#<-communities im specifically speaking about here
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purple-space-aliens · 2 months ago
reminder that someone else’s experiences is honestly no one else’s business, and no one is entitled to knowing the details or having the perfect explanation
if your biggest concern about your community is that others are not experiencing it “correctly”, you need to take a step back and think about why you feel that you need to police others identities, experiences, and lives before you are ignorant, rude, or outright hateful
i am open to conversation about this but i would prefer to keep it on this post only
-lars (headmate in our system)
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ohgreat-moretapes · 6 months ago
Tim I noticed a lot of indigenous patches on your jacket, are you Native?
Idk what my dad was 'cause I never knew him, but yeah my mom is (or... Was.. I guess..) Muscogee, the tribe native to the part of Alabama I'm in.
If I remember correctly she came to Alabama from Oklahoma (where a lot of Natives were displaced to in the 1800s) to "get back to her roots."
But yknow, I was separated from her in childhood (which tbh is upsettingly common for Native families) and I was raised in a very white very Catholic asylum so I'm not as connected to the culture as I'd like to be.
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mosspapi · 1 year ago
Hm. I am like... actively getting severely distressed and worked up about this assignment and I think the reason why is Significantly deeper than just "there aren't enough instructions". Like so much deeper I almost don't even wanna post about it. We live in a society bottom text
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autogyne-redacted · 7 months ago
Let's Talk About Security Culture: Why Keeping Secrets is Cool and Sexy
It's a natural impulse -- if you love crime -- to want to talk about how great it is. And if you hate America, it's only natural to want to share your dreams for its future with the rest of tumblr dot com. It can feel brave and transgressive. And there is a drive to share your soul with the world at the heart of social media. Surely I should be posting the most concrete implications of my politics, right? This is the poster's curse.
Security Culture refers to a set of "best practices" developed over the past several decades, largely (in a US context) coming out of radical environmental groups as they faced intense state repression, infiltration and entrapment. If you're not familiar, there's some fascinating crimethinc write ups to give you a window into that world:
Much of it boils down to: don't talk about crimes, past or forthcoming with people who don't need to know about them, and be mindful of the possibility of surveillance and infiltration. And, we can support each other as a community in minimizing risks, with an eye towards enabling bold action rather than getting bogged down in fears and anxieties. The guidelines that make sense for AG-based trouble-makers are different from the guidelines that make sense for posters, but plenty of common principles apply. To speak briefly to our position here as posters:
First, it bears saying that long term anonymity is nearly impossible to maintain. Unless you've never accessed Tumblr without a vpn, and avoided connections with other ppl who can be associated with you/your location, and never shared pictures without scrubbing metadata, and a bunch of other 100% consistent steps, it's trivial for the state to know who you are.
Second, just because something isn't actively being prosecuted now doesn't mean it can't be prosecuted later. The priorities of the state change and a shift in power towards the right or a growth in radical action from the left can suddenly make it a priority to destroy anarchist networks or just find a few ppl to prosecute as examples (who probably weren't that plugged into larger networks before getting arrested). Advocating for specific anti-government crimes or declarations of intent to commit such crimes are likely prosecutable, and even if charges don't stick, they're an easy vector for legal harassment.
Third, it's worth thinking about heat as separate from prosecutability. There are modes of engagement that may not be directly criminalized but signal that you are someone worth watching. Some people choose to be public in ways that make heat unavoidable. But it's worth noting that heat isn't strictly individualized, that it persists over time but also is going to shrink over time.
It's easy on here, ime, to see yourself as a proud member of the crime fandom but not much of a content creator. And it's easy to feel like you've generated an amount of heat where you're locked into that role. But heat you generated 10 years ago is probably pretty well gone. Heat you generated 5 years ago has faded substantially. It's worth thinking about how the world might shift in the coming years and what doors you want to keep open.
The non-individualized nature of heat also means that leaning into the spiciest of anti-state positions will make it a bad idea for people who are acting out those positions end up tied to you. Loudly talking about how "more people should be doing [X/Y/Z]" unfortunately sets you up to remain distant from people who might be doing or thinking about doing such things.
Which brings me back to: keeping secrets is sexy. Not spelling everything out builds intrigue. You can lay out a theoretical position and leave working out the practical implications of that as an exercise for the reader. There's value in opacity. The poster's curse and the drive to confess are extremely convenient for the state, but we can resist them. We can hold dreams in our hearts that we refuse to offer up to the posting spectacle.
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visenyaism · 3 months ago
Aegon Unworthy Administration Dashboard Simulator
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⚔️ whiteswordtowerrr
the gold cloaks found my aegmon rpf guys it might be a while before my next update
💫 maidens-grace Follow
RIP OP this is why RPF is not only problematic (sinful against the Maiden AND the Smith) but will also literally deservedly get your skull put on a spike
⚔️ whiteswordtowerrr
I lived bitch. king aegon made me read it out loud to his brother because he thought it was funny but then he let me go. new chapter dropping in 20 minutes
#the dragonknight got all purple and furious but he did just have to stand there and take it. Just like in this next chapt- #the king did hook up with my sister afterwards though. what can you do
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🍒lanadelreyene Follow
listennnnn im not saying he’s perfect im just saying liberating women from religious oppression and literal imprisonment in the maidenvault and letting his girl cousin do the economy and elevating women of all social standings to positions of prominence isnt NOTHING.
“king aegon is a feminist” “criston cole had hoes” you people will say anything on this website.
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🛡️knighttime Follow
just saw that Daemon Waters kid like the king’s four year old bastard do a perfect standing backflip in the training yard. Kind of compelling. Kind of kingly. I don’t know…
#can prince daeron do a flip?????
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🐉 rhaenyra-did-nothing-wrong Follow
It’s SO disgusting how the king would hire a H*ghtower hand only 50 years after that wretched family MURDERED HIS GRANDMOTHER AFTER USURPING HER THRONE. #UNWORTHYGATE
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🪙 laenycashmoney150
Me and that nasty old man. To be honest
🌈 crystalcrowned Follow
I block everyone who is horny on main about the king on principle because fornication is a sin but op is talking about ALYN OAKENFIST?????? Girl.
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🙌 fleabottomtop
Sneaking in through the secret tunnels in the red keep to smuggle queen naerys a vibrator and a blunt this shit is getting out of hand
💐 summersepta Follow
she would not like that. try again.
🙌 fleabottomtop
sneaking in through the secret tunnels in the the red keep to smuggle queen naerys a prayer book and a cigarette
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🐲 rogue-princess Follow
if i speak....🙈🤐
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🐦‍⬛ raventreeballer-deactivated89169
FYI @ brackennation literally seduced the king to use her influence to ban pro-Blackwood posts on here. block and report this treacherous whore ASAP
🐎 brackennation-deactivated47170
I know it’s you missy. KYS jealous cunt
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🎻bardalicious Follow
king aegon’s collection of teenage mistresses posting through it on the dash again
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🔥 fireandwaters Follow
Sooooo sick of seeing delusional reachers reclaiming dragons**d as if that’s not a literal crownlands-specific slur used against the Valyrian-Westerosi community in King’s Landing and Dragonstone. I don’t care how many ae’s your grandma has in her name you are a HIGHTOWER you are a TARLY you are a REDWYNE you are seven forgive me for even saying this a BEESBURY. Categorically NOT a seed. It’s basically valyrian racefaking at this point
⛓️‍ gaymanpalehair Follow
Say it louder for the Great Bastards in the back!!!!!! theyre literally noble
🔥fireandwaters Follow
No I can say it?? I’m from KL I’m in the community why would it matter if I’m acknowledged
🌼 ever-sweet Follow
Seven hells my great-grandsire literally rode caraxes and I can’t acknowledge my own heritage? Dragonseed literally applies to ANY👏ONE👏of👏TAR👏GARYEN👏DES👏CENT.
