#<- They're not really important to the AU at all they just kinda exist there
somberine · 29 days
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Their name is Tardigrade, they're a bit shrimp, they punch a little harder than they probably should, and they can see more colors than any other elsen in zone 1 should probably be able to see.
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
*I emerge from several weeks of talking about conceptualizing my cubitos and who else populates their world and what the precise nature of the character is* Hello. Hi. It's time for my twice-yearly thoughts on RPF.
Okay so I was one of the people who was emailing Ao3 about it when we had all of MCYT wrangled into VBRPF going please please please please can we have our own server tags pleeeeeeease I promise it's not just video blogging rpf pleeeeeeease my streamer doesn't have wings in real life pleasssssseeee— and my general stance is that writing about Dream SMP characters is writing about characters, it's not RPF.
Not quite. It's not quite RPF. There is a meaningful distinction there, but it's not a really huge one. That distinction exists and is important to me in how I conceptualize those characters and whether I'm mentally going "okay I need to study lore streams for vocal patterns" for voice research or if I'm going "okay I need to pull up technocord logs " to get techno voice right. What I consider the authoritative canon "character" is a rp guy who spawns withers, not a real streamer in california with a little white dog.
But like I do multifandom exchanges and I wander into them with my cubitos clutched tight in my palms, and I see what other fandoms look like— and importantly, I see what other rpf fandoms look like— and guys, I think that line is legitimately blurry and I think that's literally fine. If I walk into a mulltfandom space with my guys they're going to squint at me and go "rpf fandom— kinda, I think" and I can go "hahaha, not quite", but also I do not blame other people for thinking this is RPF cause like— there are a lot of similarities!
What MCYT tends to classify as "RPF" is directly stories operating in a world where the characters are streamers, they post on twitter, they have lunch with the CEO of twitch. And anyone not writing that, is obviously not writing RPF. And that is not untrue, up to a point, but there is a broad category of fics that tend WAY harder into the pure fictional that are still considered RPF fandoms, if you actually check what other RPF fandoms are doing. There are 599 works in "Demon Shane Madej", many of which are in AUs that have no connection to the real world other than the character relationships, and they're still officially considered RPF.
I have a friend who's in a c-drama rpf fandom that has a rpf ship they really like, and a really popular thing is to take the various characters these actors have played (totally fictional characters from various media) and ship them together. And that's just a crossover of two fictional mediums, but because the thread connecting them is two guys in real life, that's considered RPF.
The banddom tags are absolutely COMPLETELY full of aus that are not set in the real world at all, no connection to the music industry, and what the people in those fandoms will say is like yeah, I have no idea about the real guy, I'm working with a character/persona who's put on for the stage and interviews and personas, and that guy is not REAL, who knows what the real guy is like, but like, I like the persona, I deal with the persona, and then they put that persona in an au where he kisses other personas— and this gets considered RPF.
Wrestler RPF is directly dealing with invented characters who are beating the bloody snot out of each other (hot), they have names like "the undertaker", dealing with scripted storylines, but it still get considered RPF.
And like, I look at myself as I am entering my third year of writing Technoblade most of the time, and what I'm doing here and— there are a lot of similarities in what I'm doing to what other RPF fandoms are doing. I'm a fan of the DSMP character but I'm also a fan of the guy, so I want to play in this extended universe, so I want to include nods to his other stuff. So I will pepper in a cheeky nod to the potato war here, I'll mention hypixel there, etc, kind of make an extended Technoblade universe. And I think that's not RPF (quite) because I'm working from a fictional canon that includes references to the potato war and hypixel etc, I'm just expanding on it, but like, this is literally what my friend in c-drama rpf does as well when she's writing aus about her guy. It's kind of close to RPF. That line is not really obvious to the casual viewer.
So I do not blame anyone else if they look at what we're doing and they go ah, nods wisely, you are a rpf fandom, I've seen this before, and we go um actually, hahah, you'd think that, but no, and then they nod and clearly do not understand how it's not a RPF fandom.
