#<- well I mean this could be tagged for a lot of stuff but mainly for this
annimator · 5 months
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Why didn’t I make this earlier
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quin-ns · 5 months
The blue II (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Series summary: JJ has a secret, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold onto it. He discovers his breaking point when his best friend starts to show interest in you, his step sister, who he’s already fallen hard for
Series tags: step brother!jj, dual pov, jealousy, one sided john b x reader, drinking, inappropriate relationship, public sex, oral sex (f receiving)
Series masterlist + OBX masterlist
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The light chatter filling the restaurant buzzed around you. You leaned on the bar, a rag in your hand as you lazily wiped off menus, your mind yet again wandering back to a few mornings ago.
Ever since you’d woken up on the couch on the Chateau porch, your step brother in the chair across from you, John B in the doorway, and the morning sunlight warming your skin, things seemed off.
John B had been announcing breakfast. It wasn’t anything malicious, but you saw the way JJ eyed him, and John B’s uncomfortable smile in response. Tension was the best way you could think to label it.
You didn’t think anything seemed different between them that night itself, but guys were weird. Their interactions the rest of the day turned back to normal, but that moment stuck in your head for some reason. You couldn’t quite explain it, not even to yourself.
You had a harder time explaining it to Kiara.
“I think you’re just reading into stuff that’s not there,” Kie insisted, passing by you with a platter. She could see the thoughtful look on your face and had probably had enough of your worrying. “Don’t stress out.”
You had to wait until she returned from the table she was waiting on to respond. You helped her out at The Wreck sometimes, picking up a few shifts a week when it was busy. You’d done it just to be kind and give your friend some company, but the paycheck was pretty decent for the hours you worked. You kept a secret stash Luke couldn’t get his grubby hands on, and it helped. When you and JJ weren’t mooching off of your friends for the food in their fridges, you could use the money to stock yours.
JJ used to complain about you working, but not so much anymore. It had mainly been because he didn’t like you working late into the night on days when Kiara got off earlier than you. She always came back to give you a ride home so you didn’t see the big deal, but then JJ started showing up on his bike to escort you himself so she wouldn’t have to. At least it eased his concern enough to let you keep your hours.
You were working the barely populated counter right now, watching Kie zip around, trying to formulate a response in your head.
Maybe you were just overthinking, you were the first to admit you tended to do that. You and JJ practically lived in each other's pockets, if something was up he would tell you… wouldn’t he?
“So you didn't notice anything? Nothing at all?” you asked Kie, the words jumping off your tongue the moment she returned to your side.
The other girl shrugged, stealing two of the menus you had just cleaned.
“JJ just seems like JJ, but… I mean, John B has been looking at you more.”
Your brows curved down. “Looking at me more?”
“Not trying to make him sound like a creep, but yeah.” She smirked, a hand landing on her hip. “Maybe he’s into you.”
“Into me? John B?” It sounded like a joke. “You can’t be serious.”
She raised her hands in mock surrender, menus waving like a flag. “You asked what I thought,” she defended as she walked away.
Did she actually think that? If JJ was suspicious, that might explain things, but you couldn’t be sure.
Kiara stuck around and pulled a double since her parents asked her to, and it worked out well so the two of you could ride together.
That’s why when the restaurant was closed and you and Kie were heading out to her car, you were surprised to find JJ waiting in the parking lot with his bike.
He was leaning against it, his arms crossed over his chest. The blonde smirked when he saw you, a quip about making him wait on the tip of his tongue
You were about to make a dumb joke about him trying to look like a bad boy stereotype to counter—the white T-shirt and boots really added to that—but Kie beat you both to the punch and spoke first.
“What are you doing here?” she asked when the two of you approached him.
“Didn’t think you’d still be here,” JJ said to Kie, standing up straight and tucking his hands into his pockets.
“I texted you she was gonna give me a ride.”
You were certain you had.
“I didn’t see it,” JJ said with a shrug. “You wanna ride with me to the Chateau then? Since I detoured all the way here.”
You rolled your eyes at his dramatic tone and looked to Kie.
“I’ll see you there.” You climbed on the back of the bike, waiting for him to hop on the front. “Come on, since you’re in such a rush.”
“You’re so bossy,” he taunted, but climbed on nonetheless. The bike grumbled to life and he revved the engine. “Hold on.”
You wrapped your arms around his midsection, scooting close enough to him to look over his shoulder. Not seeing where you were going gave you a bit of anxiety, even if JJ did tone down on his recklessness when you joined him for a ride.
The bike zoomed off, taking the lead, with Kie driving behind.
You thought of asking him about what had been on your mind, but the wind in your face and the roar of the bike didn’t really afford you the opportunity to make a lot of conversation.
So you clung to him tight, not bothering to try. If anyone else had been driving you would’ve wanted to get off immediately, but you knew JJ wouldn’t let you get hurt. He always looked out for you, the same way you did for him. He was the one constant you had been able to rely on this past year, but you shook your head before you could delve further into that.
You let yourself be distracted from the thought of prison cells by the security of having JJ close and the knowledge that you’d see the rest of your friends soon. It didn’t stop your heart from racing with every sharp turn you took.
“You alright back there?” he questioned over his shoulder, slowing enough for you to be able to hear him. He must’ve noticed the way you held him tighter.
“All good,” you replied, and it was about 80% the truth.
“I’ve never crashed this thing, you can trust me,” he reminded.
“I know,” you said as he started to speed up again. “I do!” you added, having to yell over the engine.
You felt JJ’s body ripple as he chuckled to himself. It was silly to think you were nervous, you’d been on the back of his bike maybe a hundred times by now.
You truly did trust JJ. You didn’t think he was going to crash or anything, it was just that natural adrenaline paired with your racing thoughts of, well, everything, that made your heart slam against your rib cage the way that it did.
You were safe with him. You always were. JJ wasn’t going to crash, and he certainly wasn’t in a fight with John B. Everything was fine.
Getting close with JJ was one of the best things that happened to you, and it came at a necessary time. Your mom going to jail was hard enough, but your friends turning on you and demonizing you was just salt in the wound. Luke, your step dad, was an asshole and a drunk, and it only got worse when he was left without her.
If it wasn’t for JJ you would’ve run away. You had a bag packed and everything, but no one ever knew about that. Nobody but JJ, and that wasn’t until later. Even if he wasn’t the kind of guy to talk about feelings, he saw you were hurting, and made himself more present. He even introduced you to his friends, who you grew close with quicker than you thought possible. It made you realize what real friends were.
You had never been a fan of Luke, but you didn’t realize how truly awful he was until one night you woke up to an argument, and not too long after JJ found you in your room with a bruise on his cheek. You begged him to leave with you, you told him about your plan and how it wasn’t too late, but he wouldn’t. Maybe he was too loyal to his friends, or at the time he didn’t believe you could make it. Either way, he wouldn’t go. So, you stayed for him.
Your bond strengthened quickly and you soon became a lifeline for one another. You’d had best friends before, but it was different with JJ. You needed him, and he never deprived you. You had a brother and a best friend and a partner in crime wrapped all up in one. Life wasn’t perfect, but it didn’t seem so bad after a while. You had JJ to thank for that. You honestly didn’t know what you’d do without him.
You recognized the yard of the Chateau as JJ turned into it, even though it was dark. You’d been here enough now to feel familiar with it—almost more familiar than your own house. To you, JJ, and your other friends, this was your second home.
With John B’s dad missing, you all tried to be there for him as much as possible. It was the least you could do.
You were especially sympathetic. Even though your mom was gone under different circumstances, you understood what it felt like to have a parent be there one day and gone the next. At least you had the comfort of knowing where your mom was, even if she was locked up hours away. John B had no idea, and that broke your heart for him. Big John was a good guy, you only knew him briefly, but you hoped he was alive somewhere, even just for John B’s sake.
The other night when you’d fallen asleep on the couch with him, the two of you had talked about it. Without the others around, the topic turned a little less lighthearted and both of you opened up about your troubles. Not that the others wouldn’t listen or that they wouldn’t be kind, it was just different with only him. Easier, somehow, in an unexpected way.
JJ stopped the bike and helped you off before letting it rest against a tree. He took you by the hand, making sure both your feet hit the ground.
“Thanks,” you muttered, eyes drawn to a glowing orange light in the distance.
“Campfire, nice,” JJ said, mostly to himself, heading for the other two boys that were waving you over.
It took you a second to notice he had yet to drop your hand, just holding it in his as he led the two of you to John B and Pope. You didn’t say anything about it. His skin was a bit calloused and his palm was warm, but you didn’t mind. You tried to recall if he’d ever held your hand before but you couldn’t seem to remember for certain.
“Where’s Kie?” Pope asked when he spotted the two of you, but not the other girl.
JJ snorted. “Nice to see you too, Pope.”
“She was right behind us,” you recalled, turning to see if she had pulled into the yard yet. In the process, you dropped JJ’s hand, not thinking much of it. You saw her headlights briefly, then they shut off. “Let's get this party started.”
Of course wasn’t actually a party, just the five of you sitting around a small fire on various chairs, lightly sipping beers, discussing whatever random thoughts came to mind.
JJ was on your left, and Kiara was on your right. John B was across from you and next to JJ, and Pope was in between John B and Kie.
You only made mental note of the seating arrangement because you still held your suspicions. You had a hard time letting things go.
At first you picked up on the way JJ was in his seat at an angle, facing more towards you with his back to the boy next to him. You also noticed that John B was smiling at you more than he usually did. Not to say he didn’t smile, and you did consider yourself to be at least mildly amusing, but even you knew you weren’t as funny as he acted like you were tonight.
As if that wasn’t enough, you caught the way Pope kept glancing at Kie, but she was oblivious.
After a sip of your beer, you let out a huff. Not quite a laugh, not quite a scoff. You’d meant to keep it in your head, internally mocking your friend group for being so weird tonight, but it slipped out.
“What’s on your mind?” John B wondered, raising his brows at you. He looked amused already, like he assumed you were going to say something good without even knowing.
You shrugged, not about to admit your thoughts out loud.
“What’s on yours?” you countered, matching his curious expression.
He leaned forward a little and smirked at your deflection.
“If El Dorado is real,” John B quipped.
“It’s definitely not,” Pope added despite John B’s clear teasing tone.
“You don’t dream of gold and riches, Pope?” JJ joined in, unable to resist mocking the realist of the group.
Pope just rolled his eyes, but you smirked.
“Your turn,” John B told you.
You hummed thoughtfully. “Where I’m gonna go on vacation. What do you think—Cancun or Bali?”
John B shrugged. “Cancun is closer. What kind of room are you booking? Ocean view would be nice.”
“Why, you wanna come with?”
John B grinned a little too wide and looked away bashfully.
“I don’t know.” His eyes met yours again above the fire. “Do you want the company?”
Something akin to excitement filled you. It was just a silly conversation, but since when did John B turn the charm on with you?
You couldn’t resist playing into it.
“Maybe I do.”
“Can you two quit it?” Kiara piped up, clearly over the bit you and John B had dragged on. “All the flirting is making me nauseous.”
You knew she was just giving you a hard time, and probably couldn’t help but mess with you two about her suspicions, but it still made your teasing smirk drop. You swallowed and sat back in your seat, looking away from John B to her. Your face felt incredibly warm, and not because of the flames.
“Aw, don’t be jealous, Kie,” John B taunted lightly, able to play it off better than you. “You can come with.”
Kiara rolled her eyes so hard you were sure you heard it.
“What is with everyone today…” she muttered. You might’ve been the only one who heard, because no one reacted to her. She didn’t really want an answer anyway.
“Barring the fact that this vacation is hypothetical,” Pope started, as if you all needed to be reminded. He sat up a little, seeming interested still. “I’d also like to be invited.”
“‘Course you’re goin’, Pope!” JJ announced, clapping a hand down on John B’s shoulder. The boom of his voice was so sudden that you nearly jumped from your chair. JJ grinned at the whole group before focusing on the boy next to him. “You got room for the rest of us? Or were you just gonna steal Y/N and take off?”