🪵 kingswoody
At the rate the king is going everyone in the realm will be able to reclaim dragonseed in 20 years come on now
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🐦‍⬛raventreeballer Follow
are we not going to acknowledge the toxic power imbalance of the king having had TWO Bracken mistresses and ONE Blackwood mistress????
🐚besterling Follow
THAT’S the toxic power imbalance you want to talk about??? That one??? Nothing else???
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🔮hightowered Follow
okay I thought the valyrian racefaking discourse on here was dumb as shit but tell me WHY i just saw my bastard cousin serena change her name to “serenei” on all her socials and then start telling people she was from lys and can’t speak common.
#Good thing we’re dragonseeds otherwise this would be insane
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🐟rainbowtrout Follow
non-riverlanders in 20 years when the Bracken-Blackwood beef becomes everybody’s problem because it’s a Targaryen civil war
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🍎 fossoshethey
Quick where's that one meme about the valyrian god of prophecy playing dodgelance with random tumblr users
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🎭mummersfarce Follow okay I’ll bite. did king aegon the unworthy fourth of his name do something problematic.
✨ fleabottombottom Follow
well as a dragonseed of dance-era descent i gotta say i am not appreciating how hard it is to buy purple shampoo in flea bottom recently what with the rate at which blonde bitches are being created in this kingdom fucking skyrocketing
🎭mummersfarce Follow
fucked up. blocking him now ✊
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linddzz · 1 month ago
Sat here and combed through all your jayvik analysis posts giggling and kicking my feet but PLEASE tell me more about the whole dom/sub thing, especially the whole “they have absolutely not discussed that this is the dynamic, it just happens and neither of them acknowledge it” because that is genuinely so interesting. Like I could already tell Viktor had hella ‘quiet calm collected dom’ vibes especially compared to jayce’s ‘excited protective puppy who would FOLD at being called a good boy’ energy…
But the whole bit on the bridge where Viktor smacks his hand away without even looking? And Jayce EARNS BACK TOUCHING PRIVELEGES? Fucking scrumptious please tell me more.
god i need to get to writing my fic bc I feel like "talk more about it" would be solved just by me dropping the link This ended up being TOO LONG so I split it between me going feral about that bridge scene and then me going feral at other moments of nonverbal communication that I use to feed my Dom/sub "oh you two are just LIKE THAT" interpretation. So. here's part one
That bridge scene tho...im so normal about it
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hhhggg god that bridge scene is one that I rotate in my brain so much because it is such a small moment that makes so much of their dynamic click. For me, specifically, it clicks the "submissive like a guard dog is submissive" dynamic, where Jayce is, on a surface level, the stronger and more forceful of the two while Viktor is the one actually holding the leash (until he's too tired to because he's dying, and I only half joke when I say that their issues at the end of season 1 are because Jayce is suddenly the equivalent of a dog holding it's own leash and getting stressed out about it.
Jayce's touching before the bridge come across as pretty overbearing honestly. He's holding his hand out to keep Viktor from speaking out...
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Heck, while the still screenshot doesn't show it too well, Jayce slings an arm around Viktor with enough force that it knocks Viktor off balance for a second and shoves him forward a little.
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Viktor got dragged to the hexgate when Jayce is looking into shipping discrepancies happening there, even though it obviously doesn't involve him and he does NOT want to be there.
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(In hindsight this is a hilarious bit of showing that it did not occur to either of them that there's no goddamn reason for Viktor to be here. This is council business, Jayce outright says "I'm a councilor now Viktor" which does not answer why tf Viktor needs to be there. these twits just handle all problems as a unit lmao. The tragic flip is that this is could then be a breaking moment when Viktor goes back to the lab, realizing that him and Jayce are not, in actuality, a single unit anymore. because Jayce got a second job that is not Lab With Viktor oh my god you codependent dweebs)
Up until that point it would be really easy to see Jayce as being presumptive and unintentionally overpowering Viktor in personality. Heck, it's what I thought the dynamic was as I was watching Season 1, though even as I thought that it seemed somehow...not quite correct.
And then the bridge scene.
Even before the hand-smack, there's a flip on the reading up to this point that Jayce has been accidentally bowling over Viktor by force of personality/physicality. Jayce comes in hot, upset, angrily standing over Viktor and chewing him out, and Viktor is just like "....and??"
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Viktor is calm if baffled and annoyed at Jayce's frustration (also; Viktor just rolling his eyes and shaking his head at the actual riot happening a few yards away? hilarious. i love him.) His almost nonchalantly confused tone when he asks "what difference does that make?" always gets me. the entire back and forth says, to me anyway, that Jayce may be more brash and socially competent, but he's not overpowering Viktor at all, actually.
Viktor is going to do whatever the fuck Viktor wants.
This is immediately made clear by the much beloved hand smack. Viktor doesn't even look up, and his smack shows that he is perfectly capable of setting a hard boundary on Jayce's touching, and that Jayce will IMMEDIATELY fold and apologize when that boundary is set. That smack makes it suddenly clear that when Jayce goes for the shoulder touch right after apologizing, Viktor consciously allows it.
idk WHY but I also love this little tiniest moment when Jayce is going for the second touch. Viktor glances back as Jayce approaches him (looking like a cat with its ears pinned back lmao), then looks away as he accepts the second touch and they move on. It's such a tiny detail of showing Viktor, who is still pretty pissed at Jayce, seeing the touch as it comes in and then deciding to let it happen. im rotating them in my mind. please send help
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In my framing of them being a guard dog/handler dynamic, the bridge scene is us seeing a moment of the leash getting a sudden sharp tug to bring the guard dog to heel. It resets all the earlier instances as being ones that Viktor allows to happen, because he doesn't see a need to correct it.
fuck man this doesn't even get into the bridge scene as a major crack between them as the moment Viktor loses his trust that Jayce will understand his decision. i am unwell
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thegreatimpersonator · 1 month ago
Heeey, if u dont wanna answer this that's fine! But just wondering what's Travis done? (Im not a fan or anything lol, legit curious). Now that i think about it, i think he's irl friends (like, outside of work) with that mahommes guy whose brother... well, trigerring topic but ye his brother's a piece of shit and that guy's wife im pretty sure defended the brother + is a trumpie💀. But i dont follow them/usamerican football so ive just heard about these things casually. I think there were also some weird tweets from years back? Guess i answered my own question lol. Wild the kcc also have that "women should stay home" at a uni graduation speech guy...
welcome to the materpost.
im making this so i can always have something to refer back to when people ask, and this isnt gonna include personal opinions as facts (like how i just find him very attention-seeking and annoying, that's just personal opinion) but it will cover all the main terrible things he's done as well as the bad stuff people he (and now taylor) voluntarily choose to associate with.
