#[ I'll be reblogging the image promo in a bit ]
crazymuffin1 · 3 days
this post is for people who wonder what the hell is going on with the venom movies/fandom because they havent watched it
if youre seeing it on your dash and dont want to scroll very long press J. if youre on mobile. cope.
venom the last dance is the third movie in the venom series and people who haven't watched the movies are probably wondering whats going on. whoever you're following has probably posted or reblogged some sort of eddie brock x venom thing. yes of course. mlm ships are popular and theyre the main characters. of course theyre gonna get shipped. just like stucky or other hot main male characters. nothing really special about these guys. right?
wrong! because as opposed to the other ones being non-canon ships where we just look at everything and say "thats gay" or look at it through shipping tinted glasses, symbrock is a bit special.
to start off with! the source material! the comics! im not gonna make this part long, just a bunch of images with short descriptions and you can interpret it however you want (click for full image)
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panels ofter referred to as "the ones where they have sex"
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no comment
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even spider-man knows
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aaaaaand the comic writers/artists also know
theres more (like how they have a kid and eddie experienced morning sickness...) but this is about the movie! not the comics!
first movie moments. im skipping smaller moments and i'll try to not write out the whole plot.
eddie and venom go through a whole car chase scene on a motorbike, and the moment eddie calls him cool, they get his by a car. often interpreted as venom losing focus from the praise
-omg why would that lead to venom losing focus?? because venom, on its planet, is a loser. bottom of the barrel. an outcast. and someone called it cool. venom sees that eddie is also a bit of a loser on his planet. theyre two losers together. Eddie asks why he doesnt just kill him and hop to another host, but venom says that hes a good match (other bodies reject the symbiote, and die from organ failure/eaten from the inside) and venom is "starting to like him" venom also gets a bit stuck on the moment that eddie says we instead of i. its both of them. together.
later eddie finds out his organs were failing (venom was starving and was working on fixing it) and when they get seperated the way he acts is kind of framed like a bad breakup. its not "im free from this parasite! yippie!" its "i trusted you and you hurt me. we're done" sort of breakup. venom tries to say he was trying to fix it but eddie ignores it (not the exact words but if you look at it you'll get it)
eddie gets taken away by the bad guys and venom hops on eddies ex and they reunite. and its not just reunite.
its this
thumbnail shows human face but it does not start off with that.
fun fact! theres a sort of deleted scene where eddie asks "who was i kissing just then?" and she says "mostly me" and then we hear venoms voice saying "well actually it was mostly me!" ALSO at the end of the movie, she says it was venoms idea. this was venom and eddie making out. not eddie and his ex. they do not get back together. she has a new boyfriend and they've moved in together so its serious.
venoms original purpose as to why the symbiotes are on earth was as a scouting party for an invasion force. venom changes his mind on being on the invasion part. eddie asks what REALLY made him change his mind "you did eddie."
also after the movie was in theaters they made an additional romcom trailer to promo the dvd/blueray release. the movie. framed as a romcom. im not kidding. on sonys official youtube. for both movies.
speaking of both movies, the second one has them breaking up! full on divorce after fighting and arguing!! very sad. and then venom goes to a rave (october, there are costumes, hes fully transformed) and says "i am out! of the eddie closet!" HES COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET. one person at the rave has a mask on that says "kiss me" and venom says "sorry no, not my type" THEN WHAT IS YOUR TYPE HUH??? MEN?? SWEATY LOSER GUYS??? his hosts keep failing because theyre not as compatible as eddie. and after having fun venom is sad and wishes eddie could've seen him. they of course, get back together* after some apologizes and because they need to fight a serial killer who also has a symbiote (carnage) because previously, they went to interview him, he insulted eddie, venom got mad on eddies behalf and grabbed him, resulting in getting bit, and that spawned a new symbiote from the blood. also the serial killer, (cletus kassidy) went to bust out his girlfriend who upon seeing his tentacles breaking her glass cage, called it hot.