But the thing is it's literally fine if people think that, I think. RPF is not the end of the world. It's just a bunch of people working with people's various performancesonas and worksonas and having fun with it. Spoilers for mythbusters in the real world, but we now know that by the end of mythbusters adam and jamie were not really friends, but most of the mythbusters rpf keeps them as friends because that was the professional persona they provided for the camera, and that was the fictional world the writers wanted to live in. I don't think it's a problem if someone wants to write straight up streamer fic, you do you, and that's unequivocally RPF, but once you start getting into AUs and extended universes and bringing emduo content into qsmp and writing fic based on GIGS streams, the line legitimately gets WAY more blurry.
I think a bunch of fic (including my fic) can start to exist in a "both things are true" state where it's drawing from direct fiction but it's also drawing from a lot of stuff that other fandoms would consider RPF sources, and like, I don't mind this. I don't think it's bad if you're doing this too. We're not getting more DSMP content, the fandom police are not gonna turn up at your house if you want to pull strongly from minecraft monday for your fic. Do schlackity on QSMP. Do a DSMP extended future where tommy gets tubbo to marry him for a bit and then tubbo immediately demands a divorce. The canon of material we have to draw on is not something where big obvious lines exist between "rpf content" and "pure fiction" if you step at ALL outside of canon-compliant. Like fuck, in my very first DSMP longfic I included all these hermit cameos and mcc references which would make it RPF in any other canon, but also I was pulling mainly from the prison arc lore and beats and relationships for the core, which is NOT rpf, and at this point it is not worth the hassle in my head to draw a strong distinction between them.
It's kinda RPF. It's not quite RPF. It's fictional. It's based in the real world. It's all personas. it's drawing on off-lore-stream dynamics. It's drawing on scripted scenes where my streamer had his camera in lore mode. It's COMPLICATED to unpick and I legitimately think that's fine. RPF is literally fine, some people are gonna think we're writing RPF, it's not the end of the world. Just have fun with it.
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday to Seb, and Seb only.
+ some explanations
I realized as I was making this, some of the little stuff probably only makes sense to me, and maybe people who have been following me for a while atp. So I wanted to explain some of the little details I included cause I really love them!!
First of all, I wanted to incude my original sketch for this(from like 5 hours ago lmfao), bcs I find it sooooo cute. Look at him!! Little guy!
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I. Fernando's Gift
This is of course a reference to the Fernando teddy bear, but more specifically to the vettonso comic with the bear I drew a while ago. As you can see from my sketch, this is the first gift I came up, which I'm pretty happy about!! It's always so cute to me no matter its form. Though...I don't think teddy bears existed yet in the early 1700s, but Fernando found a way, okay? I like to think Fernando is all gruff in the beginning, but gives Seb this or something similar and remarks "to keep you company when I'm back in Spain," and then he has to pretend he has food poisoning rather than living with having said something so sappy.
II. Mark's Gift
I don't think this is really a reference to any specific post of mine. Dog!Mark is just an important Mark characterization in general, but especially in boy king au where he is really reduced to the status of dog by virtue of his upbringing and vocation. He definitely plays this off as wanting Seb to get another hunting dog(something he advocates for often. Seb knows it's entirely self motivated but loves to humor him bcs its cute to see how much he loves dogs. Well Seb loves dogs too, one dog in particular-)
III. Jenson's Gift
AAAAHHHH I'm so proud of this one bcs of how many leves there are to it!! I couldn't for the life of me think of what Jense would gift him but then I remembered I characterize him as horse obsessed(read: ye olde carfucker.) So this is basically the ye olde version of him getting Seb ultra detailed minatures of his cars. HOWEVER this is also a callback to one of my favorite posts I've ever made, back when I translated Seb's car names into Latin. So it was fun to actually get to canonize that in a way. ALSO! BTW! Those horses are specifically Lipizzans, which are a very iconic horse breed in the Habsburg Empire and Vienna specifically. A horse breed sought after by the Habsburgs for both war but also riding schools, and they still remain as the breed of horse trained in Vienna's Spanish Riding School today. The emperor Seb is based on comissioned the school's main riding hall, and his portrait still hangs above where the riders enter. So I thought that was a fun little easter egg to include!
