#<- hyperbole but still
captainjonnitkessler · 10 months
Sometimes I wish we would start calling out the performative radicalism on this site for the poser bullshit it is. "Remember, it's always morally correct to kill a cop!" "Don't forget to firebomb your local government office!" "Wow, it sure would be a shame if these instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail got spread around!"
Okay. But you're not killing cops or firebombing government offices. You are posting on a dying microblogging website to a carefully-curated echo chamber that has radicalized itself into thinking that taking the absolute most extreme position on any subject is praxis but that anyone discussing the most practical way to effect actual change is your sworn enemy. You do not have the street cred OR the activist cred to be talking about killing cops, babe.
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sherrymagic · 29 days
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Back then, I saw him as a friend. I don't know when it started. But after thinking about it, I've realized Fang has been the only one in my heart all along. When I walked, whatever I did, and wherever I went to, I thought of him. When I ordered pizza, I wanted him as my pizza topping.
Aou Thanaboon as TAN and Boom Tharatorn as KHAOFANG WE ARE (2024)
— for @srnileforme [4/4] ✩ ✩ ✩
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introspectivememories · 7 months
too many of you guys think nico is the loser and not lewis for letting the divorce go on for so long. like they're both losers about each other. emotionally constipated idiots who can't talk about their toxic homoerotic friendship that imploded on itself like 8 years ago and are now making it everyone else's problem. yeah nico's on television or in beer gardens talking about lewis all the time but like every other month some reporter is like "lewis, what's your favorite moment in your career?" and lewis no hesitation is like "oh man, karting, y'know? everything was simpler then" and then spends another six months skirting around nico's name. like this whole thing they're doing in the media isn't some kinda extended foreplay for them. they're both still pressing on the bruise to make sure it's still there!!! every few months, they're literally just asking on public television, does it still hurt for you like it does for me? and like clockwork, someone will release new information about them or one of them will say something about each other (in my heart, he's still my best friend/yes... and teammate) and the answer will remain the same, yes, of course, always.
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kaxtwenty · 2 months
It really is insane to think about how foundational the original Mobile Suit Gundam is to gay literature.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The sheer pity party some alloromantics expect of aromantics is really funny to me. The expectation is that we ought to feel broken or afraid that we will never be worthy of anything if not for a romantic relationship, but as the years go on, I've been so much less inclined to feel those ways.
People expect aromanticism to feel like a prison, and I think that's looking at it wrong. My aromanticism never imprisoned me - amatonormativity did. Being aromantic taught me that I can never and will never be "made whole" through romantic attraction. Amatonormativity teaches that to be whole is to be pursued, to be in love, to be possessed, essentially. Being aromantic has freed me of those expectations because I had to break those chains in order to truly understand what will make my life worth living.
I've been finding more and more that being allo will never appeal to me - I don't give a flying fuck about allo being "normal," and frankly if being normal means being allo, I simply just won't be normal.
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sualne · 9 months
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so, two things happened, I made an nsfw account (mostly anatomy practices, stuff i dont want irls seeing and vamp au stuff also (because blood and naked ppl)) here it is → @/idkwhatssexy on twitter!
next thing is i ended up posting part of the fic i had written for the vamp au, it actually precedes the art, you can read it here!
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septimusmoonlight · 2 months
Good news and bad news!
Bad news is that I've decided that Patreon is no longer a good platform for me, given the recent TOS clearout and their general hostility to monsterfucking (they won't even let me put werewolves on there. whats the point. werewolves are borderline vanilla by my standards). Current supporters can stick around for as long as they'd like, but there's not gonna be any more exclusive posts, and I'm eventually gonna delete it altogether.
Good news is that the formerly Patreon-exclusive pieces are going to be put up for free! Likely on AO3, since almost anything is good to go there as long as you tag it properly. This won't happen right away, 'cause there are 125+ of 'em (plus some alternate versions) and I have a lot of shit going on in life rn, but be on the lookout for those within the month. hopefully. i'll make an announcement post and add the link to my pinned whenever that happens.
Anyway hi yes i'm alive. sorry i haven't been awake for like a month i promise i'm still horny. plgease dont forget about me 🥺
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nartml · 9 months
I get that THW was going for a sobering message of "sometimes you have to let people go" and "some friends can't stay forever", but it was hilariously unsuccessful.
It's still baffling to me, the amount of raving reviews calling it "the perfect ending".
