#<- WELL DUH. can’t believe i didn’t consider that one
milimeters-morales · 5 months
gonna start posting completed chapters from my transfem miles fic (Becoming Myself In Truth) on here for fun :3 this is the first chapter
Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter 5 / Chap 6 / Chap 7 / Chap 8 / Chap 9
Wordcount: 4k+
Pairings: Milesganke, not the focus. Every other relationship in this entire fic is platonic and/or familial.
Warnings: References to Underaged Smoking (Not Miles)
When Scorpion shows up, freshly broken out of prison and with a newer, more hateful outlook on life, Miles isn’t in the mood. He just got out of school, yet he can’t even get five minutes before someone attacks him.
So, when the stinger manages to pierce his arm when he gets too close, Miles goes from “not in the mood” to “really not in the mood” and “ow that hurts” and “about to throw up” in a matter of seconds. Scorpion is his one of least favorite villains for a reason. Anyway, he needed to stop him like, yesterday.
It’s easy when Miles is rushing and using a bit more force than usual, because he really needs to get somewhere safe soon, and in no time at all Miles has Scorpion webbed to an alley wall with a bit too much webbing and is dry heaving on a roof of some random building. Exactly how he wanted his afternoon to go.
The good thing is that he doesn't actually throw up, but he’s still shaking too much, and his vision is too blurry to safely swing around and serve the city at the moment. Miles lays on his side to catch his breath, and lets himself rest a bit. He might not need an antidote this time if he’s lucky…
A pigeon lands in front of him. “Don’t poke my eye,” he tells it. It cocks its head and coos, and he takes that as an “okay”.
His stomach hurts from the dry heaving, and his head and legs hurt from the poison, but if he closes his eyes, he might fall asleep. That’s not something someone like Spider-Man wants to do, especially in the beginning of his patrol, even more so out in the open like this. He’s pretty sure he isn’t supposed to fall asleep after getting a ton of venom pumped into his body anyway, that just seems like a bad idea. Curling up into a ball and covering his ears to lessen the noise of the world until he’s feeling better enough to resume patrol, Miles zones out on the pigeon.
He’s vaguely aware that it starts moving a few minutes later, inspecting him and getting closer. It pecks at his shoulder, and he sighs. It pecks him again, probably curious about the material of his suit, and Miles swiftly grabs it and gently holds it in the air so it stops bothering him.
“You good, Spidey? I heard a bunch of police sirens,” a voice calls from above, most likely a tenant for the much taller building next to the one he’s currently resting on.
“Yeah, peachy,” Miles replies, not turning to face them. He zones back in again, just in case they need something, and to let the pigeon go. It flies off immediately, and he lets his arm drop back down (ow). There’s no doubt his mom will find out about the fight with Scorpion, and then she’ll talk to his dad about the risks and get him more worked up than he already would be— it’ll be a whole thing. He should text her before she does, but… maybe after the venom has run its course (and when he could actually see straight).
“You sure?” that same voice asks about… how much time had passed? It couldn’t have been more than a few seconds or minutes, right? It forcibly zoned him back in-- he didn’t even realize he zoned out again. It was closer this time, about twenty feet away (yikes, he didn’t realize that either), but it didn’t set off his spider-sense, so he didn’t tense up and prepare to run.
“Yeah, don’t worry ‘bout me,” he replies, not moving. He hears them sit down where they are, and is silently grateful that they didn’t get closer. Their heartbeat is calm, and they smell like they’re fresh out the shower with soap and lavender, with a hint of cocoa butter. It’s probably not too strong, but in the state Miles is in right now, it’s like someone is shoving his face in the display section of a beauty store. He doesn’t want to be rude and ask them to leave, though. Hobie would probably tell him something like, “Oi oi, you don’t own the entire place, I can’t believe you became a leech, shame on you!” and ruffle his hair. Wait, no, that’s Peter who does that sometimes, Hobie would just grab his head and shake it a little.
Miles can feel his train of thought starting to derail.
Hobie probably wouldn’t have even been in this situation to begin with, and he’d find a way to beat the hell out of the landlord of this building anyway. Miles can feel his breathing slowing down, the uncomfortable weight of his hearts and lungs in his chest… shit, he might need the antidote.
“What are you laughing about?” The person asks, once again startling Miles enough to make him flinch. His eyes fly open (when did he even close them?) and it feels like something cold was pressed on the back of his neck, traveling down his spine into his legs. “Woah, didn’t mean to scare you. Can you… turn the sparks off?”
God, he didn’t even realize he was doing that. “Sorry, you’re fine,” Miles assures, “just one of those days, you know?”
“Yeah,” they laugh, “it’s all about the he says, she says bullshit.”
“Nothing,” they sigh.
They sit together in silence for a few more minutes until Miles feels like the venom’s effects have lessened enough for him to function like a normal human being and can finally stand up. He’s a bit shaky at first, and can feel the person staring at him, but he gets up! And that’s the important part.
“Stay safe out there,” the person tells him before he swings away.
“Thanks, you too—” Miles says, turning around to give his signature two-finger salute, albeit more lazy, but his brain stalls when he can’t tell if he should use mister or miss. They don’t look or sound obviously masculine or feminine, and they seem to find his blunder amusing from the way they smile, so he hurries and blurts out, “uh, boss.”
He swings away to avoid any further embarrassment.
When he returns to the dorms that night, he glances at the growing pile of schoolwork on his desk before running to the bathroom to take a shower. He’s pretty sure he needs to turn a few of those things in tomorrow, and he isn’t bone tired, so he’ll get some of that done. Hopefully it’s easy and will leave him with enough time to sleep.
After his shower he gets to work. The soft glow the lamp casts is just enough for him to see and right at the edge of “useful” before it becomes “annoying”, so he’ll use that instead of straining his eyes.
As he’s factoring a few equations, his thoughts drift back to the rooftop. That person was nice, he supposes, to stay by him until he felt better even when he said he was fine. Especially since they didn’t call an ambulance! No hate to them, he just feels bad wasting their time when he’d most likely be fine without their help. He’s getting a second wave of embarrassment from earlier when he couldn’t decide on what to call them, but he wants to see them again.
That’d be nice, he thinks.
Wait- he doesn’t want to see them again. Where’d that thought come from? And “that’d be nice”? What’s that supposed to mean? He probably just wanted to apologize for being so awkward back there. Yeah, that’s it. He wanted to apologize for potentially making them uncomfortable. They were probably polite about it out of nervousness, it’s what he would have done.
His work is very interesting all of a sudden.
He’s a bit sloppy one night during patrol.
His shoulder throbs as a reminder of a crowbar-wielding thief he didn’t dodge in time.
Otherwise, it’s a very successful night. Several crimes stopped before they could happen or get worse, multiple people walked home or accompanied as they waited for their ride home, and none of the bigger headaches-- sorry, villains-- none of them decided to show their faces. He did slam into a wall once, but nobody saw, so he actually didn’t slam into it, meaning his pride was intact.
A shout from directly below has him dropping down onto the ground. “Everything okay?” He asks the two women, one of whom he recognizes as one of his teachers, as they jump back from the storm drain.
“Yeah, dropped my fucking keys,” his teacher, Ms. Green, says. It feels a bit weird to hear a teacher curse so easily, but she’s not his teacher right now, he can’t focus on that.
The other woman groans and holds her head in her hands. “Don’t suppose you can get down there somehow?” she asks.
Hm. Maybe?
“Uh, I can try,” Miles says, wondering if he should really attempt it and get all smelly, “Can you see it from here? I might be able to just-”
Ms. Green rolls her eyes at the other woman’s question, “She was joking.”
Oh. Okay? Didn’t really sound like that, but it’s whatever.
“I’ll just… use the bus.” She sighs, frustrated.
“Would you like me to wait with you?” Miles asks, realizing he can see the keys from here from their shine. He could probably get it with a well-placed shot.
“No thanks,” Ms Green replies, before walking to the bus stop with the other lady.
Miles can definitely grab those keys. He just needs to…
With a small smile, he shoots a web at the keys through the grate, and carefully pulls them up into his hand. They’re a bit dirty, but nothing a thorough wash won’t fix. Probably. Hopefully. “Hey, I got them,” he begins to try and catch up with the women, but a large boom shocks him, and he crushes the keys in his hand like it’s clay out of shock.
“Sorry,” he hurries and says before swinging off towards the noise.
Unsurprisingly, it’s a robbery. Also unsurprisingly, he handles it quickly. Even more unsurprisingly, he managed to get grazed by a bullet on his thigh, because apparently it’s a cosmic rule that Spider-Man can’t have too many good things happen in a row. One is lucky, but two? Now you’re pushing it, buddy. Three is seriously his unlucky number. Grazes hurt enough, he doesn’t want to deal with the pain for longer than he has to.
There was a small fire he put out after getting the criminals a safe distance away from the site, and the smoke got all in his lenses and mouth even though he tried to work as quick as possible. Normally, he wouldn’t stick around, he’d probably be making his way back to the dorms to deal with the graze and to wash the suit, but the pain is making it incredibly difficult to even keep his eyes open to focus. He knows he’s teetering on the lamp, but he doesn’t want to be on the ground in case another threat appears.
“That hurt y’know,” he tells them to make them feel bad. He’s looking at the man that shot at him with narrowed lenses, but it probably isn’t really working to intimidate with his unsteady positioning. He might as well mess with them until he’s focused enough to keep swinging. “I swear I’ve seen you somewhere before…” He leans in a bit (bad idea, he almost falls completely off), pointing to the man. They’re all wearing baggy clothes, ski masks, and don’t have any visible markings on them-
That’d be nice.
The thought comes out of nowhere and makes Miles unstick, and he falls onto the ground below, much to the amusement of the thieves and the embarrassment of himself. He accidentally growls at them before swinging off. Pain be damned, he’s not sticking around after that.
Miles sits on the edge of the tub, watching as Ganke kneels on the ground next to him to clean the graze on his thigh. He feels a bit bad for waking him up with his clumsy return through the window, but Ganke assured him he wasn’t sleeping well anyway.
“Thanks again,” he tells him, “I know it’s gross.”
Ganke smiles tiredly. “A little grossness wouldn’t scare me away, or else I’d have transferred by now.” Pushing his glasses down onto his face, Ganke pats the area around the graze dry from the antiseptic. “Do you think you’ll need— oh, nevermind,” he’s interrupted by the sight of the dermis layer stitching itself back together. “Does that make a noise too?”
Miles nods, “Kind of like… cleaning your ear. That squishing sound, or how movies make ice sound when it’s spreading somewhere. But you can go back to bed, I can put the bandages on myself.” He leans over and grabs the package from near Ganke’s knee, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead as he opens it.
“Alright, wake me up if you need anything,” Ganke tells him with a yawn as he gets up and leaves the bathroom, “just not your homework. I’m not doing math before I have to.”
The graze isn’t healing.
Well, it is, but not as quick as usual, which means he has to deal with the itchiness that comes from a more natural healing speed. His mom, after not-so-subtly implying that it’s because he’s too stressed and should take a break, suggested wearing more loose clothes than usual when he can so his wounds aren’t irritated as they heal, and he’s starting to really appreciate the advice. But probably not for the reason anybody would expect.
He’s in the drinks section of a bodega, trying to remember what he was doing here in the first place. He’s distracted by his reflection in the door, and he feels… content. He feels good, really great, in Uncle Aaron’s old puffer on top of his hoodie and in his mom’s (don’t tell anybody) old baggy jeans. She said he could borrow them since she hasn’t worn them since highschool, and they fit surprisingly well and comfortably. Paired with the fogginess of the reflection, he looks just… vague. And he really, really likes it. This is definitely a new style he can get behind.
Someone clears their throat behind him, startling him into moving. He hurries to the candy aisle, finally remembering that he was doing a snack run for himself, Ganke, and his parents. Why Ganke hung back at home, he has no idea.
“Okay,” the cashier says with a tired drawl, “will that be all m… sir?”
Miles feels his eyes widen and a small, vaguely light feeling in his chest. He quickly pays for his things and leaves, ready to get back to his friends.
On the walk back, he wonders briefly if the feeling meant anything deeper than him finding it really amusing.
Probably not. They might have thought he was too young-looking to be called “Mister” or whatever.
“No, I just knew they’d be cheaper here and wanted to see if you want anything,” Miles says into the phone as he picks out a pair of baggy jeans. They don’t look anything like the ones his mom lent him, but they’ll do. They actually look like the ones those thieves from a week back wore, now that he thinks about it.
“Prolly don’t have my size,” Hobie replies. There’s the sound of metal clanging and a girl shouting angrily. “Any skirts you think I’d like?”
“All of them are old lady skirts,” Miles says, and catches a pair of elderly women sending him a disapproving glare. “but anyone of any age can wear them,” he adds quickly.
Hobie laughs, and there’s a loud screech of metal being pulled. What was he even doing? “M’the last person you needa tell that to. Grab three you like so someone else’ll be able to take them.”
Miles switches his phone to press between his shoulder and ear as he grabs a few sweaters and torn jeans. “I don’t wear skirts, though.”
“Wanna try?”
Miles feels his mouth go a bit dry. “Nah, my legs are like, suuuper hairy anyway. Wouldn’t that be…” he trails off.
“You sure? Hairy legs don’t hurt nobody. I don’t shave.”
Well that’s because Hobie doesn’t even grow enough hair to where it’s noticeable.
