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guess who’s back ;)
puppy hybrid! rookie reader x lt ghost, where you're considered a failure by your instructors and of course when one of them falls sick, the responsibility of training you lands on him
aka this is my apology for making so many of you cry.
cw: hurt/comfort, fluff, tf141 at the end :)
To be a hybrid handler was possibly one of the best qualifications a soldier could have, especially with the new rise in hybrid cross-breeds across the world’s military. Ghost had one, took the course when no one wanted to go near it, and now he was only one of the few fits on base to have one. So naturally, when one of the hybrids’ usual instructors had to take a sick leave, he was pressured to step in. The other hybrids had set schedules for their sessions but since you were from the facilities, you needed extra support; well, actually all your extra academic classes meant you didn't have the regular timetable. That’s where he stepped in, taking over the ill instructor’s sessions and training you privately.
That wasn't the issue though, no, it was your file; it was awful. Angry comments about being stubborn, large red crosses next to exercises and well, your behaviour report wasn’t exactly bright either—you just never seemed to get anything right. There weren't any specific notes as to why you failed, usually just a quick scribble mentioning the many mistakes you made. So, it was safe to say he was dreading having to train you himself. He was used to pre-trained hybrids, or at least ones with their head on their shoulders. In fact, he was surprised you’re even still here, but maybe they just thought they’d dump you on him to deal with for the few weeks.
“Um…. Stay back?” You question, your head tilted to the side and ears perking as you try your best to remember what field signal he just did. He stifles a sigh—another one wrong—but it’d only be worse to give up now, so instead he opts for a different approach. “What signals do you know?”
You were terrified of him, that much was clear, but he felt a little reluctant to give you the same stern treatment as every other rookie. After all, you were bought from the facilities, and before that you would’ve been taken from your family at a relatively young age. That doesn't mean he’ll be lenient though, just a little more patient than most officers around here.
“Well.. Move forward, enemies ahead, don't move, and follow me. I know there’s more but not the signals..” Your ears flatten on your head, expecting some kind of blow, but his eyes just narrow behind the mask, looking back at the training mats in the corner of the room.
The next forty minutes he displays each sign back to you, making you repeat them back to him before ending that exercise. Only then does he gesture you to the training mats, seeing what you know in terms of defence and attack, but even that is weak, your form sloppy and reckless. There’s only ten minutes left of the session, so he seats you again, standing before you as he tests a signal.
“Uh…. Stay close?” He nods, affirming you’re correct and you perk up instantly, watching his signs intently as you continue to give a few more correct answers, only your ears drooping when you get a few more wrong. He corrects you each time, making sure you’re aware before testing you with another. At the end, he passes you a sheet from his bag, the signals printed on it. “Learn these by tomorrow.” And then he’s gone, disappeared out of the room while you’re left alone staring at the paper before you.
The next day you’re in the room early, like you had been yesterday as well; weirdly enough, you were surprisingly punctual, but he didn't have the time to question that. “Alright, ready for your test?”
He’s slightly sceptical when you actually get them all correct, save for a few, since it’s surprising progress with your track record. Plus, your form is improving too, especially when he corrects it as you go along; you manage to remember when he makes you do it again. He can’t even deny he likes the way your tail wags every single time he nods in approval.
So why was your file so bad? If you really were a failure, you would barely be improving but here you are at a steady pace. He supposes that compared to the others you’re probably at least two weeks behind in the exercises. Ideally he’d just catch you up to speed and call it a day. However, his current concern lies on why you haven't improved if you were brought here a month ago. Sure, maybe the future exercises were a lot more difficult than the basic hand signals, but something seems a little… off.
His next session with you is three days from now, so he can't just straight up ask you, especially with your current skittish behaviour regarding him. For now, he’d have to investigate himself. The best source of information is your other class and the easiest way to get that is via some cameras. It’s technically not a violation of privacy, considering there are plenty of cameras around base and the training rooms should have them anyway. The instructor can just consider it a surprise upgrade; if he even notices the change that is.
Ghost watches as you walk in first, settling in the front corner—- perhaps the instructor does give you the extra help you need then? The other hybrids come a few moments later and then the instructor arrives right on time. “Alright, warm-ups.” He orders, and you all get to work, with you trying to copy what the other hybrids do to the best of your ability. They’re a lot stronger than you, that much is obvious, and most are some form of a dog or wolf hybrid as well—considering they’ve been proven to work well in military situations. They stretch their limbs out as you turn around and imitate the same, all of you strangely quiet, but Ghost supposes that’s just maintaining focus. The officer cuts the warm up after a few minutes, beginning his first session in ‘taking advantage’ of blind spots whilst also keeping an eye on your own. He gets one of the soldiers to come upfront and help demonstrate all while you watch, then he gestures towards the targets at the back of the room, offering you all to try it out before you go against each other.
Ghost is almost considering just turning off the cameras at this point, wondering if he should go grab lunch and then rewatch it in his spare time— or maybe he should just ditch this after all, you were just a hybrid anyway.
You’ve gone up now, and he watches, but something’s not right as you get into position. Since you’re not that skilled in fighting just yet, your offensive posture isn’t the greatest and that’s visible to any eye, especially the instructor. He motions to the opposing hybrid to fix his, before walking around and motioning to begin. Of course, you fail, getting toppled over almost instantly if not for Ghost’s work on defensive moves. You’re pushed down against the mat, head turned forcefully against the floor, the hybrid’s hand’s on your throat almost a little too aggressively until a signal is given to stop.
The instructor only scoffs, pulling the other hybrid up and leaving you gasping for air. “I knew you’d fall over like that, your posture was awful.”
This becomes a pattern throughout the rest of the exercises, your wrong choices and how the instructor barely says a word until after the incident. But why? Ghost doesn't understand—if he knew it would happen, why wouldn’t he just at least correct you beforehand?
Your eyes flicker toward the others pouncing on a target, watching with intrigue how they position their feet and their arms. “Stop staring, creep!” One of the large hybrid taunts behind you, grabbing you by the neck of your shirt and shoving you back down to the floor.
It’s becoming harder and harder to stay motivated at this point, especially with how much your back is hurting from being overpowered all week. At least the other hybrids didn't laugh this time, though you wonder if that’s really a good thing since it was only due to the fact everyone expects your incompetence now. Like a reused joke, you’re becoming a boring topic. That can only mean you’re closer to being returned to the facility again which is never a good thing. No one wants a used item.
The thought scares you into motivation; you stand, smoothening the ruffled fur of your tail with one hand before stepping up to one of the targets. You have to try; it’s the best thing you can do even if your feet are starting to ache terribly. Swallowing down your anxiety, you try to remember how their stance was. It was going well until you ended up banging your shoulder against the wood rather than pushing it down. You tumble down with a groan, landing right in front of your instructor.
“Do you have two left feet or something? Your balance was completely off the entire time— anyone could see that.” He rolls his eyes up at you, watching as you rub your shoulder in clear pain. Your lips twist into a deep frown, confused to say the least, and you finally look up at him. “Why didn't you correct me beforehand?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t listen anyway; you never do.” He scoffs in response, annoyed that you even tried to talk back, before stepping away to fix another hybrid's posture. You don't know why you even bothered to ask; it would always be the same response. They all saw you fail, and yet they never made an effort to even try to help, like you weren’t even worth spending energy on. From the first day you were marked as the runt, even if you really weren’t in the slightest.
“You’re failing all the exercises.” Ghost drops the file before you, letting you see all the red crosses against each lesson. He reminds himself that this is for a good cause when your face instantly drops, used to his praise for good progress. It was the only thing you looked forward to anymore, having long given up on the dream that you’d prove your instructor wrong by doing an exercise perfectly. It’d never happen. The thing is, he can help you, but you won't catch up anywhere near to the others on your current schedule; he just needs to push you to want more, to need more, and he’ll fulfil that for you.
“I- I'm trying, I promise. I just- it’s not my fault—” You fumble with your words, convinced he’s giving up on you. He can see the bandages littering your hands, the wince when you try to move suddenly.
“It’s not enough.” His voice is stern, yet still he knows it’s the calmest you’d get in this new life you’ve been forced into. You have no choice now but to move forward, and he’d be damned if his own student ended up a failure. “You need to train harder and—”
“I’ll do that! We can start now, actually whenever you want. Please, Ghost— I’ll work as hard as I possibly can!”
He thought it’d be harder than that.
You’ve stepped so close he’s almost positive you were going to grab his shirt and beg him for a second. Your tail swishes from side to side too, ears perked high on your head and your hands clasped together. Is he going crazy or did you just give him puppy dog eyes?
“I’m supposed to be convincing you, idiot.”
“.. Nevermind.” He rolls his eyes up at you and shakes his head; well at least he didn’t have to start pointing out the incentives of working harder to you. Though he doubts you’ll be able to handle his intensive training program; at least you’re trying to start.
“So will you train me then?”
“Yeah, yeah Pup. But I don't think you realise how tough it’s gonna be.” His arms cross firmly over his chest, looking down at you with narrowed eyes. “I want you up early at five am and do warm ups straight after breakfast. None of these bandages either, that’ll ruin your performance. You think you can do that?” He leans in, almost threatening but despite your initial stance towards him, you don't even flinch. “Yes sir!”
