to gyro's question as he came into our mouth, spare droplets of his seed dribbling and leaking from the sides of our mouth, while we attempt to swallow the rest of it. the long haired man could only smirk to himself at seeing his pretty babies enjoy themselves so much. not long after that, the positions were switched and it was now johnny who had his face in between your plump thighs, slurping and licking the slick from our puffy pussy lips. we would hide every time his nose bumped pleasurably against our clit and his low moans against our sex caused by gyro’s deep, rough thrusts into johnny’s pink puckered hole. we were very happy to both get violated by our goofy boyfriend’s fat dick <3
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roydeezed · 1 year
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 9: The JOJOLands - Chapter Round-Up (Chapter 3)
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I saw this chapter as soon as it came out but I waited to talk about it because I wanted some thoughts to marinate and others to crystallize. I don’t want to spoil anything so find my thoughts below the “Keep reading”, see ya down there!
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Right off the bat, Araki blesses us with this bold spread of Jodio crossing Rohan’s compound with Rohan right there. We’ll get back to Jodio soon but can I talk about how amazing the art has been for Jojolands? Araki feels at the peak of his game and the energy reminds me a lot of Oda at the height of Wano arc. Near the end of Jojolion the art was quite rightly pretty cramped, it did a great job of showing the suffocating nature of Wonder of U and the Calamities. But now, Araki gets to let loose and really give us a sense of the openness of Hawaii. It’s betriful and almost every page has incredibly striking art. 
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Now going back to Jodio. He’s absolutely fearless. He doesn’t have a sense of risk for himself and that makes him bold. He knows that if he’s caught now it’ll only be him that suffers the consequences. Or he thinks that, as he doesn’t know about Heaven’s door. This disregard for consequences also makes him very confident and he needs to be able to pull off a heist right under Rohan’s nose. Jodio actually gets more nervous seeing Rohan’s art than he does hiding in plain sight.
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Dragona and crew make their way into the house and Usagi sees a cat loitering around. By the way, I want to stop and admire the art again. Whereas the wide open shots are beautiful, these character centric panels drip with so much personality. Paco’s looking ahead, Dragona’s on the lookout for trouble and Usagi has already been distracted. 
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Dragona warns them not to steal anything but they’re already deep into the loot. These guys are liabilities. But what they’re stealing also reveals a lot about them. Usagi is pure Id, stealing what appears to be bottles of champagne. Paco on the other hand, seems to be going for cash and easily sellable artifacts like small statues and clocks. Dragona warns them off again. For the second time. Usagi drops it and focuses on something else.
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Usagi is really careless, again, he’s the biggest liability they have. He cuts up a painting and doesn’t bother to cover up the damage. Paco on the other hand still pockets the cash. It seems like to me that Paco is desperate for money. He’s probably going through some unfortunate circumstances related to it as he is quite often agreeable to playing the quiet soldier while having a pretty big personality. Right away, I love these Jobro’s so much. We haven’t had such a solid supporting cast, in my opinion, since Part 6. Gyro was obviously in a class of his own but he was just one character. Right out of the gate we have three strong supporting characters and an incredibly strong antagonist that will no doubt turn into an ally in Rohan.
And speaking of Rohan, I really like this idea of different sects of stands developing. One in Japan and one in America. Like a disease, it spreads from person to person and consigns them to a bizarre life whether they want it or not. It’s just like the Jostar legacy. We get a scene setting up what I’m assuming is the main plot of the story where these four will team up with Rohan to fulfill whatever his objective is. 
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Then we get the cat. It’s peak cat design. It’s implied it’s a stand as they can all see it and they never considered that it might not be. If so, it’s a brilliant way to show that Rohan has powers to the main cast and it also seems to bring the two groups together against a common third enemy. However, if it’s a Iggy situation, then I would be sooooo down for that. A cat stand user that just does whatever it wants would be beautiful. I could cry just thinking about it. Araki, you beautiful weird bastard, please make it come true.
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Moving on, I want to touch on this incredible sense of tension Araki’s been able to build. The paneling and the page layout lends itself to creating such a cinematic sense of tension it feels like it’s borrowed straight from the best thrillers. Actually Jojolands does remind me of Thief a lot so far. Araki has always been good with horror but I’m glad he’s also putting so much focus into tension, it’s such an integral part of heists. 
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And then we see Rohan get past Jodio as he was too absorbed in what he was looking at. And we see Jodio sweat. Which he didn’t while walking in plain sight of Rohan. So what makes this any different? Two things I’d say. The first is his sense of personal responsibility where he doesn’t want to be responsible for other misfortunes or maybe more specifically Dragona’s, i’m not sure yet. And the second being that he screwed up. It’s a mistake and he doesn’t like making those. 
Jodio warns them and notices that the cat isn’t Rohan’s. At the same time Paco and Usagi find the safe and pressure Dragona to open it while Jodio pleads to leave. This speaks to Jodio’s careful nature but also reveals a lot about Dragona when they cave. Dragona has to be the leader of a bunch of wildcards and does their best to keep them in check. And has so far made the correct decisions but it looks to be getting to them. I think that’s why Jodio might step in, to hep Dragona with the burden, especially of Usagi, who seems to exacerbate Paco’s desire’s too. Dragona also seemed to be a capable leader before Usagi came along. I can’t help but feel like Usagi was meant to sabotage them and maybe use his power to steal away a copy of the diamond if possible.
Rohan attempts to go inside but Jodio distracts with his stand which we learn a little more about. It seems like sharp needles are at the ends of the rain drops. Like pine needles or something. Finally they get the diamond but see what looks like an equally important piece of volcanic rock in the safe, which is probably a big piece of the plot’s puzzle. As they leave they get attacked by the cat and Jodio realizes Rohan can see stands. This was a great tension filled chapter that unveiled a lot about the characters and set up pretty well for what seems to be the plot of this part.  I don’t want to speculate too much so I’ll leave it at that and see y’all next time!
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