#<- who just wants someone to pull her hair and let her nut in them)
vvhorebound · 2 years
been off the last few days so i’ve been free-balling. but i have work tmrw morning & the only clean underwear i have are jockstraps
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athenasilver7 · 1 year
Could I request ohshc x reader headcannons (separately) where reader is being bullied and goes to them?
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader
💙 Hikaru 💙
When you come to him crying about being bullied, he just about snaps.
When you tell him it’s been happening for months? He almost loses his damn mind.
“What do you mean ‘months’?! Why didn’t you come to me sooner?!?” He grips at your shoulders a little to hard.
Yeah, he flips out. Not his best moment, nor is it the best reaction to be having right now.
He feels so fucking bad when your crying increases, no thanks to him, obviously.
Hikaru takes a deep breath and calms down. He starts soothing you, holding you in his arm and rubbing your back, mutter a few apologies to you.
When you finally relax and are able to tell him all the details, well… let’s just say he makes a few calls.
Unfortunately, your bully stays at Ouran. So naturally Hikaru takes things into his own hands.
He starts pulling restless pranks on your bully until they get fed up and transfer.
🤍 Tamaki 🤍
Tamaki eventually catches you crying to yourself one day in the gardens. He’s obviously worried and rushes over to you and asked what’s wrong.
All you can manage to sob out is, “I-I’m getting b-bullied…”
He holds you tightly in a protective embrace, stroking your hair to soothe you as you cry against his chest.
He’s… quiet. Very quiet.
Tamaki waits patiently until you’re able to collect yourself. He caresses you cheek with a frown.
“My dear… Who is it? Who’s doing this to you?” His tone is low and his voice wavers as he talks.
You tell him who’s been bullying you.
He spends a few days conversing with your bully, trying to talk them in to changing their habits.
If you bully changes their ways, good. Tamaki won’t care for them, obviously, but he’s at least glad they’ve become a better person. And Tamaki will be practically glued to your side so this doesn’t happen again.
If your bully doesn’t change their ways, Tamaki will jump though hoops of several shenanigans to get them to stop and keep them away from you. If all that fails, he’ll reluctantly get his father to kick them out of the school. Ouran is no place for bullying, after all.
❤️ Haruhi ❤️
Well… that’s just not acceptable.
Haruhi, calmly, goes up to your bully and confronts them on their behaviour.
She’s unaware, but as she’s confronting them she’s roasting the hell out of them.
“I don’t know, bullying just seems like your lacking a hobby or something.” Her deadpan voice just makes the whole thing that much better.
Your bully scoffs and doesn’t let up as they continue to bully you the upcoming days.
Haruhi eventually snaps when she witnesses your bully trying to shove you into the fountain.
“Hey! Knock it off! Seriously, how childish do you have to be? Listen, clearly you have something going on in your personal life, and I’m sorry, but that’s no excuse to be taking it out on someone else. And if there isn’t anything personal going on in you life, then just screw off or else I’m telling the chairman!”
Your bully is baffled at Fujioka’s anger and backs off pretty quickly after that. Your bully even starts avoiding you in the hallways, keeping their distance. Haruhi just glares aggressively at them every time she sees them.
💗 Honey 💗
Tired from the constant bullying, you eventually spill your guts to him, bawling as you do so.
Honey is taken aback, but still obviously very concerned. And mad. Not mad at you, heavens no. Mad at your bully.
Granted, he maintains a calm composure on the outside to calm you.
He calms you by patting your head and whispering compliments to you, assuring you that the insults your bully throws at you aren’t true at all.
He offers you desserts and milk. You don’t want deserts? That’s fine, what do you want? You’re nuts if you think he won’t get you a crate of your comfort food.
The next day at school, all Honey has to do is walk up your bully, and your bully is immediately shaking.
Dude… Honey is practically a human weapon. Who wouldn’t be shitting bricks?
The glare on Honey’s face is not helping in the slightest.
Your bully is quick to run away, and transfers out of Ouran immediately.
🧡 Kaoru 🧡
Oh, sweetness… come here.
Lanky arms and legs wrap around you sloth-style.
He doesn’t know why you’re crying. He doesn’t need to know. He just knows that right now you need comfort, and he’s more than willing to give it to you.
I presses gentle kisses to your forehead and cheeks. “Shh, shh, shh… You’re okay. You can tell me anything.” He whispers.
And tell him you do.
He’s frozen for a moment.
He collects himself and goes back to comforting you, telling you how brave and strong you are, and that you should come to him sooner when you’re in trouble.
The next day, much like what Hikaru would do, Kaoru restlessly pranks your bully until they transfer out of Ouran.
Kaoru may be sweet and nice, but he’ll be damned if someone he loves is hurt and he doesn’t do anything about it.
🖤 Mori 🖤
You’re reluctant to tell him for a very long time. Mori is just so calm and tough, a-and… and you’re not. You don’t want to feel like you’re burdening him or relying on him, so… you bite your tongue and deal with it.
Mori, ever the observant one, is quick to notice your change in behaviour the past few weeks.
You startle as Mori’s deep voice breaks through the silence.
“…Yeah?” You slowly turn to face him, acting casual.
“What’s wrong.”
You don’t know how, but he managed to phrase that like it wasn’t even a question, he’s telling you to tell him what’s wrong.
You avert your gaze awkwardly and eventually spill the beans.
Mori listens intently, and when you’re done he hums and nods. He gestures you over to him and wraps a protective arm around you, rubbing your back and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
The next day at school Mori, calmly, punches the wall next your bully and glares down at them. “…Y/N.” He says.
Your bully looks up at Mori with wide eyes, visibly shaking. “Y-Y/N?” Your bully asks, confused.
Mori nods, leaning down face to face with your bully. “Leave them alone.” He demands lowly.
Your bully scrambles a nod and hastily dashes down the hall. Your bully sure as hell never bothers you again after that.
💜 Kyoya 💜
Now, he’s quick to notice.
Although, he feels like an idiot for not noticing the first few days it started happening. But as the days went on, your facade slowly fell, and he quickly pieced everything together from there.
“…Y/N, is there anything you would like to tell me?” He asks casually, scribbling something down in his notebook, his tone implying that you will tell him something.
“…No.” You mutter.
Kyoya sigh and pushes up his glasses. “Are you certain?” He asks again, a twinge annoyed.
You fidget with your sleeves for a bit before telling him everything about the bullying.
That’s all he needed to hear. He wanted to know just how bad the bullying is from your end.
At that, your bully just ‘mysteriously’ disappears after that day.
You squint at Kyoya suspiciously after a month of your bully not being at school.
“…Did you kill them?” I ask Kyoya with wide, accusing eyes.
He huffs in frustration and places down his pen. “No. They just decided to transfer.”
“…Because you threatened them.” You accuse.
Kyoya merely sighs.
OHSHC Masterlist
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jarofstyles · 4 months
Leather & Lace 2
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Hello my loves! Leather and Lace 2 is now yours. The next and last official part is available on our Patreon early, but I’m willing to write some more for them if you guys want 👀 they’ll be classified as ‘extras’ but oh well hehe
Check out our Patreon for early access and 170+ exclusive writings
Leather & Lace masterlist
Warnings- possessive H, kind of a dickhead
WC- 3.7k
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Things had shifted between Harry and Y/N.
He hadn’t been sure what to expect after she’d blown him, but she didn’t make it awkward at all. If anything? They were more comfortable around each other. Harry was less nervous to touch her, pulling her into his side as they sat on her new couch the next day or adjusting the hair from her face when the wind got it stuck in her lip gloss when they’d met for lunch. The way she reacted to his touch was much more noticeable to him now which made him feel particularly chuffed. Y/N was important to him before, but it seemed like the intimacy had elevated them to a different level.
It had only been a week since the night at her place where she’d given him the best blowie he’d ever received, but they hadn’t done much else. They had cuddled in bed that night, kissed a little bit, but he hadn’t had a chance to get her truly alone and it was driving him nuts. 
Y/N was popular and she had a lot of activities she liked to do. Paint n’ sip classes she helped run, volunteering at the library, at the animal shelter, helping her new neighbor with her cat, on top of her own workload. The closest he’d gotten to alone time with her was when she arrived at his place on wednesday to climb into his bed and pass out, which she’d done with a smeared kiss to his lips. She’d been asleep once her head hit the pillow. 
He’d gotten to see her out quite a bit as he was often wrangled into helping her. He used to pretend to be grumpy about it and huff and puff when she’d pat his head but he hadn’t even tried to do that this week. Instead he let his touches linger and watched her smiles grow, happy to get a few seconds to hug her before she had to move on to something else. It had been driving him out of his mind, and if they didn’t have the promise to go back to her place tonight he may have lost it. 
House parties weren’t something he particularly liked, but when Y/N called him on video chat and gave him her puppy eyes while asking him to help her set it up for Sarah, he couldn’t say no. He did like the other girl well enough and he knew how crazy Y/N was about birthdays, so he’d given up his friday night to the whole surprise party. 
Though he wasn’t feeling very generous with Y/N’s time anymore. For the first hour of the party he’d followed her around and lingered in the corners to make sure she was okay as she chatted to people, but this observing really did him in. She was so fucking perfect. 
It hit him again how much he actually liked her. The whole experience was odd considering he hadn’t considered being in a relationship in this point of his life, content with hooking up and never seeing the other person again, but that was pre Y/N. Now that he had her in his world, it was hard to imagine himself with anyone but her. Sure, she was his opposite in a way, but they attracted. That’s what all the books and movies said, anyways. He want content just observing her, ignoring mostly anyone else who would come up to him or give them one worded answers with his eyes on his girl, the pretty little butterfly fluttering around the room. 
The feeling had been so unfamiliar that the first time he’d felt it, he’d thought it was heartburn or something. 
Harry had already admired her before but it was a whole other level seeing how much she tried to make other people feel seen. She gave them attention, smiling and listening intently before gracefully getting her exit out only to be stopped by someone else. How a woman like that had been into him enough that she’d wanted to blow him and keep him around, he had no clue. But there was no taking it back, and he was feeling greedy. 
Cornering her in the kitchen, he narrowed his eyes at her as she looked at him with a giddy smile. “M’tired of sharing your attention.” he said it simply, placing his hands on her hips and backing her into the quieter corner. She squeaked as her back hit the wall, a nervous giggle leaving her throat as he loomed over her. “Barely got a lick of your attention all week, and m’not happy about it, pet.” His lip pouted slightly, the ring on it glinting at the motion. 
She frowned, wrapping an arm around his neck. “I know it’s been really busy, H, and I’m sorry. I just wanted to help people out.” She sighed, watching him look over her face. The girl looked a little tired, which he didn’t like. 
“I know you do, sweets, but you’ve got t’learn how to tell people no. You’re spreading yourself too thin and you barely have a moment to breathe. Yeah, m’greedy for your attention but I don’t like the idea of you being tired and running ragged because people ask you t’do shit. They know you’ll say yes.” It actually did piss him off. He didn’t think everyone had malicious intent, no, and he knew Y/N was a big girl who could handle herself. But sometimes he had to wonder why they were so comfortable asking such big things of her. 
“I do like to help, though.” She tried to protest but really couldn’t, because he was right. She was bone tired and despite her bubbly nature, she had been deflating slightly as the night went on. Their weekend together was the reprise they got to have where she knew she’d have time to breathe. Selfishly she liked that Harry was able to be blunt and a little mean. He wasn’t to her, but his protectiveness of her really showed. 
“Yeah, but it means I get less time with you. And m’a selfish man, Y/N.” Tipping her chin up, he lowered his face towards her. “Not to mention you’ve been too busy to let me properly fuckin’ kiss you. Like your little pecks darlin, they’re cute, but where’s the kiss you gave me with my load on your tongue? Hm?” 
Y/N sputtered, whining at his dirty mouth but he could tell she liked it. Her eyes had widened but she had no real heat to her scolding, instead leaning into him a bit more. “I didn’t know you wanted me to kiss you like that.” The admission followed a beat of silence. 
“Always want you to kiss me, are you fuckin’ kidding?” He grumbled. “Can’t jus’ give me the best blowie of my life and fuck off. Didn’t let me return the favor which m’dying to do, but even more you’ve been keeping this mouth from me. Don’t like it one bit.” His thumb brushed over the plump bottom lip, exhaling through his nose as he shook his head. “S’a fucking shame. Can’t get how good we tasted together out of my head. Not trying to pressure you if you don’t want to do that stuff, you can tell me to fuck off but.. I don’t think y’want me to.”
“No, I…” She stumbled over her words. “I do want those things. I just didn’t expect you to talk so dirty.” The tilt of her lips gave the clue that she liked it. “I didn’t want to assume it meant more than just that even though I wanted it to and - oh” 
His mouth cut her off. Catching her off guard her lips opened a little bit, letting him be selfish and slip his tongue into her sweet mouth. Humming at the taste, his arm leaned against the wall as he held himself over her while the other kept her jaw angled the way he wanted it. The kiss was just like him. Intense and hot and a little sweet at the end when he pulled back and pressed three more pecks to her lips, rubbing his nose against the side of hers. “None of that shit. Meant a hell of a lot to me, silly little thing. Want to do it all the damn time. So you’re gonna have t’take it easy with giving all your time away, hm? Think I need some more of your help soon… and maybe…” He released her jaw to slide his hand to the back of her neck, massaging it just a little. “Maybe you’ll let me help you, hm? Someone’s got t’take care of such a sweet little thing. It isn’t fair.” 
“H-Harry.” She felt her cheeks getting hot. Harry’s attention had always been intense and maybe that’s part of the reason she’s been so busy this week. Anxiety over being truly alone with him again in case he regretted it, if he didn’t like what they did and didn’t know how to let her down easy- but this was the ideal, she thinks. Regardless of how much he flustered her, or how he was the biggest energy in the room, she found herself preening at the attention he gave her. “It meant a lot to me too.” 
Her hushed voice made him smile, leaning in to press a chaste kiss between her brows. “Good. Can we get going, then? Or would y’let me lick your cute little cunt in one of these bedrooms?” Did he say it just to watch her squirm? A little, but only because it was really fucking cute. 
“We can go. I’ve just got to say goodbye to some people.” She sent him a shaky smile as he nodded, pushing off the wall to wrap his arm around her shoulders. It was a new feeling for her to feel so… claimed. They had been around each other pretty consistently for a while but she could feel people looking, considering Harry was usually the victim of her clinging to his arm instead. Open affection wasn’t something anyone had seen from him, let alone with a girl that was so clearly different than him, but something about that made her giddy. 
Harry was impatient in general, but he tampered it down as Y/N said goodbye to the people she knew here. It was just in her nature to be a polite little flower, floating around the room to wish everyone a good evening. Her manners, oddly enough, aroused him. He liked seeing her be so sugary sweet and knowing that it was 100% genuine. It was even more nice to see considering he’d had a glimpse of what a bold and filthy girl she could be. The blowie the night she’d moved in had completely taken him off guard and let him know then and there that her innocence wasn’t all encompassing. She had some shadows to her, and he planned to see how full they could extend. 
His arm was around her as she said goodbye, merely nodding when people acknowledged him and not bothered when they didn’t. All that mattered to him was they were polite to her- though one of the guys had been a bit too bold, especially considering he was right fucking there.
“Her eyes are on her face, not her tits.” He said lowly. “And if you’d like t’keep yours, I suggest you remember that.” There was no full aggression, only a promise that he intended to keep. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d go at someone for her. 
Thankfully the prick flushed, muttering apologies before dashing away so he could use this as an excuse to get them the fuck out of there. 
Harry didn’t love parties. He didn’t like lots of people. He went for 3 reasons only, and they depended on the night. To get a drink, to get a fuck, or for Y/N. Though now he supposed he’d have an excuse for not going to many others. The plan was to keep Y/N to himself and not have to deal with the people he’d fucked around with not getting the hint even after he stated what he wanted. For once in his life he wanted one person and one person alone, and she was under his arm. 
To his surprise, she didn’t say anything about his snarky reply to the guy they’d last said goodbyes to, instead leaning into his side as they approached his car. It was a bit nippy outside and he knew she ran cold, so he’d remedy that quickly. “C’mere.” He sighed, picking her up and placing her on the hood of his car. Stripping his flannel off, he motioned for her to splay her arms out, helping her put it on. “Wasn’t too bad when you left but it’s a little too cold out for you now, hm?” His voice was softened as he stood between her knees, face level with her as he slipped his hands under the new layer. 
“I never remember to grab a sweater.” She admitted, smiling shyly as she felt palms running over her back. This was different. The whole thing was, seeing as Harry’s treatment of her had considerably softened up. He’d always been nice to her, don’t get her wrong! He let her sit on him and mess up his hair and hold his arm but… feeling him be the touchy one for once really made her feel… validated? Appreciated? She wasn’t sure of what the right term would be, but she felt like he liked her more than she had originally thought. “Who’s place do you want to go to?” 
“Hm… maybe mine. I just did a grocery shop. I know you’ve been busy this week, so I don’t want to go and mess up your place.” Y/N would be a bit unsettled if it got messy and he was planning on seeing what exactly he could get her to do with him. 
It had been circling around his mind the whole week, how he wanted to make it up to her. How he wanted to take her properly and feel her cum around his cock and his tongue and his fingers- anywhere he could get it. He was a man starved, pathetically so, but he didn’t have any shame in it. 
“Okay. I like your place.” It was the truth. He had a nice place in her opinion. It was bigger than her own, but not cold. Darker in aesthetic, brick and dark colors and richer patterns. She’d helped him make it nicer after she had seen the state of it the first time, a real bachelor pad that made her worry for his comfort. Thanks to the sweet girl, he had a much more comfortable sectional couch, a coffee table- with coffee table books, no less- and some art. She’d helped pick out his bar stools for his island in the kitchen, too. Little bits of her were all over his place, but that’s how he wanted it to be. 
“I’d hope so. You helped make it.” He snorted, tugging her closer to him so their centers were flush. The silence happened again, this time a little heavier. “I missed you this week.” The sentiment was repeated as he dragged a hand from under the warmth of his flannel and brushed the hair out of her face. The breeze hadn’t been much of a help. “I sleep better when you’re around. Know I like to give you shit and call you a needy pup, but I love it when you’re like that.” Tipping her chin up, he sighed as he observed her soft features. The slope of her nose, the mascara on her lashes that had flaked just a little bit, the slightly faded lip stain. He couldn’t imagine not being obsessed with her.
“I’m glad. I used to think I was a little annoying to you.” She admitted, fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “I’m sorry I was so busy. I didn’t think you’d mind.” Historically he’d get grumbly about it but he understood- and she’d usually pop over or invite him to her old flat. 
“Course I mind. Not that you have stuff to do but you overwork yourself and…” licking his lip, he debated on whether or not to say it. “Was just hoping that you weren’t avoiding me, is all. That I didn’t make you uncomfortable last weekend.” 
Her heart clenched in her chest as she saw his eyes dip to the side, for once in his life showing a bit of vulnerability. Harry never seemed anxious about much, his general setting being a blank stare or a smug smirk, so it wasn’t something she saw often. Sometimes when he was drunk he’d get a little mushy about things but he hadn’t had much, if anything tonight. “No. Of course not. I initiated it, remember?” Her hand lifted to his face, the skin slightly cool from the night air. “I wanted to do it. I promise. If I was uncomfortable I’d tell you. Listen…” adjusting slightly, she caught his eye. “I feel the most safe when I’m with you. Sure, sometimes it feels like I’ve got a guard dog, but I feel really secure. I know you’d never hurt me, you always are so careful with me even if everyone else thinks you’re all rough and tumble… I know you and I know you’d only even touch me in ways I like. I really was busy, but I was just nervous you’d regret it too.” 
Harry’s brows furrowed at her admission. While he was over the moon that she always felt the safest with him, he had no idea why she would think he’s regret it. “Never. I just kept thinking about it. I wanted to do it more. I don’t regret anything, and I feel like I’ve got t’make sure you know that I don’t think of you as one of those quick fucks.” Even if she hadn’t said it, he was sure that was a thought that had lingered around in her head. That was his reputation and he’d be stupid if he didn’t know better. 
“I.. I never thought of it as that, no, but I wasn’t expecting commitment.” She admitted back, eyes wide as he looked into his own. It squeezed his chest, the idea of just being with her sexually. That wasn’t what he wanted. 
“No. I want commitment.” He said lowly. “You aren’t just a fuck to me, Butterfly. Not in the slightest. I fuckin’ adore you, y’know that?” He sighed, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip and tugging it slightly before letting it snap back into place. “You’re my girl. You’ve been my girl for a while. I’ve jus’ been a bit of a pussy in trying to initiate anything because the last thing I wanted was for you t’think that you were just someone else I went to bed with. M’tired of that.” All he wanted to do was crawl into bed with her at night and feel her kissing him in the morning or watch her sleepy little face as she dreamt. All the fluffy, mushy shit he used to feel sick from were the exact things he craved. “Couldn’t get it up for anyone else after a while. I was only able to thinking about you and… after a bit, I had no desire to be around anyone else. They didn’t smell like you, didn’t sound like you. My cock was set on you and I think my heart wants to follow.” 
Y/N had to laugh at his last words but also in shock. She’d heard herself at the beginning of their friendship how he’d scoff at the idea of a relationship, made fun of the romance movies she liked, heard about him disappearing at a party for a bit before coming back with messy hair and swollen lips, sometimes a fly undone. But slowly that had stopped, if she recalled. The hookups, the snarky comments about love. It dwindled. Snark still existed for other things but he seemed to be more lighthearted around her. “You… you want like, a relationship with me?” Her eyes rounded at the thought. 
“I’d say don’t act so surprised, but I get it.” He had to admit that, a smile on his face. It surely was a lot for her to process, considering it still had him in a tizzy and he’d had months to work over these feelings. “Yeah. Want you to be mine. M’not good at sharing, though, so you’re gonna have to tell some of these people that you have a boyfriend that wants to love on you a bit when they demand your attention.” There was another pause as his ears turned a bit red. “If, if that’s what you’d want, though. I don’t want to rush you into a label or anything, m’fine with jus’ figuring shit out but I’ve thought of you as mine for a while and-“ 
Her hand pulled him to her, shutting him up with her lips. 
The man, for all his dark demeanor and rough glances, melted under her touch. Hummed into the kiss in surprise, cupping her jaw and reciprocated immediately as her hands went to the back of his neck to hold on to him. That giddy feeling in his stomach was buzzing as she giggled against his mouth as he chased it when she pulled back to get a proper breath.
“C’mere.” He mumbled, nudging their noses. “Lips are cold. Don’t be cruel, little Butterfly.” 
Y/N couldn’t have that, could she? “Sorry, boyfriend.” She smiled against his lips, pressing them right back where they belonged. 
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mymindcreatedthis · 2 months
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Bet with Kerr 18+
Reader x Sam Kerr
Warning: Smut, Daddy kink, Dirty talk, R doming Sam, Sam Receiving, Rough sex, unprotected sex, multiple creampies, leg trapping, Blow Job, Throat pie, bonus tit fuck from Georgia Stanway, tit fuck, facial, cum shot, clit teasing, squirting, hair pulling, Positions: Missionary, On Side, Doggy, Reverse Cowgirl
Word count: 6.4k
Not proof read, so I apologize if there’s any mistakes.
*Y/n's pov*
It was game day today, we were playing Australia, Me and Sam have been texting back and forth all morning talking mad trash to each other.
Sam: I would easily score 4 goals on you love.
Me: Bullshit, I'll steal the ball from you and make you watch as I score on your team.
Sam: Well yeah of course I'd be watching 😂 watching you fail 😂
Me: Wow that's harsh. You think I would fail to score on you?
Sam: Oh shush. You're the one who started this argument.
Me: Yeah right, you're a cocky player love. I'm gonna put you in your place when we play each other.
Sam: Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try 😉 good luck Paige.
Me: Yeah yeah yeah. You're the one who's gonna lose.
Sam: fine! Let's make a bet!
Me: I'm listening.
Sam: okay fine, first one to get 3 goals, wins, the Winner gets to do whatever they want sexually to the loser.
Me: Aww is Sam Kerr in love with me?
Sam: Shut up. I am not, do you agree to the bet or not?
Me: Yes I'll take you on that bet.
Sam: Okay bet.
Me: Bet.
I turn off my phone and set it off to the side. I sigh and rub my face, Georgia notices this.
"What's Wrong Y?" Georgia asks.
Me and Georgia are best friends. She is the only one who is allowed to call me Y. Truth is I've been sexually frustrated and have had trouble getting a release for the past 3 days.
"Kerr and I made a bet. Winner gets to do whatever they want sexually to the loser." I say.
Georgia looks at me confused. "Okay? And I mean what's wrong with that? I don't see the issue."
"I haven't been able to.... You know in the past 3 days." I say. I was embarrassed to say it.
I was hoping she knew what I was talking about. Georgia looks at me confused.
"But no nut November is over." She giggles.
I giggle at her joke. "N-No I know that. I um am having trouble cumming." I say, rubbing the back of my neck and looking away in embarrassment.
"Well that's nothing to be embarrassed about." Georgia says, she pauses for a moment. "D-Do you want help with that?"
I look at her eyes wide and blushing. "W-What?"
Georgia giggles as I blush darkly at her comment. "I said do you want help with your boner babe?" She asks again.
"I-I uh I mean are you sure? I don't want to bother you with it." I say.
"Yes babe. I'll help you out with your boner, you need a release. You've been needing to cum for 3 days, let me help you." Georgia says.
I blush darkly and nod. Georgia takes off her shirt and bra and lays on the bed. I get the hint, I take off my shorts and boxers. Once my boxers are off my boner springs out and at attention.
Georgia giggles and sexily motions me over with her finger. I smirk and join her on the bed. "Come on Y/n." Georgia says and grabs her boobs. "Fuck my tits."
"Well that may have been the hottest thing I've heard." I say as I straddle Georgia's Sternum.
Once I'm straddling Georgia Sternum I stroke my dick until I'm hard then lay my dick in between her boobs. The brunette then grasps her tits and wraps them around my Dick then I start slowly sliding my dick in between Georgia tits.
"Does that feel good Y/n?" Georgia innocently questions.
"Fucking incredible." I say as I continue to fuck her tits.
As I keep fucking her tits Georgia starts talking Dirty to me which is really hot. It also makes me cum a lot faster than I thought it would.
"Where do you want me to cum?" I question.
"Just cum on me." Georgia says.
I nod and continue to fuck Georgia's tits. I moan loudly as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Mmm someone's close huh? Hehe you gonna bust your load all over me? You gonna shoot ropes of cum all over my tits and face?" Georgia questions and talks seductively.
I moan and continue to fuck her tits, Georgia continues to talk dirty as she keeps her tits wrapped around my dick. I moan loudly in pleasure after 2 more minutes I feel my balls tighten.
I moan and bust my load all over her tits and face. Cum coats her tits, k moan as cum oozes and spurts onto her face coating her forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, lips, and eyes some even goes in her hair and in her mouth.
Georgia giggles as I cum. "Hehe that's it Y. Let it out."