*when they get reunited (anne helps out again) theres no kiss this time, and annes fiancee, after seeing them fight, says "those two need some serious couples counseling"
after a big climactic fight and mutual reassuring that theyre a perfect match for one another, they flee to some random place in mexico where they sort of have a love confession. theres an extended deleted version of it but i think many of us think they cut it down to save it for the third movie. also they get transported to the mcu in the post-credit and then re-appear in the post-credit of spider-man where theyre just sitting at a bar asking the bartender about the blip and thanos. venom decides to go skinny dip but they get transported back to their universe. net zero gain.
hasnt come out yet. but the promotional things. the trailer. my god the tiktoks and twitter clips?? WHY IS THE TIKTOK VIDEO CAPTION VENOM X EDDIE 4EVER??? HUH???? WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME!?!?! IF I GET QUEERBAITED IM GONNA EXPLODE WHY IS ONE OF THEM FRAMED LIKE A COUPLES COUNSELING HELP GUIDE.
i cant post this one on tumblr but this tiktok is a slideshow, one image of venom and eddie from each movie, and the background song is "I've loved you three summer Lover - Taylor swift" with the caption "it's a love love relationship"
and the first trailer that came out for venom3 has the line"eddie, my home [long pause] has found us" like girrrrrllll for a full 3 seconds i thought he was saying that eddie is his home.
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sassmaster-artjay · 10 months
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so were doing this
it's the Holiday season plus unforeseen costs abound, so we're doing some quickdraw comms!
I'll be doing these all of December 2023 and a little into the beginning of January 2024
some added info that was too cluttered to stick on the image:
Paypal email: [email protected]
To help keep turnover quick, the poses will be more-or-less just standing ones, like you'd see in official promo art.
Again, to help keep turnover quick, there will be exactly ONE chance to request adjustments and changes; after i get halfway through with a sketch, I'll touch base to see what can be adjusted, so that's your opportunity to ask if your character can be made taller, rounder, add a belt etc.
First come first serve, shoot me an ask on Tumblr or an email (same email as the paypal)
I know $70 may bee a bit steep for a few people. especially at this time of year, but even if you don't get one, a reblog to spread the word or even a little tip to my Ko-Fi (link on my page) would be much appreciated!
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academic-clown · 17 days
I Was A Teenage Dirtbag
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written by @hellfireloserclub |||  art by @academic-clown (formerly @acaademicqueer)
-> @steddiebang2024 ||| @steddiebb2024
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under the cut is the full image (since it's a bit spoilery) as well as some commentary and detail shots, since apparently tumblr eats quality ಠ_ಠ
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long time steddie fan (and bless this community because hoooooboy are we lucky with so much lovely content!), first time participant in any sort of ST fandom event! boy-oh-boy was it a trip! This was the biggest bang I've ever participated in with over 100 fics during claims time which made it incredibly hard to make any sort of pared down list... however, I really loved the concept behind this particular fic, and luckily I was able to claim it! It was awesome to work with Pez on this, and I really hope you enjoy reading the fic as much as I enjoyed illustrating it.
Below the divider I'll be explaining a bit of my process / reasons for doing what I've done if you've any interest!
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the scene I chose to illustrate takes place during Dustin's bachelor party, where the boys are at a bar performing karaoke. I wanted to emphasize the dramatic build up that Pez managed to create in the scene itself within my own illustration, and so I used panels to move the eye around the whole image.
By first showing the lower half of Eddie's face, the way he's clutching the microphone and then the eager, open grin on Steve as he holds out the tickets before panning down to the full body shot of Eddie on stage, clearly excited and happy as he stares at the rear-facing view of Steve, it can tell the story of what's happening even without the context of Pez's fic.
I really wanted it to serve as both a promo and a scene straight from the text itself, and hopefully I've done it justice.
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The shirt choices were purposeful, as in the fic Pez has the bachelor party wear Dustin's old nerd t-shirts (and there was no doubt that Steve would have absolutely loved the prequel movies (and been so in love with Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan) so he'd deffo have jumped on the Weird Al Saga Begins t-shirt. the Camp Know-Where one just looks cute on Eddie tbh) and the glow bracelets were fun to pick too. If you squint, Eddie's are the bisexual flag colors and Steve's are an approximate pansexual flag. Was this purposeful? Technically no, but it's a cool little easter egg.
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I had a lot of fun playing with the lighting of the karaoke bar, because I really wanted to lean into the kitsch of those late-90s, early-2000s dives that had those hideous colored stage lights and the sticky, shitty stages. Like the karaoke was an afterthought rather than the real draw.
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Here are some detail shots of the finished piece!
