#@ capital hill GET IT TOGETHER
mikeluciraphgabe · 3 months
10yo me: Wow I can’t wait to vote for president when I’m older!
Me now: what if we just blow up DC
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love-toxin · 4 months
Sightseeing -> Navia
plot: you only came to Fontaine for a vacation, but you may not be leaving without some added baggage.
(cws: yan!navia, gn!darling, implied friends -> forced lovers, navia bein a bit weird & creepy, neediness, mention of drugging, preamble to kidnapping)
wc: 1.4k
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At times, you often wished you had been born in this beautiful place. The cool, clear waters of Fontaine lapped at the sands just down the hill from where you stood, the same crystal-blue colour as the cloudless sky that passed overhead. The people and the city were one thing, they were impressive in their own industrious and elegant ways; but the sea was the real reason you came to Fontaine. You couldn't live the rest of your life without getting at least a glimpse of the exotic beauty of such a place. 
The call of your name soon broke you from your reverie however, and you turned your head to spot the golden-haired doll of a woman you had been travelling with thus far. She was kind, and she was a beauty all in her own right, but you tensed at the sight of her hurrying up the hill with her handlers at her sides. Your chin tilted back to face the open waters, and you took in one last deep, cleansing breath of fresh air before you would be set upon by your tour guide and newest friend. 
“There you are!” Navia puffed from the exercise with a smile on her soft, ruby-stained lips. “I worried for you, you know! I was afraid you'd gotten lost. Why did you just wander away, my sweet?”
Those adoring pet names were endearing, of course, if not just the slightest oddity from a woman you didn't know particularly well. But you just offered her a smile and an excuse off the top of your head, not wanting to pain such a lovely, generous soul as she. 
“I just saw a good view and wanted to take it in. My apologies, miss Navia.” 
She shook her head with a huff. “Oh! You and your formalities. I told you, the ‘miss’ isn't needed! You can call me by my name, darling.” She sidled up close to you, her dress clinking with all manner of jewel-studded trinkets as she moved. With a wave of her hand, she sent her handlers further down the hill to ease up and give both of you some space. “Well, let's see this view, then.” 
Overhead, the breeze whistled gently as it flowed through the trees at your backs. You turned your gaze away from Navia and back towards the sea–but you felt hers drift towards you instead, the beautiful view lost on her as she focused her gentle eyes on you instead. 
“...You know, if you ever wanted to live in Fontaine-”
“My home is elsewhere, Navia.” An ill feeling fell over your heart at cutting her off so abruptly, but you knew her enough by now to know that she wouldn't stop once an idea was in her head. She would keep going and going and going until she achieved whatever goal she decided on, and unfortunately for her your permanent residence here was not up for debate. You had family back home, friends, a life; and no matter how much you enjoyed your time with her, that would not supercede the loves and responsibilities you had back home. “I'm sorry.”
She turned her head away, effortlessly concealing the fall of her expression as she finally focused her gaze towards where yours was. With a sigh, she said nothing, just stared out at the ocean's crystalline waters and the smooth stone arches of the aquabus lines, all converging on the magnificent palaces of Fontaine's capital city rising out from the blue. Between the sky and the sea, the city much resembled a pearl cushioned between two halves of a giant, aquamarine oyster shell. 
The two of you stood there for quite awhile, looking out across the rippling sea. Even from up high you could smell the salt from where fresh and seawater mingled together, and the splashes of ocean birds and fish hopping up and out of the water each caught your eye. It was as if every moment you watched something new was unfolding. That was why you loved the sea, and why you were sure Navia was trying so desperately to pull you back towards it. 
“I'm leaving for home tomorrow morning.” From your peripheral, you caught sight of her flinching and whipping her head to stare at you, eyes wide with panic for only as long as it took you to return her gaze–by then she had steeled herself, though she still couldn't contain her tight-lipped frown. “Will you take me to the port? I'd like you to be the last sight I take in before I leave.” You smiled at her, and though the thought of you leaving so soon clearly still disturbed her, she could barely help the giddy twinkle in her eyes at having you show her such a beautiful smile. Just for her. That was how she saw it. 
“When will you be back?” Her voice rang so timidly now, so unlike her usual boldness that it took you aback. But you offered her some meager reasoning of ‘whenever you next had time’ and ‘so long as you had the mora’ and she believed everything she wanted to believe. In her mind, you were sure the best day for you to return would be the soonest you could possibly manage. She agreed albeit sadly, and you nudged her shoulder in a bid to cheer your new friend up. 
“Hey, it's okay. I'll return soon, alright? Maybe you can even come visit me in my home sometime, when things cool down over there. Then I could show you around my own hometown.” Emboldened, perhaps by Navia's own friendliness and candor she'd shown since you'd arrived, you reached out and swept a strand of her golden hair from her eyes. Your hand came to rest just by her cheek–but before you could pull it away, she reached up her own and held yours there, her breath hitched on her parted lips. 
“Promise?” She pleaded, eyes wide and so sweet your heart ached. “You won't leave me?”
“Not forever.” You shook your head, a bit surprised at her eagerness but still not without your comforting smile. “We had too much fun together for me not to come back.” 
You could've sworn she mouthed “Oh, thank Archons,” as she tilted her head back in bliss, only to tilt it back down with an eruption of laughter that–for some reason–left you with a sense of unease at how erratic and played-out it was. But again, her oddities seemed just that to you, and you would once again brush off a warning sign that you would later learn the terrifying consequences of. She squeezed your hand harder, and a soft yelp off your lips was the only reason she let it go though her grip felt like it would never loosen otherwise. 
“Then come! Let's return to Poisson–we must have a celebration in your honour. Snacks and all! We have to send you off the right way, don't you think?” Navia linked arms with you as the moment passed, and before you could get one last look at the view you'd been longing to see for this whole trip, she began dragging you down the hill back towards her handlers, who would then guide the two of you back down the path towards the little, hidden village. 
You were such a sweet, gentle soul, the most tender Navia had ever had the pleasure of meeting. You were more intriguing than the Traveler, more elegant than the Justice; beautiful and glorious in equal measure, more poised than even her own Archon. Yes, it was on par with blasphemy, but it was truth in Navia’s eyes–you were more than all of Teyvat’s most incredible people combined, none of them could even hold a candle to you. And for that, she would ensure you would not slip out of her grasp. She would find a way. 
She had a whole night, a whole banquet, and plenty of trust from you that you would never suspect your friend of anything. Something poured in your drink, a well-timed execution of play-acting to frighten you, and perhaps you would fall into her arms without her even having to lift a finger. 
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undercoveravenger · 1 year
In Your Arms
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Pairing: Finnick Odair x Male Reader
Requested: Yes
Request(s): “I heard you wanted HungerGames and came running 🏃‍♀️ Alright so it’s after the book series and Finnick and reader are finally living the life they want and obviously Finnick is alive and well because fuck that he deserved so much better. Finnick isn’t on his capital diet and he has a little fat on his body and reader loves it and always touches it but Finnick gets insecure because he thinks reader hates it.” + “Can I request a finnick x male reader with angst and comfort where they comfort each other after the quarter quell?” 
A/N: Combining these two requests since they seemed like they could fit together well
For the first time since the revolution, Finnick wakes up alone. He is cold - the damp sand at his back has long since lost its warmth - and freezing water laps at his legs as he jolts upright. His first instinct is that he’s back in the Arena - that something, someone, is coming after him. He scrambles to his feet, sand sucking his feet down in a way that feels claustrophobic rather than the way it normally grounds him and the cold rain plasters his hair to his face.
Thunder booms in the distance, the sound echoing the canons that haunt his nightmares and sending him further into his panic. He’s jerky, out of practice in a way that he can normally take comfort in but now only serves to make him feel all the more on edge. He could see shadows flickering in his peripherals, tree branches and whispering grasses coalescing into hunters, other tributes just out of sight and beyond his perception though just close enough for him to feel like a fish being hunted by a heron.