I moan, Georgia slowly strokes my dick with her tits helping me ride out my high. The last of my cum spurting and oozing onto her face and tits.
"Mmmm hehe good girl." Georgia says.
I blush darkly at her comment. "T-Thank you."
Georgia giggles and kisses me. "Mmm you're welcome. Now let's get ready."
I smile and nod. I help her get cleaned up and then clean myself up. We brush our teeth again, we brush our teeth and then change into our kits. We put our shoes on and grab our bags, we grab our phones, wallets and key cards and leave the room and down the conference room we get lunch and then head to the stadium.
We go to our locker room, and the go out onto the field and start stretching. Australia was already on the field and were glaring at us, fuck if looks could kill we'd definitely be dead by now.
We finish stretches, and start the game. Both teams immediately start going for the ball, Sam gets the ball she nut megs Keira and runs up the field with the ball. She slams her foot into the ball, the ball flies past Mary and goes into the back corner of the next.
1-0, Sam looks at me she smirks and winks at me. I shake my head, wow she was extremely cocky. Made me want to fuck her even more. We get back into our positions and continue the game. Georgia gets the ball and passes it to me, I nut meg Sam. I get to the goal, I nutmeg Mackenzie Arnold and smash the ball into the back of the net.
1-1, I look at Sam I smirk and wink at her. Sam bites her lip and smiles. We continue the game, Sam and I continue to score goals. The score was now tied 2-2, we continue playing. Sam tires to nutmeg me but I steal the ball from her and run up the field with the ball. I smash my foot into the ball and the ball flies past Mackenzie Arnold and into the of the net.
Sam blushes and acts pissed but she's smiling a bit. I smirk, I look at her and wink at her as I had just won our bet. The game ends and we end up winning 4-2.
We shake hands with Australia and tell them good game. I get to Sam, she shakes my hand and grabs my ass. I blush as she does this, Sam giggles. "Good game babe. I'll text you my room later here in a bed. Come to mine at 12 am." Sam says.
I smirk and nod. "Okay babe, see you then." Sam giggles and nods, and walks away Australia goes back to their locked room while some of the players stay on the field and sign some stuff for the fans.
Sam was off in the corner signing some stuff for fans. She takes off her jersey, I bite my lip and check out her toned body and abs. Fuck she looked so good in a sports bra, I bite my lip as I think about her tits and fucking them.
she signs her jersey and gives it to a little girl. I smile as I watch her do this, the little girl light us and hugs her. Sam smiles and hugs her back. They take a picture together, I smile I get an idea and walk over to them. I take off my jersey and give it to Sam so she could at least get a bit over privacy, Sam smiles and blushes a bit. She thanks me and puts my jersey on.
I smile and hug Sam. "You look so fucking good in a sports bra. You've been a good girl baby, I think you deserve 4 creampies later." I whisper in her ear.
Sam blushes darkly. "F-Four?"
I smirk. "Yes baby, five. Even though you lost I'll still reward you, you played a really good game."
Sam cutely giggles and smiles. "Thank you baby, so did you." Sam whispers back.
"You look amazing in my jersey." I whisper.
Sam blushes. "Thank you. Later can you bring your clothes. After we're done fucking, I want to wear your clothes and keep them as a reminder of the girl who fucked me."
I smile and nod blushing a bit at her comment. "Of course." I smile and kiss her cheek and walk away. I grab my stuff and head back to the locker room. I strip my clothes and shower, I dry up and get changed into new clothes.
I grab my things and get on the bus. Soon the rest of the girls get on the bus and we head back to the hotel. Us and Australia were staying in the same hotel. We get to the hotel and I go up to my room.
I set my bag off to the side, I take off my shoes and plop onto the bed. I grab my phone, I set an alarm and end up falling asleep. I sleep for 5 hours and then wake up to my alarm. The game was at 1 pm and it was now 6 pm.
We had the option to get room service. I call the lobby and place my order, 45 minutes later my food shows up.
*Sam's pov*
Katrina and I go back to our room. "Hey Gorry." I say. Katrina looks over at me.
"What's up?" Katrina asks.
I was coloring with Harper. I cover Harper's ears, "Is there any way you can stay with Kyra and Charli for the night? Y/n is coming over and you know." I say trialing off.
Katrina smirks. "Yeah, sure. I can stay there for the night. Please don't fuck in my bed."
I giggle at her comment. "We won't, we'll be in my bed."
Katrina nods. I uncover Harper's ears, she was oblivious to what was being said cause she was still coloring as I was covering her ears. Katrina smiles and kisses Harper's head.
"Harper. We're gonna pack our bags and go to older sissy's room." Katrina says.
Harper cheers. "Yay Kyra!"
I giggle, they pack their things and leave the room. It was 10:30 pm. I sigh, fuck I was so horny. I kept counting down the hours and minutes waiting for Y/n to be here.
She looked so sexy in her sports bra. Fuck she had so many tattoos, her abs, chest, arms and legs were covered in tattoos. So were her hands and fingers. She was built like my mate Millie.
I lay down in my bed and turn on the tv. I was chilling out in my sports bra and Boxers, I smile when there was a knock on the door. I look through the peephole and see Y/n.
I open the door, she smirks when she sees me in my sports bra and boxers. "Sexy choice of clothing babe."
I blush at her comment and let her in.
I smirk and slap her ass, Y/n giggles and jumps as I slap her ass and blushes darkly. I giggle, I close the door behind her and lock it.
Y /n sets her clothes to the side and immediately pins me against the door and makes out with me. I immediately start kissing back, I lower my hand and rub her bulge over her shorts. Y/n moans in the kiss as I do this.
I smile against her lips. I moan and gasp as Y/n breaks the kiss, she kisses and suck on my neck. I moan as she marks my neck and claims me.
She kisses from my neck down to my chest. She leaves hickys on my chest. Y/n slips off my sports bra and tosses it off to the side. Y/n picks me up and kisses and sucks on my tits, I moan in pleasure as she does this.
Y/n walks us over to my bed and lays me on the bed. I make out with her and squeeze her ass, Y/n moans in the kiss as I squeeze her ass. I take off her shirt and sports bra and litter them on the floor next to the bed. 
Y/n pauses for a second. "I know we made a bet. Are you sure about this?" She asks making sure this is what I wanted.
I smile and nod. "Yes babe. I'm sure."
Y/n smiles and nods. Y/n kisses from my chest down to my stomach/ abs. I moan and run my fingers though her hair as she kisses and sucks on my abs leaving hickys.
She smirks and licks my abs and scratches them, I moan and get even more wet as she does this. This was a major turn on for me. Y/n kisses from my abs down to my Boxers, she kisses my pussy over my boxers. I moan as she does this.
"Y-Y/n... P-Please." I moan.
Y/n smirks and looks at me as she rubs my pussy over my boxers. "Please what baby?" She asks.
"Please stop teasing... I-I need you." I moan, begging for her touch. I was soaking wet and needed a release. 
Y/n smirks, she slides my boxers down my legs and tosses them off to the side. I moan as she licks my folds, Y/n giggles and swipes her finger up my folds collecting some of my juices on her finger.
"Fuck baby, you're soaking wet." Y/n says.
"Mmm all for you daddy." I say.
I moan as Y/n licks my folds. She smirks, she slips in a finger and slowly fingers me as she eats me out. I moan and run my fingers through her hair. Y/n locks eyes with me as she fingers me faster and continues to eat me out.
Fuck that's so sexy, I've never had a girl lock eyes with me while eating me out before. I could cum just from that alone, Y/n slips in a second finger and continues to go to town on my pussy fingering me faster and eating me out.
I moan, I rest my legs on her shoulders and wraps my thighs around her head. I roughly massage my tits and slowly grind against her face and fingers as she continues to eat me out and finger me.
"F-Fuck.... Mmm fuck right there just like that." I moan in pleasure.
I moan loudly in pleasure and grip the sheets as Y/n fingers me faster as she continues to eat me out. I moan as she rolls her tongue on my clit adding different amounts of pressure.
"Holy shit, Fuck daddy." I moan in pleasure.
Y/n sucks on my clit as she fingers me faster. I moan loudly in pleasure as I feel that familiar knot forming in my stomach.
"Fuck....Y/n baby I'm gonna cum." I moan.
Y/n continues to suck on my clit and fingers me even faster than before. I can't take it anymore, I cum all over Y/n's fingers, face, and chin. Y/n helps me ride out my high.
Y/n smirks, she takes her fingers out of me. Y/n licks and sucks my juices off her fingers and wipes my juices off her face. Y/n comes back up and kisses me, I moan in the kiss as I taste myself on her lips.
"Mmm you taste amazing baby." Y/n says.
I smile and kiss her. "Fuck you really know how to eat a girl out." I mutter panting and trying to catch my breath.
"Breathe baby, catch your breath. We will continues  once you get your breath back." Y/n smirks teasing my folds with her fingers.
I moan as she does this. "Y-Y/n don't t-tease." I moan.
*Y/n's Pov*
Fuck Sam was super wet. I smirk and tease her folds as she tries to catch her breath. "Y-Y/n don't t-tease." Sam cutely moans.
I giggle. "Sorry baby."
Sam catches her breath and flips us around. She was on top now. "Your turn now, I wanna get a taste of that dick."
Sam kisses me deeply, I smile in the kiss and kiss her back. Sam breaks the kiss and kisses my neck. I moan as she kisses and sucks on my neck leaving a few hickys. I moan as she leaves some hickys on my neck.
I moan as she leaves hickys on my neck claiming me. Fuck I really wanted her to claim me and make me hers. Sam kisses my neck down to my chest.
Sam kisses and sucks in my chest and boobs leaving hickys. I moan in pleasure as she does this.
"Mmm fuck." I moan.
Sam kisses my chest down to my toned stomach and abs. She kisses and sucks on my abs leaving hickys, I moan in pleasure as she does this and run my fingers through her hair. Sam's hair was in a ponytail, I take the hair tie out of her hair and let her hair down.
"Mmm sexy." I say.
Sam giggles and kisses my bulge over my shorts, I moan as she does this, she playfully tugs at the waist band of my shorts silently asking for permission. I nod, Sam slides my shorts and boxers down my legs and tosses them off to the side.
My dick springs out once it's freed from its confinement. "Wow baby you're huge." Sam says measuring my dick with her forearm.
I blush darkly at her comment. "T-Thanks." I stutter a bit.
Sam licks her palm, she wraps her hand around my dick and slowly strokes my dick. I moan as she does this.
"Mm fuck." I moan in pleasure.
Sam giggles and strokes my dick a bit faster, I moan in pleasure once I'm hard Sam takes my dick in her mouth and slowly bobs her head.
"Mmm fuck." I moan.
Sam hums against my dick and bobs her head a bit faster as she starts playing with my balls. I moan in pleasure and run my fingers through her hair.
"Mmm shit." I moan.
The tip of my dick hits the back of her throat, I moan and hold her hair up in a pony tail as she continues to give me head.
"F-Fuck." I moan as she bobs her head faster. "Fuck Sam, just like that." I moan.
Sam sucks the soul out of my dick and bobs her head faster and massages my balls, I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Sam baby, I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
Sam continues to give me head, I moan as I feel my balls tighten.
Throat pie:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load in her mouth. Sam chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth, Sam swallows my load and sucks me dry. Sam collects every last of my cum.
My dick falls from her mouth, Sam smiles and shows me a mouth full of cum. Some of my cum drips down her chin.
I smile and rub her chin. "Swallow my cum baby."
Sam smiles and swallows my cum. "Mmm daddy you taste good." Sam says.
I smile, and blush at her comment and her nick name. I grab the condom and the pill off the night stand but Sam takes it from me and throws them away.
"No pill and no condom." Sam says seductively.
I giggle and bite my lip. "Fucking hell that might've been the hottest thing I've heard."
Sam giggles, she joins me on the bed Sam lays on her side and scoots her ass back against me. Sam lifts her ass cheek up a bit.
I smirk and slide my dick Inside her wet pussy, I moan as her walls immediately clench around me. Sam moans as she takes my length deep inside her. I moan, I rest my head against hers and massage her tits as I slowly thrust in and out of her.
"Such a good girl." I tease her.
"Mmm fuck, all for you." Sam moans In pleasure.
I smirk and look into her eyes full of lust, as I continue to thrust in and out of her. I lift her leg up a bit as I thrust in and out of her tight wet pussy faster and faster.
Sam moans and looks deep into my eyes. "Mmm I've been such a naughty girl. Mmm fuck." Sam moans seductively.
I moan and thrust into her faster and faster, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. Sam moans and looks deep into my eyes as I continue to fuck her brains out.
"Fuck....fuck....fuck." Sam squeaks out with each thrust. Sam's mouth hangs open, her eyes roll to the back of her head as I continue to pound her pussy.
Sam moans and screams in pleasure as I hit her g spot. "Ahhh I'm gonna squirt." Sam moans in pleasure. I hold her leg up and thrust into her faster and harder, her boobs bounce up and down as I continue to fuck her.
I reach down and rub her clit with my thumb. Sam legs lean against mine. "Oh fuck." Sam shouts as she squirts like crazy all over the bed and sheets.
I smirk and kiss her neck and gently slap her pussy, Sam moans and shudders as I do this. I smirk and moan in her ear, I wrap my arm around her waist and continues to hold her leg up as I thrust in n's out of her harder and faster.
"Mmm fuck it feels so good." Sam cries out in pleasure.
I moan in pleasure and keep going. I moan as I feel myself getting close to cumming.
"Ahhh I'm close." I moan.
"Me too." Sam moans.
I moan in pleasure, my breathing gets heavier letting Sam know that I'm close to cumming.
"Yes cum in me. Cum in me." Sam moans begging for my load as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"S-Sam baby I'm gon-" I try to warn in her in time but I'm unable too.
Creampie #1:
I moan in pleasure and bust my load deep inside her. Sam moans and cums all over my dick, we both moan as I shoot ropes of cum deep inside her and paint her walls white.
"Mmm fuck there's so much cum." Sam moans in pleasure.
I moan and lean in and kiss her. I moan in the kiss as the last of my cum oozes inside her. I help her ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her.
Thick cum oozes out of her and drips down her thigh and onto the bed. "Fuck there's so much cum deep inside me." Sam moans in pleasure as my cum oozes inside her.
I smile and kiss her. "Mmm fuck baby, your pussy feels like heaven." I moan.
Sam giggles and kisses back. "Mmm you have amazing dick game."
"Yeah?" I ask laughing a bit.
"Yeah you can really make a girl cum." Sam says panting and trying to catch her breath.
Sam catches her breath, I smirk and lay her in Missonary. I rub my dick through her folds. I slowly slide my dick inside her. We both moan as her walls immediately clench around my dick.
"Mmm tell me when to move baby." I moan in pleasure
Sam nods, she takes a moment to adjust to my size. "Mmm fuck I thought you were big in my mouth but you feel even bigger inside me."
I smirk, I lean down and kiss her. Sam kisses back. "M-Move." Sam moans.
I rest my head against Sam's  and look deep into her eyes as I slowly thrust in and out of her.
*Sam's pov*
I moan in pleasure as Y/n slowly thrusts in and out of me. Fuck she's really deep inside me, I can feel her massive dick throbbing inside me. She really needed a release, I moan and rest my head against hers.
I look down and watch her dick slowly slide in and out of me. Fuck she was balls deep inside me, she was so sexy her cute moans as she thrust into me a bit faster than before.
I moan, I reach down and grip her ass as she thrusts into me a bit faster than before. I moan loudly in pleasure.
"Mmm fuck you're really deep in there." I moan in pleasure.
"Yeah? You like that baby? Daddy balls deep inside you stretching out your walls?" She questions as she goes faster and faster.
"Mmm I love it." I moan in pleasure as her balls slap against my skin and our moans fill the room. Fuck she was so sexy when she is a Dom. Her being a Dom made my legs weak and made me super wet.
It was a major turn on. I moan in pleasure, my walls clench around her. It's only been 10 minutes and I was already about to cum.
"Mmm someone close?" Y/n asks seductively.
"Mmm I'm close baby, I'm gonna cum." I moan in pleasure.
"Let go baby. Cum for daddy." Y/n sexily whispers in my ear.
I moan and she kisses on my neck leaving hickys. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Mmm I'm gonna squirt." I moan.
I squirt all over her abs, her dick and all over her thighs and all over the sheets. Y/n smirks and keeps going. Y/n goes at an angle and starts to hit my G spot.
Y/n and I both moan in pleasure. I moan and wrap my legs around her waist and pull her closer to me and leg trap her so she can't pull out.
"Mmm fuck so tight." Y/n cutely moans out in pleasure.
I pull her down and wrap my arms and legs around her as she continues to thrust in and out of me faster and harder. I moan and kiss her, we both moan in the kiss. She breaks the kiss and places her face in the crook of my neck.
Fuck she has amazing dick game. Y/n moan and kisses my neck as she thrusts in and out of me harder and faster. Her balls slap against my skin as our moans fill the room.
I feel her dick throbbing inside me, she was super hard and really needed a release.i moan as I feel that familiar knot forming in my stomach. I moan and grip the sheets.
"Y/n baby, I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
"Ugh me too baby." Y/n moans.
I feel her precum leak inside me letting me know that she was close to cumming and desperate needed a release. My legs shake in pleasure as she continues to pound my g spot.
I feel my walls clench around her dick. "Need to cum baby?" Y/n asks as she moans in pleasure.
"So damn bad." I moan in pleasure.
"Let go baby." Y/n moans as she fucks my brains out. I moan and squirt all over her abs and dick y/n moans in pleasure as she goes as fast and as hard as she can go.
Y/n's breathing gets heavier letting me know that she was close to cumming. "Yes, yes cum in me, I'm not letting you go until you cum in me." I moan in pleasure.
I was as I see pleasure on her face. Her face cutely contorts as she is about to bust her load deep inside me.
"Mmm f-fuck." Y/n cutely moans in pleasure.
I giggle. "Cum baby, cum in my slutty pussy."
*Y/n's pov*
I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. My breathing gets heavier letting her know that I was close to cumming.
"Yes, yes cum in me. I'm not letting you go until you cum in me." Sam moans in pleasure.
"Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure.
Sam giggles. "Cum baby, cum in my slutty pussy." Sam moans loudly in pleasure. Sam moans and leg traps me so I can't pull out.
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside Sam. Sam moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I dhoot ropes of cum deep inside her and paint her walls white.
"Mmm fuck." Sam moans.
I rest my head against hers as I continue to slowly thrust in and out of her slowly pumping her full of cum. I help Sam ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her.
Thick cum oozes out of her and onto the bed. We both lay there panting and trying to catch our breaths. "Fuck you are amazing in bed." Sam pants out.
I giggle and kiss her. "Mmm so are you." I smile and look into her eyes.
Sam giggles, she moves to the middle of the bed and gets on all fours. I bite my lip as she shakes her ass, some of my cum continues to ooze out of her and drips onto the sheets. I bite my lip and check out her ass. I smirk, I move behind her.
I slap her ass, Sam moans and jumps as I slap her ass.
"Fuck daddy I love when you spank me." Sam moans.
She moans as I slap her ass again.i smirk and rub my dick through her cum filled pussy.
"Such a good slut." I moan as I slide my dick back inside her cum filled pussy.
We both moan, I place my hand on her hip. I grab her hair with my other hand I wrap her hair around my hand. I slowly thrust in and out of her as I pull her hair.
"Fuck....fuck....fuck." Sam squeaks out with each thrust.
"Like that baby? Daddy's dick deep inside you stretching you out?" I ask teasing her.
Sam moans and nods. "Fuck yes, I love your dick deep inside me stretching me out."
Sam moans and throws her ass back against me as I continue to fuck her cum filled pussy faster and faster as I pull her hair.
I pull her close to me. We both moan as this causes my dick to go a bit deeper inside her. Shit this is so good I'm balls deep inside her.
"Shit I don't think I'll last long babe. Ugh your grip is amazing." I moan loudly in pleasure.
Sam giggles and moans throwing her ass against me sliding back and forth on my dick faster helping me out.
"I guess I should help you out and make you cum deep inside me huh?" Sam moans.
I moan loudly as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. Fuck her pussy was tight and warm and felt like heaven.
"Mmm I'm close." I moan.
"Ugh shit....me too." Sam moans.
I moan loudly my balls slapping against her skin as our moans fill the room. I moan loudly in pleasure her walls clench around my dick.
Sam throws her ass back against me as she slides back and forth on my dick faster and faster. Fuck shes really gonna make me cum.
"Ahh Sam baby I'm close." I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer.
Sam moans and goes faster and harder. I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming.
Sam screams in pleasure and squirts again. Sam squirts all over my dick, and on the bed sheets.
"Baby, I'm really close." I moan.
I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls as Sam goes faster and faster.
Creampie #3:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Sam moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her painting her walls white.
"Fuck I feel so full." Sam moans.
I smirk, I help Sam ride out her high. Once we both come down from our highs, I slowly pull out of her. Cum oozes out of her and glazes her folds and drips down her thighs and onto the bed.
I slap her ass again. Sam moans as I slap her ass, I lean down and kisses her ass. Sam moans as I lick her pussy from behind and lick up some of the cum, Sam gasps and moans and pushes her ass back against my face.
I wrap my arms around Sam from behind. I smile and kiss her back and neck, I pull her back and smirk as we are both laying in Reverse Cow Girl position.
I lay her on top of me, her back against my tits. I spread her legs with mine. I smirk as she's now in reverse cowgirl. Sam moans and shudders as I rub her clit with my dick. "Mmm fuck." She moans. I smirk as her legs shake and buckle in pleasure as I do this.
"Put it back in. Put it back in daddy." Sam cutely begs.
"Mmm yeah slut? You want daddy's dick back inside you?" I ask teasing her.
"Mmm fuck please daddy, Ive been such a good girl. I'm such a slut for your dick and cum. Please I want more." Sam says.
I smirk and grant her wish. I slide my dick back inside her, Sam moans as she takes my 11 inches back deep inside her. I moan as her walls immediately clench around me.
Sam moans and leans back against me as my dick is back inside her cum filled pussy. I place my hands on her hips, I spread her legs a bit more with mine and slowly thrust up into her pussy.
"Mmm fuck, right there. Ugh just like that." Sam moans.
I moan in pleasure and thrust up into her faster. My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room, fuck her pussy felt so good. She had amazing grip, her pussy felt like heaven. Mmm so Wet and warm.
"Fuck baby you're so tight and warm." I moan.
I thrust up into her faster and harder. Sam screams in pleasure and grips the sheets, I make her look at me and make out with her. We both moan in the kiss as I continue to bottom out in her pussy.
We break the kiss, we rest our heads against each other's. "Feels so good. Don't you dare fucking stop, don't you dare stop. we aren't stopping until you give me every last drop of cum." Sam moans in pleasure
I smirk. "Yeah slut? You want more, such a naughty girl."
We both moan as I thrust up into her pussy faster and harder. "Fuck, I'm gonna squirt!" Sam screams in pleasure
I smirk, I slap and tease her clit. Sam moans and shudders as I do this, Sam moans loudly in pleasure and squirts. I smirk as I feel some of her juices go on my thigh. She squirts on the blankets and sheets.
We both moan, I continue to thrust up into her faster and harder. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. "S-Sam baby I'm close." I moan.
"Me too. Don't stop don't stop." Sam moans.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. I rub her clit with my thumb at a fast pace. My breathing gets heavier letting Sam know that I was close to cumming.
"Yes cum in me, cum in me." Sam moans.
I moan loudly In pleasure as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampie #4:
I can't take it anymore, I thrust up into her and bust my load deep inside her. Sam moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as cum oozes and spurts inside her painting her walls white.
I slowly thrust up into Sam. I help Sam ride out her high. I slowly thrust up into her as the last of my cum oozes and spurts inside her.
I moan and slowly pull out of her, my dick falls limp. Cum immediately pours out of her. Cum coats her folds and drips onto the blankets and sheets.
"Mmm fuck there's so much. I feel so full With your cum inside me." Sam moans.
I smirk. "Good,I stuffed you full, like the loser slut you are." I say rubbing her sensitive clit.
Sam giggles and shudders as I do this. "Mmm fuck, that was amazing." Sam looks at me and smiles. "Wanna shower together?"
I smile and nod. We go into the bathroom and shower together, we get dressed. Sam changes into my clothes, I smile and kiss her deeply and lovingly.
"Mmm you look good in my clothes." I say.
Sam blushes and smiles. "Thank you babe."
I smile. "I can get used to this."
Sam smiles. "Me too." Sam rests her head against mine as we lay there and look into each others eyes. "Y/n, I've had the biggest crush on you.... Will you be my girlfriend?" Sam says.
I smile and nod. "Yes, hehe I had a crush on you too. Yes Sam, I'd love to be your girlfriend."
We smile and kiss again. We order breakfast, we go get coffee and do a little coffee date. We come back to her room and just cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the day.
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kwanisms · 2 years
Kinkuary 07 Yeosang — degradation // panties
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➥ dom!Yeosang × brat!Reader summary: Yeosang hates it when his girlfriend talks back so he decides to shut her up so he can use her without her running her mouth like the little brat she is. wc: 3.8k warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, sexual content (minors dni!): dom!Yeosang, bratty!Reader, degradation (use of slut, whore, dirty/naughty girl, bitch, etc), Yeosang goes feral when the reader wears his favorite lingerie, use of panties as a gag, fingering, protected sex (reader is on birth control), a couple spanks, some hair pulling, Yeosang goes hard and rough but the aftercare is incredible and the post nut snuggles are 👌🏻 Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped @dejavernon Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @drunk-on-dk @violagoth @mixling-blog Ateez taglist: @2hodefender @babyhailey819 @foxylilbitch @rdiamond2727 @indigo35 @sanjoongie @moonlightsora MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Join the taglist!
a/n: i didnt mess up this time and remembered to finish editing the whole thing! Lmao anyway I almost made this a dom!Reader but I suck at writing those because I've never dommed in my life lmao plus, the idea of being a brat to Yeosang and having him shove my panties in my mouth to shut me up is top tier in my honest opinion. But don't worry, there will be more dom!Reader content later this month! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
“Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?”
Yeosang sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes.
‘I love my girlfriend. I love my girlfriend,’ he told himself repeatedly in his head.
And it was true. He really did love you. You were one of the few people in the world that truly understood him.
It was rare for him to find someone who understood his humor, or could relate to him on a deeper level than whether or not they like pancakes or waffles more.
He’d never met someone he wanted to spend hours upon hours talking to about anything and everything until he met you.
He’d have to send Wooyoung another thank you card for bringing you to him.
Your existence was truly a blessing to Yeosang, but sometimes it was a curse.
Particularly when you were being a brat. Like right now.
God, when you acted like a brat, it drove Yeosang up the wall but he wasn’t above putting you in your place.
“Please, Y/N,” Yeosang tried again, attempting to be reasonable and not snap.
“Today is not the day to get on my bad side.”
He could see the way you tried to hide a smirk. ‘Goddamn it.’