Everyone heard the bite in JJ’s tone. The silence that followed was deafening, allowing it to replay in all of your minds before John B spoke. You would’ve thought John B was threatening to kidnap you at gunpoint the way JJ made it seem.
You weren’t sure you’d ever seen your friend look so confused as he opened his mouth to respond to JJ, then closed it again. He took another second.
“No one’s stealing anyone,” he clarified to only JJ. The sincerity was a contrast to the ridiculous conversation that had just transpired. “You know that, right?”
JJ clearly wasn’t expecting the question, or maybe he’d planned on making it seem less serious than he was able to. From beside him, you could only see barely the side of his face, but you saw his body shift. He wasn’t sure whether he could relax or not.
You subconsciously glanced at Kiara for confirmation that she too was seeing what you witnessed, and from the pout on her lips and the way her eyes flicked to you, as if asking whether to intervene or not, you knew she did.
“It’s not like we're actually going anywhere,” Kiara pointed out, trying to set their heads on straight.
“Right,” JJ said, as if reminding himself of that. He pulled away from John B completely and slumped back in his chair. He looked embarrassed, throwing you a side glance, but then turned his attention to his beer bottle quickly. “Maybe some other time, when we find El Dorado.”
The joke fell flat
JJ’s gaze stayed on the bottle a second longer before lifting it. He tilted it all the way up, trying to ignore the silence, but with the way he pulled it back and looked annoyed it was clear it was empty.
“I’m gonna get another, you guys want anything?” he offered, already out of his chair and walking across the yard to the house.
When he was out of earshot Pope leaned in to the group. “That was really weird, right?”
You and John B exchanged a look. Then, he stood up.
“I’m gonna…” he trailed off as he pointed towards the house, feet carrying him away from you, Pope, and Kie.
The three of you took a moment, watching John B as he too disappeared into the house.
“Okay, so John B definitely likes you, and I think JJ knows and is pissed,” Kiara concluded, sounding a second away from pulling out a cork board. Except this wasn’t a tough case to crack. “There’s no other explanation.”
“Would JJ even care that much?” Pope pondered aloud.
You looked down at your feet.
“I guess so,” you mumbled, not even bothering to deny either of Kie’s observations.
“I get that he’s being “protective brother””—she did finger quotes around that phrase—“and that’s sweet and all, but he needs to chill,” Kiara said firmly, but the one who needed to hear it wasn’t present.
You wondered what was going on inside. You got antsy just thinking about it.
“Wait, do you think John B likes you?” Pope questioned you.
You felt both him and Kie staring at you, waiting for an answer. When you glanced between them, you grew anxious at the amount of concern in their faces. You especially zeroed in on Kie. The initial teasing giddiness she had at the prospect had long disappeared after seeing how JJ reacted.
You denied it before, and maybe it wasn’t even true, but JJ sure thought it was something. Whatever he thought, he hadn’t been mad at you. No, John B got the brunt of his frustrations. He was protective of you, sure, but… well, you didn’t quite know how to explain it. Your mind was jumbled as you searched for a way to voice your thoughts in an at least somewhat coherent way.
Just as you opened your mouth to try, you were cut off by the slam of the porch door of the Chateau.
“Seriously, JJ?” John B called after the blonde, who had barged out the door and was now stomping towards his bike against the tree. “Why are you making such a big deal about this?”
He meant you, didn’t he? You had a good feeling their fight wasn’t about Cancun.
JJ didn’t yell anything back. He just climbed on his bike and revved the engine. You got to your feet just in time to get a clear view as he sped away towards the street and disappeared into the night.
John B looked back towards you. You couldn’t see the face he made in the distance in the dark, but you saw how his hands dropped to his sides in defeat.
“That cannot have been good…” Pope stated uncomfortably.
John B approached you all, his silhouette becoming more illuminated the closer he got to the fire.
“I, um.” He scratched the back of his head. “I think I’m gonna call it a night if that’s cool with you guys.”
You found yourself agreeing with Pope, even though the words didn’t come out.
“Yeah, okay,” Kiara responded first, almost cautiously. She looked to you. “Do you need a ride?”
Of course you did, yours completely abandoned you. It was still nice of her to ask as if it was a polite offer and not a necessity.
“Thanks, Kie,” you told her, forcing a smile. “I’d appreciate that.”
“I need to get home anyway, I gotta work with my dad in the morning,” Pope joined in, trying to make the exit seem more natural. “See you guys later,” he said, bidding you all farewell, anxious to escape the bubble of awkwardness.
Kiara looked between you and John B. You wouldn’t really fix your eyes anywhere, but he was looking at you. You could feel it.
You weren’t sure how you wanted your friend to react, but she took John B’s hint and made an excuse to go to her car—something about getting it started so the AC would flow. It was totally fake, anyway.
You weren’t really listening, more focused on the sound of the crackling fire and nighttime creatures.
John B sighed a little and that caught your attention.
“Sorry he took off like that,” he apologized, offering a sympathetic smile.
You shook your head. “Not your fault.”
He looked down for a second and stuffed his hand into his pockets.
“It… might be,” he admitted, voice holding a guilt that matched his stance. You just watched him, waiting for him to meet your eye and continue. “I kinda have a thing for you and JJ doesn’t exactly like that, apparently.”
You should’ve been more surprised, but you weren’t naive enough to pretend it was some big plot twist reveal.
You nodded slowly instead, unsure how to respond to that.
Sure, you liked John B as a friend, but did you have a crush on him? You didn’t know—didn’t think so. Flirting with him was fun, but you never thought of it being more than that until tonight. If you did like him, or at least if you were starting to, it was now tainted by JJ’s reaction.
“Sorry he freaked out on you,” you said after a long moment.
“Not your fault,” he returned your words back to you. “I wasn’t planning on telling you like this, or telling you at all right now but um… I assumed you probably started to figure it out.”
His awkward laugh eased the tension a little, and you felt your shoulders relax.
“Sorta, maybe,” you confessed. You pointed your thumb over your shoulder to where the jeep was parked. “Kiara kinda suspected it before all this so…”
“Sounds like her,” John B replied easily. “I don’t expect you to say anything back right now, I just thought you might want some sort of explanation for all”—he gestured to the house where what you assumed was an argument between him and your step brother had taken place—“that.”
John B was telling you he had feelings for you, and somehow it had become all about JJ. You bet the blonde would’ve gotten a kick out of that.
“I’ll talk to him, he’ll be fine. He always is,” you told your friend. He nodded, seeming relieved by that. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
As you were passing by John B to leave, you did something you instantly wanted to take back.
You stopped in front of him and pressed up on your tiptoes. You gave him a light kiss on the cheek, more of an apologetic gesture than anything else, but you knew how it would look to him.
He told you he had a crush on you, and you kissed him on the cheek.
Guys didn’t usually appreciate the nuances of things like that, even an intelligent guy like John B. You could only hope he took it for what it was.
Your back was to him before he could question you, and you fought the urge to explain yourself.
“See ya,” John B called after you, sounding like he was about to stumble over his words if he continued.
You clenched your eyes shut for a long moment. It was only because you lost your sense of direction that you opened them again and sought out the jeep.
Kiara was quiet for the beginning of the drive, waiting for you to talk first. When you didn’t, she filled the silence.
“You wanna go to my house? My parents won’t mind,” she offered, sensing the unspoken stress radiating off of you.
You shook your head a little.
“I gotta talk to JJ,” you explained in a few words. It was more than enough. “John B told me he likes me,” you added, laying your head against the window, unable to keep it to yourself.
There was a sort of exhaustion to your voice that didn’t allow Kiara to smile at the revelation right away.
“Told you,” she commented instead, only letting herself chuckle when you cracked a smile at her tone. “Do you like him back?”
“I haven’t really thought about it. I don’t know,” you said. You didn’t think you did but you weren’t exactly sure now. “That’s a question for another night.”
Kie nodded. She witnessed what you had, after all.
“If you don’t know, maybe it’s a sign you don’t,” she suggested, glancing over to you briefly. “But if you do, JJ will get over it.”
Something in you suggested maybe that wouldn’t be the case, but you forced a smile when you tilted your head and met her gaze as if to agree—or thank her, at least, for the support.
When she pulled up outside your house, you had to drag yourself out of the car. A confrontation was coming up, there was no way it wasn’t.
You weren’t going to be able to just pretend nothing happened, and even if you did resist questioning JJ and ignored him instead, he’d sense your annoyance and push you until you talked to him. And talking, in this case, would lead to arguing. You hated arguing.
When you got inside the house, it was dark. The only light came from the TV. With it, you spotted Luke passed out on the couch, so you kept your footsteps quiet as you trekked through clutter back to your room.
Opening your door, you weren’t sure whether to find it surprising or not that JJ was in your bed. He often sought comfort with you in your room after hard times, but you began to wonder if he still did the same even when you weren’t present.
He was laying stomach down, flat on the mattress. His head was to the side, resting on your pillow, and his feet were hanging off the edge. At least he was nice enough to not put his dirty boots on your clean sheets, even if he had invaded your space.
Just like the rest of the house, your room was dark. You shut the door behind you when you stepped in and went for your bedside lamp.
You clicked it on and crossed your arms, looking down at the blonde. You caught him blinking and knew he was awake, although you didn’t actually think he was trying to pretend.
You subconsciously scanned his face—the part that you could see—for new injuries and found nothing.
“That really wasn’t cool,” you scolded him when you saw he was awake. “Fighting with John B then storming off like that.”
He ignored you, just flicking his eyes up to you wordlessly.
You rolled your eyes, frustration brewing. In an instant, you snatched the pillow from beneath his head and tossed it on an empty space on the bed.
JJ sat up with a reluctant frown. “Thanks, I’ll remember that next time.”
Your stomach turned when you saw a new bruise on his cheek. It was on the side of his face he’d hidden in the pillow.
You wanted to help him, to get ice, but his face almost held a warning for you not to.
“Don’t,” he murmured when he saw your expression soften. “It’s fine.”
The way he planted his feet on the ground and stared up at you made him seem like you were putting him in time-out or something. You didn’t like that feeling. Why was he so stubborn?
“There’s not gonna be a next time, you need to fix this,” you insisted, going back to the topic beforehand, feeding the narrative you were trying to resist.
JJ scoffed and even shook his head, it reminded you of how he had acted around all your friends.
“Funny how you seem to think you’re the boss of me,” he challenged, clearly in a bad mood. Whatever anger he’d been feeling at the Chateau had only been amplified by whatever transpired here in your absence. “Why does it matter anyway? Can you just stay out of it?”
“Well, if you weren’t all weird and hadn’t ditched me, maybe I wouldn’t be involved.”
A look of guilt broke through JJ’s rough exterior. His eyes turned to the floor, looking almost ashamed. The room was quiet for a moment, all you could hear was breathing.
“Sorry about that,” he said, voice lower than before. “I shouldn’t have left you.”
You let out an exhale. It was really hard to stay mad at him when all you wanted was to take him into your arms. It must’ve been hard for him to apologize, ‘sorry’ had never been his thing.
“It’s fine, I got a ride with Kie,” you uttered, letting him off the hook even though you should not have. There were more pressing matters. “Did you and John B fight about me?”
That made him look up, a sense of panic in those blue eyes of his.
“Is that what he said?” JJ asked, regaining composure as he stood, but still scanning your face.
“Not in those exact words,” you relayed. “But he told me he liked me and that you weren’t happy about it.”
JJ’s face shifted and he shook his head. He didn’t deny it.
“Don’t worry about it,” he dismissed you instead in a way that made it hard not to take offense.
You weren’t used to him treating you this way, like you didn’t deserve to be involved in whatever was going on with him. Not to mention you were directly affected, whether JJ wanted you to be or not.
“How about you don’t worry about it?” you snapped back, defiance kicking in. It was an instinct, you’d never had to talk back to him in this way. Sure, you’d argued before about little things, but this wasn’t that. “If I like him or not, it’s my choice.” You furthered his surprise by jabbing a finger at his chest. “Not yours.”
You saw JJ’s jaw tense. He was trying to find the right words.
