#??? option: telperion
sillylotrpolls · 6 months
(Credit and context below the poll)
Today's poll and the first 10 options are based on this lovely post by @gwaedhannen. Particular thanks for writing options that largely already fit within 80 characters. ♥
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eomerofrohan · 2 years
seen a couple of polls about Noldorin eye colors now, and none of them have had the option I think is the coolest one, so I’m gonna talk about it here
Noldor’s eyes should change colors
imagine. they’re blue or grey or brown or whatever color they are naturally, but when the elf gets mad, their eyes turn a more golden color, like the light of Valinor is shining through them
this is what people were seeing when Fingolfin rode away. the light of the Valar in his eyes. that’s why some people thought he was Oromë.
or maybe for some of them it isn’t gold. if they had more of a connection to Telperion instead of Laurelin their eyes could glow with silver or white light. we already know that the light of the Trees is reflected in Galadriel’s eyes, for example. why not have it get brighter with stronger emotion?
just. Noldorin eye color. who will join me.
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19 for the Silm ask!
[those silm asks as are doing the rounds]
19. you get to save one character from dying. what would they do instead?
the way i see it, there are three possible directions i could take this question
THE STRATEGIC OPTION - finwë. if finwë doesn’t die at minute one, that cuts off about 90% of the early noldorin drama and probably prevents the oath from being a thing? he’s probably the only guy in the universe who could get fëanor to shut up at this point, and is also a big non-controversial boss noldo who ain’t gonna start any civil wars. there’d probably still be trouble with the valar, on account of they have super broken the protect-you-from-melkor deal, but i do think finwë would handle that better than his dipshit sons. also both olwë and thingol will probably be willing to negotiate with him. there’d probably still be shenanigans, morgoth’s done a lot to drive a wedge between the noldor, but with finwë at the helm there’ll probably be much less collateral damage. besides, i am of the firm conviction that finwë was an absolute lunatic who if given the slightest chance to go as turbo as his grandkids went in canon would be perfectly capable of soloing morgoth
(how am i saving him, anyway? is there, like, an extradimensional portal i pull him through and we wait until ungoliant is gone? because if i am, i’d probably use the time to brief him on the upcoming situation. i know maybe ten words of quenya, but i feel like we could work around that. maybe with diagrams...)
THE INTERESTING COUNTERFACTUAL OPTION - denethor, the first one. if he survives the initial morgoth fight - not only do we have a nandorin power base in east beleriand, which sounds like it’d do all sorts of fun things to continental politics, but i half-remember reading that it was partially because of denethor’s death that thingol went full isolationist? so if he survives, we potentially have a much more active doriath, with a thingol at least willing to hold his own. that sounds like it’d affect the arc of the first age a lot, maybe not leaving all the enemy-fighting to the noldorin armies? i’m not really a butterfly-effect alternate-mythohistory fëanorian stan, but denethor living and holding the green-elves together sounds like it’d affect the course of events in interesting ways, if not necessarily better ones
THE CHAOS OPTION - fëanor, under the specific stipulation that when he inevitably gets his dumb ass killed i get to save him all over again. fëanor is the kind of character i like to watch just to see what crazy thing they’ll do next and how big the ensuing blast radius is. it would be terrible, for everyone, but from a safe distance seeing what fëanor does to beleriand will be an absolute spectacle. the explosions! the mecha! the inevitable fëanor-vs-every-single-other-person-on-the-continent war! i would watch this religiously and take bets on how fast he’ll burn beleriand down. there is a risk that he’ll figure out how my save-from-death portals work and subsequently invade the real world, but hey, this is the chaos option
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outofangband · 3 years
Flora and fauna of Gondolin, Tumladen and the Surrounding Mountains
Flora and fauna of Arda 
Disclaimer: I used both what we can extrapolate is likely indigenous to the region based on descriptions of the landscape and climate and weather as well as my own headcanons and inspirations and reference books on similar habitats as well as The Atlas of Middle Earth and The Flora of Middle Earth
I really love working on and researching these! and as always feel free to ask more, even if I’ve already done a place I’d always enjoy going into more detail of tacking a more specific kind of life there
Gondolin was a city and stronghold of the Noldorin prince (later king) Turgon. It was hidden in the middle of Beleriand. In the middle of the green valley of Tumladen in the Encircling Mountains there was a flat stone called Amon Gwareth. This was where Turgon and his followers built the city of Gondolin which was the longest lived stronghold of the Noldor in Beleriand. 
Note: by reading this you are agreeing by Oath to King Turgon not to reveal the following information to Morgoth or anyone associated with Morgoth including orcish, Ainur and human allies, and, Valar forbid it, any elves who have fallen into his thrall. To avoid the following information landing in the hands of the enemy, it is highly recommended you do not reveal it to kin or friend either.  (this is a joke, please feel free to reblog)
There are a few plants and animals directly associated with Gondolin in the text and though several of them are of Tolkien’s own invention, we do have information about the real life species that inspire them.  These include: -Elanor flower said to grow between the fifth and sixth gates of Gondolin. These flowers are starlike and golden yellow. It is believed that the closest approximation are several species in the family Anagallis.  -Evermind, Simbelmynë, Uilos  These are based on species in the anemone family or windflowers. These are also starlike but are white.  Elanor is associated with the sixth gate and is connected to gold and Laurelin whereas Evermind grows near the Fifth Gate, the gate of Silver and is connected to Telperion. 
As Tuor is offered wine near the second gate, it can be inferred that there are grape vines that produce fruit harvested for wines. (see my note about gardens) The city and its gates are surrounded by hawthorns, likely several different species.  As Gondolin contains countless gardens it would be nigh impossible to list every possible flower that grew here especially as many were likely brought from outside the region. So I will instead focus on a possible list of flowers that originally grew around Tumladen and the mountains. 
I would love to do another post on gardens and agriculture/horticultre of Gondolin if anyone is interested though! This could be especially fun because there are ornamental ponds and fountains that could have fish, reptiles and amphibians too. 
Flowers and herbaceous plants of Tumladen and the surrounding region may include globeflower, mountain rose, snow dock, fairy foxglove, white dryad, species of willowherb, sticklewort, columbine, thorny burr, meadow saffron, crosswort and more.  Silver fir, larch, and species of mountainous oak are also possible. 
Various species of white birds that are also associated with Ulmo are described as dwelling in and around the city. Gondolin and the surrounding areas were also home to the great eagles including Thorondor who was a friend to Turgon. It is likely that non magical eagles also roosted in the region including the golden eagle, tawny eagle, and bald eagle. 
