#<- a little bit. mostly HC but theres some stuff in there
miiilowo · 1 year
I love asking questions heck yeah
How fucked are your William's joints? I feel like this is something you may have mentioned before? But I'm asking anyway bc good lord the springlock scars design in the tse graphic novel are so very prominent on th e joints
Ooh actually do you any thoughts on how getting springlocked affected William in general? Physically or mentally? And mayhaps how being springtrapped affected him too?
Ooh what are his feelings on Springbonnie
Ahh this afton focused is it? Sorry I just love the springlock suits in general . Hmm. Any reasons he may like the color purple, or be associated with it? Do you imagine his car actually is purple like the minigames? How is William's driving?
i lovw you <- youre asking me specific questions about stuff id never think about on my own
BONES !!!!!!! i have not thought about this before, somehow. ive thought about michael, but not william. i guess he would be pretty fucked up in the pain department, honestly. while the scars appear to just be skin-deep, whose to say it didnt hurt like a bitch when you have them Clamping Down On Your Fucking Joints? like, i briefly-and i mean BRIEFLY- dislocated my knee and it snapped back into place on its own, and it's still a lot more sensitive and weaker than the other one, so i have no trouble believing that he'd have physical pain like that. doesn't help that he is also an old man, and people generally hurt more as they get older
As for how it affected him mentally, I cant really be sure. Since i dont have like, a detailed description of what happened and how, its hard for me to try and put myself in his shoes and extrapolate from there. He clearly isnt too bothered by it, considering how much he adores the suits (and especially the spring bonnie one. for obvious reasons. which we can also assume probably springlocked him initially)
post-springtrap though? im conflicted. i know in the novels he makes a point of saying that he likes being springtrap, and hes fucked up enough to view him as a character-a role that he wants to play, a comical over the top villain. and while i do love that for him, really, theres something about how hes presented in fnaf 3; that quiet, barely audible groaning as he moves around the building, the relentless approach thats only stunted by the suit forcibly moving him toward sound due to its programming...................................ouuugggghhrghh. look. im a fucking sucker for horror, and i love how horrific fnaf 3 is when you get to thinking about it, so im biased toward it. we can use the novel springtrap as a fun way to learn about his personality, and how it plays into how hes cartoonish bastard, but i generally prefer the idea that it fucking sucks to be stuck in that suit. like, getting springlocked is bad enough, but the fact his chance to enact revenge was stunted by the suit moving his half-intact body around, probably causing immense pain? that shit fucks. really into that
as far as his opinions on spring bonnie....i dunno. hed like him. hes his character, after all, his.....literal fursona, in some ways. i dont think its a coincidence that he chose a spring bonnie related form to represent his digital consciousness, nor is it a coincidence that he repeatedly chose spring bonnie to be his physical form (see glitchtrap & burntrap; different bodies from springtrap, yet still spring bonnie. he did not have to do that. but he did)
The purple thing is also related to this last one. Its the accent color he used on spring bonnie (see glitchtraps vest & springbonnies bowtie), so he was probably rather fond of it. hes almost equally represented by yellow, so i think thats a top contender for favorite color too, but purple takes the cake. his car is a 1970 plum colored doge challenger with black accents To Me. i havent really thought about his driving. id imagine it fine, hed probably actually be good at it after getting used to driving 3 children around in it and having to focus on the road and them at the same time
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Now hold on a gosh-diddly-darn minute, I noticed the entire time talking about a tipsy Peppino no one thought to ask this but what about tipsy GUS? I mean we saw him a li'l tipsy in the fastfood saloon escape, can I hear your thoughts about that/him please? Have they ever gotten tipsy together?
(I just like the mental image of the two alone, just being real giggly with each other (Gus just says "hey" and Peppi starts giggling which sets Gus off giggling) and being sappy goofs with each other <3)
HEEHEE u are so right and i am so sorry for withholding this information from the masses 😭
My homebrew for gnomes is that they are simultaneously hardy folk (able to eat virtually anything and immune to most poisonous creatures) AND extremely intolerant of alcohol. Theres no reason for that, i just like it alot :)
So Gus would be an extreme lightweight 😭 its SO bad; he cant speak clearly at all, he cant walk straight, he has the Worst hangovers and he wont remember anything from the previous night. The line between ‘pleasantly buzzed’ and ‘blackout drunk’ is so thin that Gus doesnt even try social drinking. If he MUST drink, it will be in the comfort of his own barebones apartment 😭 at least, until Peppino started hanging out with vigilante and his crew.
Gustavo LIKES drinking! Its just hard to find a good balance, and THATS bc he simply doesnt know how alcohol works. Peppino is like:
“Look ‘ere. All of these have a number somewhere on the bottle. Or a percentage. Lower the number, the better it is for you.”
Gustavo is like !!! Oh!!! That is very helpful! What would you recommend for me then?
“Probably…2-5%. 5-10 proof. Small 'a numbers.”
Gustavo nods, interested. He points at a bottle he recognizes from the last time he came here and got shitfaced. “That one up there; do you know how ‘a strong that one is? Or should i ask the bartender?”
Peppino squints at the company label. “45%.”
“Oh!” That makes sense. “Well what do you usually drink?”
Peppino recommends some of the LIGHT light wines, the ones that barely have a hint of anything. Theyre sweet (which Gustavo loves so very very much) and for the first time in a very long time, he Stays buzzed instead of immediately faceplanting into being blackout drunk.
Hes very. Playful. Is what Peppino would describe a tipsy Gustavo. He hesitates to use the term ‘flirty’ because that is not whats happening. But hes like. Clearly entertaining some gruff looking men like five times his size as they ramble drunkenly about random shit like ‘waow….thasso cool…and then what happened???’
Its funny at first bc Gustavo is so fucking TINY that all you can see of him, in the group of men as they yapyapyap about some inane shit that Gustavo wont even remember, is his tiny little tail 😭 It is less funny, however, when Peppino catches himself rambling about work and Gustavo is like (ears perked; tail swaying) ‘mmhmm. wrow…thats ‘a kinda nice…what else did you do??’ Peppino is like *buffering* (‘something is happening right now that will need to be addressed at a later time. Do not forget DO NOT FORGET. URGENT!!!!’)
Otherwise Gustavo is just a silly guy. Vigilante will make a joke and he laughs so low and deep that he sounds downright villainous 😭 Peppino will point out something stupid on the TV and like hours later Gus is like ‘…heeeuehuuueee…..do u remember [insert stupid reference] and Peppino will giggle. Peppinos affinity for throwing around ilus are met with Gustavo going ‘😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊’ with absolutely no way to even pretend to mask it.
Gustavo has fun being out in the saloon but he really enjoys drinking in Peppinos house. Its not nearly as loud as the saloon and theres usually homecooked foods like breads and soups (Because Peppino stress-cooks ALL the time). Brick gets to stay indoors instead of waiting outside the saloon, so Gustavo gets to mess with his soft fur contentedly. He just gets to be cozy; its quite nice 😊
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thatturtleleon · 1 year
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they silently judge people together
actually scratch out the "silently" part, at least for knockout, they'll talk shit whenever and wherever
one time knockout said something funny and breakdown let out this booming dad laugh and smiled and knockout thought his spark was going to spontaneously combust
and when knockout laughs like that, breakdown will do absolutely everything he can to make him laugh like that again
i love how different their fighting styles are and just their overall vibes
like knockout is a bit more gentler when handling things, and mostly fights with speed
breakdown just whips out his hammer thingy and clobbers everyone
one can be brutally beating an autobot or something and the other's like "haha omg ur so sexy babe"
they're both chilling while knockout's describing (in great detail) about dissection and breakdown's giggling kicking his feet
little freaks i love them sm
slight NSFW in the bullet point below!
ok usually i don't get into NSFW stuff on here but i saw this one post saying that what if Transformers don't get horny or have sex because theres no need for it since they don't reproduce sexually (which i agree with) but knockout heard about humans doing it and he was like "well fuck now i need to try that with my husband" and he just like invents a way to do it LMAO
slight NSFW part over :)
they crack bad puns together in the middle of fights
speaking of fighting, i feel like they wouldn't really fight each other?
like sure they'd occasionally have some disagreements, but nothing serious
KOBD just fits together like that y'know?
