betelgeusing · 2 months
daniel larusso: having an ordinary day at the office with his beautiful wife
johnny lawrence: trying to figure out what a "credit score" is and if he has one
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cobra-wives · 5 days
it’s always “eli and the hawk persona as a metaphor for masculinity/the queer experience” but it’s never eli and the hawk persona as a metaphor for the neurodivergent experience and masking. hawk is CLEARLY eli’s way of masking - he is literally following a social script, adhering to social cues and speech patterns he created to look tougher out of a need to SURVIVE. he literally distances himself away from demetri who is LITERALLY THE DEFINITION of neurodivergency (misunderstanding social cues, special interests, slower development when it comes to karate) out of fear that he might be perceived as anything that isn’t his neurotypical persona.
sure we talk about it, but we don’t talk about it in the sense of how powerful that makes the bond between him and demetri - “this is who you are.” “a loser?” “my best friend. i know you think that that mohawk defined who you are. but it didn’t. not to me.” it is the most POWERFUL thing to me when we get this narrative where demetri will stand by his side not in spite of or because of his neurodivergency but just understand that it’s a part of him. no babying, no shoving one part or another down - just acceptance. and only when eli gets that acceptance is the mohawk not a mask anymore, but a facet of his own personal beliefs, dreams and interests. hell, it’s why i can finally say that YEAH - I’M LETTING HIM WEAR THE AMERICAN MOHAWK. it isn’t some persona he wears anymore like a lie - it’s his enthusiasm for his special karate interest. and i like joking about flag desecrations, so why not.
this is a very happy/positive ramble, so i’m not going to get into complaining about how more often than not the mischaracterization of eli peeves me off so bad because my brain unconsciously connected it to people infantilizing autistic characters. LET AUTISTIC CHARACTERS HAVE FLAWS AND EXPERIENCE EMOTIONAL TURMOIL IN THEIR HIGH SCHOOL JOURNEY OF SELF DISCOVERY! IT’S FUN!
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eccentricallygothic · 6 months
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"I don't wanna have your stupid blonde babies!" So Dark!Steve pounces on you immediately and doesn't let up until he's sure you've one or two on the way 🩷
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embryoed · 2 months
Same bitches different universe
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Feeding 101
kai parker x reader
summary: damon was a great teacher during elena's transition, but he's less than helpful when kai escapes hell and needs to feed. luckily, you're there at the right place, right time, and offer to teach him, (much to damon's disapproval). | heretic!kai
tags: based on s08e13, mention of twilight, blood drinking, blood sharing, feelings, confessions, arguments, protective!damon but also protective!kai, mention of sex but no sexual content, almost kiss
word count: ~2.7k
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You’re too busy texting to look where you’re going. A nervous text from Alaric; a warning, judging by his unusual use of the red exclamation + question mark emoji. You stumble to the bathroom to read it, wanting your reaction to be out of sights from the crowded diner. Mystic Falls has been a mess lately; no doubt it concerns the next big enemy. 
But as you burst open the nearest door, you catch the sight of two bodies occupying. Right as you turn to leave, you realize it’s Damon by the sink. 
“Oh, shit, sorry - wait, Damon?!” 
This is an uncommon place to find him. Usually, he’d be at the Mystic Grill or the Scull Bar. Never at the rather unkempt small diner on the end of the street. You, however, go there often, whenever you need to escape wandering eyes and small-town chatter. Damon, often both the cause of the eyes and the chatter, enjoys being in the center of attention. 
However, when you catch his gaze this time, his throat tightens in fear. “Y/N, out! Go!” 
His urgency scares you. Your eyes bounce around the room for the threat, wondering what’s so imperative that you hurry on your way out the door. 
You settle your attention on the figure beside him. Well, not one, but two. 
One man slouched against the wall, diner apron still loosely around his waist. Another man is holding him up by his shoulders, feeding on his neck.  
You startle at the sight, not expecting it. 
“Get out, Y/N!”
The man feeding is too caught up in his gig to notice your presence, but you soon start to recognize his shoulders. 
You stop, feet planted into the cement; fear becoming curiosity. “Is that Kai?”
At the same time, the man in question lets the diner cook slump to the ground. He turns to Damon, unsuccessfully wiping blood off his face. “So that was-” he finally sees you, “hey, I remember you.”
“She’s leaving,” Damon answers. “Y/N, go!”
“Y/N, that was it!” 
You’re having trouble tearing your eyes from his face. Jesus Christ, he’s a messy eater. 
“Is this the big emergency Ric texted me about?!”
Damon shrugs, “probably.”
“As much as I love talking about Ric, I need to feed on more than just this big guy. I’ve been in hell for a long time, Damon, and-”
“I know! You’re hungry; I get it. We’re having a little problem right now of finding people that you can eat. It’s not like there’s a line outside of willing participants.”