As he struggles to regain his balance he realizes that he is alone, the indent you had left in the sand beside him long abandoned. His heart stops in his chest, feeling suddenly like he’s had the air kicked out of him - if you were gone, did that mean you were…? No. No, you couldn’t be. If you were dead-
“Finn?” Your voice snaps Finnick out of his spiral almost instantly and he whirls to face you, a massive smile breaking across his lips as he stumbles up the beach toward you. 
“Where were you?” He gasps, tucking his head into your shoulder as he throws himself into your arms, unable to even pretend to care as he knocks whatever you’d been carrying out of your grasp.
His nerves start to settle as you clutch him close to your chest, arms curled tight around him. “I’m sorry,” the words rush out of you quickly as you realize what he must’ve been thinking, “I’m sorry Finnick. I woke up and it looked like you were cold so I went to get blankets from the cabin. I meant to be back before you woke up and then it started raining and it took me longer to get back-” You trailed off as you took in his state, pulling back just far enough to look at him, “God, you’re freezing. C’mon, Finn, let’s get you home and warmed up before you get sick. I’ll come back for the blankets later, when it’s not raining.”
Finnick allows himself to be tugged along after you, stumbling over the slight hills in the sand as he follows you back to your shared cabin at the other end of the cove. He’s still a little out of it as the front door swings shut behind the two of you, but he has enough presence of mind to toe off his shoes and follow you into your bedroom. 
“C’mon love,” you say, digging through his dresser to find him some dry pajamas. “Let’s get you out of those wet clothes.”
He blanches at that, suddenly far too aware of the way he’d changed since the Games. His wet clothes clung to him, sticky with water and plastered to the soft stomach and curves that’d formed in the years after the Hunger Games had been ended. He knew that you liked knowing he was comfortable and felt safe enough to relax, but he couldn’t help but feel less worthy of the attention, especially with the way he had been treated in the years between his Games and the Quarter Quell. He eventually follows your request, tugging off his soaked shirt and holding it in front of his chest and stomach subconsciously.
You turn back, eyes narrowing as you notice his defensive body language. “You okay, Finn? You seem… tense. Is it still the nightmare?” 
He shakes his head, slowly forcing himself to approach you, dropping his shirt as he gets close. “‘M’okay.”
You step toward him, cupping his face in your hands fondly. “Sweetheart, I’m here for you. You know I love you, right? And whatever you’re dealing with, I’m here to support you.”
Finnick hesitates, but presses into your palms and closes his eyes after a moment. “I don’t feel strong enough for you anymore.” He can feel the way your hands start to shake where he rests against him and he knows that you must be heartbroken to hear what he had been thinking. “I just- I don’t know if I could protect you if something happened and I don't look-” his voice breaks a little as he voices his insecurity.
You interrupt him with a fond eye roll and a tender kiss, “You look like the love of my life,” you murmur quietly, pressing soft kisses across his cheeks and forehead. “And I love that you are safe and don’t need to be fighting ready unless you want to be. I love who you are, Finn, not just how you look and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving that to you if that’s what it takes for you to know it.”
Finnick feels like crying - to have gone from being treated as little more than a toy for strangers’ pleasure to being so wholly loved in just a few short years was a little overwhelming to think about, but he knows that he couldn’t be happier if he were anywhere else and he wouldn’t want to be. He is more than happy to be here, safe and loved and willing to carve out a new place for himself in the world with you. He knows that there is nowhere he would rather be than in your arms.
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sibmakesart · 10 months
bc 1 (one) person said yes (i know its sooo specific but ) :
my thoughts on Sanji being french and specifically from Lyon cause its the capital of gastronomy (and it would make him automatically less annoying than if he was from paris) SO
he works at Zeff's Bouchon (local restaurant)
he occupies a little half room in the Hill of Croix Rousse and walks all the way to Bellecour to work
he goes to the market every monday morning, his day off
he meets zoro when he gets lost in the Bellecour place trying to go to the docks
sanji tries to explain the way to him
zoro doesnt get it
zeff, seeing an opportunity for sanji to make friends to get rid of sanji for the day, he tells him to walk the guy there
he meets the mugiwara gang on the docks (just the east blue gang my brain is too small for so many characters)
luffy lives with his brothers (theyre in university, hes just vibing)
idk what nami does but shes loaded
usopp owns a bike repair shop
zoro half works a shit job like maintenance or delivery and half works his ass off at the dojo
theyre all friends and spend their enormous free time together like in a 2000s sitcom
they integrate sanji into the group
zoro and sanji kiss on the ferris wheel in early december bc its corny
zoro ends up spending way too much time in Zeff's bouchon for the guys liking
thats it for now
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leclsrc · 1 year
hi audreeey!!! could i get a drabble where charles and reader are on a basic (not "basic" but u get me) dinner date and they're just all capital F Fond... like maybe even pretending theyre married bc they love the other's company sm... I LOVE U
begin again – cl16
Tonight is different. Tonight is special. title from this
auds here... my quasi-apology for being mia-ish. also i am writing a long form fic it's just taking agesss as i'm traveling rn (its nearly done) but know that I LOVE U ALL... like crazy. this is p long for a drabble but i missed writing them a lot! love u guys n i hope i did this adorable prompt justice
He says something in French, pointing at something on the menu. Then he flips the page and points at a bold red image of a bottle, mouthing its name in perfect fluency. Two glasses, he adds. One for the entree, another for dessert.
“Red wine?” You ask, smiling. Charles doesn’t usually order wine.
“Well,” he says, beaming at you and then the waiter, “tonight is special for us.”
You have to wrestle with the grin that fights its way onto your lips, but you admit valiant defeat. “Very special indeed.”
The waiter departs and you recline, mind still racing. It’s only halted by a polite voice from your left—the girl at the table beside yours, asking with meek timidity: wedding tomorrow? She has this giddy smile on her face, like it’s her wedding or her dinner; her husband-or-boyfriend across her just smiles sheepishly. Sorry. I’m curious.
“Oh,” you say quietly, humming. “I got promoted.”
“And…” Charles says, lookin at you like you share a lovely little inside joke.
Your lips grow. “And?”
“This lovely girl doesn’t remember, but I proposed to her this time last year.” He gestures to your left hand. A ring, blending in with the others you usually wear, sparkles in the low light of the restaurant.
Proposed. Your eyes stay on him even as he looks away, devoting his attention to the conversation at hand. Then you nod, a few times, soft bobs of your head. “We’re having a June wedding,” you say fondly to the girl at the table adjacent. You love the way she lights up at the mention of it, at the added detail—she asks for more in accented English.
“How did you propose?” She turns to the guy in front of her, who’s smiling dopily. “We’ve been together a year, so he could use some ideas for the future, if you know what I mean.” They both share a laugh.
Charles hums, recalling the plan he’s thought of a million times over. He conjures the images of it, the memories of mapping everything out, perfecting every last minute detail. “I did it at our house. We live in Monaco, in this, ah—this nice, wide place on a hill.” You remember seeing the house for the first time, from Charles’ car. “I did not want a big fuss around it. I knew I wanted it to be just us.”
“Just us,” you murmur along, nodding. You’ve always known it’s what he wanted for both of you. Just you two against the world.
“So I bought her flowers, lit some candles, and we sat on the couch.” He pauses, like the next few moments are so sacred and so lovely that they deserve to be heard by nobody but you two. But if Charles is anything, he’s loud—loud when he talks, yells; loud when he loves. “And I played our favorite song, Harvest Moon,and I sat next to her and just talked, and I said it. I know it doesn’t sound romantic—”
“—but I cried,” you cut in, looking right at him. Cut off, his eyes flit to you, softening when they see your smiling expression. “I cried like a baby. He was… he meant every word he said. And I was lucky, I guess, that he knows me well enough to, you know—know exactly what I want.” The conversation ebbs into quiet a little bit after that, but you catch bits of how adorable and a June wedding from their own talk.
