#@curator on ao3
androidboy · 2 years
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grissomesque · 1 year
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Trek Husbands + their Hot Trek Wives
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🍂This user is always happy to see ao3 surpass their donation goals btw.🍂
This user is glad to see publically-funded archives of all kinds and especially those with a history of standing against censorship, especially fully volunteer-run ones with artists generously sharing their works for free, especially well organised ones that I respect the hell out of.
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sandinthepipes · 16 days
I know Tumblr will not let me down.
Give me your favourite destiel fic
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milks-thoughts · 1 year
I don’t normally do this but please I urge everybody that sees this to sign this petition and others like it.
what is KOSA? KOSA is the Kids Online Safety Act, a bill that would increase surveillance and restrict access to information in the name of protecting children online. While this seems harmless at face value, it isn’t. it will take down so many social media sites, Tumblr, AO3, Wattpad, etc. and this is ONLY the beginning, soon it’ll also take down TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. anything with LGBTQ or minorities that actively talk about their experiences on the site. The republican and democratic parties are to blame, it was a joint decision for the bill. And while it doesn’t specifically address LGBTQ and minorities they’ll use the bill to attack everything they don’t like by insisting that LGBTQ and minority groups are “ grooming “ the children. This is harmful in so many ways, believe it or not, websites like AO3, Wattpad, and TikTok are important to culture and growing mindsets. If you block away all these ways people can learn then people will be close minded, they’ll be split off from other people. This is what they want, this country is slowly becoming a country where people can’t be who they want or who they are
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snarkythewoecrow · 2 years
I had a friend come to me about a comment on their CLEARLY tagged fic, asking when it would stop being about X thing (that was tagged, and they were many chapters in), and these were my thoughts, which I hope will help show why that isn't the writer's problem, but rather, the reader's.
It's like, let me pick up this clearly labeled chocolate milk, that looks in every way like chocolate milk, let me drink half the glass, then look disgusted and ask you how much longer you plan to let this continue to be chocolate milk and not strawberry, because how could you not know that is the only type I like?
Now can't we all agree how entitled and silly that sounds?
So anyway, don't be that person. There are plenty of flavors to pick from, so go find the one you like and stop crying when something turns out to be exactly what's on the label
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liass-21 · 23 days
if all else fails at least i have my ao3 bookmarks
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cringefailvox · 7 months
i absolutely adore all of your hazbin fics theyre so good!! and well-written as well. u just get these guys ,,,🫠 what r some of ur fave hazbin fics >_<
ahhh thank you so much!!! that means so much to me <3 i've written 44k words of hazbin fic since the show came out which. is absolutely insane for me, but we're rolling with it LMFAO. i have a lot of fav fics but i'll try to limit myself and not let this post get totally out of hand:
Vintage Electronics by ckret2 — absolutely hysterical radiostatic fic written pre-s1 where vox replaces his dick with a microphone to seduce alastor. made me cry laughing. furthermore, anything written by ckret2, they're a fantastic author
a poor sinner's hand by vintagecassette — chronicle of husk & alastor's relationship, a brilliantly imagined backstory for how husk eventually ended up selling his soul
666: Live On Air! by @prince-liest — everything bel writes is fantastic, but this series in particular is incredible; radiostatic au where alastor lets vox fuck him ironically and then. well. it gets out of hand
BossaNova.EXE by vol_ctrl, XIntensity_FallsX — another pre-s1 radiostatic au where alastor attempts to manipulate vox by pretending to reciprocate his feelings, and again things get way out of hand. the experience of reading this one is electric, and if you commit to syncing the linked playlist with chapter 13 i guarantee you won't regret it
'tis but a flesh wound by leoandromeda — radiostatic, alastor accompanies rosie to an overlord party, dances with vox, and causes a brawl
pancakes, small talk by mirotic_chess — post-s1 reluctantly domestic radioapple. the summary says it best: lucifer makes pancakes and alastor keeps making jabs at him about his wife missing. they definitely get along!
Pornstar Martini by blatantblue, brightened — achingly soft series about husk & angel learning how to love each other as best as they can
Static Shock by @birdsaretoddlers — in progress, darkly hilarious and insightful radiostatic slowburn where vox drags alastor's unconscious body out of a dumpster 6 months after the finale
Strange Appetites by Gotllphi — in-progress, radioapple not-quite human au where lucifer & charlie go on vacation from hell to new orleans in the 1920s, where a certain serial killer is in desperate need of inspiration. literally a wacky dark romcom
Ye Mighty, Lay Down Your Arms by Expectosplendiferous — post-finale, alastor gets stitched up by rosie and subjected to dubcon cuddling by vox, respectively
No hiding place down here by ReminiscentBells — post-finale radioapple, tense and sweet and difficult by extremely satisfying. my fav "lucifer heals alastor after s1" fic and one of my fav explorations of sex-favorable asexuality. delicious
i'm realizing this list makes it exceedingly clear what characters and dynamics i tend to gravitate towards, but hell, i already reveal too much about my proclivities in my writing, why not commit to it
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another episode of will i continue working on my fanfic or succumb to the tumblr doomscroll once more?
