#<- i guess? i mean it’s mentioned so. sure
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sheepispink · 1 day ago
guess who’s back ;)
puppy hybrid! rookie reader x lt ghost, where you're considered a failure by your instructors and of course when one of them falls sick, the responsibility of training you lands on him
aka this is my apology for making so many of you cry.
cw: hurt/comfort, fluff, tf141 at the end :)
To be a hybrid handler was possibly one of the best qualifications a soldier could have, especially with the new rise in hybrid cross-breeds across the world’s military. Ghost had one, took the course when no one wanted to go near it, and now he was only one of the few fits on base to have one. So naturally, when one of the hybrids’ usual instructors had to take a sick leave, he was pressured to step in. The other hybrids had set schedules for their sessions but since you were from the facilities, you needed extra support; well, actually all your extra academic classes meant you didn't have the regular timetable. That’s where he stepped in, taking over the ill instructor’s sessions and training you privately.
That wasn't the issue though, no, it was your file; it was awful. Angry comments about being stubborn, large red crosses next to exercises and well, your behaviour report wasn’t exactly bright either—you just never seemed to get anything right. There weren't any specific notes as to why you failed, usually just a quick scribble mentioning the many mistakes you made. So, it was safe to say he was dreading having to train you himself. He was used to pre-trained hybrids, or at least ones with their head on their shoulders. In fact, he was surprised you’re even still here, but maybe they just thought they’d dump you on him to deal with for the few weeks.
“Um…. Stay back?” You question, your head tilted to the side and ears perking as you try your best to remember what field signal he just did. He stifles a sigh—another one wrong—but it’d only be worse to give up now, so instead he opts for a different approach. “What signals do you know?” 
You were terrified of him, that much was clear, but he felt a little reluctant to give you the same stern treatment as every other rookie. After all, you were bought from the facilities, and before that you would’ve been taken from your family at a relatively young age. That doesn't mean he’ll be lenient though, just a little more patient than most officers around here.
“Well.. Move forward, enemies ahead, don't move, and follow me. I know there’s more but not the signals..” Your ears flatten on your head, expecting some kind of blow, but his eyes just narrow behind the mask, looking back at the training mats in the corner of the room.
The next forty minutes he displays each sign back to you, making you repeat them back to him before ending that exercise. Only then does he gesture you to the training mats, seeing what you know in terms of defence and attack, but even that is weak, your form sloppy and reckless. There’s only ten minutes left of the session, so he seats you again, standing before you as he tests a signal.
“Uh…. Stay close?” He nods, affirming you’re correct and you perk up instantly, watching his signs intently as you continue to give a few more correct answers, only your ears drooping when you get a few more wrong. He corrects you each time, making sure you’re aware before testing you with another. At the end, he passes you a sheet from his bag, the signals printed on it. “Learn these by tomorrow.” And then he’s gone, disappeared out of the room while you’re left alone staring at the paper before you.
The next day you’re in the room early, like you had been yesterday as well; weirdly enough, you were surprisingly punctual, but he didn't have the time to question that. “Alright, ready for your test?”
He’s slightly sceptical when you actually get them all correct, save for a few, since it’s surprising progress with your track record. Plus, your form is improving too, especially when he corrects it as you go along; you manage to remember when he makes you do it again. He can’t even deny he likes the way your tail wags every single time he nods in approval.
So why was your file so bad? If you really were a failure, you would barely be improving but here you are at a steady pace. He supposes that compared to the others you’re probably at least two weeks behind in the exercises. Ideally he’d just catch you up to speed and call it a day. However, his current concern lies on why you haven't improved if you were brought here a month ago. Sure, maybe the future exercises were a lot more difficult than the basic hand signals, but something seems a little… off.
His next session with you is three days from now, so he can't just straight up ask you, especially with your current skittish behaviour regarding him. For now, he’d have to investigate himself. The best source of information is your other class and the easiest way to get that is via some cameras. It’s technically not a violation of privacy, considering there are plenty of cameras around base and the training rooms should have them anyway. The instructor can just consider it a surprise upgrade; if he even notices the change that is. 
Ghost watches as you walk in first, settling in the front corner—- perhaps the instructor does give you the extra help you need then? The other hybrids come a few moments later and then the instructor arrives right on time. “Alright, warm-ups.” He orders, and you all get to work, with you trying to copy what the other hybrids do to the best of your ability. They’re a lot stronger than you, that much is obvious, and most are some form of a dog or wolf hybrid as well—considering they’ve been proven to work well in military situations. They stretch their limbs out as you turn around and imitate the same, all of you strangely quiet, but Ghost supposes that’s just maintaining focus. The officer cuts the warm up after a few minutes, beginning his first session in ‘taking advantage’ of blind spots whilst also keeping an eye on your own. He gets one of the soldiers to come upfront and help demonstrate all while you watch, then he gestures towards the targets at the back of the room, offering you all to try it out before you go against each other.
Ghost is almost considering just turning off the cameras at this point, wondering if he should go grab lunch and then rewatch it in his spare time— or maybe he should just ditch this after all, you were just a hybrid anyway. 
You’ve gone up now, and he watches, but something’s not right as you get into position. Since you’re not that skilled in fighting just yet, your offensive posture isn’t the greatest and that’s visible to any eye, especially the instructor. He motions to the opposing hybrid to fix his, before walking around and motioning to begin. Of course, you fail, getting toppled over almost instantly if not for Ghost’s work on defensive moves. You’re pushed down against the mat, head turned forcefully against the floor, the hybrid’s hand’s on your throat almost a little too aggressively until a signal is given to stop.
The instructor only scoffs, pulling the other hybrid up and leaving you gasping for air. “I knew you’d fall over like that, your posture was awful.”
This becomes a pattern throughout the rest of the exercises, your wrong choices and how the instructor barely says a word until after the incident. But why? Ghost doesn't understand—if he knew it would happen, why wouldn’t he just at least correct you beforehand?
Your eyes flicker toward the others pouncing on a target, watching with intrigue how they position their feet and their arms. “Stop staring, creep!” One of the large hybrid taunts behind you, grabbing you by the neck of your shirt and shoving you back down to the floor. 
It’s becoming harder and harder to stay motivated at this point, especially with how much your back is hurting from being overpowered all week. At least the other hybrids didn't laugh this time, though you wonder if that’s really a good thing since it was only due to the fact everyone expects your incompetence now. Like a reused joke, you’re becoming a boring topic. That can only mean you’re closer to being returned to the facility again which is never a good thing. No one wants a used item.
The thought scares you into motivation; you stand, smoothening the ruffled fur of your tail with one hand before stepping up to one of the targets. You have to try; it’s the best thing you can do even if your feet are starting to ache terribly. Swallowing down your anxiety, you try to remember how their stance was. It was going well until you ended up banging your shoulder against the wood rather than pushing it down. You tumble down with a groan, landing right in front of your instructor. 
“Do you have two left feet or something? Your balance was completely off the entire time— anyone could see that.” He rolls his eyes up at you, watching as you rub your shoulder in clear pain. Your lips twist into a deep frown, confused to say the least, and you finally look up at him. “Why didn't you correct me beforehand?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t listen anyway; you never do.” He scoffs in response, annoyed that you even tried to talk back, before stepping away to fix another hybrid's posture. You don't know why you even bothered to ask; it would always be the same response. They all saw you fail, and yet they never made an effort to even try to help, like you weren’t even worth spending energy on. From the first day you were marked as the runt, even if you really weren’t in the slightest.
“You’re failing all the exercises.” Ghost drops the file before you, letting you see all the red crosses against each lesson. He reminds himself that this is for a good cause when your face instantly drops, used to his praise for good progress. It was the only thing you looked forward to anymore, having long given up on the dream that you’d prove your instructor wrong by doing an exercise perfectly. It’d never happen. The thing is, he can help you, but you won't catch up anywhere near to the others on your current schedule; he just needs to push you to want more, to need more, and he’ll fulfil that for you. 
“I- I'm trying, I promise. I just- it’s not my fault—” You fumble with your words, convinced he’s giving up on you. He can see the bandages littering your hands, the wince when you try to move suddenly.
“It’s not enough.” His voice is stern, yet still he knows it’s the calmest you’d get in this new life you’ve been forced into. You have no choice now but to move forward, and he’d be damned if his own student ended up a failure. “You need to train harder and—”
“I’ll do that! We can start now, actually whenever you want. Please, Ghost— I’ll work as hard as I possibly can!” 
He thought it’d be harder than that.
You’ve stepped so close he’s almost positive you were going to grab his shirt and beg him for a second. Your tail swishes from side to side too, ears perked high on your head and your hands clasped together. Is he going crazy or did you just give him puppy dog eyes?  
“I’m supposed to be convincing you, idiot.”
“.. Nevermind.” He rolls his eyes up at you and shakes his head; well at least he didn’t have to start pointing out the incentives of working harder to you. Though he doubts you’ll be able to handle his intensive training program; at least you’re trying to start.
“So will you train me then?” 
“Yeah, yeah Pup. But I don't think you realise how tough it’s gonna be.” His arms cross firmly over his chest, looking down at you with narrowed eyes. “I want you up early at five am and do warm ups straight after breakfast. None of these bandages either, that’ll ruin your performance. You think you can do that?” He leans in, almost threatening but despite your initial stance towards him, you don't even flinch. “Yes sir!” 
You’re just excited that someone’s finally taking a chance on you.
So, for the next week, you get up early every day, wait for him in the gym before beginning your two-hour training session. He has his own priorities during that time so you’re left with “homework”, as he likes to describe it, which is usually a bunch of tactical knowledge you have to learn. Sometimes it’s what to do in certain situations, other times it’s medical knowledge, hell he even made you disassemble and reassemble a gun once. That last one didn't work out too well since you accidentally swept a few screws away with your tail. Oops
It wasn’t for nothing though. You steadily began to improve; just his corrections had you catching up quickly and putting up a fair fight against the rookie he set up to spar with you. In fact, your sessions with the other instructor have been going well, even managing to beat a few hybrids there when you only had hoped to put up enough of a fight. If he was being really honest, you had actually shocked him at how strong you held up the entire week of intense training. You may be seen as a failure to your officer, but to him, you were nothing short of a real soldier.
Finally, it’s Friday, marking the end of all this training that he’s had you doing. It’s almost dinner, though you ate plenty for lunch anyway, and you both stand in the empty room, a few props littering the room. He wanted to have a look at your pouncing technique, since those attacks worked best for a hybrid like you, and your strong teeth do have a good advantage. The methods are a little feral, but hey, you technically are part animal.
“And.. Go!” He signals, and you lunge forward, grabbing at the fake man and digging your teeth through the side of his neck. You rip through the first layer with ease, legs locked around the dummy’s middle and claws sharp into the arms. “That’s it!” He calls it off after he watches, the time slowly ticking towards seven pm. You climb off, and he nods in approval, walking forward to offer you a hand which you take with another tail wag. “Good work. That’s all for this week.” He helps you shrug off the gear, tucking it under his arm as you take a seat at the nearby bench.
 There are only a few minutes till dinner, and you’re usually starving by this time so he decides to clear up the equipment today, placing it down into the small storage cupboard and packing it in its respective spots. 7pm. Only took him about seven minutes to clear the room up which has to be a new record by now.
Closing the closet door behind him, he pulls out his phone, ready to lay back for the day. He’s about to open the door when he hears a quiet noise, then another, followed by a soft thud. Confused, he looks back, surprised to find you slumped on the bench as you snore quietly, your arms hanging off the side as your tail hangs limply off the edge. You’re completely knocked out.
“Pup?” His boots echo against the hardwood floor, but you still remain asleep, cheek smushed into the bench as he crouches before you. A small smile creases the edge of his mask, a fond sigh leaving his lips. “Alright, let’s get you to bed.” He scoops you up easily, carrying you through the quieter corridors to your room, and gently settling you to sleep comfortably for the remainder of the night. You deserved it.
Your other instructor returned that Monday, and Ghost was removed from his responsibility for you. Whilst he was glad you had improved, he was just relieved to have his old life back, ready to focus on the 141 as it should have always been. “Ghost! I did it! I did it!!” You squeal, running up to him whilst he’s mid-workout, showing him the sheet that confirms your status as a proper soldier now. You’re brimming with joy, and he’s happy for you, one hand ruffling your hair. “Knew you could do it.”
And that was that. You got your job, he completed his temporary work. 
That’s what he assumed anyway..
“Ghost? Can you check my form?” He allowed it the first time, leaving his weights to correct you before continuing his workout again.
“Ghost— can you teach me how to play this?” It was a simple game of cards and your first pub outing after a long mission. Besides, the others were busy puking their guts out.
“Hi Ghost! Can I sit here?” Well, Soap and Gaz were on a mission anyway; it’s not like he would be having breakfast with anyone else. Maybe your friends were out of base too?
“Ghost..” Sleepy eyes stare up at him as you lazily stretch beside him, Soap on his right and Gaz on your left. The movie has only just started, and you’re already giving him that expectant look. “Fine, fine.” He clicks the recliner on the side of the couch, lifting his legs to lay flat and allow you to stretch yours too. 
“Ghost..” You mumble out again, and he chuckles, the movie not even halfway through, and he’s got you melting into the cushions just from his hands scratching the back of your fluffy ears. They twitch every now and then, reminding him that you’re still awake somehow.
“Pup down.” Soap whispers, and he nods in turn, looking at the bundle of fur laying over him, your thick tail trapping his legs like some sort of weighted blanket. His hand runs through the soft strands, content as the credits roll and your chest rises and falls slowly. Somehow, you had managed to manoeuvre yourself with your face squashed against his legs and your fingers clutching the fabric of his sweatpants, the 141’s symbol engraved in the cold metal hanging around your neck. Of course, they’d all tease you about it tomorrow during your outing down to the beach. That’s how it works, of course;  wherever your handler goes, you follow.
a/n: thank you all so much for 1000 followers! just a little psa that i probably wont be too active in the next two weeks. tumblr used to be my safe space and i used to be so excited to come on and scroll thru my dash for some good fics but i just feel so empty with it :(. i havent lost my passion for writing dont get me wrong, and i'm still very happy to chat with moots, just the whole aspect of tumblr is so exhausting for me along with other things in my life atm
anyway rant over thanks for reading bye bye
@mortem-writes @pythonmoth
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queen-mihai · 1 day ago
Holy mackerel, I did not think people were still into this post
Today's update is a huge one.
Literally my life has made several gigantic swings. My goodness yall strap in cuz we're going for a ride.
I have a polycule now. I'm not sure when the last actual update was, but I've been doing a bit of online dating ever since...idk maybe for about a year now
I have known I was polyamorous since before I started this blog. But I never knew my love life would or even could go as deep as it has
As... as of right now I have a dozen people who I call my partners and probably more than two dozen in a giant poly cluster in varying states somewhere between friendship and "we could not imagine our lives without each other and we've changed each other for the better but technically we're not dating cuz life is complicated but it's cool cuz we're happy and anyway we love each other"
Multiple people have literally altered their entire life plan as a result of meeting me
I... how is that even.... like that's so easy for me to say and so obviously true that I can't not mention it in a big life update like this.... but it also seems insane to say!!! Changed lives? With an s? Multiple lives? And these are people all over the world! The implications! Friggin' army of hot queers! I love yall so much!
So.. what else.. money...I still need to finish making the master-post for "The Master's Quest: Meet Annabella"
I really need to sell that book more, along with finishing and publishing the second book of the series. I really need to make my own way in the world. I've got to actually make it as an author because there's a LOT riding on me continuing to have the ability to care for people close to me
I've moved. I have a nice new apartment that's bigger than the house I used to have
At least one of my partners wants to move in with me and we're making arrangements to make that work for everyone.
I have a discord server that I'm looking at taking public so that yall can get to know me better... and so that we can build a lovely community that works as well as my private friend group. I'm really good at running these communities, so it should be really good. I just need to make sure I have moderation in place so that it doesn't disrupt my entire life
I've gotten really good at making soul food, and I realized I'm the matriarch of my own online family... meaning I'm closer to becoming "Big Mama" than I ever thought I'd be at this age
I'm the Big Mama of my internet family... that's huge
Oh and I've started gaming again! I play a lot of Warframe and Baldurs Gate 3 at the moment! It's so fun!
Also I stream on Twitch! Come hang out with me while I play Warframe! I'm probably gonna start playing every other Thursday thanks to my not-quite-a-partner
There's been a lot of stupid stuff too. My doctor hasn't updated my sick leave. I met a girl locally who I thought was cool, only for her to trap me in a looping conversation for a day and a half and treat me like crap when I tried to leave, and lots of people misunderstanding my intentions on so many things
But honestly forget all that
Because my life has improved SO FREAKING MUCH
And continues to get better and better and better
I've never felt so loved in my entire life
Yall feel free to follow @rikkibelle6 @jadethebunny @bwrtrain113 @silentrhow @icyravensflint I love yall so much
I guess I'll see yall in a few months and we'll see where we are then 🥰💝
You know the great thing about my Tumblr?
