#[ I came back to shower- blinked and suddenly I was all lounged on my bed mindlessly scrolling ]
spiderwarden · 27 days
Does anyone else ‘come to’ when you got ADHD and find yourself mindlessly doing something. Or is that just me being weird.
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Lonely Nights | Aaron Hotchner
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SUMMARY: You thought your night alone would be lonely, but when Aaron comes home, it's the furthest thing from lonely. Gender-neutral pro-nouns used!
Content: fluff, comfort, insinuation to sex.
Warnings: mentions of food!
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: My first fic for 2022, and my first Aaron fic since December, I hope you enjoy! MESSAGE OR SEND AN ASK FOR TAGLISTS!
There was a loneliness that came with being the significant other of a well known FBI agent. Sometimes, between the constant phone calls or texts telling him about the newest case, the constant jet flights and the long meetings, it felt as if there was you, your boyfriend, and the job, all squished into one little relationship that didn’t have enough space to breathe.
It had been 3 weeks since you’d last seen Aaron, and for a while it was fine. The both of you liked your space and neither of you needed to see the other every single day, and yet after the second week had passed and you hadn’t heard his voice in over three days, suddenly it was nearly too much.
It was a Saturday night, which would normally mean date night for the two of you, except instead you were alone on the couch, eating leftovers from the fridge and binging whatever tv series had taken your fancy that week. You planned to head to be early tonight, not in the mood to stay up like you normally would and for a moment, you realised it would be another night in an empty bed.
That’s when the phone rang, your landline blinking from the shelf near your front door, and with a groan drenched in reluctance, you got up to answer it. But before you could even get to the phone, the call went to the message bank, and suddenly Aaron’s voice was flooding your small lounge room.
“Hey sweetheart, I’m sorry if I’ve woken you up, but I just got back to Quantico, and I know it’s late but…uh…I think I need to see you. I’m on my way to your’s now and I’ve got my spare key so I’ll…damn…sorry I’ve gotta go, Strauss is calling. I’ll see you soon babe.”
The message machine clicked off, and all you could do was grin. Aaron was coming to see you, before anyone else. He wanted to see you, hell he said he “needed to see you.” You hurried around your apartment then, making sure everything was presentable and you had his favourite coffee in your cupboard and things for breakfast in the morning, in case he stayed the night. Last of all, you started to make some hot chocolate on the stove, knowing it would help Aaron unwind when he was ready.
You were standing near the stove when you heard the lock turn in the door, and slowly Aaron walked in, go-bag hoisted over his shoulder and briefcase in hand. Without a word, you moved towards him quietly, taking his bangs and placing them near the door, before turning to look back at him.
He was exhausted, the bags under his eyes deep and you could tell he hadn’t shaved in a number of days. His clothes were crumpled, his shoes dirty, and before you even muttered a greeting, he slumped against you, resting his head against your shoulder and letting out an utterly broken sigh. You didn’t say anything, just let him rest against you as you gathered him in your arms and held him tight until he was ready.
“I’m sorry for coming home so late.” His words came out in a grumble, and you nearly didn’t hear him properly. But you still smiled, and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Shhh, don’t worry about it, I’d be happy you’re home even if you came stumbling in at three am. Now, I have some hot chocolate warming up, did you want to have some and then go to sleep, or just sleep now? Aaron had pulled away by then, slowly taking off his coat to hang it up on the rack by the door.
“Hot chocolate would be good, but can I have a shower first? I just need to freshen up before I sleep,” Aaron says, loosening his tie from around his neck and unbutton the sleeves of his button up shirt.
“You can do whatever you want to do, honey. I’ll bring the hot chocolate into the bedroom when you’re done. And remember, there are fresh pjayma’s for you in the wardrobe.” You lead him to the bathroom, ready to let him shower and get comfortable on his own, but his arm wraps around your waist quickly and he pulls you back to him.
“Hang on, I just need one more thing before I shower.” He’s holding you tightly, a grin filled with mischief and love covering his face, and before you know it, he’s ducking down slightly to press his lips to yours, warm and sweet and perfect. You smile into the kiss, feeling his nose against your cheek and his hands running over your back and waist.
Aaron pulls away slowly with a small smile on his face, a look of contentness taking over his features, and for a moment he doesn’t want to let you go. But you kiss him again gently on the tip of his nose, something that never fails to make him chuckle, and you push him softly towards the shower.
“Cheeky man, you. Go on, have your shower, I’ll be waiting for you in the bedroom.” You step away, and leave the bathroom before your boyfriend can persuade you to shower with him, and head back out to the kitchen to pour the finished hot chocolate into the pair of mugs that Penelope got the two of you when you started dating.
It doesn’t take long for Hotch to shower, and after five minutes have passed, he’s halfway through getting dressed in your bedroom when you walk in with the drinks. You slide under the covers, already dressed for bed and as you patiently wait for Aaron to join you, you can’t help but watch him.
“You know, you’re not the quietest thinker”, Aaron jokes, turning back to look at you, fastening the tie of his sleep pants.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your brow furrows, and all Aaron wants to do is kiss the crease that forms on your forehead.
“It means, I can tell you’re worried about me, even when you don’t need to be.” You huff, the both of you knowing that he’s right. He always is, he’s a profiler for heaven's sake.
“I just…I guess I can’t help it. I like having you safe at home with me. And I know you never mean to put yourself in danger and you try to stay as safe as you can, but I still have this lingering feeling when you go away that you’re going to come back injured…or worse.” Hotch sighs, but tries to give you a soft smile as he gets into bed beside you. He takes the mug of hot chocolate that you offer him, and for a few seconds, he sits in silence, sipping his drink while he thinks.
“You know, when I’m away from you I have the same thoughts. I know you’re safe at home, or at work, and I know that you’ve got a very, very small chance of being in danger at both of those places, but I still worry. Hell, sometimes I worry about how lonely you must be when I’m away, or how sad you are when I can’t call or talk to you.” You try to start speaking, try to ease his worries that you weren’t really lonely or sad, but when he looked at you, you knew he’d see right through whatever mask you’d try and put on.
“It’s okay to be worried about each other, really it is. But, sweetheart, you have to tell me when you’re worried, or sad or feeling lonely, even when you may think it’s insignificant. Because I can’t have you feeling like that, even when you don’t want to worry me back. I’m allowed to worry about you, hell I should worry about you. You worry about the people you love.”
That final word stopped you in your tracks for a moment as you tried, because suddenly all you could think about was the fact that Aaron loved you. He loved you and cared about you and considered your home, his home.
“I…oh just come here.” You had no proper words for him, so all you could do was pull him to you and kiss him firmly, earning a gasp from him until he was grabbing your waist to steady himself so he didn’t collapse on top of you. You kissed for what seemed like an eternity, but you didn’t mind, because Aaron was with you and you weren’t lonely, and you knew that even though he’d leave again sooner than you wanted, the loneliness would hurt less because he loved you.
He had you in his lap then, your legs around his waist as he leaned his forehead against yours, drinks long forgotten about in favour of gentle touches and soft words.
“You just told me you loved me.” The words come out in a whisper, as if you were too scared to say them. Aaron looks at you, big brown eyes catching your gaze as he cups your face in his hands.
“I did, and I meant it. I’ve loved you since our second date at that bizarre seafood restaurant.” You chuckle at that, and you can’t help but smile at the sincerity of his words. “Now let me kiss you some more, I haven’t had my fill yet.” He pulls the covers over the two of you, and keeps pressing his lips to your skin until you can’t tell if it’s a dream or not. And as he holds you and loves you endlessly in your bed, you suddenly know that you won’t be so lonely anymore, and Aaron will make sure of that.
TAGGING FROM THE TAGLIST (message or ask to be added): @scuttling @spookydrreid @clarawatson @genevievedarcygranger @lumosemily @choppa-style @kodiakwhiskey @crimeshowjunkie @lil-stark
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader (nicknamed Kitten)
Wordcount: 5k
Genre: smut, pwp, slightest angst, plenty of fluff, established relationship, idol!AU
Rating: 18+, minors scroll away.
Synopsis: Set after the events in Illicit Affairs | MYG, Kitten finds the courage to take that step that always makes her a bit uneasy. She finds out her brave decision was way more than worth it.
Warnings: angst in forms of them needing to part because of Yoongi's schedule, and Kitten's toxic ex, and Yoongi's shoulder (he's still injureed in this one). Swearing, very descriptive unprotected oral sex (female and male receiving) face riding, blindfold, sub!yoongi, breast worship (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), squirting, ofc cumeating, spitting kink (? i guess it's called snowballing technically).
Author's note: This was requested by @dani2008aguilar (tags arent working dumblr, fix that) so thank you Dani and another special mention goes to the wifey @joheunsaram who betaed this lovingly (and hornily LOL)
Here is my masterlist, enjoy!!!
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There were many things you had chosen not to say.
First, that you were scared of Yoongi leaving so early in your attempt at a relationship.
Second, that a part of you still feared him finding someone better — more understanding, unproblematic, empathetic.
Third, that you wanted to hide in his bed and stay there, possibly forever, possibly with him.
For now, you were just lounging there, hair wet, body naked and wrapped in a towel.
He was currently in the bathroom, flossing and shaving. He was so neat. Such a maniacal perfectionist.
You snickered at the thought and stood, getting rid of your towel and putting on one of his t-shirts. The glass wall dividing the shower from the bedroom was largely appreciated by Yoongi at that moment. The design that had convinced him and Namjoon both to buy an apartment in that building was definitely worth the money.
Yoongi stared at your frame in one of his signature FG shirts, your breasts and curves making the hem hit a couple inches higher than his usual fit.
Once he entered the room, he laid down on his side of the bed, waiting for you to join. He looked adorable in his light, loose pajamas, so soft and blatantly expensive. It was one of the few items he was willing to spend good money on — with the exception of music equipment.
You found your place on the bed and snuggled up against him.
“Isn't it getting a bit too hot to sleep all cuddled up?”
You blinked at that and scooted away. It was confusing since he was the one who would always stick to you by morning come; still, you let it slide. It would be your last night together before his so-called “cramming-week” and he wanted space. So you gave it to him, no matter how disappointing it felt.
However, it was as if he could sense he had said something wrong. “Kitten?”
He came closer, spooning you. “I love you. You know that, right?”
“Mh mh,” you confirmed drily.
His hand suddenly appearing around your waist almost disturbed you. “Kitten?”
You moved away to shut the light. Yoongi was confused.
“Let's sleep. It will be a long week.” You fluffed up your pillow and found your sleeping position.
On the opposite side of the bed, he switched on his light. “I won't be able to sleep until you tell me what happened.”
You shook your head. “Nothing.”
“Why are you upset at me? Because of the cuddles? I was being sarcastic and we both know I wanted them!” he complained petulantly.
“Then don't make me feel like shit about them!” you snapped back almost loudly.
Yoongi froze a little at your remark. “I'm sorry about what I said, ____. I was teasing you but it's okay if you're not in the mood. I'd like some cuddles, please.”
You exhaled and opened your arms at him. He immediately threw himself at you, closing his eyes once he felt you starting to pet him affectionately. “I overreacted. The distance thing worries me.”
He nodded and kissed your chest. “I'm sorry I didn't get you. I should have asked.”
“There's also… something else, I guess…” you started vaguely.
“What is it?” He immediately sat up straight, cupping your cheek. “Are you okay? Is this okay? Are you—”
“Everything is fine,” you reassured him quickly. “It's just that there's something I've wanted to ask you the whole day and I kept telling myself I needed to find the right timing and I kept postponing and I feel like I have no time left now.”
“Kitten,” he cooed sympathetically, fondly.
“I want uh… I— Would you like, uhm… to go down on me?” you almost whispered, your words rushing out of your mouth.
He blinked a couple times. “You want it now?” He watched you blush and look away before gripping your chin and making you look at him. “Look at me and tell me if you want it now or not.” As you tried to avert your gaze, he moved like a snake to maintain eye contact.
“Yes, now,” you confirmed shyly.
He placed his lips on yours delicately, his eyelashes fluttering against your cheekbones. “I'm sorry I reacted that way. Did you feel like I was doing what your ex did?”
You nodded and wrapped your arms around him, secretly so grateful for his understanding. “I know you're not him, but sometimes I prefer not asking than being denied. And I don't want you to feel forced into saying yes.”
“Trust me, you don't need to convince me,” he started kissing down your jawline, reaching your ear and purring against it as he murmured, “I was born for this.”
You chuckled as your toes curled, his voice working its magic on you, as always. “I bet you are.”
“I can't wait to prove it to you.” He slotted his leg between yours, letting you grind against it as he dedicated some more attention to your neck and chest.
“Do you want me to take the shirt off?” you asked, lost in the feel of him so absorbed by your body.
“As long as you're comfy,” he replied tenderly, his fingers slipping the neckline to the side so he could nibble and suck at your collarbone. “We're just getting started.”
You snickered and threw your head back, giving him more of your naked skin. “What would you say if I asked for a blindfold?”
Yoongi slowed down and parted from you, his expression sultry as he looked into your eyes. “Won't that trigger you?”
You shook your head. “I want to focus on the feeling and… I mean, in the past, not looking helped my mind from wandering.”
With a kiss on your cheek, he rose and stretched to his drawer. “What's our safeword, Kitten?”
“Yellow to slow down, Red to stop. Green to go,” you replied diligently, watching him rummage into his drawer until a gummy smile accompanied him fishing out a black silk blindfold. “I use it for travelling.”
You snorted in a very unimpressed way. “Yeah, sure.”
His petty expression made you laugh as he arched an eyebrow and sat on his heels. “We both know you don't want me to edge you, right?”
His tone made your laugh freeze on your lips, your hands reaching for the hem of your shirt and pulling it off, trying to appease him with the sight of your naked chest. “Sorry,” you mumbled meekly.
He nodded to himself and climbed on top of you. “It's okay. We're good, baby. I just need you to remember you are the one who requested the blindfold, so you're in control of it, okay? You can wear it, take it off, burn it, I don't care. It's your own toy and you're in power. Okay?”
You nodded and settled down, propping yourself up.
“I know you've done this before and just avoided it with your ex, but if anything triggers you, you give me your safeword. You're in charge, yes? I am serving you,” Yoongi stated clearly. “You have all the power. To stop me, to order me around, to use me and move on me however you like.” His gaze was steady as he held your eyes with his. “I'm bottoming for you, are you alright with that?”
You didn't know it was actually contemplated in the picture. And the idea of Yoongi being so adamant in his will to submit was not only enlightening but also arousing. “I don't want to hurt you though.”
“I can set my boundaries. I'll use the safewords too if I need them.”
“Okay then,” you confirmed, trying to relax.
He laid on top of you, propped up on his elbows as he touched his lips to yours. “How are you feeling?” he asked, closing his eyes and feeling your skin with his face. The smoothness of your neck under his lips, the warmth of your chest against his cheek, the light sheen of perspiration between your breasts meeting the tip of his nose, his mouth, and the taste of your sweat on his tongue, salty, an anticipation of the flavour of your wetness.
And then the softness of your breast under his teeth, grazing your flesh before sinking in. And then the rough texture of your nipple.
“I'm doing perfect,” you breathed out, running your fingers through his hair. “You're so lovely, baby.”
Yoongi smiled and nuzzled up against your chest. “I know,” he teased before turning serious. “You make me like that,” he praised you before sucking your flesh into his mouth.
“You love sucking my boobs, don't you?”
He stayed attached to you and nodded. The motion made your insides clench. He released your skin with a pop, nuzzling it with his nose to dry it — but also to check that it bruised enough to stick around for a week, while he’s gone. And your blood vessels bloomed so close to the surface that not abusing them was a shame. He would have marked your whole body if he could have.
You enjoyed watching him for a minute before grabbing the blindfold and putting it on. You knew that not looking was in large part an excuse to experiment with him. You wanted the trust. And you wanted to feel him, only him. You would have plenty of time to watch him do that in the future. Right then you wanted to dive into sensations — focus on how different it feels rather than looks.
Something wet, soft, hot circled your belly button. His tongue. And then his teeth nibbled at it. You knew you had to be gooey between your legs. You felt the creamy wetness already.
Yoongi’s hands landed on the inside of your knees, spreading you wide.
Yoongi was never one to believe in the motto ‘the world is your oyster’. He preferred willing surrender rather than reckless exploitation.
But now, with your legs spread wide in front of him and that wet, salty scent filling his nostrils, with the way your breasts moved so blatantly in front of him rising and falling with deep breaths, your folds glistening as he parted them with his fingers, he found the small pearl between your legs. He had been offered an oyster, and he was ready to enjoy every single millimetre of it until you were begging for reprieve to gods unknown.
He grabbed two pillows from his side of the bed and slid an arm behind your lower back. “Lift your hips, please, love.”
You did as he asked, lowering yourself only to find out your hips were significantly raised now.
“This way my neck won’t cramp. It will feel good, I promise.” Yoongi’s words hit two inches shy of your mound, his hot breath fanning over your damp skin.
“Just lick me already,” you breathed out, only slightly exasperated.
He chuckled, tempting you. He brushed his lips against your labia. “What did you say, Kitten?”
You felt your cheeks heat up and your voice cracked a little as you complained — with way less outrage now — “Just lick me already.”
He laughed. And then he delivered.
His first lick was glorious, slow, torturing. He pushed his tongue into your entrance, then he slipped it out. And then he licked up.
It was heaven. And the moment he found your clit, you knew you had the longest night of your life right in front of you.
You mewled.
“Just like that, kitty cat,” he taunted you before his tongue turned serpentine, heading back down and drawing a series of tantalising curves with the very tip of it before delivering three short and dainty licks to your very clit — not the hood, not the sides —, each in a different direction.
He closed his mouth, rubbed his lips side to side against your core, covering his lower face in your juices.
“Any requests? Suggestions?” he murmured, stopping for half a second.
“Everything you did but more and harder,” you panted, gasping in disrespect as he grabbed your legs and spread you wider, turning ravenous over you, sucking your nectar out of you and spitting it over your folds. He was literally in heaven. He was feasting, his mind was hazy and his heart was beating old songs of desire and mirth. He watched your skin glisten, he heard it squelch and he tasted it as his spit and your wetness mixed up. It was so beautiful he closed his eyes and dove into it all. He didn’t care. He was just a man, and you were his object of worship.
He knew he would need hours to feel like he had done everything he could and finally give in to exhaustion. But he wasn’t anywhere close to even a mild tiresomeness, so he got into his rightful position and dug in.
You didn’t know what was happening. He had one thousand tongues. One thousand hands.
He touched everything, tickled every spot, licked every inch, turned you inside out. You weren’t sure you were still you by the time your first high came around.
You needed to clench around something but he refused to give you that, no matter how hard you begged, how much you promised, how desperately you bargained. He gave you ten percent of what a true orgasm would have been by denying you fullness.
You ended up sobbing, pushing, pulling, thrusting into him, wriggling like a feral beast underneath him, trying to escape him while he pinned you down with all the strength he had.
You could only feel tongues. Thousands of them.
And then, while oversensitivity possessed you, he had the brilliantly cruel idea of catching your clitoris in his mouth — and sucking. Hard.
Your hands flew to his hair, grabbing it, tugging at it — away — then pressing him back down when you found out that tightened his hold and made it all even more unbearable.
Yoongi had the vague impression you had to be screaming. He didn’t care. He heard a beeping sound in his ears — it usually meant the head was good. He didn’t have the heart to ask you; first, because he didn’t fish for compliments; second, because his mouth was too busy to talk and he was very happy with whatever it was doing at that moment.
He only stopped when you begged for a breath, which he conceded only because he was feeling a bit too breathless himself.
You tugged the blindfold off looking at him just in time to catch him wiping his face with his forearm.
“You’re fucking insane!” you exclaimed, slapping at his hand as he tried to bring it between your legs. “Gimme ten minutes or something!” you joked — while also being pretty serious.
He chuckled. “Feedback?”
You shook your head and threw it back on the pillow. “I’ll ask for this a lot. But you’d better slide those pretty fingers in next time or I swear I’ll never let you eat me out ever again.”
He kissed your belly. “I’ll slide my fingers in the day you’ll look me in the eye while you fuck my face.”
Your face boiled at the thought. It wasn’t ‘oral sex’, or ‘eating out’ or ‘going down’. It’s ‘fucking his face’, with all the rowdiness and dirtiness it entailed. It was feral and forbidden and so extremely naughty, with a pinch of vulgar and unspeakable.
You loved it.
“The blindfold stays off,” you announced, cosying up into your spot, fluffing the pillow behind your head. “I’m ready.”
He grinned. “You want to watch me, kitty cat?” That was his nickname. The one you used to tease him with. It wasn’t the usual ‘Kitten’ he used with you — he was taunting you.
“I want your prodigious fingers inside me, kitty cat.”
He showed you his gummy smile. “You’re a fast learner. Grab my head, I won’t be happy till I’m gasping for air.”
“You know a job well done,” you teased, cupping his crown and pushing him down, till his chin and lips and nose slid down your mound, rubbing against it in a way that made you shiver. “Just do it again but fuck me with your fingers this time.”
He lapped at your entrance three, four times, letting his drool slide all the way to his fingers — two awaiting just below your entrance. He realised he was rubbing himself against the sheets below him. He wanted a pillow.
He didn’t know how but you noticed and passed him one. Call it the perk of sleeping with too many pillows.
His situation fixed, he turned back to work. He was more than grateful to do so, his fingers inside you started rubbing that perfect spot, the one he had learnt so well with all the random fucking you had done in the last week or so. “Which kind of motion do you like?”
You stared at his face. His cheeks were adorably red, his hair curling at the tips with perspiration, and his eyes were so black, flooded with frenzy. “Try a few, I liked more than one.”
He nodded. “Stop me with the right one, okay? I want to please you, Kitten.”
You combed his hair back, trying to get the best view of his tongue lolling out and tentatively flicking it against your clit.
And there he was: the glorious Min Yoongi. Tongue out, bubblegum pink, eyes closed as he took a larger lick, slurping side to side slowly, voluptuously, sucking at the labia diving in to rub his nose to your folds, to smell you, taste you, feel you.
His fingers were relentless while his mouth assaulted your cunt, robbing it of every ounce of pleasure you could offer.
At some point you realised you were flexing your quads, trying to push into him, against him. He seemed to realise it as he took a pause, using his nose to nudge your clit as he spoke. “Fuck my face, Kitten. Just hold my fucking head and rub yourself over my face. I hold my tongue still and you slide on it.”
You tried to imagine it. “You put it inside and I like… in-out—”
“God no, babe.” He hardened his tongue and nodded, the tough muscle rubbing against you.
“Oh fucking— Goodness, yes!” you sobbed, feeling your orgasm crest over you.
He stopped moving once your body responded naturally, your hands grabbing his hair and tugging him into motion while your hips started to fuck up, against his awaiting tongue.
“Yoongs—” you gasped, your glutes flexing faster, till you felt your hips cramp.
You clamped them shut in response, Yoongi continuing unfazed as he recognised the crest of your climax before you started tumbling down the high at breakneck speed — the same speed at which you were pushing yourself against him.
Yoongi was positively surprised. He had been waiting to see you like this for so long, and now your tits were bouncing as you thrusted up, throwing yourself at him with all your might.
You were unbridled and beautiful and in that precise moment he felt like he was fully serving his duty.
He felt accomplished. The fact that he was also on the verge of his own orgasm was a minor inconvenience to him, one that he solved easily.
“Sit on my face,” he spoke once your clit was too sensitive and you forced him away — his fingers still ministering their attentive stroking against your walls, slow, deliciously so.
“Are you sure?”
“Just sit on my damn face, babe. I promise you’ll love it.” He kissed your belly, then looked at you.
You were sweaty, dishevelled, as if you’d ran a marathon in the middle of August. You didn’t look tired, though.
You were glowing and insatiable. “Okay. How?”
He wrapped his arms around your legs, his hands holding the small of your back. “Follow me,” he said before he rolled on his back and dragged you with him.
You huffed at the manoeuvre, using your hands to steady yourself once you found your hips straddling his face.
“Like this. Good Kitten.”
You chuckled, ready to find a remark when he decided to spread your labia with his thumbs and dig in once more.
“You’re hungry, uh?”
“You’d better remember your safeword because I won’t stop till I collapse.” He was rock hard. His pyjamas were stroking him just barely and he could still feel himself pulse. He hoped at some point he would be lucky enough for you to notice him, and kind enough to offer him relief.
You smiled. “Just this last one, okay? I need you alive and well so you can cram all week and I can fuck you dry next weekend.” You touched his hair. “Just for safety, pinch my leg twice if I’m hurting you, okay?”
He nodded meekly. “Okay.” He looked into your eyes. “I love you, Kitten.”
You licked your lips. You were somehow aware that what you felt for Yoongi couldn’t be just love. It had to be something stronger, something superior.
Or maybe no one had ever loved you before. “I love you too, Yoongi.”
All softness was gone after that. He ravished you once more, tapping his tongue three, four times against your nub before lashing it out, mercilessly.
And then he began to suck.
“God no…” You knew what was about to happen. It had never happened like this before though. Maybe it was because of his fingers hitting an unexpected nook. Maybe it was the combination of all the motions. Maybe the position. “I’m gonna—”
Yoongi was alert, but not worried. You would have already punched him in the face if anything was going wrong.
Instead you were moving faster, harder against him.
He was ecstatic.
He let it happen. He watched it happen.
One second he was sucking your clit, the next his entire face was drenched, covered in a transparent liquid without smell or taste.
It was the first time it ever happened to him — and he was fucking glad you were the first to ever reward his hard work like this.
Meanwhile, you were lost someplace between heaven and hell, your confusion long abandoned as you simply basked in the moment.
Min Yoongi had just made you squirt all over his face and chest and he was basking in it like a gladiator in his crowd’s cheers.
You had screamed his name too, most definitely causing misery to all your neighbours, but you were too high to care.
When you came back, Yoongi was still slowly, diligently licking you, this time with tenderness and dedication. If you had fucked his face before, now he was making out with your cunt, with tender kisses and fond caresses of his tongue.
“Quite a show, my love,” he murmured.
He had loved watching your breasts bounce, your head thrown back, your thighs wiggling at the way you were riding him. And your face — sweet mercy, your face…
He was lost in you.
“The neighbours are gonna hate me.”
Yoongi chuckled and shrugged. “They’ll simply be jealous of not having you as theirs.” He helped you lay back on the covers.
“Fuck, look at this mess—” you fussed immediately, noticing the wetness on the grey covers.
“I’ll deal with that. You go clean up,” he said, drying his face with the sheets before turning towards you, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it.
You frowned at how impersonal it felt, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him closer before planting your lips on his, pushing your tongue to his mouth until he opened it, allowing you to slide into the cave where he was still treasuring the taste of you.
And then you felt it, his crotch against your hip. “I’m gonna blow you,” you whispered, more as a declaration than a request.
He whined, but still he rolled onto his back, fixing his arms behind his head, getting comfortable. “It’ll be the easiest orgasm you’ve claimed from me.”
You giggled and settled between his legs, rolling down his bottoms and underwear just enough to free his dick. “Damn, you’re delicious,” you murmured, staring at him, tracing the pulsating vein crawling up his length.
He hissed and thrusted up.
You wasted no time: you swallowed half of him and grabbed the rest with your hand, drooling aplenty to get some lubrication in your palm.
Three strokes and his hips started gyrating, the salty, bitter flavour of him already hitting your tongue.
“I fucking love you, Kitten,” he spoke through gritted teeth. “I fucking love your sweet cunt on my face and your sweet throat around my cock.” You bobbed your head on him even more enthusiastically. “I love every damn thing about you, baby.”
He was so far gone and you were so helplessly proud of it.
He spilled inside you in a minute, and you took him diligently, not wasting a drop of him.
His orgasm was endless and he was wrecked by the time it ended, oversensitivity making him hiss and fuss.
You simply smeared the last bubble of cum he had to offer and headed back up, at his side.
As he stared into your eyes, his eyelids lowering sultrily into exhaustion, you pressed your dirty fingers to his lower lip, tracing it enticingly before he parted his lips.
Tentatively, letting him understand what was happening, you rolled on top of him, only a couple inches separating your lips from his.
You got closer.
One inch.
You opened your mouth, letting a lazy dribble of pleasure roll down your tongue and fall into his awaiting one.
He purred at the gesture, showing you how he swallowed it before he arched up, and wrapped his lips around your tongue, sucking it into his mouth.
It became one more sloppy make out session, where he managed to earn out one more lazy, weak climax as he rubbed himself against your hip.
And then you found yourself laying side by side in the disastrous aftermath of an exceedingly sloppy, wet session of oral sex.
Not even in your worst night you had managed to make half the mess you were seeing in that moment.
“We need to shower. Again,” you commented, Yoongi peacefully kissing your chest while he breathed in and out, his eyes closed.
“Just a minute,” he debated before hearing you dissent.
“Come on, kitty cat. You can nap on the tiddies later. Let’s go shower.”
“I want cuddles,” he spoke through a pout.
That made your heart melt. “I’ll cuddle you in the shower.”
“Can we take a bath instead?”
You chuckled. “We can take a bath, baby.” You kissed the top of his head. You had no idea who was the messier between the two of you at the moment. You only knew it was your turn to take care of your kitty cat tonight.
You managed to slide out of bed and get Yoongi’s favourite bath bomb in the tub while some warm water was running. You almost had to princess-carry him to the bathroom, his face nuzzled into your neck while you managed to make him waddle there as he hugged you.
Then he fussed some more when you had to leave him in the tub alone to change the sheets — thanking the waterproof mattress cover while you changed every single item of bedding, frowning at the three out of six pillows that needed to be washed.
It took you maybe ten minutes before you were back in the bathroom, spooning Yoongi in the tub, rubbing his shoulder and neck.
“I want to meet your physiotherapist,” you murmured. “I want to learn how to soothe your shoulder and back muscles. Your neck too. You spend too much time hunched over your desk.”
He nodded absentmindedly. “You don’t need to baby me because of the shoulder.”
“I know.” You proved your point by pressing two specific points at the base of his neck, causing him to groan in pleasure and relief. “This is why I want to learn.”
Yoongi chuckled. “I’ll arrange a meeting.”
He leaned back into your chest, turning his face to the side and rubbing the tip of his nose against your neck. “I like when you take care of me when I’m tired.”
You smiled. He was the one who babied you when you were tired, spoiling you rotten. It was only natural for you to return the favour just as ardently. “I do, too.” You also loved babying him when he was vulnerable and lovely and exhausted.
“I love you a lot. I want to wear my heart on my sleeve for you.”
You felt your eyes water a little. How had someone so delicate and strong and committed ended up in your life? How was he so perfect, so made for you?
“And I’ll protect it from anyone who wants to hurt you.” It was a pact. He would be open to you, and you would never hurt all the gentle, tender sides he showed you, all his unshielded softnesses. “Allow me to protect you,” you whispered, pressing your lips to his temple. “I know I’m difficult, and unfriendly and rough—”
“You’re not. You’re tough and loyal and determined. And you’re so, so loved for it.” You naturally found his hands, speaking that language he knew so well. You wrapped your arms around him. Kissed his forehead. “You’re so, so loved too, Yoongi.”
You felt him relax in your embrace. “I like it when you hold my hands.”
For the first time in years, you felt it.
“I like it too.”
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theluckyyyoneee · 3 years
i love you. | myg
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
word count: 2,3k
summary: you ask yourself what your husband's reaction would be if you didn't tell him you loved him back
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“So I tried it—and he didn’t even notice!” Karina grumbled over the rim of her glass, earning drunk exclamations and agreements around the table. 
