#<-person who ends up saying the same stuff to loki
lunarcry · 6 months
"It's okay to have to learn how to live on your own, you know. No one ever has all the answers." He's not scared of Fenrir, despite what she is: he could be, if it weren't for the fact that he had bonded himself to an echo of something that had in fact, by all research and all speaking with her himself, been a much more frightening thing in life (it is hard to fear anything knowing what you love could outclass most). Sarunan's ears show a state similar to relaxation, tilted slightly to the side, angled forward, the expression on his face inscrutable. One gloved hand carefully extends, placing itself between the girl's ears -- not rubbing her head or fluffing her hair, just calmly placing his hand there as reassurance. "It doesn't matter how old you are or how long you've been alive. The people on this ship aren't exactly the type who abandon anyone. Trust me."
And what's meant as reassurance has the opposite effect; bored, judging eyes flashing with anger once he touches her, and fangs laid bare.
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"Get your hands off me!!"
However, she doesn't bite. A low growl lingering as she snaps at him and pulls away, it's okay to have to learn how to live alone and they won't abandon anyone, she knew all of that already. Walder had pressed on despite being near death, all for the friend that she herself couldn't save. Io yelled when she had been letting out her frustrations on Rosetta, and despite their earlier fight Lyria had asked if she could put a bow in her hair when Loki had been speaking with them at that annoying island. She knew all of that already.
And still he's yapping about love and peace and acceptance as if he expects her to break down and sob. Who was going to abandon her? Why should she live on her own? Poor little primal beast who was thrown away by her creators and denied by the world. You need help, don't you? You need love, don't you? Everyone on this damn ship acted like him, just shut up.
"Trust you?" she had considered being sarcastic, but that was before he had decided to encroach on her personal space. "All you've done is blabber about yourself, don't try and act like you know me. Why the hell should I care about any of that, you're no better than those researchers who created us for their own selfish gains. Take your ego and go feel good about yourself somewhere else", despite her words, the one who ends up storming off is Fenrir herself. "Gah! I can't stand you people!"
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1x04: "just kind of an asshole and a bad friend" - this scene, though!!
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I don't see this scene discussed all that much, but for me it's a massive turning point, not just in the Lokius friendship but for Loki's own growth as a person who doesn't want to let down the people he respects and cares about. Mobius completely blows Loki's mind here and cuts him down with a graceful, yet blunt skill. He can almost read Loki's mind; no one has ever understood Loki like this before. But more importantly, why Mobius' reply here means so much:
He's not raising his voice. He's not giving Loki the angry and hurtful response that Loki expects and wants right now. That's because if Mobius hurts Loki back, if he retaliates in kind, it will distract Loki from the fact that he was a dick to the first real friend he ever had. It will make it much easier for Loki to lie to himself and excuse his actions, while avoiding any guilty feelings. Mobius is not going to give him that.
Mobius also refuses to play along with Loki's bratty drama, instead speaking to him in an honest way, showing that yeah, Loki did let him down and hurt his feelings. And that Mobius is angry, sure. But it's not a moment for petty, fake drama such as Loki tries to ignite.
Instead, it's his friend saying "I trusted you and put myself on the line for you and you betrayed me. You don't get to make this about anything else." (more below the break)
Owen Wilson's delivery on these lines could not have been more flawless. We get all of Mobius' feelings; he's just a regular guy at the end of the day, and his genuineness, his integrity is not what Loki is used to dealing with. He's knocked the ground out from under Loki, this simply, this easily.
Emotional stakes instead of shallow, selfish ones. Loki is thrown into real shock by this turn of events. This is not how he's used to being dealt with when he's been "bad." The child in Loki never matured past these tantrums, for reasons we can easily guess.
Instead of being enraged or saying a bunch of mean stuff back at him, Mobius calls it like it is, then moves on, as if Loki no longer deserves his attention. That is going to drive Loki so crazy.
Plus, Mobius gets Loki so completely that he already knows how his statement is going to hit him. That's why, when Loki's surprised expression appears, Mobius is expecting it and says, "Yeah, chew on that for a little bit."
In other words, "How do you like being treated like a person who is expected to be decent and considerate, as opposed to being treated like a threat or problem to be destroyed?"
I think the latter was damaging to Loki at first, but then, over time, so much easier for Loki to cope with. Enemies were playing into his hands by repeating back the same insults he's gotten used to, has toughened up to.
Nobody has believed in him and expected - not just demanded - but expected better from Loki, until Mobius.
Knowing that he almost immediately tarnished such a friendship hits completely different and Loki is thrown by it.
Mobius sees Loki 100% for who he is and knows how to get under his skin when necessary, knows how to get past Loki's bravado in a way no one else has done.
But part of that skill is because Mobius really still can't help loving Loki to bits, and as hurt as he is here, he has not completely given up on Loki. It's Mobius' genuine, heartfelt responses to Loki that allow him the empathy to give as good as he gets, but more than that, to care enough, specifically, to try and help Loki learn to be better.
I just love them so much-- 😭💓💞
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
How bout teen!reader and the other women in the ROR family humiliating the men for teasing the reader after practically passing out from period cramps? Idk which men you'd think of when I say that it'd be like, them thinking that reader was just being overly dramatic and that the pain wasn’t so bad, and then Brunhilde and Shiva’s wives make them go through this things that you plug in your abdomen to simulate period cramps? Well, yeah, that and then they kund of understand why reader nearly died. I'm just venting because my colleagues are so annoying about this when they don’t even know what it feels like, lol <3
-You were curled up in Parvati’s arms, a pout on your face as you held the hot water bottle to your stomach while Brunnhilde was yelling at the male gods and warrior, the ones who laughed at you.
-Your unwanted monthly visitor was never the same, and this month, she decided to mess you up with such bad cramps that you nearly fainted, which was worrying for your family, but as soon as they knew you were all right, they found out why and many of the men in your family were quickly laughing.
-This wasn’t funny to you- this was torture, and it was only when you started crying, overwhelmed with emotions, that Aphrodite, Shiva’s wives, and the Valkyries stepped in to discipline the men.
-Kali gave the men all a lesson on what happens during a woman’s shark week, on how the uterus is basically trying to kill itself since it didn’t get what it wanted, and how no two women’s shark weeks were the same and some, like you, sometimes had severe symptoms.
-Some did sympathize with you and other women, but it was Aphrodite who suggested a more hands on approach to this lesson and produced a cramp simulator for every single person who laughed at you.
-Once they were all hooked up, a few, like Loki and QSH, complained, asking if they really had to do this.
-You were given a bowl of ice cream as you curled up on the couch as Brunnhilde took control of the remote, “Laugh by the end of this and you will be forgiven.”
-Twenty minutes later, you were the only laughing, along with the other women, as many of the men were unable to even move, after going from level one to level fifteen in cramps.
-You were pretty sure a few had passed out themselves, while others were shaking, sweating heavily, and gasping for air- this was not fun! This was torture!!
-Once the devices were removed, Aphrodite smirked down at all of them, once they were all awake, “Now then- would anyone like to laugh this time?”
-There was nothing but silence as her answer before Apollo spoke, “You have to deal with that every month?!”
-Durga gave a small nod, “Almost every woman does, but it’s never the same, one month it might be mild and only last three days, others you might be crippled and suffer for a whole week!”