You’re just excited that someone’s finally taking a chance on you.
So, for the next week, you get up early every day, wait for him in the gym before beginning your two-hour training session. He has his own priorities during that time so you’re left with “homework”, as he likes to describe it, which is usually a bunch of tactical knowledge you have to learn. Sometimes it’s what to do in certain situations, other times it’s medical knowledge, hell he even made you disassemble and reassemble a gun once. That last one didn't work out too well since you accidentally swept a few screws away with your tail. Oops
It wasn’t for nothing though. You steadily began to improve; just his corrections had you catching up quickly and putting up a fair fight against the rookie he set up to spar with you. In fact, your sessions with the other instructor have been going well, even managing to beat a few hybrids there when you only had hoped to put up enough of a fight. If he was being really honest, you had actually shocked him at how strong you held up the entire week of intense training. You may be seen as a failure to your officer, but to him, you were nothing short of a real soldier.
Finally, it’s Friday, marking the end of all this training that he’s had you doing. It’s almost dinner, though you ate plenty for lunch anyway, and you both stand in the empty room, a few props littering the room. He wanted to have a look at your pouncing technique, since those attacks worked best for a hybrid like you, and your strong teeth do have a good advantage. The methods are a little feral, but hey, you technically are part animal.
“And.. Go!” He signals, and you lunge forward, grabbing at the fake man and digging your teeth through the side of his neck. You rip through the first layer with ease, legs locked around the dummy’s middle and claws sharp into the arms. “That’s it!” He calls it off after he watches, the time slowly ticking towards seven pm. You climb off, and he nods in approval, walking forward to offer you a hand which you take with another tail wag. “Good work. That’s all for this week.” He helps you shrug off the gear, tucking it under his arm as you take a seat at the nearby bench.
There are only a few minutes till dinner, and you’re usually starving by this time so he decides to clear up the equipment today, placing it down into the small storage cupboard and packing it in its respective spots. 7pm. Only took him about seven minutes to clear the room up which has to be a new record by now.
Closing the closet door behind him, he pulls out his phone, ready to lay back for the day. He’s about to open the door when he hears a quiet noise, then another, followed by a soft thud. Confused, he looks back, surprised to find you slumped on the bench as you snore quietly, your arms hanging off the side as your tail hangs limply off the edge. You’re completely knocked out.
“Pup?” His boots echo against the hardwood floor, but you still remain asleep, cheek smushed into the bench as he crouches before you. A small smile creases the edge of his mask, a fond sigh leaving his lips. “Alright, let’s get you to bed.” He scoops you up easily, carrying you through the quieter corridors to your room, and gently settling you to sleep comfortably for the remainder of the night. You deserved it.
Your other instructor returned that Monday, and Ghost was removed from his responsibility for you. Whilst he was glad you had improved, he was just relieved to have his old life back, ready to focus on the 141 as it should have always been. “Ghost! I did it! I did it!!” You squeal, running up to him whilst he’s mid-workout, showing him the sheet that confirms your status as a proper soldier now. You’re brimming with joy, and he’s happy for you, one hand ruffling your hair. “Knew you could do it.”
And that was that. You got your job, he completed his temporary work.
That’s what he assumed anyway..
“Ghost? Can you check my form?” He allowed it the first time, leaving his weights to correct you before continuing his workout again.
“Ghost— can you teach me how to play this?” It was a simple game of cards and your first pub outing after a long mission. Besides, the others were busy puking their guts out.
“Hi Ghost! Can I sit here?” Well, Soap and Gaz were on a mission anyway; it’s not like he would be having breakfast with anyone else. Maybe your friends were out of base too?
“Ghost..” Sleepy eyes stare up at him as you lazily stretch beside him, Soap on his right and Gaz on your left. The movie has only just started, and you’re already giving him that expectant look. “Fine, fine.” He clicks the recliner on the side of the couch, lifting his legs to lay flat and allow you to stretch yours too.
“Ghost..” You mumble out again, and he chuckles, the movie not even halfway through, and he’s got you melting into the cushions just from his hands scratching the back of your fluffy ears. They twitch every now and then, reminding him that you’re still awake somehow.
“Pup down.” Soap whispers, and he nods in turn, looking at the bundle of fur laying over him, your thick tail trapping his legs like some sort of weighted blanket. His hand runs through the soft strands, content as the credits roll and your chest rises and falls slowly. Somehow, you had managed to manoeuvre yourself with your face squashed against his legs and your fingers clutching the fabric of his sweatpants, the 141’s symbol engraved in the cold metal hanging around your neck. Of course, they’d all tease you about it tomorrow during your outing down to the beach. That’s how it works, of course; wherever your handler goes, you follow.
a/n: thank you all so much for 1000 followers! just a little psa that i probably wont be too active in the next two weeks. tumblr used to be my safe space and i used to be so excited to come on and scroll thru my dash for some good fics but i just feel so empty with it :(. i havent lost my passion for writing dont get me wrong, and i'm still very happy to chat with moots, just the whole aspect of tumblr is so exhausting for me along with other things in my life atm
anyway rant over thanks for reading bye bye
@mortem-writes @pythonmoth
#simon ghost riley x reader#cod hybrid au#cod x reader#ghost x reader#simon ghost x reader#simon ghost riley x you#ghost x you#simon ghost x you#cod x you#hybrid au#cod fluff
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The Color Pink
Based on the following ask: Hii, I was just wondering if you could do Aaron x reader but the team for some reason refuses to warm up to her for a while. If you can please make the reader hyperfem only if you want to. Thank you!!!! I love the idea of Hotch with a hyperfem girlie – she’d be in pink ALWAYS, with a wardrobe and home full of ruffles! So, the BAU team is against this relationship of Hotch’s because 1. They assume she’s a bimbo due to the hyperfemininity and 2. She’s young. Basically, they are questioning Hotch’s judgement on this one. Flashbacks in italics.
Aaron Hotchner x HyperFem! Reader Angst/Fluff Word count: 2552
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, age gap (reader is 20s/Hotch is 40s), female reader, np physical description (other than having hair long enough to curl and Aaron referring to her as little – which he’s big tall so everyone is small compared to him), hyperfeminine reader, explicit language, consultant reader, BAU being judgy overprotective, Morgan being rude, Spencer and Garcia defending the reader, Reader is a presumed Bimbo…but is actually really smart (Elle Woods-esque), mentions of food/eating, reader has a flash of self-doubt, mention of Jack, let me know if I missed anything.
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.

Meeting you had been an act of fate. At least, that’s how Aaron saw it. You were not the type of girl he’d typically go for…not ever. But that morning, you’d got a flat tire on your way to work, ironically on Aaron’s way to work. He had to do the right thing, any chivalrous man would, he was going to pull over no matter what, but when you stepped out of your car…that sealed the deal. He needed to pull over because if he didn’t, someone else would, someone potentially dangerous.
“Excuse me miss; do you need some help?” Aaron offered.
“Oh, I um – I got a flat. I called Triple A, but they said it be like forty-five minutes.” You explained.
You stepped out of your car and stole the breath from Aaron’s lungs. You were in a satin pink button-up blouse, with high-waisted white trousers, and strappy pink heels. Your hair was cascading over your shoulders in beautiful loose curls, your gaze lifted to his. Aaron had to release a light cough to pull himself out of the trance you had him in.
“Do you have a spare?” He asked.
“I don’ t think so. But like I said, Triple A is on the way, so I guess I will just sit and wait.” You shrugged.
“I’m not sure I feel comfortable leaving you here on your own.” Aaron admitted.
You gave him a once over. He was in a well-fitted gray suit, his hair lightly slicked back, black dress shoes, and a silver Rolex resting on his left wrist. You took quick note of the absence of a wedding ring. A very brief rush of unease slid through you, but it was washed away as he moved his hand to his hip, unknowingly flashing the FBI badge that was clipped to his belt loop.
“I’d hate to be an imposition. Plus, we are strangers…” You eyed him once more.
“Right, I uh – I’m Aaron Hotchner.” He introduced himself and offered you his hand to shake.
You shook it gently, giving him your name. You couldn’t help the blush that crept over your cheeks at the warmth radiating from him. It was your turn to feel breathless. Taking him in once more, you had to admit to yourself that he was handsome. Clearly older than you, but you didn’t mind…and age didn’t define beauty.
Aaron had waited the whole forty-five minutes with you, once Triple A showed up, he waited for you to get everything squared away with them before turning to leave.
“So that’s it?” You called after him.
“What do you mean?” He questioned.
“You just sat and waited forty-five minutes with me and you’re just going to leave? Without asking me out? Or at least asking for my phone number?” You huffed.
Aaron was speechless. He had wanted to ask you out…truthfully he’d thought about it the moment you stepped out of your car, but he didn’t want you to fell that he was some sort of predator. But now here you were, this gorgeous little thing, asking him to ask you out.
“Would you go to dinner with me Friday? Provided my work doesn’t call me away.” He asks.