don't know where to begin so i'll just start from where i remember
people found his old tweets where he was ableist (making fun of autism and saying the r slur), fatphobic towards women, misogynistic and homophobic.
him along with the chiefs decided to visit trump at the white house in 2020, after many teams declined bc they didnt want to publicly associate with a fascist, but travis was down!
he then also got caught liking an instagram post about trump
he has said recently he would be going to visit trump again in the white house if they win the superbowl.
when asked about how he felt about Trump going to the Super Bowl and playing in front of him, he said it was “pretty cool” and “an honor”.
he also made a r*pe joke, (first part in the clip) he was asked what word turned him on and he said when women say 'no' and then laughed and he was "kidding".
in the second part of that same clip in the previous bullet point, he's also xenophobic! on a podcast he said "if you dont speak english, then what are you doing here (in america)" and then proceeded to laugh when the host says he tells them the wrong directions on purpose.
he also 'jokingly' (no one laughed) called women "breeders" when discussing what women he was interested in.
he, alongside the chiefs, stood in solidarity with Israel by doing a ‘moment of silence’ before a game. i know people are gonna try and find excuses for him by saying ‘he was just doing what his team did, what was he supposed to do, etc’ nonsense, but that implies he was forced and had no choice; which he did. he also could have spoken up about the genocide/palestine afterwards but he stood in solidarity with Israel and has silent ever since.
he has a history of violent temper tantrums, and no him being a football player isnt an excuse. men using violence to get through their emotions isnt something to be normalized. he has had multiple instances of extreme aggression, including a screaming match with his couch at last years Superbowl, screamed at a ref and threw his helmet, also punching his own teammate during practice, and punching opposing players during games.
he's best friends with machine gun kelly, they grew up together and have remained close to this day. MGK has been openly racist, misogynistic, has said he sees nothing wrong with sleeping with minors, etc.
he defended his teammate, harrison butker (who was the guy who gave the viral problematic commencement speech, saying "women should be most excited about their marriage and the children they will bring into this world" and "things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values and media all stem from pervasiveness of disorder,” and called Pride Month “the deadly sin sort of pride,” and specifically criticized the LGBTQ community, which he claimed promotes “dangerous gender ideologies.").... anyway travis defended THAT guy, saying he cherishes him as a teammate and said "he is every bit of a great person and a great teammate." and said harrison treats everyone with "nothing but respect and kindness, we’re not always going to agree … but I understand the person that he is and he’s trying to do whatever he can to lead people in the right direction." Travis then said 'everyone has different opinions and that's what's great about this country'. he flat out said hating gay people and women are what make this country great.  
travis is also besties with known racist, morgan wallen (who got caught saying the n word, promised to donate money to charities fighting for racial justice and then just didnt), and joined him on stage last august. oh and travis was also wearing a harrison butker jersey during the concert... supporting him once again, just 3 months after his bigoted speech.
travis is also besties with the mahomes, now lets talk about him and taylors new besties they voluntarily love spending time with.
the main issue isnt really patrick mahomes (another player on the chiefs), it's brittany (his wife) and jackson (his brother)
jackson sexually assaulted a woman at a restaurant by grabbing her and forcibly kissing her. she reported the assault and he reportedly tried to bribe her into shutting up, but then she faced such harassment from his fans that the restaurant shut down and the case was dismissed despite video evidence of it happening.
brittany defended jackson and became a vocal assault apologist by saying "he is a human just trying to live his life and find his way and until you walk a day in his shoes (which no one ever will) you have no right to say shit about him".
last summer, brittany got called out for liking a post by trump where he outlined his plans for being president in 2025, including starting the largest deportation operation in history, zionist propaganda, and transphobic rhetoric about not wanting trans women in women's sports. she then defended it and doubled down vocalizing her supprt for trump.
brittany being transphobic about not wanting trans women in women's sports is deeply concerning due to the fact she is the co-owner of Kansas City Current, a team in the American professional top-division National Women's Soccer League.
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variousqueerthings · 8 months ago
i do think that specifically david tennant being very openly supportive of the trans community has had an interesting effect -- because usually im kinda like "it is nice to know that people whose work i enjoy don't want me dead" and that's kinda my level of (at this point) quite cynical engagement with what a celebrity or artist does or does not think about transness, because these days it feels like it's almost fashionable for well-known (or post-well-known) people to come out of the wordwork and say what they think about trans people, which can get very stressful in its own way (the amount of headlines that try to be misleading or just plain don't say and so you're just like "ok i guess this week i have to find out if [spins wheel] thinks i deserve rights")
but david tennant has a different feeling to it. and to be fair, there are plenty of people with skin in the game, who absolutely deserve to and ought to speak out on behalf of their children/partners/community/friends/family/etc. and im always happy to see these people speak, and dt is included in that list as well
but david tennant is veeery specific in this here country of terf island, in which the labour party will openly state that it will allow certain book writers to affect their policies on trans people, and that's partly because of the effect above in which "having opinions on trans rights seems to be a celebrity game that keeps you relevant, which includes ex prime minister tony blair making his opinion known (hint, it wasn't a good one)" but also because david tennant is known as a national icon to rival that of whatsherface
he was the main actor on doctor who, in the top three, if not very top of british broadcasting iconography that exists. he's one of this generation's most famous shakespearian actors, the other thing that this country-as-culture is most proud of. he's a mainstay in children's film and tv, a standout in modern british crime drama (broadchurch, des), and that's not mentioning things like jessica jones, good omens, and star wars
this guy has no social media, and some of the biggest cultural capital in the uk today -- labour i believe it was made a twitter joke about him ousting the current prime minister as the doctor ahead of this week's election, because that's an iconic scene from doctor who
which means that when he openly calls transphobes whingy and asks them to shut up, there's a bit of a ripple... i mean what are you gonna do, get angry with the doctor? from doctor who??? the man who played a definitive hamlet????? the man who's just done rave reviewed performances of macbeth???? scrooge mcduck????????? this man who occasionally guests on cbeebies???????????
said prime minister and his party and hosts of transphobes go absolutely crazy every time he makes an appearance wearing new trans ally apparel, as if a. he sees any of that and b. it's a dignified response to a man saying, in essence, "i would like my kid to be safe and happy"
david tennant constantly making these statements, again and again, is a powerful voice in the modern fight for trans rights in the UK, in some ways unfortunately, because you wish trans people could have been heard before it got to this state and that it wasn't about being famous, but to be fair, he's also making that point again and again
it kind of feels like the first time in a long time that there's been proper pushback against transphobia in this country from a perspective that the transphobes can't dismiss so easily -- they can try but like. again, one side is a bunch of raving nonsense-spouters on a joke website who mostly belong to a party that's about to get decidedly ousted from the political scene, the other is beloved national icon and star of stage and screen, mr david tennant
of course, it doesn't hurt that the three main actors of harry potter and everyone else who's majorly involved in doctor who, past and present, is also supportive of trans rights, which maybe there's a separate point to be made about the strangeness of a mainstream tv show becoming a cultural battleground for peoples opinions on equal rights, especially now with ncuti gatwa at the helm, because i think some of what ive seen in relation to dw is more extreme than any piece of cultural media ive been alive to witness bigoted reactions to (including star trek), and ncuti gatwa as a black queer man is taking a hell of a lot of flack that is racist and homophobic
but labour... if you're inviting random artists to give you opinions on trans rights, david tennant is right there, and you know he'd make sure to bring along trans rights activists and professionals to get the space in the room they ought to have had all along
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transfemme-shelterdog · 2 months ago
hey, so ill leave this on anon for now but im down for messaging if you want, but the actual reason why people are having a "discourse" about the transandrophobia is due to it mainly used to attack and leverage privilege against trans women like us. it stems specifically from Mens Rights Activists, literally so, and the majority of its rhetoric attempts to deny transmisogony and deny trans men having any privileges over trans women. That isnt to say that trans men dont suffer transmisogony or suffer any unique transphobia, but that not only is the term rooted in MRA contexts but is also rooted in deeply transmisogonystic historical medical contexts.
