#<- potential series title
chemicalarospec · 5 months
What Makes a Ship Demolition Lovers Core?
I want to do a series where I make posts for a bunch of my ships evaluating their Demolition Lovers AU potential (though who knows if I will). I figured it’d make the most sense to set up these basics in a separate post instead of just squeezing it in the first one.
Oh, and if anyone doesn’t know (A/N: u don’t belong here, prepz!!!), the Demolition Lovers story, is, in short: “the story of a man, a woman, and the CORPSES OF A THOUSAND EVIL MEN” outlaw lovers gunned down to restore their lives and reunite, one approaches the devil and a deal seals: “bring me the souls of 1000 evil men.” 999 he slays, only to realize the blood has sullied his soul and the 1000th is himself
traits of the demolition lovers dynamic:
the ship is not unfamiliar with “darkness” and “death” . inspecific phrasing but like basically they just gotta be a little emo
willingness to “sell soul” - turn to dark forces
willingness to kill — they don’t HAVE to be a murder couple to fit a demolition lovers AU but nobody can be a goody two-shoes (murder couple is another category on my list of favorite dynamics - status is determined by canon amounts of violence)
the non-killing character must have the capacity to find the killing endearing/romantic. this trait isn’t featured in the original demolition lovers lore but it’s a part of how I see it plus since they were described as Bonnie and Clyde-esque, I think it’s an easy assumption. speaking of their pre-death dynamic,
partners in crime
mutual commitment that reaches codependency — extreme devotion — inseparable in this life and the afterlife. They would fight for each other!! if one dies, they do NOT move on
Notably, the original demolition lovers has that bit of sexism to it where the man does the whole killing thing and the woman doesn’t. Sometimes I like to change this up and split the labor, sometimes I work with it as is -- depends on the canon of the ship.
uh I don't have an ending for this post. that's all for now!
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one-vivid-judgment · 2 months
Saw someone saying they thought it'd be funny if Fang introduced Beer to his ex and BeerFai became the last couple to round out the friend group (PhumPeem - QToey - ChainPun - TanFang - MickMatt). Which I think is absolutely genius, and as someone who loves Fai dearly (and wishes she had been more of an integral part of the friend group, but I digress), we love to see it.
But I raise you to: BeerKluen.
Do I have any idea how that might happen? Not yet, but I might come up with something. Do I think it would be so funny to have Phum and Kluen be forced to interact and generally exist within ten feet of one another, because now Phum's best friend is dating his former love rival for some godforsaken reason and they are actually very grossly in love? Absolutely. Hell, take these two idiots on a double date with PhumPeem actually, it would be a disaster and I'll love every second of it.
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author-chan06 · 5 months
Omj guys! I just thought of a really interesting long fic/series idea!
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Stolitz & Fizzmodeus & BlitzøFizz
So I’m at work rn, but I was listening to music and stuff, ya know? And so I found this AI Cover of Whatever It Takes (Hazbin Hotel) but it was Blitzø and Stolas as Carmilla and Vaggie. And it game me such an interesting idea!
What if Blitzø was a Fallen Angel like Vaggie? What if after the extermination Heaven decided that Hell was getting too brazen and, after gaining intel that the Sinner’s weren’t the only one’s that were plotting against them, but that Hellborns had started to as well. Because honestly? If anyone had the right to be angry about being in Hell it’s the Hellborns, they didn’t do anything wrong after all. And so they decided that in the next Extermination they wouldn’t stop with the Sinners. They would just kill anyone that wasn’t an Angel. Sinner or Hellborns. It didn’t matter. Lute was the main one that pushed for this of course. Besides, their deal with Lucifer was already broken.
Blitzø’s backstory would obviously be a bit different but I actually have quite a few ideas that would make it quite similar with just a few tweaks, so that he would end up mostly the same Blitzø we know and love. Fizzarolli would obviously also be in this and I have some ideas for that as well. Don’t worry, he still meets and falls in love with Ozzie. And maybe him and Blitzø have little crushes and kiss each other, and get together too with their loves support.
Stolas doesn’t change much at all. Of course, Blitzø being an Angel means that he’s never met him before. But he’s still a Goetia. He’s still married to Stella. He still adores Octavia. But in the Extermination, Octavia actually gets targeted, because she was out shopping when the Angels came, since Heaven didn’t tell anyone that they were going after Hellborns. Luckily Stolas is out with her at the time. He never did like the nonchalant way she went out during that horrid day, but he refused to trap her in the house since it didn’t affect them. Except this time it does. He protects her of course. And in doing so, running to hide away from the Angels until they leave, he stumbles across what he thinks is an injured Imp. And well. Then Blitzø lies and goes along with the injured Imp idea, he and Stolas start talking, and things just off from there.