You eat in relative peace afterward—he talks about a funny story involving Carlos and stolen underwear from the gym locker room. You laugh, bubbling up your champagne, and Charles zips through two glasses of his own drink. Tonight is special, and warm, and you’re in France, and wine seems to be synonymous with the country, and everything, if just for now, makes perfect sense.
In between finishing dessert and the bill’s arrival, when the couple beside you have said their goodbyes and congratulations, and the restaurant has begun to quell its general noise, he takes your idle hand on the table. You look up from where you’d been staring at the puddle of tiramisu filling on your plate.
He’s staring. Charles is always aware of how often and how long he stares, extended gazes of your beautiful features. The awareness does not, however, cause the frequency to wane in the slightest. He still finds himself constantly enthralled by you. And even when he’s away, in a car going a million miles a minute, he finds you in his daydreams. That smile. 
Nothing, he says with a quaint smile. I love you.
The bill comes and he, of course, covers it—before you even get the chance to slide your card onto the table. You fuss over it. He stares at you like you’re worth everything and more and goes, with a little laugh, I just need a kiss.
His car is parked outside, valet this time, but the cobblestone is so inviting and quiet that he pays an extra few euros to let you both walk around first. You’re not the only couple along the Seine—in fact, you’re one of many, but your shared, hushed laughs make you both feel like you’re by yourselves. Charles knows all the detours, can pinpoint buildings from different vantage points, takes you on a voyage of Paris all his own. You will look back on this one day and think—your maps of cities, your maps of places, they’ve all been charted by him. 
He keeps insisting tonight should be special, like he’s trying to convince you. But you know just as well how special tonight is, how different it is from all the nights previous. You’re just quiet, you suppose, because you’d prefer to bask in this specialty, in Charles. You’re quiet because if you open your mouth for more than ten seconds, you’re going to spill your entire self out to the city. Tomorrow night will not be tonight, just as yesterday night was not tonight. This is just tonight. 
You’re guided through the cobblestone streets, arm around your waist. You’re so overcome with love you feel like hugging him, just now, just here in the middle of the street, breathe him in and sigh out little I love yous until somebody has to pass through, grunting about how PDA has gone too far.
“You know how…” he starts, and every time he starts a sentence that way, it’s almost always followed by something fairly nonsensical. You know how turtles can fly? You know how Van Gogh was in an affair with Mona Lisa? You know how the latest episode of The Kardashians had Kim and Kourtney fighting? You smile, laughing already, gesturing for him to proceed. “How we see the stars nearly every night?”
You hum.
“So sometimes, we forget they’re pretty. We think, oh, bah, stars. And then a few weeks, or months, later, we look up on a random evening and we’re shocked again. We go, wow, stars. They are beautiful.” He clutches at his heart to convey the emotion he’s describing.
“Yeah, what about?” You ask amusedly, turning slightly to him. 
“That is how I feel when I see you. Every time. That feeling when you see the stars after weeks.”
You breathe one, slippery inhale and then it leaves you shaky, wet, trembling. Your eyes tack themselves onto the stars. A chill rolls through you at the knowledge that you remind him of something so confusing, so beautiful, so strange. “I—God. I love you, you know.”
“Did you like my story?” He asks. He maintains his smile, his attitude, his goofiness. His little attempt to make you feel better. Unfortunately, it works every time without fail. You sniffle and roll your eyes, thankful that you haven’t devolved into a sobbing mess.
Then for the first time tonight, he breaks the precarious, near-perfect illusion: “You know, that is how I would really propose to you if I did it. I did give you that ring, remember?”
“I know,” you whisper, trying to fight tears. “I remember.”
“Don’t cry,” he quells softly. You keep freezing to dab at the corners of your eyes. He responds by pulling you into a side street so you don’t block anyone’s walk, allowing you to lean against the lamppost so he towers above you, eyes etched dark, saturated with genuine concern. “Come on, darling.”
“Charles,” you say thinly, and you’ve gone from coherent sentences to weak pleads. 
“Don’t cry.” It’s all he can say, gentle and loving and Charles. “It’s a special night.” It is a special night. It’s the night before your first day at your job across the globe.
It’s your last night in Europe, your last night before you leave, your last night before Charles becomes nothing but an apparition of your past. You’re beginning to realize how foolish this plan was, this wrecked and stupid plan, but God if you didn’t love how real it all felt. It felt like bliss, being a great big pretender.
It was—it should be a month ago now, give or take. You’d gotten the offer, accepted it, told Charles about it, and then you both had to sit with the idea of living across the world from each other. You’d wrestled with plans vis-a-vis your relationship, with timezones and the demand that came with the first year on the job. In the end it was something amicable.
In the end, it ended—but not without one last night together, stretching your dreams and future fantasies to their limit.
Charles will always love you like it’s his last chance to do so. He figures that means letting you fly, letting you pursue things that, if you didn’t, would keep you tethered to the same old things. So even if it rips him apart, and even if all he wants to do is drop everything and dance with you, to the quaint Paris traffic—he remains ever the reassuring one.
He remains, forever, the storyteller, the smiling figure that takes your hand across the table and squeezes once to say he loves you. The loud guy who would’ve, if he could, proposed in your now-sold house, surrounded by candles and music. You wish he could love you longer. You know he always will, in the same way you know the nature of his love will inevitably change when enough time passes.
“Things will change,” you say weakly.
“They will always change.”
“And will you remember me after all of it?”
“I will love you after all of it. I’ve loved you through everything else.” He says, pressing a gentle kiss to your eye. “You know that, right? I’ll just do it from afar this time.”
You swear, if love and hope and being young were ever enough to make things work, you swear—this would’ve worked. But the universe reminds you time and again that they are not.
So, when you kiss Charles for the last time, his eyes are twinkling with Paris moonlight, his lips taste like wine, and you get the special chance to relish in what once was, and what will never be again.
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queenendless · 9 months
❄️🎄🎁☃️Merry Making (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader ft Various JJK) ☃️🎁🎄❄️
Holiday fluff, ships, and so on, ya know the drill.
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Fuzzy coziness in beige white and cream filled your eyes.
Early light streamed through the curtains.
“Merry Christmas, Y/n~” Satoru's purr was layered with pecks strewn all over your face, bringing a smile to the surface.
The feline man cradled Suguru's head as he gave him the same wakening treatment. “Merry Christmas, Suguru~!”
Said man deeply humming against the crook of your neck had you squirming and giggling, especially as his sweatered arms hugged you close enough to where his grip was too firm to break free from.
“So early,” Suguru grumbled raspily, pulling away from your neck to yawn in his knuckles.
“Better than being late for the day when I embrace my destiny as Saint Nicky~ Imma go get all fancied up for the rascals. I better see you coming right behind me all decked out, hubbie~” Gojo planted one big wet smooch on Geto's lips before giving you the same lovely treatment, pulling a garment bag outta the closet, giving you two a smile and a peace sign before dipping into the adjoining bathroom.
“Sugu?” Your pajama self moved to splay atop your slowly awakening husband.
“Hmm?” He rubbed his eyes, blinking to clear up the murkiness, when the feeling of your lips on his got him to be fully awake.
“Merry Christmas.”
He embraced you, kissing you in kind. “Merry Christmas, love~”
“Tada!” Springing out the bathroom door stood Gojo Claus. Beard, hat, boots and all. “Time to get the sack! Suguru, suit up!” The man warped away.
“Lord I will regret this.” Geto muttered under his breath before lifting you off him so he could get out of bed and pull out his garment bag out of the closet too, heading to the bathroom after giving you a wink. “See you in a bit, honey.”
A few days ago, you celebrated with everyone by throwing a Christmas party at the Tokyo school as it was the one chance you could throw one due to everyone having plans over the holidays.
You even had a Kiritanpo hot pot as the main dish, Christmas version. And a big one at that to fill everybody up.
You hummed as you started up your phone only to see notifications from your group chats. Opening it up, you viewed the photos sent to your phone ever since that night.