-Eyes went wide- this wasn’t natural before Loki spoke, not being rude, “How do you guys handle this!” a few glances between the women were sent around before Parvati spoke up, “It’s expected of us to continue going about our lives as if nothing is wrong.”
-Eyes went wide, like they didn’t believe before the ladies all started taking turns telling the comments that you and they have been forced to endure, “It can’t be that bad!”, “You’re just faking it to get out of doing stuff.” “Still gotta go to work!”, “Need to take care of the kids!”, “Gotta clean the house!”, “Need to go to school.”, “Don’t talk about that- it’s gross and unnatural.”, “Oh you must be on your period!”, “Not to mention we have to deal with things like breakouts, headaches, and bloating- just to name a few.”
-You were the one who then finished the argument, “Even if we’re in pain, or like me when I almost passed out earlier- we’re expected to pretend that we’re okay as society expects that from us.”
-You’re pretty sure that you all got the point across, especially after Buddha cuddled you, hugging you while you were wrapped in a fluffy blanket. Shiva was showering his wives with affection, apologizing to them for every incident that he was insensitive towards them.
-Now if you could just get every other male on earth to understand what it feels like to have a period- then maybe more things would change.
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mysticcollectionbee · 11 months
Loki season 2 Ep.5
This just gonna be a list of things I’m obsessing over in the new episode by order of importance to me (I’m sorry):
GOD. OF. STORIES. Buildup. YES!!! From the episode title to Loki specifically mentioning saving their stories (only other time he mentioned stories to represent a person’s life was in the very first episode of this show I think). I’m way too excited.
Mobius…I’m sorry this will be mainly Lokius based. *Ahem* Mobius a single dad who can’t shut up about being single and the only person he talks about stuff that isn’t just Jet-Ski related is Loki. Everyone else he meets he kinda just stays on topic but Loki; “Hey, stranger who might of followed me from work, want a beer? I’m also a single dad.” And two things I feel like I see differently than a lot of the fandom: a) I don’t think Don (Just remembered that’s his name) has a dead wife. Like, who describes your wife being dead as ‘Long gone’ and immediately tries to pawn off a belonging that you used as a couple? b) People saying the kids act like Loki and Thor which means Mobius represents Odin but…Odin kinda sucked as a dad? And Frigga was a MASSIVE part of raising the kids, so an Odin variant being able to step in is. Unrealistic. Oh and Hela? Hi??? Hela exists. So nah, I think they made it that way the same way they made Thor adopt Love, to fix the mistakes of the past generation with the new ones. Thor is raising Love unlike how his father raised him. Loki could raise the brothers to not have the same issues he had with his own brother, and what they both had issues with when raised together by Odin.
(Last one was long) I think I made a theory a long time ago that Casey/Frank was related to the unsolved case of the guys escaping Alcatraz. Could be wrong, if not, hey one of my theories was right!
O.B. my baby boi was a failed Sci-Fi writer that ended up inspiring the god of stories to save all the stories across the multiverse. He’s secretly the most important writer character in the MCU :’)
B-15 being a nurse makes a lot of sense and explains why she became softer and more focused on helping others after she got her memories back. Her true nature of helping others came back to her, which probably ask explains why she really hate the idea of pruning people again.
I want to talk about Sylvie and all the neat stuff about her…But my Bi brain keeps getting distracted by that scene of her without her jacket…She’s- she’s great here too 👍
Final unimportant thing: Any Doctor who fan get time explanation flashback the moment O.B picked up that mug with pens in it? “I’m a pen in a mug?” “Yes you are, Donna Noble.”
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hiorintruther · 2 years
Sometime is wish the homoerotic undertones of Blue Lock could be somewhat canonised for Ryusae specifically…
Purely because I think Shidou would use it to absolutely harass Rin to no end. Like, they’re currently stuck on the same team together so imagine Shidou just walking past Rin one morning and going “how goes things, future brother-in-law?” and Rin being absolutely LIVID at the notion that Sae has somehow made his life EVEN WORSE by dating the person he hates probably second most in the world (the first being Sae himself, of course).
Or Rin commenting on how Shidou’s performance on the field was “lukewarm” and Shidou just responds with “funny, that’s not what your brother told me last-“ and he wouldn’t get to finish because Rin has already gone in for a punch. Of course, Shidou is being all talk here. He just wants to really twist the knife and see what happens.
Or maybe one day Loki chastises Rin’s personality and Shidou takes the opportunity to say smth like “y’know, when me and Sae have kids I want their uncle to be someone who’s actually fun to be around”.
Or Shidou just drops random one-liners during training that have varying degrees of truth behind them (aka they’re usually completely untrue and Shidou is fully just trying to wind Rin up), like “I’m planning mine and Sae’s wedding rn. Do you want to be my best man coz I think Sae’s first choice is Aiku.”
Some other random one-liners I think Shidou would make up to piss Rin off include:
“I hope family dinners don’t get to awkward… since we’re colleagues, and all. Ideally I wouldn’t want to impose myself but you know how demanding Sae can be.”
“I’m so glad I don’t have your number coz some of the stuff I send Sae is for his eyes only.”
“What emojis do you associate Sae with? I’m changing his contact name atm. I was gonna go with red heart, peach, tongue, blushing face… but I need a second opinion.”
“God I miss Sae! Next time I see him I’m gonna hug him so tight and never let him go and stroke his luscious, soft hair that combs through my fingers while we make out and-“ (gets punched)
“What sort of presents does Sae like? I’m just thinking ahead to our anniversary. I wanna surprise him.”
*waxing shitty, made up poetic about Sae at 3am: “…and his (Sae’s) thrilling aura of power that could change the heart of any beast… unlike his brother whose vibes are constantly rancid…”
Like he doesn’t have to make jabs at Rin’s appearance or performance on the field. The mere fact that Sae is dating Shidou is enough to fill Rin with unbridled amounts of rage, which ends up becoming an impossibly easy punchline. Rin ends up getting so angry and violent-minded that he fumbles over his comebacks and ends up making a fool of himself. Idk I just think Shidou would be able to find every possible way to use his relationship with Sae to drive Rin up the wall. Kaneshiro please canonise Ryusae specifically because I think Shidou would find it a comedy goldmine.
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clarcced · 11 months
Chekov's Heart Shaped Gun - An Analysis Of What Love Means In Loki (TV)
What Sylki actually means and why it’s not romantic love. / How S1E3/4 and S2E5 prove that love is who one calls home. / How Lokius will prevail.
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Let's begin our analysis in s1e3.
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Sylvie says she can’t sleep when another version of themselves is around. She is stronger than most in the show, yet she lacks trust in themselves- then wakes up from her nap a scene later, but alas, her even saying that is interesting. On that note, Sylvie and Loki are variants of each other. It's only fair to say that they basically have the same trust issues.
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Mobius is a trustworthy person overall but to a Loki that’s near impossible to come by as it seems. Loki sleeps soundly with Mobius literally across him, considering the fact that he too couldn't sleep around an untrustworthy person. He trusts Mobius, even before he met Sylvie.
