#[ Yea I know it's on my side I just got to figure it out honestly ]
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novicedraws · 2 days ago
your biggest fan here
So evil Lao and Raiden didn’t know each other [closely] before becoming enemies, huh? ig it felt like they had a history because when they are not fighting Raiden seems… chill/tolerant to Lao? XD like “are you fr breaking into my room through a window? kinda rude but sure ig” lmao
How did he ended up in this situation then? 👀 did he just fell for the Bad Boy charm, or was there something more? they love to hold each other in arms while wounded, do they have a common enemy who brought them closer??
omg, its you again! hola hahahahaha Yea that's my bad lol I tend to draw "story beats" out of order so I can see why the confusion. So if you don't mind, imma kinda look like this
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First Meeting - The start of it all, atp the Shaolin have been winning and gaining back territories and recourses from the Red Dragon. Kung Lao is called in to "fix" the problem. Raiden only knows by word of mouth about Kung Lao (vise versa Kung Lao with Raiden). Kung Lao is more amused about this new "champion" as he doesn't see him as a threat (until he gets his ass beat in that first encounter lol) obviously the two still don't like each other.
The Girls are Fighting - probably the least amount of drawings out of the arcs. honestly that one drawing is even leaning more towards "changing Point". essentially, This is the messy part of the story. both the champions don't like each other what so ever. its also the longest part of the "story" (months time in the story) Mavado/ rest of the Red Dragon starts picking up about this new threat. In turn they put more pressure on Kung Lao, it makes him so fucking mad. Its as if he's not a threat anymore. (he still very much so). Raiden on the other hand also gets pressure from his piers, the champion should have already fixed most of the issues already. ((side note - yea they should go after Liu Kang but *plot twist* Liu Kang is actually weakened. Its why he wont just rewrite the universe, something went terribly wrong, plus he's not a "public" figure)) both sides allies think they are getting "obsessed" with the other.
Changing Point - Raiden by default is a nice person, even in this rough situation. So seeing how this war just brings so much pain and suffering he goes for a different tactic. Diplomacy with Kung Lao- just enough to try and reason with him. It doesn't exactly work and in that moment of vulnerability Kung lao takes his chance to disarm Raiden. Raiden can keep up with Kung Lao but he panicked with his amulet stolen, so he did the most crazy thing (aka kiss him). If you asked, Raiden has no idea why he would even go for that tactic he just panicked lol. But he didn't hate it, no matter how much he tells himself otherwise.
Feelings? - Mavado gets wind of the new annoying champion, and sees how Kung Lao is annoyed with him...or is he? Mavado knows Kung Lao's mannerisms, hes 90% sure its not hatred. And knowing that, he feels...annoyed, mad, upset even? but instead of actually thinking about it, he acts petty and tries to hurt them both (alt. to fighting). He hurts Raiden at the party- Raiden doesn't know why he's upset seeing that. And Kung Lao doesn't know why he cares for Raiden's feelings. - Kung Lao knows how to sneak around (he had to for survival) so he often goes to see the enemy front (its often how he's able to defeat the enemy) but this one night is different. He see's Raiden very close to another individual (smoke). He doesn't care who or what that person is, he does not like them being that close to Raiden. (this is bit of a toxic trait- not enough to thinking of killing that individual- but immense jealousy)
Earth Realms Champion Injured - Raiden is one man, and while he's very strong and powerful, he's still a humble farm boy. He tries to please everyone and over works himself to the point of almost passing out in battle. The pressure and stress has got to him at this point. Despite telling everyone he's fine. He almost dies in battle but Kung Lao comes in just in time to save him. He sees the state Raiden in and is pissed. (just to note they are not fighting each other here, this is a separate issue trying to take over- aka Shang Tsung's army) Long story short (i wanna draw something later lol) Raiden is out of commission for a bit.
Something Changed - Raiden got better! but something strange keep happening during his recovery. Little gifts and such keep popping up in his room, he tries asking the others, but they deny leaving anything. He knows who it is, but he doesn't want to believe it really because why would he care about him? they are enemies, sure there's something, and he's scared. He shouldn't have these feelings, but he does. Is Kung Lao playing with his feelings? Is he just messing with him before killing him once and for all? He doesn't know. - Until one night, he stayed up enough to catch Kung Lao enter his room looking...normal. Soft. A little exhausted by the bags under his eyes. Its the first time in a while the two have gotten to see and talk to each other after all the shit they gone through. Just the two of them alone for once. They both know things were never going to stay the same again, and they don't hate that. That night they embraced each other as though they were meant to be together.
Omg Change Pt. 2 - Still working on it LMAOOOOOO--- the two now know what the other is feeling. orrrrr they're trying lol. Kung Lao is raised to keep emotions in otherwise its a weakness and can be used against you. Raiden learns people pleasing is how he is able to help his village. Its how he got injured in the first place. so they are both trying to work on it lol - will they have a happy ending? idk but thats for later hahaha.
Theres still gaps in the story, but honestly that comes in when I actually draw them in lol
So just some small spark notes I couldnt fit up above- - Raiden becomes more tolerate of Kung Lao around Changing Point. His feelings also start to slowly build up. Same with Kung Lao. - While he's not exactly against sex, Raiden definitely had a more tame upbringing. He's raised as a farm boy, and trained as a monk. Kung Lao existence alone is making the poor boy spiral LOL. Poor man is having a crises as to why he's feeling these things, he shouldn't! but he does! (also kind of makes him insecure but Kung Lao reassures him to never think like that) - The parts from changing point to omg change pt. 2 is actually short in terms of time compared to the girls are fighting.
OMGGGGGGG that was a lot, I hope I answered at least one question LOL
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saltyxtides · 4 months ago
She was going through the motions of their dance when suddenly a necklace was dropped into her hand. This began a whole slew of strangeness. It was cheap, but only because the spoon was found for free? Not that Monty knew that. It just looked cheap to her. If the spoon it was made from came from the Doctor Wardeyn's home their mother would surely recognize the pattern and eventually question how he'd gotten it turned into such artwork as they didn't exactly have access to such precise bending or buffing tools inside the asylum at his disposal. They aren't exactly giving hammers and hacksaws to patients. It wasn't exactly cheap nor easy for a patient to send it out and have custom jewelry made either. As luck would have it she was tipsy now and paid no mind to the necklace on her daughter.
Monty however did not recognize it. Like she cares what's in the attic, her mother's precious, boring, garbage, that collected dust. So, she accepted it for now and let him put it around her neck to be nice to her brother. She smiled here with every bit of excitement her brother was giving her a gift. She leaned in and whispered, "I love you." Then she pulled back and rolled her eyes like she was trying to say it where their mother wouldn't hear because she didn't want her making a fuss out of them being sweet. They both knew she would and ew neither of them needed anymore of that. "All your moments are dramatic, my boy." Jude teased her son back with a big smile enjoying his presense.
The mother and daughter pair finished their dance and Monty held the heart necklace in her hand and winked as she said, "Night Bay." She gave it a little shake as a reminder she cared and it was another way to give him another thank you for it and show appreciation. "I will." She said about the phone on the way out to the garage. She'd sit in the car and the sight of the Penguin would actually make her jump. She'd scream, "BAY!" It'd be heard from inside the garage all the way into the house.
Jude would stare at her son with one of those "what did you do now" Mom faces. Then she'd just shake her head as she heard the car back out and the garage door go back down. Whatever it was Monty didn't come back in furious so she'd let it go. It made Jude laugh.
"Oh you two."
She was squeezing and rubbing over her son's forearms which were currently wrapped around her from behind. Celestis was right. It was a Bayden thing to do. She tilted her head into him and enjoyed the moment a little longer.
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She wouldn't notice Bayden messing with her drink. Good thing. It'd change her fast. Happy tipsy would turn to mean.
"Yes darling. Of course." She'd turn around in his arms and embrace him in a big warm hug instead of just close enough to dance.
A mother/son dance would occur next and no one could tell Jude he wasn't the best partner to ever step in with her.
The little problem Celeste had gotten herself into by cohercing Monty to bring them to the main house was what could have been a quick visit and done became a spend the night with Jude because she wasn't going to driving him back to the asylum in this condition. No one else did these off the record trips off property except Monty and Jude. She had paid off security but it wasn't like every move wasn't risky. When leaks happened more bodies happened. Monty was on a date. She might not even be back till late or the next day. They really hadn't thought this through unless they wanted to be back in Bayden's house for some reason other than checking in on Jude.
It might start to sink in as they danced and she would say, "I love our slumber parties." She'd move his hair. "I'll make a snack tray and we'll watch tv in bed all night again. I'll catch you up on my stories right where we left off. Days of our Lives is off the rails. You won't believe what's going on with John Black. Ohhh, the pawn card is back." She was ready for Bayden to gasp in a no way sort of way because this would have been a big deal in the story they were both following.
More tales the real Bayden wouldn't have admitted to Celestis without provocation, that he cuddles up with his Mom to binge watch day time tv on Peacock to bond with his mother.
As they swayed to the song she'd also say, "And you can tell me how things are going with you dear. And that little friend of yours. Classy. She's so adorable. The cliffs wouldn't be the same without her." She meant Clarrissa of course, "Oh and the other one. The one you always make the Valentine's for. The one you said was pretty. Miss Rowan."
And there's one the real Bayden would want to slit his mother's throat for. Oh the condundrum of that one considering they'd never been anything more than friends for literally years and the real Bayden now knows Celestis actually hates Rowan's face.
In Monty's car, as she was driving, she was on the phone with one of her girlfriend's telling them they were finally on their way to hit up their date.
"Family interference. Yeah, I know. You know how it is for me. It's like all I ever do is spend my time helping the needy. Charity work exhausts me. I'm just too good a person. I know, thanks. He's just so sad. It's not my fault if he didn't have me he'd kill himself. You're right. I should do more for myself. My mother expects way too much out of me. I'm in the prime of my youth. I should be living. I get he's my brother, but I don't know why he's my problem. Anyway, text me in 15 in case this guy bores me, show up, make him think he's getting lucky. We'll make him buy us both dinner for being a loser."
She'd get off the phone and then look in the mirror when she'd park. She'd notice the necklace and get a better look at it now that she wasn't dancing around with Bayden. It was cheap. She grumbled out loud to herself, "Probably turn my neck green." Then she pulled it off and threw it in the glove box before going in. ( @montywonmom )
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Being trapped in Bayden's body — they were barely keeping up with the familiar but utterly foreign rhythm of dancing together when they gave MONTGOMERY — the p e n d a n t.
To Montgomery it just looked CHEAP && k i t s c h y — a fitting gift from a quirky older brother. Though silver from 1937 was pure material. Unfortunately wasted on Montgomery. While they did a lot of the shaping back during CHRISTMAS in the dead of n i g h t in the garage hoping to snag the computer but it was never the right moment.
But the filing? That took a lot longer than they expected. Almost the entire month of January worth of time — delegating between the paint drying over for Freckle's rock grave mound [ x ] they made a promise with Bayden a while back.
Having found the rock's when they were ROWAN — && painted them when they got stuck in B a y d e n ' s body.
Only issue was they couldn't capture the real Freckle's. Not like the real Bayden could. They had no idea what Freckle's even truly looked like. But when they were lost && didn't want to return back to assistant living in case they crossed paths with the real Bayden in Rowan's body they spent time doing just that. Painting rocks for Freckle's grave mound && taking a nail filer smoothing the metal edge of the pendant as the rock's were drying.
Was it worth it? NO. Did they do it anyway? Y e a.
It sucked being HELPFUL && s y m p a t h e t i c. They were stuck in SHIT-t a s t i c storm of there own responsibility && damned personality traits they can't break out of even as Bayden. They should take a page or two from Bayden's own sister. They put to much effort into something they shouldn't give a DAMN a b o u t.
