#[ about Carol ]
locallibrarylover · 9 months
*by live theatre i mean plays, musicals, operas, ballets, concert versions of musicals, staged readings, & things of that nature. EDIT: YES this includes amateur, local, kids, high school, & community theatre. almost every show i've seen has been local
if you want, list the names of the shows you've seen in the tags!
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venator-signum · 8 months
kamala khan would have the most horrendous ao3 author's notes known to man
"hey guys sorry the update is late i switched places with an avenger (ajdgrhsh literally crying) and a really cool space scientist lady and then got into a fight and some alien dudes wrecked my house and then I met Nick fury and I was literal space it was crazy and I had to help save the universe and saw said scientist lady give up her life to save all of us... anyways hope you like the new fic, branching out with an arranged marriage au for this one!!!"
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
The notes on that last Muppet poll I made made me realize that most people seem to mistakenly believe that Muppet adaptations of classic literature are parodies, which isn't true. you have to everything dead straight. in fact, the key to making a Muppet adaptation is to be so faithful to the source material that it's more accurate than 90% of other non-Muppet adaptions
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callsignchicha · 1 month
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Sorry that its kind of a long post, too tired to figure out why the ‘read more’ thingie isn’t working :’3
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daisy-mooon · 8 months
Behind the jokes and badassness, Captain Marvel is a fascinating character to me, because of how death follows her.
She causes an explosion. That explosion, which gives her powers and her immortality, canonically kills her. The Kree Empire resurrects her and makes her as Kree as they can. She shares Yon-Rogg's blood and his life, she's his creation, she's his victim, she's the one who causes his downfall, she's the one that destroys the system, the society, the planet that allowed her to be abused.
It's the Kree that see her as a killer and Annihilator. She's a monster of their own making, but it influences every species and planet she touches. Her victories cause death and her mistakes cause more death. Carol's triumph, the death of the Supreme Intelligence, results in the death of probably millions of Kree, and by consequence, almost causes the death of Hala's star.
"I'm only human" Carol says, before killing the Empire that is the reason that she can't ever be human again.
"We'll be back for the weapon," Ronan says, but that weapon will kill everything he stands for.
"Your life began the day it nearly ended," The Supreme Intelligence says, coldly, calculatingly. It's an AI. It doesn't have a good concept of death. It doesn't fully grasp that Carol had genuinely been killed that day, because she's still in front of it. Carol kills it.
"Death seems to follow you," Dar-Benn says, before she causes an explosion with the bangles, trying to defeat Carol. The explosion kills Dar-Benn.
Death follows Carol. Death follows Carol! Mar-Vell is dead. Maria is dead. Talos is dead. Soren is dead. Ronan is dead. Minn-Erva is dead. Korath is dead. Dar-Benn is dead. Yon-Rogg is, probably, dead. The Supreme Intelligence is dead. Natasha is dead. Tony is dead.
The only people in Carol's life who aren't dead are Kamala, Monica, Yan, Valkyrie, and Fury.
She watches helplessly as Dar-Benn almost murders Kamala after Kamala tries to save Dar-Benn's life, tries to find a way to solve the violence without death.
She watches helplessly as Monica gets torn into another reality, which for all she knows, she could die in. The tear in reality that was caused by Dar-Benn's death.
She tries to hide Yan's existence from her friends and tries to warn him and his people. The Kree soldiers aren't fighting to maim, they're fighting to kill. He escapes death by his own fighting skills and the fact that the Kree would rather focus on killing Carol than him.
Valkyrie and Carol interact once, and she only calls when she needs help after a fight, not during. Think about it. Valkyrie and the Bifrost could have helped the trio enormously. But Carol doesn't call until the fights are over. It would be very easy for a regular Asgardian warrior to die compared to superhumans.
And Fury... have you seen how often Fury comes close to dying? He's alive from skill and luck. He is lucky that he isn't dead.
Captain Marvel is so, so fascinating. Her story begins with her own death, and the more it goes on, the more death happens around her. Nobody is safe. She causes almost all of them, even the ones of her friends - not directly, but through the consequences of her actions. The consequences of her victories and mistakes. The consequences of her anger and revenge, her power and powerlessness. It is caused by both the Human and Kree sides of her, by both Carol and Vers, Captain Marvel and the Annihilator.
Carol is immortal. She can't die. And death follows her anyway.
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auxilioooo · 8 months
“Nobody ask for The Marvels. Who wants this?”
I do
now shut the fuck up and let me enjoy this movie en paz
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 6 months
A lot of Christians read A Christmas Carol and gloss right over the "pay workers a living wage" message and take away "not being merry on Christmas is a cardinal sin" instead.
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reeveskryze · 8 months
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bixels · 5 months
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Jesus man, relax.
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ultimatedirk · 2 months
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the mavcarole drawing of all time
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james-p-sullivan · 6 months
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Hi, Dr. Berookim. This is, um, Carol Kohl. I hope you're doing well. Savouring life. Um, I'm calling to maybe set up an appointment for a cleaning. My schedule's pretty much open. Again, this is Carol Kohl. Hope to hear from you soon. Okay, bye.
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germultiple · 6 months
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my take on the wifeys (and the malewife)
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deheerkonijn · 2 years
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I just like the idea of Legolas’ formalwear involving little beaded slippers 😘
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defending the marvels online isn’t enough I need a sword
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shrimpoe · 6 months
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women when the end of the world
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shit-sorry-fuck-mybad · 6 months
Hc of the day is:
Maverick is always tired after Carol dies
He has to take care of Bradley and balance everything else in his life
He feels like everything is falling apart all the time
And he doesn’t ask for help because that would mean admitting that he’s not capable of keeping it together and if he’s not capable of keeping it together then Goose and Carole trusted him for nothing
So he breaks up with ice because he doesn’t think it’s fair to Ice to date someone that’s not really there
And Ice just says “nuh uh” and stops waiting for Mav to ask for help and just fucking walks in one day and joins Mav’s chaotic routine like he belongs there
And he does
Ice doesn’t allow any complaints, he’s there and he’s not leaving
And for the first time in months Mav feels like he’s not trying to stop a building from collapsing on him
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