“You can’t,” he came up with, spitting it out like he couldn’t keep it in.
You furrowed your brows, the corners of your lips tugging down.
“Can’t?” you repeated in disbelief. “Okay, JJ.”
“I’m serious,” he replied to your heavy sarcasm. “You just can’t,” he argued, with noticeably less power than before. It sounded pleading, even. Like he was begging you not to even consider it.
“Why?” you questioned, less fire igniting your temper. If anything, you were curious now.
“Can you just drop it?” he shot back, running a hand through his messy hair. He appeared more panicked than angry, realizing the corner he’d backed himself into.
“No, not when you made it a thing. Just tell me what is going on,” you pressed, wanting a straightforward answer.
What was so awful about this to him?
The fingers in his hair tightened, like he was going to rip the strands out.
“Can you not ask me that?” he nearly demanded, dropping his hand, fingers twitching at his side. The request was so ridiculous you couldn’t help but laugh. JJ’s frown deepened into something more hurt. “I don’t want to talk about this with you,” he determined, trying to walk past you.
You put a hand out, stopping him by the chest. You tilted your chin up at the close proximity, making him meet your eye.
“Can you just answer the question?” you countered, using little force to keep him in place. You stared up, watching him as he stared at you wordlessly. “You’re not a coward, JJ.” Maybe it was antagonistic, but you wanted an answer. You were at the end of your rope. “You always speak your mind—so do it.”
Then, JJ did just about the last thing you ever expected him to.
He kissed you.
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sillygoosealert · 5 months
hiii🌚🌚 you should totally make a little thing where we’re running from danny during a trial and get stuck in a window while trying to vault and yk.. he fucks us from behind and it’s like a “help me step bro i’m stuck🥺” kinda position yk HEHEHE 😈😈😈
Sorry i fell off the face of the earth for a few days i had to like idk reset myself ☆(≧∀≦*)ノ
Never say step bro I'm stuck again I'm not even joking I'll block you, Stinky
Danny Johnson NSFW, raw, has no aftercare, and a little plot but mainly smut, he’s MEAN (cannon bc because he murders people), um actually he's also COCKY (cannon bc he kills people), and he calls you piggy ( cannon because he likes horror and that is a black Christmas reference) knife stuff
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Fog whisps around you as you are forced into another trial. Another day another round. Is it day, or is it night? You may never find the answer.
The entity is cruel in your clothing, a skirt to your mid-thigh, and a button down. Nothing to keep in the warmth. Nothing to hide you from the reality that is the cold red forest.
You think your teammates must all be together- not including you, because a generator is done at lightning speed. Then you hear guttural screams, plural, also at lightning speed. Maybe you shouldn't get them, you'll too just die. Survival of the fittest. They won't remember the trial if you let them die, it's like they have a reset- or something.
You're crouching, lurking, and waiting. Not for long, as The Ghostface jumps out at you.
He's snickering and taunting you. Mocking the screams of your now-fallen teammates.
A jungle gym is in sight, if you abuse the window and stun him, perhaps the hatch could be located. Maybe you're too tubby, or maybe because the entity is against you, but the window gets blocked from the top halfway through. You do not make it, you are stuck.
He’s snorting and making animal noises behind you.
‘What’s the entity feeding you that you can’t get through the windows?’
‘Oh, it’s blocked.’
He grabs your thighs and tries to pull you out. However, his pullout game must be weak as you do not budge.
He keeps his hands on your thighs as he whistles.
‘Can you not get out?’
‘Does this happen a lot?’
‘First time actually’
You're shivering, it's too much. He's too casual about it.
‘I could cut you in half and play magician, that would be rather amusing ’
‘Please don't’
‘Do you have something else in mind, piggy?’
Nothing. Actually, you're crying a little, but you don't say anything.
He starts to coo and awe at your noises, rubbing and kneading your ass.
He goes around to your other side and pulls out his camera. You’re a mess. Wiping away tears from your cheeks and eyes.
‘That's it. Perfect. That's the picture I'll keep of you.’
He’s taking a couple photo’s. More than needed. Maybe he likes it when you cry, the glossy kind of look.
‘Just me and you babe, whatever will we do?’
He snaps the band on your panties. You just realize nothing is left to his imagination from where he is now standing again.
‘Are you scared?’
‘A little’
There isn't any reason to tell the truth or lie to him. But you think he likes it when you're scared, something kinky.
The cold plastic of his mask is pressed into your ass. He's sniffing you..?
You can feel the squeeze of his hands on your thighs, groaning into them.
He takes off the mask, not that you can him. But the feel of his warm tongue is enough to assume he took it off.
But that's not the only thing to come off, as he slips off your panties as well.
Spreading open your folds, you can hear the shudder of the camera as he takes pictures of your pussy.
You know it's wet, it was dripping on your underwear. What lewd photos he now will have. Blackmail material?
He begins sucking on your clit, shoving his face into you.
Messy, unplanned, and purely out of want.
That's not how Danny usually went. Besides all the times he did things out of rage, like the laser tag incident..
After he's mixed his spit into your cunt, he's ready.
Pulling up his cloak and pulling down his pants, he stares at you.
You're pretty. And you have a nice ass.
Maybe you would make a good girlfriend, maybe.
But he just wants to fuck you right now, really hard
He pumps himself before sliding in.
He's thick, but also kinda lean?
You're shaking again, this is much too abrupt for you
Pinching your leg, he pulls out his blade.
‘A little blood never hurt anyone, right?’
He starts to cut into your thigh. His thrust growing more erotic
Putting the knife away, he smacks the place he just sliced up
Yelping, you start to cry, again.
‘I like that- you crying. Sob for me’
‘You're doing good, do you like merely laying there as you get violated? This could happen to anyone, whore or not. Does that scare you?’
A rhetorical question, he just wants you to cry while he scratches your bleeding leg.
He starts to rub your clit, whipping his knife out again.
‘Where do you want me to put my signature?’
‘It hurts- stop, please..’
Caving GF into your back is a blur to both of you, as he is still occasionally slapping your body around while thrusting considerably too hard
He pulls out and cums all over your wounds, covering them slightly in semen.
‘People would be shaking if they saw this. Are you shaking because of me?’
You didn't even realize you weren't stuck anymore. Only after you fell backward you realized.
‘I'm going to let you go back. But I want you to tell them what I did to you- scare them. Let them know they are not safe from me.’
‘Okay, I promise, I'll tell them’
He picks you up and walks around with you clinging to him.
When you are near the hatch, he puts you down.
‘A picture- for you, to keep’
He's sitting with you on the ground, keeping you in his lap. Putting his face right next to yours- actually, you don't remember when he put the mask back on. You didn't get to see his face.
The light hurts, but he gives you a little polaroid with the two of you face to face, cheek to cheek.
It would be cute if he didn't just cut up your legs
Tucking the photo into your bra, he drops you into the hatch. How kind of him.
He waves goodbye, you do not wave back.
It wasn't bad, it was just a lot. Rushed? Scary? Harmful?
Kinda hot, but you really hope he doesn't keep those photos. For blackmail reasons..
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For the second afternoon in a row that week, Mace found himself walking down the same corridor of the Diasomnia dorms. He would have come by sooner, having finished downloading all of the stuff onto the drive way earlier, but he got a bit distracted doing... a few different things. He hoped Casimir didn't mind the wait too much. It would be a shame if he did.
Approaching Casimir's door, he knocked the same way he did last time, before stepping back.
"Yello~! Guess who it is~!"
He called out, combing his fingers through his hair to neaten it up a bit while he waited for the door to open. Not that he was trying to make it look extra neat. But more... trying to make it seem like he didn't just crawl out of bed a few hours ago, just to only make it in time to attend the last class of the day. Because he definitely didn't. Definitely.
- Mace (🔌) [ @nrc-asteryn-crew ]
( ooc// i cannot the way he starts monologuing in his thoughts then gets more sentimental STOPP I CANT DO THIS I LOVE HIM SM ACTUALLY if he was in game i WOULD whale /pos silly guy if anything ur inability to control ur UM is just making mace more interested in you (i actually love that it does that tho its so silly) anyway I FINALLY MADE THE GOSH DARN BLOG . well sorta i more so just had to revamp the pinned post that was already there but YEA!!! :D )
*the knocking on the door startled Casimir from his thoughts that, today, mainly consisted of some nonsense on a homework page. He relaxed though, at the recognition of the knocking pattern and voice and stood up*
*He took a deep breath to compose himself and adopt his typical, grandiose persona before opening the door*
Greetings to you, Vassal Mace! It is a pleasure to see that you have decided to return to my lair on this day.
I assume that your being here means you have successfully completed your quest?
*Casimir did his best to contain his excitement, tapping his fingers together in what, to most appearances, could be read as excitement or a gesture of evil plotting - the perfect gesture for one of his status, now that he thought about it.*
(✨HELL YEAH! banger that u have a blog now! I think I'm already following ur acct from my main but yaur!!! Also thank u SM that means. A lot actually bc I'm just here like "yeah this silly guy who exists in my brain is gonna get thrown from a window" and I really appreciate when other ppl like my silly guys dhhdsjdj. I'm so excited to be able to learn more Abt ur guys now tho too whehehehe >:3¢. Probably should've done this from the tags. Anyways.)
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mommahughes19-23 · 2 months
imma tattoo artist - Q.H
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@tattoosbymorgs : did some tattoos and then took my best friend to see my man play his favorite game..
tagged : @yfriend @_quinnhughes
location : VAN
_eliaspettersson : dude that dragon is SICK and I wish I didn't hate needles ...
luca.fantilli : next time I see you I wanna get my tiny love dinosaur
↪ tattoosbymorgs : make it happen lu - you know where I am, bring ya self
bboeser : I WANT YOUR JACKET. give it here!!!!
jackhughes : oh. wow. this is neat.
lhughes_06 : I think your friend is confused as to who's jersey she should wear ..
trevorzegras : wow... thats legit my bestest lil cousin ever PLEASE TATTOO ME ASAP
↪ tattoosbymorgs : first off im 2 years older than you, second off no, I saw you cheat on me with your other artist.❌
bradytkachuk : dang Quinn, talented and pretty, she's a keeper.
↪ tattoosbymorgs : what is that even supposed to mean?
↪ bradytkachuk : just that youre more skilled than young Quinten will ever be
↪ ehtkachuk : BRADY leave her alone
icole28 : best frienddddddd
lindholmelias : my two best friends ugh
elblue6 : so talented! love you sweetie.
dakotajoshua8 : will u ever tattoo me?
↪ tattoosbymorgs : probably not because you didn't say please
_tylermyers_ : well even tho you didn't wear any canucks gear I guess its fine... 🆘
yfriend : the best time ever!!!!!!!!!! @j.tmiller9 MORE FIGHTSSS
emmamatthews : you crazy girl!! miss you!😜
austonmatthews : any luck convincing Quinn to let you tattoo him?
↪ tattoosbymorgs : you know the answer is still no.... why do you have to be so mean to me
lelexdemko : sweetie that is stunning! cant wait to see you next season!!😘
_quinnhughes : i smile just for you baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😁😁😁😁😁
↪ tattoosbymorgs : I love you so much omg 💕💕💕💕💕
nilshoglander : this is a lot of pda idk if I can handle it👀
j,tmiller9 : I wanna get a tattoo by you ☺️
↪ tattoosbymorgs : NO. jk if you bring your children I might reconsider 😏
tdemko30 : @_quinnhughes get my number #35 tattooed on you 😁
↪ _quinnhughes : not going to happen bud
ehtkachuk : STUNNING MOMMAAA ❤️❤️❤️❤️
colecaufield : 🙈
_alexturcotte : 🥴
A.N : HIIIIII - long note bc some stuff happened and idk it got me thinking.
ok so this is basically me just ranting about tattoo related things :)
This girl is (obviously) an actual tattoo artist who does real business and I am a HUGEEEEE believer in giving credit where it is due.... so I believe her name is Mar, ALL WORKS OF ART ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL WORKS OF MAR DO NOT STEAL OR CREDIT AS YOUR OWN. below you can find a link to her Pinterest where I am sure you could research more to find her other socials.
even if you dont want to know more about her work I encourage you to just look at some of it regardless because (again im not a tattoo artist just a girl with a few tattoos and an obsession) I believe she is mainly a fine line style artist and while being an artist of any capacity takes talent fine line is its own art. I know she also does some capacity of portrait work (I haven't seen any people just a few pet ones) and those are also a tremendously precise skill set. all in all I just think that people should appreciate the time, work, and effort these artist put into their work.
anywho I just wanted to say I would be honored for her to tattoo me.
tagged : @quinnylouhughesx43 @skylershines @jacktoria4ever @bunbunbl0gs @63kaprizov
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lemotmo · 3 months
Another really good one, I like this because we're starting to see a lot of this redemption thing in the BT tags. This was a question about Gerard and his connection to Tommy. And now that we know they're not upset about us sharing their answers I feel okay sending it to you.