“Yes. Pick me up at seven.” You smiled, handing him a light pink business card.
Initially, Aaron didn’t introduce you to anyone because he wanted to see if your relationship would bloom into something real. As things did progress, he opened up to you about his life, his job, his family…and his demons. He hadn’t wanted to let his darkness taint your light, your sparkle, but one night while he was staying with you, he’d had a brutal nightmare, one that had him spewing all the information out to you while you held him close, your sparkle shining bright.
Another reason why Aaron had hesitated to really bring you into his world was because you were so different than the other women he’d dated. They were grown-up, mature (maybe even too mature), boring even, and here you were, this pastel princess whose home was filled with pink – ruffled pillows, lace curtains, fashion books, flowers, fluffy rugs, etc. you were the textbook definition of a girly-girl.
He was sure the BAU team would have some pretty strong opinions about his relationship with you, not only because of your differences, but also because of the almost 20-year age gap. It sounded silly, but he really wanted the team to like you.
The first time Aaron introduced you to the team hadn’t exactly gone as he had hoped. He had asked you to join them out at their favorite bar for drinks. They had put on quite the show in front of you, but when you stepped away to get a drink, the truth came out.
“Hey guys, I hope you don’t mind, but I invited my girlfriend to join us.” Aaron mentioned casually.
A chorus of “what” and “you have a girlfriend” and “who is she” all rang out at once. He couldn’t help but chuckle at them. He figured he should answer some of their questions now so that way they could focus on getting to know you once you arrived.
“She and I have been together for about six months. It’s getting pretty serious and, uh – she uh…” Aaron smiles to himself. “She um, she’s different than the other girls I’ve dated, so just keep an open mind and get to know her.”
You arrived about ten minutes later, rendering everyone speechless. You walked in with a light pink mini puff dress on. It flowed around you in a cloud of tulle it rested against your upper thighs which were adorned in sparkly nude tights. You’d chosen to wear white lace up heels with it, and your hair was pulled back, pinned up with loose tendrils framing your face.
“Hi! I’m so sorry I’m late, a client called last minute and, you totally do not want to hear about my boring work.” You sighed, meeting the gazes of the stunned agents seated before you.
Aaron had officially introduced you to everyone, they exchanged hesitant pleasantries, and you began making small talk. After a few awkward moments, you excused yourself to get a drink.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Aaron asked.
“No, no. I got it honey. I’ll get you another whiskey.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek and walked toward the bar.
As soon as you were out of earshot, the questions came rolling in. Most notably, Dereks.
“What the hell are you doing man?”
“I beg your pardon?” Aaron was shocked.
“Hotch, man, she’s young enough to be your daughter. And I mean, look at her.” Derek gestured toward where you stood at the bar.
“I am well aware of her age Morgan. She and I have discussed that at length and have both agreed that it didn’t matter. Age doesn’t change how we feel about one another.”
“Hotch, I’m more worried about the fact that she looks like she just walked off of sorority row.” Emily shook her head.
“Yeah, her outfit…Hotch she’s not serious. I mean she’s still a kid.” JJ added.
“That’s enough, she and I are serious. She’s not a kid; she runs a very successful consulting firm, she is kind and sweet, she takes care of me, she gets along with Jack, and I and…well. I love her.” Aaron concluded.
A muffled remark sounded from across the table. Morgan had more to say, and Aaron wasn’t going to let it go. He cared about you and the people across from him were his family, their opinions meant a lot to him…but right now they were letting him down.
“Say it out loud Morgan.” Aaron demanded.
“Say it.” Aaron hissed.
“I said she gets along with Jack because they’re closer in age.” Derek shot back.
The table went silent, tension filling the air. Aaron scoffed, shook his head in disbelief, and walked away. Moving towards you, coming up with some lame excuse to get the hell out of there.
“Look, I know that was a lot, but I didn’t say anything that we weren’t all thinking. That girl, she’s a bimbo. Hotch needs someone more serious…more like Beth.” Derek justified.
“Wow.” Penelope scoffed, pushing her chair away from the table. “You guys are terrible.”
“What are you talking about?
“Did you not see his face? Hotch is happy, his smile took over his entire face…because of that girl and you all tore him down so quickly. I mean come on. Spence when was the last time Hotch smiled like that?” Penelope asked.
“The last time Hotch has smiled like that in front of us was back in 2005 when he introduced Jack to the team as a newborn.” Spencer rattled off.
That was about eight months ago. Aaron and you have grown even more serious since then, you moved in together – into a new house where you could set up a space that was all your own, full of pink and ruffles and lace.
Honestly, Aaron had gone as far as buying a ring for you. He wanted to propose and had the whole thing planned. He and Jack were going to take you on a picnic and then they’d ask you to become a permanent part of their family.
Despite the happiness he felt at the idea of marrying you, he couldn’t help the disappointment that crept in. He wanted his family to all be there in support of you two…and his family, well that was the BAU.
He knew he’d have to talk to them, to do something to prove to them how incredible you are.
Aaron had called everyone to the round table. He needed to tell them about how serious he really was about you, and he needed them to love you.
“I asked you all here because today we will have a special guest for lunch.” Aaron went on to explain that you’d be coming in, bringing in lunch from one of the BAU’s favorites. “I know that when you all first met her, you were unsure. But I need you all to realize that I’ve been with her for over a year now, we live together, and…”
“You can’t be serious man. She’s naïve, just some young hot thing seeking an older man, presumably for his money.” Derek interrupted.
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Aaron commanded. “I plan on marrying her, and you guys are my family. I need my family there when I marry this woman. If you can’t get on board…then I guess you aren’t the people I thought you were.” Aaron says with finality.
There was a collective nod and shrug amongst everyone.
When you walked in, you could feel the tension like a thick fog. It was all consuming, like picking a hangnail until that piece of skin runs further and further up your finger, bleeding and tender.
You needed this to go well.
Aaron had told you to be your usual self. He wanted the team to like you for you, but you knew it would be best to tone it down at least a little bit. You’d choose to wear light blue jeans, a chunky pink sweater, and some heeled ballet flats. Your arms were juggling multiple bags, filled with sandwiches and another one with drinks for everyone.
“Hi guys.” You offered a small wave as you entered the conference room.
“Hey sweetheart, let me help you with those.” Aaron was quick to grab the bags from you.
“You look stunning as always! It’s good to see you again!” Penelope greeted.
“Oh, thanks babe! I love the new hair; it is such a good color!” You complimented. “Oh, Spence, I got you something!” You pulled a wrapped book from your bag, handing it to him.
“What’s this?” He asked, gently pulling at the wrapping. “The Narrative of John Smith, this is one of my favorites!” Spencer gushed.
“It’s a special edition, they only made 200 of them. But that’s not the best part…open the cover.” You were giddy with excitement.
Spencer opened the book to reveal that it had been signed. “Are you kidding me! This is amazing, thank you so much!”
“It’s really no problem.” You smiled.
Aaron was beaming at you, you had been so kind, showing them all who you really were, and he just hoped that they’d all finally see you for who you truly are.
As everyone finished their lunch, you began clearing the trash. Everyone offers thanks to you, the girls planning a day out with you. Each of them seemed to be coming around except for Derek. Aaron couldn’t figure out why he was so against you.
You said your goodbyes and made your way out. They had all filtered out of the conference room when Aaron decided to confront Derek once and for all.
“Everyone else has come around, so why can’t you? What is your problem with her?” Aaron asked.
“It’s not her that I have a problem with. Not really.” Derek shrugged. “Look man, I am sorry for how I have acted towards her. It’s unacceptable. But I don’t think you dating her is a good idea.”
“I appreciate your concern, but it’s misplaced Morgan. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
“You think that now Hotch. But what are you going to do when she up and walks away. That is the type of girl who will ruin your life and Hotch, you’ve been hurt too many times. You and Jack have lost far too much.”
“Derek, I know you are worried for me, but I have to see this through. I really love this girl, and she can handle herself, she makes good money, so I know that isn’t the motivation here. She is everything to me, and she has done nothing but prove that she feels the same for me.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I have your back man, and if you love her, then I’m not going to stand in your way.”
Things began looking up after that. Derek had pushed his concerns aside and took the time to get to know you, which only made him feel like an idiot for his behavior. Aaron had been right, you could hold your own – you were smart and witty and far to quick with your words, giving him a run for his money. Derek started to see how big your heart was, and he saw the changes in Aaron thanks to your presence in his life. He started to actually appreciate you and your love for his boss.
Aaron told you about his interaction with Derek and you offered some valuable insight.
“Honey, Derek looks up to you. You have made a huge impact on his life, and he has seen you lose so much because of your work, he’s seen you in, quite literally, your lowest moment. He just wants to protect you from hurting like that once again.”
“You are the smartest person I know sweetheart.” Aaron pressed a kiss to your temple.
Months later, the BAU team stood and witnessed Aaron and you vowing to spend forever with one another. You had finally been welcomed into this family.