Apart from the wild thematic inconsistencies, and the endless flaws with Hiccup's logic of "oh, yeah, I know that things have never before been this good for dragons, I know that Berk is living proof that even the most stubborn people can change their minds on dragons, I know that dragons thrive on companionship and love their humans, I know that good people exist, I know that I'm the instigator of a huge revolutionary period, butttttt..... because bad humans exist I'll lock away the entirety of the draconic population in a glorified underground cage, in the hopes that one day humans will stop being bad and learn to cooperate with the creatures that they question, or even forget, the existence of a measly decade after their disappearance. Magically.", this message plainly didn't fit.
Not just in a thematic context. I mean that it literally doesn't fit in this situation, and it doesn't fit the characters.
It doesn't even fit reality, because you have to let go of people for reasons. Some friends can't stay forever, for reasons.
Valid ones. Reasons like, you grew apart, you don't have shared interests anymore, they betrayed you in an unforgivable way, they're not good for you, they're not good to you, they died, etc etc.
Had any one of these happened? At any stage? The one thing you could, albeit pointlessly, argue is that they grew apart. That they outgrew each other.
Only that...they didn't? Did I miss something? Because Toothless flying away for, what, a day to spend some time with his love interest, is not outgrowing. Toothless finding romance does not mean that he and Hiccup grew apart.
And this isn't just about the Light Fury. I'm not discussing whether or not she's a good character (she isn't), and I'm not discussing whether or not she deserves Toothless (Ha, you're funny). Even if she were the absolute best, most perfect match for Toothless and a compelling character, it still wouldn't even remotely mean that he and Hiccup grew apart.
In fact, if you grow so far apart from your best friend that you can say goodbye to them forever, just because you found a new partner, then I really don't know what to tell you. (Except that you're probably not a good friend.)
Hiccup realizing that Toothless doesn't make him who he is, and doesn't define him, that he doesn't need Toothless in order to be someone, or even that he doesn't need Toothless at all, doesn't mean that he outgrew him. Not even slightly.
I mean, come on, I don't need the vast majority of people in my life. Arguably, I might not even need any of the people in my life. This doesn't mean I don't want them there.
This doesn't mean that I won't fight for them to stay right here, by my side.
Oh, look, how's that for a change? How about a movie where your friends refuse to leave you? Because that's what I want, and that's what How To Train Your Dragon deserved.
That's what Hiccup, and the rest of the Berkians, deserved. And that's what fit. That's what thematically fit, what fit reality, or at least the httyd reality, and what fit the characters themselves.
This movie treated the dragons as mindless pets, whereas in every other step of the way, they were treated as people.
Toothless isn't a just slobbery puppy.
Toothless is intelligent, curious, kind, understanding, funny, snarky and sarcastic, graceful, elusive, protective, loving, wary, and fucking loyal (plus much more).
I can't think of a character that has demonstrated as much loyalty and protectiveness as this guy.
And yet he was barely any of the aforementioned things in thw. He became unrecognizable.
All the dragons became unrecognizable, for no justifiable reason.
The final message shouldn't have been that your friends sometimes have to leave you, and that you have to let them go.
(The humans left the dragons just as much as the dragons left the humans btw)
It should've been that they'll fight tooth and nail to stay, even when the going gets tough, even when priorities shift, even when you tell them to go.
No matter how passionately you insist that caring for you is rotten work.
It's not to them.
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dingodad · 5 months
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the way this line basically preempted the next 10 years of fandom discourse but homestuck readers were too doopid to get it
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revoltinglesbians · 5 months
this is a child actor beefing with a pullitzer prize winner
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eri-pl · 20 days
me: Canon is important. also me: *sprays water on the Silmarillion as if it was a naughty cat* You can't say that! It's just wrong.
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lord-pigeon · 5 months
Disney has committed a lot of crimes, but their most terrible one is never rebooting Spectrobes
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Saw a post someone made on Twitter about the cost of mxtx books?? And they?? Said they cost? $1080??
And I’m hoping it was a joke for a meme or something, but if not, I would respectfully like to know where they’re buying their copies because,, that’s, that’s no.
No. That’s not how much they cost.
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finisnihil · 4 months
2.4 drip marketing is making me feel like Wanderer. The first betrayal was no Sunday, the second betrayal was still no Sunday, and the third betrayal is that the cool Foxian guy who flaunts being a healer in his description ISN'T EVEN ABUNDANCE HE'S NIHILITY
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xenglitch · 3 months
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it couldve been midra. it couldve been messmer. it couldve been romina. we couldve had a really really cool new unique final boss instead of the actual final boss who is literally a guy we already fought in the base game and bootleg twin princes.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Doctors/surgeons should come before a panel of medical experts who are trans before being allowed to administer trans-specific care
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