Note: I'll probably add more to this later on, but here's all the ones my brain could ramble out lol
@virovirokun-has-adhd i'll tag u in this cause ik u love them <3
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
Papercut taking late night drives together hcs? I personally hc that when Ponys anxious he'd like to go on drives to help clear his head and stuff
•they'll find any reason to go on a car ride, they both like car rides, feelin sick?? car ride!!! bored??? car ride???? car ride???? car ride.
•at some point they dont even need to ask, curly just gets up and gets the keys and he signals to pony that hes goin out for a drive and pony can come along w, pony just brings a blanket too, he’ll forget a jacket but not a damn blanket😭
•they talk about everything but at the same time nothing at all, they like the quiet and they like the scenery, they also cant stay silent for so long w the other just right there but also they got something on their minds holding them back from doing their normal banter, they do still play fight a lil tho, just bc curlys in the passenger seat doesnt mean pony wont flick his ear
•they dont drive that far out, maybe like a neighborhood or 2 down from where they live, they also make small comments about how some ppl decorated the outside of their house😭
•they try using different routes everytime they go out driving to shake things up a bit, however i would be a big fat liar if i aint say that they would get lost sometimes
•if pony was feeling like sad or woke up after a nightmare and thats y theyre going for a ride, curly would drive right near where the forest are, he HATES driving near the forest bc those trees seem WAY taller than they normally r, but pony seems to like the quiet there so why not
•if hes feelin it, maybe he shares whats bothering him
•the radio is most likely on, but not turned up all the way, curlys too tired to be his loud self and pony doesnt want to be 100% awake either, he still wants to sleep after this
•car rides when its raining???? yea thats definitely their form of therapy, does basically the same thing for them, bc the windows have condensation on em they draw on em, curlys driving tho so its mostly only at red lights
•if theres a gas station near by u can bet ur bottom dollar they stopped buy for snacks, and by they, i mean curly, pony was too comfortable in that passenger seat to rlly get up
•they TRY playing car games like i spy, but curlys a lil asshole and kept changing what he was seeing or tried being a smart ass
•poor pony cant even play it properly, he was going “i soy with my little eye” and then he’s accidentally say what he was looking at
•anyways the car ride back home is just quiet, theres rlly nothing to say anymore, it was just a quick thing to do
•if ponys asleep on the ride home i KNOW he wakes up when he feels that turn, he just knows where hes at even while sleeping, its so engraved into his head
•as soon as they get back in the bedroom the immediately plop down and go right back to bed, as soon as their eyes closed they r OUT
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entropy-sea-system · 11 months
I think the reason I see a little less potential for any mh gen 3 ships w the guy characters is bc they're just.. not given much screen time?? like. Clankie (neither of them are guys and both characters get enough screen time on their own) is probably the ship that makes most sense in canon even if other ships also do?? Like. that tends to be why the ships I think have more build up happen to be nblw or wlw???
I think Like. Gil had literally hardly any screentime without Lagoona even if they both seem into each other and communicate with each other. And I haven't even shipped any mlm ships yet bc .. the guy characters hardly interact w each other as much as they do w the nonbinary and girl characters.
Clawd had more screentime than him, but I think he and Draculaura haven't had much interaction outside of like two episodes, and I feel the show focuses mostly on him being from Beheme and being Clawdeen's brother most of the time. I've heard other ppl say in concepts he was supposed to be an inventor and I feel that his canon characterisation isn't as fully fledged as it could have been.
I do still ship Dracugoona but. tbh I don't think they had as many moments after witch hitch to be honest. But I do ship it.
Clankie feels like the ship with the most moments. They seem consistently interested in each other and even if recent episodes don't have many moments the finale is literally mainly about Clankie so. It feels like I don't have to detail this one because everyone knows how canon has hinted at it basically.
I like Lagoona x Gil, and their interactions are cute but I think maybe we could use more screen time for Gil to actually like, know something about him other than a couple of hobbies he has. I don't think a ship has to be slow burn to make sense because romance just works differently for different ppl even irl!! Its not unrealistic for ppl irl to date without knowing each other for like months or years lol... so Idk why thats unrealistic in a fictional show anyway. I think similarly about Clawdulaura but the episode with the dancing and the one where the talismans go missing did make me ship them.
For most of the characters I don't really like easily ship them if theres no hints in canon but yeah. Like Im not in a rush to ship every character with someone, and Im arospec allosexual, and hc some of them as arospec and/or maybe just not wanting to date at the moment. I should also probably add that Im friendship repulsed and familial repulsed (atertiary also) so I'm not very invested in the friendships and family in the show. I think I mainly prefer to analyse the events and characters on their own and sometimes ships.
In the movies, after the second movie, I kind of ship Toralei and Clawdeen and feel they had a bit more chemistry at the end than whatever was going on with Clawdeuce.
I don't really care for claiming characters "are better as friends" or shipping them platonically or queerplatonically bc that repulses me and Im already just p much ignoring the stuff in the show that repulses me lol. (Also I know I could just.. not watch the show then, but its extremely hard to find media without friendship as a plato-repulsed aplatonic, and I like cartoons.) I'm more in the fandom for the world building and the events of the show, and characters, and a bit for shipping but the shipping wasn't really there until I saw the potential of Clankie tbh.
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death-in-a-handbasket · 8 months
Ooo headcannon time okay! So some of my headcannons don’t really have much if any cannon evidence, in fact it’s mostly just from vibes alone. Theres the simple ones like how I think he actually has eyebrows but they’re just white like the tips of his hair, or like that I personally don’t see him as cis (no cannon reference I just got a feeling) Oooh and I have a headcannon that he feeds the stray cats by his house/apartment.!In my mind, akutagawa is a protector by nature like he was with his group back in the slums, and over time due to being in the mafia for so long it kinda morphed into something else If that makes sense? I don’t really know how to word it lol. I can’t remember the rest, but if I have anymore I’ll send them in.
honestly sometimes making hcs IS about the vibes alone, sometimes the shit comes to you in a vision with no other explanation besides “it feels right” that’s how I make my playlists half the time, I can’t properly tell you why blood roses goes in his playlist other than that bitch is fucking it up on the harpsichord and it’s cunty
also tbh I’ve always liked the thought that his brows are actually white and just match the tips of his hair, that’s very pretty to me actually 🤭 imagine if bits of his eyelashes are also white ohhuuu preettyman ,,,,,,
also what kind of cisn’t are you feeling? transman? enby? I think it would be interesting if he was agender, him and gin both are abstaining from explaining whatever is happening in the gender department
also he seemingly isn’t a dog person so it would be really cute to me if he was soft to cats as a result, he probably sits with them and drinks tea while they eat and they have a sweet little routine going on at this point, imagine he names some of them after his old friends 🥹
also YES I totally agree that he’s got a protective nature, he’s also prone to obsession and stubbornness which combined tells me instead of it being expressed in healthier ways, the mafia has him semi stuck in fight or flight mode, all his protective nature is going towards keeping his reason to live intact, he’s guarding his purpose because he kind of goes off the rails when he doesn’t have a purpose. Even if he isn’t protecting himself or his will to live, I feel like all that energy and obsession would default to protecting someone even to the point of self destruction
picks him up puts him under my arm alright pookie it’s time to get some better coping mechanisms than this :’)
I think even if he were raised in healthier circumstances I think there’s always a little bit of him that does see violence as a very good option to fix bullshit, like even if he had parents that took good care of him I still feel like if he thought one of his classmates was being a dickhead he would wind it back and knock a few teeth in LMAO bro walks a very tenuous wire of violent and cutthroat but also inexplicably sensitive and deeply caring
also take your time! whenever you think of something send me asks or just straight up tell me random stuff, shit man you could straight up dm me and I’d rock with it, I love visitors in my inbox regardless :]
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trashimoto · 2 years
SORRY IAM AT SCHOOL that comic is absolutely stunning thank you for the masterpiece
i would be interested in your hcs and other sdra? stuff u make!!! nikei yomiuri fixation is going on 116 days and i need some content to keep me aalive right now
I bestow upon you my ultimate favorite nikei headcanons
I think he ends up using his little around his neck scoops notebook for lots of different things like of course notes interviews and articles but i imagine he also uses it kind of like as a journal / diary too as well as like planning stuff and also the joe biden negative ebergy manifestation thing (pic below) but with mikado
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I think like his biggest interest / thing he could go on and on about BESIDES journalism is soda. he has some moments where he talks about it in the game like when he gets really excited abt the discontinued soda in the vending machines but like i think this guy knows way too much. collects old bottles bit doesnt tell anyone because he thinks its dorky. he loves trying the weirdest flavors he can find and he has a seperate notebook with his comprehensive soda reviews and rankings.
