#[ ROACH ] general
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yooo-lets-go · 4 months ago
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He can’t talk right now, he’s doing hot girl shit
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thechaoticcheese · 2 months ago
Cause I'm hacking up half a lung, have some head cannons on some COD folk and workouts-
He loves lifting weights. Can't get enough of it. If he's working out, he's using every damn weight lifting machine available. He seems to dread cardio. Always having this look of tearing apart the treadmill or digging up the track, but he does it begrudgingly. He's silent about his distaste, knowing he has to keep fit for his position. Will silently complain and curse under his breath when no one is around.
Like Ghost, fucking loves the weights. You can often find the two spotting each other in the gym or workout room on base. However, Soap needs to be DRAGGED to participate in cardio. He doesn't care if he needs to stay in shape. He complains the entire time and everyone has started to just mute his voice out. He's gotten louder about complaining.
He says that he doesn't have a preference, but he does enjoy running more. The only thing he enjoys more than running? Swimming. Though he won't tell you that, especially since some places don't have a pool. He'll go with the training, but he doesn't push himself as much on the weights as others and he's ok with that. As long as he can hang with his buds, he's happy.
He fucking loves to run. He partly relieves stress whenever he runs, but if he can't, he smokes, bad combo I know and so does he, but he doesn't care. It hurts his lungs after a good run, but he could care less. Weights are definitely not his favorite, but he needs to keep up with his men, and Nikolai. You can sometimes hear him cursing under his breath and giving himself soft encouragement whenever he does set.
Price and Gaz love jogging together. Gaz never pokes fun at him until after the two are done, they usually just talk casually here and there.
Does not at all have a favorite. He loves working his body at any moment, but it's nothing ever heavy. It's the repetitive motions that give him enjoyment and often makes him remember working on some sort of stubborn piece of his helicopter. What's worse is that he's always just been kinda strong. He never really has to do anything to keep his body the way it is due to his job. Though he does really like working out with Price, even if it is just to see how red in the face his favorite Brit can get.
Cardio. Nothing else. Or at least that's what she'd like to do. Since being entangled in 141, the guys have gotten her to start lifting, even just a little. They're not surprised that she does have muscle, but she hates weight lifting. She scowls the whole way through it, only for it to be worth it when her wife compliments how hard Laswell's been working on her form at home.
Fucking loves it. Cardio, weights, stretching. All. Of. It. He's that fit person in the group that is genuine in offering workout advice, but accidentally ends up pissing people off due to it. He's always at his A game with exercise and will always help people out.
No. Look at him. What exercise? He likes sitting in hot tubs after a 5 minute walk.
Loves to run as well. He is always striving to do better and swears one day he could beat Usain Bolt in a race. He cannot. He does have real good athleticism, but it just won't happen. He also likes weights. He just likes pushing his body, the slight pain from it afterwards always makes him excited for the next workout. Rudy often has to keep tabs on Ale to make sure he's not over doing it.
Rudy is meh about exercise. He does it to stay fit and in Los Vaqueros. That and for Ale. Mainly because he finds the dude hot whenever he's pushing himself, baring his teeth as he tries to beat his previous record, but to also make sure he's not over doing it. Rudy lies and says he likes exercise, but only insists on doing it with Ale for the previous reasons.
Is dragged to it every time. No matter what. He does like it once he gets started, it's the getting started part that's hard. The idea of exercise sounds more taxing than it is, but always feels better afterwards.
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mercury-hg-80 · 7 months ago
Call of duty stereotyping based off what I've seen
Ghost- heartless cold guy, either no soft spots or one soft spot which is for someone
Price- dad, daddy, man old as dust, or smart and ruthless
Gaz- price's kid, only personality trait is falling out of a heli
Soap- loud scott, really dumb
Farah- a girls girl, has to be in love with someone
Laswell- mom, only super duper serious
Alex- golden retriever, always with farah
Alejandro- loud angry mexican, dumb
Rodolfo- only known as rudy (not stereotype but it's not something I enjoy seeing) also super duper serious, soft spot is alejandro
Valeria- mommy, being petty and annoying to alejandro
Roach- dumb happy guy needs to be babysat, really chaotic
Shepherd- old as dust, UGLY BLEHHH
Hadir- ???