I'm invisible. Nobody sees me. I'm essentially talking to the void. This will get no notes.
Watch this:
I'm trans. I'm a girl and I'm SUPER bisexual. I like everybody. Girls are hot. Guys are hot. NBs are hot. Trans people are hot. I like to dress and act and be really super girly and I love flirting with people. It doesn't matter cuz this will get zero notes just like everything else I post on here.
Screw it. I'm not even done
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This is me. A black trans bisexual.
I wrote an Ace/Aro person into my book. A trans person too. And one of the guys is gay. He literally has a big flirting scene with a guy in the book. It's pretty strongly suggested that they banged. As the author I can tell you; they did. It's the only sex scene even hinted at in the book and it's gay af.
Wanna know a secret? I think I've been in bed with a famous person. It's so crazy because I'm so terrible at famous people there's no way I'd have known who he was unless he straight up told me. But I did get the inkling he was somebody important by him talking about his soho apartment in New York. And the fact that he was staying in one of the nicest and most expensive hotels in Houston at the time.
And yes,bbtw. I was not aware of my being trans yet. And he was a man. This was a gay interaction. A very gay interaction. I'm bi. But you don't care cuz you're not even reading this.
Anyway yeah I love Tumblr. Nobody notices me
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love-quinn · 3 days ago
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summary — you and remus find each other doing what you both do best: hiding from the rest of the school.
warning — none
pairing — remus lupin x fem!reader
pronouns — none but reader is explicitly mentioned to be a girl
word count — 1.9k
note — this is another super old draft i’ve been sitting on, i hope u like it :3 thank u for 300 followers <3
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The wooden panelling of the window was sticking into your back but you weren’t planning on moving. The sun was hitting your back in a way that filled you up completely. You had your current read in your lap, curling your neck into a crevice. The East hallway on the fifth floor was pretty much deserted most afternoons, most of the classrooms up there were for classes that no longer ran anymore.
Summer was quickly approaching, and with summer came the end to your time at Hogwarts. You weren’t a hundred percent sure you knew what you were doing after you finished school, you knew the general field, but you didn’t have a dream job or anything.
The pages of your book were browned by the sunshine, and it was hot to the touch as you flipped the page.
There was the distant sound of footsteps, and you shrunk further into your alcove, a little sunset set right into a window that overlooked the Quidditch pitch. The Hufflepuffs were training down there, and you watched them zoom around between pages.
You had nowhere you were meant to be, it was hours until curfew and the wing wasn’t off limits. No danger of getting in trouble.
The footsteps slowed to a stop around the corner, you couldn’t see them with your back pressed into the panelling. Eventually, you heard a breath, and swivelled your neck to see who was there. You recognised him from a few of your classes, and just from around. He was tall, taller than the rest of his friends, with messy hair and a heaving chest.
You weren’t staring at him, but you were definitely looking. He locked eyes with you and gave a sheepish smile. “Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“You’re alright,” you said gently. “What were you running from?”
He looked embarrassed to have been caught. “Oh, just… you know.”
You didn’t, but you nodded anyway. “Right.”
He looked back in the direction he had come. “Don’t think anyone will come up here looking for me. I don’t suppose you mind sharing your hiding spot with me?” He asked softly.
You pulled your knees closer to your chest, giving him enough room on the seat to sit. There was already room, it was deep enough for you both to sit side by side, but you figured he’d want the space. “I’ve seen you around loads,” he said, tucking himself away. His eyes were the colour of honey in the sunlight. He sat cross-legged, sleeves of his jumper pulled over his slender fingers. “Are we in the same muggle studies class?”
You nodded, pleased with the recognition. “I don’t know why you take that class, you already know everything.”
“My mum’s a muggle born,” he laughed, ducking his head. “But she was never able to share that stuff with me as much as she wants to, not with… all this,” he gestured around and your eyes fell to the quidditch team on the ground. They were packing up, dusk was coming soon.
“That’s really sweet,” you said honestly, smiling behind where you held your book against your chin.
He gave you a mirrored grin, scratching the back of his neck. “I’m so sorry, but you’ll have to remind me of your name. I’m normally not this rude, I promise.”
You told him and he snapped his fingers like you’d just given him some sort of breakthrough. “Right, I am awfully sorry.”
You shook your head, leaning against the glass of the window. “There’s no need to be sorry.”
He studied your face for a second, a frown working its way into his eyebrows. “You already know my name,” he guessed.
You shrugged, somewhat embarrassed. “I get you guys confused,” you said airily. “You’re either Remus or Sirius.”
He groaned, forehead landing on your knee. “Don’t say that to me, I thought we were becoming friends.” He wiped his hand over his face. “Do I look like much of a Sirius?”
“About as much as you look like a Remus,” you reasoned. That wasn’t entirely true. Remus was soft, it was a cosy name that had some sort of academic background you couldn’t recall. Sirius was a star, you’d learned in mandatory first-year astronomy. You’d never spoken to any of Remus’s friends, but if you had to guess any of them to be named after a star, you’d pick Sirius, charming smiles and chipped nails.
“Godric, just say you hate me.” He said dramatically. “I can never tell him that, he’ll be over the moon.”
You smiled at that, and he brightened. He’d been trying to pull a real, proper, one out of you since he’d arrived. He gave them a lot more liberally than you did apparently. Remus couldn’t really imagine looking at your face and not smiling.
There were more footsteps and Remus sighed. “I’d better head off. You only need one idiot interrupting you.”
You didn’t correct him, though you wanted to. He walked off with the air of someone who wasn’t actively being chased. “I’ll be right back.”
“Okay,” you said agreeably, not really believing him. He’d been a lot nicer than you’d expected. All three of them, Remus, Sirius and their friend James, were fairly intimidating. Taller than most of the other seventh-years, James was the captain of the Quidditch team and Head Boy, and Sirius had his own reputation. It was easy to see them as scary. They’d never done anything to you to cement the idea, but they’d also never done anything to disprove it. Not until then, anyway.
Dinner arrived and you took your book back to the Great Hall to eat. You sat with your friends and had almost forgotten about your encounter with the boy until the next afternoon. There was a summer storm coming, heralding in the season, with thick grey clouds off in the distance. For the moment, though, it was as warm as ever, and you were looking forward to being stretched out on the seat and continuing your book. You had friends, roommates, classmates, plenty of people who would be more than happy to let you keep them company after classes ended. But you liked coming up here. Hogwarts was often busy, especially outside, especially in the warmer months. You got to people watch in the quiet, and you didn’t mind it. The large windows gave you a view of the changing weeks without needing to ever alter your routine to suit the weather.
When you reached the seat, though, it wasn’t empty. Remus Lupin was sitting there with his History of Magic textbook open on his lap. You stood there for a moment, right in the spot he had been when you had seen him the afternoon earlier.
“You can sit,” Remus teased, “I don’t mind sharing.”
You sat, flattening your skirt and mirroring his crossed legs. His were a lot longer than yours, but there was more than enough space for you to give him extra legroom. “Oh, how generous.”
“I brought a book as well,” he held it up. “Mine’s nonfiction, though. I get shy. Figured I didn’t want to put you out too much. Not that I have to stay, of course.”
You shook your head. “Like I said, you’re alright. I can’t really picture you being shy about anything.”
He beamed. “Oh, you should see some of my books.” He let out a puff of air like he hadn’t used enough of his breath by talking. “It’s appalling, honestly. You’d lose all respect for me.”
“I don’t care what you read,” you assured him.
He shook his head. “No, it’s the state of them. You seem like one of those people who think books are this sacred thing - which, don’t get me wrong, I agree. But the state of them, I think I’ve written more in margins than I ever have for school.”
You let out a laugh, not too loud for how close you two were sitting, but loud enough that he could make out each individual layer of your voice. You flipped over your book and showed him your annotations that you had made months ago. This was your favourite, and you’d reread it dozens of times. “Ah, one of us I see,” Remus said happily. His whole face lifted when he smiled, like a spring that had finally let go and been snapped back to its original position.
“This one’s blank, I donate my books back to the school at the end of the year,” he explained. You didn’t even realise the school did that, you’d always gotten your books from Diagon Alley at the beginning of each year. You did vaguely remember seeing old potions textbooks in the bottom of the ingredients cupboard.
“Of course you do,” you shook your head, looking down at your lap and stifling a giggle. “Pack of saints, you lot are.”
Remus looked offended. “I resent your insinuation, evil girl.”
You raised your eyebrows innocently. “I’m just saying, I’m pretty sure I saw one of you throw a dungbomb across the hall during breakfast yesterday morning. I find it rather difficult to connect that person to this one.”
“I am multifaceted,” Remus said matter-of-factly. “Besides, that was James. I had no part in it.”
You gave him an appraising look, but he didn’t waver. “Of course. Where do your friends think you are, anyway?”
That surprised him well and truly. You’d been a bit of a surprise as a whole, really. You usually kept to yourself as far as Remus had seen. Even when you were with your friends, Remus had never heard you talk as comfortably as you seemed to be doing with him. He didn’t understand why you’d ask him that. “Here,” he said like it was obvious. It should have been. “With you.”
“Oh,” your eyebrows furrowed and then your face cleared with much deliberation. “Of course, right.”
“Why would I lie about coming to see you?” He asked, looking right at your face. Your eyeline was still in your lap. “I think you’re great. I want to get to know you better.”
You finally looked up at him and he felt the sun hit his face again, despite the fact that it was now hidden behind the impending clouds. “I want to get to know you better, too, Remus.”
He flashed you a wide grin. “I’ll have to ask their permission, of course.” He was teasing you again. You rolled your eyes and uncrossed your legs, stretching them so you could kick him as gently as possible.
“I hope they’ll like me,” you didn’t realise you did until you said it out loud.
“James’ll love you,” Remus said casually, like you were actually planning on meeting him. Neither of you had any intentions on breaking from your new tradition, especially not so early on. “It’s Sirius you’ll have to win over.”
You bit your lip. “I have to like, prove my intentions with you, or something?”
Remus laughed, and the sound echoed around the corridor. “No, no, you could fuck me over royally and he wouldn’t care.” Your laugh joined his and Remus scooched as close as he could in such a confined space. You didn’t mind, your thigh pressed against his. He finally spoke up again after a minute, voice filled with honey. “No, you’re just much prettier than he is.”
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isetfiretomyself · 2 days ago
Yandere Male Boxer X Idol Reader (G/N)
I'm backkkk! This was a request so if anyone wants a specific Yandere or reader let me know! - Jay \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
So I originally wrote Yandere Boxer with a PR Manager Reader but what if you were an Idol? 🙀Trigger warnings! Violence, Implied creepy manager, drugging, jealousy, I tried to go a little harder on the Yandere part this time! This is all fictional I don't condone toxic behaviour irl!
🦷 Yandere Boxer still got a PR Manager but it wasn't you.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who was told to take a Collab with this shoe company or something... between you and me he was not listening
🦷 Yandere Boxer who really wasn't listening because why are there other celebrities!? This is going to such a drag...
🦷 Yandere Boxer who saw his shoe and...I mean it's okay. It wasn't really his style but everyone thinks he's edgy and all so it's nothing new.
What he didn't except was someone putting a very pretty and proper shoe next to his. "Excuse me? I'm sorry but" you fiddle with your fingers "can you sign this please?"
🦷 Yandere Boxer didn't even know who you were. You looked too pretty to be his fan. He signed it anyway not thinking much of it but he did clock you run off excitedly. That was the first time he smiled in awhile.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who cringed at his shoe adverts or posters, he hated it. This wasn't him but he saw your advertisements and it was like night and day. You were so comfortable Infront of the camera.
🦷 Yandere Boxer found out you were an Idol. Originally in a group but now is more known for your solo songs and modelling gigs. How on earth did an Idol like you become a fan of him!?
🦷 Yandere Boxer who was cooking when he got a call from his PR Manager.
There was a live going viral that mentioned him. Great, last time this happened a really boring match took place. He expected some B tier Boxer to be running his name through the mud, What he didn't expect is to be from you.
"Oh my goodness!" You squeal. "I think I'm allowed to talk about this now. You'll never guess who I met!" The chat was guessing everyone from other Idols to actors but was in shock when you showed Yandere Boxers signature. "Ah! I finally met him! He's just as tall in person, maybe a little hotter though." Yandere Boxer felt his face heat up, can you just say that about someone online!? Someone in chat said something about him being a thug. "Hey he is not! He was really sweet!"
🦷 Yandere Boxer who didn't know why you liked him so much!?
🦷 Yandere Boxer sent you a DM, he's never slid into someone's DM's before...how embarrassing.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who found out you used to do boxing while training. He didn't realise being an idol was so tuff. His face lit up thinking about being your favourite boxer.You were so sweet and friendly, you weren't like his other fans.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who's team meets your team. He saw the way your manager looks at you and he hates it. The desire to just punch his face in overwhelms Yandere Boxer.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who's got a little bit of a fake relationship going on with you for the cameras. He definitely is crushing on you though while you're blissful unaware of this new situation. Thinking you were simply gaining a new friend while being cuddly in public!
🦷 Yandere Boxer notices how you hold onto his arm or resting your head on him. It just feels like you want something, reassurance? Friendship? Maybe even love? (He's a little delusional)
🦷 Yandere Boxer DEFINITELY reads fanfic about you. Has ALL your merch as well, he's a mega fan!
🦷 Yandere Boxer who found out where your manager lives, I mean is it that hard? Like surely he realises that someone as big as Yandere Boxer was following him.
You get a call from your manager at night. It confused you but you still pick it up. "Hello?" "Y/N! I-I just wanted to apologise!" His voice was shaking ,it sounds like he's scared. "Apologies? I don't understand." "I think- I know! I know! I may have given you some inappropriate looks and that's unacceptable." He sounds terrified. "Is everything okay!? Have you been drinking?" You sat up properly, a little scared. "What!? Nonono everything's fine! Do you accept my apologies?" "Sure?" he hung up after that.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who listens to you talk about your weird call with your manager before he quit the next day.
🦷 Yandere Boxer listened acting like he didn't already know this. He knows more then you! He was the reason he was scared!
🦷 Yandere Boxer went around their home and beat the living daylights out of your pervy manger and made him apologise.
🦷 Yandere Boxer watched him make that call, listening to your angelic voice in the other end. He griped the hammer in one hand and the managers free hand in the other. Ready to smash his hand into mush. If a man's willing to look at you funny Yandere Boxer isn't risking him being about to touch you.
"Elijah...can I ask you something?" You look down at the cup you have. Who would of thought Yandere Boxer made such a good cup of tea? "Yeah of course,Anything." "You won't get mad?" Yandere Boxer almost laughs, he gently grips your knee. "Now why would I get mad?" "I..I don't know it's just you didn't seem upset by this? Maybe I haven't explained it properly but he sounded petrified! Then he just quite!" Yandere Boxer's face was blank before smiling slightly. "Listen I beat people up for a living. It's hard for me to get worried. It sounds like his guilty conscious got to him."
You knew your manager. He was a lot of things but self aware was not one. You even asked him not to make certain jokes and he thought you just didn't have enough sleep. How would he have magically realised he's a weirdo!? You had so many questions. You take a sip of the tea again "I suppose you're right... Finding a new manager is going to be a total pain in the neck." "Don't" "excuse me?" Yandere Boxer only really spoke when spoken to so him cutting you off was new. "Why?" You rub your eyes, all this stress is making you tired. "Just think about it. You've had a good career, why not quite while your ahead? You'll get publicity before retirement and then you can move on to more! Have more freedom!" You sip your tea again. "You're a very caring person Elijah but I love my job." You smile and yawn.
🦷 Yandere Boxer who just rubs his thumb over your knee, watching you get more tired over the minutes. The second you closed your eyes he pulled his hand away and went to put your cup in the sink.
He walks around his penthouses making sure all the windows were locked. He stopped getting to a specific door with multiple locks. He flawlessly put all the codes in. The room was large and it was a rather good replica of your room. He tried his best. He sat on the bed with his head in his hands.
🦷 Yandere Boxer needed to hype himself to lock you in there. What if this manger is worse? You won't quite . Deep down he knew you wouldn't but he wanted to try the easy way first.
🦷 Yandere Boxer gently placed you into the bed and tucked you in. He rolled his sleeves up, his dark skin complimented with tattoos.(including your initials because your full name it so public)
🦷 Yandere Boxer put a metal shackle on your ankle before letting you rest. It's okay! You'll get use to relaxing with time!