A. Happy Friday to you as well! Unfortunately, based on your question, I don't think you're going to like my answer, but I promised you guys my honesty so here goes. Gerard is not here for Tommy. Gerard is not here for a Tommy redemption arc. Mainly because we (the audience) are not meant to see Tommy as needing redemption. Tommy is a general audience character. Meaning everything we're supposed to know or care about where Tommy is concerned is what the show told us in season 7. He is the guy Buck is currently dating and he used to work at the 118 before Bobby took over. That's it. That's all the show needs the audience to care about, at least right now. Fandom people are the only ones who remember his exact history, and no offense to anyone, they didn't bring him in for us. He is there to serve a specific story purpose so his individual history is irrelevant. Gerard is there for Bobby, and increasingly I think, Eddie. The Bobby stuff is obvious, but Ryan has mentioned Gerard now in a couple of interviews so I think he's giving us a clue that Eddie and Gerard will be some kind of story.
The Tommy stuff depends on whatever reason the show decides to give for his breakup with Buck. And yes, I do genuinely believe that is what's coming. If he's meant to be the one responsible for Buck figuring out his feelings for Eddie then I don't think his history with Gerard will be brought up except maybe as a scene or two in passing (if it's not necessary for the breakup, it probably won't be mentioned at all). If Buck is the one they want to end things, and have him figure out his Eddie feelings another way, then I think Tommy's past with Gerard will play a bigger role in their breakup. Especially if he tells Buck to deal with him by just keeping his mouth shut, and his head down and ignoring him. We all know Buck won't do that, especially if Gerard makes Eddie a target. So it depends entirely on the reason for their breakup. They don't need Tommy in a ton of scenes to accomplish either scenario, which is good because I do think he will also be filming SWAT and his availability won't be great. If he's supposed to figure out the Buck and Eddie thing, and point it out to Buck, we will need his reaction to at least some Buck and Eddie moments, (or at least his reaction to Buck's reaction to some of those moments), so they might need him for a few more scenes if they go that route for the breakup. Either way I don't see him lasting past the winter finale. Whatever the plan for Buck, I think he'll be ready for Eddie by the break, maybe even before. I think the second half of the season will be getting Eddie ready and then building up to Buddie. I don't see them dragging the Buddie thing out all season but I do think it will be the latter part of the back half of the season. Depending on Lou's availability he may be done sooner than the winter finale. We just don't know yet. But as someone who has watched the show from the beginning I don't know what other direction the Eddie storyline could be going. It's he's queer, or they're writing him as never going to be in love again because he was that in love with Shannon (which would be god awful television), or he becomes a devout Catholic (absolutely not). Those are kind of the only outcomes they've given themselves. And I'm sorry you don't like them, but Buck and Eddie learning to navigate an actual relationship, given Eddie's intimacy issues, inability to communicate his feelings, and his family/upbringing, as well as Buck's abandonment issues and need to fix everything is interesting storyline after interesting storyline. No one will force you to watch. And you're correct that lots of people will be pissed off, but many more would love it. They're very well liked by the general audience, people have got to stop trying to convince themselves otherwise because it's simply untrue. They're popular, people like them and most people would be interested in watching that storyline play out. It feels earned. Earned by Buck and Eddie and the audience. I know this answer has probably upset you and many others, and that is never my intention, but I also don't believe in telling people what they want to hear when the canon events seem to be leading in a different direction.
*chef's kiss* love it love it love it
Hi Nonny, thank you for sending in this really interesting message from the ‘anonymous blog I love’.
For those of you who have missed it, the OP of these very interesting posts on BT and Buddie has contacted me yesterday. They are a BT shipper that also like Buddie and they are okay with me posting their messages. They do however, wish to remain anonymous because they don’t want to attract any more negative attention. Their inbox is probably already a minefield, so let’s not add to their stress and respect their wishes. Thank you.
If you are interested in the OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
Now, let’s talk about this answer:
The answer above is very interesting to me. They talk about Tommy’s role in the whole Gerrard saga and I fully agree on most of it. They point out again that Tommy is there to serve a purpose in Buck’s story, so essentially he is there as a plot device in Buck’s narrative.
As for Tommy’s role in Buck’s story, I am of the belief that Tommy will be the one to tell Buck to just ‘Keep your head down, your mouth shut and pretend it isn't there.’ as he complains to him about Gerrard and how he treats his friends on the 118. This is something Buck could never do. He isn’t like Tommy, he can’t just accept and tolerate his friends being bullied by their new captain.
I agree with OP that Tommy will probably be gone by the end of 8a. His arc will be finished and the queer Eddie/Buddie arc will be in full swing by then. This arc won’t find its satisfying ending until well into 8b though. There needs to be drama first. And I do believe that there will be a lot of drama before we actually get the payoff of the Buddie storyline.
The fact that Eddie’s arc is most likely to go into the direction of him realising he’s queer seems unavoidable. It’s like OP said: It’s either queer Eddie with eventual Buddie or ‘never again in love’ Eddie. Two options and we all know which one will bring along the most press and a whole gaggle of new viewers. 😉
Now, as a treat, I have a second post from the OP for you today. This was sent to my mutual and friend @buddiebeginz and she has kindly allowed me to use her post on my blog in order to centralise all the posts from the OP. Thank you Justine!
For context I’d like to relay to you why this post was sent to Justine. She received an ask earlier which she replied to here. I urge all of you to read her reply as well, as it was very insightful and I do agree with most of it.
Anyway, someone else sent her an anon ask later on as a response to the post she made. This anon had found a reply from the OP as to why they thought that Tommy is ‘good’ for Buck ‘right now’ and why they enjoy the character’s role in Buck’s story for as long as it will last.
Keep reading under the cut. I didn't want to clog anyone's dash with too long of a post.
Here is that ask with OP’s answer:
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I admit I really like this answer. The way they break down Tommy’s role in Buck’s story as Buck having a ‘fun and light’ first experience as a newly out bisexual, before the more ‘heavy’ Eddie and Buddie story will start. I understand it and I can see how that could be some valuable life experience for Buck, so he is strong enough to tackle the next part of the Buddie journey. I can logically 'perceive' that this is what the writers originally intended for the BT storyline.
Does this mean that I suddenly like Tommy and the BT arc? No. Definitely not. And I think the problem can be found in the way that Tommy and BT was written. He wasn't written as a very appealing character. I don’t see the chemistry between him and Buck and I think they don’t fit well together. Their ‘energies’ just don't match. I don't see enough proof of him truly caring about Buck in any of the episodes. So, I admit I can't see the 'light and fun' experience OP talks about. To me Tommy is just weighing Buck down with too much negativity.
And let's not forget about how we were all introduced to Tommy in season 2 and the way he treated Hen and Chimney. The man was never meant to be a 'nice and likeable' character with a questionable background like that. They tried to redeem him somewhat with the helicopter cruise ship rescue storyline, but to me it fell kind of flat.
And yes, of course there is also the ‘Eddie factor’. I have been shipping Buddie for years now, so whether I like it or not, I am biased towards Buddie. I am also not a multi-shipper. I just don’t have that in me. Once I latch onto a ship I never let go. 😊
So yeah, ultimately… different opinions make for more interesting conversations, right? And I love reading about OP’s opinions. Sometimes they match my own and sometimes they don’t, but I still respect them and value their view on 911. That’s what fandom should be about: sharing opinions, respectfully agreeing or disagreeing with each other, listening and learning from each other. It’s so much more enjoyable than sending anonymous hatred to someone’s inbox.
Anyway, once again I ask everyone to not post any hate towards the OP in the comments or reblogs. I do highly encourage a civil conversation about the topics discussed in this post. 😊
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HELLAVERSE x Reader - Part 2 of ? - Life with Owl Boi
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GIF by honey-im-still-free
GIF by fatboychedda
GIF by idzymi
Summary: You're just some person who lived on your own in a slightly spooky town. Who knew demons would show up! Who knew they'd end up living with you?
Tags: Reader Insert, Hazbin Hotel Characters, Helluva Boss Characters, Fluff, Humor, Friendship, Romance
Relationships: ( & for platonic, x for Romance)
Stolas & Reader, Fizzarolli & Reader, Alastor x Reader, Lucifer x Reader
Stolas was actually a pretty good roomate. After the initial awkwardness and hour tour, you quickly established some rules:
No breaking my stuff
No stealing my stuff
No hurting my cat
No hurting me
Don't be a jerk
Stolas agreed, saying these were rather reasonable terms.
You lived in a rather run-down house which was great because it was rather cheap. It had working wifi and the roof didn't leak and the water was clean so it was ok. So what if the doors were slightly ajar and the paint was peeling?
Anyway, because you had this run-down house you had an extra room to spare. you admitted to Stolas that it was rather dusty and mainly used as a storage room but he was just flattered you were giving him his own space at all.
Between the two of you, the room got cleared out and dusted and the small family of opossums living there were chased away, You didn't know they were there but that'd explain where your peanut butter kept going.
Stolas was talkative and somehow never said a thing. He'd often ramble about plants and stars or whatever interested him at the moment but would quickly end up apologizing over and over. You let him know you didn't mind. Also that you might zone out but it had nothing to do with him you just had a hard time focusing for any extended amount of time.
"I believe that's called Attention Deficient Disorder, yes? Or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?"
You told him you had no idea and just left it at that. He didn't pry, which you were thankful for.
Stolas told you a lot of things, and you did your best to remember the things that seemed important. You got him a small potted plant you saw at the hardware store as well as some basic plant-tending supplies. He was overjoyed and was basically in tears. So much so you were confused and worried that you had done something wrong.
"O-oh my, no!" Stolas fretted, wiping the growing tears off his cheeks "These are happy tears, my friend. I just- I can't really remember the last time someone got me a gift. It makes me...it makes me happy."
That gift opened the floodgate for you to get more random things you think he'd like. Glow-in-the-dark star stickers, small succulents and flowers, a funny looking stuffed animal of indeterminable species... That last one wasn't based on anything more than you just thought it'd be something he'd like.
It was.
He hugs it in his sleep.
Once Stolas saw you fretting over bills, he started feeling kind of...well. Very guilty. He was just staying here this whole time doing nothing while you constantly gifted him with things simply because you think he'd like them (and he does! it honestly doesn't matter what it is because you gave it to him and that alone make him happy).
And here you were paying for it all. It reminded him of his rather sheltered and pampered upbringing. And how selfish and conceited he could be because of it.
So, the owl demon threw on his best human disguise, went to town, and got a job.
You know this because you had to comfort him after said job.
"-and they just YELLED at me because I sat down for, like, five minutes??? My feet were hurting and the customers were so mean even though I didn't do anything to them??"
Man was not made for retail. You asked him why he got a job at all. His answer made you feel rather fuzzy on the inside. You hadn't even brought that up, but he noticed and tried to help.
You still asked him to quit because of how stressed he was. Maybe he can be like a live-in maid kind of thing? You couldn't really pay him for that but you'd take care of the money stuff... He agreed to that but insisted he try to find a different job.
You were just confused as to how he got one so quickly in the first place.
Eventually, life calmed down and you and your new roommate got into a bit of routine. Work, play, research ways to return to Hell, etc etc...