But Miles wasn’t really sure. Well, maybe he was? He didn’t really want to wear these skirts. People would make fun of him. Or be mean. He didn’t really want to deal with that right now, he just wanted some comfortable baggy clothes. But it’s not like he hates skirts, they can be super pretty sometimes! And his mom says they’re great for hot days. But, like… he won’t say that he’s never thought about it- and who hasn’t from time to time? Every guy thought about wearing skirts from time to time, and there are guys who do! Hobie! Well, Hobie’s not always guy, but-
“Nah man, I’m good,” Miles finally answers, “You can just donate them if you don’t end up liking ‘em. These look like the Skirts of Theseus anyway.”
“Aight, be safe,” Hobie tells him, audibly breaking something. “Uh, don’t bring ‘em immediately, oil spilled everywhere. Damn, it’s getting in the seats.”
Oh, he’s working on that hunk of junk that he calls a car again.
“You too. Don’t get yourself killed working on that shitty Impala.”
“Piss off,” Hobie laughs before hanging up.
When he waits in line to check out, with probably three of the most disappointing looking skirts he’s ever seen, the people behind him give him a strange look. He clutches the clothes closer to his chest.
He doesn’t even make it fully through the door before his dad is telling him to go take a shower.
“You smell like gasoline and smoke, were you at a fire or with Hobart again?”
“Dad, he’s trying to quit,” Miles tried to argue, but his dad simply pointed to the bathroom.
With a quiet sigh, he trudged to the bathroom, which led him here, with his mother’s razor in his hand and staring down at his now hairless legs. He runs a hand down one, marveling at how smooth it is. Hobie’s words about hairy legs made him think of shaving his own, just to see what the hype is all about with all the other girls, and he was in the shower, so why not? It’s not like anybody would notice anyway since he wears pants most of the time, and he could always just grow it back if he didn’t like it. He’s honestly surprised he didn’t cut himself.
“Not bad for a first try,” he mutters, placing the razor back.
When he gets out and goes to his room, he can’t stop rubbing his legs together. They’re just so smooth and seem to glide against each other and on the sheets. Is this the real reason people shave? He can totally get behind this.
Hmm… has his dad ever shaved his legs? Miles has seen him shave his face a bunch of times, and hears his mom complain a few about hair being left in the sink. Other boys his age are already growing out their facial hair and talking about how they have to shave it sometimes, so do they shave their legs too? Do guys shave their legs just as much as women do, but just don’t talk about it? It’s probably another social rule Miles just didn’t pick up on, really.
Not something he really feels like dwelling on, either. It’ll just grow back anyway, and it’s like Hobie said, “hairy legs don’t hurt nobody.”
“Whoa there, little guy,” Miles chickles as he scoops up a puppy from the road before it can get run over. It growls at him, the rude little animal, but he knows it’s just scared. After he swings up to the roof of a nearby deli, he sees a small splinter in its paw as he’s checking it over. “Aww, poor thing,” he coos, swiftly pulling out the woodchip. Checking the collar, Miles discovers the pup’s name is Matrimony, which… is definitely a name!
Its fur isn’t dirty, it’s a bit round, and the eyes don’t have any crust like Miles has seen countless other tiny white dogs have, so maybe it escaped through a window or door while the owner was unaware.
“Hey Spidey, that yours?” A random woman wearing a dirty apron comes up to him and points at the dog. “That bichon frise?”
“Unfortunately, no,” he answers, holding the puppy closer.
“Relax, I’m not taking it. Just wanted to check in, since the whole… other… rooftop thing. Strange how this happened twice at the same place, huh?”
What? He stands up to look at her better. “Sorry, we’ve met? It’s just been such a busy week, I don’t really remember!”
“No, it was— uh sorry, I don’t know why I expected you to remember that— you were on the roof holding a bird? And I stayed with you until you got up again?”
Oh. Oh! Shoot!
“Oh dang, I’m sorry! Thank you again for that, but yeah ma—” he stops himself from saying man, “my boss—” oh, that’s just weird, “this isn’t my dog. But you recognize it?”
The person smiles at his blunder (again) and shakes their head. “Just the breed. Cute little things aren’t they?” They slowly go to pet the puppy, but quickly back off when it growls. “I was never great with dogs anyway.”
“Okay, I’m going see if anybody lost this little guy,” Miles tells them. “Be safe out there, uh, what’s your name?”
“Kody,” they respond, waving goodbye.
“Be safe out there Kody!” He says with a smile he hopes they can hear, and climbs down the shop and begins asking around, not letting anyone actually touch it. If it were up to him, which it kind of is because he hasn’t found the owner but not really because he’s a good person, he’d take the dog to his dorms and raise it as his own with Ganke, and they’d alternate on who sneaks it home for the weekends. He’s heard from the upperclassmen that they’d have to do that with flour sacks as pretend-babies one day, so this would be good practice!
No, no. He’s getting ahead of himself. Last time he snuck a cat into his home, he had to kneel in the corner for an hour and all the chores everyday for a week. He hasn’t had to do that in YEARS, and he’s going to do everything to avoid that happening again.
There’s a dog park nearby, so he decides to check there in case the puppy somehow got loose of his leash or whatever was restraining him.
After nearly an hour of confused looks, adoring coos (not towards him, of course), and brief annoyed glances from several people, he comes upon a woman crying on a bench. She was dressed pretty fancy, wearing a tight pink dress, tights, a leather jacket, and crazy-looking heels, and her hair was in an elaborate updo. Probably not something to really wear to a place filled with energetic dogs kicking up dust and dirt, but who’s Miles to judge? He’s the one in a black spandex costume in the middle of the day, after all.
“Ma’am? Are you okay?” He asks her in a soft voice.
Does she look okay? What a genius, Miles thinks to himself.
“Do I look okay?!” She sobs. “My baby is gone! I can’t find him anywhere!”
“A human baby? Or a dog baby? Maybe I can help you, or find people who can.” Miles sits down next to her, placing the dog on his lap and holding it there. “I’m sorry this happened to you,” he adds.
“My- My dog, we were doing some socializing,” the woman begins to look over at him, but gasps at the puppy. “Matty!” She swipes the puppy away, startling him with her speed, and spins around while hugging it. She places kisses all over its head, smearing pink lipstick and her running mascara on its fluffy white fur. It licks her face happily, which might not be healthy. Can dogs ingest mascara?
“You found my baby! Matrimony!”
Oh! Cool! Well, not the name, obviously, but—
“Nice! Well, uh, I’m glad to have helped! You should probably get a tighter harness, ma’am.” Miles gets up, ready to leave, but the woman stops him with a hand on his shoulder.
“No, wait! Here, I don’t have my cash on me right now, but you can have these.” She removes her hand and reaches under the bench to reveal a purse that matches her dress, and pulls out a tiny black box wrapped in a tiny bow. “They’re earrings. I was going to wear ‘em, but I already have too many,” she flashes a bright smile at him and kisses her puppy again, “so take it as a thanks! From the both of us, because who knows what would have happened to my little baby if you hadn’t found him!”
It’s not registering as a threat, so they’re probably actually earrings in here and not something like a small bomb or tear gas. Or silly string. Ugh. “Thank you,” he says, not mentioning he doesn’t wear earrings, “hope you and Matty enjoy your day!” He walks away, rubbing his thumb over the ribbon.
What’s he going to do with these?
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A/N: i’m not yet sure if i’ll keep posting all the completed chapters even when the entire fic itself is complete, bc i plan for it to be kind of long but. i’ll cross that bridge when i get to it
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eevees-hobbies · 3 months
His Lucky Charm - NSFW (Fem!Reader x Haruka Sakura)
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Author’s Note: Down bad for Haruka Sakura. As always, I appreciate likes, comments and reblogs. Requests/thirsts are open.
Synopsis: Sakura considers you his lucky charm that contributes to his winning fight record. How does it work? Well, he has to fuck you, duh!
Content Warning: All smut. Cum eating, reader receives oral, premature ejaculation, fingering, submissive Sakura, then dominant Sakura, teasing, shit-talking. Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: 1.8K
Divider by Saradika. Story banner by me.
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“I’m going to beat someone’s ass today.”
To anyone else, those seven words dripping in confidence and lethal aggression would sound like a declaration of war. But to you, someone who knows your boyfriend—Haruka Sakura—you know those words are intended for you. 
He’s giving you a message. A pattern has developed between you two. Sakura has a fixed, unyielding mindset that if he has a fight that day, he needs to have you split open on his cock prior to the battle to guarantee victory. Because, simply put, you are his good luck charm.
Is it backed by science? Absolutely not. Does he believe it to his core? Bet your fucking ass he does.
So it doesn’t come to you as a surprise that you’re now in a position where you’re poised on your king-sized bed, staring up at the ceiling, legs spread with Sakura’s mouth making out with your cum-filled pussy.
“Mmm, eat up baby.” You purposefully clench your walls, forcing Sakura’s cum to flow out of you and into his open mouth.
“You’re a fucking pervert,” he sneers. Without missing a beat, his tongue darts out to catch the residual leakage, savoring the saltiness of his cum and the sweetness of your pussy. You can only see the top of his head from your vantage, but you can hear the whine in his voice as he laps at you hungrily. 
“What’d ya say, my little cum eater?” You tease, earning a quick bite to your inner thigh from Sakura.
He sits up and wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand, “let me put it back in. I won’t cum too fast this time, swear,” he states, trying his best to hide the way his voice fractures, a clear indication of his desire to have you again. 
Truth be told, Sakura is really good at fucking. He’s athletic, flexible, nimble with his fingers, and is capable of bouncing you on his dick until you can’t form a coherent thought in your pretty little head.
The keyword here is capable.
Sakura’s one flaw is that he has no control over when he ejaculates. Some sessions feel like they’ve gone on for hours, while others are over as soon as he pushes the tip of his cock in. He can’t help that your cunt feels like it’s actively deepthroating him and how entering you often sends him reeling and coating the entrance of your messy pussy with his seed. Every time he fucks you, you’re playing some lewd version of Russian Roulette. Will he or won’t he?
A Few Moments Ago
Sakura had tapped the head of his fat dick against your swollen clit, watching as your wetness formed droplets on the smooth head of his cock. He couldn’t help but drool at the way your cute little clit twitched for him as if beckoning him to abuse it more. 
You, however, were squirming beneath him, his inadvertent teasing feeling like your own personal hell. “Sakura, hurry up!” 
Your attempt at sounding commanding landed on deaf ears–he’s too far gone with the only thought on his mind: coating his dick with your thick cream so he can win his fight today. As he slid into you, you barely had enough time to adjust and savor his girth before he let out a hitched gasp. 
You witnessed what was happening as it played out on his face before you felt “it.”
“It,” being his dick spasming pathetically, an untimely victim to your slick, tight walls.
Sakura knew it, too. His neck, face, and ears were a bright red, and his mouth was opening and closing as if he wanted to say something, but the premature orgasm that was being ripped from his body didn’t allow him the privilege to do so.
A slippery warmth suddenly slid down your thighs, and your eyes widened, “Sakura, don’t tell me that you just fucking came.”
“Um, I can get it back up. Give me a second.” He reached his hand down in between you both and pulled back so he was stroking his softening dick in his hands, gazing at your body with such intensity that it made your walls involuntarily clench.
But fuck this. Fuck that. It was cute the first twenty times. Now you’re feeling less than merciful after experiencing being cruelly edged into what feels like insanity.
“The least you can do is clean it up.”
Sakura’s hand stops pumping, and his eyes dash over to your exposed pussy, which is now leaking his cum onto the bedsheets. “Y-you want me to eat you out with my…’stuff’ running out of you?”
The audacity.
“Sakura,” you enunciate his name as though you’re giving him a warning. You’re thankful that he doesn’t call your bluff because he positions himself between your thighs and begins to get to work like the dutiful boy he is.
“Sakura, get back to work,” you growl and shift so that he has a clear view of your waiting sex. He grumbles but dives back in.
You can’t help but bite your bottom lip. For all the things that Sakura is, he’s an excellent—and messy—eater. The way he spits a glob of spit on your pussy, swirling it around with his tongue and pushing it into you to add to your already oversaturated hole, makes your head float. 
“Mmm, fuck, you taste so fuckin’ good, baby.”
He slips his middle finger in you, and you take it with ease, having already been temporarily stretched out by his cock. As he curls his finger against your g-spot, an area that he’s proud to have found on his own, he presses an open-mouthed kiss against your clit, then another, and another.
The inside of your thighs contract almost painfully, the sensation of his mouth allowing you to get closer to that orgasm that escaped you moments before, fuck, you’re so fucking close, god, here it fucking comes-
Until Sakura abruptly pulls away, leaving the absence of his finger and mouth very apparent.
“I’m hard again. Let me fuck you,” he whines as he palms his dick which is now dripping globules of precum on your leg. If you weren’t so horny, you’d be flattered.
As you contemplate how many years a murder charge would get you and if orgasm denial is a reasonable enough defense, Sakura lets out a frustrated growl and flips you onto your stomach.
Yeah, murder is lookin’ pretty good right about now.
You feel Sakura press his body against yours, his cock dragging heavily against the top of your ass and down the expanse of it. You give him a little twerk, smacking the fat of it against the underside of his cock.
Sakura growls and slides his dick back into you slower and with far more care than you anticipated, either because he’s attempting to avoid a repeat of his little incident from earlier or because he’s savoring the feeling of entering you. 