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Moving on, Loki takes the glasses offered to them on the train and drinks both upon Sylvie’s refusal to drink hers. The glasses and their contents are identical and have a green tint to them- which is symbolism to establish the fact that Loki and Sylvie are in fact the same person- in variance, supported by the cinematography of this scene: mirroring sides.
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Loki drinking both can mean three things all together in this context which I transformed into sentences because I lack in English vocabulary:
“See, I am you, you can trust me.” – Which she doesn’t.
“I take what comes my way.” – Loki doesn’t go around looking for love in any shape or form and takes what is thrown at him – resulting in “whim-prone” actions.
“I can have my cake and eat it too.” as in Sylki stuff- which sounds like clumsy and desperate flirting to me, honestly. There is also the element of Loki’s massive ego in this context, which turns into self love and becomes less (self/)destructive as the show progresses throughout S1 and S2.
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Why did they address Loki’s bisexuality in the show specifically? Verbal “representation” without context? That’s below this well-thought-out show’s writers.
I keep coming back to the wording.
"Would-be-princesses" - plural, derogatory (as in aspiring to be, but not one) "Another prince" - single, specific
[Note: I saw some people posting that the timeline name of Mobius "Don" means 'prince', but couldn't find that specific definition myself in any online dictionary/baby names site. Best definition I could find was "brown, chief, noble" over on Wikipedia, so for now let's refrain from that specific definiton and focus on what is given to us plain and straight. I'll make this note make sense in the end of this analysis.]
Or could it be perhaps to give them a common ground to stand on? Nope. They don’t stand on that common ground, not even for a minute.
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A drink. (Ding ding ding!!!!)
Yes, a drink. When he gets that drink, he sings an Asgaridan (well, Norwegian) song:
In storm-blackened mountains, I wander alone
Across glaciers, I travel forth
In the apple orchard the fair maiden stands
And sings, "When will you come home?"
When she sings, she sings, "Come home."
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So who’s the maiden exactly? Loki dedicates the song to Sylvie, but never says it was specifically written for a romantic love interest. Not gonna lie, I might be reaching here, but hear me out: the lyrics can go both ways. They talked about their mother and how Sylvie barely remembers hers. So, Loki, as he is, sings about a traveller coming home to a maiden, possibly his mother or lover, depending on the context at which the song is directed towards.
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The only time we see Loki truly helpless against the world is when he mourns his mother. The purest form of love he has ever received, gone. Upon their conversation with Sylvie about what “love” is, Loki disagrees with it being mischief itself, instead takes time and a couple drinks and sings about a fair maiden- his mother calling him home. That is the only type of love he has truly ever felt for another.
Now imagine singing a song about your mother to another variant of yourself. Mommy issues much? Sure. Bad way to flirt? Absolutely. He basically shows Sylvie what he thinks love means to him, but also establishing a connection with Sylvie based on HIS mindset: They are the same. No matter what the maiden represents, a romantic interest or love for a mother, these two variants are of the same kind in the end.
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“No. Terrible metaphor.” Sylvie says. Fast forward to 3 episodes later in s1e6 she drops the dagger she holds on Loki’s throat and proceeds to kiss him, says they’re not the same and kicks him back into the TVA.
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Being a Loki is not about being a villain and losing every time, it’s about surviving. To survive, they must adapt and adapting they do. They hold hands in s1e4 and a nexus event begins. A Loki, a so-called villain, in league with another Loki. No mischief, just loving each other- by each other by this point I’m talking about THEM as ONE. They easily could’ve kissed right then if their relationship was romantic, but they didn’t. They love themselves in that moment of an approaching apocalypse.
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“But I’m not you.” – As the track “Stop” plays.- [The Sylki track that also played in the scene mentioned in the previous panel.]
Loki just wants Sylvie to be okay. He wants his inner mischievous giant to be okay. He wants his inner self to be okay. But Sylvie refuses this. She kisses him BECAUSE she refuses the fact that they can ever be the same or view love the same way. To Sylvie, love is very much real in the shape of a dagger, yet she drops it to the ground, then kisses Loki. Sylvie shows Loki that love is not what Loki thinks it is.
Love is not what Loki thinks it is.
Reality isn't what you think it is. -Loki to Mobius in s2e5
Fast forward to s2e5. Loki is in conflict with himself. – Thus, time slipping.
Everyone is sent back to their HOMES. Loki remains at the TVA when others are back in their original timelines- except Sylvie. She sees that McDonalds life as her home. So, that means, these people were sent to when and where they belonged before the TVA, or in case of Loki and Sylvie their respected new homes- also giving purpose to their belonging to that place- the when, where and why.
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In Loki's mind, Mobius's home IS the TVA, his purpose, his 'glorious purpose' if you will. He searches around the TVA where him and Mobius spent their time pacing around or just sitting down to have a key lime pie.
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Sylvie says that they are, in fact, Lokis of the same nature.
The acceptance.
Then it turns out it wasn’t about when, where or why. It’s about WHO. Loki could never have that drink because these two variants of the same species, Loki and Sylvie, are on different paths of life and love. Their roads have crossed but went their separate ways in the end.
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It's about who, right? Loki could have found himself beside Sylvie in the McDonald's, easily, if he actually saw her as home. But no. He remained in the TVA, where Mobius once called home- which apparently he does too now. He belongs in the TVA with Mobius and their friends, with or without Sylvie.
This brings us to the smoking love shaped gun.
"Must've been would-be-princesses or perhaps, another prince."
"Love is... uh, something I might have to have another drink to think about."
2 people close to him offered him the drink he's yet to enjoy: Sylvie and Mobius.
The would-be-princess and the other prince.
"It's about who." Loki says, looking directly at Mobius.
He chooses the prince.
He makes it known to Sylvie at the very end of the episode, slowly turning to her: "I can rewrite the story."
He found his purpose in Mobius. He is the "who" that'll help him rewrite the story of time. He is home.
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Thank you for sticking around till the end of this one. I appreciate any corrections/reminders of what I've missed or got wrong.
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lucianalight · 10 months
Loki S2 Review
I rewatched S2 and I liked it even more on the second watch. I'm giving it a 6 out of 10 in average(8 for the finale). Since I didn't post a review week by week like for S1, I'm just going to talk about the main things I liked/disliked
The Improvements & Things I liked:
The pace and the narrative's tone and framing have changed. While the pace drops sometimes, these moments aren't as boring as S1. Meaning you don't want to constantly check when it's going to end(like you know, S1 and especially 1x06). The narrative is neutral and doesn't villain code Loki and hero code others. It doesn't turn Loki into a clown, a punching bag or someone who deserves humiliation(I guess they've done enough of that in S1). On the contrary the characters are shown as flawed people, with Loki being the most moral, considerate, logical and heroic amongst them.
They stated bluntly in episode 1, that what TVA used to do, were atrocities. That they were killing numerous innocent people who had a right to live their lives as they chose.
The characters were three dimensional, likable or tolerable despite their actions in S1. They showed remorse for the things they had done. Although the way the narrative chose to go about it in S1 still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It shouldn't happen to you for you to realize sth is wrong. But at least it was shown that the characters weren't slaughtering people mindlessly and some of them deep down knew it was wrong. Although the fact that they still did it, because of the "greater good", and "woe is me! It's not a comfort it's a burden" attitude about it is repulsive.
