a hidden creek
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kissesandcream · 3 years ago
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pryo and hydro.
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kissesandcream · 3 years ago
idk when exactly you'll see this but I just wanted to ask how you've been doing :DD I hope your technology break is going well! I'm about to head to bed in a bit but I wanted to send u an ask just bcuz LMAO but yeah, how have u been? >:D [ also, im very excited for the late september-october fhsjhs you'll get to meet hu tao!! and ziyu!! >:D it'll be a beautiful union ]
help my technolgy break was more of a discord break ive been binging fruits basket 💀 ive got tests this weeks so theres barely been time to do anything else TT BUT im really happy with school, i was in an. extremely torturous one before this and now im in a new one and its just :'D
I HOPE U HAD SWEET DREAMS!! how have u been bb???
[ omg yes me too its almost october and that means its almost ipad time >:D]
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kissesandcream · 3 years ago
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a flicker of flame amongst the shadows.
diluc ragnvindr.
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kissesandcream · 3 years ago
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The 5 Stages of Loving You by Abby S ♡
— ᴋʏᴏ & ᴛᴏʜʀᴜ ꜰᴏʀ @ɢᴏᴊᴏꜱᴀᴛᴛᴏʀᴜ ✧ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ᴀɴᴀ❣ ♥
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kissesandcream · 3 years ago
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a flicker of flame amongst the shadows.
diluc ragnvindr.
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; please reblog or comment if using!
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
deep help, why does my na account get everything I want before my asia account does I impulse wished on Baal's banner even though im not even 5 wishes into pity yet and Sara was my first four star while xiangling was my first in asia😭 this is my na account getting Bennett before my asia account did all over again🗿 oh well, atleast I have,,,,,, c1 sucrose now,,,,, sucrose,, 😔💓 BUT ONTO THE GOOD NEWS, I finally have the blackcliff polearm for hu tao !! >:D she was kind of lacking crit dmg since her artifacts really aren't the best but with this polearm. if my calculations are correct, her crit dmg will shoot up to 180% I need to get hu tao better artifacts but she'll stick with the ones she has for now🗿 she does better than average dmg with them anyways HGSADJ — 🐚.
i used t be so scared of wishing on my alt accounts bc what if they got diluc but now i have diluc so theres nothing to fear 😌 i have a fifty fifty to win for kokomi though,,,,,,, lets see what happens LMAOO
EYYY HU TAO SUPREMACY shes gonna be broken i cant wait to meet her someday,,, my dad said the ipad was getting fixed late september-october so a union is coming soon 👀
im almost at pity on the standard banner i really hope i get the aquila favonia for kaeya jhgfgh but c1 diluc or jean are looking good too 👁 I GOT A C2 KAEYA THO WHICH IS JUST :D his ult is infinite now
GL ARTIFACT FARMING!!! may you not get any defense <3
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
🖤 love train!! send this to all the people who deserve love!! don't forget to spread the love! 🖤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
ILY VEN!!! sending it right back at u <3333
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
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Young Pyro users buly adult pyro user
PRT 2. of the pls Mihoyo let them be happy again art - PRT 1 : here! 
I did not think much when i added the lil doodle of Diluc akwardly standing there secretly wishing for a hug as well (Archons knows he needs it), but most comments and reactions I got was people yelling at him to stop being so stubborn and just join the hug, so i decided to turn it into a mini comic!  
Amber Klee and Bennett literally giving him a push in the right direction 
Prt 3 will hapen when i have time to draw that HAH
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
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The spring sky is bluer than I’ve ever seen. If only I could gift you this wonderful sky. No, I know what you’d like better. A cake with lots of whipped cream on top.
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
Sunflowers + euphoria + albedo:D
nope its not only inazuma characters!!! albedo supremacy hehehe 😌
send me a flower + aesthetic word + character for a drabble!
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when sunflowers could not find the sun, they found themselves facing each other, because if there was one thing that could top the ball of eternal light that shined up above it was the love they had for their companions.
it was because of this that sunflowers were one of the rare things albedo could not comprehend- other sunflowers did not emit light of any kind. they did not activate the process necessary for photosynthesis, they did not trigger the buds to bloom- even the artificial light of a street lamp would be better at that!
albedo had done numerous experiments, for it intrigued him so. he bought an array of blooms, all freshly sowed by flora, to dragonspine, where the sun rarely came out from behind the clouds. he tried many other sources of light- lamps, torches, crystals, even crystalflies- but they’d always face each other, no matter what.
he’d dissected the flowers after, testing them for a certain chemical, perhaps, that served the same purpose as that of sunlight- but it was in vain, for the sunflowers were like any other flower, just bigger and very yellow.
“your eyebrow is quite furrowed,”
albedo looked up. he did not remember your presence when he’d started thinking, so you must’ve dropped by his office. “what are you doing here?” he asked.
you frowned. “what am i doing here? i should be asking that to you! whatever made you come over to my place and ask me what i’m doing in my own room!”
albedo blinked. sure enough, he was not at his table. he’d somehow arrived at yours, though he barely remembered it at all. what had made him do that?
hm. perhaps the sunflowers were like him- they simply wished to be happy.