“Oh really? And why is that?” you asked, sitting up on the bed in your shared bedroom.
Yeosang curled his fingers into his palms, balling his hands into fists.
You were really testing his patience today and he was over it.
“Y/N, honey, please. Just do this for me and don’t question me,” he asked, pleading with you to listen.
“Oh, breaking out the pet names now?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“You really think that’s gonna sway me?”
‘Oh, that’s it.’
Yeosang moved in an instant, pushing you back onto the bed, climbing on top of you and hovering over you.
“I asked you nicely three times. You know what happens when you don’t listen?”
You tried to push him off you but he grabbed your wrists, pinning them above your head and pushing your thighs apart with his knee.
“Let me go,” you hissed, trying to pull free but he wasn’t going to give in easily.
“I’m gonna teach you a lesson,” he growled, sitting back and shifting as he pulled you up, dragging you over his lap until your ass was in front of him.
“Yeos-AAH!” You cried out as his hand made contact with your ass, the sound ringing out.
“Count,” he ordered. You looked over your shoulder at him. “No,” you replied defiantly. Yeosang’s eyes narrowed and he landed another smack on your ass.
You cried out again, skin tingling from the pain. “Stop it!” You tried wriggling in his grasp but Yeosang held you still. “If you won’t hold still, I’ll tie you down!” He growled. “I’d like to see you try!” You hissed.
Yeosang threw you back onto the bed, getting up and moving to the dresser that stood against the wall. He pulled out something long and red and before you had a chance to get away, he had both your wrists bound together with the red satin rope and was using the tail to tie you to the footboard.
“Let me go, Yeosang!” You said, pulling on the rope and trying to yank it free but knowing your boyfriend, he tied the knot too well for it to just come loose.
You looked up at him, watching the way his chest rose and fell with each labored breath. His hair was tussled, strands falling into his face. He combed his fingers through his hair, pushing the stray strands away.
“Now you should calm down,” he said, kneeling on the bed.
“Like hell I will!” You growled at him. You felt another sharp smack to your bottom, making you moan this time. “I told you I’d teach you a lesson,” he said, moving to kneel behind you. “What are you doing?” You asked, trying to look over your shoulder at him. You felt his hands on your hips, smoothing over your shorts.
“Did you know you’re soaked through your shorts?” Yeosang asked, eyeing the wet patch where your crotch was. “No I didn’t,” you protested.
“Then did you piss yourself?” He demanded. “No!”
Yeosang returned his gaze to your clothed pussy.
“Then let’s have a look,” he said, grabbing the waistband of your shorts and yanking them down with your underwear, exposing your obviously wet pussy to him.
“Yeosang!” You said indignantly, cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“So you’re telling me you aren’t wet right now?” He asked, inspecting you, bringing a finger to your clit and swiping over it, collecting some of your arousal.
Your body jolted at the sensation and you dropped your head, letting out a whimper.
You heard Yeosang chuckle from behind you. Your head snapped back up. “What’s so funny?” You asked.
“You are,” he said, smoothing his hand over your ass, admiring the marks from spanking you just moments ago.
“How am I funny?” You demanded, still trying to glance back at Yeosang.
You felt him get off the bed and tried twisting to see where he went.
Suddenly you felt his hand close around one of your ankles and tug, forcing you to fall onto the mattress and a yelp to erupt past your lips. With you stretched out, he removed your shorts and panties fully.
“You could have asked for my help!” you whined, rolling onto your side to look at him. Your eyes widened when you realized he was holding your panties in his hand, staring at them intently. His head turned slowly to gaze at you, making you feel smaller and like prey caught in a trap and a predator happened upon you.
“So you thought you’d just wear these and I wouldn’t find out?” Yeosang asked, his voice low as he walked around to the footboard of the bed. You swallowed the lump in your throat, your words failing you.
In his hand was a pair of black mesh panties. They were part of a set that Yeosang had claimed was his favorite one and one you knew he loved to see you wear. The back was made up of a complex mess of straps while the front was the mesh material. The matching bra, which you were indeed wearing, was the same black mesh with straps made from a soft black elastic,
Yeosang grabbed your shirt by the hem and pulled it over your head, letting it fall onto your arms.
“You were prepared,” he said admiring the black mesh and the way it looked against your skin.
“You planned this, didn’t you?” He asked. You shook your head. “No. My comfy set is in the wash,” you answered. It was the truth. Your comfiest set of underwear was in the wash and this was the next most comfortable.
“Sounds like a lie,” he said, walking back around to the side of the bed and climbing on behind you.
“It’s the truth!” You whined as he grabbed your hips and pushed you onto your stomach before he pulled you up onto your knees, keeping your chest pressed against the mattress.
Yeosang scoffed, not buying your explanation. “Uh-huh. Sure it is, slut,” he said. You opened your mouth to talk back but gasped when you felt him pull your ass back against him, grinding his hard erection into you.
He leaned over, a smirk on his face. “What, no witty comeback?” He asked before pressing a kiss to your shoulder and leaning closer to your ear. “Color?”
That was something you loved about Yeosang. No matter what role he slipped into, he made sure to check with you that you were okay. You’d both decided to use the color system in addition to a safeword. When he wasn’t sure whether or not to continue, he’d ask you for a color. Green for good, yellow for change, and red for stop.
“Green,” you whispered, trying to hide your smile as he pulled himself upright.
“God,” he said, looking down where your wet heat had rubbed against his pants, leaving a noticeable wet patch.
“You’re so wet that you could soak my pants,” he said, giving your hips a firm squeeze.
“I bet you’re so wet you could take my cock right now without any prep,” he added, moving his hands to your ass and spreading you so he could see your cunt unobstructed. “Wanna test it?” He asked, a hint of amusement to his voice.
“You wouldn’t,” you said, voice shaking. His hands were so close to where you wanted them yet so far from giving you any sort of friction.
“I wouldn’t?” Yeosang asked, fingers digging into your skin, nails leaving crescent shapes behind.
“You don’t have it in you,” you said, your words hitting him unprepared. “You’re so whipped for this pussy.”
Without a word, Yeosang shoved two fingers into your dripping cunt, making you gasp.
“You mean this pussy?” He asked, curling his fingers slightly, making you whimper. “The one I’m going to fuck until I’ve pumped it full of my cum? The one that only I get to fuck? That pussy?”
You moaned, walls clenching around his fingers. “The-ng- the only way you’re getting it is by tying me down, Yeosang,” you replied, your hands balling into fists as Yeosang slowly pumped his fingers in and out of you.
“To teach you a lesson,” he retorted. “You’re being such a damn brat.”
You let a giggle slip out as you pushed back into his hand and just as quickly as he filled your cunt with his fingers, he left it empty, making you whine.
“Only good girls get to cum,” he said, leaning over your back as he brought his fingers to your mouth. “Open.”
You turned your head, refusing to obey him. “Don’t make me ask again, Y/N,” he growled, grabbing your chin with the other hand and bringing his fingers to your lips. “Open your fucking mouth, slut.”
He held your chin in place as you reluctantly parted your lips, allowing him to push his fingers into your mouth and onto your tongue, making you taste yourself. “Clean them,” he barked. Rather than make a fuss as his fingers were already in your mouth, you obeyed, tongue swirling around his fingers and sucking your arousal off them.
Yeosang released your chin, pleased with your compliance but he knew it wouldn’t last. It never did with you.
You, who liked to push his buttons. You, who liked to talk back and make things much more difficult than they needed to be. You were defiant in every way and tonight, Yeosang would finally put you in your place. If that was with a rough fucking, then so be it.
You opened your mouth, tilting your head back to show him that you could listen. He pulled his fingers from your mouth. “See?” You said, eyes shutting, quite pleased with yourself. “I can listen when I want to,” you added.
“So it would seem,” Yeosang said softly, his fingers keeping your mouth open as he looked inside it.
Without warning, he shoved something into your mouth, causing you to cry out in shock and your eyes to open.
“Don’t you dare push that out,” he growled, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. The ferocity in his voice made your legs quiver, sending chills up your spine. He’d never been so rough before and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t excite you.
Yeosang waited for you to nod before his expression softened. “Green?” He asked softly. You nodded again and he let go of you.
“I’m gonna fuck that attitude out of you,” he said in that same tone from before.
You heard the sound of his belt and a zipper being pulled before a slight rustle of cloth. Assuming he pushed his pants down, you waited for him to enter you, bracing yourself as you felt the tip of his cock rub against you ever so slightly but made no move to push into you.
After a couple moments, you opened your mouth to ask what the hold up was but found yourself unable to speak as Yeosang suddenly rammed into you, a scream ripping from your throat.
“Oh that’s new,” Yeosang said with a chuckle. “I’ve never made you scream before.”
“Mmhhmm,” you moaned, the sound muffled by the panties stuffed in your mouth. Your walls clenched around him as you tried to adjust to the sudden intrusion.
“Have I rendered you speechless in one thrust?” He asked in a mockingly sweet tone. “Where’s that attitude now?”
He didn’t give you a chance to respond, even with the gag, before he started a punishing pace, his hips hitting your ass with each hard thrust. “I knew you’d take my cock easily,” he said, his breathing shaky as he continued to pound into you.
“Such a receptive little slut,” he purred, one hand tangling in your hair and pulling back, arching your back and making you moan again as his hips continued their assault. “Still green, baby?” He whispered near your ear, loosening his grip on your hair so you could nod quickly. “Good girl,” he said, a rare praise that made your heart swell and sent butterflies to your stomach.
His grip tightened and he pulled back again.
Moans left your mouth, muffled by your gag, with each hard thrust he gave you. His cock hit deeper than he’d ever hit before, making you see stars in your vision. You could feel something running down the inside of your thighs and assumed it was your own arousal. “F-fuuuck,” Yeosang groaned from behind you.
“You take my cock so well. Such a greedy little cunt you have,” he added, punctuating his sentence with a harsh thrust. He looked down where your bodies connected and was surprised to see how you’d gotten even wetter as he fucked you.
“Looks like you’re making a mess. You’re so fucking filthy,” he scoffed. “What a dumb, dirty little whore. You like being used like this?” He asked, leaning forward and pulling your head back to look up at him.
You were an absolute vision. Black panties shoved into your mouth, cheeks red and eyes glossed over. “Shit, look at you,” Yeosang said, a smirk forming on his face. “You love this, don’t you? Being tied up and letting me use this tight little hole, you just love it don’t you?”
You couldn’t respond, even if you didn’t have your panties in your mouth.
Yeosang's hips slowed to a stop, making you ask what he was doing, albeit in a very muffled voice.
When he didn’t answer, you pushed back against him, urging him to move. You felt his hand make contact with your ass cheek, your body reacting and a moan sounding from your throat.
“Are you that needy you have to fuck yourself on my cock? Can’t wait for me?”
You shook your head, knowing if he thought you didn’t need him to move, he’d make you do all the work.
Yeosang let out a growl, resuming the same unrelenting pace from before.
“You’re lucky I’m not in the mood to play,” he panted.
His hands held your hips, pulling you back to meet each thrust, making more muffled moans slip past your gag. You dug your fingers into the sheets, trying to ground yourself against his force.
“That’s it,” he groaned. “Just sit there and take what I give you, stupid slut,” he growled.
Your head dropped, forehead resting against your forearms, eyes shutting as you lost yourself in the feeling of his cock dragging against your walls with each thrust, the head hitting your most sensitive spots. You weren’t going to last if he kept going like this.
“You falling asleep?” He asked, the dominant tone in his voice gone. It was replaced by pure concern.
You lifted your head, shaking it and putting his worry at ease.
“Green?” He asked, confirming you were still good. You nodded again.
“Good, I’m close. Are you close?” He whispered. You nodded with a moan, your walls squeezing him as your orgasm drew closer and closer.
Yeosang reached around your stomach, darting between your thighs and finding your clit and drawing circles in time with his thrusts. You let out a cry, body tensing as your climax started to wash over you. “That’s it, come for me,” Yeosang whispered, his lips inches from your ear. “Good girl. You did so well.”
The soft tone of his voice as he coaxed you through your orgasm had your mind reeling, thighs squeezing together as the aftershocks of your high rolled over you.
The constant convulsing of your cunt around his cock pushed Yeosang over the edge and he came inside you, filling your heat with his load as he continued to thrust erratically, fucking his cum further into you as a small amount spilled out of your used hole, rolling down your thighs and dripping onto the bed below.
“Fuck!” Yeosang growled, his hips finally stilling and his cock buried deep inside your already full cunt.
He pulled his hand away from your swollen and sensitive clit, pulling your panties from your mouth and tossing them somewhere in the room. He’d worry about them later.
“Talk to me baby,” he murmured, pressing light kisses to your shoulder. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, body shaking as you tried to keep yourself up but your thighs were numb and shaking.
“I can’t feel my legs,” you muttered. Yeosang pulled out of you, wincing as more of his cum spilled out of you. He was gonna have to wash the sheets tonight.
“Hang on, baby,” he said, pulling his pants up and zipping them up. He moved around the bed to untie you from the footboard. He worked quickly, untying your wrists and pulling the rope from them, letting it fall to the floor. Another thing he’d worry about later.
He carefully laid you down on your side, hands moving to massage your thighs. “I’ll be right back,” he said softly, getting up from the bed and disappearing into the bathroom.
You heard the water running and a moment later, he reappeared, stripping himself of his clothes and pulling on clean ones.
He returned to your side, taking your wrists gently in his hands and rubbing the marks from the ropes.
“Was it too tight?” He asked, looking into your face. You shook your head. “No. Was perfect. Thank you,” you mumbled sleepily. Yeosang cupped your cheek, leaning over to press a kiss to your lips. “Stay awake, baby. You can’t go to sleep yet.”
“But ‘m so sleepy,” you whined. Yeosang chuckled, the hand on your cheek moving to comb through your hair. “I know sweetheart, but I can’t let you sleep until after I care for you. Can you walk?”
You shook your head again. “Legs don’t work.”
Yeosang stood up, scooting you towards the edge of the bed before lifting you carefully and carrying you into the bathroom. He set you on your feet, keeping you upright as the blood started to work its way back into your legs. He helped you lift your leg and lowered you into the hot bath water before turning it off.
“I’ll be right back,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hair and disappearing through the door.
You inspected your wrists, the red marks from the rope starting to dissipate. You stretched your legs, trying to get the blood flowing again.
Yeosang returned after a few minutes, during which you were able to get your legs working. “You okay?” He asked, kneeling by the side of the tub, setting a fresh towel and clean clothes on the closed lid of the toilet.
“‘M okay, Yeo,” you affirmed, smiling at your boyfriend. He leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss.
“You want to stay in there a little longer or get out?” He asked, nodding at the tub. “I could stay a little longer,” you answered. Yeosang moved to sit on the side of the tub, grabbing your favorite bath sponge. “Then lean forward for me a little bit?” He asked, smiling when you obliged him without fuss.
He carefully scrubbed and massaged your back, fingers working over your shoulders as well. Watching your reaction, Yeosang dragged the mesh sponge down your chest, past your stomach and between your legs. Your lips parted in a sigh as he worked the sponge against your skin soothingly, scrubbing off any remnants of his and your cum. He left no spot untouched and kept going until the water started to cool down.
Once you were clean, he pulled the plug and helped you stand, grabbing the towel and wrapping it around you. It wasn’t the first time Yeosang had helped dry your body and it wouldn’t be the last.
After he was certain you were sufficiently dry, he helped you dress, allowing you to hold his shoulder to keep balance as he held your underwear for you to step into, pulling it up and doing the same for your shorts. Your shirt was the easy part,
He led you back into the bedroom and you saw he’d pulled the sheets and put fresh ones on. He sat you down and sat next to you, grabbing a bottle of water from the side table where a plate of fruit sat as well.
You looked at him as he twisted the cap off the bottle of water.
“You always take such good care of me,” you muttered as he handed you the water, grabbing the plate of fruit and snacking on a grape.
“Well,” he said, swallowing his bite. “I may call you mean things during sex,” he explained.
“But you’re still my baby girl,” he added in a much quieter voice. “I wouldn’t be a very good boyfriend if I didn’t pamper you after what I just put your body through.”
You smiled again, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips. “Thank you, Yeo,” you whispered.
The two of you finished off the fruit and water before climbing into bed. Yeosang reached over to turn off the lamp beside the bed, throwing the room into darkness before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close.
“Yay,” you said softly, making him chuckle. “What?” He asked.
“This is my favorite part,” you replied. “What is? Sleeping?” Yeosang asked with a laugh.
“No,” you answered. “The snuggles.” Yeosang smiled at you in the darkness, kissing your hair.
“Ahh, the snuggles,” he repeated, you nodding in response.
“Yeah, post nut snuggles are the best.”
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bambiesfics · 11 months
do u have any headcanons for loser ellie? <3
Sorry if these arent as yummy, I just woke up and I’m so eepy. But these are what I could think up <3 This is such a random collection of thoughts but!
- I think Ellie has a red Coca-Cola themed mini fridge in her room where she stores monster energy drinks and her elf bars so they pull cool when she smokes them.
- She has a vision of -2.00 in one eye and -2.50 in the other eye, but hates putting on her glasses because she’s afraid it makes her look nerdier than she already is.
- She doesn’t use conditioner, only shampoo. And when girls at school flirt with her and ask how her hair is so soft she just tugs on a tiny lock of it and awkwardly tries to avoid eye contact. “Uh-I uh…I dunno. Do you think it’s soft?”
- She falls in love fast, and hard. An absolute master at obsessing over someone so much so that thinking about her crush at night time has been her favorite mechanism to fall asleep at since she was in middle school.
- She owns like 4 pairs of converses and only one pair of doc martens. She still winces thinking about the amount she spent on those. She’s had the same shoe size since she was in middle school so all her converses are beat up.
- Her preferred method of masturbating is angrily fingering herself and she usually does it with a pillow over her head. She’s always pissed after, she doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s because of the sudden dopamine drop from her nut. Or maybe it’s because she’s tired of imagining fucking the same girls she can’t have & who will never want her back. There’s only so many times she can imagine eating a pretty girl’s butt until they squirt on her glasses before she starts getting pissed that it isn’t actually happening, mid-masturbation sesh. She grinds her g-spot until she cums, lazily rinses her hands, and just lies face down on her pillow in a stiff plank position.
- She listens to 40 year old dad rock the most. Think Aerosmith, Depeche mode, Papa roach, Deftones (she has a complex about that) and Alice in Chains. She’d slowly built up a collection of her most loved songs since she was 12 years old. So all her favourite bands and artists are a collection of music she holds near and dear to her heart. Don’t don’t even try it though, it doesn’t matter if you listen to those bands too, you cannot suggest one North American song to Ellie that she hasn’t already heard of. She’ll always know more music than you, even though her Spotify music obscurity rating is like top 6%
- She oddly knows more pop songs than you too. Even though she doesn’t listen to them nearly as much.
- She has slight ringing in her left ear from how loud she usually blasts her headphones at night. Sometimes when the noise really pisses her off, she leaps off her bed and loads up her playstation instead. Which then lead to 10am’s the very next day where her eye bags are a deep purple and she walks through the halls like a freckled ghoul.
- she uses the broken skateboard she used to skate when she was 17, as decoration in the corner for her room.
- she has 17 Etsy bookmarks saved from different tarot love spell practitioners. One time she dm’d one and just went into very scary explicit detail about how she wanted you to notice her, where the scene would be, what she’d be wearing, the first time you’d let her give you head, the fact that you’d be ovulating (that one was really important), and what type of pregnancy cravings you’d have when the inevitable happened and she married you (you weirdly had cravings for her current fav snacks: snickers and carton almond milk).
- she also knows she’s a loser. Scarily self aware girl.
- One time her and her counsellor just stared at each other, and blinked back and forth the entire sesh.
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small-sinclair · 8 months
More Band!Au Sinclair HCs that no one asked for:
Au belongs to: @arkunder
Bo and Lester had a drinking contest on stage. Vincent was so disappointed.
They play rock-paper-scissors if one of them has to do an interview.
Ask Vincent about his hidden goldfish snacks! He has them hidden everywhere. He’ll just pull a little bag out of nowhere sometimes.
Bo is, indeed, in therapy. Not for drinking but for mental health.
They once live streamed Bo and Vincent playing chess for a charity event. They are both really good at playing.
Lester went off stage for a moment and came back with nachos. He didn’t play the drums for a set, so the twins did the heavy lifting.
The three brothers had the world’s hottest soup to see who can eat more. No one was surprised when Lester won.
They actually love playing catch! They have baseball gloves and a ball they bring. Before a show, they play catch and chill.
Vincent has a base that looks like a mermaid tail.
They went to a nursing home and played for an elder fan. She was 97 year old and loved heavy metal music. She died a few days after later. In honor of her, Vickey wrote a song and named it after her: “Lilith”.
One time, someone passed a fiddle to the stage and Bo took it. He opened up the case and started tearing into it. The crowd went nuts.
They have sibling tattoos. Bo has a sun, Vincent has a moon, and Lester has a star. It’s on their back.
Bo once sung in French during a song out of boredom. The girls and the gays went nuts.
Vincent likes smoking lavender cigarettes.
A kid placed a flower crown on Lester’s head. He nearly cried.
During a meet and greet at a convention, Bo held a crying baby and calmed them down to let the staff member take a little break.
Whenever they go to award shows, Bo wears his black suit and tie; Vincent wears a three piece suit with a Vincent von Gough themed tie; and Lester is in his finest blue jeans, shiny cowboy boots, a nice plaid, and wears his Luisiana belt buckle.
During an outside show, Lester came on stage with an opossum in his arms. Where did it come from? No one knows.
Whenever Vincent goes out to do charity work and Bo comes with him, the twins like to have fun! They’ll color and play with the kids, let them draw on their arms, and put things in their hair. At the end of the day, they do a group photo with everyone they spent time with and hang the photo in the bus. Vincent puts one in his base case.
Bo has an emotional support stuffie named Snuffles. It’s an alligator.
Vincent stopped the show and hopped off stage. Someone brought their cat and he wanted to pet it.
Speaking of cats, whenever they do an outdoor show, Vincent found a kitten stuck in the sound system under the stage. He crawled under the stage and brought them out. Shes named Soundwave and is loved by Jonesy and the fans.
Bo loves playing the piano before the show starts. He’ll come out in his heavy metal outfit and sits next to the keyboard and play classical music like Mozart.
On Saturdays during the summer, they take the day to go to farmer markets and pop-up sales in the little towns by the city. They wear ‘disguises’ when they go. Some people are able to figure them out, some don’t.
When Louisiana flooded, the boys went back home and helped cleaned up the town (I’m assuming Ambrose is still an alive town). Bo helps rebuild houses and sheds, Lester helps cleaning the mud and the muck along with returning any loose critters to the DNR for recovery, and Vincent cooks d and pass out food at a crisis center. If they have to, they’ll give blood.
Whenever they go home to Ambrose, everyone treats them normal as if they’re not famous. It gives them some space to breathe.
They don’t stay for too long, maybe a weekend or a week. If they stay longer, Bo is down at the garage, Vincent is in the art and hobby store, and Lester cleans up the roads and road kill. They also take this time to help their next door neighbor, Mr. and Mrs. Lane. They’re like grandparents to them.
They live in their own house while Trudy and their father are in the house from the movie. Because Trudy doesn’t approve of them doing this, she doesn’t visit them, and Victor ignores them.
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trashlie · 8 months
Love and Deepspace Thoughts
I promised some thoughts about Love and Deepspace and we're a week into the game and I think I can finally ramble about it for a while. I've been immensely enjoying myself and screaming daily with my friends lol and I think I've been able to formulate my thoughts pretty well! Idk how many people actually wanna read this, but I always love to have a record of my thoughts - especially something this early in game, because knowing papergames, there's going to be so much angst, so many twists and turns, and I'm already seeing a lot of threads of how things could play out and I like to be able to look back and see how wrong I was lol.
I play on the North American server and have completed chapter 7, so this will be full of spoilers for story content, as well as a lot of spoilers for anecdotes, tender moments, and some of the myth stuff - I'll try to denote where I'll mention certain spoilers in case you're trying avoid certain things, but it'd be impossible to write all of my sincere thoughts and capture all of what I really love and am looking forward to without spoilers, unfortunately.
Below will have a lot of thoughts on the current LIs as well as speculation about the 2 coming LIs, as well as their dynamics, and further speculation on where I think - or maybe just would like to see - the story could be going. To be clear, I have not cleared all anecdotes or myths, as I'm trying to savor things and good lord I cannot pull all those cards; a lot of this is compilation between my experiences as well as @poisonheart and further things I've read and discussed in the server. I will also be approaching this as a longtime player of MLQC, papergames' other otome game, because I cannot help but see the comparisons between the game and sing the praises of where I feel like they've grown and refined, but I don't think you'll need to have played MLQC to read this - you can honestly just ignore those bits lol >A<
What I can outright, sans spoilers, say is that I'm really enjoying Love and Deepspace so much and I think that it's come at a really good time for me, personally, as a MLQC player, because there's so much in game that's been completed and we're basically going through the motions doing our dailies, waiting for our new chapter events or participating in the occasional events (if you aren't hoarding resources for SP wish tree events) so it feels SO refreshing to dive into a new game that takes place in the same universe/world but have so much new stuff to uncover, so much new lore, new characters to meet and get to know. In MLQC I have a very clear favorite, but so far in LADS, I find that while I think I might have a favorite, I really enjoy all three LIs so much and I don't feel bad when I pull someone else's card, because it means I get to gobble all the lore! I don't feel like "UUUGGHH THIS GUY" when we get to X's chapter route. Perhaps it's just that LADS really caters to specific tropes and cliches in a way that I enjoy, but I feel so much like they've done these characters great justice! This goes for the MC, too, who doesn't feel at all like a cookie cutter MC meant to be a stand in for our own self-insert, but rather has a lot of personality of her own, is feisty and discerning.
Also, I gotta give a lot of props to the character customization features. I understand why people are upset that you can only change your hair and hair color in the photobooth function, but we rarely see MC out of that feature - so much of the game is in first person POV - and the times that we do see her, she's seen from the back, so maintaining the same hair for all characters allows them to keep something they can use for her stand in in such scenarios. But the customization is legit nuts! You can do so much with it, I spent so long tweaking mine the day before the game launched! I want to make side accounts I will never play just to play with that function lol
But let's get into the good stuff!
I really cannot sing the praises for the LIs enough, and that's going to be the bulk of what I'll talk about, because even this early in game, there's so much nuance to the LIs in both their characters as well as their dynamics with MC. Everyone brings a little something different to the table, and with what little we know of the upcoming LIs, I think even if for some reason the current LIs don't work for people, maybe the new ones might? But personally, I am so invested in all three of them! While I think I have a definite ranking in favor forming, it's not like it means I dislike any of them at all, and I'm always so eager to learn more!
One thing I'd like to mention before getting into it is that I love the inclusion of the myth cards, and though they are treated as alternate universes, I think it's more like they are previous or parallel timelines, but I'll try to get into that a little more as I talk about the characters!