I have more ideas but I’m not sure if anyone’s interested. I’ll probably still end up writing it, though it’ll definitely be a while, either way.
But yeah! Lemme know what you guys think! Ideas or thoughts or characters that might be interesting to have interact. Whatever you think/want, really!
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dudewhy3 · 2 days
i once again only got a vibe of a story and a cool title. may the lord help us
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nightfal1n · 2 months
*Reads Galaxias (serialization) chapter 1*
"Hey we got dragon Hoshina here and he looks very sas"
*Dragon Hoshina got a 1st episode villain/future rival humiliated defeat treatment*
".....Well not exactly vice capt but glad you 'survived'"
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aparticularbandit · 12 days
Current titles for That Faint Green Light pieces:
(under cut because spoilers and sometimes the fun is whatever the new title is so)
Just A Jump To The Left - Melancholy pt. 1
(Am I) More Than You Bargained For (Yet) - Sigh
Jealousy (Turning Saints Into The Sea) - Endless Eight (ish)
Detox Just To Retox (Boycott Love) - Disappearance
Rewrite The Stars - Haruhi Hope's Peak (title subject to change)
(I'm In) The Business Of Misery - What Happens To Yasuke
Change Me At All Costs (Starlight, Starcrossed) - Melancholy pt. 2?
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mrs-gauche · 2 years
Hey, you know what? It's a good day to remember that
- The hashtag #TheDreadWolfRises that was first used in the 2018 teaser is most definitely a reference to Sandal's prophecy in DA2, talking about how ��All magic will come back” and “everyone will be just like they were, when he rises“.
- The now official title of DA4 "Dreadwolf" is an anagram for "World/Fade". “Dread Wolf” became one word, the space between the two literally and figuratively disappearing, like the World and the Fade coming together when the Veil is gone.
- The cover of Mark Darrah's "mysterious red book" from 2016.
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Which was since revealed to be (quoting the BioWare 25th anniversary book) "an internal guide for developers and publishers to summarize the vision for "Joplin" (the first code name for DA4, until that project was revised in 2017 and renamed "Morrison", the version of DA4 we're getting now), but that "still contains plenty of ideas that will appear in the next Dragon Age", showing a flaming rook and a wolf head, which is suspicious considering that a rook is a piece in a game of chess...
“Rest assured, Solas is placing his pieces on the board as we speak.” (- BioWare in their blog post announcing the official title)
...A game in which a master strategist like Solas was willing to go so far as to sacrifice his queen (*cough* Flemeth *cough*) to win the "Immortal Game", but the word “rook” can also be used in the sense of a swindler/trickster/deceiver. Though if we take the alternative term for the rook and call it a tower instead, isn't it interesting how:
- Solas' final tarot card is "The Tower", commonly interpreted to symbolize massive change, upheaval, revelation, destruction, liberation and chaos.
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Let me just quote bestselling author Brigit Esselmont's interpretation of the meaning of this card here and I’ll leave it to you to guess what it could indicate for DA4, but GOD, do I get CHILLS just reading this flippin paragraph:
"Your world may come crashing down before you, in ways you could never have imagined as you realize that you have been building your life on unstable foundations – false assumptions, mistruths, illusions, blatant lies, and so on. Everything you thought to be true has turned on its head. You are now questioning what is real and what is not; what you can rely upon and what you cannot trust. This can be very confusing and disorienting, especially when your core belief systems are challenged. But over time, you will come to see that your original beliefs were built on a false understanding, and your new belief systems are more representative of reality.”
“The best way forward is to let this structure self-destruct so you can re-build and re-focus. And let’s be real – with a card like The Tower, you have no choice but to surrender to the destruction and chaos, no matter how unwanted or painful. Change on this deep level is hard, but you need to trust that life is happening FOR you, not TO you and this is all for a reason. This destruction will allow new growth to emerge and your soul can evolve."
- Promotional stuff for DA4 keeps repeating concentric circles, which is widely believed to represent the Veil itself, and appears to get more broken with every new update. (There are also seven “spheres“ surrounding it = There are seven Old Gods/seven Evanuris that were banished when Solas created the Veil. With only two of these spheres still “lit” = There have been five Blights, two Old Gods left that are still sleeping.)
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Also, the new background image of the official website showing even more broken pieces resembling those in the circle, completely falling apart...
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What I’m trying to say is... If that Veil isn’t coming down some way or another in this next game, I’m calling false advertising! 😂
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loafbud · 1 year
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The first Splatoon game turned 8 yesterday!