A lot of the "theory" expounded from the transmasc community simply just play off "vibes" and reactionary situations, recounting times where someone mistook them for a trans woman and saying that was someone being a misandrist against them. Mostly they get into arguments with/harrass trans women for trying to explain how theyre being misogynistic and actively hurting the trans and queer community. They talk a lot about "trans unity" when in reality theyre just talking about how they benefit from trans women feeling bad and not speaking up for themselves and want us to continue doing that
Men who talk about transandrophobia aren't saying they are oppressed because someone mistook them for a woman. What they're saying is that trans men/mascs face unique oppression that is exclusive to trans men/mascs. For example, forced pregnancy to prevent transition and FGM.
Typically trans women/fems don't have to worry about their reproductive rights being stripped, or being forced to carry a child to prevent transition.
Lot more than vibes going on here.
Also, if the term really makes you that uncomfortable, just call it transmisandry or whatever. Trans guys aren't gonna care what you call it so long as you don't try to correct them on which word they choose, and don't talk over them.
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theeternalwombtarot · 2 years ago
how people see you ⭐️
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disclaimer: these messages may not be for everyone, spirit seems to be talking to very specific collectives of people tonight!! Take what resonates leave what doesn’t on this one. 🖤
I see someone whose really friendly or has many friends here. Some of you could even be someone whom many people consider to be their friend whether or not you reciprocate that energy or not. Like I’m hearing you’re a genuine person and you’re a friend to everyone, often times even the people you despise, you still find compassion and understanding for them. I’m even hearing that there may be people who really envy you or who really dislike you but they couldn’t truly dislike you even if they tried because they admire you so much. I’m also hearing there may be people in your energy especially old friends or people you no longer speak to who admire you so much that they may speak badly about you to others because it offends them or hurts them that they don’t have access to you anymore.
People see you as really healing and someone who puts most of their energy into realigning themselves with their higher purpose when you feel you’re being led astray or are ungrounded and unorganized. There may be people who are attracted to you for the healing qualities you exude and for the types of energy and love you send towards people. You could be someone who believes that even when they’re not in communication with those they love most that they’re always praying for them or watching over them. People desire to be prayed for by you. People are envious of those who you hold very dear to your heart because it’s very few. People are very flattered and feel very honored and special when they’re well liked by you or they’re someone you think about or send any of your love to. Im hearing people love to be loved by you.
People who know you see you deeply and even people who know you on the surface see you to be a very passionate and driven person. You’re someone who puts your all into everything you do, you always put your best foot forward. I’m hearing “she’s always preforming” like everything you do is effortless but it has the quality of a broadway production. People are watching you. People love to watch you. Their waiting on the edge of their seats to see what’s going to happen next. You’re a star ⭐️. And when there is a delay the show must always go on and so it does.
I’m hearing people love to be taken care of by you or you give off very nurturing energy. You are mother. You carry very mothering energy within you. I’m also getting you can give off sugar mommy vibes 💀 you could have a love language of giving and receiving gifts and you love to be spoiled and taken care of but when you really love someone and adore someone you like to shower them in gifts and people crave being in that position. They want to be taken care of by you, loved by you, spoiled by you. Men in your life or women or whomever you date or are attracted to may get really excited about the idea of you gifting them something because they feel that is a very high representation of how much you love and admire them. I’m hearing “if he/she gifted me something I’d pass out.”
People see you as a very disciplined individual like you see the magic in hard work and dedication I’m getting and people really value your work ethic and your ability to get down to the nitty gritty and really take over the whole entire show with your expertise or your capabilities. I’m also getting that people view you as a very long term partner and a large investment. Not just financially but emotionally and spiritually. People often feel they’re not good enough for you and if they wanted to be with you they’d have to work very hard to get in your good graces or even get you to look in their direction. You give very high status, five-star hottie energy.
There are many people who feel you’re destined for success or like you’re set to have a bright future in whatever you do as well. Like if this was a year book you’d get most likely to become famous or most likely to be successful.
There are people who say you’re very intuitive and all knowing pile one. You may pride yourself in your intuition or be some type of psychic or spiritual individual here. Many of you are divine beings living a human experience. The universe, the divine is within you. The universe is your mother. I’m hearing direct descendant. Some of you are star-seeds as well.
The people say you love and value yourself very much. You are unwavering and when presented with something or someone you know you don’t want and won’t accept there’s no breaking your walls down or talking you into having it because you’re so decided and intentional about everything you accept into your space I’m getting here. This is why people feel they aren’t deserving of you or like they’d have to work very hard to get your attention and your love. You’re everyone’s wish fulfillment. Anyone would love to have you. Like I’m hearing you could go anywhere, you could travel across many seas and find more than one person who would love to keep you, who would love to hold you, to smell you, to speak to you, to LOOK at you. You attract so much love. People are drawn to you. You’re magnetic.
lol um people often see you as very impulsive, unfocused and burnt out in life pile two. They sense tired energy from you or an air of depression and sadness here I’m getting. They could see you as someone who isn’t very financially successful either as well as someone who is very obsessed with status or very occupied with being accepted by people and who deeply desires to desired and wanted by others. I’m hearing “she/he just wants to be included.” Or “she/is just happy to be here.” Like you may go and hang out with people you don’t know or find yourself in weird and odd environments and situations, half the time you don’t know what’s going on, who those people are or how you ended up there but you’re just chilling out enjoying the warmth of human interaction.
They see you as someone emotionally detached or even unstable at times as well. You could be someone who heavily represses their emotions and may turn to bad habits or have very sporadic and unpredictable moments and behaviors. I’m hearing people often secretly hold a lot of compassion for you even though you may not be well liked or you may be someone who doesn’t have the best reputation. I see someone who may get in a lot of alterations or who may have conflict with people around them or may have grown up in a place where the people there made them an outcasts or didn’t accept them well.
I see people wondering whether to extend their care to you or to just leave you alone. Im hearing people talk about you or there may be rumors or ideas going around about what you’re like to be around or what you’re like in your personal relationships whether they be platonic or romantic and people believe you to be destructive or a heavy energy to remain around and this may lead people to avoid you or not involve themselves with you out of fear you’ll be a lot to handle. People could also see you as very unlucky and stagnant, resistant to change. Someone who doesn’t improve and won’t improve or won’t change because they don’t want to. They feel as though you have very scattered energy as well.