From what I can see so far, I think Rafayel is one of the more popular fans with the North American/English-speaking fanbase - and it's not hard to see why! He's sassy, provides good comedy, he's fun to bully, and he's really pouty. I had a feeling he would be my favorite from the get go, just because I tend to have a thing for really pathetic men lmao and I have SUCH a fondness for him. I said I think I have a ranking forming, but it feels WRONG to rank them because that's how much I really like them, but if I had to, Rafayel's #2 position is really, REALLY close to #1! But the thing is, it's not just because of all of those traits above. I'd argue that he's one of the characters who has a lot of iceberg depth, as in there's a lot of depth to him that may get ignored or glossed over because of the sass and brattiness that accompanies, or even masks, it. As poisonheart puts it, the comedy hides the pain - and Rafayel comes with a LOT of pain! There's a delicious complexity to him where he is one part needy and clingy, but also one part resentful and hurt. MC made a promise that she doesn't recall - whether it was in this life or another - and you really get the sense that Rafayel wants to settle the score, but at the same time his feelings get in the way of those bitter, hurt feelings, and I really enjoy this complexity a lot! I think it elevates all of the sassiness, gives it a purpose and meaning.
Take his Nightly Stroll Bond: on the one hand it comes across as comedic and even manipulative -and it is! But when you get into it, you understand why. That's not to say if I think there's justification for manipulation because that's not what I'm here for; I'm just here for a good time and a good time I'm having. But when Rafayel says "It's been 800 years!" I don't think that's an exaggeration - he just isn't talking about just the day that he waited. Is faking an injury/illness and checking himself into a hospital overkill? Sure lol but that's what makes him so delightful to me. There's all of this hurt and unaddressed resentment, but as much as that, there's all of these feelings! Because even though he's hurt, he CARES about MC, SO MUCH. That's the problem! It would be easier if he didn't care, but he does. He's so needy, so clingy, he wants her attention because he's waited for so long while she was off, having forgotten him, living a life that abandoned and left him behind while he waited and waited and listen ;~; my stinky fish man I'm so sorry I cannot wait for her to learn the truth. I want to know SO BADLY what happened! When did they meet, anyway? He makes a comment on the homescreen when he's sulking lol about "See you in three months... three minutes, landlubber"
And listen, idk what anyone else thinks, but the end of chapter 7 had me in my FEELINGS, with the way he tried to leave her at the bottom of the ocean - but he couldn't, because of their promise, because he's unable to go back on it, because even though she forgot all about him and their promise and went about her life without a memory of him, he can't do that. It's the hurt! It's the resentment! It's the confliction between his feelings, because it seems like they take up equal space - his hunger for her attention, for what feels like she was so fickle to give and take away, the way she meant so much to him and he feels like it wasn't the same ;A;
(I've contemplated how possible it is that they met when she was younger, before she was attacked in the Wanderer incident 14 years ago, and if that could somehow have affected her memory, but I feel like it must be something greater, because seeing the fish glow in his heart means the vow they made was binding, so something strong must've caused her to forget. But that's also why I've contemplated if this was in another life? I'm less sure about this, because in Rafayel's second anecdote, he crosses paths with MC at university, though of course she doesn't recognize or recall him, and he specifically recognizes her voice. "Though her voice has matured, her pronunciation, enunciation, the rhythm of her speech, and even the emphasis in her sentences... Every word strikes like a drumbeat, awakening long-buried memories in his mind" It feels more likely that it happened while they were younger. Also I feel like this passage really encompasses her significance, that he can recall these details, to recognize them after so much time ;~; stinky fish you make my heart ache ;~;)
I appreciate so much that they've given Rafayel so much depth, that under the comedy of his pathetic, sulky exterior is so much reason for it, that there's an undercurrent of resentment and something dark - after all, we haven't actually uncovered what happened with the painting and Raymond. We saw the mermaid skeleton in his house - was Rafayel seeking revenge for his people?
But Rafayel also shows tremendous emotional sensitivity, in ways that sometimes catch me off guard. I distinctly remember lol sitting in shock after 4-3, and the text from Rafayel that pops up asking MC if she got the thing, telling her about how he asked a seagull to send a white seallshell why hasn't it arrived yet lol and I remember going "NOT NOW RAFAYEL READ THE ROOM ;~;" and then he goes on, telling her "if you draw on it and put it into the ocean the sea will carry the feelings you poured into the drawing to the soul you yearn for" and I just started SOBBING lol ;~; It was just so.... poignant but so simple. He didn't say I'm sorry for your loss or my condolences or anything like that - it was his own chaotic, weird method, but it was sincere. Likewise, he shows that similar sincerity in Ocean At Night, despite initially dismissing paper lanterns as silly human traditions - a lantern will be blown out why would you put all your hope in something so fleeting - coming around to using his own flame, that will never go out, to light a lantern for MC with the prayer that her hopes will never go out. ;~; Listen, I cried. I was TENDER my heart was soggy ;~;
And while I know people love a good pathetic man and enjoy chaotic sass and the fact that we really, truly NEVER know where his plots are going to go lmao - always an adventure with him - I hope they appreciate that depth and don't disavow the darker elements of him that give reason to those core elements of him. Rafayel is a character that carries his hurt and bitterness on his sleeve, rather than hiding it or shoving it away, and I really look forward to exploring it and all the messiness it has to offer, and how it will play out for MC.
On the very far end of the spectrum is Zayne. He's the character I expected to not be too fond of, so I was so pleasantly surprised as we got to know him to find myself proven wrong! I expected him to be... hm... I guess colder? More prickly? Than he turns out to be? And, admittedly, he is still rather aloof and cold on the surface, but I think it helps that he and MC have that history and that we are introduced very early to them through the A Frozen Promise Bond. It made it readily apparent that Zayne was not a cold and aloof person because he was too lofty or something but rather... it just seemed like maybe he'd been someone more awkward when he was younger, someone who didn't know how to connect very well with the daughter of this family friend, but he still tried. The snow seal took me out, you guys ;~; I never moved on from that!!!!!!
Despite seeming so cold, there's a certain kind of warmth to Zayne, just under the surface. He shows his care and concern in the ways he knows best, as MC's PCP, caring about her well being and health, but their Tender Moments are a collection of wonderful moments showing them growing closer, getting to know each other better as people, as friends and equals. For the record, Starry Nocturne hurt me so much, but it did two things I thought were so important. a. It showed that he was not infallible, which I think is very important, because often characters are written in their roles as geniuses who never fail, or else accomplish the impossible, and to see him lose a patient, while painful to read, made him so human but also b. It gave him that moment of vulnerability with MC where he could lean on her. It's so, SO important! for a MI to be able to lean on the MC, I feel, for them to be those equals, for him to be able to be vulnerable with her, but especially so for a character like Zayne who feels very reserved and closed off.
MC makes statements about feeling like there's distance between her and Zayne, especially when they first come back into each others' lives for the first time, so getting to indulge in these little Tender Moments of them taking little steps towards each other, closing that gap between them, is so satisfying! Having that history gives them a dynamic unlike Rafayel or Xavier's with her, because she has her memories of their childhood, of who he was when they were younger, and who they are now, and can compare the warmth of him opening up, of the chuckles and laughter she elicits from him. They also have this kind of flirtship I really enjoy - something very coy, not in an uwu so shy way just.... very coy, both dancing around the bush, before one of them calls it what it is - I thought the A Heartfelt Paradise Tender Moment a really good example of this!
It's so easy to read Zayne as being cold and aloof, but he really does have so much warmth, he just isn't good at showing it. He doesn't wear things on his sleeves like Rafayel or MC. But good LORD when he's in private....!!!!!!! The Business Trip Memoria TOOK. ME. OUT!!!!!! This is the game launch and they're already throwing this at us?! It was, to me, such a mature kind of date to give us? Two people who have had to grow used to each other's absence in their lives, and continue having to make space for those absences, as both are busy people - Zayne, a dedicated cardiac surgeon and MC a hunter - and what it means to grow used to the absence and to miss each other. But listen - when MC got in his lap?! She was touching his mouth? His face?! "What did you want me to do, in front of all those people?" he asked her? SIR?!
HELLO?! Girl. Listen.
I had to fan myself alfjkkfkjafjkafkjaf lmao
I looooooove them for that element of normalcy - for the people who have important careers and lives that they have to attend to, but still find the room for each other in their lives. The implication that Zayne rushed his way through school, took on grueling workloads and lacked a social life amongst classmates much older than him, not because he loved learning or even because he was so dedicated to his career - but because it was his way back to MC, so that he could return to stand in front of her? GOD. HOW DO YOU MOVE ON FROM THAT? HOW DO YOU HANDLE THAT? Knowing that he did it all so that he could stand in front of you again? HOWLING pls LISTEN.
Zayne may feel cold on the surface, but he is SO warm, he cares so much. And not just about MC, either. Thank God, too, because I'm not huge on the "Cold man only cares about the woman he loves" type, but Zayne cares so much about his patients, and making sure they feel seen, cared about? His first anecdote had me crying about seniors in hospitals with no relatives to accompany them to their examinations ;~; What a man.
I haven't had a chance to dig into his myth yet, which is a shame, but his third anecdote DID destroy me. I'm not even exaggerating, I was sobbing in my bedroom - and the worst part is I knew it would be painful going in and I still wasn't braced for impact enough! I mean, frankly, both his second and third hurt but nothing like the third! Parallel universe Zayne in a grim reaper role where he must kill humans turning into Wanderers - so very opposite the surgeon version of him who does everything he can to save people, both of them living parallel lives to each other, experiencing each others' lives through their dreams/nightmares. THIS HAS ME SCREAMING!!!!!
So much of MLQC has a lot to do with timelines - parallel worlds, some alternate universes, a whole timeline that's technically the same timeline reset but also still moving forward...... lol I can't help but think about where all of this fits in to LADS. Even though the Myth storylines are taken as alternate universes.... I think they're part of everyone's stories. We see echos of them. I haven't finished Rafayel's but even little moments, like making a break for it and having to run to escape attention echos a scene of Rafayel and the Princess MC making a mad dash in the market alley to escape the palace guards. It feels especially true for Xavier and MC, which I'll get to. But especially with Zayne - whose myth, again, I haven't been able to dig into, but seems to pose him as a sort of god, a forseer - we have two very different timelines/events now: his myth/Philos story and his parallel Grim Reaper self. How many timelines/parallel universes are we playing with, I wonder....?
I really want to revisit this in the future when I do get to dig into his myth, because I can see how Rafayel and Xavier's myths tie into their identities and their dynamics with MC, but I don't know yet how any of that works for Zayne and MC! I'm so intrigued, I can't wait!!!!
And finally, Xavier. God, I should have known lol in retrospect I should have realized Xavier would be my weak spot but listen..... sometimes I gotta lie to myself lol I love everything about him, the seemingly gentle eepy man who is also simultaneously a walking weapon of mass destruction but also so easily stumped by a UFO machine lol. Much like Rafayel, I'm especially fond of him because of the depth and dynamics, but also, honestly, much like Rafayel, he just checks all the boxes. Poisonheart puts it best when she says Xavier is the perfect middle-ground of the two - he's not as sassy as Rafayel is, but he'll still roast MC, he's very grounded and comes off a little aloof sometimes, but he doesn't seem nearly as aloof as Zayne, and he's also really unintentionally funny! He plays the middle-ground of them SO well. And where Zayne was working hard in order to show up in front of MC again and Rafayel has a score to settle but also so much neediness, it feels like Xavier has a LOT of karma to make up for.
Now, I personally don't have his myth cards, but poisonheart does, so everything I know I've experienced via her and all of our hours of screaming lol and the thing that really gets me the most about Xavier and MC is like..... okay it's the way he's clearly this really incredibly strong guy, but he plays the submissive prey role so well? lol He begs if she tells her to, he doesn't resist, he indulges her, he plays along - but when the mood strikes, he'll pull the dominant switch and flip the table and alkfjlFKJKAFJ ALKJFAF LAKJFAKFKJFAJ AFLKJD GODDDDDDDD IT GETS TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Xavier has that sense of like.... everything for MC, right? Like he's making up for a lifetime. There's implications that maybe he's been searching through space and time for her, trying to find her, that they've lost and each other countless times before - or rather, she's lost him - and his Shooting Stars myth supports this. Sometimes it's really subtle, sometimes it stands out so much I'm in agony. She remarks so often how he feels so distant, like he's as out of reach and mysterious as a star. She has nightmares about him disappearing and he is incredibly reassuring about staying, about not leaving. And maybe I'm reading into it, but he even talks about her hanging on tight, like maybe if she's strong enough, she can keep him from ever being taken away, keep them from being separated this time.
He's also the one who feels like he's actually endured all the years. Rather than separate timelines or parallel worlds it feels like Xavier has actually traveled through space and time, like he's the same Xavier from the myth himself, which makes him talking about the loneliness of stars so much worse. How long has he been alone, searching for her? ;~;
But their dynamic just really gets to me - it's those echos, the way MC subconsciously acts on them, and how indulgent Xavier is towards her. It's the playful teasing and the gentleness and how he plays so submissive and docile but when the mood strikes he can switch it up and catch her (and me!!!) off guard. It's the way he texts LMAO never writing out you or one lmao (which is marginally better than Rafayel's COMPLETE LACK OF PUNCTUATION LMAO ALFKAJFKJAFKJAFKJAFJK) It's the way he has that innocent baby face and could absolutely get away with murder.
Initially I had contemplated if it was possible he is actually a star and while maybe that isn't true I am still not certain he's human - at least he's not from our world (especially if he really is the very Xavier from the myth) but I still like to think of him as one, because he wears the star motif so well and likens himself to one so often. Also, look, I am a SUCKER for a star motif. I was doomed from the start lol.
There's just something about the agony and TRAGEDY in their past, in the echos, the subconscious fears, and the sheer indulgence!!!!! It's MC telling Xavier he might be her enemy later and the distress it caused him, prompting him to share his access privileges with her to earn her trust ;A; It's the way he's apparently spent DECADES, at the VERY LEAST, on our earth AND HE'S A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE COOK lmaoooooooo it's the stupid little lines he says because he's not as overtly clingy and pouty as Rafayel but an armful of plushies is a dreadful thing because then he doesn't have a free hand to hold MC's hand !!!!!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS?! WHINES
I could write a whole essay about Xavier and I'm restraining myself and attempting to be really, really normal about him okay?
But yeah for him it's that depth of like... the guilt and agony he carries - because not only does leaving her hurt him, but it hurts himself, too. That unbearable loneliness, the endless wait, hoping, wondering, unsure of when, or if, he'll find her again, but refusing to give up - and when he does, endeavoring to make up for it. Like, as it is, there's something about strong men being submissive that is so lakkjfkafkjfkjaf alfjakfaf but it's the way Xavier does it with MC that is soooooo INDULGENT, so VERY "for you, because it's you" that makes me want to chew my keyboard and howl at the moon and every time he reassures her he won't leave I feel dread but also I want it to be true.
I know how papergames operates. I know Xavier may mean it, but I also know.... ;A;
And to think, this is all JUST THE LAUNCH STUFF! We haven't even passed chapter 8 yet lmao We don't even have all our LIs! We've (maybe?) yet to meet our antagonist? WHICH I'M EXCITED ABOUT BTW
I have some thoughts and I'll try to keep them short (yknow, for me) because this is already long and rambly and maybe I can just expand on this later but: Sylus and Caleb are confirmed as LIs right? But are they the same person or not??????
If Sylus = Caleb it gives us a LOT of potential for exploring some really complex, grey morality. I mean, no matter what, Sylus is going to bring grey morality lol but especially if it turns out Caleb is actually secretly the leader of Onychinus, because it brings that whole "Who is this person I thought I knew?" and more so because Onychinus is poised as an enemy to the Hunter's Association.
But something Papergames has done in MLQC and I fully expect them to do here is explore grey morality, not only in Onychinus, but the Hunter's Association. Xavier's Tender Moments Garden of Secrets brings up the implication that some Wanderers are, in fact, intelligent, and while it's rare, it can occur. And with parallel world Grim Reaper Zayne having to kill people before they turn into Wanderers it begs the question of this world: can that happen here, too? And it gets into the moral conundrums. That's not to say the Hunter's Association are bad for killing Wanderers and protecting people but it starts to bring up questions, because in Grim Reaper Zayne's world, this is being covered up. What about this world? There's also the question of what is Onychinus even doing? I fully expect to find that whatever their objective is, it will be a question of the greater good and if the ends justify the means and the such.
Ultimately, an antagonist LI has to be sympathetic in some fashion, because how else are they going to write the story for them lol. Like they can certainly have Bond/Memoria/Tender Moments that are more about the combative element of their relationship meeting the chemistry that draws them to each other, but at any rate, there has to be something that draws them to each other and makes them care, right? So therefore, he can't be entirely bad, or at least MC has to be able to empathize with him and his objective, or the cause of it or something like that.
If Caleb = Sylus, that might be more achievable because of their history, but obviously that isn't a requirement, and that can also make it more complex, because again, that whole "this person I thought I knew".
I think there's a possibility for that overlap partly because we already have a LI with a history with MC - but to be fair, Zayne's history with MC is very different than Caleb's and has a different dynamic, so even if they didn't give him the villain route, it would still play out very differently and give them a significantly different enough dynamic that I don't think it would be a big issue.
If he's not Sylus, then there's still a lot of avenues to explore with Caleb. They've already implied that Caleb wants to take care of MC, wants her to lean on him and let him play that role for him, to stop being so strong in front of him, and I think that could very well affect his story and what has lead to his "death". Being in the airforce makes me wonder if it's possible that the military is associated in any way with Onychinus - after all, didn't he say that he does top secret work involving the deepspace tunnel, and isn't Onychinus interested in that? It wouldn't be the first time a government agency was written as being corrupt lol (and again there could be a lot gray morality here where Onychinus isn't necessarily inherently bad). Caleb could have gotten involved simply by his job.
There's the revenge angle, if he, too, was an experiment subject (which would make sense because why did Granny take him in as well?) and wanting to get back at? the people who experimented on them. Or wanting to be more involved? A spy case? SO many possibilities and I'm really excited to see where it all goes!
I think regardless of how Caleb is reintroduced to the story, I imagine there's going to be some kind of conflict - his "death" and then reappearance.... did he know that was going to happen? was it planned? was he involved? I don't think they'll bring him back and yay! now she has a family member back but I think there will be some kind of strife to work through, some good ol angst that really plays with the dynamic of feeling hurt and betrayed but wanting to return to the old times that can never be returned to, wanting to seek refuge in someone who maybe doesn't exist anymore, being drawn to someone you cared so much about and feeling so conflicted about it alfkjkfjkjafjkaf kj
This is such a rambling mess so kudos to anyone who made it this far. Maybe I'll manage to write some more bitesized thoughts later @___@
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
I'm in Control Part 6 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: On my computer these gifs are gigantic and I am ok with that because I need a big Steddie hug right now. I'm just done being an adult. Lol. Anyway, here you ya go.
There are many, MANY aggressive feels here especially from Eddie. This isn't going to be fluffy by any means but it's heading somewhere good... I hope <3. :P.
Warnings: As previously stated, this is a bit rougher than previous ones. Got some hair pulling, Steve gets popped in the face, over stimulation. The color system is used here and someone does say "Red" but its not who you would think.
Also Eddie does interact with someone from his past and talks about some of his trauma, may be a bit triggering. I think that's it...
Word count: 3766
“I appreciate the thought, Wayne. I really do but the answer is no.”
Your eye’s gradually open to the sound of Eddie’s voice in the hallway. The three of you had had your arrangement for a little over a month now and settled into a bit of a janky routine. With your schedules there really was no such thing as normal but every weekend at least since the convention had been occupied with them at (and all over) their house. 
You found yourself enjoying not just the sex but the little moments as well. One Saturday, you and Eddie tried to show Steve some cool fantasy movie but he immediately fell asleep. That following day, you took him to a comic bookstore downtown where you always found hidden gems that no other store had. It was adorable watching him make friends with some of the employees especially when he found out they played D & D. His toothy smile and fast, animated hands were a joy to behold. 
Steve was a hard nut to crack with most things but he always seemed eager and open when it came to trying something he knew nothing about. You told him one day that you were really excited the movie theater was doing a back-to-back marathon of B movies that weekend so he got you both tickets since Eddie would be busy on set that night. When you two left the auditorium, he had a big smile on his face talking about the cheesy films you just witnessed. 
The more time you spent with them though, the more you found yourself wanting to know more about them. They dropped little tidbits of their history here and there but never actually let you it. To be fair, they never asked you anything about your past either. 
“Everything okay?”, you asked Eddie as he came back into the bedroom.
“Yeah, Sweetheart. Just my uncle calling to say hello.”
You crawled out of Steve’s embrace to sit up in their bed. “Just hello? It sounded more intense than that.”
“Nope. Nothing for you to be concerned about.” He smiled over at you as he sat down on the edge of the mattress but his tone came out more curtly than you had ever heard from him before. 
“You know…you can talk to me about anything—”
“IT’S FINE, Y/N! Now mind your fucking business!”
You both stared each other down; his eyes filled with anger whereas yours was a mix of pain and slight annoyance. After climbing out of their bed, you grabbed your clothes from the floor and entered their bathroom, slamming the door behind you. You could hear Steve’s stern grumble on the other side. 
“Eddie, you can’t talk to her like that. We aren’t playing right now.”
“I know. I know. I just—”
You abruptly opened the door to face them both. “Why won’t you guys talk to me about personal things?” Neither of them answered and it infuriated you. 
“I feel like we are being more open with each other, right? And when we started this, you never said we couldn’t talk to each other about our past. Yet every time I ask a question or offer an ear, you BOTH shut me down.”
“We don’t talk about things like that because it doesn’t matter.” Steve’s answer startled you. You expected them to pull you back to bed and at least have a conversation about the topic. 
“I feel like that’s starting to be the tag line of this relationship.” You stomp out of their room on a mission to find to your shoes, hearing them shuffle as the follow after you. 
I’m in control.
“I want to know more about you guys and I feel like you should want to know more about me.”
“You don’t get to make demands, remember?” Steve’s dominate side vaguely started to pull forth. 
“See, that’s where the line becomes blurred, doesn’t it? In there”, you point towards the bedroom, “you don’t tell me things. Fine. Your fucking rules. But out here, as your agent and your friend, you don’t tell me anything either.”
They glance at each other and you know before you even say anything. “Yeah, I see where the mistake was made. Bedroom… Daddy and Sir. Outside… Eddie and Steve. We never agreed to be friends.”
“Come on, Y/N. Don’t be like that.” Eddie stepped forward but before he could reach you, you stepped out of the way and out their front door. 
“This is your fucking fault.” Eddie growled at Steve as they entered the agency Monday morning. 
For the entire previous week, you had severely rained in your time with the boys; only answering texts and calls about work. You showed up on set for their show right when they yelled action and disappeared before they cut. When they tried to hunt you down at your office, you always seemed to be out. 
Even though you never planned on coming over on the weekends, they had grown accustomed to it and when you didn’t show up, that’s when they became angry. 
“How is this my fault? You’re the one that snapped at her.”
“I told you we should have talked to her about how we were starting to have feelings for her but you said we shouldn’t. I’m not going to tell someone who ends up leaving us my personal business.”
“Oh really, Munson? You won’t even tell me what your uncle called about and I’m your best fucking friend.”
“That’s because I’m pissed at you, you fucking dick!”
“Oof. Some people woke up on the wrong side of their beds today.” You walked past them towards your office, sipping casually from your takeout coffee cup. 
 “Where the hell were you?!”, Steve shouts.
“What do you mean, Mr. Harrington?”
“You didn’t come over this weekend.” Eddie strode in behind his friend, shutting the door behind him. 
“Was I supposed to? There was nothing scheduled for you guys. Avery came down to look at places so I helped him with that and then he invited me to Fantasy. You know that new club they opened. You should check it out. There were a lot of beautiful girls there.”
Steve’s eyes narrowed at as he leaned his palms down on the top of your desk. “Is this really the game you want to play with us, little girl? Because I assure you, we always win.”
You crossed your arms leaning forward on your elbows, your face so close to his your noses almost touched. “See…the problem with you, Steve, is you think everything is a little game. Since our arrangement is just sex, I didn’t need it from either of you this weekend. Trust me, I got enough.”
“Please say that you’re lying.” Eddie’s voice shook as he bounced on his legs. 
Your stoic expression faltered slightly at his tone, glancing at him before focusing back on Steve whose eyes hadn’t moved from you once. 
“Go ahead. Break his heart.” His voice was so low only you could hear his taunt.
I’m in control.
“You broke mine first.”
Eddie reached for the glass decoration on your desk and threw it at the wall. You stood up from your chair, alarmed at his sudden outburst. You and Steve watched him with caution as he paced back and forth. 
When he finally stopped, his eyes were vacant. “Both of you come with me.”
“Where are we—”
“Shut the fuck up, Steve! I’m in control right now. Do you understand me?!”
“Yes, Sir.” You both responded in unison. There’s more than authority in Eddie’s request and the fact that he needs you AND his friend to listen to him means it’s important so you follow his instruction. 
He throws on his leather jacket, pulling the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket as he heads for Steve’s car with you two in tow. 
Your eyes move from place to place around the waiting room of the penitentiary. Eddie’s arms are crossed tight around his chest as his leg jumps.
“Eddie, what are we doing here?” 
He had been silent the entire one-hour car ride up here occasionally breaking the silence by rolling down his window to smoke a cigarette. 
“Now, here are my rules for the moment. Neither of you say a word when we get back there.”
You understood you guys weren’t in the bedroom and you three definitely weren’t playing but you didn’t know what else to say. The fact that neither of them were telling you what was going on and it seemed Eddie was on his own personal mission terrified you a bit. 
Steve took your hand in his as Eddie’s eyes met yours for a moment before looking back down to the floor. “You’re safe, Princess. I promise. I would never let anything hurt you but if you don’t want to come back there with me, I will understand. I’m nervous myself.”
“Munson party?”, the officer calls after opening the heavy door. 
The metalhead stands without hesitation and walks through ready to face this alone but breathes a sigh of relief when he hears your voice offer a small thank you to the young man who held the door open for you and Steve.
He led you down a corridor into a room styled the same way you’d seen movies a million times. There were booths that were divided every which way with glass in the front so you could still see the person you were talking to. Both sides had a payphone style telephone hung on the side. 
“Now obviously you can each only talk to him one at a time—”
“Oh, they’re my moral support. They won’t speak to him.”
“Okay, that being the case”, the officer turns to you and Steve. “You can both stand here behind him but that’s it, okay?” You nod as he leads Eddie to a chair in front of the glass partition. 
On the other side, a young female officer brings an older man out that looks a little like Eddie but with more tattoos and harder features. He sighed as both men picked up their phones. 
“Hey Edward.”
“Jesus.” You looked up at Steve whose eyes were wide with surprise. His hand gripped yours tighter as if he let go, he would float away.
“So, uh, how have you been?”