Suji shook her head and wagged her pointer finger in the air and moaned. “My husband will go weeks without telling me he loves me these days, I doubt he’d even care if I never told him I loved him again.”
Slurred words of comfort rang through the air before the attention turned to you, already shying away from their sudden stares. “Y/n, what about you? What do you think your husband’s reaction would be if you suddenly stopped telling him you loved him?”
You opened your mouth to attempt to answer the question you’d never thought about, but were saved by Karina’s loud snicker, almost dropping and shattering her glass as it almost slipped from her loose grip. “Y/n has that man wrapped around her pinky. I legitimately thought Yoongi was incapable of smiling before he met her. He’d probably die of heartbreak.”
“Oh, lucky you!”
“That’s so cute!”
“I’m so jealous!”
More versions of the same kind of phrases were cried out as your cheeks heated up, embarrassed but silently agreed with you friend’s words. Not that you’d consider Yoongi wrapped around your finger and all that, but you could admit that he treated you very well, with that kind of cuteness and slight clinginess that you definitely didn’t expect when you two started dating all those years ago. 
Ever since the two of you met through mutual friends, to silently draping his jacket over your shoulders when he noticed you shivering through your thin sweater, to going ahead and ordering your preferred meal choice when you running late to a dinner party, to his attentive stare that had you flushing whenever you met his gaze, to him quietly and a bit awkwardly asking you out on the first date of many—he’s been the perfect friend, then boyfriend, then husband.
It hasn’t all been a walk in the park, the two of you had your share of arguments like every other couple did, but you prided yourselves with being able to communicate your insecurities and newfound doubts the two of you ran across and worked together to reassure each other and find a solution.
That, and it seemed as if Yoongi couldn’t help but profess his love for you every chance he got. Which wasn’t something you minded at all, it was incredibly endearing and something that about made you fall in love with him all over again. You still had trouble believing he could make a complete stranger trip over their own feet in trying to get away from him by a simple glance. 
How could anyone ever be scared over a cutie like him?
As the conversation around you livened up again as a new subject was brought up—ah, the drunk mind and their attention span—you took a distracted gulp from the drink in your hand.
What would Yoongi’s reaction be if you didn’t respond to the three little words he loved to shower you with?
Were you so cruel that you wanted to find out?
That was all you could think about as you returned to your house a few hours later, having taken off your heels as quietly as you could and shedding off your dress in exchange for a large shirt of his. You breathed in the calming and familiar scent of him as you snuggled into his side after half-heartedly washing up, his arms immediately opening up with an opening for you and held you to him. Still pretty much asleep, he attempted to ask you about your night and place soft kisses over whatever inch of skin he could find at the same time, already fully asleep about ten seconds later. With a breathy laugh, it wasn't long before you joined him.
You woke up earlier than you would have liked, but your stomach was screaming at you in forms of grumbles to get some food in your system. So after a quick shower to rid yourself of the groggy feeling as best you could, you retired to the kitchen, noting with a smile Yoongi still sleeping peacefully, cuddling your pillow with your absence in the bed.
You were scooping the rice into the bowls and finished frying the eggs when he emerged from the bedroom, looking absolutely adorable with the shuffling steps he took towards you and his face slightly swollen from sleep, even after he had obviously washed his face.
"Good morning, baby." He breathed his greeting into the sensitive skin of your neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist, his gummy smile making its appearance at the slight squirming and giggle that left your lips. "You should've woken me up when you did, I could've helped with breakfast."
You shook your head and gazed tenderly at the soft stare he met your eyes with, leaning in for a quick peck before you scooped the eggs off the hot pan. "It doesn't take long, I can handle it. Plus, you were sleeping so nicely, I know how tired you've been and I wanted you to sleep in a bit longer." Playfully pushing him away with your shoulder you told him to go set the table.
"Anything for Mrs. Min. I love you," He squeezed your sides once before stepping away, ignorant to the secret grin that lit up your face as you sprinkled a bit of salt on the food, hearing the clattering of utensils as well as his last three words but saying nothing.
"So, any plans for today?" You asked chirpily as you sat down, noticing him staring at you strangely, but you pretended as if nothing was out of the ordinary and stared at him expectantly with the same smile on your lips.
He blinked and gazed at the food with furrowed brows before responding, "Uh, Hoseok and I were going to go look at some equipment today. I should probably call him and see if he's up," his words were a bit distracted and he fumbled a bit with his phone while you say silent across from him, munching on the rice in your mouth.
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." Yoongi looked at you once he was done with his short call but you were already spooning a generous amount of food in his mouth. You had heard his entire conversation with Hoseok—not that you planned to eavesdrop, but Hoseok’s voice had the ability to be heard even over the loudest siren.
"Go get ready when you're done eating, I'll take care of the dishes, you still haven't taken a shower yet."
"Did you want to come with us? We shouldn't take too long, and we can go do something after if you want?" You smiled at just how innocent and imploring he seemed as he stared at you with wide eyes and his cheeks puffed out with how much food was in his mouth.
You shook your head and took a sip of your water. "I'm good, I have a bit of a headache from yesterday. I think I'm just gonna laze around today."
"Are you sure?"
He still looked unsure, and you leaned forward as you sighed, wiping a grain of rice off the corner of his mouth. You reassured him that you’d be fine and now it was his turn to smile as your words, nodding as he hurried to finish his food. 
It was under an hour later, and you were lounging on the couch when Yoongi came out, all dressed and ready to go. 
"Alright, I'm heading out. I'll be back later. Call me if you need anything. Love you." He bent down with his lips puckered and you couldn't help the smile that rose the corners of your mouth as you leaned in the remaining inch and met him halfway.
“Okay, I’ll see you when you get home. Bye.” You were smiling and your eyes were trained on his face, expecting a certain reaction that you knew you’d get.
In a millisecond, the relaxed grin that had been in place on his face fell to a frown. He blinked at you and even waved a hand in front of your face. "Did you hear me? I said I love you."
You nodded and offered another smile. “Yeah, I’ll see you when you get back. Have fun.”
He blinked at you in obvious confusion now, his expression shifting into a frown as he kneeled in front of you. His eyebrows raised nearly to his hairline and he looked back at you expectantly as he repeated, “I love you, Y/n.”
You just nodded and smiled in response. “You’re going to be late.”
“Are you mad at me for something?"
"No, why would I be mad?" It was hard to keep a straight face, but this was more fun than you had previously thought it would be, even if you did feel the tiniest bit guilty at the look of concern donning his handsome features.
It about tore your heart to pieces when he gazed up at you with such a dejected and hurt expression on his face, a sad pout on his lips as he quietly whined out, “Then how come you won’t tell me you love me?”
You were going to hell for your actions that made him look at you in such anguish and you would go willingly. 
“I’m so sorry,” you all but cried as you threw your arms around his shoulders, almost taking the both of you tumbling to the floor if it wasn’t for Yoongi’s fast reflexes. “I love you, I love you,” you continued to repeat those words as you grabbed his face in your hands and peppered kisses wherever you could.
Once you had pulled away, his frown was almost completely gone, he was still looking at you a bit peculiarly though he now had the barest hint of a smile as he stared at you in silence as you snuggled into him. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized again. “I didn’t mean to upset you, it’s just there was a conversation yesterday with the girls’, and they were talking about their husbands not telling them they loved them and I just wondered what your reaction would be if I did that to you.”
"It was just a little prank." You brought your thumb and pointer finger a width of a hair strand apart to emphasize that he shouldn't take it too seriously. You sent him a smile you were hoping would appease your actions that you were regretting more with every second that passed.
"Oh, so it was just a prank?" His eyebrows were raised once again and you nodded silently, that feeling of guilt coming back. A grimace settled on his face as he stood the two of you back up and backed away a few steps, crossing his arms over his chest in a defensive stature as he interrogated, "was it was fun to make me worry about if I did something wrong?"
You shook your head and opened your mouth to refute his words but stopped at the vulnerable look that fleeted across his expression as his arms across his chest turned into a more protective gesture, kind of like he was comforting himself as he muttered, “I really thought I did something to make you stop loving me,”
“Honey, I’m so sorry. Don’t ever think that, it was just a stupid prank. I’ll never do anything like this ever again, hmm?” You rushed to him, feeling like you might seriously cry for making him feel that way. “I love you, Min Yoongi. I love you.” You were raising yourself on your tiptoes to gaze into his eyes to which he attempted to evade, but ultimately giving in when you keep persisting in your exclamation of love, giving you that smile and that fond look you associated with him.
“Okay, okay, I believe you. Say it again.”
“I love you, Yoongi. So much.”
He took your face in his hands and pressed a sweet and slow kiss to your lips. You gasped a bit in surprise when you felt his tongue sweeping along your bottom lip so suddenly, opening your mouth and he wasted no time in deepening the kiss with a small moan of his own that had you squeezing your thighs together just at the sound of it.
He tugged you even closer to him, his hands leaving your face to travel down your sides, going as far as to drift underneath your baggy shirt to get to the skin underneath and you couldn’t help shivering as you felt the slightly rough skin of the calluses on his fingers glide over your back.
“Min Yoongi, you're supposed to be meeting Hoseok in ten minutes.” You hated to pull away, especially when he was looking at you with those dark eyes, his mouth glistening and his breath faster than usual. He chose not to answer, letting his gaze linger on your mouth as he tightened his grip on your hips. You pulled further away with a sigh and a sound of surprise was pulled out of you as he pulled you against him, biting your lip as you felt the firmness of his body meeting yours.
"That can wait. I think I need to teach you a lesson about pulling pranks."
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Hoseok sighed and ended the unanswered call, the fifth time he’s called Yoongi with no answer, not even answering the texts he sent, to either of you. 
“That asshole told me he’d be here twenty minutes ago,” he whined, feeling his ass slowly but surely turning numb with the amount of time he’s spent sitting on his ass in the driver seat of his car waiting in the store parking lot.
Min Yoongi, just you see.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Murder, He Wrote
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Part 6.
Summary: Ransom and you attend a wake for his great-nanna Wanetta, with the rest of his family. The knives are out, and they’re sharp…
Warnings: Bad language words. MATURE (NSFW 18+) NON-CON situation, kidnap, violence. DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THOSE TRIGGER… READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
Pairing: DARK! Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N:  So here it is, the penultimate chapter to this series! One more to go post this, plus an epilogue. I can’t believe it’s almost over…
Word Count: 9.5k (oops)
READ THE WARNINGS!!!! This is a DARK Series… don’t @ us if you can’t follow simple instructions and end up with butt-hurt. And if you’re under 18…get off my blog.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and by writing it does NOT mean I agree with or condone the acts contained within. This fiction is classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Murder, He Wrote Masterlist // Main Masterlist.
Part 5
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 You'd managed to get through Christmas fairly well. The days leading up, Ransom had been a little suspiciously sneaky but you didn't give it a second thought, really. Things between you and your captor were more than amicable, they were pleasant. But, despite the cohabitation and this new found demeanour in him, Ransom wasn't above reminding you that you were still under his eye. And under his eye you were indeed, all day long. He watched you as you read, as you cooked, as you wrote in your journal. Oddly, not once showing interest in your musings but working away on his own. 
Christmas morning, the two of you had spent a few lazy hours in bed, Ransom waking you with kisses over your bare skin, stripped down and tired from the evening before where he worked you over until you couldn't move, crying out his name near midnight, his breathless, tired voice telling you 'Merry Christmas' before he slept. After an easy egg and toast breakfast, the two of you were sitting around the lounge, the fire burning, the tree lit, soft music played in the background, watching a fresh layer of snow falling outside. You were reading Dickens' holiday classic, aloud while Ransom sat next to you, idling running a long index finger over your neck in slow and soft, up and down strokes, listening to you. Suddenly he'd stopped and removed the book from your hands. 
"I have something for you," he said, a slight eagerness to his tone. He slipped away for a brief moment, pulling a box, intricately wrapped, clearly not by himself, from under the tree. You'd never noticed it there, not once and you wondered when he'd put it there or if he'd hidden it in the very spot this whole time. 
The red leather box sat heavy in your hand as you read the gold inscription on the top. With an unsteady breath, you lifted the hinged lid and hitched your breath at what sat inside. A white gold necklace, with two interlocking rings in a signature Cartier design glistened back at you. The screw motifs which were set in ideal oval shaped rings studded with diamonds that twinkled in the light sat snuggly inside against black velvet.
You were stunned. The gesture far too expensive and in your mind inappropriate. But you also thought it was absolutely gorgeous, and you wondered how he'd come up with such an expensive idea. You'd not mentioned anything of the sort in your time together, in fact, you hadn't had jewellery on bar your ball studs in your ears now.
You looked up from the delicate piece and your eyes met expectant ones. "It's beautiful," you spoke softly. "Thank you."
"Let me put it on you," he sat next you whilst taking the box from your hands. He gently pulled it away from the box and unclasped it, settling it around your neck as you moved your hair out of the way, thin tendrils framing your face. Your robe slipped off your shoulder and you felt his soft lips against your skin, down your neck and along your shoulder. "Let me see you," he spoke softly.
You turned in his direction and you saw the way he admired the way the piece sat across your chest, the silk robe you were wearing over your barely-there nightgown gaping open. As his eyes blatantly roved down between the valley of your breasts your own flicked across his casual, lazy-Christmas morning form, his broad chest and shoulders clad in a white thermal, sweats hung low on his hips.
"Perfect," he whispered, leaning towards you.
You were not a bought woman, no; you were his victim, his roommate, his co-habitant, his lover, his partner, his... Oh for Christ's sake you could go on with the labels that did or didn't make sense, were mutual or not, had or didn't carry the weight of a proper explanation. Right now, you were going through the motions and emotions.
"I like it, a lot, thank you again," you replied as his lips grew closer to yours. "I've never had such an expensive gift before."
His lips ghosted over yours, "There's plenty more where that came from, Sweetheart."
The implication of his words had hit you like a freight train as you realised just how many more ‘occasions’ he was planning on the pair of you spending together. New Year, Easter, Spring Break, your birthday, his birthday, summer, Memorial Day. It sparked so many conflicting opinions within you that you were glad of the distraction when he moved, his fingers delicate as he undid the ties of your robe and led you down on the rug before his lips had traced a path down your body and soon he’d had you crying his name, sheer bliss coursing through your veins.
Later that day, you'd made dinner for him, a reminder of how Christmas used to be when Wanetta and his Grandmother shared the festivities. After the quiet meal, he had expected you to join him for a shower, no doubt as pay back for him going down on you earlier. When you'd respectfully declined stating you needed to wash the dishes, he sneered and sulked off. You'd made sure that when he was gone long enough, you were able to get things set up for your gift. Now was the time to show Ransom how gifts of meaning and purpose were to be given and hopefully received. Not that it was going to make a blind bit of difference to your situation, not in the grand scheme of things anyway. You'd finished cleaning and putting everything away and headed into the lounge where you stoked the fire and then made your way back into the kitchen for your supplies. The hot cocoa burning hot, the slices of bread, tongs and a small serving of butter, complete with freshly blended cinnamon sugar. You knew he would come find you when you were not waiting in the bedroom for him. If Ransom Drysdale was anything, it was a creature of expectation and habit. You'd heard him coming down the stairs, that one spot with a creak carrying his footfall. You straightened up your things, setting up the tongs and tray of treats nicely before covering them with a cloth napkin, standing between the coffee table and the fireplace, and waited on baited breath for the tirade you thought was coming. He had turned the corner, his face stern with evident hard lines, his bare chest on display, hair still wet from the shower. You could smell him as he entered the doorway, that scent that you'd soon come to realize made you heady and needy. You waved him over, a hunt of excitement to your tone, "come on, come sit." “I don’t want to sit, Sweetheart, I want you like I had you before dinner. Crying my name with you under me.” He stood just inside the doorway, with his arms folded across his chest, sweats hung low on his hips. He wore no shirt just to entice you, but you weren't giving in so easily.  "I'll say your name as many times as you want, but first, I need to give you my gift." You chose then to look at him with big eyes, sincere yet seductive. 
It was a stare off between the two of you, he not budging and you popping your hip out to one side as you folded your arms over your chest. He had his fun, now you wanted to enjoy something and gift giving brought you joy. 
Like a child told to apologize for hitting another, he hung his head and sulked over. You could tell it pained him to obey your request. But you again saw through his facade. You knew this meant far more to him than anything he'd ever received.
But he'd never tell you that. Not that you thought anyway. “Oh stop being so you, Ransom, for just five minutes.” You snorted exasperatedly at his petulant nature. “It’s Christmas.” With a roll of his eyes that would make any toddler jealous, he took to his knees sitting on his heels. With a smirk, you joined him, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek, "Merry Christmas, Ransom." You pulled the napkin off the tray revealing the contents of your gift. His eyes moved over the tray, first seeing the mugs of cocoa, topped with whipped cream that was beginning to melt into the warm liquid. The tongs, the bread, the small pinch bowls of cinnamon sugar and the soft butter. With his mind occupied, you managed to grab a throw and wrap it around the two of you. He blinked, and you could see that he was fighting the smirk that was threatening to cross his handsome face. “Toast?” He finally asked and you nodded, smiling. "I couldn't go get you something, not that it mattered, so this was the next best thing." A flicker of something darkened his face, and for a moment you thought you saw regret flash in his eyes, just like the day he had marked your face but as soon as it had appeared it was gone. "Just enjoy it, even if you can't say anything about it, just...." you shrugged, "remember." That night, after the toast with cinnamon butter and cocoa from scratch were shared, he had his way with you, delightfully slow, once more by the fire, you again crying out his name and he yours, over and over again. By the time he finished, you were both boneless and breathless, his body covering yours until he rolled over and the two of you slept by the fire, wrapped up in each other's arms, the heavy throw around your naked bodies.
Christmas had been nice. Maybe, somewhat enjoyable, you'd admitted to yourself. Of course, the wrench of not seeing your family had weighed like a stone in your gut, compounded by the fact that thanks to the lie you’d been forced to tell Blanc, they thought this was your choice. That you were staying away from them because you wanted to, when nothing could be further from the truth. You missed your mom and dad goofing around over presents, still trying to tell your now well grown-up sister and you Santa had been. You ached for the usual family politics that manifested when your uncles and aunts descended for dinner. You longed for your sister to be complaining about how fat she was going to get…
"We have to go," Ransom’s deep baritone caught you completely off guard, making you jump as you stood staring out of the large French windows over the garden from the master suite.
“Oh, okay,” you nodded, taking a deep breath to centre yourself, your heart racing at the speed of light from your fright. You took a glance at yourself in the mirror above the fireplace and found yourself wishing you’d done a better job at covering up the ugly scab and green bruising on your face.
You followed Ransom in his tan coat, pin striped slacks and a black cashmere sweater as he strode from the room. You felt nervous, anxious, scared. This was the first time you were leaving the house in two months. He led you to the garage where you started walking to the SUV he'd taken you in but he stopped you short, calling out to you, "not this time, Sweetheart." He stood at the passenger door to his vintage BMW. You swallowed and walked towards the door he was holding open for you. Wordlessly, you sank into the passenger seat and reached for your belt. Pulling it across your lap, you adjusted the pencil skirt and blouse you'd tucked into so as not to wrinkle it, your soft black peacoat bluky in your seat. The car roared to life, throbbing beneath you, the hum of the engine might, in other circumstances, have excited you. But now, the only thing filling you was dread. The first time you’re out of your "castle", and it's to go to a wake, for Wanetta Thrombey.
Go figure. ***** The silence in the car was stifling. Every so often Ransom stole a glance at Y/N to find her simply staring out of the window, at one stage reaching up to wipe her eye. He didn’t say anything, but he wasn’t an idiot. Over Christmas he’d caught her numerous time completely zoned out, as if she was somewhere else, just like she had been moments before they had left. And whilst she’d done her best to keep her tears and attitude at bay, she’d been clipped with him a number of times which he’d simply let slide and instead of reminding her about her attitude, he’d pressed her to tell him what was wrong. She’d quietly admitted that she missed her family, something Ransom simply couldn’t understand, so in the spirit of their recent candid openness, he’d asked her bluntly why she needed them so much when he gave her everything she could possibly ever want. At that she had snorted, and taken great pains to explain to him that just because he failed to understand something didn’t make it any less valid of a feeling to someone else and then she’d deftly changed the subject, and he’d allowed the conversation to steer elsewhere.
And now, the first time she’d been anywhere but the inside of his house and strictly the garden for months, they were headed to spend time with his shit-head family. The irony was staggering when you considered it. He eased his beloved beemer onto the main road and pushed his foot down on the gas, weaving himself in and out of the light traffic obnoxiously fast. But he wasn’t known for his patience, he had somewhere to be and in his mind; the faster he got there the faster he could leave, keen to spend as little time with his family as possible. About halfway into the journey, Ransom felt that familiar cold feeling in his stomach as he pulled off the freeway and on to one of the smaller roads. He could drive this journey with his eyes closed but it was the first time he’d been back to the mansion since... well, since IT had all gone down. The more he thought about it, the more agitated he could feel himself getting, his hands gripping the steering wheel of the car with a force that made his knuckles white. He was jolted however, with the feeling of a hand on his arm and his head turned slightly to see Y/N looking at him. She didn’t say anything, and no sooner had he registered her touch she moved her hand dropping it back into her lap, eyes focussed downwards as his turned back to the road. He swallowed, that familiar and uncomfortable feeling of remorse once more washing over him. Despite everything he had done to her, she was still voluntarily lending him comfort. 
Ten minutes later, he swung up the tree-lined driveway, his heart pounding in his chest. His jaw set hard as the mansion came into view, and low and behold his mother, standing on the front steps, a cigarette between her fingers as she exasperatedly texted on her phone. A meek voice came from the seat beside him, "its going to be okay." But he couldn't decipher if she were talking to him or herself. He cut the engine, his hands still on the wheel as he sighed and hung his head, before he turned to her. “I don’t need to warn you about trying anything do I?” He asked, ignoring her effort to placate him. "No," she replied quietly. “Good.” He reached out and gently gripped her chin between his thumb and finger, pressing as soft kiss to her lips, the action as much for him as it was for the benefit of his mother who was watching the pair of them. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”  He gracefully unfolded himself from the driver’s side, shutting the door behind him and strode to the front of his car, waiting for Y/N to catch up. Her face was set, an expression he’d seen countless times before when she’d been fearful and acting under duress. He watched as she took a deep breath and drew back her shoulders whilst he reached for her hand. Obediently, she took it and together they strode towards the large wooden door, his mother watching them as they approached "You're late," Linda scoffed.
He paid her no mind and pulled Y/N along his side. “I’m sure Nanna won’t mind too much, you know, on account of her being dead.” He retorted sardonically.
You stood by his side, your eyes watching Linda and she turned her attention to you, her eyes narrowing a little, a strange expression on her features, almost as if she was sussing you out. But, as her eyes flicked to your injured cheek before they darted to Ransom who still had a possessive grip around your hand you realised with horror it wasn’t you she was suspicious of. It was the bruise on your face, more so how it had gotten there.
You cleared your throat. “Funny thing,” you gestured to it and her eyes snapped to yours, “too much Scotch and I tripped. Face first into the corner of my vanity."
Okay, so it wasn’t a complete lie…but you still felt sick to your stomach at how quickly you’d jumped to his defence.
“Sure.” Linda arched an eyebrow.
“What exactly are you getting at, Mother?” Ransom looked at her, his jaw set and Linda rolled her eyes, taking a drag of her cigarette.
“Nothing really, I just find it extremely odd that you get an interview with this girl to clear your name and she ends up in your bed, only after she’s done a complete hatchet job on all of us first.” She dropped her cigarette end to the floor before she looked at him shrewdly.
“For which she published an apology.” Ransom’s voice was flat and carried an undertone of annoyance to which Linda paid no attention.
“Because you’re really the type to forgive and forget so easily.” She scoffed as Ransom gave a dramatic sigh as his mother continued, her head now turning to you. “You know, I could hardly believe it when Blanc told us you were with him, and then I saw you with my own eyes and now here you are again…“
“What do you mean, when Blanc told you?” Ransom frowned as his hand contracted almost painfully around yours, a warning no doubt to remain silent. His mother had hit the nail on the head, proving that she knew her son a lot better than you, and no doubt he, had bothered to give her credit for.
“Her disappearance was all over the news, more so because they’d linked it to that god-awful cretin of an actor, Lucas Lee.” She turned back to look at him. “But, no sooner had they done that he was cleared thanks to a cast-iron alibi and low and behold, a few weeks later Blanc turns up.” Linda raised her brows, her gaze fixed on Ransom. “I told him where to find you-“
“Gee, thanks.” Ransom drawled and she glared at him, before he rolled his eyes and gestured with his hand for her to continue.
“And obviously he did as he came back a day or so later, saying that to his surprise you-“ her eyes flicked to yours then and you swallowed “-were seemingly there, of your own accord.”
“I erm,” you fumbled on your words and felt Ransom let go of your hand, his palm warm as it now rested between your shoulder blades. Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself for another lie, one that this time you’d spun before and you shrugged, licking your lips. “I'll tell you the same thing I told him. I came to realize that despite my scathing feature, Ransom intrigued me. I wanted to get to know him more. One thing led to another and I figured if we kept our relationship quiet for a while, I'd save myself the spit on my face from my family and people like you.”
“People like me?” Linda arched a brow, her lips quirking up at one side. “
“I didn’t mean…” You shook your head, quickly taking a deep breath. “Sorry, that was rude.”
“A tad, but I’ve had worse.” Linda’s eyes twinkled with something that looked like amusement as she reached into her pocket for her packet of cigarettes. “But, what I don’t understand is, why let your family believe you were missing, dead even?”
“I, well, I was under a lot of pressure at work, and everything just got too much and needed to escape, from everything. Ransom told me to stay with him for a while to get some head space and I didn’t mean to cause anyone any hurt or upset and-“
You stopped dead as you felt Ransom curl his hand round the back of your neck, giving a squeeze in warning. You were rambling.
“You don’t have to explain yourself, Sweetheart,” his voice was softly spoken as he pressed a kiss to your temple. “it’s none of her business.”
Linda looked at you for a moment, before she turned to her son and shrugged, popping another cigarette into her mouth. “I’ve long since given up trying to understand anything you did.”
“Well, like the judge said,” Ransom moved, his hand now on the base of your spine as he turned and guided you to the large door of the house, “not of sound mind.”
In the spacious drawing room, the rest of the family was gathered around. There were no others at the wake, Wanetta having outlived everyone she knew.  You knew Ransom would offer no introductions, but that wasn’t an issue, you knew everyone anyway from your extensive research into this fucked up family. The fire burned in the background, and Ransom’s father, Richard, lounged in an arm-chair, a young woman who you presumed to be the au-pair Ransom talked about with disdain, perched on his lap. Walt was perched in another arm-chair, his wife Donna stood behind him, clutching a half drunk glass of wine, their son Jacob absent from the room. Marta and Meg were perched on the couch with Joni flitting about, a crunch from a carrot stick heard from across the room. You walked in and immediately felt the daggers in your skin as all eyes turned towards you. The knives were out and you swallowed, adjusting your sleeve, feeling Ransom's presence behind you.
“Here…” you felt Ransom’s hands gently pulling on the shoulders of your coat and he slipped it from your body, gently pressing another kiss to your cheek. You turned to look at him, offering him a small smile before he moved to hang the coat up on the stand at the far side of the room.
“Y/N, right?” Marta was the first one to speak as she stood up, and you nodded, not bothering to ask how she knew your name. It was a given she’d have read the article, and it was also a given thanks to the conversation moment’s ago with Linda, that the rest of the family had also been briefed on the fact you were ‘with’ Ransom. What clearly hadn’t’ been anticipated from the not-so-covert surprised glances that were being shared, was that he would have brought you today. “Can I get you a drink?” She continued and you smiled.
“Please, erm, a wine would be great.”
“Red or white?”
“She prefers white.” Ransom spoke and Marta’s eyes darted to his. You instantly felt his entire body language stiffen and you turned to him, the distaste evident on his face, his entire aura radiating utter disdain and bitterness.
Marta simply took a deep breath, her expression flat, but her eyes fierce as they remained in a silent stand-off.
“Can’t she speak for herself?” Meg scoffed and Ransom pulled his eyes away from Marta, turning his glare to his cousin.
“Is explaining what a lady prefers to drink considered sexist as well now or…”
“He’s right,” You jumped in quickly, smiling at Marta. “White is great, thanks.”
Marta nodded.
“Hugh?” She looked at Ransom and you blinked at the use of that name and then realised, of course, she’d once upon a time been the help. That said, you knew she was saying it simply because she wanted to, not that her status required it and there was an amused look on Ransom’s face as he turned to her.
You rolled your eyes to yourself at his lack of manners, but from the expression on Marta’s face she’d been expecting it, and to be honest, you weren’t sure why you hadn’t been. Her lips curled into a sarcastic grin as she turned and headed out.
“You should try it, Donna. It’s got camomile and lavender in. I swear by it.” Your ears then picking up on a conversation between Walt, Donna and Joni and you turned your head towards them, Ransom’s arm curled round your waist, hand resting heavy on your hip. Joni bit down on the carrot stick she was holding with a flourish of her hands. “It’s my favourite thing FLAM have done.”
"You know, I'm surprised you didn't go under given you're no longer receiving Dad's money.” Walt interjected and Joni rolled her eyes.
“Shows how much attention you pay, Walt. When I released that new line of bath-bombs and candles, sales, like literally, went through the roof.”
“Bath-bombs?” Walt frowned.
“Yeah, they’re like little cakes if you will of dried soap and fragranced that you drop into a-“
“I know what they are.” Walt rolled his eyes as Marta appeared, handing you your drink which you took with a thanks. “I was commenting on the fact you said you’d launched a new line.”
“Oh, yeah.” Joni munched her carrot stick some more. “I got the idea from Gwyneth Paltrow when she released that candle scented like her vagina.” At that you choked on your drink and hastily avoided looking at anyone in the room as various groans and loud protests from the males hit your ears.
At that point Linda walked back into the room and sat down in a chair not far from where you were sat and she smoothed down her trousers before she peered up at Ransom.
“How’s the book coming along?” She asked, peering from over the top of her wine glass as she sipped from it.
“Fine.” Ransoms shrugged. “Few little blocks here and there but I’ll work through them. Granddad always told me sometimes it pays to take a step back and pause, ideas often come when you’re not expecting them.”
Linda smiled, and you were pleased to see that, for once, it appeared genuine, as if she was actually looking at her son with something more than ambivalence. And then, the moment was ruined as Meg burst out laughing.
“You’re writing a book? What’s it called? ‘Ransom’s Guide To Being An Asshole’?” She snorted and Ransom took a deep breath.
“Eat shit.”
“Original.” Meg replied drily rolling her eyes, “you know, I'm jealous of all the people that haven't met you.” She stated as her eyes turned to you. “Seriously, what the fuck do you see in him? Why on earth anyone would ever want to be in the same room with him, let alone share his bed is completely beyond me.”
“Tell me, Meg, when was the last time you got laid?” Ransom turned to her, a smirk on his face. “And your dildo doesn’t count.” “Fuck you, you fucking prick.” Meg seethed before she turned to look at you, her face angry. “You know, it must be serious if he’s bringing you here; he normally just keeps his fuck buddies on speed dial.”
“And throws the money on the mattress.” Walt mumbled.
At that, Ransom tensed and he turned his face towards his Uncle, his nostrils flaring. But before he had time to answer back, Richard let out a derisive snort and Ransom instead turned his head to his father.