But I don’t see this continuing to be the case for very long pile two. You may be someone with a very trivial past here with a lot of different experiences that may have shaped you into the person these people see but this seven of pentacles upright leads me to believe that you are changing and you’re putting in the time and the energy to shift your own energy and heal. I see your mind healing, I see you finding some mental clarity and peace after a lot of inner turmoil, anxiety, depression, etc. you could be really smart as well. But there’s this energy that people only feel your pain and sense your trauma yet they don’t see you for who you really are and who you’re meant to become. The tower card in reverse is all the confirmation we need pile two. You are undergoing a transformation and your life is changing and people will begin to see you differently when you step into yourself finally and find some inner peace.
People see you as someone who goes through lots of ups and downs in life or someone who is constantly changing throughout the seasons. You could be someone who is really into social media or you share what’s happening a lot on social media, on a spam account, on an Instagram story, on Snapchat, etc. lol but I’m seeing just like like two some people see you as someone who is very impulsive and unfocused in life and in love as well. You could be someone who parties a lot, who indulges in a lot of things, who kind of lives life on a whim, talks to multiple people or invests their time in flirting or dating multiple people. You could be someone who sleeps till mid day or till the evening and goes out at night and does it all over again I’m getting. You may not also have a decided career path or a goal in life as well and people who know you or know of you see you as someone who doesn’t invest a lot of time in their future or in improving their lives you kind of just roll with the punches and girl boss your way through life.
The people see you as someone very flighty, someone who can’t sit still or is always moving around, always doing something, or up to something new. Some people may also consider you to be somewhat untrustworthy and deceptive lol or even manipulative and cunning. You may gossip a lot or may be someone who sort of mingles in multiple friend groups or spends time around people who don’t have good reputations or who are involved in a lot of drama or conflict all on their own and you may or may add to this drama and conflict but I’m getting that a good handful of you do whether you do it on purpose or on accident. You may go ghost a lot too or fall off the face of the earth occasionally as well. I’m hearing you have very high highs and very low lows and when you’re really low you sort of just disappear as a coping mechanism.
The people think or say that you have very unhealed feminine energy. Especially if you’re a woman but this can go both ways if you’re a man too. People perceive you to be insecure, manipulative, emotionally immature or unstable and incapable of making safe and wise decisions or creating a safe space for those around you whether that be emotionally or even physically. People may also believe that your kindness is performative and that you being nice to them or you exuding a nice energy is not always authentic. You may be someone who keeps their enemies very close or puts on certain facades rather than being overly honest and authentic. You may attract people who use you for validation or may put you in tricky or difficult emotional and physical positions due to the energy you give out or push out towards the world.
People also perceive you to be someone who lives in the past primarily or holds heavy grudges towards others even if you won’t admit it and you may have a tendency to hold negative energy towards others or subconsciously send them evil eye when they aren’t connected to you any longer because you hold onto things that they’ve done that may have made you feel betrayed or undervalued whether or not that’s really what happened or not. People see you as a very emotionally driven person as well. Overly consumed by emotions or sensitive.
lol I’m very sorry cause some of these messages are definitely not things people want to hear.. but I may tell a joke but I’ve never been known to tell a lie so- take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. I know how y’all like to tussle 😭😭
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sweet-chimera · 1 year ago
TW: Call out post, drama
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// Damn we were going to keep it quiet and respectful until this point. because like always. Spork, aka Shiloh can't take accountability and Never does anything wrong despite the fact that this is the what? 6th group of people enmass to cut contact with them? Spork we were being quiet about it for YOUR sake. Cause you're a bad person and we wanted to be done with you. But fine. We'll do it your way. We blocked you because you're a toxic person who threatens to harm yourself when we don't comply to you. Not because of a fake wedding rp event. Content and stories under the cut. Long post trigger warning
And because he named dropped us, potentially to potentially insight violence on us. We'll return the favor. We were willing to just soft block and call it a day but then you do this? We knew you were a karen but come on spork. This is low even for you. For those of you that don't know, Spork aka:
patchiesdoodles, decipheringmadness, cxpescxwlsandcrxmes, ifyouwouldloveme, thegreeksknewthescore, fxllen-cne, thxpatriarch, unforgivendivine, AND the-blackened-dove.
Likes to block evade, exhibit controlling tendencies towards their rp partners, leverage marginalization's to groups that he doesn't belong to to white knight and get his way, tone police, sexually harass people mainly on voice call, guilt trip, bully those that speak out against him, use his partners to harass people who block him, vague posts, gives ultimatums, and threaten self harm when he doesn't get his way.
Lets get this out of the way, My experience with spork
I met spork in the muntain june 2023. And it was one of the most grating experience of my life. At every chance they got they spoke over people, talked openly about their sexual trauma when no one has consented to hearing it. And tone policed me, a cambodian/afro indigenous person from baltimore, for using language that was "Offensive to black people." Only to then lay off after yelling at me for a few minutes. When he found out I was black. (Screen shot of me talking to the mod of the muntain afterwards)
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I was off put, and upset. That someone who is this complexion
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But seeing as we're a vastly neuro divergent community. I forgave and forgot because it wasn't worth the fight. it didn't stop them from constantly bringing up sexual or traumatic topics. But at the very least. They were upset at me for using AAVE and saying the N word. A SLUR I CAN USE.
But then later down the line. I talked to the muntain mod about introducing my partners to the rp community and to help the transition go smoothly.
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My girlfriend joined on the 30th and my boyfriend joined on the first.
During the first call on the 30th. Spork dominated the conversation and flirted with my girlfriend infront of me upon finding out we were polyamourus. But for the most part was respectful.
On the voice call on the second. They were racist and immflamatory to my boyfriend. Tao. A native mexican man. Spork claims to be indigenous themself but I have no proof of this. But as we all know, Abrahamic religions have decimated the indigenous populations and caused Alot of harm.
On voice call. Spork brings up their LITERAL JESUS CHRIST muse. And talks about their religious trauma. Tao, also talks about his in the form of a joke. "Oh Jesus sure liked to wash feet huh?" A TRUE FACT. NOT THAT BAD. WE ALL HAVE MADE FUN OF IT.
Here comes white knight Spork, yelling at my partner to not make fun of jewish traditions. Its insensitive and blastephemous. Only to then dominate the conversation to talk about their trans jesus muse who openly talks about being abused by god
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(Recap of the voice call i had with the mod)
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So spork, a white passing person AT BEST, told my darker complexion NATIVE MEXICAN BOYFRIEND. That he shouldn't make jokes about judaism? When spork is a white satanist? And all abrahamic religions not just Catholicism has caused damage to our populations? You didn't even let him say more then that one joke, you didn't even give him 10 seconds to say is name before dominating the conversation again
Sweetie. 1.) Anyone can criticize and make fun of the bible, the torah, or the Quran. 2.) SAYING JESUS WASHED FEET. WHICH IS TRUE. IS NOT AS INFLAMMATORY. As making a gay trans jesus blog AS A ROLEPLAY CHARACTER. To talk about how god abused him.
And these are just my personal experiences with spork.
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YOU VAGUE POST ON THE DASH, GUILT TRIP PEOPLE FOR STILL ASSOCIATED WITH VOID (gin-n-chthonic) and get upset when you saw them on your dash because you keep block evading them to see if they were talking about you. YOURE MENTAL HEALTH WAS MESSED UP BECAUSE YOUR FRIEND HAD A POLITE CONVERSATION WITH YOU? ABOUT NOT REAL CHARACTERS? AND YOUR RESPONSE WAS A PUBLIC CALL OUT POST. And then you go around to people like slurk.