We also have some information we can extrapolate from the names of the Twelve Houses, many of which are flora or fauna (tree, golden flower, mole, white wing, swallow). Obviously these are vague rather than specific species but it is possible to get some options based on other information. 
Swallows are the symbol of one of the Houses of the Gondolin lords. There are numerous species of swallow. Possibilities for Gondolin are the house martin and hill swallow. 
Likewise moles are a family rather than a single species. Moles in Gondolin were likely one or more of a number of European and Asian species. 
A selection of other birds of Gondolin and the surrounding region include snow geese, dusky and grasshopper warbler, flowerpeckers,  saker falcon, pallid and hen harrier, whistling duck, emerald, fruit and shy ground doves, eagle owl, fairywrens, a variety of thrushes and sparrows, and crows. I’ve always liked the idea of passenger pigeons in Gondolin too though these are likely brought by the elves rather than native to the region. 
I’ve also always had a headcanon of leopards living on the outskirts of the city and in the surrounding mountains.  Other mammals include white footed and (likely different colored subspecies of) red foxes, gray wolves, sables, polecats, and European and Asian badgers, reindeer, white breasted hedgehog, horseshoe and common long eared bats, mountain hares, hazel and forest dormouse, wood, field and spiny mice, and more. 
Note that many of these are found in the mountains and not in the city itself. 
Snake eyed lizards and numerous species of wall lizard can be found basking on various walls and stones in the city as well as in Tumladen and the surrounding region. The marginated tortoise is also a possibility as are whip snakes.  Tree frogs can be found within the gates and outside the city in ponds and streams, brook, golden striped and Alpine salamanders live. 
Lists of insects are incredibly difficult given the vast number of species but given the amount of gardens I imagine there are numerous pollinating species possibly including orange tip, nettle tree, meadow brown, fiery copper, chalk hill blue and green hairstreak butterflies, species of Ennominae moths, and honeybees at least. 
Also I now have a darker fic about Gondolin called Within These White Walls. It’s a much less pleasant take on Húrin and Huor’s stay
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Hair Headcanons: Interlude
Part 1 (Cuivienen) here.
Hair colors! This isn't so much about culture but it's important to my headcanons nonetheless! Cowards are out here drawing elves with boring hair when it could be so much better /lh! I (tragically) can't see hair dying as being very common since: 1) bleaches and chemical dyes (which the Noldor totally could've invented) damage your hair which elves are all about keeping healthy, and 2) that's not applicable for natural dyes, but so many elves have dark hair and I'd imagine having your natural color would be considered more attractive anyways, especially with how long they typically keep it (which would take an absurd amount of dye to color) the roots would grow out like crazy once you stopped keeping it up. But just because they wouldn't dye their hair, doesn't mean they can't have interesting colors! Especially once you take a little poetic license on what Tolkien canonically described... This post was a big inspiration on how elves would think of Aesthetics re: hair, and also just fits the Vibe.
Onto pretending to know stuff about biology! Elves are mammals (I assume) which means that they can't have naturally blue or green hair, since mammals don't produce the right forms of pigment for it (though this is magic so ignore that if it sparks joy) but we get lots of elves described with silver or grey hair, clearly not from age, and Galadriel's hair is described as being both silver and gold- the impression I got was that it was streaked, not all one color, which gave me the idea that elves can have patchwork-hair: not just natural highlights and lowlights but streaks of different colors (Also brought to you by my dad's galaxy brained take of 'elves can see in ultraviolet wavelengths and have patterns in their hair like flowers have to attract bees'). How does this work? Codominance? Doesn't matter, it's cool. Elf genetics don't work like human ones. I also think that elf hair has different- finishes I guess? Not just based on texture. So while Super Shiny is an option, there are also elves with a more diffused shine that looks more matte, and a whole range in between. While Shiny is probably preferred, and more common in those who've spent time around Ainur or their stuff, I do think there are Looks that they'd like more with matte hair. (This is the big difference between "grey" and "silver"- even if they're the same color the shine is different.)
Some notes on the colors: Vanyar/part Vanyar are canonically the only elves with golden-blond hair, but I also think that elves get way more specific with hair colors than we do, so while only Vanyar have golden hair other elves might have colors that we'd consider blonde (i.e. platinum blond, strawberry blond, or dirty blond for Teleri) and some might have gold adjacent (red-gold, bronze, copper for Noldor). Also, I know the only elves explicitly with red hair are Nerdanel's family, but I think taking that at face value is boring (especially since I don't see Mahtan as being Unbegotten). I made sure that all the hair colors were at least mostly-plausible for humans, so if hair is described as "shining blue" I'm just taking poetic license, don't go around imagining them glowing electric-blue (unless that sparks joy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), but rather the blueish shine some black hair has. Same with "greenish"- it means ashy blond/brown, not algae growing on them like a sloth.
Anyway! Onto the overly descriptive headcanons! (With tl;drs at the end of each section)
The Vanyar all have hair like light. Gold is the usual, all different shades from the pale brilliance of the reddest stars to the warm orangey glow of a hot fire, to the pure shine of Laurelin's rays. Some have silver hair as well, like a haze of light breaking through clouds, or Telperion's radiance. They are the only kindred to see the rarest of colors: pure, brilliant white that shines nearly blue, like the crackle of lightning. Their hair is often darker at the roots, like a gradient display of ambient light. (Most common: Thematically Appropriate gold. Fanciest: Pure white thanks to OxiClean (not sponsored). Most attractive feature: the Shinie)
The Noldor have hair like the earth and its treasures. Black seems most common, but often it will look plain at a glance, and in the light its true colors will be revealed- deep greys and rich soil brown and dark dark bronzes and coppers, and sometimes even the barest glint of sapphire- though true black is not uncommon either. All shades of brown and dark-russet red can be seen, sometimes metal-shining, sometimes flat and deep like stone. Silver is rare and prized. Hair often grows out streaked in different shades of their color, or even of others. Silver streaks in dark hair are considered quite attractive, but the rarest and most beautiful color is shining true-reds- like forge fire and magma and molten metal- closely matched by true black subtly streaked with blue-black and red-black and every other color giving a near iridescence like the oil found underground. (Most common: Off-blacks. Fanciest: Fire red but literal. Most attractive feature: Pretty color- shinie like magpie nest, want to touch, Steal.)