...then The Storm hit.
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patheticwomenlover · 2 months
Holm Kranom x Gen!Neutral Reader CW: None, just straight fluff Although this fic in particular is completely sfw, my profile has nsfw content on it so minors pls dni! ♡
Summary: Holm gets distracted by you and Rin thinks you're evil
Author note: Hello! I haven't posted on here in so long omg lol. I don't really plan on posting as much on tumblr specifically, (I'm mainly on AO3 as patheticmenlover!) honestly I just wanted to share my Holm Kranom fic on here cuz he seems to get the most content on here AND because he doesn't have a lot of x reader fics. It SUCKS!! Anyways I hope yall like this I don't really like it as much but I wanted to feed my fellow Holm enjoyers even if its bad (≧ڡ≦*)
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Rin just had a feeling you’d cause trouble for the party when you tagged along with them on the journey back to the surface. She couldn’t believe Kabru allowed Holm to heal AND let you tag along despite her concerns. You were a stranger.. for all they knew you could be an enemy.
The party had found you purely by accident, you passed out on the ground near the water on the 4th floor alongside your belongings, which happened to be a patchy bag and an axe...a dodgy looking one at that. They straight up thought you were dead until they caught a glimpse of your chest breathing up and down, you were just unconscious. You were real lucky that a kelpie or mermaid hadn’t found you before they did. How clumsy were you?
Of course, Holm did have the power to resurrect you if you did die but simply healing you made it easier. He quickly healed you and Kabru proceeded to ask If you were alright. You thankfully were alright and had explained that you were ambushed by a few other party members suddenly. You would’ve offered some of your food and even treasure, but it was unfortunately stolen. You knew you couldn’t continue further in the dungeon with NO food and a damaged axe, so you knew you had to go back to the surface to restock your items.
You tried to search inside your bag for something to offer them as thanks for healing you but Kabru quickly grabbed your hand, saying there was no need. That and it’s not like you had anything valuable…at least not anymore. You were certainly a strange one. Before you were about to leave on your own, Kabru asked if you wanted to tag along with the party since they were traveling back to the surface anyways. Just as Rin was about to protest, you quickly accepted it.
You thought to yourself, you might as well since they are going back up anyhow, if you happen to run into the same party members that attacked you and stole your stuff you have a high chance of getting it back.
Everyone within the party had no issue with this, if Kabru deemed you to be harmless then you should be, right? As creepy as it sounds, he was really good at reading people. To him, you were… harmless. He even doubts your axe would do much damage, seriously when was the last time you sharpened that thing?
Anyways, Kuro and Mickbell didn’t seem to mind your presence. Kuro sniffed you and the area to make sure you weren’t planning on ambushing them, which you weren’t! So, you’re alright in Mickbell and Kuro’s book…doesn’t mean they trust you though! ৻(  •̀ ᗜ •́  ৻)
Daya on the other hand was nice to you. Albeit, she did have her slight suspicions, but she didn’t express them in front of you. But then again, if Kabru trusted you then…surely it was worth it to believe your innocence. And as for Rin well, you already know. She’s keeping a close eye on you..! Anything shady coming from you and you’re going to go back to sleep.
Finally, as for Holm, he didn’t mind either..at all actually. It was to be expected from him because he was the calmest in the group but…something seemed off. When you happily pranced up to Holm, shaking his hand thanking him for healing you, he appeared to be bashful?! What was wrong with him.. was he alright?
His face was beet red, and he was stuttering like crazy. His normal half-lidded eyes were replaced with wide flustered eyes. Rin has never seen him like this before. What did you do to him?
You gently grasped Holm’s hands with yours while looking him I’m directly in the eyes, praising him sweetly for healing you. “Thank you so so much! I probably would’ve died if you hadn’t healed me!” You almost looked angelic, like a sweet soul but…Rin thinks otherwise. He looks up at you with a flushed face, continuously stumbling over his words. “Ah..It’s…it’s nothing…haha..really..!”
Rin glares suspiciously at you two as she gripped her staff. The hell were you planning? Kabru took notice of not only you and Holm, but also Rin. It didn’t need to take a genius to know Rin was annoyed. “Kabru..! Why would you let them tag along?..” She huffs. “They could be up to something you know.” Kabru just chuckles at this, to which she looks at him with confusion. “I don’t think so, they don’t look dangerous to me.”
His eyes travels back to you, happily conversing with a bashful gnome. “Besides…they seem occupied with someone.” Rin looks at the duo with Kabru. “You noticed them too?...Do you think something is wrong with Holm?” He smiles. “No, not at all.” Before she could oppose, he leaves. Despite Kabru’s lack of concern, she still chose to watch your every move. Especially after overhearing you asking Holm to stick beside him on the journey back to the surface.
You might have everyone fooled but you can’t fool Rin.                     
After healing and allowing you to follow them, you and Kabru’s party began to continue the journey back to the surface, but not before going through a few ridiculous monster encounters. As you were conversing with Holm by your side, you two were passing by the rooms in the dungeon hall. A few were closed, some were opened. It’s smarter to simply not go inside either of them, after all you all are trying to get back to the surface and not get killed on the way back.
Unfortunately, Mickbell got a little too curious.
“Man..I remember almost getting killed by a mimic here. I hope it’s gone or somebody already got rid of it.” You say cautiously. Holm hums in acknowledgement. “I see..a mimic huh? Those are pretty scary.” You gently put your arm around his shoulder. “Don’t worry Holm, I got an axe with me. I’ll protect you If they try to come near you.” You joke.
His face flushes as he turns his head to the side and coughs into his hand. “O-oh?...ahah…mm..thank you..” You chuckle at his adorable reaction. Meanwhile..Mickbell and Kuro came across an open room with a single ‘treasure chest’. The duo not knowing that it was a mimic decided to go up to it. Mickbell hopped off Kuro and inspected the chest.
“I don’t remember seeing this when we came through here. Think there’s anything valuable in here?” Mickbell asks Kuro, to which he lowly growls at the box. Mickbell looks at him in confusion. “What is it Kuro..?” Before Kuro could answer…
A massive blue crab popped out of the front box, knocking back Mickbell and Kuro against the wall harshly, causing them to both groan in pain. “Ugh..what the..? Oh fuck!” Mickbell yells as the mimic began to quickly charge towards them. Kuro swiftly gradded Mickbell and began to sprint out of the room as fast as he could, but the mimic had no trouble following them at almost the same speed.
The duo (mostly Kuro) continuously ran up and down the halls hoping to tire it down but it didn’t seem to work, that mimic must be starving for roasted kobold with a side of mashed half-foot. “ARAUUGHH!! HELP US!” Mickbell screams as he held onto Kuro for dear life. “HOLM...Y/N!….UH?” He called out for you two, but you weren’t anywhere insight anymore. Where the hell did you two go?
Fortunately for them Kabru, Rin and Daya heard their cries for help and immediately came to their aid. Kabru and Daya quickly carried them both out of the way while Rin casted a spell to electrify the mimic, causing it to pass out. Kabru and Daya set down the panicked duo on the ground. “Holy fuck..!” Mickbell gasps.
“Are you alright?” Kabru asks. “Y-yeah..were-“
“Wait.” Rin interrupts. “Where’s Holm and Y/n?” They both shrug.
Meanwhile you and Holm further down, oblivious to the chaos happening down the hall:
“Treasure bugs huh?” He tilts his head. “I never knew those were even a thing…how interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen those before.”
“Yeah! It’s pretty cool huh? I’ve got a few fried ones in my bag actually..i’ll gladly share it with you.” You say as you start to dig inside your bag. “Ahah..that’s quite alright— wait did you say fried?” You nod. “I know it sounds odd but…!” You pull an insect coin from your bag. “Its tastyyy!~” You then held it up to Holm’s mouth.
“Come onnn!~ Try it! It’s yummy!” His face and ears flush from your closeness, then he quickly turns his head. Not only because of how close you were, but…you were trying to get him to eat a treasure bug. “N-no thank you!...I appreciate the offer but…It’s not my thing!”
You hum in acknowledgement. “No problem, more for me.” You pop the fried treasure bug in your mouth, happily eating it. Holm wasn’t sure what to think of you eating treasure bugs…you were a strange one indeed but that’s what made you unique in his eyes.
“You’re pretty strange.” He jokes. You let out a chuckle. “Is it because of the treasure bug thing?” He nods. “Yep.” You two then let out a series of laughing until you two hear fast foot steps coming your way, it was the rest of the group. Mickbell and Kuro specifically looked a little irritated and shaken up.
“HOLM! YLN!..WHAT THE HELL?” Rin yelled. “Where were you—”
“ME AND KURO ALMOST DIED TO A MIMIC WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TWO? YOU WERE JUST NEAR US WHYD YOU LEAVE?!” Mickbell screamed. “You two were in trouble? I’m sorry!...we didn’t notice—”
“CLEARLY!” Mickbell interrupted Holm. “Sorry guys!” You sheepishly rub your neck. “If we heard you, we would’ve helped, I swear!”
“Mickbell, please.” Kabru sternly shushed him, causing him to huff. “Can I ask what you two were doing all the way back here?” He looks at the both of you. “We don’t need you two doing any funny stuff while were trying to get back to the surface!” Rin exclaims.
Holm immediately tensed up. “W-wait hold on! Don’t get the wrong idea please!” He held up his hand in defense. “We didn’t realize we had walked so far off…we’ll be more careful next time.” You voiced. “I’ll try not to steal him from you guys again.” You subtly flirt.
The party aside from Kabru didn’t seem to catch on, but Holm sure did.
His face immediately flushed again along with his ears. A batch of incomprehensible words spouted from his mouth as he grabbed his beret, covering his burning face with it. You snicker at his reaction, while Rin was seemingly eyeing your interaction.
“Wha..?” She mumbles to herself. What was going on with him?..you must have done something to him! She just knows it but..she can’t prove it. Not yet at least.
She scoots close to Kabru. “Kabru..are you seeing this? That isn’t normal behavior from Holm!” She muttered. “I know they did something to him..just give me the word and I’ll take care of it.” She grips her staff tightly in anticipation like she desperately wanted to hurt something.
“Don’t.” He responds casually.
“What?!..” She looks at him in surprise and confusion. “But…why not?”
A relaxed chuckle escaped his lips. “They are harmless, besides, we should keep going while were not being attacked.” Before she could oppose again, he began leading the way out. What is this? She thought. This was ridiculous, why was nobody seeing that you were clearly scheming something?!.. she’ll have to talk to Kabru properly about this when they get to the surface.
The second floor…surrounded by beautiful trees, flowers, and strange monsters…like the mandrake for example. As the party passed by the crowded plants they began to notice it started to cloud their vision of other members...specifically, you and Holm. If you weren’t there then this wouldn’t exactly be an issue, sure Holm tends to get easily overwhelmed and freeze up sometimes but he definitely can defend himself if absolutely necessary.
She dedicated herself to watching you two for any suspiciousness but she can’t do that if she can’t see either of you…! And speak of the devil, after checking on her other party member’s statuses, what do you know…you two were gone AGAIN!
So much for ‘trying not to steal him away from us’.
Meanwhile you and Holm…again:
“Wow, these trees are huge," you exclaim. "Are you just realizing that now? Haven't you been through this area before?" Holm asks, and you nod. "Well, yeah, but I never really stopped to take in the surroundings," you reply. You reach out and pluck a flower from a nearby tree, an angel's trumpet. "Now that I'm really paying attention, this place is full of beautiful flowers," you say, turning to him and leaning in close. He starts blushing at your proximity. You gently tuck the flower behind his ear, then step back to admire your handiwork.
"You look so cute!" You say cheerfully. Holm, on the other hand, can't seem to get a word out, his eyes fixed on the ground in embarrassment. "Th-thank you... I really appreciate it!" he stutters, his face turning even redder. So adorable..you thought. So adorable you just want to squish his cheeks but…you think he might not appreciate that. At least not right now.