" I k n o w ~ " as they couldn't help themselves whispering back to Montgomery. A PRETTY b i g smile on Bayden's face. Between Montgomery's rolled eyes && Bayden's appearance it would be very clear they shared a sibling moment.
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They felt in that moment that was more of a ' DAMN straight they a r e ' but they froze — saying nothing as they weren't sure if they ever heard Bayden curse around his own mom before. It was one of those borderline moments that they felt they needed to censor themselves as Bayden. But knowing Bayden he'd take that PAINFULLY && p r i d e f u l.
' All your moments are dramatic, my boy, '
From the moment Bayden was born right? An INNOCENT k i d swept in the Wardeyns family dysfunctional dramatics. An INNOCENT k i d literally forced into the black sheep role with the dramatic hair — the dramatic everything.
Again that AOL sign o n dail u p played in there head. Weirdly it was almost comforting in the moment. Getting them out of there own anger? Where they angry? If they were they didn't show it physically. But they needed to break out of it. Because the song was winding down && Montgomery was saying her goodbye's.
" Night, Monty " as they saw the gesture of her phone " Can't wait to hear how tanked you're date went later. " Not that they believed for a moment Montgomery would call them. Obviously calling him would mean Dr. Wardeyn would also be around to hear how her date went too. Only thing they could hope for was that Montgomery would make more of an effort to call Bayden randomly throughout the months she's absent for.
They watched her go — relief mixed with hypervigilant. They felt the hair on the back of there neck stand up. The cold rush of being on there guard. They realized in that moment that perhaps the thing they saw in the garage was more a WARNING for t h e m.
A WARNING for t h e m not to use the computer then. A WARNING for t h e m not to be left behind now.
There was nothing they could do about it. They needed to get to the bottom of answers that they have — they knew the risks when they left but there isn't going to be another chance to check GOOGLE m a p s on a computer privately either. If the worse truly happens — then maybe being Bayden && taking his place isn't the end of ends? In a worse case scenario he get's to truly live. There was that ' come clean ' motive.
&& then she found the text. Shattering the moment as they got a very ' mom looks ' that was equal parts questioning && amused from Dr. Wardeyn waking them up from there IMPENDING d o o m s d a y ticking countdown. Nonchalantly shrugging Bayden's shoulders && boyishly smirking trying to play off whatever had SPOOKED M o n t g o m e r y.
Feeling there own soul tense against Dr. Wardeyn's calm, reassuring buzzed presence. Polar opposites in the moment. There was something they were getting to understand about Bayden. Perhaps Dr. Wardeyn herself wasn't all that terrible. Sure she had made some pretty terrible choices that destroyed Bayden's life. Dr. Wardeyn chose the wrong kid in there opinion to support. Though they can see WHY B a y d e n was strung along into all this. For a moment — that rareness — almost like peace as Dr. Wardeyn leaning herself back — perhaps radiated a warmth only a mother could.
Not that they understood what that meant — or known what that felt realistically. Just that . . . they understood a little more about Bayden in a weird way.
Yeah well they were going to regret taking her DRINK a w a y in a moment. They could feel it.
The most awkward thing — as they fell into step with Dr. Wardeyn for that MOTHER/s o n dance was that all that they did today was all very knew to them. Some things they could live without FEELING for the rest of there l i f e. Yet through all that they had to do — they did get to see a glimpse of something they NEVER got to k n o w.
Thankfully they weren't starve crazy for a family? Pretty sure they weren't starve crazy anyway. They didn't feel the need to overlord && high jack Bayden's life. Rather if things don't fall apart tonight in the kind of way that put's Bayden's life on the balance of the ASYLUM or j a i l. Now that's the weight they were carrying on there shoulders as of now.
The only way they know how to swap back into the other's body would be the last resorting method they had. Knowing Bayden's head space a little more they didn't want to confuse him — or make things more complicated than they already where for them.
Yet perhaps they had thought of this a little more. The BIGGEST r i s k s. The r i s k of being CAUGHT. The r i s k of being the reason Bayden would assume they RUINED his life. What they couldn't do? Live with themselves if they FAILED to do the o n e thing they came here for. If everything was going to fall to RUIN the least they could do was s e a r c h.
Search the entire property && even outside of the borders to find where those DAMNED t h i n g s could be kept hidden.
Any. Lead. Is. Better. Than. Sitting. &&. Waiting. For. Something. Terrible. To. Happen. Again.
The evil in them wanted to be deviant && get Dr. Wardeyn hella drunk so she'll pass out faster. The good in them. . . the good in them. . . The. Good. In. Them. Wanted. To. Help. The. Evil. Side. Of. Them.
That look on there face when was clouded over when Dr. Wardeyn started talking about Day of our Lives. John Black — they felt like all of that was something they bonded over but they had 0% knowledge of. It felt more like Dr. Wardeyn just spoke Spanish or a secretive brail lingo that they were overthinking.
" No. No way. I think you're trying to trick me this time !! The jokes on you I'm not falling for it Mom. Not until I see it with my own eyes. " The way they shook there head ' no ' ' nope ' ' lies ' ' all the lies ' came forth.
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They could act all thunderstruck when they kind of watch it all unravel? Jack Black can't be that hard to figure out — the guy that they forgot the name of already. Pretty sure they got the guys name wrong. Being in denial was there only out in this awkward situation. If they weren't on such a high level mission to out awake Dr. Wardeyn tonight they would drink to get them the hell through this.
" Augh. I didn't get to see Clarrissa today. " They sounded a little sulky sense Dr. Wardeyn brought it up " the day went by so fast — talking about fast she's learning sign && getting really good at it. Soon she'll be able to tell us what kind of sheet music she needs. " Clarrissa talent could only grow from there. In the kind of way if they knew what she needed. What she also wanted to explore can only go further. " She's a smart && talented kid. " Instant excitement as Classy or Clarrissa they knew exactly who Dr. Wardeyn was talking about without even having to drop a hint. It was just an all knowing feeling.
Though there was a rather long pause. They wanted to be careful with what they say next. Not taking what Dr. Wardeyn said to heart. Maybe Rowan's more his type in looks. So what? Perhaps if things were reversed in the kind of way they were stuck in Celestis body Bayden could have said the same thing. They didn't want to make it confusing.
" Were kind of in an ICE a g e movement right now. " Simplifying everything? Yea. That sounded lame but oddly accurate. There friendship was colder then the Tundra during a snow storm. It's more likely there friendship was buried underneath an avalanche that the snow storm happened to create. They don't really blame anyone but themselves for it. While they didn't go into much detail what even an ICE a g e movement even meant to Dr. Wardeyn. They could already feel the follow up questions Dr. Wardeyn's going to ask as if mentally preparing themselves for it.
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herjuhodivine · 3 months ago
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ㅤ        ㅤ             ⠀✣ ⠀۪⠀ ´ beloved ⠘ ✫
yandere jinx x love deprived! fem! reader ft. vi and caitlyn
very self indulgent , regular-ish jinx ( she would be a perfect yandere ) , topside! reader , model! reader , nsfw + sfw-ish , mentions of killing / bombing people , overprotective! stalker! jinx , mini series , self aware-ish! reader , mentions of stolen belongings , reader described to be obsessed with pastels ( pink & blue ) , reader being friends w vi + caitlyn , jealous!/possessive! jinx , pervert! jinx , mentions of manipulation , kidnapping , wlw ( duh )
i — ii
s.masterlist ૮ ྀི ◞ ◟ ა navigation ૮ ྀི ◞ ◟ ა masterlist
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Another day, another item missing; your iconic poster of yourself. now the wall it was previous on was now empty and just a void of pink and blue stripes.
“caitlyn, i really don’t know.” your shoulders slump, already exhausted from these missing items; it started off small like from your lip glosses or nail polish to your panties and bra from your laundry basket then to your portraits and photos of yourself you hang up. “do you have security cameras?” vi asked her hand gripping her chin while looking around. “well i mean yes but they’re inactive right now.” caitlyn raised her eyebrow at you. “what do you mean, ‘inactive’?”
“i mean like i haven’t really put them up.” the pinkette and bluette girls stare at you in disbelief. “are you serious right now?” vi threw her arms up in the air. “honestly, we should just leave you to get more of your stuff stolen.” vi said, caitlyn sighed and pinches the bridge of her nose, “let’s put the cameras up.” you got out of bed, wrapping the sleeping robe around yourself, “finally someone isn’t judging me and is TRYING to help!” you glance over at vi as she rolled her eyes.
“another photo of my wife.” the girl muttered to herself, pulling the photo out of the stolen polaroid camera, a photo snapped of your back of your room, the way robe shaped your whole figure got her hypnotized, enchanted even. she shouldn’t even be here, not during the day at least. it’s too risky to be getting caught on the roof of a famous model and being a wanted criminal, but you have this invisible leash on her and she willingly follow you wherever. the only issue is them.
her sister and her sister’s girlfriend. vi and caitlyn, attached to you by the hip. it’s irritating. why do they get to be so close to you but she has to keep her distance? that’s not fair. you watches as the three of you living your bedroom. she thought about what if she just…sneak into your room and stay hidden like underneath your bed? it’s sure is big enough and the blankets spills over the bed and covers the sides so it wouldn’t be hard and you aren’t the most observant type of person.
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“cameras in living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, closet, laundry room, and entrance.” caitlyn swaps on the tablet through the cameras as you make some breakfast, “anywhere else?” you shake your head no. “breakfast done.” you slide the rest of the food onto a plate for yourself and brings it to the kitchen island.
as vi and caitlyn chatted, you stayed in thought. you noticed how every time your stuff goes missing, the culprit always leaves sometime of note in messy handwriting. you haven’t shown your two friends, you don’t know why; maybe because she was swooned by the little love letters. just from the letters you can tell it’s a girl, even better.
“earth to y/n? hello???” vi snaps her fingers in your face, quite literally snapping you out of your thoughts, you blinked barely moving, looking over to the side with just your eyes. “yea? what’s up?” you picked up the warm bacon and egg together with your fork and puts the food in your mouth. “are you alright?” caitlyn asks, looking worried. you nodded. “don’t worry, we’ll find the person soon, they won’t get away with this.” you gave caitlyn a small smile, thanking her. “when’s your next model runaway?” you ate another place of food of your plate, “next…month?” vi looks at the time. “yea, thanks for breakfast y/n, me and caitlyn has to go now.”
caitlyn gets up and starts heading for the door with vi, “remember to give us VIP tickets, okay?” caitlyn joked. you let out a breathy laugh, “sure—later guys.” you watched as vi opens the door and locks back as they both exited and close the now locked door behind them. a faint sound of a breeze blowing inside made you turn around, your view landed on your bedroom.
you cautiously followed the sound and looks inside of the room, your window is open. odd. very odd. you always keep your windows closed, especially on lounge days. you quickly turn back and grabbed the tablet and looks through the cameras.
watching the footage from 30 minutes back, while walking to the shut the window. you were really debating on alerting vi and caitlyn, in the corner of your eye, on the tablet you noticed a slip of hot pink flash. you thought maybe it’s just the way your room illuminate light but you never have your big light on and living in dim lighting; so where did the pink come from?
now you’re really conflicted. you watch the pink light slip into your room but never out. so the whatever it is, is still in here. looking for it and calling the enforcers would be a rational move but you gotten curious and decided to just play along.
in all honesty, it’s way better than getting the enforcers, and the press involved with your personal life. so you’ll just stick around with this ‘game’ until you can uncover the truth yourself.