You swallow hard.
Kai’s always made you feel a type of way you couldn’t explore. His bloodstained lips and teeth multiply that feeling tenfold, reminding you why you came to Mystic Falls in the first place. Vampires, witches, werewolves. You started out as a Twilight enthusiast looking for adventure, attending Whitmore College, but then became a valuable asset to the team. 
God, if Kai ever knew how hard it was for Elena to keep you away from him, you’d probably die inside. You fell for him hard. And now, staring at him in his full transition, you can already feel those tingles returning. 
“What are you guys doing?” You ask, genuinely curious. 
“Kai here says he can bring back Elena, but he needs to be strong enough to do the spell.”
Ah. You shift your feet nervously. Even despite what he did to your best friend, you can’t help your desire for him. “So you need to go,” Damon continues, “and not be a witness anymore, and we need to go find more bad people.”
“Why only bad people?”
“So that Damon doesn’t feel guilty for eating good ones,” Kai answers, to which Damon gives him a distasteful smile. 
“And, because like I said, you don’t exactly have anybody willing to be fed on, especially not by you. So we have to get a move on it if we’re to reverse this spell quickly, before Cade gets his hands on you.”
“He’s coming for me, because I escaped Hell.” He glances down at the diner cook again, wondering if any of his blood is still fresh for a second round. “I really don’t want to go back there, to Hell, and every time I feed, I can feel myself getting stronger, so that’s great, in case I need to fight him.” Kai takes in the sight of you one last time before tearing his lust-filled eyes away. “So if we can find more people-”
“Feed on me.”
“What?!” Damon repeats Kai’s question, but with extra dismay.
“You need to feed, but are having trouble selecting people. I’m a willing participant; feed on me.”
“Yeah, that’s a no.”
“C’mon, Damon, you want Elena back, and so do I, and I don’t know… I trust Kai won’t kill me.”
“Y/N, do you not see the dead guy slumped on the floor?”
“Yeah but Kai knows me. You both do. I’m not some villain, or some unimportant cook.”
“That man was very important,” Damon fakes, “he was doing his job, serving burgers-”
“He was forcing his hand on an underage girl,” Kai interrupts, “that’s why we picked him.”
“See? Eating people with a good cause. C’mon, Kai, I trust you. Just heal me back up when you’re done. Has Damon taught you how to do that yet?”
“Okay, then I will.” You shrug off your coat, exposing your neck. “Come here. Pierce this vein,” you point, “and drink from it.”
“No!” Damon lunges for Kai when he steps closer to you. “Y/N, this is insane!”
“It’s fine! You’re being dramatic!”
“You’re being under-dramatic!”
“That’s not a thing.”
“It certainly is!”
“He isn’t going to drain me, I’m just giving him enough to make him stronger. You want Elena back, right? So do I. Kai, drink.”
The vampire steps closer, flicking his tongue against your neck. When your knees buckle at the sensation, he grabs your waist to hold you up. 
“You okay?”
“Mhm. Go ahead.”
Damon can only watch as Kai follows your instruction, biting down carefully into your jugular vein and beginning to suck. He was never so careful with his previous victims, and would let himself tear messily into their skin before finding his latch. Blood would stream down their neck and his chin, staining them both. You showing him where to latch makes his bite a lot cleaner. Instead of worrying about hurting you, he can focus his attention on keeping you upright. 
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Damon asks, also noticing your weak knees. 
“Mhm- yes.” You grab onto Kai for support. He pulls off to look at you, but latches back on when you nod the consent to continue. 
“Doesn’t look like that from here.”
“It’s just… intense. I’m okay.”
After a minute or two, your skin pales. Your body is weakening under Kai’s strong grip, and he realizes quickly, detaching his teeth from your neck. 
“Hey, what do I-”
“Bite here,” you point to his own wrist, “feed me your blood to heal me.”
“Bite here,” he repeats, situating his teeth on himself. He bites, then it bleeds. “Like Damon’s done?”
“Okay.” He pushes his wrist up to your mouth, almost force-feeding you. You would’ve grabbed onto his wrist and fed yourself, but the way Kai does it, like he’s desperate for you to heal, makes you wonder if he could really feel that way.
Within seconds, you start to feel like yourself again. The color returns to your face, and you get a little of your strength back. Most of it is turned to mush at the fact that he fed from you - he literally fucking fed from you; your heart is racing - but not all of your weakened state is due to overwhelming feelings. 
“Are you okay?”
“Mh- yes.”
“Are you sure?” Damon overrides, coming up behind you. 
“I’m good. Fuck,” you’re still trying to catch your breath, exhilaration coursing through you, “felt good.”
“Well it isn’t supposed to feel good,” the elder vampire comments. 
“I, um, I just meant… the healing part of it did. Felt good to have my strength back.”
“Mhm, sure.”