“Look, why don’t we skip the pleasantries and you tell me what you want. Wayne said you needed help.”
Eddie’s dad scoffed as he clenched his fists trying to control his temper. “Wayne was always a good man. I never got to thank him for—”
“I’m leaving.”
“Ok! Okay. Sit! God damn! Just like your mom with that smartass mouth.” He waved at the officer behind him assuring her he was calm. Steve on the other hand lurched forward before you quickly pulled him back. 
“He’s ok, Steve. He’s ok.” Your free hand wrapped around his arm as you tugged him closer. 
“I have a bail hearing coming up. My new lawyer up here thought it would be a good idea if you spoke on my behalf. Tell them that you forgive me or some shit.”
“Are you serious?”, Eddie cackled. “That’s how you ask for my help? After everything you did and after all these years? You want me to lie for you.”
“Your uncle wouldn’t let me contact you when you were a kid or else, I would have fucking asked sooner.”
“Yeah, well, it’s been a while since I’ve been eighteen so…”
“Yet it still took you till you were 21 to graduate high school. Oh yeah, kid. I still have friends in Hawkins.”
“Good. Maybe one of them can fly up here and stand up for you.”
“Look at Mr. high and mighty over here. What makes you think you’re so much better than me anyway?!”
Eddie hung up the phone as he turned away. His dad was shouting after him as his son brushed past you both and out the door. 
Eddie immediately lit a fresh cigarette as soon as he was outside the jail. You didn’t wait for him to say anything, wrapping your arms around his waist as he leaned against Steve’s car. 
“Are you okay, man?” His friend nods as his arms remain at his sides. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Like I said, Harrington… I was fucking pissed at you. Plus, I wasn’t even going to come down here.”
“What made you change your mind?”
You felt his index finger tap your head. “Her.” 
He watched you as you pulled away from him, trying to make sense of what he was saying. 
“You didn’t have to do this, Eddie.”
“I know I didn’t have to but… I wanted to tell you. I want to tell you more about my fucked up past but I don’t want to open up to someone who’s going to fucking leave. There’s no point.” He gestures towards the jail. “My parents were the first people to hurt me and abandon me. I wanted to show you the shit I dealt with.”
“Where’s your mom?”
Eddie inhales the butt of the cigarette before puffing out a cloud of smoke. “I don’t know. She left me with my uncle after my dad went in. He was originally in a different prison closer to Indiana but Wayne called to tell me they moved him up here and that he needed something from me.”
“I imagine there are many answers to my next question but why are you angry with Steve?” 
“Because…” they quickly make eye contact before Eddie looks back down at his shoes. “I thought we should talk to you about us having feelings for you but Steve said that would be a bad idea. If it’s just sex, you’ll leave at some point. They always do.”
You didn’t know what to say. Your arms wrapped around your body as you turned away from them trying to gather your thoughts. Steve chuckled behind you. 
“Told you, Eds.”
You turned on him, fury emanating from you. “Fuck you, Steve Harrington! You try to act like your so hard. Like you’re some tough badass who doesn’t care about anyone or anything! Mister call me Daddy in bed but can’t step up anywhere else! He has every right to be mad at you! You should have talked to me!”
The sound of Eddie’s boots squashing his cigarette reminded you he was there. “And you, Mr. Munson—”
“Don’t come at me, sweetheart. I’m not in the fucking mood.”
“Exactly.” You charged up to him until your chest bumped his. “You both may work together, live together, and fuck together but you are your own person, Eddie! If you wanted to tell me how you felt then you should have! You don’t need him to dictate you! You’re dominate to remember? Or is the Sir just for show?!”
“Ugh! I’m so fucking angry with you both. If I wanted pussys I would have dated a woman or stayed back home.”
Eddie’s arm shot out as his hand grabbed your hair and pulled you closer to them. Steve opened the backseat, holding the door open for his friend to shove you in and climb in with you. 
As the car started and began its journey back home, you push against Eddie, hitting him with your small fists before he gripped your wrist with his large hands. He spun you around so you were both sitting horizontally with his back against the door and your back on his chest. His left leg swung on top of both your legs holding them still as you continued to wiggle. 
“You know the safe word. You know how to use it. No one is going to ask you any questions tonight, Princess. If you want this to end you just say that word and we’ll stop. The only thing I want to hear is ‘Yes Sir’ to what I just said. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Sir.”
He shuffled his grip so both your wrists were being restrained in one of his hands as the other took hold of your throat, squeezing it between his fingers. 
“You think the titles are just for show? That Steve and I are pussys, is that right?” You coughed, trying to catch your breath as he let you go. “Answer me. Honestly.”
“Sirs don’t need Daddy’s permission to get something done.” You heard Steve angrily sigh in the front seat as his fingers tightened around the steering wheel. 
Eddie reached down to unbutton your jeans, shoving his hand under the waistband of your panties before running a stripe with his fingers through your folds.
“Little one talks a big game but she’s fucking dripping right now.”
“Don’t get cocky. It’s not for you. Replace you with anyone else and it would be the same ahhh!” Eddie cut you off by abruptly pushing two of his fingers into your entrance. 
“Stop. Speaking. Jesus, Steve. Did you hear her? She’s a fucking slut now. I guess whoever she was fucking this past weekend when she didn’t need us just blew her mind and changed her perspective.”
His pace was ruthless as he pumped his digits into you. 
“Oh and don’t worry. You don’t have to ask to cum this time. I don’t want to hear your voice that much. I heard enough in the parking lot.”
Your back pushed against him as you felt yourself quickly tumble of the edge as you came. You expect him to slow down after he rode you through your high but he didn’t. He kept up the exact same rhythm not even allowing you a moment to catch your breath. 
“Eddie, please.”
He removed his leg from yours and wrestled with your body to tug your jeans down. Shifting you back in your original position, he utilized his right leg to spread your legs open as wide as he could. His hand promptly came down and smacked your pussy making you yelp.
“Who am I right now?!” 
Eddie shoved his fingers back inside of you resuming his original pace. 
The car ride back was a little under an hour and the metalhead spent the entire ride making you cum. Steve’s backseat was a mess but neither of them cared. As soon as they got back to their house, they wasted no time throwing you over their shoulder and heading straight for the bedroom. Steve tossed you on the mattress and your hand immediately shot out in the air, not even sure where they both were. 
“YELLOW!” You heard the sound of shuffling as someone sat in a chair and the other leaned against the wall. Your eyes were full of tears when you looked at them. Not tears of pain, but of frustration. You reached for a pillow and threw it across the room towards their feet. 
“You should have said something.” You scolded them through gritted teeth. “I…feel…stupid.” Getting up on your knees you, you pointed your index finger at them. “I trusted you enough to agree to this but you can’t trust me enough to tell me you’re getting feelings for me?” They watched as your hands shook. “And I’M pathetic.”
Your jaw clenched as you defiantly faced them. “Green.” Neither of them moved. “I said Green. I’m ready.”
“Red.” Eddie glanced at Steve who walked over to his mini fridge in the corner and pulled out a water bottle. When he tried to hand it to you, you smacked it out of his hand. 
“Why? I said green.”
He casually reached for the bottle again, but then he tried to hand it to you, you threw it across the room. “I know you said green but I’m saying red. We’re done for tonight.”
“WHY?! I can take it!”
“I don’t care if you think you can take it. That’s not the point. This has gone way past pleasure so I’m calling it. Our…ALL of our feelings are getting in the way right now and I think we should wait until we’ve talked to—”
You smacked him then. “Now you want to talk, you fucking asshole!”
You fell back on your heels and hung your head. The bed shifted as Steve sat beside you.
“Can I hold you?” Your hair bounced as you nodded and he swiftly pulled you into his arms on to his lap. “I’m sorry, baby girl. You’re right. You’re not stupid. I’M stupid. Daddy’s sorry.”
You felt yourself shrink into his chest as he held you to him.
“You’re not stupid, dude. Just…jaded like me.” Eddie sat beside him, putting his arm around his friend’s shoulder as his hand rested on your legs.
“I’m sorry, Ed. You were right to. The three of us should have talked about it together.”
“Why didn’t you?” Steve loosened his grip on you so he could see your face to answer your question. His finger poked at your shoulder. 
“Agent. Client.” He flashed you a small smile. “We do think of you as friend. Always have. I really like spending time with you.”
“Me to.” Eddie grinned softly at you. 
“But to push this into a romantic relationship…that’s a whole other ball field.”
“Pfft, leave it to Harrington to make a sports metaphor.”
When you laugh, they both breathe a sigh of relief. 
“Can we…talk about this tomorrow? After your shoot, maybe. I’m just incredibly tired.”
“Of course, pretty girl. Do you want us to take you home?”
“Can I stay here?”
“Yeah, we’ll just go sleep in my room.” Eddie rises but stops when you whine.
“You can lay with me. I don’t mind.”
Steve stands up with you in his arms before placing you down in the middle of the bed and under the covers. 
“I’ll make you deal. You drink some of this and we’ll lay with you.” He playfully tosses the water bottle in your lap. 
You didn’t realize how thirsty you were until the first drop hit your lips. Eddie grinned as he took the empty bottle from your hands and they both crawled in beside you. 
“Hey Eds?” He answers you with a soft hm. “I’m proud of what you did today. I know it wasn’t easy seeing your dad.” You cup one of his cheeks with your hand and tenderly kiss his lips.
As you lay back down you turn your neck to give Steve a kiss as well. His hands brush through your hair as Eddie rolls onto his side to caress your face. 
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @big-ope-vibes
@eddiesguitarskills @brittney69 @mandyjo8719 @hugdealer
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@sweetpuffy12 @mybradforddream @sugar-haus
@manda-panda-monium @wroteclassicaly @gracieluvthemoon
@imogen-m-h @playfuloutcast @spookedbydawn
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jammatown919 · 5 months
Mistakes Were Made (Chapter One)
A Lightcannon fic I've been chipping away at for a while now.
Fic Description: Jinx unintentionally forces Lux to out herself as a mage.
Lux never would have thought so much good could come out of being kidnapped.
Sure, most people would be terrified to have a blue-haired stranger appear in a flash of light and whisk them away to some sort of pocket dimension for a death match with eight more strangers, but honestly... it had been really, really fun.
Once she'd gotten over the initial shock of it all, Lux didn't have as much of a problem playing along as one might think. The stranger, Jinx, had been more than happy to demonstrate to her that no one could really die in this place she called the Rift, via a swift gunshot to her own head. Lux had maybe screamed a little, but it was definitely comforting to have confirmation that a fallen player would simply reappear at one of two ends of the map, no worse for wear.
Really, it was a lot easier than it should have been to get Lux to play, and from there, everything just sort of spiraled.
Free of all consequences and a good amount of her usual inhibitions, Lux was able to really let loose with her magic for the first time. Jinx seemed to appreciate her raw power and how ever so slightly nuts she'd gone at possibly her only opportunity to do literally whatever she wanted with it. The two of them didn't even need their teammates to completely dominate the game, which they did with reckless abandon.
When it was over, Jinx returned Lux safely home as she'd promised, but not without a promise whispered in the seconds before she vanished again: "I am definitely keeping you, Blondie."
For about a month after that, Lux managed to convince herself it had been some crazy, fantastical dream brought on by her repressive environment. In a country like Demacia, with a family like the Crownguards, it was only natural her subconscious mind would invent a reality it preferred. One where she could use her magic freely, go off on an adventure, and buddy up to someone who represented all of her temptations in life, both physical and otherwise.
But then Jinx made good on her promise, and Lux instead convinced herself she'd simply received a gift from some god somewhere out there. The escape she longed for was real, and her new friend had come back for her.
They continued their games whenever they could, typically at one-to-two-month intervals because of how difficult it could be to get ten people from all over the world together. Lux noticed as time went on that there would often be changes to roster of other players, until at one point she and Jinx were the only two left from their first game.
"Ah, sometimes you just gotta swap 'em out for people who are more fun," Jinx said when Lux asked about it. "Not you, though, Blondie. You were always the most fun."
Eventually, after quite a few swaps and trial runs, Jinx managed to put a solid long-term team together. Her and Lux, of course, with the addition of a surprisingly friendly creature made entirely out of green slime, a pink-haired songbird type on an elaborate hoverboard, and a man in a mask with a very different hoverboard who absolutely refused to play until Jinx pulled him aside for a long private conversation.
Zac, Seraphine, and Ekko. All people Jinx claimed were from home. Or almost, in Sera's case. It was these three, particularly Ekko, who gave Lux some much needed insight into Jinx as a person.
Another area in which Lux differed from most people was that most people would probably feel betrayed or disgusted or afraid upon hearing that their friend had blown up a city-state's entire government. But Lux had heard a thing or two about Piltover's old Council, largely from some of the previous players Jinx had brought around, and to be honest, she considered blowing them up to be an act of community service. A little brutal, yes, but a genuine favor to the people suffering under their rule.
What got to her a little more were the personal blows Ekko had taken. The betrayal of his oldest friend, and her subsequent murders of several of his newer friends. Only the fact that she hadn't gone near him in years made it possible for him to look at her now. Only an old, barely surviving desire to see her be better compelled him to play her game. She needed it, he claimed, to get the crazy out somewhere it wouldn't really hurt anyone.
Jinx didn't seem to love being presented with this information later that day, but she engaged with it nonetheless. Admitted to everything. Agreed with Ekko's assessment. The game was fun, yes, but it was primarily an outlet. A form of therapy, almost. Lux had to respect her for that; for recognizing what she needed to keep herself in check and following through with it.
They played on for another year, mostly sticking with Jinx's favorite assortment of allies but consistently switching up the members of the enemy team to keep things interesting. Lux got more and more used to this recreational violence, but she still found it exciting every time.
Strangely, though, the most exciting part to her was always that Jinx had never lost her initial awe of Lux's performance in the games. She was consistently impressed, often staring, and always laying the praise on thick. This all came to a head after a particularly exciting match, in which Lux had stuck with Jinx in the bottom section of the map and completely destroyed their lane with her. That, according to Jinx, had been "super hot", and one thing led to another led to Lux pinned against a tree in the jungle area with Jinx's lips and hands roaming her body.
This quickly became a standard post-game ritual of theirs, and over the course of the next six months, they grew steadily more emotionally invested each other. Neither of them could say exactly when their relationship became "official", but it did at one point or another, and thinking about it got Lux through the time spent between matches with her mental health more or less intact.
Even at times like this, when she was cooped up in the Crowngaurd Estate, awaiting tomorrow's arrival of a suitor she'd been expected to entertain for at least a weekend, she could sit by her window and draw little pictures of her girlfriend. And once the man was gone, rejected at the end of his opportunity to court her like the three that had come before him, she could look forward to the next game.
She did wonder how many more suitors her parents would allow her to cycle through before they really began to insist that she settle down, but she felt safe for the moment. At least for now, her family seemed to perceive her rejection of each and every suitor as pickiness, and that was fine by them. No noble would want their daughter to settle for just anyone, after all. She could turn up her nose at prospective mates all she wanted, and they'd simply keep bringing in more for her consideration.
It would likely get worse as she aged and cut into more of her "childbearing years", as her mother liked to put it, but for now, she was twenty-three and tolerated in her role as the stuck-up young noblewoman who would settle for no less than the perfect husband.
Yeah, right, she chuckled to herself as she outlined the shape of Jinx's shoulders on her page. Like there's such a thing.
For her, at least, there would never be such a man. One day, when it all got to be too much, she would leave this place behind. Jinx would come for her and whisk her away, not for the day but forever. For all the love she held for her family and the better aspects of her country, Lux knew her future did not lie here. She would leave it all behind eventually, when she was ready to say goodbye.
Until then, she would draw and play pretend and dream and be satisfied with her brief escapes.
She smiled at Jinx's sketched face looking up at her, longing to see the real thing again. They were about due for another game, but Jinx tended to show up with absolutely no warning, so Lux could only give her best guess as to when they'd see each other.
Right now, apparently.
The window by Lux's desk flew open despite having definitely been locked a second before, and in climbed the very woman who occupied the majority of Lux's thoughts these days.
"Mornin', Sunshine," Jinx crowed, dropping from the window to her feet.
"It's nighttime," Lux corrected her gently. Jinx squinted out the open window, like she'd only just realized.
"Huh," she said under her breath. "Guess so."
"It's good to see you, but what's with the entrance tonight?" Lux inquired, recapturing Jinx's attention. "You usually just zap right into my room. And... how did you even get up to my window?"
"Ah, y'know, climbed, dodged some guards," Jinx said rather flippantly. "Had a pretty good time, I guess, but that's not the important part. It's game time, Blondie! Got everything all ready to go!"
"Tonight?" Lux asked.
"Yeah, for tonight." Jinx held out her hand, as she often did, to invite Lux into her teleporter's range.
"I'm sorry, Jinx, but I can't tonight." Honestly, it was kind of a miracle they'd gotten this far without ever having some kind of scheduling conflict. "I have to be up at dawn to greet a suitor."
"A what?" Jinx's brow furrow slightly.
"A suitor," Lux echoed. "A man my parents invited here to get to know me. He's going to spend the weekend trying to court me."
"Huh?" In an adorably canine fashion, Jinx tilted her head to the side.
"Trying to impress me so I might want to marry him," Lux explained. "And I won't, of course! I send all my suitors away. But I still have to entertain them for the time they're given."
"Ohhhh." Jinx let out a small chuckle, which was a better reaction than Lux had expected. Knowing her and her past, threatening to simply murder all of Lux's suitors had been a very real possibility. Instead, she said, "just skip it."
"What?" Like it would ever be that easy. It wasn't even an option, really.
"Skip it," Jinx persisted. "You don't wanna do it, right? And it's stopping you from doing something you do wanna do. So just don't do it. Come with me instead."
Lux would be lying if she said the idea wasn't tempting, but she knew better than to think she could accept. It was too easy to lose track of time on the Rift; too easy to have it interfere with the plans that had been made for her. She would never be able to come up with an acceptable excuse if someone came looking for her and she was nowhere to be found on such an important day.
"I'd like to, Jinx, but I really can't," Lux said as gently as she could. "I have to wait until after this weekend."
"Aw, c'mon, Blondie," Jinx pleaded. "Everyone else is ready to go. We need ya."
"Maybe you can find a substitute this time?" The suggestion almost physically pained her, but not as much as it seemed to offend Jinx.
"No way," she said stubbornly. "You're the best part. It won't be any fun without you."
"I'm flattered, but-" Lux stopped dead as someone knocked twice at her bedroom door. Her entire body stiffened, and she stood to grab Jinx as if she were going to shove her back out the window. "Shit. You have to go."
"Why?" There was a distinct whine to Jinx's voice that was entirely too loud for the situation.
"Luxanna? Are you talking to someone?" Garen called from the other side of the door. Lux supposed it was better than her parents, but still not good by any means.
"I can't let anyone see you," Lux hissed. "I can't explain this to my family."
"I ain't scared of 'em," Jinx protested, "and you shouldn't be either. They're just a bunch'a fancy dickheads with sticks up their asses. I don't get why you think you have to listen to them."
"Lux, are you alright?" The knocking grew louder and more insistent. "Who's in there?"
"Jinx, please." But it was too late.
The door wasn't locked. Lux never locked it, because why would she in a place like this, where she was always safe and disturbing her privacy was a punishable offense for anyone but the parents who rarely cared to visit her quarters? Except Garen had probable cause, hearing an unfamiliar voice in Lux's room.
He threw the door right open and walked on in. For a second, nothing happened. They were just three people staring at each other. Then, all Hell broke loose.
Garen quickly took notice of Jinx's weapons and reached for his sword. Why he had it on him right now, Lux didn't know and didn't have time to ask. Jinx, in response, removed the gun she called Zapper from its holster and pressed it to the side of Lux's head.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Lux glanced back at her, bewildered but not afraid. Crazy as she was, Jinx would never pull the trigger. Not on her.
"Lux!' Garen quickly drew his blade, but the gun to her head stayed his hand. Guns weren't common weapons in Demacia, but Garen knew enough to know he would never cross the room fast enough. If Jinx actually wanted to kill Lux, she could do it in an instant. "Unhand her!"
Jinx took Lux by the arm and dragged her up from her seat. "New game, Blondie."
"What?" Oh, Lux did not like the sound of that.
"If we can't play fight, we'll play keep-away instead." Jinx secured her free arm around Lux's middle and began to back them both up toward the window.
"Jinx, wait-"
Lux didn't have time to finish her objection before Jinx, dragging her along, leaped through the open window. She didn't know which was louder; Garen's horrified cry or Jinx's shriek of delight as they plummeted toward a well-kept garden three stories below.
"Do your thing, Blondie!" she called.
Her thing? What the hell was "her thing" in a situation like this?
"Break our fall!" Jinx clarified when Lux just stared at her incredulously.
Oh! She wanted a hard light barrier, like the ones Lux often used to shield herself and her allies on the Rift. It probably wouldn't work to break a fall in the traditional sense, but Lux was no stranger to getting creative with her magic. She just had to pray nobody saw.
They both collided hard with a barely visible structure that had appeared directly beneath them, then began to slide forward at a sharp decline that gradually eased up. Lux kept her eyes closed, concentrating on the next few feet, then the next, then the next, trying to keep them at a pace that would get them to the ground quickly but not injure them on impact.
It was harder than one might think to keep up with it, even with all the magic practice she got on the Rift, and Jinx hollering excitedly in her ear didn't help.
They landed in a rosebush and seemed to take every single thorn with them as they rolled out in a tangled heap. Jinx ended up on top of Lux, staring down at her with bright eyes and a joyful grin.
"You gotta do that more often!"
"Shhh!" Lux sat up, nearly smacking her forehead against Jinx's with the speed of it, spitting out leaves as she harshly shushed her. "Someone probably heard us land. You have to get out of here."
"Aww, don't worry, Blondie," Jinx replied lightly. "I'm great at keep-away!"
"No," Lux groaned, but she didn't have time to air her frustrations. She could already hear voices and footsteps swiftly approaching.
"And that's our cue." Once more, Jinx grabbed Lux by the arm and hoisted her up, then she took off running. Lux was left with no choice but to stumble after her, mind searching desperately for a way to defuse this situation.
"Jinx, there's nowhere to go!" Lux insisted.
"That's what they think." Jinx casually raised Zapper to remind Lux she still had it, even though by all logic she really should've dropped it in the fall.
"No!" Lux pushed Jinx's arm down. She didn't know what the hell she would do if Jinx shot her guards.
"What's the matter?" Finally, Jinx seemed to realize Lux wasn't having fun.
Unfortunately, it was that exact moment that the guards started to catch up with them. Everywhere Lux looked, a different pair of patrolling guards ran toward them, swords drawn. One of them recognized her in the dark and called out to her by name, spurring the others on. 
"You have to leave!" Lux insisted, yanking her arm out of Jinx's grasp. "Zap away. I-I'll do my best to clean up this mess."
"Lux..." Jinx licked her lips, her brow furrowing as she tried to put the pieces together. She had finally clocked that Lux was upset, but not why. "It's just a game, babe. You love games."
"They're not playing!" Lux gestured with one hand at the swiftly approaching guards and used the other to lightly shove at her girlfriend. 
"The Pilties were never playing either," Jinx said. "That never stopped me. C'mon, lighten up. It'll be fun."
She raised her gun again. The guards were definitely in range, and almost close enough to reach Jinx with their swords. They were out of time. 
"STOP IT!" The scream escaped Lux before she had a chance to think about it, and so did the burst of arcane energy. 
Instantly, everyone but her and Jinx froze in their tracks, caught up in a shimmering wall of mana that she frequently used to immobilize people on the Rift. It was one of her favorite things to do; laughing while her enemies raged about being rendered defenseless. Now, though, it gave her a strong urge to throw up. 
The guards were frozen physically, but they were still aware. They would still know what Lux had done to them. That she was a mage.
She'd just outed herself in probably the worst way possible. 
Part of her expected Jinx to hoot and holler and try to drag her away again, but it seemed the scream had stunned her. Lux had never screamed at her before. 
"What's wrong?" she asked, equal parts gentle and anxiety. "We're just playin', right?"
"No!" Lux snapped, tears burning her eyes. "No one else is playing, Jinx! I'm not playing!"
Jinx shrank back with something of a kicked-puppy expression and said, "ohh, fuck... shit, Blondie, I'm sorry. I'll take ya back upstairs, I-"
"No." Lux stepped away from Jinx's outstretched hand. Upstairs wouldn't help her now. Honestly, at this point, the safest option for her would probably be to just go with Jinx after all. Now that all these people had seen her magic, suitors would be the least of her concerns. The oppressive laws of her homeland would be turned on her in full force. 
And yet... she still wasn't ready to leave. 
"Go home, Jinx," she murmured. 
"B-but you're cryin'." Jinx continued to reach for her, but Lux wouldn't have it. 
"Please." Lux met Jinx's horrified eyes and held her gaze. "Please, go."
"Okay..." Jinx replied, small and sad. "I'll see ya later, yeah?"
"Yeah." Despite the emotional turmoil, the fear and uncertainty for her immediate future, Lux managed a smile. "Yeah. Love you."
"Love you too." In a flash of electric blue light, Jinx was gone, and not a moment too soon. Lux's spell probably wouldn't have lasted much longer. 
Seeing no use in stalling, she released the guards, but refused to look at any of them. She hung her head, tears of fear and grief for the life she'd certainly just lost streaming down her face, and sank to her knees to await judgement. 
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atths--twice · 7 months
Valentine's Day, 2024
Valentine's Day is here once again. With a little girl who loves big, there is no way to ignore the day. 💓
I cannot begin to express how much I adore writing domestic MSR. The happiness it brings me is seriously unmatched, it just flows from my fingertips, unable to be stopped.
I hope you enjoy this next installment in the family series.
And happy Valentine's Day. 💓💓
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February 14, 2024
“Mommy!” Faith yelled when she saw Scully, running to her and throwing her arms around her neck as Scully squatted down to catch her. “I thought Daddy was coming to get me. I didn’t think you would be here.” 
“Did I surprise you, my love?” Scully asked with a chuckle. 
“Yes, Mommy. You did,” Faith said, pulling back to smile at Scully. “I’m happy to see you today.” 
“Well, I’m happy to see you too, honey,” Scully said, a lump forming in her throat as tears pricked her eyes. “How about you go get your things and we’ll get out of here?” 
“Okay!” Faith said happily, releasing her hold on Scully and running to collect her backpack, lunch box, and any other items from her cubby. 
Scully sighed as she stood up and quickly wiped her eyes as she watched Faith in her now slightly dirty white tights, black fuzzy boots, denim skirt, and her red Valentine’s Day sweater with white hearts. Her hair was pulled back halfway and then braided into two braids to look like a heart, a style which she had begged to have after seeing it in a tutorial video. 
She was a walking valentine. 
Smiling as she saw Faith laughing at something one of her friends said, Scully shook her head. It hit her at the oddest of times, how quickly Faith was growing up and becoming her own person. 