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officeobject · 3 days ago
(Not sure if I've already reblogged this but oh well).
Also, I saw this before having watched the episode, saw the episode, and they don't even mention him being 19 - it's from a source outside the show (so, a lot of people wouldn't know), she REFERS to him as a teen instead of just saying that young adults (since she and her twin are like, NOT young adults) - are easy to manipulate, so that means she SEES him as a teen, not even as a young adult, and the fact that she even says that, AND the fact that she even mentions his age in any way at all, is sure something - oh, and since we don't get to know his age within the episode, and he LOOKS like a teen/looks like he could be a teen, and it's at some place full of minors, and minors were a big plot-point (and a minor was the REASON Moxxie and Millie even went OUT there), and that she CALLS him a teenager, then for all the viewer's know, he could've been some 16 year old!
Also, now, I hate most teenagers more than the next guy, but I HATE the portrayal of him in the episode - like, why are we supposed to laugh at him getting groomed?! YES he is easy to manipulate, there's a power-dynamic, and he's full of hormones and a brain that hasn't developed yet - AND GUESS WHAT, IT DOESN'T MAKE HER A BETTER PERSON, FOR MANIPULATING HIM ANYWAY! Dude has a reason for dealing with drugs, and the shame and illegality of that, and presumably self-esteem issues, and has some pretty girl he's attracted to, who acts sexual for him, AND WE'RE SUPPOSED TO LAUGH AT THAT?!
And like, this isn't a teenager suffering their consequences from bad choices, or some jerk getting karma, or anything, this is some 19 year old getting therapy bills pilled up, and it's NOT funny, it's NOT satisfying, and the whole "teenagers easy to manipulate - lmao, so desperate" thing comes off as ageist.
They could've achieved something like that, in other ways - oh and by the way, no kidding there's an easy-to-manipulate teen dealing with drugs - THAT'S KINDA BECAUSE HE'S IN THE AGE MEANT FOR TESTING BOUNDARIES AND GETTING MORE FREEDOM AND FORMING IDENTITY AND DEVELOPING YOUR BRAIN ALL WHILE HORMONES RUSH AROUND - anyways, they could've achieved that, by making teens start drugs or whatever, just because they WANT to, or have some insisting on finding "the one" even though it's some guy who JUUUUUST touches the bar of being a nice person (by teenage standards which is even lower than the normal standards), or randomly jumping into a wall for a dare - in fact, I OFTEN write "youngsters be like" type of humor.
If wanting to write "man, that's a weird thing to say to a teen" type of humor, or something like that, then take inspiration from ME - like, make a character be like "awwww! Are you a good little teenie?!", or take inspiration from weird stuff you'd say when YOU were a teen, or make a character critique teens near a teen on accident, or make someone have a fear of teens to the point of comedy, etc.
And that's not even me MENTIONING, the OTHER weird stuff, from this episode!
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"The lengths people go to justify Barbie grooming a teenage boy is so wild. It doesn't matter if he's 19 it's still weird as all hell."
Submitted by anonymous
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fuctacles · 19 hours ago
ST events tumblr community
<< fifteen | 😺 | seventeen >>
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When Steph's body heat leaves his lap, Eddie can suddenly feel how unpleasant his underwear has became. He picks at the fabric around his thighs, inspecting damage, and is grateful that he hasn't through soaked to his sweatpants. Yet. 
"Do you need something to change into? You can take a shower, too," Steph offers, looking him over without shame while she's adjusting her hair. 
Eddie manages a glance in her direction. On one hand, he lives in the same building, but on another, he'd prefer to be as inconspicuous as possible. 
"I think Wayne would be suspicious if I took a shower here," he huffs after a quick calculation.
"Oh. Is he... not supposed to know?" she asks, frowning but not looking at him. Eddie frowns right back. 
"Uh, no. I just don't want to hear any more teasing from him. He's been very, uh... supportive of the idea."
"Yeah, he's been pushing me to make a move from the start. Actually..." He hums, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Do you think he offered my help with the cats on purpose?" 
She lets out a surprised laugh. 
"Maybe. Like an evil mastermind!"
"And he's been planting seeds all along! Talking about you all the time!" 
Steph makes a phone sign with her fingers and lowers her voice. "Son, there's this nice lady in my complex, great hair, totally single. Anyway, how is school?"
They laugh at that, though the idea isn't completely implausible. 
"Well, I have the parent's blessing for once, I guess," she chuckles wistfully. "For now, at least."
"What, you think he'd change his mind?" Eddie asks, for a moment ignoring the mess around his dick to turn towards her. 
"A lot of people do." Steph shrugs, like it's not a huge deal. 
"You mean because you're trans?" Eddie's brows furrow further. "I don't think he cares. Well, he does, but in a protective way."
"He knows?" Her eyes go wide and she tenses up, so Eddie quickly puts a hand on her arm to placate her. 
"Or he has a strong suspicion! He's been very ominous about it, but if he's been to your place and saw the same photos I did, well..." He rubs his thumb over her elbow. "And you two talk a lot. Wayne might not share much himself, but he's a good listener. He's good at picking up stuff."
Steph breathes deeply. 
"And you think he's fine with that?" she looks for confirmation.
They might have not talked about it, but Eddie knows his uncle quite well, and the way he spoke of his favorite neighbor was always genuine and friendly. 
"Yes," he says with conviction. "His biggest worry seems to be how the world has been treating you." 
She doesn't say anything, just seeks out his hand as she turns away, hair falling over her eyes so he wouldn't see the emotions in them. 
"Your uncle is a treasure," she says, gripping his hand for comfort. He'd love to offer her a hug instead, but he'd prefer to do it a little more cleaned up. 
"Yeah, I got lucky with him," he agrees, squeezing her hand back. "Now, uh, sorry to kill the moment, but you've mentioned I could borrow something to wear? Like clean underwear, perhaps?" He smiles hopefully, batting his eyelashes at her. 
She shakes her head with a smile.
"Sure. Let's go." She pulls him up by their joined hands, and when she doesn't let go and guides him towards her room, his stomach swoops. It's been a while since a girl led him to her bedroom like that.
He's instructed to close his eyes as she rummages through the panty drawer, looking for something suitable. 
"I hope you don't mind the color. These are relatively new, since I only wear boxers on lazy or bad days."
Sensing she's in front of him now, Eddie opens his eyes and is presented with a light pink tartan fabric. He chuckles. 
"Pink is the new black, right?" he says as he takes the boxers. "Want to use the bathroom first?" he asks, since he's a gentleman and a guest in Steph's home.
She shakes her head. 
"I'm good, don't worry about it."
Eddie frowns.
"Are you sure? I can—"
"Eddie," she interrupts him and he immediately closes his mouth. Steph's looking to his left and her cheeks are tinged pink so he turns up his ears to maximum hearing. "I don't... come like that anymore. My body doesn't produce it anymore, sometimes I won't even get it fully hard. A lot of things are... different," she makes a face as she confesses. Again, like it's a bad thing. 
"Well, I'm excited to learn. Especially after today."
He wiggles his eyebrows as she looks at him again, and she huffs in amusement, pushing him out of the bedroom.  
"Go clean up, you dork."
Once his dick is clean and his boxers are all wet from washing them in the sink, Eddie inspects his ass. The mirror is big enough that if he steps back, he can see all the way down to his thighs. He turns this way and that, lifts his shirt up.
"I think I'm digging the pink!" he yells through the bathroom door, before pulling his sweats back on. After putting his underwear on the radiator to dry, he walks back out to join Steph on the couch. They still have beers to finish. 
"Can I see it?" she asks before he can sit back down. 
"The boxers." Her eyes shine in the glow of the TV.
"Uh, yeah." Eddie doesn't know why he's suddenly feeling this shy, after they've just climaxed on each other's laps, humping like animals. He toys with the hem of his sweats, feeling the heavy weight of Steph's gaze on his hands, before he digs his thumbs in and slides them down, the elastic catching on his soft dick. 
"It does suit you."
When he looks at her, her hungry eyes are trained on the pink boxers and his exposed thighs. 
"Turn around."
Eddie does so without question, feeling only slightly awkward as the sweats slide down to his ankles. 
"Nice ass," she compliments, and he feels his cheeks flush. It's not something he hears often.
"You don't think it's flat an pathetic?" he asks half-jokingly.
She hums thoughtfully. 
"Hm, I don't know. Bend down for me? Pull your sweats back up."
Eddie's dick twitches pathetically even though it won't be getting back up anytime soon. He bends in half, feeling exposed like never before despite wearing underwear, and slowly slides his pants back up, covering the goods. As he turns back to face her, Steph reaches out to tug him closer, hands sliding from his waist to cup his ass. 
"I think you have a nice, round handful," she smiles up at him. "It looks better in these than the jeans."
"Thank you," he says, quiet and meek like he's not used to. Maybe she could take care of him too, maybe they could take care of each other. 
"Thank you. For letting me see it," she says, smile wide. "And touch it." Her fingers dip into the meat of his ass, making his hips sway forward. She pulls him onto her lap this time and slots their mouths together, making out in the dim living room as the TV plays on in the background, forgotten. 
That night, he leaves the place later than usual, walking down the stairs of the empty building feeling like he's living outside of the narrative. Everyone else is sleeping in their own beds, and he walks from one flat to another like he can't find his place in the world. He's renting one in Indianapolis, too.
Eddie suddenly feels smaller than he's felt in a long time. Tiny in the world full of people, minuscule in the distance between Hawkins and Indy. The life he thought he's grabbed on to, seems distant and surreal. Like this little town is a black hole of time and space that he's fallen into yet again after escaping it for college. 
When he walks into the empty apartment, Wayne is snoring behind the closed doors of his bedroom. Knowing that going to bed will only bring more weird feelings, Eddie lights a cigarette on the balcony and spends an hour inside a book, reading and exploring alien worlds until his eyelids are heavier than his thoughts. 
@wheneverfeasible @steddieinthesun @hattsy-likes-pretty-stuff @bumblebeecuttlefishes @phantomcat94 @tartarusknight  @tinyplanet95 @steddiefication @estrellami-1 @disrespectedgoatman @madigoround @tartarusknight @blasvemous @cryptid-system @hiei-harringtonmunson @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @dreamercec @manliest-of-muppets @bookbinderbitch @marklee-blackmore  @icecat @rootbeerandmusic @mollymawkwrites @milojames16 @ellietheasexylibrarian
ko-fi | Steddie masterpost
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bloxpen · 2 days ago
Yo dawg, is it chill if I request a Survior!reader x shedletsky (forsaken) thingy? Can either be headcanons or a short story(ANGST if possible)
Reader tends to keep to themselves and sometimes lashes out. They also sometimes finds Shedletsky annoying.
sure thing! thanks for the request B) hope you like! i'm so rusty, this is the first thing i've written in forever, LOL.
forsaken!shedletsky x reader (who keeps to themself & find him kinda annoying) headcanons
note: reader is written to be gender neutral/of unspecified gender
content warnings: n/a, i think, but brief mention of reader lashing out at him that's sorted out pretty quickly
i think his immediate reaction to a somewhat introverted reader is "you know, i think they just need to meet the right person to help them get out of their shell!"
you are absolutely no exception. he takes your irritation as a challenge, almost
especially considering the circumstance, he sees it to be his responsibility to try to "help" you. because he's convinced that you have a problem (struggles to understand that you're just not inclined to be social), and worries about how it affects not just you, but the survivor team as a whole
in the downtime between rounds, at the cabin, he goes out of his way to seek you out wherever you are
trying to sit by yourself in the corner? well, shedletsky's here now!
oh, trying to sit outside by yourself? wow, what a surprise, shedletsky just so happened to be checking out behind the cabin by total coincidence! (/sarcasm)
he's kind of convinced you don't actually find him annoying, more so you're putting up a front to try to push him away
after a particularly bad round, you try to find some time for yourself to just sit and think out behind the cabin, lamely picking at the grass and pulling it out of the ground
and — like a dog, almost — he comes and seeks you out
he opens his mouth to make a stupid quip (because he always does, because he's shedletsky, and he always has to lighten the mood and can't just let things be)
but you beat him to the punch
you snip at him and tell him, straight to his face, that sometimes you think he's the most annoying man to have ever walked robloxia
okay. wow. ouch
he instantly recoils and just kind of stares at you. you can practically see the cogs turning in his head
his ego immediately clashes with his concern, and for once he's not really sure what to say, so he just kind of.. stares at you. quietly
you've snapped at him before, sure, but never like that. never so viscerally
his shock kind of startles you out if your fit of irritation. you immediately go to apologize; that you just aren't doing well, and you didn't mean to lash at him like that
but before you can say anything he walks closer, and takes a seat on the ground next to you
"so i'm a bit much sometimes?" he asks, a note of concern to his voice, looking up at the stars.
you give a small nod.
and shedletsky just nods in kind. "y'know, i guess i can try to tone it down a bit." he looks at you from the corner of his eye, a smile finding its way onto his face. "if it's you, i mean."
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caramelarrowswife · 3 days ago
i have a request, an interaction between dark choco and pure vanilla, maybe one time that pure vanilla got to babysit him when the prince was young only to discover that dark choco cookie ha a bitter view of the world inherited from hi father
─── ∘°❉°∘ ───
Dark Cacao Cookie has to hide his young son after threats from a neighbouring Kingdom, unable to stand the nervosity. He knew he could only safely close his eyes at night if he knew Dark Choco Cookie was safe in the hands of a friend…
And what Kingdom is safer than the Vanilla Kingdom?
A/N: i just deleted half of the requests by accident i am SO sorry
─── ∘°❉°∘ ───
Dark Choco Cookie was aged five years old when his father left him in the gentle hands of Pure Vanilla Cookie, the monarch of the Vanilla Kingdom.
He didn’t understand why. Did Dark Cacao Cookie not love him anymore? Did the  king decide he wasn’t worthy of being a warrior, of being the heir to the throne?
Dark Cacao shushed these worries with his last words.
“You will stay here for your own safety,” Dark Cacao said, cupping Dark Choco’s cheeks with an unknown gentleness. “I will come back for you, my boy.”
“Warrior’s oath?” Dark Choco sniffled.
Dark Cacao smiled – a rare sight – and nodded. “Warrior’s oath.”
The king stood up straight, meeting his lover’s gaze. Well, not really, since Pure Vanilla Cookie’s eyes were closed - but it was the thought that counted. Both rulers had a mirrored expression of concern.
“Take good care of him,” Dark Cacao murmured, cupping Pure Vanilla’s face with his hands. 
“Always, my love,” Pure Vanilla murmured, pressing a kiss to the king’s lips.
Dark Choco made a gagging sound.
Dark Cacao suppressed a smile, looking at his son once more… before he turned around and walked back to the royal carriage. Dark Choco sniffled again, but kept his tears from falling.
“Don’t cry, my little warrior,” Pure Vanilla cooed, “He’ll be back before you know it. We’re going to have so much fun in the meantime!”
“I’m not little,” Dark Choco huffed. “Father says I’ll grow big and strong, just like him.”
Pure Vanilla smiled. The way Dark Choco puffed his cheeks out when he was upset made him look a lot like a certain stoic warrior-king when he was younger.. Pure Vanilla loved seeing his husband’s traits in his son’s appearance.
“Come, my prince, I have so much I wish to show you!”
The first place they visited were the Vanilian gardens, right behind the castle. They were as large as one would expect; seemingly endless fields of greenery and beautiful flowers.
“Father says flowers are a waste of space,” Dark Choco said casually. “He says they’re useless in everything except a fleeting moment of beauty.”
Pure Vanilla’s smile tightened slightly. “Does he, now?”
“Yep!” Dark Choco said, popping the ‘p’. “He also says I shouldn’t mention that I unrooted all of the gardener’s flowers once when I was three.”
“You mentioned it just now,” Pure Vanilla pointed out.
Dark Choco was silent for a second, before frowning.
“No matter,” Pure Vanilla said quickly, raising his hands in the air as if surrendering. “I’m sure you will appreciate their beauty in no-time, just as your father learned to do!”
“Maybe,” Dark Choco murmured unconvincingly. “Is this where training will be?”
“Ah.. well, you see, Vanillians aren’t that big on training,” Pure Vanilla said carefully. “During your time here, you will be trained in the art of healing.”
Pure Vanilla could’ve told the young boy he was going to drop a bomb on his home address and he would’ve gotten the same reaction.
“What?!” Dark Choco cried out. “But- what about my training?! Healing is useless in combat!”
“Let me guess, your father told you that, too?” Pure Vanilla sighed.
“He thinks it can be useful sometimes, but he also says he fears the unstoppable marching of time that will eventually take even the strongest! I don’t know what that means, I thought he was bullshitting!” Dark Choco stressed.