“I didn’t hurt you?” Kai asks, head tilted.
“No, you didn’t. You’re okay.” He smiles, then brushes a loose hair from your face. You have a suddenly overwhelming urge to kiss him, but doubt Damon would like that very much. Instead, you point towards the sink, then at his bloodstained mouth. “Let me clean you up, okay? Can’t go anywhere with dead line cook all over your face.”
Kai takes a step back to let you reach the sink, while Damon tries not to be dumbfounded at how okay you are with this whole situation. 
You wet a paper towel and add a teensy bit of hand soap, then beckon Kai forward. 
“Thanks for teaching me how to feed properly,” he says, watching the first bit of blood wash down the drain. 
“Of course. I don’t know why Damon didn’t-”
“-because that’s not my job, Y/N. And it wasn’t yours, either.”
“Still. There’s a huge bloodstain on the wall now, and that one certainly isn’t my problem.”
“We’ll just leave it for the cleaning lady. Put an ‘Out of Order’ sign on the door.”
“Nice,” you reply dryly. 
“Hey, while I was feeding,” Kai says suddenly, “I felt this rush go through your body that I hadn’t tasted before. Is that normal?”
Damon’s heart drops to his toes. “It was fear,” he tries to say. He knows you had a crush seven years ago, and Kai does not need to learn about it now.
“I’m asking Y/N.”
“I, um… yeah, I mean, normal sometimes. Blood sharing can be really personal, so since you weren’t feeding to kill, it’s not…” you glance over to Damon, who’s making gestures of cutting off a head to make you stop talking, “it’s, uh, normal.”
“It’s personal? Like how?”
Damon’s eyes roll all the way to space. He slaps a hand to his forehead. 
“Um, like… well… that level of trust that I put in you, coupled again, with the fact that you weren’t feeding to kill. Sometimes it can stir up, uh, feelings.”
“Oohkay, Y/N, you’ve done enough!”
“I don’t know how to explain it!”
“Blood sharing is personal because you’re feeding off one another in a really intimate way, sometimes more intimate than sex. Now, Kai, another important thing you’re gonna learn about being a vampire is compulsion. Compel her to forget this ever happened.”
“What?” You step back in surprise, “no!”
“Come on, Y/N, it’s for your safety. He doesn’t have any feelings anyway.”
“No! Damon-”
“For the record, I feel things sometimes. Remember - hello - merge with Luke? And before that, I could feel, I just didn’t know what I was feeling.”
“Neat. Great. Compel her anyway.”
“No! She doesn’t want it. I’m not gonna force something on her that she doesn’t want.”
“I bet this guy didn’t want to die, did you think about that?”
“That’s different. She’s different. She matters.”
“Oh, great.”
“You just said blood sharing is really intimate, so why would I compel her when she doesn’t want it when we practically just had sex?”
“That is not what I said!”
“It is, too!”
Damon sighs, “you compel her because it’s for her own good! Because she should never be caught doing anything with the likes of you. You’re only gonna get her killed.”
“I didn’t get her killed just a minute ago when I was feeding on her.”
“Because she showed you how! Otherwise, you would’ve just ripped into her neck like this other guy here.”
“No, I wouldn’t have fed on her at all if she didn’t teach me, because I’ve never wanted to hurt her.”
Damon throws up his hands. “God! Kai, why?!”
“Oh, is it suddenly bad that I care about someone?! I thought that’s all you ever wanted from me. And now I do, and I’m the bad guy again?”
“You were never the good guy, I-”
“Okay, just stop it!” You interrupt, putting hands between the men. “This is ridiculous.”
“His apparent, sudden feelings for you are ridiculous!”
“I’ve had a crush on her since the day I merged with Luke,” he blurts out.
“What?” You and Damon say in unison, both now looking at him. 
He sighs. “You were there for Bonnie’s birthday and helped us all send a message to her. But after my sister stabbed me and Damon healed me with his blood, you were the one that cleaned me up and made sure I was okay. I always thought you were cute, but from that day on, I don’t know, I just felt something.” He looks down, embarrassed. “I never said anything because I’m, well, me, and you’re you - this super sweet and gentle and caring person, and I would be nothing but wrong for you. And the only reason I agreed to feed on you today was because I am really hungry, and your blood smells just so good, and you were willing to teach me how to do it without hurting you.” He pauses, “I’m sorry for lying to you, and I’m sorry for causing such a big fight, and for letting this get out, but that’s the truth.”
“You had a crush on me,” you say, not really as a question. Kai looks up, unable to read your tone, hoping your face gives you away. He expects mocking, certainly not the excitement you seem to have instead. 
“Damon,” you turn suddenly, “did you hear that?”
“Yep, all three times, Y/N.”
You turn back to Kai, expression unreadable. “For the record-”
“Y/N, don’t-” Damon attempts. 