OB, Casey and Timely being funny, cute nerds and fanboys :D
Loki using amazing magical stuff and DID YOU SEE THE GREEN MAGICAL GLOW IN HIS EYES?*incoherent screaming*
No Romance. It was unnecessary and rushed in S1. This time they focused more on Loki needing friends and that was definitely a better choice imo and what they should have gone for in S1 too.
Sylvie's actions and personality framed as what they were. She wasn't put on a pedestal as this amazing different FeMaLe version of Loki. She was framed as a flawed character with wrong and right actions and beliefs.
Loki and Sylvie's talk in the pie land, about change, hope, fixing what's broken and being gods. That sigh before Loki saying "We are gods" with all the weight of the world on his shoulders. Wonderful acting.
The ending and its epic soundtrack.
Topics & Things That Could Have Been Handled Better:
The Topic of New York Invasion
"Sometimes a rage builds up and you just gotta let it out. Do you remember that time I was so angry with my father and my brother, I went down to Earth and I held the whole of New York city hostage with an alien army? Tried to use the mind stone on Tony Stark? It didn't work so I threw him off the building. It wasn't tactical. I lost it"
On the surface it looks like Loki's saying that's why he attacked New York and probably most people accept this without a second thought.
But the context of the scene matters. We see during the interrogation Mobius loses his temper. He was worried about Loki getting angry, but he was the one who loses his temper and hits Brad. Loki tries to calm him down by sympathizing with him to try and see what caused his behavior. It's the same thing he did for Thor in the first movie, before coronation and after it, while Thor was nervous and angry. What he says about New York while isn't the whole truth, it also isn't untrue. He was angry with Thor and Odin but as we know his anger and thoughts were influenced by the scepter. We also know Loki doesn't like to talk about his time with Thanos or being tortured. Instead he uses a half-truth, sth that is in character for Loki.
So the scene can be rationalized by this analysis but it's still annoying that this analysis is even needed. They should have been clear about the scepter's influence especially when mcu confirmed it.
Loki thinking about Thor's change as being a weakness. While both Thor and Loki were groomed and taught to consider being soft as a weakness, that wasn't Loki's true feelings. At least I don't think someone who prefers words and magic-that are considered a weakness in Asgard-over brawn thinks like that. His goal in the first movie was to goad Thor into fighting him. So the line should have been sth like this: "Asgard taught us being soft is a weakness, so I used that against Thor to goad him into a fight. I said he's gone soft…"
Plotholes and things that weren't explained.
Why Loki and Sylvie weren't sent to their original timelines like others? And why neither of them showed any interest in seeking their family? You're telling me Loki wants to see these people he knows for 10 seconds more than Frigga or Thor? OOC.
Sylvie's sudden mastery of magic since 1x06 isn't explained. She didn't know much, but then suddenly could do everything Loki did. I mean I can headcanon that her and Loki linking their power taught her some things but these sudden developments without any explanations are annoying.
Loki's genderfluidity. No mention of it at all. Although I believe that no representation is better than bad representation. And you should leave a topic alone if you don't understand it, otherwise you're gonna mess it up. Because bad rep can be more harmful. And so maybe it was a good thing mcu let that one go. But they could still fix it with some shapeshifiting, explaining its difference with illusions and Loki confirming that he is comfortable in her female form.
Loki's clothes. It's probably not that important in comparison with other issues but I really hate that beige suit. Why Sylvie who doesn't even want to be Loki and wasn't in Asgard since childhood changes into an Asgardian outfit for a fight and not Loki? Yeah I get it. It was because of the last reveal and transformation and finding his identity blah blah blah but at least they could have gave him his old Asgardian clothes or he could change the suit's color ugh
Criticism & Things I didn't like:
The ooc moments for Loki in some comedic scenes. Especially in episode 5. While the character has a comedic potential, it's not based on clownery or clumsiness. The best humorous moments for Loki are the ones where he outwits others, use sarcastic language or he is being outwitted despite his careful plans.
Certain emotional stakes aren't clear from the start. The audience know that saving TVA is the right thing because it protects all the freed timelines but they don't know why they should care? Or more accurately why Loki is so emotionally invested in this goal. That gets answered in episode 5 and while Loki's talk with Sylvie is a good emotional scene, the fact that it's stated so late in the story, makes the first few episodes boring when it comes to saving TVA.
The main reason the emotional stakes aren't clear(at least for me), I believe is because most of the people Loki call them his "friends",  haven't done anything to either deserve his friendship or aren't close enough to be considered a friend. Let alone someone Loki tries to move heaven and hell to be with them, instead of for example trying to find his brother and family. It is an issue which again is rooted in S1 and carried to S2. What happened in S1 wasn't therapy or a healthy friendship.
However, Loki being loyal to anyone who show him an ounce of affection or him being moral enough to try to save people are in character for him and that's sth good about it.
The torture scene.
The trick Mobius and Loki pulled was predictable as hell. I didn't even doubted Loki in TDW, let alone here. And even though I didn't believe for one second that Loki's actually going to hurt the guy, and he wasn't shown enjoying it, I still hated that he went along with the torture idea Mobius had come up with. Especially considering the fact that he was a victim of torture himself and never shown any sign in canon that he would torture someone. So yeah I hated that scene.
And why that scene was even necessary? Loki could get into X-5's mind when they weren't in TVA. We know he is capable of it. He did it both through mind stone in Avengers and in TR. how else they were going to delve into Mobius' problem though smh
But alright let's say they needed a scene like that. Still the whole Brad believing Mobius is against torture, and Loki's the one who would be in favor of it, is so fucking ridiculous. Any way you look at it, it has always been TVA and Mobius who did any torture we've seen during the two seasons. The tortures that Loki endured might I add. Even in the previous scene, it was Loki who didn't hit Brad and only tried to intimidate him non-physically by acting as a villain. It was Mobius who hit him, who was shown more affected by Brad's insults. So logically the scene they had planned to fool Brad, should have been played completely the opposite way. By having Mobius do the torture. At least it was recognized that the torture idea was from Mobius and both he and Loki gave the credits for it to Mobius.
Verity Willis. Hunter B15 unlike the Verity in comics, doesn't have a close friendship with Loki or truth detector powers. Not having a good friend like comics Verity for Loki, was such a wasted opportunity in the series.
Mobius saying to Loki "You're a man of action...". That was such a stupid, unnecessary line. As if the main difference between Loki and Thor wasn't Thor acting before thinking, and Loki thinking and planning before acting. While Loki is also a man of action, he is first and foremost a man of strategy. The only plausible explanation imo is that Mobius said it to not feel useless in comparison with Loki and his skills.
"Thor's not that tall". Yeah, no. I don't think Loki's reaction to seeing Thor and Odin's statues would be that. Knowing his brother and family were murdered by the very same people he's working with now. Remind me again why he's considering them "FrIeNdS"? Someone really needs to explain the concept of friendship to Loki. Or rather the writers of this show.
And while we are at it. Let's talk about how Loki's past and identity issues were completely swapped under the rug as if they were all magically fixed and didn't matter anymore. As if those weren't the most important part of his journey. Another issue rooted in S1.