Of course she saw her every day and was privy to everything happening in her life, but there were moments when she would do a double take as she looked at Faith, seeing not the five year old girl, but someone older she did not know yet. It took her breath away at times, not wanting life to move so fast. 
“Mommy,” Faith said, walking toward Scully with her backpack on, her arms full of papers. “Can you help me with all these?” 
“Of course, my love,” Scully said, reaching for the crinkly pages of artwork. “Wow, you have a lot of papers here.” 
“Uh huh,” Faith nodded, rocking up on her toes. “We made love heart trees.” 
“Oh… I see that. Oh, honey. It’s so beautiful. I love the colors you chose.” 
“Thank you, Mommy. But that one’s not for you.” 
“Is it for Daddy?” Scully asked, looking at the different shades of blue paint that she had used to make a large heart shaped tree. There were brown branches added to it, some larger than the others, and a thick trunk at the bottom with a large knothole in the middle. “Is this hole for the animals to sleep inside?” 
“Uh huh,” Faith said again, reaching up to look at the stack of papers. Scully bent down a little so she could see it better. “A squirrel lives in this tree, but he’s out gathering nuts to eat later.” 
“I see,” Scully said with a smile. “Well, you’ll have to tell Daddy all about the squirrel when you give it to him.” 
“No, Mommy,” Faith said, shaking her head. “This one isn’t for Daddy.” 
“Who’s it for then?” 
“For Jacob,” she said matter of factly and Scully raised her eyebrows. “Daddy’s is different colors. Let me find it.” She took the papers and laid them on the floor, slipping her backpack off as she spread out the papers, despite other children and parents walking around her. 
“Honey, you-”
“Here it is!” Faith said triumphantly, picking up a multicolored tree and handing it to Scully.
“This is beautiful, Faithy, but I think maybe we should move over to the table? Or the top of the bookcase there, so your pictures don’t get stepped on? I think that would be better.” 
“Okay, Mommy. I’ll pick them up. Can you get my backpack?” 
“Yeah, baby. I got it.” 
They walked to the low bookcase and Faith set the stack of papers down. 
“This one is for Jacob,” she said, laying the one Scully had already seen beside her larger pile of papers. “This one is for Unco. It’s all yellow and orange because he was the coward lion for Halloween.” She giggled as Scully laughed softly, remembering Skinner in the Cowardly Lion costume. “This one is for Liz Beth, because she likes pink, purple, and little blue.” 
“Light blue,” Scully corrected her in a whisper, smiling as she looked at the tree for Elizabeth. 
“This one is for Raycho,” Faith continued, moving Elizabeth’s drawing over. “It’s blues and purples like her ballerina painting. I like that painting. It makes me happy.” 
“Oh, Faith,” Scully breathed, shaking her head slowly. 
“And this is yours, Mommy. I made this one for you. See?” Moving Rachel’s drawing, Scully gasped at the heart tree Faith had made for her. “Do you like it, Mommy?” 
“I love it. It’s so beautiful,” Scully whispered, squatting down to look at it closer. 
“It’s the colors of your office. The green walls of the office. And black and white and gray. All the colors in there, Mommy. Oh, and little brown, like the bookcases.” 
“Faithy,” she said, touching the drawing and tracing the darker brown of the tree up to the light yellow in the center. “It’s so beautiful, honey. Can you tell me what the yellow is in the middle?” 
“That’s the light,” she said, looking at Scully in confusion. “Like the light on your desk.” 
“Of course it is,” she whispered with a small chuckle. 
“I have to write my name still. The paint was too wet. I can do it later at home, right? Before we go to Unco’s house?” Faith asked, her eyebrows knitting together in concern. 
“Yes. We’ll have time for that,” Scully reassured her, as she continued to look at the heart tree. “How did you make these?” 
“With my fingers,” Faith said, wiggling them at Scully with a giggle. “We did heart finger painting.” 
“And you made one for everyone,” Scully said softly. 
“Welllll…” Faith said, looking around the classroom. “Miss Cole said it was supposed to be only one… maybe two, but I made more.” 
“I can see that,” Scully laughed quietly. 
“She said it was for our family, for Valentine’s Day. But, I have…” She held up her hand and pointed to each finger as she named them. “Unco, Raycho, Jacob, Liz Beth, Daddy, and you, Mommy. That’s six people in my family. I had to make six.” She shrugged and Scully set Mulder’s heart tree onto the pile as she reached for Faith, pulling her close and closing her eyes. 
“Do you know how much I love you, Faith Mulder?” 
“Yeah,” Faith said as she hugged her back. “As tall as the mountains, as deep as the sea, and all the way to the farthest planet.” 
“Infinity,” Faith said and Scully smiled as she let her go and smoothed back her hair, kissing her forehead softly. “I love you all those things too, Mommy.” 
“I’m so happy you do.” Faith nodded and Scully kissed her forehead once more before collecting the papers. “What do you say to lunch and then the park?” 
“The big park?” Faith asked, her eyes lighting up. 
“Yeah, the big park,” Scully said, smiling at her. 
“Can Daddy come with us? He always pushes me so high on the swing.” 
“We can call him in the car and ask him if you’d like,” Scully said, knowing full well Mulder’s answer would be yes, leaving behind the project he had nearly completed for Faith. 
“I just need like an hour more,” he had said, hanging yet another large tissue paper heart from the ceiling as she had walked out of her office. 
“Mulder,” she had said, shaking her head. “This is a lot.” 
“Raising the bar, Scully,” he had said, winking at her. “Letting her know that she shouldn’t settle for less than complete adoration when it comes to holidays.” 
“So is this also meant for me? To represent your love and adoration of me?” she had asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him. “Because… while it is lovely and sweet, I tend to prefer coffee, wine, or something… sparkly.” She had gestured to her ears and then her wrist as he had laughed, stepping off the step ladder and walking over to her. 
“We haven’t even exchanged gifts yet,” he had said in a low voice, pulling her to him and swaying them back and forth as he had smiled at her. “You act as though I don’t know you, woman.” 
“I was just teasing. I don’t need anything,” she had said as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and he brought his forehead to rest against hers, fully aware she had a gift for him wrapped and ready to be given later. 
“No more of no gifts between us,” he had whispered. “We were different then. We have a girl watching us who sees how love should be expressed and celebrated on special occasions. We have a legacy to protect.” 
“Stop being cute and quoting Hamilton at me,” she had whispered back and he had laughed quietly. 
“Wait for it. Wait for it,” he had sung softly, spinning her suddenly and then dipping her, both of them laughing before he had kissed her. 
“I’ll pick her up,” she had whispered against his lips. “You finish up here.” 
“Thanks, love,” he had said, kissing her once more before pulling her back onto her feet and returning to his task.  
Hopefully he’s finished by now, she thought as they walked to the car and she glanced down at the many heart tree drawings in her hand. 
“Can you call Daddy now, Mommy?” Faith asked as they began to leave the school. 
“Sure, honey,” Scully said, pressing a button on the Bluetooth. 
“Can I say it?” 
“Call, Mulder,” Faith said loudly and clearly after she heard the beep, Scully grinning as she glanced back at Faith.  
“Calling… Mulder,” the voice said and Faith smiled as the phone started to ring. 
“Jello,” Mulder said when he answered and Faith giggled. 
“You’re so silly, Daddy. You’re supposed to say hello, not jello.” 
“Oh. Silly me. I must have forgotten,” he said and Scully smiled again.  
“Daddy, we’re going to get some lunch and then go to the big park,” Faith said, opening her arms to emphasize the size of the park. 
“Hey now, but what about me? What if I want to go to the park?” he asked and Scully could practically see him pouting. 
“We’re inviting you, Daddy! This is your own special invitation. Will you RSVP?” 
Mulder choked and Scully covered her mouth as she let out a harsh laugh of surprise. 
“Will I… RSVP?” Mulder asked, coughing over a laugh. 
“Yeah. That means to tell me yes you will or no you won’t,” Faith explained, looking down at the hearts on her sweater. 
“I see,” he said, clearing his throat. “Well then, I RSVP… yes. Yes, I will meet you at the park.” 
“The big park, Daddy.” 
“Yes, the big park. I’ll be there, my love.” 
“Yay! Thank you for the RSVP, Daddy.” 
“You’re welcome, my girl,” he said, laughing softly. “Scully?” 
“Yes?” she asked, laughing softly herself as Faith began singing quietly. 
“Could you grab me something to eat too? S'il vous plait?” 
“Of course, mon cheri,” she said and he hummed. 
“Oh, Tishhhh,” he said softly and she laughed. 
“See you at the big park,” she said, laughing as she disconnected the call, shaking her head. 
As they waited for their food order, she sent a message to Rachel and Skinner, inquiring of their plans for the afternoon and if they wanted to possibly change them and join them at the park. Rachel quickly replied that they would indeed be there, needing to get out of the house for a little while. 
While they ate their lunch at a picnic table, Scully helped Faith write I love you, Love Faith on all of her drawings and then placed them into an extra folder Scully found in the car. 
Mulder arrived, kissing them both hello before he ate his own meal hurriedly in order to push Faith on the swings. 
When Skinner, Rachel, and the twins arrived, Faith was beside herself with happiness. She ran over and hugged them all, telling Elizabeth she liked her beautiful heart dress, which used to be Faith’s. 
“Did you want to give them their drawings, honey?” Scully asked and Faith hurried over to grab the folder, giving out the drawings and telling why each color had been chosen for that specific person. 
Rachel cried at her drawing and the twins, but then laughed when she heard Skinner’s. 
“Aww, you big ol’ lion,” she said, patting his face as he growled, showing his teeth. The kids laughed and then screamed in excitement as he stood up and started to chase them. 
They ran to the playground and he swooped Faith up, hugging her close before setting her onto the play structure. He put the twins in the child swings and pushed them as Faith laughed about something and he smiled back at her. 
“I should probably go give him a hand,” Rachel said, looking at all of their heart trees one more time. “She’s such a sweet girl. So smart. Observant and creative. What will she be when she’s older?” She put the drawings back into the folder, smiled at them, then stood up to join Skinner. 
“What will she be?” Scully echoed in a whisper. 
“Amazing. At whatever she does,” Mulder said, squeezing Scully’s thigh gently. 
“Yeah,” she agreed, looking at his drawing. “All the colors, Mulder. You got all of them, just like her treehouse at home. All the colors, because that’s who you are to her. All the happiness and color in the world.” 
“And you’re her calm, Scully,” he said, nodding to her heart tree. “The peace and comfort she needs when things get to be too much.”
“Yeah,” Scully nodded, tears pricking at her eyes for the second time that day. “I suppose I am.” 
“She’s a pretty great kid,” he whispered, watching her help push the twins, laughing as they began to laugh. 
“She is at that,” Scully replied with a smile. 
“I’m gonna head over and join the group,” he said, turning his head to look at her, a smile tugging at his lips. “But might I first trouble you for a kiss? Can you RSVP on that question?” 
They both laughed loudly and she wiped tears from her eyes as she shook her head. She kissed him, both of them still laughing, before he stood up and extricated himself from the table. 
“RSVP,” he said under his breath as he walked away, shaking his head with a chuckle. 
She smiled as she gathered up their drawings and added them to the others. Putting Faith’s backpack on top of it to keep them from blowing away, she stood up from the table. 
She joined Rachel, who was now pushing Elizabeth in the swing. Faith and Jacob, both suddenly screamed excitedly as they ran across the suspension bridge, their laughter soon filling the air, as Mulder and Skinner played the mean trolls waiting beneath, growling and grabbing at them as they passed. 
What will she be? Scully wondered as she watched Faith, breathing hard and smiling as she whispered in Jacob’s ear. He nodded, his eyes locked on Mulder. 
Amazing, beyond any of our wildest expectations, she thought as Faith and Jacob shouted and ran back across the bridge, laughing and screaming in delight. She couldn’t possibly be anything less. 
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ohthatstragic · 2 years
Confessions - p.m
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a/n: this will be my first request after my break, so i apologise if it's not up to par, i'm just going through a tough time rn rip, but things will get better. i hope i executed this right, anon! forgive me it not ;(
also pls don’t repost or translate any of my work.. i don’t give you permission to do that.
pairings: maverick x reader
warnings: age gap, angst, alcohol, swearing
wc: 4,576
the request: 'Would you write one in which she has a huge crush on Maverick for so long but she never had the guts to say anything, she doesn't even flirts with him because she's very shy and all, until one day they are at hard deck & she gets drunk & a little sad so she confesses her feelings to him?'
You had a habit of developing feelings for people you could never have. Every time you got close to someone, you couldn't help but fall for them at some point - it was like some curse that a higher being had hexed you with. You never dared to tell them how you truly felt, for the fear of not having love returned. The one time you did cross that line, it changed everything and left a huge scar on your heart. So, now you choose to keep these unwelcome feelings to yourself, hopelessly guarding the sleeve that you wore your heart on.
Sitting quietly across the bar beside Bob, your Y/E/C eyes were glued to Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell who was currently stood chatting with Rooster, the corners of his eyes creasing as he threw his head back in a hearty laugh at something Rooster said. It was never intentional when you fell for someone, especially Maverick. You were well aware of the fact that there was a significant age gap between you and the decorated captain, and that was another reason as to why you would never tell him. He'd never look at you in that way, in your mind he probably saw you as a daughter. 
Maverick's familiar and heart-warming laugh echoed out as you continued to watch the pair, your eyes darting to his hand as he clutched his stomach, laughing. Rooster sported an amused open-mouthed grin on his face and you felt your eyes fall to the ground for a split second, your stomach suddenly twisting in what felt like envy. 
The sharp sound of Bob's jaw crunching down on some peanuts pulled you out of your daze and you looked at him, slightly peeved. You and Bob got along like a house on fire, considering both of you were shy, quiet people. "Every time I see you, you're crunching down on some nuts, be it pistachios or peanuts, Bob." You laughed, leaning back into your seat and letting yourself slide down a little with your hands in your lap. There was an empty booth just to the right of the pool table, so of course, being the introvert you are, you chose to sit there for the night. Bob smiled widely at your comment, his goofy face making you hum in amusement. 
"My mom used to eat them all the time," He smiled at you before bringing a hand up to brush some crumbs off of his uniform. "That's probably where I got the taste for them." Bob added with a soft chuckle, glancing away from you for a moment. You copied him, your eyes running back to find Maverick. This time he wasn't stood with Rooster, he was chatting to Penny at the bar. You felt your heart sink as you watched the two of them share smiles and laughter, and finally hearing it break when you saw Penny place her hand atop of Maverick's. Bob looked back at you, his curious eyes widening when he saw your heart-broken face. "Hey, you okay?" He quietly asked, his fingertips softly brushing against your forearm to catch your attention.
Your gaze darted to Bob, and you quickly sat up in your seat, throwing a reassuring fake smile onto your lips to settle the RIO's nerves. "Yeah, yeah," You chuckled awkwardly, glancing between the table in front of you as you brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "I'm good, I just zoned out, I think." You nodded slowly, smacking your lips. Bob wasn't too convinced, but he let the weird moment slide, not really wanting to push you any further. He knew he wasn't good at comforting people when they were upset - let alone when they cried. "I think I'm gonna go get a drink." You announced with a huff, quickly standing up as you cleared your throat, trying to get rid of the lump that was slowly building at the back of it.
"O-okay." Bob said, evidently taken aback at your sudden statement. "I'll be with Phoenix." He added, throwing you a supportive smile, despite your obvious malaise. You nodded at him with another fake smile, not trusting your trembling voice to reply verbally. The two of you stood up from your seats and parted ways, your feet taking you to the bar. You chastised yourself for falling for yet another person that you definitely could not have. How could you be so reckless again?
As you reached the bar, your hand reached out to land on the wooden edge, your knuckles whitening as you gripped it. You didn't have the confidence or courage to look to your right to glance at Penny and Maverick. You knew it would hurt too much. So you kept your eyes locked ahead as a new bartender walked towards you with a happy smile. "What can I getcha?" He beamed, leaning against the side of the bar with his hip.
"Double coke and vodka, and two shots please. Strongest shit you have, it doesn't matter." A small smile reached your lips as you looked up at the young man who was serving you. He was tall but well-built, a messy mop of light brown hair sitting atop his head and some thick stubble coating his jaw and cheeks. Couldn't be older than twenty-two.
"Rough night?" He awkwardly joked, hoping you'd see it like that and not him trying to push your buttons. Relief washed over him as he watched an amused grin spread across your cheeks.
"Yeah, you could say that." You replied, sighing, fighting the urge to think about the man a few feet to the side of you. "It's not a night to be remembered, you know what I mean?" You laughed dryly and stupidly cast your gaze to the right, spotting Maverick and Penny with big grins on their faces. Fighting the scoff that threatened to leave your throat, you looked back to the bartender, your tired eyes following the clear liquid as it spilled from the glass bottle that was enveloped delicately by his slender fingers and into your glass of coke.
"Been there, done that, sweetie." He smiled back at you as he finished pouring your shots, sliding them towards you with his fingers, a soft sigh leaving his chest.
"Thanks." You said and quickly threw the two shots back with a grimace as the amber liquor burned down your throat. "Shit, what the hell was that?" You choked out through a cough, your hand coming up to cover your mouth as you fought to regain control of your lungs. The bartender let out an amused chuckle as he watched you, his hands reaching out to collect your empty shot glasses.
"That was three wise men," He answered with a smirk, making you frown at him. "Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniels and Jim Beam in one. Well, two, in your case." The bartender couldn't help the snort that escaped him and you groaned. God, you were definitely gonna feel the effects of that sooner than later.
"Well, I can say for sure that I'm not gonna remember tonight, so thank you." You joked, laughing.
"That's what I'm here for." He said with a kind smile. "I'm Alex by the way." Alex smiled at you, folding his arms against his chest.
"Y/N. Have a good night, Alex, I'm sure I'll be back later on." You said with a dry chuckle. Pursing your lips, you gave him a small smile before you wrapped your fingers around the cold, wet glass of vodka and coke in front of you, walking off in the direction of the squad who were currently creating a ruckus by the pool table.
"It's about time you joined us, Y/C/S," Phoenix grinned, leaning up from the pool table as the loud clack of pool balls echoed from her shot. "Where've you been?" She pried, narrowing her eyes at your blank face.
"Getting drunk." You answered simply, holding back a pitiful laugh. Phoenix eyed you suspiciously, her eyes quickly darting to the new bartender. You quickly put the pieces together and read her mind. "No! No, no, I was not chatting up the new bartender." You affirmed with a laugh, taking a big swig of your drink. Phoenix watched you, her eyes widening and brows twitching upwards in surprise at your unusual behaviour.
"Drunk? You never get drunk, Y/N." She said quietly, glancing between the tight grip you had on your glass and your tired eyes. You let out a small groan and glanced at Hangman and Coyote who were staring at the two of you from the pool table, curious about the conversation you were having with Phoenix. "You good?" She chuckled, a hint of concern evident in her voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just don't want to remember tonight." You stated with a careless shrug, taking another long sip of your drink. The room started to look a little different - you were sure it was because of the alcohol. Phoenix stared at you, but she didn't dare tell you off, she knew that you could handle yourself and you never made mistakes. Well...
"Alright, we're here if you need us, you know you can always come to me if you need a talk, Y/N/N." Phoenix added, raising her hand to place it on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. A lazy smile worked it's way onto your face as you stared up at your friend, your teeth poking out from underneath your lips as it grew into a grin.
"I know, thanks Phoenix, now let's get fucked up." You giggled, your body feeling hot from the alcohol. An amused open-mouthed grin slipped onto Phoenix's face as she slung an arm around your shoulders, walking with you toward a confused Hangman and Coyote.
There were a few more drinks in you when a familiar voice perked up behind you.
"Hey, I haven't seen you at all tonight, Y/C/S," Maverick said from behind you with a concerned smile on his face. Admittedly, you had been avoiding him - mainly because it hurt you too much. You didn't want to keep seeing the image of him and Penny together in your mind every time you looked at him. "Are you avoiding me?" He joked, a toothy grin spreading across his cheeks. Being drunk, you interpreted his joke as a serious question.
"What- No!" You replied a little too quickly, earning a confused frown from the older pilot. Your heart started to hammer against your ribcage and you nibbled on your bottom lip - a nervous habit you developed when you were a small child. "No, I've just err, been with Phoenix and Bob most of the night." You quietly said, trying to control your lips so you didn't slur your words. Although, that was a lost cause.
"Are you drunk, sweetheart?" Maverick asked teasingly. He noticed the weird twang in your voice and his brows knitted together, an amused chuckle leaving his lips. You held back the groan that threatened to slip out, the use of the pet name making you go weak in the knees.
"Err, no..." You slurred, shaking your head vigorously, the strands of your hair dangling over your eyes. "Maybe.." You added quietly, looking away from the captain with an awkward, guilty look on your face. A lopsided smile picked at the corner of his mouth as he stared at you.
"Never thought I'd see the day." Maverick joked, raising the bottle of beer to his lips to take a sip. "What's the occasion?" He asked, swallowing the rest of his beer with a hiss.
"Just a bad night." You shrugged as an awkward laugh or hiccup escaped you. Maverick looked at you with a frown; concern painting his features. "It's nothing, really. I'd rather not get into it." You assured the captain, your heart twisting in your chest as a sea of sorrow took hold. Maverick didn't say anything, he only nodded slowly, his eyes still attached to you. He wasn't one to push someone about their problems, he had his own and he would rather them be willing to talk about it.
"I'm gonna go find Phoenix, we agreed to be toilet buddies tonight." You said, quickly standing up like you were desperate to rid yourself of this situation. Deep down, you were. You weren't sure how long you'd be able to handle this tonight. Maverick gave you another silent nod, pursing his lips as he smiled at you. Internally, you groaned - you've definitely ruined that, then.
With a quiet 'okay', you walked from Maverick with a shaky breath, eyes shooting up to search for Phoenix's figure. Throwing your hazy gaze around the bar, you found her stood at the bar with Rooster, his classic Hawaiian shirt hanging loosely on his body. Phoenix caught sight of you and poked her head above Rooster's tall shoulder, a bright smile reaching her lips.
You forced a smile onto your face as you looked back at her. "Hey!" Rooster noticed Phoenix's change in attention and he twisted his body around to where she was looking, his big, brown eyes falling onto your smaller body. A grin quickly spread across his cheeks, shining white teeth poking out.
"Y/C/S," Rooster chuckled, the corners of his eyes creasing out of happiness. "How-"
"Down for some shots? They're on me." You quickly said, avoiding his question. Quite obviously, you were not well equipped to answer that question - you were just about holding onto your tears and sobs with a thinning string. Rooster bit down on his bottom lip with a frown, glancing at his squad-mate, Phoenix. She stared at him and shook her head, silently telling him to go along with it.
"Uhh. Yeah, sure, Y/N." Rooster swallowed, feigning a happy smile. Deep down he was itching to know what had gotten into you - after all you were like his little sister, the two of you shared a lot of common interests. However, he would never dare to press you for information. The pilot knew how it felt. "What're you getting?"
"A mix of whiskies." You replied nonchalantly like it was the normal thing you'd order. "Alex said it's called Three Blind Men, or something like that." A frustrated sigh made your chest heave, and Rooster knew right then that something was definitely bothering you. As if Phoenix was psychic, she placed a firm hand on Rooster's arm to halt him from going any further. His head whipped around to face her as his wide eyes dipped into Phoenix's cautious brown ones, distress and concern evident on his worn features. In the background, he could hear you ordering for the three of you.
Reluctantly, Rooster clenched his jaw as he stepped back, staring at the carpeted floor. "It's for the best, Bradshaw." Phoenix muttered to him, making his worried brown eyes flick up to meet hers. He acknowledged Phoenix's words with a gentle nod, the helpless look on his face switching to a grin as you turned around, your hands adorned with shot glasses spilling over with alcohol.
"Let me know what you think of this." You grinned despite the harrowing empty feeling growing inside you. Rooster and Phoenix hesitantly accepted the shots, watching you throw back two- three in a row. Their mouths hung agape at your abnormal behaviour. "The burn really hits you at the end." You giggled, hissing through your teeth. Phoenix and Rooster cheers'd each other and repeated your previous action, swallowing the amber liquid with a cough.
"Jesus," Phoenix choked out, setting the glass down with a heavy thud. Rooster was coughing in an attempt to compose himself as he recovered from the heavy alcohol. "Have you been drinking this all night?!" She exclaimed, brows shooting up in shock like a bullet.
Your body suddenly felt wavy, and a wave of heat rushed over you. "Yep." You proudly hiccupped, a sloppy smile spreading across your face as you stared between the two pilots. Being drunk, you didn't notice their very concerned expressions, and mistook them for happy ones, so you threw two thumbs up in the air with an open-mouthed grin, wobbling on your feet.
"Hey, why don't we go sit down?" Rooster suggested, quickly walking over to grab you by the arms to lead you to the closest table. Phoenix swiftly followed. You grumbled at Rooster, your fingers flying to fumble against his strong grip on your arms.
"No, I don't wanna sit," You groaned and your lips pouted as you stared up at your friends, thudding down onto the booth's seat. "Rooster play Balls of Fire!" You suddenly exclaimed as you caught sight of the piano, your eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree. Phoenix had to bite back her laugh as she looked at your child-like expression - your eyes had widened like a fruit bat and your mouth was open in a joyful grin, your cheeks pinkening from either the excitement that was suddenly jolting through your body, or the alcohol you'd just consumed. She decided it was a mixture of the two.
"Rooster will play later on, Y/N, won't you?" Phoenix smiled, brushing a hand over your head in an attempt to soothe you. Rooster threw a confused look at his friend, but he quickly nodded in agreement, matching her happy tone.
"Yeah, and you can help me, don't worry, Y/N." He grinned down at you, despite the painful worry that was seeping into his chest. The man was worried about you - what the hell was making you drink so heavily? He knew you'd tell him when you were ready, but this was a little concerning.
As you stared up at your two squad-mates, your ears began to buzz and you felt your vision blurring as you zoned out, your mind soon painting a picture of the reason why you were acting so recklessly. The familiar mop of dark, brown hair sat atop tanned skinned appeared in your mind; the silhouette of a green aviator jacket suddenly materialising. Soon enough, Maverick had overtaken your brain.
"Y/N!" Rooster's stern voice ripped you from your daydream daze, your eyes twitching as you were brought back to the reality you'd began to hate. "You good?" He asked, his hand firmly grasping your shoulder. The happy grin that once claimed your face had melted away, and a subtle frown replaced it. Your eyes fell to the table as you thought back to the moment you saw Maverick and Penny hold hands at the bar.
"Yeah, yeah," You blinked, quickly throwing a convincing smile Rooster's way. "Can I be alone for a bit? I don't feel so good." You admitted, letting your head rest lazily against your hand. A groan left your throat as Rooster sighed - a sign of defeat.
"Sure, Y/N." He replied quietly, reluctantly walking away as he gave you one last look, the worried look on his face never leaving. Phoenix followed him and placed a supportive hand on his back, throwing you a sympathetic smile.