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©︎ J U H Ō . all rights reserved. please don't plazarize, copy, or steal any of my works without my permission, thank you !
lwk i ended earlier than i wanted but i need content for the next episodes so you’ll see soon dw
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dilfl0v3rss · 2 years ago
Y/n sneaks out to a party that she don’t have no business in going and ony catches her when she get home and fuck ha shit upp Like he always doo
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party pooper
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cw: gun violence
word count: 2.1k
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
you were thinking about this party all week, having an outfit and everything picked so you didn’t have anything to worry about the day of. ony knew you were going out tonight, but you kind of left out the fact that you were going to the trenches to shake ass at a party. he still ended up finding out anyways, telling you to stay your ass home, but who tf want to do that.
he wasn’t supposed to be home until late so you figured you could just sneak out and be back by the time he got home. so that’s exactly what you did. your friend was outside your house by ten and you got right tf up outta there, skirt riding up your ass as you ran to the car in excitement. “bitchhh you ready?” sasha yelled, hands gripping the steering wheel as she shook in excitement.
“nah i’m actually shakin in my boots. if this man find out i think he might kill me furreal.” you and sasha were basically in the same predicament, going to this party without the approval of your boyfriends. “who give a fuck? we live right now and we’ll die laterrrr.” you giggled, nodding your head in agreement as you turned up the music and sung along for the rest of the journey.
the party was jumping. there was bitches shaking ass (including you), niggas selling drugs, and good music playing so loud that it could be heard down the block. you and sasha got comfortable real quick and we’re honestly having the most fun you’ve had in awhile. “this is your song girl you can’t let these hoes outdo youuu!!” sasha yelled as the intro to freak hoe by speaker knockerz began to play. you made your way to the middle of the floor swaying side to side until the beat dropped.
ass shaking in circles as you leaned over and held onto sasha’s arms for support. everyone’s eyes gravitated towards you as you continued moving to the song, that was until three loud gunshots were heard. bodies began to scatter everywhere as the entire party got ruined. people were jumping out of windows and running in random peoples cars just to get away from the cause of the deadly sound.
you and sasha finally made it to her car. pissed that your fun was ruined. “Y/N! bring your ass over here, NOW!!” your body froze as you listened to the familiar voice. while you was too busy being hardheaded and living it up at a party you shouldn’t be at, you didn’t think to try to at least be lowkey. ony and connie were chilling at their trap house when he looked one of his friend’s story. there you were, shaking ass for the whole world to see, skirt practically on your stomach as you gave everyone a show.
“man ima kill this girl” connie looked at his friend in concern before bubbling with the same anger as he watched the video replay on his phone. “i know that’s not my girl in the back. yea we out.” connie grumbled, pointing at sasha who was right behind you recoding as well. with that the two of them sped to the party, guns hidden securely on their waists as they walked inside.
ony didn’t plan on shooting it up, he actually was just gon calmly grab you up outta there for your safety because this is a bad area you were in. he looked around the house until his eyes landed on the center of a big circle of people. once he registered the sight in front of him he could help but reach right for his gun. your boyfriend was nowhere near insecure. he knew it was your body and that you had every right to shake some ass if you wanted, but the sight of the men around you made him sick.
cameras out, zooming closer and closer to your more private areas as you were obliviously dancing along to your favorite song. in no time his gun was out and there were three bullets let off in the ceiling. ony watched the people scatter as he waited inside for the house to be empty. him and connie stood on the porch, watching you stand next to sasha while she scrambled in her bag for her keys.
“m’not playin wit you girl. come over here now or it’s just gon be worse for you at home.” your legs moved slowly as you thought of an excuse as to why you were here. before you knew it, you were face to face with his heavy breathing chest, instantly making you revert your eyes to the ground. “unt uhh look at me mama. ian down there.” his strong hand wrapped around your throat, forcing your head to shoot upwards towards his face.
“here’s what’s gon happen. you gon get in the car, quietly. ion wanna here no crying or whining during this whole ride or ima add it on to the lesson ima teach you when we get home, understand?” his voice was low and menacing as he stared into your eyes, face drained of any emotion. “o-okay.” your lungs filled with air as ony let go of your neck, nodding towards his car.
you sat in the passenger seat scared shitless as you watched him give the guy that threw the party a stack of cash, probably for the damage he caused, before dapping connie up and saying goodnight to sasha. he got in the car quietly, not sparing you a single glacé before driving the two of you home. the ride was completely silent like he wanted. any excuses you thought of were quickly swallowed as well as the urge to cry.
you didn’t even notice when you got home until you felt your door open. “let’s go.” ony mumbled. he walked you to the living room, manspreading on the couch while you stared down at him. “m’really really really so-” he sucked his teeth before throwing you over hip lap. skirt already so short that his brown eyes got a good view of your soaked panties. warm palm caressing your ass as he spoke. “what’d i tell you baby?”
the smoothness of his voice made you shiver. “why you shakin’? ian spank you yet.” a chuckle rumbled from ony’s chest as he listened intently for your reply. “m’scared.” you were terrified. usually when you’d get in trouble your boyfriend would lecture you and make a big fuss so his calmness was very foreign to you.
“good.” a hard smack was brought to your ass causing the pending tears in your eyes to begin to fall. your hands instantly flew to cover your burning skin, sheliding them from his rough palms. “you know why ian want you over there right?” he grabbed both of your hands into his singular one, ignoring your whimpers. “b-because it’s n-not sa-“
“because it’s not fucking safe, that’s right. a nigga could’ve put sum in your drink or snatched you up. that’s the shit that be happening at parties like that and instead of being my good girl and listening to me, you decided to be. a. brat.” three more strikes were made to your ass. each harder than the last as you thrashed around on his thighs. “m-m’sorry papa.”
your tears created a small wet patch to form on the couch. you honestly didn’t mean to make him worry so much. it was just that you haven’t gotten to go out in awhile and wanted to finally have some fun. the wet patch went unnoticed until your cheek was smushed into it. ony removed himself from under you, positioning his body behind your before pushing your back down. “yea i bet you are baby. hold onto that pillow right there.”
head nodding towards the cushion as he untied the strings of his sweatpants. you gushed at the sight of his print through his grey briefs, moaning out loud as you thought of how good he was going to feel. “look straight mama. this a punishment, not a reward.” you obeyed, gripping the pillow tightly as you prepared yourself for the stinging stretch of his dick.
“be g-gentle daddy.” you mumbled as ony gripped both of your asscheeks, pulling your panties to the side and squeezing them as he spreader them apart. “be obedient.” he trusted his full length into you, giving you no time to prepare as he began pounding you into the cushion of the couch. “oouuu fuck mama. you always so tight.” ony groaned, hand flat on your back as his other delivered many slaps on your ass.
you outstretched your arm, pushing at his stomach for him to ease up. “p-pleaseeee aahhgg. jus take a little out daddyyyy.” whining as you were already trying to run from him. ony grabbed the bottom of your shirt, pulling your ass all the way back to him to the point where you were flush against his stomach. “stop running and take this shit. and move your fucking hand. barely even started yet.” he slapped your hand away, continuing to pound into you.
all eight inches of him curving just right in your pussy. as you got more used to his size, your heat grew wetter as the constant friction. moans began flying from your mouth left and right making you tighten round him. “there you go mama. takin me like a good girl.” his hips began snapping into you harder, making it more difficult for you to take him. “ahh w-wait a little bit daddy. s’too biggg.”
ignoring you, ony thrusted into you harder, pushing your back down lower so he could reach that spongy spot deep inside you. your stomach brushed against the couch as your body jolted. “unt uhh baby where’s the big girl that like t’sneak out, huh? where’s the girl that like to go out and shake her ass in a skimpy lil skirt while her man is worried sick about her?” where she at?”
wetness trickling down your thighs as you kept your death grip on the pillow. “s-she said she’s ahh s-sorry. m’sorryyyy daddyyy.” ony halted his trusts, giving you a hard slap on your ass and tightening his grip on your shirt. “mhmm throw that ass back princess. make it up to daddy.” his strong arm started you off by pulling you back and forth by your shirt before letting you do it on your own. ass clapping repeatedly as you twerked on his dick.
his brown eyes rolling as he felt you clench tighter around him. you continued working yourself on his shaft, chasing your upcoming orgasm. “d-daddy?”you were met with nothing but his hips fucking you back as he stared at where the two of you were connected. he was hypnotized by your body. “baby?” his head snapped up towards yours, shaking himself out of his thoughts before replying. “y-yea pretty? ahh fuck.” he breathed.
“i’m r-really sorry. i d-didn’t mean to make y-you worry, honest. i-i jus wanted t’go have funn, and when you told me the day of that i wasn’t allowed i g-got a little upset. i wont g-go over there e-ever again i swearrrr.” you began pushing yourself back harder as you held eye contact. ony’s resolve weakened as he felt his blood begin rushing to his dick, signaling to him he was going to cum if he didn’t get in control quickly.
ony’s hand tangled in your hair before pulling you up to his chest, arm wrapping around your middle as he kissed up and down your neck. his long tongue licked a stripe behind your ear before whispering dirty words to you. “mhmm. m’not finna say it’s okay ‘cause it’s not, but i forgive you mama. now keep making daddy feel good and i’ll give you this nut. how dat sound?” his teeth closed around your ear, gold girls pinching the skin. “y-yes please.”
the both of you moved on one accord, fucking each other dumb as you reached your climax’s. body growing weak and legs shaking as your thick cream rushed down his shaft. ony easily held you up, continuing to use you as his personal fleshlight. “ughh fuck baby m’finna cum.” his pace quickened, hips pistoning into you as you screamed from the overstimulation. he gave you one final trust before kissing you to keep you quiet, moaning into your mouth as his hot ropes flowed into your walls.
the two of you stayed like that for awhile, giving each other light kisses as you panted in each others mouths. “lemme get the water ready mama. we needa take a bath.”
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mwahs-stuff · 7 months ago
haiii!!! I hope you day or night is going well!! But I was wondering if you can do maybe an actor!dazai with singer!reader and they have a fake relationship? 😋😋
(Off topic but I’ve been loving your posts!! They’re such a joy to read!!!)
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I love this. yes, of course. and thank you, sm dear. I'm glad you enjoy my posts<3
cw: womanizer dazai, super fluffy (no smut, sorry if that's what you wanted, but I'm absolutely down for a part two). confusing plot tbh, idk what else!
⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。°✩⋆。☪"I don't like anyone better than you, it's true" ☪
dazai osamu. a name that can make fangirls eyes light up. he was known for his acting, how sly he was on and off camera and that stupid smile of his. you've been in the music game for a while now so you've met him here and there, you quickly realized he's an actor on and off screen so you made your mind up about him quickly. you didn't like him. so that's why you're pissed to hear that you'll be posing as a couple for a few weeks. another stupid publicity stunt pulled by your producer.
