defness · 2 years
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cobra-wives · 28 days
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
"if the specimen I enjoyed of their hospitality be of the average kind, their lives must be pretty comfortable." good for the Bilders!
the polite, casually musing, "did I tell you to go to hell?" is so funny
Bilder hating Dracula on sight <3
ahhh it's good to hear Dracula's voice again. I mean I hate him, but, you know.
"I have made pets of several." Dracula making his little jokes again...
"he said, with a suspicious sort of modesty" hahaha, the delivery of this line was so funny
the Bilders laughing and literally going like "hohohohooo" is so funny. they're just 'gotcha!!!!!!' it's great
they are so playful. good for them
I love the long talk about how this wolf isn't clever or dangerous or anything... ending with "well, and I guess he could eat a baby" haha
Correspondent not liking that door being opened
it IS a shame that people are allowed to top their walls with broken bottles, I agree. I love how soft his voice gets on "come along, Berserker."
"the only exclusive information" hahaha yes, kudos to you, Correspondent
I like the doorbell noise quite a lot.
And the saw noise!
I never noticed them going round to the back of the house, but um. Probably a good choice before breaking in!
Ooh, the way Jack's voice falters on "but there was no sound... that we could hear"
I LOVE the music as they open the door and see Mrs. Westenra and Lucy
my immediate reaction was DO NOT BRING BRANDY
I do love that Jack tested it to make sure it wasn't poisoned though
"there was a gentleman who had come with a message from Mr. Holmwood." HERE HE ISSSS
god, that van Helsing doesn't have any hope for Lucy to survive this anymore. his only goal is to save her from vampirism
also the way Jack says "Quincey Morris" he is in love
oh god Art's voiiiiice
"Her struggle back into life was something frightful to see and hear." oh god
I love Jack's uncertainty upon reading Lucy's memorandum. The vulnerability in his voice as he asks van Helsing what it means, and if Lucy is mad.
Quincey's voice is so soft and sweet when he asks to have a talk with Jack.
Man, Jack really is running around all over the place isn't he.
"I don't want to shove myself in anywhere where I've no right to be;" this is why Quincey has been gone from the book for so long.
the music while Quincey describes the vampire bat
love the "royal lot of [manhood]" line, but also the whole bit before it, with Jack being so soft and full of sympathy for Quincey, more so than himself
"What took it out?" Quincey asking the real questions
Lucy's sobbing aches to listen to
"Some may not think it so sad for us," oof, she sounds kinda bitter. perhaps insinuations have already been made? not necessarily that they killed him but that this is mighty lucky for them isn't it/that they deliberately got close to him when he was dying in order to inherit
"my belief in him helps him to have a belief in himself." YES. YES.
Mina reaching out to Lucy for comfort and support... unaware that Lucy too is plunged into a nightmare
oh she sounds so agonized when she says the letter was unopened. oh ouch.
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pluck-heartstrings · 6 months
Aaaaaaaaauh the boys have thoughts, they FEEL and they are THINKING ABOUT THE FEELINGS!!!!!
Sun is excited, joyful, and already thinking about MARRIAGE!!!!!
While poor Moon is yearning, questioning, and scared of what these feelings will entail.
One thing is for certain though, both are absolutely smitten, and infatuated with the people of their burning feelings!!!!
Eheheheheh I'm so glad you like it. The next chapter is going to be fun too. I really wanted to portray the juxtaposition of the brother's personalities when it came to realizing that they are capable of the 'big L word'. Sun's is more of a fairytale impression of it, (I mean, he's in love with a Princess, of course that's how he views it) while Moon's is a bit more realistic/pessimistic. They're both overwhelmed with the imminent reality in front of them, and have different coping mechanisms. We'll begin to see them play out over the next few chapters.
But EEEEE I'm so glad you like ittttt thanks for readingggg
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can i request a tim/masky, Liu/sully, and puppeteer with a S/O that only likes affection from people they feel comfortable with
Characters: Tim Wright, Homicidal Liu and The Puppeteer
S/O Type: Gender neutral
Tags: SFW Fluff(?)
CW: Sfw romantic themes
A/N: Hohohohooo another Tim Wright fan I see, welcome to my little club, would you like a party hat? Also I don't really know the difference between Liu and Sully so I apologize 🙃🙃
Headcanons below!
Tim Wright:
Respects that, won't give affection if not wanted
Honestly feels the same, the events of Marble Hornets (And just his life honestly) left him with trust issues so it would take him a while to allow it
But as soon as he gets permission to, and he's comfortable you bet your ass he's going to randomly drag you away to cuddle or something like that
If he accidentally gives affection when it's not wanted he'd probably apologize repeatedly and just stay clear for a day or two just to be safe
Homicidal Liu:
Same reaction as Tim, maybe struggles a bit more though
Is trying his best occasionally goes in for a hug before having the "Oh shit" moment and running away or tripping trying to stop himself
Shows affection in different ways, hand made gifts, food, etc
Soul ascends when is allowed to give physical affection finally
Literally so fucking lovey dovey omg
The Puppeteer
Literally struggles so hard, cannot imagine the struggle, he's trying his best though
Probably found something else to take it on (Like a plushie or something)
Social distancing is his new bestie
Makes you food instead of affection
As soon as you let this man start touching you that bubble is popped, him and social distancing aren't on good terms anymore he is always near you
Extra A/N: Ok it's 2 A.M imma go to sleep gn (:
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Hohohohooo... (Like a 90's anime villain laugh). Its- ha- it's not a "doing" it's an "undoing." I hide most of my features but in defensive situations they break through.
So this is what you really look like?