"Christ," You let your head fall onto the table with a gentle thud, the pain numbed by the amount of alcohol running through your system. "Can this get any worse?" You mumbled to yourself as you slowly raised your head, squinting your eyes at an approaching, blurry figure. A familiar one, at that...
"May I?" The voice asked as you closed your eyes, drunkenly humming in reply to it. A chuckle reached your ears and your body flinched at it, suddenly realising who the hell had come to see you.
"Mav...?" You quietly asked, praying to the heavens above that it wasn't.
"Yeah?" He answered. You felt your heart drop and your stomach knot together.
"Hi, Mav." You sat up, feeling slightly uneasy. Running a hand through your dishevelled hair, you swallowed thickly before meeting his amused eyes. Internally you cringed, you were mortified to have him see you like this - this was not the plan at all. "So, how are you and Penny?" You blurted out, a hint of jealousy sprinkled in your voice. Maverick's brow cocked up in curiosity.
"Me and Penny?" He repeated, obviously confused.
"Yeaaah," You slurred, clumsily staring at him. "I saw you and her hold hands earlier, aren't you a thing?" You stated with a huff, clearly effected by it. The captain frowned at your confrontational behaviour, wholly confused as to why you seemed so effected by what you had seen. To him, it was a friendly gesture - there were no romantic intentions behind it.
"I think you have it wrong, Y/N." Maverick smiled, trying to defuse the growing tense situation.
"No, I'm never wrong, especially with things.. like this.." You shrugged, tearing your gaze from his to have it land on the table you shared. "The two of you have history anyway, so it'd make sense, you know? You're pretty much perfect for each other, I don't know why you haven't made a move yet, Mav, you must be blind or something." You laughed as you rambled on, never once looking up at the man in front of you. It would hurt too much, and you definitely knew you wouldn't be able to handle the immense emotion that'd overcome you.
"Y/N, what's gotten into you?" Maverick asked quietly, his voice laced with worry.
"Nothing, it's nothing," You wrinkled your nose up as you felt a lump begin to form in the back of your throat. Swallowing, you picked up all the courage you could to look at Maverick. Boy, did you regret that. Almost instantly you felt your eyes burn with tears, and you rushed to bite down on your lip in a feeble attempt to stop them.
Maverick quickly noticed your brimming eyes and he sat forward, his once happy eyes softening into an obvious show of worry. "You can tell me anything, what's wrong, Y/N?" He softly said, a kind smile falling onto his lips. You squeezed your eyes shut as you looked down at the table, your heart bursting at the seams.
"No, I can't tell you this." You choked out, inhaling a sharp breath through your teeth as the tears - along with the alcohol - blurred your vision. "It's complicated." You added with a quiet sob.
"Y/N," Maverick gently said, making your stomach do flips. "Let me help, what is it?" The captain blinked at you, his eyes gazing into your own with a soft look on his face.
You went silent for a while, and inside of you, you were calculating all the possible outcomes if you told Maverick how you truly felt about him - how it tortured you to look at him and Penny like that. You would never wish that pain on anyone, even your worst enemy. That broke you. If you told him how you felt, it would change things forever, and you weren't sure if you could go through that immense pain again, you already knew how it would go. Then again, what were the chances if he felt the same way about you? Slim, probably. The tiny voice inside you was willing you to tell him, to just rip the band-aid off and do it. It would hurt less if you told Maverick - if he didn't feel the same way, fine. You could move on. But if he did...?
"Mav, the next thing I tell you..." You mumbled, voice slurring as you were unsure of how to navigate such a thing. "It's going to change everything bet-ween us." You said with a deep inhale, your vision going slightly blurry as you blinked. You didn't give him a chance to reply as you blurted out the thing you'd been keeping to yourself for so goddamn long. "I, err, I've fallen for you, Maverick, and I understand if you don't... feel the same..." You hiccupped, eyes rolling as you sat back in your seat, feeling the room begin to spin. You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or the anxiety bubbling in you currently.
Maverick was silent as he stared at you, slowly making sense of what you had just said. You had feelings for him? Unsure of what to do, Maverick chuckled awkwardly, his hand coming up to scratch at his jawline. "I think that's the alcohol talking, sweetheart." He said with a soft smile, trying to work out whether you were just drunk, or actually being serious.
"No, no it's not-" You shook your head vigorously at him, still not making eye contact with him as your cheeks were wet with tears. "It's true, I promise, I- it's true. I know how crazy it must sound to you." Maverick was staring at you with a small smile present on his lips. All this time, he was blind to what he truly wanted. You. As soon as he'd walked into the first briefing, you'd caught his eye. Maverick knew the age gap between you two was quite... significant in so many words. So, he never sought to act on his feelings, let alone tell you.
"No, actually it doesn't sound too crazy." Maverick replied slowly, tapping his nail on the beer bottle in his hand. You looked up at him with your glossy, reddened eyes as they widened with shock at what he had just said.
"You.. what?" You breathed out, feeling the like the room was closing in on you.
"I feel the same way, Y/N." Maverick couldn't help the signature toothy smile that slipped onto his lips as he stared at you. Despite your clearly dishevelled look, he still thought you looked absolutely beautiful, your beauty really did radiate from within, too. Everything about you was perfect to him. Everything.
"Are... are you sure?" You muttered, utterly shell-shocked at Maverick's reply. Where was the 'I'm sorry, Y/N, I don't feel the same' or the 'I think we're better off as friends'? This was not what you were bracing yourself for, and your surprised eyes showed that.
"Yes," Maverick laughed quietly at your response. He found amusement in your surprise as he watched you slowly sway from side to side in your seat, obviously still very intoxicated. "Why don't we get you home, sweetheart? I think a sleep would benefit you greatly." He laughed again, nodding at your drunken state. You groaned and nodded lazily, feeling your eyes beginning to close.
"Wait!" You suddenly perked up, the captain flinching in fright as he stood up to move toward you. "Can you stay with me? For tonight? Please?" You begged with a wide smile, your fingers flopping together in an sloppy attempt to make a praying gesture. Maverick sighed at you with a soppy smile on his lips, and he pretended to think about the offer, earning a whiny-groan from you.
"I guess someone will need to hold your hair back tonight." He teased with a smirk, holding out his hand for you to take. "C'mere." He mumbled as you took his hand to stand up, Maverick's other hand coming to settle on your waist to steady your wobbly self. The two of you were impossibly close and you felt your heart jump into your throat, a shiver running down your spine.
'Mhm' was the only thing you could muster up in reply to him as Maverick lead you out of the bar carefully and cautiously, his thumb gently caressing the side your waist to comfort you. How did you start the night by getting drunk and sad about this man, to ending it with him taking you home? You threw a quick glance over your shoulder at the squad who were currently staring at the two of you in shock -mainly Hangman and Rooster, who were sharing a look of open-mouth surprise. You grinned at them, giving them a small wave as Maverick opened the bar doors for you.
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
What saddens me the most on this topic, is why are we putting everything constantly on Tom's shoulders?? So what he didn't repost. That young man is being pulled constantly in a thousand directions. His dog just died, he's trying to support Zendaya's movie, he's working, he's expected to help his family and friends with there dreams, he's not been allowed to grieve properly. He's even helping his moms charity by using his name solely to get donations. This is nuts.
Why are we expecting celebrities to say something regardless on there platform?. I just told someone earlier this is a test against not only him, but his relationship, a little bit. He and Zendaya may be deeply in love, but people will turn this around and come after her for being with him if this continues. People don't believe me, but it is true. Because it can affect her career and zendaya overthinks, and possible choices may need to be made. I can tell you right now, that young man would rather break off the relationship than to see her career suffer damage because he knows how hard she has worked for this that he would let it go. I see absolutely nothing wrong with being apolitical. I don't want celebrities speaking for me. I couldn't care less about what they have to say if we are dealing with real world issues. People have been hating on him since he was in school. Enough is enough. And Francesca is not a kid, speak the hell up and tell people that she is being supported as well. If she is. I mean what is he personally supposed to do. Get her a mental health counselor. People aren't going to listen to him. They hate him for being with Zendaya and just being alive, basically.
If I were him, leave the damn play, put a black Romeo in there and let them do it without him. Support everyone from the audience. Give the money back, and just finish off Spiderman with a huge contract. Yes, people want to see him but, no. Get the attention completely off him and put in Daniel Kaaluya and keep.it moving. People have been consistently cruel to this young man for zero good reasons for YEARS NOW since 2016 and before. NOT MONTHS, YEARS. Who cares if he supports zendaya by likes. He liked Francescas stuff as well.
People are going to cause him to remove himself sooner than later from public life. Anything that is positive in the world doesn't have a chance. Look how they jumped on Zendaya over a damn seat at a fashion show regarding Law and were just cruel as ever. She gets it in doses, he gets in every time. From his looks, height, hair, etc.
Fuck racist. But, people should be calling on Elon Musk more so than anything to make this shit stop.
I think I'm going the same way as the other anon. It's not fun anymore. Tooo much negativity towards one person. ALL THE TIME IS INSANE. No racists can remove me,but I will support Tom and Zendaya by going to the movies and watching my TV.
I realized recently...I can imagine Tom and Zendaya hate that their relationship is public. The constant beat downs take there toll. People will lift her on a pedestal and slam him daily or vice versa depending on the topic. They don't care about him. Only if he's a good boyfriend or not.
I always wonder where are his publicist, and why don't they get ahead of shit before it gets to this??? What is he paying for? They sure don't do much to keep him in a positive light I know that much, EVER.
Thanks for letting me rant.
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Okay Girl.... I need you to take some deeeeep breaths in and out for me....
Maybe you're just ranting and letting off some steam, but nothing you mentioned is going to happen. This isn't going to affect Tom and Zendaya's relationship, they're not going to quit the play, and I don't think TZ regret anything about their relationship....not even being public. (If you ask me, hiding profusely was stifling and not conducive for a long-term relationship of two massive celebrities in the public eye imo)
I personally don't need for celebrities to speak out on political issues on social media either (especially if they haven't done their research and don't know what they're talking about), but to try and pretend that people aren't going to have ANY reactions/thoughts/feelings about what's going on in the world when they live in the same country, or earth that we live on is just naive imo.
Also, not ALL celebrities were born rich. In fact, MANY were just regular degular working-class citizens like you and me. So to say that some are "out of touch".... Like, how do you know that? How do you know what types of lives some people have had before they became famous? Just saying.... Some have had worse lives than I have even had before they got famous lol. Just saying lol.
Anyway.... I think it's good for you all to take a long break from Twitter (or maybe even all of social media) for a while. Either that, or just limit what you choose to look at. If you see that there's something negative on there, immediately click OUT of tweet, quickly scroll away, or go search something else.
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charnelhouse · 2 years
AINT no damn way price doesn’t have some type of corruption kink. Like those pornos of dilf fucking young women- that’s him fr fr. He even had the porno mustache.
He probably hate and love it at the same time tbh. Like he knows he shouldn’t be with someone under him who is so much younger than him but DAMN does she make it hard.
He has definitely made a sex tapes and stuff when he was younger and his current s/o finds them on accident one day when he’s busy and she’s just so shocked about how fucking rough he can be and so mean during sex. He’s probably so soft and sweet to her because he’s scared of hurting her and those girls he was with wasn’t people he was dating, just some flings and the tapes was for quick cash. His s/o isn’t even mad cause that was so long ago when he made them but DAMN. One of them has a girl face down on her belly. It starts with her face smooshed down into the bed with him holding her hair down with his huge hand and the other is holding a cigarette (something he smoked when he was in his early 20s) to his lips. He starts out slow and rolls his hip while letting out the smoke that he held in his mouth but the girl keeps whining and whimper. It looked like he was annoyed by the noises she was making and maybe it was just an act but whatever it was it caused him to hold the cigarette in the corner of his mouth and bring the now free hand to her hip and force her back into him so harshly that it causes his s/o watching to flinch. He’s going so slow but so rough that if he wasn’t holding the girl by her long hair the poor girl would go flying off the cheap squeaky bed.
It’s so nuts to her that she can’t even comprehend it! He’s so soft to her that even if she ask to go fast he will hush her or barely go faster. He always says he doesn’t want to hurt or break her or that he’s fine going that soft but clearly he isn’t! All these videos he’s so harsh and rough! She wants that!
The girl in the video is so loud but can’t get clear moans out cause now he’s wrapped his arm around her throat where now her throat is in the joint of his arm and every time he flex’s his arm it chokes her. Price had pulled her all the way up by the throat with his arm to the point she’s almost completely standing up.
He’s frowning so harshly and sweat is starting to form at his hair line. He doesn’t even look like the same person! She wouldnt even be able to recognize him if it wasn’t for the tattoo on his upper arm that looked fresh in the videos she watched. His thrust was so vigorously and rough into the woman what the girl wasn’t even making noises any more her mouth was just hung open and her eyes was squeezed shut.
He just kept saying things like “take all of it” “stop fucking crying and take it” things he would NEVER say to her even if she BEGGED him to. She knows he’s holding back when they have sex. It makes her feel hot and uncomfortable knowing he’s capable of doing stuff like this! There was another video where he face fucks another girl with one hand tied so tightly to the base of the girl’s scalp and the other is holding a beer to his lips. His s/o wonders how much did he make from these??? She hopes he got good money from these tales when he younger cause damn! Where have these been???! How has she not found them until now?? They were hidden in a small box in his side of their closet in a hole they found in this house he just bought them. It was a beautiful house and they haven’t finished unboxing, something he promised he’d do when he came back from this mission he was currently on.
His s/o would just keep digging in these boxes. More and more vhs tapes and cds would be discovered and they weren’t named they just had dates on them from the early 2000s. Go even deeper and there’s literal old playboy magazines, a camera, old condoms, and even older pack of cigs? It looks like he hasn’t touched this stuff in yeeeaarss. Does he even remember he still has this stuff? It would be funny if it wasn’t so hot. Does he think he’s too old to do this stuff now?? Why won’t he do it? Why hasn’t he told her about this? She’s not mad just wants to know! Does he have a thing for being watched or recorded? If he did would he rewatch it or want to do it with her? This shit is all so crazy and funny to her she wants to tell him she found this shit but she doesn’t even know if he remembers he has this shit. Price has a bad fucking habit of forgetting about shit or keeping shit that he doesn’t fucking need and she ends up throwing shit away when he isn’t looking.
Theres even a video of him with picking up a girl and literally throwing her onto a couch after the girl says something to him. This is so nuts to her. She would just be sitting on the bedroom floor with all the tapes around her while going through these magazines from the early 2000s and looking at his old stuff from them too. There’s even pictures of him in here. Some of when he was in college and partying with his friends, some he’s with his team he use to play sports with, and under that there was the pictures of him with naked women or men or him himself was naked. All this shit was under his college sweaters and trophies so maybe he really doesn’t remember. It looks like he hasn’t been in this box in a long time. Is he in any of these magazines? Did he do this during college to get by or did he like genuinely enjoy it? There’s so many! He had to some what enjoy it if he kept the original copies of these videos! Who are these girls and guys? She’s so interested in all of this. It makes her want to act like how these girls do in the videos to see if he will remember them or just think she’s copying something from a show again.
Hahaha I still think that if he took a video of anything it would be on his phone and it would be blurry aF
I actually think Price would be drawn towards older woman because he assumes they can take his darkness. If he leaves them, they’ll be fine on their own.
That’s not to say that he wouldn’t be with someone much younger but he’d avoid it because he assumes they wouldn’t be able to handle who he is and what he does and how he has this entire violent/secretive life
He has enough baggage so he’d be like fuckkk why would I put you through it
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || Anti-Cupid
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Blood pooled down Abrahams face as he sat back up.
Natalia's ears rang at the sound of the impact on his skull, as well as the screams around her, she didn't realise that one of them was her own.
"Ho!" Negan jeered. "Look at that. Taking it like a champ!"
"Suck... my... nuts." Abraham told him.
He swung his bat down another time, then again. "Damn!" Then again, and again, and again, blood splatted from the bat, coating a few of them around the face, in Abrahams blood.
It hit Natalia's cheek, warm on her cold skin, but it stung , like it was boiling hot.
"Did you hear that?" He asked, laughing. "He said, "Suck my nuts." He then swung down again, as they watched and cried in horror.
Until eventually, there was nothing left of the mans head, his brains spilled out on the ground from where his head was, his body layed still.
Natalia didn't cry, she couldn't she was stuck as she kept her eyes ahead, the lump in her throat made her feel like she couldn't breath.
Michonne, beside her didn't cry either, she sat tall, her arms swung as she kept herself still.
"Oh, my goodness!" Negan cackled. "Look at this." He shook the bat towards Rick, splattering him. "You guys, look at my dirty girl!"
He walked towards Natalia, placing the bloody bat in front of her, she didn't move her eyes, she couldn't.
"Natalia... look at it, I wanna see my bloody Lucille in your pretty eyes." She didn't. "There was a reason for all this, Natalia, and you were behind that reason. Red... and hell, he was, is, and will forever be red. He just took one or six or seven for the team! So, you're going to look at it, look at it long and hard, sweetheart."
She couldn't move.
"Natalia! Look at it!" He shouted at her.
Daryl got up from his spot beside her, throwing his fist at the man, having enough of him taunting his woman.
Negan fell back as Daryl reached for him, getting a grip of his jacket before Dwight and a few other Saviours pulled him away, pinning him to the ground.
"No!" Natalia cried out. "Get off of him, please!" crawling towards him, but a Saviour grabbed a fist fall of her hair, keeping her back.
"Daryl!" Rick called,
"Get off of him!" She fought against the man. "Stop it!"
"No!" Negan shouted, pointing his bat at them. "Oh, no. That? Oh, my! That... is a no-no.
"Please. Please, don't," Natalia whimpered, tears rolling down her face for the second time that day. "Don't, please."
"Natalia, honey, I'm trying to lecture here, could ya keep it down." He told her. "The whole thing, not one bit of that flies here."
Dwight stepped towards him, aiming the crossbow at Daryl.
"Do you want me to do it?" Dwight asked the man. "Right here."
"No!" Natalia screamed. "Don't! Please, don't do it, please."
Negan looked at her, before back at Daryl, grabbing a fist fall of his hair.
"Hm, Natalia? She yours?" He asked the man, who struggled against him. "You lucky son of a bitch, how in the hell did someone like you manage that, please teach all of us your ways." He snickered at him. "I could kill you, take out the competition." He pondered the thought. "Tell me, she sound like that when you're giving it to her, begging, crying so sweetly, whimpering as you're hitting it."
Daryl tried to get out of the men's hold, reaching to hit him again, but he couldn't.
"Must do" Negan chuckled "If ya got her crying like that, in front of the girlfriend of red over there, who I just ended. No." He looked up at Dwight. "No, you don't kill them... not until you try a little."
They dragged Daryl back, the Saviour let go of Natalia, she instantly went towards him, but the voice of Negan stopped her.
"Do not!" He shouted. "Make me change my mind, Natalia." He overpronounced her name.
Negan then stood up.
"Anyway, that's not how it works. Now, I already told you people, first one's free, then... what'd I say? I said I would shut that shit down! No exceptions. Even if you do have a ridiculously hot girlfriend, that doesn't want to look at her own faults, can I blame him? Hell nah, I'd do the same damn thing. Now, I don't know what kind of lying assholes you've been dealing with... but I'm a man of my word. First impressions are important. I need you to know me. So..." He paused for dramatic effect. "Back to it." He then turned around, bringing his bat down on Glenn's head, knocking him down completely.
"No!" Maggie screamed as the others stared, tears hadn't stopped flowing from any of them since they started.
Glenn sat back up, groaning in pain.
His whole face was covered in blood as his forehead was caved in, his eye had popped out the socket.
Natalia shook at the sight, her lip quivering.
"Buddy, you still there?" Negan asked, leaning towards him.
Glenn gasped for air.
"I just don't know. It seems like you're trying to speak, but you just took a hell of a hit. I just popped your skull so hard, your eyeball just popped out, and it is gross as shit!" Negan exclaimed.
"Maggie, I'll find you." Glenn mumbled as the others weeped at him.
"Oh." Negan clicked his tongue. "Oh, hell. I can see this is hard on you guys. I am sorry. I truly am. But I did say it. No exceptions!" He then whacked Glenn round the head with the bat. Bringing it down on him, over and over, until he met the same fate as Abraham. "Look at that" He laughed through swings. One couple steps out of line, so I end another, I'm like the anti-cupid." He went back to swinging.
Natalia sobbed at this, this was her fault, all of it was her fault.
"You punch of pussies." He said as they choked and sobbed hard. "I'm just getting started."
He finished with Glenn, swinging his bat around again.
"Lucille is thirsty." He laughed again. "She is a vampire bat. What?" Negan asked the group. "Was the joke that bad?"
"I'm gonna kill you." Rick whispered harshly.
Negan crouched down in front of him.
"What?" He asked. "I didn't quite catch that. You're gonna have to speak up."
Rick stared Negan down.
"Not today... not tomorrow... but I'm gonna kill you."
Negan sucked his teeth as he smiled at Rick.
"Jesus." He whispered. "Simon... what did he have, a knife?"
The man with the moustache stepped forward.
"Uh, he had a hatchet."
Negan looked at him in surprise.
"A hatchet?"
"He had an axe." Simon clarified.
Negan laughed at this.
"Simon's my right-hand man. Having one of those is important." He told Rick. "I mean, what do you have left without them? A whole lot of work. Do you have one? Maybe one of these fine people still breathing? Oh. Or did I..." He waved his bat around.
Rick didn't respond.
Negan let out a sigh.
"Sure. Yeah. Give me his axe." Negan told Simon, who did as he said.
Negan stared at Rick as he held his axe.
He then stood up, placing it in between his belt, then grabbed a hold of Rick, dragging him toward the RV. "I'll be right back. Maybe Rick will be with me. And if not, well, we can just turn these people inside out, won't we? I mean... the ones that are left." He then got inside the RV, with Rick, driving the big vehicle away.
They were left to sit there, guns were pointed at them, but no one could move anyway, what had just taken place, was enough to keep them there.
Dawn was approaching.
It was Evie's birthday, and Natalia didn't even know if she'd ever see her again, this made her cry even harder, digging her palms into her eyes as her body shook, the necklace Daryl and got the little girl was still in her pocket, of the cargo pants she was wearing, and it might end up there forever.
Natalia had promised she'd always come back to her, and she left without even saying goodbye, she'd never get to tell Evie that she loved her again, how she reminded her of a teenager she also grew to love so much, how she was like the daughter she had always hoped her own would grow up to be like.
Soon enough, she was the only person who still had tears to shed, and they all knew why, they all knew how important this day was to her, not all of them could fully understand to the whole extent, why, but they knew how much it meant to her, to celebrate her adopted daughters birthday, that she had been preparing and nagging them all about for days.
Eventually, the RV came back, Negan dragged Rick back out of it, then threw him on the floor in front of his family, his axe was in his hand.
"Here we are." Negan said. "Let me ask you something, Rick. Do you even know what that little trip was about?"
He didn't answer as all eyes stared at him.
"Speak when you're spoken to." Negan told him, in a bored tone.
"Okay. Okay." Rick found his words.
"That trip was about the way that you looked at me." Negan revealed. "I wanted to change that. I wanted you to understand. But you're still looking at me the same damn way... like I shit in your scrambled eggs, and that's not gonna work. So, do I give you another chance?"
"Yeah. Yes. Yes." Rick answered.
Negan nodded, patting him on the back.
"Okay. All right. And here it is, the grand-prize game. What you do next will decide whether your crap day becomes everyone's last crap day or just another crap day. Get some guns to the back of their heads." He ordered.
The men did as they were told.
"Good. Now... level with their noses, so if you have to fire..." He imitated an explosion "...it'll be a real mess." He then looked around, setting his eyes on Carl. "Kid." He wagged his finger, gesturing for him to come forward. "Right here."
Carl didn't move.
"Kid... now."
Carl stood up, walking to stand in front of him, as Negan took off his own belt.
"You a southpaw?" He asked him.
"Am I what?" Carl asked him.
"You a lefty?"
"Good." Negan told him, putting the belt around Carl's left arm, strapping it tight. "That hurt?"
"No." Carl whispered, he seemed so nonchalant, not bothered by the man, the complete opposite of the adults around him.
"Should." Negan said. "Its supposed to. Alright. Get down on the ground, kid, next to Daddy. Spread them wings." He took Carls hat off, tossing it. then pushed Carl down, so that he was lying on his stomach. "Simon... you got a pen?"
"Yeah." Simon answered, nodding, digging a pen out of his pocket, throwing it to Negan, who caught it, pulling the cap off with his teeth, then bent down to the ground. "Sorry, kid. This is gonna be as cold as a warlock's ballsack" He pulled up Carls sleeves. "Just like he was hanging his ballsack above you and dragging it right across the forearm." He drew a line along his arm. "There you go. Gives you a little leverage." He said to Rick, putting the cap back on the pen.
"Please. Please. Please don't." Rick whispered. "Please don't."
"Me?" Negan asked, chuckling at him. "I ain't doing shit." He then stood up, letting out a groan. "Rick, I want you to take your axe... cut your son's left arm off, right on that line. Now, I know, I know. You're gonna have to process that for a second. That makes sense. Still, though, I'm gonna need you to do it, or all these people are gonna die. Then Carl dies, then the people back home die... and then you, eventually. I'm gonna keep you breathing for a few years, just so you can stew on it."
"You... you don't have to do this." Michonne spoke up. "We understand. We understand."
"You understand." Negan told her. "Yeah. I'm not sure that Rick does. I'm gonna need a clean cut right there on that line. Now, I know this is a screwed-up thing to ask, but it's gonna have to be like a salami slice, nothing messy, clean, 45 degrees. Give us something to fold over. We got a great doctor. The kid'll be fine. Probably. Rick..." He crouched in front of him. "This needs to happen now, chop, chop, or I will crush the little fella's skull myself."
It can... It can... It can be me." Rick stumbled over his words as he began to sob. "It can be me. W- W. Y-You can do It to me. I... I can go with... with you."
"No." Negan told him. "This is the only way." He then stood up. "Rick... pick up the axe."
Rick didn't move.
"Not making a decision is a big decision." Negan said.
Natalia felt sick with herself when she found herself praying that Rick would do it, save them, only so that she could get home to Evie and Sully, her family.
"You really want to see all these people die?" Negan asked Rick when he still hadn't moved. "You will. You will see every ugly thing. Natalia over there, I don't even reckon she is capable of that, don't make me find out, because I will start with that little bitch, only if you make me. Her boyfriends gonna be caked in her brains and blood, then, I'll do the same to him, and then to the rest. You're pulling the trigger, Rick."
Rick groaned as he sobbed harder.
"Oh, my God." Negan rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna make me count? Okay, Rick. You win. I am counting. 3!"
"Please." Rick begged. "Please. It can be me. Please!"
"2!" Negan continued.
"Please don't do..." Negan slapped him round the face, grabbing his jaw. "This is it."
"Aah!" Rick shouted in agony.
"One." Negan finished counting.