“You’re awfully young to be using that kind of language,” Pure Vanilla said, raising his eyebrows.
“Ah… well, my tutor said my vocabulary is much larger than it should b-”
“I was talking about the cursing,” Pure Vanilla cut him off dryly. “And I’m fairly sure your tutor was calling you a smartass.”
“Father doesn’t mind cursing as long as it’s in private,” Dark Choco said.
“I think I’m going to have a long, long talk with your father when he gets back.”
“Ha! My father isn’t afraid of you!” Dark Choco grinned confidently. “I bet he could take you in a fight! He’s the strongest warrior in all of Earthbread!”
“Strength isn’t just about power, little prince,” Pure Vanilla hummed. “It’s about who you are on the inside.”
“Yeah, and ‘bout how good you are at chopping up your enemies with a sword!”
“I cannot wait to speak to Dark Cacao,” Pure Vanilla smiled tightly. “Do tell him I wish to tell him a thing or two when he calls you tonight.”
Dark Choco shrugged, which was basically a ‘yes, of course, anything you ask’.
“Tell me, Dark Choco, do you have any interesting stories to tell? Dark Cacao did always love telling tales.. perhaps you inherited his love for the dramatics?” Pure Vanilla suggested, sitting down on a nearby bench and signaling for Dark Choco to join him.
“Have you heard the story of the Boy In The Forest?!” Dark Choco asked, his eyes wild with excitement. “It’s my favourite!”
Pure Vanilla had heard that story from Dark Cacao at least half a million times. He smiled.
“I have not, tell me all about it.”
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katherinakaina · 13 hours ago
It's interesting how important mechanics are for a game. Way more important than the plot and the text apparently. Just an announcement of a mechanic makes people say 'they gave my boy this, they gave my boy that'. What do you mean 'gave'? It was always in the text.
Daniil was politically persecuted for years before he came to the town. He is on the verge of a mental breakdown on day one. He talks about suicide on day one. And then he has to go through the torture chamber of the plot designed on purpose to fuck him up. And he doesn't even have reliable material support in p1.
In p3 he'll at least have his stomach filled and some people under his direct command. Not to mention a player who can keep his sanity in check. He had it so much worse in p1 and so few people cared just because it was all in the text and not in the mechanics.
I'd say it's because people just pay less attention to text in games but they sure as hell payed attention every time Daniil snapped at someone even a little bit.
Whatever it takes, I guess. Here for the fandom realizing they were demonizing a mentally ill person for 20 years.
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nicks-den · 3 days ago
Dousoukai (1993) Episode 1/10
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Dousoukai follows the story of three characters - Orihara Natsuki, Andou Fuuma and Atari Kousuke, all who studied at the same high school in rural Toi. Ten years later, with all three of them working in Tokyo, their lives take an unexpected turn with the introduction of Arashi, who as his name suggests, brings a storm of chaos into their lives.
The most iconic 90s LGBT drama from Japan which had a huge impact on Japan and the content as we know it now. Just like previous Ossan's Love, it was a pillar of a certain time period. Granted, there were other dramas and movies in the 90s starring queer characters, but Dousoukai was a drama that did it on such a scale that no other drama from that period could ever compare.
It's said that the streets of Shinjuku 2-Choume (gay district in Tokyo) emptied out around the time this drama aired because everyone would be watching it from 10 to 11 pm.
I'll warn in advance that this drama contains a huge amount of nude scenes, sex scenes and later on some assault scenes, so please keep that in mind before starting it. But don't let that discourage you since this drama has lots of beautiful scenes and unique views on love to offer.
This has been years in the making, so I hope you enjoy the first ep!
You're free to choose which version you want - 480p is the original video, 1080p is the upscale for better readibility of subtitles, so I recommend that. The characters were color-coded in the past to keep track all of them even at a later time, so I've included that version as well. The colors have no particular meaning as they're random. The color-coded version has karaoke as well.
My most sincere thanks go out to @furritsubs for even agreeing to work on this together with me. Together we could figure out most lines and it was hard work that spanned sooo many hours and replays. That said, if you know any Japanese people who can caption some difficult parts of the drama, feel free to let me know! Also, if you spot any errors and you know they're wrong with absolute certainty, I'd also appreciate you reaching out ^^
Translation notes below the cut.
00:45 - The iconic scene of Natsuki scratching her crotch was recreated again in a 2007 MBS/TBS drama お・ばんざい!.
03:12 - He meant the words having atari in them and here it's all words with the kanji 当, but not the same kanji as in Atari's name which is 中 (he uses the naka kanji).
magureatari (紛れ当) - lucky shot
baatari (場当たり) - ad hoc, playing to the gallery, spur-of-the-moment
yatsuatari (八つ当たり) - venting anger
03:22 - "Since June, the interest rates have been liberalized, so do consider transferring from your regular savings account from now on."
Hope this one makes sense banking-wise because economics isn't my strong suit. 1993 was a year of huge financial reform in Japan, you can find out more about it with this scientific article
08:27 - "People from Matsuki Bussan are here to proceed with the formalities." this line was kept vague on purpose because I don't know what they meant banking-wise
09:20 - A lot of the drama is situated in Toi located on the Western side of Izu Peninsula. Toi is known for its onsen, nature, gold mining and beautiful early cherry blossoms. Here it is on google maps.
17:11 - Chose to omit the fishing section with Katsushige because it's nothing important. Just fishing talk and I wasn't sure about some lines, so I thought it's best to skip it since it overlaps with the music anyway. If anyone knows all the lines spoken, do let me know.
17:57 - "I mean, when they'd be awarding the participation awards, they'd say it's only for those who finished, even though I registered when they first announced it."
I think that's what she meant when she mentioned the participation awards, but not fully sure because of one word.
24:07 - I guess Hige not releasing his pheromones when surrounded by old men and women is a reaction to Shidehara's line of him being blunt, but how that's related still eludes me.
35:02 - "Around the time when the Showa era ended and Heisei era started." - They meant end of year 1992 / start of 1993, forgot to add it.
43:23 - "This summer, the LDP government collapsed, and Hosokawa's new cabinet was born."
LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) is a nationalist and conversative party that has been in power almost continuously ever since 1955 (its establishment). However, 1993 was a year they didn't manage to hold onto the majority and lost in the general election.
From wikipedia:
"The LDP managed to hold on to power in 1990 Japanese general election despite some losses. In June 1993, 10 members of the party's liberal-conservative faction split to form the New Party Sakigake. The end of the postwar miracle economy, the Japanese asset price bubble and other reasons such as the recruit scandal led to the LDP losing its majority in 1993 Japanese general election held in July of that year.
Seven opposition parties – including several formed by LDP dissidents – formed the Hosokawa government headed by Japan New Party leader and LDP dissident Morihiro Hosokawa, who became the Prime Minister preceded by Kiichi Miyazawa. However, the LDP was still far and away the largest party in the House of Representatives, with well over 200 seats; no other individual party crossed the 80-seat mark. Yohei Kono became the president of the LDP preceded by Kiichi Miyazawa, he was the first non-prime minister LDP leader as the leader of the opposition."
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morgana-larkin · 3 days ago
Alright, here's the next part of Just Tired and of course it ends on a big cliffhanger. Also I know what you're thinking, did I get distracted by the gif for 5 minutes? The answer is yes. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I posted the first chapter of Worth It exactly a year ago, today and made a little thank you message that you can read here.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 29
Just Tired - Part 28
Warnings: Manipulative Relationship (Mentioned), Smut, cliffhanger
Words: 4.5k
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Melissa ends up directing you to a deli where she orders two Italian hoagies for you both where Barb and Gerald also join. You’re all sitting on a picnic bench outside at a park that was near all eating your hoagies.
“So Melissa, now you’re gonna have the house back, getting some money from him and he can’t ever go near you unless he wants to get arrested. How does that feel?” You ask her and she smiles.
“It feels really good. I never thought how fast my life can change in two months but I’ve honestly never been happier. I mean 2 months ago I was in a manipulative relationship, unhappy without knowing why, didn’t know I could be into women, haven’t had much fun, as well as the sex was terrible.” She says and Barb chokes a bit on her drink at the last part.
“Oh come on Barb, don’t tell me you’re a prude.” You tell her.
“I’m not a prude, I’m a woman of god.” Barb tells you proudly.
“Isn’t that the same thing?” You ask and Melissa starts laughing.
“Melissa is religious as well.” Barb points out.
“Melissa doesn’t consider herself a woman of god. Also she’s Sicilian so I don’t think anything phases her anymore.” You counter.
“That’s a good point.” Melissa says and then she continues eating her hoagie.
“How was last night at the karaoke place?” Gerald asks you both.
“Melissa made out with a psycho.” You tell them and Melissa looks at you with an amused expression as she tries not to laugh.
“Well I guess that’s one way to describe it.” Melissa says. 
“That’s the only way to describe it.” You counter and Melissa chuckles.
“I didn’t know she was a psycho until Y/n told me as she got warned by the bartender who you’re also going out with next weekend.” Melissa explains.
“She came onto me after we crushed that ABBA song.” You say. “And yes she warned me about Wendy.”
“So is everyone excited about Halloween tomorrow?” Barb asks and you shake your head.
“I don’t know if I’ll survive Melissa’s costume.” You confess and Melissa is smiling.
“You won’t.” Melissa simply says and takes a proud bite of her hoagie.
“Well I don’t see how anyone would survive a hot redhead dressing up as Mera.” You tell her and Melissa just shrugs.
“You’ll have to see me from across the hall all day.” Melissa teases you and you groan. “And I’ll make sure to keep my door open all day.”
“What if I close my door?”
“Be real, for whatever odd reason you never close your door.”
“I want to be welcoming to anyone.” You say.
“Hon, if people at school don’t already know that then they haven’t been paying attention to you.” Melissa tells you and you shrug.
“Unlike you, most teachers haven’t been paying attention to me and the 20 other newbies that started this year.”
“I normally don’t pay attention to newbies but you just didn’t care and kept trying. How many of you newbies are left anyway?” She asks and you count.
“Well about 8 left already.” You say and she hums.
“Not surprising.” She says.
“Is that why you didn’t want to talk to me? Thought I’d leave?” You ask her and she nods.
“You seem too positive to last here but I could be wrong.” She tells you.
“I’m not as positive as Janine though, she’s more positive than I am.” 
“Thank god you’re not that annoying.” She says and then takes the last bit of her hoagie. “I don’t know how you stand, not just Janine, but Jacob as well.” She tells you as she cleans her hands with a napkin.
“They actually have pretty interesting conversations.” You tell her and she hums.
“If you say so.” She tells you and you roll your eyes before you finish your hoagie.
Half an hour later Barb and Gerald take Melissa home so everyone can get ready for the work week. When you’re getting into bed, your phone gets a notification and you look at it to see Melissa texted you.
Melissa: I really want to thank you as you helped me win 
You: It’s not a problem, I love that you got your freedom
You text her that before you put your head on your pillow and you’re out like a light. 
The next morning Melissa wakes up with a big smile on her face. She’s breaking free from her manipulative husband, she’s getting the house, and money from him and she has you to thank for it. She then frowns when she remembers that she’s fallen for you and she does want to be with you but the idea of being in a relationship already terrifies her.
“Hey everyone.” You say as you walk in the break room. Melissa then walks in the break room and your mouth goes dry. There she is in the green bodysuit and her hair has looser curls then it usually has with the little crown on. She also did her makeup the same way as they did for Amber Heard and your eyes trail up and down her body. 
“Hey hon.” She tells you.
“Wow.” You say and she smiles.
“Shamelessly checking me out, hon?” She whispers to you and you nod. “Check me out all you want.” She tells you and your eyes trail down to her chest where they’re only half covered.
“And you were worried my costume was going to be too sexy.” You tell her and she gives you a wink.
“I like your sexy police uniform, officer. If we were still having sex then I’d definitely act naughty just so you’d tie me up and punish me.” She tells you with a seductive whisper and your mind blanks.
“Ya the timing is unfortunate.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Soak it all up. And I might masturbate with you in my mind tonight.” She says quietly as she passes you and goes to sit down. You go and sit down with Janine and Jacob and they compliment your outfit.
“It was my costume from last year but I didn’t have enough money to get a new one this year, but I’ll definitely get a new one next year.” You tell them.
“Well we didn’t see this was your outfit last year so technically it’s new here.” Jacob tells you and you smile and nod.
“Thanks Jacob.” You tell him and he smiles before you all jump into conversations.
You watch as she greets her students from across the hall and how some of the parents are checking her out, as well as some of the seventh and eighth grade boys. You start the class by going over the homework you assigned to them to do over the weekend and you cast a glance at Melissa who’s bending over slightly to grab some papers at her desk. She catches you checking her out and she smiles at you. At lunch you drop your kids off at the caf and when you walk out, Melissa grabs your hand and drags you to her classroom.
“What are you doing?” You ask her as you reach her classroom and you see she brought both of your lunches with her.
“I want us to have lunch together, just the two of us.” She tells you and you smile. “So you think I look sexy?” She asks you as she takes a seat and you nod. She passes you your lunchbox and you take your lunch out and start eating.
“I mean have you seen yourself? Your tits are practically out and I can’t help but stare at them, especially when I know how they look without anything on them.” You say and she chuckles. “And this tight bodysuit on you is showing off all your curves and green is definitely your colour. Like jesus christ is it ever your colour.” You tell her and she smiles. “Why did you want to have lunch with me, like just me?” You ask her.
“I wanted to thank you for how much you’ve helped me in these past 2 months. And I know it hasn’t been easy for you.” She tells you. You go to speak but she stops you. “And don’t you dare start saying that it hasn’t been easy on me since I’m the one that escaped the bastard.” She says and you immediately close your mouth as that’s exactly what you were gonna say. “I know I’m the one who escaped but you’ve helped me so much and I really appreciate it.” She adds and you smile.
“Well, you’re welcome.” You say. 
“I do have to say that the sexy police skirt is working for you.” She tells you and you blush.
“Are you trying to make it harder to concentrate today?” You ask her and she smirks as she takes a bite of her salad.
“No idea what you’re talking about.” She says innocently.
“It seems like you’re trying to make it as hard for me as possible. It seemed like you were flirting with me this morning and your outfit keeps making my mind go places.” You say and she giggles.
“Well first of all, I was flirting with you this morning, and secondly, what if I want your attention on my body?” She asks you and you stare at her, mind blank. “Also Barb and I are going out to this bar who’s having a Halloween party and wanted to know if you want to tag along. The other 2 youngsters are being invited by Barb right now.” She tells you. 
“Of course I’ll come.” You immediately say and she smiles.
At the end of the day you’re saying goodbye to your kiddos and you see the aunt from the dyslexic kid go up to Melissa and you watch.
“Hi Melissa, I have to say that you look amazing in this costume.” She says to Melissa and Melissa smiles at her.
“Thank you, once I saw Aquaman then I was pretty sure I could pull up being Mera.” Melissa tells her.
“Oh you pull it off better than her. Do you have any plans tonight? I was wondering if you didn’t then maybe we can do something together.” She asks.
“I’m going out with some coworkers and I don’t want to miss it.” Melissa says and you smile.
“Oh, well maybe another time.” The aunt says before taking her niece and leaving.
“You know if you really wanted to go out with her then we’d understand.” You say as you walk up to her after all your students leave.
“I know, but like I told her, I don’t want to miss this.” She says as she goes to grab her things and then locks her door. “I’ll meet you there, we’re meeting for about 6, I’ll send the address. And feel free to ditch the leggings.” She says as she walks off with a smile.
You get home not long after and you immediately take the leggings off. You get something ready to eat and have a meal before you go upstairs and apply some makeup. As you’re applying some mascara, Melissa’s words from lunch hits you, she was purposefully flirting with you this morning and you don’t know why. You then get the toy handcuffs that came with the costume and attach them to the belt. You then get a text from Melissa with the address and you see it’ll take about 20 minutes to get there and you look at the time, 5:20. You then decide to go there now as there might be traffic since it’s Halloween. You arrive about half an hour later and you see it’s starting to pile up in here. 
“Hey Y/n!” You hear and turn around to see Janine and Jacob there.
“Hey guys.” You tell them.
“Isn’t it amazing that Barb and Melissa invited all of us out with them? And to think I thought they didn’t like us, but if you keep trying then-”
“I’ll stop you right there.” You tell Janine and she immediately closes her mouth. “How about we get some drinks?” You suggest and you all make your way to the bar and order some drinks. 
“Hey hon.” You hear and turn to see Melissa and Barb there as they walk towards all of you. 
“Hey Melissa.” You say as you get your drink and thank the bartender before you pay. 
“What drink did you get?” Melissa asks you.
“Just a daiquiri, thought of starting small.” You tell her and she nods before she orders a beer.