Also the characterization in this is so funny. I guess I'd consider them a polycule, like they're a unit and all have interesting relationships between each other. But one of the main focuses is the kinda love triangle between sebmarknando. Like Mark and Fernando constantly fighting for Seb'cs undivided affection and attention. But as per usual, Jenson, who is on the sidelines, swoops in effortlessly with the most perfect gift ever. I feel like he understands and gets along with Seb the best out of the three, but just doesn't want to deal with such a complicated thing so he's satisfied being a bit distant(he secretly takes a lot of joy one-upping the other two. It's impossible to not crave your ruler's attention, no?)
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ravioliet · 5 months
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ok so let me be cringe on main for a minute here (this is a joke btw i know cringe isn't real). odd squad mlp au for your consideration
please ask me questions about this by the way i have so much for this. i'll put some of the basic info (it's a lot more than that now but in my defense it started as a basic summary) and a few more drawings under the cut though please look at it with your eyes thank you
so for some basic explanations we have Olive who is a unicorn, Otto who is a pegasus, Olympia who is a part unicorn earth pony (which i'll explain in a sec), and Otis who is a full blooded pegasus (which i'll also explain the importance of in a moment). i haven't drawn Ms. O, Oscar or Oona yet but they are an alicorn (formerly an earth pony), a unicorn, and an earth pony respectively
Olive and Otto are the only two that i've come up with cutie mark designs for so far (they are so hard to design..) but Olympia and Otis have them too, they just get them mid-season. specifically after the talent show. i'm designing them side by side so that they kinda match because they get them at the same time and also they're besties your honor, but anyways theirs are a little fireworks design and some sort of a swan design because y'know. the ugly duckling story. and also i think part of his talent is dancing and like swan lake exists etc etc. and yes this does mean that he's a little bit scared of his own cutie mark at times but he just tries not to think about it and usually covers it with his wings anyway. all four of their cutie mark meanings are kinda abstract personality trait related things
Olive got hers after stopping the pienado because character development moments, which also kinda means that she's sorta tied to Todd because of this which she Does Not Like. i'll need to make a whole other post about Todd in this au because he's definitely a guy, but anyways while they were partners Olive was a blank flank and despite how good at his job he was Todd was one too and it was like one of the only things they really had in common, but it also ends up being one of the reasons he goes rogue because not only is Todd bored but he's also frustrated because he's tried everything he can think of and won every award he possibly can and he still doesn't have a cutie mark even though he feels like he definitely should by now because this has to be his talent. why would he be so good at it if it wasn't? he doesn't get his cutie mark until after he reforms btw, because before then he was either too certain about his talent being something else or too busy causing trouble to entertain himself that he never really took the time to stop and discover that his actual interest was gardening and that's when he finally gets his cutie mark. in my head i have this alternate version of Otis's tomato speech where when Todd is like "i'm Odd Todd it's who i am" Otis is just like "that's not what your cutie mark says" and it's very silly but anyways i'm gonna circle this back around to Olive real quick
so on top of Todd's cutie mark being in gardening he also has a sort of side meaning as well in the sense that he's a little bit like the CMC and has a sort of knack for encouraging character growth in others whether he realizes it or not because. encouraging plants to grow.. encouraging people to grow... the whole villain rehab thing...... you see what i'm getting at here. but the funny thing is the first pony he really did this to was Olive and it was completely unintentional. he didn't know that she would get her cutie mark by stopping him, at least not consciously, but she did. it probably takes him quite some time before he actually puts together the fact that he's had that talent the whole time.
Otto's cutie mark is a lot sillier. he actually doesn't know how he got it or what it means (as mentioned earlier it's symbolic but he doesn't know that. also shoutout to Shroom aka Evillandscaper for suggesting a paper crane because i did NOT know what i was gonna make it) he just kinda walked into work one day and Olive was like "oh cool you got your cutie mark?" and Otto was just like "WAIT I GOT MY CUTIE MARK?????" cue a whole silly filler episode involving the two of them trying to figure out what it means and also Olive having a crisis over the fact that Otto can do that pegasus thing where they use their wings like cartoon hands. both of these become running bits from then on. also i drew this comic about it and it might be one of my favorite things i've made for this au honestly
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and on the topic of cutie marks as i previously mentioned, Olympia and Otis both get theirs after the talent show and they're also matching a little bit. theirs are also personality things but in addition to that Otis's is also for dancing and Olympia's is for magic, and you may be wondering how an earth pony can be a magic talent and this is where that half unicorn thing comes in!