One of Haibara beaming brightly as he and a flustered Nanami were lounging on a beach in Malaysia, shades on and a drink in Yu's hands while Kento read off the stack of books he plans to read.
Another one showed Shoko and Utahime in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, with the former kissing the whipped cream off her wife's lips from their shared mug of spicy cocoa along a balcony setting of their lit up resort.
A snapshot of Riko and Misato in a ski lift viewing the snowy hills of a ski resort along the Alps with Yuki, Choso and Kamo skiing together down the slopes below.
More pics kept on piling in.
Miwa and Kokichi taking a sleigh ride through the falling snow, smooching his now beet red face.
Mai and Momo skating across a ginormous ice rink while doing it with such grace.
Todo catching a Takada-chan plushie THE Takada kissed on stage during her live Christmas bash, chucking it to the enormous crowds, hearts and tears in his eyes cause OF COURSE he caught it.
Kusakabe in a tavern drinking with Higurama; one of the many new sorcerers, flushed but at ease.
Yaga and Gakuganji sharing sake together.
Nothing from Mei, but knowing her, she's in a tub filled with cash, with Ui letting her do whatever cause he loves her so … yeah …
And knowing Toji and Shiu, they're probably taking shots while looking out over the balcony of their apartment window and just watching the land being draped in a blanket of snow.
A beaming Nobara and a flushed Maki going through holiday themed boutiques with a shy Fumi and an endearing Saori-chan in tow, so many bags already piling over in their arms.
Rika and Toge doting over a flushing nervous Yuta, spooning him on both sides, lounging in his apartment, with Panda acting as their cuddle couch, snacking on Christmas cookies, egg nog trailing down his conked out face.
Getting lost in holiday feels, you nearly forgot about the other presence in the room but the fuzzy sensations overwhelmed you. Your squeaking giggles were overshadowed by his conniving cackles streaming out as those furry fingers gently tickled you and those smart ass lips kissing your adorable face.
“Letting your guard down makes you vulnerable. It's difficult to resist you, my distracting beautiful wife~” Suguru crooned in your neck, horns on his head and cane in hand as he stopped the tickling to kiss your cheek then easily carried you up in one arm, letting your phone plop onto the sheets. “Now, let's go before Satoru drags us out himself.”
Fairy lights flashed many colors hanging strewn above across the living room ceiling.
A tall traditional tree stood in the corner. Tinsel, ornaments, string lights, and a small start plopped on top decorate the pine.
And Yuji and Junpei awoke to the smell of pancakes being made. Peaking into the kitchen, they spotted Megumi and Tsumiki already having platters full of Christmas tree shaped flapjacks lining up the island. Nanako and Mimiko were prepping up some hot cocoa with marshmallows.
When a sack of presents literally filled up the kitchen like magic.
“Ho ho ho!”
“Santa Claus!” Yuji's chibi self lit up with stars in his eyes at the bearded glasses wearing man poking his head in.
“Santa?” Junpei and Megumi weren't convinced.
The girls giggled, knowing who it was but going along with the cuteness.
A silky raven head with horns on top of his head popped out from the other door, cane in hand. “Yo.”
“K - K - KRAMPUS!?” Yuji turned blue at the alarming sight.
“Geto-sama!” The twins tackled their papa, giddy over his furry onesie look.
The snow began falling that early morning.
As the puppy dog that is Yuji dragged a scolding Megumi outside who didn't want to abandon his cooking duty and let a fire start when a handful of snow was smushed into his now welt forming face.
Yuji's speed was tested by Divine Dog Totality with Megumi riding atop, chasing his salmon boi across the private snowy grounds, as snowballs streaked the air.
A concern Tsumiki tried yelling out her scolding remarks to her brother as she ran out the back patio doors but he was too far off to hear, so her exasperated self plopped down into the snow, getting into the mood to cool down and make a snow angel.
Junpei floundered, his arms and legs jerking as he was doing his best to stay upright even as Tsumiki legit dragged him down with a radiant smile sent his way, going with the flow with a dopey smile on his face.
“Lookie lookie!”
The puffy albino kitty cat and his raven furry mate nuzzled their heels, scurrying out between their legs and through the slide open back doors with cat sized Santa hats on, chasing each others tails.
“Catoru and Cuguru are matching! Say cheese!” Gojo Claus pulled out his phone to take so many pics.
Catoru's chirpy meow and Cuguru's calm meow were all they gave before trotting over to the twins, nuzzling their ankles as they built their snowmen family. Making sure to include a blindfold for one of them and a Gojo Kuja for its snow partner.
“Suguru … THINK FAST!”
Like future father in law, like future son in law.
The side of Geto's face was smothered in snow, giving off a welt mark contrasting Gojo's shit eating smirk.
“Prepare to die … SATORU!”
Choosing to retract his shikigami in preference of handling this matter himself, Megumi rolled across the snowy grounds as he and Yuji's snowball chucking garnered everyone else's attention, especially colliding with Gojo getting his face smushed with powder by a hissing Geto.
A soft rough coughing noise garnered their attention.
All their snowy heads plopped out of their white puffy pile.
Seeing you in that fuzzy velvet robe flowing from the blowing wind, your snug jammies, and velvet slippers as you walked out to admire the falling snow, breathing out to see your breath in a puffy white cloud, fading into purity.
Powder slowly descended from the heavens as you watched, entranced, as you gracefully floated.
“Unless you all want breakfast to get cold, come back inside.”
“Mrs. Claus.” Satoru breathed out in wonder at your tender voice.
“Are we getting our present?” Suguru coyly asked.
Devotion covered your face as you smiled, pressing a hand on your small growing baby bump. “You already have.”
“Oh yeah.” Those two exchanged smirks.
They gently pulled you down to submerge you in their suited powdery embrace, laughing at their gobsmacked expressions as you pulled out some mistletoe from your pockets to hang above your heads.
Lots of kisses between you three.
Yuji snuck in one to Megumi who slunk back in the snow, melting it from how hot he got.
It would be a while until breakfast would be eaten and presents be opened.
But even so …
Christmas had come at last.
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cyborg-franky · 5 months
Hi OP I hope you’re doing well! ❤️ Can I request some hcs of one piece characters favorite video games?
Man this might seem so biased because I like/hyper fixate on only a handfull of games but lets see... [Yes, most of these are games I am into WOOPS]
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Ace - Loves FPS - He plays games like Overwatch, TF2, L4D and Dead by Daylight. - He enjoys shoot first ask questions later type games. - DPS for life. - Borderlands is also a game he likes. - Saints Row, GTA, Duke Nukem. DOOM. Anything along these lines. - Action with a dose of horror element. - Explosions and fire are a huge bonus. Sabo - Sims - but on chaos mode. He loves to play God, and he’s the type of person who would build a pool without a ladder. - He might be against capitalism, but that doesn’t mean he won’t use a few cheat codes and pirate versions so his sims can live out their best lives.
Luffy - Pokemon games. He mostly plays Pokemon GO so he can go out and be social with his brothers and friends. He and Usopp do all the raids together. - Anything easy and brightly colored has his attention.
Nami - Mobile phone game queen. - Literally anything tycoon. - Where you can buy and sell and build. - Is like level 90000000 on every ‘swap something’ or ‘merge’ game. - Plays while making money at her job. Sanji - Dating sims, obviously. - Also, hentai games. - And Animal Crossing. Usopp - Minecraft, Strawdew Valley. Anything that's open and fun. - Also big into Pokemon and plays with Luffy, - He also loves point-and-click adventures like Monkey Island. Zoro - Pokemon sleep. - Streetfighter, TEKKEN, Mortal Kombat. All those sorts of games. - Shinobi games also.
Chopper - Cute, easy games or hardcore doctor simulators. - Animal Crossing. - Nintendogs, cats, anything silly and cute with animals.