“You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?” Ransom shot back, “Tell me, how much do you pay the barely legal whore sat on your lap?” 
“You little shit.” Richard spat as the poor woman in question shifted uncomfortably, her mouth falling open as the insult Ransom had shot at her registered.
You stood stock still, a warm and uncomfortable feeling washing over you as the family continued to bicker. You could feel a headache coming; this was becoming too much for you to cope with. 
“Oh for God’s sake.” Linda groaned, almost lazily from her spot on the chair. “Is it too much to ask that one of our family deaths goes by without starting another feud?”
"Oh that's rich, coming from you!” Richard, turned to her. Linda met her ex-husband’s glare with a completely blank expression on her face, before she scoffed.
“Why are you wearing those ridiculous glasses?” She demanded, referring to the spectacles that adorned Richard’s face, the style being something you would attribute to Harry Potter.
“So I can see.”
“You never needed glasses in the entire thirty-four years we were married.” She scoffed.
“I did.” Richard shrugged, a snarky grin curling at one side of his mouth and you instantly recognised that expression as being one Ransom sported a lot. “Just preferred it when I couldn’t see your face.”
Linda’s mouth dropped open and you felt yourself bristle as you took a breath.
“Are you actually gonna let your dad say that to your mom?” You glanced up at Ransom. His head turned slowly towards you and the expression of anger on his face at being called out made your blood run cold. You recoiled a little and your eyes immediately darted to the floor.
“Sorry.” You whispered.
"This is fun," Jacob snickered as he, from out of nowhere, waltzed into the room and took a seat in the corner of the bay window, never once looking up from his phone. “Ransom once more manages to spark an argument.”
“Y/N meet Jacob, the poster child for the pro-choice movement.” Ransom gestured to the teenager in front of you who merely rolled his eyes as both Walt and Donna began to yell and hurl insults back at Ransom.
“Says the guy whose birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.” The teen mumbled back.
“Ooh, good one, which one of your alt-right, KKK loving buddies did you learn that from?” Ransom quipped, and in a quick change of decorum, the room erupted with slander and jabs being shouted and tossed about, most of the commotion being pointed at Ransom.
It was a cacophony of noise and sound, which infiltrated your head, making your brain buzz and crackle like the wick of a dynamite stick and it was too much. After months of quiet with no one to listen or talk to bar Ransom, it was overwhelming and you felt sick.
“If you’ll excuse me, I need some air.” You mumbled, seizing the chance, as he was distracted.
You made your way into the hallway where you stood, your back leaning against the dark wooden panelling, taking huge gasps of air. Your chest hurt, your head was spinning and your legs burned but those deep breaths didn’t help. Your hand slapped against your chest, hoping to ebb the sting. Soon, lightheaded, and with a slight spin to the space around you, you felt a cool hand on your shoulder through your blouse. Your head turned and you saw a sweet pair of eyes looking at you with worry.
“Let’s get you some real air, come on,” it was Marta, coming to your aide.
She took you outside, to a covered patio, with wicker furniture and heating lamps. The rush of cold air hit your flushed skin and a different sting erupted through your lungs as the bite of winter’s breath filled you.
“Here.” The young woman handed you a tartan blanket, which you took with a grateful look, still not quite able to form any words. She helped you sit down on one of the chairs and made sure the blanket was snug around your shoulders as she took a seat opposite you.
“They’re a little overwhelming, but you get used to it,” she rubbed a small hand up and down your back.
You just looked at her, your eyes watering as you came down from your panic. You had no desire to get used to it, to any of it, but as per anything in this fucked up situation, you were no doubt going to have to, like it or not. 
The breaths you took became longer, deeper, the peak of panic now steadying out leaving you feeling shaky and exposed.
“I’m sorry, that was…”
“You don’t have to apologise. With what’s happening inside, this is normal.” Marta softly smiled with a chuckle. “I’d be worried if they weren’t screaming at each other.”
“Can I ask you something?” You looked at her, speaking softly.
“Of course.” She replied, just as hushed.
“Why did you do it? Have everyone over? You don’t owe them anything.”
The former nurse rubbed her palms on her pants, “well, it’s what Wanetta wanted. She sorta came with the house and it was her last wish, for the family to come together. I think she thought after everything that happened something might have changed?” Marta shook her head at the audacity of the sound of it. “She didn’t say much more, but Allan had given me her will and that’s all it read. Things would remain the same but she wanted them here after she was cremated, for a final goodbye.”
“I admire her optimism.” You stated flatly and Marta laughed before she gave a heavy sigh, a sad smile on her face.
“Well, she loved them, not that any of them cared, not in years. The only one I ever noticed take mind of her out of want and not duty was Ransom.” She kept her eyes on yours as she spoke, genuine care coming from the sound of her. “But that was before…when he…with Harlan.”
You glanced away, not totally surprised but still a little shocked so to speak that someone else had noticed there was a little shred of humanity buried underneath all his asshole bravado. You leaned forward on your thighs, elbows resting there as your hands wrung together, a nervous habit you’d recently developed.
“Can I ask YOU something?” Marta wondered. You nodded, your stomach knotting, hoping I wasn’t what you suddenly thought it could be. “You’ve spent time with Ransom. I read your article and your apology. Do you believe all of this? The not of sound mind?” Her eyes were sorrowful but held a glare of contempt at the circumstance.
“Uh…” you started but the opening of the patio door caught both of your attentions and the man in question stepped outside, your coat in his hands.
“I was worried,” he stated, opening your coat for you as you automatically stood to receive the gesture. You had no doubt his worry was genuine, but whether it was for you or what you may or may not have revealed was another question.
“I needed some air,” you admitted, “Marta came to my rescue.”
“One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.” Ransom quipped in reference to the chaos of the family being together, chaos he narcissistically enjoyed partaking in.
You looked up at those daring blue eyes, “Mark Twain.”
He quirked a brow in agreement before his eyes flicked to Marta and then back to you. “Was I interrupting something, Sweetheart?”
There it was, that warning tone in his voice. You were on thin ice. You stuffed your hands into your peacoat pocket and shook your head.
“No.” You cleared your throat as you held his gaze. “Like I said, I just needed some air.”
As he stood there, his eyes searching hers he took a deep breath as she gazed back up at him, fear simmering within those deep globes. Ransom reached out, pulling her to him, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “As long as that’s all it was.”
Recognising his comment for what it was, half concern and half warning, she nodded against his chest. Without so much as another glance at Marta, he turned, his arm looped possessively over her shoulders as he led her back inside. He walked slowly down the hallway, stooping slightly to speak into her ear. “From now on, you don’t leave my sight, you got that?”
“Yeah, okay.” She whispered and nodded.
“Good girl,” he smiled, tipping her face up with on finger under her chin, planting a soft kiss on her lips.
The next hour or so passed reasonably uneventfully. Ransom was careful to keep as much distance between him, Y/N and the rest of the assholes in the room as possible. When the buffet was served, he watched as she picked at the plate of food she had selected, not eating a terrible amount. She’d gone in on herself again, and he found himself a little disappointed if truth be told.
“We’ll leave soon.” He turned to her and she looked at him, “you’ve behaved today, I’m impressed.”
At that she rolled her eyes. “Is going back to that fucking house supposed to be a reward or something?”
At that Ransom felt a surge of anger and he glared at her, the nerve in his jaw twitching. “Don’t push me, sweetheart.” His voice was low, and a growl but to his surprise, instead of recoiling at his outward hostility and warning she simply sat up straight, her shoulders squaring and met him with a filthy look of her own.
“Fuck you.” She spat.
“Oh we already played that game.” His lip curled back in a snarl. “Several times.”
“Trouble in paradise?” Walt leaned forward a little to pick up something off one of the plates on the table by Ransom and he took a breath, his eyes still trained on Y/N before he turned to his uncle.
“Are you not dead yet?”
“Do you have to talk to everyone like that?” Joni sighed. “God, Ransom.”
“Well I thought the guys who bust his leg might have caught up with him by now, no such luck.” Ransom shrugged.
“Listen here you little shit,” Walt leaned over the table, but no sooner had he done that he suddenly began coughing on whatever food he had in his mouth.
“I’m listening.” Ransom quipped as Walt continued to splutter, Donna hastily hitting him on the back.
Jacob, who wasn’t even looking at the table, too engrossed in his phone, then spoke. “What did you eat, Dad? Wasn’t anything he gave you was it? I mean he did kill Grandpa so I wouldn’t put it past him to poison you either.”
A deadly silence spread across the room as Ransom took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on his cousin, his hand clenching into fists. Besides him, Y/N let out a shaky breath and her head turned to look at him but he didn’t meet her eyes. Instead he leaned back in his chair and when he spoke next, his voice was icy.
“Not of sound mind.”
“Yeah, we heard. Loaf of bullshit if you ask me, but then again an expensive lawyer can get you off most things these days.” Walt snarled.
“Enough!” Linda yelled, her hand smacking on the table. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Besides him, Y/N had begun to tremble, and Ransom glanced at her to see she was taking deep breaths, her chest heaving, face stony as she stared at the wall opposite, where a picture of his Nanna Wanetta was hung.
“Oh shut up Linda!” Walt turned to her. “Everyone here knows he’s guilty as sin, even you! Why the fuck he’s even here is beyond me. And as for you...” He turned to Y/N and she gave a start, her eyes flicking to him. “You might as well quit while you’re ahead as there ain’t no gold to be digging for. She got it all.” He pointed his fork at Marta and then that was it. Y/N let out a hell of frustration, standing up that quickly her chair tumbled to the ground behind her, the plate clattering to the floor by her feet.
“You think I’m with him for his money?” He glared at Walt, the entire room silent as all eyes focussed on her. “Jesus Christ, you have no idea. I’m with him because I have-“
At that Ransom’s hand shot out and curled round her wrist, his grip tight in warning and she jerked away from him, glaring down at him with a fire in her eyes he hadn’t seen in a long time.
“The whole lot of you are fucked in the head.” She tapped her temple with her forefinger. “I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life. You’re nothing but a bunch of self-entitled, narcissistic assholes. After everything you've been through, you can’t even find it in your cold dead hearts to come together honour a member of your family that died without reducing the entire event to some kind of sick, twisted game of one-upmanship. Each and every one of you are all about yourselves, and what you can do to out accomplish the other. As far as I’m concerned each one of you can fuck off and die. You disgust me." 
She took a deep breath, running her hands over her face before she turned on her heel and stormed from the room.
Ransom blinked, watched her leave, a slam of the door behind her. He stood there for a brief moment, processing what had just happened. He looked back to his family with a smug shrug and at that he headed quickly after Y/N, his mother's obnoxious and loudly over dramatic gasp bouncing off his back as he too slammed the front door.
It was your turn to stand there and act like a petulant child as you leaned against the hood of the Beemer, cares and all fucks be damned. You were tired, you were angry and God damn down right fed up with this entire family and their bullshit. You didn't even make eye contact with him as Ransom as he approached the car. You simply moved to your door, slipped in as he did and waited for him to start the car. You felt his eyes in him, heard him open his mouth to say something but rather he just took in a breath and started the engine. You sat there, your arms crossed over your chest, knees at an angle, pointed towards your door, away from him.
A rumble of a chuckle escaped his chest, "Oh Sweetheart, that was really something."
"Just drive," you spat out, turning your head to him in annoyance. Now he didn't find you amusing, this new air of confidence about you. He cleared his throat and looked at you with a stern gaze.
"Careful, Y/N," he warned, pulling around the drive to the long road before the main. You didn't care. You raised your brows as if you were silently emphasizing your demand, it was not a request, even in the slightest.
The bare trees and snow covered ground began flying by your window, clearly Ransom laying the pedal to the floor as you shook your head.
"What the hell was even the point of going today? It was blatantly obvious that they didn’t want you there, and you didn’t want to be there. If you wanted to mourn Wanetta, we could have done it from the confines of the prison you like to keep me in. Or was this just another shitty way for you to torture me? Huh? Was that amusing to you, Hugh, making me spend an afternoon with your fucked up family, whom you hate, when you’re keeping me from mine? God, you really are a twisted son of a bitch.”
Your tirade set his skin on fire, you could see the tinge of red flushing his skin as he white knuckled the wheel, his hand on the gear shift squeezing the hell out of it as you spoke. Then very quickly you felt your body lurch forward as he slammed on the breaks. "What the fuck did you just say?"
“What, are you deaf?” You blazed. “I asked why we were there? I mean I thought we were going to pay respects to your Great-Nanna, because stupid me actually believed that you felt something, you know, some kind of sorrow that she was gone, and I actually felt sorry for you at first when we got in there, and they were unloading all their vile little opinions and digging in at you and-“
"Now you listen to me you little bitch," he spat, cutting you off. "I didn’t ask for, nor do I need your pity. I don’t care what my family say to me, or think about me. And I certainly don’t care what they think or say about you”
“Oh my god, you are…” You shook your head, looking out of the window, taking a deep breath. “This isn’t pity, Ransom.”
“No, because that’s what it sounds like.” He seethed, his hands curling round the steering wheel.
“Of course it does.” You scoffed. “Because that’s probably all you’ve ever felt towards anyone else isn’t it? Pity, because they’re never going to be as good as you, or have the things you have. Well you might be rich in money terms but fuck, in everything else you’re a pauper. Have you ever truly empathised with someone? Like have even once fully understood what someone else feels? Their sorrow, their happiness, their joy?”
“What the fuck are you getting at?”
You sighed, considering your options. You knew what you wanted to tell him-that the fact he wasn’t loved as a child left him incapable of the simple emotions normal people met, but he was calling you out. And now, it was play it soft or rip it off like a band-aid…
And despite the feeling of foreboding washing over you, you chose the latter. You were tired of playing his mind games, tired of this whole situation. And whatever fucked up punishment he was going to inflict on you, well, it couldn’t be worse than anything he’d already done, you’d take it.
“You don't know how to be happy, or how to love Ransom, because you've never seen it. You've never experienced it. You just breeze through life thinking you can take what you want when you want, and it doesn't work like that.”
 “You’re starting to really piss me off. If I wanted a therapy session, I’d pay for one.” He snarled, “Shut the fuck up.”
“See, this is what I mean!” You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You just asked me to elaborate, so I did, and know because I’m saying something that you don’t like or don’t wanna hear, you’re resorting to being an asshole.  Every time I think I’m getting through to you, I…” You fell silent, swallowing as he glared at you, nostrils flaring and you took a deep sigh, knowing that this was pointless. “You know what, forget it. I shouldn’t-“
“No, you clearly got something to say, so go on. Say it.”
“What, so you can punish me when we get back for pissing you off some more?”
At that his face faltered and he took a deep breath, hanging his head. When he raised it again to look at you, his face was softer and he looked out of the windscreen, licking his lips. “I’m not…gonna punish you, okay.”
“How do I know?” You whispered, shaking your head. “How can I trust that you’re not just gonna lock me back in that damned basement and come down when you want to fuck me and-“ “Because I’m not!” His voice rose. “I don’t want you down there anymore. So I’ll ask again, you think you know so much about how to love,” he framed the word with his fingers, "then tell me what you think it means.”
“Fine, you wanna know…I’ll tell you. It's going on dates, it’s fun, its surprising, it’s feeling like you can’t breathe if the person you are in love with leaves you. It’s not about owning them or breaking them or how much you buy a person or throwing money at them, it’s showing them you know how they are, that you understand what they appreciate and what they need and what they want, a lot of times without being told.” You took a deep breath, watching his face, his expression never faltering. “Love is something that can't always be explained. It's that feeling of family, of having your person. Someone your heart and soul changes for, grows with. Love is a mother's hug or kiss goodnight, a father's ball landing in your mitt with a joyful laugh and smile. Love isn't forced or taken. It's given and received. It's...."
"Fresh hot cocoa on a rainy day when you have nothing left in a world that hates you,” he spoke softly, and when you realized what he'd said it stopped your thoughts cold. Did that mean what you thought it meant? That he loved you?
You were lost for words, but before you could protest and tell him he was wrong, he sighed and looked at you.
“You asked me before why I brought you today. That’s why. Because they hate me. And you make me feel fucking safe around those pieces of shit.” Your breath caught in your throat whilst your mind raced for how to respond. The tension and suspense filled the air about the two of you. You stared at him, his eyes soft, expectant, darting over your features with a bouncing worry. The reaction time between his words and your next move was merely a minute but you had quickly found a way to capitalize on this moment. You threw your belt off and kicked your heels off in the process, moving over the gear shift and the centre console into his lap, the center seam of your skirt tearing as you straddled him. "Wha...." his words were cut off by your lips on his, your palms over his softly shaven face, fingertips sliding into the hair behind his ears. Immediately, your tongue slipped deep inside his mouth, lolling around with his. His hands found your waist and gave you a squeeze. You came to your knees as best you could in the small space and continued to kiss him while trying to inch your skirt higher. He'd guessed what you were trying to do and you felt his hands move from your waist to the tops of your thighs, fingers trailing down quickly to the hem of your skirt, lifting it to above the curve of your ass where it bunched. He didn’t ask or question your sudden burst of confidence or seeming desire, just as you’d banked on, instead he was quite happy to go with it, as usual always ready to fuck you any which way he could. Your hands trailed over the soft material of his sweater and down to the end of it, where it met the top of his slacks. You lifted the clothing slightly to ghost over his skin causing him to flinch before your finger tips found the button and zip of his flies. That maddeningly smug smirk spread across his face and your lips crashed back to his, a furious clash of teeth and tongue, your hands still fumbling with his pants. He was half hard before you even got him free, no doubt from the heated exchange the two of you had to get to here. As you palmed his girth in your hand, your brain switched from playing him to wanton need, a basic primal instinct of desperation to release the toxic stress your body held. His big hand and thick fingers trailed over your hip, your ass, down your thigh and finally cupped your heat and a deep ferrral growl emitted from his chest as he'd realized you'd worn nothing under that skirt. He dipped two fingers inside you straight away and you cried out, "fuck" as your body bent back away from him, keening at the feeling. “Fuck, baby, you’ve had nothing on under here all day?” His fingers curled inside of you and you groaned, your head rolling back as your hips pushed forward, thrusting against his hand. You couldn't use your words, you looked down at him with your pupils blown and your bottom lip between your teeth. You gave him a squeeze instead and he quickly lurched you into the steering wheel with his chest, his fingers falling away and both hands tearing your blouse open, buttons flying that will never be found. His nose tucked between the valley of your breasts and he inhaled between your fleshy mounds, his tongue dipping against the underside of your thin bra. His hands each palming an ass cheek and squeezing so hard, it delightfully stung. With what little space the two of you had to move, Ransom pulled you down into his lap, the need to feel you wrapped around him dangerously feral. It took no time for that single motion to get his head then every inch of his shaft deep inside you. "Fuck, you feel so fucking good," he ground out. He didn't care the mess she would make or the way he'd cum so hard he'd leak out of her, no, he wanted to fuck her senseless and that's exactly what he'd do. His heels cemented themselves into the footwell of the car as his hips jutted upward, her body curling in on him. “Harder, please Ransom.” Her voice croaked as she begged him and with a growl that was animalistic his hips picked up their pace as he rutted up into her quickly and harshly.  His mouth devoured the tops of her breasts, nipping at her nipples through the material of the lace that covered them while her fingers scratched at the back of his neck, tugging at his hair. In contrast to the cold winter conditions outside, the air inside his beloved car was now hot, fast steaming up the windows, drops of condensation trickling down towards the door sill a perfect mirror image of the sweat that was now sliding down the hollow of her throat and beading on his brow. He could feel her walls begin to squeeze him tighter and tighter with each thrust. His hands curled round her hips, pulling her down onto him as he leaned back, raising his ass off the seat slightly, spearing up into her as deep as he could. "Ransom," you started to shake senselessly, you were crashing fast and hard and there was no slowing down. "Fuck, baby, just like that," you'd heard him say over the blood that rushed to your ears, deafening you, as you came, gripping him like a vice. Your body gave way as your hands sought purchase to ground yourself from entirely collapsing, finding the lapel of his camel coat, white knuckling it with one hand while the other slapped against the damp window which felt like melting ice against your heated palm. A noise burst from your mouth, a half scream, half choked wail, a sound you weren’t sure you’d ever made before and you opened your eyes to see Ransom’s icy blue’s locked onto yours, his bottom lip clamped between his teeth. His voracious pace continued until the end when he came with a primal growl,  his hips raising off the seat far enough to jolt your head against the roof of the car. You felt him fill you, the warmth of his seed settling deep inside, and then some. The air was heavy with the sound of panting as the pair of you came down from the intensity of the moment, The both of you desperately trying to breathe despite the humidity. Your hands curled over Ransom's shoulders as he sagged back in the seat, his hands smoothing up the outside of your thighs. You swallowed hard as his eyes focused on yours. You leaned forward and kissed him slowly, softly, his mouth and body languidly responding. Pulling back slightly, you kept your forehead pressed to his, and took a deep breath before you went straight in for the kill, the reason you’d instigated this entire fuck, to capitalise once more on a seeming chink in his armour. "You said you feel safe with me." He stilled underneath you, his hands gentle as they now rest on your hips and his eyes locked onto yours, widening as he realised his admission. "Do you want me to feel safe with you? To trust you?" You continued, not giving him a moment to deny it. He nodded slowly in reply. "Prove it," you stated. "How?" His voice was croaky as he cleared his throat, a slight frown furrowed his brow. "I want to see my family again." He looked at you, and you kept your eyes locked on his, a challenge to him to make good on his word, gambling on him actually wanting you to trust him as he had taken great pains to demonstrate through various means over the past few weeks. This was it, the moment where you would find out exactly what he truly wanted- someone to love and trust him, or someone to fear and obey him. He let out a slow breath through his nose and his eyes flicked over your shoulder before they returned to yours and he gave you an almost imperceptible nod.  But a nod nonetheless. “Okay.”
**** Part 7
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funtimebunnyblog · 3 years
Nobody really asked for this but uhhh... I kind of needed it 😶😇😂 Please excuse me for being self indulgent for this one time! ❤❤❤ But most of all, please enjoy! 😘
The Pillarmen (separate) with an s/o on their Period...
(Under the cut for length!)
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(Warning! This contains content all surrounding a Woman's menstruation cycle and all the absolute joys that come with it 🙃 like: graphic descriptions of pain and blood, more blood and lots of blood. Viewer discretion advised! In other words, you have been warned...)
• Chances are, Kars will always be long prepared for your periods monthly arrival.
• Even in the time when you were first getting to know each other, he picked up on your cycle patterns quickly.
• The first time you confided to him you were on your period he was prepared then too, pulling out a fresh pack of pads for you seemingly out of nowhere.
• The way you reacted, he'd swore he had just pulled a rabbit out of a hat.
• From then on he knows exactly when it will happen, he's done all the calculations and has the date marked on his desk calendar.
• When the day comes, he'll have a box of stuff already waiting for you by the bed; a hot waterbottle, some chocolate, pads/tampons, a bottle of Motrin, you name it.
• It's no surprise that even if you happen to be late or early he'll still be prepared; heck, he'll take one look at you and know.
• If you're cramping or feeling bloated and icky he knows some good teas to help you with that too.
• Kars is also prepared for the emotional and intensive side of things when you're undergoing your cycle.
The door creaked open quietly, a tendril of light cutting through the dark as the wrapped head of Kars poked into the room, ruby eyes settling on the lumpy form quivering under the pile of blankets covering the bed.
He had heard you crying from the hallway one his way back to his Office.
The Pillarman's lips came together, however, he didn't hesitate for a moment as he stepped further into the room. "My dear," he spoke, approaching the bed. Your shaking form visibly tensed right up. It was obvious you hadn't even heard him come in. "Is your back giving you grief again?"
You had started just a day ago and of course things were carrying out as usual; cravings, back pain, nausea, all things he expected.
What he didn't expect was your answer, which was a wet sob, words muffled as the blankets moved; a shake of the head was his only coherent response.
He only frowned, the bed dipping with a low creak as he sat down on the very edge right at your back where you laid curled on on yourself under the covers.
"Your stomach then? You feel nauseous, is that it?" He pressed.
Another shake of the head, his sharp ears strained to hear the watery response from underneath the thick layer of blankets, leaving Kars with no choice but to finally peel away the barrier covers between you and him. Your very red and very wet face was finally revealed to him, your lips knotted and quivering as you sniffled.
Your state was only worrying him further, it was plainly obvious you had been crying for some time and on top of things, you weren't even looking at him.
There was an unmistakably guilty look to your watery expression.
"What is it then?" He asked, a huge hand plucking the stray hair from your soaked cheeks and eyes. "What's wrong? I need you to talk to me, dear."
His pressing only made the tears come much harder, his hands instinctively going to your back and rubbing softly.
"I'm sorry, Kars..." came the staccatic whimper.
He blinked twice, "For what?"
"I ruined the sheets!" You cried, hugging yourself tighter. "I... I laid down because--because my back was hurting again and I f-fell asleep and when I woke up it was just... all over the place!"
Your Husband listened to you quietly, suddenly coming to the realization that the bed had indeed been stripped of the sheets beneath the blankets; you were only laying (probably not very comfortably) on the thin white plastic mattress cover. His eyes drifted to the far corner of the room where the ruined fitted sheet and the thin matching over sheet had been simply balled up into a big lumpy wad and thrown there.
"You ruined your pants as well then," he hummed, remembering that you had been wearing a particular pair; your favourite fuzzy lounging pants with the stars on them.
A nod was his only response this time.
Kars let out a sigh, leaning down to lay his head on your shoulder. "Oh, my sunshine, it's alright. We have plenty of sheets, one ruined cover is nothing to me."
"I know you didn't mean to." He cut you off, already knowing what you were going to say, his gentle ministrations unceasing. "It was an accident, I would not expect you to have control over something like this. These things happen. We can always get new sheets and buy you more pants and undergarments."
It relieved you to know he wasn't upset with you over this, or worse disgusted by the prospect of your mess, and you found yourself letting out a shakey breath you didn't know you had been holding.
The covers peeled away and you nearly yelped as you were suddenly hoisted into his arms, the Pillarman carrying you right out of the room without another word.
"Wh-What are you doing?" You squeaked, your confusion making the remainder of your tears ebb a little more.
"I'm taking you to get cleaned up." He answered without missing a beat. "No doubt you're probably still soiled, so you're going to take a nice hot shower. I'll leave you some fresh clothes and replace the sheets while you're in there and then we can crawl into bed and watch that program you like."
"I-- I thought you had work to do tonight." You said, watching him owl eyed as he set you down gently on the toilet and began to putter around the bathroom, pulling towels down from the cupboard and turning the shower on.
He hummed, "Oh, my work can wait until the morrow. My duties as your Mate come first, you know."
You felt a quivering smile tugging at your lips as he peered over his shoulder with a soft smile, cocking an eyebrow at you.
Kars was undoubtedly the only one in your life who could sweep up the shattered remains of a problem and fabricate it into something treasured.
He was the only one who made a this week out of every month truly bearable.
• Growing up, Esidisi had been around the Women of his tribe and his Family a lot.
• He's definitely prepared for something like this and even upon first getting to know him, you could talk to him openly about it.
• These kinds of things don't faze him in the slightest; you're a Woman and as long as you're healthy there was no issue.
• Esidisi will almost always be able to tell whenever your monthly cycle is approaching, being an intuitive man and all.
• He knows your behaviors and habits and he can easily spot your telltale signs leading to your period, like: any erratic sleep patterns, a shift in your overall mood, your eating habits taking a sudden change, any ofd facial acne popping up, etc.
• He'll definitely be prepared for the day it does hit because he makes sure to go out and do all the necessary shopping prior.
• When your period does hit, it basically hits both of you.
• If you get emotional, he gets emotional; when you're in pain, he's in pain.
• Half of the ordeal might just consist of both of you crying and holding each other.
• The other half of it consists of him doing his very best to help you feel better and alleviate any discomfort you happen to feel.
• However... his methods in doing so are very unconventional.
You did your very best to lay still as the calloused pad of a thumb swiped along bare skin, just under your navel, where you lay; leaving not only a trail of paint but a ticklish sensation that nearly made you giggle.
However, it was easy not to laugh while feeling nothing but waves of uncertainty and mild irritation rolling over you amidst all this.
The deep timber of Esidisi's voice thrumming out the tones of a mantra in some language you couldn't identify did little to comfort you as you laid there before him on the bed. You were dressed only in your underclothes and already painted with several other sigils along your body as he finished the one directly over your womb.
The room was dark, save for the light of two candles, one at each bedside table, allowing you to see him partially where he stood over you in the shadows.
His eyes, normally two sapphires glimmering, shined like rubies in the dark; animalistic and a reminder that he was something indeed inhuman.
You weren't really one to believe in rituals, especially not while you had some Motrin in a bottle downstairs that would fix up your prediciment just fine, but your Husband insisted on this instead.
You were starting to regret telling him you were still cramping with every sigil he drew and every stone and flower placed particularly around and over you.
"Esidisi," You whined. "Is this really necessary?"
The Pillarman's rythmic chanting fell to an abrupt halt at your words, his eyes fell on you incredulously.
"Of course this is necessary!" He cried. "You want the pain to stop, don't you?"
You grimaced, "Well, yes, but I just think this is..." teeth dug hard into your lower lip as your Mates brow came together, full lips twisting and arms folding over his chest as his gaze burned holes into you, awaiting the end to that sentence.
What could you possibly say that wouldn't hurt his feelings?
That is was a bunch of hoo-hah?
That he didn't know what he was doing or how a Women's body worked?
That the ancient medicine of his people that he was still using was something long outgrown in today's society?
That it most definitely wouldn't work and it was a waste of time?
"This is, what?" He pressed, chin raising as his foot began to tap quietly on the floor.
You could feel sweat sticking uncomfortably to your skin, or perhaps that was just you suddenly becoming increasingly aware of the feeling of the oil on your body he had slathered you with prior, as you fumbled to finish.
"Er... that is is... a little.... much?"
A bare brow cocked as he echoed you. "Much?"
"Well, I mean, you've painted at least 13 symbols on me now and you've smudged the air with so much sage my head hurts and the crystals and the flowers and... just the whole shebang here..." your hand went up to guesture to everything that was laid out, things both on you and on him.
His attire was something close to ridiculous in your eyes; he was even more naked than usual! Dressed in nothing but feathers covering his nether region and his usual hat, he stood before you covered in swirls of orange paint all along his body rather than just his cheeks.
"Isn't this just a little much?" You asked, unable to stop the frown from tugging on your lips.
Esidisi blinked owlishly, "Well, how else am I supposed to banish the evil spirits from your uterus and alleviate your pain?"
It had greatly surprised (and upset) him to find that the medicines and practices he was weaned on as a child had faded away into non-existence along with the name of his people.
Apart from Kars, who had taken to (ugh) more "modern" practices with those placebos and chemicals made in labratories, there didn't seem to be a soul out there who knew how to properly do these things!
Esidisi wasn't going to let you suffer or be harmed in any way shape or form, not when he knew how to stop it. He had learned early on how to cleanse the womb and heal it of any harmful curses or diseases that would happen to plague you. His Grandmother had been the one who had taught him and he had spent his youth putting them to much practice.
If you thought that this was much, you were definitely going to be in for a surprise for when you became pregnant one day; he planned to preform regular hour long sessions daily then.
You couldn't stop yourself from sighing, a hand reaching up to give a light slap to your cheek as you groaned.