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
help this got lost in my notifs so i scrolled down the entirety of ur blog to find it again KJHGTy
ur last text image is such emotion i approve and agree wholeheartedly 👍 and HELP ive barely put out on content on this blog for a bit school is kicking my ass LMAOO
and omg ilysm 🥺 TY FOR BEING AN AMAZING PERSON ILY <3333 how do i introduce myself to everyone else help im socially awkward but want friends
hi ven!!! 46, 52 and 55 hehe 😌
hi deep!! 46. what my last text message says
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52. something i’m talented at am I supposed to answer this for you or me? for you: I love your edits! they’re gorgeous! Your writing is also beautiful for me: absolutely no clue- :,) 55. tumblr friends my definition of friends on tumblr: i’ve had multiple conversations with you + we talk somewhat often :] oh god here we go! I will not be tagging everyone but if you see your name on the list you know who you are :D you, quill, ez, coco, rie, tura, curse, heather, almond, koi, toki, mika, dango, sin, jia, atlas, sarah, lane, may, karma, loqua, veille, and jayee! did I miss anyone? i love all of you :D <3
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
11 for the ask game :D
are you listening to music right now?
surprisingly no 😭 i usually have smth on tho i just cba to open spotify rn 🧍‍♀️ it sucks on pc i swear the buttons only work if they feel like it
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
53, 5 and 55 🧍‍♀️🎤
5 things that make me happy
um um uMm OKAY
my friends, writing, kaeya alberich, my meds quite literally, music & art !!
is there anyone who can always make you smile?
yes there is!!! theres my cousin mel i love her very much <33
tumblr friends
i wont tag them BUT ven and koi as of now!!! ive met a lot of ppl of tumblr but these two i met from this blog hehe
help there are so many blogs who are legitimately lovely people but i have no clue how id start a conversation bc im ✨socially awkward✨ like DEEP IT AINT THAT HARD but it is :,)
someone dare me to tag them i swear or im gonna be lonely forever /hj
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
LMAOO PLS dw the albedo drawing was like the first wip I actually finished and didnt abandon halfway through HSDGJ >:O !! U CAN DRAW EI, I THINK SHE'S FUN 2 DRAW EVEN THOUGH I ONLY DREW HER ONCE LOL pls😭I'm pretty sure you're just 3-4 hours behind me🤔 it's just that I sent my last ask in morning times JSGHDSJ but yeah, im 90% sure that you're 3-4 hours behind me and im sending this ask right before I go to classes so good morning again😩 LMAOHGJSFG the pains of artifact farming yk😔 I gave up on the eosf/shimenawa domain a long time ago bcuz it kept giving me good eosf pieces when I need shimenawa for yoimiya help ANYWAYS, is Sara confusing to build too HSGJD will it take us our max potentials to decode her again😭 — 🐚.
pFf MOOD i was thinking about drawing vampire diluc,,,,, i have no idea if ill actually go through with the idea we'll see LMAO
MHM SHE IS i have drawn her before!!! ive still gotta finish the bg hehe 😌
ooo yea u seem to be awake when i am i just forget to check tumblr LOL school be like that <//3
fr that domain loves to tease me with a severed fate circlet and im like crit dmg :D but no its a def with crit substats 🚶‍♀️
SHE IS THERES SO MUCH STUFF I SWEAR from what i understand her attack is important??? i think??? bc it gives u attck bonuses and we love that 😍 my kaeya is gonna <3333 with her when shes built,,, he already does 10k normal attacks when he feels like it with sara he'll be too much for the world to handle
as of now she's on 2 pc gladiators + 2 pc shimenawa bc attack bonus but idk if thats the best build for her 😭 literally all of her artifacts are attck except for the flower LMAO but i have time to figure it out shes still at lvl 40 <//3
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kissesandcream · 4 years ago
get to know me, pick some numbers.
1. selfie 2. what would you name your future kids? 3. do you miss anyone? 4. what are you looking forward to? 5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? 6. is it hard for you to get over someone? 7. what was your life like last year? 8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? 9. who did you last see in person? 10. are you good at hiding your feelings? 11. are you listening to music right now? 12. what is something you want right now? 13. how do you feel right now? 14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? 15. personality description 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? 17. opinion on insecurities. 18. do you miss how things were a year ago? 19. have you ever been to New York? 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? 21. age and birthday? 22. description of crush. 23. fear(s) 24. height 25. role model 26. idol(s) 27. things i hate 28. i’ll love you if… 29. favourite film(s) 30. favourite tv show(s) 31. 3 random facts 32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? 33. something you want to learn 34. most embarrassing moment 35. favourite subject 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? 37. favourite actor/actress 38. favourite comedian(s) 39. favourite sport(s) 40. favourite memory 41. relationship status 42. favourite book(s) 43. favourite song ever 44. age you get mistaken for 45. how you found out about your idol 46. what my last text message says 47. turn ons 48. turn offs 49. where i want to be right now 50. favourite picture of your idol 51. starsign 52. something i’m talented at 53. 5 things that make me happy 54. something thats worrying me at the moment 55. tumblr friends 56. favourite food(s) 57. favourite animal(s) 58. description of my best friend 59. why i joined tumblr 60. ask me anything you want
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