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From Left -> Right: close up on Eddie's hands, his lower face
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From Left -> Right: close up on Steve's lower face, his hands with concert tickets
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From Left -> Right: close up on Steve from behind, close up on Eddie's face, full body shot of Eddie
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Total Tracked Time: 19hrs 30min
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reblog divider || music note dividers
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myceliumforum · 3 months
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Mycelium Coining Forum
Welcome to this blog, yet another coining blog you can see in tumblr, please red this post and all the links attached before interacting and to have a better understandment around how this blog works
There's not a specific topic about what would be coined here, you can find queer, MOGAI, LIOM, alterhuman, xenogender, disorders, systems/CDD and a lot of things from different topics, the only thing that stays the same is that all of this is coined by me
Not all my coins will be attached with a flag, some coins might just be the term/word, others can have a png symbol, others maybe a drawing or image that isn't a flag, maybe it could be a mix of two or more of this things, it will depend a lot in the word/term coined itself, but you can also
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Most of the things I post here are coined for me and my system but I do take requests from people
Take in consideration that I'm not a super friendly coiner when it comes to requests, I'm very specific and I will not hesitate in delete and deny take any request
Also to add, if you do make a request make sure you're not in my DNI, I will not make request of people in my DNI, doesn't matter if I'm able to do the request
Please check the information about requests here
Request status: Open
Inbox requests: 3
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I have no problem with people archiving my terms, but please do tag me and reblog if do
In the same manner, do not tag me for promos or similar
I'm aware I can't make people that fall into my DNI to not use what I coin, therefore I ask that if you fall in my DNI, well don't interact (interaction = likes, follow, reblog, requests, comments), I can't stop you from using my terms but I will ask to not do it
Basic DNI, radqueers, TERFS, trans meds, trans-ID, cishet, anti xeno/neogenders. anti MOGAI/LIOM, anti good faith/contradictory labels, anti therian/otherkin/alterhuman, discourse blogs (syscourse, queer/lgbtqcourse, etc), NSFW blogs, close minded, conservatives, baiters, anti-recovery, pro-contact paras, "I'm x I can't discriminate them", stigmatize disorders and mental illness, "this is cringe" people, exclusionist, extremists
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Requests: What I'll do, won't and rules
Tag masterlist
Terms masterlist (Coming soon)
Flag masterlist (Coming soon)
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About the owner...
Hello, you can call me Namel or Nazu, my pronouns and He/They/It, I'm the primary alter who will run this role, an alter you might ask? Well I have DID and therefore this one body holds different identities, I'm one of them
I doubt any other alter would want to use this blog outside me, so you can use my name and pronouns when talking here in the blog
I love coining and doing this kind of things, so I decided to do this blog just for fun and to share a little bit of my passion for blogging, I also have a personal blog but I will not share it here because I simply don't want to
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butscrewmefirst · 1 year
hey all, i hate having to make a post like this, but my partner and i are a little tight on money. we both work full time, but bills are crazy and seem to never stop. things have been tight for a little bit, but they're getting worse little by little.
because of this, i'm making myself available for quick turnaround commissions! i'll be quickest when it comes to icons (200 or so will take me maybe 2 or so hours at most, but that time doesn't include making / looking for screencaps and content to use). more than 200 icons will likely take me just a little longer than that, but i'm also available for graphics (promos, mobile banner, post dividers, answered/ooc/etc. banners), as well as theme bg's and coding; again, these will take longer based on what you're looking for/wanting. all prices are in USD, and i normally use pa.ypal but i also have casha.pp and ko.fi. quick turnaround for me will begin as soon as i message/respond to you once you make your request (be it over IM or in an ask, etc.). this applies to all of the items i make.
for icons, prices will start at $6 for 100, $8 for 150, $12 for 200, $18 for 300, $24 for 400, $35 for 500, $45 for 750, and $60 for 1000. if you're wanting more than 1000, we can discuss further pricing! if a custom psd is wanted, that is an additional $3 flat, and if a personalized template is wanted then we'll further discuss pricing on that as well. for graphics, prices will start at $8 in general, but may be lower or higher based on your request. for theme images/codes, prices will start at $15 for just an image, but will start at $28 for the theme image AND a code. there will be additional pricing for the types of links wanted (individual popup links, tabbed popups, etc.).
even if you are not able to commission me at this time, please reblog this post to help spread the word! or if you're not in the market for any commissions, please consider donating to my ko.fi if you're able to! i don't ask for much on tumblr, so it feels really weird for me to do this and i don't like asking for things like this in general, but we really do need some help. i love you all. thank you!