It makes no difference to you as you feel your senses overload from just being in such close proximity to him. Everywhere his skin touches you, you feel the charge of electricity. Where his fingers brush against the fat of your thighs, goose bumps soon follow. Fuck, even the smell of the tangy sex of your two bodies mixing intoxicates you.
God, this man. 
His mouth is pressed so close to your neck that the heat of his breath tickles the shell of your ear. “Fuuuuck, why do you feel like you were meant for me?”
His words relax your body, softening muscles you hadn’t known were rigid, “that’s because I am meant for you, Haruka.”
Your words ring in his ears like a sermon he didn’t know he needed, a mantra delivered off the tip of your tongue that drives him wild. Your words give him the unspoken go-ahead to hold your wrists behind your back and piston his hips forward, ramming into you so hard that you’re being forced forward, causing the bedsheets to rub against your nipples in a way that makes you shudder.
“Shit, every time I fuck you, I win a fight. This pussy’s that fuckin’ good.” The Sakura who had accidently cum inside of you was long gone, replaced by this confident and sex-possessed man.
And god, does it feel so good to finally have your cervix abused by him.
“You gonna’ cum on this dick, baby? Help me win my fight?”
Words aren’t coming quickly to you–a consequence of him slamming into you so hard that your body is shifting upwards and making it difficult to catch your breath, but you give him your best hum of approval.
You can feel his fingers squeeze your wrists so harshly that you’re confident that they’re going to leave delicious indentations and maybe even bruises for you to wear like a badge of honor over the next few days.
“Haruka,” you whimper, “I’m not going to last much longer.”
He sputters out a half laugh-half moan, “Shit, ain’t that funny.” You can’t see it, but you can feel the cocky grin he has on his face as he delivers a hard smack to your ass. The way you clench around his dick makes Sakura’s leg shake. 
“You liked that?” He palms your ass roughly, jiggling it against his hand and making it bounce.
At this point, you don’t know what’s more shameful: the fact that your pre-ejaculation-prone boyfriend is giving you a run for your money or that he’s now giving you shit. Either way, the switch in his attitude from being so pathetically pussy-hungry that he was licking up his cum to now restraining you and pounding into your cervix is a pleasant and pleasurable mindfuck.
Oh shit.
At that moment, Sakura finds the spot in you that makes you rasp out his name. You can barely concentrate on all the sounds that he’s pulling out of you, but the distinct sound of splashing makes your cheeks hot, the mixture of his cum, saliva, and your fluids splashing out and coating Sakura’s pubic hair and thighs.
“F-fucking cum already,” he growls in your ear. You then realize that this is a competition for him. He’s holding back his orgasm not out of consideration but simply out of spite. And if you hadn’t already had so many orgasms stolen from you, you might have been able to play his game and give him a run for his money.
Wishful thinking as you bite the bedsheets, stealing the satisfaction he’d gain from hearing the earsplitting moan that erupts from your lungs as, finally, your cunt grips and squeezes at his cock.
Sakura lets out a chuckle—because he fucking won—that is quickly replaced by his loud whine as his inhumanly large load floods into you. Several minutes pass before either of you can move—heavy breathing and residual groans fill the room.
Finally, Sakura dismounts you, but not before delivering a smack to your ass triumphantly.
“I gotta go, but thanks for the extra mojo, babe.”
You close your eyes, completely spent, and whisper, “have fun winning your fight,” before drifting off to sleep.
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hqbaby · 3 months
eighteen — just wanted you know to know
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2.4k content. profanity, everyone’s bad with feelings
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Satoru was having a lovely day. Although “lovely” would be a relative term considering the fact that finals season has descended upon the general student population and he is one of its many victims. Still, he woke up on the right side of the bed, he managed to find some clean clothes, and the barista at the coffee shop down the road wasn’t as mean to him as he usually is.
Overall, his day had gone fairly well. As he walked over to the library, he didn’t dread finishing the mountain of papers he had to write or the problem sets he had to review. He even texted Suguru to come join him in his study session so that they could compare notes—something he usually steers clear from because the man always distracts him.
Overall, Satoru was having a lovely day.
Until that asshole showed up.
There he goes, with his usual lazy smirk, walking over to a table with his friend. They’re chatting—about something shitty, Satoru suspects—and laying their books out on the surface, pulling laptops and notes out of their bags. Satoru wonders what would happen if he just walked over, grabbed the guy and—
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Satoru looks down at his hand where a pencil has already snapped in half. You should really just get a mechanical one, your voice echoes in the back of his mind, the hint of a laugh bubbling beneath your words.
He looks up.
“Hey,” he says, flashing her that grin of his. As if he wasn’t just trying to stare your boyfriend to death. “What’s up? Wanna join me?”
The girl rolls her eyes, obviously seeing through his nonsense. “Why are you looking at that guy?” she asks, glancing over at the table where Sukuna is gesturing frantically as he explains something to Choso. “You into him or something?”
Satoru scowls. “That guy is dirt,” he says. “Worse than dirt actually. He’s the scourge of the earth.”
Shoko watches him with an amused look as he directs his attention at Sukuna, sending daggers at the guy that he obviously can’t feel at all. She’s known Satoru for a while, since they were freshmen. He’s usually the kind of guy who tries to be nice to everyone. He calls it being a nice person. She calls it being a people-pleaser.
She doesn’t think she’s ever seen him look at anyone the way he looks at Sukuna. He usually hides his disdain until the other person is out of his general vicinity. So this, him looking at the poor guy like he wants his whole family dead, is both ridiculous and completely strange.
“What did he do?” she asks, sitting down at the table. She takes a sip of her coffee as Satoru wills himself to rip his gaze away from Sukuna. When she realizes it might take a while, she busies herself by digging through her bag to grab the things she needs to study. “Did he steal your girlfriend or something?”
The silence that her question meets leaves Shoko curious, glancing up at Satoru as he turns away looking a little defeated.
“Oh shit,” she says. “Really? That’s why you broke up?”
“No,” Satoru tells her. He groans, slumping onto the table. “I don’t know, okay? All I know is that one moment she’s breaking up with me, the next she’s with that guy.”
Shoko looks back at Sukuna, waiting until she finally recognizes the man. Her eyes widen. She didn’t know who he was before, but now she definitely does.
“That’s the best friend!” she whispers to Satoru like it’s some big secret. “He’s the one you told us about!”
Satoru sticks his tongue out. “Yeah. Duh.”
She swats his shoulder. “Don’t be a fucking brat,” she says. “I can’t believe she jumped ship like that. What a bitch.”
“Don’t call her that.”
“Well, I’m a bitch, so I know when someone else is being a bitch.”
She raises her hands in apology. “Fine, fine. Sorry,” she says. She takes one more look at Sukuna then sighs. “You know, at least you’re free of all that now. You and Kimi seem great.”
That seems to cheer him up.
“We do, don’t we?” he says, beaming. “She’s just the best, you know. Lights up every room she walks into.”
Shoko curses herself as Satoru launches into a whole spiel about how great and wonderful Kimi is. She knows that she brought this on, she knows that the best way to distract her friend from his melancholy thoughts of you is to get him to talk about his new girlfriend, but fuck does it make him annoying.
“She does this little thing when we kiss, where she takes her hand and she—”
“Holy shit, please stop!” Shoko says. “I don’t wanna know about that!”
Satoru smirks. He knows just how much this annoys Shoko. It’s half the fun.
“She grabs my butt.”
He gets a well-earned smack on the arm.
“Hey, why are you starting the violence without me?” Suguru slides into the chair beside Satoru, beaming at Shoko as she glares at him. “What did he do?”
“He was being annoying,” she tells him, slouching in her seat. “I brought up his girlfriend once and off he goes on a whole tangent. ‘Oh, Shoko, you should see her eyes! You should smell her hair!’”
Satoru shrugs. “Not my fault you’re painfully single.”
“I’m pre-med, I don’t have the time,” she says like she always does. “I’d also like to point out that you fall in love way too easily. It’s gross.”
“I do not!” he gasps. “I’m very careful with my heart, you know.”
“Nah, I have to agree with Shoko on this,” Suguru chimes in, oh-so-helpfully
“You have to agree? You don’t have to do anything!”
He pats Satoru on the back. “Why don’t we just study like you said we would?” he says. “Take your mind off your fickle heart.”
“I’m gonna throw you into a dumpster,” Satoru says, glaring.
“After my finals, buddy. After my finals.”
It takes a while, but they do manage to get Satoru back on track and start working on his papers.
At a table a few feet away from them, Sukuna is trying to focus too. And failing miserably of course.
“Shut up,” Choso says without even looking up from his laptop.
“I haven’t even said anything.”
“But you were going to.”
Choso sighs. “Dude, I swear I’m gonna leave if you don’t let me focus.”
Sukuna pouts, trying his best to put on the best whole “woe is me” performance of his life. “But I have something really important to ask.”
“I have something really important to study for.”
 “You don’t want me to fail, do you?” Sukuna asks. “If I don’t get this off my chest, I may just flunk out of here.”
“Okay,” Choso nods. He waves at Sukuna. “Bye, dude. It was nice having you here.”
“Seriously, man! We can talk all you want after we die from our exams, okay?”
“Fine,” Sukuna says, clearly not fine at all. He gets up and grabs his belt bag. “I’m gonna go take a smoke.”
Choso raises his brow. “I thought you quit.”
“Yeah, well, I’m stressed,” is all Sukuna says before he marches out of the library, completely unaware of the fact that he’s just walked past your ex-boyfriend who has not only noticed him but decided—against his friend’s wishes—to follow him outside.
Technically, no one is allowed to smoke around these parts of campus. But technicalities haven’t seemed to stop the group of distressed students camped out behind the library, heads in their hands as they all ignore each other and take their misery out on the ozone layer.
Sukuna leans against the brick wall, fishing a pack of cigarettes out of his bag. He’s just about to light it when someone scoffs at him. Now what piece of shit would do that?
“She hates those, you know.”
Oh, that piece of shit. Of course.
“What do you want?” Sukuna says, his voice as cold as steel as he meets Satoru’s eye. He lets the cigarette dangle from his fingers. Yeah, you wouldn’t like this at all. “Come to beat me up? Your little girlfriend not around to stop you?”
Satoru doesn’t budge, just continues to stare him down. “Have you told her?”
“Told her what?” your boyfriend spits. “That you’re a creep who can’t seem to get out of his ex’s life?”
“If you don’t, I will,” Satoru tells him. He runs a hand through his hair and crosses his arms over his chest. What is he doing? He knows that Sukuna’s right. That he should just let you live your life. Make the mistakes you want to make. It’s not like you didn’t cause them.
But he can’t do that. He could never do that to you.
“Listen, I don’t know why she chose you,” he says, the venom dripping from his tongue. “But the least you can do is not treat her like shit.”
Sukuna rolls his eyes. He lets the cigarette drop to the ground. “How do you know how I treat her?” he asks. “This is getting pathetic, man. You have a girlfriend, don’t you? Why don’t you just move on like any other sane person would.”
“You fucking ass—”
“She doesn’t want you,” Sukuna whispers. His voice is low and threatening. Any other man would be scared shitless.
But not Satoru.
His lips curl into a smirk. All smug and cold and heartless. “She misses me, you know?”
Sukuna sneers. “Oh, yeah? Who told you that? Your fucking delusion brain?”
“No. She did,” Satoru says simply. “I ran into her a few weeks back and she told me.”
“Oh, please.” Sukuna tries to maintain the stoic facade he’s put up, but that bugs him. Did you really tell him that? Why? “You’re insane.”
He pushes past your ex and heads back into the library.
When he plops back into his chair, Choso shoots him a confused look, but he just ignores it, turning back to his notes. He tries his best to read through his scribbles about something, but he can’t help his mind from drifting to you.
He knows he should tell you about the party. It’s not like the two of you were actually together yet, and you did tell him you didn’t mind if he kept fucking seeing other girls. You’re not vindictive. You’d be just fine with it—all he has to do is tell you.
He reaches for his phone and stops short of calling you.
You wouldn’t care. You would be fine. The two of you would be fine.
But would you? Things between you are so new. So fragile. You’ve barely just crossed the line between friends and an actual proper adult relationship. Everything is still hanging in the balance. Sukuna knows that one wrong move could wreck it all. He just doesn’t know what that move is.
And then there’s Satoru.
“She misses me, you know?”
What would possess that man to say something like that, Sukuna will never know. Maybe he’s just jealous. Maybe he’s just trying to get in Sukuna’s head. Maybe he just wants to mess with your relationship so that you come running back to him.
But maybe he’s right.
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You wake to the feeling of your phone buzzing somewhere on the floor of your living room. It’s the middle of the day, but you, Maki, and Nobara have managed to pass out in the middle of your studying. Figures. If you had the choice between sleep and school, you definitely know what the three of you would pick.
You lift your head and pat the space around you until it finds your phone. Your eyebrows furrow when you see the contact name on the screen. You answer.
“‘Kuna?” you say, voice a little hoarse from sleep. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah!” he answers immediately. “I just wanted—were you sleeping?”
You chuckle, placing a hand on your forehead as you rest your head back on the floor. “Yeah, we needed a break,” you tell him. “Why are you calling?”
The other line is silent for a moment. You can already picture the way he looks right now, rubbing his thumb over his lower lip as he considers his words carefully.
“Sukuna, what is it?”