Based on the bit we do know about his food preferences in canon + a little bit of me projecting I do really think he has ARFID. This goes a little bit with the soda thing because like i think he probably doesnt drink anything besides soda and coffee. hajime is BEGGING HIM to please drink some water. I think he survives mostly on like chips and ramen. And of course he doesn’t want to eat whatever mikado makes because its mikado but i do think part of it is also mikado makes very fancy dishes a lot and i think they are Scary Foods. This ine is very like self indulgent LOL
He’s definetly the type to get mad, punch the wall, and then break his hand as a result. I just know he’s done it
This is more of a headcanon for an au nikei i roleplay with some friends but im includijg it because inreally like it. there are multiple other characters who can use magic in said rp and as a result of his experiances with Mikado, nikei is staunchly Anti-Magic. He’s afraid of it + it just makes him SO mad too. Like this extends from like magic powers to psychics to like slieght of hand magicians. Very strong emotional reaction from him everytime and I don’t even blame him honestly
i think he plauys angry birds
He dresses in just as many layers of clothes in the summer and winter. Like he’s always wearing a ridiculous amount of clothes unless he’s like actively swimming. I know he did go swimming in the prolouge BUT i think that if he wenr ro the beach to just relax he wouod be in the full get up vest jacket two scarves and all. But also like hell hes going to the beach just to relax this man doesnt know how to relax
Hes definetly bad at math. This guy is a WRITER you just know he was crushing it in lit classes but doing shit in math. I think it just doesnt make sense to him. My dad actually oen time was telling me how he likes math because theres always one objectively right answer and i think as a journalist and a liar nikei would struggke with that aspect. You can’t reallt bullshit your way with persuasive writing through math LMFAO.
Regularly gets in fights in the youtube comments section
Personally I don’t think Nikei has his liscence because I don’t think he’d be a particularly good driver. I think also if he does though he’s almost never allowed to drive when hes going out with other people because he gets the most insane road rage.
He tried to start a book club on the monocruise and it ended up with only three members himself iroha and yoruko. Iroha only wanted to talk about yaoi and the book club was dissolved before the first meeting finished because monocrow ushered yoruko and nikei out of the library for yelling at eachother (they had different interpertations of the books ending)
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wally-franks · 1 year
hiii hi im here with my liddol hcs for u... looks up at u with my big sad wet eyes. this is my silly little au ,,, i love urs tho n would love to hear the angst bcos. theres so much angst i left out too fjrjfhie
ok so WALLY- little guy but absolutely not stupid. like he knows whats going on BUT hes just. a little silly sometimes. low braincells but can piece stuff together and is careful. carries a knife with him. does not want to get into trouble (excluding pranks ofc. loves them) uh. 147cm, transmasc, and pan. his hat is very important. i actually just finished making his hat but thats a different thing fhjrjf
talks a LOT and has a gossip group with norman n susie. but its all in good fun. n u know thomas is him boyfriend. they pretend to be Mortal Enemies but at home they r so so soft... they must put up a front at work because they are scared of how they'll look in front of other ppl. if only they knew that probably like 2 ppl total in jds were cishet fbjrj,, he has that audhd and his silly little catchphrase is everything ok.
thomas- too tall bites him. i mean. ahem. 183cm and bisexual. very closed off from people but will not hesitate to confront people. very touchy about the machine cos its his "best creation" or whatever. ok stupid college boy but go off ig. (i love him sm)
basically just there to get work done. he acts smart, looks smart, but hes "stupid"... not in the way of logically stupid, he is just very silly sometimes. also he smokes. i mean have u HEARD his voice (affectionate) he has 5 older brothers n his family is very sweet i think. gnaws on the thomas plush part twenty million
and finally SAMMY- very very stressed so he yells a lot BUT he does a softer side in private. he just needs to front as mean and irritating with everyone to keep his image up :(( grr squishes him very hard. transmasc and gay bc. he just is. does not like joey but then again in my au nobody really does but thats ok<3 back to sammy the babygirl. he is 168cm and his "partner" is jack... but we all know... the silly... also probably helped johnny learn the organ/piano. because it needs to happen
if u want 2 know more or have any questions my dms are open >:3c sorry for th ramble!!! fjrjeh
Hii!!  I'm so sorry this took so long to get toooooo. I had to inhale this text for a bit and let it sog into my brain xD I always need a bit to take in muchhhhooss information (nothing bad btw just me being me hehe)
AND YEAHHH.. I should maybe talk more about angst. But at the same time I'm like. Naurrrr... Naurrrr... I really live by "there's always so much negativity and sadness in this world, no need to add more to it" SO I ALWAYS HESITATE SHARING ANGST AND SAD THINGS!! CUZ I'M LIKE!!  WHY BE SAD IF I CAN HAVE FUN STUFF WITH STUFF THAT MAKES ME HAPPY </3 + most of it is just killing and torture anyway and euhm. Those tend to trigger ehm negative stuffs in me anyway :') Mostly just hallucinations and shit thoughts but!! You know, when there's a good time to share some of that stuff, I will!! :3 or maybe I share more about my toon Alice. She's a bit more tame about with that stuff. Anyhow. This is about YOU and not me. Soooo I'll go now through your stuff >:)
Wally being like that is true, that really fits to him!! He's just a silly that takes his his time to piece stuff together and that is okay :3
And OMG, mine also carries a knife around :D I just think it makes so much sense for hi to do so.... He's encountered moving ink puddles before, might just aswell carry a knife til. I feel like it also makes more sense after we saw his hat and a knife at artists rests (+ the April fools video hehe). Also, him being transmasc and pan is so funny because my old version of wally used to be exactly that aswell!!  :D I changed that though, but again something very fitting for him. I loev your wally. He's so silly. AND SMALL!!!???  like damn OMG I didn't expect him to be that tiny. I could just launch him /lh
(Wally being a little gossip girly pop is so funny and real HAHAHA )
Thomas's and Wally,s relationship being like that is exactly how I envisioned it xD I love that for them so much.
And.. DAMN!! IM ALMOST AS TALL AS THOMAS BOY!! I thought yours would have been MUCH taller. Guess I was wrong. That's so interesting.
Also yeah... He definitely smokes. He smokes so damn much, probably several packs a day LMFOA. It's not to miss with a voice like that xD. You'd have to be insane to not think that.