Half an hour later you’re all on your second drink and sitting and talking at a table with booths. You and Melissa on one side, while the other 3 are on the other side. You’re following the story that Barb is telling about all the costumes of her students, when you feel a hand touch your leg and you look to see Melissa’s hand there. You glance over at her and she’s looking at Barb and pretending that she’s not touching you. You then feel her hand go further up your leg and you widen your eyes as you wonder if she’s going to do what you think she’s going to do. You then lean in towards her near her ear.
“What are you doing?” You whisper to her and she turns to look at you.
“Do you want me to stop?” She asks.
“We agreed no sex.” You tell her, a little breathlessly.
“Do you want me to stop?” She asks again and you go to take a sip of your drink, giving her permission to keep going. 
Her hand trails up your thigh, closer and closer to your centre. Your breathing deepens as she gets closer and you can hear Janine is telling everyone all the costumes of her students. You then feel her hand right over your centre, hand buried under your skirt. You unconsciously spread your legs to give her more access and you see her smile from the corner of your eye. You feel her hand go up and down your clothed pussy and you let out a gasp and everyone looks at you. You widen your eyes and you’re sure your cheeks are tinged pink with embarrassment. Even with everyone looking at you, Melissa doesn’t stop. In fact she pushes your underwear to the side and trails her index finger up your centre and clit. You let out a big breath and realise everyone is still looking at you.
“Are you alright dear?” Barb asks and you nod.
“Just think…the drinks, the alcohol, is starting to…hit me.” You say through breaths as Melissa is still teasing you. You then notice everyone’s attention is on Melissa and you hear her say something about a Halloween costume and realise they're still talking about their students. 
Melissa is talking about how cute her students are to get the attention off of you and sees you starting to struggle to keep your composure. She realises she can make it harder for you or take pity on you. She immediately decides to make it harder for you and slips her middle finger in your entrance as you’re taking a sip. She’s lucky that you decided to sit near the wall so nobody in the bar suspects anything as her body is blocking it. She begins pumping inside of you and sees you’re doing your best not to give anything away but you keep slipping by keeping your mouth open. She decides right there that you’ll give it away if she continues and she takes her finger out and you let out a tiny whimper that no one hears except her. 
A few seconds after she takes her finger out is when everyone turns their attention onto you and asks your favourite costumes from your students were. Melissa doesn’t make it easier for you though as she keeps trailing her hand up and down your upper thigh and it’s making it hard for you to even think about anything except where her hand is. Melissa decides to take pity and speaks up.
“I think we both need some more drinks.” She says before she grabs your hand and leads you into the crowd. You get confused as you pass right by the bar and she leads you to the other side of the place to the bathrooms. 
“Melissa, why are we-” You get silenced as she leads you into a stall and pushes you up against the door and kisses you.
“I couldn’t wait any longer, all I thought about all day was running my hands up these legs.” She tells you as she trails her hand up your left thigh, underneath your skirt. “And unzipping this shirt and see your amazing tits.” She continues as she unzips your shirt, unclips your bra and pulls it up to see your breasts. “I know we agreed on no sex but would you say no if we have sex one more time?” She asks and it takes a few seconds for your brain to catch up with the situation. Once it does and you think over her question, you put your hand on the back of her head and pull her in for a kiss. Melissa responds immediately and kisses you back as she’s had a hard time staying away from you all week, let alone not being able to touch your body or kiss you all weekend or even today. 
You feel her hands move your skirt up before she goes down on her knees and dives right to your clit. You immediately put your hand over your mouth and bite your lip to keep you from making any noises as she does everything she can to get noises out of you. She then frowns as she would like to hear you and pulls away. You look at her in confusion but help her up.
“This isn’t working, I want to hear you.” She says and you look at her.
“My car is right outside.” You suggest and she smiles before she makes you presentable again and then she grabs your hand and leads you out of the bar and to your car. She opens the passenger side before pushing the seat as far back as it can go before getting you to sit down. You bring the seat down a bit so you’re on a slightly comfortable angle as Melissa gets on the floor and closes the door. 
“Now, don’t conceal your noises.” She tells you and you nod before she bunches up your skirt and goes back to your clit again. You let out a gasp and arch your back as she does a hard suck right away. She then focuses on bringing you as much pleasure as possible as she already knows your body incredibly well. It isn’t long before you feel your orgasm starting to build and that’s when Melissa slips a finger in your centre and you see stars as she knows how to make you feel so good. She slides a second finger in you and you reach behind you and grab the headrest of the seat as she quickly pumps in and out of you. You start squirming as you’re right at your peak and Melissa lets you as she’s enjoying the sight. You then let out a high pitched gasp as you come and Melissa slows down inside of you before carefully removing her fingers and she licks your juices from her fingers. You catch your breath as Melissa watches you with a smile. You then get her to climb up on top of you and you kiss her as you calm down from your orgasm. You then reach behind her and unzip her costume before taking it off of her and leaving it piled at her knees. You then flip the both of you so that she’s underneath you and you unclip her bra and push it up before you slip a nipple in your mouth and she moans. “You’re obsessed with them.” She says breathlessly.
“When you have tits this big? Yes.” You say as you switch to her other nipple and she giggles.
“Oh god, I missed your touch so much.” Melissa moans out as you suck on her nipple while trailing your hands up and down her legs.
“Ya?” You ask as you pull away from her nipple and touch near her centre and clit.
“Yes.” She says before you touch her clit and she gasps. You start circling her clit and she pulls you in for a kiss. She has an arm wrapped around your neck as her other hand is gripping onto the carseat. “Oh god, please I need you inside of me.” She says and you do one last circle on her clit before you do as she asks and insert one finger inside of her and you feel her dig her nails into your back. You a couple pumps inside of her before you insert a second finger and you feel like adding a third finger, so you add a third and she gasps out as she grips the carseat even tighter. “YES! YES! YES!” She says in a pitched voice. “Don’t stop!” She tells you and you pump faster. “Oh god, I’m so close, so close.” She tells you and you feel her clench around your fingers and she arches her back. You kiss her neck seconds before she comes around your fingers. You pull away from her neck right as she comes and rest your forehead against hers. “I love you.” She says softly, the second after she comes and you widen your eyes and pull away from her slightly. 
You’ve heard her admit it before but it was one she was delirious and didn’t know she was talking to you. This time she knows damn well that you’re here with her and she’s not sick. A couple seconds after she says it, it’s like her brain catches up with her mouth and she snaps her eyes open and looks at you with wide eyes. You pull out of her and lick your fingers as she tries to steady her breathing.
“Oh god, I wasn’t- you weren’t… forget I said the last few words.” She tells you and you shake your head.
“I’m not going to pretend that I just didn’t hear you admit it a second time.” You tell her and she furrows her eyebrows.
“Se-second time?” She asks and you nod.
“You might have admitted it to me without knowing it was me when you were delirious when you had a fever.” You admit and she puts a hand on her forehead. “But it’s ok, I know you’re not ready for anything yet and-”
“But that’s the thing Y/n! I was never going to admit it as I don’t know when I’ll be ready and I don’t want to string your feelings along.” She confesses and you look at her. “Yes I love you, I found that out 3 weeks ago but it scares me. The last person I loved was Joe and I’m getting a divorce from him as he manipulated me for 25 years.” She tells you.
“Melissa, I’m not Joe. I know you know that but I think you need to hear it. I have no interest in manipulating you or anyone else as I have actual compassion and empathy. You know I love you and I know I’ll continue dating and being friends with you. If you ever decide you’re ready then just let me know. But until then, I’ll wait willingly for you, however long that takes.” You say to her and you wipe away the tear that falls down her cheek and you smile at her.
“I don’t deserve you.” She says as she looks down.
“You deserve everything you want.” You tell her before you kiss her forehead and she looks up at you with a smile. 
“You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met.” She tells you as she strokes your cheek and you lean into her touch. 
“As much as I’m enjoying this, we should probably go back to everyone before they think we’ve died or something.” You joke and she chuckles before you both get dressed and fix your makeup before you stumble out and walk back into the bar. You head to the bar and order 2 drinks as Melissa goes back to the table. You get the drinks and join back at the table and hand the second drink to Melissa.
“Y/n, I was just saying we ran into a friend of yours.” Melissa tells them and everyone looks at you.
“Yep, talked for a little bit.” You tell them as casually as possible as you sit down. 
You all then talk for an hour before you decide to call it a night as you all have to go to work tomorrow. You say goodbye to everyone and they all walk to their cars as you hug Melissa.
“I meant what I said, I’ll willingly wait for you.” You tell her and she kisses you and smiles.
“I know, and if the situation was reversed, I’d wait for you as well.” She tells you as you grab her hand. “I have to go, Barb is my ride home and I’m pretty excited to get out of this even though I look stunning.” She says and you giggle.
“You always look stunning.” You tell her and she smiles before she lets go of your hand.
“Text me when you get home.” She says and you nod. She then watches as you walk to your car before she hears a honk and sees Barb and Gerald are ready to go. She then walks to their car and gets in.
That night she didn’t receive a text from you but she figured you forgot or fell asleep right away. She sees that it’s 10:03pm and decides to go to sleep as she’s getting up in 7 hours. She then falls asleep with a smile on her face as she thinks of you
Melissa opens her eyes as she hears her phone going off and she reaches over and sees you’re calling her. She furrows her eyebrows as she’s wondering why you’re calling her so late. She then picks up and brings it to her ear.
“Y/n, what’s up, hon?” She asks.
“Excuse me, are you Melissa Schemmenti?” A voice asks her and she sits up in bed.
“Depends, who’s this?” She asks them.
“My name is Emily Brown, I’m a doctor at the hospital and you’re listed as the emergency contact on Y/n’s phone.” Emily tells her and her heart sinks.
“Is-is she ok?” Melissa asks.
“I’m afraid there’s been a car accident and I'm going to need you to come right away.”
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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Rick pouted a little and got all red when she said 'fucked', and got even redder when she said 'first time that feels like forever'- and Wren mentioning he was her first, that made his features get softer- he felt important somehow, he felt special and even closer to her, for reasons he couldn't explain.
"I'm not taking that away...we can do it if you really want to, I really just want to prove a po-" He closed his eyes when she kissed him, and damn that kiss, Rick melted and felt so numb, letting out a soft little moan- her point was proven. Once she broke the kiss, he kept his eyes closed, resting his forehead against hers, melting.
"Yes...I asked to date you. Because I want to...hold hands and...cuddle at night...and bring you gifts and do things together, rest on your lap and...tell you secrets, and...and cry if I need...and...do all that knowing I trust you. That's...that's the most important to me. Sleeping with you is...an extra I guess." His eyes got a bit teary due to emotion- she was being so nice to him, making him feel so warm and comfy and safe. He felt safe around her, he managed to relax and sleep peacefully when they were together, and he wanted to protect her, and be free with her.
But he definitely wasn't ready for her sultry voice- she knew how to tease. "I really didn't know where I got that idea from- It just happened." The way Wren succeeded to make him feel so shy...it was magic. And it felt good, feeling shy around her. He widened his eyes a little when she pulled away- damn...if regret hurt he would be rolling on the floor screaming.
Rick was looking at the void realizing how stupid he was. The world had ended ans everyone could die any day any time- there was no time for...-
"Ahn? Oh...thanks. I'll make sure to wear these when I'm working. So I can wear my new clothes for dinner time at the big house. I still want to walk around the community, know this place a bit more." He smiled softly, eyes clearly happy.
When her eyes locked in his and she said he was right and their little game would make things better, his lips parted.
"N...no...I think I was wrong." He was blushing. Wren whispering like that- damn. It was hot. "I think we might....be just...wasting time actually- if you said you already believe me then it's pointless to...to keep...forbidding each other...if...if it's what we really want...right? I mean, Wr-"
And she took her robes off.
She was hot. And since that wasn't something Rick kept thinking all the time, seeing her taking her robes off always would stab him with desire.
"W...Wren...y...yes but...before we...we go...we could...-"
Rick was feeling like an idiot and wanted to facepalm. She was too much for him. Too much. His eyes were getting lost in her curves, her breasts, her neck...she was so perfect. Kissing...kissing was fine...right? So...as long as...they didn't...it would be...fine? Would she mind if they broke that stupid rule?
Compared to her, Rick was just...weak.
He got closer, lips going straight for her neck, arms wrapping around her, Rick started filling her neck with kisses, feeling her scent, letting out little moans he was really shy about, but he really couldn't hold them. His hands started to run over her waist and sides, feeling her curves, he was almost purring against her, so tempted. Eventually he started to give her neck little bites, breathing against her skin.
"Wait...just a little..."
Rick whispered to her, begging.
"Celibacy?" Rick giggled, getting red. Yes. The way she put it, it was perfect. "Well, I didn't find a better way to prove you I'm not here to just sleep with you, miss." Rick was smiling, clearly having fun with their teasing.
"It's a material, concrete way to show you." He smiled a little, his eyes so sincere. Despite all the chuckles, he did worry a bit, that Wren had imagined he wanted to just...in a way....use her.
"Wren...I'm not...that kind of man. I mean...I know how some guys just seem to be moved by sex, I'm not like that. It's the opposite actually...I...I need a strong emotional bond first so I can..."
And then her words gave him warm goosebumps. "R....right there in the garden...?" Now he was imagining things-
He just froze for some seconds. Wren sure knew how to shake him- in a good way.
"J...jokes aside...it would be a pity to cover those brand new shirts with dirt. Any old shirt that fits me will do."
Rick did get more goosebumps and extra shivers when she whispered against his ear- the tickle...her voice...- "Mnm...y...yes my lady." He tried to give her a sassy funny answer, but his voice shook a little due to the tension.
There still was tension. And it felt so good.
"Once you seem convinced enough that I love you...I'll let you have me in the garden." He chuckled, the idea sounding funny and sensual at the same time. "The idea of making love somewhere...open...- I've...I've never tried that." Rick was starting to blush and imagine things. "I mean, the adrenaline- the risk of being seen...- getting caught by someone right when you're about to..." He was getting redder. "Mnnnm...doing it on the grass, exposed to the wind...- if...if it happened at night...imagine the stars. It would be...beautiful..."
No matter how erotic the teasing could get, Rick managed to be even more romantic, even against his will.
Rick absolutely loved her grin. Such a constrast with her reserved, worried self.
He fiddled with his glass, just admiting her with his romantic and slightly lusty eyes for some seconds. "This celibacy game will be fun. I think...that it will make our love making even better once we break the rules." Rick seemed very energetic compared to the other days.
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hrtfelt4u · 2 days ago
collision. | anton lee.
045. no tomorrow. (written portion)
“Everything okay?” 
Anton asks as he approaches, coming back from getting refreshments for you both at the drive-in movie theater. His eyes search yours after seeing your agitated face from afar.
You had messaged Heeseung a week ago, rejecting him and having left that conversation on a goodbye. Another ping lit up your phone when Anton stepped away for a minute though, Heeseung having annoyingly messaged again, but this time on Instagram to your story you just posted of you and Anton. You didn’t even bother reading it, instead going straight to his profile and blocking him.
“Yeah,” You mutter while putting your phone away, “Just… someone annoying.” 
Anton chuckles a bit, finding your disturbance amusing because your features scrunched up cutely. 
“Want to talk about it?” 
“Maybe after the movie. Thanks for getting the drinks, Tonie.” You nod towards the screen, moving aside the blanket so Anton could join beside you again. 
“You’re welcome. Sounds good,” Anton breathes out, resting his arm behind you again and kissing your forehead when you snuggle back into his side.
The rest of the movie-watching goes without a hitch. You both trade small comments and laugh at some of the scenes in the movie. You had already watched the film before but viewing it with Anton again was nice; almost like experiencing it for the first time again. 
When the film ends, you both clean up, as it got surprisingly messy within the one and a half hours you two had laid in Anton’s trunk. You teach him how to fold up the open ends of the chip bags without a clip with much hassle, the astounded boy not getting it on the first try and deeming you a magician. 
Sitting back in the front and passenger seat, Anton turns to you, an easy smile on his face. “Alright, where to next? We can’t end the night here.” 
“Mm, the park?” You suggest, and he nods without further argument, placing his large hand onto the expanse of your thigh. 
“Alright, let’s go.” Anton reverses out of the drive-in movie theater and heads to the closest park, most of the streets empty as it was pretty late in the night. 
“What got you so mad earlier? You know, when I came back with the drinks?” Anton asks at a red light, watching as you scoff at the mention of the occurrence. 
“You remember Heeseung? That guy that Hannie mentioned like… three weekends ago, asking for my number?” 
Anton’s stomach drops a little, not actually expecting a dramatic topic. “Yeah, why?”