You ignore, “I’ve always had a crush on you, too.”
A smile tugs at the edge of his lips. “You have?”
“Even before the merge, I liked you, but then after it, watching you navigate the world, I couldn’t help but fall head over heels. I wanted to help you through it more but somebody…” you glance at Damon, “held me back.”
“For good reason-”
You interrupt him again. “But yes, Kai, I like you.”
“Even as a heretic?”
“You think I’d let just anyone feed on me? Let alone a baby vamp who I literally just watched rip open another guy’s neck?”
He smiles. “Got it.”
“If anything, it was hot.”
“You learning control on me was hot, too, but that display of near-rabid vampirism was also super hot.”
“Y/N-” Damon warns again, not liking the direction of the conversation.
“And yeah, I wouldn’t share my blood with just anyone. So, yes, Kai, I think it’s safe to say I like you even as a heretic.”
Kai’s hand finds its way to the side of your face. An overwhelming urge to kiss you settles in his bones. 
“Nope-” Damon speeds forward to separate you. “You can talk about your weird, gross, feelings, but we aren’t going any further with them today.” 
“Alright, alright.”
“Damon,” you warn, not liking the grip he has on Kai’s shirt. “Easy.”
“Oh, he’s fine. He’s a big, strong heretic now, right?” He pushes him hard into the wall.
Kai groans, pain coursing through his body for a mere second before any bruises heal themselves. 
“Damon!” You come to his side. “Let go.” Luckily, he does. Kai makes another, lower groan as his body is released from the man’s clutches. You try to not let it go to your head. “Can we just… go do whatever it is you were doing earlier now? This guy is starting to smell.”
Damon looks at him, then at the two of you. “Fine, whatever. Y/N, I’m assuming I can’t shake you off?”
“Alright. Then let’s go make enemies out of my friends.” You tilt your head in confusion. 
“Bonnie, who’s helping Kai get out permanently. Alaric, with… Alaric in general. Elena, when we wake her, for letting her realize I failed to keep you two apart like she tried so hard to do. Matt-”
“We get it.”
“Good. Then let’s go.”
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gratielalovebot · 1 year
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might make something better later but for now i offer you all some crappy sigmas from the new official art because i love him dearly
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oppositeshipping but it's staff of elements kai and ice emperor Zane and kai keeps getting turned into a popsicle for trying to steal Zane's ice powers.
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
truly do get pulled back every time im reminded that johnny and daniel are obsessed with each other and have been connected for 35 years and can only heal alongside one another, this will never be over because they don't want it to be over whatever "this" is, who knows, they certainly don't they'll just keep right on circling forever and ever and that's just the way they want it
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fruityindividual · 2 months
race day bbyyy so humid i am (checks) already damp
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vveissesfleisch · 2 months
Daniel honestly deserves to be gangbanged by all of his karate boyfriends until he can’t walk. It’s what baby boy deserves ♥️
Truly, anon. Why surround yourself with sexy old & current enemies if not to sex the old & current enemies?
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ashclouds366 · 1 year
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inspired by @mostdefinitelyahumanperson's ninja coffee hcs :)
uninked (and possibly better-looking) below cut
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kai in his jammy pants :3
i can't draw cans but jay is drinking bimbo juice (pink monster)
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Felted Meryl Stryfe!
Forgot to share this when I finished her! Behold!
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I couldn’t decide on a facial expression so I went with “about to get the Typhoon Scoop!”
More angles and a look at the details:
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Embroidery was a bit messy but I’m learning! Same with the doll itself, I preferred how I made the head on Vash, but overall still happy with how she came out!
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Next I’ll make Knives! I also want to make Wolfwood but he will have to wait until I can buy more wool. I need a good darker skin tone!
And in somewhat related news, my Pop Up Parade Vash arrived too!
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kaistrashbin · 6 months
if you could go anywhere in the world, free of charge, where are you going and why?
To your house to hang out :D
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dykesynthezoid · 2 years
Sorry but it’s so funny the way ppl will talk about Anthony LaRusso like he’s the Devil incarnate. He’s like 14 bestie let it go
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taintandviolent · 1 year
Man, anons are real pressed that I make multiple audios at a time. God damn, lmao. and the only ones that are pressed….. are them. Nobody else.
Listen, the one who requested the latest Kai audio had ZERO issues waiting considering a) how specific it was, b) how long it ended up being, and c) probably has better things to do. but besides that, lemme remind you guys that I do this shit for FUN. I don’t charge anyone, I have tips on because people literally asked me to turn them on. It’s a hobby that I do in between two jobs, and I’ll do them as I see fit / am inspired to do them. It literally says that in the request.
if you’re mad that I posted two audios in two days?? Dunno what to tell you, bud. Everyone else is vibing.
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Kaiiiiiiii you can’t be wasting our chances like this!!!!!!
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