"you'll be meeting for coffee tomorrow." your producer spoke, making you roll your eyes and take another drag of your cig. "got it." you murmured. "this is serious (name). you both need to get to know each other. dazai's producer is a good friend of mine. he's too well known as a womanizer, and he needs to settle down for a bit. you both need to convincingly show that you know each other well. so get to know him! it'll be good for you too sweetheart" you huffed a bit and nodded. "okay, I got it. tell him not to be late." you spoke in an annoyed tone as your producer headed out.
the next day, you heard a knock on the door, and after a moment, your producer brought in no other than dazai osamu. "I figured you can have coffee at your place, more comfortable, ya know?" your producer spoke with no care as they headed off. .."I guess," you gritted out. great. not only will you have to talk to him. you have to make coffee, not a hard task, but it annoyed you. dazai didn't seem to mind this whole thing. In fact, he stood there with a smirk. you rolled your eyes. "cmon on in dazai." you spoke in annoyance as you led him to the kitchen. "call me osamu. we'll be dating after all." you rolled your eyes once again, something you seem to be doing more often cause of this. "fine, osamu." you said through gritted teeth as you sat on the counter and started to heat up some coffee. he stood on the side. your producer had given you a list of questions to memorize to get to know him. seems he got the same list because at the same time, you both asked, "what's your favorite color?" you scoffed slightly. "guess you got the same list.. alright, we'll have to look convincing, and this can't look like some hook up, so we'll say we've been dating for.. hmmm, let's say three weeks so far? I'll go to some events with you and you can come to some of my shows. coming up in october, I have a tour so we can stage a break up then. so there we go. you get a relationship so your fans don't think your a man-whore and I guess I get to say I have a boyfriend." you spoke quickly and sternly. you rolled your eyes at the last part. you weren't getting much out of this. dazai's eyes seemed to widen a bit at how simple you wanted to make this. "woah woah woah.. slow down." he walked closer to you till he was standing in front of you. "and what if I actually wanted to get to know you?" ..you were slight caught of guard.. you couldn't help but feel your face heat up. yea no snap out of it. he's just some womanizer and a fake all around. "not a chance."
it's been a few weeks since then. you've gotten used to going in public to get pictures of you guys together, going to his red carpet walks, him being at your shows, pretending to be all sweet in public.. you've honestly grown quite used to him. he actually wasn't as much of a fake as you thought. he could be quite genuine when he wanted to show it. this was one of those times. you were freaked out. dazai was in your backstage room as you smoked a cigarette and tapped your foot fast. it was a big show, a lot of people.. you'd be lying if you said your heart wasn't racing. dazai had stepped behind you as you looked out the balcony smoking the cigarette. you weren't showing all the signs you were nervous, but dazai could hear your foot tapping and the way you bit your bottom lip and how quickly you were blinking. he paid attention. as he stood behind you, he brought his hand to your hips. he snaked his other hand around you to take the cigarette out of your mouth. "this won't help with how you're feeling, you know that, right?" you rolled your eyes. "there's no cameras, so stop touching." you muttered, but you couldn't hide how your face heated up from the touch. instead of replying, he rubbed soft circles in your hip. you leaned into the touch unconsciously. "you're going to do great. you have to know that you're going to be great out there." he whispered against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. you were at a loss of words as his hands moved to your waist and rubbed softly. you felt yourself calm down a bit.. he held you like that for a few minutes, telling you how he knew you were going to do well. until you had to go onstage.
you did indeed do well.. after what felt like all night, you tiredly made your way back to your backstage room and laid down on the bed. after a few minutes, dazai came in and laid on the bed next to you. you turned to him. "...thank you." you whispered to him. "no need to thank me.. that was all you pretty girl.." you felt your face heat up once again. you didn't realize how close his face was to yours until he said that. you reached out and ran your fingers softly over his face. "you're a lot more than what I thought of you.." you whispered before planting a soft kiss on his lips.
(I rlly like this.. I kinda wanna do a part two.. should i?? also I suck!! so sorry if this plot doesn't make sense)
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midnightlizard · 1 year ago
Natasha Romanoff x gn!reader
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Summary: Certain rumors start to spread all over the city
A/N: something short and old while I finish another fic
Warnings: none
Word count: 727
One could say that the avengers were some sort of celebrities, with the massive parties Tony threw to gain sponsors and the avenger's compound being the tallest building in New York.
So, when rumors about them started, they never took long to spread all over the city. Especially the romantic ones.
The current one was that the golden boy, captain America, was in a relationship with the black widow. How or why did people get this idea? It's a mystery.
Truth is, you were the one dating Natasha, but you mutually decided that it was safer not telling the whole world, and funnier keeping it a secret to your teammates, seeing how long it takes them to figure it out. You two have been together for almost seven months now, and only Clint and Wanda seemed to catch up, fairly quickly too, noticing small changes in their best friends.
- - - -
"honestly this rumor is so stupid, how can people think Cap and Nat are a couple?"
Pietro rhetorically asked, breaking the silence from the spot he was sitting on the couch, in between you and Wanda. Making you both look at him.
The witch stopped her reading to lean against her brother and look at his phone, a fan 'theory' on display.
She returned to her position to ask with curious eyes directed at him, and a teasing smile just for you. "you don't see them together?"
He shook his head. "nah, they're just so, different" he stopped for a second, eyes not moving form the screen. "I honestly don't see anyone being in a relationship with Natasha...maybe except for one person."
At this last sentence you perked up, narrowing your eyebrows. Did he find out but didn't tell you? "and who is this person?"
The blonde raised his head to look at you with a cheeky smile, while winking at you. "well me, of course."
What he got in response was your dumbfounded silence and Wanda's laugh.
"what? Why are you laughing?"
"I'm sorry, it's just" she waved her hand around dismissively, her laugh only increasing once you rolled your eyes. "it's just, you're the last person I imagine her to like" she quickly came up with an excuse.
"and why is that? I am awesome in many ways, tell her Y/N" he started, turning to look at you "tell my blind sister how much of a catch am I"
"oh...oh yea, sure, you are a catch, a pretty good one" it was so hard trying to keep a straight face, but thankfully he didn't notice.
"I'm sure everyone will be lucky to have you, and maybe Natasha will realize that quickly." Wanda started laughing at the face you made but once again, Pietro did not notice.
"what will I realize?" said woman stepped into the room, nearing the couch. the voice instantly made you smile, but it made the man beside you freeze in his place.
"nothing!" he exclaimed, clearly embarrassed, speeding out of the room.
"why were you talking about me?" the redhead changed her question once she sat next to you, slightly leaning on your side, making you wrap your arm around her shoulder.
Knowing you wouldn't answer, Wanda did it for you. "Pietro may have mentioned how much of boyfriend material he was, and how much of a boyfriend material he was...for you" she finished with a teasing smile.
Tha assassin raised her eyebrows "that is the thing I will realize?" she turned her head to you, wanting to see your reaction "he is a good catch, to be honest"
"you listened to the whole conversation?"
Wanda interrupted, noticing how Natasha used the same words used before.
"I wasn't spying, but I have a good hearing, and he talks loudly so-" she shrugged. she returned to look at you with mischief clear in her eyes, enjoying your slightly annoyed face.
"Do you think Pietro and me would make a great couple? Or me and cap? yea I see it happening, we also kissed on a mission. did you know we kissed on a mission, I don't think I ever told you, or maybe they were two?" The read head continued her rant until you groaned loudly, putting your head on her shoulder.
"stupid rumors" the sound came out muffled, but was still heard by the other two women, causing them to laugh.
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
MCU Masterlist - General Masterlist
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lbcreations-blog · 10 months ago
Husker, Charlie, and angel (seperate) with a teen reader who’s often found hanging around the hotel, not because they’re a sinner looking to rehabilitate (they’re hellborn) but just cuz they’re bored and want some entertainment. Overtime husker, Charlie and angel have become older familial figures and really close to reader. So what if reader comes to them one day and admits the real reason they’re always at the hotel is bc they’re being sexually abused at home? Sorry if you don’t feel comfortable with this, I’m honestly feeling a but uncomfortable requesting it but the comfort is much needed
If ya don’t wanna write this it’s ok just let me know pls
Auther note to requester: Of course, I'll write this, I also need comfort on this stuff, so yea. I had a bit of a writers block, and this is also not my best work, which I apologize for. Plus, I apologize for this coming out so late.
I have no idea why husks section is so short😭
All plotonic
Gn reader
The reader is shorter than Angel and Charlie and the same height as husk, btw
TW: slight descriptions of injuries and mentions of signs of struggle
No one should hurt someone like this
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You loved hanging around at the hotel. You enjoying the chaos of the residents
You were there basically every day
You got very close to the bartender at the hotel
Husk was like an acutel father to you
He would always talk to you. Sometimes, he would show you magic tricks, and you loved it
One day, you seemed so sad
So Husk decided to wait until everyone's out of the lobby and ask what's up
Once, you had the courage to tell him he got angry at the ones who were supposed to raise you and nurture you.
But before he would do anything to the ones at your so-called 'home' he would comfort you
It might be a bit awkward, but he would do his best
He might even ask Charlie to let you stay at the hotel as an official resident
After comforting you, he would wait for the day he beats the ones who hurt you assess
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Charlie was confused as to why you would hang around at the hotel for you being hellborn like her
But she let you stay thinking that even you, a hellborn, was supporting her hotel
After a while of being at the hotel, you and Charlie bonded quite nicely
She was like a super cool, bubbly, older sister to you
Compared to basically everyone in hell, you generally vibed with her, for some reason
Now, one day, you just weren't at the hotel
And then the next day
And the one after that
Now Charlie was worried, so she got the forms that tells where everybody lives and makes her way over to your adobe
Charlie walked up to your door and knocked the knocker three times.
No answer
After waiting for two minutes, she knocked three times once again.
Again no answer
She knocked with the knocker against the door one more time, but to no avail.
No answer
Charlie knew you were in your house she could sense your aroa, and your aroa felt hurt, so she knew she knew that had to do one thing and one thing only.
Go into your house without your permission.
She had to go in to make sure you were ok. So she tried to go into your house. But the door was locked. So she unlocked the door with her powers and stepped inside, and goodness, the place looks terrible. The couch was flipped in the lounge, and other signs off struggle was obvious.
Charlie walked around the house carefully in case someone else was lurking in the house. After a while, she found herself in front of a door with your name on it. This was definitely your room. She opened your door with caution, and...
There was you.
On the floor.
Sitting there with your hands covering your face.
There were bruises on your body, and you were quietly sobbing.
Charlie gasped upon the sight that was displayed in front of her. You looked up at her. You looked, so... terrified. And Charlie hated it so much. She quickly rushed to your side and softly hugged you so as not to hurt you more.
"Hey, hey," Charlie said in a soft voice. "Are you badly hurt? And do you know who hurt you?"
"I-" you sobbed softly.
"Hey. Hey, it's OK, it's OK, take your time," Charlie told you in the most comforting voice she could muster.
"The, ones I live with, did this to me" you told her in between sniffles.
Charlie was angered on this fact but stayed with you and tried to keep her calm. All she knew was that she would make sure those assholes would be dealt with, biological or not, no one hurts her younger sibling.
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Angel Dust, the porn star
A tricky fella per-say
How did you become friends? It's hard to say
But for me and everyone else, you are like 12 - 14 in his version, and since you are oh so young, he doesn't talk about that stuff around you, like he might cuse but that's cause everyone does that
Anyway, now you both are pretty close, maybe you both like to dress up to together or smthn
After a while, you kinda start feeling like Angel is your older brother like yall have so much fun together
So since you veiw him as such, you felt as if you should share something you think he'll know about, even though it's supposed to be a secret
You softly knocked on Angel's bedroom door. "Hey Angel, it's me, Y/N," the door opened to show Angel. "Oh Heya kid, how'ya been?" Angel asked you. "Oh, ok, I guess... hey, uhm, I wanna talk to you in your room." You told the sinner with an uncomfortable face.
"Uh, alright com'n in kid," he said, moving out of the way off the door. You both sat down on his couch. "So what's been troubling, you kid?" Angel asked you. "Uhm, well, I'll just show you." You said as you brought your turtleneck down. Once Angel realized what he was seeing, he was shocked, angry, and just sad.
There was a hikey on your neck. "Uhm, Angel, do you know what this is?" You asked him, but instead of getting a response back.
You got a hug.
A very nice and warm one.
Sooner or later, Angel was gonna kill those basstards that hurt you.
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Taglist: @fatherlesschild2 @whitewingsh @iheartpieck @i-yuki @ilovemyths2003 @im-so-tired52 @yuuandtheghost
Taglist request section
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ungodlysaltyinfrastructure · 5 months ago
Hey… so uh… Alux witnessing his mother die in front of him, anyone?