“He messaged me, shooting his shot in my Twitter DMs last weekend. He must’ve seen my account after commenting on Megan’s post for Sunghoon’s style mag shoot.” 
“Why is it bothering you? Did he say something rude?” Anton inquires. 
You look out the window, watching the street lights blur together as you get on the highway. “He just was being a dick. Saying he knew I was Jake’s ex and that Jake ‘didn’t have to know.’ It was odd. Anyway, I’ve blocked him now.”
“That’s fucked. I mean, they’re friends, no? Mutuals at least?” 
“I’m guessing so,” You sigh, “I’m not sure why it’s bothering me so much. Maybe just bringing back bad memories.” 
“Sorry for bringing it up then, baby.” Anton rubs his thumb on your thigh back and forth in apology. 
You clutch his hand on your lap. “No, don’t be. I’m sorry for bringing up ex stuff all the time. It can’t feel nice.” 
Anton purses his lips as he signals to take the exit, reluctantly nodding. “Well, truthfully yes but… you come with baggage and flaws, and I do too. I’ll accept all of you, good and bad. Besides, I don’t think you mention Jake a lot at all. You just want to show where you’re coming from and I’m prompting you to talk about it most of the time.” 
You smile at Anton’s wisdom, taking your free hand to brush through the soft hairs on the back of his head. “Wow, so wise. You’re practically a relationship expert.” 
“God, no,” Anton laughs, taking a left turn, “I actually was an awful boyfriend back in high school.”
“In what way?” 
Anton sighs, seemingly reflecting on it, “I was way too busy and selfish. I definitely shouldn’t have dated knowing I couldn’t put the time into taking the relationship seriously. So I definitely hurt her feelings in the end.” 
“Do you regret it?” You ask in genuine curiosity.
“No. It taught me to be more considerate and cautious. That’s why I was single for most of the past three years in college.” 
“Then why’d you decide on me now?” 
Anton looks over to you at that, your eyes so gentle watching him. He smiles, planting a kiss to your cheek at another light. 
“Because you’re very much worth it. And no offense to the few women I’ve talked to in college but—! I’ll make time for you, always.” 
“Yeah?” You grin, heart pumping fast at Anton’s sweet words.
“Yes. I’m free from swimming for now, I’m on 12 credits for the semester with an internship, and I have all the liberty to date seriously.” 
Anton soon turns into the park, and settles into a spot smoothly. Both of you unbuckle your seatbelt but don’t move to exit the car, instead turning to one another with soft touches. 
“How do you think we’re doing?” You shyly look up, meeting Anton’s gaze which is already on you. 
“I think we’re doing great. Are you nervous about something?” 
Anton seemed to read you so well. You were glad for it; it helped to bring up discussions that were more hard to have. 
“I’m kind of scared of how much I like you, as stupid as that sounds.” You laugh to ease tension, caressing Anton’s bicep in nervousness. You seemed to have a habit of doing it when he was being particularly direct. You never dealt with forwardness all too well. 
“That’s not stupid,” Anton chuckles, curling hair behind your ear. “If anything you’re being smart.”
“What if I brought you to this empty parking lot to murder you?” Anton jokes and you bare your teeth to pinch at his arm. 
“You know I hate jokes like that! I get scared easily!” You’re turning around in your seat to look in the windows now.
“I’m kidding, baby! I’m sorry,” Anton laughs, grabbing at your tense shoulders to still your movements, “I’m just joking. We’re safe.” 
“If a murderer came right now, would you be able to fight him off?”
“... Depends on how big he is.” 
“Sooo you’re saying you’d sacrifice me first?” 
Anton turns around left and right, as if looking for an audience, “When did those words leave my mouth?” 
You giggle, tilting onto the headrest and singing, “I’m kidding…” 
“Alright, but seriously. It’s okay if you’re scared. I’m kind of scared too.” 
Anton shrugs, chest expanding with a deep breath, “I think I want to treat you very well and, frankly, I don’t want to disappoint you.” 
“You wouldn't disappoint me, trust me. You’ve exceeded relationship expectations I’ve had in the past by miles.” 
Anton shakes his head mirthfully, “Well, why are you scared?” 
“I…” You bite your lip, trying hard to word things carefully, “I wear my heart on my sleeve very easily. In the past, I had wanted a relationship for so long, I feel like now, I never know when it’s the right time to actually commit. If that makes sense…” 
You gesture between you two, “I mean, if you think about it, we’re practically dating. We’ve established we’re only talking to each other. We go on dates, we text every day, we kiss, hug, cuddle, and call each other nicknames. We’re talking about how we function in relationships, our boundaries… I’m confident I want to be with you, I’m just a little…”
“Scared to have a label?” Anton finishes your sentence. 
“Yes. I don’t want you to think I don’t want to be your girlfriend, I want to! I’m scared to get hurt again. I guess that’s the final feeling I have.” 
Anton nods, rubbing away the wrinkles on your forehead. “Look, I don’t want to put unnecessary pressure on you, I’m not going anywhere. Just know that I will be happy to be your boyfriend whenever you’re ready for me to be. Nothing will change and I will be treating you the way I’ve hopefully been treating you well for the past month or so. Okay?”
“You sure?” 
Anton laughs at your ridiculous question. “Are you kidding me? I am head over heels infatuated with you! If you’re rejecting me now, we’re gonna have a big issue!” 
You throw your arms around Anton who catches you effortlessly, rocking him back and forth. 
“Tonie, where have you been?” You ask metaphorically, so happy to have found him.
“Um… probably locked away in the swimming pool. Waiting for you though!” 
You pull away, planting a long kiss to Anton’s lips. Mind made up and convinced, you pull up the courage to finally ask Anton the question.
“Can I just say fuck it then?”
Anton’s brows furrow, smiling stupidly big but confused. “What do you mean?”
“Want to be my boyfriend?” 
You can practically feel Anton light up, his broad shoulders rising high as his grip around your torso tightens. 
“Yes, a million times, yes. Will you do me the amazing honor of being my girlfriend?”
Playfully, you look off into the distance, pursing your lips like you’re considering.
You shrug, “Eh, I guess.” 
Anton laughs into your mouth, giving you multiple quick pecks before diving into your neck. The ticklish feeling has you shoving at Anton’s shoulder, pulling back from his embrace. You’re practically halfway across the console, hips painfully digging into the sharp edges.
“That tickles!” You rub at your neck, settling back down into your seat. 
Anton pouts at that, hands holding your elbows while clingy. He pulls a card from your book while frowning, “So you hate me.”
You burst into laughter, head bumping into the window behind you. Anton quickly clutches at the area of your head you hit against his car, laughing hard as well. 
“Baby, be careful! Oh my God!” 
You’re breathless, your amusement dying down. You connect your lips passionately once more, pouring all of your feelings into it. 
Anton returns with fervor, fingers pinching your chin and licking into your mouth. Your stomach jumps at the brave move, accepting him in. 
You’re practically following Anton when he pulls away with a soft hold of your bottom lip, breathless. 
“Yeah?” Anton asks, eyes tied to your kiss-bitten lips. 
“… Let’s go back to mine.” 
Anton practically tugs your seatbelt across your body, clicking it in with such speed, it’s a blur. Before you know it, he’s reversing out the lot and is on the road, hand clutching your thigh and grinning like there’s no tomorrow.
(ignore timestamps unless stated otherwise)
author's note: they are official :3 the cuties are now dating!!! how adorableeeee
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(c) hrtfelt4u 2025
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only-3-braincells · 2 days ago
“Red” Vs “Green” — Alastor’s Duo Stitches & Power Sets: 
A Hazbin Hotel Theory/Analysis with Pics & Gifs.
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Isn't it interesting how some of the Radio Demon’s abilities are Red-Coded, while others are Green? Isn't it also fascinating how certain abilities change his eye colour and others don't? Well, guess what? I’ve noticed a pattern. And if you didn’t know either happened, guess what? I’m going to open your eyes.
Hi, I'm almost fully convinced at the possibility of Alastor having two power sets. I am calling them “Red” and “Green” in accordance with the colour of his eyes, Stitches, and abilities at the time of use.  (Typically they’re used together.)
I finally recognised the other day that Alastor has two sets of Stitches: Red and Green. Then that furthered to the realisation that Alastor, this whole time, had two power sets and not just one. I came up with this theory in a few hours, and have spent days trying, googling and researching, hoping to find others who have noticed what I picked up on, but I haven’t seen anyone else mention anything. So please, if you've seen someone else comment on stuff in here, let me know so I can read further!!
Disclaimer: I have stayed away from all leaks and spoilers regarding season 2, and therefore have written this without any additional information. This is just everything from the show we’ve been shown so far. I DO NOT want to hear about what the leaks say, thank you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
What I'm calling his “Red Powers” are whenever his eyes turn Black, or the Red “X” stitch appears on his forehead. Coincidently, this is whenever he goes into “Jumbo” Al's form, using his filter to glitch his surroundings, or just act threatening. I'm assuming these powers were the ones he was originally given in his deal, perhaps in exchange for his soul (accidentally or not). Also, his Shadow and Microphone are related to his Red Powers. These powers AREN'T stored in his microphone, more or less a part of himself, like other overlords and their powers. What I'm calling his “Green Powers” are literally whenever he uses or does something involving the said colour. Including his tentacles/tendrils, ability to summon and disperse things, his ability to make soul deals, or powerful deals in general, and much more. I'm convinced these powers are what Alastor is actively building and bettering for himself, possibly as an escape route from the deal that got him his Red Powers in the first place. His Green Powers ARE stored in his microphone, and he needs to be physically touching it to use them. He can use both Power Sets at the same time; however, the two sets of Stitches haven't yet appeared together; it’s always one or the other. 
You can also read the very bottom for my list of assumptions.
Okay, getting into it.
“Red” Vs “Green”
Here is what I'm referring to with each:
Alastor's “Red Powers” are what he was given by whomever he made this “Deal” with, referenced in episode 8.
Maybe Alastor traded his soul for his Red Powers (accidental or not) judging from the show’s use of Black Eyes meaning such? Pieced together with his lyrics of “The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor,” in the finale.
Alastor's “Green Powers” are abilities he is actively making for himself, they appear much stronger, and he seems to use them more than his “Red” abilities. 
Maybe creating and bettering his Green Powers is an act of escape from his deal? The quote: “I'm hungry for freedom like never before,” Is interesting since this man, and the entire show, never mentioned anything about freedom.
Abilities from each, or the list I have picked up on:
Belonging to Red:
Red-Radio-Dials-on-Black Eyes
Red Stitches & the forehead “X”
His Shadow 
His ability to teleport (using the Shadow)
Jumbo Al’s form
His microphone (eye glows Red.)
Belonging to Green:
Eyes are normal Red-on-Red or Green-Radio-Dials-on-Red.
Green Stitches
His ability to own souls (husk’s chain is Green)
His ability to do deals (Charlie's deal)
His ability to summon & make things disappear.
His tentacles/tendrils.
The shield over the hotel in the battle
These are simply sorted judging on the two colours his powers and Stitches seem to come in, or depending on the colour of his eyes at the time.
He can use both sets of powers together. That is proven throughout the show. There are also times when he is using just one instead of the other (Will explain further in “Proof of Two Power Sets: Using Both Together Vs Just One.”)
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His Shadow is an intriguing anomaly, while I am putting it in his “Red Powers,” I don't think it's an actual power of his, more of a creature that's tied to him. Alastor can use his “Green Powers” to disperse it, signifying just how powerful these Green Abilities are.
Maybe his Shadow isn’t a power ability as such, but a creature tied to him because of how he got his Red Powers in a “Deal?”
I'm on the fence with these guys. Their eyes are Red, but they also have a Green glow in episode 8.
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Proof of Two Power Sets: The Stitches
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Red: The Red Stitches are very minimal, being just at the corner of his mouth and an “X” on his forehead. While the Red forehead “X” is a constant sight, the corner Stitches are only seen in the pilot and at the end of Stayed Gone.
Green: Interestingly, there are more. Thus, under this assumption that anything Green is what Alastor is making for himself, in classic Al style, he's been given something he doesn't like (his soul being owned), therefore, is pridefully, egotistically working with what he has. Overriding and improving to benefit his goals instead, to the point where he won't need the others anymore. Very “Al,” if you ask me.
So far, the Green Stitches have only been seen once, in the deal made with Charlie.
Maybe the Green Stitches only appear in deals?
There was no Red “X” on his forehead when the Green Stitches appeared. Likewise, the Green Stitches have also never been shown when the Red is present. 
Maybe the two colours of Stitches cannot coincide, it’s always one or the other?
Proof of Two Power Sets: His Eyes.
His Red Powers always trigger his Black Eyes with Red-Radio-Dials. Always. 
If there's a scene with his eyes going Black, he is using his Red Powers.
His Green Powers do not change the colour of his eyes. (The only exception so far is his deal with Charlie. Will explain further in This Section.)
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At the start of his fight with Adam, his eyes remained normal (Red-on-Red) whilst he fought back with just his tentacle/tendrils. However, once Alastor jumped and taunts: “You’re sloppy,” was when his Black Eyes appeared. Which, he, in fact, turns into Jumbo Al at that moment, only furthering my theory of two power sets at play — Where only one changes his eye colour, and “Jumbo” Al is part of it (Will explain further in “Proof of Two Power Sets: Ability colours.”)
His eyes are also seen not changing when making that deal with Vaggie, summoning or dispersing things, and setting up the shield in the final battle. Never did his eyes change.
If his eyes ever change to Black whilst using his tentacles/tendrils, that is because Jumbo Al is involved.
Expanding further on the shield: Yes, it does have a strong Red appearance, but it also has a Green glow. Furthermore, it sprouted axe-wielding tentacles/tendrils — all parts of this “Green Power” and not “Red’s” (Will explain further in “Proof of Two Power Sets: Ability colours.”)
The only exception to this “Eyes don’t change in Green Powers” rule, is in his deal with Charlie:
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Look at his eyes. Ignore the blinding new Stitches, or the glowing Green Powers behind him — or the severe lack of Red anywhere — his eyes are entirely different. They are not Black-With-Red-Radio-Dials like expected and shown throughout the show, they are Red-With-Green-Radio-Dials. Never seen before, or shown again (for now). If he had just one power set, why weren’t his eyes the usual Red-on-Black?
Proof of Two Power Sets: Ability Colours.
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Following the assumption that whenever Alastor's eyes turn Black, he's using his Red Powers; that's all the times “Jumbo” Alastor appears, or when he’s either threatening, fighting, or when he's using his glitching filter.
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The reason I'm calling them his “Green” Powers is because of their literal colour. His Green Abilities seem more dangerous and severe. Starting with the mass of Stitches he has, to how Green corrupted the hotel in Charlie's deal, but also the weaponised tentacles/tendrils he uses in fights.
Addressing the Neon:
I’ll admit, I am a bit on the fence with the neon colour changing that he does. Definitely not ignoring it, especially since it has made two appearances: In Hell’s Greatest Dad and the Pilot. I’m slightly certain it’s a part of his Green Powers, due to two factors: 1. The literal colour and 2:
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Now where have I seen eyes so similar to that?
Oh yeah, his deal with Charlie, (As mentioned in “Proof of Two Power Sets: His Eyes.”)
The reason I am sceptical over it is that his normal eyes (red-on-red but without radio dials) are also the same colours in this neon, so it’s challenging to tell what true colours they are under the filter.
Proof of Two Power Sets: Using Both Together Vs Just One.
I’ll make this short, Alastor can use both power sets at the same time. In fact, throughout the show, they're used in this way — together — almost more often than just one at a time. (Though, he does use “Green Powers” more by themselves than “Red’s.”)
Using Them At The Same Time; Most Notable Example:
Jumbo Al with tentacles/tendrils.
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Jumbo Al with the tentacles/tendrils is the most noticeable example of using both at the same time. Considering that his Red Powers are whenever his eyes change to Black, and his Green ones are any ability coloured Green, Jumbo Al always causes the Black Eyes and typically has the Green tendrils. Which, to me, indicates confident proof that Alastor can use both power sets at the same time. 
One At A Time; Most Noticeable Example Of Each:
As said in “Proof of Two Power Sets: His eyes,” it was interesting how Al was using an ability (his tendrils/tentacles) without his eyes going Black, thus hinting to a duo power set. But there's more, there are in fact two notable moments in the show where Al is only using one power set at a time.
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Red: The end of Stayed Gone. 
I'm fully convinced this is him using only his Red Powers. The threatening Jumbo Al, the Blackened-out eyes, the Red Stitches, and the lack of colour Green Anywhere, all hit it home for me. Additionally, there's another crucial factor I've picked up that has me believing this is just his Red Powers (Will explain further in “And Finally… That Damn Microphone Scene.”) Something my days worth of googling haven’t found anyone connecting the dots yet.