Taglist: @bernelflo@pastelpinkflowerlife@just-moondust@khxna@crimesthatnooneaskedfor
#aaron hotchner fic#aaron hotchner x reader#criminal minds#aaron hotchner#hotch x reader#aaron hotchner x you#ssa aaron hotchner#aaron hotch hotchner#hotch x you#aaron hotch fanfiction#aaron hotch x reader#hotchner x reader#hotch#aaron hotch imagine#aaron hotchner fluff#hotchner smut#agent hotchner#hotchner x you#aaron x reader#aaron hotch smut#aaron hotch x you#aaron hotch fic#aaron hotch fluff#aaron hotch angst#aaron hotchner x y/n#aaron hotchner x female reader#aaron hotchner x fem!reader smut#hotch x y/n#aaron hotchner imagine#aaron hotchner angst
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Holy mackerel, I did not think people were still into this post
Today's update is a huge one.
Literally my life has made several gigantic swings. My goodness yall strap in cuz we're going for a ride.
I have a polycule now. I'm not sure when the last actual update was, but I've been doing a bit of online dating ever since...idk maybe for about a year now
I have known I was polyamorous since before I started this blog. But I never knew my love life would or even could go as deep as it has
As... as of right now I have a dozen people who I call my partners and probably more than two dozen in a giant poly cluster in varying states somewhere between friendship and "we could not imagine our lives without each other and we've changed each other for the better but technically we're not dating cuz life is complicated but it's cool cuz we're happy and anyway we love each other"
Multiple people have literally altered their entire life plan as a result of meeting me
I... how is that even.... like that's so easy for me to say and so obviously true that I can't not mention it in a big life update like this.... but it also seems insane to say!!! Changed lives? With an s? Multiple lives? And these are people all over the world! The implications! Friggin' army of hot queers! I love yall so much!
So.. what else.. money...I still need to finish making the master-post for "The Master's Quest: Meet Annabella"
I really need to sell that book more, along with finishing and publishing the second book of the series. I really need to make my own way in the world. I've got to actually make it as an author because there's a LOT riding on me continuing to have the ability to care for people close to me
I've moved. I have a nice new apartment that's bigger than the house I used to have
At least one of my partners wants to move in with me and we're making arrangements to make that work for everyone.
I have a discord server that I'm looking at taking public so that yall can get to know me better... and so that we can build a lovely community that works as well as my private friend group. I'm really good at running these communities, so it should be really good. I just need to make sure I have moderation in place so that it doesn't disrupt my entire life
I've gotten really good at making soul food, and I realized I'm the matriarch of my own online family... meaning I'm closer to becoming "Big Mama" than I ever thought I'd be at this age
I'm the Big Mama of my internet family... that's huge
Oh and I've started gaming again! I play a lot of Warframe and Baldurs Gate 3 at the moment! It's so fun!
Also I stream on Twitch! Come hang out with me while I play Warframe! I'm probably gonna start playing every other Thursday thanks to my not-quite-a-partner
There's been a lot of stupid stuff too. My doctor hasn't updated my sick leave. I met a girl locally who I thought was cool, only for her to trap me in a looping conversation for a day and a half and treat me like crap when I tried to leave, and lots of people misunderstanding my intentions on so many things
But honestly forget all that
Because my life has improved SO FREAKING MUCH
And continues to get better and better and better
I've never felt so loved in my entire life
Yall feel free to follow @rikkibelle6 @jadethebunny @bwrtrain113 @silentrhow @icyravensflint I love yall so much
I guess I'll see yall in a few months and we'll see where we are then 🥰💝
You know the great thing about my Tumblr?
I'm invisible. Nobody sees me. I'm essentially talking to the void. This will get no notes.
Watch this:
I'm trans. I'm a girl and I'm SUPER bisexual. I like everybody. Girls are hot. Guys are hot. NBs are hot. Trans people are hot. I like to dress and act and be really super girly and I love flirting with people. It doesn't matter cuz this will get zero notes just like everything else I post on here.
Screw it. I'm not even done

This is me. A black trans bisexual.
I wrote an Ace/Aro person into my book. A trans person too. And one of the guys is gay. He literally has a big flirting scene with a guy in the book. It's pretty strongly suggested that they banged. As the author I can tell you; they did. It's the only sex scene even hinted at in the book and it's gay af.
Wanna know a secret? I think I've been in bed with a famous person. It's so crazy because I'm so terrible at famous people there's no way I'd have known who he was unless he straight up told me. But I did get the inkling he was somebody important by him talking about his soho apartment in New York. And the fact that he was staying in one of the nicest and most expensive hotels in Houston at the time.
And yes,bbtw. I was not aware of my being trans yet. And he was a man. This was a gay interaction. A very gay interaction. I'm bi. But you don't care cuz you're not even reading this.
Anyway yeah I love Tumblr. Nobody notices me
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ST events tumblr community
<< fifteen | 😺 | seventeen >>

When Steph's body heat leaves his lap, Eddie can suddenly feel how unpleasant his underwear has became. He picks at the fabric around his thighs, inspecting damage, and is grateful that he hasn't through soaked to his sweatpants. Yet.
"Do you need something to change into? You can take a shower, too," Steph offers, looking him over without shame while she's adjusting her hair.
Eddie manages a glance in her direction. On one hand, he lives in the same building, but on another, he'd prefer to be as inconspicuous as possible.
"I think Wayne would be suspicious if I took a shower here," he huffs after a quick calculation.
"Oh. Is he... not supposed to know?" she asks, frowning but not looking at him. Eddie frowns right back.
"Uh, no. I just don't want to hear any more teasing from him. He's been very, uh... supportive of the idea."
"Yeah, he's been pushing me to make a move from the start. Actually..." He hums, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Do you think he offered my help with the cats on purpose?"
She lets out a surprised laugh.
"Maybe. Like an evil mastermind!"
"And he's been planting seeds all along! Talking about you all the time!"
Steph makes a phone sign with her fingers and lowers her voice. "Son, there's this nice lady in my complex, great hair, totally single. Anyway, how is school?"
They laugh at that, though the idea isn't completely implausible.
"Well, I have the parent's blessing for once, I guess," she chuckles wistfully. "For now, at least."
"What, you think he'd change his mind?" Eddie asks, for a moment ignoring the mess around his dick to turn towards her.
"A lot of people do." Steph shrugs, like it's not a huge deal.
"You mean because you're trans?" Eddie's brows furrow further. "I don't think he cares. Well, he does, but in a protective way."
"He knows?" Her eyes go wide and she tenses up, so Eddie quickly puts a hand on her arm to placate her.
"Or he has a strong suspicion! He's been very ominous about it, but if he's been to your place and saw the same photos I did, well..." He rubs his thumb over her elbow. "And you two talk a lot. Wayne might not share much himself, but he's a good listener. He's good at picking up stuff."
Steph breathes deeply.
"And you think he's fine with that?" she looks for confirmation.
They might have not talked about it, but Eddie knows his uncle quite well, and the way he spoke of his favorite neighbor was always genuine and friendly.
"Yes," he says with conviction. "His biggest worry seems to be how the world has been treating you."
She doesn't say anything, just seeks out his hand as she turns away, hair falling over her eyes so he wouldn't see the emotions in them.
"Your uncle is a treasure," she says, gripping his hand for comfort. He'd love to offer her a hug instead, but he'd prefer to do it a little more cleaned up.
"Yeah, I got lucky with him," he agrees, squeezing her hand back. "Now, uh, sorry to kill the moment, but you've mentioned I could borrow something to wear? Like clean underwear, perhaps?" He smiles hopefully, batting his eyelashes at her.
She shakes her head with a smile.
"Sure. Let's go." She pulls him up by their joined hands, and when she doesn't let go and guides him towards her room, his stomach swoops. It's been a while since a girl led him to her bedroom like that.
He's instructed to close his eyes as she rummages through the panty drawer, looking for something suitable.
"I hope you don't mind the color. These are relatively new, since I only wear boxers on lazy or bad days."
Sensing she's in front of him now, Eddie opens his eyes and is presented with a light pink tartan fabric. He chuckles.
"Pink is the new black, right?" he says as he takes the boxers. "Want to use the bathroom first?" he asks, since he's a gentleman and a guest in Steph's home.
She shakes her head.
"I'm good, don't worry about it."
Eddie frowns.
"Are you sure? I can—"
"Eddie," she interrupts him and he immediately closes his mouth. Steph's looking to his left and her cheeks are tinged pink so he turns up his ears to maximum hearing. "I don't... come like that anymore. My body doesn't produce it anymore, sometimes I won't even get it fully hard. A lot of things are... different," she makes a face as she confesses. Again, like it's a bad thing.
"Well, I'm excited to learn. Especially after today."
He wiggles his eyebrows as she looks at him again, and she huffs in amusement, pushing him out of the bedroom.
"Go clean up, you dork."
Once his dick is clean and his boxers are all wet from washing them in the sink, Eddie inspects his ass. The mirror is big enough that if he steps back, he can see all the way down to his thighs. He turns this way and that, lifts his shirt up.
"I think I'm digging the pink!" he yells through the bathroom door, before pulling his sweats back on. After putting his underwear on the radiator to dry, he walks back out to join Steph on the couch. They still have beers to finish.
