#[ T - T !!! aaaaa anon you're so kind !! ]
despairforme · 1 year
Please, consider an au: Nnoitra meets Toby (the way mun is writing about him is so heartwarming, I just cant...<5<5<5)
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❝ We already hang out all'a 'da time, so I don't need 'ta spend MORE time with my mod. ❞
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bunbunlittleone · 3 months
Hi! It's Stepnovember Anon again (it's a fun moniker so I'm keeping it :-3) with a compliment followed by a weird question. First: AAAAA THE NEW VIDEO??!? the concept of being a *consensual* subject of something as complete as dollification, and the idea of being so obviously changed by the end, is particularly engaging to me as a trans gal-it's like a sexy version of some of the kink-focused conversations around transition I've seen. Secondly, is there an alternative host point for the Spellbound OF? I finally got my affairs in order to subscribe and it got tanked T-T. Also, I've really been loving the gender-neutral nature of so much of your content-it really makes me feel represented in the NB/queer adult audience; even more so the few times there's been an explict femme POV. And of course, I'm looking forward to whatever Stepford-inclined stuff eventually rattles its way down the pipe: i'm still amazed you're the only creator who's made anything close to non-cishet/anti-patriarchy/no more "ooooh you're gonna serve men" Stepford content that I've been able to find!
thanks so much for being you, and sharing your unique work with the world!
Heya Stepnovember Anon!! Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm so glad you enjoyed the new video! As a big ol' transformation fetishist myself, I'm always delighted when my work connects with others who share the kink, especially fellow queer folks. There's more to come!!
I also very much appreciate the recognition of the gender neutral nature of my content, I try hard to keep it that way whenever possible!
Katana and I have decided to not make a new fan platform (it was pretty rough to see the OF we poured into nearly daily for years be taken away) and are focusing on producing clips as Spellbound instead (there's some fun ones in the pipe!!). My fansly is still up and active, but there won't be a direct alternative for the SB OF any time soon unfortunately.
I appreciate your positivity and support, have an amazing week! ✨🌻✨☀
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merakiui · 1 year
AAAAAAHH THE SCARA FIC!!! it was so good!! the part where he's mean to us for attempting to receive help from teyvatcord rather than the internet ( ; ω ; ) and the fact u call it teyvatcord instead of discord is so cute!! honestly I feel like that small detail made me enjoy it 10x more because I'm a sucker for little canon eastereggs—and!! the harbingers and knights of favonius mention (scaras right, that name is lame!! like, who names their team 'knights of favonius') T_T sobsob <33 scara being mad at his teammates was so adorably funny hehe — that whole little segment was so funny and domestic , him mocking us and the little bickering between us <33 AND!! THE ENDING (@_@) don't even get me started orz.. he was surprisingly cute and somewhat nice T_T and his little ego-boost and cocky demeanor after finding out it was our first time!! (>_<) and, and!! him crying at the end aaaaa my heart orz
AND I SEE U ALREADY UPDATED UR LUNAR LOVE HOTEL M-LIST (≧▽≦)!! it's cute how u give us a little snippet and idea of what the next work will be about and who will be featured (excited for the idia piece!!) :3 I'm not really sure what u plan working on next (I think u mentioned dru? :o) but either way I am so excited and ready for anything u post (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ reading ur work always makes me happy; your blog is an addiction for me!! (>_<)
I hope u have a good rest of your weekend and make sure to rest up if you can!! :D u deserve any and all rest u can get after all the effort and work you put into feeding us so well ^_^
AHAHDHWHF (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ I LITERALLY JUST SENT AN ASK IN BUT I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVED SCARA COOKING FOR US (。T ω T。) he was so cute and such a little loser wanting to make sure we got three meals a day and keeping us comfortable (>﹏<) and the way we were teasing him about it aaaa!! the crumbs of scara's domesticity while being in his captivity LOLL
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I'm very flattered you liked the little easter eggs I sprinkled throughout. I like the sound of Teyvatcord; it's really cute, so I'm happy you could enjoy it as well! And the Knights of Favonius versus Harbingers for the tournament Scaramouche was complaining about... I had fun mentioning it! Hopefully his team can win in the tournament!!! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ and subtly dropping Xiao into the story, too!! >:D aaaaa so many fun little allusions are packed in there!!