The Falmari have hair like the sea shore. Silver like light glinting off water, or the morning mists over the sea. Greys like clouds rolling in- near white to deep and dark like a brewing storm. Pale creams and browns are most often seen, like sand or driftwood, some nearly greenish like seafoam. Their hair can be darker too: the deeper greys and browns of a stormy sea, sometimes greenish again, and rarely blue-black. The favorite colors, though, are those like seashells- the Falmari's hair tends to streak like the Noldor's, which lends itself well to the artistic stripes and gradations that inspired the comparison. Cream and tan, grey with silvers, and most attractively a pinky-yellow and rosy brown. The rarest is a shiny off-white mixed with the lightest creams and silvers and almost-pinks, the iridescent pearl to contrast Noldorin oil-slick. (Most common: Ashy/dirty blond. Fanciest: Light pinky strawberry blond with rose brown streaks (ideally in a pattern). Most attractive feature: Pinterest cottagecore colors.)
The Sindar have hair like their forest. It's similar to the Falmari who split from them, but frequently darker and with less of a shine. Star-silver is rare- far more common is tones of grey like stones and tree bark, often with streaks in varying shades- most beautifully demonstrated in "birch hair": near-white patterned with near-black. Grey-and-silver like aged wood is equally prized. Green tones appear as well- in greys like lichen and in browns like the forest floor. Browns in general are often seen, from fresh-fallen timber to dying leaves to mushroom brown-and-cream, though the more saturated shades of chestnut appear more frequently to the east, among the ranks of the Laiquendi. The Iathrim typically have both the lightest and darkest hair: stars and loamy soil are more frequent within Melian's boundaries, though among those with purely Sindarin heritage, true hair like shadows was only found in her descendants. (Most common: Grey like Thingol's lack of humor. Fanciest: Very light silver (bonus if it's got a subtle pattern). Most attractive feature: Patternpatternpatternpatternpa-)
The Nandor have hair like trees. All shades of greys and browns like branches and bark and the creatures that live between them: most beautiful when they mimic the animal, gradient like squirrels and streaked off-whites like deer and striped darker like owls. Also often found are creams and tans and yellows like raw wood, sometimes tinted greenish with growth, sometimes silvery with age. And vibrant reds and oranges and yellows and browns like nuts and fruits and berries, which rarely dapple and stripe together into the brilliant blaze of an autumn forest. (Most common: Brown. Fanciest: Chlorophyllic forest-fire cosplay, the more colors the better. Most attractive feature: Pattern pattern CARNIVAL!)
The Avari-true Avari, who have remained East and Easter still- have hair like hidden things. Blood and bones and obsidian stones. Browns and reds and yellows striped like jasper, the grey of cave walls and still deep water, the pale cream of polished ivory left forgotten, the near-green tan of an antler weathered on the ground. Their hair does not often shine like those who followed the gods, or pattern the same as the groups who have remained as one over the long-years, but the colors in shadows that some wear are no less beautiful for it. (Most common: Dark reds probably. Fanciest: Black with very thin stripes of color. Most attractive feature: The AestheticTM)
#tolkien#elf biology#hair headcanons#my headcanons#i refuse to tag all the kindreds#the elf classifications are a little wonky here-laiquendi counted as sindar instead of nandor and the avari not divided#but thats because i was running out of appropriately poetic comparisons#also i really dont know enough about the avari ;-;#JIRT WHERE ARE THE AGNOSTICS. WHERE ARE THEY JIRT.#absolutely gonna draw the most common vs fanciest hair at some point because my ideas slap#also very iconic of thingol to go from 'literally the most boring nelyarin hair color' to 'hot damn thats FANCY' because his wife is magic#i specifically believe that ainur and their stuff are magic-radioactive and elves are like those animals in chernobyl that can adapt to it#not like the black mushrooms because those thrive while there are probably some consequences for the quendi#not like. necessarily bad ones. but you cant get dunked face first in concentrated magic without changing a bit#so thats where stuff like the shiny hair and glowy eyes come from#actually SHOOT thats giving me really cool ideas for elves being shaped by the ainur they interact with most#like thats why orcs are the way they are: because they were shaped by morgoth and his beasties#imagine a devotee of orome with teeth-too-sharp growing keener and faster and ever more thirsty for the hunt#a devotee to varda whos eyes shine even more than the amanyar- who can see too far and hear their name from a distance they shouldnt#the noldor in their discipleship to aule are hard to burn and quick to craft- their projects consume them and metal-song is a second speech#ok that got off topic and i really dont need another long headcanons post to work on. but. later maybe.
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deadqueernoldor · 2 years
Drabble - Russingon
Trope / prompt: "friendship fluff but like years of the trees and at the beach or in Alqualondë"
Word count / requested : 600 // yes, ao3
Warnings: none
For once they had a few hours to themselves.
No giggling elfling-shaped shadows and clinging little brothers following them around and asking all kinds of questions, likely with the aim to bother the older ellyn into going home early.
But his brothers were busy with mother and a mound of clay, and Findekáno’s brothers occupied the gardens with their other cousins to catch some butterflies and feed the songbirds residing in the tall yew trees at the borders of the estate.
Maitimo rolled the stone in nimble fingers, holding it up. No, he thought, the colour was not quite right yet. It had to be perfect. He couldn’t just take whatever brown stone for this. It was not part of their little game. It had to be perfect.
Finno was a little distance away, the gentle waves licking at his ankles as he waded in the shallows of the sea. A small smile spread on Maitimo’s face when Finno bent to pick up a stone, or a gem, or a seashell, and one of his thick braids slipped off his shoulder and dipped into the water.
Sliding the gem into his pocket as an option if he found no better, Maitimo walked closer, eyes fixed on the ground.
“Have you been successful yet, Russo,” Finno asked with a smile.
He shook his head. “Not quite. My pockets are laden but not with success. You?”
“I think so, but I rather look a while more.”
They walked in silence, mostly bent to find the best stone. The best match.
As time went on, Laurelin and Telperion mingled. Maitimo gasped and snatched the treasure, holding it up.
“Have you found one?”
Nodding, he turned back to Findekáno. With a grin, he lifted the small gemstone next to Finno’s face.
A near perfect match! Bronzite matched better than expected. As soon as he had seen the thumbnail-sized gemstone, he knew that was the one! He had often looked into Findekáno’s eyes, had memorised every little nuance of colour, every distinct pattern, and every little lash framing them.
He had seen those brown eyes in situations unimaginable. At times they had a warm glow of love when young Turukáno presented Findekáno with a poem he had finished. Those were clumsy, and Makalaurë would rip his hair out over the poorly chosen words and rhyme scheme, but Finno was ever so fond of everything his younger brother made for him to look at and listen to.
At other times Maitimo was privileged to see those gentle brown eyes just as Telperion’s light waned, both tucked under blankets and fighting exhaustion in favour of talking about everything and nothing at all. Maitimo would play idly with a black braid, while Findekáno would twist a curl of fiery red.