"Can I see it?" she asks before he can sit back down.
"The boxers." Her eyes shine in the glow of the TV.
"Uh, yeah." Eddie doesn't know why he's suddenly feeling this shy, after they've just climaxed on each other's laps, humping like animals. He toys with the hem of his sweats, feeling the heavy weight of Steph's gaze on his hands, before he digs his thumbs in and slides them down, the elastic catching on his soft dick.
"It does suit you."
When he looks at her, her hungry eyes are trained on the pink boxers and his exposed thighs.
"Turn around."
Eddie does so without question, feeling only slightly awkward as the sweats slide down to his ankles.
"Nice ass," she compliments, and he feels his cheeks flush. It's not something he hears often.
"You don't think it's flat an pathetic?" he asks half-jokingly.
She hums thoughtfully.
"Hm, I don't know. Bend down for me? Pull your sweats back up."
Eddie's dick twitches pathetically even though it won't be getting back up anytime soon. He bends in half, feeling exposed like never before despite wearing underwear, and slowly slides his pants back up, covering the goods. As he turns back to face her, Steph reaches out to tug him closer, hands sliding from his waist to cup his ass.
"I think you have a nice, round handful," she smiles up at him. "It looks better in these than the jeans."
"Thank you," he says, quiet and meek like he's not used to. Maybe she could take care of him too, maybe they could take care of each other.
"Thank you. For letting me see it," she says, smile wide. "And touch it." Her fingers dip into the meat of his ass, making his hips sway forward. She pulls him onto her lap this time and slots their mouths together, making out in the dim living room as the TV plays on in the background, forgotten.
That night, he leaves the place later than usual, walking down the stairs of the empty building feeling like he's living outside of the narrative. Everyone else is sleeping in their own beds, and he walks from one flat to another like he can't find his place in the world. He's renting one in Indianapolis, too.
Eddie suddenly feels smaller than he's felt in a long time. Tiny in the world full of people, minuscule in the distance between Hawkins and Indy. The life he thought he's grabbed on to, seems distant and surreal. Like this little town is a black hole of time and space that he's fallen into yet again after escaping it for college.
When he walks into the empty apartment, Wayne is snoring behind the closed doors of his bedroom. Knowing that going to bed will only bring more weird feelings, Eddie lights a cigarette on the balcony and spends an hour inside a book, reading and exploring alien worlds until his eyelids are heavier than his thoughts.
@wheneverfeasible @steddieinthesun @hattsy-likes-pretty-stuff @bumblebeecuttlefishes @phantomcat94 @tartarusknight @tinyplanet95 @steddiefication @estrellami-1 @disrespectedgoatman @madigoround @tartarusknight @blasvemous @cryptid-system @hiei-harringtonmunson @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @dreamercec @manliest-of-muppets @bookbinderbitch @marklee-blackmore @icecat @rootbeerandmusic @mollymawkwrites @milojames16 @ellietheasexylibrarian
ko-fi | Steddie masterpost
#crazy cat lady stevie#steddie#eddie munson#steve harrington#stranger things#mine#stevie harrington#steddie fanfiction#cw: age gap#transfem steve harrington#age gap steddie#steddie fic
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Yandere Male Boxer X Idol Reader (G/N)
I'm backkkk! This was a request so if anyone wants a specific Yandere or reader let me know! - Jay \(^o^)/
So I originally wrote Yandere Boxer with a PR Manager Reader but what if you were an Idol? 🙀
Trigger warnings! Violence, Implied creepy manager, drugging, jealousy, I tried to go a little harder on the Yandere part this time! This is all fictional I don't condone toxic behaviour irl!
🦷 Yandere Boxer still got a PR Manager but it wasn't you.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who was told to take a Collab with this shoe company or something... between you and me he was not listening
🦷 Yandere Boxer who really wasn't listening because why are there other celebrities!? This is going to such a drag...
🦷 Yandere Boxer who saw his shoe and...I mean it's okay. It wasn't really his style but everyone thinks he's edgy and all so it's nothing new.
What he didn't except was someone putting a very pretty and proper shoe next to his. "Excuse me? I'm sorry but" you fiddle with your fingers "can you sign this please?"
🦷 Yandere Boxer didn't even know who you were. You looked too pretty to be his fan. He signed it anyway not thinking much of it but he did clock you run off excitedly. That was the first time he smiled in awhile.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who cringed at his shoe adverts or posters, he hated it. This wasn't him but he saw your advertisements and it was like night and day. You were so comfortable Infront of the camera.
🦷 Yandere Boxer found out you were an Idol. Originally in a group but now is more known for your solo songs and modelling gigs. How on earth did an Idol like you become a fan of him!?
🦷 Yandere Boxer who was cooking when he got a call from his PR Manager.
There was a live going viral that mentioned him. Great, last time this happened a really boring match took place. He expected some B tier Boxer to be running his name through the mud, What he didn't expect is to be from you.
"Oh my goodness!" You squeal. "I think I'm allowed to talk about this now. You'll never guess who I met!" The chat was guessing everyone from other Idols to actors but was in shock when you showed Yandere Boxers signature. "Ah! I finally met him! He's just as tall in person, maybe a little hotter though." Yandere Boxer felt his face heat up, can you just say that about someone online!? Someone in chat said something about him being a thug. "Hey he is not! He was really sweet!"
🦷 Yandere Boxer who didn't know why you liked him so much!?
🦷 Yandere Boxer sent you a DM, he's never slid into someone's DM's before...how embarrassing.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who found out you used to do boxing while training. He didn't realise being an idol was so tuff. His face lit up thinking about being your favourite boxer.You were so sweet and friendly, you weren't like his other fans.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who's team meets your team. He saw the way your manager looks at you and he hates it. The desire to just punch his face in overwhelms Yandere Boxer.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who's got a little bit of a fake relationship going on with you for the cameras. He definitely is crushing on you though while you're blissful unaware of this new situation. Thinking you were simply gaining a new friend while being cuddly in public!
🦷 Yandere Boxer notices how you hold onto his arm or resting your head on him. It just feels like you want something, reassurance? Friendship? Maybe even love? (He's a little delusional)
🦷 Yandere Boxer DEFINITELY reads fanfic about you. Has ALL your merch as well, he's a mega fan!
🦷 Yandere Boxer who found out where your manager lives, I mean is it that hard? Like surely he realises that someone as big as Yandere Boxer was following him.
You get a call from your manager at night. It confused you but you still pick it up. "Hello?" "Y/N! I-I just wanted to apologise!" His voice was shaking ,it sounds like he's scared. "Apologies? I don't understand." "I think- I know! I know! I may have given you some inappropriate looks and that's unacceptable." He sounds terrified. "Is everything okay!? Have you been drinking?" You sat up properly, a little scared. "What!? Nonono everything's fine! Do you accept my apologies?" "Sure?" he hung up after that.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who listens to you talk about your weird call with your manager before he quit the next day.
🦷 Yandere Boxer listened acting like he didn't already know this. He knows more then you! He was the reason he was scared!
🦷 Yandere Boxer went around their home and beat the living daylights out of your pervy manger and made him apologise.
🦷 Yandere Boxer watched him make that call, listening to your angelic voice in the other end. He griped the hammer in one hand and the managers free hand in the other. Ready to smash his hand into mush. If a man's willing to look at you funny Yandere Boxer isn't risking him being about to touch you.
"Elijah...can I ask you something?" You look down at the cup you have. Who would of thought Yandere Boxer made such a good cup of tea? "Yeah of course,Anything." "You won't get mad?" Yandere Boxer almost laughs, he gently grips your knee. "Now why would I get mad?" "I..I don't know it's just you didn't seem upset by this? Maybe I haven't explained it properly but he sounded petrified! Then he just quite!" Yandere Boxer's face was blank before smiling slightly. "Listen I beat people up for a living. It's hard for me to get worried. It sounds like his guilty conscious got to him."
You knew your manager. He was a lot of things but self aware was not one. You even asked him not to make certain jokes and he thought you just didn't have enough sleep. How would he have magically realised he's a weirdo!? You had so many questions. You take a sip of the tea again "I suppose you're right... Finding a new manager is going to be a total pain in the neck." "Don't" "excuse me?" Yandere Boxer only really spoke when spoken to so him cutting you off was new. "Why?" You rub your eyes, all this stress is making you tired. "Just think about it. You've had a good career, why not quite while your ahead? You'll get publicity before retirement and then you can move on to more! Have more freedom!" You sip your tea again. "You're a very caring person Elijah but I love my job." You smile and yawn.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who just rubs his thumb over your knee, watching you get more tired over the minutes. The second you closed your eyes he pulled his hand away and went to put your cup in the sink.
He walks around his penthouses making sure all the windows were locked. He stopped getting to a specific door with multiple locks. He flawlessly put all the codes in. The room was large and it was a rather good replica of your room. He tried his best. He sat on the bed with his head in his hands.
🦷 Yandere Boxer needed to hype himself to lock you in there. What if this manger is worse? You won't quite . Deep down he knew you wouldn't but he wanted to try the easy way first.