You hear him exhale. “Nothing,” he tells you. “I just wanted to let you know that I miss you.”
“We saw each other yesterday,” you say teasingly. You wish you could leave the conversation there, but you know there must be some other reason why he’s decided to call you out of nowhere. You know Sukuna. You know that there’s something going on. “What did you really call me about though?”
“Nothing,” he says again. You can tell that he knows he’s not convincing you. “I just thought… you remember when we snuck into that reservoir?”
You groan at the memory. The two of you were stupid back then, trying to escape the realities that you lived in. But you have to admit it was fun.
“Of course I do,” you tell him. “You called me just to remind me of that?”
He laughs, the memory apparently just as fun for him as it was for you. “That was when I knew.”
“Knew what?”
“You’re really gonna make me say it?”
You frown. “Sukuna, what are you talking about?”
You hear him sigh. Hear him ruffle something. Probably his hair. “That’s when I knew that I loved you,” he tells you softly.
You nearly drop the phone. “Oh.”
“You don’t have to say it,” he says. “I just thought you should know.”
Now, it’s your turn to be all jumpy. This is just like Sukuna to drop something on you like that. To drop the fact that he loves you, just like that. The fact that he’s apparently loved you for a while now.
“I love you too.”
The words hang in the air for a while. You’ve told him you loved him before, but that was always different. Always spoken beneath the cover of your friendship. Never something that meant anything important.
But is it really different this time?
You try to keep the thought out of your mind.
“‘Kuna? You there?”
“I’m here.”
You clear your throat. “Is that really why you called?”
“Yeah…” he says. “I just—yeah. I just wanted you to know that I love you.”
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notes. me while writing this: *just sweats profusely*
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igotanidea · 1 year
Ranking: Jason Todd x fem!reader
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graphic by @huedmmi (amazing job with that, thank you!!)
Summary: heroes couples ranking? Might seem like a good idea, but not every pair can make the top......
This is placed in the Ego!verse, cause been a while since I wrote for that. You can find other stories of this verse in my masterlist.
„What are you doing?”
“What are you reading?”
Jason sneaked behind her back, trying to sneak a peek of the article on the Internet Y/N was reading. However, all the time she spend being in the relationship with him and her vigilante instincts combined made her act quick enough to shut the laptop before he could see as much as one letter.
Jason smirked
“Oh, you’re hiding something.”
“What?” she scoffed “I’m not hiding anything.”
“You can’t lie to me, you know it.” He teased leaning forward, their faces inches away from one another
“Are you trying to intimidate me?” she moved even closer “Sorry not sorry, but it’s not working.”
“Well then maybe I just have to keep convincing you…..?”
“I’m the one playing with minds, not you, remember?”
“Come on princess….. just tell me what you’re hiding…..”
“Don’t be a tease.”
“Have you met me?” she smirked “Tease is practically my middle name.”
“No.” she cut him off “now stop whining, get up and let’s go.”
“Where exactly?”
“Batcave, duh! Did you think I was asking you for a date, or something?” she raised an eyebrow, looking at him teasingly.
“Wouldn’t dream of it……”
He didn’t like the idea of going to the manor for the debriefing, but….. there might be someone who could help him digging some information out.
“Drake. I need to talk to you.”
“Mhm….” Tim muttered not really paying attention, his head elsewhere “How about we reschedule that for next month? I’m busy…..” he tried to take a sip of coffee, but before the god’s drink found a way to his mouth, Jason snatched it out of his hands.
“Give me back my coffee, Todd……”
“Not before you help me.”
“And why should I do that?”
Jason sighed in frustration. On one hand he could just tell Tim was this was about. On the other that would mean showing his vulnerable side and that was a no go. So he just settled on standing in Tim’s room, holding his mug of out his reach, considering pros and cons of each option.
“It’s about Y/N.” Jason finally said, relenting “I’m worried about her.”
“About Y/N? Why? She’s a tough one. I mean, she;s in a relationship with you, I don’t think much can break her.”
“I’m serious, Tim. You may not notice this, but lately she’s been acting… closed off. She’s…. sad.”
“Sad? Cracking jokes left and right? Two days ago she almost made Dick fall off the rooftop telling one of her funny stories.”
“Please tell me it was not a story about me…..?”
“Nope. Those are not funny anymore and she found a lot funnier subjects. Nevermind… Tim shook his head. The point is, she’s acting normal. Why would you be concerned? Wait. Why would you be concerned?
“Cause she’s my girlfriend!”
“Oh…. You do care….” Tim smiles
“Shut up!”
“You want my help or not?”
“If you helping me require me admitting I care about her…….” Jason sighed “Fine, I do. I do care about her. Please, help me?”
“Of course, I’ll help you Jason.” Tim grinned knowing well enough he just got Jason right where he wanted him “and just so you know, it’s not a secret you love her.”
“Shut up…..”
“Fine! Fine!” Tim laughed at Jason’s flustered face “What’s the deal?”
“Y/N…..” Jason said her name with the mix of affection and worry “she’s been spending a lot of time in front of her computer, lately. She claims she’s reading. And I believe her. But whatever article it is, she’s been spending her time on, makes her distracted. It’s almost like she’s been avoiding me for some reason I cannot fucking understand. She’s lost in her head!”
“The girl is a mind reader, Jason. She can hear people’s thoughts. Is this really so surprising that she’s had enough?”
“Yeah, she had those…. Phases. But it’s not like that. She;s only like that because of what she found on the net.”
“Ok… Let’s assume I believe you. But what do I have to do with it?”
Jason muttered something incoherently.
“Sorry, what was that?” Tim chuckled
“I want you to break into her computer……”
“You what now?!”
“I need you to…..”
“Oh no, I heard you. You want me to hack your girlfriend’s computer. It’s just I can’t comprehend what got into your head.”
“I’m kind of desperate…..And you’re the expert on tech…..”
“I’m not buying into this…….” Tim laughs
“Come on, Drake!”
“Not a chance, Jason. Again. Y/N is a mind reader. She’ll find out what we did in a heartbeat. And I don’t want to have my brain grilled. I saw her in action, I know what it means to make her angry. “
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of Y/N…..” Jason mocks
“You are terrified of making her angry yourself…..”
“Ok, fine! She can be scary…… Fuck! You’re no use, Drake!” Jason jumped to his feet, rushing out of Tim’s room, fists clenched, muttering something under his nose.
“It was nice to see you too, Todd!” Tim laughed. He always found it funny how Jason acted under the influence of emotions.
“Jaybird!” Dick grinned at Jason, the second the latter came through the door to the kitchen “came for some brothers’ bonding?”
“more like binding” Jason rolled his eyes “unless you’ll help me.”
“You must be truly desperate to come to me for help…..”
“Oh, God… have you been watching Thor again?”
“I had a whole marathon. But sure, I’ll give you a hand with whatever you need. What is this about?”
“Y/N? What about her?”
“Oh, fuck, not you too. Am I really the only person who noticed she’s been acting off lately? Are you fucking serious?!”
“Um…..relax Jace?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to relax seeing my girlfriend hurting?!”
“And it’s my fault?!” Dick exclaimed with shock in his voice.
“NO! Yes! Wait, is it?” Jason took a step towards Dick “what did you do to her Dickhead!?”
“Nothing! I swear!”
“You’re lying!”
“I’m not lying!”
“Then why won’t she talk to me?!”
“I don’t know! Come on Jace! Don’t get crazy again.”
“Talk to her.” Jason said, calming down. As much as it hurt him to admit it, he was acting erratic and he didn’t want to be aggressive. Not again. Those days were behind him. “Please, just talk to her.”
“Why me?”
“Cause you’re the only person I can trust to do this without making her suspicious. And because she won’t talk to me.”
“Jason…. She’s a mind reader….”
“You’re not the first person to tell me that today. Thank you.” Jason mocks “I kind of remember!”
“Wait…..” dick eyes grow wide…. “I might……”
“You might what, Grayson?!”
“I might know what this is about…..” Dick muttered slowly, but seeing Jason furious expression, with his eyes burning he picked up the talking pace at once “ok, so there’s this little site with superheroes couples ranking…..”
“I mean, not that I read it…..”
“Sure you’re not Dickhead…..”
“But Barbara…. She’s actually a fan. And so it Lois …..”
“Lois? As in Lois Lane?”
“Yeah….. it’s actually pretty popular amongst the girls… I mean, it’s not any ambitious writing on anything like that but when you need something to relax and unwind after a hard day…..Steph and Cass read it too and we spend last evening going thought it and gossiping and……” Dick started rambling “sorry. Not the point.”
“Make the point then….” Jason had to fight the urge to punch his adoptive brother in the face.
“Um…. Me and Babs….. I mean, Nightwing and Batgirl  might have scored first last week……  And I might have slipped a word about it to Y/N…..”
“You scored first?”
“Yeah…..” Dick smiled wildly “I mean we are a really, really good couple but I never thought we could beat Clark and Lois to the first position. Sure, I also might have did some things to catch press attention, but still I ……”
“Grayson, I am warning you…..”Jason hissed
“Sorry. Long story short…. The news got to Y/N. and you know her. She’s the investigator. She started digging and found the site and now she’s been kind of addicted to it, checking it out every week hoping Red Hood and Ego will make it to the list, but…..”
“But what?” Jason asked but he already sensed the answer.
“You did not…..”
“So what you are telling me, is that you scored first, and I didn’t even make the first …. Ten?”
“I didn’t make the top 50?!!”
“I’m not the one making those rankings! Stop yelling at me!”
“That’s why she’s been so sad? Was she disappointed? let down?” Jason asked. What he did not form out loud was the question whether she felt unloved? Because of some crazy internet ranking. “I gotta go talk to her…..”
“Yeah…. You should….That might clear the air. You know, honesty is really important. And honest is, I scored FIRST!”
“We’ll talk about that later, Dickhead. I got more important things to do now.”
“Oh, hey, Jace. What’s up?”
“I know what you’ve been reading.”
“You know what?”
“Stop it”
“Ok, fine.” She sighed “I’m going to kill Grayson for spilling the bean. “
“Sorry princess, but he’s mine. But now… about this … stupid ranking thing… is that really making you this sad? Are you…. Unsatisfied with our relationship?” he asked, all his insecurity and vulnerability coming out in waves. He doubted him his entire life. He always thought that Y/N was too good for him and one day she would just …. leave. And now, it was practically coming true……”
“what?” judging by the tone she became terrified of what he was asking her. “Jace….baby….” she dived into his arms, hugging him tight. What got into your stupid pretty head, you dummy? I love you… I love being with you. If I got discouraged by something someone writes on the Internet that would be …. Childish… immature… stupid.”
“No buts, Jace…..” she pulled back, grabbing his face with both her hands, looking deep into her eyes “I love you, you idiot.”
“I love you too, sweetpea…..”
“Now that is a new nickname……”
“Do you like it?” he smirks “tell me what does it do to you.”
“You’ll have to call me that a few more times just so I can figure out exactly what it does to me.” She smiles pulling him down to kiss.
Next morning Y/N standardly checked out the weekly ranking. Just for fun… After that little making up and clearing the air she had with Jason all night, she couldn’t care less about what vigilante couples made the top 10 and who did not. She was happy with her boyfriend. And that was what counted.
There was something so surprising that he just screamed Jason’s name the moment she opened the page.
“Y/N!!??” Jason rushed into her room, shirtless, his face confused. “Are you in danger?! What happened?!”
“THANK YOU!!” she yelled again jumping into his arms. Obviously he immediately pulled her into his chest, enjoying her warmth and hugs and kissed she started planting all over his face , but was still unsure of what was happening.
“Y/N? Not that I’m complaining, but what is this about?”
“We made the first place!! I mean, Ego and Red Hood did! Look, look….” She grabs his hand and lead him to the computer, pointing at the page, almost jumping in excitement. “do you see that?!”
“Yeah, princess I see it….” he smiles, full of smugness.
“Thank you!”
“I didn’t do a single thing…..”
“So, Red hood spotted making some sort of floral carpet for Ego was purely accidental?” she smirked, but her eyes were glistening with pure love and admiration. “You didn’t have to, you know?” she stood up, locking arms on his neck, his founding a way to her waist and pulling her close. “I told you I didn’t give a damn about those rankings and you must have been working at it for hours….”
“It was worth it, baby. Seeing that smile and those pretty eyes shining….. And maybe I deserved a little kiss?”
“Oh, you deserved so…. much…. more….” She brushed her lips over his, making that little kiss a promise of something more to come. “And…” Y/N pulled back “as a bonus, you probably pissed off Dick.”
“Oh, yeah… That was definitely my biggest motivation….” His grip on her waist tightened suggestively.
“Really?” she mutters leaning forward “maybe I can convince you otherwise? Show you what should have been your biggest motivation from the beginning?”
“You know I can’t say no to you, baby……”
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uhohdad · 3 months
Can’t wait until the aftermath to come out!! By any chance can you give more headcanons on König and reader?? 👀👀
well duh darling i’ve only been waaaaaiting for y’all to ask
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• Konig hated the whiskey. hated the taste, hated the smell, hated the way it made his brain foggy. he only drank it on the train bc he thought it would make Reader think he’s cool 😭
• another reason konig didn’t want to go on the balcony is because he’s afraid of heights. he only did it to hang out with Reader
• seeing Reader in a jacket in his size ahbsbxhahhzxb he was so nervous to offer the jacket to her and seeing her drown in it was making him feel some type of way. you’re so small.
