killistblogs · 5 years
Happy New Years Everyone!
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killistblogs · 5 years
I carried a bunny in my arms yesterday during biology.
What more could you ever want?
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killistblogs · 5 years
me? being someone’s type? unrealistic
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killistblogs · 5 years
Blog #001
So far, today felt like an excellent day.
I volunteer for my school’s junior orchestra (I’m a senior now AHHHH) and for today, I was sent with four other beginners to help them. It went quite... awkwardly at first, as my friend and I didn’t quite know what to do to help. But as we managed to bond with the juniors, it became progressively easier to teach, laughter following every second. 
It’s also now apparent that I bond better with people who casually swear.
Unfortunately, the rest of the day ahead of me now contains math, math, and math. It’s going to be such a great time this evening. Heres hoping that I don’t procrastinate.
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killistblogs · 5 years
Had my first day of school yesterday. Ugh.
During the summer I was all like “Ugh, summer. Where people go outdoors and socialize.” Apparently two months ago I missed school.
Now, I’m in school like “Ugh, school. Where people go outdoors and socialize.” Apparently now I miss summer.
I guess that’s just the effect of doing nothing to suddenly doing a lot. I’m such a hypocrite.
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killistblogs · 5 years
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killistblogs · 5 years
Too relatable alert
How I look at myself when I realize I need to make actual human connection in order for my demisexual ass to be attracted to someone
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killistblogs · 5 years
Yo I’m so tired I don’t even feel like sleeping. I barely even did anything today. That really says a lot about me lmao.
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killistblogs · 5 years
Haha yes
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killistblogs · 5 years
Oh god please yes help me
somehow I got 95/20 on an assignment
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I hope they never fix it and leave it this way forever
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killistblogs · 5 years
Repeat after me “your grades do not define your intelligence” and never will
- from a student to another student; u got this.
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killistblogs · 5 years
Welp, I failed my math exam but still passed the course. T-t-that’s good, right? Right? RIght?...
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killistblogs · 5 years
Got my math exam at 1pm today. It's the only exam I'm really really worried about. Can't wait to die hahaha :/
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killistblogs · 5 years
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Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
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killistblogs · 5 years
Lapras <3
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Vulpix - You are very energetic, courageous and quick witted! You love attention. However, you might find yourself being impulsive and impatient, and possibly be a little bit selfish.
Growlithe - You are patient, reliable, loyal and very detirmined to achieve your goals. Be careful of becoming possessive, self-indulgent or greedy, though. 
Eevee - You’re very adaptive of any environment you happen to find yourself in. You’re also very intellectual and witty. However, a cunning person like you might find themselves being nervous, tense and afraid of imperfection.
Mew - You’re a sympathetic person, so you may find that other people’s joys and sorrows become your own. You’re also cautious, and can be very protective of those close to you. You may have a habit of being overemotional or moody, and you probably find it hard to let go of things you love.
Wigglytuff - You’re probably the most generous and warmhearted person you know. Your enthusiasm causes people to like being around you. You’re faithful, and very loving. However, you might find yourself becoming bossy and patronizing without noticing.
Dragonair - You are a pretty modest person, right? And shy, as well. You’re a very good listener, and very diligent, too! You’re incredibly intelligent and analytical. On the downside, you might find yourself worrying about many things, including not being perfect. You also may come across as harsh sometimes, intentional or not.
Persian - You have a lot of charm. You’re a very easy going person, and you’re very sociable. You might even be called a flirt! You’re also quite changeable, or easily influenced, so be careful who you hang out with. Try your best to make your own decisions.
Pikachu - When you know what you want, you’re detirmined to get it and can be very forceful about it. You’re very passionate about many things. People are drawn to you because of your exciting, electric personality. You may have a habit of becoming jealous or resentful, though, and you can also be very secretive.
Clefairy - You are definitely an optimist. You enjoy the feeling of being free, and don’t let heavy emotions weigh you down. You’re a very honest and straightforward person. Sometimes, though, your optimism blinds you from the truth, and causes you to be careless and irresponsible.
Haunter - You’re a very practical person, and also very disciplined. People may look up to you for that. You’re also very humorous- on purpose or simply by accident! However, you may tend to be very pessimistic and judgemental. Lighten up! 
Bulbasaur - You are very friendly, honest and loyal. You’re very good at using your imagination, and have many original thoughts. You’re also very good at being independent- you probably prefer to be alone in a lot of your free time. You’re not very emotional, though, and you tend to be unpredictable. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions.
Lapras - You’re very sensitive to the world around you. You try your best to be kind to others, and help out as much as you possibly can. You rarely worry about your own needs- you’re happy as long as the ones you care about are. However, you’re very idealistic, and feel let down when things don’t go as planned. You may also be easily led.
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killistblogs · 5 years
Haha this'll prove to my friends that me being totally fricking insane is going to get me far
“You need a little bit of insanity to do great things.”
— Henry Rollins
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killistblogs · 5 years
I remember those days when presenting in front of the class was a dread. I remember those days when we became a literal nerve wreck and then hate myself and hate presentations. Nowadays though, I actually kind of like them. School ones at least, since it's usually quite chill once we snap out of the nerve wreck state of mind. I literally have one in an hour from posting and I'm kind of excited :D
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