🦷 Yandere Boxer gently placed you into the bed and tucked you in. He rolled his sleeves up, his dark skin complimented with tattoos.(including your initials because your full name it so public)
🦷 Yandere Boxer put a metal shackle on your ankle before letting you rest. It's okay! You'll get use to relaxing with time!
#yandere imagines#gn reader#x reader#yandere x reader#yandere oc#male yandere#yandere headcanons#idol reader#Yandere Boxer#request
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It's interesting how important mechanics are for a game. Way more important than the plot and the text apparently. Just an announcement of a mechanic makes people say 'they gave my boy this, they gave my boy that'. What do you mean 'gave'? It was always in the text.
Daniil was politically persecuted for years before he came to the town. He is on the verge of a mental breakdown on day one. He talks about suicide on day one. And then he has to go through the torture chamber of the plot designed on purpose to fuck him up. And he doesn't even have reliable material support in p1.
In p3 he'll at least have his stomach filled and some people under his direct command. Not to mention a player who can keep his sanity in check. He had it so much worse in p1 and so few people cared just because it was all in the text and not in the mechanics.
I'd say it's because people just pay less attention to text in games but they sure as hell payed attention every time Daniil snapped at someone even a little bit.
Whatever it takes, I guess. Here for the fandom realizing they were demonizing a mentally ill person for 20 years.
#i don't actually believe it'll happen#they'll become defensive and won't change anything#but the new fans have an opportunity to be different from the start#that's my hope#pathologic#daniil dankovsky#pathologic 3
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Yo dawg, is it chill if I request a Survior!reader x shedletsky (forsaken) thingy? Can either be headcanons or a short story(ANGST if possible)
Reader tends to keep to themselves and sometimes lashes out. They also sometimes finds Shedletsky annoying.
sure thing! thanks for the request B) hope you like! i'm so rusty, this is the first thing i've written in forever, LOL.
forsaken!shedletsky x reader (who keeps to themself & find him kinda annoying) headcanons
note: reader is written to be gender neutral/of unspecified gender
content warnings: n/a, i think, but brief mention of reader lashing out at him that's sorted out pretty quickly
i think his immediate reaction to a somewhat introverted reader is "you know, i think they just need to meet the right person to help them get out of their shell!"
you are absolutely no exception. he takes your irritation as a challenge, almost
especially considering the circumstance, he sees it to be his responsibility to try to "help" you. because he's convinced that you have a problem (struggles to understand that you're just not inclined to be social), and worries about how it affects not just you, but the survivor team as a whole
in the downtime between rounds, at the cabin, he goes out of his way to seek you out wherever you are
trying to sit by yourself in the corner? well, shedletsky's here now!
oh, trying to sit outside by yourself? wow, what a surprise, shedletsky just so happened to be checking out behind the cabin by total coincidence! (/sarcasm)
he's kind of convinced you don't actually find him annoying, more so you're putting up a front to try to push him away
after a particularly bad round, you try to find some time for yourself to just sit and think out behind the cabin, lamely picking at the grass and pulling it out of the ground
and — like a dog, almost — he comes and seeks you out
he opens his mouth to make a stupid quip (because he always does, because he's shedletsky, and he always has to lighten the mood and can't just let things be)
but you beat him to the punch
you snip at him and tell him, straight to his face, that sometimes you think he's the most annoying man to have ever walked robloxia
okay. wow. ouch
he instantly recoils and just kind of stares at you. you can practically see the cogs turning in his head
his ego immediately clashes with his concern, and for once he's not really sure what to say, so he just kind of.. stares at you. quietly
you've snapped at him before, sure, but never like that. never so viscerally
his shock kind of startles you out if your fit of irritation. you immediately go to apologize; that you just aren't doing well, and you didn't mean to lash at him like that
but before you can say anything he walks closer, and takes a seat on the ground next to you
"so i'm a bit much sometimes?" he asks, a note of concern to his voice, looking up at the stars.
you give a small nod.
and shedletsky just nods in kind. "y'know, i guess i can try to tone it down a bit." he looks at you from the corner of his eye, a smile finding its way onto his face. "if it's you, i mean."
#author: roll the die! (chance)#genre: x reader#pairing (unspecified)#genre: angst#<- uhh i guess LOL#genre: comfort#type: headcanon#forsaken x reader#forsaken shedletsky x reader#shedletsky x reader#p.s. i hope this is formatted + tagged ok and doesn't suck too bad. lel B')
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I saw you're on break so plsndont rush to answer but what's the difference in all the 90s stuff I keep seeing? if you can answer
I saw your post about 90s tim and 90s kon what does that mean? Can you tell the difference?
Yes, hi, anon. I am still on break — that mostly just means I won't be doing any requests or posting much writing for a week or so. However, I'm more than happy to answer questions.
I mean, I'd say it's pretty easy? But, I guess that depends on the media you are consuming. I mostly read comic books. Some people only read fanfics and most writers aren't going to specify which timeline/version of a character they use. I've stated a couple times that I write Kon inspired by 90s Kon for the simple fact that "Conner" is not the Kon I know ( or really care for. the yj show burned a bridge here. 💔 )
As for Tim — from what I've seen across my fyp, requests, messages, etc. Most people ( including myself, depending on the post ) tend to focus on Tim's awkward, logical, weird nerd self.
However, I used to have a couple posts based on 90s Tim ( Who I love because he was just a little shit starter, ngl. )
So here's a.. I don't know, break down of sorts for 90s Tim.
• He was sarcastic as living hell, had a super dry sense of humor. Incredibly blunt. Had absolutely no issue calling anyone out or anything. His inner monolog was actually just him being a manace.
• I don't really know where socially awkward, weird Tim came from? I don't know where it started but I can't say I haven't written him like that lol but, He was actually very socially comfortable? Like, he masked like hell. Tim had ( still has, I'm pretty sure ) trust issues, controll problems, he was snippy but he was still emotionally closed off to people. Which, that isn't new for any of them.
• He was straight up MEAN. Like — I'm pretty sure one of his biggest hobbies was poking and prodding and pressing buttons to piss people off as much as he could. Plus, Tim was VERY, VERY MORALLY GREY! He was a manipulative little shit when he saw he needed to be. He did what he thought needed to be done, whether it was good or bad. He was pretty cold hearted and ruthless when it came down to it.
• He wasn't afraid to pick at someone's weaknesses, even in a normal social setting. He thought some pretty sharp things, tbh. And, being hurt is different for all of them — like.. Jason gets angry, Damian well.. he's Damian all the time, Dick usually got quiet and dealt on his own. Tim, on the other hand, would cut deep and hurt you right back.
• I'm not going to use clapping emojis but I need people to see this as well: Tim was incredibly fucking independent. He did not want or need to rely on the batfam for support. He was self sufficient — he literally had his own base, his own tech, his own system. He had no problem working ALONE.
• Tim also ( this may still be true 🫠 I have not seen anything recent ) had issues with his place among the others. Which furthered the emotional cut off.
• He was also a little bitch to his friends. He fought with Kon CONSTANTLY — it wasn't always straight up mean fighting but sometimes it was. Tim had an ego and was pretty smug about himself. Not to mention he lied to them about missions and stuff — same thing as batman's 'well I did it for the mission'. He kept Bart, Cassie, Kon, etc etc. At arm's length and let's be honest, he just wasn't great at being a friend in general.
• major major major major arrogance, control freak, had to be right, had to make the plans, had to control everything.
• another morally grey comment because it just makes me so fucking happy: I saw someone say Tim was a pacifist and nearly lost my shit. He pretty much craved violence when given the chance. He broke bones without flinching.
• My guy kept shit secret from everyone lol He would straight up withhold info from everyone. Yes, including Bruce. ( But, I mean, he pretty much stood against Bruce and said everything but to kiss his ass. )
• You'll also notice he was a bit misogynistic, as well, which is brought up as the first topic any time someone mentions 90s Tim.
• and a fun little misconception: he did not worship Bruce. He was actually pretty tired of his shit most of the time. But, he did look up to him.
In short; 90s Tim was kind of a huge piece of shit, didn't take shit off of anyone, was a bad friend and also liked to fuck around.
As you can see, this is why I don't have a lot of requests asking specifically for 90s Tim but I do have a good bit of drafts for him.
[ oh and since I didn't say it; 90s Kon is just a character development sweetheart loverboy that just wanted to be accepted and loved and the world actually just fucking hated him. ]
✌🏻 ( pertaining to the whole me having tim vibes — yes it includes this. I am a mix of both. It's called bpd ✨️ )
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... Hello.
I'm still not too sure how to proceed here, honestly. I still feel... hurt, and very affected by what happened last Friday. I've taken the weekend off to slowly process everything and start taking the actions I felt I needed to take in order to protect my peace. It wasn't easy... but now it's done.
I won't go much into detail. My last post, as maybe some of you guessed, was caused by what we all learned about on Friday (I'm not linking that post, I don't want to see that ever again). I felt so disappointed and betrayed... Especially because this person I had started to befriend made fanart for one of my fics not long ago. I never mean to be ungrateful, but I simply can't see it the same way anymore (nor the brothers... and I hate myself so much for that). Everything's changed, at least for me.