You would just have to explain to him what really caused all the pain of menstruation. "Honey, there's no evil spirits--"
A finger pressed to your lips, stalling anymore words from falling from them. "Shh, beloved. You mustn't keep disrupting the ritual." The man chided softly, leaning down to press a dotting kiss to your brow as he swiped the final line of paint over it. "Now just lay there and let me handle this. Trust me, you'll feel better in no time."
Your lips turned downward as you watched him step back to fetch his singing bowl, sighing softly to yourself as you adjusted the bouquet of herbs and flowers that he had pushed into your hands.
It was hard to get comfortable when you could feel the mint leaves he had scattered in your hair scratching against your scalp and the orange peeling he had stuffed it on your bra was an entirely different matter all together.
You supposed that somehow it could've been worse and you had to be content that this was relatively harmless all in all.
At least the hollow ring of the singing bowl and the continuation of his mantra would put you to sleep while he carried out the rest of this ritual...
• Admittedly, Wamuu knew very little on the concept of Women and their monthly cycles; until you came along into his life that was.
• He knew how it worked of course and that it indeed happened but embarrassingly, he had sort of... forgotten about it in a way.
• Really, you supposed you couldn't blame him. This wasn't exactly something that was part of his everyday life, growing up with only 3 other Males the majority of it.
• The first time he happened to smell blood off you, it sent him into a panic and he immediately thought that you were hiding an injury from him; demanding to know where it was so he could treat it.
• Embarrassed, you tried to be discreet and prod him gently in the direction of what was happening. However, every code word for it just seemed to fly over his head; inevitably confusing him further.
• "It's high tide." "What? Beloved, we do not live by the ocean." "Er... the blood moon has risen?" "The blood moon isn't supposed to appear for another few months. And it is daytime, beloved." "Uhh... It's shark week?" "Why are you talking about a T.V. program at a time like this?"
• Finally, after a long, LONG session of going back and forth like that, you had no choice but to scream that you were on your period.
• Wamuu's beat red face and his impossibly huge eyes will be an image forever burned into your brain.
• After that, even though he wasn't exactly an expert on such matters, Wamuu did his best to at least be attentive to your needs.
• He does his best to understand your patterns and the entirety of what exactly you go through.
• He's always checking in on you every so often, sheepishly asking if you're feeling ok or if you need anything.
• Just say the word and He'll get you pads or food or water, perhaps even a distraction like a movie...
The wet sounds of sniffling hitting his eardrums was what caused Wamuu to be roused from his deep and comfortable sleep, the Warrior blinking in the dark of the room and instinctively raising his head to locate the source.
"Beloved," He breathed, eyes falling onto your form. You were also awake, your back to him and sitting on the edge of the bed, curled in on yourself. His lips fell into a frown as you continued to sniffle, now trying to stiffle the sound upon realizing that he too was awake now.
Wamuu slowly pulled himself up into a sitting position, "what's wrong? Why are you awake?"
It was still the dead of night, just a little past 1AM, he couldn't think of a reason for you to be awake and crying other than the possibility of you having a nightmare.
" 's nothing..." you hiccuped, scrubbing your eye. "Go back to sleep."
His frown only deepened, scooting across the bed to get closer to you. "No. What is it? What has you so upset?" He pressed, an arm encircling around your quivering form. "Did you have a nightmare?"
A particularly harsh sob cut through you as you shook your head, burying your face in your hands as if trying to hide from him, "No! Go back to sleep!"
Chartreuse eyes softened considerably, the massive man only hugging you closer to his body as he chose to press further.
"If it's not a nightmare than what is it?"
"Oh, you'll laugh!" came the moan.
"I will not laugh." He replied, quite matter of factly.
"You'll--... You'll be angry!"
His brow knitted together sternly, one huge and warm hand wrapping around your much smaller one, uncaring of the fact it was wet with tears.
"I will not be angry. Please, just tell me why you are awake and crying, my love."
You fell silent, save for the staccato of your hiccupped breaths, Wamuu waited with all the patience in the world.
"I--" you paused, swallowing thickly. Your expression contorted in an almost painful manor, a hand slamming over your eyes as you only began to sob harder than before. "--I want... CHICKEN NUGGETS!"
The Pillarman blinked in surprise, that confession had completely taken him off guard. You were crying over food of all things? At 1 o'clock in the morning?
Realization washed over him, making him frown deeper for only a second as he suddenly remembered the fact that you had started your monthly menstrual cycle yesterday evening.
You must've woken up craving and hurting, of course those things would drive you to cry helplessly like so.
If anything, the Warrior was relieved it was nothing serious.
Wamuu smiled softly, only hugging you tighter to him. "Will chicken nuggets get you to stop crying?" He asked softly, carding his fingers gently through your awry bed-head hair.
You coughed, sniffling as your whimpered response rose up from your throat painfully. "Yeah,"
He nodded, "Alright. How many do you want and what kind?"
You sniffed a few times, managing to calm down enough to tell him what would suffice enough to satisfy your hankering. Wamuu pulled on a simple hoodie and some pants as you talked, he even asked you if you wanted to come with him but you declined, not really in the mood to go very far.
He put the Television on for you, turning it on to a program and kissed your head, telling you he'd be back with an order of nuggets, a drink you liked and perhaps something sweet to enjoy after.
You felt guilty for troubling him with something like this, it was even worse that it was at an ungodly hour in the morning but Wamuu didn't care about those things, what mattered to him was your comfort, your happiness and your needs met...
• Much like Wamuu, Santana isn't very much educated on the subject of menstruation and your cycles when first getting to know you.
• However, he could tell immediately that something was happening to you even before your cycle started.
• He mentioned that you had a stronger smell to him, like your hormones were given a signifigant boost. He claimed he could also see that you looked a little softer somehow.
• After sitting him down (a little embarrassed) and explaining to him what was going to happen soon, the dots connected for him and he understood.
• You were his Mate afterall and he followed his natural instincts to care and provide for you.
• He doesn't really like letting you out of his sight when it does happen, preferring to keep you close to him and he'll help you out in any way you need.
• You have to be specific with him though. If you send him to the store telling him that you need tampons, he might just come back with the entire isle of boxes in tow.
• This whole thing is always a learning experience to him, even though he can't undergo the same thing he does his best to understand and at least be attentive.
"Oh c'mon..." you groaned, practically begging now as you curled in on yourself on the bed. "Kick in already!"
You had taken that Motrin over 10 minutes ago and still nothing was happening, your back was still aching and your stomach was cramping.
It was impossible for you to move now, you had laid down and there was no way in Hell you were going to get up again until all the pain was gone.
However, you were very much regretting not having the foresight to grab your heating pad on the way here, at least with that it would make it bearable but alas, it was all the way downstairs.
You couldn't even get up without fear of fainting or worse; ruining your pants.
Another wave of nausea shot through your gut, curling up in an icky tendril to your throat straight from the pit of your hurting stomach. All you could do was try to breathe; breathe, ride out the pain, hope it would be over soon and try not to vomit because of it.
A litany of begging was now falling through your lips like a prayer, pleading for anyone or anything listening to make it stop. Tears were beading at the corners of your eyes threatening to fall as your spine felt like it was being twisted, rung out like one would a wet rag.
"Please, please, please stop." You grit, hands turning to fists. "Please, please make it stop."
Little did you know your pleas didn't go unheard.
Santana watched you from the doorway where you couldn't see him, peering in with a thoughtful frown and a tilt of his head. Each quiet moan and whimper made his hands instinctively grip the door tighter, fingers digging harshly into the wood.
You were having a hard time. You were in a lot of pain and he hated to see you as such.
With only a moments thought, the Pillarman knew what he had to do, taking off quickly down the stairs; his feet barely making a sound on the steps.
Your back was hurting, he could see it in the way you kept trying to roll onto it. You used a strange device to help, one that emanated heat with a click of a button. His eyes scanned the living room for the familiar blue fabric with the white chord.
He snatched it off the couch, tucking it under his arm as he went into the kitchen next, finding himself opening and closing cupboards and doors without really knowing what he was looking for this time.
You had already taken one of those pills and he was certain you said something before about having to wait a couple of hours before you took another so that was out of the question.
The bright colours of your waterbottle sitting all by itself on the kitchen counter caught his eye. He didn't know how long you would be up there resting so maybe it was best to put it by your bedside for when you needed it. He also grabbed a couple of snacks from the cupboard, simple wrapped treats you enjoyed here and there.
He put the bottle under the tap, making sure to only stop until it was filled right under the brim with cold water.
Water... hot water. The red-head blinked, humming softly to himself as the gears turned in his head.
Your stomach had been obviously giving you grief as well, it didn't go unnoticed by him that you were clutching it; trying to curl in on yourself. You had something you used to help that too, he had seen you fill it up a few times before.
Waterbottle and heating pad under arm and snacks clutched to his chest, he went back upstairs. He went right past your room and straight into the bathroom, prying open the closet and digging around for the strange rubbery sack he could clearly see in his memories.
He pulled it out triumphantly, the object limp in his grasp like a pelt as he turned on the tap. He waited until the water was hot enough to make steam rise up from the sink before plunging it under to fill and corking it.
His arms now completely full, he shuffled back to your room with the goods; pleased his little scavenger hunt was successful.
There you lay, right where he had left you; from the look of it you definitely hadn't improved.
You were so consumed with your own discomfort you didn't even hear him or see him.
Santana approached the bed quietly, setting the waterbottles (both hot and cold) down on the nighttable with the snacks before fumbling with the heating pad, plugging it into the wall.
The massive hand being laid on your side startled you somewhat, eyes popping open with a shudder before being greeted with the sight of your one and only Mate standing over you at the bedside with a frown.
"Roll over." Came the quiet command, his hand pushing you further onto your side and slipping something familiar underneath you before easing you onto your back again.
"Santana, wha--" was all you could manage out.
Santana clicked it onto the medium setting, reaching for the hot-waterbottle next and holding it up for you to see. He draped the wiggly rubber sack over your stomach, an audible "bloop!" sounding from inside as your arms instinctively curled around it with a sigh; already relishing in its warmth.
The bed dipped as he crawled in next to you, the Pillarmen kindly pulling the blankets up around you both as he curled into your side protectively.
You could feel the heat seeping slowly into your back, the pain starting to ebb somewhat and the heated weight over your stomach was soothing; it all left you near to deliriously blissful.
You realized belatedly that he had brought you all of these things without you even having to ask, you turned your head with a sleepy smile, meeting the gaze of the red-head. He was so sweet you swore at times your heart would melt.
A hand reached up to tangle in his mane of wild hair, "Thank you, honey..."
The Pillarman nuzzled into your neck, almost purring at the gentle touch. He had made you better and that was enough to leave him content for now.
"I will always take care of you, my Mate..." he murmured, smiling softly as you closed your eyes and slowly fell asleep. It wasn't long after that he did the very same...
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nbrook29 · 3 years
Lmao I don’t know how this happened 😆
June 26th 2021, Saturday
When Sander wakes up, it’s to the early morning June sunlight hitting him straight in the face. There’s a vague smell of alcohol lingering in the air, and he groans pitifully when he remembers the amount of beer he drank last night; well, it wasn’t that much per se, but for his not-usually-drinking self it was a bit much, which would explain the sour taste in his mouth. He could be beating himself up for letting a little too much loose and messing up his rather strict rules, but it’s finally summertime and he was feeling so happy and free. Exams are done and over with, bigger gatherings are allowed again, and most importantly, the love of his life has just graduated high school and-
He blinks his eyes open, arm reaching to the other side of the bed expecting a warm body, but it’s met with cold sheets instead. 
Where did that love of his life go? 
Bones cracking when he sits up on the bed, he rubs the sleep out of his eyes like a little boy, looking around the room, a twinge of worry in his mind. Robbe was way more drunk than him yesterday, being a giggly, inebriated, lovely, messy mess that was barely standing when the party came to an end. Sander had to practically carry him to their cabin, with Robbe wrapped like a koala around his back, holding tight as he mumbled love declarations into Sander’s hair until he fell asleep, arm looped around his head and cheek resting on top of it. It was unbearably cute, but it was also a miracle Sander’s legs didn’t give out because as small as Robbe is, carrying his dead weight on his back is a challenge.
For a second, a dark scenario enters his mind, and he’s working himself up over Robbe maybe getting up at some point to throw up and being so drunk he choked in the bathroom (yes, he’s a tad dramatic), but then a scrap of paper lying on the makeshift bedside table that is his backpack catches his sight and relief washes over him. 
It’s clearly torned out from his sketchbook and he smiles before he even reaches for it.
Come and find me when you wake up x
Little hearts were added all around for good measure and then there’s another message below.
P.S. You’re so fucking hot xxxxx
Snorting, Sander thinks back to yesterday’s afternoon when he showed up to pick Robbe up with his dad’s car so they could meet everyone in Ostend. The way his jaw dropped wide open seeing his brand new look makes him feel very smug at the mere memory.
Right next to the note there’s that piece of confetti he put in Robbe’s long hair at the party, his boyfriend blushing so prettily when Sander told him he couldn’t find a flower as beautiful as him around so the confetti had to do for the time being. 
That’s Sander’s favorite activity: pulling a blush out of him with his sappy lines. Well, maybe after getting lost in their out of this world kisses. Or making love to him, slow and sweet or fast and dirty, Sander’s not picky.
5 minutes and he’s out the door after the quickest shower of his life, minty fresh and ready for a quest to find his other half. It’s still very early, the clock showing a few minutes past eight, and to be honest, Sander wonders how on earth is Robbe up and about already. He was fully preparing for a morning full of Robbe’s moans (not the good kind), cursing him for letting him drink so much and swearing on his life that he’ll never touch alcohol again.
The beach is almost empty, barely a few people lounging on the sand, and it takes him no time to spot longish brown curls flying with the force of the wind. Robbe looks lost to the world around him, sitting cross-legged and leaning back onto his arms, face turned to the sun to catch the early morning rays. A soft smile is dancing on his lips as he takes in the sight of the calm sea stretching till the horizon to the sound of whatever is playing in his headphones (probably Bowie because Robbe has a Master’s degree in his music now, courtesy of Sander Driesen) and he looks the most relaxed Sander has seen him in weeks. He looks beautiful.
And Sander is so so in love with him it hurts.
The boy must’ve sensed his presence because he turns around just when he’s a few meters away, his smile growing wide at the sight of him, squinting a little and wow, how does he look so good after a night like that? Sander wonders whether it’s his lovesick devotion that makes him see Robbe through a filter or if sleep did its job marvellously this time.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” Robbe pulls at his jean jacket to sit him right next to himself and wastes no time before looping his arms around his neck, peppering his lips with good morning kisses.
“Hey, drunkie,” Sander teases once Robbe gets his fit, earning a half-hearted glare and a soft scoff.
“I was not that drunk.”
“You fell asleep on my head while I was carrying your butt to bed.”
“Well your head is very comfy,” Robbe states matter-of-factly, leaving no room for further discussion because he shuts up any snarky comment Sander may have had with another kiss. That’s a-okay with him, and he tangles his hand in Robbe’s gorgeous locks that he will worship till the day he dies, never missing an occasion to bury his fingers in the tangled strands. The other hand joins in the fun, tugging playfully at the earring he’s also a tiny bit too obsessed with and delighting in the high-pitched sound it pulls out of Robbe.
“What are you doing here so early? I thought you’d be dead to the world till at least noon.” Sander makes himself comfy in Robbe’s embrace, leaning against him and playing with Robbe’s long fingers that are resting on his stomach.
The boy huffs a quiet laugh, a warm puff of air tickling Sander’s neck. “I think it’s the sea breeze making me sober up quicker than normally,” he pauses, hand nudging lightly at Sander’s chin to make him lift his head back and meet his eyes, a soft smile on his lips as he continues. “That and also I think that I was less drunk on alcohol and more drunk on love.”
Sander may be the king of sappy lines, but Robbe has a few of his own up in his sleeve, and everytime he pulls one out, it makes him melt into a pile of goo. Sander crashes their lips together in a kiss that’s a little too heavy for a morning in a public space, but hey, they’re drunk on love and he doesn’t care, Robbe doesn’t care either, and there aren’t many people around them anyway so fuck it. He hums into the kiss, Robbe’s tongue grazing the roof of his mouth almost as by accident, and it’s so good, it always is.
“Last night, it felt so... life-changing, you know? And I don’t know why cause not that much is changing, really.”
“You’re graduating high school, it feels big.”
“Yeah, but I’m staying here for uni, I’m not moving or anything. I don’t know, I think I’ve been feeling a little nostalgic lately.” Robbe shrugs like he doesn’t really understand it, but doesn’t want to dwell on it either. There’s a small frown between his eyebrows though so Sander reaches to smooth it out with his thumb.
Then, something comes to his mind. “Maybe it’s because of us?”
Robbe’s frown gets deeper. “What do you mean?”
Sander turns around in his arms, nodding at the surroundings, voice laced with excitement. “You know this is the first time we have been at the beach since we met?”
Brown eyes blink at him in confusion, but then they light up and match Sander’s excitement.
“Oh my god, you’re right! Fuck, it feels like a different lifetime.”
A very miserable, shitty lifetime if you ask Sander. For both of them.
“I was so lonely back then,” Robbe sighs.
Sander notices a tiny shadow of sadness fogging Robbe’s eyes, like it always happens when he thinks back to that period of his life. Some wounds were cut too deep to fully heal, but Sander’s always there to bring him back to the present.
Tugging lightly on his hair to make him look back at him, Sander gives him a lopsided grin.
“Not gonna lie, I’m very pleased this time around the only person that’s allowed to kiss you is me.”
Robbe hums, a smirk brewing on his lips. “Hmm, I don’t know, I wouldn’t say no to a kiss from Jens I think.”
And Sander knows he’s doing it on purpose, absolutely loves to rile him up and play the “Jens” card when he wants to be snogged into submission. Robbe learned early on that even though Sander’s aware he’s just joking, his possessive streak always comes out in situations like this, making their kisses extra good and their sex extra hot.
“Careful now,” Sander breathes against his mouth, the pent up tension that accumulated last night and wasn’t relieved because Robbe was too drunk hitting him hard. It seems to be mutual because Robbe bites his lip seductively, impish smile letting Sander know that he’s getting the exact reaction he was hoping for.
“Or what?”
“Or I’m gonna carry you to bed the way I did last night, but the finale will be a little different.”
Suddenly, Robbe’s smile turns softer, the gear change leaving Sander a bit confused, but he welcomes it with a chuckle when Robbe snuggles close to him, nuzzling into his neck and letting out a content sigh.
“I love you so much,” he murmurs sweetly against his skin, breaking and healing Sander’s heart all at once. 
“I love you too, cutie. In elk universum.” 
A giggle erupts from Robbe at the universe line. “It’s been a while since you said that.”
Sander presses a kiss to his temple. “I think I'm feeling a bit nostalgic too.” 
The beach is slowly starting to fill out with people and bursting their little bubble so they get up reluctantly to the sounds of their grumbling stomachs that demand late breakfast. They notice their friends in the distance, spreading a huge blanket on the sand and carrying armfulls of food, and they walk over to them slowly, smiling goofily at each other and swaying their joined hands, paying no mind to people around. 
“Hey, Sander?” Robbe says suddenly.
“You’re gonna be dating a college boy now,” Robbe announces, and he sounds so proud and so adorable that Sander has to tease him a little.
He sighs, putting an extra edge of sorrow into it. “I think you’re getting too old for me, Robin.” A choked-off sound of pain follows, Robbe’s mellowy state not stopping him from jabbing his elbow in Sander’s ribs when he’s being a cheeky little shit. He should’ve known better by now - Robbe’s elbows are merciless. 
They arrive at the spot shoving each other playfully until Zoe yells at them to behave and sit their butts down like good boys to eat their food. They dig in without needing to be asked twice, their previous bickering forgotten as Robbe feeds him sandwiches, pretending they’re airplanes and making Sander and everyone around laugh hard.
This, today, yesterday, is a new memory. One that wipes away the angst he used to associate sea and beach with after enviously watching Robbe in the arms of someone else. 
This time, Robbe’s smiles are directed at him, his eyes are constantly seeking out him, hand slides surreptitiously into his hand, and Sander’s heart is bursting with happiness.
They’re going on a roadtrip this summer, just him and his favorite skater boy, and Sander cannot fucking wait. Just like he can’t wait for their future together.
And if there’s a ring sitting in his bottom drawer nobody needs to know for now. 
Robbe will find out in 55 days.
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ozarkthedog · 4 years
A Teal Crushed Velvet Ride
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Summary: You love Chris’s Teal Velvet Pants. He notices and decides to indulge you.
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Kissing, Dirty Talk, Size Kink, Thigh Riding, Female Orgasm, Squirting, Male Orgasm and those glorious Velvet pants.
Word Count: 3,022
Author Notes: Inspired by the gif set that @chrisheavans​ made (forever ty!) and wanting to ride Chris Evans thighs. 
This fic took on a life of its own. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE.
I hope everyone enjoys it!
No Beta, only me. Find me on AO3.
Tagging blogs who were interested in this prompt at the bottom.
Reblogs and Likes are amazing! Feedback and comments are encouraged!
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“Sweetie, are you sure you don’t want to come today?” Chris asked you while getting ready for the Avengers Press Conference. “You know everyone would be happy to see you. He says smiling at you from his closest. 
 You’re reclining on his bed in his Hollywood Home, watching as he combs through his closet for the day ahead.
“To be honest, I’m not feeling up to it. I’m feeling like a homebody.” You sigh out running a hand through your messy bed hair. Dressed in only a tank top and lace booty shorts, you’ve yet to shower. All you wanted to do was lounge in bed with Chris all day, if only he didn’t have that Conference. 
 “Ok, not to worry. I’ll miss you, but I understand. I’d rather spend the day with you looking like that.” He winks as he buttons up his dark blue cardigan. You chuckle and get up on your hands and knees reaching out to him. He comes to the side of the bed, clasping your hands together with his. He leans down for a kiss. 
You both sigh in contentment as your lips meet. You’ve always loved kissing Chris. His lips were so plump and soft. So naturally red you couldn’t help yourself but sneak quick kisses whenever you were in the same room together. 
Chris nips at your bottom lip as you open your mouth a bit wider for him. His tongue slides over your bottom lip, gaining access you swipe across your own tongue. 
 You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and grasp the soft material of the cardigan. Chris hums softly and reaches down with both hands to grab at your panty clad bum.
He squeezes your supple glutes and pulls your pelvis so it grinds on his own. You feel a slight hardness against your lace covered mound. You smile into the kiss, knowing you are going to be on his mind all day.
 “Mmm, Sweetie, no we’ve got to stop,” Chris pulls away from you reluctantly. You allow his shoulders to leave your grip as you notice a slightly bigger bulge trying to break free from
his black boxer briefs.
 “That’s ok, Babe. I can take care of myself later” you say cheekily, while falling back onto the crisp bed sheets.
 Chris narrows his eyes at you. Leaning over your smaller frame, he grasps your chin sternly, “Don’t you even think about it. If I have to go the whole day without touching myself, you have to do the same.” You sigh disappointedly, but agree, “Ugh, I guess that’s fair.”
He smiles down at you, “Good. It’ll be more fun when I get home later.”
 He straightens up, goes back into his closet while you get lost in thought looking out the big windows. Letting the sunshine lull you into a hazy state, you are startled when Chris finally speaks up after a while, “How do I look?” He comes out of the adjoined bathroom wearing a black t-shirt underneath a black cardigan, and Teal Crushed Velvet pants.
Your eyes widen as you take in his outfit. You feel your heart starting to race with all the impure thoughts running through your head.
Before you can even stop yourself you breath out a low “Fuck me”.
 His eyes perk up, smiling that beautiful smile, “I look that good, huh?”
 “Chris, those pants, let me feel!” You are back up on all fours crawling towards him in haste. The Velvet looks so soft, and it’s being stretched out so nicely over those strong thighs. You can’t help but run your hands over his thick quads and up over his crotch.
 “Hey now! No, no, no.” He backs away quickly before you get to far with those greedy hands. Chuckling he watches as your face go from pure lust to disappointment in the blink of an eye.
 “But I just like the way the material feels! Especially over your thighs and other places…” you whisper softly. Your hand travels without thought down to your pussy mound, lightly rubbing.
 “These pants are doing something to you, Sweetie. You like them.” He says with a hint of mischievous in his eyes. His mind was racing and all you could do was sit there while he pondered his actions. “Get that hand off of that sweet pussy if you know what’s good for you.”
 As if he came to a realization, he clears his throat and walks back into the bathroom. He comes back hurriedly, reaches for your chin and gives a tender but quick kiss. He tears his face away from you and looks at you pointedly, “No touching yourself until I come home.” You open your mouth to disagree but you’re met with demanding blue eyes and a slight shake to your chin.
 “No. Just agree. We will have fun later. Don’t you worry, Sweetie.”
Giving in to him, you nod your head in his grip and lower your eyes.
 “That’s my girl. I love you.” He leans in for another quick peck on your lips, then runs across the bedroom to leave. “I love you too. Tell everyone I say hi,” you call out after him.
 You proceed to then flop back onto the bed. This was going to be a long day.
  Several Hours Later….
  You hear the mudroom door close from your place in the kitchen. Washing a few dishes. You made yourself a small meal since Chris wasn’t expected to be home until after dinner.
 “Hey Babe” you call out to him. No reply.
 Your eyes brighten as you see him walk through the den to the kitchen. Shucking his coat off, he looks tired but determined.
 Chris’s brooding eyes meet yours. You grab ahold of the cold counter top as you feel your knees weaken and almost give out. He walks with purpose straight towards you.
 He crowds you into the side of the island. Hard marble digging into your waist as he towers over you. You feel the desire radiating off of him, making you want to throw yourself at his feet and let him take what he wants from you.
His stare is sharp, you feel his hot breath over your face. Strong arms cage you in, no chance for escape.
 You timidly bring your hands up to his beard and stroke it softly. He leans his face into your palms and let’s his eyes close. He relaxes for a beat, letting the long day wash away. Body sagging against your smaller frame.
 “Chris… I-” His eyes open suddenly. His once relaxed frame has now become aware again. Ready for action.
 He puts a finger to your lips, hushing you. Your body tenses as you feel his hands travel up your spine. Landing at the base of you neck. He leans down to kiss at side of your neck, making you purr.
 Your fingers dig into his cardigan. Relishing in the hard physique that lays beneath.
 Feeling his low voice vibrate his chest before you heard it, “Do you realize the position you put me in today? Getting me all worked up before I left for the day.” He voice is his firm, as he makes you squirm in his grip.
 “I’m sorr-” you try to apologize, feeling shy while he angles your head to look up into his steely gaze.
 His grip tightens a bit more at your neck. “No. The only words I want to hear from those sweet lips are “Please” and “Thank you” from this point on. Do you understand?”
 Your body reacts accordingly as you feel your panties start to get damp. The hair on your arms stands as a chill run through you at his assertiveness. This isn’t new. You’ve been down this road with him before. After a long day at work, Chris usually wants to play when he comes home. Not as in DOM/SUB, just him wanting to reign control for a little while.
 You hold his gaze and nod your head. He smirks down at you and leans in for a light kiss. His hand travels under your jaw keeping your head where he wants it. He deepens the kiss with haste. You moan into his mouth and he reciprocates with a much lower groan that makes you squeeze your thighs together.
 His gaze travels to the junction between your thighs, letting his right hand slide from behind your neck to your left arm suddenly dragging you behind him.
 He leads you into the bedroom, letting you go as he takes off his cardigan leaving him in his black t-shirt, those teal velvet pants and his boots.
 “Take your clothes off, my Love.” He says while sitting down in the winged back chair placed by the balcony doors.
 You watch as he gets himself comfortable, settling with his hands on his knees and just waits for you to comply. He raises an eyebrow at you, and you shed your clothes as quick as you can. He leaves you standing there, naked and exposed, while he contemplates what he’s going to say. You shift from side to side feeling bashful.
 “Since you were so enamored with my pants earlier today, I think you should give them a try.” He says, reaching out to you with both hands. He smiles so as to ease your woes of standing there exposed.
 You stand there for a few moments trying to process what he said. He can tell you are sort of puzzled so he explains further.
 “Come here, Sweetie. Stand in front of me.” Again, reaching out to you but with motioning hands to come closer.
 You will yourself to move and walk until your legs are touching his wide spread ones.
 He leans forward in the chair and places his big hands on your hips, “Now, I want you to get up on my thigh and grind on me until you make a mess all over yourself and these pants.” He looks so self-assured while he says the naughtiest things to you. No hint of wavering. No room for doubt. He wants to you get yourself off on his pants. The ones you were bewildered by hours ago.
 Your breath catches in your chest as he guides you up onto his right thigh. He keeps both hands on your hips to steady you until you grasp at his shoulders, holding on for dear life. Your slick pussy sits so perfectly onto the thick muscle you can’t help but let out a little moan. The teal colored crushed velvet rubs against your pussy lips with ease. It feels so smooth against your aching pussy.  
 “It amused me to see your fascination with my pants, so I thought I’d indulge you.” He says with kind eyes that makes your body heat up. As if he could read your worrisome thoughts about the piece of clothing, “And don’t worry about ruining them. I will buy another pair.” He says as he leans back into the chair, still holding on your small hips.
 He has always enjoyed being so much bigger than you. It was so easy for him to move you into any position he wants and you let me. You will always let him do whatever he pleases.
 He nods at you to begin. Still feeling shy, your hands grip his shoulders so tight, but you shift your hips a bit and the pressure of his thigh sends tiny jolts through your cunt up into your body.
 Chris hums in approval, as you gather up courage and move your hips in a longer glide against the supple fibers. You feel your slick seeping out of you at an increased rate while you find yourself grinding a little bit harder.
 “There you go. That’s it. I want that cunt to feel good.” He groans out as he sees the thick spot of wetness already soaking his pant leg.
 “Please…” you moan out. Increasing your speed, you close your eyes and just feel the solid muscle under your aching pussy. Your clit rubs down on the slick material making you see stars. You faulter momentarily, your steady grinding missing a beat, grinding always makes you cum so easily.
Chris grabs your hips more forcefully and moves your cunt along his thigh in a solid motion, “Keep going, Sweetheart. Grind down onto me. Harder.” He grits out between his teeth.
 You cry out at the pressure on your swollen clit, it was getting to be to much. You open your eyes and stare up into his bright blue eyes. You want to ask to come, but you can’t say anything other than please, so that’s what you do. You chant “please” over and over again. Hips moving on their own, chasing the pleasure, wanting to reach that highest peak.
 “Let go, Love. Let me watch you cum.” He says with a stern affection.
 You gasp sharply as you feel your clit rub the last few times over his thigh and tumble over that peak. Your body stills as you feel your cunt convulse around nothing. Warm slick oozes out from your over worked pussy.
 Chris moans with you, he loves watching your facial features tense up and then relax into pure bliss. He is rock hard, just wanting to bury himself in your tight cunt, but he holds himself back. Tonight, was about indulging you.
 You slowly start to come around as he brushes your hair off your sweaty forehead. He chuckles at your hazy eyes and brings you down for a searing kiss.
 “That was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.” He whispers into you mouth. He starts kissing your jaw and neck line while you catch your breath.
 You moan out approval and in your sweetest voice say, “Thank you”. You feel him smile against your skin and he brings his lips back to you ear, “I think one more will do.”
 Your body freezes up. Chris can’t be serious. You stare back at him with wide eyes. You try to shake your head but Chris grasps at the back of your neck, making you whimper softly.
 He wants you to cum again, so you will.