Brook - Dating games - Hentai games - Among Us - Really dumb meme-bait games like I Am Toast and Goat Simulator
Franky - Minecraft, Roblox, anything that’s building and making. - Retro games, like Golden Axe, Sonic the Hedgehog, Streets of Rage, Toe Jam, and Earl. - Older platform and side-scrolling games.
Jinbei - Games you can farm and fish on. - Also racing/driving games. - Is a beast on Mario Cart Robin - Fantasy games like Skyrim. - Indie horror like FNAF, SCP, Zoochosis, I have no mouth, and yet I must scream. - All the really intense horrors like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Condemned. - Just anything with awful, horrible monsters and lore, and she is all over it and thinks the monsters are cute.
Corazon - Candycrush mom. Kid - GTA, Bulletstorm, the most bloody and violent games you can get your hands on. - Ones that are banned in countries. - Wolfenstein. -  Also partial to the Guitar Hero/Rockstar type games. Killer - Cooking Mama - Guitar Hero/Rockband Marco - He doesn’t game alot, but if he sees an old-school arcade, he’ll go and play things. - House Of The Dead, Packman, Space Invaders, Time Crisis. He often gets dragged to the arcade by Ace.
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crush-like-that · 5 months
1. how do u think solangelo gets over their arguments?
2. Do you think Will is just casually affectionate to Nico in public and Nico is blushy or Will saves those affections for private times because Nico may not be comfy with that in public?
3. their fav cuddles positions?!?!
I think Nico takes time to isolate. Let himself calm down and think about what he needs to say, rather than acting on pure emotion. Will is very big on Communication with a capital C, but Nico was never really expected to communicate his thoughts. Time apart, really, just enough time to breath but not enough time to dwell on negative emotion. Then they talk it out
Through their friendship, Will is super casually touchy and Nico freezes every time cause 1. physical contact WHAT 2. CUTEBOY HELP. At the start of their relationship, Will gets nervous so he isn't as touchy cause he doesn't want to come off as "too much" and scare Nico away. Once they're more comfortable + together a for a bit, Will is always touching Nico in some way. Legs across his lap or knees touching while sitting, and arm across his shoulder, hands resting together. Will is more intimately affectionate when they're in more reserved areas, though. Nico loves every bit of it.
WILL IS A LITTLE SPOON. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. Percy: What's your go-to cuddle position? Nico: Knife. Will, from the other room: He's the big spoon! You'd think, for such a tall guy, Will would take up alot of room. But NOPE! He will forever and always end up curled up like a cat. (This is a direct reference to Nico's first impression of Will being a "lanky cat sprawled out in the sun") Nico will never admit it out loud, but he likes to "backpack" on Will.
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darkeagleruins · 2 months
Pay very close attention to the faces at the Kamala Harris rallies.
Because you normally NEVER see their faces.
They are usually hiding behind masks.
These images are how they normally look.
For those reading this that are not yet caught up, antifa works for the Democrats. They are the Marxists soldiers and enforcers.
Paid protestors, shit stirrers and violent anarchists for hire.
They usually come with an optional violence rider in their contract.
GPS data from the summer of love riots has proven totally invaluable and the pattern recognition alone has been mind blowing.
What is most interesting is when we followed them to their vehicles, after protesting/rioting, the vehicles they drove and many times parked a 20 minute Uber/Lift ride away, looked like the Beverly Hills High School student parking. with BMWs, Mercedes, Audis, Range Rovers, Porsches, Corvettes, even Bentleys and Rolls Royces.
Most come from very wealthy families. They are the children and young adults of Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Wall Street elites.
We haven’t seen this many of the rioters (we’ve been tracking for years, many have gotten new devices not realizing if just one photo with meta data, and other proprietary data, gets transferred to the new device, we got you again) together as a group, since the most recent Hamas and Pro-Palestine takeover of colleges and universities.
As a side note, there are also a couple hundred of the same bad actors in the U.S. Capital today.
Between now and the election, their job will be to disrupt the elections. They may even attack rally goers.
If they do their job, martial law will be declared before the election.
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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Poster in the original X post states: "Under capitalism, food isn't produced to feed people, its produced to make a profit. When it's not profitable to feed people, we let them starve. Even when our labor has conquered scarcity, capitalism must manufacture it in order to justify its existence." [image description: Bobby from the American television cartoon show King of the Hill sits on a rock atop what I presume to be the moon or another planet -in the background there is a dark sky with stars beaming. The caption above appears just above Bobby.] Further context: a person sent this message to me to further describe the scene of Bobby in the image above (I added in the colour description -thank you!) : re: the bobby king of the hill meme, he is colored [a light pale blue] and put in the comic panel as dr manhattan from watchmen when he has vacationed to mars due to his detachment from/maybe contempt for humanity
Do you know what else puts this into perspective for me too? The United Nations has estimated (many times over the years) the amount it would take to solve world hunger, and if you look at the military expenditures of some of the most powerful countries in the world, which excess in billions and close to trillions of dollars together, on top of billionaires in this world living well beyond their means, you know how easily it can be to ensure people are getting proper access to food and resources their entire lives, but it's still a global humanitarian issue -people are STARVING all around the world, but so many governments would rather allocate expenses/their budgets to the military. Because if these people in power and affluence really wanted to, world hunger would be solved -and they'd still be rich. The way this entire world has been set up will always be baffling and cruel.
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kingyoisland · 4 months
My Moshang Related headcannons:
- Moshang is Taylor swift coded and no one and I mean no one can tell me otherwise.
- Mobei Jun would like Hoizer and Florence + The Machine
- Shang Qinghua would like Flo Millie and Olivia Rodrigo.
- Mobei Jun did not find Shang Qinghua attractive at first. But his attraction to Shang Qinghua hit him like a truck. Like one day he’s pretending to sleep on his lackies bed. Then he looks over and Shang Qinghua has his hair down, the light of the candle giving his face a warm glow. His eyes trail over the scroll on his desk. He’s so still though and the flame reflects in his eyes something Mobei Jun couldn’t quite understand.
Then he sits up internally the elegant version of like ‘oh gods what the fuck was that. I need to go to fucking bed Now!! What.?!’
And down hill from there this man’s been a simp ever since.
- Shang Qinghua is Deeply Possessive. Like Binghe gets it from his daddy in this case because anyone who has courted Mobei Jun ends up on the kill list. He’s really good at hiding it making it seem like the murders are Mobei Jun’s ideas. I like the thought that Mobei Jun doesn't realize this about Shang Qinghua. Until a little demon child is like ‘yeah the honorable king is handsome.’ And Shang Qinghua looks pissed. Just death stares this fucking kid. Mobei Jun is very happy at this discovery.
- I feel like Shang Qinghua is richer than Mobei Jun. he doesn’t have Mobei Jun’s power and like servants or home. But if we compare human rich to demon rich Shang Qinghua is over Mobei Jun. Shang Qinghua and Mobei Jun have not realized that is the case.
- When Shang Qinghua moves into the Demon Realm full time. He does everything for Mobei Jun. He makes sure Mobei Jun just needs to sign off and battle and do whatever the fuck Mobei Jun wants to do. Shang Qinghua made this spoiled prince when he was in An Ding full time. It’s SO much worst that he now lives with Mobei Jun technically. He Spoils Mobei Jun Rotten!! Only the best food, Clothing, home, bedding, art, wine, and weaponry. Nothing less than Shang Qinghua’s high standards of Quality will be near his king.
- Mobei Jun’s kingdom becomes the most prosperous in all the demon realm. not just because of conquest. But because his people have the highest literacy rates and capitalism. They’re the first kingdom in the demon realm with like Grocery stores.
- After the Airplane extras Mobei Jun makes Shang Qinghua get him ready for the day and then at night helps him get undressed instead of having other servants do it. He does this so that he is sure to see Shang Qinghua every morning and every night. So he knows Shang Qinghua is accounted for every morning and night
It becomes their favorite part in the day despite how much Shang Qinghua complains he doesn’t complain about doing this. Just that he’s scared of fucking up at first. Eventually he does it so often it becomes second nature and he’s not even worried anymore. It’s so domestic and sweet and healing for both of them. Because no matter what Shang Qinghua touches him so gently. And his hands are so warm and at night they’re both tired so it’s the one time either of them are really quiet in each others company.