A loud scream alarmed the both of you, causing you both to turn to where the noise came from, which was a hollow tree. “What was that?” You cautiously asked while observing the area carefully. “That..sounds like the scream of a!—”
“BAT!” You screamed, as soon as you did the big bat quickly flew near you two and attempted to attack. Instead of fighting, you chose to tackle Holm to the ground and into the bushes hoping to hide from it until it tires itself out. Thankfully after a few minutes of it flying around the area searching for you two, it flew to another place hoping to find other victims.
“Phew..that was close.” You say in relief. You then realized— you were still on top of Holm! Poor thing probably almost suffocated. “Ah! Sorry!” You quickly get off him. “I hope I didn’t tackle you too hard, my axe wouldn’t have done much damage to the bat especially since it’s already crappy.”
He didn’t respond. Instead, he just stared at you with a red face while still laying on the ground. You may want to give him a moment to collect himself.
*Back to Mickbell and Kuro*
A distant screech could be heard, causing Mickbell to hear it.
“Hey Kuro…did you hear that?” Kuro’s ears perk up, attempting to hear what Mickbell was.
Another screech could be heard, this one being a little louder.
“Yes!...it sounds..familiar.” Kuro mumbles. “Wait..that…sounds like…!” Before Mickbell could finish his sentence, the big bat made itself known and screamed at the duo.
“UWAAAAHH??!” Both individuals let out a loud exclamation of fear as they clung tightly to each other. During their panic, the bat swooped down swiftly, attempting to attack them multiple times but somehow they dogged each attack. Kuro swiftly lifted Mickbell and started running in the opposite direction, searching for a safe place to hide from the enormous bat.
“Mick, be careful—!” Kuro cautioned Mickbell as the bat descended closely behind them, almost managing to sever Kuro’s tail completely, leaving it barely attached to his back. A cry of pain escaped him before he collapsed to the ground and inside a bush with Mickbell in his grasp. “KUROO!” He shouted.
He positioned himself beneath Kuro, allowing the kobald to rest his head on his friend's lap. Mickbell stole a quick glance at his injury, relieved to see that his tail had not been completely torn off, indicating that it could be properly healed. The only thing they needed now was Holm. However, he would have to call out for him - surely he must be close by. It was a risky move, but Mickbell couldn't bear to see his friend in pain. He needed to act quickly and hope that they wouldn't end up as a meal for a passing bat.
"Holm...!" Mickbell shouted, but there was no response. The bat was now scanning the area from a distant tree branch. "HOLM...!" He raised his voice a bit more. This time, the bat pinpointed the source of the sound. This was not a good sign. "HOLM!!" Mickbell screamed, catching the bat's attention.
The bat began to fly directly towards them, its sharp claws and teeth poised for an attack. "AAAUHHH!!" Mickbell held onto Kuro's head tightly, bracing himself for the bat's claws to pierce his skin when suddenly—
Kabru swiftly and decisively slashed the bat's throat before it could reach Mickbell. The bat struggled for a moment, choking on its own blood, before collapsing nearby. Kabru put away his sword and ran towards the duo alongside Daya and Rin. “Are you two alright?”
Mickbell angrily lamented, "Kuro’s tail is about to fall off! I called for Holm, but he's not even NEARBY! Where is he?!"
"They wandered off again? Are you kidding me?" Rin complained, "I'll find them, and when I do..."
“Don't worry, Rin. I've got this under control. Just focus on checking Kuro for any other injuries. I'll be back soon." With those words, he hurried off to locate you and Holm. It took a bit but in the end, he successfully found both of you.
Fortunately uninjured, but still... The two of you were unwinding on a picturesque bed of flowers, with him in particular reclining on your lap as you gently ran your fingers through his hair. How did it even come to this? Kabru pondered. Nevertheless... he thought it was cute, but Kuro needed his aid so, this can wait.
"You two were hiding here, then?" Kabru chuckled. You both gasped in shock because you hadn't even noticed him there. "Oh, I see. Hello, Kabru. "Didn't even notice you were here," you waved. You guys move so slowly, don't you?” You tease.
"Ah, Kabru!" Red in the face and ears, he raises his head off your lap. "Did something happen?"                                                                                                         
Kabru nods. “Yes, actually. A big bat attacked Mickbell and Kuro, Kuro specifically. He needs his tail healed, if you aren’t too busy.” He teased, poking fun at him for resting on your lap, you didn’t seem to catch on but Holm caught it. He quickly got up and dusted his dark robe and swiftly put his beret back on. “N-no no! Of course not!” he stammered. “Please lead me to him!” Kabru then proceeded to lead Holm and you to Mickbell and Kuro’s aid.
You two were definitely going to get an earful from Mickbell….again.
The party returned to the surface unscathed and undamaged after going through a lot of nonsense involving you and Holm. It's a miracle, really, because whenever you and Holm ventured off, bad things would happen, and Mickbell and Kuro were nearly always involved. Holm and you did take the time to apologize for any unintentional trouble you may have caused at the party. (poor guys).
They seemed forgiving enough but as for Mickbell…ehh not so much. Just be thankful he acknowledged your apology. As for Rin…she just stared at you two. She just knew in her gut that you had done something and that you were planning on killing them..! She just needed to say something. NOW.
She walks towards the two of you with an angry look, more so specifically towards you. “You!” She points at you. “What have you done?” She accuses. “Ever since you’ve tagged along our party nothing but bad things has happened. And as for Holm… why is it that every time were traveling you manage to get him alone? And he’s always red-faced! What is your deal?”
You look at her in surprise before laughing to yourself. Holm however he’s frozen in place, just as Rin said his face and ears were burning. “That’s not!—I’m…they’re..! Agh!..” He quickly snatched his beret and covered his face. “What?” Rin questions.
Kabru laughs to himself as he strolls next to Rin. Rin was confused as he leaned into her ear to clarify that you weren't evil and that Holm wasn't the problem; he was just obviously infatuated with you. She glanced at you, then back at Holm, and then gave herself a mental face palm.
How ridiculous..!
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originalartblog · 1 year
hi! i got into bsd and i was meaning to ask, since you seem an authority on the matter, could you recommend me some more bsd blogs to follow?
ps. love your art so much, you capture the characters personalities so well!
oh... that's a lot of pressure... I'm aware that I have weight on this side of the fandom (feels wild btw) but authority is too big a word
I mainly interact with art and the occasional analysis and joke posts, so most of the blogs I can recommend are that, plus I am very Chuuya/Dazai/skk biased
First, browse and follow the bsd fanart tag to get just that. Not everyone uses it (I encourage them to!!), but if like me you are so very done with the negativity fest that have become the main tags since the anime started airing again, that's a great place to find fun things!
Second, I am sending you on a discovery journey. I encourage you to look through people's blogs and tags for some great finds. Here are some blogs in random order for you to start with, because there is no way I can remember all the blogs I love:
@caelanglang (art), @luneariann (art), @sensitiveheartless (art + writing), @arikitoka (art), @itotypes (writing + art), @iwritenarrativesandstuff (analysis + writing + art), @frenchonionsoop (art), @petitesmafia (funny), @yomeiu (art), @esmiara (art), @weeniehutart (art), @videogamelover99 (analysis + art), @carrotkicks (art), @damianito (art), @smolskk (art), @kokoasci (art), @chupidopi (art), @mochimochips (art), @creantzy (art), @justplaggin (news and official stuff),
have some reblog blogs that will probably catch some of the cool people I can't remember right now AND give you some forgotten older stuff if you scroll far enough: @demonprodigy-kingofsheep, @im-always-a-slut-for-soukoku, @for-chuuya, @awkwardbsd, a bunch of the people above too, and a shameless self-plug @originalaccountname where it's mostly reblogs and the occasional analysis post.
EDITED: popopretty makes monthly chapter recaps and other kinds of translations (you might recognize them from twitter, or not), @reneray has Fifteen manga adaptation translations, and @nineofscans has monthly chapter translations and some bonuses!
I could never remember everyone and if your tastes diverge from mine there are also a bunch of really cool people who "specialize" in different characters and dynamics you will stumble upon out there.
you are all allowed to shamelessly plug yourselves or your faves in the replies/reblogs btw
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gryficowa · 1 month
Remember, we are boycotting Disney and the Olympics
As I see, GF ships are coming back… In 2024, bruh
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Marble Hornets? Jeez, I haven't heard that name in years, and I haven't even watched the series (Or that type, because it was more of an ARG before the term ARG)
Well, thanks to them, Slenderman was who he was (Tia… And then this situation with 12-year-olds and this movie from 2018)
Now that I have your attention:
Unfortunately, the biggest problem with sharing links to collections or fundraising posts is that you don't know whether they will be shared or not, which means that the collections don't reach people who could help, which sucks :/
It doesn't help that Tumblr has shadowbanned the Palestine/Gaza tags, which means they don't show up in trends (Although they're in purple, so they're there, but they don't show up, but what can you expect from a site run by Zionists?)
If it was possible to predict whether a post with collections would be shared, it would be a miracle, but unfortunately it is not and it sucks :/
By the way, fuck Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga because they are silent about Gaza
And yes, I know that by sharing links to my fundraising posts and doing the same thing every new post, a chain is being created, but yes, there are also collections from Congo and Sudan (However, there are a lot of collections, and this is the only way to reach people)
There will probably be a lot of tags under this post, because when I talk about many topics in one post, there are usually many tags (Which has its pros and cons, but unfortunately, as I mentioned, otherwise the collections come to a halt)
List of corporations that support Israel:
Burger King
Kinder (It's not written down, but I found the information)
Snicers/Sky milk
Pizza Hut
Papa John's
Domino's pizza
Tic tac
Danone (Actimel)
Marvel/Fox/Pixar (Disney)
Hewlett Pacaro (HP)
National Geographic
There is more, but finding all the companies is a nightmare, so I gave as much as I could
By the way, boycott "Stranger Things" because it is a series created mainly by Zionists, many actors and the scriptwriter revealed their support for Israel
Fuck Rowling too because she liked a Zionist tweet and showed neutrality towards genocide (And the creator of Winx often supports what she says, so yes, we have a chain)
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idwtransformers-vibe · 5 months
(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) a fluffy fic with idw prowl, maybe (fem.reader) them having to share a habsuite because they're transferred to a different facility. so, one berth. prowl, after mass displacement, begrudingly sleeps next to the human and reluctantly submits to the cuddles (human is too soft not to cuddle.)
Heya! Hope you don't mind me using my Soul-Spark Airways idea in this! If you want, I can tag you in it!
Now, onto the one berth trope (my favorite tbh)
IDW Prowl sharing a berth with fem!reader:
"Are you serious?" Prowl glared at Optimus and Soul-Spark Airways maintenance manager. "What do you mean I have to share MY hab with (Y/n)?" He demanded an answer. He does not like the thought of sharing his space. He loved his space. Never once had he ever had a roommate, not in his personal quaters, at least. The war is over. Why should he share his space with a human?
"Prowl, it is only temporary. Unfortunately, her documents got mixed up, and someone at the badging office deactivated her badge by accident. She is not allowed to be alone on Cybertron until her badge is working again, and since it's not working, she can't be alone without an escort... You are the only one available with the authorization to escort her." Optimus explained apologetically. He knew he was asking for a lot with these terms. While he didn't want to force Prowl into this, he would hate for the woman to get stranded somewhere on Cybertron.
"We'll try to get her badge sorted as quick as we can and try to relocate her documents." The maintenance manager chimed in. He felt bad for both his mechanic and Prowl. Mainly for the mechanic, though, as this was sheer bad luck.
Prowl glared at the human who stood on the table before him. He glared down at the fragile yet resilient being. "Why not find the IDIOT who deactivated her badge and the IDIOT who lost her he documents?" He seethed.
"Well... The badging office is a different company-" The manager was soon cut off by an irritated groan.
Prowl has met (Y/n) before. She had done heavy maintenance on him after he had gotten into a pretty bad battle. At the time, she was the only mechanic available and performed emergency repairs on him. He hadn't seen her since then, though. But, he has spoken to her before through comms. She had always helped him with getting things delivered. "Fine. She can stay with me." He huffed. His optics narrowed at the two as they both seemed to have a look of relief on their faces.