• in addition to watching her sleep the night before the games, he also stayed up late on the balcony to watch Reader sleep. felt like a straight creep he did.
• Konig always sits so far away from Reader because he’s terrified of making her uncomfortable, especially after getting turned on when her leg was on his. Also why he was so fucking baffled when Reader had her leg pressed to his on the train. He so badly wanted it to happen again but he didn’t want to push it. And it really speaks to the true elation he felt it when she was still alive at the end it literally brought him to a sprint to pull her in a hug that was tighter than it should have been.
• Konig’s not one to jump to violence, especially after the incident from his past - but when One called Reader a dog he had his fists clenched fs You’re his weak spot dude he’s always ready to throw hands for you. He feels like it’s his duty, especially since he feels the need to repay her for standing up for him. It really shows in (aside from literally killing for her) when he spoke out of turn to Price - something he would never do if it wasn’t concerning Reader. He really gagged the whole dinner table.
• Konig is especially awkward with Price. and vice versa. They don’t really ‘get’ each other. Konig still respects him and his opinion of him, though. He’s much closer with Ruby.
• god he is just so. enamored with Reader. he is just so happy that they have good banter. he just thinks everything she says is the most charming thing ever.
• I don’t think I can stress enough just how jealous our boy was when Titan was flirting with Reader. Nauseous. He had a whole ‘that’s so raven’ day-mare about you and Titan. The thought of him laying his hands on you. And knowing he had just upset you made him believe he just pushed you right into Titan’s arms. So relieved when you started talking shit on him.
• aside from being devastated that she was upset with him about considering allying with the careers, watching reader handle weapons did something to him.
• He feels so lost when you’re upset, and he has a tendency to blame himself and not the whole ‘being sent to your death thing’
• During Konig’s interview, he was sure Reader knew he had a crush on her. He thought the jig was up.
• I almost made Pluck have a full on moment after the interview, the night before the games - like throwing chairs, breaking glasses, and destroying the suite, but it didn’t end up making the final cut it just didn’t seem to flow with the story.
• It took hours for Konig to work up the courage to go to Reader’s room the night before the games - and he still chickened out.
• Konig was just as haunted if not more by Eleven. He could feel his neck snap.
• I’m screaming, crying, throwing up that I can’t give y’all more games fun facts since I don’t wanna spoil The Aftermath
• y’all ain’t gonna like this one but the TRUTH? Konig was sneaking mad looks at Reader at the waterfall when she wasn’t looking. felt like such a creep.
• felt like the luckiest man alive getting to carry her through the desert. what a simp.
• Konig is the love that cannot be reasoned with. Reader is the hate that cannot be reasoned with.
• Konig sacrificed himself because he couldn’t stand the thought of her not living, period. He truly believed she deserved to live more than him. Reader sacrificed herself partially because that was always the plan - but her motivation in regard to Konig was because she didn’t want to live without him. Her motivations were selfish while his were selfless.
• Reader’s spite was her downfall after all. Price warned her not to let it get the best of her and she ended up taking her own life because of it.
‘We’ll see who wakes up tomorrow, Konig.’
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more TGWCM fun facts :)
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harlowsbby · 3 months
Hot Girl Jobs
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lil summary, I got this idea from kb & karla’s youtube video!
“You’re so evil!” Annie laughed as you explained your little prank to her. “And what about it? It’s just a little prank.” You giggled.
“It’s harmless I swear! I could’ve done something way worse and you know it.” You giggled once again.
“A little prank that’ll send Jack to an early grave due to you giving him a heart attack.” She stated and you huffed.
“Don’t be so dramatic Annie but are you on your way?” You asked her as you put the finishing touches on your make up.
“I’ll be at your house in about four minutes did you want me to come inside the house or?” She asked. “Yes, when you get here just open the door it’ll be unlocked and be on the phone with Urban!” You told her.
“Okay I’ll see you in a few.” The two of you said good bye to one another before hanging up the phone call.
After you finished doing your make up you quickly put on an outfit that Jack wouldn’t exactly approve of to be worn outside of the house.
It was a black mini skirt with a little black top and a pair of heels. It showed little to the imagination especially when you bent down.
You were pranking Jack by making him think you got a job as a bottle service girl. You had recently quit your job due to stress and the management team and you figured this would be the best time to get him.
Because for one he would totally believe it considering you were jobless and had told him earlier that morning that you were looking for a job and well Jack was easy to mess with so why not mess with him.
After you looked yourself over one last time in the mirror you made your way downstairs where Jack sat with Ace.
Ace looked up upon hearing the sound of heels clicking on Jack’s black and white marble floors he practically spit out his food seeing you in your outside and quickly covered his eyes.
“What are you doing?” Jack laughed not bothering to look behind him just yet. “Uh covering my eyes have you seen what your girlfriend is wearing? I don’t think I should be seeing all of that.”
Jack looked at his with a raised brow and turned around in his chair and gasped seeing you in your outfit and seeing that your hair and make up was done. “Where are you going?” He suspiciously asked.
“I have a job interview silly remember I told you I’ve been applying for jobs all day.” You told him.
He looked at the clock on the wall and then back at you and then back at the clock and back at you again, his jaw hanging slightly. “It’s ten at night where the fuck are you going?”
Ace laughed with his hands still covered making you giggled. “Jack!” You laughed. “Watch your language! And I have a job interview at the club downtown.”
He was at a loss of words he didn’t know what to do or what to say. “What job because your outfit is giving street walker.” He said. “I have an interview to be a bottle service girl duh!” You said.
“Aren’t you happy for me?” You said. “That way if I become a bottle service girl I can give you a little club experience at home.” You stated.
“I don’t think he’s too thrilled for this job Y/N.” Ace said and Jack nodded his head in agreement even though Ace couldn’t see him.
“Yeah you aren’t about to go out and be no bottle service girl even though a job is a job and I won’t down talk anyone for making money but you’re MY girl and MY girl won’t be holding bottles in the air and showing off everything her mama gave her.” He preached.
“Amen I know that’s right Jack you better tell her.” Ace stated. “Shut up Ace.” He said. “Okay.”
“Jack! Don’t be a party pooper like Urban is letting Annie do it so why can’t I!? I wanna be a bottle service girl you know how much money I can make in a night?” You beamed with excitement.
“You know how much money I can make within seconds.” He mimicked you. “Like Annie is on her way over here right now when she gets here you can talk to Urban and I bet he’s okay with it.”
“Yeah okay we’re gonna see and if he says no she can’t do it or even if she can go well I’m sorry but you’ll be marching your ass back upstairs.” He said.
“Well in the meantime can I practice for you?” You asked him. “Sure babe go ahead.” He swear his eyes were twitching the entire time you were practicing.
Before you started practicing he had you put on one of his shirts and boxers till Annie arrived so Ace could remove his hands from his eyes.
“How are we feeling tonight guys!!” You faked cheered as you held up two bottles of sparkling apple cider since Jack didn’t drink. “We’re doing good!!” Ace cheered and clapped his hands as you poured the drinks.
“Really Ace?” Jack glared at his friend as he encouraged your behavior. “Wait? I thought we were all playing a role here? Don’t you want her to get the job.” He said.
“No, I don’t she doesn’t need a job.” Jack said. “But I wanna be a bottle service girl baby so please play your part.” You said.
“Look I get it a job is a job and you gotta do whatever you can to get money but I don’t want my girl out there showing ass and shit to everyone.”
Jack wasn’t one to judge he understood the price of everything he was going up but with his career and his lifestyle he’s seen first hand how most bottle girls in the club get treated.
And you were his woman he didn’t want anything bad happening to you because that would hurt him forever.
Jack stated as he emphasized the you in his sentence. “Oh but I am.” You lied and faked yawned to hide your smirk. “Oh but you aren’t sorry but not sorry.” Jack stood up when he heard the door opening.
“Annie is here!” You smiled and ran over to her and Jack had to do a double look at her outside seeing she was in a similar outfit to you. “Are you ready?” She asked you.
“I sure am!” You grinned and went to grab your purse but Jack quickly snatched it and tossed it to Ace. “Jack.” You whined and stomped your foot.
“Oh come on Jack she’s gonna be making money real quick and I know she’ll get big tips like I can’t do it alone.” He squinted his eyes at the mention of big tips.
“Big tips from who? Thirsty ass guys? I think NOT! Call Urban now I need to talk to him.” Annie pulled out her phone and within a second Urban answered.
“Hello?” His voice came from the speaker of the phone. “It’s Jack, yeah so you’re okay with Annie being a bottle service girl?” He said.
“Yeah I mean why not she’s making money and it’s what she wants to do so why not.” Urban expressed. “You’re kidding Urban did you see what she had on?”
Jack felt as if he was in sort of alternate universe or something because nothing felt real, maybe he was day dreaming or something he didn’t know but what did he know was that you weren’t going out.
“I did see and I don’t mind because at the end of the day she’s coming home with me besides it’s not like she’s some type of stripper she’s just shaking bottles all night.” You smirked.
“My point exactly and weren’t you the one that sang about catching a vibe with the bottle girl? So I’ll be your lil bottle girl that you can catch a vibe with.” You stated.
“You know what.” He huffed and tossed his hands up in the air in defeat. “Fine go do whatever you want but I’m washing my hands of you.” He acted like he was washing his hands before storming up the stairs.
When he was out of sight you quickly high waved Annie as the two of you giggled. “Got him once again.” You smirked. “But let me go apologize to my big baby.”
Ace shook his head at Annie and You. “You two are evil you know that?” He said.
“Whatever, but I do think it’s best if you guys leave I’m about to make this up to Jack in a way that you both don’t wanna witness.” You wiggled your eyebrows at Annie and she quickly grabbed her purse and Ace and left.
“Jack!! Baby it was a prank.” You yelled upstairs and quickly made your way up them to go apologize to your man.
writers block as been winning big time but I promise I’ll start putting out more things this month!
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paimonial-rage · 5 months
expectations - kaveh
[random writing event] | requested by @andromeda-nova-writing
Kaveh scratched his head as he pondered your question. Though you often asked him many random things, this one caught him off guard. If he had to be honest, it was an odd question considering the point in your relationship. He didn’t fully know how to answer. But judging from that expectant look in your eyes, there definitely was a right answer and a wrong one.
“I mean… I’d make you a bed and feed you everyday… I’d take care of you and make sure you’re never in want,” he began, a bit proud of his answer that no matter what happened, he’d take care of you–
“You mean you wouldn’t make me a house?” You asked weakly, horror evident on your face.
He frowned in thought. Well, perhaps he could–
“After all of that, and you’d force me to live the rest of my days in a house with your roommate?”
A sharp bark of laughter erupted from his chest.
“I thought you were talking about– Are you serious!? I can’t even afford a house on my own! You’re expecting me to make a full sized house for you? Me and what money!? What would you even do with–”
You scoffed in sheer disbelief.
“What would I do with a house? What kind of dumb question is that, Kaveh? I’d live in it, duh! What? Are you saying I don’t deserve a house?”
He burst to his feet and slammed his hands to the table.
“I didn’t say that! It’s just–”
But you didn’t bother to hear anything he had to say.
“I’d live in it and eat all the tons of expensive food you buy for me!” You announced stubbornly with an upturned nose and a cross of your arms.
“‘Tons’ of expensive food? How much money do you think I make?” He demanded.
“Well yeah. I need to eat! What would you give me otherwise?”
He paused in thought.
“I… I don’t know. An apple a day?”
Your eyes blew open wide in horror.
“A single apple? What do you think I am, Kaveh, a horse!? I can’t believe you! What kind of boyfriend are you?” You accused, hurt evident in your eyes. “I mean that’s the bare minimum I’d do for you if you got turned into a worm!!”
He sunk into his seat. Was this what it meant to be in a relationship? Was this what it meant to take care of someone? Was he in over his head? He thought this was supposed to be a light-hearted conversation. Not only did he reveal himself to be a bad boyfriend, but judging by the way you were doing your best to hide that smile creeping to your lips, he obviously hurt you too–
“You… You wouldn’t do those things at all!” He exclaimed incredulously.
You burst into a fit of laughter, wiping the tear that gathered at the corner of your eye. But upon seeing the frustration in his expression, you did your best to calm down. With a sway of your hips, you stood and made your way behind him. And with those talented fingers of yours, you gently began to massage away the stress in his shoulders.
“Okay, maybe I wouldn’t. But I would make you a nice soft comfy bed with the best and richest dirt in Sumeru. And I’d give you a nice juicy apple every day plucked straight from the highest tree in all of Mondstadt. You’d be living the best life a worm could live.”
He grumbled, doing his best to hold onto his irritation and losing.
“Oh but if I do that, you accuse me of treating you like a horse.”
You laughed.
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kiirotoao · 1 year
I think my mind is stuck on the Rink O Mania fight right now and I can’t get it to stop so-
A deep dive on the line: “We’re friends. We’re friends.”
Said by none other than Mike “In the closet” Wheeler.
And in order to do this, let’s talk about:
The context
Mike’s tone
The urgency of the reply
The backing track
What could have been Mike’s reply
So first, context.
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The moment that Will regrabs Mike’s attention with his “well, what about us?” Mike is hit with more and more thoughts of exactly that: “us.” Him and Will. And Will doesn’t stop. He accuses Mike of being mad, dismissive, uncaring, lacking, all towards Will.
The pressure is on. And look at Mike. He’s upset about it.