-It takes them 6 years to get together after the end of the airplane extras. Yes that fucking long they really need to know how to communicate and heal bro.
-I feel like Shang Qinghua doesn’t believe in marriage really. Like interpersonally he’ll congratulate people and like be happy for them. But he’s always said that he was never going to get married or anything close to that. He’ll say ‘I feel like it’s a waste of time for me I’ve never seen a marriage that lasted. What do I know about that.’ And this makes Mobei Jun depressed for a week and when Mobei Jun is depressed it becomes everyone’s fucking problem.
But obviously if Mobei Jun wanted to marry him Shang Qinghua would have a panic attack leave come back and say yes. Then host the Best fucking wedding for Mobei Jun on the fucking planet. It is EXTRAVAGANT!
He’s buy Mobei Jun a wedding ring. I don’t know why but I don’t feel like Bingqiu would get them but I know Shang Qinghua would get ones for him and Mobei Jun.
-I feel like at some point it be funny if they did a wife Swap with Bingqiu. Shang Qinghua gives Binghe a list of names of people who insulted Shen Qingqiu for marrying him and tells Binghe to have fun. Then goes about running the palace.
Meanwhile Mobei Jun just asked Shen Qingqiu to peel an apple for him because Shang Qinghua told him it’s bad to eat the skin. And Shen Qingqiu is having a fucking Aneurism.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 6 months
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here is a little introduction to the original fantasy world i came up with for the eflorr trilogy.
series masterlist | pinterest board | playlist | masterlist
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Welcome to the world of Tyhmalaa. Our stories take place on the continent of Aton where the two major kingdoms (Eflorr and Obelón) have had a feud spanning decades. 
here is a little list of facts to give you a sense of what kind of realm this is:
currency: platinum, gold, silver and copper 
monsters: yes
magic: no
calendar: the year is just divided by the four seasons (each with 90 days in them) with 7 days in a week (Moonsday, Tidesday, Windsday, Thundersday, Fogsday, Stormsday and Solarsday) and the year shift is on the longest night of the year on the 30th day of winter
year the first story begins: 856 PR (post-rimesunder, an ancient white dragon that once froze the entire continent of Efira for 2 centuries till he was slain)
climate: the weather in Aton goes through all four of the standard seasons (sping, summer, autumn and winter), though most of the stories take place on the northern side of the continent, so it is on the colder side.
religions: there are multiple gods people worship (some notable ones are: Apa – goddess of wilderness and the sea, Kotris – goddess of knowledge, Cicero – god of war and peace, Zondür – god of atonement and love, Sona – goddess of life and death)
kingdoms on the continent: Eflorr (capital: Borün) and Obelón (capital: Ingorn)
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maps and doodles:
it took me around 30 hours of work to draw all of these, but it was super meditative.
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map of the continent of Aton.
⊠ squares = capitals
⊗ circles = smaller towns
△ triangles = speciality locations
the continent of Efira is located to the north east of Aton.
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Fort Borün. The ivy-covered stone castle on the top of the cliff is home of the royal family of Eflorr.
Elm Square. The beating heart of Borün, it is not only a central meeting place for all, but also the district where the majority of the city's shops, taverns, etc are. The town square gets especially sparkly during the seasonal festivals with booths are stalls crowding the market.
Willow Grove Cemetery. As the name would suggest, a large weeping willow tree grounds this cemetery that it is built around. Although Eflorr as a whole commonly isn't very religious, this graveyard does house a few alters and shrines to various deities.
The Valerian Ward. You'll find all manner of schools, museums, as well as Borün's beautiful aquarium in this part of town.
The Port of Borün. The city's docks are always bustling with excitement and possibilities.
The Western Farms. Up on the hill that swiftly blossoms into The Noll Woods, are a plethora of rolling fields and cosy cottages.
The Beach. Down the little steps on the northern side of the docks is not the only way to access this cove. Though the steep path some way further north is no secret, not everyone is privileged to the knowledge that the castle's cellar opens up into a cave system that leads out onto the beach. Created as a safety measure and a last resort for the royals to escape, the tunnels most commonly got used by the young royals as a daring playground.
The Tulip Neighbourhood. The homes in this part of town have generous courtyards that bring the households together.
The Dandelion Quarter. Part residential, this neighbourhood also houses a grand park (The Riverview Public Park), where combat courses/training are held every weekend, as well as The Water Lily Orphanage.
The Snowdrop Sector. For those not inclined for the bustle of the city's centre but still want to live close enough to the action often settle down in a little cottage out in this district. Many also chose to retire out here, living out the rest of their days in a cabin by the sea.
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The Barracks. Through the main gate lies a grand courtyard to welcome you to the castle. The surrounding buildings are designated mainly for the wardens. There are living quarters for them, training areas, armoury, small stables that also house the royal horses, as well as the city's small garrison.
The Western Wing. In here lies many of the more public spaces: throne room, ballroom, banquet hall, servants quarters, the kitchen, war room, the meeting room that's utilised mostly for gatherings with the town council.
The Conservatory. This secluded greenhouse was built as a memorial to King Edward III. who apparently had quite the green thumb.
The Topiary Garden. A private courtyard separating the two main buildings is a serene space where one can come sit on a small bench and listen to the trickling water of the fountain in the centre.
The Eastern Wing. This part of the castle is home to the royal's private chambers as well as numerous other spaces such as the library.
The castle also has a basement that's not only utilised for storage (both of common items as well as the most precious that's kept safe in the grand vault) it also connects to a tunnel system that leads all the way out onto the beach.
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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laurellerual · 9 months
Arya and Sansa storyswap: an exercise in imagination
Premise: I tried to speculate what might happen if Sansa manages to escape King's Landing and Arya gets stuck in the capital. I collected my thoughts on this scenario trying to make logical, credible choices that respected the characterization of the characters and the timeline of the books (the wiki was very usefull for this). I discarded all the scenarios that end in "…and then she dies horribly" because they're boring. I write with assumption that they would still remain POV characters and therefore mantain a minimum of plot armor. Like everyone, I have my biases so it's not perfect, but I tried to put myself in the most neutral mindset possible. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts. Part 1, Part 2
Part 3/3: Reunion
A Storm of Swords
Sandor and his “squire" are captured and bringed to Stoney Sept in the Riverlands. The Brotherhood without Banners takes them to Hollow Hill. Clegane is put on trial for various atrocities committed by Lannister soldiers, but he survives and is freed.
Arya is recognized by Harwin and Sansa. The two sisters reunite and remain under the "protection" of the outlaws. Because of this, the story takes a very different turn from here on.
For example, I don't think Arya would try to escape the Brotherhood so soon. As a result I don't think the Hound would be unable to kidnap the Stark girls again. However, the Hound could also decide to stay with the Brotherhood. He could plan to go to the Twins, introduce himself to Robb as Arya's savior, and ask him for a job.
So the Brotherhood proceeds as planned, they now have another valuable hostage and intend to take both girls to Lord Edmure's wedding and ransom them to their family. A group of men (like Lem, Harwin, Tom, etc) accompanies the sisters to Harroway to cross the Trident, but their journey is delayed because they find it flooded (like in Arya IX).
They reach the Twins just in time for the Red Wedding, and the outlaws manage to drag the Stark sisters away and save them. Arya and Sansa go through a complicated period of mourning but the fact of being together helps them. The two want to hold onto hope that perhaps their mother might have survived.
One night Arya has her first wolf dream in a long time: she sees Cat's body and drags it out of the river. In the morning Sansa suggests asking the men to go back and look for the woman, but Arya tells her that she's dead. As per canon Lord Beric, Thoros and the others come across the corpse and Dondarrion dies to resurrect her.