SAMMY BOY!!! SAMMY BOY!! I've been so keen on hearing about him!!!!! Wa'hh!!  We love publicly intimidating and soft at home Sammy I love that so so so so so much waghahahhhh!! And he's also way smaller than I thought,!! Another suprise here :D but nothing bad. Just me being like woah??  In taller than him. ALSO, HIM AND JACK BEING A THING?? YAY!! I LOVE SAMMY AND JACK TOGEZHER WJAJAJAJ AND OHOHOHH JOHNNY MOMENT. JOHNNY MENTIONED *POINTSSS*
AND YEAH I'LL LET YOU KNOW IF I WANNA KNOW MORE. AND DON'T BE SORRY I LOVED THIS SO MUCH.. ERMMMM. IF YOU EVER WANNA TALK MORE ABOUT YOUR JOHNNY *twirls hair* I'd love to know what he's up to in your AU. Where he's mostly at!! Mine is first at the music department but then gets moved down to lacie and Bertrum, so I'd love to know where yours at!! And his personality too. That's the thing that interests me the most!!! Giving a character who has no info at all jngame a personality is always so cool and interesting to see :D everyone has like their own way of seeing and imagining characters.. I'd die to know how yours is!!!!
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farsidejr · 2 years
ok so i gave a big long huge ramble about my GaSa4 HC turned AU over on Twitter so i'm gonna put it here because yeah gaming !!! i DO have a Player design which i never drew, and they aren't super present in the AU, but if people wanna see em maybe i'll draw em! lore basics and ART below the cut-off!!! mostly copy/pasted from my Twitter ! i'll post the art separately after for anyone who just wants to reblog specific images, without my long ass ramblings and such lmao. PLEASE ASK ME QUESTIONS THERES SO MUCH LORE FOR THIS WARNING: this AU is based around the GaSa4 bad ending!
this AU started when i realized that Kyu said she would move any extra data from Cashier somewhere else. not delete it, just, move it. ok, so what if that "extra" stuff was his name, model, dialogue, voice sound, personality, etc? what if the stuff that got moved was thrown out of the experience, and is STILL THERE? all of the memories not needed to run GaSa4, like the day shift, meeting Dummy, all still out there, and what if it congealed into THIS GUY
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C4SHi3R isn't very stable physically, and gets randomly thrown into Roblox experiences and then zapped back out with no way to choose where he goes or when. he eventually picked up some weapons for self defense in games with zombies and stuff. he doesn't have any memories that would be still needed for GaSa4. he knows he MET people (cough Dummy n Player cough), but doesn't know what they look like, their names, their voices, etc. gets deja vu a lot when seeing someone who looks like them or hearing their names, but tries not to think too hard about it. meanwhile back at GaSa4, Dummy (called Dxmmy for the AU) is stuck there practically alone. the game is stuck constantly looping night time to preserve data space, so FF stays asleep. she thought Cashier died, and spent a lot of time blaming himself for that.
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the game is stuck constantly looping night time to preserve data space, so FF stays asleep. Dxmmy thought Cashier died, and spent a lot of time blaming himself for that. they hate purple now, reminds them too much of the corrupt landscape, but besides that it loves bright colours. it's a lot nicer than the dull darkness in the void, which was mostly browns blacks and greys besides their TV. since C4SHi3R can randomly pop up in any game, that includes back at GaSa4 months later, but his added data only let him stay long enough to do that "literally with you" thing and get out, bringing Dxmmy with him, who now wears the most eyeburning outfits it can find in dress up games. there's a big something unaccounted for though. if C4SHi3R is everything that got removed from GaSa4 to make room, what about what was left behind? what's holding the GaSa4 data now? well, C4SHi3R did encounter someone else while he was briefly back at GaSa4. he met the thing that shoved him out to protect the game from being corrupt all over again, and it was kinda a little bit sorta terrifying for him AND Dxmmy
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it's cool though just looks scary and couldn't hold a physical form let alone dialogue text for very long without getting a MASSIVE headache, so it had to be quick with its message. after Dxmmy left, though, that gave it enough room to KINDA ALMOST hold the data for a physical body
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NullString's body has a lot of unfilled variables, so unless it's focusing, its limbs will change count at random, along with its height, age, and just... honestly everything. it does its best to keep it all within a manageable range, at least. it had to grieve Dxmmy leaving, and the fact that it could only give itself a reliable less-terrifying mode of communication after it didn't really need that anymore is a massive point of frustration. there are a lot more details to this all, a lot of it tied in with my kissmate's AUs and lore! feel free to ask questions, i love talking about these guys !!!
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javic-piotr-thane · 1 year
oh interesting! i can’t read books at the moment so i havent read any of them. that makes a lot of sense ab leadership. i like my little hc that they made it more communist - ianto did behind the scenes stuff/correspondence w thr queen etc, tosh was coordinating from the hub, & then the other two also pitched in for other causes (nice and vague, well done me hahah). i actually wondered when i rewatched KKBB if they had spread out the leadership & then the writers were like ‘haha nope!’. ive read a lot of nice ianto takes over fics which is probably swaying me a bit lol
i actually dont mind broken! its a bit strange but i think it fits well enough. its more that i dislike that it (kind of) limits the options for fan-decisions on when they sleep together first. while lots of people are happy to wiggle canon about and create wonderful new things, lots more tend to stick w canon as is (or major points) and i think defining when they first sleep together gives it a bit more weight and impact (even belatedly) on the episodes (& fanworks). i mostly enjoy the plotline otherwise (although the sleeping together did catch me off guard the first time!)
thats true about fandom shaping it. i am still very much on the fringes - i think i follow you & perhaps one other tw blog - just because i find fandom a lot of stress and i’m in my early 30s so lots are younger - but i’m working my way through the available fic (well, mainly the ones on ao3 ik there are many on LJ that i am gonna have more trouble finding later lol) and that probably is shaping my view of characters. some more than others, i suppose. but i have been finding a lot of ooc representations (for me) which makes me think perhaps theres a fandom-intent on portraying them. i cant quite word this!
i’ll do a comparison - i consumed a lot of HP fanfiction, it was my main fandom for fics for a lot of years, and my first fic ever. and now i cant tell you for certain which portrayals are true to canon, and which are based in fanon. because i stopped engaging w canon (for many reasons including the most obvious) and now i’m left wondering - eg was that how neville was in the books or is that how fandom has shaped canon into their own desires and interpretations. and thats not to say thats a negative! because i think fanon is incredible. but i do wonder when i read a fic without that background, without the decade of engaging in fanfic as it shifted, if i am reading it as OOC when it’s actually in character for the fanon version of the character.
i hope that makes sense, i have a lot of trouble with coherence lol
you're making sense!! this is a problem ("problem") for many fans i think, which is why engaging with the source material (when possible/comfortable, obviously, i know which situation you're referring to) can be important if you really want to keep your interpretations close to canon. (you might not want that, or not care, at least in particular instances; something something Sherlock actually makes 100% of the tea on the show with his name and not John.)
as for fic that feels OOC to you; if you don't like it, i recommend you learn to spot it early and avoid it. simple as that. god knows i went through that phase in my early time in this fandom XD you have to read a bunch to figure out what you like and don't like in the first place, i think, but after a while it tarries out and might only shift slightly afterwards - and you know what to avoid and what to seek out.