But then comes-
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The last straw. And what is the last straw? Well, this brings me to my next and most crucial points…
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Notice Mike’s tone. You can even see it in the gif alone.
Will just posed the tiniest question “and us?” with the biggest implication: what are we to you? And Mike immediately feels the need to repeat his friendship assertion twice. “We’re friends. We’re friends.”
Mike tends to repeat himself when he’s upset. He’s affected by this. Which, duh, right? But think about it.
Why might Mike be upset by this? Is it just because Will is upset and they’re feeding off of each other? Is it because Mike is annoyed that Will brought up El and compared himself to her? Or could it be something more?
Is Mike perhaps threatened by the fear of the idea of actually being something else to Will? Perhaps he’s worried that Will got the wrong idea? Perhaps it’s something internal to Mike himself that he doesn’t want to breach?
Mike is the one who set that boundary, after all, in making such a strong reply.
So once again, Mike is upset here. That’s pretty clear to see. And throughout the entire time Will brings up their relationship outside of El, he also looks so uncomfortable, if you ask me. Like he doesn’t want to talk about it. Like he doesn’t want to fight with Will lest things hit a little too close to home. Mike seems defensive.
Like his upset repetition, he does back out of the conversation twice, after all.
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I think that he’s hiding his true heart. Running away from something. Running away from something because of Will.
Next, let’s talk about the urgency. This is not a slow fight. There is barely a moment of pause from the entire fight, start to finish. In fact! It’s after this line that we get a pause to breathe. It’s only after Will retorts, “well, we used to be best friends!” that Mike stops.
As of “We’re friends. We’re friends.” Mike is steamrolling through this without need to stop. Mike doesn’t even need to think of his reply to Will’s, “and us?”
Does Mike just always and readily consider the distinction of Will as a friend as opposed to… something else?
And now, briefly, because goddamn this should tell all, I want to bring up the backing track!
The fact is that “In the closet (at Rink O Mania)” starts playing right before Mike successfully backs out of the conversation!! And this needs to be talked about more!
Yeah. That song didn’t start playing while Will was speaking. It started playing while Mike was speaking.
And as the song plays, coupled with his upsetness, Mike deflects blame (“why is this on me?”), something that shows that he… doesn’t want to accept the blame nor the truth.
Once again: hm.
Now, lastly, I wouldn’t be me without at least one good ol’ counter argument, what could have been. I mean, this isn’t really a proper counterpoint as I still am believing that Mike is so gay to try and declare his friendship to his fellow male bestie with urgent and defensive fervency backed by a literal “In the closet” soundtrack but.
Maybe I should just call this an imaginative perspective.
Because seriously, Mike could have reacted in so many other ways than how he did.
Where’s the “what do you mean, ‘us?’” Where’s the simple “what?” for that matter? What about a “you know that’s not the same thing.”
Mike could have defended himself. Backed up. Questioned Will and gotten to the bottom of the emotion right then and there. But he didn’t.
Y’know why?
Because despite the variety of choices, if Mike didn’t spell clearly that they were just “friends,” he’d be so much more vulnerable to getting outed. Will could have easily parried by repeating himself and flustering Mike. Or Mike could have risked the potential continued questions from Will about what if they could be more? So logically, Mike took the safest route he could.
Angrily. And defensively. Not confusedly. He knew what he was saying and not saying.
Yeah, I just can’t not see Mike as someone trying to hide himself, here.
I find it so upsettingly fascinating overall how neither of the two seem to stop and question what each other actually means. They never ask for certain clarification or hesitate. Well, Mike does, once -
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- but then things keep spiraling and they don’t get to stop and think twice again. Everything else seemingly comes out in quick anger and frustration. And it’s so easy for them to miss things when they’re also so rushed by the need to find El. Truly, did you leave this Rink O Mania fight feeling like it was satisfying and that Mike and Will said all that they wanted to towards each other? I know that I didn’t.
The only way I can see people thinking that Mike is genuinely and completely and utterly straight is if they think he’s arguing at face value and plainly had nothing else to say to Will. So really, it’s up to how you as a viewer see him.
But if Mike is actually just friends with Will, why do these same types of intimate one-on-one fights often happen between established couples? Why is Mike’s story interwoven with Will’s so deeply like this, enough to hit on the tension of romance versus friendship? Why is Mike even a main character if he’s supposed to only be taken at face value? How come Mike is able to smile again the moment that Will brings up them and only them two again a day later - even though this all happens before Mike apologizes for the Rink O Mania fight and their relationship hasn’t been fully mended yet??
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“We’re friends. We’re friends.” is a cry to me across the screen that Mike is trying to state the facts and keep his head on straight (haha) despite everything that Will meant and continued to mean to him. It’s been half a year since Mike and Will spoke, and so they’d also had plenty of time to internalize their ideas of each other and ignore a number of thoughts without the other around. We know that Will kept his feelings at bay by painting them.
What do we certainly and canonically know about Mike and what he personally did away from Will specifically? That’s right!
But I choose to believe that he surely thought about Will while he was gone, right? And missed him during at least one Hellfire game? And potentially considered who Will was to him? And maybe told himself to stop if he imagined anything too deep because they were just friends? Or is that too much to assume?
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zabala0z · 1 month
I’m very scared to watch the next episodes. Anyways hi, it’s me, your friendly neighborhood host. I got a lot of thoughts and I’m dying here 😭
MAG 72: Takeaway
Another meat thing oh god. Like I physically grimaced when Goodall had his Achilles heel cut like genuinely that’s one of my fears. Also another direct connection to like Christianity and meat. Or like kinda because in Rations I think, that guy made a prayer that was originally a Christian prayer I believe but altered it to put meat in. ALSO, Haan killed his wife but apparently she had self-inflicted wounds as well. I’m thinking this is maybe cult or some kind of like sacrificial thing going on. Maybe the wife wanted to die.
We also have Haans nephew who appeared in “Killing Floor”. He had his own meat sort of story. Guess it runs in the family 💀
MAG 73: Police Lights
I feel like Maxwell Rayner is not dead simply because it’s not the most implausible thing considering Michael Crew pops up in a couple episodes after jumping out a window. But who knows maybe Rayner is truly gone (I am betting not) also Natalie was there which definitely made me feel a little sad. I always feel a lot in terms of cults. I’m trying to figure out what Rayner and like the cult was planning on doing to the kid. Maybe kill him? But I feel like that’s too basic, they were probably doing something else. The fog seemed to hurt when it hit that one police guy like it burned him. Came out of that dusty old man’s mouth after all.
Also Basira quitting? Queen shit. I cannot blame her.
MAG 74: Fatigue
Oh yeah this is good. Something about the disjointed events really adds to the sleep deprived perspective I love it. Also MICHAEL. What is Michael I swear to god. Every appearance of this weirdo makes me more and more confused. What does he get out of this? Is it just for fun? He didn’t seem to benefit at all, like he even told Lydia she looked terrible 💀
It was said he was making spirals out of grass blades. What is with this creature and spirals, like that corridor was trippy too. I’m wondering if spirals are fractals. Lydia was drawing them for some reason. Similar to Evo’s dad in Burned Out.
And I KNEW Sasha was going through the tunnels. Like duh. I think she was the one who screwed up the quality because multiple times have electronics have been screwed around like tape recorder and the computer. I have no idea who that man is though.
MAG 75: A Long Way Down
This statement takes place after Michael jumps out the window. I guess he changed a lot. And he got some drip because why is he wearing a full suit?? I can’t tell if he actually contributed to Grants disappearance because maybe he was doing something else y’all 😭 (I’m in denial.) I am wondering what his little spell did back in Literary Heights. Did he like- bind himself with the lightning thing? I don’t know how that would work. He did say “I am yours” so did he like..sell his soul. That’s what I’m thinking.
Feeling really bad for grant. I don’t have a major fear of heights but the way the situation is described, I’d develop one.
MAG 76: The Smell of Blood
Wooo Melanie King! First time a character gave two statements which is cool. I’m wondering what kind of meme she ended up. Someone draw that.
Not much to say about this episode but oh my god I’m so happy someone noticed Sasha. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. I miss Sasha dude 😭
One thing I’m curious about is like…what is going to be the ending. Because right now, the institute, or technically Jon, has so many probable enemies right now. Like you got the Church of yada yada, the circus, Fake Sasha, all those diseased people, Michael, the Lukas family, etc. Who is going to drop the other shoe? Because right now, they all have the other shoe istg.
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avatarmerida · 2 years
A Reliable Source
This is a deleted scene from the fake dating huntlow fic I’m working on rn that doesn’t make sense with the direction I decided to go in but I still really like it so y’all can have it as a treat if you want. 
 “Listen Blondie,” snarled Boscha, slamming Hunter’s locker closed before he could finish gathering the books he needed as she pointing her finger menacingly in his face. “You’re gonna do my Isles History homework for a week or else.”
“Or else what?” Hunter snarled back, reopening his locker to finish collecting his stuff having no intention of fearing or helping the bully in front of him.
“Or else I’ll tell the whole school you’ve got a crush on half-a-witch Willow,” finished Boscha smugly, crossing her arms.
“Don’t call her that,” he said, his voice low and serious as he went to walk away before he stopped himself, having registered what else she had said. “And please don’t say anything.” he added quietly, something more bubbling beneath the surface of his request as his hand fidgeted at his side.
“Well, if you don’t want everyone thinking you’re-.”
“- because if she hears it from you, she’ll never believe it’s true!” Hunter cut her off in a small panic.
“Wait, what?” The entitled and confident smiled fell from her face. 
“She won’t believe it, she’ll think it’s another dumb rumor you’re trying to spread!” Hunter said, more to himself than to her as he bit his knuckle,  processing the severity of Boscha’s threat.
“You... want her to believe it?” Boscha asked, truthfully never expecting this as a possibility. But Hunter didn’t hear her, he was far too caught up in the possibility of his carefully crafted plans to confess being undone in a second by the pink haired menace. “Um, hello? Stop ignoring me!”
“Maybe she won’t hear it,” reasoned Hunter, trying to steady his breathing. “Ugh, I haven’t finished the jacket I was gonna give her! I thought I had more time! It’s too early for the gromposal, but maybe she’ll tune it out when she hears your name come up then she won’t think-.”
“Excuse me, I was in the middle of blackmailing you,” said Boscha, her voice high pitched and annoyed as she waved her hand in front of his eyes to get his attention back on her. “Are you saying you don’t want me telling the whole school you have a crush on half-a-witch Willow because… you actually do?”
“Well duh!” He said, rolling his eyes. He thought it had made the fact clear to everyone but Willow, who he had planned to tell in an elaborate confession worthy of her.  “I wouldn’t lie about that!”
“And you’re not... embarrassed by it?”
Hunter looked at her like she had just said the most absolutely ridiculous thing he had ever heard, because she had. “Why would I be?” he asked. “I mean, sometimes feel sweaty and nervous about it, but never embarrassed.”
Boscha wasn’t used to being accused of telling the truth so she did not have a snarky response ready. She struggles to see how she could twist this to her advantage, starting another rumor stating the opposite seemed redundant and didn’t have her usual humiliation factor. 
“Well, I-.”
“Considering you still call her that awful name, she has no reason to believe anything you say is true.” continued Hunter. “But I guess a broken clock is right twice a day, even a clock as rude and obnoxious as you.”
“Hey!” she spat, furious that her plan was crumbling and she would most likely end up doing her own homework. “I-I can still ruin you!”
Hunter gasped. She was right. If Willow heard that Boscha was the source of the news of his crush of her, she’d dismiss it as one her lies! She might even think the opposite was true, considering the amount of lies Boscha was known for. There was a chance Willow might think he only liked her the way he liked Gus or Luz. Or even worse: the way he liked Amity. 
Purely platonic. 
No, he couldn’t bare the idea that she felt his feelings for her stopped at friendship when they were so much more advanced than that. 
“You can’t start the rumor if I tell her first!” Hunter declared loudly, pointing his finger at Boscha before turning to sprint down the hall at full speed. He half expected her to try and race him as his teleporting ability kicked it to help jumpstart him, leaving her equally confused and bitter as she watched her plan backfire before all three of her eyes.
The boy appeared before her once more in a flash of gold, his brown eyes turning from panic to fury as he said in a tone he had not used since he was actively the Golden Guard: “Also, DON’T call her half-a-witch!”
He disappeared once more as he teleported to his destination, his mind racing with how to cram the elaborate confession/grom proposal/flyer derby captain jacket reveal he had planned for weeks into a few sentences. The most important thing was he get far ahead of any rumors that could ruin the credibility of the statement. Had he only known today would be the day, he would’ve done something different with his hair! Titan, he certainly would’ve had more plant glyphs ready!
Boscha remained by his locker, her mouth agape like she was trying to catch flies as she yelled in frustration to no one.
“What the heck just happened???”
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wings-of-ink · 6 months
First Devlog?
Hello everyone...boy, there are a lot of you already, still trying to digest that...
So, I gather that I should do these logs on occasion. I do not know how often, perhaps just when I have a few things to say. I will try not to ramble too much, but my fingies like to talk.