Lem's group continues their journey, this time they intend to take the girls to Lysa Arryn, but they discover that the mountain clans are bolder than ever and decide not to take the risk and return to the Riverlands.
The Stark sisters are getting impatient, Arya suggests that the two could run away and try to get to Winterfell alone. Sansa has to inform her sister that Winterfell was conquered by Theon months ago. She is devastated and abandons all plans. Lem's group returns to the Hollow Hill to discuss a new plan with Beric or perhaps to take more men as escorts before returning to the Vale.
Waiting for them in the hill, there isn't the lightning lord but Lady Stoneheart! Mother and daughters reunite.
A Feast for Crows
That's it. Final cliffhanger, sorry.
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rekindling | chrismd
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Jersey had been your home for the past 28 years. Moving away was long overdue. London seemed like the place to go, the capital. So be it. Boxes were littered all over your flat. Your staring burning holes in the cardboard. Finally standing up and stretching tearing open the first box. You brought it to the kitchen and began to make the place yours. In your bedroom, six hours later the newly placed clock read 19:47. You decided to take it easy putting on mindless television and pouring a generous glass of wine.
A box solely dedicated to knick knacks, little trinkets and a few shoeboxes filled with memories. Placing some little plants around your room along with many a teddies who you refused to let go of. The shoeboxes were all getting pushed under the bed without a question when one flung open and the contents spilled out.
It was your earliest memory box.
You found yourself neglecting the remainders of your packing and your sole focus being on the spilled shoe box. A ticket to Harry Potter and the half-blood prince. A movie you went to see with your closest childhood friends. Friends you hadn’t heard from in a while. Some photos. You remember going to print yourself. You, Chris and Arthur all squished together. Faces bright red after spending all afternoon in a trampoline park. Another one, taken with your childhood dog. The last one was just you and Chris hugging eachother after you blew out your candles on your 13th birthday cake.
You missed them. You weren’t going to lie. Nothing you could do about it. Life happens. Although. You couldn’t take your mind off the two boys. The boys you loved so dearly. An Instagram search wouldn’t hurt, right?
You knew both of them pursued YouTube and yes in the early days you kept ho to date with them. However, it seemed they had gotten incredibly big. You smiled, you couldn’t not. You were so proud of them both. They looked well and seemed to be happy where they are. You thought about following them. You thought how crazy is that thought. Then you did it. Following them both. They had thousands of followers anyway, they wouldn’t realise.
chris & arthurs pov
You didn’t pick a great time to do that, considering they were sitting together, amongst two other friends— Arthur Hill and George Clarke. Chris jumped, seeing the notification. “Y/n y/l/n?” He spoke, ArthurTV’s eyes instantly widening. He wondering why Chris mentioned her so abruptly. “What?” His voice was slightly high pitched. The other two guys sort of just glanced at one another each feeling a Deja vu feeling to your name. They watched as they scrambled instantly looking at your account.
“It’s her, mate.”
Chris noticed the confused look on his friends faces. “Y/n— she was me and Arthur’s best friend. We haven’t heard from her in forever.” George nodded, “So, are you gonna contact her?”ArthurTV flinched, startled by the idea of rekindling. He didn’t know if childhood friends could become friends again considering so many aspects of their lives had changed since then.
“Uh, I don’t know if that’s the greatest idea.” Arthur (tv) mummered and Chris gave him a glare. Chris’ head was already thinking of how great this reconnection could be. How much their other friends would just adore her. “Why not? She followed us. We followed her. We can’t just do that and move on,” Chris sighed. “Right, look. Just say hello. If she doesn’t reply it’s not the end of the world.”
“You message her Chris, you always were closer to her.”
your pov
You had been staring at the chat between you and Chris thinking of anyway to start a conversation, until he sent you one first.
chris: hi y/n, how have you been?
y/n: hi chris, i’ve been good recently got my dream job so i suppose not to bad. how have you been?
chris: you’re a writer? that’s amazing. I’ve been good. YouTube still going strong.
She smiled at that message, after all fo these years he still remembered her passion for writing fantasy novels.
a few weeks later
Chris and Arthur had made plans with Y/n, to see her again and catch up on everything they had missed. Unfortunately, Arthur has been working like crazy at the moment and Chris can’t bare to know that Y/n is in London and he is not visiting her. Therefore, it was just Chris and Y/n.
Chris embraced her in a tight hug, his arms going around her waist holding her as tight as ever. Her arms went around his neck smiling into his hoodie. They sat down at their seats at the café. “I couldn’t believe it when you followed me. I must’ve checked ten times to make sure it was definitely you.” Chris chuckled turning towards the girl who had grown to be even more beautiful than he remembered. “Yeah well, when I was moving I was putting my memory boxes away,” Chris hummed remembering how you’d gather any physical memory of occasions. “One spilled open and it was just filled with memories of the three of us. I couldn’t help but try and find you guys. Which wasn’t too hard.”
“Yeah, I can imagine. We were both extremely happy. Quite ironic actually, we were just talking about you the other day.” He spoke softly, Y/n humming along as she admired him. He had let his hair form naturally his curls forming. He had grown a beard. The first time he ever had facial hair. It was long but it suited him.
Chris later got home, the smile never fading from his lips. Once he arrived through the door he found everyone sitting on the sofa. “You’re home earlier than expected.” ArthurTV mummered. “As are you. Are you not meant to be shooting?” Chris questioned his friend who sighed and explained how the video ended up being significantly shorter than anticipated. “Someone looks giddy,” George Clarke teased, laughing as he saw his friends face. Completely lost in his thoughts about Y/n. “He’s fancied her since they were 12. Im not suprised it’s rekindled.”
Chris retorted some rude joke towards his three mates who continued teasing him profusely.
He may have left out the part when they kissed.
authors note!
hey sorry for the delay on this one and it is much shorter than i would’ve like but i didn’t want to delay putting it out any longer than i already have. i love the idea of two people rekindling so here you go.
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blacknwhitemood · 2 months
Depeche Mode - Condemnation / finding video's location "near God"
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It was only 3 days after the Memento Mori concert in March, when I learned that Condemnation video was made in Hungary, not far from Budapest, near Göd, in a small village's border, Göd-Újtelep. When I wrote about it to @mijamija1234, she suggested that what if I visited its location? I liked the idea, I've started to make a research. Later I found some colored photos on Göd-Újtelep's website (under this text) and I posted them with words "Condemnation’s video was made near Göd". @mftm1987's reblog tag was hilarious: #well sure it was made near god. I felt love with the concept, so this is my "project's" name: Near God.
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The only screenshot from the video (1st pic above) that I can use for finding the location is not very helpful, considering that it happened more than 30 years ago. 31 exactly. In 28th of July, 1993 the band and Corbijn went "into the f---ing woods" early in the morning after the day of they Devotional Tour concert in Budapest. Dave talked about it the gig's night in NME, while Gavin Martin was making his long interview:
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I won’t even sleep tonight. I’ve got to get up and go and do some… I’ve got to go off with (Anton) Corbijn into the f---ing woods and do the ‘Condemnation’ bit. But, really, I have fun with doing that. It’s just the eight o’clock morning, you gotta get over it.
I quoted from this article first time here, my updated daves-first-tattoo post (scroll to the middle). Another source, Daryl Bamonte, Devotional Tour Diary, Bong magazine, 1994:
It was a long trek from Belgium yesterday, and we had to drive out into the Hungarian countryside today for Anton to shoot the “CONDEMNATION” video. Dave seemed to spend most of the day being dragged around by Sam and Hildia. He wasn’t complaining though. It could have been the other way round…
Near God
It's not easy to find a DM video's location (except Strangelove), Corbijn preferred countryside for his videos and the nature mostly in different countries in Europe (e.g. Belgium, France, Switzerland, Portugal, Scotland) or in the U.S. Hungary is famous for its "puszta", which is similar to prairie. Before the single's releasing he could shoot the clip during the tour. They stayed 3 days in Hungary, I read somewhere that Corbijn choosed Göd's area for the reason being very close to the capital. On imdb.com it is simply Göd.