Graves- biggest patriot, daddy and dad (shadows), always taunting, racist (why???)
König- big shy, dumb, soft, daddy dom, big scary with no feelings
Horangi- always gambling or meows, könig's personal 🐶
Nikto- hot guy with scars, kinda soft
Vladimir- daddy dom like fanfic mafia bosses
Yuri- ??? vladimir's bf I guess
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garyroachsandersonsbf · 5 days ago
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currently working on a fic inspired by @whateverdraws1008 ‘s idea :3
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mayflora-18 · 20 days ago
Incorrect CoD Quotes #12 (aka more Pinterest 💩)
Gaz: *walking down the stairs in a flannel hoodie*
Price: Hey Gaz, the 90’s called-
Gaz: Yeah, because they couldn’t fucking text!
Price: Goddamn it! I’m getting tired of my men owning me.
Ghost: What did you expect? We’re YOUR men!
Price: You’re done, Simon. You’ve broken 68 bones.
Ghost: Boss for my dying wish-
Price: -You’re not dying-
Ghost: -Please break one more bone for me.
Price: Absolutely not.
*when Sherlock first met Los Vaqueros*
Sherlock: Hi! I’m Sherlock! Your base’s really cool! Not to say that you guys aren’t cool, Colonel Vargas. Thank you for letting us borrow it.
Rudy: Ale.
Rudy: Can we…
Rudy: Can we adopt her?
Nikolai: She’s already taken.
Soap: I know you said not to call you unless it was an emergency, ma’am. But it is and we need your help.
Laswell: Is the house on fire?
Soap: No but-
Laswell: Then it’s not an emergency. Leave me and John alone and have Ghost take care of it.
*she hangs up*
Gaz: What did she say?
Soap: Idk she said it wasn’t an emergency.
Ghost, struggling to push an oak bookshelf off of himself: NOT AN EMERGENCY?!!
Sherlock: It’s rather muggy today, don’t you think? Sherlock: *sips coffee from a bowl* Roach: *looks outside, sees all the mugs in the lawn* Roach: It is... Roach: *sips coffee from a bigger bowl* ----- Gaz: *texting Laswell* Laswell! Help, I'm being kidnapped! Laswell: *replying* Where are you? Gaz: I'm with some strange person! In a car. Help! Laswell: I'll call John. Price: *answering his cell* 'ello? Laswell: Where's Kyle? He told me that he's being kidnapped. Price: Gaz? Whaddya mean, he's sitting in the back seat right her- Price: Price: I'll call you back. *hangs up* Price: *turns around in his seat to be facing Gaz* GARRICK! MY BEARD WILL GROW BACK! Gaz: *pushing himself against the car door* WHO ARE YOU?! ----- [Soap opens the door to his room to find Ghost standing there with a bag of snacks in his hand] Soap: What are you doing here? Ghost: I'm here to babysit you. Soap: Babysit?! I don't need a babysitter, I'm a grown man! Soap: *opens the bag of snacks* Soap: Oooh, a juice box. ----- Soap, after the Channel Tunnel: Am I in hell? Shepherd: No, if you were down here, you'd be on a throne and the devil would be panicking. ----- Nikolai: Sherlock! Get away from Ghost, he's dangerous! Price: It's OK, Ghost could never hurt a woman! Ghost drawing knives: IS THAT A CHALLENGE?! Sherlock: omg Ghost, your knives are so shiny and cool!
Ghost: I require a different woman!
Price: What is wrong with you?
Graves: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
Price: I think I’m coming down with something, I’ve been feeling nauseous lately.
Gaz: Maybe you’re pregnant.
Price: I don’t know who’s the bigger idiot right now, you because you suggested it, or me because I just had a heart attack.