Anyway, I am working on chapter 3 right now. There’s some fun moments so far in it that I hope you’ll like, and we’ll get to meet Zahn, Duri'naan, and then Rundis. I’m trying not to rush because there are some exciting scenes that I’m eager to get to. I’ve outlined them to tide myself over until I get that far. There’s some quiet moments you’ll get to have as well, and right now I feel like that’s what I’m struggling with. Those areas of my story are like bridges to the next, more exciting, parts and sometimes I feel like they fall a little flat. But, I’m trying to keep in mind this is my first draft. I’ll go through it another time or two to perk things up. Those moments are still important for letting the MC get to know each RO.
My mind has been in a million directions lately too, and I’ve had a lot of ‘duh’ moments. I’ve done so much world building since I started this last year (around August/September I think), that I have pockets of important details that I kinda just forgot! So, I plan to re-read all the notes I’ve made and try to also put them into one place. I have some in my phone, in a notebook, and in no less than three folders on my laptop. It’s a wonder I have survived this many years…
What you can expect for coming updates…
-A couple fixes, of course – thank you to those who found some of those pesky buggy bois for me.
-A nicer front page, instead of being slapped with my ramblings, I’d like to actually have a nice start page. I’ll figure it out eventually, lol.
-I’ll be adding a name bank to the MC’s Nameday scene that will also show you what each name means, so if that is important to you, it’ll save you the internet search. If it tickles your fancy, the name selection will correspond in some way to the marks (names meaning "night" or "storm," etc.) so you can theme your MC a bit.
-Extra coding in case you decide to shorten MC’s given name to just “Ravi.” I did not once consider that anyone would do this, and my first play-tester – my own spouse – did….He told me about it since it made some dialog with Oswin make zero sense, and then I published the story without fixing it because I completely forgot about it.
-Different contrast color for dark mode links. I feel like I have drastically improved this with a new gold color. In retrospect, I don’t know why I didn’t use the gold before. I love it as an accent, I use it all over! The blue never felt 100% right, but my brain shut down after thinking about it too long. Here’s a sample and a (M) Zahn tease:
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When can you expect an update?
I’d like to make my next update during the Amare Games Festival, ideally containing both chapters 3 and 4 since they go pretty tightly together. This will also insure that you meet the rest of the posse. It’s a tall order for both chapters to be submitted on time, and I don’t want to rush them either, but I’m going to try really really hard, lol. I will focus first on polishing chapter 3, so that no matter what, I can at least get it out in time.
Here’s a link to the post about it:
And this is the submission time frame: open from March 31st 2024 at 11:00 PM to May 1st 2024 at 12:00 AM
As a side message, should you want to read on…
I also wanted to give you all a big, like really big, heartfelt thank you. I have received so many kind messages and comments that I just can’t believe it. I am so happy (and honestly, genuinely shocked) that you’re enjoying my IF, and I’m motivated to work hard so you also enjoy each new chapter of your journey. There’s so many secrets I want to share with you about the world, and I am struggling to be patient myself, lol.
I am not usually a very open or social person, and I was scared for a long time to share anything I wrote. I reached a point in my personal life in the last few years where I just needed to embrace what I loved to do and share it with a community that shares in that love. I encourage you to do the same whether there is a story in your heart, music on your lips, or a paintbrush in your hands. Life is NOT about your 8-5. We may not be able to survive without it, but whatever moment you can, do what you actually love. Put away the those things that don’t matter, the things that stress you - including people, and make time for who you are.
Thank you all and take care!
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rebouks · 2 years
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Tommy: If it weren’t for the gingerness, I dunno if I’d have recognised ya. Oscar: Dead giveaway, huh? Sorry it’s been a while, I’ve been kinda busy… Tommy: I heard. I’m glad y’finally turnin’ things around for yourself.
Oscar: Uh-huh, uh-huh-.. we don’t have time for mush! Where’s Rhys? Tommy: Uh, he’s in the bedroom with Coty; packin’. Oscar: Packing? Good.
Rhys: Obviously I need t’leave! But I don’t get why Riona bothered threatenin’ me if Artie was just gonna sack me off. Ivan: I guess he overruled her. Coty: That’s a good thing, ain’t it? He won’t have to look over his shoulder all the time.
Rhys: I dunno about good, they’ve been sent here t’beat the shit outta me. Coty: That ain’t happening, right? Ivan: Duh.
Rhys: But that’s what they expect, so I guess you gotta… Ivan: Who’s t’say you wouldn’t fight back? We’ll just smack each other about a bit so it looks legit. Coty: How ‘bout no one hits anyone.
Rhys: I ain’t even stickin’ round, what’s the point? Ivan: We’re still stuck here though, ain’t we? He knows we’re close, it’s gotta look believable-.. Oscar! Get in here. Coty: I dunno, man.. just say he left with no bother.
Oscar: What’s up? Rhys: Ivan reckons you’ve gotta beat each other up so this looks legit. Oscar: Fair point.
Tommy: It’s a stupid point. Oscar: Eh, it can’t hurt-.. well, it will, but it ain’t a bad idea. Just don’t get mad when I hit you n’ actually beat me up. Tommy: He will, n’ I ain’t stickin’ around for it.
Coty: [whispers] He’s smart. Ivan: C’mon, I ain’t gonna get mad. Hit me. Rhys: [whispers] He’s gonna get mad.
Ivan: Christ-.. in the eye?! Oscar: You didn’t say where. Ivan: [grunts]
[SCUFFLING ENSUES] Rhys: Told you. Coty: Uh-huh…
Rhys: Okay, okay! Quit it! Oscar: You said you wouldn’t get mad. Ivan: I didn’t get fuckin’-…
Oscar: You almost knocked my teeth out! Ivan: Uhm.. sorry, bud. Rhys: [laughs] Alright, consider me terrified; I’ll leave n’ never come back, I swear!
Tommy: Thanks for everythin’, Oscar. The apartment, the laptop, the-… Oscar: Don’t worry about any of that, alright? Tommy: I’ll pay y’back one day.
Oscar: Tch, how bout you quit it with the growing as payback? Everyone’s always gotta be taller than me, don’t they. Tommy: [snorts] My bad. D’you reckon they’ll-… Oscar: They left Rickey alone, didn’t they? You’ll be fine.
Ivan: Where’re y’gonna head to? Rhys: We’re gonna find a dorm together or somethin’, we’ll be roomies! Tommy: [laughs] After we’ve stayed with your folks for a while, which means finally comin’ clean to ‘em.
Oscar: I don’t envy you; I’ve been there… Ivan: Yeah, kinda glad I ain’t got no folks to disappoint. Rhys: Alright, geez.. talk about a bunch o’ buzzkills.
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dgknightblue · 1 year
What if the guys were mythical creature versions of their fears or the others fears?
Naga Grif and Vampire Simmons (?)
What’s a spider creature that Donut could be?
Or they’d be basic, generic animal monsters.
Snake man Grif
Bat person Simmons
Spider Donut
Oh man legless lizard Sarge or something.
Maybe Legless lizard Grif and Sarge hates that he’s not a real snake-
False Chameleons!!!
Just an assortment of creatures!!!
I love lizards and snakes and reptiles and amphibians and eek!!! Some many animals!!!
Fish men from the deep!!
Marine scientist Simmons stays at the shallows to study many sea creatures and fishman Grif is just watching him from deeper waters.
Occasionally Simmons would swim around and sometimes shows at the beach at night. He has no clue he’s being stalked (duh that’s what stalking is and Grif that’s creepy man.) so he seems more relaxed since he thinks he’s alone.
Relaxed Simmons is kind of embarrassing but whole heartedly adorable in somethings he does.
One time Simmons fights a shark. He might have lost some limbs, but he took the shark with him. Now Grif get territorial and makes sure nothing like that happens again.
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I can’t draw very well. But anyways, Grif has two forms. One that’s closer to what human looks like but still has fish like things. His ears are sharper than a human and he still has his marks. His gill slits look like marks too. The other is his regular fish form.
I’m thinking Simmons meets Grif one night and they become friends. It gets a little flirty but nothing happens for a while. Grif eventually decides to give courting gifts knowing Simmons wouldn’t know they’re for courtship. The thank you kisses are very welcome.
Grif believes it an invitation to start kissing more and being cuddly. Simmons is initially confused and reluctant but starts saying yes to his bigger advances once he grows a crush on the strange nude man.
Well he doesn’t stay nude in the beginning since Simmons gets him some clothes! But clothes are a little in the way sometimes.
Like that one time Grif watched Simmons strip because he wanted to swim with Grif and Simmons is still wearing the removable covering.
Grif’s not completely clueless about human culture, but his sister knows more since she moved more inland.
Simmons gets invited over to Grif’s cave den where the entrance is halve flooded and easy to wade through.
The danger of being trapped in there is 40% as the cave itself is large, there’s a ledge for you to pull your self up, and at most the tides make you have to hold your breath for 2 minutes. Otherwise, you can just walk in if you find it with water up to your hips.
There is a land entrance that’s hard to find usually covered in foliage. Simmons finds it from exploring the cave with Grif.
Grif was super nervous to share his den with Simmons. His nest was fluffed and padded several times before he even worked up the nerve to ask.
He filled it with things he’s taken from negligent humans that he knew weren’t trash when he occasionally cleaned. The only reason he cleaned is because he didn’t want his sister getting hurt in case she visited.
The second he saw Simmons sitting in his nest, he couldn’t help the urge to make it super obvious who Simmons is with. In a sense. It’s not a real claim, because he’d need Simmons permission with that.
For some reason Simmons finds it easier to talk to girls now. Probably because he’s kind of not single anymore.
Especially this super pretty girl that started talking to him about her brother out of nowhere. Her brother sound familiar and handsome.
She tells him about mermen and mermaids and courtship. It gives Simmons the idea to subtly tell Grif he likes him without actually letting him know. He starts bringing Grif things like Oreos and other foods he’s made. He knows Grif’s a carnivore with those hot sharp teeth. Not to mention the other things.
Now Grif already considered the clothes Simmons got him as a gift saying he fond of him and wants to be close. These other gifts, Grif knows.
He’s already started half of the courtship. Simmons completes the other half by also giving gifts that mean he agrees to be his.
He’s not sure if Simmons is aware of the exact implications, but he’s sure Simmons is in love with him. He can also tell he’s been talking to his sister.
She had Simmons hand him a present she picked out that says she approves.
So that night was Grif’s favorite night <3
It was Simmons’ favorite too <3
Then Simmons was gone for almost a year and Grif missed him. He had to deal with the others that took Simmons place at the beach. Again.
Donut was tolerable sometimes. At least he cleaned up the trash that floats by.
You’d think a private beach closed to the public would be trash free?
He hates Sarge because he somehow knows he’s there and talks vaguely about killing him if they ever meet.
Locus was okay, but he wasn’t compelled to interact with him like he did with Simmons.
When Simmons eventually comes back, he’s got a baby with him.
Oh Fxck.
No wonder he was gone for almost a year.
His sister was so fxcking vague when she visited.
Oh!!! You know what could also happen?
If Simmons was the only one Grif didn’t interact with at all at first because he was attracted to him and didn’t want to come on too strong. He talked to Sarge (once) and occasionally Donut and talked to Locus a lot (mostly about Simmons).
It was after the Shark attack that Grif could no longer stay way.
I got very distracted.
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-Gamer Anon-
(Walks in)
For Himiko...
I know this has the same energy of walking into a restaurant and ordering everything but that’s exactly what I want >:3
Damn, okay then-
😈: Who is your favourite brother?
Himiko: Oh, that’s easy.
Mammon: Fuck yeah it is!
Himiko: Iiiiiiiiits…
Mammon: Mhm! Mhm!
Himiko: Beel! :D
Mammon: Beel- WAIT BEEL?!
Himiko: What? You don’t think Beel’s great? So mean…
(Her favourite brother is Mammon, she simps for him just as much as he simps for her)
👻: What is your race? Human?
Himiko: Depressingly so. So human and fragile.
Belphie: Fragile my ass, you blasted a chimera five times your size into nothing.
Himiko: So… so fragile…
🔮: Do you possess magic?
Himiko: *bouncing a small fireball between her hands* No.
🖤: Which of the sins do you most align with?
Himiko: I’ve been told it’s pride, but there’s something else… something the brothers don’t fully possess.
(Himiko later becomes the Avatar of Despair, her secondary sin is pride)
🪡: Do you believe in fate?
Answered here
💜: where are you from?
Himiko: I lived in the states for the first few years of my life, but I spent most of my time in Kyoto.
🕷: what’s your biggest fear?
Himiko: …heights.
🐈‍⬛: how long did it take you to adjust?
Himiko: Who said I ever adjusted? Nah, just kidding. In all honesty, pretty quickly. I mean, if I didn’t, I’d be dead so…
👿: who is your least favorite brother?
Himiko: Hate to break it to you, but I don’t have a least favourite brother. And for everyone expecting me to say the “obvious ones”, Lucifer may be a hardass, but he wants what’s best for everyone and really loves us, Belphie may be a brat, but he actually put effort in to be better and unlearn his shitty coping mechanism.
🕸: what is your favorite magical subject?
Himiko: Seductive speechcraft, it’s basically flirting for a grade. Being paired with Mammon is only a bonus.
Mammon: F-for you, maybe…
(Mammon is often too flustered to complete his part of the assignments.)
👾: do you game with Levi?
Himiko: Well, duh, he, Mammon and I game all the time. I’m just… not that good at it.
Leviathan: Her average placing in Devil Kart is 9th lmao
Himiko: Shut up, weeb.
💀: how is your relationship with belphie?
Answered here
🦄: what is your favorite mythical creature?