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liquidchocolatecake · 2 years
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two things of note aside from the rabbit hole that is birds now being followers because God The Implied Lore Of Birds Has So Much Potential
1. jack o lanterns
and 2. the blood moon, of course
blood moon first because i posted about it earlier and just based on How This Game Is and The Fact That It's Called The Damn Blood Moon Festival
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so as i showed in the post earlier, term can mean a few different things
the one that ties into halloween specifically is the hunter's moon
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if we get any big gameplay additions (and i'm not saying we will, i just like speculating), i feel like the most likely here would be a lunar cycle or the addition of seasons
the seasons thing i've ranted at @hanahak1-soup about in dms (do i have your permission to post the whole rant? because i did post a screenshot once but there's a LOT to that rant) so i won't go TOO into it here but if there's any mechanic that seems likely too be added to the game at some point, it's seasons (partly due to the whole farming thing)
and lunar cycle because like. it's the blood moon festival, with a name like that i feel like there's gotta be a good amount of moon stuff, right? and lunar events in media that usually has cults as antagonists generally use the plot point of "oh these cultists are planning to do this ritual on the full moon/eclipse/whatever celestial event and the world will end or something if we don't stop them"
especially because the blood moon in the image is specifically a lunar eclipse
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i'm still doing research on this stuff and am in no way an expert so i'm not gonna bloat this post even more going into agonizing detail but
it feels more likely that they're just referring to a blood moon as in just the typical "red lunar eclipse" sense of the term, but given the themes of this game and how much christian imagery it uses absolutely everywhere i do think it would be interesting to see this referenced somehow (and it would sorta line up with the whole four horsemen of the apocalypse thing the bishops have going on)
now onto jackolanterns
during my last wikipedia dive this game made me do i more looked into cauliflower and beetroot because i swear anchordeep and silk cradle have SOMETHING going on, so i didn't find much new information on jackolanterns that time
but i did pull up the wikipedia page to include some information anyways
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now this all in itself is very interesting information and i'm interested to see if mm will give some explanation for jackolanterns existing in this setting given the very different history (they probably won't but it'd be fun if they did)
but the mangelwurzel part got me immediately very interested because it's FUCKING BEETS (it's a bit more specific than that but this post is getting long)
i'll elaborate in a reblog since i've reached the image limit but God Damn It This Game Has Made Me Sift Through The Wikipedia Page For Beetroot So Many God Damn Times
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plaintextpro · 1 year
hey your stuff is cool, thanks for doing it :D a few questions
do you know of any other blogs like this? stuff like image descriptions especially are pretty hard for us so i was wondering if you knew of anything that could help out there
as for requesting plain text, how do you go about that? is it a per post basis, is it someone asks and you just do it until they ask you to stop if ever? i think it'd be cool if you could do that for our posts on our various blogs if you're willing! no obligation to of course, i can add it to the original post when i see it as well :> it might be a bit much but if you're willing to then im happy for you to do so :D i thought i'd ask like this as you don't really specify how requests work and figured this would do the trick lol
1. Other blogs
@accessmogai, @transflorall, @jackettranscribes, and @playmatething. There are probably others; feel free to promo yourself on this post and I'll reblog it!
2. Requests go by a per post basis. You send a post, I plain text it. I, unfortunately, don't think I could do each post for multiple blogs, but feel free to request posts!
(P.S. I prefer different posts to be seperated into different asks, but you can said unlimited asks. Just know that only one mod runs this as of now, and things will take a while the more posts you give me.)
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satohqbanana · 2 months
satohqbanana: "I've been busy […] figuring out my priorities after parting with my freelance art dreams" @thecomfywriter: "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FREELANCE ART"
WELP. I opened the topic, so I guess it's time to publicly discuss it.
In short: I bit off more than I could chew and therefore had to leave my dreams of doing freelance parttime while working fulltime.
I'm likely projecting an image of myself doing well or feeling fine. I've had my time to mourn, but I still have pain, sorrow, doubts, and fears to deal with. It wouldn't be accurate to say I don't know who I am without art, but rather that it feels that a part of me has gone missing now. My life these days are mostly about figuring out what I want to do with my free time now that I don't have to draw, I don't have to show pieces and advertise, "Hey, I'm a good artist!"
I do have to say that I had my shortcomings as a freelance artist. It's easy to get discouraged especially in the current state of the economy. You have to raise your prices to give yourself a respectable, liveable wage, but the potential clients feel skeptical. I refused to reblog and advertise my works a lot because I didn't want to be annoying.
And I think that a framework I was not able to adapt, as it is often overlooked and feared by a lot of people, is that freelance art is still a business. You have to advertise a bit to find your customers. You have to give promos and give freebies to encourage more customers into supporting your service despite having to undercut yourself. You have to market yourself to a certain niche, as the portfolio of a jack of all trades is very confusing compared to that of a master of one. You have to be able to say no to customers who might abuse your terms of sales. You have to report to the tax office regarding your sales. I performed very poorly in all of these things.