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Aha. So um. I inexplicably went missing on tumblr...
Why? I tried deleting an experimental side blog I didn't need/want, and because I don't know how tumblr works, I had actually deleted my main account (Note to self, never venture off into the account settings, WITHOUT CHECKING WHICH BLOG IM ON) I was devastated about it, but, it may have been a good thing for me, question mark? I had been embroiled in toxic queer discourse (aphobia sucks), and it took a toll on my mental well-being. So I took this unfortunate deletion of my work as a sign to relax a bit, despite the pit of panic that formed when this happened. Luckily, I'm better! (again >_>) and I still love Alux Rising, so here I am, making my grand return! back at it again with more way too long character analysis!
I would've posted about my abrupt leaving of tumblr sooner as I was eager to explain everything, but then AR 14 dropped soooooooooooo
Okay. Ar 14. Just made me incredibly happy. A major thing that had been missing for me was actual depictions of Alux as a child. He goes on about how his childhood was rough, but we never actually got to see such. Only the aftermath of such childhood with his relationship to Elric.
Now that we've seen it,
Oh God. It explains, a lot. I always thought Alux acted weird, so much so that I started to theorize that he was *actually* autistic/ASD (More Asperger's Syndrome but that term is no longer used)
But now…
I still hold firm in my Autistic Aro Alux Headcanon, but now his “lack of character” makes more sense to me.
It's made out that Alux's lack of character was prominent in his childhood, as his mother says that one day, he'll learn to like whatever he likes, and he'll be his own person, inferring that he doesn't understand that yet as a child. That's really intriguing to me. Apparently, his blandness was apparent in his childhood, and now in his adulthood. And it seems that the only thing he fully knows how to do, is to help people. If this lack of uniqueness to his character was in his childhood, then maybe the fact that Alux is bland is a defining character trait for him. One that will be overridden by this developing story of Alux rising. (Aha! Character development!)
Now, in relation to Alux and his parents.
It seems like he followed his mom more than his dad. That's why he brings her up in his and Elric's argument, and why he says “I like what you like!” and “I want to be just like you” To her in the memory.
And upon further rewatching, my heart just broke.
In the memory, Alux's mom says “But remember to be the best version of yourself, and to treat others how you want to be treated.”
How does Alux treat others currently? *He constantly helps them. protecting them, making sure they're OK.*
I'm really glad that we got this flash back. It actually helps put some character into Alux (even if it being trauma) and his lack of reaction to a lot of things makes much more sense. Even after the whole flashback, his lack of talking about the memory for why he had such a strong reaction feels very realistic considering the circumstances.
Another thing I realized, when Alux snaps out of it, the surrounding magic of green crystals is the orchids. I'm crying.
It most definitely seems like witnessing his mother's death stunted Alux's mental development to a degree, mostly in the sense that he doesn't fully know who he is, what he wants, or what he likes with what seemed to be his only supporting figure in his life now gone. If he still had his mother, maybe he would've turned out differently. (Wow shocker, I know.)
And honestly, we all knew Alux was traumatized, but I did not expect it to be to THIS extent. I just thought his mom died of an illness, and he wasn't there to see it but she was gone.
I was. SO WRONG.
Dead wrong. One could say.
Like Alux's mom- *cough*
anyways- yea Alux's nickname should definitely be Horny, Professor Red- oops, sorry *GEARS* comes up with the best nicknames, in fact he should become president and deliver every presidential speech in his rhyming scheme.
Oh and James is not dead,
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merrybloomwrites · 2 years ago
I Can't Take It Back
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Summary: A mistake from a previous fling threatens an intimate moment. Aka the story that popped in my head after learning about the Olivia tattoo on Harry's thigh
Wordcount: 598
CW: light smut
It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon. Rain is coming down in sheets outside, so you and Harry decide to have a cozy day in. You’re in the living room, comfort movies playing on the TV with a fire going in the fireplace.
It starts out sweet and innocent enough. You’re sitting on his right side, his arm around your shoulders while you lean into him. It isn’t until the second movie starts playing that things start to heat up a bit.
You snuggle closer, shifting so that Harry’s hand moves down to your waist. You turn your head and let your lips touch Harry’s neck, not quite kissing, just teasing the idea of a kiss. After a few minutes of your lips barely grazing his skin, he starts to wiggle. You know his movements are to let out some of the tension building from your actions and you grin, happy to know the effect you have on him.
Finally, you decide to stop playing, and press a kiss directly to his pulse point. That alone has him releasing a groan, which you quickly swallow by slotting your mouth to his. He brings both his hands up to cup the sides of your face, and you begin to lazily make out.
You continue this for a while, content to just feel the way his lips press against yours, the way his tongue caresses your tongue, the way his fingers tangle through your hair. You’re in no rush, knowing you have the whole afternoon to enjoy each other.
Eventually you do begin to get worked up, and Harry’s hand moves to your leg, pulling it over his own. You’re straddling his right thigh and his lips start to press kisses to your neck.
His hands move to your waist, and he pushes down gently. You know that he wants you to press down on his thigh, use his leg for your own pleasure. You want to do that too, but instead of doing so, you pull back.
When he feels you pull away, he looks up at you, worried that he’d done something wrong. “What is it love, are you okay?”
“Yea, just, I want to move.”
“Of course, whatever you need.”
He pulls his hands off you, letting you shift where you want. You switch so that you’re now straddling his left leg instead of his right. Once you’re settled you put your hands back on his shoulders, giving him a look to let him know he can continue.
He’s confused; you can tell by the face he’s making that he doesn’t understand what just happened.
“Do you have a preferred leg?” he asks.
“Harry, I refuse to ride a tattoo of your ex-girlfriend’s name,” you state as though it should be obvious.
He immediately understands and barks out a laugh.
“I’m serious!”
“I know, love. I completely understand.”
“Thank you,” you say with a satisfied smile.
“Honestly, I’ve been trying to figure out how to cover it up but haven’t thought of a good idea.”
“You should just get some horns around it.”
“You know, cause the song Olivia isn’t complete because it never got the horns added in. So, add the horns here and say that’s what the tattoo is for.”
He pauses for a moment before saying, “You are an absolute genius.”
“I know.” You lean in so that your lips are right up against his ear. “Plus, I much prefer riding the tiger anyway.”
Harry lets out another groan at that, hands going back to your hips, and you pick up where you left off.
AN: I promise I'm working on You Can Start a Family chapter 10! But I got home from a long drive, saw the pictures from Italy and this idea popped into my head. I found it to funny not too write.
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fishfooddude · 1 year ago
What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Always Stay in Vegas... Part 3
Ellie's presence at The Bear is... entertaining?
The Bear MasterList
Part 2
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Part 3- The Fight
“I don’t get why you want to work with him, baby. He never treated you right.” Jack sighed as he buttoned his sleeve. Ellie shrugged “Carmy is my friend. He’s also a really talented chef.” Jack shrugged “I guess…” “If it makes you feel better, I’m cooking with him today, but tonight, I’m sleeping with my insane and insanely hot fiance. Unless you suddenly don’t want to be my husband.” Jack chuckled and grabbed at her hips, pulling her into his body “I don’t have anything to worry about, right?” Ellie shook her head, “I love YOU, Jack. Carmy was just an appetizer compared to the absolute meal of a man you are.” Jack grinned and put his forehead against Ellie’s before softly kissing her lips. “I love you, Mrs. Aubrey.” 
Ellie walked into the kitchen and was immediately noticed by Syd. “Hi, can I help you?” “Yea- I’m Ellie. Carmy’s friend from culinary school and New York in general…” Syd nodded, side-eyeing her as Carmy came out of the office. “El, hey.” he smiled as he hugged her briefly, trying not to look suspicious. “Who’s this beautiful girl?” Richie playfully flirted when he saw Ellie in the kitchen; Carmy rolled his eyes at Richie’s comment. “I’m Ellie, Carmy’s friend from New York.” Richie nodded and watched as Carmy showed her to Marcus’s station. “She’s hot- you sure she’s Carmy’s friend?” Syd scoffed at Richie’s smart-ass comment, “Carmy isn’t totally hideous. I could see him being friends with her.” 
“Okay, I gotta ask. How’d you two meet?” Gary asked during family. Carmy stared at his phone, waiting for Claire to text him back about coming to the dinner they’d begun eating. “Well,” Ellie said after swallowing a bite of pasta, “I met him in culinary school. He was just this cute little awkward guy, and there were no cute guys in our class, right? So my friend Carly went up to him and tried inviting him to a get-together, but Carmy, being Carmy, said no. Fast forward three months, I discovered he was my across-the-hall neighbor.” Carmy grinned, remembering the day they realized they were neighbors like yesterday. “Anyway, we started commuting together, we got hired at the same restaurant, and it just kinda became convenient.” Syd looked between Ellie and Carmy, “You two dated?” Ellie laughed “I wouldn’t call it dating- it was more just ‘oh fuck I worked a 15 hour day and want to get my dick wet’ kind of thing.” Richie laughed and hit Carmy “Cousin, my fuckin man.” 
Ellie rolled her eyes at Richie’s pervy comment, “Then we got married in Vegas one night when we were drunk.” Carmy rolled his eyes “Yea, and you’re divorcing me.” Ellie was about to say something when she noticed a new woman standing in the restaurant “What was that, Carmen?” Claire felt her blood boil as Carmy turned to face her “Hey Claire…” 
“So you and Carmy got married?” Ellie nodded cautiously “Don’t worry, I don’t want him. I’m engaged to an awesome guy, and honestly, if I weren’t getting married, we probably wouldn’t have ever found out.” there was an awkward tension in the restaurant after Ellie explained the peculiar circumstances that brought her to The Bear. Claire nodded “Yeah, you’re probably right. Took him like 12 years to ask me out…” 
The mood shifted back to everyone making fun of Carmy and discussing how The Bear would get a star that year. After everyone ate, Carmy walked Claire out to her car, “Baby-” “Carmen. Why didn’t you tell me about this when you found out?” before Carmy could answer, Claire cut him off “You know what? I don’t want to know. I’m on call tonight. I’ll talk to you later.” Carmy nodded and watched her drive away. He waited until she turned the corner before pushing his hands through his hair. Carmy knew it wasn’t the right move not to tell her about what he’d found out the day prior, but she was already mad at him and figured telling her would just make it worse. He groaned, “Fuck.” 
Ellie noticed Carmy’s shitty mood throughout dinner service. It didn’t improve as the night went on. After closing, she watched him sanitize his station before going to his locker. She followed, “So… you’re in a shitty mood.” Carmy rolled his eyes at Ellie’s comment, “Yeah. I fucked up with Claire.” Ellie nodded “Well. It was great seeing you, CAB. I’m sending you an invite to the wedding, with a plus one. You’re a mostly okay guy, Carm. I’m sure she’ll come around.” Carmy laughed “We’ll see. But I’ll be there.” “You also have to stage at my place. We do this epic brown sugar habanero bacon sandwich- it’s fuckin fire.” Carmy shook his head and laughed “Of course it is.” “It was nice divorcing you, Carm.” “Right, back at you, Ellie.” 