The gem seemed to glow in the gentle silver light of Telperion. It was a deep warm brown, with two small spots of light beige.
Nearly like Finno’s eyes.
A deep warm brown with a beautiful light glow.
Finno was smiling as well, warm and gentle and full just like he always was. He, too, lifted his hand to hold a small stone beside Maitimo’s face at eye level. For the split second he saw what Finno held, he spotted a warm yellow-orange dot.
“You have been successful, too, then?”
Findekáno nodded. “Very much so. Nearly perfect.” He showed Maitimo the uneven piece of amber. “I dare say it even glows as your eyes do, Russo.”
Maitimo smiled and rolled his small bronzite gem between his fingers. “Only for you, melin.”
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radiantanor · 3 years
Weirdest crackiest Silm Idea I came up with
During their ideally looong lives Elves got through some major environment changes. Being immortal, evolution does not help to adapt to that if the same elf can live in a world with only starlight -> Aman where they were like a hundred kilometers away from the Trees that had the pre-Sun and Moon as fruit -> icy wasteland -> a world with only starlight but short-term -> “normal” world.
Option A) there is no need to think about this because magic and supernatural durability are explanation enough.
Option B) Elves manage to survive that by having very extreme and very quick modification (x) instead of evolutionary adaption.
Possible implications of this:
The Noldor on the Helcaraxe survived by developing a lot more fat, body hair and some changes to their facial features as protection from the cold.
It’s how they can survive adverse circumstances in general, like a lack of food, serious injuries, being chained to a mountain by a hand and hanging there for years et cetera. Although I’m not sure what modifications would be needed to make that kind of thing possible. Fading would be a defense to not wanting to physically adapt to something or heal from an injury, and is triggered by spiritual/psychological factors.
Finrod clearly spent the weaks in captivity growing musces strong enough to rip those chain apart. And teeth sharp enough to kill a werewolf.
The Amanyar have significantly darker skin tones than other Elves, living or having lived in close proximity to Laurelin and Telperion.
Elves living underground long-term have some way to avoid Vitamin D deficiency, possibly the same as the Dwarves must normally have.
Most descriptions of Elves focus on height, hair colour, eye colour or that they were “fair” because those are physical traits that are less likely to change.
If they suddenly have to fight after a long time of peace, it will take them relatively little time to be in their prime even if they haven’t trained much.
The Teleri and other Elves living close to water can probably dive and hold their breath for a veeery long time. Quite possibly there are some who tried to live underwater full time, and maybe it even worked. This was brought to you by that one mention of “Sea Elves” in The Hobbit, which led my younger self to imagine Elves actually living in the Sea when I read it back then
Unlike real modification, it can be heavily influenced by what the elf wants. For example, all it takes for an elf to grow a beard is really wanting a beard. Beards just happen to be out of fashion and due to immortality will likely remain so forever. Their hair structure probably adjusts to their favourite hairstyle. This is also why so many of them have good singing voices (though some are better than others and it still takes some talent & practise to be truly outstanding.) And also why they are all pretty, of course. Who wouldn’t be their idea of a pretty person if wanting it was all it took?
Lots of possibilities for some fun physiology-related misunderstandings with Dwarves and Men.
(this is not a headcanon, I don’t actually believe this but it’s hilarious to think about... and makes more and more sense the more I think about it...)
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ken-kaneki-archived · 4 years
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hi guys ❣️ as you can see i reached my huge milestone and i’m really grateful for all of you who have been following me for some unknown reason lmao i wish i was not an awkward bean and had the guts to speak to you guys more but you should know i am always admiring you from afar and reading nice tags you leave under my edits and that always makes my day! i was really looking forward to this celebration so here goes!!!
must be following this mess
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formats are under the cut and pls don’t make this flop ily guys
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original content: n/a | okay | good | a photoshop legend | HERA
posts: not my thing | okay | good | quality content | PERSEPHONE
💎 tolkien blograte:
lotr | the hobbit | the silm
ainur | valar | maiar | elf | men | dwarf | hobbit
bree-land | mirkwood | isengard | lothlórien | the shire
the silmarils | the one ring | evenstar necklace | phial of galadriel
melkor | feanor | bilbo | sam | legolas | galadriel | arwen
laurelin | telperion
✨ star wars blograte:
human | togruta | twi'lek | zabrak
jedi | grey jedi | sith | smuggler | rebel | scavenger | stormtrooper
tattooine | naboo | coruscant | jakku | dathomir | bespin | mustafar
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obi wan kenobi | ahsoka tano | luke skywalker | cassian andor | finn | kylo ren
🐉 asoiaf blograte:
stark | tyrell | lannister | baratheon | targaryen | greyjoy | martell
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robb stark | cersei lannister  | sansa stark | arya stark | margaery tyrell | varys
westeros | essos
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atimefordragons · 4 years
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There's nothing I can't afford || DC
☾♔; August 20, 2020 ☾♔; 2:38am ☾♔; sotd: Seto Kaiba's theme ☾♔; cotd: Suzuki Sonoko ☾♔; Detective Club ☾♔; OC Insta
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: Seto Kaiba
a random insta for Reina, partly because I haven't made for her LA fc, but mostly to showcase my newest template; a multi-part instagram series
Part I for the Posts tab: https://urstyle.fashion/shop/20896656 Part II for the IGTV tab, comes in 2 options: --->A with timestamps: IGTV https://urstyle.fashion/shop/20896657 --->B without timestamps: IGTV https://urstyle.fashion/shop/20896659 and lastly, Part III for the tagged tab: https://urstyle.fashion/shop/20896658
ft @.telperion's oc Amelia Langtry
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Laureic: a gender that feels golden in color, pure, good, bright, strong and alive. May optionally include other elements associated with Laurelin, including daytime, the sun, fire, the Vanyar, some of the Noldor, and elanor flowers. From laure, the Quenya word for “gold”.
Telpeic: a gender that feels silver in color, pure, good, bright, strong and alive. May optionally include other elements associated with Telperion, including nighttime, the moon, water, the Sindar, the Teleri, and niphredil flowers. From telpe, the Quenya word for “silver”.
Aldufluid: Fluid between laureic and telpeic. From aldu, the dual form of the Quenya word for “tree”.
They are based on the Two Trees from Tolkien’s legendarium, Laurelin and Telperion. The au is pronounced like “ow” and each e is pronounced as in “bed” (though that can be difficult for English speakers, and the “long A” sound will be understood as well).
Not to be confused with other light/gold-related genders:
Aureusgender: a gender that feels old, golden, and or lost and ancient.