Final Thoughts(for now :D)
Season 2 was definitely better than season 1. Not perfect, and not for those who care about OG Loki's issues. They set him on a completely different path in S1 and they messed up any chance to actually delve into his problems. So in S2 we're having a character that we're supposed to accept has moved on from certain issues, and now tries to find what he wants and where he belongs. Still, I think that they listened to the criticism for once as they tried to fix some of the problems of S1. After many years it didn't feel like that the creators hate the character, or using him as a prop, or a plot device. It was a story about Loki. A bittersweet story for the god of stories.
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
🦴 = a piece of media that inspires my writing?
Not really one set piece. More like music in general does. I often listen to lofi beats when writing or my writing playlist to set the mood of what I’m trying to write. Or it could be music I’m listening to in the car or waiting somewhere could lead to some bullet points that become a fic. 😆
🍓= what led me to write fanfic in the first place?
Going deep here aren’t you Em? 👀 lol I’ve enjoyed writing since I was little as an extension of my love of reading. First with poems and the anime fanfiction when I actually watch more anime. Now I read more manga and don’t write fanfiction about it. If one squints on A03 - I may have dabbled in Marvel characters and actors for a short time. 🫢 The took a long pause as life happened. Sometime last year as my mental health improved so did my love of writing and I hyper focused on Pedro Pascal so here we are. 🤣 I write more the better my mood is. Maybe a bit too much background 😵
🥤= recommend and author or fic you love
Ugh just one? Dammit. 😒 I shall not! I’ll do eight because there are no favorites! Only peeps we support! And I can’t really call any of them number one I enjoy them all too much. 🥰
1. @morallyinept Pretty much anything you read of Jett’s will be beautiful, sensual, take you to a far away place or have needing to remove clothing - possibly from reading the same fic. 😆 She covers a wide variety of Pedro characters and is a wealth of knowledge on them. She also is just really talented and sweet.
2. @maggiemayhemnj Sure Ms. Payday doesn’t have a long Masterlist but every fic on there is worth reading for her turns of phases, vivid descriptions and her love of both Joel and Ezra. 💕
3. @megamindsecretlair One of my fellow black writers who keeps readers thirsty and eager for more with her Sam, Bucky and Loki series (all of which I need to catch up on or finish 👀) and is a hilarious person as she is kind.
4. @soft-girl-musings Another fellow black writer who’s “Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps” 1920’s or 40’s (I’m not great with telling time obviously 🙄 ) has me wondering what’s going to happen next, what is going on in that club and where else am I going to see curly haired Marcello is going to pop up at. 🤣
5. @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin The Mistress of Agnst. Her masterlist is for those who aren’t afraid to explore the darker side and stories that may not have happy endings but you’ll still feel satisfied that to finished it. To feel another type of satisfaction, you’ll need to read her smut and seek your other completion there. ☺️ You’ll be thankful for both rides.
6. @pedroshotwifey A newer moot to me who has equal parts smut, agnst and dabs of darkness in there. What can I say? I like dark fics if they’re just right. Like I like my crime dramas and cop procederals. 🤣 She and I have a good time supporting each other and exchanging thots. Her “To The Flame” series has set the reader up for what may be a spectacular fall or maybe she’ll find her way out? Only she knows.
7. @magpiepills Ezra’s second wife (because @morallyinept is his first wife and I think @maggiemayhemnj is the paramour - because it sounds fancy) The amount of filthy things she’s had him do both with one arm and two is something everyone should read twice. I also especially enjoyed her fic “Aquarius” which a whore version of Javier Peña that spoke strongly to me. Or maybe parts of me, let’s not split hairs. 🤭
8. @angelofsmalldeath-codeine She’ll say she’s not a writer. BUT as all writers know, we don’t do very well if someone isn’t reading stuff we toss out into the ether. Hemmy is as supportive as they come, reblogging and offering many a thot as both the High Chancellor of the Horny Delegation and as a friend. ❤️ Plus she supports my very soft bois Dieter and Javi G. 😆 She I think was one of the main reasons I wrote more of “Weddings 101 with Dieter.” She asked me something along the lines of, “is there more to this? This is a very cool or unique premise.” As she well knows, just tell me I did something well and I’m happy as a pearl in a clam. 🤣
Fanfic author ask game
Thanks for the ask Em! Just know I pretty much write paragraphs because I gotta explain. 🤭 I’m Nerdie and I’m wordy. 😚 I had to make one bad joke. You have to be able to tell it’s me.
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theelectronicstranger · 11 months
Loki Season 2 Episode 4 “Heart of the TVA” Thoughts and Theories
          If you have not seen this episode of Loki then please look away because I am spoiling a lot for this week’s episode.
          Normally, I would tell you guys each scene I liked about the episode but for this week I’m just kind of moving on to theories immediately and tell you guys some stuff I liked in between. By the way, I really liked this episode even though it ended in a cliff hanger. Also, I’m going to sound like a crazy person here today, so I’ll just warn you guys on that.
          So, the biggest thing that happened this episode was Victor Timely’s death. I don’t think he’s really dead, I think he’s more so scattered around the Multiverse. My cooking theory right now is that: Victor Timely is kind of the seed for Kang/Kangs. Like when he stepped out of the TVA and got turned to spaghetti strands, each strand of his being got sucked up by the multiverse and each of those strands ends up creating the Kangs in each of those timelines. It would even create the He Who Remains of this sacred timeline we are following now. I also think that He Who Remains knew that when he is defeated and killed that the back up would always be Victor Timely, but he also knew that for him to come back Victor Timely would have to get to the TVA and get split up during this incident, which would then create the other versions of Kangs that he would have to fight. Also, Miss Minutes tells Victor “You’ll never be him”, which is kind of true in this theory because Victor just ends up being the steppingstone or the tree that births He Who Remains.
          This theory would also suggest that the Multiversal War that He Who Remains talks about is a direct result of his ego and his want to be the one that controls the multiverse because if he didn’t send Renslayer and Miss Minutes to give the TVA Handbook to Victor then that War wouldn’t have happened. Also, during the last episode, after Renslayer and Miss Minutes drop the TVA Handbook into Victor Timely’s window it goes from them being on the Sacred Timeline to a branching timeline, so it’s not an event that was supposed to happen. However, He Who Remains knew that it was the only way to bring himself back. By the way, this also kind of puts a crack in my initial theory because in the end of last season, he seemed tired and doesn’t want to be the person in charge anymore, so why would he do this for ego. However, my retorts to that is that I don’t think we can trust He Who Remains’ intentions during that episode because we’ve seen that he lies a lot; and my second retort, is that the He Who Remains that would come from this event would be a new one. One that isn’t tired of ruling the multiverse and one that is refreshed and renewed. What do you guys think? I hope this theory made sense because I feel like a crazy person.
I also want to talk about Renslayer’s secret, where it was revealed that she was supposed to be ruling the TVA with He Who Remains. I don’t think that’s the whole picture. I feel like there’s something being left out of there and a reason as to why He Who Remains wiped her memory. Sure, you can say that it’s because he wants to be the sole ruler of the TVA but I feel like he wouldn’t say “I’m sorry” if it's just that. I know in the comics Renslayer was a woman Kang loved that was scattered through time, so maybe he has the same relationship here and there’s a reason he’s trying to protect her.