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dragonnarrative-writes · 4 months ago
KinkVember 12 - High Protocol
Gary "Roach" Sanderson x Reader, Featuring Ghost, Mace, Gaz, and Soap
Read on AO3
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CW: Partial nudity, non-con touching, physical strike (not as a part of established play), kneeling, knives (present, but not used), praise
Notes: Gary "Roach" Sanderson experiences mutism due to injury to his throat. He uses British Sign Language, but he and the reader have established hand signals that are not standard BSL as part of their dynamic. When Roach is speaking, Simon interprets for the people at the table who aren't fluent in BSL.
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You tilt your head when you hear a low whistle from the den. You finish the serving platter you're working on with an answering two-note whistle. It's the work of a moment to slide the platter into the fridge and trade it for five bottles of water before setting out to see to Gary and his guests.
You see Johnny, Kyle, Simon and Mason looking at you as you walk in. Their eyes dart down to your breasts and then down to the skirt that you know doesn’t fully cover your ass. You cock one hip for them to admire your bare legs, but you only have eyes for your Dom.
You preen a bit when Gary looks up and almost signs for water, then grins to see you've anticipated his request. When he circles a finger, you step into the room and start offering water to his guests.
It’s an interesting headspace to be in. You feel their eyes on you, but you’re not partially nude. This is your home, where you are most comfortable. You’re partially clothed, for their sake. You offer refreshments because Gary’s guests are your guests; there is no deference, or shame. You follow Gary because you want to, because he offers orders freely and demands nothing from you. You have power here, even if you’re not in control.
So, when Johnny runs an appreciative hand up the back of your thigh, you don’t hesitate to knock his arm away and then crack your palm against his face.
Gary’s whistle stutters as he tries to call you though his laughter. You go to stand behind his shoulder, and offer your hand for his inspection. He holds your wrist gently, but he doesn’t need to check you for injury. You know how to hit a man, and the slap was more of a warning than anything. He kisses the inside of your wrist before addressing the rest of the table.
A solid hit, he signs, as Simon interprets. He grins at Johnny’s quickly reddening face. Told you to keep your hands to yourself. To you, he signs, Kneel.
You consider the kneeling pillow he’s placed by his side, then fold into it. He signals position 5 or 7, so you settle with your back straight, hands on your thighs, shoulders relaxed. From this angle, you can only see thighs, and Gary’s left hand. He pinches three fingers to his thumb. Hold.
Above you, Mason rumbles, “Don’t think she should be punished for that.”
Gary’s hand disappears, and Simon’s voice says. “’She’s not being punished. She gets to relax now. None of you gets to look if any of you can’t follow the rules.’”
“Ye cannae blame me,” Johnny whines, and you can hear the grin in his voice. “She’s a right bonnie thing. An’ she usually likes to play.”
“'She’s in a mood,” Simon rumbles. “’You’re lucky she has her orders. She’s armed…’ Where the fuck is she armed?”
Gary snorts as his left hand appears with the hand signal to present arms. Above and to the side of you, you catch Kyle watching from the corner of your eye as you slip your hands under your skirt to unsheathe your palm knives. You raise your hands above the table.
“Steamin’ jesus,” Johnny laughs.
Gary signals for you to resume position 5, so you do. He taps your shoulder, once, twice, three times. Good. Very good. Perfect. You don’t break position, but you purse your lips to catch the edge of his wrist in a kiss.
“Should we go after this round?” Kyle asks, tapping his poker chips on the table in a nervous rhythm. “If she’s not comfortable with us being here.”
“’You wouldn’t have made it through the door if she didn’t want you here.’” Simon chuckles and knocks his own knuckles on the table. “Sounds like she runs the damn ‘ouse, not you. ‘Doesn’t Bambi?’ Olright, you’re not wrong there. But we don’t ‘ave nearly the amount of rules an’ signals that you do.”
You let the noise of their voices turn to background noise as you center yourself. Above the table, Mason shuffles cards. Johnny’s left leg bounces - he’s got a good hand, then - and Kyle stops tapping his chips. Gary’s hand enters your sight line to give you one more signal. Easy. Then he touches the top of your head and gently nudges you to lay your head on his thigh. He taps, once, twice, three times. Four.
Good. Very good. Perfect. I love you.