 In an adamant, gruff tone he says, “Be a Good Girl and grind that swollen cunt on me. I want to be drenched in you.”
 Choking back a moan, you go to move your hips but he adjusts you so that your cunt is now grinding down on his velvet covered cock. You squeal out at feeling the extreme hardness on your sensitive pussy.
 “Will that help get you off again? Knowing how fucking hard I am watching you take yourself apart.” His jaw is tight and his eyes are full blown with lust.
 Your clit glides over his bulging crotch with purpose. Feeling how hard he is, watching you get off ignites a new spark in you. You lift your hips up higher to bring them down with a solid pressure against his cock.
 Both of you let out broken moans. Eyes catching, you feel the lust pass between your vibrating bodies. He finally plays with your tits for a little bit. Lightly spanking and twisting the perk buds between his skilled fingers. He tries to distract himself by fondling your breasts, but your sweet, wet cunt keeps drawing him back to you.
 He drops his left hand to your right hip and grabs it with a bruising squeeze. You yell at the roughness, but continue on as the pain turns to pleasure. His hardness feels so good against your cunt. Chris closes his eyes for a few beats as his hips thrust up unexpectedly. Sending even more jolts of pleasure through your body. He can’t help but thrust against your soaked cunt. The slick is seeping through his pants and boxer briefs, he can’t get over how wet you are.
 Chris brings his right hand up to cup around your jaw, then slides down to your neck. Just resting there, waiting. “Come on pretty girl. Cum all over me. Soak me.” He pants the words out.
 Chris sees that you’re close, so he adjusts his grip and applies pressure to your carotid artery. Not choking you, just wanting to make you weak and compliant.
Your mouth opens with a silent moan. The pressure he applies starts to make you feel light-headed. Your mouth forms an “O” shape as your faces tenses up again.
You let out a desperate moan and grind down ever harder onto his soaked pants.
 He thrusts up once, twice and then you hear him grunt out his own release. Your body tightens up as your eyes roll back and crash with own peak of pleasure. He keeps your hips moving with his as your slick gets even wetter with the gush of your orgasm.
 He growls out feeling you drench his pants, and lower abs ruining his t-shirt with your squirt.
His pants and your legs are covered with your cum. The material is soaked through from his own orgasm under his boxer briefs.
 You collapse down on top of Chris, spent. He finally opens his eyes and stares down at your exhausted body, quietly twitching every now and then. You sigh contentedly through your nose letting your heartbeat come to a normal rhythm.
 You glance up at Chris with sleepy, glazed over eyes. His Blue eyes crinkle on the sides as he smiles down at you. “So, was that everything you’d hoped it would be?” he questions you.
 Huffing out a satisfied laugh you raise your head up, “Um, yes, considering I didn’t know I had a Crushed Velvet Pants kink. I’d say that went over very well.”
 He lifts you up with so much ease that it startles you awake from the orgasm haze you were so comfortable in. “Oh! Chris! Warn a girl next time.” You jokingly say as he walks across the carpeted bedroom to the master bath to start a bath for the both of you. “Sorry, Sweetie, you know I like to keep you on your toes” he smirks and nudges your nose with his.
                                                         The End.
   @evansweaters​ @hurricanerin​ 
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jortsaaaaaaart · 3 years
Three Hearts- Tendou x Reader x Ushijima
Soulmate AU- updates will be posted to https://archiveofourown.org/works/32830702/chapters/81464533
You remembered Sendai as being cold, so, so cold. The summers were short but they were also filled with many days spent exploring. You were part of a binational family. Your mother was from the United States, your father from Japan. Most of your early childhood was spent bouncing between the two countries before, finally, it was decided that the schools in Japan were much (much) better. It wasn’t too much of a culture shock. But the freedom Sendai offered was intoxicating. In Japanese culture it was perfectly acceptable to send your child out on errands, or let them visit the local park, on their own.
It was on one of these after school excursions that you ran into your future best friend. 
A humid June evening had you trailing along the bank of the local river. Cicadas and the current drowned out almost all other noise. You were debating turning back or taking a wade in the water when you saw a shock of red. There was another kid sitting by the river. One with a pretty vibrant bowl cut. However, when you got closer you realised his hair wasn't the only thing that was red.
"Uh, hey." You murmured, feeling more than a little awkward. "Are you okay?" He almost jumped out of his skin. Wide red eyes snapped towards you before hiding away.
The redhead hastily wiped at his eyes. "Y-Yeah."
"That didn't sound all that convincing." With a sigh you plopped down next to him, watching as he curled in on himself. You'd never been one to mind your own business, not even as a child. Seeing someone crying by themselves was an instant invitation for you to barge in and try to help.
"I'm fine."
"You're crying."
"No I'm not!"
"Hmm. . ." You leaned back, looking over the river. "So what's your name then? If you don't tell me I'll just have to call you cry baby."
“. . . It’s Tendou Satori.” He muttered. Tendou was eyeing you warily, like a stray dog afraid to take a treat from a stranger.
"I'm (L/N) (F/N). If you want me to leave I can, but you just looked so sad sitting here alone." You gave him the warmest smile you could before returning your attention to the water. Satori's red eyes stayed locked on you but he didn't ask you to leave. A few moments passed in silent solidarity before he spoke up.
"I'm usually alone."
"I know how you feel." You sighed.
"You do?"
"Well, yeah. I moved around so much before grade school that I don't know anyone here." You paused. "But, hey, now I know you, right?" Your smile made Tendou forget all about the tears. His cheeks flushed pink under the setting sun.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Asked Satori, who desperately wanted to believe you were being genuine. But years of abuse had a hold on his heart.
You blinked. "Why wouldn't I be nice?"
". . . 'Cause I. . . Everyone says I'm a-"
"Ah! Look guys, it's the monster!" A group of children walked up behind the two of you. They were pointing at Satori with mocking grins. "You shouldn't get so close to him, he'll gobble you up!"
"Monster?" You glanced over at him but he was purposefully avoiding your eyes. If possible he would've liked to completely melt into the grass. Away from everything and everybody. But you weren't sinking into the ground, you were rising up. The bullies took a step back as you stomped up the embankment. "What gives you the right to call him that, huh?"
"W-What?" The ringleader stammered. "You've seen him, he's a freak! He shouldn't be allowed near us normal huma-"
He fell to the ground, clutching his cheek. Everyone's eyes were wide and glued to you. 
"Y- You just punched me!?"
"And I'll do it again!" You stared down the boy while his friends helped him to his feet. Before you could say anything else, or fight a 1 v 4, someone grabbed your hand. Tendou dragged you away while you stuck your tongue out at the still stunned bullies. 
Neither of you would ever forget that day. It was the start of a lifelong friendship, and eventually, something more.
On your first year of middle school you officially learned what soulmates were. It was assumed most parents would give you the talk before then, but the school board wanted youths to be prepared. 
"They taught us about soulmates today in class." You were both lounging around in his room reading the newest Shonen Jump. You sat next to him on the bed, trying to keep up with his reading speed.
"Yeah?" You hummed.
"When you turn 18 your soulmate's name appears on your wrist. . . But, if you're older than them you have to wait for their birthday so the marks can appear at the same time. . . And then some people don't even get a soulmate." He wasn't paying attention to the manga anymore. His eyes were fixed to the floor while his brain waged war against itself. Tendou had been sure you were his soulmate since that first night. The butterflies in his stomach still hadn't gone away and every time he looked at you he felt like a pile of mush. 
But, still, the 'I think you're my soulmate.' died on his tongue replaced with something much more depreciating. "I'm probably one of those people. Monsters don't get soulmates after all." His grin was shaky at best and you saw right through it.
"Don't call yourself that." You chided. "And of course you have a soulmate, Tori. Someone out there doesn't know how lucky they are. Soulmates with the best volleyball ball player ever. And the greatest friend ever, too." 
You flopped down, holding your wrist in front of you. "I don't know if I'm excited or nervous."
"Well, it's a good thing, isn't it? Having a soulmate? You'll have someone who belongs with you and will love you no matter what." You pouted at him and he smiled, continuing with his speech. "I can't wait till we turn eighteen. And I know you can't wait either. Even if you're being a baby now."
Tendou had your eighteenth birthday planned out for years. Step one, he'd take you to the river where you met. Step two, shower you with presents and affection. And step three, wait for your soulmate's name, his name, to appear. Step four (profit), live happily ever after. However, like many things in life, it didn't go quite as planned.
On March 21st, right after the end of your final year of junior high, your mother died. It wasn't a shock, she had been sick for months, but the pain was still unbearable. Your mother's side of the family wanted to bury her in the family plot. An old tradition from an old, rural, part of America. Your father gladly handed the responsibility off to them. 
Tendou remembered begging his parents to let him see you off at the airport. He remembered how red and puffy your eyes were, the sad smile on your face when you promised him you'd be back soon. 
But you weren't. 
Your father was in no shape to take care of you. Burying himself in his work to try and forget his loss. February came around and you had your 16th birthday in America. The first year of highschool had started without you. Tendou sent you pictures from Shiratorizawa every day, making you promise to try and get back as soon as possible.
Another February came and went. Your father was getting better and you were slowly but surely convincing him Japan was the right place for you to be. Tendou texted you every day, talking to you about his volleyball matches, his friend Ushijima, how much he missed you. 
It was your third year of highschool and finally, finally, you were heading home. You told Tendou the news as soon as you knew. He seemed even more excited than you. You knew why, even if you didn't say it. Tendou had always been the one you thought of when you imagined your soulmate. But. . . There was something else you couldn't quite put your finger on. The whole thing made you nervous, so you kept your feelings to yourself. 
Tendou stayed up all night on your birthday, hoping, praying. His eyes never left his wrist for a second and finally at 2:45 a.m. , something happened. Your name, in your sloppy, too quick, handwriting, appeared. The relief of ten years of wondering washed over him. He laughed, breathless and giddy. He immediately messaged you, sending you a picture of his wrist before a barrage of messages, most of them legible.
A minute passed by, then ten, then twenty. . .
You had to see it too, right? So why hadn't you said anything? You hadn't called, texted, or, hell, even emailed him. Tendou started to feel his heart sink with each passing moment. 
What if you were disappointed?
Tendou's breath caught in his throat and he could feel his face burn. His phone clattered to the ground as he sank down into his bed. He tried to calm himself down, he didn't know what time it was where you were. Maybe you were out celebrating your birthday or sleeping? He just needed to sleep it off and give you time to respond.
Chest tight, Tendou waited. He waited till hours turned to days and suddenly it was March and his heart was broken. He wasn't sure what was going on at this point. You two had almost never gone a day without talking. But you hadn't read any of his texts or snaps. Eventually he stopped messaging you all together.
But he hadn't given up. He knew you were flying back to Japan soon and he was determined to ask you what the hell was going on.
By mid March you had moved back into your old home. Your father had graciously gotten a moving company for you and your meager belongings. Somehow he failed to show up himself though. You didn't blame him though, he was busy and you haven't been the best company recently. Before leaving America your grandma had begun calling you the walking dead. You were barely sleeping, your eyes were puffy with designer bags hanging heavily underneath. She understood why you were feeling so down and she was empathetic, but the rest of your small town wasn't.
You thought about the timing of it all as you began to unpack. The first box, full of books and notes, was barely empty before the doorbell rang.
Tendou was standing on your doorstep. Your soulmate was standing before you, and your first thought was to shrink back and pretend you weren't home.
He rang the bell again. "(Y/N)! I know you're home! I just. . . I just want to talk okay? . . . Please?"
Tendou stepped back as the door swung open. You were holding your wrist close to your chest, looking anywhere but at him. He could see how red your eyes were, though, and thought they matched his completely.
"Why?" He muttered. One pitiful idiot to another. "Was it so fucking awful? Having my name on your wrist?"
"It wasn't. . ." You started. "Tendou, it wasn't just your name." 
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keichanz · 3 years
Neighbors | ch. 4
i know i said i'd use the tag list for only my major stories, but it's honestly too much a pain in the ass to keep up with so...sorry. no tag lists anymore.
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When her bladder woke her up a little after six am, Kagome wasn’t really surprised to find herself in her bed. She blinked slowly and with half of her face smashed into the pillow, her vision was slightly obscured as she sought to clear it. Her room was still dark, a testament to the early hour, and it was also strangely cold.
She blinked again as her mind slowly came back online, the last vestiges of sleep gradually fading away to reveal what had woken her up in the first place. Kagome grunted, yawned, and reluctantly pushed herself upright when her stupid bladder very rudely reminded her of its current state. Grumbling, Kagome reluctantly tossed the covers off her – why was it so damn cold in here? – and carefully swung her legs over the edge of the bed before blindly groping for the crutches propped against the nightstand.
Shaking her head to clear the rest of the cobwebs, Kagome heaved herself up and groggily hobbled her way out of her room and toward the bathroom. She really shouldn’t have drunk all that soda last night…
Bladder relieved and her hand now throbbing slightly from the weight she’d put on it from using the stupid crutches, Kagome sat on the closed toilet lid and stared longing out into the dark hallway. She was more or less awake now, and with how damned cold it was, she doubted she’d be able to get back to sleep no matter how much she wanted to. And since the chill wasn’t confined to just her bedroom, Kagome suspected her furnace had quit sometime in the middle of the night. She made a mental note to look at it later.
For now, though… Kagome eyed the shower and decided the thought of hot water was entirely too appealing to deny. She couldn’t stand and she’d have t be careful not to get her stitches wet, but she’d make do. Nodding to herself, Kagome hopped the scant distance over to the tub and turned on the water to warm up while she undressed.
She was careful as she unwrapped the bandage around her ankle, wincing slightly as the tension was released. It was still bruised and slightly swollen and Kagome sucked her teeth as she made a face. Her mother had always said she’d had dainty ankles and Souta’s teasing about how easily she bruised suddenly had a lot more merit.
Rolling her eyes, Kagome sighed and went about cleaning herself of two days’ worth of sweat and general grossness. She essentially gave herself a sponge bath while sitting on the lip of the tub, being extra caution to not get her injured hand wet. The most difficult part was washing her hair using only one hand, and with the aid of the detachable shower head, she succeeded in that feat for the most part.
She was feeling much better and much cleaner by the time she was finished. She wrapped her hair up in a towel and then her body before hobbling back into her bedroom to dress into some comfy lounge clothes, instantly shivering when her wet skin met the cold air of her apartment. Hastily she found one of her oversized but warm sweaters and some sweatpants, not even bothering to put on underwear or a bra since she wasn’t going anywhere that day.
Deciding to let her hair air dry, Kagome crutched her way into the living room to confront the furnace, or radiator heater or whatever it was called that was situated in the far corner. It was one of those old cast iron ones and the paint was peeling. Kagome wrinkled her nose as she studied it, shrugged, and gave it a good kick with her good foot. She honestly hadn’t expected that to do anything, so imagine her surprise when she heard a low grinding noise and then the familiar sound of the heat kicking on.
Immensely pleased with herself, Kagome happily gimped to the kitchen to make herself a congratulatory cup of coffee. With her first cup of coffee brewing a short few minutes later, Kagome was just about to bite into a yummy cream cheese bagel when there was a series of knocks on her door. She frowned and leaned backward to stare out the kitchen doorway toward the apartment door as if that would allow her to magically see through walls to see who was on the other side.
The knocks came again, a little more insistent this time. With a huff Kagome stuffed her bagel into her mouth and crutched her way to her apartment, heedless of her breakfast hanging from her mouth, her unbrushed wet hair, and her less than flattering attire for the day. It was like 6:30 in the freakin’ morning, who the hell could possibly—
Swinging the door open after unlocking it, Kagome’s irritated glare swiftly disappeared to be replaced by an expression of soft confusion. “Imnu—”
Remembering her breakfast still in her mouth, Kagome reached up to remove it and swallowed her bite before trying again. “Inuyasha? What are you doing here?”
Hands in his leather jacket pockets, backward ballcap sitting on his head, and silver hair hanging down his back in a thick braid, said half-demon took in the sight before him with amused amber eyes. Apparently, she hadn’t bothered to brush her wet hair after her shower and that large sweatshirt positively dwarfed her small frame. The corner of his lips twitched at how adorable she looked and out of fucking nowhere he wondered what she would look like in one of his shirts.
Just as quickly he banished the thought and flashed his gaze back to hers. Jesus Christ— “Heard you walking around,” he supplied. “Thought I’d see how you’re doing before I left for work.”
Kagome blinked and then her expression cleared, delight swiftly replacing confusion. She smiled and his stomach did that stupid swooping thing again. He was strangely getting used to it.
“Oh,” she said and a pleased blush colored her cheeks a soft pink. “Well, I…um, that’s…that’s so sweet of you.”
Good lord, where was her brain this morning?
Flush darkening, Kagome cleared her throat and stepped to the side. “Would you, ah, like to come in for a bit? I have coffee brewing.”
Though he wanted to – like, really wanted to – Inuyasha knew he shouldn’t. The look on his face must have conveyed his indecision because Kagome’s smile turned a little sly.
“I have to-go cups…” Her voice was edged with an engaging lilt, selfishly wanting him to stay a little longer.
Beneath his hat, an ear flicked and that time he couldn’t stop the grin from curving his lips upward. “You do, huh.”
Sensing her victory, Kagome giggled and put her bagel back into her mouth before turning around to hobble back into the kitchen. She heard the door close and heavy footsteps following after her. With her back toward him, she allowed the pleased smile to blossom across her face as those damned butterflies took flight in her belly again.
“Why’s it so damn cold in here?” he asked, more to himself than her, but Kagome answered anyway.
“Radiator stopped working sometime in the middle of the night. I gave it a good kick, though, and it seemed to fix the problem so it should be warming up here pretty soon.”
She heard a grunt so she assumed he accepted that answer. Kagome dropped her half-eaten breakfast onto a paper towel, abandoned the crutches against the counter, and hopped on her good foot across the kitchen toward the as yet unpacked boxes stacked next to the fridge. If she recalled correctly, the to-go cups were on the top one, ready to be put away to have available for work meetings when she didn’t have time to stop at Starbies. As suspected, they were right there on top so they wouldn’t get crushed or bent.
Turning around with a grin of triumph, Kagome held the cups aloft, but then promptly faltered at the disapproving look her half-demon neighbor was giving her. “What?” she asked innocently. “I’m staying off it and I can’t carry anything using those stupid things. And they hurt my hand, anyway. Quit glaring at me.”
Inuyasha scowled but didn’t comment because she was staying off it, at least. And he had to admit, adding any kind of pressure onto her stitched hand probably wasn’t pleasant as she’d said, either. Didn’t mean he had to like it, though, and his low scoff said as much.
Rolling her eyes, Kagome decided to ignore his surliness and hopped back to her coffee maker to brew up another cup for her attractive but paranoid neighbor. Jeez, it wasn’t like this was her first time living alone or something. She was perfectly capable taking care of herself, even if that meant finding handy little shortcuts to make things easier.
I’m not an invalid, Kagome mentally grumbled, brow knit into a peeved frown as she replaced the used k-cup with a fresh one. Sure, I’m a little clumsy, but that doesn’t give him the right to—
“Where’s your bandage?” Inuyasha asked, interrupting her thoughts.
Kagome glanced at him then down to her bare ankle. “Bathroom. I took it off before my shower and haven’t put it back on yet. I figured I would—”
Inuyasha grunted and stalked off before she could finish, presumably to retrieve said ace bandage. Kagome frowned after him. Did her hopping around really bother him that much? Sure, it wasn’t the most effective way of getting around, but it was quicker than the damned crutches that hurt her pits and hand and she was only going from one side of the kitchen to the other…
He stormed back in seconds later and headed straight for her. Kagome had just capped his coffee with a plastic lid when he snagged her around the waist without any warning and easily lifted her onto the counter.
“Lift,” he ordered while gesturing to her foot.
Kagome pursed her lips and glared at him, put off by his attitude. “I can do it myself.”
He shot her a warning look, brows dipping low over his eyes. “Just gimme your damn ankle, wench. I ain’t got all day.”
“No.” She crossed her arms and lifted her chin.
Inuyasha growled that time, a scowl twisting his features. “Stop being so stubborn and just let me—”
“I didn’t ask for your help, Inuyasha,” Kagome snapped, leveling a glare at him. Really, why was he being so—
He actually looked surprised at that, eyebrows shooting up into his bangs as he leaned back a little. He blinked at her, mouth parted, but then just as quickly the surprised vanished to be replaced with cold indifference. Kagome eyed him warily and bit down on her lip.
“Didn’t ask for my help?” he echoed, his voice light. “Fine. Here.” He shoved the rolled ace bandaged into her crossed arms and instinctively Kagome grabbed it. “Do it yourself then. I’ve got other shit to do other than waste my time helping somebody who obviously doesn’t even need it.”
Then with that, and before Kagome could say a word, Inuyasha spun around and stomped out of her kitchen, across the living room and to her apartment door. He slammed it closed and Kagome felt cold as the realization that she had just fucked up struck her like a fist to her stomach. She paled and muttering a quiet curse, Kagome hurriedly hopped down from the counter, hardly caring about the pain in her ankle as she limped as fast as she could to the door.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome called, yanking open the door and stepping onto the platform. “Inuyasha, wait! I’m sor—”
The front door slammed closed with a finality that made Kagome flinch. She was too late. Kagome slumped against the railing, cursing herself for her own stupidity, then cast one last longing look at the door before hobbling back inside her apartment. The coffee she’d made him sat on the counter, untouched, and looking at it pathetically made her want to cry so she grabbed her crutches, the bandage she’d dropped, and crutched into the living room.
Feeling sorry for herself, even though it was her own damn stubbornness that had her feeling so low, Kagome sank down onto the couch with a sigh. She stared despondently at the rolled-up bandage sitting on the coffee table. Now that she was alone with her thoughts, Kagome could admit she’d acted childishly. Inuyasha had only been trying to help and she’d pushed him away and for what? Because she’d wanted to prove a point? That she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself?
She wrinkled her nose and slumped back into the couch cushions. Sure, she could take care of herself, but everyone needed a little help now and then, right? She was beginning to understand now that her neighbor spoke through his actions, and not so much through words. His gruffness was a façade, she surmised, to hide his concern and she felt like a giant butthead now that it was clear he’d just been worried.
“Congratulations, dummy,” she muttered to herself, tipping her head back to glare up at the ceiling. “You just successfully managed to push away the only person you’ve met since you moved here, the only person you thought could be your friend or maybe even more, and all because you wanted to prove a stupid point. Well done.”
Silence was her only response to her self-deprecating monologue and it only made her feel worse. Pouting slightly, and refusing to give into the ridiculous urge to cry, Kagome sat up and went about wrapping her up ankle herself. It took her several attempts, many curses, and one count of hurling the bandage across the room in a fit of frustration – she’d sheepishly hopped across the room to retrieve it, glad no one else had witnessed her lapse in maturity – but she finally managed to keep it secured. It wasn’t as tight as she’d like, and it was crooked, but it was the best she could do so she resolved to let it be.
Needing something to distract herself from thinking about a certain handsome grease dog, Kagome settled herself amongst the boxes in the living room. She could at least unpack her DVDs and organize them on the empty rack. Lord knows she still had a crap ton of other unpacking to do, but with her bum ankle, her choices were limited. Hopefully she’d be able to at least get the majority done before she started work again next week.
Heaving a sigh, Kagome dragged the first box over to her and used a box cutter to cut through the tape. It was going to be a long day.
She’d only gotten about half-way through the medium sized box when her apartment door opened. Inuyasha found her sitting on the living room floor, surrounded by DVDs, and looking up at him with a look that he could only describe as a cross between surprised and cautiously hopeful. She gazed up at him, regret clear as day in those caramel depths, and Inuyasha’s chest constricted. She looked on the verge of tears and it tore at him.
Ears pinned beneath his hat, Inuyasha sighed and set the Starbucks Diabetus Cuppus on the bar counter before crossing over to her. Kagome bit her lip as he approached and offered a small, sheepish smile when he knelt before her. He tipped a small grin back and scooped her up into his arms. He brought her over to the couch, carefully set her down, and sat before her on the coffee table before gingerly bringing her ankle up to rest on his knee. Kagome remained silent and allowed him to rewrap her ankle, incredibly glad he’d come back when he had every reason not to. She’d acted like an ungrateful brat when he’d just wanted to help. Why would he?
Inuyasha had just secured the third clasp to keep it in place when Kagome broke the silence, her curiosity too great to ignore.
“Why did you come back?” she asked softly. “Don’t you have work?”
He sighed and kept his eyes on his handiwork as he replied. “Shop doesn’t open ‘til eight.” A glance at the analog clock above the TV told her it was a quarter past seven. “Just wanted to get there early to get some shit done before opening. And also…”
Inuyasha grimaced and finally lifted his gaze to hers, the amber gold of his eyes holding a wealth of guilt that took Kagome aback. “I heard you call out to me as I was leaving. But I was still mad, so I…didn’t stop.”
Setting her foot down with a gentleness that belied his tough exterior, Inuyasha stood and went to retrieve his gift of apology. “I didn’t even make it halfway down the street before the guilt slammed into me, so…”
Instead of finishing, he wordlessly held it out and Kagome noted it was the same sugar laden, caramel drizzled drink he’d gotten her yesterday. Feeling the familiar prickling sensation behind her eyes, Kagome gave him a trembling but genuine smile and happily took it off his hands.
“I’m sorry,” Inuyasha mumbled as he sat beside her on the couch, eyes trained on the water stained and scratched coffee table before them. “I shouldn’t have left. I shoulda—”
“Please, stop,” Kagome said and her hand settling on his arm stalled him more than her words did. He stared at her hand then lifted his gaze to her face, caramel depths locking with twin pools of honey.
“You don’t need to apologize, Inuyasha,” she began with a sigh. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I acted like an ungrateful child when you were only trying to help me. I guess I just…I…”
She struggled to find the words, to explain the best she can, but thankfully she didn’t have to. A clawed hand landed on her head and ruffled her hair, the cool strands sliding between his fingers like ebony silk. Kagome looked up at him through her bangs and found him grinning down at her.
“S’okay,” he rumbled, expression soft. “I get it. Next time I’ll ask before assuming.”
Kagome blushed and ducked her head but not before he saw the smile bloom across her face. “You don’t have to ask,” she mumbled and hid her red face behind her tasty diabetes in a cup.
Inuyasha grinned. “No? Well if you insist.”
Before Kagome could object, a clawed hand covered both of hers that were currently wrapped around her drink and moved it toward him so he could steal a long sip from the straw.
Kagome blinked. “Hey!” she protested, but she was smiling.
Pulling back, Inuyasha smacked his lips—and Kagome watched in abject amusement as his face screwed up from the overly sweet concoction, laughing at his exaggerated shudder of revulsion.
“Christ, how the hell can you drink that?” he groused, releasing his grip on her drink and her hands.
“It’s good,” Kagome defended, dark eyes glinting impishly as she took a sip of her own. “You just lack a taste for the finer things in life, Mr. Grease Dog.”
He snorted his opinion of that. “Obviously your taste has been completely destroyed if you can tolerate that sugary hell. I feel like I need to down a six pack just to maintain my manliness.”
She snorted as he got to his feet. “Where’s your phone?” he asked, scanning the room for the elusive device.
Kagome blinked and thought for a moment. “Bedroom,” she supplied. “I plugged it in yesterday to charge and forgot about it.”
Nodding, Inuyasha wandered off to presumably collect her phone and Kagome happily sipped away at her sugary hell. Sure, it was fattening and sweet and had way too many calories, but it was yummy and Kagome would never give up her Starbies addiction so long as her silver-haired neighbor kept supplying it. Kagome giggled, secretly hoping it wouldn’t be the last time he showed up with deliciousness in a cup.
Inuyasha returned, her cell phone in his hand, and he handed it over with a pointed look. Kagome smiled and nodded, wordlessly agreeing that she’d contact him if anything happened or she needed him for whatever reason. She liked that he gave her that option, that he cared enough to let her know he was always available. Her cheeks colored and she looked away, focusing her attention on her phone. She blinked in surprise; she had several unread text messages and a voicemail. She wondered if they were from yesterday while her phone had been charging, or before that when it had sat on her counter completely dead.
Satisfied, Inuyasha sighed and knelt down before her. Kagome turned her gaze to him and offered a sheepish smile, her cheeks colored a becoming shade of pink. He frowned and Kagome rolled her eyes, giving a soft chuckle as she playfully shoved his shoulder.
“I’ll be fine,” she assured. “I’m just gonna finish unpacking my movies and maybe start on my bookshelf if I feel like it. I promise to stay off my ankle and call you if anything happens. Okay?”
Inuyasha still didn’t look appeased but heaved a sigh, giving a single nod. “Take your meds,” he reminded and ruffled her hair again. Kagome pouted and stuck her tongue out at him. He grinned and pushed to his feet.
“Yes, Mom,” she said mockingly but the grin spreading across her face belied her snide tone.
“Insufferable prick.”
“Stubborn weakling.”
“Cocky, uh, limp-dick?”
“I don’t know!” Kagome dissolved into giggles as Inuyasha shook his head.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” He gave a final warning as he headed toward the door, then on an impulse detoured into the kitchen.
“Who? Me?” Kagome asked innocently.
Inuyasha remerged with a familiar to-go coffee cup in his hand. Kagome blinked in surprise and ducked her head to hide her pleased smile.
“I’ll be home around five,” he said by way of goodbye and opened the door. “We’ll change the bandage on your hand then.”
“Have a good day, Inuyasha,” Kagome called and just as he was about to close the door, she added, “And thank you.”
Inuyasha paused, looked directly into her eyes, and took a long sip of the now lukewarm coffee in his hand. Kagome’s smile widened. Satisfied, Inuyasha tipped her a smirk and finally closed the door behind him.
Feeling much better now than when he’d left the first time, Kagome sighed and directed her attention to her phone, idly sipping at her drink. However, upon discovering who the texts were from, she rolled her eyes and promptly deleted them all before going to do the same to the voicemail because she already knew who it was from. But before she thumbed the button to delete it forever, she hesitated, a small inkling of curiosity making her want to hear what the jerk had to say.
So, with a long-suffering sigh, Kagome rolled her eyes and gave in, putting it on speaking before pushing play.
“Hey,” he said, his voice rough like he’d just woken up or he’d gone through an entire pack of cigarettes which wouldn’t be surprising. “It’s me. I wanna talk. Stop shutting off your phone, I know you’re only doing it to piss me off”—Kagome scoffed because, yeah that’s exactly what happened—"and it’s fucking childish. If you don’t call me back, I’ll have no choice but to track you down so we can have a mature fucking conversation like adults and sort this out. And I will find you, Kagome.” A pause, and he exhaled roughly. “Don’t be stupid. Call me.”
He hung up and Kagome stared down at her phone, her fingers tightening on it until her knuckles turned white. It was an empty threat. He couldn’t find her. She knew he couldn’t find her, he knew he couldn’t find her, so there was no reason to worry.
So why, then, as Kagome deleted the voicemail off her phone, did she suddenly feel so cold when only moments before she’d felt so warm thanks to amber eyes and a fanged smirk?
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hazard-queen · 4 years
Valentine's special ( dorm leaders X reader)
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• It was something unfamiliar for him, the whole thing since it was a boys school before you suddenly appeared nowhere now he has to plan something for Valentine's day to make it special.
• He's the most shy person worldwide so the fact he stood in front of you preventing himself from turning into a geant tomato when he said...
• "Ummm would you like to...go out on a...a...a date with me today?"
• "Sure thing, why not?"