so Olympia is half unicorn half earth pony which i don't think is too uncommon on its own, but the thing that makes her weird is that she inherited traits from both sides instead of just one over the other, so she actually has unicorn magic but no horn to actually use it with so she's unable to cast actual spells or anything but her magic will kinda spill over at times, especially if she's emotional, and cause things to happen like that one time she exploded into glitter when interviewing Olive or of course the fireworks! she's kind of like the Pinkie Pie character who just does unexplained things sometimes she's just very silly. fun fact in her ref you can see that her mane and tail are sparkly and that's because they kinda just perpetually look like they have glitter in them, but the thing is it's not really glitter it's all just magic. i imagine her coat is like this as well but i just didn't draw it in
also as a side note it came to my attention that she bears an uncanny similarity to Sparkleworks from G3 and i have absolutely no idea how that happened At All. like they have the same cutie mark and everything it's so weird. i've never even watched G3 i'm a G4 kid i legitimately have no clue how the hell this happened. i did make this out of it though
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anyways for Otis, he's a pegasus of course but he's specifically a Cloudsdale weather pegasus, which yes i did make up but hear me out. so basically in my mind pegasi born in somewhere like Cloudsdale are more likely to have weather talents or like. stronger abilities in controlling the weather and such, which means stuff like larger wings and weatherproof wings and feathers to make it easier to deal with storms and stuff like that, so basically all this is just an excuse for me to give Otis waterproof feathers like a duck. but anyways since he was still raised by the ducks he doesn't actually know he's from Cloudsdale or anything so he just thinks he's weird for the feathers thing
okay i have. way more but i'm cutting myself off here so i don't overload everyone with information but anyways, please ask me about them, and also here's some extra drawings i've done of them :3
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tearwolfe · 2 months
Okay, that's good to know. I might have other questions later as I think about things more/these Au's progress, but these are the ones I can think of atm. And please don't feel obligated to answer any of these, I just thought I'd ask.
(Also, I realized that all of these questions are somehow related to Leo/need? That was entirely unintentional, lol, my bad)
Cyberidol au- Does Saki and/or Leo/need exist in this AU? Do they play a part in the plot at all?
Maybe Saki doesn't show up physically in the current story events, but perhaps she's the one who inspired IdolKasa's initial, now-forgotten dream (like in canon), somebody he had pushed away for the sake of (or even due to) his desire for fame, and whose previous importance/presence in his life and her current distance from him will come to haunt him, now that everything he's worked so hard for (and his entire world view, hopefully) is starting to crumble.
Or maybe her role is more like Emu's- she loves her brother so much, and she's trying to push him down the right path and make him remember, but he just isn't not hearing her, no matter how hard she tries. Or maybe she's also stuck in a similar position in the entertainment industry along with the rest of Leo/need, or maybe they're in similar roles to Ruinene. So many possibilities.
(Wherever she is, I hope the Tenma's get to have a heartfelt reunion once Tsukasa gets his shit together.)
Seal Rui au- How exactly did the human/sea creature hybrids come to exist? It's been stated that Rui and the other sea people were kinda just born like that, and the humans are... Well, humans, but where did people like Honami come from? Were they also just born like that by chance, or are they the hybrid offspring of humans and sea people, or is it some secret third thing I haven't thought of? Is there an explanation at all?
Starshine au- You said in an earlier post that Saki, Toya, Haruka, and Kanade would also be little alien things along with Tsukasa (and you also said that this AU is RuiKasa centric, so I get it if you haven't thought about this at all), but what are the rest of Leo/Need up to? Do they still exist as a group just without Saki? Are Ichika, Honami, and Shiho not in a band/not friends at all in this AU? Do they act as hosts that Saki feeds off of like Tsukasa does to Rui? Are they also squishy little alien thingies?
Are all the other units essentially going through their own version of "what if this very important group member never actually existed as a human?" in the background while we focus on RuiKasa/WxS?