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dailygaming · 5 months ago
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Ghost and Roach's death at the hands of Lieutenant General Shepherd
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ihiros · 11 months ago
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How General Shepard actually killed Roach
Me and my partner were talking and the image popped into my head of this happening. Might draw this better quality later.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 1 year ago
Recently extinct species make me sad for all the usual and normal reasons (loss of life, biodiversity and unique life forms that experienced the world wholly uniquely and acted in it like no other, to name three), but a big thing that also makes me so sad is the forgetting that comes right after. Many endangered species are greatly ignored to begin with whilst alive of course, which is awful, but the way that extinction also causes us to forget. A species could’ve been so abundant a hundred years ago, people would’ve used a fish species or a tasty plant for food, or parents would’ve warned their children to not put a poisonous toadstool or insect in their mouth, a diver would exclaim, “Aha!” after emerging from the shallows holding an especially big bivalve, or someone making a species diary would sketch out a local bird or fasten a single flower to the page. But.. then the species goes extinct. It doesn’t exist anymore. None of these events, these actions happen anymore. Not with these species. The people who had these experiences dwindle out and they may not even realise that their experiences were among the last of their kind. And we forget.
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exlimix1a · 7 months ago
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Quick piece of @luluyamofficial 's character Lucelia + a 30 second speedpaint!
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featheredartist · 6 months ago
general shepherd: there's something between the two of you that... you may not... realize?
roach: what does any of that even mean??
ghost: hes asking if we're gays.
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aetherghouls · 2 months ago
I am relistening to the entirety of The Magnus Archives and it's the first time I've done full relisten since I got infected with Modern Warfare and now I am plagued with a thought of codmw x tma
I'm trying to figure out what Fears would fit each one of them
Of course, considering that they are military, the most obvious answer would be the Hunt; considering that all important police officers in TMA are servants of the Hunt. Besides that also Slaughter, maybe, considering that many statements are about soldiers, however the Hunt makes much more sense, looking at what exactly TF141 specialises in. But I do also think the Hunt would be both too easy and would ignore the complexities of the characters as a whole. So, here's a rough idea of what Entities I think would match each of them the most:
(and a quick TW as I will be discussing many common fears and it's a bit too much to list them all)
— Ghost would either be the End or the Buried – the latter in case we talk about '09 Ghost or take the comic book as '22 Ghost's background too. I don't think there's much to add about him here, he is, after all, considered to be the embodiment of Death in cod.
— Gaz would be the Vast or the Hunt – first one is, I admit with shame, inspired by the heli scene in MW2, but some of the missions we play as Gaz just match it too, though it is kind of a stretch. I was thinking about the Lonely, but he doesn't strike me as the type to be targeted by it in the long run, even more to be its servant. Vast makes much more sense here.
— Soap would be the Desolation – the Lightless Flame is quite obvious in his case, being demolitions expert and all, the way he looks at explosions. It is such a simple choice I didn't even hesitate here. UNLESS we talk about Captain MacTavish, then it's Hunt through and through, no questions asked, he is the hunter.
— Price is kind of tricky in my opinion – he matches the Hunt the most out of them all I think, though all of the team does. Maybe aspects of the Slaughter, the things from statements related to military (which, also drives it into the territory of the End in this case). If we talk about '09 Modern Warfare Captain Price, it is the Lonely, mixed with Slaughter and Hunt and maybe the End, but Lonely is the biggest part of it, looking at how he's the only one that survived through the games.
— Talking about the '09 Modern Warfare, Roach! Couldn't miss him, of course. Lonely, probably, he does strike me as the type that would relish in being alone and so being its servant makes sense, somehow. Though if we play with it more, take his call sign into consideration, the Corruption, but not the way Jane Prentiss was the Flesh Hive, just bugs and the skin crawling parts, no rot or decay. It would tie together with how he could have gotten his call sign.
— Laswell would be the Eye – another easy one, considering that she's mostly there as a kind of an informant, gathering intel and all. Not much more to say.
— Nikolai would also be the Vast – it's tied to him being a pilot more than anything else, spending so much time alone in the vastness of the sky. No notes here.