• You simply gave him a smile before you made your way out of the doorm!
• First of all he asked trey to make him a heart shaped red velvet cake!, he sat off himself collecting flowers for you, he was so embarrassed someone may see him like that but what he didn't know that everyone was watching him in silence
• "Awwwww isn't he cute?"
• Cater whispered as both ace and duce nodded crying from the cuteness!
• It was time and you wore your best dress ( the one you could get there) and came on time, riddle couldn't hide his blushing face anywhere when he handed you the bouquet, he was so adorable!
• He was wearing a neat suit, doing his hair to one side (yeah yeah like ciel ) he was just so adorable
• "Happy Valentine's day (y/n)"
• He looked away trying not to make any eye contact with you.
• "I also have something for you!"
• You gave him a heart shaped chocolate, you spent the whole day making it for him, happily he took it from you and he can't be more red than how he is now!
• " t thank you, i i love you.....I MEAN I LOVE THEM!"
• You couldn't help it but to giggle
• "It's ok, i love you too!"
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• "Ok i like you!!!!"
• You blinked several times unsure if what you just heard was right or your brain just snapped
• "Did you just say you..."
• He left you dumbfounded, shall you get ready or call police? But at the same time you were happy, are you finally gonna see the soft side of leona?
• He totally does not have any idea where or how he's supposed to get flowers and the necessary things for such an occasion...he never neen nice to anyone before so he paid ruggie for help!
• You got ready and waitd for leona at the gate of Savannahclaw dorm gate as he told you but you never expected what you saw next
• Leona appeared wearing a fancy suite letting his chest open to the air, his hair was done into a bun, you were speechless as you saw him.
• He handed you the bouquet but you still didn't move your gazes away from him.. is that the leona you know and see everyday?
• "(Y/n) Are we going to spend the whole day dumbfounded? I know i look handsome which is nothing new for me but let's go somewhere to hang out!"
• You came back to reality and took the bouquet from leona, you took a chocolate box from your bag giving it to leona
• " h happy Valentine's day leona!!!"
• You saw a smirk formed on the corner of his lips as he took it from you, he just love how blushing you got and your effort not to make an eye contact with him is just...what he actually likes!
• "Happy Valentine's day herbivore!"
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• Everything in the lounge is ready, tables, check, candles, check, also food is there and he's now waiting for you to come.
• You walked in wearing a red dress, making your hair a ponytail with light make up, azul got speechless as you walked by and took the chair by him.
• " y you look....breath taking"
• Taking your hand on his, he placed a kiss on the which made you giggle
• "Thank you azul, you look also so handsome!"
• Azul blushed by your compliment then he cleared his throat pointing to jade and azul who came and placed plates on the table and by plates i mean plates of your favourite food
• "Hey azul, can i have some of this plate? It looks delicious and I'm hungry!~"
• As floyd spoke jade poked his arm and dragged him away
• "Don't mind my brother, please enjoy!"
• " ehem...happy Valentine's day (y/n)!"
• He gave you a box full of roses with a red teddy bear on the centre of the box
• "Happy Valentine's day to you too,azul! I also got you something
• You handed him a dark chocolate heart shaped minnie brownies, he took them with a worried smile and a thank you whic you could read
• " hehe don't worry! It's a diet recipe with less calories"
• You both laughed at the same time and continued the romantic date listening to music playd in the lounge.
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• "Valen...what?"
• Wait, were you expecting him to know about that? It's not kalim at all...the guy has no clue for what you're saying you know....
• "Y yeah it's the day were people can appreciate their love to others....by giving gifts...roses and other many ways!"
• Your explanation was good and everything but he still didn not get the right idea and translated all what you said that he should go get you gifts!
• A minute passed and you felt like if there was an earthquake but it seems that kalim has got a full carriage of gifts to you....and they are all in gold!
• "Taddaaa! Is that good enough?"
• Kalim shouted on the top of an elephant that it was itself carrying something , you cub your hands over your mouth and shouted so he can hear you.
• "Yes i got you flowers, catch!"
• You smiled rising your arms expecting a bouquet but you found a flower shower that you sinked in!
• .......
• "Kalim!!!! Can we go on a trip on your carpet for a valentine date?"
• "Yes sure!!!"
• You took a flight on the carpet all over the place, it was calm and happy moment, you don't have to buy the one you love expensive things to make them happy, only a small act of care would be enough!
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• You were deep asleep when you suddenly felt some tickle on your nose, you moved to the other side feeling annoyed but again this soft tickle came back, squeezing your eyes shut slowly you saw a rose!
• "Good morning my lovely dove!"
• You didn't know if you have to feel happy because of the romantic way he wakes you up with or how messy your hair was or HOW ON EARTH VIL GOT IN YOUR ROOM!!!!!
• "U ummm good morning vil....how did you get in?"
• "Oh well it's a long story! I made you breakfast by the way!"
• Your mouth was wide open you you heard that, did he just say that he MADE you breakfast?
• He placed a tray on the bed that has different kinds of fruits and vegetables and sugar free drinks (no coffee?!)
• He was extra kind and nice as ever to you, he brought you a new dress, flowers, all required things to make you happy.
• "I i also brought you something....Happy Valentine's day, vil!"
• You gave him a box of new limited edition perfume that he wanted.
• "Awww my dear, thank you i really love it"
• Vil gave you a hug and took you to have a romantic date (i don't think vil would like to have a dinner) he just made your day from the beginning to the end of the day...
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• It was fine by you to think that idia probably would never get out if his room to take you out or anything, you just don't want to make him out of his comfort zone since he rarely get out of his room.
• You heard knocks on your door thay took you from your deep thought but as you went to open it no one was there except a note.
• ' please meet me today at 6, i will be waiting for you...idia'
• You smiled as you read the note, seems like the guy has changed after all!...did he actually do that? Nope! It was ortho!
• Idia freaked the second ortho told him what he did, it was like almost the end of the world to him
• "You will wear neat clothes and do your hair, take (y/n) out for Valentine date! You don't want to let her down do you?"
• Of course he would never love to! So idia dressed up in something formal, do his hair in a long pony tail and went to take you out.
• "Don't forget flowers!"
• Handing idia the bouquet, he took a deep breath before he got out of his room to your dorm
• He saw you waiting for him there in a cute outfit and a warm smile that melted his fears away
• "H h happy v Valentine's day (y/n)"
• With shaky hands and a blush idia gave you the bouquet
• "Happy Valentine's day idia!"
• You gave him a hear shaped box wrapped on blue wrap
• "I is that for me?...t thank you"
• He was a blush mess but he couldn't hide his smile when you gave him the box!
• You firstly spent the day with a romantic outing and a lovely walk but since you both are gamers this date ended up in the arcade and you both playing together kicking your enemies !
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• He heard about that before from lilia but he never thought he was ever going to take someone out or has to say something romantic to anyone since people were always afraid of him!
• He asked you out and you happily agreed, yeah he was abit nervous but he tried to keep calm when he saw you walk towards him
• "Y you look gorgeous (y/n)! Ah i i got you roses...hope you like them....happy Valentine's day!"
• You looked up to malleus and took roses from him smelling it with a smile
• " oh oh! I got you something too!"
• You handed him a box full of different kinds of chocolate
• "Happy Valentine's day malleus!!!"
• He smiled abit taking the box from you and started at it for abit
• "D didn't you like it?"
• " n no! It's not like that....the whole thing is new to me....i mean...nobody lov....."
• "That is in the past now! I'm here and i love you!"
• Giving him the best of your smile you took his arm in yours and took a walk in the forest
• It was some time before malleus was able to feel less stressed and got along with you, he would invite you to dinner and give you his jacket when you're cold! Malleus is a real nice person when you get to know him but most importantly that he loves you
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miss-dr-reid · 3 years
This is calm, and it's, Doctor #10
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Warning: mention of penis, but no touchy touchy of anything like that
My house keys were on the same keychain as my car keys. I told Spencer which one was for the front door, and he opened it, letting me in first. I walked in and started my 'getting home routine'.
"Hey google, I'm home." I said, smirking at Spencer.
All of the lights in my lounge room and kitchen came on and music started playing in the background. My house wasn't anything fancy, so I enjoyed little upgrades where I could get them. Spencer looked up from what he was doing, to see everything in action, his mouth slightly agape. He finished closing the door, ensuring that it was locked before finally coming inside to look around. I showed him around the basic parts of my house.
Firstly the kitchen, which was to the left of my front door,
"Feel free to get yourself a drink or anything you like while you're here." I told him, gesturing toward the fridge and cupboards, continuing my tour of the house. next was the living room, and then into the hallway where the bedrooms and bathroom reside. Once we had reached the bathroom, I realised that I was desperate for a shower.
"I'm gonna have a shower, and then we can put some aloe gel on our burns." I told him, walking into the bathroom with a towel in my hand. Spencer followed me in,
"You know, you really don't have to-"
"I told you, I would look after you That's also been the job assigned to me, so it's what I'm going to do." he interrupted.
"What are you gonna do, shower with me?!" I laughed.
"If I have to!" the comeback was unexpected, and suddenly, there were butterflies in my stomach at the thought of he and I being naked together - showering together.
I told him to sit on the toilet if he insisted on not leaving my side and he did. I hopped into the shower - still fully dressed- and closed over the curtain. I undressed, throwing y clothes over the top of the glass walls, hearing the soft 'flop' as they hit the ground. Turning on the shower, I realised that Spencer probably needed a shower, too.
"You haven't showered yet, either..." I called over to him, peaking through a gap I made in the curtain, and his head tilted up to look at me, "You're welcome to join me. At least you'll be right here if anything happens." my tone was more suggestive than I had intended, but I ran with it. Spencer stood up almost immediately,
"Would that be alright with you?" his question came out fast, and I nodded.
"Yes, Doctor, that's fine with me." I said, looking at him. His nose and cheeks were red, his hair frizzy from the excitement of the day, and his skin dry from the salt water.
I popped my head back into the shower, closing the curtain over once again, and he got undressed. once he was done, the shower curtain opened and he stepped in. I took the brief moment that he was looking at the ground, to look him up and down, my eyes growing wide when they landed on the place below his belly button. He had finally made it all the way in, and I stepped back, snapping my eyes away from his body and up to his face. He laid his head back into the stream of the shower, rinsing his head, droplets rolling down his face as he did so. His long fingers ran through his hair, ensuring all of it was wet, the veins in his forearms, protruding through his skin - from being dehydrated, I assumed.
He turned to face the stream one his hair was wet, and started rubbing his face and chest. I looked over his body once again, admiring the length of him. His back was long and toned. as my eyes traveled down his body, I noticed a scar just above his knee. Before I could return my eyes back up to his head to ask about the scar he turned around, and everything was on display. I suddenly stopped, my eyes growing wide again and my mind filling with thoughts that no one should have about a co-worker. I snapped my eyes back up to his head, my finger pointed out toward his leg.
"I got shot." he said, looking down at the scar continuing to explain about how he got shot, he suddenly stopped when he noticed all I was doing was nodding. "Are you okay?"
Honestly, I was just trying hard to get the thought out of my head, thoughts of him naked. even though, I didn't have to think about it, he was right there,
"Yeah, I..." I hesitated which only made him more concerned, "Look, you've got a really nice body." I said to him, trying to redirect my attention anywhere but there.
"That's not what's bothering you, please tell me what's wrong." he pressed, and I couldn't take it anymore.
"Spencer, your penis is quite big." I said as quick as I could while focusing my eyes on the shower wall.
"Oh... Well the average size of a penis in the US is approximately three point six one inches while flaccid, with an erection they are approximately five point one six inches. Mine is slightly bigger than aver-"
"Spencer, you don't have to say anything. I shouldn't have been looking in the first place." I interjected. Even though I loved to listen to him list of facts, this was one I didn't need to know. I got out of the shower not long after that, I had made things awkward by saying what I did. I got out and grabbed my towel off the rack. barely wrapping it around myself before heading to my bedroom.
I sat on the edge of my bed, my towel coming slightly unwrapped on my back. My head fell into my hands and I sighed.
"Why do I have to be so awkward?" I whispered to my self, "Idiot!"
"Y/N.." Spencer's voice called from the door and my head snapped up to see him standing there, towel around his waist, "you're not an idiot. If you don't want to do anything like that again, we don't have to. I accepted your offer, not only because I really needed a shower, but because I wanted to be close to you, too." his voice was soft and sincere.
I looked over his body, his hair had been pushed back out of the way, a few stray droplets falling down his face. As well as the few stray droplets falling down his body and being soaked up by the towel. My eyes made their way back up to his beautiful chocolate browns, they were staring at me, looking for some type of answer.
"Spencer... I want to be close to you, too. I don't want anything bad to happen, because I like you Spencer. I really like you." My voice cracked slightly at the thought of losing Spencer. It was silly to be feeling this way, we haven't even known each other that long.
He walked over to me and cupped my face in his hands - forcing me to look into his eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, I'll be right here whenever you need me." his words were soft, but firm. Tears brimmed my eyes and soon started rolling down my cheeks. I was pulled into a hug, and Spencer stood up, taking me with him, my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist. I buried my face in his neck as I started sobbing.
He held me there until my body had calmed, his arms were holding me so close against him. I pulled back, looking him in the eyes, keeping my hands on his shoulders. His eyes were tinged red, and tears were welling on his lower lash line.
"Don't cry for me Spencer, please..." I pleased softly, the sight breaking my heart. He tried to blink it away, but it fell down his cheek instead. I wiped it with my thumb, "Thank you for being here."
He didn't say anything else, only pulled me back into him. we were tangled together once again and I wanted to stay there forever.
Alas, it was not to be, He soon enough puled back once again, bringing once hand to the back of my head and guiding my head toward his own, only to kiss me on the forehead before putting me back onto my bed. My legs had managed to undo his towel, as it fell once I was detached from his body, my own towel following suit.
I grabbed my own towel, averting my gaze from his while he scrambled to catch his before it hit the ground. I let out a small laugh, which caused Spencer to laugh, too. It was good to see a smile on his face.
Spencer left to go get a new change of clothes and I pulled out a nightie from one of my drawers. This nightie is one of my favourites, the soft flowing material, lined with lace. It hugged in all the right places and flowed everywhere else. I slipped it on, throwing my towel on top of my drawers and headed for the kitchen.
I made my way to the fridge, bopping along with the music that was still playing in the background, and opened it. My eyes landed on the bright orange bottle of Sunkist, Ironic, I thought to myself as I grabbed it. I shut the fridge as Spencer was making his way into the kitchen, and I offered him a drink. I grabbed out two glasses, set them on the bench and poured, finally sliding his glass over the bench to him.
"So, what brings you here?" I asked him, trying to make any sort of conversation happen.
"I am here, looking after you - like I was told." he said, seeming genuinely confused on why I would ask that question.
"Spence, I - I was just trying to make small talk." I told him, and he admitted he was not very good at small talk. He didn't really understand the point, when there are so many other things to talk about. Fun new things to learn, he didn't understand why small talk was even a thing people did.
I was interested to learn new things, always up for a challenge to test my brain. Spencer was extremely happy to tell me fun facts, while he did repeat a few things I had heard before, I never stopped him, instead asking more in-depth questions about certain things that really intrigued me. He was so happy to be talking, after being cut off so often by everyone else, I would never have the heart to tell him to stop. But all good things must come to and end.
Soon, my back started hurting and the yawns escaping me, came at closer and closer intervals. I looked at the time displayed on my microwave 0124 it read.
"We should probably go to bed, Spence." while he was sighing contently a himself after finishing another fun fact. We had ended up on the lounge, opposite ends from each other, our legs tangled together. "Are you coming?" I said getting up from the lounge, looking down at him.
"I didn't think you'd want me to be in bed with you." he was taken aback at my proposal and there was no way he could hide the sight excitement in his eyes.
"Don't be silly, come on." I said, tapping his shoulder as I walked past him and down the hallway, gesturing for him to follow when he hesitated.
I made it to my room and climbed into bed, getting under the covers. I called out for google that it was bedtime, and the lights turned off and the music was replaced with Rain sounds. Spencer was climbing into bed as I was pulling up the covers. I laid my head on my pillow, laying on my side, facing him. He mirrored me, his head on the other pillow. I didn't want to close my eyes, I just wanted to stare at him, his features lit by the gentle moonlight seeping through the window.
He fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, it was a sight to see. I had got so lost in thought, admiring him, I didn't realise I had scooted closer to him until he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled at myself, and fell asleep there. Safe in the arms of Spencer Reid.
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stardancerluv · 3 years
Unlikely Delights
Part 7b
Summary: Trying to have a quiet night.
Notes: Strong consensual intimacy.
Dan was shaking inwardly, which he knew was silly. Before Frazier, intimacy was a warm bed with a stranger and a full bottle of his choosing with a second not far away.
When he had stepped off the bus, at first it would be a place for him to finally turn a leaf. He would finally become the man he should have been ages ago. After a small handful of relationships he had finally decided to take a break. They had all been nice but nobody felt right. When suddenly the two of you bumped into each other.
After finally jumping in with both feet, he enjoyed being with you. You were like a breath of fresh air. You were beautiful and fun. Your energy reminded him of the warm summer days when he lived in Florida with his mom. So now as he led you over to his overstuffed chair, he tried to keep his breathing even as your thoughts which were laced with intimacy astonished him.
As he sat down, he pulled you onto his lap. Gently, he drummed his fingers on your hip. As he looked at you, he could see your eyes were aflame. “Honey, what’s-” Your lips easily cut off his words.
He eagerly kissed you back. Squeezing your hip, a soft sound came from you which was as intoxicating as your fingers he felt in his hair.
He held you close as he felt your arms drape around him. He gently ran his hands up and down your back.
Easily, he lost himself into the kiss. He nuzzled you after breaking the kiss. Gently he pressed a kiss to the hollow of your throat, making you giggle. You wiggled and giggled where you sat.
He watched the radiance that came from you, making him smile even broader.
“How did I get so lucky?” He murmured.
Your cheeks which were already pink grew a deeper shade. “Helps that you are the handsomest person I could have ever ran into.”
Now he felt the heat rise in his cheeks. He inhaled when felt the naughty cross your thoughts. He pulled back with his shining so you could reveal your thoughts.
You gently took ahold of your sweater and pulled it off, revealing the cami and the lack of a bra underneath. From lounging to sitting a little straighter, you placed your arms on either side of him. “Dan,” You sucked absently on your bottom lip. “My mind has been wandering about the two of us.” You leaned in. “I had a naughty thought.”
“Oh? Honey, what is that?” He let his hand drift under the cami. A soft sound pulled from him. “I do love your soft body.”
“Dan,” You flushed as you said his name. “I want…” Your mouth grew dry.
He slipped his other hand under your cami. Looking up at you, he met your eyes. “What do you want? You will have to tell me.” There was a twinkle in those blue eyes that made you shiver with delight.
“I want to make love to you here.”
He looked around before looking back up at you and he smirked. “Right here near my window?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
“What if someone looks up?”
“They won’t. It’s late.”
Your appetite was as strong as his. He loved it. He had felt you tremble when he mentioned someone seeing them. It aroused him further. His hand slipped from your cami only to glide up your thigh.
“Are you going to take these off for me?” He easily hooked a finger on your panties. Gently he tugged on them.
“Dan.” You rocked against him, his name came out deliciously across your lips. “Ok, I’ll get up.” He watched you, gently shifting. He was growing incredibly aroused. You quickly shimmied from your panties and went back over to him.
“You are nothing but surprises. No bra and now you are going to take me in my chair.” He gave you a look, he knew it did things to you.
“It’s all you, Dan.” You were growing breathless when you reached between them. Your hands working fast on his pants.
“Oh is it?” Reaching under your skirt, he cupped you. He closed his eyes as he gently squeezed. “I suppose I am responsible for this.”
You moved against his hand. “Yes, yes you did that to me.”
He smiled and withdrew his hand but then helped you with his pants. He took himself out. “But this is exactly what you do to me.” He glided your hand up and down the length of him, the sensation was so good he had to bite his bottom lip. He opened his eyes. “All right honey, ride me.” He urged.
He eased out of bed, your hair was still ruffled from earlier. The memory made him smile. He bent over and placed a kiss on your shoulder before he pulled up the blanket.
Quickly he shed his t-shirt and boxers, put them in the hamper and then padded over to the sofa.
He shivered. It was freezing in the bathroom, that cold snap arrived days early. He grimaced, hate was reserved for that cold. He would never like it. It reminded him of running through that damn hedge.
He made sure the hot water was on a little stronger than usual. After attending to his needs, he then climbed into the tub and pulled the curtain to the other side.
Standing under it helped wake him up and prepare him for the coldness of his car that would barely warm as he drove to the hospice.
He soaped up his beard and hair, the fresh scent made the last of the sleep that had tried to cling onto him finally fade away. He raked his fingers through his hair as he rinsed out the shampoo.
The rings that held the curtain to the rod scraped against he each other. He smiled. “Come to wash my back?” His cheekiness bubbled from him, he just couldn’t resist.
“No Dan, we’re coming for your soul.”
The deep, scratchy voice made him snap his eyes open just as a pair of slimy hands grasped him and swung him around. His heart raced.
“We’ll be there soon.”
Then just as fast as it appeared it disappeared. Blinking, he saw a residue of black slime on the floor of the tub and he quickly looked at his arms but the hot water was already washing it off there.
He braced himself against the cool tiled wall. What was he going to do? He placed a hand over where his heart was racing. Then he remembered you. He managed to scramble out of the shower.
One of them was bracing themselves above you, a black sludgy hand leaned on his pillow and looked back at him. A wide smile was gapped from the sludge. “We’re coming for her too.”
“You get the fuck away from her!” He shouted with his mind. It shrieked and folded in on itself.
“You’ll see!” It managed and then it disappeared.
He wobbled where he was, letting himself kneel down onto the floor. Nausea churned hotly in his stomach.
“Dan? What are you doing? Are you ok?”
He barely heard you and he flinched when he felt your relatively cool touch as your arm went around him. He was breathing hard.
Gulping down some hair, everything came back into focus. He squeezed his eyes shut. Something had to be done. Opening his eyes, he calmed and leaned towards you.
He looked at you sheepishly. “I… I… woke up too fast. You know.” He shrugged. “Empty stomach and such.”
“Oh, Dan. I knew we should have had that midnight snack. You pressed a kiss on his shoulder.
He weakly smiled, it reminded him of the kiss he gave you before he began to get ready. Looking just beyond you, he saw a slimy handprint on his pillow. It’s where that damn thing leaned as it got closer to you. A hard knot formed in his stomach.
@blondekel77 @thebeckyjolene @blackberries45 @sithonis @mrskenobi19 @hollow-r-us @shantellorraine @reiaux
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fics-of-culture · 4 years
Angelic Affections
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Requested by anonymous
Gabriel x GN Reader
Summary: When Gabriel’s favorite human gets in an accident, Gabriel is forced to deal with his fear of loosing them as well as his own shortcomings. Slight angst with fluff ending.
Words: 2,876
You hummed softly to yourself as you stood in your room packing up your go bag. Your brother Sammy had stormed into the kitchen abruptly interrupting yours and Dean’s breakfast not 20 minutes ago with a new case. 
“So get this,” Sam said as he stormed in, laptop in hand. “A string of mysterious deaths all revolving around an old, seemingly abandoned house in Nevada.” You groan in frustration, pushing away your half eaten cereal. How hard was it to get a nice morning with your brothers without having to worry about some ghost or ghoul interrupting it? 
“Haunted?” Dean asked, only half paying attention. He took a sip of his coffee, looking awfully comfortable in his robe with his feet propped up on the table the two of you were seated at.
“Seems like it.” Sam replied, scrolling through an article on his laptop. 
“You know the drill,” Dean slowly dragged his legs off of the kitchen table as he stood. “Wheels up in thirty.” 
“You’ve been watching too many procedural cop shows, Dean.” You chime in as you stand up as well, turning to head to your room. Sam chuckled as Dean just scoffed indignantly at you.
“You know I hate that shit.” He muttered to himself. You just send your older brother a shit eating smile before heading out of the kitchen and into your bedroom. 
You turn towards your dresser to pull out a pair of socks when your eye catches on the picture frame resting on top. It’s a polaroid of you and Gabe dressed in terrible matching Christmas sweaters grinning like a couple of dorks in front of a fireplace. You smiled at the memory. Gabe had gotten you a polaroid camera for Christmas last year after you complained that the angels had never had their photos taken before. 
“I don’t see why that is an issue.” Cas had said, as oblivious as ever. The three of you were sitting on a couch in the DeanCave. You sat in between the two angels, body angled to face the befuddled angel.
“Well what if there’s a moment in your life that you never want to forget? It’s like being able to preserve the happiest times in your life.” Cas cocked his head at you as Gabe listened intently. You would’ve expected him to tease you for being so passionate about this, but he seems content just to watch the conversation unfold.
“An angel’s memory does not degrade like human’s do. We have no need for such reminders.” You just groan in frustration as Gabe chuckles beside you.
“That’s not the point, Cas.” Castiel just kept looking at you with that confused expression. You let out a sigh before shaking your head, defeated by Cas’s lack of understanding.
“Good luck with that one, honey. I think Cassy here is a lost cause.” The archangel places his hand on your knee as Cas casts a small glare towards him.
It wasn’t long after that incident that you opened one of your presents during Christmas to find the vintage camera. Upon opening it, Gabriel immediately insisted that the two of you take a photo. You put in the film as Gabe knelt beside you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against him.
“Come on! Let’s take the picture already!” Gabriel exclaimed impatiently. He had been hyperactive all morning (You suspected that he had been sneaking Christmas cookies when you weren’t watching) and it was becoming difficult to keep up with him.
“Give me a second! I need to set it up first.” Gabriel simply tugged the camera out of your hands. Truly the angel didn’t have a patient bone in his celestial body. He flicked the camera on and you only had a brief moment to smile at it before the picture was taken. The flash had caught you both by surprise and had you blinking the spots out of your eyes for the next few minutes. But when the picture came out, you couldn’t deny that it was perfect. You had taken several photos of your boys that day, but only that photo had gotten its own frame and a special place upon your dresser. 
Suddenly you feel a presence behind you. A warm breath brushes against the back of your neck and the hairs on your arms stand up. Despite knowing that you should be attacking the intruder, a part of you felt calmed by the presence behind you. So instead you just waited to see what would happen. 
“Whatya lookin’ at there, sugar?” You let out a sigh of relief as you recognized Gabe’s voice whispering in your ear. You can’t help but feel a blush stain your cheeks as you noticed just how close he was standing. You turn around and shove him away from you in retaliation for sneaking up on you. You avoid his eyes as he shoots you a playfully offended look. 
“I was looking at that dorky expression on your face.” You tell him as you gesture to the photo. You continue your task of packing as Gabe picks up the picture frame to take a better look.
“Well excuse me princess, but I see two dorky faces in this picture.” You just rolled your eyes as he shakes the photo in your direction. Focusing back at the task at hand, you bend over your bed to place your socks in your pack. With your back turned to the trickster angel, you miss the way his eyes slide down your form before quickly turning away to place the photo back down. 
“I still don’t see why you wanted that picture taken so badly. I’m pretty sure my hair wasn’t even combed!” You turned to look at your angel. His whiskey colored eyes were crinkled in amusement.
“Does an angel need a reason to want to take a picture with his favorite human?” You playfully rolled your eyes as he said this. It wasn’t a new occurrence, him referring to you as his favorite human. He seemed to work it into every conversation the two of you had, as though he felt the need to subtly remind you how much you meant to him. The two of you hadn’t always been this close. In fact, when the two of you first met, you regarded him mainly with suspicion. This suspicion quickly turned into a deep seated hatred for a time after he forced you to live through your brother dying over and over again. It actually wasn’t until Gabriel gave his life that you started to think that your hatred may have been misplaced. Although you had barely known him, a part of you had mourned your tormenter turned savior. As you had falsely assumed that you would never see him again. Cut to 8 years later when Ketch delivered an incredibly alive Gabriel to you. You had spent the next few days taking care of the broken archangel. For some reason, you were the only one Gabriel would allow to get close to him. Although he refused to speak, you could feel a tension rising between the two of you. It all came to ahead when Asmodeus broke into the bunker and almost killed you. Gabriel miraculously got his mojo back and smited Asmodeus where he stood for even laying a finger on you. You and the newly healed trickster had been “joined at the hip” as Dean puts it ever since.
“Speaking of which, I’ve got my favorite human’s favorite show queued up on my laptop right now. What do you say we snuggle up with some popcorn and lay in bed all day.” You giggle as Gabe wiggles his eyebrows as he steps closer to you.
“Honestly that sounds amazing, but we have a hunt.” Gabe just groans in disappointment before dramatically plopping on your bed. “And after last time, Dean says you’re not allowed to come with us anymore.” You watched as Gabe made himself comfortable on your bed.
“Hey, that wasn’t my fault! You brother just doesn’t have a sense of humor.” You zipped up your pack and picked it up. You looked back at Gabe, noticing the candy bar that miraculously appeared in his hand.
“Just stay out of trouble and we can watch tv when I get back.” Your angel just let out an indignant huff as you placed a kiss on his forehead and headed towards the door. “And no eating in my bed!” You smile softly at the disappointed groan you hear behind you.
“Stay safe, sugar.” You hear him chime out before you walk out.
“I always am.”
Gabriel had spent the last week lounging around the bunker waiting for you to get back. Well, lounging and rigging up a few surprises for the boys. But despite the inevitable boredom that comes with staying in one place too long, Gabe couldn’t find it in himself to leave until he saw you. This hunt had come up at the most inopportune moment possible. As well having a good Netflix and chill (Gabe knows you hate it when he says that but he just can’t resist), the archangel had also planned to talk to you that night. Yes, the larger than life angel/trickster had finally worked up the courage to confess his feelings to you. Gabriel’s face scrunches up at the thought. Usually he’d be content to avoid any and all conversations involving feelings, but somehow you managed to wiggle your way under his skin and he needed you to know how much he cared for you. He couldn’t help but care for you after you nursed him back to health. You had seen him at his most vulnerable, and you didn’t leave him or try to take advantage of him. You just sat quietly with him. Taking care of his injuries and pulling out his stitches. It wasn’t until sometime after he was healed that he realized how much he loved you, and how super boned he was for falling for a Winchester. So he planned to confess over tv and snacks, but of course the life of a hunter is never that straightforward. So naturally you were whisked away on a case, leaving Gabe behind to wait impatiently for you to get back. The trickster had actually been setting up a fun little surprise in the moose’s shower when he heard the bunker door slam open.
“Well it’s about time.” Gabriel stated as he appeared before the Winchesters. It wasn’t until that sentence left his lips that he properly surveyed the scene before him. You were being held in Dean’s arms as the two brothers pushed by him without saying a word. It wasn’t the sight of you being carried that jarred him into silence. Hell, it wasn’t even the copious amount of blood covering you and the older Winchester that shocked him. (He had seen you covered in blood on multiple occasions.) It was the way your skin looked pale and cold, as though you were already dead. Somewhere in his mind, it registered that the brothers were headed to the infirmary, but before he could even think to follow, Castiel appeared before him. “What happened?” Cas could faintly hear Gabe ask. At this moment, the archangel Gabriel looked less like a divine being and more like a broken man. Cas had trouble looking into his eyes at that moment. The desperation behind them forcing the guilt to creep slowly back into Castiel’s mind.