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I was searching for those dirt roads from the screenshot with the Google relief map, impossible task. 31 years. I googled many times a day if I got some new inspiration, suddenly I found a person on facebook who commented Göd's page' photo of the day: she was there in her 14 years, "half of Göd was there". I wrote to her, 3 days later she answered that she would help. Wow.
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We met today and spent only 40 minutes together. She and her husband took me from the railwaystation on a truck to the location that she remembered - and of course that become famous in the village. She told me the short story: "My friend's sister was a big fan. We didn't have phones that time, someone brought the news by bike, no one believed that. Later many cars went to the place with 50-80 fans. We were hanging on the fence, like the children in the video. There were huge reflectors, the shooting took until the evening. Now there is a big battery factory in the fields."
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When we arrived, we walked to a small road but it didn't resemble to the video's for the first sight. In fact it is a huge field with woods around, at the end of the road there was the factory, "It was built on that hill on the picture" she told. She was sure, so we took some funny photos with the printed screenshot (at the background with their truck), I wanted to walk more to find a better view but it was a very hot Summar day and my guide didn't have much time. To the right on this map I marked the point where we took the photos:
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I think the trip was worth it. All this area from the village to the woods down was the location of the video making. 31 years later the fence with the small cabin and the sunflower field disappeared but there still have straw bales, dirt roads and habitants who remember.
The single released 6 weeks later, on 13 September 2013. Although MTV played the clip on time, its DVD version released much later in 2002 on Depeche Mode - Videos 86>98+ (I ordered the very last piece of it from Antal). This DVD originally released in 1999 but without the clip, you can find a live version instead of (I have the 2000 edition), because - it is said - Corbijn wasn't quite satisfied with the final result, the band seemed too tired in the video, especially Dave.
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I love this song. Not my favourite, but it's in my DM top 20. One of its reasons that the video was shooted in Hungary and Dave loves it. He has frequently mentioned Condemnation as one of his favourite songs. In this interview from 2006 you can hear directly from him at 00:37. As fandom.com wrote, Dave still gets goosebumps when he recalls recording the song:
I immediately knew the song. It wasn't necessarily completely accurate to the way Martin wrote the melody line or the phrasing or the timing. I just sang it, and [after] I sang it, the tape stopped rolling and it went on quiet. I've got my headphones on and I hear [producer] Flood's voice go, 'Yeah, I mean, you could do another one. But I think we got it.' / 2021, Exclaim!
Well, at Memento Mori Tour they sang to us twice in Budapest, in 28 July, 2023 (yes, this day <3) together with 50000 people and in 26 March, 2024 to 16000 happy fans. Honestly, I like Waiting For The Night much better, I really wanted to hear it live, I hoped that they don't sing the same song at the same city as first encore duett, Condemnation is difficult to sing, they've sung Waiting For much often at this tour... but I was wrong. I was confused with my feelings, I was disappointed. I was looking for the answers of they decision, and later I understood that somehow Hungary might mean Condemnation to them. They gifted us with Dave's favourite song. Twice.
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artiststarme · 1 year
Another One Bites The Dust
Well, I asked for angsty prompts and @doubleb11 delivered! I hope you guys like it and come yell at me in the comments!
When the fight with Vecna was over, the entire Upside Down started to collapse. Steve, Nancy, and Robin ran to the gate in the road where Fred had died but the shaking earth and rising flames threatened to engulf them completely. 
“Go, go, go! Nance, move! Robin, go!” Steve pushed them both through the gate but when it was finally his turn, he couldn’t make it. The gate burst into flames before his very eyes and singed the skin of his reaching palms. 
“No! Steve!” He heard Robin crying and screaming until the gate disappeared in a flurry of smoke and fire. Then he heard nothing but the crackling of everything burning around him. Steve was terrified. He was stuck in a burning world that had only ever hurt him and he could hardly breathe with all of the smoke and pollution in the air. 
He had the thought that the gate in Eddie’s trailer might still be open, the cracks in the ground hadn’t yet reached Forest Hills so he might still have a chance. He ran with all of the energy and fight he had. He had to get back to the Rightside Up. They’d won… technically. Vecna was dead and everyone else was safe. Would anyone really care if he stayed down here to rot? Everything else went to plan, he really couldn’t ask for a better solution. 
He didn’t make it to Eddie’s trailer. Halfway through Forest Hills, he dropped to his knees in shock. Lying there, prone on the ground and encompassed in blood was Eddie Munson. Steve fretted over him, touching his neck and chest to get a pulse and heartbeat but there was nothing to be found. His body was cold in the haze of heat. 
Steve tried to pick him up, move his body away from the fire surrounding them in all directions but he couldn’t move past the pain in his sides and the grief in his heart. His body toppled on top of Eddie’s and he cried. The overwhelming heat from the flames dried his tears as soon as they escaped but that didn’t stop him. He sobbed and sobbed over the unfairness of it all. What good was killing Vecna if the fight claimed Eddie in the process? 
Dying himself? Fine, expected, no big deal. But losing Eddie, the innocent newcomer that could’ve run at any point but chose to stay and help them fight a losing battle? Incomprehensibly unfair. 
So when the smoke clogged his lungs and stole all of the oxygen from his blood, Steve gave up. He died in a vengeful rage at the world that would never be complete without it’s renowned babysitter. He died on the cracking ground of the Upside Down curled around Eddie Munson, the man that he had bonded with and had the potential to be great friends with someday. 
At least he wouldn’t die alone. 
When El got back to Hawkins, it was to a barrage of questions and pleas to find Steve. The Party thought he willingly stayed behind in the Upside Down as some sort of heroic martyr. They wanted El to open a gate to go get him. 
But only El knew the truth. She’d watched from the void as Steve tearfully curled around Eddie in an effort to protect his body from the flames. She saw as the light bled from his eyes and watched in horror as the flames licked their skin. 
She could do little more than break down into traumatized sobs in front of the Party that was still pleading with her to guarantee the safe return of their favorite babysitter and older brother figure. She didn’t know how to tell them that he was never coming back. 
Eventually, she mustered up enough strength and forced herself to speak only eight words.  But those eight words were enough to break the hearts and ruin the lives of everyone around her. 
“Steve and Eddie are dead but they’re together.”
She watched Robin fall into Nancy’s arms in shock. Her Platonic with a capital P soulmate was dead. El could practically see her heart splintering into millions of pieces that would never fully recover. 
Nancy caught her but burst into tears immediately. It was her plan that Steve had tried to change, he’d tried to tell her to wait a little longer for El to come home but she didn’t listen. His painful death was due to her. She would never forgive herself for snuffing out such a bright soul. 
Dustin was inconsolable. He’d lost both of his older male friends, both of his brothers and mentors, in one fell swoop. Of all of the things that could’ve happened, he’d never imagined this. Nothing could cure the pain in his heart or the desperation in his sobs. He didn’t know if he would ever stop crying after suffering such a significant loss. Losing Eddie felt like losing a limb but losing Steve too? Dustin felt like he was dying, like he was being ripped from the inside out, almost as if Vecna himself was haunting him. 
Will, Mike, and Lucas were in shock. This whole situation felt like a bad dream that they were just waiting to wake up from. Usually in this type of situation, Steve would be there to offer support and emotional hugs. But this time, their grieving was for him and they would never quite get over that. 
Unfortunately, this was their new reality. They would sign the NDA’s that the government agents threw at them, they would accept the hush money that would never meet the cost of a life without their best friends, and they would force themselves to carry on with the heaps and bounds of trauma. The Harringtons and Wayne Munson would forever live a life of confusion and false hope as they wait for Steve and Eddie to come home. No one would ever get closure. And Steve and Eddie? They would exist only as husks of who they used to be, curled around each other in the alternate dimension that ruined their lives.
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