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samsspambox · 2 years
I love the hc that Artem is ace. I'm ace as well and that puts a lot of his understandable behavior into perspective. Like, saying stuff that could be sugged to mean otherwise and immediately apologizing for it because you didn't mean for it to be taken that way. But also the book! Artem trying to learn his way into someone's heart by watching dramas and a book on "love and attraction"? Yep. Not to mention, the whole thing with intimacy, where he tends to freeze when things get more intimate - not because he doesn't want it, but because he just doesn't know what to do. I've also seen people claim Artem as being dense, which is fair. I would argue tho that it's because he legitimately does not know better. When he does stuff, especially in like Focus Fire or In Sickness and In Health or Two Hearts as One, he tends to think of the "romantic" implications a little bit later - He likes Rosa, sure, but I'm pretty sure his first thought when trying to use his hands as earmuffs isn't "oh gosh, I'm right next to her", but rather "oh, I need to protect her ears." Two Hearts as One is another one - Artem and Rosa are working on the choking scene and Artem is on top of her, Artem doesn't immediately get uncomfortable with the position, he just figures that it's what he has to do for the play (which, fair), it's only after things get a little more intimate that he starts to get flustered. Artem's other autumn cars is another one. Which makes things kinda interesting because it seems like he's judging his own reactions to things between them based on how MC is reacting, when they get flustered, Artem is more than likely to mirror that too. He knows his social cues, hence the apologies for what happens as a result of his innocent intent. Some food for thought.
like, his first instinct isn't to think about situations as 'oh this is romantic/this has sexual tension' but more like 'what's right to do in the moment' or 'what's right to do because of the environment'.
like the basketball card! he bought the milk tea bc what else was he supposed to do in that situation, but was only aware it was for couples when the person selling clarified that it was for couples, you know?
i think it's a combination of factors that lead to artem being 'dense' in the act of wooing someone. one has to be inexperience bc he just,, never had a partner at all. but i also think it was a bit of the ugly duck syndrome. a bit of spoilers here but artem's mom mentions that bc artem shot up in height during high school, a lot of people started seeing him as attractive. that makes me think that artem,,, probably had it rough in terms of being a pre-teen. and now with all the sudden attention? he'd freak out. he'd grow distrustful of those around him, shutting down any possibilities of him dating around in his early teens. also bc his parents have connections, similarly to marius, and could have been used as a step to reach his parents' attention.
and of course there's also just the innate innocence of his actions. i think that's why a lot of people like artem— hes a bit of a subversion of the 'cold hearted mf' trope. artem genuinely doesn't hide that he worries for people and wants them to succeed but because of his position of power over them it comes off as cold indifference.
i guess as someone on the ace spec, i wanna dig i to why artem chose mc as the person who'd he'd have feelings towards. how did him and mc get close? how gradual was it? i know we get some answers to their past in future cards but they mostly focus too far back to when they were just colleagues. what was that moment? cuz the game just establishes them as 'really good work colleagues' in the beginning. how did that happen? let me sEE
but you're so right nonnie artem being ace partially solves so many mysteries about artem himself. thank you for dropping by nonnie!!!
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hahagiggles3 · 3 years
*on my hands and knees begging* please, some scraps of L x matsuda x reader poly dating hc's. it's been infesting my brain
okokokokokok i love this so much your brain has a beautiful perfect infestation
[Poly] L x reader x Matsuda !!!
no warnings, other than maybe a sad thing or two but its very minor!
theres so much of this its so long
no pronouns for the reader at all, GN reader
L; “dummies (affectionate)”
Matsuda is so sweet to both of you
you're in heaven my friend
theres so much cuddling and kisses its like youre drowning in love every time youre home
the three of you are joined at the hip you go everywhere together
L moves around a lot for his work, and he provides all the money for everything but Matsuda works for L anyway because he feels weird, and you have a little online business you can run from anywhere.
You and Matsuda do most of the shopping and household stuff, and L finds/builds little cosy houses where you stay so its not concrete and computers all the time
L doesnt have a huge variation in his closet [save for a few huge wool sweaters matsuda’s mom made for him] so you and matsu wear his signature white shirt tahts just a bit too big for you and curl up together for hours
You and L mostly cuddle quietly while he works or while youre cooking, he likes to take bites of whatever youre making and tries to put sugar into it
you have to shoo his hands away which makes him laugh and kiss the back of your head because he loves you so much
he sucks at words of affection so he just kisses you two a bunch, matsu gets all red everytime and it makes you both laugh and kiss him more
when dealing with L’s bouts of intense exhaustion that are so strong he cant keep his eyes open for 30 seconds, you and Matsu take charge! you contact his current client and let them know everything is okay but L is dealing with personal business, and they usually understand.
matsuda makes everything comfortable and stocks up on quick meals so you wont have to cook while you let L pull you into his lap so you can work for him while he rests behind you
once you two are done matsuda comes home with food, and you all eat together in your bedroom
matsu cleans up and you bathe L with him
L sleeps with you two wrapped around him
If matsuda’s feeling down or less-than-smart, you and L are always there to help him and reassure that hes perfect how he is
L stopped insulting him a long time ago, but being around a super genius all the time is discouraging for Matsu’s self esteem
but L always makes up for any damage he’s done with or without knowing it
he lets matsuda rest for a while and you all just take a day or two to have some quiet time together
these consist of mystery movies, L’s favorite is Knives Out, he likes the scenery, and romcoms, Matsuda likes My Big Fat Greek Wedding!
When you watch a move in your room, you end up squished in the middle right up against them with them both holding your hands and all your legs tangled together
you like to dance together in the living room of where youre staying
either you&L, you & matsu, or matsu and L are dancing facing each other, and the third person is clinging to someone’s back as you all sway to whatever song is on, if any
you like to make jams and syrups together!! L likes a sweet breakfast so youve all made it your mission to make as many different kinds of toppings as you can!! there are always new fruits and spices to try to mix together to make the perfect pancake syrup
you all love each other so much n its just a very sweet and cosy relationship [sob]  i lob them sm
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darthwheezely · 4 years
okay im backkkkk 💌 anything kinda angsty for fred pls (like a break up but theres a bit of making up at the end pls
resentment and reconciliation- f.w. hcs
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Warnings: this one kinda hurt to write I’m ngl, I love you Jess but DAMN - cussing probably, mentions of slut shaming, actual smut, a lOT OF ANGST, hateful!fred
people that might like this(?): @whiz-bangs78 @vogueweasley @theweasleyslut @loony-loopy-lupinn @lupinsclassroom @vivianweasley @oh-for-merlins-sake @kitwalker02 @tatesimper @gcdric @slytherinsunrise @lumosandnoxwriting
you and Fred were friends...
...simply friends
only friends
friends that liked to casually dominate each other multiple times a week
sometimes multiple times a day
but regardless of your entirely messy relationship, you were best friends
...weren’t you?
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so goddamn tight me,” Fred hissed as he was pounding inside of you, determined to release some kind of frustration from seeing you with George for the whole day when you both knew you had really just wanted to spend the day with Fred. Right?
“Freddie, you feel so good” you said airily as he hiked up one of your legs onto one of his shoulders.
“Yeah, princess? You like the way I fill you up so good, make you fucking mine?” When you moaned in response he threw your other leg onto the opposite shoulder, determined to show you just how much you were his, and what that meant for him. He had been watching you for months pretend nothing was happening outside this room, and regardless if you knew it or not, it had been killing him the day he agreed to your rendezvous the first time.
“Yes, Freddie, fuck, yes”
“Gonna come for me, sweet girl?”
“God, yes, Fred-“ and with a harsh thrust to your g-spot you clenched around him tightly, your body releasing onto him in a massive wave. He put his free hand that didn’t have your arms pinned above you to your clit, determined to have you as overstimulated as possible.
“Fred, please-“ you whined vehemently at his rough touch.
“I’m coming baby, I’m right here” and with a final pound he had smoothed your walls with him, the throbbing finally subsiding. He rolled his hips slowly to ride out his high, and he then pulled out, falling to your side and pulling you into his arms. He could feel your heart pounding as your breasts heaved against him, desperate for air flow where he had rid you of it all.
“We haven’t held each other like this in a while, Freddie...it’s...it’s really nice.” You whispered against his bare chest, pressing a kiss or two there. He nodded and buried his mouth in your hair, fluttering his eyes.