Green: His deal with Charlie. 
I always thought there was something missing on Al in this scene. Turns out I was looking for a Red “X” on his forehead. In fact, there is a severe lack of Red anywhere in the room, and the mentioned-before change of eyes. This is wholly different from normal Al using an ability where his eyes are supposed to change to Black.
The Importance of The Microphone
This is very difficult to explain in the “Red” Vs “Green” theory because it’s complicated to interpret the truth from what we’ve seen in the show so far. 
Alastor uses his microphone — a device for announcing — to broadcast his victim’s screams and himself. But interestingly, in accordance with the colour schemes, it’s shown to perhaps use both powers to do so. So, here is what I’ve narrowed it down to. 
Red: Only broadcasts himself, as shown in Stayed Gone.
Green: Broadcasts the screams of his victims.
Maybe Alastor’s microphone was given to him in his deal for his Red Powers rather than him making it himself, for him to broadcast his own voice and make a platform for himself, as shown in Stayed Gone?
Maybe Alastor, using the mic he was given, then worked with his green powers to record, store and broadcast the screams of his victims, as per the colour schemes in Mimzy’s story?
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The reason I’m very uncertain if this is true is simple: Angel, Charlie & Vaggie’s pilot outfits all made an appearance when the show touched on their past. However, Alastor’s backstory by Mimzy does not have him in his pilot clothes, representing, to me, symbolic hints that Mimzy is an unreliable narrator; therefore to be cautious when believing her tale.
Maybe we cannot trust Mimzy’s take on how Alastor grew to power due to evidence of her being an unreliable narrator? Thusly, we cannot completely believe how Alastor came to power or what coloured power he uses to broadcast.
His Powers.
Alastor’s powers are stored in his microphone and therefore, he needs to be touching it for them to work. That is a known fact. He refuses to let go of it, regardless of what form he is using or what he is doing. 
I cannot stress enough that Alastor needs to be physically touching his undamaged mic for his powers to work.
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Most notably, Jumbo Al never let go of his tiny microphone while slaughtering the loan sharks for Mimzy in episode 5. That detail encompasses the idea that his powers are inside his mic, as though he can’t let go of it, or his powers will disappear. 
Well, his Green Powers, at least…
I repeat, only his Green Powers are inside that microphone. 
The reason he cannot let go is that his Green Abilities — the ones he actually uses to kill — will disappear. There is no scene in the show where Alastor let go of his mic when using his Green Powers. Likewise, there is a multitude of proof that I have found to show Alastor has other powers — his “red” ones — outside his microphone and therefore, the mic’s condition doesn’t matter (Will explain further in “The Microphone Is Broken, Now What?”) Including something that debunked the idea of Alastor needing contact with his mic for all his powers early in the show. (Will explain further in “And Finally… That Damn Microphone Scene.”)
Maybe only his Green Powers are inside his microphone, they require him to have physical contact with the mic to use?
Maybe his Red Powers do not require physical contact with the mic, since they are not in it?
The Microphone Is Broken, Now What?
Alastor has no Green Abilities, but his Red Powers are still intact. What happened before and after he got hit-down proves this.
To understand it fully, here's the chronological order of the fight’s final moments:
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This is the frame of Alastor before Adam slashed him and his microphone. There are no Black Eyes, only tentacles/tendrils, which, if you've been following, means he was only using his Green Powers. And after the microphone broke, there was nothing.
Why am I pointing this out? Well, I thought it was an interesting choice, and I'm heavily wondering about its intention. Alastor’s eyes were, in fact, Black leading up to that pose, but then they suddenly weren’t. This was no animation accident, in studios and shows like this, every little detail is planned out with a reason, so I refuse to believe it was unintentional. 
Instead, I speculate: What if there had been a Jumbo Al with Black Eyes in that frame? To me, there are two ways of it going: he loses his tentacles/tendrils, but his eyes are still Black, or he loses his Black Eyes with them. The latter would have completely destroyed my running theory that his Red Powers weren't in his microphone, and that would’ve sent me into a spiral. Likewise, I wonder if the first option of keeping them would have been too obvious, and so, would that be why the animators didn't?
That aside, the microphone is broken, all his Green Powers are gone, but his Red ones — that aren't in the microphone, and therefore, unaffected — are still there. 
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This is why I believe his Shadow is part of his Red Powers (that, and it’s glowing Red eyes in some scenes.) If his Shadow is connected to what I've been calling his “Green Powers,” it should not still be there. And yet, it is. To me, this is just evidence of two powers, and while the Greens are out of commission, his Red Powers are living on.
But there’s more proof without the Shadow.
What was the first thing Alastor did after being hit down?
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He flashed us the Black Eyes.
This, to me, is the show screaming the hint to us, that certain powers — his Red abilities — are still very much active. Because of this, I don't believe his Red Powers have a place they're stored, they're just a part of him, the same as how other overlords’ powers are just a part of them.
Maybe his Red Powers have no place they're stored, but are a part of Alastor?
Maybe his Red Powers are still there; however, they could be weakened along with the rest of him?
And Finally… That Damn Microphone Scene.
Before I go into the scene that kept me up a few hours of a night, I want to reiterate what I’ve already went over:
Alastor has two power sets.
He can use both powers at the same time.
His Green Abilities are stored in his microphone.
Alastor needs to have physical contact with his mic in order for his Green Powers to work.
The microphone destroyed means he does not have his Green Powers post battle.
His Red Abilities are not stored in his microphone
Since his Red abilities are not in the mic, they are not affected by the mic’s damage, more likely affected by his physical damage, instead.
And to bring in the new concept: Since his Red abilities are not in the mic, he never needed to physically touch the microphone to use them.
Now… there was no way of knowing that what I'm calling his “Red Powers” could be used without his microphone in hand, before it broke… right? 
Except, there freaking was!!!
Picture this, a few hours after my discovery of a possible duo power set, I’m in bed about to close my eyes for the night, when my brain decided to remind me of an iconic scene. Needless to say, I remained awake for a few more hours. 
I’ve been referencing a detail that no one has (to what my hours and days of googling have led me to) mentioned or brought up before. Something crucial I only picked up later on, something to help prove two power sets for good, and, well, it’s all in the microphone. 
“Alastor needs his mic for his powers,” was a major detail the fandom knew. He refuses to let go of it, regardless of what he’s doing or his form.
I’m about to prove this is only partially true. His Green Powers, yes, they require physical contact with the mic to use, but the Red ones don't.  For, there is a debunker scene from the very start, first quarter of the show, showing Al not touching his microphone and using only his Red Powers.
Stayed gone. 
(I asked you to keep it in your memory, I wonder if you managed to.) At the very end, when Alastor is saying: “I'm Gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone. Tune on in…” etc. Especially “Tune on in” and onwards, look what he does.
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He puts the microphone down. 
“Alastor needs his mic for his powers.”
And yet, he put it down and proceeded to become Jumbo Al in this scene. The scene that I labelled back in “Proof of Two Power Sets: Using Both Together Vs Just One” as the most notable place where he only used his Red Powers. His Red Powers that I'm fully suggesting aren't stored in his microphone; therefore, he doesn't need to touch it.
As I said before, this is a proper studio, everything is deliberately animated the way it is for a reason. And that scene had such emphasis on his hand letting go, they were just shoving it in our face. They could've just had him place it down on the side in the previous frame. But they didn't, and now I'm heavily convinced it was a massive hint from the start.
The End/Season 2; What's Next?
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Therefore, I'm saying his Green Powers are broken (perhaps not gone completely) but Al's Red Powers are still at the very least active. 
Alastor is now stuck with the powers he was given in the first place; all the ones he made by himself are gone. All his work may be erased and his stuck back with the ones he didn't like in the first place.
Considering that Season 2 will be all about backstories. I wonder if this theory is taking the right path towards it.
Maybe Season 2 will dive into how Alastor got his duo power sets, or just one, since it will be about backstories?
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PS. Do not ask me why this lighting is here. I do not know. 
Maybe the Green lighting in the Radio tower is hinting for a Green Power comeback?
My List of Assumptions: “Maybe’s”
Maybe Alastor traded his soul for his Red Powers (accidental or not) judging from the show’s use of Black Eyes meaning such? Pieced together with his lyrics of “The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor,” in the finale.
Maybe creating and bettering his Green Powers is an act of escape from his deal? The quote: “I'm hungry for freedom like never before,” Is interesting since this man, and the entire show, never mentioned anything about freedom.
Maybe his Shadow isn’t a power ability as such, but a creature tied to him because of how he got his Red Powers in a “Deal?”
Maybe the Green Stitches only appear in deals?
Maybe the two colours of Stitches cannot coincide, it’s always one or the other?
Maybe Alastor’s microphone was given to him in his deal for his Red Powers rather than him making it himself, for him to broadcast his own voice and make a platform for himself, as shown in Stayed Gone?
Maybe Alastor, using the mic he was given, then worked with his green powers to record, store and broadcast the screams of his victims, as per the colour schemes in Mimzy’s story?
Maybe we cannot trust Mimzy’s take on how Alastor grew to power due to evidence of her being an unreliable narrator? Thusly, we cannot completely believe how Alastor came to power or what coloured power he uses to broadcast.
Maybe only his Green Powers are inside his microphone, they need him to have physical contact with the mic to use?
Maybe his Red Powers do not require physical contact with the mic, since they are not in it.
Maybe his Red Powers have no place they're stored, but are a part of Alastor?
Maybe his Red Powers are still there; however, they could be weakened along with the rest of him?
Maybe season 2 will dive into how Alastor got his duo power sets, or just one, since it will be about backstories?
Maybe the Green lighting in the Radio tower is hinting for a Green Power comeback?
Once again, if you have seen someone else talking about something in here, please let me know! So I can reference them too!! I spent days googling, hoping someone else picked up this stuff, but it all slipped under my radar.
Disclaimer: And again, I have stayed far away from leaks and spoilers of this show and want to keep it that way. So please, do not mention the leaks even if it’s relevant. Let me discover the knowledge of this being right or wrong on my own when I watch season 2.  
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deadrobinthoughts · 2 days ago
I saw you're on break so plsndont rush to answer but what's the difference in all the 90s stuff I keep seeing? if you can answer
I saw your post about 90s tim and 90s kon what does that mean? Can you tell the difference?
Yes, hi, anon. I am still on break — that mostly just means I won't be doing any requests or posting much writing for a week or so. However, I'm more than happy to answer questions.
I mean, I'd say it's pretty easy? But, I guess that depends on the media you are consuming. I mostly read comic books. Some people only read fanfics and most writers aren't going to specify which timeline/version of a character they use. I've stated a couple times that I write Kon inspired by 90s Kon for the simple fact that "Conner" is not the Kon I know ( or really care for. the yj show burned a bridge here. 💔 )
As for Tim — from what I've seen across my fyp, requests, messages, etc. Most people ( including myself, depending on the post ) tend to focus on Tim's awkward, logical, weird nerd self.
However, I used to have a couple posts based on 90s Tim ( Who I love because he was just a little shit starter, ngl. )
So here's a.. I don't know, break down of sorts for 90s Tim.
• He was sarcastic as living hell, had a super dry sense of humor. Incredibly blunt. Had absolutely no issue calling anyone out or anything. His inner monolog was actually just him being a manace.
• I don't really know where socially awkward, weird Tim came from? I don't know where it started but I can't say I haven't written him like that lol but, He was actually very socially comfortable? Like, he masked like hell. Tim had ( still has, I'm pretty sure ) trust issues, controll problems, he was snippy but he was still emotionally closed off to people. Which, that isn't new for any of them.
• He was straight up MEAN. Like — I'm pretty sure one of his biggest hobbies was poking and prodding and pressing buttons to piss people off as much as he could. Plus, Tim was VERY, VERY MORALLY GREY! He was a manipulative little shit when he saw he needed to be. He did what he thought needed to be done, whether it was good or bad. He was pretty cold hearted and ruthless when it came down to it.
• He wasn't afraid to pick at someone's weaknesses, even in a normal social setting. He thought some pretty sharp things, tbh. And, being hurt is different for all of them — like.. Jason gets angry, Damian well.. he's Damian all the time, Dick usually got quiet and dealt on his own. Tim, on the other hand, would cut deep and hurt you right back.
• I'm not going to use clapping emojis but I need people to see this as well: Tim was incredibly fucking independent. He did not want or need to rely on the batfam for support. He was self sufficient — he literally had his own base, his own tech, his own system. He had no problem working ALONE.
• Tim also ( this may still be true 🫠 I have not seen anything recent ) had issues with his place among the others. Which furthered the emotional cut off.
• He was also a little bitch to his friends. He fought with Kon CONSTANTLY — it wasn't always straight up mean fighting but sometimes it was. Tim had an ego and was pretty smug about himself. Not to mention he lied to them about missions and stuff — same thing as batman's 'well I did it for the mission'. He kept Bart, Cassie, Kon, etc etc. At arm's length and let's be honest, he just wasn't great at being a friend in general.
• major major major major arrogance, control freak, had to be right, had to make the plans, had to control everything.
• another morally grey comment because it just makes me so fucking happy: I saw someone say Tim was a pacifist and nearly lost my shit. He pretty much craved violence when given the chance. He broke bones without flinching.
• My guy kept shit secret from everyone lol He would straight up withhold info from everyone. Yes, including Bruce. ( But, I mean, he pretty much stood against Bruce and said everything but to kiss his ass. )
• You'll also notice he was a bit misogynistic, as well, which is brought up as the first topic any time someone mentions 90s Tim.
• and a fun little misconception: he did not worship Bruce. He was actually pretty tired of his shit most of the time. But, he did look up to him.
In short; 90s Tim was kind of a huge piece of shit, didn't take shit off of anyone, was a bad friend and also liked to fuck around.
As you can see, this is why I don't have a lot of requests asking specifically for 90s Tim but I do have a good bit of drafts for him.
[ oh and since I didn't say it; 90s Kon is just a character development sweetheart loverboy that just wanted to be accepted and loved and the world actually just fucking hated him. ]
✌🏻 ( pertaining to the whole me having tim vibes — yes it includes this. I am a mix of both. It's called bpd ✨️ )
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lolitastories · 2 days ago
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Thomas Shelby
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“Do you remember the first time we met?” He looked up, finding me with his blue eyes. I let out an exhale, my fingers gripping the files in my hand more tightly.
“Thomas,” I say with a warning tone. I walk closer taking a seat right across from him. “It's a yes or no question.” My monotone voice never seemed to faze him. Maybe it was because he was the definition of monotone. I was doing my job so I had to be professional but he knew how to pull out the other side of me. I only had one purpose coming into this room and that was to get an answer to a simple question, “Do you want to be represented by us in the future?” plain and simple.
“Do you remember the first time we met?” There it was, frustration. He has that effect on me, since the first time we met. I unfold my arms and place the file gently over my lap. I looked over making sure he could see my unamused facial expression. “It’s a yes or no question.” I divert my gaze to the side by rolling my eyes. Thomas Shelby got under my skin and he seemed to like it.
6 months ago
“So you will get his statement and any questions he might have while I prepare a preposition,”
“Yes,” I say, packing up my things. “Be sure to add a summary of prospect solicitors,” My partner nods, grabbing onto his things before leaving the room. This wasn’t my first time taking a client such as Thomas Shelby. The reason why I had his name currently in all of my documents was from a past client who had the same charges just a month ago. Being one of few solicitors and not to mention a woman, was sort of a plus for men. I look above it since it paid my bills, doesn’t mean I liked it but some were gentleman enough to keep their comments quiet. I mean quiet around me, I was referred to Thomas by one of his associates while out for drinks. He was sure to come in the next day to brag about how he got me another ‘gig’. I found it endearing before he made more hard advances towards me, I guess that was a risk of him being half drunk still.
“He is in room 2”
“Thanks Eve,” I sent the secretary a smile before walking out the door myself. We weren’t a big establishment but with our current success rate, I know we would move out of this 4 room plus bathroom place. It was a short trip down the hall as I stood in front of the wooden door. “Here we go,” I whisper, grabbing onto the door knob and pushing it open. “Good Morning Mr. Shelby,” I presented myself with a big smile while he sat there only caring to meet me with his blue eyes, a nod, and then looked back into the empty wooden wall.
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His stare like plenty of men before him made my blood boil. Although they knew a woman was going to be running their case, having me in front of them made it real. “Alright,” I moved past him and began setting up my file. “I am going to need your statements then after that I will ask you some questions to fill in some holes and we will finish with any questions you might have, is that alright with you Mr. Shelby?” I watch his finger twitch for something, maybe a cigarette? With a man like him I was surprised to see him abiding to silly rules like no smoking indoors, men would laugh at such things and smoke anyways. Then again maybe a man like him with his unbutton black suit and undone hair was so stressed that even all the cigarettes in the world wouldn’t help. I focused my eyes back on his features but he seemed not bothered to answer my question. I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath, with such little time with him I am sure I would have to compose myself multiple times. “Mr. Shelby?” I asked again and this time I earned a small hum in acknowledgement, great. “Can I offer you a cigarette?”