"Thank you... We'll have someone pick her up."
"You better have someone alright." He grumbled.
A few hours went by. He figured (Y/n) was having to go through strict security protocol as she no longer had her badge.
Soon, he heard a knock on the door. He left his desk and went to open the door. There she was, in her mechanic uniform with a bag full of clothes and necessities. She gave him a smile, quite happy to see him again. "Long time no see." She smiled.
"Indeed." He moved himself out of the way to let her in.
Once she was in, he shut the door behind her. She seemed to be admiring the cleanliness of his hab. "Nice place." She complimented.
Prowl didn't respond. He only carefully moved past her to go back to his desk. (Y/n) tried to see what he was looking at on the datapad, but was too small to see. She heard him grumble in his language over something. She can understand Cybertronian somewhat, but only enough to greet someone or to excuse herself.
Little to her knowledge, Prowl was trying to locate her documents herself. But since he does not work for Soul-Spark Airways, he was denied access. He could manipulate the system... But he doesn't feel like facing the consequences of losing this company's trust.
So, he simply set the datapad down and looked down at them. "I'm going to lay down some rules. Do not touch my stuff, do not leave this hab unless I am with you, or until you have your badge back, and do not stick your nose into my business, and once you have your badge, you're out, understood?"
She nodded. She was warned that he was quite prickly. Although, it was go figure for her. He was always stern and prickly when he wanted certain things transported when the war was going on not too long ago.
Later that evening, after (Y/n) had her dinner, and Prowl had refueled. One got ready to turn in for the night while the other was looking at more data files. "So... Where will I sleep?" The woman asked.
Prowl sighed and looked over his shoulder as if she were disrupting him. She wasn't. He's just annoyed about sharing his space. "You can sleep on my berth."
"What about you, though?" She asked with confusion in her voice. There was only one berth here, where was he going to rest?
"I plan on staying up."
"Prowl, I've worked on your systems before. Your tanks don't have enough energy to pull off 24 hours. Not like an aircraft bot, they can do 24 to 48 hours." (Y/n) explained. This earned her quite the grimace from the autobot. He clearly didn't like being told that his body could not handle the 24-hour function.
"Rest." He ordered.
"You know I'm right-"
"And I don't care. Now sleep." He ordered once more.
The mechanic rolled her eyes some. He was still the same stubborn mech. So, she laid on his berth without another word. She tried to sleep, but it was proven difficult. She spent so much time being a Cargo-Runner that she had gotten used to the sound of a bots internal system running. She normally slept inside of her aircraft bot friend. Their system internal system was loud, but soothing to her. So the sudden silence with the only sound of tapping was a bit unsettling to her.
Prowl would tap away at the files. His systems started signifying that it was time to rest. He would defer the warning, but then it would come right back. This kept happening that he just tossed the datapad onto the desk. He turned his helm to look at the barely sleeping human. A part of him yearned for human touch. The plush and soft feeling of them was almost the equivalent of a human hugging a soft plushie, almost.
He carefully stood up from his desk and made his way over to the berth. He stared at her more. The soft hue of his optics glowed down on her figure. He went back and forth in his mind. A part of him says no, why in Primus's name would he cuddle someone, while the other part him wondered what's the harm in cuddling a human? This could help him relax, which is something he really needed. 'Oh, frag it.' He thought to himself. Prowl carefully laid next to (Y/n)
This startled her slightly, a little surprised to find herself being spooned by the grumpy bot. "Prowl?"
"Go to sleep." He mumbled. Prowl was not about to have this conversation now. He didn't want to, and he never will.
She could feel his firm hold on her. It didn't too tight, but firm enough to the point that she couldn't move, but she found a way to shift herself around some enough to face herself towards him. He surprisingly felt comfortable, he felt warm. He felt like something that came fresh out of the dryer.
So, she laid her head on his chassis. There was the sound she craved to hear, they running sound of the Cybertronian system. She could finally feel herself become sleepy.
Prowl was a bit surprised by this, but he accepted it nonetheless. He slowly rubbed her back and entangled his legs with hers. This felt good on his joints, not that he was that old, but it does feel good. He could see why a lot of bots made cuddle buddies out of the humans. Maybe he could make a cuddle buddy out of her? Well... Maybe not... He needs to give it some thought. For now, he'll enjoy this moment. He buried his face into the top of her head and sighed with satisfactory. Maybe this arrangement wasn't so bad after all.
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snaillock · 1 year
I have mean request ( ≖‿ ≖ )
could you write something about ubers + reader taking Barou to the beach? this man DEFINITELY hates beaches. the sand that constantly sticks to his body and spills onto his things will absolutely scratch his perfectionist soul
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barou + ubers beach trip
that fucking photo man im cryingggg😭😭 also thank you for feeding into my current barou brainrot
tags: gender neutral reader, written with a platonic friendship with barou in mind, typical ubers shenanigans
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when snuffy announced that the team will be taking a beach trip as a treat for their hard work and victories during NEL, barou was IMMEDIATELY against it and just wanted to stay behind in the blue lock facility
from the wet sand sticking onto him everywhere to god knows what’s in the ocean (fish piss in there ya know), he was completely out.
he eventually relents when snuffy convinces him to go as it would be a good team bonding experience. and i mean who would say no to the team dad coach
barou also gets instantly annoyed that he can’t gel up his hair since the salty air and humidity will just ruin it so he’s gotta wear it down the whole trip. yet another reason for him to hate the beach
you sit next to him for the entire bus ride to his dismay and laugh at how much he overpacked for a simple day trip. he tells you to shut up to no avail as you keep cracking up at some of the things he brought.
when everyone gets there, barou sits under one of the umbrellas, far away from the tides and the wet sand, right next to aryu who’s trying to preserve his oh-so-fair skin away from the sun.
soon you ask to borrow his sunscreen since you somehow forgot your own. he does end up lending some to you while grumbling about how stupid you must be to not bring yours. then eventually you keep coming back to ask him for more things out of his heavy beach bag despite teasing him earlier because of it.
this does lead to the rest of the team asking for his stuff. oliver borrowing his extra pair of sandals. niko needing some burn gel since he accidentally fell asleep in the sun for five minutes and now the lower half of his face is sunburnt. sendou straight up taking some of his lip balm before he could even say no. lorenzo somehow eating half the snacks barou brought without him noticing.
later the team has a beach volleyball match and you invite him to join. he, of course, says no mainly because he’s disgusted by the feeling of the sand in his toes (and he’s also still pissy at everyone for taking his stuff).
so you gotta drag him out to play. and by that i mean physically drag him out by his arm while he doesn’t budge from his beach towel at all and looks at you crazy for even trying.
eventually snuffy tells you to stop and makes barou join the game to have fun with the others.
since no one in blue lock is normal, you guys play the game like your damn lives depend on it. with how egotistic the match goes, barou actually ends up enjoying it a lot. especially since he now has an excuse to finally destroy his own teammates.
(this also confuses and lowkey scares other clueless beachgoers who had the misfortune of witnessing you maniacs play)
after the game, you notice barou’s attitude and mood have greatly improved. most people wouldn’t even have noticed the change but you know him well enough to catch it.
you once got pinched by a tiny crab and placed it in barou’s hand, telling him it’s pretty crabby… like him…
he just stares at you before walking away with it, planning to release the teeny crustacean back into the water
later during the trip, he immediately jolts away when he sees your fingers covered in wet sand after making sand castles with niko with just your bare hands alone (they honestly ended up turning into sand mounds more than anything).
when you flick some of the sand onto his cheek as a joke just to see how he would react, you would think he saw the literal devil. the literal mortification on his face. thankfully he was petrified for a good few seconds which gave you plenty of time to run, living to see another day.
when everyone gets back, barou will never admit how much he actually enjoyed the trip and hanging out with the team. instead, he will grumble about how much sand got into his swim trunks and hair when he gets ready to shower.
but everyone knows he actually had a blast hanging out with the team for a day.
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taglist(sign up): @userwithlotsoftime @lucas2060 @kiiyoooo @maochira (figured you would like this :3)
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sorry but frankie being the ONLY ONE at monster high who thinks cleo is Cool will never not be my fav headcanon
cleo LOOKS like she's the popular one-
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the attitude! the presence! the outfit! the ambition! the kind heart and the CONFIDENCE!! But Canonically Speaking-
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frankie's the one made from various famous monsters, hanging with the ghoul kids in school. THEY'RE the one crushing hard on the local organization nerd ("self-proclaimed party princess"),
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cleo, miss Number One human enthusiast, who means well but isn't always the best at reading the mood or focusing on priorities
(all of werewolf weekend) (also "clawed and clawdeen?? thank ra my parents didn't name me nefra-een! ugh~!" smiles, realizes no one else is smiling, "...right not the time cleo.")
she WANTS more fame, but mainly spends her time setting up school events, talking with her scarabs, and is starting to tag along with the popular group sometimes
result is THIS
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So whatever her song says, i headcanon the vibe in school is more like....
Random Monster High Student:
Oh Cleo? Nefera's little sister, the one who always plays a tree in school plays?
Yeah, she has the funniest, most TRAGIC picture in the fearbook- I hear she has to make herself sneeze all over again whenever she wants to get something at the Coffinbean!
She's head of the dance committee, right? They did a "human themed" dance night once, because of her. And didn't she also organize the after-pep-rally eyescream this year? I think I remember her asking me what flavor I wanted...
Her friends? Um well, she's got these scarabs that are kinds cute. She tags along with Clawdeen Wolf and Draculaura sometimes, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't at that wild Nightmore party the crew had at one of Drac's mansions.
Other than that...
Oh oh wait!
I've seen pics of her hanging out with Frankie, though!
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You know Frankie Stein- tall, goes by they/them, wears pretty much nothing BUT school memorabilia, falls apart a lot
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I think they built a robot instead of turning in a paper one time, and blank out when remembering something from one of their famous brain bits?
They've got like, bits from almost any amazing monster you could name in the last half century! Monster models, Scareisian monsters, ballet dancers, monster scientists, lawyers. Even a bit from a king of Goreway! They're pretty clumsy but I mean, they HAVE only been alive for less than a year...
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They dorm with Drac and Clawdeen- those three are pretty much always a trio, except for fearleading practice and theater stuff.
And yeah, I guess I see them with Cleo pretty often. Frankie, that is.
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They sit with her at the creepateria a lot!
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Huh. The brilliant franken monster and the second-in-line, dramatic, wanna be queen... I mean, don't get me wrong, Cleo's really nice! And her outfit is AMAZING... Just... I wonder what they even have to talk about...?
meanwhile, Frankie, @ Cleo:
actual canon dialogue: "Any party you're in charge of is sure to be zaptacular! You're so good at parties, and planning things, and picking things, and ah... (flustered) ..making things nicer, and..."
cleo-> decides to sneak into the family tomb. frankie -> PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME PICK M-
also frankie: laughs way too long at cleo's lame pun, tells it it's a good one anyway
also also frankie: goes to cleo for help looking good in their fearbook picture, even though cleo's last photo was a disaster and is the whole reason frankie got nervous about theirs
also also also frankie: "Anything for you, Cleo!"
also also also also frankie, after cleo holds their face and compliments them:
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Me: what do they talk about? well mostly frankie just flits with her and is smitten and stuff XD
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makerofmadness · 1 year
What's with Balloon Boy and the Daycare Attendant?
The Balloon World arcade machine exists, it's in the DA's room and both characters are involved in it. It's probably one of the most cryptic minigames in the FNAF series as a whole, but while we could ponder what exactly it's supposed to mean (maybe I'll do that for all the security breach minigames eventually), the main question I have is this:
WHY Balloon Boy specifically? Why is the minigame about HIM?
Is there a connection between the two characters? Or was it a completely random decision?
Out of nowhere, thinking about Balloon World, I came to a realization:
The Lights.