“We thought it was just a simple haunting. It turns out a group of demons were using the site to lure hunters. The Winchesters fell right into their trap.” If Gabriel comprehended his brother’s words, he did not show it. For the first time in the hyperactive angel’s life, he just stood there. He did not move, he did not breathe. If a stranger were to look at him, they might mistake him for a statue. Cas continued on. “I managed to heal her in time, but I believe she will need rest.” With that, Gabriel was suddenly moving again. Swiftly turning to head towards the infirmary. He needed to see you. To see for himself that you would be okay. But he was quickly halted by a hand being placed on his shoulder. “I… do not think you should see her like this.” This caused Gabe to snap. 
“And why’s that, Cas? Because you couldn’t protect her? Cause you couldn’t protect my… friend from a couple of rouge demons?” Gabriel was now standing toe to toe with Castiel, angelic energy flooding the room. “You failed her Cas. You don’t get to tell me what I should and should not do.” With that, Cas’s hand slid off Gabe’s shoulder and Gabe flew away towards the infirmary. 
Waking up in the infirmary was a… surprise to say the least. Your head ached and your throat was painfully dry. You tried to sit up and call for someone but when you opened your eyes you noticed that the room was empty. Which was an odd sight because usually your brothers would take turns watching over you whenever you got injured. You assumed that something must have happened… until you heard the voices outside. 
“No! You don’t get to storm in here blaming everyone else for your shit!” Dean was shouting at… someone? You couldn’t really tell who or what the conversation was about. It only took you a moment before your questions were answered. 
“Ha! my shit? You’re the one who almost let your sister get killed. Again.” Dean was arguing with Gabriel. Which in itself is not surprising, but it’s very rare that Gabriel truly shows anger during these fights. But you can tell by the way his voice is quivering that he is upset. 
“She’s a hunter,” Dean continues. “This is our job. So no, you do not get to blame me for this when really, you're mad at yourself for not being there to protect her.” The conversation goes quiet after that. You hear a sigh and footsteps walking away. Slowly, the door to the infirmary is pushed open. It’s safe to say that you’ve never seen Gabriel this sullen since he’d gotten his mojo back. His head hangs down to the floor as he quietly shuffles into the room. His eyes are sunken and laced with unshed tears. You’re not quite sure what to say. Luckily, you don’t need to because at that moment, Gabriel lifts his head and meets your gaze. 
“Y/n?” He speaks your name so softly that your heart almost breaks. “How long have you been awake for?” He rushes to sit by your side. 
“A couple of minutes.” You say quietly, your voice still hoarse from disuse. Gabe silently hands you a cup of water that was sitting on the side table. 
“Why didn’t you call anyone?” You took a sip from the cup before handing it back to him. 
“You guys seemed… busy.” Gabriel grimaced a bit as you said this. 
“You heard that?” Gabe sighs as you nod your head in confirmation. He rests his hand on your knee as the two of you sit in silence for a moment. You try to crack a joke to release some of the tension.
“It’s nice to know that you’d care if I died. Sorta assumed you’d be halfway to Vegas right now.” That statement draws a little chuckle out of your angel. 
“You know, I’ll smite you if you ever repeat this to anyone but… Dean was right.” Gabriel fixes his warm eyes on you as he speaks. “I am furious with myself for not being there. You’re my human. I should’ve been there to protect you.” It’s almost jarring to see Gabriel looking this vulnerable. You’re not quite sure what to say. So you don’t say anything. In a moment that catches the both of you off guard, you surge forward to wrap your arms around the broken looking angel. He lifts his arms after a moment to hold you back and you just rest against his chest for a while. Just allowing yourself to be held by your angel. You feel him press a kiss to your head and you sigh in contentment. Despite the soreness of your body, Gabriel’s presence feels like a relief. 
“I love you, you know.” You freeze as you feel him whisper the words into your hair. You draw your head up to look Gabe in the eyes once more. You can tell from the way he’s avoiding your gaze that he’s nervously waiting for your response. You lean in slowly and Gabriel sits frozen, waiting for your next move. You can’t even feel breath coming from him. Slowly, you place a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth. 
“I love you too.” You whisper back once you pull away. The two of you don’t stay separated for long as the angel pulls you back for a more heated kiss. The two of you break apart after you realize that you desperately need air. Gabe chuckles as you gasp for breath. 
“Well I’ll tell you one thing, honey.” He says as he pulls you flush against him. “You’re never going anywhere without me ever again.”
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch26: The Only One In Colour
Summary: Mr Anthony Stark requests the pleasure of your company at the wedding of his little sister, Katie Marie Stark to Captain Steven Grant Rogers…
Warnings: Bad language, Fluff, Smut! (NSFW, Under 18s) Bad Language words, a hungover Captain…and who is that lurking in the shadows??
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: The big day is finally here. And I ADORE this edit from @angrybirdcr. Lots of visuals in this chapter and it’s a REALLY long one- like 10k words long- but, well, IT’S THEIR WEDDING!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 25
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 31st August 2015.
It took Katie a while to realise where she was when she woke. As her mind came to, she realised she was in her apartment at the tower, and when her eyes flew to the dress in its cover which was hanging up in the open closet, her stomach did a flip.
It was her wedding day!
“Good Morning Miss Stark.” FRIDAY spoke, and Katie grinned. 
Miss Stark…not for much longer!
“Miss Potts requested I inform her when you are awake…”
“Inform away.” She smiled, and jumped out of bed, grinning at the reflection of her tacky ‘Bride’ short and vest Pyjamas that the girls had surprised her with last night when they had been sat around having their pamper session with several glasses of champagne. Making her way into the living room, she was greeted by a loud squeal from Wanda, who along with Laura Barton had stayed in her apartment last night. Considering the amount of champagne that had been drunk, they all had surprisingly clear heads. It wasn’t long before Pepper and Nat arrived, and after a breakfast of fruit, pastries and croissants provided by the local bakery, Katie was ushered into the shower surprised at how calm she actually felt…
The boys, however, were faring a little worse, especially after Tony had cracked open a bottle of his dad’s vintage scotch which he had been saving for a special occasion and Thor had supplied Steve with copious amounts of that lethal Asgardian liquor along with some equally as potent Asgardian Ale. The Groom cracked one eye open and groaned when he realised he had passed out, fully clothed, on the sofa, Tony led flat out along the other side of it, drooling into the cushions.
Steve looked round, Clint was on the large arm chair in the corner of the room, Sam was sprawled face down on the large rug and Thor nowhere to be seen. Jesus Christ it had been a heavy one.
Of all the days to get his first hangover in over seventy years…his wedding morning.
His wedding morning. Shit.
Sitting up, a stupid grin on his face, headache forgotten he nudged Tony with his foot. The billionaire jerked and tumbled off the side of the sofa.
“Whassgoin on?” He looked around, blinking, before he grimaced. “Shit, my head…”
Clint let out a groan from the chair.  “Keep it down man…”
Sam let out an equally pained noise, not moving. “What day is it?” “My wedding day, fellas.” Steve grinned.
Tony groaned again, leaning back against the sofa “How are you so sprightly, Old Man?” “Trust me I’m not.” Steve shook his head, standing up “But Katie will kill me if we turn up like this.”
“Coffee.” Clint yawned, swaying slightly as he got to his feet. “We need coffee…” “And food.” Sam mumbled into the rug
“Good job I organised some.” Tony looked at his watch, squinting. “Should be arriving soon.” “Where’s Thor?” Clint suddenly asked as he glanced around.
“Here.” came the god’s deep voice as he strolled into the room. He was already dressed in a pair of jeans, t-shirt and his hair was damp from the shower
“How are you so alive, Thunder boy?” Sam sighed, sitting up.
“Like you just said, Bird Man.” Thor beamed round at them all. “I am the God of Thunder.” ******
Two hours later, Pepper was bustling around topping everyone’s Champagne up and when she reached Katie she gave her smile. “You ok?”
“Yeah.” She beamed back. “Maybe a little nervous, but mostly excited. I can’t believe I’m finally here. It feels like we’ve been waiting for this for so long.”
Pepper gently squeezed her hand. “Yeah. Tony has been on the job making sure the tent is right. The Caterers have arrived. And I got a full blow by blow as he was nearly having had a fit when the alcohol and bar were an entire four minutes and thirty-four seconds late.” “I thought organisation was your job?” Nat quipped from where she was lounging in a chair, dressed in her light blue ‘Bridesmaid’ robe.
“It is.” Pepper rolled her eyes. “And I told him it would be okay but, well, he just want everything to be right.” Katie rolled her eyes, a fond little smile playing on her lips at the thought of her brother still trying to make sure she was happy. “Where is he now?”
“He spent the night with the boys at the compound so he’ll be on his way back shortly to get changed. Apparently they sat outside at the compound with a bottle of whiskey and a few cigars and there are some sore heads this morning” Pepper smirked. “Even Steve is feeling it.”
Katie grinned, she’d only seen drunk Steve a handful of times, and Drunk Rogers was definitely one of her favourite Steves to see.
Wanda shook her head. “What is it about men and cigars?”
Natasha shrugged. “I like cigars.”
“What a surprise.” Laura grinned, earning herself a glare off the red head. They were cut off then by FRIDAY informing them that the stylists had arrived. Pepper told her to send them up and suddenly the room was filled with people, greetings being shared and Pepper organising everyone into their places as she did ever so efficiently.
And then, it was down to business. The Hairstylist, Franco, knew exactly what Katie wanted as she’d had a rehearsal and he set about, sweeping her brunette locks up into the up-do she’d picked- a bun sporting a few small braids running from her crown and round into the hair set at the nape of her neck. Loose tendrils of dark brunette fell forward around her cheeks, the whole thing set perfectly to frame her pretty face.
Time seemed to fly as one by one they exchanged places and moved around, and soon enough Katie was then in front of the make-up artist.
“Don’t worry about a thing,” The tiny blonde in front of her said as Katie quietly asked her to do her best to cover the scars by her mouth and temple, small reminders of what she’d been through at the hands of HYDRA. “You’re going to look perfect. I promise.”
Another glass of champagne made it into Katie’s hand and thirty minutes later she was done and handed a mirror. Her mouth dropped open. She’d had her make-up professionally done more times than she cared to remember but something about this was different. Someone else, but yet, still her glanced back. She had a light, neutral shade across her eye lids, which had a darker colour in the crease and a hit of sparkle. The contouring across her sculptured cheek bones was amazing, yet subtle, as the highlighter sweeping up and out caught the light perfectly, and the nude gloss on her lips set everything off.
And her scars were gone.
She swallowed and turned to the woman, smiling. “It’s perfect, thank you.”
Before the woman could reply, there was another announcement from FRIDAY about a delivery, and Katie glanced around and Pepper.
“What did you order?”
“That’s not me, I swear.” Pepper shook her head.
“I’ll go.” Nat offered, “I’m done here now.”
She headed out of the room and Katie stood up to allow Pepper to sit down for the make-up artist in the seat next to where Wanda was sat having the finishing touches done to her face. She looked amazing, dark smoky eye-shadow set off her eyes and red locks perfectly.
Natasha arrived back, a smirk on her face as she carried a simply huge bouquet of flowers which were tied with a blue ribbon and sat in a clear bag of water, a small Cartier bag also hanging from her hands.
“For the Bride.” She drawled, and Katie took the bouquet, smiling, not even needing to read the card to know who they were from.
“They’re from Steve.”
“How do you know?” Laura frowned. “They’re the ones in my tattoo.” She explained as she placed them gently on the kitchen area of her Tower Apartment admiring the various lilies, daisies and greenery set into the arrangements. “My favourite flowers.”
She picked the card out of the bouquet, spotting Steve’s looping scrawl straight away.
I can’t wait to make you Mrs Rogers, Sweetheart. See you at the Alter. All my love,  now and forever, Steve xxx
“That’s disgustingly cute.” Laura groaned, reading the card over Katie’s shoulder as she grinned at the simple yet meaningful message.
“That’s my Soldier all over.” Katie smiled before she opened the bag. She pulled out the small box and opened it, her mouth falling open at the beautiful drop earrings inside. They were roughly two inches long, chains of small diamond and white gold stars which glinted in the light.
“Star Spangled Man, huh?” Nat smirked and Katie turned to her grinning.
And suddenly the excitement washed over her. This was happening. Actually happening.
“Shit!” Katie wheeled round as her stomach started to flip “Oh my God, I’m getting married!”
**** Steve finished brushing off his shoes which were polished that much he could almost see his face in them. With a groan as the pain in his head had once again reared, damned that fucking Asgardian shit, he slipped them on and laced them up and then turned his attention to his hair. Once he had finally got it to lie how he wanted, it was time for his tie.
He hadn’t taken the decision to wear his army uniform lightly. It had been one he had agonised over for ages, but after Katie had told him it was entirely his choice but he should stay true to who he was, he’d realised that before Captain America, he’d been Steve Rogers, and all he had ever wanted was to be in the army. So he was going to be Captain Rogers today, who he was. 
There was a knock on the bedroom door and Sam walked in, already in his uniform. Steve smiled at him in the mirror before expertly tying the double-Windsor and turning round.
“Got the rings?” Sam asked. Steve nodded to the two boxes sat on the dresser which contained their bands. Picking them up, Sam slid them into his breast pockets, fastening the buttons.
“Nervous?” He asked and Steve considered the question for a second.
Was he?
“Kinda.” He admitted with a slight pop of his shoulder. “I don’t wanna mess up my vows, but I’m not nervous about marrying her, nothing has ever felt more right, Sam.”
Sam smiled and swept the man up into a bro-hug, clapping his back. “Tony’s heading off to the tower now. The tent  is ready, waiters are here setting the tables. It’s all going to plan.” “Maybe for once it might stay that way.” Steve sighed and Sam chuckled.
“How’s the head?”
Steve let out a small groan. “Pounding. As best man, I’m holding you totally responsible.”
Sam shrugged “Wouldn’t be the worst thing I’ve been blamed for.”
Steve snorted.
“You know what you need?” Sam looked at him. “A leveller.” “A what?”
“Another drink, hair of the dog that bit you and all that…”
At the mere thought Steve’s stomach lurched and he shook his head. “The fuck I do.”
“Trust me.” Sam grinned, as he left the bedroom. “It never fails. How do you think I’ve just cured mine?” Steve followed him into the living room where a photographer was there taking snaps, Thor loudly asking what he was doing. Sam hastily explained, placating the god who was already in his Asgardian dress. Steve paused, looking at him for a second. Instead of the silver and red everyone was used to seeing him in, his robes were a glittering white lined with gold piping, his cape was deep blue and his hair was well groomed.
“Wow, Thor.”
“Traditional Asgardian formal dress.” Thor grinned, turning to Steve. “Little Stark’s request, which reminds me.” He jerked his head signalling for the Captain to follow him. Frowning slightly, Steve obliged, and the men stepped outside onto the patio area.
“Little Stark is very dear to me.” Thor began. “But she is your intended, so I thought it only right to ask your permission to give something to her.”
“Okay.” Steve frowned, a little puzzled.
“I have a headdress.” Thor explained, “It belonged to my mother and has been passed down the line for years. I would very much like to offer it to her to wear today.” Steve smiled, the man’s care for his girl was genuinely something he liked. He was a good man to have onside, and his intentions were always honourable. “She’ll love that.” Steve nodded. Thor shook his hand and held out his other, Steve just getting out of the way in time to avoid being flattened as Mjolnir flew into it with the familiar metallic swoosh, followed by a slap as the leather handle hit the god’s large palm. With a nod to the Captain, and a promise to be back shortly, he took off.
Pepper and Natasha looked stunning in their pale blue bridesmaid dresses. Knee length, skater style with off the shoulder straps. Laura’s dress was also blue, but a dark shade peplum style with a slit up the side and Wanda’s was slightly more grungy, almost 50s style, navy blue with polka-dots and a large, puffy skirt.
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All four of them looked amazing and Katie told them so, beaming, before Pepper informed her it was time to get into her dress. In a daze Katie headed into the bedroom and taking a deep breath she peeled herself out of her robe as Pepper set the dress ready, and Katie stepped into it. She pulled it up, holding it in place as Pepper’s fingers deftly fastened up the buttons, before she smoothed down and fluffed out the skirt. Katie stepped into her heels, took a glance in the mirror and felt the tears prick her eyes.
“Don’t…” Pepper instructed, handing her a tissue from a box on the side, one which she had clearly bought, prepared to the very end “You’ll set me off, and there’s gonna be enough of that when Tony sees you.” “Where is he?” Katie asked, tissue gently dabbing at her eyes.
“Just getting into his suit.” Pepper smiled. “He won’t be long. Okay, you ready?”
Taking a deep, steadying breath, Katie nodded and the two of them made their way out of the bedroom and into the hall. The photographer that had been taking photos all morning was waiting, snapping away, capturing, she hoped, the look on the girls faces as for the first time ever she saw Natasha’s eyes watering over.
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“Shit, Nova.” Nat’s hand flew to her mouth. “Wow.” Katie grinned at her, and was about to answer when the elevator door slid open.
"I’m looking for the one wearing white.” A familiar voice teased as Tony stepped into the apartment, making Katie turn to face him. He stopped dead, his eyes widening.
“Oh Kiddo, you look incredible.”  he whispered, swallowing slightly as his deep brown eyes sparkled, his face curling into a gently smile.
“Thank you, so do you.” Katie gestured to the charcoal suit and light blue Stock Tie he was wearing. Tony took the glass of champagne that Pepper handed to him but, before he could say anything else, another person stepped into the apartment.
A tall, large blonde God dressed in gold and white Asgardian armour beamed at Katie as her mouth fell open.
“Thor?” She looked at him, surprise on her face as he strode across the room to wrap his arms around her.
“Little Stark, you look beautiful.” He smiled down at her. “The Captain is a lucky man indeed.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I cannot stop long I just wanted to give you something.”
She frowned as he held up his hammer and with a sudden flash that made Pepper and Laura jump, she felt something land on her head. Katie reached up gently and felt the outline of a tiara perched on her hair.
“What…I don’t understand?” She whispered as she looked up at him, her fingers tracing the headdress. “It was my mothers.” Thor said gently. “I do not have a sister, you are the closest thing to it and I’d be honoured if you would wear it today.” Katie was speechless as she crossed to the mirror. Made of a silvery metal, the tiara consisted of a mass of intricate lines and reminded her somewhat of how the lost Diadem of Ravenclaw had looked in the Harry Potter films. It shimmered in the light and was adorned with what looked like diamonds, a larger deep red stone in the centre, and she could just make out the small ancient Asgardian runes
“Thor…I…” she turned to him, unable to speak. “I told your Captain of my intention.” He beamed. “He thought you would appreciate it. The runes are an ancient Asgardian blessing, they wish the bearer happiness and safety” “It’s beautiful, thank you.” Her voice cracked.
Thor pulled her in for another hug and nodded. “I must go now, back to the compound. Barton and Birdman and doing one final sweep of the grounds. I said I would help before we meet at the church.”
A final squeeze and nod and he left the room, and minutes later they all heard the tell-tale whoosh as he summoned the bi-frost.
“I really hope he was on the jet pad.” Tony grumbled. “Those damned marks are impossible to get rid of.” ***** Against his better judgment, Steve had a ‘leveller’- another shot of that lethal liquor- and to his surprise, it had actually gone someway to sorting his head out. Either that or his metabolism was finally working it out of his system.
But now he had another issue…
“Where the hell is it?” He was getting flustered, because how the HELL had he misplaced his uniform belt? He’d had it last night, he knew he had.
“It’ll be here somewhere.” Sam assured him, and after a frantic search, which left the apartment almost upside down, Clint located it down the back of the sofa.
“What was it doing there?” Steve frowned.
“Stark was wearing it as a headdress last night.” Thor supplied “You were wearing a tie, Birdman was wearing a pair of Little Stark’s tights and Barton was using a sash from a robe. You were, I believe Stark said the term was, rocking out to some form of music. Do you not remember?”
“No.” Steve mumbled, sliding it on and clipping it round his waist. He walked to the long mirror in the hall and looked at his reflection. Being dressed in this jerked back a lot of memories of his time with the Howlies, Bucky and Peggy…
“Just go talk to her.” Bucky said, leaning against the bar as Steve’s eyes roved up and down Peggy as she stood at the bar in the pub in London talking to Howard Stark.
“I talk to her all the time.” Steve looked at his friend.
“God you’re a dumbass.” Bucky shook his head “I don’t mean just talk I mean, you know…talk, ask her out.”
Peggy looked up, caught his eye and he found himself blushing before turning back to his drink. It really wasn’t appropriate, maybe if it was a different time…
“Captain America and still a pussy when it comes to women.” Bucky snorted, clocking the look on his friend’s face “Glad to see not everything has changed.”
But everything had changed now. And it was funny how it had all worked out in the end. But he wouldn’t change a damned second.
“Captain Rogers…” FRIDAY spoke. “Your cars are arriving.”
Steve took a deep breath and smiled at Sam who walked towards him, clapping him on the shoulder. “You alright?”
Steve nodded, suddenly his stomach was doing flips and this was nothing to do with the alcohol. “Let’s go.”
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“The cars are here.” Pepper smiled, walking into the room with the box that contained the flowers. She handed Katie her bouquet, a simple bunch of Cala Lilies tied with pale blue, gold and red ribbons. She set about pinning one of the boutonnieres to Tony’s lapel before she smoothed his shirt down and pecked him on the cheek.
“Okay. Nat, Wanda, Laura and me are gonna go ahead now.” Pepper instructed. “You follow on in about fifteen or so, give us enough time to hand these out-“ she patted the box contained the remaining boutonnieres, “-and sort the boys into the right places.”
Katie smiled at her and she looked at the woman she had long since come to regard as a younger sister. “You really do look stunning!”
“Thanks Pep.” She kissed Tony again before she bustled the other three women out.
"You know,” Tony said gently when the door closed behind them, “I always thought when you were a kid that you’d look ridiculous in a wedding dress. But, I was wrong, yeah it happens occasionally.” His face softened as he looked at his sister “You turned into a beautiful woman. Mom and dad would be proud, just as I am.”
“They’d be proud of you too.” Katie smiled, the tears springing into her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her. “You know that right?”
“Yeah, yeah, anyway.” He pulled back, sniffing slightly, before he ran his fingers underneath his eyes. “I have something for you.” With a flourish he reached into his suit jacket and withdrew a slim box.
Katie took it from him, her hands shaking slightly as she opened it. Inside was a stunning white gold necklace. It sported five teardrop shaped loops, each set with diamonds, the middle of the loops holding sapphires.
“It was Mom’s” Tony explained as she ran her fingers over the stones. “I’ve been saving it for you and figured that this…” his voice cracked, “was the perfect opportunity to give it to you.” “Tone,” she swallowed, the tears forming in her eyes once more, “it’s stunning.”
Tony took the box from his sister and gently removed the necklace and she turned round so he could fasten it round her neck.
“So that’s your something blue.” He said as she turned round, and let out a watery laugh.
“My garter’s blue.” “Don’t wanna know.”
Katie giggled and gently wiped at her eyes. “If you’ve ruined my make-up…” She headed to the full length mirror in the hallway and leaned forward to examine her face.
“I think you’re good.” He smiled as she locked eyes with him in the mirror. Satisfied that all the make-up artist’s work was still intact she turned to Tony who rocked forward on his feet a little, giving a clap.
“So, we got time for one last drink before you become a Rogers?” He asked, walking over to the liquor cabinet and reaching for two crystal tumblers.
“You know its’ only in name.” Katie smiled as he poured a few fingers worth of scotch into each glass.
“Still gonna be odd calling you by it.” He handed her one and she smiled. “But either way, you’ll always be my little Kiddo, you know that?” His voice cracked slightly and Katie took a deep breath, her eyes shining.
“Yeah.” She chinked her glass gently against his “I do Tone.” *****
Steve strode across from the car, Sam following and the pair of them began to greet the guests. Steve was starting to feel nervous now. He shook hands with Evans and Lawson, both of them giving him friendly slaps on the back, welcomed a load of other people he’d seen in Katie’s office before, but his mind wasn’t there. He was mulling over his declaration, and his eyes which were hidden behind his aviators, constantly roved the area in front of the church.
And then Sam slapped him on his shoulder.
“What?” Steve asked, turning to face him. 
“Bridesmaids are here Cap.” He smiled, and Steve turned to see the sleek, black Jaguar pull up to the side of the kerb. The driver got out and opened the back door to allow Natasha to climb out first, then Pepper followed, Wanda and Laura Barton getting out of the other side. Laura beelined for Clint who dropped a kiss to her cheek whilst Pepper, Nat and Wanda made their way over to Steve and Sam.
“You look great.” Steve smiled as he dropped a kiss to Pepper’s cheek, then Natasha’s then Wanda. “How’s Katie?”
“Nervous as hell.” Nat drawled, smoothing down her skirt before she looked up at Steve grinning. “Nice touch on the flowers and the earrings by the way, you almost set her off.”
 “But she’s ok?” He pressed.
“If you’re asking whether she’s having second thoughts, not a chance.” Pepper touched his arm. Steve took a deep breath and then turned to the Priest who had joined them.
“She’s about ten minutes or so behind.” Pepper smiled, at the man before she turned to Sam and Steve. “So I suggest you lot get to where you should be.”
“Right, yeah…” Steve took a deep breath, “Ok…”
He turned to head into the church and Sam looked at Natasha. “On a scale of one to ten how dead is she gonna knock him?”
“Eleven.” Nat grinned.
Sam let out a laugh before he yelled to the other groomsmen, and began his duty organising people into the church to the right seats.
**** Katie had a tight hold of Tony’s hand all the drive into Brooklyn. They made easy talk, the pair of them laughing in the back of the car but, as they rounded the corner to the street where the church was, Katie suddenly fell silent.
“You okay?” Tony looked at her. Katie nodded. 
“A bit nervous. Not about marrying Steve but…” She trailed off. “It feels strange, being happy, after everything that we’ve been through.”
“You deserve it.” Tony pressed a kiss to her temple. “Now push that thought out of your mind okay? Today is about you…and Steve.” He added as an afterthought.
Katie laughed as the car pulled to a stop and the driver hopped out. Tony got out of his side and rounded the car to offer Katie his arm. She tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow, her bouquet clutched in the other and together they made their way up to the entrance where the Priest, Pepper and Natasha were waiting. The photographer got a few snaps before he nodded and said he would see them inside.
The Priest smiled and ran through the usual checks and questions which Katie answered and he smiled, clapping his hands together.
“Okay, well, let’s get you married.” He grinned, heading back inside, leaving them stood in the vestibule area. 
Katie took a deep breath and Natasha and Pepper took their places.
“You ready?” Tony questioned, placing his hand over Katie’s as the opening chords to Eva Cassidy’s “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” started up.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my entire life.” She squeezed his arm when her knees threatened to wobble as the doors opened.
All heads turned in their direction as Pepper and Natasha made their way down the aisle and Katie’s legs suddenly felt like jello.
“Don’t let me fall.” She whispered as she gripped her big brother’s arm even tighter. 
Tony turned his head to press an affectionate kiss to the side of her head, “Never.” He whispered back with a smile.
As they made their way down the aisle, Katie wanted to take a look around the full church but she couldn’t. She couldn’t take her eyes off her soldier at the front. It wasn’t the fact that he looked especially handsome in his 40s dress uniform that made Katie’s knees tremble, neither was it his, as usual, clean shaven face or his perfectly styled hair. It was his eyes, and the smile on his face that lit up the moment he saw her.
“Oh my god...” Steve managed to mumble, his mouth dropping open, and Sam clapped him between the shoulder blades.
“You’re a lucky man.”
Steve couldn’t bring himself to reply. Instead he stood, gawping like an idiot as his girl glided towards him. She looked incredible, almost like she was glowing. Her dress was elegant, yet almost princess like. Her hair was twisted up off her face and she wore the biggest smile on her face he’d ever seen. He watched as she clutched onto Tony’s arm, her brother giving her hand another squeeze and the two turned to face each other, sharing a moment, before she looked back at Steve and their eyes locked. The Captain took a deep shuddering breath and smiled back, a smile which didn’t leave his face all the time she made her way towards him. 
After what felt like an age, his nearly wife reached his side and stood in front of him.
“Hi.” She managed to whisper, and he shook his head, blinking back his tears as he let out a deep breath.
“You look astonishingly beautiful.” His voice trembled as his eyes bored into hers and she felt herself flush, the grin still plastered to her face.
“Why thanks.” Tony said, and the pair of them looked at him, Steve letting out a simple snort as Katie shook her head, a small laugh escaping her mouth as she handed her bouquet over to Natasha.
“Dearly beloved,” the Priest opened. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Steve and Katie.”
Steve looked at Katie and she gave him another huge grin, neither of them paying any attention to the Priest as he ran through his usual greetings, until there was a little chuckle from the congregation that shook them both back round and the turned to look at him.
“Who here gives this bride away?” he questioned.
“Oh, right, that would be err, me.” Tony stepped forward and gently turned Katie’s left hand into Steve’s right. The two men shared a meaningful look that could only be described as pure respect before Tony stepped back, taking his seat next to Pepper, blinking away his tears as she gripped his hand.
“You have prepared your own declarations before the vows?” The Priest looked at them, and they nodded. “In that case, ladies first.” he smiled at Katie and she took a deep breath, turning to face Steve, as he took both her hands in his, clearing her throat.
“You know, if someone had told me that the man I met for the first time in that small boxing gym down town would be the man I would fall in love with and one day marry, I would have told them they were being ridiculous.” She smiled and Steve squeezed her hands. “Stevie, I’ve watched you grow and thrive in a world that you thought you didn’t belong in but you never let it break you. You have no idea how strong you are and how strong you make me.” She hadn’t realised she’d started crying until Steve released one of her hands to wipe her cheek, his own eyes shining as he felt like his heart was going to burst through his chest as she continued. "When I think back on how much we’ve been through over the past few years, it never fails to amaze me how you carried not just me through it, but everyone around you too. You’re the most honourable, beautiful man I know, and that’s nothing to do with any serum, it’s just who you are. You’re my best friend. My lover. My everything. And I’ll always love you Steven Grant Rogers.”
"Wow,” The minister said clearing his throat. “Captain? Think you could top that?”
“I’ll try my best.” He choked out making laughter ripple through the crowd along with a few sniffles, before he took a deep breath. “Katie, when I went into the ice, I thought I knew what love was. I thought that I was in love before and that I wouldn’t ever feel like that again. And then you walked into my life and not only did I get to know you, I fell head over heels in love with you and you made me understand that a first love and a true love are two Stark-ly different things.”
Katie smiled, and there were a few titters at the pun he had used. He took another shaky breath and continued. “You’re the most beautiful, kind hearted, brave woman I’ve ever met. Each second I spend with you is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. Everything I’ve been through I’d do it a thousand times over, and then some, if it meant I’d find my way back to you. You’re my world, my home, my girl, and for that I will always do my best to be the husband you deserve, to keep you safe, and happy and I’ll always love and cherish you. To the end of the line.”
As he finished, his voice broke a little and Katie took a shuddering breath as she reached up to wipe a tear away from his eye, just as he had done to her before. He smiled at her and she beamed back, her own tears threatening to trickle down her face, as he took her hands back in his, both of them turning to the minister again.
“Anyone got a tissue?” The man asked, pretending to dab at his eyes with his robes causing a few chuckles to ring around the church before he addressed her and Steve again.
“Ready for the serious business?”
They both nodded. One by one they made their vows, promises to love, honour, cherish and forsake all others for richer, for poorer and in sickness and in health being uttered as their eyes intently bored into each other, driving the words home into each of their souls.
The sentiment wasn’t lost on either of them, they’d been through all of it and so much more already.