I highly doubt any of these things will ever come up in these stories proper, but I'm very curious about these things, lol. Thank you for responding <3
(Also, not a question, but if I had a nickel for every time Tsukasa in one of your au's was hiding from Saki that he was dating a nonhuman (seal Rui and vampire Rui), only for Saki to also be dating a nonhuman without him knowing, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's funny that it happened twice, lol.)
leo/need's role is similar to rui and nene's. i think it'd be fun if one (or more) of them were ex-idols (or formerly in the industry, if not an actual idol), but currently they're not. saki is estranged from tsukasa. i don't have much thought out for what's going on between them?? they do still care about each other, but tsukasa's head is so far up his own ass that saki has stepped back from trying to deal with him. it's very complicated between the two.. they'll still message or meet for birthdays/important events but it's Very Tense. and they're both secretly upset about it.
honami is the result of a human/sea creature hybrid! thus, she has legs.
the rest of leo/need exists in starshine, but they're not a band. they're former childhood friends.. funny enough, like in canon, saki does bring them together. she feeds off of all of them, just clinging to whichever one is currently feeling the worst. she doesn't really have to do much to manipulate any of them since she has three whole hosts. she's doing it better than tsukasa... but yes, pretty much! minori is haruka's host, akito is toya' host, mafuyu is kanade's host (though kanade doesn't really have to do much), and i'm thinking about also making an a little alien creature thang, with kohane as her host. because i think the vivids could still form without akitoya, and i cannot let that happen.
some things about AUs i have in my mind but never really talk about (since it's often not that relevant) so i'm always here to answer any questions <3
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starry-blue-echoes · 8 months
Okay I had a THOUGHT about Early Bird. Or specifically, what happens after it.
Because Diavolo's still out there, still has his stand arrow/s. And Giorno either doesn't exist, or he's much older than in canon. Possibly even in a position where he can be much more effective in either combatting or infiltrating Passione.
Basically what I'm trying to say is 20-something Giorno Giovanna kinda taking Bucciarati's role as inspirational surrogate parent.
ailing you managed to rummage around my brain and pull out an idea I thought I'd forgotten about
so doing the math, Jotaro would be around 31 in Canon Part 5, and he was 6 in Early Bird Part 3. Giorno was born about 3 years before Canon Part 3, which if we have that be the same here leads to a....... shockingly only 3 year age gap
now, of course there's also room to mess around with when Part 5 happens since if you wanna get really technical, Dio wouldn't have been able to be given the arrows by Enyaba since she wouldn't have been able to buy them off Doppio at this time, but that's a little too gritty for me so let's just shuffle things around instead and just say it all works out by shoving Doppio's trip back a few years
anyways back with Giorno, an old idea I had more or less has Giorno...... with the kiddos as well. I KNOW, THIS IS TECHNICALLY A PRETTY LATE ADDITION TO THE AU BUT HEAR ME OUT:
Dio of course has Jotaro already planned out to be his successor. There's a whole multilayered scheme going on here with loads of irony and revenge and what not, and he doesn't want to give that up. It's just too perfect.
However, Dio has also learned from his mistakes and knows he shouldn't put all his eggs in one basket. After all, given the fact he doesn't have Pucci this time, he is currently without a back up plan
enter: one Haruno Shiobana
this is also where Dio's interactions with the kids get more....... complicated. Because Haruno is the spare so to speak........ but at the same time he's pretty well cared for. Arguably better than the other kids, simply because of the fact he's new. Unlike the other kids, he doesn't need to be convinced of anything. This life and Dio is all he's known, he doesn't need to worry about Haruno trying to escape since....... well, why would he try
not to mention, Haruno's too young to participate in any kind of training, and again he's the spare. He shouldn't have to be trained since if everything goes to plan, he won't be needed as a successor. Maybe he could be a powerful underling one day if his Stand is strong enough, but Jotaro is supposed to be the future leader.
so honestly....... Jotaro's the only one who ever actually interacted with Giorno. He's kept separate from most of the other kids, but of course Dio wanted his heir to meet his possible second. And their interactions were about as interesting as a 3 year old and an ill 6 year old could be.