Who've you've been codependently abusing for a long time. And try to guilt trip them into blocking void.
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Because thats a sound response. AS WELL AS BITCH AND MOAN ABOUT IT IN CALL FOR DAYS. THIS ISN'T EVEN INCLUDING THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE A HABIT OF GETTING YOUR FRIENDS AND PARTNERS TO ATTACK AND OSTRICIZE PEOPLE FOR YOU. Remember when jessica was sick with covid. But you wanted an answer so bad. That you sent your boyfriend after her? CAUSE WE DO.
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And how you admitted in voice call that you would type from Boogies account to send people things, speak for him. OR ADMITTED THAT ROLEPLAYING IS A SPIRITUAL THING FOR YOU. How these characters are extension of yourself and if they feel pain or rejected you do? So every time someones muse doesn't want to interact with them. YOU A REAL HUMAN BEING FEEL THE PAIN?
cause we do.
you give ultimatums
guilt trip
block evade
were openly racist to a mexican indigenous man
hit on my girlfriend infront of me
can't read a room socially
send mobs after people
talk about traumatic shit without peoples consent
overly sexual even when we say we're uncomfortable
fly off the handle and go on public tirades when we try to talk to you, then get surprised when no one wants to talk to you and just quietly exits your life
use your loved ones accounts to talk to people who go nc with you
only white knight and virtue signal when its convenient to you
want to control everyones character and insert your muse into everything but when they don't comply you guilt trip, bitch, give ultimatums, or post publicly about not being loved
you weaponize your marginalization as a trans man but are clearly white passing and command alot of social power from your social media presence
sexually harass people around you
and you tone police the people of color around you when we speak up
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creacherkeeper · 9 months ago
happy pride everyone
for some reason i was sitting outside this morning and enjoying some shockingly not boiling hot weather and reflecting on a post i had made like ... 12 years ago on here that "blew up" (like 60k notes on early days tumblr) and thinking like. wow i sure do know a lot more about myself now that makes all that make sense but
the post was someone saying like. hey how can you call yourself an atheist and support gay people because gay people go against the concept of evolution. and my reply was like. actually there are gay members of like every social species weve studied it in and i had a bunch of facts laid out about all the different very gay animals of this world (like giraffes having very largely m/m sex)
but now, like 12 years later, i am thinking about human evolution and queer identity and thought it would be fun to talk about. i am by far not an expert and so if there are experts who want to correct me or talk more in depth about this Please jump in but
... why did humans evolve to be queer anyway?
very short answer: because its helpful to raising kids
longer answer: though its debated whether humans are a prosocial or eusocial species, it is agreed upon that early humans cooperatively raised young, including those that they did not personally sire or give birth to, and that we lived in multi-generation communities where younger members would help raise older members offspring, and vice versa
(note: im using the terms amab and afab for human populations potentially pre concepts of gender but work with me here, i dont want to keep repeating genitalia or genomes when those arent always a helpful 1 to 1 either. sex is a spectrum gender is made up etc support intersex rights)
we know that due to fraternal birth order effect (npr link), youre 33% more likely to be gay with each older amab sibling that you have (not 33% total, but 33% more, so like 2% to 2.6 to 3.5 etc). this is true of both amab and afab people with older amab siblings. we also know that a birthing parent having more of a specific antibody makes their children more likely to be gay (and that antibody is not exclusive to but is highly tied to giving birth to amab children)
in addition, evolutionarily speaking, its just as advantageous for your siblings children to do well than it is for yours to. its incredibly rare you would happen to have a very helpful mutation that your siblings dont have. which means that your siblings kids would be about 25% amab grandparent, 25% afab grandparent, and 50% a parent who is unrelated to you. this is exactly the same for your own children
okay, so what does that mean?
to put it simply, it means that having older siblings, specifically older siblings who are more easily able to sire more children, makes you more likely to end up in a same-sex couple, which means you are two adults with no children who are now around to help raise children you are equally invested in the success of than if they were your own
the more older youth or adults you have around to help who are not also using up a bunch of resources by being pregnant and having non-helping-age children, the better off that community's children will be. more people to hunt and gather and create resources like tools, which means everyone prospers, especially the kids
or, to frame it from the opposite view: having gay siblings means your children are more likely to survive and thrive
(kind of funny how conservatives are like gay people shouldnt be around children when the entire point of our evolutionary development was that we were great to have around if you had kids but like. alas)
so, thats the very basic core of it. but you can apply this concept to a lot of queer identities. aroace? working adult around to help who is not bringing in an unrelated partner or having kids. trans? you now either have an m/f couple who can fill two different social niches without having kids, or you have a gay couple who is able to do more varied physical tasks whether or not they do have kids. bi people may have kids or may not, or their children may be more spread out if they have partners of different sexes over time
not to mention you kind of have some built in, ready to go parents in the case that another community member dies, and there are now orphans that need raising. its a lot harder for someone whos already a parent to take on more children, as opposed to an adult couple who doesnt have any
so yeah :) were queer because we were helpful to have in communities and allowed everyone, but especially youth, to prosper and thrive
tl;dr: queer people were an evolutionary advantage to have in an early community because we were helping-age members who were able to cooperatively raise young and take on orphans without using up resources on birthing and raising our own young
yay science :o) happy pride everyone!!!
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cripplecharacters · 6 months ago
oh yeah another question abt intellectual disability: what do people with moderate id speak like? i assume they wouldnt be perfectly articulate but i know making them talk like cavemen would be bad too. i do want it to be clear that they have language difficulties, but im not sure how to do that realistically. so what kinds of grammar errors are actually common? would it make sense to have them mix up words with similar pronunciation, or have difficulty discerning the differences in implications between words with similar meanings (like "pretty" vs "attractive")? do people with id ever 'imagine context' the way people(well, me) do when half-asleep where the brain mishears a statement as something completely unrelated? would spatial and situational awareness be impaired? also this is kind of a different question but if you can give advice on what to do with game mechanics for an id character in an rpg, that would be nice! i already have the stats figured out for every character and theres no stat that i think would be strongly affected by id but in terms of depicted fighting style and other mechanics maybe thered be some stuff informed by it (i cant do anything too complex though, im using rpg maker vx ace). idk! im spitballing here. main thing i need to know is how to write dialogue for a character with id ^_^
Hey, we have a post somewhat about this that you might find useful, I'll try to go over the other questions below.
Keep in mind my ID is mild (and on the milder side of that) so my answer will be all second-hand knowledge from talking to people with moderate ID in my SPED years.
A lot of it will depend on what condition causes they have. People with Williams syndrome have very “normal” verbal skills majority of the time, and you can't really tell in my experience. On the other hand if they're autistic you can potentially guess from the tone of the voice e.g. they speak in a very loud and monotone way. People with Down syndrome are very likely to have a speech disorder, someone with cerebral palsy might slur their words, etc.
A lot of people with ID might be less talkative than your average person (there's definitely exceptions). So your character could use shorter sentences, simple sentences (in the grammar sense), prefer to use other forms of communication for things that don't require speech (e.g., nodding instead of saying “Yes, I agree”, or doing a thumbs up, etc.), or have to be prompted to actually answer/take part in the conversation.