Add to the whole aspect of maintaining my freelance business is the part about managing stress in my fulltime job, doing my daily and weekly chores, and giving time for my hobbies.
I wanted to prove that I could do it - that I could still put things into balance. I gave myself a half year to do it, but I couldn't earn enough to prove to myself that my freelance artist dreams are still worth the effort. Hence, I finally gave up, relinquished the whole business, and now am wondering what else I can do to upgrade myself as an adult, as the truth is that things change, circumstances change, and therefore I too should change.
I'm not yet done cleaning up the mess I've caused, but I'm trying to. Particularly, I'm filling up my life with more experiences. I'm aiming to finish a novella, I'm studying psychology via online course, I'm taking pride in being a teacher, and so on. I know one day I'll figure things out for sure, and the emotional wounds will be nothing more than a memory of my naivety and huge ego.
EDIT: By the way, I'd like to ask you not to comfort me about future chances to pursue art as a business. Please let me put it aside, give up on it, and move on.
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tachiisms · 7 years
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nothing else compares to their ferocious reign , their intense passion , and their warm presence . and that’s when I realized that she was nothing less than a H U R R I C A N E with a sunshine soul , ( and an overcast heart ) .
independent Siri Tachi , Star Wars Legends 
( personals please don’t reblog )
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hellothepixel · 2 years
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I was originally going to write this on the reblog of another post, but I don't want to bother the op of that post with this short essay so I'll do it on my own post.
ok like i dont want to be harsh to something that we have literally not even seen in motion but i absolutely hate the lighting and texturing of this. I thought this was a promo for the nintendo park at first. It doesn't look like a mushroom kingdom it looks like the nintendo amusement park. It even has the same harsh sunlight over harsh pavement like universal's park. And the hills... I don't know, I find them really unappealing. The grass detail doesn't sit right with me, it looks too real and too fake at the same time.
Super Mario odyssey looks better than this thing honestly, that game also went for a bit more detail than other mario games and it did a really good job of it, making it look better than the plastic look of 3D World. But this one seems to have gone too far in the other direction.
The more I look into the giant pipe wall the more it makes sense, but at first glance it looks really unappealing to me. I don't know, I feel like I'm being biased against a really superficial image of the movie, but it already strikes a bad chord with me. I guess it depends on the script - the sonic movies in my opinion glow because of their understanding of the sonic characters and it's good usage of them. This may be able to do the same for Mario... but we'll see.
Also they literally copy-pasted one of the pieces for this wall
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Like i guess it's kind of unfair to expect them to copy paste anything, and it's the only thing that's clearly copy-pasted, but whatever.
Also how do those blocks connect to the wall? Even in smb3they made sense as random boxes that sat on the ground. Why is this attached to this wall?
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Here's some fanart art by Hans Teng (@oxfruit, responsible for among other things the freaking BGs of Steven Universe) of Peach's castle. And while this is 2D and not 3D and this is a different part of the kingdom, this already shows understanding of a pleasing color palete and lighting, as well as how to adapt the mario world in a way that looks... cohesive, like it's a real world and not a bunch of random blocks, while retaining enough aspects of the original world for it to be faithful. And this type of knowledge could've been applied to a 3D project as well.
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Here's some fanart by Rafeal on DeviantArt of the mushroom kingdom that I'm including because I really liked it, but also because it also looks like a good adaptation of Mario elements in a more cohesive style. It also has a better color palette and a better use of texturing. Makes me thing a more stylized look would look better for a mario movie, but illumination only makes movies on one style so idk.
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And THIS is concept art for Mario Odyssey. Art that's literally meant to be adapted into 3D later. And this too, to me, looks more visually interesting, or nice, pleaseant. While the poster above looks like... an advertisement for a theme park.
I feel I have two big things on my back - the hate of the generic style while a more stylized one could look beautiful, and the hate of the actual structure of the world in the poster. It looks like the theme park in Japan, and that's not a compliment. When the creators of Mario Odyssey draw the mushroom kingdom like THIS... why, when free from the contraints that come from creating a playable Mario scene, do you try to imitate visually unappealing aspects of a world? Why stick to blocks? Why can't you reimagine the world in a more creative light? But again... it's clear why. It's an advertisement for the park. It's clear as fucking day. It looks like an amusement park because that's why they are promoting it. Maybe that's why they are making it.
...But I guess we'll have to wait until two days from now...
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phantomled-blog · 7 years
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Okay I’m done working on my Sunshine Boy and you can find his blog here if you’re interested!!! I plan on being on Akira and him more tomorrow!!!
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