Balloon Boy's entire gimmick in FNAF 2 was that if he got into your office, he would disable your flashlight and vent lights (...somehow. I know we all make the jokes about him taking the batteries [and then that FNAF 57: Freddy In Space thing in FNAF World said he just straight-up steals your entire flashlight], but you never see the battery icon disappear or appear empty in FNAF 2 itself when he gets into your office. And the vent lights also stop working, so unless they also operate on batteries, then... does he actually take them from you?).
What's the one rule in the daycare?
Keep the lights on.
His mechanic is the antithesis to what Sun wants and exactly what Moon would want. Balloon Boy doesn't keep the lights on. He prevents you from turning them on at all.
(which also makes me kinda sad there wasn't a Glamrock version of BB. Then again, I don't know how exactly he would've uniquely affected like anything. Regardless I am hoping for the day someone in the fandom makes a glamrock bb who is arch-enemies with sun and gets along well with moon skseijdndndnd-)
It feels kinda obvious and I'm guessing I'm not the only person to think about this, but I have never seen anyone else bring this up. Not on YouTube, not on tumblr, nowhere. Maybe if I go looking for it I'll see, but i'm surprised I haven't bumped into anyone else saying this just naturally. I go into the BB tags a LOT, surely SOMEONE would've said something, right? I don't even see it noted in the trivia on the page for the arcade game on the fnaf wiki.
...but is this supposed to mean anything? Or is it just a cute little reference or callback? it's hard to say, especially with how ambiguous the minigame is.
Though I DID think of ONE thing... (possible minor spoilers for Ruin under the cut):
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Saw this pointed out in a youtube video that the BB World screen (with Eclipse, who makes their proper debut in Ruin after effectively being foreshadowed by the minigame in SB's base game) can be seen on the ceiling in the DA's room. Which makes sense, obviously, but also take note of the pirate-themed windows in the hallway leading to it.
...now, which character do most of us tend to associate with Balloon Boy? His "tag-team partner," of sorts?
Foxy. The Pirate.
With this, I found that there's more Foxy-related stuff associated with the daycare area than I had previously realized because I had never made any connections before. I mean, Kids' Cove is directly linked to it for god's sake.
Like. I hope i haven't forgotten to mention anything (I've been writing this post over the course of hours 'Cus I had stuff to do in the middle of it all). My brain's kinda starting to fry. But basically: Was Foxy originally meant to be the Daycare Attendant, in-universe? Was there gonna be a Glamrock Balloon Boy with him, like as his first mate or something??? Were they gonna be connected to Fazbear Theater????? (Uh basically Sun/Moon to my knowledge from confirmation in the books and a lot of more subtle implications in-game mainly involving environmental pieces were originally meant to be in the Fazbear Theater as a stage animatronic but got moved to daycare duty instead and being reprogrammed. Which actually explains a lot about them when you think about it-)
Like. Ok I'm forgetting where I was going with this, I'm sorry, but I guess it's food for thought/adds to the weird connections between DA and BB, I guess. Idk. I can't focus that well right now to keep making new ideas.
felt like sharing my interpretation of the Balloon World minigame itself at least since earlier I did kinda finally get it down concretely:
I kinda developed a theory that Eclipse is Sun/Moon's "safe mode" and that rebooting DA reactivated Eclipse as a result. Like, they're their own AI that was at one point implemented. but then Vanny happened and locked them out thanks to the whole Glitchtrap virus thing (albeit it only seemed to reach Moon, while Sun remains seemingly unaffected. Guessing it's because they're different AIs [finally implied/basically confirmed by their Ruin dialogue). Eclipse has seemingly not been active for some time, or at least never post-pizzaplex closure, given how they're seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that this place is closed with no signs of opening.
So the minigame was foreshadowing Eclipse's existence and implying their "trapped" nature, which also could be seen as paralleling Vanessa's whole "Vanny" situation, especially given how iirc one of the messages related to princess quest can be found near the arcade machine.
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years
Hello! May I request Vil, Kalim, Malleus and Azul with a male! s/o who’s like Sherlock Holmes or William Moriarty? As in reader is very intelligent and stuff
Hello anon and sure! I sorta alternated between the 2 cuz didn't know how to incorporate both but I hope this is to your liking!
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Characters: Vil Schoenheit, Kalim Al Asim,Malleus Draconia,Azul Ashengrotto
Author:Mod Betty
Warnings/tags: slight spoilers for book 3,5 ( mainly spoilers on book 5) ,not proofreaded yet
Reader is male
Word count:1,300 words 
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-The first time he noticed your high intelligence was when you actually memorized every item for the skin routine he recommended you
-It took Epel forever to memorize them all and still forgets some
-During VDC he knew you'd be problem because he knew you'd probably see right through his plan and his concerns were correct as you were the one to inform Jamil way before he himself noticed Vil's odd behaviors
-Vil does care a lot about things being perfect, one minute mistake could end in a catastrophe
-You agree with Vil on that but sometimes you rather study than do a self care routine, maybe on your breaks you could add a couple products but not enough to meet Vil's standards
-Vil did admire your determined to adapt to this strange world by learning about it as much as possible, but what he doesn't admire is your lack of self care
-Sometimes he drags you out of your room to do a proper self care regiment
-Like the one you are currently doing
-" For someone who's such a genius you can be quite a forgetful potato" Vil says as he rubs some sort of cream on your face
"Apologies by I can't help but simply indulge of the common things in thought world taht would be deemed impossible in mine" you replied hoping to somewhat justifying your actions every though you knew it wouldn't
" I understand your excitement but you do need to take proper care of yourself,you may deem this unnecessary but I disagree completely and as your lover I'm even more complied to do this" he retorted continuing to apply product to your face
"Oh how lucky i am to have someone to spoil me like this, I'm moved" you tease,smile on your face
" The real lucky one is me to have a brilliant and sometimes forgetful boyfriend like yourself "
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-When he found out about your intelligence he was in awe
-you were so cool and not mean like Riddle and you were easier to approach Unlike Malleus
-Jamil is wary of you for a good while knowing how easily Kalim is influenced but you weren't heartless to use someone's kindness
-Kalim is the type to brag about you like " Look how smart my boyfriend is so if you ever need help go ask him!"
-And he wasn't lying,ever since hanging out with(and dating) you he's been improving in his academics and would always would go to you if he needed assistance, saving Jamil from extra work( which he thanks you for)
-Being in a new world made everything surprise you but also defied the logic of your own world so when Kalim offered you a ride on a magic carpet you were skeptical
-I mean a carpet couldn't hold the weight of well anything so it being able to carry 2 people is already taboo and also how can you control it's direction and spee-
-Before you could finish your train of thoughts and how the pure concept contradicts basic physics Kalim pulled your arm and seated you on the carpet
-The first minute you were nervous as hell,who could blame you, you were literally flying on a carpet!
-After the initial shock the ride was actually relaxing and fun
-You never thought you'd ever find yourself flying around on a magic carpet flying around but you don't mind it
-Turning to Kalim who was looking at you the whole time to make sure you're enjoying yourself, you put a hand on his cheek before saying "thank you for showing me something I would never have thought of" and pulling him for a kiss
-Kalim was overjoyed knowing he actually managed to 1) surprised you and 2) make you feel happy
-Safe to say there's never a dull moment with Kalim
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-He knew you were smart by simply observing how well you performed in class
-A magicless human from a completely different dimension did better than most of the NRC students
-What caught him by surprise was when you knew his true identity almost as soon as you saw him
-What confused him was that you were still referring to him as that silly nickname you came up with
-Even if you're smart and probably have some combat abilities you still couldn't stand a chance
-When confronting you about it all you did was smirk ad say " Don't worry I know a foe when I see one "
-Also good luck having to deal with Sebek since he's suspicious of you and your wits. Who knows maybe you were trying to fool the young master!!
-Would often come by Ramshackle and talk about each other's lives
-He was quite fascinated by your life back home,always solving mysteries and how capable you were in dire situations
-He doesn't necessarily need help in academics especially being the next heir of Briar Valley but would often ask you for help with other stuff ((*cough* technology ))
-For a mere child of man and from a foreign land you have a lot of knowledge to almost rival some fae
-Despite knowing you can handle yourself just fine you're still a fragile human with no magic so he will occasionally loom around the shadows,sometimes your sharp tongue could easily infuriate students from a certain dorm,After all Savanaclaw students don't settle arguments with words,but with their fists but when they pull their magic pens Malleus quickly steps in to stop the fight before you got hurt because of some buffoons
-After the students ran off, you turned to him a smile on your face " I could've handled them myself you know, even if they can use magic they're still brainless" Malleus chuckled " I suppose so however I don't think I'd forgive myself if you did end up hurt" he said sighing
-" How about we go to Ramshackle after class for a cup of tea? My treat" you suggested
-"Anything for you ,my brilliant child of man"
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-The first thing he noticed about you was how calm you were when you signed that contract about bringing that painting from the museum, it was almost as if you had a plan already and were confident it'll succeed
-Seeing how brilliant you were and how you could easily make things go your way he actually suggested working in Mostro Lounge
-Would sometimes challenge you to see who's better,be it who'd give a better offer on contracts or who'd finish homework quicker
-During closing hours he'd offer you a cup of tea and discuss whatever topics you thought of
-When dating your counseling started coming into play
-After some time Azul started getting comfort with being vulnerable around you, often pouring his insecurities as he stared at his lap
-" Sometimes I feel like you deserve better" he muttered not making eye contact with you
"Why do you say that love?" You ask him ,serious look on your face
"I mean someone as brilliant as you shouldn't stick around a stupid,fat,clumsy octopus" he said slight irritation in his voice
You sighed as you placed your hands on his shoulders " Azul look at me" ,hesitantly he did as he was told,teary eyes looking right into your
"The fact I'm your boyfriend should be telling you enough that I'm not going anywhere, I don't stick with people that I don't want too, so if I didn't like you I wouldn't be sitting in this very room now would I?" You said trying to comfort your partner without any sort of sugared words but with pure logic
-"Yeah I guess you're right" Azul said wiping his tears
-Smiling you kiss his forehead has you bring him into a hug " so please cease these idiotic thoughts for both our sake ,you know it pains me to see you this upset"
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conceptofjoy · 4 months
Genuine question, why do you ship dirkhal? I thought it was like, infamously an incest ship to most people. Has this changed? Even the tag is full of a bunch of people who just group it in with stridercest which, wow. I'm mostly wondering if there is something I'm missing since I'm not too interested in either of the characters and their developments, and am sure as most Homestuck characters go, there's a lot of ways to interpret them. You also don't have to reply to this if it's too uncomfortable of a question!
guhh i mean. fucking ur clone's different than fucking ur twin because you're your clone and had the life leading up to the divergence (and even post divergence). i mean i could go into a rant wondering why tf people drop common decency at the internet door to not ship pedophilic nor incestuious stuff but like we prolly have the same thoughts. i fuckin hate the dirkhal tag too :(
as for character reasons as to ship dirkhal i def have a lot :] im kinda playing fast and loose with the term ship bc they rlly have a complicated thing going on. i use ship because its mainly because of the extreme intimacy of knowing almost everything another person's thinking as well as their insecurities and vulnerabilities. but also because of the divergences and misunderstandings only being so confident in knowing the other guy can bring.
hal wants dirk to trust him, dirk hates being reminded of himself every time he looks at hal. dirk cant see the differences in hal because he hypocritically only sees himself (after saying that they're different guys and recognizing hal's emotions) and hal refuses to give himself a break in accepting that he is infact a different guy and not an unfeeling robot. seeing how they dance around each other is frustrating to watch but also verrrry much the appeal.
because dirk's self loathing/disgust makes him unable to go to others for help, hal ends up becoming his help. but dirk also hates who is helping him (who he thinks he sees) and withdraws from that. hal is entirely dependent on dirk and wants to make his life easier on himself (and does lowkey care abt him). he doesnt project his own self loathing on dirk, just his trepidation on how he's treated him. he bottles up his own emotion's and lets its miasma leak out in every snarky "well im shades" comment he makes. hal would genuinely help dirk out, but he pushes buttons cause he's so worn out and wary of dirk's antics, causing dirk to withdraw faster than touching a hand to a flame. just awesome guys im gonna tear my hair out.
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