Uhh.. Well, saying it like that makes it sound like I was being deceitful before, but yes, technically, that's correct.
"I. Want. Wings. I want wings! Imagine how useful they could be on the battlefield!"
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ohohoho i have a scrumptuous idea …. heeeheeeheeee hohohohooo …
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ethelthreat · 10 months
hello! i really love your mafia hualian series! it feels like a breath of fresh air to get some darker tgcf fics. just out of curiosity, have you been watching the new season? or have you tried listening to the tgcf audio drama? hua cheng's characterization and voice acting in the latter is very good. i feel like you'd like it!
thank you!! i'm glad you like it. it indeed is funny when browsing through hualian, my stuff is a pit of despair amongst all the fluff :D.
no i haven't! i'm not really a visual entertainment person so i've left the animations alone, but i've heard clips of the audio drama and.. you're right. hohohohooo boi. delicious.
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red-faced-wolf · 11 months
Frenchman playing royal match
“Oh héhéhé ze king Issa drowning hohohohooo”
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abiteofbread · 2 years
i might as well start importing my OCs yeah okay
so who's the guy (er, being) in my profile picture? well, meet GHOST (they/them, aroace).
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(art made by @the-angelo but it's outdated so who really cares /j) So who is GHOST? Well well well, motherfucker, you're in for a goddamn ride.
Originating from a dream that I had pre-pandemic that has vividly stuck in my mind for over four years, jfc, GHOST is basically God. They don't like calling themselves God, though, because of, uh. No reason :)
you get no lore. fuck you /j
as for everything else... well, starting with the simple stuff, GHOST is at all times on the verge of insanity because of past events that you get to know nothing about. to cope with godhood, they are extremely sadistic. they rarely show any genuine emotions other than anger and happiness, and even then, they barely show anger because, well, that smile plastered on their face? that's there forever. they usually won't get rid of it. their face is usually made up of three glowing white objects, most of the time forming a smiley face. this is not its limit, however. they can form whatever expression they want, which coincidentally, is a smiley face most of the time. tumblr likes skeletons right? well hohohohooo boy does this bitch have one underneath the fire and the flames! by the way they're. uh. they're 30 feet tall and the skeleton is to scale. enjoy motherfuckers by the way, there's no skull. instead, for a head, it's a giant black orb that's rather light-absorbent
if i ever decide to continue this it's gonna be in the reblogs
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rcselccms · 2 years
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@dreamxmaker​ exposed:  “ can you forgive me?”  (@dreamxmaker)
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   ⩥ The woman, invited by the manor of dreams, looks to the man dressed in black hollowly. Those once blue eyes attempting to switch to nothing but leaves and thorns but no-- with a simple breath, she advances ever closer. She wished she had known this man before, in her countless dreams that have been conjured up before...yet he never made himself known. And he, now, standing to ask for forgiveness when a boy was tortured?
   She will not stand for it, and never will she abide.
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   “You think you can be forgiven? Let’s list off the reasons,” She begins curtly, raising her fingers to count on them. “You torture a sweet, little boy on his recent fears,” A finger draws out, “You chastise my husband for taking out that fear,” Another extends, “ AND you grab my husband by the throat and threw him. Now, sir, i’d like to be civil--have a dialogue with you, but don’t you think this is a bit much?”
   She feels herself rising, folding her arms over her chest to stop herself from letting him have it. “I think those are pretty good reasons to not. I’m so mad, oughh...you should be lucky to know that I’m a dignified woman.”
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defness · 2 years
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A doodle for you!
Originally, I was gonna have Durian do the shoulder grip thing and tell Icarus that Dark Enchantress isn’t to be trusted, but seeing the state he unintentionally pushed Icarus to, he ended up not doing that. So .<.
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acolyteszn · 3 years
watching him fade away by mac demarco except its s3 byler
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funneylizzie · 4 years
Jesse giving Lake hand-me-downs and then Lake giving Nate the hand-me-downs please I’m soft
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You seem much more like the wicked witch who'd curse the actual princess
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“Now that would be a twist wouldn't it~?”
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paradisecost · 3 years
in which atticus loses more than just an eye
“My darling…” Charlie has never looked so vulnerable in front of someone else, and it’s unlikely anyone will ever be witness to such an expression again. His hand gently traces the bandages stained with blood, red hair haphazardly cut out of the way, and a single eye vaguely drifting with self-consciousness. “Can you hear me? What have you done?” // :))))))))
My darling, someone says, and his head swims like oil on fire. It hurts: he tries to sink back under, into that heavy swamp of nothingness from which the voice had roused him, but he cannot shake the feeling that the voice is one he should know though he’s sure no-one has ever called him darling in his life.
He makes himself look, trying to focus on the blurry figure beside him without moving his head, which hurts like hell. There’s cotton over one eye, and he thinks his whole head too--was he hit? Shot? He’s alive, so he’s not worried, but...
“Somethin’ stupid, probably,” he mumbles, and lifts his hand like he’s thinking about touching the bandages, then thinks better of it. The man beside him can’t be the doctor: called him darling, asked what he’s done. A doctor wouldn’t need to ask that.
He stares hard at the man, trying to put a name to the face. Or... anything to the face.
Christ, but he’s familiar. Maybe it’ll make more sense when he’s not, presumably, full of opium.
Atticus, he thinks, is that it? and he looks at the man some more and realises, no, Atticus is his own name now, though the details of his choosing it are vague and blurry. Years ago, it must have been. After...
(After... what, exactly?
Running from someone. Something. The law? No, a higher authority than that--but that doesn’t make sense.)
“Not to state the obvious,” he slurs softly, “but my head hurts.”
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