Still, taking some time away from screens and social media this weekend has been quite helpful, as well as venting my feelings and thoughts with some friends. You all know who you are, and I'm incredibly grateful and lucky to have you all 🫂💖
With this said... I think I might be ready to start moving on. Slowly, as this wasn't easy at all, but at least it's something. I don't think I'll be too active in general, as I feel I've lost my enthusiasm and spark at the moment, but hopefully it'll come back soon. You might see me reblogging stuff, I don't know, but I'm definitely not checking my notifs at the moment. I need to take things easy.
And... I'm sorry if this comes across as rude or whatever, but at the moment I'd prefer not to be tagged on anything. Don't get me wrong, I do love the content you guys create, but at the moment I feel a bit overwhelmed with everything. I know it's far from your intention to make me feel this way but just... it is what it is. I'm afraid I can't help it, so I turned off mentions for the time being. Hope you understand 🙏🏻💖
So... this is it for now. To whoever was affected by all this: you're not alone, and my DMs are open for everyone even if I'm slow responding. I really hope we can all go back to normal together.
I love you ❤️💚
#I'm back more or less#thank y'all for your patience and support 💖#hope to slowly be able to go back to normal
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so is there a reason you dont respond to dms orrrrrr
Okay you probably didn’t mean to open the floodgates but I need to VENT about this and an anon ask is there perfect excuse to do that without calling any particular individual out, which I do not intend to do
I have exactly one person in my DMs that isn’t someone asking me to commission them, and we only had a brief exchange a few months ago. For the most part I don’t respond since it always seems to follow a formula
Pretty much all my DMs start with someone saying “Hi” with no further context or elaboration, and from that alone I know where this is going but also don’t want to just make an assumption and come off as rude, so I respond in kind. The response is usually “How are you” or something like that; a pleasantry that doesn’t really do much to explain what’s up. So again, I just respond in kind. About 95% of the time they just respond with an “I’m good thanks” and, once again, nothing else
I don’t know how common this is outside of people asking you to commission them, but I honestly don’t like when people DM you but still somehow expect you to make the effort to start the conversation. I don’t know why you’re here, you came to me; what do you want me to say at this point? Maybe I’m just too antisocial to realise this isn’t abnormal behaviour and I’m just being rude, but it really winds me up tbh
And more annoying, when done in this context at least, is when they start asking further questions and trying to start a conversation - still without explaining why they’re actually messaging. Not because I don’t want that, but because, when it’s done to get commissions, it feels kinda manipulative to me, but at the same time it always makes me doubt myself; on the off chance this actually is someone wanting to talk and be friends, I don’t want to shut them down and be rude about it. So I’ll usually answer a question or two to see if it actually goes anywhere, but it of course never does
I end up asking “Is there any particular reason you wanted to DM me?” and the response still never gets straight into it; it’s almost always something like “Do you like art?” or “I see you like drawing” or things like that, like they’re looking for a prompt to continue. Again, no clue why this is. At this point I’m just dreading it because I know what’s coming but at the same time I think stuff like “What if they’re just wanting tips? What if they’re just a bit awkward? What if I assume and it’s wrong and I look like a presumptuous asshat?”, so I usually just go “Yeah?” instead
And THEN they finally mention that they do commissions, and I’m pissed off at myself for getting to this point again. I end up saying something like “Thank you, but I really enjoy creating my own artwork and so I’m not looking to commission others for it. Best of luck though”
The best response I can hope for is just a “No worries” or something, or even to just get no response at all. But the vast majority of the time, it’s something like “Oh, okay then…” or “Are you sure? I do X Y Z, you should look at my posts” or even “That’s fine I guess, I just wasn’t making enough money off of commissions this month so I needed to go around and ask”. Things that feel a little bit passive-aggressive or pushy to me. Though I also get ‘lovely’ messages like “I see you’re drawing X, I can help make it better”, which even I can’t excuse as anything but
So at this point, I don’t typically respond to DMs that don’t explain why they’re messaging. I’m more than happy to chat with people and make friends, but too many people do it just to get the commissions and then ghost when I don’t bite. It really upset me the first few times because I thought I was about to make some artist/writer friends, only to find out that they only wanted business from me and they weren’t going to talk again if I didn’t give them that
Please don’t let this deter anyone from reaching out and DMing with the intention of just having a chat; I would be more than happy for it. I just wanna know upfront what you’re looking for rather than getting a sinking feeling when I see that dreaded “Hi” pop up again
#post not directed at anyone in particular including the anon#seriously don’t try and befriend me so that I feel like an asshole for not commissioning you#it just makes me feel shitty#and no more inclined to commission you whatsoever#i don’t think i’ll ever understand why people do that i never did it when i was taking commissions#anon ask#writing#writers#writeblr#bookblr#book#writers on tumblr#writerscommunity#writers of tumblr#writer#creative writing#art#artists#artist#artists on tumblr#art commisions#commission
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As much as Ichigo believed that there probably wasn't a hollow alive who would mess with Grimmjow and disobey an order to retreat--he'd almost like to see him tear one apart. It would be intense and quick probably considering how powerful Grimmjow was than the common hollow. "Noted. Still I bet there would be one or two unfortunate enough to try and mouth off to you." Ichigo would say before he found himself laughing again, an arm wrapped around his stomach. "Right. Right. You aren't Grimmjow. " Wiping away at his eyes, he would continue. "You are you, I just---you know. It's too much fun teasing you is all."
"Rukia's a pretty straight forward person. I think anyway. So if you meant it then she forgave you. I wouldn't worry too much about her. If anything her simply hearing you out is probably proof enough of that you know?" Ichigo would figure anyway. He was plenty forgiving himself even now towards Grimmjow. He didn't hold any ill will towards him, another tool and instrument of Aizen that was discarded and abandoned. He knew that it couldn't have been pleasant serving under someone like him for sure. "He got what he deserved, that day I helped to strike him down. That's for sure." All of the horrible things he did, people he hurt---killed even. It was too long to count.
Finally Ichigo would feel his heart finally stop beating so hard as Grimmjow finally relented. He was grateful for that at least. "Thank you Grimmjow." He would find himself saying before he continued on. "Yeah pretty much. It's a wonder I didn't grow up and have a heart attack from all those processed salts and sugars." He would probably blame that on his fighter background. Growing up learning martial arts and always being active. At his mention of recipes he would smile to him nodding. "Of course. I think they'd like that a lot. If anything might help them diversify what we make at home." Ichigo would certainly enjoy that as well. Though he really should start to learn how to cook for himself at some point. "That sounds like a plan. I really look forward to trying what your envisioning."

"Well," Ichigo began matter of factly. "That'll change then as we become friends. I'll do my best to show you more kindness, at least as much as you can stomach without calling me weird." Ichigo would chuckle. "Oh well-- um, I mean I could try and hug you but I dunno---I mean, I don't want to um---" He would find himself stammering again. "I wouldn't wanna overstep my bounds or nothing. But yeah. It's a good thing, hugs and all that. Best way to show someone you care is with a good hug."
"Well it means plenty to me." Ichigo would respond with a small tilt of his head. "But I get it, in terms of me seeming more--friendly I guess to the others out there, knowing that I was on good terms with them would be a good idea. Otherwise we might have to be throwing hands across the sands, and I don't know if I feel like getting tossed around again. Last time I had sand in my out fit for days you know? Gets in weird places."
"'S not just me bein' here that's stoppin' Hollows from comin' here, really, but they know if I'm in the area and they don't listen when I tell them to haul their asses back to Hueco Mundo I'll tear them apart," There weren't as many Hollows in Hueco Mundo anymore, so Grimmjow was more often than not sending them back by simply telling them to go back, but some weren't too keen on listening, even to the king of Hueco Mundo, fucking little shits is what they were. He'd pushed Ichigo during their fight though he'd not used much of his actual power in the end, he'd merely wanted to ensure the other attained something that would be useful later on, but he wasn't going to say that. Besides, Ichigo was fun to fight and he knew he'd be just as fun to spar with. "I ain't yer pet Arrancar, Kurosaki." His tone was dry and his expression unamused for a brief moment, not too bad, and he wasn't mad or anything.
"Rukia... oh, yeah... I remember her, the tiny woman I put my hand inside when we first met. I've... apologized to her but I dunno if she actually believed me." He supposed that was fine, she didn't need to believe him for him to be serious with his apology to her, he'd hurt her back then, when he was under Aizen's control. "I know all about his true colors, I'd been an Arrancar for a while before he officially took over Las Noches." Most of them had been Arrancar for a while, and he'd been the first 'perfect' creation of Aizen's, though he'd never been given any real preferential treatment. In fact, he'd been the brunette's favorite punching bag. "He betrayed us in the end too, used us to his own end, then discarded us like broken toys." He'd never really liked working under Aizen in the first place but he'd done so because he wasn't willing to be put to death. He'd seen so many Arrancar get created and almost immediately destroyed because they refused to bend at the knee.