But I'm glad you liked the part where he's getting angry at his teammates (writing "can you stop spamming the chat for five seconds, Tartaglia? Damn!" had me cracking a silly smile because I could hear it in his voice so perfectly). I had so much fun writing that scene and his banter with Reader!! They have such a fun chemistry. >0< and his ego boost at learning you're a virgin!! He shouldn't let it feed his pride too much because he's also a virgin LOL. I had fun writing the sex scenes. Scara is so cute and lovable when he isn't being a bully. <3 originally, he was going to be very mean and it would be more so punishment sex than anything, but I liked the idea of Scara softening over the fact that it's your first time as well. Even he can be sentimental at times hehe!!
And cooking for you yes!!!! Beyond the death threats, he cares in very subtle ways and one of those is making sure you're always fed. It's perfect domestic malewife energy. Scara just wants you to be content when you're here as his kitten-captive-roommate???? All of those things... orz he's a loser, but he's a loser who cares and isn't that so sweet!!!! ^v^
I did indeed update the masterlist hehe!!! :D I'm happy to know you're looking forward to Idia's ficlet! As for what I am working on next, the upcoming chapter for DRU is halfway complete, so I might release it before finishing "The Most Dangerous Game" (a yan!Jade fic). After those fics, I'll either finish Dr. Riddle, the next Bittersweet Secret chapter, or begin writing yandere!Trey. I hope those fics can be something you can look forward to!!! (˚ᗜ˚*)
Thank you again for enjoying what I post!!! <3 I'm glad that it can make you happy!!!!! And I will be sure to get plenty of rest! Please also make sure to get enough rest and eat delicious foods and drink water and don't forget to take any medicines or vitamins you may need!!!
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madame-fear · 2 years
ahhh im sorry i request so much 😭
but just imagine gotham jonathan x reader cuddling up on the sofa watching a film or something i would melt omg! maybe making him watch a chick flick or putting on a horror so he can “protect you” (because he wont say it but we know hed want you to cuddle up to him scared)
your works always make me so happy they’re so good and so cute tysm i love them!!!
(and yes fem!reader is absolutely fine!)
~🦈 anon once again :,)
Hiii dear anon! 💕💕 No need to apologise for requesting! In fact I love receiving your requests so much, keep em coming!! 🥰❤
It would be so adorable to see Jonathan protecting the reader from a horror movie aaaaa😭😭🙏
Here it goes, anon!! Happy reading!💞
My Protector | Gotham!Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x Fem!Reader
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Plopping down to the couch and covering yourself with a big, warm blanket, you waited for your boyfriend to come back with the snacks you just bought. Your boyfriend suggested that, after you came back from work, you could have a movie night together. Of course, you agreed.
Turning all the lights off, your boyfriend sat next to you, putting the bag full of snacks & candies in front of you as he covered himself with the blankets. "Shall we get this started?" He said looking at you, with a face filled with excitement as you nodded. "We shall! I'm excited to see what movie you chose for tonight." Oh god, you were truly oblivious. Even if you knew him like you knew yourself and it was too obvious, you didn't expect the movie he was going to play.
"Just wait and see." He said as he began playing the movie he chose. It didn't take you long to realise it was a horror movie. You weren't too much of a horror fan, mainly because it scared the hell out of you and always made you have nightmares, but he obviously wasn't aware of that. You tried to keep your cool, and act as if you weren't panicking and constantly expecting jumpscares.
You flinched and slightly jumped at several jumpscares. Noticing this, he turned around to look at you as he placed a hand on your arm, rubbing it. "Are you alright, baby? Do you want me to change it?" You placed your hand on top of his, and shook your head as you tried to cover the fear you felt. "N-No! It's ok, I just kind of didn't expect that." Your voice was shaky, but you hid it by talking fast. He nodded and gave you a small kiss on top of your head. His kiss reassured you, but you were still afraid of what was yet to come.
He was completely thrilled and fascinated by the horrific scenery of people facing their worst fears, the scenery was full of blood and it was too violent. The dreadful screams of horror made you feel even more terrorised than before. Your whole body was shaking, and the only thing you could do was cover yourself even more with the blankets holding a tight grip to them in a protective manner.