Carmy was startled awake by his door slamming; he sat up on the ratty couch he’d bought off Facebook Marketplace when he’d first moved back to Chicago. If this had been a cartoon, steam would be coming out of her ears right now. “Okay, so you got married in Vegas, whatever. What was with that ‘oh, we probably wouldn’t have found out’ bullshit!” she yelled, her sloppy bun bouncing with every syllable. Carmy swung his legs off the couch to the floor and stood before her “Claire-” “Are we ever going to get married, Carmen?” Carmy swallowed as Claire’s eyebrows knit together. “Carmen, I’ve dealt with a lot of your avoidant attachment bullshit. I deal with the fact you work upwards of 60 hours a week. I get it. You aren’t ready to move in together. But today at work, I realized you haven’t even told me that you love me- unless we’re having sex.” she scoffed “What’s the end game here, Carmen? You shit on our relationship. You beg me to take you back and barely try to involve yourself in my life outside our relationship- what’s the end game? Do you ever want to get married? Buy a house? Have kids? What is the point of all of this, Carmen?” she crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at the ceiling in an attempt not to cry. Carmy sighed; he really needed a fucking cigarette. “Claire, I told you last year that I wasn’t sure if I was ready to be in a relationship- you still wanted to be with me. I recognize that I fucked up, and I’m tryin' to be better.” Carmy explained, “Can you look at me, Claire?” she huffed in response but obliged. He saw tears welling up in her eyes and instantly felt guilt wash over him “If I’ve learned anything about myself in the last 48 hours, it’s that I don’t think I’m actually in love with you- I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.” “Fuck you, Carmen.” Claire spat before leaving his apartment, “Don’t ruin Ellie’s relationship like you ruined ours.” she slammed the door on her way out.
Carmy sighed as he closed his eyes, lighting his fifth or sixth cigarette of the technical morning. He had slept since Claire left hours ago. He couldn’t stop thinking about Ellie. She was always so kind to him. It wasn’t just fucking to her, she put in effort for him to be comfortable in her space, but he’d never reciprocated the effort, and he knew it. He’d always assumed it was just his age. Being a hot upcoming chef in New York, there wasn’t a lack of women interested in him. If Ellie hadn’t been across the hall, at school, or work, he would have done the same thing to a different girl. Maybe he wouldn’t have married a different girl in Vegas, and while he knew they couldn’t stay married, part of him wished he could go back in time and change what had happened. Rewrite their love story. Be an actual boyfriend or at least just a friend. He didn’t deserve to be happy.
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Part 4
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warblogs17282 · 6 days ago
You made good points from that Revenge on Andrealphus ask. Maybe Loona might buy or steal blessed weaponry from Carmilla Carmine. Plus Stolas might want in on this vengeance streak too. But even if Loona manages to kill Andrealphus, what would be the consequences? Would she have to be on the run for the rest of her life and since attempting to kill a goetia gets you the death penalty if you're a lower class demon, imagine the sentence you get for succeeding. It would probably be a punishment that would make death preferable.
As for buying a blessed weapon, I honestly don't think they'd even be able to afford one in the first place, because I don't think it's ever explicitly mentioned how Striker got those blessed weapons in the first place, but I think it's reasonable to assume that he purchased those weapons after Stella hired him, although it is also possible that he had those weapons before Stella hired him, but we don't know for sure unless I'm missing something here.
But anyways, Stolas' comment here makes it rather clear to me that blessed weaponary appears to be rather expensive to the average person in hell, likely being far out of range for most imps/hellhounds to afford, and to be honest, while I.M.P is definitely a successful business, I don't think they're that profitable to the point where they can afford blessed weaponary, at least at the moment that is.
(Although again, they could still have that blessed weapon from s1 e5 in their possession, mentioned this in my last ask about this subject.)
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As for stealing from Carmine directly, while it has been a while since I've last watched HH, I don't think she'd be the type of person you could pull a fast one over, at least not easily, wouldn't be surprised if she would be the type to chase down stolen goods like that as well.
Honestly not sure about Stolas going out for vengeance against another Goetia tbh, because on one side we have that it's been shown a few times now that Stolas tends to lean closer to the side of pacifism, but honestly maybe he would as well, because on the other side we have the fact that Stolas does risky (and borderline suicidal shit sometimes) stuff, such as that one scene where he beats the shit out of Andrealphus in Sinsmas (and hell, even the grimoire arrangement now that I think about it.)
Leaning towards that he wouldn't though, mainly because Stolas would have a metric ton of self-guilt following Blitz's execution because Stolas also shares some responsibility in the whole grimoire arrangement, and not to mention how badly Blitz dying would fuck Stolas up mentally as well. (Gonna assume that in this version of events Stolas still figured out that Andrealphus was responsible for the trial's events.)
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And yea, I do agree with you that if she somehow managed to succeed in killing Andrealphus, she'd definitely have to be on the run for the rest of her life because I can only imagine it would lead to the death penalty considering how severe the crime would be in hell's courts and because of the giant double standards Satan has in the courtroom as well, especially considering that Blitz got put to death for his "crimes", I can't imagine just how bad the punishment would be if you succeeded in killing a Goetia and then get caught, as you said.
Referenced post here:
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starcrossedxwriter · 2 years ago
Built for Love Part 2 (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
Warning: angstttttt
A/n: Enjoy! This hasn't been edited thoroughly so apologies in advance for typos!
Word Count: 3.5k
Charlotte’s chest heaved lightly as she finished her run, her music blaring loudly in her headphones. She savored the ache in her muscles, the painful stitch in her side that had been there since mile 3, the hard concrete slamming into her feet with every step, the brutal cold wind hitting her face. 
She almost did not want to stop when she rounded the corner to her temporary apartment building. However, she had exceeded her usual distance so she knew she needed to. However, she was shocked at what she found waiting at her door. 
Her eyes grew wide as she saw Michael standing outside her apartment building, coffee and a brown bag gripped in his gloved hands. 
“M-Michael?” She called, catching his attention. Her breaths and words were labored as she jogged over to him. “W-hat… are you… doing here?” 
“Damn girl, you training to be a boxer too or trying to outrun something? Looks like you’re about to drop dead.” 
She laughed, coughing lightly. “I f-feel like it. Ran six miles.” 
His eyes bugged out of his head. “That’s insane.” 
She shrugged and laughed lightly, “You might be right about that… but you didn’t come all the way over here to judge me for my running habits. What’s up?” 
He nodded. “Ah. right. I come bearing your favorites… your favorite bacon, egg and cheese bagel from down the street and a chai with one shot of espresso and an extra pump of chai.” He raised the bag and coffee in his hands with his perfect award-winning boyish grin that made her want to go weak in the knees. 
“Well done, Mr. Jordan.” She could not hide the hint of surprise in her voice as she took the warm drink out of the holder and took a sip, warmth spreading through her body. “It is quite literally perfect. How’d you figure out my chai order?” 
He laughed. “You have one like every single morning.” 
“Touche. J-just didn't realize you noticed,” she smiled. She gestured toward the door. “Wanna get out of the cold?” 
At his nods, she led him inside and up the stairs to her apartment. She opened the door and allowed him inside. 
“Let me just throw on a different top? This one is drenched. Give me a sec.” She started to take off the thick sweatshirt she had on and ran back to her room, leaving Michael alone in her kitchen. 
He glanced around, his first time in her apartment. The decor was warm, soft pinks and golds accented her neutral standard furniture throughout her living space. He spied a couple family photos littered across the space, he imagined to make the space feel more like home. She clearly took time to make the temporary space feel like a home. He took note of two bouquets of calla lilies on her counter and living room table. 
“Alright, sorry about that. I sweat like crazy when I run… it is pretty gross,” she muttered as she walked over to her counter and grabbed a few plates for them. 
“I didn’t know you were a runner.” 
“Yea,  I run a couple miles every morning.” 
“Oh nice. You do marathons too?” 
She shook her head and chuckled, “Nope. Just to decompress. When I moved out to LA, my thera- friend recommended I get a hobby. My brother’s the marathon runner so he introduced me to his favorite running trails. Got me out of bed and out of my own head honestly.” 
She walked over to her fridge. With her back turned, she could not see the way Michael’s eyes filled with lust as he took in her perfect ass and figure in her leggings and crop top. 
There were moments were he wondered if the young woman in front of him had magical powers. Her looks and talents were other worldly in his view, no woman even looked remotely attractive to him since she walked into that room for their chemistry test. However, it was not just lust. He craved her, craved everything about her, noticed everything about her. There was not a subject in his mind that did not somehow drift back to her. She consumed his very being in such a way that it could only be witchcraft… or something else he had never felt before. If this was love, part of him feared it, feared how much power she already held in his life and did not even know it.
“Nice… I gotta get a couple miles in tomorrow, keep up the training. Why don’t we run together?” 
“I dunno… not sure you’ll be able to keep up,” she teased, winking at him as she handed him a water bottle.
“Ha. ha. ha. We’ll see whose talking shit tomorrow.” 
She settled next to him, unwrapping her breakfast sandwich and taking a bite. She did a small happy dance as the flavors hit her taste buds. 
“I think I’m gonna miss this the most when it’s all said and done,” she mused as they ate. “And not that I’m not insanely appreciative of the breakfast and latte delivery, what made you stop by?” 
She studied his profile for a moment. This was the first time they spent real alone time together since the kiss over the weekend. She had avoided him like the plague unless they were actively working on a scene. She could tell he often wanted to speak to her. He was the type to wear his emotions plainly on his face. However, she chose to remain oblivious and used any excuse to avoid being alone with him. She knew it was childish… and unfair. But she did not know what to say to him. 
She knew her heart’s desires. She wanted him in every possible way she could have him. But her head, the voice of reason that still questioned her gut and intuition, threw water and doubt on the raging flames of her desires. And her body, trapped between her present and constant yearnings for him and the traumas of the past, rode the fence like a devil’s advocate. One minute, her body craved him like a dying dehydrated woman craves water. But the next, she repelled him as all of her past shit haunted her like a menacing ghost. Each part of her played an intense and exhausting game of tug-a-war and none of them were winning. 
And she hated it. But she knew she did not have anything better to give him. 
“You caught me. I was hoping your favorite breakfast would be a sort of olive branch? I didn’t want to bring it up on set cause you know, we’re working and I don’t want to make it uncomfortable for you. But I know you’ve been avoiding me and I just want to clear the air so we can be good again.”
Charlotte nervously chuckled, “Nah I haven’t.” He raised an eyebrow causing her to bow her head. “Alright… maybe I have. I-I just feel r-really embarrassed by the other night. C-coming on to you like that. Got caught up in the character I guess. I mean,” she cleared her throat, eyeing him nervously. “W-we are just friends, right?” 
 Michael studied her for a moment, his eyes taking in the nervous energy that immediately settled around the young woman. Her whole body seemed to fidget as she waited for his response, she chewed her lip, her fingers pulled at a loose thread in her top, and her leg jiggled up and down against her bar stool. He could physically see the tension building throughout her shoulders. 
He wanted to push, let her know that he did not want her apologizes or embarrassment. He wanted to know her true feelings for him and why she kept him at bay. However, something stopped him. While he was not completely certain of her feelings, he was certain of one thing: her walls and guard were up. And there was no hope of forcing them down. She would have to let them down and let him in when she was ready. And for him, she was more than worth the wait. 
His head fell a bit as he opted for a response that was not his true feelings but satisfied what she needed to hear. “No apologies, seriously. We wouldn’t be the first folks to you know… get caught up in the moment. All good seriously. I j-just wanted to say the same. We cool?” 
Charlotte nodded, an odd wave of relief and sadness crashing over her. This was what she wanted right? What she pushed for? So why did it still feel so… shitty?
“Y-yea we’re good. How could I have beef with someone who brings me a perfect chai and my favorite breakfast??” She nudged him lightly with her shoulder. “Thank you.” 
“Anytime. Aight. I gotta go, gotta get to set in half an hour. Just wanted to drop off breakfast and check in. Talk later?” 
She nodded, standing to walk him to her door. They shared a brief hug before he crossed over the threshold of her apartment. 
“Yep, talk later. Thanks again for the breakfast delivery.” 
He nodded, offering her a smile. “Enjoy your day off, Els.” 