(who knows, maybe Haruno's mother is here as well? Of course, this does raise the question of whether or not she'd take Haruno with her when she inevitably flees the mansion, but for the sake of the AU let's say she does)
but when they're free.......... this is when things get a bit fun :)
because well....... given their ages, the two honestly don't remember each other super well. Haruno hardly remembers any of his time in the mansion at all, and Jotaro's memories are foggy from time and sickness. Kakyoin might know of Haruno's existence from their talks, but admittedly the toddler's importance wasn't NEARLY as much in his mind as compared to being rescued and getting Jotaro to a hospital
by the time Kakyoin's able to tell Holly and Joseph, Haruno's long gone
Italy I'd imagine isn't too different. Sure there's of course the differing dynamics between Giorno and the team given the fact he's 28 (and now the oldest member of the team by a landslide, Abbacchio being the closest at 21) but plot wise? There's definitely the question of do we play it straight or get creative with it which........ okay let's be real we're most likely gonna go the creative route jrdbvjdrbvs
I'm definitely very interested in how Koichi little quest goes down and how Giorno will deal with his chasing, and ofc how Jotaro will fall into things here
Polnareff definitely will make things interesting, since he's of course very related to Events All Those Years Ago and would likely be aware of the fact that Dio son who went missing that fateful night
there's a lot of room to Get Funky With It :)
also I'm just. Rotating Jotaro and Giorno's childhoods. How the mansion was the best and safest Giorno had ever been, and had he grown up there he honestly probably wouldn't have had that bad of a life, at least in comparison to his mother's neglect and step-father's abuse.
but that being in stark contrast to Jotaro's own experience. How the mansion was literal hell. How he was stolen away from his life and family and very nearly died, scared and alone.
how Dio managed to be Giorno's savior and Jotaro's nightmare
how Holly's rescue was Jotaro's saving grace and the thing that shattered any hope of Giorno's good future
how these two are family, both by blood and by the man who attempted to raise and shape them
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gifti3 · 4 months
WOOO more arranged marriage AU stuff 🎊 (last thing i made)
I kinda wanted to do like, oh MC runs into some of Asmos fans and theyre like haters but it felt too simple if that makes sense.... maybe another time. I need someone who has had a stronger history with Asmo so it carries more weight, also someone who has a higher status too probably! (maybe some type of sabotage could happen this way) so today this writing is just MC interacting with some "fans", being a bit of a worrywart and interacting with Asmo at the end 🫡
(btw i use Duke as a gn term here for MC)
Being Asmodeus's spouse was definitely something confounding so far. What you had hope to be a walk in the park, where you both lived your lives separately, had turned out to be more complicated. It came with surprises, and it came with expectations. Those expectations being from every single person in the world who knew he existed.
Really is that them?
Gods, they're so lucky!
To be honest, I was expecting something…more.
For most of your life, you had managed to live near the wall, out of the center. Even as your family was becoming more influential due to several beneficial connections and business successes, most people didn't really know you. So even though dealing with Asmodeus wasn't too bad, becoming a spectacle wasn't something you think you'd be able to get used to so easily.
You feel yourself retreating to your mind as you walk. You just wanted to go outside for a little. Asmodeus's home was so beautiful, and you wanted to see some of the areas near it too, so you came to this nice-looking village. But maybe you should have stayed home if people were going to stare at you like this. You even dressed down so you wouldn't stick out but apparently everyone already knew you.
"Duke MC."
You're forcefully taken from your thoughts as two people suddenly were blocking your way.
"Oh hello."
You had no idea who these people were. Hopefully no one "important". You only started living in Asmodeus's home about a month ago and didn't exactly remember all the people you should know off the top of your head. Though they looked like locals so you were probably safe.
"Such a lovely day today. Are you out enjoying the weather with Duke Asmodeus?" The first person asked. She gives you a polite smile.
You smile back. "Yes, it is however I'm just out alone today. I thought it would be nice to have a change of scenery with something new."
She quirks an eyebrow. "Really, so you're here on your own?"
"That's strange. Showing others around is usually something the Duke would be excited to do too." The man beside her added.
Is it? Some of the staff had actually volunteered to go with you. Though that was nice of them you waved them off. You didn't need to take up their busy schedules with something frivolous. They were quite persistent though now that you think of it.