Auroragender: A gender which is cold, clear and majestic. It is associated with the morning sky, sunlight and clouds. It can be also undefinable but also very beautiful for those who use this label.
Espegender: A gender that involves a connection to the sun or daylight.
Lichtgender: A gender represented by a ball of light.
Liroric: a gender alignment to light or brightness of some kind.
(added later)
Leukogender: a gender that shines brightly and luminously
@xeno-aligned @uncommongenders @mogai-identities-blog @lovemogai @nebularomantic @genderqueer-dream @hydrangeaflux @momma-mogai-sphinx
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pondmelody · 6 years
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hi guys, i just reached 4.6k followers and i wanted to do something to celebrate it and since i have no inspiration to make edits, i’ve decided to do some blogrates ^^
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simple blograte: 
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detailed blograte:
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mobile theme: header: could be better | cool | amazing | i love it title: a bit too long | nice | just perfect colors: don’t match | cute | beautiful | perfect combination overall: could be better | pretty | beautiful | i love it | AESTHETIC GOALS
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💎 tolkien blograte lotr / the hobbit / the silm ainur / valar / maiar / elf / men / dwarf / hobbit bree-land / mirkwood / isengard / lothlórien / the shire the silmarils / the one ring / evenstar necklace / phial of galadriel melkor / feanor / bilbo / sam / legolas / galadriel / arwen laurelin / telperion
⚔️ asoiaf blograte stark / tyrell / lannister / baratheon / targaryen / greyjoy / martell lord-lady  / knight-knightess / mercenary / faceless man-woman the wall / winterfell / king’s landing / highgarden / dorne / volantis / qarth sword / knife / dragonglass / poison / knowledge / words aerys II targaryen / jon snow / sansa stark / arya stark / margaery tyrell / varys westeros / essos
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cassinixii · 5 years
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Title: 3Kingdoms | the broken prince -- completed audition Published: May 12, 2017 | 11:53pm Description:
Three Kingdoms Initial Audition Template See instructions here: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=221021141
Your Name: Telperion Username: @/cassinixii 1st Choice Role: The Broken Prince 2nd Choice Role: The Captain 3rd Choice Role: The Trickster
OC Name: Prince Adalbert Francesco Ernest Pereret Age: 29 Face claim: Tom Hiddleston (I don't think he's taken, but he is popular, or was the last time I was here, so do let me know if someone else has already taken him)
Role: THE BROKEN PRINCE Male, 20+ - The heir to the throne in Sivalon, possesses illegal magic ability and fears the powerful magic he wields. Is fairly close to the Half-Breed Princess but to not much else.
Nationality: Sivalonian Occupation: Crown Prince
Personality: Charming and collected, he's generally always smiling (not in a war room, that would be inappropriate). He simultaneously seems inviting, but keeps people at a distance. He tries to be completely diplomatic at all times, not wanting to show favour to one person's opinion or another, when it comes to his Father, however, he doesn't display distain, nor enthusiastic favour, but bows his head as a "good son" and follows orders, or rather royal commands, which is, quite frankly, everything the Regnant Monarch says or does. He's a bit arrogant and vain, especially when it comes to his physical abilities, but possesses the qualities any good 15th century prince should have, especially a crown prince. He's well-mannered, courageous, honourable, just, and particularly dutiful. From birth, it was drilled into his head what responsibilities he is bound to and must fulfil as crown prince, and eventual King, and has always obeyed them. Mind you, there was a bought of spoilt, selfish and bruteness in his teenaged years, he was more of a "I can do what I like because Daddy's King and has an army" and "fight me" type, but he's matured, considerably, since. Mostly. Tiny bit of a "fight me" type still, but one day, probably soon, someone's going to absolutely deck him, and he's got a bit of a guilt complex, so he'll feel he deserved it, regardless of whether or not he did. He's also extremely unwilling to let others fix his mistakes or problems he's caused.
Adalbert is primarily motivated, in literally everything he does, by his love for his Kingdom and family, and constantly considers what would most benefit them. When it comes down to it, he would choose his country over the world, but hus country is in the world, so it's not like that would be an option, however, potentially defying his father, the King, which by definition makes him the Kingdom, is another matter, and a constant dilemma for the princeling (well, just prince, he's almost 30 now, but I like the word "princeling". It's a good word). He's more lenient and anti-pointless wars than his father in nature, and prefers the diplomatic approach, and generally has less extreme reactions than his father to, well everything. The King's pretty extra in everything (or at least, that's the impression I've got. Evil, yes, but also extremely extra), Adalbert is more measured. He's also quite good at hiding his true feelings, having grown adept after years of carrying commands of his father's, regardless of whether or not he agreed with them, as well as needing to suppress his emotions to keep his powers from showing themselves. But due to this, he has difficulty expressing his true emotions to most, with the exception of the half-breed princess and a little bit the oblivious queen. Additionally, due to his constant suppressing of emotions, when his anger is brought forth, it's quite violent, both with a explosive manifestation of his powers and aggressive physical behaviour, with which is he more adept at and comfortable with using, generally though, such a situation would require immediate threat to the lives of his loved ones.  
Brecht has more complicated feelings in regards to magic. He was taught from a young age that it's impure and should be destroyed, but additionally has magic himself, and has been hiding it from a young age. He's more willing to accept not all magic practioners are evil, however, his upbringing has generally taught him to greatly distrust and despise it, which he more or less does. He's rather fickle about it and uncertain, and his opinion on magic and it's users does often sway, he also lacks the conviction to actually stick up for his potential/temporary positions that magic users should not all be killed, and generally hides behind his father's back in a sort of "well, maybe they shouldn't all be killed, but Daddy said so, what can you do." He feels regretful about wiping about entire families simply due to one largely inheritable trait, but hasn’t done anything to stop it and generally deflects blame onto his father.
Abilities/Skills: - raw magic: ice manipulation (he's completely untrained, and in moments of extreme emotion can freeze an entire room, possibly more. He hasn't really explored his abilities and tries his best to always remain level headed and calm to keep them at bay, and always wears an iron ring on his right forefinger. As for how he got the magic, I generally plan for it to be inherited because I love irony, but after initial auditions, I'm open to one of the other magical roles having cursed him instead)       - fluency in many languages, including, but not limited to; German, Italian, Latin, French, Spanish, and English.       - extremely skilled sword fighter, a skilled fighter in general, he's adept at many a weapon, including a mace, morning star, lance, and can throw the pointy ones at a target (moving and stationary) with quite the degree of accuracy, but the sword remains his preferred weapon. Contrary to his overall personality, he has an extremely aggressive fighting style, as well as agile and quick moving, he nearly always strikes to kill. He's also ambidextrous (with weapons), but favours his left. - excellent strategist (and literally the only thing he's okay with openly disagreeing with his father about)   - skilled diplomat - amateur historian
Hobbies: - riding - reading (mainly history, particularly about wars) - training with a sword (it's the equivalent of yoga for him. Or "doga", which is such bullsh!t. It was on BGT this year, and it's total garbage. It's not a talent, and why on earth would anyone pay to do it let alone watch it?)