She waved at him and watched his back retreat for a moment before she closed her door. She slumped against it and glanced at her half eaten sandwich and drink, another example of his attentiveness and kindness. This only made her like him even more. 
“This man… gonna be the fuckin’ death of me,” she muttered to herself before returning to finish her breakfast.
3 weeks later 
“You good?” 
Michael’s voice filled Charlotte’s ears as she flopped down next to him on a comfy couch in the corner. Her cup was filled with a margarita, she was not ashamed to admit she had lost count of the amount by this point. But she did not care. She survived her first movie and they were enjoying the official wrap party for the film. She deserved a night of liquor and good times. 
“Y-yea, yea,” she leaned over and yelled into his ear. “My feet are just killing me in these boots.” She gestured to the very fashionable but not functional deep purple velvet thigh highs she was supporting with a black mini dress. 
Michael’s eyes trailed the smooth chestnut skin on display between the hem of her dress and the top of her boots. He was nearly rendered speechless when she walked through the door. 
“No pain, no gain, right?” 
She nodded and raised her glass, clinking against his. She slumped back into the seat, their bodies inching closer and closer together as they sat. Neither of them seemed to even notice, they just drifted together as if that was the only logical choice, the only thing their bodies could naturally do. 
Charlotte was happy filming was over but it meant she would not have a reason to spend time with Michael each day. And she could not deny that that knowledge made her a bit sad. Despite the kiss snafu, they had grown extremely close over the last three months. They had started running together, the friendly competition forcing them both to train harder; they hung out when they had evenings off, watching movies in Michael's apartment; and they hung out nonstop on set. He was a regular staple in her life and all of that would be gone. She knew she needed distance to put these feelings behind her but she was not ready to say goodbye just yet.
Charlotte’s shoulders swayed gently to the music, her eyes watching many in the cast and crew who were out on the dance floor. 
Michael watched her before taking a last swig from his drink and standing up. 
“One last dance before we put Bianca and Adonis to rest?” He held out his hand. She knew she should say no. This was merely courting bad decisions. 
She knew he could never see her the way she saw him. He deserved someone far better than her. However, she could not deny the part of her that wanted to be close to him physically and emotionally, certainly closer than they were at this moment.  A decision that would likely lead her to ruin, she was sure, but the alcohol coursing through her system pushed the hesitations from her mind. For the first time in a long time, Charlotte chose to give in to her true desires, give in to her heart. And her heart wanted to be in his arms, even if it was fleeting. 
She stood up and slid her hand into his, a smirk on her face as she took in the surprised look on his. It was clear he was expecting her to say no or at least hesitate. But she did neither. 
She discarded her drink on their table and followed him out to the crowd, the song switching to a slower selection. That did nothing to stop either of them, Michael turning her around so her back was to him. His hands gripped her hips as she slow grinned into him, both of them allowing the music to guide their movements. 
Charlotte pushed all her inhibitions and fears out of her mind as she enjoyed the feeling of his body on hers. And enjoyed it for the first time as herself - not a fictional woman in love his character. This was as intimate and close as she had been with any man in years. She enjoyed the way his hand gripped her skin, the way the other trailed up and down the exposed skin of her thigh sensually, the feeling of his broad chest against her back. 
For both of them, this was perfection. Neither one of them cared or noticed the cast and crew ogling their intimate moment. The rest of the world seemed to disappear and fade, it was just the two of them in their own little world. 
Their dancing only stopped as Michael used his grip to turn her around so she faced him. His hand went to the small of her back as he held her flush against his chest. Charlotte almost wanted to look away as she took in the intensity in his eyes. She could see the lust, his desires for her clear as day. But they were mixed with something else, something she could not quite place. 
Desire and yearning passed between them as they stared at each other in the dim club. Their bodies left no space for God or any other deity to fit between them. Michael’s hand cupped her face, holding her gaze to his, as he lowered his lips to hers. 
“Michael…” she whimpered. Whether it was intended to urge him to pause or beckon him forward, he did not know and quite frankly, neither did she. 
However, when their lips met, she had no intention of telling him to stop. It was somehow both everything and nothing like she remembered. Still perfect, still gentle but there was a more intense hunger to it. As if three months of feelings buried and avoided were finally surfacing for them both and they were trying to cram all of it into one kiss. As if this one kiss could say everything that needed to be said.
She savored every millisecond that his lips were on hers, that his hands were on her body, and that she felt the intimacy she had been deprived of for far too many years. 
When they finally broke apart, Charlotte felt flustered and out of breath. She stared at him for a moment before reality set in for her and all those hesitations came rushing back. 
His thumb caressed her cheek as he whispered in her ear. “It’s not the characters for me, Els. It never was… I want you.” 
Her body stilled as she took in his words. His words sent her inebriated and flustered mind into an immediate tailspin, spinning out of control as all those hesitations she pushed aside resurfaced. And though, all she wanted to say was “I want you too,” the words were lodged in her throat. Her own doubts not allowing them to surface. She had fallen into the sea of him but she did not feel worthy of such gentle waters. And every thought circulating through her mind seemed to confirm that feeling.  
He’s lying, a harsh voice entered her brain. He can’t mean that. You’re just a cheap score for him, another notch in his belt. 
He’ll toss you aside like trash the moment he’s done with you. 
As if anyone would actually want you. 
Charlotte pushed against his chest, creating space between the two of them as she rapidly shook her head. 
“U-Um… I a-am… I’m so sorry. I gotta go.” Her words were rushed and flustered as she ran out of the crowded club, weaving and pushing her way through the crowd to get out. 
Her hand pressed into her chest as it started to tighten as if she was about to have a panic attack. Her breathing was labored as she finally found a random door and pushed her way outside, the cold Philly air hitting her. 
She leaned against the wall of a dim alley, her chest heaving as she tried to calm herself down. She was so wrapped up in her own head that she did not hear the door open until he started calling her name. 
“Els! Els!” 
She immediately tried to walk away from him until she heard him again. 
“CHARLOTTE! Stop walkin’!” He demanded, stopping her in her tracks. 
She turned around, an exasperated and pained look painted on her face. “What??” 
“You gotta level with me, Charlotte. Tell me what’s wrong? Is it somethin’ I did o-or said?? Because you can’t experience what we just did,” he gestured back toward the party, which was still in full swing, “And tell me that there is nothing between us! O-or that is just our characters or some shit. Be honest with me. What's goin' on?” 
Charlotte paced as he spoke, her hand running through her faux locs as she tried to calm her mind enough to speak to him. However, she knew she could not give him the answers he sought, not in this drunken and emotional state. 
“I-I just can’t do this, Michael.” Her hand waved between the two of them. “So p-please j-just drop it!” 
“W-why can’t you do it?? What I feel when I’m with you,” he offered, closing the distance between them and causing Charlotte to back up against the wall. “Is unlike anything else I’ve experienced in my entire life. Look me in my eyes and tell me you don’t feel the same. Say it and I’ll walk away, I swear. And I’ll never bring it up again. But you need to say it, Charlotte. You need to tell me you don't want me.” 
Charlotte’s brown eyes met his and she tried, tried to force the words she so desperately needed to say from her soul but she could not. Because those words would be a lie. She needed him like her body needed air to breath. But she also could not bring herself to say that either. Both roads led her to destinations her soul was simply not ready for, lead her to potential heartbreak she could not handle again. And so her vocal cords just seemed to refuse to work.
“I-I…” she struggled. “S-stop doing this to me,” she whispered. “Please, I-I can’t take it.” 
He scoffed, his frustration with the small woman before him getting the better of him. 
“Doing what? Loving you? W-wanting to be with you??” 
Her eyes grew wide as the word ‘love’ hit her like a train. 
“That! Y-You don’t l-love me! You c-can’t! A-and you shouldn’t. I-I’m doing you a favor.” she nodded to herself as if she were convincing herself and him. “I d-don’t d-deserve you.” Her voice grew small as all of his words came back to haunt her. It did not feel as though two years had passed. It felt as if he was standing right beside her still whispering the same things in her ear. 
She could hear his voice taunting her, calling her worthless, telling her that no one could ever love someone like her and that they would discard her the moment they realized what she truly was. His refrains reminding her that she did not deserve love rang loudly in her ears, drowning out any and everything Michael said to her. 
A flash of pain crossed Michael’s face as he took in her words. How could she think that? Or say that about herself? He could visibly see her folding in on herself, her guards raising higher and higher than he could hope to climb in one night. 
“Els… look at me, please,”she heard the desperation in his voice, this was the most vulnerable she had ever heard him. However, her ironclad resolve would not allow her to lift her eyes from the ground. She had to do this, for both of their sakes. 
“Y-You d-deserve better t-than me. Y-You don’t want me,” she whispered, her voice sounding lifeless and robotic as if she were regurgitating words someone else supplied to her, repeating a script she barely believed herself but had to sell anyway. 
Michael felt his heart splinter a bit. He supposed it truly was love because no woman had broken his heart quite like this either. His head fell as an air of defeat settled around him.
“You’re breakin’ my heart, Els,” he whispered to her before taking several steps back from her. 
She sniffled and hastily wiped a stray tear that started to fall down her face. 
“I-I’m protecting mine. No one else is going to,” she whispered back. “Goodbye, M-Michael,” her voice broke ever so slightly as she choked back a sob. She tore herself away from the wall and rushed away from him and a dream she knew could never be a reality. 
Before she knew it, she found herself at her front door. The beautiful bouquet of flowers she found at her doorstep could not even raise her spirits or stop the tears that were starting to fall. She picked them up off the floor and fumbled with her key until she was inside her apartment. 
She leaned against the counter, her hands trembling as she picked up the card nestled between a large bouquet of white roses and white calla lilies, her favorite flower. 
A tear fell as she immediately guessed who they were likely from. 
“Fucking perfect timing,” she muttered as she pulled the card out of its small envelope and read it silently. 
Thank you for being my better half for the last three months. Whether it’s loving a flawed boxer or wine and movie nights on the couch - on screen and off, you’re the best partner I could ever have. First movie down… I know there are many more together to go.  
She read it a couple more times, her heart slowly shattering piece by piece as a wave of sobs hit her. She leaned into her counter as she sobbed, her head falling into her hands. 
As she sobbed, she could not help but replay her last conversation and kiss with Michael over and over again. A small voice kept telling her she did the right thing. However, all she felt as she finally drifted off to sleep was regret. 
Cold and lonely regret. 
Part 3
Tag List: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @msniaimani @hi888888sworld @lynaye1993
A/N: ummm… don't hate me!! lol
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gayboyasher · 1 year ago
Hi, i would love to see kirigiri kyoko x gn s/o streamer were kyoko was bored and decided to accompany him on a stream
I would love to see this idea, thanks :D
I got you, trust 🙏 I’m gonna make this kinda like my last one, and then cut it into a small one shot frl. (Sorry if it’s ass)
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Honestly she doesn’t have a problem with you streaming, that’s your ultimate!
Though, gaming just doesn’t seem like her thing.
She is more of the observer, and kinda likes just figuring out the motive and just kinda getting it done.
Also, time to time she’ll check in on your streams on a device. Like a parent tracking their kid 💀.
Usually you do tell her when you’re streaming, so she’ll leave you alone during it.
But one day she got bored.
“Thank you for the donation!” You exclaimed, adjusting your seating position. You continued to click things until you got to the next level. You were playing a horror game and also having a chill stream, interacting with the viewers and being someone relate-able.
But then two knocks were at the door of your room.
You turned to look at the door, a little confused. But you paused the game and turned to the camera.
“Hold on guys, watch this small video. I’ll be right back.”
You told them, almost like a parent promising their kid before they leave. You played a small song and muted your side before wandering over to the door. You pondered on opening it, but ended up opening it anyway.