#the last (and first) time i drew anniversary art for the first game was when it turned 1 year#imna use the tags to be all sappy real quick:#ive been a huge fan of the splatoon series since the first game & have played it since day one#splatoon is the first time ive grown up with a game series from the beginning#like i knew it was gonna be a successful game that'd eventually grow and become a series w/ a cool fanbase#for first/third person shooter games (esp multiplayer)- i could never call myself a fan of those#but the moment splatoon debuted in an e3 trailer??? it took a concept i'd normally go meh to- but made it into smthn colorful/unique#like??? weeks after the announcement i was already gushing over what the lore would be in their universe#it got really tiring seeing all the hate it received- id watch ppl stream it out of interest and their chat'd be like uggh this ass title?#or id watch gamers do one single lets play of it and be like oh ok i can see how this game is fun (me assuming they'd doubt it's potential)#but to see how much splatoon as a series has grown has me kinda emotional ngl#like yeah sure theres still ppl outside the fandom who has (or still has since the 1st game) sour opinions about it#but ever since the fandom grew over those 8 years- it feels like the love for this series outshines that#but man.... i said this already on twt but i remember going to my first color run event locally w/ my family#(this happened weeks before the game came out btw) -but id have my phone out with the inklings on my screen#and id look at my phone & feel this happiness (that i havent felt in a while tbh) at being in an event that had a lot of colors in it#and at the time seeing all the powdered colors flying everywhere at the end of the race reminded me of splatoon sm i was like raaaaah#WOW SORRY FOR THE LONG TAGS LOL#BUT YEAH- I LOVE THIS SERIES (thats all i wanted to say)#splatoon#splatoon anniversary#splatoon 8th anniversary#fanart#loafbud
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
rip nagisa you’ll get your mv soon™️
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marymekpop · 2 years
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⟢ scenes & themes: crash course in romance - hand in hand [1/4] ⟣
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insomnya777 · 6 months
hi i just want to say i reallllyyy love your smalletho superhero au on ao3 it's amazing and aughhhh im so so insane about it and i cant sayy anyyythinggg to my friends cause ofc theyre twitter people and i have to be insane about your fic alone *sad face*
i love love love the amount of taylor swift titles btw
(also id go insane if you name a fic after false god or i can see you lyrics just a thought hehe)
awwww thank u so much omg! i lovelovelove naming things after songs i love (which is why there's so much taylor and olivia rodrigo LOL) and omg ive been thinking about lyrics from i can see you for a while now actually!!
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gabrielokun · 2 years
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dracolizardlars · 1 year
love how What We Do In The Shadows is intended to be a comedy - I mean it's a mockumentary, you dont get any more intentionally farcical than that - but just seeing the list of episode titles for the season I haven't watched makes me nervous because I am WAY too seriously involved in the characters and plot LMAO
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tellthatbrokebitch · 2 years
if i get too close, part 1 of the so-far untitled stick season au, chapters 1/2
The mutual disdain only grew as he got older, morphing into active dislike in his teens, hatred in his adult years. Their big fight five years ago, when his parents came to visit him for his birthday, had been explosive on Mike’s end and, as always, a non-starter on his father’s. He hasn’t spoken to the man since.
And now, he never will again. It's funny. He’d vowed to never speak to his father again, screamed it in his face even, but now that he couldn’t, now that the choice had been taken from him forever, a thousand questions sprang to mind, things he’d always wanted to ask but never wanted to have answered. Questions like Were you ever happy? or Did you even want to be a father? or the ever-popular Did you ever love me, or did any parental affection you held for me die when I refused to become the man you thought I should be?
mike left for college and never looked back, leaving his family, his friends, his life behind. twelve years later, he's a famous reclusive writer, he just killed off his book series' main protagonist, and he has no friends. then his dad dies, and he agrees to go back to hawkins for the funeral, despite knowing there's nothing left there for him anymore
whooo it's here!!! chapter 2 coming... soon...
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nthflower · 1 year
I think David is the only one that can fill position of most powerful mutant. Like him being the most powerful is more than about look at my fave he beats everybody. İt adds so much to him. And how he deals with it.
Like I can't put my point exactly to words right now but like Franklin for example being most powerful is about saying most powerful mutant. And like a little bit filling tropes. While with David it feels like more something that adds to themes. Like less creating a action doll to fill a role and more like a real character to explore something.
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Somehow my brain made me google if there were any stories called ‘Bee-incarnation’, and when I found out there was something directly adjacent, obviously I started reading it immediately. I once again cannot remember what happened for my brain to conjure the thought, but then I suddenly said aloud ‘this is all so incredibly BEE-ZARRE’ and I laughed and then I noticed my laugh sounded kinda ‘ohoho’-esq so I repeated the laugh in order to sound more like some cliche villainess in anime and now I’m here.
Also here’s the thing you’re welcome
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