General History: (kept this shorter since I went super overboard on the personality. I'll expand a lot more if I get him.)
Having been born the heir of a great and powerful Kingdom (pretty sure that's Sivalon's official tagline, if taglines existed in the 1400's), he was trained in the art of monarchy and princeship from birth. He remained untrained, however, in the art of magic. According to his mother he was born cold, but his earliest memory of his powers manifesting is around the age of 5, since when he started wearing at least one iron piece of jewelry (he originally tired to wear every piece of iron he could find before his mother yelled at him and reminded him that such a thing would incur suspicion).
When his powers began manifesting he remained primarily absent from court, only in the company of his mother and her most trusted companions, and later his sister. He increased his activities once he could better suppress his powers, and eventually became active in his father's council (I'm guessing privy, but not really sure how much of real historical royal court practices and/or systems coincide with this fantasy one, so I'll leave all those questions to if I get him and then the second stage of auditions).
He maintains close relationships with his mother and sister, both of whom he is extremely close to, as for his father, that's more complicated. He was close, kind of, with his Father when he was younger, essentially when he was learning horse riding, sword fighting, and all the "male" skills and hobbies taught to Royal children, but their prior visits were specifically engineered to be short, which wasn't exactly uncommon for Kings and their children during the time period anyway, but it was mainly because daddy is magic-murder happy, and little princeling was kept away until he could learn to control his emotions and keep his powers hidden or at least at bay for the tea break with daddy. More theological differences emerged as Brecht sharpened his own mind, but he choice not to voice those disagreements, opting instead to internalize and change things when he is king, as well as distance himself from the king.
Why did they join the rebellion?: Well, he's a bit on the fence regarding the rebellion, he certainly doesn't want to usurp his Father's throne, nor kill him, however, he's motivated to protect his sister, the half-breed princess. Some potential changes could be made after initial auditions (if I get him), but his motivation is protection of someone or something. He's more fickle regarding magic and magical beings themselves (as discussed above), but to protect his loved ones and his kingdom, he'll do anything, including dethroning his father (or ideally getting him to soften his position, but even Brecht knows that's a crazy persons' dream).
Other: - Nicknames: Brecht and Elbert - "adalbert" is the ancient Germanic form of "Albert", and is composed of Ancient German elements; "adal", meaning "noble" and "beraht", meaning  "bright". But if I'm being honest, I simply named him after Prince Consort to Queen Victoria I of Great Britain, Prince Albert of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - why yes, I did change his middle name from the Germanic "Franz" to Italian "Francesco"  because of the robbing of Francesco Gabbani in Kiev, Ukraine on May 13th 2017. (Portugal's entry was fine, but Francesco had the best song!!) - I'm considering increasing his age to 30-32, and doing the math for the dark king, it fits better with the time period (the age of reproduction … beginning? much earlier back then. *please imagine better phrasing, urg, the age of "actually having kids" sounds better.) - not fond of ice, or water in general, mainly due to his powers, and thus cannot swim and experiences sea sickness, and rather uncomfortable in (on?) ships. - slightly stealing from @/drownedinmoonlight's template A form here, but I really associated the song "City Lights" by Blanche with him. It's a little modern, but the lines "all alone in the danger zone, are you ready to take my hand. All alone in the flame of doubt, are we going to lose it all." and some other lines really suit the broken prince and the half-breed princess in general. (also I can't go on by Robin Bengtsson, but that's more about my personal feelings towards Mr. Hiddleston) - this is for no one's benefit but mine (and anyone who actually bothered to read all the way done here, thank you so very much), but I started out with him being inspired by Loki, but mostly Morgana (from the BBC Merlin series), but then I realized how Prince Zuko he is when I was going through my items, but there's also from inspiration from the actual Henry V of England.
Tag @/lunaofthemiste and @/sakuuya
Tag 5+: @/general-sux @/albamonkey @/vany-alvarado @/brofeysons @/agirlthatfellinlovewithnumberten @/buckbarns @/kjvdolly @/katrinavalenzula
Group Link: http://www.polyvore.com/three_kingdoms_an_oc_battle/group.show?id=209554 -------------------- As a completely unrelated aside, Italy was robbed at the eurovision song contest, and I can't believe gay icon Slavko didn't get into the grand final, but homophobe of the year (2006) guy from Croatia did. Wtf Europe and Australia?!
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hereticaloracles · 8 years
TNO Watch: Varda
Helios: This world has gone mad. No matter who you are or what you believe, we can all agree that our current situation is bleak, to say the least. None of us want to give up, not really, but how do we keep going, even knowing that we might be taking a slow march to our end? How do we keep going? Who can inspire us and lead us out of this ever-growing pit of despair?
The Astronomy: 174567 Varda is a trans-Neptunian object with an absolute magnitude of 3.5. It is highly likely to be a dwarf planet. Varda was discovered in March, 2006. It is currently 47.5 AU from the Sun, and will come to perihelion around November 2096. It has been observed 68 times over 14 oppositions with precovery images back to 1980. Varda has at least one satellite, Ilmarë. It is estimated to be about 320–360 km in diameter (about 50% that of its primary). As of 2015 two mirror orbital solutions are possible with slightly different parameters.
The Myth: Like 66652 Borasisi, Varda does not come from traditional myth, but she is a literary invention. To fans of J.R.R. Tolkien, however, this might as well be established myth! She comes from The Silmarillion, and is the Queen of the Valar, the Gods in the legendarium. She is one of the greatest of the Valar, being associated with light she is central to the dualism of light and darkness in Tolkien’s cosmology. With dew from the vats of Telperion, Varda made the brightest stars in the heavens, most significantly the Valacirca, The Sickle of the Valar (The Big Dipper) and Menelmacar (Orion).
She resided with her husband Manwë (I’ll be doing him this year as well!), with whom she shared a complementary power. When they were together, Manwë “sees further than all other eyes, through mist, and through darkness, and over the leagues of the sea” and Varda “hears more clearly than all other ears the sound of voices that cry from east to west”.When the evil Valar Melkor first began to create his discord, Varda saw his true nature and rejected him. Melkor feared and hated Varda the most out of the Valar because he greatly desired to possess light. Like most of the legendarium’s characters, Varda has a different name in each of Tolkien’s invented languages. Her Quenya name Varda means “sublime” or “lofty”. When invoked by Elves, she is more commonly addressed by epithets reflecting her role in making the stars, as “Star-queen” and “Star-kindler”. Another Sindarin epithet is Fanuilos “Ever-white”.