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grissomesque · 1 year
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fiadorable · 4 months
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@curator-on-ao3​ and I are pleased to present our offering for the Merry Month of Cohen 2024! Thank you again to @what-happens-to-the-heart​ for organizing this year’s event!
💖 Number One | Una Chin-Riley/Christopher Pike
📖 Chris touching a time crystal on Boreth should have made his life tick toward his predicted fate. Instead, something else happened. Something worse. (Canon-divergent after season one, episode one of Strange New Worlds.) Story is fully written and we will do our best to post a chapter a day.
🎬 Rated C for Cohen, D for canon divergence, F for funky and fun POV, and T for time crystals that give everyone a headache
⛔ Sci-fi mental illness depicted
📏 About 7k words, give or take
🏷️ Canon Divergence, first person direct address POV, narrator alternates by chapter, sci-fi mental illness, Caregiving, Established Relationship, Captain Una, Time Crystals, Boreth, Angst with a Happy Ending
🖼️ Cover art created with photos from here and here and are used under the Unsplash license.
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velvette x rosie is a good ship I'm just tired of the only content for it being polycules with carmilla
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isagrimorie · 6 months
curator-on-ao3: I mean, I have no dog in this fight, but Tom served under Chakotay in the Maquis, then led Janeway to capture Chakotay. Chakotay is clearly disgusted by Tom’s actions, then Tom saves Chakotay’s life in the Ocampan underground, and Chakotay and Janeway work out that Chakotay will be responsible for Tom’s safety. Then Tom (with Janeway) betrays/tricks Chakotay again for the Investigations arc. I’m sure there’s more, but that’s off the top of my head as someone with no investment in this.
Oh definitely, I remember that there were tensions between them earlier on but I think I forgot about it because of how the issue between them seem to vanish after a few episodes. I think Chakotay’s issues with Tuvok was longer, and if I think about it, they only really buried the hatchet in season 5, Night.
(I enjoyed competitive thing Tuvok was doing to prove he is Most Best Friends with Janeway than Chakotay.)
I think that’s why I was surprised about the number of Chakotay/Tom on livejournal rec list I stumbled into.
Edited to add: @curator-on-ao3 (Also, Trek fandom has always been gay.)
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myfandomrealitea · 11 months
Are there really people who bash on Ao3?? Wow. I've never met any of those, it's very strange for me to hear that. I mean, Ao3 is the best site in terms of variety, it has everything. It is FULL of PG-13 works, gen works, family friendly fics and all, not just explicit stuff. I mean, filters exist and they are convenient. I am one of those fans who love to read & write both R and G rated works, and, like, Ao3 is my jam for that.
People opposing AO3 or AO3 in part (such as specific policies, functions, ect) are unfortunately very common. And by no means is the site exempt from criticism; there's always room for improvement, but a lot of the opposition to AO3 comes from the misunderstanding its actual purpose.
Too many people consider AO3 a 'fanfiction site' like Wattpad. To that extent; they're far too used to censorship and regulations. But like I always tell people; consider AO3 more like a museum or a storage vault than just another host site for content.
A lot of people additionally don't actually know why AO3 even exists, and why the kind of censorship we see in modern times on sites like TikTok isn't normal and can be used to perpetrate prejudice. And already is, in fact.
Re-education and developing an open understanding of these things, even if you still personally disagree with some of the content hosted on AO3, is so important for that purpose. Its what I'll continue to do on this blog for as long as I can.
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penny00dreadful · 4 months
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Guess who's back writing again? (spoiler alert; it's me)
I'll be uploading something in the next hour or two as soon as I figure out what tags to add to AO3 and remember how tf I normally format works on this platform 😅
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pingnova · 2 years
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Hello all AO3 users, after coming across an extremely gory fic tagged with the G rating, I would like us all to review what exactly the Archive Rating levels are.
What Ratings aren't: an indication of how much sex is in a fic
What Ratings are: an indication of how likely the content in a fic may be disturbing to general readership, which includes and is not limited to the below
Sex and sexual themes or acts
Gore, injury, sickness, body fluids, and blood
Violence: physical, systemic (gendered, racism), and verbal
How graphic the depictions of the above and other themes are
Archive Warnings and Additional Tags do NOT make up for mis-tagging a Rating. Improperly rating a fic is against AO3's Terms of Service and is a reportable offense. You do of course have the option to choose not to rate a fic, but you are still properly rating it in that instance. Mis-rating a fic is damaging to the platform and AO3 readers.
AO3 patently refuses to fuck around with fic and author expression–except the Rating. Because mis-rating is both (a) using their platform improperly and (b) harmful to readers. Archive Warnings have similar TOS, btw.
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I was delighted by this particular gory fic because I had sought out those themes specifically, but someone who hadn't would have been severely misled by it being rated G, as it was very much not G-rated content. There was nothing sexual in it, but there was lots of graphically described psychological horror and gore.
Properly rate your fics.
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