Rick picked up the axe, holding down Carl's hand as he continued to cry.
"Dad... just do it." Carl told him. "Just do it."
Rick listened, raising the axe above his head.
Natalia held her breath at the sight, closing her eyes, not able to look at them.
"Rick." Negan crouched down beside him, once again. "You answer to me. You provide for me. You belong to me. Right?"
Rick nodded profusely.
Negan grabbed his face again.
"Speak when you're spoken to!"  He shouted at him. "You answer to me. You provide for me."
"Provide for you." Rick repeated, signing his and his family's life away.
"You belong to me, right?"
"Right." Rick nodded. "Right. That... is the look I wanted to see." He stood up, snatching the axe away. "We did it... all of us, together... even the dead guys on the ground. Hell, they get the spirit award, for sure. Today, was a productive damn day! Now, I hope, for all your sake... that you get it now... that you understand how things work. Things have changed. Whatever you had going for you... that is over now." Negan laughed. "Ah. Dwight... load him up." He pointed his bat at Daryl, catching Natalia's attention.
Dwight grabbed a hold of the man beside her, lifting him up.
"No." Natalia shook her head. "No, please don't, take me, please, leave him alone." She begged as he was being dragged away. "Don't, please! Take me, leave him, please." Tears had started again, when he was shoved in the back of the truck.
"No fear, sweetheart, you're coming along as well." Negan smiled at her. "Good to know how bad you wanna come home with me." He snapped his fingers, a man grabbed her, lifting her. "Put her in another truck, I want them separated." He said. "Don't want any hanky panky that'll need cleaning up back there."
"No, no, stop it, let go of me." She fought against him, trying to get to Daryl, but he threw her over his shoulder as she kicked and scratched. "Stop, please! Let go." She screamed hysterically.
"For the love of God, somebody gag her." Negan laughed. "Sweetheart, save all that screaming for back at my place, you're gonna wanna." He winked, as she was dragged to another truck, dropped in the back of it, as she tried to scramble out, the doors were shut in her face.
"They both got guts, not a little bitch like someone I know." Negan told Rick. "Hashtag, power couple. I like them. They're mine now. But you still want to try something? "Not today, not tomorrow." "Not today, not tomorrow." ? I will cut pieces off of Natalia and... hells his name?"
"Daryl." Simon answered.
"Wow. That actually sounds right. I will cut pieces off of Natalia and Daryl and put them on your doorstep. Or, better yet, I will bring them both to you and have you do it for me." He stood up. "Welcome to a brand-new beginning, you sorry shits! I'm gonna leave you a truck. Keep it. Use it to cart all the crap you're gonna find me. We'll be back for our first offering in one week. Until then... ta-ta."
Michonne looked down beside her, where her best friend just was, a silver chain, with a purple pendent sat in her place.
Michonne bit her lip as it quivered, slowly picking it up, without going undetected, slipping the chain around her fingers, clenching it in her fist, as the Saviours drove off.
When they had arrived at their destination.
The doors of the truck Natalia was in, were opened, she was knocked over the head, before she could even properly see what was going on, then she was out like a light.
Natalia woke up in darkness, it was cold, felt small, the walls around her were solid, like concrete, if she had to take any guesses, she was in a cell, at the Saviours place, probably an identical one of where Daryl was, right now.
Natalia could feel that she wasn't wearing her clothes, she felt the fabric, it was a dress, long, with a deep plunge, something that would definitely show off her assets, something to put her down to nothing but a body, a piece of meat, the dress wasn't tight, but it wasn't loose either.
It was all she was wearing.
She hugged her knees to her chest, wondering who had the job of undressing her and redressing her, all whilst she was unconscious, seen her at her most vulnerable, whatever else they could have done to her.
She had no idea of how long she'd even been in there, it could of been hours or it could've been days, she had no clue how much time had passed since her friends had died, since they were murdered brutally, because of her.
She sat in the curled up position, reliving the whole experience over and over, thinking about her home, thinking about her dog and Evie, were they even alive? Were they safe, did she hate Natalia for not being there?
The door opened, light streaked in on her.
"Get up." A woman's voice said.
She didn't answer her.
"I said, get up." She repeated, grabbing a hold of her, yanking the woman from the ground.
The woman was blonde, her hair was pulled back in a bun, she had a nose ring and a neck tattoo, Natalia had no idea what it meant.
She stared at the ground as she was pulled along, Natalia could see now that it was a white dress. The woman dragged her past a room, she could hear the voice of Dwight and a woman talking.
She moved along.
"Laura. Wait up." The woman, Laura halted.
The same woman, who's voice Natalia could hear in the room, had followed them out.
"Yeah, Sherry?" She turned around to face the woman, Natalia didn't look up at her.
"This Natalia?" Sherry asked.
"Uh huh, Negan wants to see her."
Sherry walked towards Natalia, touching her arm, she flinched away from it.
"Sherry." Laura warned.
"Hey, Daryl's girl, right?"
Natalia looked up at her, her stare was icy.
"He's alive, in good hands, look, whatever... whatever Negan asks of you, just do it, do it for him."
"Sherry, don't." Laura said again, pulling Natalia along.
"If you love him, if you want him to stay alive, you'll do whatever he asks of you." Sherry continued as she was pulled down the hallway.
Laura had led her to a room, pushing her inside.
Negan was sat in front of a table, it was set up like a candle lit dinner.
"Natalia, ain't you looking mighty damn hot tonight." Negan jeered as the door was closed behind her. "Come on, don't be shy, take a seat." 
Natalia saw the gun that was beside his plate, she closed her eyes as she took a seat.
"Attagirl." He commented. "Tell me, has old Daryl boy ever taken you out on a date?"
She didn't answer him, exhaling deeply as she picked at her fingers in her lap.
"Natalia, you ever wanna see him again, you're gonna entertain me, answer the questions."
"No." She bit.
"Phew." He blew out deeply, digging into the steak that was sat in front of him, in front of Natalia was a thin pancake, a smiley face was on it, done with whipped cream, blueberries made its eyes. "Picked blue, wondered if it would remind you of anyone special, hope you like it." He smiled at her. "How long you guys been together anyway? Before or after."
She looked at him, her eyes swam with anger.
"I will bring him in here, and make you shoot him."
"After." Her voice shook. "The same day we killed all your friends."
"Alright, I get your point." He nodded his head to the side. "How'd the two of you even end up together, you know Rick before, or something?"
"Come on, Natalie... I'm trying my damned hardest to get to know you, here." Negan groaned, throwing his head back in frustration.
Natalia took in a shaky breath.
"I met them eight months in, I was alone, and they took me in, were the nicest people I'd met since this whole shit show started, looks like they'll be the last."
"Now that's harsh, I'm being good to ya, aren't I?" Negan smirked. "How comes little 'ol you was by yourself, surely you had people wanting to look after you, a husband, boyfriend... oh, did you..."
She didn't finish his sentence, instead looked away and stared at the wall.
"Laura" Negan called through. "Go get Dwighty boy and his new pal, and a-"
"No! Don't please, I'll answer, I'm sorry, just, please, please just leave him alone." Natalia begged, standing from her chair as she fought her case.
"Never mind" He shouted through the door. "Sit down, get to chatting."
"It... it was me and my boyfriend, just us... we moved around a lot, until we found a quiet town... I, I couldn't fight, and I was scared and weak, no idea how I was going to survive... one day... we got into an argument, a big one, and during the night... he uh, uh he killed himself, swallowed a bunch of pills whilst I was asleep, he was the first walker I ever killed, also found out that it's not just the bite... then I was on my own, for half a year, until they found me."
Negan was quiet as he processed her words, a hint of sorrow came over him, Natalia doubted he even felt emotions.
"I'm sorry kid, really, that's a damn shame. Really sucks, don't it. I bet you carry that with you every day, think it's your fault, don't ya."
She looked up at it, her face stony and her brows furrowed.
"Look, Natalia, I know we didn't get off on a good start, you killed a bunch of my men. So, I killed two of your friends, the Asian one, with the sick chick, that was your fault, you got him killed." Natalia stared at her plate, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. "I know Daryl punched me, because I was being rude to you, but if you just did what I said, that wouldn't of happened, and he'd still be here, that was all you."
Natalia felt an overwhelming sense of nausea.
"I want us to be friend's Natalia, in fact, I want us to be more than that. I like you Natalia, a lot, you're super hot and you are super badass, Dwight told me how you took out one of my men with nothing but a swiss army knife, while your friends cowered in the back of that van, your boyfriend was out cold. That is the sorta woman I want by my side, helping me rule this place, and the others, I'll cut to the chase. Natalia, what's your last name?"
"Moore? Yes please." He joked, she didn't humour him with a laugh. "Alright, Natalia Moore, will you marry me?"
She looked up at him in horror.
"It's not a joke, you are hot as shit, I just told you that, considering you and Daryl ain't been shacking up long, I'm asking you to marry me, in return, you get a awesome as shit husband, that's me, everything you could possibly want, and I won't kill your boyfriend, I'll keep him alive, just for you, what do you say?"
"Screw you." She snapped.
"Yes, that is another perk, you're right." He smirked.
"Go to hell." She made her answer more clear.
Negan shook his head, clicking his tongue.
"Alright, I get it, you're still a little mad, I understand, I'm an understanding guy. I'm gonna ask you again in a few days, I expect your answer to have changed. Laura."
The door opened, Laura walked back in, dragging Natalia up from the chair.
"Take her back to her box, needs a little thinking time." He ordered.
Laura had walked her all the way back to the cell.
"I thought you looked smart." Laura told her as she shoved the woman in. "Guess I was wrong after all."
The door was closed.
The same pancake had been shoved under her door, she didn't know how long since the dinner with Negan, his words circled her head as she wept for her friends, for her family, and for her life.
She refused to eat it.
More had been shoved under the door, four to be exact, she wondered if that was the amount of days she had been kept there, she didn't touch any of them.
Laura had opened the door again, yanking her out of the cell, as she chucked some flats on the ground in front of her, to put on.
Turns out, Negan was going to Alexandria, and he wanted her there. 
Her heart leaped at the chance to see her family, and it dropped for the same exact reason.
She hadn't known Daryl would be there until she was being yanked out the back of the truck by another woman, who she had heard being called Arat.
"Natalia, come here, I wanna show you what I just did." Negan called to her, "Maybe you can think on that little thing, again."
Arat pushed her towards him, Rick was stood by the gate, staring at her.
His men were lined up by the other trucks, eyeing her up, grinning and smirking at the sight of the woman.
She felt extremely uncomfortable in the barely coverable dress, that was the point, she tried to cover herself with her arms as much as possible.
Daryl was stood with them, beside Dwight, her lip trembled at the sight of him, he was battered and bruised, wearing a dirty, stained sweatshirt, and matching sweatpants, a large A was spray painted on it.
"Natalia, guess what?" Negan said, licking his lips. "That guy, over there." He pointed at Spencer, who was stood with Rosita.
She looked down, her hair covering her face as the two's eyes also fell on her.
"Didn't know who I was, after what I did to prove my existence to you people, hell, coulda damn near killed another of ya, set the tone, for the people that don't know, ya know, but no, you know what I did, I took a walker with Lucille over there." He gestured to the bat in Ricks hands, as he wrapped an arm around her, making the woman shiver away from him. "I saved one of you sorry lot from being ripped apart. Now, doesn't that sound like husband material?" He whispered in her ear, grinning widely at Daryl as he stared at them, his fists were clenched.
A dogs bark caught her attention.
Sully had come bounding towards them, towards Natalia, growling and sneering at the man who was with her, Sully didn't like him at all.
When he had got ready to pounce, a silent gunshot went off a bullet ripped through the dogs skull, putting him down.
Natalia's eyes shot wide, tearing up, her jaw hung open, as she collapsed to the ground, Negan let her, the last remaining existence of her old life was now gone, wiped.
"Oh, oh damn" He looked at the person responsible, Arat still had the gun aimed at the dog. "Natalia, was that your dog?"
She began to sob loudly as she crawled towards the animal, her fingers slipping through it's fur, resting her head on his side as she wept.
Everyone watched her, she looked mad, and to them, it was like free television.
"Can you believe this?" Negan asked the people around them. "You shoulda seen her the other day, could barely shed a tear, now look at this, over a stupid dog? Wow, you needa get your priorities in check. Alright, up you get." He crouched down, grabbing a hold of the woman as she flinched away from him. "You're gonna be my personal tour guide."
"Don't touch me." Natalia hissed.
"What was that? Sorry, Darlin' you're gonna have to speak louder than that. What? Nothing to say? Lets get this show on the road. See what kind of goodies you got in the cupboard." He yanked her forward.
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greypetrel · 10 months
30. "I don't know where to put my love" for Raina c:
Oooooh, this was perfect for her, thank you!! (in this I discovered that a baby raccoon is called a kit)
Tis the prompt list
A good punch.
( 4.049 words | CW: blood - mentions of split lips and broken teeth )
So tell me where to put my love Do I wait for time to do what it does? I don't know where to put my love - Florence + the Machine, "My Love"
“I did want to punch him, dad.”
She uttered between her teeth, mumbling on the words because her lips hurt like hell right now. She glared stubbornly at her feet, hand clasped in her father’s and hating every step and how the skirt of her dress kept sticking to her bloody knees. She hated skirts, and she hated the feeling of her hair, long and tangled and dirty, sticking to her cheek. But her mother won’t let her wear breeches for the festival, and won’t let her cut her hair short as she did with Garrett, and she didn’t really understand why.
But, as much as her mother had been the first to find her and drag her away from Bobby Oswald who laid under her and had a black eye and lost his front tooth, and she sharply refused to say a word to explain herself… She couldn’t lie to her father. She didn’t want to lie to him. So, when he barged in, placated the Oswalds and Leandra alike and grabbed her hand to take her away and “Have a good talk, I’m sure she didn’t mean to punch Bobby”… she waited just until they were far from the crowd and told him.
Malcolm looked down at her, raising one eyebrow.
“You want to get me angry as well, young lady?” He asked her, but there was amusement in his voice. That note of amusement that was always there and she craved, right now.
“He called Garrett a freak, and you a failure.”
She confessed, anger still burning hot in her chest and raising tears to her eyes. Malcolm didn’t say anything, but answered in tow as her hand clutched tight on his, in a silent comfort. He didn’t say anything, and just lead her around the corner and deep between the stalls that were installed in the small square in front of the Chantry. People selling food, mainly, trying to earn some extra money during the fair even if they had no cattle to sell and show, no crops to offer. They already visited the stalls, and begged Leandra far and wide for a treat. Their mother had bought her and Garrett a full slice of pumpkin pie each, and the twins a big cookie with nuts and raisins she split in two for the three years olds. And that was it. The rest of the stalls kept being a dream, even if Raina asked and pleaded for some candy floss. It was coloured and it was sweet and it looked fluffy: surely it was good, even if she never tasted it. It was also pricey, and something only the more well to do could afford. Not them. The year hadn’t gone well, and she already had her more healthy treat.
So, she didn’t raise her eyes, pretending not to be interested in the food. Pretending that all those perfumes didn’t make her mouth water and terribly curious to taste everything. She hadn’t been good, her mother made it plenty clear as she yelled at her for starting a brawl and breaking Bobby’s tooth. She didn’t listen when her father stopped and started to chat with someone. She convinced herself she wasn’t interested, and her mind went flying and concentrating on other thoughts, fingers playing nervously with the cloth of her skirt. That was it: she decided to think of all the things she could do with her skirt instead of wearing it.
And yet, when Malcolm pulled gently at her hand to catch her attention, Raina could only gasp, mouth falling open.
He stopped right in front of the candy floss stand, and both him and the vendor were looking at her, expectantly.
“So? Red, purple or yellow?” Malcolm prodded, with a smile.
“But-” She objected, looking between the two men with suspicion. “But mother said-”
“Your mother isn’t here. Or do you wish me to go and call her?” Malcolm winked. “But if you don’t want it…”
“No!” She gasped aloud, and both men chuckled at her. “Red!” She declared, and stopped a while, adding a last, less concitated “Please.”
“Ah, I knew it!” Malcolm exclaimed with a big smile, and turned to the vendor again. “What did I tell you? Did I win a free stick for being such a good father to remember my daughter’s favourite colour?”
In spite of everything, Raina giggled, ignoring how the movement sent a jolt of pain on her split lip, and how she felt wet trailing down her chin from it. As her father winked and insisted a little with a vendor that wasn’t fooled by her father’s wit, she licked the blood away, quickly. It only made the wound bleed more, and she grew irritated by it.
She didn’t mind her father slipping some coins out of his pocket, absent-mindedly greeted the vendor goodbye, and trodded along her father. The more she licked, the more blood it seeped out, and the more she scowled at it. It just wouldn’t stop.
She paid little attention, too focused on stopping the annoying trickle of blood even if it started to hurt, to mind her father quickening his step all so minutely as they passed the Chantry. “Least those nasty Mothers see our treat and come to steal it!” He told her, whispering conspiratively. She nodded along and quickened her steps as much as the legs of a girl of 8 could go, following her father without looking where he was headed.
So focused she was, that when he stopped she bumped right into his leg, so hard it hurt her lip and bruised cheek.
“Ouch!” She yelped, stepping back and pressing a hand on her cheek.
“Shit-” He grumbled, stopping abruptly as he noticed the swear. “Fuck-” He grumbled. “For Andraste’s- Don’t tell your mother. I’m sorry, kit.”
“It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt that bad.”
He hummed, and left her hand, nodding towards the low stone wall that sided the river. He offered to help her up to sit there, but Raina scoffed, puffing her chest up with pride. Chanting that she was not a kit, she climbed up on her merry self. Bobby’s tooth cut her knuckles something nasty, and even if the bleeding stopped, it hurt when she scraped it against the stone. She bit it down bravely, grunting for that and how sore she was, and complaining because the nasty skirt made climbing unnecessarily difficult. But she managed, rolling on her belly on top of the wall and collecting her limbs on top, so she could kneel and go sit with her legs dwindling on the other side, up the water. Malcolm was much more graceful, and as soon as he was sitting too, she scuttled closer
“Do you want to talk about it?” Malcolm asked, caressing her head.
“He was mean, dad!” She grumbled, crossing her arms on her chest and looking down at the water, legs moving quicker. “He picked on Garrett, he called him a freak and pushed him, and said you are a failure that can’t… I don’t know, he used a weird word. You can’t do something for us, and it’s not true, and so I told him you’re the best dad in the world and to leave my brother alone, and he called me a Bug-eyes and he just didn’t stop.”
A hand came around her back and closed on the opposite shoulder, keeping her still as she thrashed around on the ledge. She shoved him off: she wasn’t a baby, and she wouldn’t fall. She never fell when she climbed, not anymore. Understanding she didn’t want to be touched, now, Malcolm let her speak, listened to her as she kept on with her tale.
“He shouldn’t have said those things, you’re right.” He convened, in the end. “It still doesn’t make it right to punch him, kit. You hurt him pretty badly.”
Raina turned towards him, a deep scowl on her face, and looked in his eyes -the same blue as hers- as she told him, this time lowering her voice.
“He told he was going to call the Templars, dad. That’s when I punched him. And why I’m not sorry.”
She watched as his father’s face darkened, something harsh making his way in his expression. It was his serious face, and Raina knew he understood. He always understood, when her mother never did and only scolded her.
“Maybe he was joking.” He proposed.
“I am still not sorry.” She proudly declared, turning towards the river again. “I don’t want that you and Garrett will be brought away because Bobby is mean and stupid.”
“Punching him isn’t a solution.”
“I bit him, too.”
Malcolm stilled at the news, and as Raina side-glanced at him, she saw him with his free hand on his mouth, covering it as he tried not to laugh. She knew he was scolding her for what she did and he that he was serious, but she snorted too, covering her mouth with both hands.
“Raina, I’m serious.” He scowled at her, but his eyes kept an amused glint.
“But you told me I need to defend my little siblings!”
“I know, kit. But you’re not a raccoon. You’re a person, and people talk.”
“But I tried, dad. I tried to tell him he was mean, but he just didn’t listen. I didn’t know what else to do.”
“Come here.”
He sighed, and pulled her closer to his side. More prone to be touched, right now, she let him, and turned to hug his bust, pressing her face in his side. He put the fancy waistcoat, the one he only wore for special occasions, and it was rough against her sensible skin. But it was warm and comforting enough, it smelled like the lavender pouches her mother kept in the wardrobes, and she didn’t mind that she was probably staining it. The comfort provided was more important, and the way he kept her close by her shoulder, rubbing circles with his thumb.
“Do you still love me?”
“Of course, kit, what makes you think I don’t?”
“Mom was very angry. Mom loves Garrett best.”
He sighed, heavily. It wasn’t the first time the topic came up, and it always made Raina cry. This time was no different, and she clutched on her father tighter.
“I do love you, kit. Very much. Your mother does too, I swear. Quite a lot. She gets angry because you’re always getting into trouble and she worries.”
“But she told me I had to be a good sister and protect my siblings!”
“I don’t think she meant getting into a brawl and splitting your lip open. That’s what she worries about.” Malcolm explained, gently pushing the child away from him enough so he could see her face. “Let me see.”
Her lip indeed left a stain on his waistcoat, darker than the grey wool it was made of. He paid it no mind, and didn’t let Raina either, gently pushing her face up towards his. She sniffed and blinked tears away from her eyes, putting up a brave face. She was 8, she was too old for crying, and she stood straight, offering herself for the careful examination like a big, brave girl. Stupid tears couldn’t really stop, but she did her very best. He gently pushed on her cheekbone with his thumb, and apologized when the pressure made her flinch. And rubbed her lower lip, without using any magic. Even with some pressure -and she was ready this time, she just scrunched her nose and eyes- the bleeding didn’t stop, and Malcolm huffed at it.
“We should really think of something better than punching, for you.” He grumbled, fishing his handkerchief from a pocket and dabbing her lip with it. “Defending the people you love is great and commendable kit, and I’m so proud that you jumped to it and that you stood up to your choices.”
A pause.
“Don’t tell your mother I told you so.” He casted her a look, but his eyes were still amused. “I am very, very disappointed you shut up the most annoying kid in the village, I’m absolutely appalled that you punched and bit him and kicked him, and I expect you to be very contrite and remorseful when we get back, ok?”
He winked at her, and she giggled, nodding enthusiastically. She took the handkerchief and kept on dabbing her mouth herself, heart lighter as her father huffed in satisfaction. As she did, with her feet kicking the air before her, alternatively pushing on the stone and skipping forward, she saw Malcolm ripping a piece of cotton candy, finally, and look at it, considering.
“My point is, you have all this love… We need to find a way to use it better than punching people that offend it, tho. Somewhere to put it.”
“Like a closet?”
He chuckled, and offered her the sugar. Raina looked at it, unsure, and at her father. When he nodded in encouragement, she was quick in picking the piece up and bring it to her mouth. It was sweet and crinkled under her teeth before quickly melting in the most thrilling way, and it was the most delicious thing she ever ate. Of course, it was red. Red things were the best. It made Malcolm chuckle more, as he too took a bite.
“We can try and put it in a closet, but closets get full so easily. We need to try something else.”
“Like what?”
She asked, not fully understanding his words, and how love could be stored or put somewhere rather than somewhere else. She shrugged it off, tho, not wanting him to think she was too little and didn’t understand a grown-up concept. She was the eldest and she was big, after all, even if Garrett had magic and that could maybe made up for a year less. She just stretched her arm, fingers sticky with sugar, to take another piece of the candy.
“I don’t know. Hug puppies. Take care of animals. Knit. Count to a hundred before you act. Run in the morning so you’re tired during the day and your love doesn’t burst. Let the bullies run after you until they trip and fall by themselves and you can keep clean. Insult them without them knowing.”
Raina considered, with her mouth full of sugar.
“So mom won’t get worried?”
Malcolm turned and poked her ribcage, annoyingly enough, and again until she turned to bat his hand away, laughing because it tickled. He laughed with her, and waited enough for her to stop thrashing -she did so much that he had to catch her by the shoulder lest she fell into the river. When it was done, he was there, a smile on his face and a look that was really serious in his eyes.
“So we all won’t get worried.” He told her, in his serious voice that meant what he told was important and she should listen.
She nodded and jumped forward, hugging him tight.
“I am sorry I got you worried, dad.” She told him, drowned as she was in his chest.
He caressed her hair, and right then, the world was good and she didn’t feel the urge to move somehow, to bounce her leg or play with her hands.
“It’s fine, kit.” He sighed, relaxing minutely. “Just keep in mind that if you put your love into punches, people you love won’t be happy, they will be worried. Ok?”
Raina considered. It made sense, even if the concept of love was still a little weird and abstract.
“… But what if I don’t let them punch me back?”
Something less than twenty years later, a lifetime distant from that afternoon in Greenfell, Raina kept considering that day on the stream, eating red candy they couldn’t afford with her father.
She stepped forward, turning her daggers in her hands, bending her neck left and right quickly to warm up and get ready. Her heart beat hard and fast in her ears, in anticipation and, partly, fear. On the other hand, only an idiot wouldn’t have been afraid, in her place, to be doing what she was about to do. Maybe she was not as scared as she should have been.
It wasn’t the time to reason, tho, or to consider any better. She took her father’s words to heart, and had been mindful to put her love to good use. Ironically enough, she learnt to talk and outwit people, and she took up knitting and adopted a dog. And she stopped throwing punches so often, because she learnt to wield daggers.
She stepped forward in the throne room, bouncing from one foot to the other, turning fear into adrenaline and not thinking that she most likely chose the stupidest place to put her love. And yet, she kept her chin up, back straight, and looked the Arishok right in his eyes with a challenge.
Her love went into a city that didn’t love her, into a mother and Carver who both lied six feet under, Bethany in the Circle and Garrett that was about to be brought there too, since the Knight-Commander saw him. Her love went into a mismatched rag-tag groups of misfits, just like her. Her love went into them and into fucking things up for them and with them.
She put her love into turning her back to Merrill, screaming for her and beating her hands against the bars that closed the Alienage for the invasion. She put her love into keeping her safe, because after what she did, after taking advantage of her in such a way and leaving her as she did, that was all she could do to her. Perhaps it would have mildened her memory for the elf. Not that she would have been there to see.
She put her love, lastly and firstly and more stupidly, into a woman that didn’t want it, that told her from the start that she didn’t, but that had it anyway.
She put her love in Isabela and into a duel she couldn’t win, and she cared not for anything else. Kirkwall could go fuck itself: if it weren’t for Bela, she would have left it to the Qun and see if the Arishok could have found her a spot she could finally fit in.
She clutched her hands tighter on the hilts of the daggers, feeling the supple leather of her father’s gloves pressing on her skin. She wondered what he would have thought, and if he would still be proud of her. She guessed she was about to find out.
“Raina, please-”
She heard Garrett from behind. He was the only one, now, to call her by her name, and it was too little. She wasn’t a Hawke: Hawke had been her father, and she made a treasure of his words, she missed him like air, and she stubbornly decided that he was right, but not always.
Some people really needed a good punch.
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