Why She Matters: Okay, so I couldn’t NOT do her for Aqua. She represents some of the best expressions of the sign. Plus my dad is a huge Tolkien fan and He is also an Aqua. Varda represents creation, the connection to the divine that we all crave, being able to reach beyond what we are to become something more. Her most useful expression in the chart is by far the ability to sniff out bullshit from light-years away and not have any part of it. Of course, her connection to Manwë cannot be ignored, and I can take a leap and say that she represents the way a great relationship brings out the best in each partner. One more thing I find is that this dwarf planet seems unusually kind, proving that even in the dark reaches of the wild unknown you will find more than just cold indifference to us. This is backed up by a quote “Elves love and revere her most of all the Valar, and they call upon her in their hours of deepest darkness.” In just about every depiction there is of elves in recent high fantasy (from Tolkien to now, especially in regards to my favorite fantasy author Terry Brooks) elves are cold, intellectual and arrogant- they never doubt themselves or their ability to solve any problem, even when they should. They are a force to be reckoned with. So when the situations arise that make THEM scared, and finally admit that they need help, she is the one they call, and they only call on her in their most dire moments. They know better than to waste this fearsome Queen’s time or try her patience. Yet… I get a sense that she is waiting to be called forth. There is a strong undercurrent of service and devotion to her, and she wants to help those who need it. As we face a more uncertain future every day, Varda lends us the hope we need not to crumble before our fears or give into the despair that seeks to grip us and drag us down.
To find out where she shows up in your chart, go to astro.com, put in your birth details and in the extended options, all the way at the bottom of the next page, there will be a menu of additional objects. Under that is a blank space where you can enter the number 174567, for Varda. Once you have it entered, generate the chart! Where does Varda affect your life? Let us know in the comments below!
TNO Watch: Varda was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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Thuringwethil: Messanger to Sauron, Woman of Secret Shadows, and Bringer of Blood Moons
For @tolkienvillainsweek Day 2: Corrupted Ainur. I'm a day late, but hey, "Creatures and Minions of Evil" works too.
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Art notes: The biggest tragedy is that you can't properly appreciate how sparkly everything is. I used silver gel pen for the highlights on her skin, hair, jewelry, and horns, and glitter gel pens in her eyes, sash, choker, and halo-thing. She's SHINY. Otherwise I used mechanical and watercolor pencil. I did all the little veins in her wings by following the imperfections/fuzzy bits in the paper so that I didn't have to freehand so many tiny organic shapes and it took forever but I'm super happy with them. They look so nasty! You may notice I cheated with the left one. This is because I spent over an hour making the joints look realistic on the right, and refused to try and figure out how they would look half-folded. I do not regret it.
As for her actual design: Another victim of my boobless lady Maiar agenda. She got horns to match with her brother (see below) and I figured it upped the Spooky. I gave her wrinkles and a pug-y nose as a nod to wrinkle-faced bats, she got a widow's peak and silent-film eyebrows as a nod to ~classic~ vampires, and a vaguely Victorian(?) style choker, again for the Vibes. I gave her an undercut because she's gay and deserves it. I decided her wings attached to a tail (most bats' wings attach to their legs but that wasn't happening) but that meant that her entire back had to be bared, and I wanted her clothes to be elegant but practical. So she got a low-cut halter-jumpsuit. It's blue because there were already lots of reds and I liked the contrast. Belts also couldn't work normally, but she's a messenger and had to have a place to carry scrolls at the least, so I improvised. She also has pockets. The pics don't show it well, but her black undershirt-thing is pleated (another nod to old-timey fashion a la corsets). The sash was developed because a normal one wouldn't work, and I liked the idea of off-the-shoulder sleeves, so I combined them.
Headcanons + Closeups under the cut
I've decided she's Tilion's sister, which I came up with after seeing the headcanon that Sauron and Melian are siblings and thinking "Oh! Yeah maiar can have familial relationships!" and then I realized I already mentally pictured them as looking really similar and had given Tilion some bat traits when I drew him, and then I realized there are bats that drink nectar (like from flowers, like from TELPERION'S FLOWER which Tilion really wanted to fly) which fit well with the headcanon that Thuringwethil isn't actually a vampire bat. So they're siblings now, and still somehow on good terms, and blood moons (see what I did there) are caused when Tilion wants a break and hands over his boat to his sister. I refuse to bury my gays, so she isn't killed during the Silm Quest shennanigans.
I like to think that while they have an aggregate of different bat diets (fruit, nectar, bugs, and blood) Tilion is actually the more vampiric of the two, having ridden in Orome's hunt, while Thuringwethil originally served Vana before forcibly changing her diet to match her corruption. This is funny to me, since I headcanon that Arien was originally made to serve Melkor before he fell and she turned to Vana, and that both she and Thuringwethil are lesbians who definitely had (have? enemies and lovers?) some kind of begrudging interest in each other. Fun fact, blood moons are lunar eclipses, where the moon is in the earth's shadow hidden from the sun, so lunar eclipses are Tilion taking a break and letting his evil sister steer while Arien can't see and yell at him for it.
Thuringwethil doesn't join Morgoth because she's loyal to him or his cause, but because he's the only other option apart from the Valar who she decides are cringe. As a result she isn't super committed to Being Evil, but all the monstrosities she commits are because she happens to feel like it at the moment and doesn't really care about consequences for people that she hasn't designated as "hers". She's pretty social and knows all the best gossip, but also ranges from indifference to hatred of pretty much everyone she interacts with, so she isn't much of a people person. This actually makes her great at her job as messenger, because she'll deliver all relevant info and put in effort to get more in return, but won't dawdle or get fancy with it. She knows her job and she does it well, and expects the same kind of efficiency and competence in return. There are very few Incarnates she feels are worth paying attention to or having an opinion on- they are collectively "good for causing suffering to" and not much else.