“I promise I’ll take every opportunity to hold you, okay?”
that was tuesday
let’s skip to Thursday morning
you had only told one other person about your complicated relationship with Fred, and that was Hannah Abbot
you trusted her, you saw her as your BEST friend
but unfortunately, good ol’ hannah didn’t really feel the same
she had it out for you when Roger Davies had confessed he had a crush on you at the Yule Ball, kissed you even, against your consent
see, he was Hannah’s date
and she didn’t like that very much
to top it allllll off?
she had been casually crushing on Fred ever since she had her heart broken by Roger
so now here you all were, seventh year and you assumed as per usual that everything was fine
when clearly, unbeknownst to you
this bitch saw you six feet under
so Hannah did what she knew would hurt you the most
she told Roger :)
“Please he’s absolutely balls deep in love with her, but poor thing doesn’t know she’s using him for a roll in the sack.” Said Hannah, filing her nails in the courtyard. Roger looked at her absolutely dumbfounded.
“No, Y/N, isnt like that. And besides, Fred’s a good mate of mine and...She just wouldn’t do that to him. Feelings or not, she’s not one to use people.” He shook his head starting to get up from the tree he’d been leaning on.
“Well, she used you, didn’t she?” She purred demurely. He turned to look at her, jaw clenched.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He gritted out.
“She’s making him her personal whore, exactly like she did when she rejected you at the Ball...I mean...cmon, Rog. Don’t people deserve to know who she really is?”
everyone had heard the next day how Y/N was fucking Fred Weasley like an Olympic sport
and how he wasn’t the one coming out on top for the first time
at first he didn’t know what he did when he walked into the Great Hall to stares and whispers
George had tried to get him to go back to bed so he could bring him food
but fred demanded answers
and when he found out what it was
...he was crushed
You walked into the cascading staircase, bounding up the stairs. It was Thursday night, you and Fred’s night to be alone while George and Lee would be hanging out. You walked into the room to see Fred, throwing things onto his bed and looking angry and...hurt?
“Fred, what-what is all this?” He didn’t look at you, just continued to pick stuff up off the floor, and got one of your bras. He threw it at you.
“It’s all your shit, Y/N. Might as well help since this is the last time you’ll ever be in my room. Or around me again quite frankly.” He started to look down again and keep working but he heard you whimper and his eyes flashed up to yours. He started to laugh harshly. “Oh my god, stop.” He rolled his eyes and threw his arms out. “You got what you wanted from me didn’t you, Y/N? Quick shag and no feelings and knowing you had an entire fucking human being completely and utterly devoted to you with, what did Ron say? ‘Half the commitment’?” He smiled at you but it was one with rage, with tears pooling at his eyes, pain emitting off his body in hot waves. He didn’t even know he was shouting.
“I mean, Jesus, I’m in love with you and you got to go on and-and fuck whoever you want because guess what at the end of the day you get to tell everyone that Fred fucking Weasley is your own personal whore and would do anything for you and that just got you where you wanted it didn’t it? Didn’t it?” He had stopped yelling, his heart pounding as he took in the sight of you fully in tears now, flinching at him quietly. He felt immediately then like he was going to throw up, something wasn’t right, you usually were so fiery and assertive and here you were looking like a dog that got kicked repeatedly. He swallowed thickly. “Get your stuff and get the fuck out I can’t stand the sight of you.”
Without looking at him you reached onto his bed and grabbed everything you could carry, and swiftly left the room. Everyone in the Gryffindor common room, except George, looking at you with pure unbridled disdain.
George was the only it seemed, that cared about you at this time for the next couple weeks
He didn’t tell Fred, but it had been George that had been sneaking up food to you in your dorm room
It had been George that had sent you little notes in class that said things like
I love you, Y/N. I believe in you, okay?
He even visited your dorm one day when you couldn’t move so much as one leg off your bed, and he caught you then, while you were sobbing about the loss of Fred and yourself and he held you and put you back in bed
and waited until you fell back asleep and moved the hair out of your face
he needed to tell Fred the truth
meanwhile, Fred was floundering
he had fallen back into his coping mechanism of sex and violence, mostly the first one
he had started hooking up with virtually everyone in his year that he’d ever rejected
after all - fred was labeled as a slut so why not act like one
if there was anything Fred was good at, it was being loud
in bed it had never been an issue - in fact, it was a talent now, yeah?
he’d been hearing it around school for weeks now
how easy he was
how much he would do to get in a girl’s pants
how he dipped his wick in anything that moved
anything and everything
he got it from girls
“c’mon freddie can i take a ride just once”
to the guys
“Oi freddie, you let your mates hit it for free too?”
if it were from a guy he’d usually swing a punch
or 12
he’d gotten in his most fights that he ever had in any of his years at hogwarts
but then Georgie came along:
George had waited on Fred’s bed, as his twin was in the shower. Lucky for Fred, George had been able to trace Roger’s little dip in the gossip system all the way back to Hannah Abbott, who everyone knew was bullshit, and had decided to let his brother know exactly what kind of a supreme asshat he was being to their best friend (and the love of Fred’s life, let’s be super honest.)
“Georgie, what the hell are you doing-”
“About to give you the whip cracking of your life, dear brother.” George swung his legs off the bed as Fred continued to dry his hair in the mirror, rolling his eyes.
“Is this about the last girl I had by? We didn’t fuck on your bed if that’s what you’re so worried about.” Fred quipped and George took everything in his power to not bitch slap the hell out of his older twin. George clenched his jaw and rolled it.
“You fucked up, Freddie.” He said quietly. Fred turned slowly to look at him. “Excuse me?”. “You. Fucked. Up.” George said a bit louder. “Y/N got played. By Hannah Abbott and Roger Davies. She’s had a crush on you this whole time, you absolute dumb piece of shit.” And then George did push Fred then backwards onto the bathroom wall, but he was too dumbfounded by the usually sensible twin’s behavior to do anything back.
“That’s-I don’t understand-“
“Oh my god, Fred. Hannah’s been in love with for ages, she lied. To everyone. Roger did too, he’s wanted to get with Y/N since day 1 you know that just as well as I do.” Fred tightened his arm, thinking about Roger with his lips and arms on you that night last year-
“Your point? She still said that shit about me” he said gruffly, but a pool of anxiety swirled in his stomach all the same
“Don’t you get it? Y/N is in love with you. She didn’t say or do anything to hurt you. At all. She hasn’t been eating, she hasn’t been doing homework, she throws up constantly, she’s barely left bed but to go to the library and usually all she does there is sleep anyway, she cries all the time and it’s been me making sure she still is present if not to just see people every damn day! So quit youre moping and fix this shit or I swear to God, Freddie, I’ll knock your block off.” George was heaving, pools of water in his eyes as he swallowed. “She’s my best friend too, you know.”
Fred looked up at George then and had started to cry. All of those things he said, all of the words he spat at her like they could burn her skin and cause some of the pain he believed she had caused him, when in reality you had-you had done nothing wrong.
“Georgie, I’m sorry” he choked.
“I know you are. But I’m not the one to say it to right now...you’ve gotta find her, Freddie. Please.”
you had been in the corner of the quidditch stands
the wind was blowing against your hair
you couldn’t be in your room anymore, it started to smell like you
and you, prior to an hour ago, didn’t smell too appetizing
you reeked of sweat and tears and your own sick
you took a shower so hot you wanted it to burn you alive
maybe sanitize the last of your fear and your hurt away
you had lost weight, you had lost feeling
you all in all had just lost
and you had never wanted to go home so badly, already considering writing home
you hated being reminded that your best friend and crush hated you
wanted you to be hated by everyone else too
but then, you heard footsteps
“Y/N?” Fred whispered to himself as he saw you in the stands. You looked so worn, so lifeless sitting there - he almost didn’t recognize you from the way your hair, usually scrunched up and bouncy had fallen flatly against your face, further slapped around by the wind outside. You had been wearing an oversized sweater and your sweatpants had pooled around your ankles. Simply put, you were miserable. 
“Y/N?” He called again once he was standing in front of you. You turned to look at him in what felt like slow motion, but when you locked eyes with him, you immediately felt fearful. 
“I-I’m sorry, I’ll leave now” you sputtered
“No, hey, wait, please” he reached out to grab your arm and you froze, letting him take it. He looked at you, with a flash of fear and worry on your face and he wanted to throw up knowing he was the one that made you feel like that.