"Uh huh... well, if ya say so." He'd eye the other, noting his expression with a lofted brow, he could tell Ichigo wasn't being fully truthful but he wasn't going to try and get whatever was flustering him out of him. Not yet, anyway. It was really too bad that he'd recall this particular moment, and the ones that led up to it for a very long time to come. He needed something to leverage over Ichigo's head, right? "So basically, overly processed stuff, or instant things like noodles and the like?" How were they still alive? He had a thought to write down a few recipes for Ichigo's sisters, or he could maybe talk to them, if they were spiritually aware, at least. He'd chuckle at Ichigo admitting that he'd likely have a weakness to ghost peppers, most humans did from what the Arrancar knew, so it wasn't shocking to him.
"'S fine, I'd never put ghost pepper anythin' in somethin' I make for ya to eat, Kurosaki, I might be a bastard but I ain't that cruel. Speakin' of cookin', ya said yer sisters like to do so? How about I write down a few recipes for them, maybe yer old man and ya can try them cooked by them?" He knew a number of dishes that could be made with the ingredients available in Karakura so his sisters could easily get what was needed to whip them up. Most in mind were fairly simple but tasty dishes. If Ichigo's sisters were as good at cooking as the ginger was saying they were they'd have no issues with any of the dishes he was thinking about. "I'll find a few mild jalapeno for the dish then nothin' too spicy, but still has the proper zing for what I'm thinkin'." He'd nod after that, he wasn't going to force someone to consume anything they couldn't handle, and he knew how to discern if a pepper was too spicy, sweet, or perfectly mild.
Ichigo wasn't wrong though, he didn't know anything about kindness, not really. Especially not from a being that wasn't another Arrancar. Nel was kind to him, but she was kind to everyone, Halibel was too. He just never thought someone like Ichigo would... be kind to him, maybe? He wasn't sure anymore and he wasn't going to think too hard about it now. "Not kindness from... anyone other than Nel or Hali, but I think those two bein' kind and ya bein' kind is different. Arrancar like me, we... were never shown kindness, just pain." Hearing the other describe what a hug was made his brows furrow again, he was clearly confused but, that was mostly because he couldn't visualize such a thing. Hugs weren't anything any Arrancar were likely overly familiar with save for Nel and she didn't hug anyone that he knew of. "Interestin' I'll have to take yer word for it, since I have no way to visualize what it is yer talkin' about."
Hearing Ichigo chuckling would make his brows raise upward the taller male eyeing the other briefly as he spoke once more. "Pretty sure havin' Nel or Hali vouch for ya means more than my vouchin', Kurosaki." If the other was trying to tease him, it'd clearly gone over his head. He would appreciate the help should Ichigo decide to do so, though. There was only so much ground one Arrancar, no matter how fast they were, could cover alone in a single day.
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autistic need to clarify everything all the time i know i said pre game aeryn has the carrion feathers hairstyle but that is not true it is simply the closest i could get to it. he had the yolandi visser mullet for few years around the time he first met gortash, but a year or so pre-game he cuts it like his in-game maudlin pixie which is basically gortash’s haircut but styled different. and yes it’s intentional. i don’t think i’ve mentioned this before but it is very much intentional that their hair is similar in colour and length :3
but is it a “little sister who copies you” thing or “big brother who forcefully models you in his own image” thing?? i guess we’ll never know.
#maybe he Did have white/blonde hair and gort dyed it blueblack like his. much to think about .#would be funny for him to have black hair and white roots coming in in-game#anyway i actually picture him with. a lot of different hairstyles. he was fully bald for a while. had a mohawk for a while.#probably did have the carrion feathers at some point actually but. yknow.#your daily dose of idiocy#oc aeryn#aeryn and gortash#<- i guess? i mean it’s mentioned so. sure
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erik will genuinely jump at any chance he can to steal charles' last name and be so catty about it i know this for a fact WHAT is his deal
[Magneto (2011)]
#cherik#snap chats#if i had a nickel every time erik went by 'mr xavier' at some point id have two and its making me wheeze#like at least the first time it was to be headmaster or whatever so it at least makes sense but vjaevlEVEKJV WHY#needed our mandatory charles mention for the magneto issue ig alright ill take it#legit tho why did he feel inclined to steal charles name vjelkvjeaklj like his names 'erik magnus' in this#while i was trying to answer that fashion ask i stumbled upon this thing and gave it a quick read#its only one issue and fairly short so why not#Context Squad I Guess this issue's just sharing the first time erik moves to new york#hence. stealing charles name i guess vjaLVKJAJKL like girl you didnt do anything evil yet ..... alright .... just to be sure ig...#do you ever think he freezes getting called mr xavier or is he so used to it at this point#maybe he twirling his hair and giggling to himself every time he hear it idk#oh but yeah he didnt do anything evil yet. he actually gets his suit in this issue from a woman named cassandra .....#not charles sister of course but still im laughing anyway because he wants her to join him in his Not-Brotherhood group#and shes like 'i met you like five days ago youre insane' and the sort#its an ok read. its unnerving seeing erik smile so much- especially so broadly but its not like. an offensive issue. its standard#it does the job on sharing the story. not that im a critic of any sort vjalkjkaLJ#at the very least it's implied erik has a notable accent in this so thats very cool 🥰#its always cute whenever erik admits hes a drama lover too like vjeLVJEalkvjelkj like at least hes self aware this theater kid 😩#ok bye ive been meaning to work on something but ive been running around all day valkvjkae
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Look, I rewatched all of Bravern to try and make more sense of it now that I know plot twists and stuff and honestly how does Lewis never ask anything about the cockpit that he was in for four seconds. I think he should mention it. I think he's allowed to talk about it.
#brave bang bravern#lewis smith#isami ao#how does this man never mention the wire tentacles actually#i think i would mention the wire tentacles#i think i would think obviously thats why isami doesnt like to get inside the robot surely i can talk about this with him#and then be very wrong but you know thats just me ?#i went to crunchy roll JUST TO SCREENSHOT this from episode seven because im too scared#to google cockpit tentacles so thats on me but that is literally just a screenshot from the episode#fellas is it gay to talk to your crush about cockpit tentacles -#bravern spoilers#just in case i guess ??? i mean ? since its in episode 7 ill consider that late enough in the show to count as a spoiler#i cant believe i watched this show twice all the way through ... its so ....#i normally dont get into mecha anime tbh but its so stupid but sincere and shows a whole lotta trauma#so i find it endearing i guess but it might also be my bias to the stupidity#i like cringefail loser guys and im blessed with them in this show#plus its only 12 episodes#but anyway please know that lewis is my favorite and im very happy he just gets to adopt a daughter and be gay the entire show#like truly good for him and his daughter im happy for them both
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OKAY. I saw only one post talking about this but I want to stop it before it gets too big. Fit and Pac is Hideduo. Not FoundDuo. Just cause they aren't 'hiding their feelings' doesn't mean we change the duo name. They didn't get that name cause they were secretly crushing on each other. They got the name from when they first became friends, before they were even shipped. An explanation for the people that are new to Fit and Tazercraft since the ship took off; Fit and Tazercraft became really good friends while Tazercraft was building the hide and seek map. Fit and Ramon would go over and see what they were up to and check on their progress and generally being their friend, earning the three of them (Fit, Pac, and Mike) the trio name 'Hide & Seek Trio'. This name then got split to form 'HideDuo' (Fit and Pac) and 'SeekDuo' (Fit and Mike). It's a set. Just cause Fit and Pac know that they like each other doesn't change the duo name. Don't change the duo name.
#qsmp#qsmp fit#qsmp fitmc#hideduo#qsmp pac#fitpac#fitmc#pactw#foundduo#< i never want to type that again#qsmp discourse#< i guess#qsmp mike#< technically#i mean he's mentioned so i guess he's here too#if im wrong feel free to correct me#but im 95% sure im right here#LCChats
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The one time (up to all three times if you also count Noah and/or Sylvester) any of Ally's PCs have had romantic feelings for male characters that relationship was already established before the start of the campaign and I like to think (because it's the funniest interpretation) that that's because for the life of them, Ally cannot figure out how to play someone falling in love with a man
#least into men person of all time. absolutely iconic#ally beardsley#dimension 20#also i haven't finished neverafter so idk how prominently tim's husband appears but like. noah is only fleetingly mentioned and sylvester i#played by grant who ally is really good friends with and has been for ages and i haven't finished that campaign either but i'm pretty sure#the exact nature of their relationship is pretty ambiguous. if i had to guess based on the parts i have seen like. qpr? ish? who knows#so like. tim's husband (forgot his name) is the only one who even definitely counts. which is a tiny percentage of romantic partners ally's#pcs have had over the years to begin with! especially since they've done the most side quests of any intrepid hero. i mean pete alone went#thru like 3 in two seasons anyway (which btw i think is a record of like. committed relationships of any d20 pc? i think? i mean not if you#divide by season ofc then i'm sure there's plenty that have had more (amathar comes to mind) but you get my point. i'm rambling anyway i#just thought this was a kind of funny lil observation. or maybe they're doing it on purpose lol#ally beardsley the comedian that you are#mine
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