— Makarov is the Slaughter – just like before, easy one, but I do think that, unlike with Price, it includes all of the aspects of the Fear. Pure, unpredictable violence, cold blooded murder. The Hunt, too, maybe, only if we were to think of him as a hunter who kills for the sake of it, not for the hunt itself but for the end goal (so it's a slight sprinkle of the Hunt, as it is about the process itself, not the end). Honestly, thinking about it like that, I think he could lean into the Flesh more than Hunt? Something to think about for the future.
— Shepherd would be the Web — with how he plots and lies, with everything he did "for the country", the Web is another obvious choice here, it makes perfect sense. He is the one pulling the strings behind the scenes, getting others to do his dirty work, it's perfect.
I have some other thoughts (Graves and Shadows being the Hunt/Slaughter maybe), but this is all I have for now I think. It could easily be mixed more with other AUs (looking at bluegiragi's Monster AU, which itself could give much more nuance to the Fears that could fit the characters based on what creatures and monsters the characters are in that AU. Example: Simon in that AU would be serving the Dark and the End)
No one is probably reading this either way and I don't think there's much overlap in the fandoms, but I do think this is a fun idea of mixing both universes and there's much more to be said about it all, if anyone ever wants to hear me yap more :D
It is heavily unedited and just written in the moment, it may not make much sense and I may revisit this to correct some stuff (like how I keep mixing Flesh and Slaughter into one thing 🧍)
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boxofthings · 9 months ago
bet if you put all the ghostroach fans in a single gc we'd all recognize each other
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octopiys · 2 years ago
I'm back with more incorrect CoD quotes
Roach: Ghost is playing hard to get.
Roach: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Soap: Ghost! I thought you were dead!
Ghost: No, just in deep cover.
Soap: ...But it was an open casket.
Ghost: ....It was very deep.
Ghost: Price, what are you doing?
Price: Making chocolate pudding.
Ghost: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding?
Price: Because I've lost control of my life.
Price: Here's your pudding, Soap.
Soap: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
König: We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without?
Roach: Gaz, probably.
Laswell: Would anyone know any good vendors for professional-quality brass knuckles?
Price: I know you’re serious, but you say the scariest shit sometimes.
Rodolfo: I just ended a five year relationship.
Gaz: Oh no, are you okay? I'm here to support you-
Rodolfo, glancing at Alejandro and Valeria: don't worry, it wasn't mine.
Soap: Why are you like this??
Ghost: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Shadow: Do you have a self-care routine?
Graves: "Keep going bitch" said to myself in different accents.
Rodolfo: your Spanish sucks!
Nikolai: There. How do I look?
Price: Like a cheap French harlot.
Nikolai: French?!
Graves: *talking about Shepherd’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great person today!
Laswell, shocked: Did someone else die?
Laswell: Oh shit
Laswell: Price!
Price: stop pretending I'm dying!
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roachy-draws · 11 months ago
Hi, what about Roach watching a horror movie?
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R: ...no
(I feel like he wouldn't like horror movies, not because they're scary, but because he already deals with enough traumatizing stuff in his job. he just wants to go home and relax, laugh, sleep, and just enjoy being a civilian yk?)
((But if someone asked him, he would watch a horror movie with them))
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mayflora-18 · 8 months ago
Incorrect CoD Quotes #11 (aka Shit I Found On Pinterest That I Thought Was Funny)
*during secure transmission with Shepherd and Graves*
Graves, singing: 🎵 Sherlock, Sherlock, Sherlock… 🎵
Sherlock: …
Graves: 🎵 Are you finally single? 🎵
Sherlock: No.
Graves: 🎵 I respect that. 🎵
*in a hostage situation at a store*
Sherlock: Yeah, there’s four of them and only one of me, but I have a lighter. Okay, we get some hairspray, make some flamethrowers, and let’s fry these bitches!
Ghost, deadpan: No one is frying any bitches.
Sherlock: …
Ghost: I know, I’m disappointed in myself, too.