I personally don't recall ever hearing the “mixing words with similar pronunciation” in someone's actual speech, maybe unless they learned the language from reading rather than hearing it. If that's the case, then ID could affect their speech more than if they didn't have it, otherwise I'd assume that the character might have brain damage or is maybe hard of hearing and simply mixes them up because they can't recognize/hear the difference between them.
Mixing words based on specific meaning makes much more sense in my opinion (probably because I do that myself). Synonyms or words that might make sense in one context but not the other are the worst. Your example here is great. When someone has ID they might take away the wrong meaning out of a word and use it incorrectly because of that. E.g., their parents used to take them camping to a forest with lots of bugs, they don't like bugs, they can later call something “foresty” to mean “with lots of bugs” even if it doesn't have much to do with an actual forest. This might make more sense for a character with more severe ID (or if they're just young) but using “attractive” when you'd normally say “pretty” makes sense for someone with moderate ID in my opinion.
Something that can also affect speech of someone with ID is word repetition. Not really in the echolalia sense (though it can be that too) but just using stock phrases that get repetitive over time. I try to edit it out from my posts, but you can still kinda see it. For some people it will be ending most sentences with the same word, for someone else it will be starting two paragraphs with the same three words without realizing even though they're right next to each other or overusing “maybe” and “if” to start sentences.
As for the “imagining context” while mishearing something, I'm not sure if I know what you mean by it, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I don't do it.
Situational awareness is definitely impacted for all people with ID but to different degrees. I don't know if it's part of the diagnostic criteria, but it might as well be. When the person's ID is mild it might look like someone who's just kinda unaware of what goes around them, maybe don't recognize that they're doing something that could end up badly. The more severe the intellectual disability the more obvious it is, the person might elope (wander off) and not be able to find their way back, not be able to use cooking utensils safely because they don't recognize the risks in real time (not really in the “not realizing that the knife is sharp” way if they have moderate ID, more like “not realizing that you need to be careful when putting things on hot oil, or you can get burned”), assuming that people are automatically safe to be around, things like that.
Spatial awareness doesn't affect everyone, but one of the biggest comorbidities of ID is dyspraxia, which does affect it a lot. There are people with mild ID with severe dyspraxia, and severely ID people with no dyspraxia. It varies.
Unfortunately I have never played any RPGS, and I'm not really familiar with the mechanics. Here's an old ask about intellectually disabled characters engaged in combat, hopefully it's useful?
If you want some real-life resources for hearing how intellectually disabled people talk, I really recommend this playlist. It's a bunch of interviews with people with Down syndrome and you can see that they're all very different from each other despite having the same disability.
I hope this helps,
mod Sasza
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drdemonprince · 3 months ago
hey, i love your blog & your advice & wanted to seek some of my own if thats okay. i made a friend recently who i think is great - we've been through very similar mental health struggles and we're both autistic and i've had many a time where he's told me really compassionate and helpful things, and he's very accepting of my struggles & seeks me out to hajg out, which a lot of people don't do - but i just can't shake the feeling that he's subtley making fun of me or insulting me? he definitely has a sense of humour prone to teasing, which i am very sensitive to, and i've expressed this to him... but it's just like, these little things, like when he wanted me to come to something with him but i have plans, he'll say something like 'dissapointed you didn't come with me...' or 'well if you were COOL you would have come with me' and it makes me very upset? like i said i've brought it up to him multiple times, but it seems like it's just his sense of humour, but it's beginning to seriously weigh on me. he's said he wants to do better by me and asked me what the line is but i feel like i don't know, sometimes our running jokes about me being a bottom are funny and then they suddenly get too much, and it feels like i'm reacting to the lightest comment (like when he comments that i'm late to things a lot or asks me if im going to be late) sometimes, i don't know how to express what i'm actually getting upset at. do you think there's anything i can do to make this situation better? i really don't want to lose him as a friend, and i want to work on my sensitivity, i just don't know if this is something i can work through
This is tough, but you're doing the important work of communicating about it. I'm a lot like your friend sometimes -- I notice patterns in how people cancel or turn up late to things, and then will state directly that I've observed it, or make predictions based on that pattern, which hurts people's feelings even when I mean it in a completely neutral or even affectionate way. Sometimes when intimacy between me and another person builds, I want to show that closeness by kind of play-fighting with them or making little sarcastic jokes or remarks, which can be wonderfullll when the energy is met, but it can also misfire and really hurt people. I'm putting this out there so that you and any one else reading can feel free to ask about this perspective. For me, it's not intended to be cruel, it's intended to show that I know and accept someone as they are, and find their traits endearing, and I LOVE when people playfully rib me too. it may also be an outgrowth of PDA and attachment trauma -- a way I can feel safe with getting closer is by pretending to keep a distance.
That said, I also HATE when someone guilts me for not being available for something, not wanting to do something, or not showing up. Again, it's the PDA there. I would really really hate someone giving me shit for not going to an event with them, as your friend did, I find that stuff incredibly manipulative and unpleasant, and I personally would be very bothered by those remarks too. So I can understand, I think, both sides of things here!
My question for you would be how your friend responds when you tell him that his remarks have hurt your feelings. I think there is room for a middleground in such matters -- he should work on calibrating his barbed remarks, and you can remember the goodness of the friendship and temper your reactions to some things sometimes, but he HAS to view your concerns as legitimate and be willing to apologize first. Does he freak out and self-victimize or blow things out of proportion when you speak up? Has he stopped making any specific kinds of remarks because you asked? Have you asked? Are you comfortable telling him that something bothers you, even when you can't fully explain why?
I think that if this friendship is going to negotiate both your approaches, it will be done in the gray areas. Sometimes you'll feel triggered by a relatively benign remark, and that deserves talking about! Sometimes he'll say something in completely the wrong way, and he'll need to apologize, and that should be talked about too! It's never inappropriate for you to bring up your feelings, even if you can't give him perfect guidelines as to what he should say or not say. And he should have some leeway to express his care for you in his own way, to an extent, too -- this doesn't mean you should let him do things that hurt you, more that you should try to operate with the base assumption that anything he says comes from his position as your friend who cares about you. That's IF he has actually consistently shown he cares about you and your feelings. If he hasn't, that's another matter.
I hope that makes sense! tldr; keep talking about it. Keep sharing how you feel. Listen to him and watch his patterns of behavior, and if he shows consistently that he does care about your feelings, then you can let that trust help you to process and temper some of your hurt when he accidentally hits your insecurities sometimes.