I don’t think Renslayer is dead by the way. She’s probably where Alioth is. I don’t think this is the last we will see of her. She’s probably going to come back stronger or with more knowledge of this whole situation.
By the way, fuck Brad. Like seriously. I get that the choices were death or go with Renslayer but I feel like the show has done such a good job showing that he doesn’t really care about anyone but himself. He doesn’t care about the TVA or any of the people that he sided with. He just wanted to be out of there, which is understandable because they were all taken from the timeline, but I still hate how he just kind of bends over to whoever has the most power at the time.  Also, fuck Miss Minutes for turning that machine on and killing everyone as well. If you watch her face during that scene, she is smiling and she seemed so happy watching them die.
Also, the scene with Dox and her minutemen talking to Renslayer and Miss Minutes made me want more scenes with Dox in previous episodes because I feel like we never really got to understand her character. Sure, she wants to protect the TVA but why and what was the thinking behind her actions? She felt more of a plot device rather than somebody that we are supposed to care about. I feel like if this was a series with more episodes, they’ll have more time to flesh this character out, but it doesn’t really do that. If this was in Agents of Shield (which everyone should watch because it’s still my favorite Marvel Show), we would know a lot about her and why she was like this. Maybe I’m just being too harsh, but I still felt like we needed more of her this season to care about her and to understand her.  
Also, who do we think Mobius is on the timeline? Is he important? I feel like the show keeps asking that question so it must be important; but honestly, I just hope he’s a regular guy living his life. I hope he’s not anybody important because I feel like it would be more impactful if Mobius wanted to return to a life where he’s just a normal guy. He doesn’t want this grandiose life; he just wants to be happy. He just wants to be able to live.
          I really don’t know where Marvel is going with this season of Loki. We only have 2 episodes left and I just hope that they stick the landing on this (so far) great season of Loki. Marvel kind of has a Third Act Problem or an ending problem where they set up so many things but end up kind of just delivering an okay or lackluster ending. I really don’t want that to happen to this series. If I missed anything that you guys wanted me to talk about then we can talk in the comments of this episode, and I might even write out a small post about it. I kind of just wanted to type out my theory first before it left my brain, so I know I missed a lot that I wanted to talk about.
          Once again, thank you for reading this post. I hope you guys have a good day/night!
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darklinaforever · 10 months
In fact, the only things that Sylvie and Loki really share, in terms of variations of each other, are the title of divinity of mischief and their powers.
Even though they don't practice exactly the same types of tricks, despite having the same power base and both being capable of the same things. For example, Loki didn't practice enchantment, yet his powers clearly allowed him to do so and it was Sylvie who taught him.
Beyond that, they do not share the same blood / DNA. They didn't grow up together either. Then in terms of their own individual, as I already said, they are different. They do not have the same personality, due to having lived quite opposite lives. Even in terms of Loki's identity, it diverges, in view of the name Sylvie bears, specifically to dissociate herself, and to make it clear that she is not Loki. She's not him. So incest or autocest is non-existent there.
All this to say that once again, the only thing they share as a variant is the title of deity of mischief and their powers.
The rest of their resemblance is simply attributed to most romantic couples wanting to be coded as soul mates and / or essentially a complementary relationship.
To have a concrete example and be more clear, Sylki is as similar as Reylo : - Different, but complicated pasts which return them to their feeling of loneliness. - Their problem of opening up to the world. - The feeling that no one else really understands them. - Similarity in combat techniques and synchronization of movements at various times, etc.
But precisely... if in terms of variation the only thing that Sylki really shares is the fact of being the divinity of mischief and their powers... doesn't that remind you of something ? Like... same divine tutelage and powers ? In the MCU universe ? Like... really not ?
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And don't let anyone tell me that it doesn't count, since in the end Jane literally ends up dying as a warrior goddess and goes to Valhalla...
Thor is the god of thunder and Jane literally became the goddess of thunder by recovering her hammer, therefore recovering the same powers. She literally became Mighty Thor / Lady Thor...
So once again, two individuals (Thor & Jane) with the same title and the same powers...
Like Sylvie and Loki (Sylki) but without all this variant stuff ! (And like I said, the rest of their resemblance comes purely from the classic romantic coding involving complementarity / soul mate aspect) However, I haven't seen anyone have a problem with Thor and Jane, two individuals sharing the same divine title and powers, being in love...
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So I was recently accused of wanting Sylvie to become a housewife simply because I said I think a domestic lifestyle where she has a stable environment to heal would be beneficial for her. You know, because she’s an abuse victim and a refugee who’s spent her entire life on the run without meaningful connections.
It’s actually kind of hilarious that someone read that and went “oh, so you want her to be a 1950s housewife”. Because obviously those two statements are completely synonymous and there’s no room for any kind of nuance.
But the argument it turned into made me realize that some people see the Sylvie in s1 as someone who’s already finished their character development and therefore shouldn’t change in any significant way.
Which is not how storytelling works?
Sylvie’s personality in s1 is completely and wholly a product of HWR’s manipulation. He literally says “I paved the road, you two just walked down it.” He manipulated Sylvie’s entire existence just the same as he manipulated the fate of everyone on the Sacred Timeline to follow a certain fixed version of events. He needed her to get to the Citadel to fulfill his agenda - and yes, that agenda involved her killing him, even if we’re not yet sure why. The fact that he spent the whole episode 6 goading her, sowing distrust between her and Loki and trying to get a rise out of her is proof of that. Her entire life she had her strings pulled by him. He needed her alone. He needed her angry. He needed her focused on a singular thing, getting to whoever was behind the TVA. She had no freedom, no choice, no say in the matter.
Just like Loki on the Sacred Timeline, who was taken by the TVA the moment he diverged from the path, Sylvie would’ve been pruned if she’d tried doing anything other than living in apocalypses, and finally all that pain resulted in her drive to get revenge on the people who took everything from her. HWR was pulling her strings the entire time.
And now, for the first time in her life, she’s free.
There’s no one chasing her, no one making the choices for her. She can go wherever she wants. She can choose who she wants to become the way Loki was allowed to change once he was taken out of the Sacred Timeline. At the end of s1, she’s in the same place that he was at the beginning. Her glorious purpose ultimately unfulfilling (as evidenced by her tears after killing HWR), her identity in shambles, and for the first time, a world of limitless opportunity at her disposal.
Who she becomes now is anyone’s guess. But one way or another, she will be changing at least to some extent, because that’s the nature of character growth in tv shows. Whatever she chooses to be and do, it will be, for the first time, up to her.
And I’m excited to see what it is, no matter what. I don’t expect her to choose a domestic lifestyle at this point in the story (this is Marvel, after all, and there’s a multiversal war coming), but I don’t think it would be out of character to want that for herself at all. Judging by the McSylki pics, she’s already giving it a try, but with how things went down at the Citadel, she’s obviously still got stuff to work through. I can’t wait to see where she goes from there.
And meanwhile, in fics, I will continue to explore how a safe and loving environment would help her overcome the millennium of solitude and pain she had to go through. And if someone doesn’t agree with those headcanons, that’s perfectly valid. They can simply read other works or (a bold idea, I know) write their own.