You didn't notice, but you instinctively began getting closer to his body, unconsciously wanting him to protect you. You reached a point where you were practically clinging to him, your body still completely shaking in fear, and you were hugging yourself. He couldn't ignore that, you were too precious for him. Fear was something fascinating for him, but it didn't look good on you at all.
Being completely blinded by the fear, you jumped and released a quiet gasp at the sudden feeling of his arm being placed around your shoulder. Noticing how obviously afraid you were, he paused the movie. "I know you're afraid, angel, but it's just a movie, they're all actors and they're fine." He said, as he softly caressed your cheek with his thumb. You looked back at the paused scene for a few seconds, and then turned around to look at him, nodding. "A-Alright. I'm sorry, it's just that the whole plot feels to real, and it made me scared." You shyly admitted to him. "Don't be. Everything in there are just special effects to make it look more realistic, see?" He said, pointing t the blood and at the dead bodies in the scene. You already knew that, but his explanation made you feel reassured, and it became clear to you that everything was fake.
You nodded again to him, a smile was now growing in your face at his complete sweetness. "Fear is something thrilling to look in people's face, but it just doesn't fit you." His comments made you giggle, as he smiled back at you, his heart beating fast at the sight of you looking so cutely giggly. You kissed his soft cheek, and tightly hugged him, feeling the warmth in his body. "Thank you so much, Jon! I feel much better. I love you." He began rubbing your back, and returning the tightness of the hug.
He kissed again your head, making your cheeks get lightly flustered. "I love you too, my angel." He quietly muttered to you, but it was just enough for you to hear. The love he felt for you was just too much for him to handle, you are the light of his life. He wouldn't admit it to you, but he absolutely loves it when you cling to him, wanting him to protect you from fear. He likes the thought of you seeing him as your one and only protector.
"Do you want me to resume the movie, baby? Or do you want to watch something else?" He nearly whispered to you. You shook your head in response. "No, it's all clear now. I want to keep watching this, just resume it." He contained a smile for himself, the comforting effect he had on you was way too visible. "Alright." Giving you one last kiss, he resumed the movie and you two kept watching it. You were still clinging to him, he was way too sothing for you, his presence and warmth was like your own safe space.
Half an hour passed by, and the movie was nearly finishing. He had an arm placed around you, rubbing your back. He gently played with your hair with his other hand as his eyes were still focusing on the movie, and your arms wrapped around his body. Your head on his chest suddenly began feeling slightly heavy, and a faint, quiet snoring could be heard. He looked down at you, only to see you in a peaceful slumber.
He smiled to himself at your angel-like face. As much as he was enjoying the movie, he preferred to enjoy his time with you. He didn't want to wake you up, but he had to, so you two could get comfy in the couch. He carefully shook your arm, making you softly open your still sleepy eyes. "Let's get in a more comfy position, shall we?" He said, knowing you'd be too tired to get up and go to bed. You sleepily nodded in response.
He moved and laid all his body in the couch, just like he would in bed. You lazily crawled, and laid in front of him. He covered your bodies with the blankets, especially yours, covering it up to your neck. As he tightly wrapped his arms around your delicate body, he closed his eyes, and you pressed your head against his chest, being able to listen to his heartbeat.
"It's ironic." You lazily mumbled. He furrowed his eyebrows, and began stroking your hair. "Hm? What's ironic, love?" He could feel a little giggle coming from you. "The fearsome Scarecrow calming a scared person. And is also good at comforting." Your comment made him chuckle, realising the ironic situation, while you now had a broad smile on your face.
"True. But this is different, because you're my one and only love and light of my life. I can't stand seeing you filled with fear." He calmly kept stroking your hair, as you could feel your cheeks getting flustered. "And so are you, my dear." You quietly mumbled. Slowly opening your eyes, you lifted your head and leaned your face close to his. "I love you, and thanks for taking good care of me." Cupping his rosy cheeks, you softly smashed your lips against his, and he immediatly gave in to the feeling of your lips.
"Good night, my fear reaper." You whispered, and went back to pressing your head against his chest, his heart was beating faster than before. "Sleep well, angel. I love you too." He gently kissed the top of your head, and embraced you in a warm and loving cuddle as you two drifted off to sleep. You were extremely proud of your protector, and you couldn't be any more lucky to have him in your life.