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twinleafsystem · 8 months ago
ok wait im thinking now. come and play in my space with me
mal du pays (it/they) aka mal
siffrins sadness
once it becomes more friendly, it prefers to go by only mal
when asked about their name choice, they simply shrug and go "my name" and does not elaborate whatsoever
siffrin calls them his "little (x)". most of the time its "pal" or "buddy". mal does not refer to siffrin as anything specific and defaults to whatever who its mimicking would call them
doesnt have its own voice in the headspace. mimics a wide variety of voices and mostly speaks in short, repeated phrases. doesnt like to stick to using one voice for a long stretch of time
constantly in a bug eyed state. straight up O_O out here
when fronting, it
is a lot more rigid and tense
talks much quieter than siffrin and tries to keep all verbal communication to a minimum. will often simply refuse to talk altogether. if it chooses to, it will mirror the speech pattern of whoever its talking to
dont like to be touched by anyone. not even loop or treasure can touch it unless given express permission
chercheur d'affection (they/she) (only loop is allowed to use she currently) aka treasure
loops sadness
once they become more friendly, they prefer to go by treasure
loop calls them their "shard" and they call loop their "shine"
voice is somehow even higher than loops. cadence is pretty consistently singsongy, especially if theyre upset
constantly smiling. its very rarely real. its distinctly more v shaped than loops more catlike one. ^v^
when fronting, they
are a lot more touchy-feely. loves to hold and be held
somehow talk with their hands even louder than loop does. their whole Body talks, really. there is rarely a moment in which they are still
talks a mile a minute. where loop would pause to think of their next words carefully, treasure will barrel on and stumble and fumble their way through a sentence and then look at you expectantly, like you should have followed even after they restarted the same sentence 4 different times in 4 different ways
are always fidgeting with Something. if they dont have something in their hands they go nuts
theres a lot more i could probably say but im blanking now so ill just let this out into the wild and rb with more if and when i think of anything \^^/
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mrradmccoolman · 3 months ago
hello everynyan!! it's baby's second (?) tumblr post. i present to you:
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okay, so, here's the gist of it: i have an ever-growing playlist on spotify of songs i feel fit neil, todd, or their relationship as a whole. each song is not only one i like, but also has lyrics that represent something specific about them. this sort of thing is something ive done for multiple characters for a long time, and ive always had carefully curated reasons behind my choices. i just recently got back into the dps fandom, and thought this would be a good way to not only show how i see the characters, but also become a part of the community on Tumblr myself :)
i will not be doing every song simply because i do not have the time and the playlist is way too long for that, but i'll definitely be choosing some favorites. i'll most likely just post whenever i feel like it, so i can't promise any sort of a timeline. this is just a little project i thought would be fun, especially considering the fics im working on take me ages lol 😅
sooo without further ado: song number one is....
Habanero by Rosie Tucker
i've been listening to a lot of rosie tucker's music lately, and this song really stood out to me as a todd/neil song from neil's perspective. one of the reasons i connect so much to neil as a character is because i see myself in him, and subsequently how he handles what i see as a very real depressive disorder throughout the movie. this song makes me think of his feelings and relationship with todd in canon, how he sees himself and todd, and the bittersweet-ness of loving someone in the "wrong" way.
"...you said "this never happens to me, this never happens" but you smile while you suffer so you're lying or wrong" this lyric encapsulates a big part of neil's perception of todd, especially towards the beginning of the movie. it specifically reminds me of the "what do you mean no?" scene and the argument they have leading up to it. it also alludes to todd's poem scene in front of the class and neil's reaction to it. he sees todd as saying this sort of bewildered, in awe, "this never happens to me," because, well, for todd, that's how it feels. he doesn't speak in front of people, he doesn't share parts of himself like that. i actually believe he didn't even really write poetry on his own before keating's class, either, so even writing at all is a big step for him- never mind showing others. we know todd hates public speaking and being perceived (although it's a lot more complicated than that, but i won't get into it here) so he "smiles while (he) suffers" because even though this is something he hates and feels so much shame about, a part of him is amazed and happy he did it at all. thus the "you're lying or wrong" from neil- i see this as neil recognizing that actually, knowing todd, this isn't the first time he's done something like this like he might think. in truth, todd says and does beautiful things like this all the time. though todd sees himself as dull and embarassing, neil sees the truth. we often think of neil as recognizing todd as a diamond in the rough, but people are more complicated than that. really, todd has always had this beauty inside him- this is just the first time he (and everyone else) has gotten the opportunity to really see it. neil feels vindicated in a sense, because he knew it was there.
"i'm never happy, but i've never been better" i feel this lyric is pretty straightforward when it comes to neil. he has depression, which makes it so so hard to feel happy, even when you think you should- and most of the time, neil doesn't even have those moments. todd isn't some cure-all for his problems, and certainly doesn't make his depression go away, but he's a huge aid to neil. he's the one person who really sees him. even if neil still isn't happy in the traditional way, he still feels better around todd. another thing i could get into buttt this post is already gonna be long enough as is lol.
"i need to see you sweat" i feel this one is also pretty self explanatory. it's sexuality and desire, something neil has likely not felt to this level before. especially when you're depressed, it's hard to feel any sort of desire. i feel that any thoughts neil would have would already be pretty vague because of his internalized homophobia, but this would be similar to the way he would allow himself to verbalize his feelings. there are a lot of great fics out there that i feel really encapsulate this well.
"wouldn't we be perfect together if we wanted exactly the same thing?" i would argue that the majority of the fandom kind of accepts neil's feelings for todd as pretty obviously requited, even though interestingly enough, from an outside perspective i would actually argue neil's feelings are the most obviously canon. not that i don't definitely believe todd feels the same, nor do i think this is a bad thing- it's just that the entire movie revolves around identity, and neil's passion for acting serves as a metaphor for queerness pretty obviously, and beyond that acting is associated with queer identity as a whole, another reason behind mr. perry's aversion to it. neil doesn't know if todd feels the same as he does. even if things may seem obvious to us, this isn't "normal" for the time period and so i believe wholeheartedly that neil didn't know todd had any feelings for him. was this more his own self hatred, him protecting himself, or that anything he saw that may have alluded to reciprocation he convinced himself was his own mind playing tricks on him? probably a mixture of all three.
"but i smile while i suffer like a sucker supreme" even though neil knows this won't end well, that his feelings are "wrong" and this is hurting him in the long run, he can't help himself when it comes to todd. he's a sucker for him and the feelings he gets being around him.
"all at once i'm a child trapping tadpoles in a cup, and i know they'll never make it (...) but i smile while they suffer 'cause i want it so much" neil knows being in the play, being with todd, and defying his father is a losing game. he knows, on a distant level, that he'll never get away with it. maybe during the play he finally, for one gorgeous moment, truly believed things would change- but then his father shows up and proves he was right all along. he knows he's doomed, that todd was right to doubt his plan to lie to his father in the first place, but he wants it so badly he doesn't care (or, more than that, he feels so incredibly trapped that he's given up and has resigned himself to the consequences). not only this, but his depression has made his latching onto the one thing that gives him hope even more intense. to be ripped away from this, the only thing he's ever wanted- the only person he's ever wanted- is the end. he knows that. even so, even though he can see the futility of it all crumbling beneath him, he sees the fall through.
"i can't believe i'll die before becoming a frog" there's a sort of disbelief in his resignation to death in his final moments, a darkly humorous "i can't believe it's come to this, that this is really happening" despite not really being surprised. neil is cutting everything short and throwing away his potential before his father gets the chance to do it for him. he'll never "become a frog" in so many ways- never get to live for himself, never get to become an adult, never get to act again, etc.
well...that was very long! if you've made it to the end of this post, i hope this was as fun for you as it was for me :)) i'll definitely be doing more of these as time goes on!! let me know your thoughts!!
(the playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3Fh97W8EItmoJHjQvjsBl4?si=WoH7J5GHTfmt3v7OuqbHnQ&pi=6x2g03n8Q1Knc )
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