“Fred, please let go” you hoarsely whispered.
“No, love, I’m not going to let go I have some things to apologize for.”
You started to cry, eyes dropping again to his hand on your arm and breathing feeling suddenly like a very hard task. “You hate me now: you sobbed and you pulled yourself from his grip, turning away from him and gathering your bag. He started to scramble for your hold again tears starting to stream down his face
“No, angel, please, I could never hate you”
“Oh? What about those things you said to me in your room-” you were walking faster over the benched seats, making your way to the other side.
“I know I know I said those things in my room but I can’t believe them because you have to believe me when I tell you I’m in love with you” and he was sobbing at your body turned away from him. You turned to look at him with a skeptical quirk of your face.
“No, no you don’t.” You spat.
“Yes, Y/N, I do please let me explain” he said earnestly taking in your bright eyes and the furrow of your brow.
“People who love each other don’t scream at them and throw things.” You said flatly. You wanted him to be true but you couldn’t make yourself believe him.
“Just give me five minutes of your time and-and if you hate me you never have to see me again. Please.” He closed the gap between you two and motioned for you to sit down. You licked a tear from your lip and nodded siting on a bench besides him.
“Hannah and Roger told everyone-”
“I know what happened. What they did. I want to hear about you. And what you said. And are saying” you looked at him in the eyes with steel burning behind your irises.
He sighed and rubbed his jaw. “I thought that what we had was purely sex in your eyes. And I was too much of a coward to ever ask you, so when I heard someone tell me that my own insecurities could possibly be true,” he inhaled a harsh breath as tears started to fall “I-I was crushed. By the idea that you saw me as what other people saw me as...as a toy? I guess? Or a sexual prop? To use when you wanted. But I hide my feelings a lot as you know, so even if you did feel that way, it would’ve looked like I agreed because I hate you knowing how sad I am,” he started to choke on his tears, the anguish of knowing he hurt you this much was too much for him to ever be able to handle. “I just wanted to hold you and whisper in your ear and tell you how much I love you and the thought of my own fears being true pushed you away. And you never have to forgive me. I-when I yelled at you like that I wanted to see you hurt, I think. I wanted you to see how sad it made me to think about you with other people like you had been with me and” he took a final breath and you pulled his body into you. “Y/N, my love I’m so sorry.” His sobs shook your body, the feeling and angle of the destroyed boy you love shaking you everywhere. You pressed kisses to his head. “Freddie, I love you” you repeated “I love you here and here and here and here and here” and with every kiss you gave him, you were determined to soothe him. “I-I’ sorry too, for not being as forthright with you about how i felt too. It’s always been you, Freddie.” He choked out a watery smile and he leaned in to kiss your face everywhere he could, his tears stinging against the wind and your cheeks. 
“If-If you could ever be with me I will always be open to it at any time, you know that don’t you? I-I understand if you can’t.” He held his forehead to yours, his nose brushing yours ever so slightly. 
“Freddie, I love you. You were who I missed when I couldn’t get out of bed for fuck’s sake you’re all I want,” and he leaned into you then fully, capturing your wet and chapped lips against his. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he melted into you like this
this was fred weasley
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bioodorange · 3 years
||The Pastas At The Beach||
this was originally like an entirely different post but ehhh this ways better!
disclaimer Im setting this like, at a beach with a boardwalk and such next too it? Public beach, small time vacationing!
and that they conviently like..pass as human
I hope you guys enjoy!! remember too check out my announcement board!
taglist: @frozensriracha @creepy-bi-day @capricornartistsstuff @krayolacolor
Jeff the Killer
Jeff doesn't really do much at the beach
The salt water irritates his skin and he burns easily, doesn't want too deal with it
Spends most of his time asleep
Hogs all the damn towels by sprawling out all over all of them
Gets sand over everything that they brought with them
Forgets how wind works and it gets everywhere
When its time for some of em too go get food, he always fucking goes
Wants too walk around and do something, and maybe not get blamed for all the fucking sand when everyone sits back down
He wears one of those like protective long sleeved shirts? and red swim trunks that are just somewhat obnoxiously bright
While getting the food he has a brilliant idea
Befriends the fucking seagulls
Lures them back too their umbrellas and just vibes with his bird army
atleast he's not alone anymore?
Ben Drowned
first off I know like he doesn't go swimming
but imagine if he did
his fucking goggles get filled up with blood
gets weird ass tan lines from the blood on his face like, when he's not swimming
has too wear the goggles when he puts on sunscreen-
ok ok thats it
fucker wears like mountain dew swim trunks
and those arm floatie things despite not going anywhere near the water
He tries too sit around Jeff but that gets boring fast-
Just walks the fuck off without telling anyone, on a journey for adventure
Will spend literal hours sitting underneath the boardwalk until someone finds him
After that they get him like one of thise beach toy kit things
Sally's nice enough too fill the bucket with water too, so they can make sand castles and stuff
She walks along the shore line with him, gets pretty shells too
Also if Ben were too go in the water
He's a fucking shark magnet with all that blood-
But don't tell him that, he won't come back too the beach
Ticci Toby
Toby is very excited too go to the beach
He didn't get out much as a kid
Siked as hell too get in the water
Drops his stuff off as soon as possible and runs right into the water
And thats when he realizes he can't fucking swim
Awkwardly flaps his arms around until a wave moves him along too back where he can stand
Everyones kinda confused when he comes back like "?? You were so excited, what happened?"
"I can't swim :(("
Cody volunteers to teach him right away, like the great brother he is
The thing is Cody is a horrible fucking teacher
Another few minutes of Toby getting owned by some waves and Cody just screaming stuff like
"Use your arms Toby- no not like that how I showed you- no I'm not going too help how are you supposed to learn-"
That's when Kate drags him back too shore and Doby and Brian teach him instead
In a bit he learns and ends up having a lot of fun
I feel like Toby would really like boogie boarding?
A lot easier then surfing but still a good time
Also they have too tie a red scarf around his arm so they don't loose his ass in a crowd, or in the water
Third Base
so far, Doby's the only one on this list who actually came prepared
I feel like he'd use one of those face lotions that has SPF 30 in it already?
Smart enough so he doesn't have too smear sun screen around his face, can just use the spray stuff and get going
Also has shoes and sunglasses too go with each like swimsuit/outfit he brings
Mans is put together
Really likes collecting shells and stuff
Walks with Sally, shows her how too find them
Wakes up kinda early as it is? So its easy for him too go too the beach early and find the shells before the tide pulls them back out
It's one of his favorite times, actually
The suns just rising, a few shops are opening, only a handful of people are on the beach
Does it everyday as his "alone time" before everyone else wakes up
Spends most of his time with everyone kinda relaxing?
I can see him really liking those beach volleyball games
Or just playing frizbee in the shallow water!
Really, really enjoys making sand castles
Builds a moat and everything so it stays up when the waves start coming closer
Cody, another kid who never got much beach expierence
But acts like he did
Buys one of those waterproof, phone lanyard things
Forgets too fucking close it properly
Doesn't have the first idea of what seagulls are like
"Oh come on buys its fine-" gets fucking owned for his cheesestick
Lowkey scared of them after that
Refuses too eat on the beach after that
Sits with ben under the board walk and curls around his chips
Spends most of his time in the water
Wants too see how far he can go before the lifegaurd calls him back
Finds it funny as shit too just slowly go deeper while grinning at them
Until a wave slaps him in the back of the head
And then he gets scared of the deepwater too
After he looses Swimming Coach privellages gets really fucking salty and sulks on the beach
Kate takes pity on him and walks around the boardwalk with him
But he also didn't know you have too reapply sunscreen after you go swimming
Gets really really bad sunburn
Jeff, Ben and Toby take turns slapping it whenever he gets too cocky
This is gonna be a Dad Tim one, fight me
Really has no idea what the fuck is going on, but still manages too keep everyone together?