Yuri: I know Makarov, and you’re in far more danger than I. He’s coming for you. And I guarantee that his soldiers will find this place.
Sherlock: Not gonna happen. I rent it out under a shell corporation.
Nikolai: Yeah.
Sherlock: My mail goes to a P.O. box in Seattle.
Nikolai: Yeah.
Sherlock: My neighbors think my name is Rachel Fletcher.
Nikolai: Yeah.
Sherlock: People I work with all think my name is Sherlock.
Nikolai: Yea-
Roach: Wait what?
Sherlock: Don’t worry about it.
Price: Sanderson, you’re fine. Just be yourself.
Roach: “Be myself”? Captain, I have one day to win over Sherlock and Kyle. *gestures to everyone else* How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Soap: Couple weeks.
Ghost: Six months.
Laswell: Jury’s still out.
Roach: See, sir? “Be myself”, what kind of garbage advice is that?
Makarov: Go to hell.
Soap: Already been. Didn’t agree with me.
Nikolai: We didn’t do it.
Price: Then why are you guys laughing?
Sherlock, grinning: Because whoever did it is an effing genius.
Graves: Just trust me.
Shepherd: The last time you said that my house burned down.
Graves: Yeah, but you didn’t die.
Shepherd: That’s not the point!
Alex: Should I ask why you have a knife in your purse?
Farah: It’s a dagger, actually. And no, you shouldn’t.
Krueger: Sir, we’re surrounded.
Nikolai: Excellent, we can attack in any direction!
Krueger: -_-
*Gaz beating some asshole up*
Sherlock: Oh, don’t blame them. They did their best to try to kill me.
Roach: O.O
Graves: If it wasn’t totally unethical, I would definitely blackmail you with this.
Alejandro: *eye twitching* Because you’re a shining beacon of ethics, right?
Nikolai: Oh, look at all the pretties!
Sherlock: *grabs his hand and pulls him away* Can you please stop talking about assault rifles the same way I talk about shoes?
*Ghost, Soap, and Rudy break into the old prison to free Los Vaqueros and Sherlock, only for Rudy to find the latter in the kitchen hunched over with a sandwich in her mouth*
Rudy: Camarada, what are you doing?
Sherlock: *muffled by the sandwich* …Eating.
Rudy: You’re being held hostage and you decide to raid the kitchen?
Sherlock: They didn’t say the fridge was off limits.
Laswell: Is that blood?
Price: No?
Laswell: That is not a question you’re supposed to answer with another question.
Gaz: Are you clinically insane, or incredibly annoying?
Sherlock: I don’t know, probably both.
Ghost: How are you feeling?
Soap: I think you broke my fingers.
Ghost: Better your fingers than your face.
*Sherlock and Alejandro detained in the same room*
Alejandro: What’s our exit strategy?
Sherlock: Our what?
Alejandro: Dios mío, we’re all going to die.
Roach: *swinging his legs back and forth * Sitting around, waiting to get kidnapped. This is the best day ever.
Roach: This is the third time I’ve been kidnapped this WEEK. It’s getting old.
Price, about Roach: Look, he’s smiling. He’s totally fine.
Ghost: Sir, he’s smiling because he’s terrified.
Roach, “smiling”: 😬
Gaz: Did you bring us here to die?
Nikolai: Obviously.
Gaz: I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.
Nikolai: Is it still murder if I give them a heads up?
Sherlock: That’s called a threat.
Nikolai: Черт возьми.
(Черт возьми = Damn it)
Valeria: Nothing ever pleases you does it?
Alejandro: Nothing you do.
Graves: I know there was a compliment somewhere in there and I’ll take it.
Soap: You piece of shite.
Graves: Ah, there it is!
*talking about Valeria*
Alejandro: Oooh, she’s angry.
Rudy: How can you tell?
Alejandro: Well, you can see her mood by her hands. Like right now, she has a gun. I don’t think that she’s happy to see us.
Valeria: 🔫😡
Graves: Listen up, fives. A ten is speaking.
Graves: Farah, can we talk, one ten to another?
Farah: I’m an eleven, but continue.
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