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kissesandcream · 3 years
PLEASE my classes are starting next week and I won't have much time to grind <//3 so im playing whenever I can to make as much progress as possible before my classes start ;; UHM, the ones on my new team atm is hu tao as main dps, kaeya as burst support, mona as support and bennett as a healer and atk booster :D it used to be xingqiu in mona's place but mona came home and her ult is really good for hu tao ult one shots hsghmd AND team resonance is like bonuses for your team, just like how artifacts have 2pc bonuses and 4pc bonuses, hu tao's team has pyro resonance which gives an 18% atk boost :D pyro resonance is really helpful hHHH I wanted venti TT but instead I got a razor and a c2 benny but im not complaining bcuz ive been wanting bennett, still surprised that I survived until ar52 without bennett nghwjjh bro I hope you get better! and I wish you good luck on your midterms as well !! but hhHhhHH I really hope that your sickness goes shoo shoo soon ;; OOOO my favorite npc is Katheryne hghdkh I see her everyday and I think I just became attached BUT my second favorite is herbalist gui in Liyue! do I even have to give a reason, herbalist gui is so sweet <33 OH AND what server do you play on? :O maybe we can play sometime when you're not too busy bcuz hgvhasgd I want more genshin buddies ;; but im too socially awkward to join random peoples worlds ( I play on both na and asia btw if you wanted to know ! although my na is sort of abandoned atm now that im hyperfocused on hu tao in asia ) ➤ with even more long rambles, 🐚 anon <3 yk I can just keep typing and typing abt genshin for hours but I won't do that bcuz it will be too long HBVHMGX
gl for ur classes!! irl school starts for me next month and i'm terrified since i'm new and know no one,,, also ive finished literally nothing LMAO
omg thats a good team!!! elemental reactions seem useful. i've never built a team with lots of them bc i have two anemos and a geo aside from kaeya 😭 hopefully i can change that with beidou <333
i have a c1 mona from the standard banner and i have no clue how she works so i never built her 😭 i used her for a bit though to freeze stuff bc dodging is overated amiright
razor is a sweetie i want to build him too but he'd need a whole team to work with him and i do not have the resources for that,,, also beidou is an electro claymore too and i wanna build different kinds of characters 😤 i got bennett very recently!! i didnt even have enough stuff to ascend him at lvl 20 bc i used all my pyro vines on diluc- but itll be nice to have a pyro healer once i get around to building him 😌
aaAAa i hope my midterms are easy T^T its been a long time since ive written a proper test so im concerned but i try not to think too much about it hah
ooo ive never interacted with gui before :0 and yes katheryne is so sweet, even if i cut her off at ad as- everyday 
my fav npc is tepei from inazuma!! idk why im so attached he was in the archon quest for like two scenes,,, HES SO SWEET THO 
i play on na!! i dont have a lot of genshin buddies too and everytime i join a random persons world and become friends with them something bad happens so i stopped LOL pls do dm me ur uid tho id love to play with u!!
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emilyartstudio-s · 6 years
Can I say again, how m u c h I love your art?? ❤💓💕💖💗💝💞💟💞💖💓💝💖💟💕❤ I'm way too shy to say it without being anonymous so thanks tumblr 😤😤😤 A reminder that I will never unfollow you because you seem to me like you're super chill and kind!!! And also that you're inspires me 💕❤💝💟💞💝💗💟💞💓💖💞 Thanks for being a inspiration!!! And a godess artist!! (Your art is way better than mine, y e e t) Take some more love: 💞💟💓💝💞💕💝💗💖💝💓❤💞💝💕💝💗💓❤💞💗💞💕❤💞💗💓💝💞❤💗💕💝💞💗💓
AAAAA THANK YOU SO MCUHH THIS WAS SO CUTE TO READ;;;!! you dont have to come out from anon if you dont want to :,,D!! I’m pretty shy and awful to talk to jdshajkdj Aaa Your art will only grow if you believe in it!!! or just believe in the me that believes in your art >:)c
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despairforme · 5 months
Your "YES is the saddest word I know" poem/edit changed my LIFE
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[ ;O; ////// aaaaa anon you're so kind! Thank you for letting me know! This really made my day! Shinji/Aizen is one of my favorite ships in Bleach, and I was stoked to make a poem/edit for them that people enjoy! t-t still getting notes on it is WILD. Again, thank you very much for this message! Giving creators messages like this is the kindest thing! ]
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