“As someone who stands for the law, you don’t abide by your own rules?” So cold, so distant, so, so fucking intolerable. All the men who have walked through the door at least turn to face me. It doesn’t matter if they defy me as capable of taking on their case as a woman or think their toothy, rotten smile can appeal to me, they have the decency to look at me. I hold back a groan turning around and pushing the office window open.
“That rule was made by a hypocritical man who wanted to appeal to the female brain,” I looked over to him. “It's his whole thing,” I can’t blame my boss for being smart and trying to use more women in this field so he can get more clients, but as a person I can still dislike him. I watch Mr. Shelby presents a simple shrug before shuffling to stand up.
“I will get back to your office with an answer,” An answer?! A fucking answer? To fucking what? How foolish he is making me look as I stand here with his back turned towards me? An answer to why in the past minutes he has only met my gaze once? An answer to why I seemed to be undeserving of his godly attention? Fucking prick!. “You have a nice day,” Unbelievable. If I wasn’t so good at handling my emotions I would throw something behind him and demand for him to at least face me. But I was good at handling my emotions, I didn’t need a man telling me how women can’t control themselves. So I smiled, I smiled as he fixed his suit jacket. I smiled as he took a step towards the door and turned the door knob. I smiled as he pulled it open and walked straight out, I smiled even if he wasn’t looking.
“I remember you being a jerk,” I sit back and raise my leg over the other. I cross my arms again waiting for his answer.
“That bad huh?” He was still a jerk, a jerk with a captivating smile. I allowed myself to relax, my business with Thomas Shelby was over and I didn’t have to worry about whether he wanted us or not because I already knew the answer. Having to ask him was just protocol.
“You didn’t even look at me,” That jerk smiled. He smiled and pulled away to sit back on his chair. “If we are going to ask questions not pertaining to work then I guess it's my turn,” He raised his brow, he was surprised just like me that I was following along to whatever he was playing. “Were you afraid to put your life in my hands?” He lets out a chuckle
“No, I wasn’t afraid.” I roll my eyes. He might not have been afraid but he sure had his doubts.
“Its okay to admit it Mr. Shelby.” I leaned forward hoping to cause him some kind of discomfort or atleast feel more confident as I sat here under his gaze. “It won’t change my mind about you nor hurt my feelings.”
“And what has your mind made me out to be?” I didn’t hold back. He was a grown man who could take an opinion.
“You might not have been afraid but you surely had some doubts. Doubts about a woman like me taking on your case, doubts that I had enough intelligence to keep you from going to trial. Probably taught that your buddy got lucky or that the defense team didn’t have enough evidence to give him a prison sentence and that it had absolutely nothing to do with me. In my mind that made you out to be close minded, which surprises me.” I shrug it off like I haven't poured half of my feelings out.
“Why?” He didn’t seem offended if anything, he seemed intrigued.
“Because I do my research Mr. Shelby.” He tries not to show it but I could see the slight tweak in his eyebrow. “Before any case I do my research on my potential clients. I may look the other way with things that don’t pertain to their case but rest assure that I know whatever I can about them,”
“Still doesn’t answer my question,” He smiled and he crossed his arms matching my stance.
“It surprises me because someone who has a woman such as Polly running your business while you were away at war should know how much power a woman can hold. How smart they become and how skilled they can be with so little.” His smile dies. No matter how appealing he was to my other woman's senses when I had a point to make, I made it. I may become blind once in a while when someone with such power looks at me softly but I learned that in a man's world, a woman needs to build a cold exterior when needed.
“Is that why you handed off the case to your partner? Or why you always were two steps behind him like a personal assistant and never peeped a word out to me or while I was around? If you believed so much in yourself why not be more persistent?” I let out a scoff
“You wanted me to beg?” I shake my head not wanting to add another bad thing to his list. He seems serious.
“The reason why I walked away the first time I met you was not because I was scared or had doubts, I know what a woman is capable of doing. I walked away but I am an asshole with problems. Problems that I didn’t believe could be handled by law and since you did research on me you know that this wasn’t the way I usually handle things.” He was right in one thing, he was an asshole.
“What changed your mind? It must have been big since it only took 3 hours to hear from you again.”
“I guess you can say you made a strong impression on me,” He was lying. Although all of Birmingham knows what he is involved in he is too smart to admit to it knowing it could eventually come back to him.
“Is that what earned me a private talk with you in the bathroom?” He grins. Those devil eyes like that day were chanting for me to give in.
“Call me weak,”
The next day after meeting,
“Are you sure you want to sit this one back?” It was clear to me that this man wasn’t even interested in me representing him. Isn’t that why he contacted James instead of me? He heard my partner was a man and that was what got him to change his mind.
“Yeah,” I let out a sigh trying to take this day easy. There were plenty of clients I had James sit up front for. I trusted him to take care of them because he trusted me to actually have his back. I would tell him how to lead the conversation and do the paperwork at the same time. He was good enough to prepare his part while the client believed he was leading. They way they were more comfortable giving us their business and this wasn’t any different. “Mr. Shelby will be like any of the other clients, just follow the script and we will be on our way.”
“Right,” James along the way of our partnership was okay with me being the one who talked to the clients but as we met up with some who didn’t want to deal with me he had to learn how to work with them. But now he has gotten so much better and knows how my mind works so he doesn’t try to over think me. “You ready?” I couldn’t help but smile. Looking down I see why he was asking, my leg had been non-stop shaking for the whole ride and even as we stood parked outside our meeting place.
“Just tired,” I tried to give him a reassuring smile but he gave me a knowing look. “I am okay,” I was truly tired. Even if Thomas Shelby hadn’t decided on us yet, that doesn’t mean I couldn’t think ahead and start preparing incase he did. There was also the problem of the living situation, I hadn’t found a place to live yet and the lady I was currently living with wanted me out before the end of the month.
“If you say so,” He checks his watch and hurriedly places it away. “We have to go,” I nod following him as he opens his door and gets out. “They should be in here,” He points over at a building, nothing like Birmingham. From the outside you could see multiple windows decorating the light reddish brick wall. “After you,”
“Thank you,” I smile walking in but I wait for him to pass through and into the room. Welcoming us was Thomas seated in a leather chair. This couldn’t be his office or where he does his business. The room was surrounded by warm light coming through the windows. No office desk, no feel of an office. It was a simple living room, couches, paintings, and even a vase full of flowers.
“I will meet you at the pub later,” Thomas talks to an older man that was walking out the room. He nicely gives us a smile before walking past us.
“I will have John meet us there,” Thomas doesn’t respond but shortly nods. He gave us a quick glance as James spoke up to him.
“Good Morning Mr.Shelby, we were glad to hear from you again.” James stretches his hand which Thomas takes but not even bothering standing up. “We wanted to go ahead and start strong here so we took the liberty to start the process-” The words rolled out of his mouth like every deal we have done in the past. James takes a seat and starts pulling out the files. “If you like what you are hearing then by the end of this meeting let us know if you want to continue or not, does that sound good with you Mr. Shelby?” I walk around the other side of the couch and I couldn’t help but feel his eyes on me, yet I dare not give him the satisfaction of giving him my attention. Plus, I wasn’t the one who he should be talking to. “Now I understand the situation but we would like to get your statement of it first,” James pulls out his notes pad ready to hear from the man himself on what happened.
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“Alright,” Thomas' thick accent clears as he begins telling James his side of the story. He sits confidently in his chair with his hand enterwinded. I couldn’t help but bite my lip as I noticed the details of his presence. The way it seems he took extra time with his hair. His neatly iron white button up without his suit jacket on. He's only wearing a watch as an accessory and it works for him. Simple but quite captivating. As I hear his story I note down points on my own paper, things that James might not catch. Every word spilling smoothly out of Thomas’ mouth, might be made up but atleast him saying it without a hitch made it more believable.
“Ma’am?” I jump back a little feeling a slight tap on my shoulder. It was a young girl. Short bob hair, I think I’ve seen her before. “I’m sorry,” She quietly giggles.
“It’s alright.” She was young, at least a couple of years younger than me.
“Would you like something to drink?” She must work for the Shelby’s. Maybe a secretary? “We have water, tea, or if you-”
“Water is perfect.” I didn’t like alcohol. She nods and turns to leave but I discreetly grab on to her hand.
“Can you tell me where the bathroom is?” I could still hear the conversation going so I tried to follow her without distracting the two men.
“Just down the hall to the right,” She didn’t take me the whole way, “I will have your drink waiting for you,” I thanked her again and began walking, following her directions. I would be lying if I said I found it on the first try. At the end there were two doors and once I noticed the first door I chose was the wrong one I slammed the door shut and frantically turned to open the right one.
“They could save a lot of space if they didn’t build this place as a maze,” Leaning against the sink I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. “Once I get out of here I will have James start customizing a contract while I go deal with my living arrangements” It was easier said than done. That lady made sure that people around me wouldn’t want to rent me a place after she spoke of people I defended. Then telling her it paid well no matter if they were guilty or not truly didn’t help my case as not only was I a cover up maker for criminals, now I was a slut who sold myself to them for more money. “I know it's bad,” I groan, moving my head upwards with my eyes still closed, “God if you can hear me, take me away or show me a way.” I am not the praying type and maybe that was the reason why god didn’t help me. He knew I only contacted him when I needed something, I knew better than that. “I-” I didn’t get a chance to blink when I heard the door twist open and shut behind a blur figure I saw from the mirror. I turn so fast I got dizzy, “What are you doing here Mr. Shelby?” With my lower back pushed up against the sink, this was as far as I could be from him.
“I want you to take my case,” I did hear him. I would act more shocked if I wasn’t frantically looking around to see if something tells me how to get out of this room unharmed.
“I am.” Maybe I could run for it?
“No,” That catches my gaze. He spit it out like poison. “You’re partner seems capable but I need a sure thing,” He takes a step forward as he moves to unbutton his sleeves.
“I can assure you James knows what he's doing and I am right behind him,” He shakes his head once again ignoring my words. He easily pushes his sleeve up to his elbow and continues with the other one, still moving closer and closer with every slow step he takes towards me.
“I need someone more focused, he wasn’t the one who got Henry out of a nasty sentence.” That was true, but he helped. I opened my mouth to defend him but by this time Thomas was just inches away. “I need you,” I couldn’t breathe. Once more he made my skin crawl. The warmth running up to my cheeks, blinding my thoughts. For a moment I wanted to be one of those girls he probably has practiced with millions of times. With only three words he would have them squirming under him, have them wondering how he tastes, how he touches them, because I was.
“Okay,” I cleared my throat sliding past him. If I didn’t take the reins now then I would probably end up how most of his girls do.  “James won’t have a problem backing up.” I opened the door before he could speak or corner me against something again. “Shall we?” I was right to open the door and walk out. My legs trembled all the way down the hall until I could sit down. Before leaving the bathroom I scanned his face and noticed he was smiling, smiling!. His blue eyes matched perfectly.
“Since that moment I was sure of one thing.” Here we go again. If I rolled my eyes one more time I was afraid my mothers words were going to come true, If you keep rolling your eyes, they will get stuck there forever. Thomas got that out of me so if it did happen, it would be all his fault. “That I was meant to meet you.” I held back another eye roll, this man was just saying stupidity. It was six months ago since we met but since the third day he was like a different man. He began to meet my eye. He answered all of my questions with no hesitation. He agreed to meetings and even set up some so we can go over things. Then as days went by, he changed even more. He would invite me to dinner or drinks outside of work obligations. I would tell him it wasn’t appropriate so I denied every single offer but that didn’t stop him from coming to my office. When he could make it he made sure to send a small gift once in a while, mostly flowers. I would be lying if I said his advance went unnoticed or even that it didn’t cause my heart beat to increase, but since I was employed by him it couldn’t go any further than him being my boss.
“I think it's all the endorphins going to your brain from me saving you from serving some time,”
“Stop trying to deny it.” He caught my off guard when he stood up from his chair and pulled me up with him. His hands pressed around my waist pulling us against each other. “You are no longer working for me.” He laid his forehead against mine. That was my excuse, the only one I could come up with for the past 6 months.
“But you will be a client of ours if you agree to have us represent you in the future,” He lets out a breath, a warm breath radiating against my skin. Then realization hits me, that's why he hasn't answered my question. I found his gaze and in that moment I knew I was wrong, “You aren’t going to accept are you?” I pull away.
“Can you see the future?” What the hell is wrong with him? I am trying to have a sort of serious conversation and he comes up with these questions.
“Thomas I need an answer” I groan, placing my hand over his chest to try and push him away. I know it was wrong to be pissed about him not wanting to be one of clients, but I don’t know if that made me stupid because the only reason he didn’t want to was because that meant I wouldn’t agree to be with him.
“After you answer me I will answer you with no hesitation,” I let out a frustrated sigh, at this point I couldn’t tell what could follow each answer.
“No, I can’t see the future.”
“I can.” And he kisses me. With his palms pressed up against my back he pulls me closer and connects our lips.
“How are you feeling?” I wanted to let out a loud groan and answer her question that way  but I held back. It wasn’t Polly’s fault I was tired and grumpy, it was Thomas.
“Horrible. I am tired, disgusting, and feel like laying in bed all day.” But of course I couldn’t do that on this special day. Polly offered me a warm smile before hooking her arm under mine as we walked down the stairs.
“You are growing a baby darling, it's okay to feel that way. Plus you look gorgeous and this baby is treating you better than the last one.” Oh for sure.
“I guess it's true when they say a girl steals their mother’s beauty for themselves. Look at her,” I find them with my eyes. My girl being held in her fathers arm.
“Well then that means this one is a little boy and what a joy that would be.” With my free hand I ran it over my growing belly, I still had half way to go and by this time with my first one I had more energy but then again I wasn’t running around after a toddler. “Lets just hope he turns out like you because the Shelby boys have a temper,” If anyone knows the Shelby's is her, hell she is one of them.
“Not to mention their ego and pride.” We share a laugh before reaching the bottom steps. The crowd and our family surrounding Thomas and our daughter. “We will go home and prepare for the celebration.” I nod, giving her a half hug.
“Thank you Polly,” Polly waves me off like it was nothing but it meant the world to me. She was always with me since I joined the family. She supported me with Thomas when he was having a hard time accepting that I was loyal to my job. Since he met me he knew I loved it and it would be hard to leave it behind. Polly of course talked to him. Thomas, being a man, hoped that once we got married and started a family that I would quit and focus on him and our kids but I quickly shut that down. Now he has grown to accept that I would do what I feel is right and if he continues to have a hard time with it then he won’t overreact, he will talk to me about it.
“She is beautiful,” I look over to find Arthur standing beside me. “Like her mother,” I smile in awe. He was so sweet, the Shelby brothers being so great with my daughter was all I could ever ask for.
“Thank you Arthur,” He smiled before saying goodbye to joining Polly as she was excusing herself from the crowd.
“My love?” Thomas’ voice catches my attention. He outstretches his hand and pulls me closer to him. “Look at her,” He smiled widely. The whole crowd pauses to hear our daughter's sweet giggle as her father raises her up above his head.
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“We did alright with her,” I nudged him as he settled her back in his arms.
“You think so?” He teases, wrapping his free arm around my shoulder.
“Sure do Mr. Shelby. Lets just hope we do right by this little one too.” I smile, giving him a kiss. I didn’t have a doubt that we would raise our future son or daughter right. We were a great team and I couldn’t choose a better father for my kids.
“We will, my love,” He returns my kiss and begins to pull me away towards our car. “I am sure of it.”
“Really? You can see the future?” I giggle seeing his offended expression.
“Of course, just like I told you 3 years ago.”
The tingling sensation lingered on my lips as he pulled away. Who knew a kiss from Thomas Shelby, a man feared all through England, could be so gentle. “I can see you and me,” I couldn’t open my eyes. “You and me, married and happy.” I couldn’t. I was too afraid to let this go. “With our kids.” It all sounded too good. With my eyes still closed I began to see it too, maybe it was because with his words he painted a pretty picture but my heart yearned for it. It felt right to be in his arms, it felt right believing and giving myself to this future. “Can you see it?” I didn’t want to miss it. I opened my eyes and found him, these were the eyes I wouldn’t mind seeing until my very last breath. And if it didn’t last that long at least I would have a pretty memory of him.
A/N: I know I don’t usually write a gender or specific characteristic but I hope y’all enjoy this one.
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