Tells the same story, atleast twice a day, about the killer wave that almost took his shorts off
Gets in fights with seagulls whenever they get realitively close too the group
Also buys one of those crappy beach wagon things too put their stuff in
Buys a mug and cheesy beer koozie
Doesn't enjoy the beach that much but gets excited too go?
Ends up sitting down for most of the time unless he gets dragged on walks
Might just kinda walk until the water is at his knees and just kinda stand there, and nod a little
Giving mother nature his approval
He takes Sally out and holds onto her stomach, lifts her up over the waves whenever they come
Asks her what she can see, before he drops her back down
Tries it with Ben, gets kicked in the gut-
Favorite time is when it's dark and they go
Not for a long time, just a few minutes too walk along the shore before it gets dark
Designated photographer
Is supposed too be taking photos but mostly gets footage of the stupid shit that happens
Like Jeff not being able too figure out the dishwasher or Clockwork wrestling with her dresser where only half the drawers worked
Just kinda sits back and watches things go up in flames
He's the designated like playlist guy too? On the drive over, whenever he got bored just
"Hey what song should I play?"
And watches chaos ensue
His vacation is watching everyone else have a bad time
Makes up for it though, saves them a shit ton of money by making dinner every night.
I feel like he genuinely enjoys late nights on the beach, like Tim
Gets some beautiful photos of the water, and people taking walks that he's pretty damn proud of
Maybe once or twice he'll join Doby for a walk too get pictures of the rising sun
Likes getting small things from the gift shops
Shark teeth, maybe a cheesy snowglobe
Something silly but nice too remember the trip by
Eyeless Jack
first things first, ya know those double-lens glasses? Like you flip up the sunglass part and theres normal lenses underneath? Someone gave him those
But their are crappy eyes painted on the normal lenses
He's very confused but its just ridiculous enough for him too like
The beach isn't his favorite place, I HC him as nocturnal and most things are open during the day
He takes too the rides and crappy carnival games that are open late at night
He can't see everything super well but makes up fun things for himself
Enjoys going on rollercoasters that he has no idea what the hell the drops look like
Fucking hates bumper cars
Can't tell where everyone's coming from or when
More nerve racking then fun
Whenever they go to the beach beach he just kind of chills
Akwardly curls up on a towel because he's big as shit
Where ever they stay he walks around, uses his echo location shit too find out all its quirks
"This walls more hallow then that one- those support beams in the lobby are doing a very shitty job of keep things together"
Loves sitting out on the balcony and just smelling the salt air, listening too people laughing and the ocean waves
Just the small details a lot of people miss
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kisasiblings · 2 years
heehee hohoo a little bit of hc time!!!! (mostly autism related since im autistic and i hc mikako and yamato as autistic)
linuj stated at some point that mikako dislikes spicy food, a shame really but i forgive her, she doesnt like it because it gives her sensory overload
yamato on the other hand NEEDS his food to have intense taste and cant tell when its too spicy for others let alone mikako
so if hes cooking mikako forces him not to season the dish until after she grabs her serving or else she will snipe him
on the other hand if its mikakos turn then after serving her portion she adds as much spice as possible, each time increasing the amount, to make yamato regret being born. she hasnt succeeded (yet)
both have a MASSIVE sweet tooth and crave a lot of sugar every day
one of yamatos fucked up ways to stim is just blowing shit up in his lab, with safety precautions of course. he thinks stuff exploding on purpose is the most exciting and funniest shit ever
mikako isnt really better as she loves burning wooden toothpicks and if theres a candle nearby she will keep doing that for hours or even set up a tiny "campfire"
both tried to eat dirt at least once as little kids ♡ they liked the taste ♡
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Beastars AU
Luz going feral hcs?
Or just beastar AU hcs in general?
Luz wouldn't really go feral per say. Yes she's a omnivore technically speaking but mostly eats fruit and plants and only rarely has a bug or a fish to be healthy, she doesn't enjoy the taste all that much. so she wouldn't really go feral, doesn't get very agitated at the smell of meat but isn't revolted by it like most other herbivores, pretty much just neutral to it.
as for headcanons;
Hunter and Amity are both quite protective of Luz and it took them a little bit before they realized they were technically on the same side. Amity goes out of her way to try and be as non-threatening as possible and break away from how her parents raised her and the twins and just. be a non-threatening carnivore bc she still worries about freaking out Luz or her new friends and only going feral when a predator messes with them. Hunter? Hunter don't give a shit. he was never once taught in a way to look meeker or sweeter to herbivores and thus just. acts like a dude who was pretty messed up and also doesn't quite realize or care that hes generally very threatening. he has no problem growling and baring teeth at minor annoyances because thats just how a wolf is, they use body language to communicate and theres a big difference between his "god your so annoying please shut up" growl and his "okay time to rip someones THROAT OUT" growl. Luz is desensitized to it at this point and has zero fear at Hunter's barking, growling, howling, and otherwise flashing claws and teeth. so. Hunter and Amity don't exactly get along too well with Amity seeing Hunter as a carelessly dangerous delinquent who could seriously accidentally hurt someone and Hunter seeing Amity as an overly cautious pushover who believes Luz couldn't handle herself in any rocky situation. this is cat on dog violence over here.
pretty much every carnivore Luz has met has tried to eat her at least once. it doesn't bother her too much anymore because Thats Just Life I Guess and I use "almost eat" in a wide spectrum which ranges from 'eda went feral and literally almost ate her whole and it was kinda traumatic' to 'boscha contemplated eating her for a few minutes while they were talking but amity was hovering ominously in the background so nothing happened.' Hunter had a moment when he was half-starved and dealing with his care for Luz, mixed with his protectiveness, and fierce nature, all combining after he was having a Very Not Good Time and while clinging to her protectively was This Close to eating her and he has no idea if Luz knew or not and it very much haunts him, could go on a lot about that. Amity also almost did it for a few seconds when she and Luz were chilling and Luz was being very careless and thought the trick of sticking ones head in a lions mouth was cool as hell and just Did That (with permission) and Amity had an thought in that moment of "i could just close my mouth right now" which didnt help with the fact its a Thing in beastars that some carnivores literally cannot tell the difference between wanting to kill or love a herbivore. Amity ended the thought in like 7 seconds but she still feels very weird that she even Thought about it and every time a similar intrusive thought appears she wallows in misery for like an hour
it took Eda a good few moments before she remembered why Luz having a crush on a giant predator would be a problem since shes, you know, mainly a prey species and could be crushed like a grape. Luz at first thought this was just because Eda was careless and forgot normal things sometimes but then, of course, she met Raine. the fruit bat who had known Eda since they were kids and neither of them saw a problem that Eda is a near complete carnivore hybrid and Raine being pure herbivore. nobody ever really gave them side-eyes about it since most of them were always focused on Eda being a hybrid, and bats are most often associated with bug-eaters or blood suckers. so ofc Eda knows how dangerous she can be to herbivores but hearing little ol' Luz having a crush on a predator? eh, same situation, different perspectives to her, really.
speaking of Raine! love them, got some stuff to say. since they're a bat, they would definitely have a good ear for things like music and the like, so it wouldn't be too uncommon to see a bat in a music career, though very unlikely something loud like drums or trumpets since that would usually be too much for their sensitive ears. but heres the fun part: nearly all fruit bats don't use echolocation! they have no need for it and physically cannot produce the sounds needed for it. except for the egyptian fruit bat. those guys actually use echolocation to communicate with others rather than catch prey. so surprise! Raine is an egyptian fruit bat, which can be kind of lonely when only your own specific sub species understands what you're saying in your own specialized language, some regions of egyptian fruit bats even have their own dialects! Raine, of course, taught all of what they knew to Eda. Eda can't exactly replicate it all that well, but it still gave the two their own 'secret' language when they were kids, and you bet neither of them ever really forgot it.
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