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'Loki' Head Writer on Season 2 Finale and MCU Future (esquire.com)
I think this more than enough proof how unsalvable this entire series always was going to be. Because they made the TVA fascists, they were based off of 1984 and had straight up nazi coding. Remember all the art promotion? But then they honestly call Mobius someone who's like a company man, who sometimes breaks the rules, but really he just wants to live his life. Mobius was a fascist for hundreds of years and never spared a single person or even tried thinking of another way. I don't understand how some can be so unaware of what they've written.
Oof, that interview was painful to read.
The bit about Mobius just comes to prove these people don't understand the ramifications of the stuff they have written. We saw Mobius as that "company man" in S1 and I have no idea what they have done with him in S2, but if he didn't have his own beliefs challenged then this character is in the exact same spot as the first S1 episode.
Most of the time, these writers keep moving their characters from one place to another but when it comes to characterization, they always end up the same way they started. The character is taken from point A to B but... has said character really learnt anything about themselves? Or are they just going through the motions, reacting to stuff happening to them and taking on roles that don't ever develop their own personal story?
Mobius is never challenged, he was a company man who in his own words didn't get hung up on "believe, not believe", he just "accepted what is" - which basically means he took everything the TVA said to him as the absolute truth - so he NEEDS to have those beliefs challenged. He has to be written as someone who feels guilt, regret, remorse, who understands his role in the machine, and who is changed by the story. But the writers never did that because it wasn't in their plans to tell a story against the TVA - as Wright said, the TVA is their Shield. They're the good guys! 🤦‍♀️
Now, what Martin says about Loki: "The big idea was taking Loki from a lowercase-g god, to a capital-G God" is slightly insulting. Loki IS a God. But the rest is even worse: "[...] he gets his throne—but it's not a throne he wants anymore. This is a duty. He's doing this so everyone else can have their lives. He's giving up the thing that he wants most so that everyone else can have their free will."
So, that's basically the worst possible story you could tell about him? He "gives up" what he wants most? So this is yet another case where Loki doesn't get what he wants? He gets a throne, that he never wanted in the first place and we've known that since Thor1, and he has to sacrifice himself, his life, his future, his needs... so that everybody else can have their lives? It's a confirmation of this...
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I don't know what to tell you. As a Loki fan that is not what I wanted to see. I haven't watched S2 so I have no idea if he takes on that role willingly or not, but this is Loki sacrificing himself yet again while those who did A LOT more damage than he ever did get away with it scot-free. And probably even the TVA is saved and protected and not burnt to the ground, right? Ugh.
Oh, and there's one more thing that blows my mind in that interview. This part:
Q: On a macro level, where would you say Loki Season Two fits in within the overall Marvel story? Eric Martin: "I actually don't know what the overall story is going to be. Things are so siloed off."
Marvel should be telling the head writers of their series what the overall story is. The MCU is supposed to be a "connected" universe. It doesn't surprise me that the latest phases are all over the place when these people have no idea what the main story is.
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trickstarbrave · 9 months
How is Norse Mythology incompatible with the Elder Scrolls?
the elder scrolls cosmology is fundamentally one focused on life after death. afterlives, honor in death, great cosmic wars at the end of time. a lot of faiths, including norse faiths, share similar stories. but the fundamental difference is the elder scrolls cosmology is built upon stuff like gnosticism. there IS a higher power--even above gods--called the godhead and nothing else is REAL. or rather its just about as real as the godhead and all really interconnected (also kinda hinduism but im not as well versed in that and kirkbride who developed a lot of the deep lore is a self admitted gnostic. bigger difference is gnostism is most often christian so that will factor in more but he was also inspired by hinduism and other faiths).
that might not mean fucking much in the way i am explaining it bc i am sleep deprived. esp given dominant western culture is very christian focused which also puts heaven emphasis on the afterlife and moral rules and regulations to get into a good one or everlasting torment. and a lot of people assume norse faiths follow this formula--they have vahalla! surely that must be viking heaven, the ultimate paradise (and is what sovngarde is based on) but uhhhh no.
in the norse faith there is much more focus on the here and now. the afterlife you will spend doing what you already did on earth. folkvangr and vahalla were most like consolations to grieving families--if you died on a raid, they probably couldn't take your body back home for burial. but the average person did not want to take up the job of being a viking (and it was a job specifically) just to get into vahalla. there were still death rituals and veneration of ancestors but there was no focus on morality or "fighting in the great war of ragnarok" or anything. the gods were also more down to earth and the differences between "spirit", "god", "ancestor", and other categories was uhhhh very blurry to non-existent. for instance there are a lot of pieces of evidence that loki might have been a common hearth spirit before he was a god. or maybe he was always just a very popular one so prolific he is basically a god. maybe several gods or local spirits used to be someone's ancestor. hard to say. there is also no strict hierarchy and rules of practice as it was entirely non-centralized. even saying stuff like "odin is the god of wisdom" isn't accurate as the norse gods don't really have "domains" like we think of in the roman or greek sense.
so its really a bunch of things that make it really incompatible but god does TES lore really try to shove it in there. they take a lot of elements but in the pop-cultural and ultimately christian interpretation of them that does them a disservice. or does things like "well the nords are based on vikings and vikings are raiders obsessed with battle and are brutish uncivilized barbarians so... lets just give them a bunch of "uncivilized" things that don't really make sense interconnected like totems and face paint and unsophisticated leather clothes because they are brutish savages!" which is. all really racist ideas at their core. not even racist to norse ppl just racist against BIPOC who have had these stereotypes built from bastardizations of their cultures by colonizers. which is just. not great.
hence why the adaptation of alduin being based on nidhogg was so. rough. you need a big scary world ending dragon, but he cant JUST be akatosh. bc the ending of oblivion and other established lore. and it would be a cop out to just say "actually the nords were wrong and alduin/akatosh who would be the same person in this case are great" bc then you dont get scary evil world ending dragon like they wanted. so they gotta make alduin his son and don't think through why nidhogg is even a thing in norse mythos bc norse mythos is only being used for aesthetics in TES lore. which sucks bc i wish they would have kept the theme of rebirth and change and renewal which is so prevalent in norse stories. norse mythos is focused on the natural world and cycles after all, but why do that when you want big buff white men with axes wearing furs and killing elves (who are totally not ever going to be repurposed by white supremacists as stand ins for irl minorities. nope. never.)
if you are more interesting in norse mythology bc my explanation makes no sense i recommend @skaldish who has various resources and websites and blog posts that break it down in more understandable ways. without me inevitably butchering it bc i have too many ideas rattling around in my brain
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vilyanenyavilya · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @xottan. thank youuuu
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
Thank Checkmate for over half of that.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
MCU, mainly frostiron
4. Top five fics by kudos
Checkmate (Chess and Chocolate Chip Pancakes in Stark Tower)
Mischief Meets Hawk
Variant Friends
The Firefly Light In Your Eyes
The Sorcerer Next Door
5. Do you respond to comments?
yep, when it gets to a back and forth I love it!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mischief Meets Hawk, but more bittersweet because I skipped over what would have been the angstiest part. It’s just what happens when a god (Loki) becomes best friends with a human (Clint).
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They tend to be happy, but I’ll say Checkmate since it took 409,963 words to get Tony and Loki there. So much happened to build up to the ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Had two comments that I would count, one was more just mis-understanding and one was the type of thing you delete and block the user.