“Do you have the rings?” The minister asked. Sam stepped forward and gave Katie Steve’s.
Katie did as she was told, placed the ring at the end of Steve’s finger and repeated the vows they had chosen as she looked him straight in the eyes.
“I give you this ring as a token of my love for you. I give it with my loving heart, with my willing body and with my eternal soul.” She slid the plain platinum band onto Steve’s previously bare ring finger and once it passed his knuckle and nestled in its new permanent home, he took a deep breath then exhaled.
Then it was his turn. He rolled Katie’s ring in his fingers before looking up and locking gazes with her as he repeated after the minister the same vows she had made,  finally sliding her diamond studded band down her perfectly manicured finger, his thumb sliding over the top of it. She looked at it for a second, before glancing back up at him, smiling.
"By the power vested in me by the Church and the State of New York, in the presence of God…I mean Gods,” the Minister politely corrected himself, looking at Thor and the bride and groom laughed along with the rest of the Church as Thor raised a hand, grinning. “I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. Captain,” he patted Steve on the shoulder, “you may now kiss your bride.”
Oh, he’d wanted to do that the minute she had walked into the Church!
With a smile, Steve closed the small distance between them and took her face in both his large hands, as hers slid up to his chest and he pressed a soft, sweet and perfect kiss to her lips.
There was loud cheering and clapping as they pulled back and Katie had just enough time to register the cheeky wink he flashed her before his hands pulled her back to him and this time he really kissed her, in a way that was totally not appropriate for a church but neither of them cared as his tongue slid along hers. Through the blood rushing in their ears, they could just make out the sound of more cheering and a couple of wolf whistles. They broke apart and for a long moment, their foreheads pressed together and they just smiled stupidly at one another, until Steve reluctantly stepped back so he could take his wife’s hand in his, and turn to face their guests.
“Ladies, gentlemen, please be upstanding for your bride and groom!” The minister spoke “Mr and Mrs Rogers!”
Their exit song ‘Signed, Sealed, Delivered’ struck up and for the first time Katie got to glance at everyone in the room. She smiled at so many people, when a squeeze to her hand from Steve brought her back and he beamed at her.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Never better!” she grinned.
He pressed another soft kiss to her lips before they set off down the aisle. As they reached the end, Steve bent to pick up something, and Katie watched the familiar flash of red, white and blue vibranium as he swung it onto his arm.
“Seriously?” She arched an eyebrow.
“Trust me, Doll.” He muttered. “Because I don’t trust that lot one bit.”
The photographer got a few shots of everyone and then people started to climb into cars and head to the compound, all except the Avengers plus partners who had made an arch for the bride and groom to walk under. Steve grinned and turned to Katie, the two sharing another kiss before he nodded at her and they made their way down the steps onto the path. As soon as they did, Katie realised what Steve had been talking about as suddenly a barrage of rice rained down on them as the group yelled and cheered. As she shrieked with laughter, Steve pulled her to him, shield raised over his head, ducking slightly as they made their way to the waiting car. The chauffeur opened the door to the Jaguar SUV and Steve helped Katie in.
“I love you Mrs Rogers.” He grinned as they settled in the back of the car.
“I love you too.” She whispered back as his face dropped towards hers.
“Good, because you’re stuck with me now.” He leaned in, his nose rubbing against hers before he gave her another soft kiss as the car pulled away.
As the group filed out of the church, no one noticed the man staying close to the shadows across the road. But then they wouldn’t, as it’s a good hiding place, he knew this neighbourhood like the back of his hand after all, and he should do too given the amount of times he and that scrawny little blonde haired punk used to tread the sidewalks getting up to mischief. Full of dirt and leaves from scaling trees they would head back to Steve’s house for his Ma to patch them up, normally getting a clout upside the head (fondly, he recalls, never meant to hurt) as she complained in a strong, Irish brogue, which always seemed so unbecoming from such a slight woman. “You two young hooleys are going to be the death of me, so you are!” She’d admonish as she wiped their various bruises and fed them large pieces of whatever she’d managed to bake from that week’s meagre supplies. Now that small, sickly kid was a strapping six-foot plus mass of muscle, his outward appearance now reflected the brave Captain he had always been, stood in his old army dress uniform, his stunning wife a vision in ivory, and he was pleased to see, looking a lot healthier than she had when he had carried her out of that outpost in Canada. He watched as Steve raised his shield above his bride’s head to shelter her as their group of friends pelt them with rice, planting a kiss to her lips as various cheers and whoops hit his ears, and then they hurried to the waiting car. As it pulled away the last he saw of Steve was him leaning across the to place a kiss on his girl’s, no, his wife’s lips who’s pretty face looked like it might split in half from her smiling so much. “Good for you, Punk.” He muttered and, smiling to himself, he pulled his cap further down over his face and tucked his hands into his pockets. Yes, he had taken a huge risk coming here but he couldn’t not see his childhood best friend on his wedding day… even if his childhood best friend hadn’t seen him. 
With more of a spring in his step than he remembered having since before the war, he headed back to where he had hidden the stolen motorcycle ready to trek back North where he could catch a flight to Europe and slink back into the shadows once more.
The sunny August afternoon passed in a daze of champagne, photos and food. 
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The head table was situated in the middle of the banquet tent, occupied by Katie, Steve, Sam, Pepper, Tony and Natasha. The rest of the guests were seated at circular tables dotted around, Katie and Pepper having carefully plotted places. Of course the Avengers had their own table, which was rowdy, Thor’s loud voice booming across the Tent as he sat with Jane, who was chatting away to Linda Barton. Vision was perched next to Wanda, conspicuous as always, whilst Banner was talking to Clint. 
When the desert had been eaten, glasses were charged and it was time for the speeches. 
It was Tony’s turn first and as he stood up, both hands raised in his usual flamboyant manner, Katie let out a soft groan as she knew she was about to get a roasting. Her brother started off fairly mildly, toasting the bridesmaids cheekily quipping he was looking forward to taking one home with him that evening.  
“Which one?” Quipped Clint, earning him a slap round the head from Laura whilst the tent laughed. 
Tony paused before he dropped a hand to Pepper’s shoulder where she sat to his right and grinned. “Well there’s a fifty-fifty chance it’ll be the one I’m in a relationship with. No offence, Widow, but you’re not my type.”
Natasha flipped him off as the tent laughed, and all raised their glasses, before a wicked glint flashed in Tony’s eyes and he turned to his left, looking at Katie where she sat at the head of the table.
“Kiddo.” He smirked “I don’t know where to start.”
“Then don’t.” “Oh I’m gonna…” He winked “For the last Thirty-One years you’ve been a monumental pain in my ass. From making me fight monsters under your bed with the vacuum cleaner to your Vegan Goth phase and that damned Turkey that you insisted we keep.” He looked at her fondly as he grinned. “And we won’t even mention the amount of times I was called into School because you’d sassed a teacher, or when you refused point blank to fly home from University on a normal jet, or the time you wrapped your BMW round a lamppost and blamed the road for being too bendy. But, for the record, there isn’t a day that I’d change any of it. Watching you flourish into the beautiful, brave, kind young woman sat in front of me has, and always will be, my greatest achievement. Everything that life has put in front of you, you’ve taken and more. And I’ll always be proud of you.”
He took a deep breath as Steve’s hand curled round Katie’s under the table.
“And as for the groom, well, there’s not much to say about Spangles really. When I first met him, thought he was a Star Spangled asshole. Now I know him, think he’s just a normal asshole.”
Steve rolled his eyes, “Thanks Tony.” he quipped as the he guests laughed. But as his brother-in-law locked eyes with him, the two of them smiled.
“How I found out about you two was less than desirable.” He raised his eyebrows and they both let out a groan “For those of you that don’t know I walked in on them, in the kitchen, and interrupted something, and I won’t lie, I wasn’t overly enamoured about the idea but you fast proved me wrong and, well, here we are.” Tony swallowed and looked at Steve. “For the record, Cap,  I’m glad she has someone like you to look after her, care for her and cherish her but just so you know…” he raised his two fingers to his eyes and then moved them towards Steve, the same I’m watching you gesture as he had given him in his apartment over two years ago. Steve snorted into his glass which was once more full of Asgardian ale and Katie simply shook her head.
“In all seriousness, Rogers and I had a nice long talk last night about what it means to be a family. To love and be loved. To feel like you do and will forever belong with a certain person. And he told me that’s what he felt about Katie. That he does and will forever belong with her.”  Tony looked around the room with a flourish before he turned to look at the newly-weds. “And I know I speak for everyone here when I say, we are so lucky – and happy – that we’re all part of this weird-ass family. Even with Rhodey here.”
Rhodey flipped him off from where he sat across the tent and the guests laughed once more
“So if you’ll please all raise your glasses.” Tony picked his up, as everyone stood their glasses raised. “Steve and Katie, Cap and Kiddo, and our friends, family, be they with us or not.”
The murmurs of the echoed toast died down being replaced applause and whoops as Tony took a short bow, before he rounded the table and Katie stood up to hug him kissing his cheek. 
“Love you.” She grinned, and Tony beamed back at her before he returned to his seat. 
At that point Steve stood up to a load of cheers and he held his hand up.
“Yeah, not sure how I can follow that.” He smiled, “Thanks for those kind words Tony.” He cleared his throat. “You know, looking around the place, seeing everyone here to help us celebrate has brought it home to me how lucky I actually am. When I came out of the ice, I thought I’d lost everything, my entire life, everyone I knew. But I fast came to realise that whilst that may have been true once, what I’ve gained since is irreplaceable.” He glanced down at Katie before he looked back around. “When Katie walked into that gym which was only a few blocks away from where we got married today, we shared a ten minute conversation. By the end of those ten minutes I’d already realised how sassy, sarcastic and loyal she was, and dare I say it, damned gorgeous too”
Katie shook her head as titters rose around the tent.
“But then I got to know her. And she became my best friend, still is, and frankly now I think she’s the most amazing human being on the planet. I could continue to wax lyrical about you Doll, but I won’t. I said everything I had to say to you in the church, but there is one thing I wanted to add. You said that I make you strong, but it’s really you who does that to me. I’m only strong because you’re by my side. You make me want to be a better person and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of waking up in the morning by your side, simply being able to call you mine.” He took a deep breath, blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall as he looked down at the table, then back to her. “From that first date I knew we had something special and everything we’ve been through in the past two and a bit years, we’ve made it through because we’ve been together. So if I could ask you all to raise your glasses in the direction of my gorgeous, amazing wife.” He stopped, dropped his head and shook it, chuckling. “Man I’ll never get tired of saying that…” He looked back up, a huge grin on his face and Katie laughed, wiping her eyes “Mrs Rogers.”
He sat down and Katie leaned over to give him a soft kiss, smiling as her hand gently traced down his cheek. More cheers and Steve grinned against her mouth, his cheeks flushing slightly as he pressed his forehead to hers.
And then Sam got up.
“Yeah, saved the best till last I know.” He said as everyone giggled “I’ll keep mine short and sweet as we all know there’s a party to get started. I first met Cap when he was running. Well, I say running, it was more like tearing up the ground. Kept lapping me like a crazy mother, nearly killed me trying to keep up.” He grinned and Katie and Steve both laughed. “I haven’t known him for very long all things considered, so being asked to be best man was a privilege, so thank you brother. It means a lot.” He nodded to Steve who raised his glass in his direction. “Now, being friends with Captain America is probably the same as what being friends with Steve Rogers is like, from what I can gather. He’s a great guy, with a fully functioning moral compass, only there’s the added complication that you’ll have a building dropped on your head, get shot at and generally be whipped into a whole heap of trouble, and that was only within the first three days we’d met.” Sam quipped as the tent laughed and Steve shook his head. “But the thing is, when Captain America knocks on your door and needs your help, you gotta follow, even if it means your life expectancy is probably gonna halve.  Mind you, my chances of getting laid have more than doubled so I think they cancel one another out.” At that Steve groaned and dropped his head into his hands as the tent erupted into laughter. “But in all my life I’ve never met two people more suited for each other. You’re like peanut butter and jelly, mac and cheese, Simon and Garfunkel, can’t have one without the other.” Sam smirked “So, without further ado, charge your glasses one final time, to the new Mr and Mrs Rogers.”
Everyone did so and Sam drained his glass, clapping his hands together. “Now how about we get this party started?”
A few hours later as the sun was dipping behind the trees and several bottles of champagne, Asgardian beer and a fair few measures of whiskey had been drunk, Steve led his wife to the dance floor for their first dance. Surrounded by their friends and family he gently pulled her into his arms as the first bars of their song rang out from the speakers.
I’ve been searching all my life I used to be so color blind You opened up my eyes Do you wanna share your dreams See a different side of me You’re everything I need He pulled her closer, his hand curling round the small of her back, his other tightly clasped around hers as they gently swayed to the music, foreheads pressed together, smiles stuck firmly to their faces.
I like it when you think out loud Things you say when you know There is no one else around I can dig my own graves now But will you smile every time I try to crawl my way out
His left hand dropped from the small of her back and he took a step away, spinning her out into a twirl as the chorus struck up, drawing cheers from the circle of people around the dance floor.
There is no one like you I live in a world of black and white And you are the only one in color There is no one like you Into mystery I slide I want you to keep it all uncovered You are the only one in color
Katie smiled as he pulled her back to him, his face beaming and, as was tradition, they were joined on the floor by a few other couples, Tony and Pepper, Clint and Laura, Thor and Jane amongst them. Wanda and Natasha were dancing together too, in a joking, friendly way, which made Katie’s smile grow even larger.
You know how to set that mood You can light up any room Just by the way you move The only one who understands What I’ve given you you’ve given back Come on and take my hand
The music continued and, as the chorus struck up again Steve span her out once more, making her laugh and this time he pulled her back in so her back pressed against his chest. Wrapping both arms tightly around her middle he pressed a soft kiss to her neck, breathing her in deeply. Katie laughed, her hands coming to rest over his own, thumb stroking the new addition to his ring finger.
You turned an old world upside down A wave of calm when I was so tightly wound And so full of doubt I’ll never tell you that two’s a crowd I know I can’t get through without Ever needing you around
Steve knew everyone was watching, probably taking pictures or video along with the official photographer, but he didn’t care. Extending his arm above her head, he took hers with him and gently spun her to face him. His right hand slid up to cup her face and as he leaned close to capture her lips. Katie’s hand slid up to tangle in the back of his hair before she pulled away slowly and he let out a soft moan as his forehead dropped to hers.
"Mrs Rogers.” He whispered in her ear.
“Yeah?” “Nothing, I just wanted to say it.”
“Garter off. No hands Rogers!” Nat yelled over the music as Katie sat in a chair on the dance floor. “That’s the rules.”
“Well we all know I’m a stickler for rules.” Steve grinned, discarding his jacket and tie to a few whoops and a loud whistle from his bride, he tossed them over a chair as the men in the party gathered around, the women standing a bit behind, Pepper explaining what was going onto Wanda.
Steve strolled casually past them, hands in his pockets, his eyes locked on Katie’s as she arched an eyebrow in an almost challenging manner. This was the point where he would normally flush red but he hadn’t got a shred of embarrassment about his nature thanks to the Asgardian alcohol which once more coursed through his veins. He gave her a grin as he dropped to his knees and then, with a devious wink, dove under her skirt. Katie giggled and covered her face with her hands whilst the outline of Steve’s broad shoulders could just be made out moving up her legs. But only she could feel his breath on her thighs. He grinned and pressed a soft but hot kiss to the very top of her thigh and it took everything in her not to jump or show any outward indication of his actions, but she did bite her lip when his teeth nipped down her thigh until he caught the lace of the blue garter that he himself had given to her the day before, then dragged it down her leg.
There were more whistles and cheers when he emerged from beneath her skirt with the garter in his mouth, a loud groan coming from Tony, before Steve took it in his hands, stood up and fired it towards the men. Sam was the catcher, hastily dropping it from one hand to the other until he finally snatched it, and looked around, winking at Natasha.
“What about it Red?” He grinned at her “Fancy a bit of Sammy-lovin’?”
“In your dreams birdbrain” she drawled, as everyone cackled.
**** All too soon their day came to an end, but Steve had one final surprise for Katie. She had been fully expecting to go back to their room at the compound but Steve simply shook his head and led her over to a waiting car which was parked on the expansive gravel driveway.
“We are not spending our wedding night at home, Kitten.” He said simply when she asked where they were going. The car drove them out of Brooklyn and into Manhattan as they drank more champagne, finally pulling up outside The Mark, where they were greeted by a red carpet and applause from staff.
Between the alcohol and being drunk on happiness, they were tripping over each other by the time they made it to the bridal suite. Steve opened the door into the huge room, and the pair of them stumbled forward. Laughing, Steve curled an arm round her.
“Hang on.” With a flourish he bent down and scooped her up, carrying her into the room and she giggled as he stepped forward, kicking the door shut behind them before dropping her to her feet. She spun round and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, just below his open collar button, bringing him down to kiss her, hard as they backed across the suite into the bedroom where Steve spun her round and carefully, delicately popped the buttons down her back, his fingers brushing her skin as her dress fell open and dropped, pooling at her feet, leaving her in nothing but a pair of white, lace French knickers
He leaned in and pressed soft kisses to the crook of her neck, nuzzling into her hair, as she reached up to remove the various clips, freeing her brunette tresses.
“God you’re beautiful.” He whispered as she spun to face him, eyes shining as she started to undo his shirt.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” she smirked as her hands gently undid the buttons on his shirt, her eyes never leaving his.
And then it was a race to get out of their remaining clothes before they both collapsed on the bed. Steve took his time, kissing down his wife’s body, running his fingers down her ribs before his hands gently parted her legs. His nose skimmed below her bellybutton before he moved downwards, nipping at her inner thigh before he set his mouth to her.
Katie groaned and all but melted into the bed letting him have and play with her all he wanted. Her first orgasm hit her hard in a ridiculously short amount of time and, leaving her breathless, he kissed all the way back up her body before he settled his hips against hers. He was rock hard and aching for her, and she shivered as he pressed up against where she needed him most.
He took her left hand in his, his thumb skating over her rings and placed a soft kiss over them before interlocking their fingers and pressing her hand down on the pillow next to her head.
“I love you so much, Mrs Rogers.” He mumbled leaning down and running his nose alongside hers.
“I love you too Captain Rogers.” She responded, holding eye contact with him as he slowly slid inside her, letting out a moan as she lay back and he kissed her again, deeply, passionately, slowly rocking into her. Katie rolled her hips up taking him deeper, moans flowing freely between the pair as he slowly built up his rhythm, releasing her hand so that he could grasp onto her hips. Katie’s arms wrapped around his shoulders pulling him in close and she buried her fingers into his hair.
“Faster.” She moaned, wrenching her mouth from his so she could breath and he didn’t hesitate to oblige. After a few more thrusts he slid his hand under her lower back and lifted her slightly, face buried in her neck, nipping, making her gasp and shudder as he hit her spot with every thrust of his hips until she was moaning and writhing and muttering nonsense.
Whether it was the passion of the day or the fact that it was just different because they were now married, for Steve it felt the most intense love they had ever made. It was the perfect way to finish off an amazing day and when they both fell apart completely immersed in one another, cries of names and curses tumbling from lips, Katie happily welcomed his weight on top of her as he caught his breath whilst she peppered soft kisses against his sweaty forehead before their noses gently rubbed against one another. Both of them remained, trembling in the afterglow and it took a while but finally Steve gathered enough strength to roll himself to the side where Katie immediately curled up into his side, her head on his chest.
“Was it everything you hoped for?” He asked, and she hummed blissfully as he carded his fingers through her hair
“And more.” she whispered softly.” And wanna know the best bit?” “What?” She moved so she could look up at him, her face soft as she gave him the most intimate and incredible smile he had ever seen on her face as she answered “We have the rest of our lives ahead.”
**** Chapter 27
**Original Posting**
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myfeetkeepdancing · 4 years
KoH!Tom x Male Reader Blurb
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A/N: In the past few weeks I’ve been playing this game called Hades, and completely and utterly fell in love with Zagreus 😍 I mean... Look at him... I couldn’t help myself and envisioned Tom in such attire. And so this short blurb was born. 
Forgive me! I can’t stop thinking about it! I’ll go back to regular content soon 😉
Words: 2404
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Moist and warmth roll after you the moment you first set foot from underneath the shower. The colder air immediately nipping at your exposed skin. But nothing beats a refreshing warm shower to start the day. With a quick rinse of your towel, you slap around your waist and turn into your room. You open your wardrobe in search of underwear. It had to be there somewhere.
Rummaging through as you sense an odd tingle, a jolt shooting up along your spine. Something close to a shiver. But it wasn't the cold fresh air getting a grip on your naked body.
"Hmmm… That's a good look on you (Y/N)." A voice, somewhat deep and teasing, sounds behind you. Followed by a sinister chuckle. "I like it..."
"Holy-!" You jump scare, turning around on the balls of your heel, covering your mouth with one hand. Keeping you from blurting out any more. You blinked once, twice, and thrice. But your eyes didn't deceive you. "What the…?!" Your other hand caught the towel just in time. Taking a step backward, bumping into your wardrobe butt first. Almost letting the towel fall to the floor again.
A mischievous smile and eyes sparkling as you had never seen before stared directly into yours. It captivated you. The way he seated himself on the edge of your bed, with such calm and ease. Lounging like he owns the place. It's unnerving. "Yes…" He says, tilting his head to the side. "Yes… You should walk around like that more often." His smile broadened with contempt as he eyed your naked form, top to bottom.
"Wh-..." Your lips move, but no sounds come from your throat. It takes your mind a few seconds to comprehend what was happening and get yourself together. "How'd you get into my house?!" You ask, somewhat aggravated while shaking your head and trying to blink away the image before you. But to no avail. He was as real as they get. "Is this some kind of joke? Who the hell are you?"
"You don't recognize me?" He says, raising an eyebrow.
"No, of course I don't! If I would, I'd reacted differently!"
"That's fair." He nodded. "You know…" He grunted lightly. "I don't have much… time-..." Speaking with a slight interval in his sentence... "-...in this mortal realm of yours."
"Mortal… realm?" You reply, annoyed, eyeing the shirt from the corner of your eye. It lay crumpled together on the closet, within arm's length. "Speak up. You're freaking me the fuck out."
"(Y/N). I'm here with good intentions. Only took me some time, years actually-..." Raking his fingers absentmindedly through his hair. "-to find you." His smile was contagious. Something about it, the way he wanted your attention, it cooled your sudden anger. "You hid well (Y/N)."
"I didn't… I'm here. Always have been. Just... tell me what's going on. And… what are you wearing?" Eyeing the very much revealing attire he wore.
"I only need a little bit of your time." He pursed his lips into a small smile. "You can start by calling me Tom." The way he spoke his name had a certain ring to it. Like a tug at the back of your mind. A tingling running up your spine. A ring of familiarity. The way he looks at you, as if he's searching for a reaction. Your guts feel rearranged, entangled in something you haven't felt before. Your eyes are drawn to him. And the more you give your eyes the time to look. The more you want to. Something pulls you to him.
The man sitting in front of you was truly something. You had never seen anything quite like it before. He is broad, muscular, a physique you've only seen in the movies. The muscles were big and tempting to look at, the way they tensed and relaxed under his movement. The man himself wore not much more than you did. From his shoulder ran some sort of a robe—an unusual style of clothing. What you can see are two layers of cloth— both of stark contrast to one another yet satisfying to the eye: a deep dark crimson red and the other black, as dark as night. The black one covered most of his body. Its edges were ornated with a gray line and odd symbols. The second red layer sat atop the black one. Both running slanted from the shoulder downwards to the belt, covering half his chest and stomach. It ended up tucked underneath the belt, and the remaining of the cloth covered his waist and that which sat beneath. He wore no pants, nor shoes. He is just like you… scarcely dressed.
This clothing reminded you of the Greeks and their Gods. The robes hang loosely from his figure, thus showing a lot of his physique. This much skin, bare and about, was confronting at first. And you can't help but stare. It all fitted so well together. The lines, curves, and shapes all coalesce together perfectly. He's like one of those statues you see in a museum. He's stunning. Perfection. In every possible way. Sculpted like, through, and by the Gods themselves. His chest is big, with one pec in the open. Down that smooth and galant line of his robe showed the smooth ridges and valleys of muscles. It displayed much, and the man seemed to hold his physique with pride and confidence. As he slowly leaned to the other side, giving you more to look at what was hiding underneath. It's breathtaking to gaze upon.
You only notice as you try to peel your eyes off of him. The room itself seemed darker, intensifying the colors he somehow emitted. You don't understand any of it at all. But it draws your eye. And it keeps your attention. It's so random, and yet… satisfying to watch. Your eyes slide upwards to the source of light, past the exposed collarbones and strong neck leading to his head.
It illuminated the small space surrounding him. A hue of orange, yellow and red cast upon the wall, dancing like flames. There was no draft in the room. Yet small laurels, ember bright and glowing, detached from the wreath that wrapped around his hair. Once detached, it twirled up into the air and slowly burned out like a cinder from a fire—curling and twisting into itself before disappearing into thin air.
"Did something caught your eye?" He taunts with a seducing twist in his voice. "Is it my clothing?" Running his hand along the lining, down from his hip to his shoulder. The way he did was almost like a tease. As his hand ended up at his shoulder, he pulled the cloth back into position. It looked regal again. Almost official. Yet it felt like foreplay. You wanted to see more. It's as if he knew. "Or what's underneath?" He continued with a grin spreading across his face.
"I… don't know." You stammered, licking your lips nervously. Feeling your cheeks color with blushes. "I haven't… seen something… or someone… like this… before." Your heart raced inside your cavity. Blood pressure rising. "I'm pretty sure…"
"Take a good look." He leaned forward, allowing the cloth to slowly slide from his shoulder again. Giving you more to absentminded gaze at again. "You had something similar." Reaching underneath the layered fabric to scratch his chest, breaking your line of sight. In response, shooting your eyes back into his. "But I've always preferred this…" Eyeing your bare naked body again.
With two fingers, he dismissively gestures towards the shirt you were reaching for. But completely forgot once your eyes and mind were occupied elsewhere. "No need for that."
You jerk your head towards the shirt as it spontaneously bursts into raging flames. Consuming it at a rapid pace. You release a yelp, afraid the fire might catch something else. But within a blink or two, the shirt had burned up without affecting the rest. The ashes dwindling away from existence with a gust of sudden air out of nowhere. "Wh-...?"
"You look mighty fine as is." He said. "I suggest you don't open any drawers for... more clothing." He groans again, holding his midriff, trying to get himself together. "Now…" He continued with his dark seducing voice. "Did something come back to you? When you… looked."
"Holy shit… !" You curse loudly. "Y-Your… You're some kind of… God?"
"Something like that." He smirked. "But far from holy." Rising to his feet with his arms hanging beside him. He seemed to be on the short side, but now you finally got to see the whole picture. The real proportions and volume of his muscle now really began to show. His abs and chest. Veins running on his lower arms. "Think (Y/N)." He pressed on. Pulling you from your daydreaming again. "Can you remember anything?" He actually looked menacing. As he stood up, the belt around his waist came into view. Panic suddenly hits you as you notice various white stones with carved smiling skulls depicted on his belt.
"No-No-No!" You hold out one hand, trying to keep him at bay. While the other barely held the towel in place and your back pressed against the wardrobe. "I… I don't remember! Please!? I don't! Please?! J-Just… just leave me be!"
"(Y/N)..." The way your name rolled from his mouth. With such calm and coolness. The way he carried himself, step by step. Careful and slowly. "Nothings going to happen to you. On the contrary..." He said, stepping even closer to you. "I'm going to help you." His voice had a peaceful and reasonable tone. You automatically lower your arm as he comes in reach. Something withholds you from touching him.
"I… don't… W-With what...? With what... are you going to help?" You feel your hairs rise, the air stock in your throat. He was so close. 
"You..." He hesitated for a moment. Clearly rethinking what he was about to say. "I need... you back…" His breathing got hampered. "And it's… Please… (Y/N)...Nnggh…" he groaned as he averted his eyes. His entire body shook for a moment before returning his gaze. "Listen…" Taking one final step forward. Making the whole conversation up close and personal. "My time here is… s-short… and I want you to show something." His eyes draw you in. You hang to each and every word that falls from his lips. So close, he's even more impressive to look at. 
"I… I... don't understand..." You stammer, watching him with big eyes. "I've always been here… And… never knew you?" With every fleeting moment of silence, and your eyes captivated by his, you begin to feel caught between the wardrobe and him. If you could move, you maybe would. But somehow, you didn't. Only the tingling sensation on your thighs snapped you out of glaring at him. You look down, past your fingers holding the towel, and panic hits you again. The orange and red glow of sundering flame reflected in your eyes. Slowly consuming the towel. "What are you doing?!" Your eyes dart up and down from the towel to him. "Tom! Talk to me!"
"I'll... help you… remember." Before you manage to react, two fingers lift you by your chin. It's him. Even closer. Standing merely inches away from you. You meet his eyes up close, and for the first time are truly realizing the beautiful features of his face. It's gorgeous. The angles, the lines. The proportions, they match perfectly. Drowning in his eyes. They're deep and meaningful. And there's something in his eyes you have never seen before with anyone before. 
Words fall short from your mouth as he moves closer. Ghosting dangerously close to your lips 
"You'll soon... r-re...member what… once... w-was." He whispers, almost like a spell, it captures you. Tantalizing you. His breath fanning across your skin. "Fr...agments. Glimpses-s... of the… past." A reassuring smile was more than enough. 
"C-Can't… you tell me?" 
"It doesn't work that way…" He grunted. "You'll understand soon enough."
"I… I… Tom?"
"Close... your eyes..." He interjected. Slightly tilting his head to the side.
"And if I don't…"
The touch of his lips upon yours sets things in motion you had never experienced before. Your eyes closed as he said you should, and you follow in the motion. The soft, warm cushions of his lips dancing against yours. It's slow at first. With both his hands cupping your cheek. He has full control. He knows what he's doing.
The conversation must have taken only several minutes. But your body has cooled down quickly. And you only notice that once his lips are sealed with yours. Like the morning sun touching upon your skin. A fireplace coming to life again. A spark igniting what once was. This glowing sensation boiling from deep within you. A warmth is flowing through you. A jolt of life dashing through you. You feel alive. Better. Stronger. 
It's unheard of.
"I… I… w-will… return…" He grunted against your lips. "And I… I'll… keep… d-d-doing… this…-" Until his lips part, resting his forehead against yours. The brush of his fingers, stroking along your cheek. "-Until… y-you… remember…” 
Your eyes shoot wide open. A gasp of air sucked into your lungs brings you back once more. Your vision scans left and right throughout the room. The light hitting your eyes again. But the visage of the man was gone. One hand holding onto your member, no towel in sight. You pull back the other hand in surprise, hanging there mid-air before you, as if reaching out for something or someone. You swallow the lump in your throat as the images flashed through your mind again. But it's vague, distant, and ...new?
A laurel, bright in color and familiar to the ones you saw earlier, dwindled through the air in front of you. With two fingers, you grab it, afraid it might burn up like the one you saw. Between your fingers, it felt warm to the touch. The texture was gold-like. Smooth and shiny. Yet, it didn't disintegrate. A confirmation that what just happened was real. It filled you with more questions than answers. But above all, you felt alive. As so did your body. In your other hand, your member had stiffened at the thought of the man. Tom. A shuddering breath left yout shaking body. A strong, aching itch started to arise.
He better return.
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