“Hey… you okay in here?” It was Kyoko, someone you’d never expect showing up to your door, especially knowing you’re streaming.
“Yea, I’m okay, are you okay?” You asked right back. She nodded, showing no reaction but a small smile. “Do you mind me staying in here until the stream ends? Or would you rather me—“ you did not hesitate to grab her and pull her in. It didn’t matter the reasoning, but just made your heart soar when she wanted to be on the room with you while you were streaming. You sat her down in your second chair and fixed you’re stream, unmuting yourself and unpausing the game.
Your viewers went ballistic. Who was this girl? How was she in relation with you? Why was she so pretty? You pull?! Everyone spammed the chat relentlessly.
“Oh, someone donated $5, thank you so much. “Who is that girl sitting next to you?” This is my girlfriend Kyoko.” You told them calmly, gently putting the hand you didn’t need for the game in one of hers. She stayed silent, not really watching the comments, knowing how some people may be, and watched you. Not the game, you. She did add some commentary’s, but not a lot.
Though, that stream lasted and hour and it ended with youre viewers shocked and Kyoko feeling a bit of pride from being shown off.
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foulfable · 29 days ago
@snuffk1t @thedemoninmywalls
prompt[s]: Melvin & Strade meeting at The Braying Mule for the first time, this was also after Mel got kicked out of his apartment for stealing money from his former roommate.
A/N: sorry if this is scuffed or cringe, i haven’t written since last year and i am using the Notes app. Please ignore any grammar mistakes, i am slightly dyslexic.
Fun game; take a shot every time i say “guy” or “man”, i promise you, you’ll wake up with a hangover.
The bar was lively, filled with people chattering and a gleeful mood, the sound of glass clinking against the tables was a melody on its own, but it was barely noticeable. But not to Melvin, who opted to sitting in the far corner booth of the bar, who is perhaps zoning out? He was rethinking it all.
How he got to the Braying Mule.
Well- sort’ve. Nikki unintentionally may of helped him avoid jailtime, but Melvin still kicked out for maxxing out her card on his obsession and trying to beat Woundfucker88 in being top Donator to this guys snuff streams. Whatever his name was.
Melvin looked at his hands. Sure, it’s warm inside with people but he was so alone. So alone now. And it was his fault that he was alone. He was looking at the wood grains on the table, and wondering if he should find another job- but what? And how? He’d figure that out later, for now he put his head down and tired to take a nap, the noises of the other patrons filling the air.
Melvin wasn’t really paying attention, because who was gonna pay attention to the emo in the back of the bar who was totally alone and about to take the most comfortable nap of the world?
Well.. we know who.
“Hey there!” This random guy that we totally don’t know the name of said as he sat down in front of Melvin, startling him, the man had an infectious smile on his face and a thick accent.
The guy was tan, his hair medium length and brown, only getting deeper at the tips of his hair- his eyebrows were a bit bushy, and his eyes were golden, a bit hazel, but more on the golden side. The guy had a bit of stubble and a scar on his right[?] hand side. He was wearing this weird green-like color, perhaps sage green, button-up shirt, and a belt and khakis? Can they be called khakis if they weren’t even the color of khakis? What color what that? Melvin doesn’t know, hell, he was contemplating Mcdonalds or eating the free peanuts they had here.
Even if He may be too broke for Mcdonalds right now..
The guy placed a beer in front of the Amber Fox. Melvin raised an eyebrow. “You look down, this one’s on me.” Melvin looked down at the beer the guy placed in front of him. He blinked himself awake and stretched, he didn’t even fall asleep yet.
“Thanks a lot.” Melvin said, taking the beer without any second thought really. He had to stop himself from shotgunning down the drink-. “So.. what’s your name?” The.. man said, smiling and raising his eyebrow.
He looked the guy up and down, he seemed friendly enough. “Melvin, what’s your name, hot stuff?” He said, raising an eyebrow back at the guy. “Name’s Strade.” He was so cheerful, it was.. infectious in a way? Melvin honestly couldn’t tell if the drinks were finally getting to him or if he was just actually into this Strade guy.
“So, what’s your mind, liebling?” Was that German? Don’t think, just talk.
Melvin looked away from Strade “Just- i fucked up. I stole money from my roommate, maxxed out her credit card actually and she destroyed my laptop- long story short she kicked me out and now i’m homeless.” Strade frowned at him. “Yikes, want to talk until it’s off your mind?” He offered to the other. “So you’re completely homeless now?”
Melvin didn’t even look up “Yea, I guess.” “Sounds like a drag.” He smirked at the beastkin “It’s no surprise you are feeling a bit down.” Melvin sighed “Yea, but I’m starting to feel a bit better.” He smiled “I think it’s because of you.” Strade hummed.
“Hey, lebhaft. That’s what going to a bar is for, right?” Melvin looked down at his damn near empty beer. “You drink pretty quick.” Melvin blushed, and no it wasn’t from the alcohol. He looked up at Strade. “I do,” Melvin admitted “Thanks for noticing.”
Strade hummed and leaned into Melvin’s personal space a bit “that’s what coming to a bar is for, right?” Strade said, and Melvin chuckled to himself. “Yea..” he definitely didn’t come here every time he was having a rough time or was bored.. or both.
“So, what’s a handsome guy like you doing here alone, Strade?” Melvin asked, leaning into Strade’s space. The older man chuckled “I was looking for pretty things like you- what is your name?” Oh shit, yea. He can’t be flirting without introducing himself.
“Melvin. My name is Melvin.” Strade smirked “That suits you.” Melvin raised an eyebrow “thank you.”
Strade thought before looking at the other. “Do you want get out of here?” Strade started “Take a drive around town, maybe?”
Melvin couldn’t help but feel excited and agree. “Why not?” And he got up, Strade smirked, something different in his eyes. They walked out together.
The rest was history
Once again sorry if this feels scuffed or rushed, i wrote these on an iPhone instead of a keyboard.
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tobyislame · 1 year ago
some more ticci toby headcanons
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once again consider this a headcanon salad i'm still figuring out how to format these
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- in my canon he's from minnesota. he just feels like a minnesotan
- also in my canon he lives in a shoddy little abandoned cabin in the woods (header image is along the lines of what i think it would look like). the mansion still exists he just chooses not to reside there cus he'd much rather have his own space that he can control
- never has the big lights on in his house cus it makes him crazy. instead there's just headless lamps/lanterns/candles strewn all over
- best believe the place is messy as shit. imagine if a 16 year old boy was allowed to be a homeowner. yea pretty fucking vile right
- his place just smells like raw wood and weed you walk in it just slaps you in the face
- all of his clothes have that vague cigarette smell on them
- he smells like pinecones and wet soil (on a good day)
- thinks axe masks the fact that he hardly showers unfortunately
- also thinks just using mouthwash is the same as brushing your teeth unfortunately
- honestly he's just super shit at taking care of himself, especially since his body lacks the tools to queue him in on some stuff
- like how cipa causes him not to feel hunger. he can't recognize when he's hungry so he often goes way too long between meals
- he has a little notebook where he keeps track of when he eats. it's meant to help him know when he should eat something but he consistently forgets to keep up with it
- he just isn't equipped with any of the tools necessary to take care of himself, both physically and mentally. he's in pretty bad shape, some extra help would probably do him good
- realistically with how much he disregards self-preservation he'd be fucking dead by now so he isn't entirely helpless. he knows he's accident-prone so he keeps first aid shit with him at all times, he knows blood means bad and that he should probably stop what he's doing that is making the blood happen, he knows to scan over himself every once in a while to check for unnoticed injuries and such, etc etc.
- cus of the gaping gash in his cheek he has to eat foods that are compatible with his disfigurement. he also always has to drink through a straw
- he does not like waffles. he does like pancakes however
- interestingly those with cipa have a lower sensitivity to capsaicin so he eats spicy stuff like a fuckin CHAMP. someone gave him one of those samyang noodles to try yk the one that's hot as BALLS and he was just like "i mean yea it's good"
- he's kind of just always covered head to toe with bandages. i think he'd have an excoriation (skin picking) disorder so he HAS to keep his arms and hands wrapped up, otherwise he'll just obsessively pick/bite/gnaw at his skin
- the rest of his body is perpetually scattered with bandaids and such on account of how scraped up he gets just being himself
- on the night of The Incident he got caught up in the fire. flaring up his chest and a section of the left side of his body are burn scars. there are a conglomerate of reasons as to why toby doesn't like to have his shirt off in front of ANYBODY and that's just one of them
- his motor tics tend to be on the more violent side (throwing things, hitting himself, hitting others, etc). however, he's learned how to sort of guide his tics from being one thing to another if that makes sense? idk i'm speaking from my own experience here and tics are a really difficult thing to put into words but like. if he can tell he's about to throw the thing that's in his hand he'll take that feeling and try to turn it into something smaller, so instead of throwing the thing a less destructive tic will occur instead. if any of that made sense
- more often than not he's got an earbud in or his headphones on listening to music. he finds that it makes it much easier for him to make his way through the world. that and when he's listening to music he's noticed that he hardly ever tics (usually) so yk that's also a bonus
- spends a lot of his time climbing trees and hanging out in them. also spends a lot of his time trying to make friends with the animals of the forest. he's gotten a lot better at knowing how to approach raccoons and possums and stuff. he likes to leave food out for birds and squirrels and such
- it's funny because he tries to be this hard-ass dude but as soon as he spots a deer he becomes the most gentle thing on earth in that moment. he'd probably grab your shoulders whispering all like "oh dude deer- shhh shh" and force you to crouch with him and stuff lmao
- he's dubbed the one rabbit in those woods that isn't afraid of him "dandy warhol". yea he's real good with names
- he leaves food trails for dandy that lead to his house because he thinks that's how people get pets. he does not realize he's also leading every other animal in that forest to his home
- he may be stupid .
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solarwynd · 4 months ago
I saw the updates & I also asked the same thing, where did that 3 million increase come from 😭 I actually like the song, too & it’s nothing against Rosé, but I have only listened to it once. I looked over the Spotify Stats & Thailand is NOT mass streaming for her. People forget that Atlantic is known for promotion. There’s a whole video that I watched on how they made that ABCD song blow up on TikTok & what did that song get? A #1 on the Hot 100 & multiple grammy nominations. Also makes me wonder since Coldplay & Charlie Puth are both under Atlantic, in terms of BTS songs, the songs that I hear in public the most are My Universe & Left & Right. Like I heard My Universe playing in a bar one time & I’m like “Why tf would this be playing in a bar?” 😭 I remember this one big Blink gc got exposed with big blink accounts in it mind you & Jennie & Rosé were the two hated members. They were calling them all sorts of names, so I don’t even think Blinks are streaming for her honestly. Anyway, good for her. In terms of akgaes, I think hers are the most calm. I’d say Jisoo’s are calm, too, but they have a one-sided beef with JM since he got announced as the Dior GA. I think some Blinks were trying to drag JM under her achievement tweets & a lot of Rosé solo stans were saying to delete.
Like even DWAS, which is getting the same amount of payola, had steadying 6 figure increases until it maxed out at 11M on global. But just 3M out of nowhere? Blackpink still shares a fandom and Rose’s solo fandom is not that big. They’ve never pulled numbers like this, not even with the group who has had other high profile western collabs. So any Blink who doesn’t want to believe that this is basically a Bruno song and Rose is the one actually hitching a ride off of him is ignoring it on purpose. (though after the failure Mantra was, ig they needed a win)
But yea, Blinks mainly fuck with Lisa. So I know them (and Jennie’s stans) are tight about this outcome cause honestly if anyone of them were going to pull this off, I really thought it’d be one of them.
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