Himiko: Dragons! They’re so cool! Diavolo and Mammon took me to see a few, once! They asked if I wanted to fly with one, and I… well… had to decline…
🔪: Which brother would you stab?
Himiko: Depends, to be fair I’d stab all of them if given the right context. They’re tough boys, they’d be fine.
(This is a bold faced lie. She refused to stab Luci at the end of season 2)
♋️: what is your zodiac sign?
Himiko: Uhhhh, I think I’m a Capricorn? Born in the year of the rabbit?
🎱: have you gotten detention?
Himiko: Yep, dozens of times.
*Himiko and Mammon high five*
Mammon: Several rules have been added to the list because of us!
Lucifer: That is not something to be proud of.
🦷: What chapter are you on in your studies?
Himiko: Eh? It’s summer break. I’m on a train trip with Mam and Luke right now if you’re wondering.
(I’m on lesson 51)
🎵: what skills do you have?
Himiko: Well, I can sing, play the piano, I like to cook and bake- oh! And how could I forget.
*Himiko opens the door to her room, loud fighting can be heard*
*the fighting quiets*
Himiko: I can make rowdy demons calm as capybaras.
🐃: what is your favorite devildom food?
Himiko: Ygh, god, I can’t stand the food here. Shit’s nasty.
Solomon: Miss Himiko here is a picky eater, she won’t eat my food either.
Himiko: I’ll only eat food that I’m sure isn’t poisonous, and considering Lucifer and the others chug cyanide like it’s apple juice, I’ll pass on most of their food.
☂: Do you like the eternal moon?
Himiko: Honestly? Yeah. I was never a big fan of the sun, and the lack of light has done wonders for my sun-sensitive skin.
Asmodeus: We’re both delicate little flowers when exposed to the sun~❤️
🪄: are you friends with solomon?
Himiko: No.
Solomon: We’re the best of friends.
(Their relationship is very… VERY complicated)
🗝: how do you feel about the attic?
Himiko: Well, I mean, at this point it’s just another room in the house.
✝️: Are you religious?
Himiko: Nope. I was raised atheist. But uh…
*Himiko looks around*
Himiko: Guess that was wrong.
🖋: what do you think of diavolo?
Answered here
🔗: What are your kinks?
*If you squint, you can see a pair of handcuffs peaking out from a slightly open dresser drawer*
🤍: are you friends with simeon?
Himiko: I mean, yeah, he’s dating my older sister.
(After meeting Himiko’s eldest sister, Hanako, Simeon begins to date her. They’re both teasing bastards ❤️)
♠️: do you gamble like mammon?
Himiko: I’m no addict, but I’ll gamble if I’m in a casino. I don’t do it too much though, someone around here needs to be Mammon’s self control.
Mammon: OI! I don’t need no- oooo, a new casino opened up!
Himiko: …I’ll follow him after the last question.
🟣: will you be sad to leave the devildom?
Himiko: Well, I mean, eh. I’ll miss the brothers, sure, but it isn’t safe for my sisters down here, and I need to be with them too, so. Besides, I can come visit literally any time I want.
🦴: would you make a deal to come back?
Himiko: Pfff, why would I do that if I can just tell Solomon or Barbatos to open a portal so I can go visit?
*Himiko stands up at claps her hands*
Himiko: As wonderfully invasive this has been, dear little question askers, I need to go make sure Mammon doesn’t bet our honeymoon fund on the ponies. Later!
PHEW! That was fun!
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
making it a separate post because i’d talk forever and it’s annoying to talk forever in the replies--
gnomeicecream replied to this post:
Makes me wonder if Lan Zhan isn't 'remember that time you thought my boyfriend was evil and nearly whipped me to death? I do' then deliberately not helping. He was left alone for what, three years after?
oh dear, now that's material for a loooooong conversation i'm not sure i'm qualified for, but like. i don't think lwj blames lxc for his punishment!
considering what the punishment is for, he kind of got off lightly; on top of that, lwj says in the banquet extra that "during the years i spent in seclusion, brother would always come visit me and talk to me sincerely", implying that now that the situation is reversed, he can't do the same. he has to feel at least a bit regretful/conflicted about that.
the thing that irks me is that... lxc is just a forever afterthought. this line i just quoted is from literally a three lines long post-coital conversation that happens and fizzes out quickly (wwx then doesn’t reply and they just go to sleep). another occasion lxc is mentioned in the extra is at the beginning of part 2, in which wgxn can’t try fucking while lwj’s doing handstands because “lwj has to visit his brother”. i know the book is about wgxn and the extras are even more so -- just a chance for the readers to bask in their adorable life together -- but from my pov (i don’t really care about wgxn’s adorable life together and i’m heartbroken about xiyao) it’s just... sad.
it’s been a while since i’ve read the chapters earlier than the one with the post-burial mounds lotus pier jgy haters conference, so i don’t remember all instances of the gusu twin jades interacting, but i can’t help but think that the whole jgy business kind of... changed it in a way that i’m not sure is salvageable. what i mean is that after lwj realized wwx is back, he sort of -- yeeted him on the very top of his priority list, and forgot everything and everyone else in the process, well, save for lsz because he’s wwx’s Kid Buddy From The Burial Mounds. he trusts and supports wwx completely, even if he has no real empirical reason for it -- wwx says jgy killed nmj, so jgy killed nmj, duh. the jades have their thing with silent communication, but i don’t remember lwj even showing that he’s in any way concerned with how lxc might feel about this.
in the guanyin temple as well -- i believe they do it out of concern for lxc, but i can’t help but feel bitter when wgxn tell lxc not to talk to jgy, not to believe him and so on, when they don’t want jgy to Tangle LXC In His Web Of Lies Again. i don’t know how to put it, but it’s like -- lxc isn’t a full person in this situation? they sort of assume he’s been tricked by jgy. they treat him almost like a child who doesn’t know better, when he says it himself that it’s not that he didn’t know jgy was up to No Good, he just trusted that he was doing it because he had no other choice. no thought is given to this revelation! jgy is bad, jgy is an excellent actor and a skilled manipulator, so it’s best to just not let him talk to lxc at all.
i think that at this point, lwj doesn’t understand lxc at all. i’m not sure whether he’s aware of this, so focused on wwx. probably not. but before he leaves, he doesn’t do anything to even show lxc... anything, really? i’ll be there for you, brother? i don’t understand, but i feel your pain? anything else, just anything! but there’s nothing. and by the time lxc is mentioned next time, it’s in the context of lwj not trying to help him because “it would be fruitless either way”. doesn’t that sound just fucking bleak.
because here, i feel, is the source of the problem, lxc’s crown of the most tragic elder sibling: his little brother doesn’t even know how to help him. there’s nothing he thinks he can do in this situation. does he even have anything to say about jgy, or his relationship with lxc? does he have anything to say about how his beloved helped bring him down? is he sorry about that, does he feel bad that lxc can’t or doesn’t want to face the world?
we just don’t know dot gif.
we do know, though, that at the end of the novel wangxian agree that they’ll tell lxc the truth -- the horrible truth that might make lxc, gasp! realize new things about his friend -- when he asks. which is honestly... well, i think you can guess how i feel about it.
it’s funny, though -- we talk a lot about the yunmeng bros’ reconciliation, is it possible or not, etc, etc, even though through jin ling all things are possible so jot it down. the fact that jl stubbornly points out that jc clearly wanted to say something to wwx -- this, i think, is a hint that they will eventually talk. or at least it would be in a world that i think would make sense; in a world where wwx has relationships other than lwj and the juniors. what should be debated more, i think, is the relationship between the lan brothers. the problem of lxc is often glossed over in fics; of course he leaves seclusion and attends wgxn’s wedding as their first and main shipper&supporter, and of course he finds peace, whatever the fuck it is. but does he really? i think lxc “finding peace” primarily should mean him figuring out what he wants as a person, individual, not “sect leader lan” or “lwj’s big brother”, but he, lan huan courtesy xichen. and i think that one of these things could be... understanding. and i don’t know if lwj can offer him that tbh
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
Could you do numbers 13 and 10 please? I love these little stories ❤️ Thank you so much
You got it!!
Sorry these are taking so long, I’ve been covering a more senior position at work and it’s stressful. Honestly can’t believe I ever wanted the job on a part time salary lmao. Ah well, lesson learned right?
10. "We can take a break if you feel unwell. How does that sound?" and 13. "You slept here? That's rough..."
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Rooster walked into the bathrooms, whistling to himself as he always did. He jumped when he heard gagging, glancing around to try and figure out where it was coming from.
"Uh... hello?"
No answer, just the gagging. Duh, Bradley.
"Hang on two seconds, wherever you are."
He made a pit stop at the urinal, washed his hands, then searched the stalls. After starting at the front he found Hangman curled up around the toilet in the last one, grimacing as he put his head over the bowl repeatedly.
"What the fuck happened to you?"
"Oh, man, this is so awkward..."
Jake swiped at his eyes, streaming from the intense retching his body had just put him through.
"What's awkward about it? You're puking your guts up- is that your laptop and a blanket? Dude, you slept here? That's rough..."
"I couldn't move, I kept throwing up."
“Hm. Well, the good news is, you look like shit. The bad news is, you look like shit.”
“Rooster, fuck off alread-”
Jake leaned back over the toilet again, Bradley watching his entire body tense right before he threw up again. Finally, Rooster had had enough.
“Be right back.”
“How did you end up here?”
Maverick knelt by Jake, frowning as he cupped his forehead with his palm.
“Mav, it’s not- it’s not serious. I’m okay,” Jake whispered, throat hoarse from everything he’d been up to the night before.
No- hey! Not like that!
“He’s burning up. Kinda like you do, Roo. Go get me a wet cloth, huh? And maybe some water?”
Rooster left the bathroom, Maverick frowning as he tried to get Hangman to look at him. Being Hangman, he refused.
“I’m okay, Mav. Just a little nauseous. Think it’s all the G’s we’ve been pulling,” Jake tried to insist. Maverick snorted, his hand firm and warm on Jake’s shoulders.
“I don’t think so, but if that’s what you want to believe. Hopefully Rooster will bring back some ibuprofen as well, that fever is making me nervous.”
“I’m always hot, Mav.”
“I’m sure you are, Bagman. C’mon, let’s get this shirt off you, it’s probably not helping.”
They managed to work together to get the sweat-soaked shirt off Jake’s torso, leaving it in the corner of the stall. It was cramped in there considering it was barely big enough to fit Jake, let alone his laptop and Maverick as well.
“Who brought you your laptop?” Maverick asked after a moment, still running his fingers carefully through the hair at the nape of Jake’s neck.
“Bob. He heard me pukin’ my guts up, asked if I wanted anything. My phone was already dead, so- laptop.”
“Riiiight. He didn’t offer to help you back to bed?”
“Wouldn’t have been able to. Every time I go to stand, it’s just-”
He stifled a gag and Maverick got the picture.
“Bradley,” he called softly to Rooster hanging by the stall door, “I think Jake could use some Pedialyte. Maybe you could grab some from your stash?”
“Mmhmm, got it.”
Jake listened to Rooster leave, the bathroom door closing behind him, and Maverick focused his attention on Jake.
“What do you need? Do you usually spike fevers when you’re like this?”
“Not sure, don’t remember the last time I got this sick.”
He swallowed, wincing as he turned back to the bowl. Maverick grimaced, running a hand down his back.
“Breathe, kid, slow your breathing down. I think you’re running on empty.”
When the gagging finally stopped Maverick put his hands under Jake’s arms and hoisted him to lean against the wall, frowning.
“Look at me, Jake. Do you think you can get up?”
“No,” he confessed.
“Okay, hang tight. I’m gonna go get medics-”
“-I don’t want to go to the fucking infirmary, Mav!”
“Get your ass up then!”
Jake hauled himself up suddenly, looking very similar to Bambi on ice. Maverick snorted, hands coming out to support Jake’s shoulders.
“There ya go. We can take a break if you feel unwell, how does that sound?”
The second his head hit the pillow, Jake felt his whole body relax. His shoulders loosened and his hand released. Maverick smiled, pausing to put a bucket on the floor. He’d managed to find it whilst helping Jake back to his room. As per usual, where Maverick was Rooster wasn’t far behind and he was hovering by the door.
“Is that better?” He asked Jake, watching him in concern. Jake shook his head, already reaching for the bucket. Maverick caught him at the last moment and Rooster, taller than Maverick and Hangman, stepped in to hold him up.
“Hang on, man, I gotcha- uh, pun not intended.”
Maverick stifled a snort, watching Hangman lean into Rooster’s grip so he could focus on not losing his stomach contents. It was just Pedialyte, anyway, no big deal- but fuck it hurt. When the urge to gag dissipated, Jake curled up on his bed and Maverick glanced over at Rooster.
“Go to work, I’ll talk to you later. I think I’m gonna stay here, make sure Jake’s okay.”
“Cool. Call if either of you need anything.”
Rooster exited stage right, muttering about how he was definitely going to get whatever Jake had contracted. Maverick’s attention turned back to Jake’s shaking form, running a hand over his shoulders.
“C’mon, get under the covers. There ya go, that’s it. Nice and steady, shhhh... we’re gonna get you feeling better soon, yeah? Just a flu, probably, but you’re running on empty and it’s making it all worse.”
Jake stifled a groan when a cramp shot through his stomach, white knuckling the sheets.
“Mav,” he whispered, “I don’t think I can make class today.”
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