As far as her opinions on Maiar go, she's one of Sauron's primary advisors (as much as he has them) as well as his messenger, so she works closely with Tevildo and Thu. She dislikes both of them. She's developed a tolerance for her boss's... eccentricities, but she legitimately respects him as well (more than Morgoth- not that she'd say that). There's also a mutual agreement between Sauron and his "counsel" that they will never bring up Incident Nightingale unless absolutely critical. She has no opinions on Gothmog and his crew besides thinking they're brutes without a subtle bone in their bodies, and similar thoughts on the werewolves (although they do vaguely amuse her). She still loves her brother- although she finds him stupid, irritating, and incompetent, Arien is attractive the bane of her existence, she is jealous of despises Ilmare, and in her mind Eonwe's only respectable feat is managing to subdue Sauron- otherwise he's a featherbrained bootlicker with more power than competency and the personality of congealing glue (who's certainly not worthy of Tilion's affections.)
She avoids capture during the War of Wrath and pretty much just hangs out causing isolated problems for people during the 2nd age, leaving Sauron free to enact his plans- although she does visit every now and then during the last days of Numenor. The last time she's really active is during the War of the Ring, before Sauron loses and she cuts her losses to go be spooky in some discrete forest out east.
And finally: the closeups.
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cassinixii · 5 years
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Title: Morena: Audition Published: May 13, 2017 | 12:27am Description:
☾♔; Dragon and Devil Audition Template A TEMPLATE A
::Things to check before auditioning:: Rules + How To: https://goo.gl/188C0h BÃ thory Rules: https://goo.gl/vwKdK6 Roles: https://goo.gl/wuuynA
Your Name: Telperion Username: @/cassinixii
Role Being Auditioned for: Morena
Other roles you're interested in: (can be however many you want, but ranked in order of most to least preferred please) The Impaler Prince, Rusalka, the Zorja
OC Name: Morena Rothenstern (she's had a couple aliases over the ages, but has gone back to using Morena. Rothenstern has a different reason though) Age: a couple centuries. maybe 1000 years. long enough that she can't remember, nor does she care to Nationality: Russian probably. Definitely an Eastern Slav, but again, so long ago, she can't remember. She was around before Kievan Rus. Occupation: none (unless you count immortal witch god)
Personality: (can be jot notes, like -, or +/-, or paragraphs) Manipulative + Obsessive + Intelligent + Sarcastic + Aggressive + Disobedient + Solitary + Brooding + Loyal + Passionate + Cruel + Wise +
Powers: a lot, kinda rushing through this now to meet the deadline, but basically her powers are a cross of Nimueh, Morgause, and Merlin. I'll elaborate properly if I get her, but I'm including the power over life and death thing, just need to adapt it to slavic-ness.
Talents and/or Skills: - piano - sword fighting - an insanely long list of languages
Likes: - strong women who could potentially kick her kabouse - silly words like kabouse - precious gems like emeralds and diamonds
Dislikes: - the darkness of human nature - betrayers/double-crossers - coffee
Bio/Background: Morena can't remember when she was born, even if she was born, whether she had parents or siblings, none of that. Her earliest memory is of watching the sun rise over an icy plain with Dažbog. Morena has lived through entire civilizations, and was endlessly fascinated by humans repeating the same mistakes over and over, though she became exhausted around the 20th century, having seen the same atrocities repeated over and over with more intensity and cruelty.
She's cultivated many aliases over the centuries, as well as the reputations of the various aliases. In the 16-17th centuries she went by the name "Desislava" and held a reputation for being a dark witch and a deer, which drew the attention of Elizabeth Bathory's keepers and she sealed the countess into the earth beneath the castle in which she committed her crimes. It was during the Victorian era that she first came into contact with the order and joined them following the disappearance of one Jack the Ripper, and has assisted in maintaining the order of the supernatural world.
Song you think most exemplifies your character (can be soundtrack or a vocal track): Space by Slavko Kalezić Also (and don't judge me) I don't wanna live forever by Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik (yes the movie is total utter awfulness, but it's a good song)  Traits they value in other people: - intelligence - determination - nobility of character, not literal noble blood  What do they fear?: eternity, she doesn't want to live forever, it'd be terribly boring, and she'd either have to live in isolation or continue to watch everyone she comes to love die. She's also worried about forgetting and losing more memories.
What or whom do they cherish/treasure?: - "Figchen" aka Princess Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg, and later, Екатерина II Великая, Catherine II of Russia aka Catherine the Great - herself  Other: N/A
Preferred Faceclaim: Alicia Vikander Why you think they are suited to the role/your character: because she's a truly fantastic actress, whether it be Caroline-Matilda of Great Britain, the AI Ava or Lara Croft, Alicia can play it all with a fantastic ability to draw us all in.
Back-up Faceclaim: Noémie Schmidt Why you think they are suited to the role/your character: eh, just cause Henriette is bae. ... To the max.
Bonus: why do you think the group is titled Dragon and Devil? Correct answers will receive 15 bonus points (I will keep track of them in OneNote, but won't reveal the answer until phase one auditions end. It's not too difficult, but may require a tiny bit of googling). Dracul means both Dragon and Devil? A reference to Vlad II, who was known as Vlad the Dragon, and his son Vlad III, known as the Vlad the Devil? Or something like that, maybe a reference to some super obscure anime?
---x--- Tag the mod: @/drownedinmoonlight-polyvore Tag 5+: (optional, but greatly appreciated) Group Link: http://goo.gl/qQKaj4
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cassinixii · 5 years
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Title: [Finally done] I'm still standing for hope and glory, I'll be fighting for our love story | Audition (Regina Anglorum) Published: June 21, 2016 | 4:59am Description:
Regina Anglorum | Audition Form ❀ Audition Form ❀
â™  Group Link: http://www.polyvore.com/regina_anglorum_an_oc_battle/group.show?id=199583 â™  Mods: @/general-sux and @/nika-love â™  Info set on how to fill out the audition: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=194884850 â™  Example Audition: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=194956999
â™  Form â™ --The Basics-- What you would like to be called: Telperion Your username: @/clarapond
--Your OC-- Name: Petra Krall FC: Alicia Vikander Age: 26 Social Class: Bourgeoisie Region: Lancashire A little Background: Her father is a wealthy merchant, making in money in the mining and selling of precious gems, quite a lot of it to be honest. Her mother was a minor noble, allowing their family entrance to court.  
She was raised with quite a lot of money, but taught to never take it for granted. For that matter, she was taught never to take the world for granted. Even the great Empire of Rome fell, what's to say their Kingdom will last? She's quite fascinated by the new law of succession, personally, she thinks it may lead to a civil war, perhaps another battle for succession, maybe even a fall similar to that of Rome's. She's quite interested in watching that mayhem. But she's smart enough not to voice those interests.  
--Tags-- Optional, but you can tag however many people you think may be interested. (5 bonus points for 5+ tags though) // apologies if you don't like being tagged @/natasha-maree13 @/bloodystilinski @/indy-queen @/jillinchen @/sakuuya
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