9. Do you write smut?
I write more love scenes than pure smut and other scenes that cut away. Though that might change in the next fic. Firefly’s probably the most smutty.
10. Craziest crossover?
Nothing published, but in my head there’s a Leverage and Avengers + Loki crossover where the Leverage crew is pulling a job and keep seeing weird stuff happen around them. They just want to steal from the rich person and fix something for one or a couple people while at the same time the Avengers are dealing with something huge.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. Would be fun! Someone ask!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, back in SGA days.
14. All time favorite ship?
Frostiron, to no one who follows me’s surprise. I just love them.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Look Question List, I’m really trying on Lost in Time, okay? I have two lovely people reading it for me right now. It’s been two and a half years since I started the draft, but I am determined to start posting.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. It will just flow out, especially between Tony and Loki.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, especially of location and setting. I have to go back and fill in. It’s my least favorite part. Can’t I just do plot and dialogue and everyone know what I pictured in my head?
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Google translate is a wonderful thing. In Love Language Barrier I used it for Norwegian and a Swedish speaker said it was readable. It was integral to the fic concept, otherwise I use a little here and there if it’s appropriate. Mainly for sweet names Loki calls Tony.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ahhhhhh at the moment Checkmate or Mischief Meets Hawk. Checkmate because it’s my big fic and Mischief Meets Hawk because it spontaneously happened after I watched Hawkeye and needed to put Clint with Loki on an adventure.
tagging @poetic-fiasco if you want 💚📚📚📚
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nostalgia-tblr · 11 months
i saw your tags on the reply post to the anon ask where you mentioned how at some point there were a lot of sylki baby fics and you didn't read them,
and i have to say, same. like, i think it's great if one wants to write/read the baby stuff, but from some point on, it seemed like ONLY the baby stuff was being written for sylki, which kind of turned my off from the fandom.
again, it's 100% okay to write/read the baby stuff, but i feel like sylki has a potential for more... versatility in fanon? idk, whatever it is, your tags validated my own thoughts bc i felt like if i said anything about it i would be kicked out of the fandom (i knew at least two sylkis who were ganged up by other shippers for saying that they didn't see sylvie's journey being satisfyingly completed by having loki's babies).
anyways, i definitely do not try to start this drama all over again. i'd just say, write/read as many baby fics as you want to, but it would be nice if there were more sylki fics that weren't all about sylvie's pregnancy and babies...
that's about when i stopped regularly checking the tag on AO3, i must admit. I *think* there was a babyfic challenge somewhere - maybe a Discord server? - but they didn't seem to all be from that, it was like a sudden trend hit, wasn't it?
i have myself written sylki baby fic but it followed my own interests with it in that it mostly didn't have actual baby/pregnancy stuff in it, i was just trying to cause problems for them LOL. though it's not a topic i am that into generally, regardless of pairing. a lot of people are though and indeed That Is Fine! most of the time i've never thought anything either way about the amount of sylki babyfic, just for a while there it seemed to dominate for some reason.
and surprisingly little of it involved either a) the myth-'canon' stuff where Lokis have weird monster-babies or b) the hilarious vexing question of whether the child of two Lokis is itself a Loki. And if you combine those two you can blame the monster-babies on them being the same person - it practically writes itself!
i think for me domestic fic is like Mundane* AU fic - it's v popular and there's (obviously) nothing wrong with it, but it's just not what I am into so when there are brief floods of either of that sort of thing I just end up skipping a lot of stuff. (before anyone complains about me complaining - i didn't like so i didn't read, which is exactly what one should do in such a situation. SO THERE.) i generally am more into Canon Divergence for AUs, which might just be cos i mostly into sci-fi canons fannishly so when every SF element is removed in fic I am then less interested? maybe? and of course many sylki AUs just lack the selfcest aspect - oh no!!!
(*i don't mean Mundane in a value-judgement way, that just seems like the best term for the sort of AU that's modern day/real world settings which lean towards Very Normal things like coffee shops and academia and Sylvie working in a McDonalds retail work & the like. if there's a well-accepted alternative pls let me know, thnx.)
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dorokora · 1 year
Chapter 14 Episode 2 Part 2:
We start with narration about the Entertainer. Entertainers is the name of the guild where Tokyo's top performing arts people gather. The guild originated from a famous student theater company and an entertainment agency. Therefore, the number of affiliated members who naturally gather will increase in the number of people involved in the entertainment industry and behind the scenes. Amduscias is one of those people. Ever since he came to Tokyo, he has been secretly performing entertainment activities without showing his face. He wondered if what he wanted to do was different from what he could do. Seeing Gabriel’s performance shined a spark in him. With that wish, Amduscias started imitating underground idol activities. After many twists and turns, he decided to join the Entertainers. It was all a mere coincidence. Amduscias just wanted a companion to walk the same path with. And it was around that time that the situation of "games" in Tokyo began to move greatly.
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We cut to the Invader mobs fighting the Rule Maker Angels. New recruits who have never been in a guild war had their daily life completely collapsed. The closed area deployed by the "app" is released, and the fatal wound that was inflicted is quickly rewound. In this fierce battlefield, even losing your life and getting comfortable is not allowed. The war situation has already spread throughout Tokyo. There’s no longer find a safe place anywhere. The Entertainer mobs arrived but they’re not registered on the app. The Entertainers have privileges that other guilds do not have as the operator of the "app". They can freely disguise the information of the "app" game participants. Therefore, in this way, it is possible to approach and attack without being noticed by the other players. The Entertainers began to brainwash the Invader mobs.
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We cut Beowulf, who said his job was to kill the trophy and end this loop and move on to the next one. He thought it would be an easy job for someone like him who specializes in exterminating dragons. However, MC is in a place where they can’t be touch. Beowulf ask Christine what is the Entertainers planning to do with Loki. Christine said there’s a misunderstanding. She invited Loki as a guest to play this role on this stage. Apart from her, there is someone who needed “that person” as an audience member.
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We cut to Oscar and Loki, Oscar tells him he’s here to pick him up. Loki just says foul stuff to him. But Oscar likes that about his behavior. Oscar tells Loki it’s time to invite him to the first class audience seat. If this world is the stage, then the customer he wants, is Loki. He wants Loki to see the script he created. Loki ask Oscar to let Ose go to express his gratitude for entertaining him and because he can’t leave someone who inherited his brother’s memories alone. Oscar said, according to the story, it was none other than Odin who once restrained Loki like that. Loki said “Don’t get me wrong, I'm very kind. In this world, to everyone but to you, No. I don't hate my brother either, on the contrary. That guy shines in the midst of suffering...” Loki smiles happily at the thought of his brother who restrained him and tortured him with poison. Loki still can't help but remember the annoyed look on Odin’s face when he decided to torture him. That anguish will make him shine even more. Oscar said he’ll arrange for Ose’s release. We cut to Barrong and Amduscias. Barrong said this will be their first guild mission together. Amduscias is assembling camera equipments. The intention is to deliver a message to “someone watching offstage”. We cut back to MC and Quantum. MC ask Quantum if there’s anything she knows. Quantum said she’ll teach them. She said she can't connect to the other side, but she can also get information from the other side. We end is part with MC receiving Amduscias message.
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