"Well, the Duke was busy so perhaps next time he'll accompany me. I'll be fine on my own today though. And if I get lost I can just think of it as an adventure…" You trail off taking note of where you could probably ask for help if you did actually get lost.
The two of them look at one another and suddenly you feel like an anomaly. They grin as if they've exchanged a silent joke before looking back at you.
"Sorry we got ahead of ourselves and forgot introductions. I'm Annabelle Lockridge and that's my brother."
"I'm Johnathan Lockridge but you can just call me Johnny."
Oh, they were siblings. That would explain the similar behavior. They didn't look too alike though.
"Do you both know Asmodeus personally?"
"Ohh of course. We spend a lot of time with him when he decides to come down this way!" Annabelle said.
Her brother nodded. "He really knows how to have fun."
So they're his friends? Or maybe those fans you hear about. Wait…does he come to party here? ….That did not seem like normal behavior for a Duke. You'd always imagine him partying with those of similar status. So his night life extended past gentry shenanigans.
Johnny continues. "It's so nice that we finally get to see his spouse in person! We were expecting you to be the type to hide away in a fancy home and only mix with your class."
Not a farfetched conclusion. That was the norm for a lot of the upper class, but it looked like Asmodeus had set a different precedent here. You weren't exactly sure how you felt about it, but you didn't have any adverse opinions at least. It did make Asmodeus seem more ordinary in a way. If you ignored almost everything else about him.
You look off to the side a bit and notice that some people are trying to inconspicuously listen in.
"Well I won't hold you two up anymore. I need to be back by a certain time."
You manage to part ways though you could tell the siblings wanted to talk more. Honestly you felt a bit strange talking with them, but maybe it would be a good way to get more information about your husband.
Outside of that, your trip had been mostly quiet and uneventful.
As you return, you plan on staying in your room for the rest of the day. You didn't have anything else planned so why not rest.
While walking through the hallway you surprisingly run into Asmodeus.
"Asmodeus? What are you doing here?"
"….I live here?"
Well yes, he did live here. But he usually stayed elsewhere or with one of his brothers. At first you thought it was because of you but were reassured by some of the maids. Asmodeus spent a lot of his time away from this residence. But you were sure that your presence kept him away even more now.
"Right." You shake your head at yourself and continue to your room. You didn't really want to talk to him right now. Those fans(?) were easy to deal with but you still felt tired after that interaction. And the more you thought about it on the way home, the more you dwelled on possible future interactions. The few times you heard about Asmodeus's fans it was because something insane had happened. So wouldn't it only be a matter of time?
"Hmm you look off. Did something happen?"
"Not really?"
"You don't seem sure."
You don't respond.
"Okay I won't pry then…"
"Asmodeus…" before he could walk off you call his name. "You have fans right? I mean I'm assuming they're your fans. Are they usually so friendly?"
"Oh! Did you meet one of my little darlings?"
His what?
Asmodeus smiles at your confused expression. "Aren't they adorable? They're very sweet, though they do get excitable sometimes. But nothing that can't be handled with a little talk."
"I see…" You didn't see the point of bringing up Annabelle and Johnny.
Nothing bad had happened. In fact, most people would consider it a regular conversation.
"Well I was just curious. I'm going to go rest I'm tired from going out."
"Aw you went out and didn't say anything? We could have gone out together."
"It's fine I wanted to go right then, and you weren't here. Some of the staff volunteered but I wanted to go alone."
"You went alone?"
"Hmmm" Asmodeus frowns and looks like he's thinking. "I don't want to tell you what to do but maybe you should consider taking someone with you. At least until you get used to being here."
"I guess." You were used to wandering around places on your own so it wasn't too big of deal of you. Though your parents would reprimand you for it sometimes since you would leave without warning. But you never had any issues though and telling the coachman when you would be back seemed like enough. Though there were usually more rules the higher the title…
Your brows raise. Was your husband was actually showing you some consideration right now?
You never really knew what you would get with Asmodeus each day. Some days he'd be unnecessarily passive aggressive with you. A few rare days he'd try to gather your attention for hours at a time, in need of an audience for whatever he wanted to do that day. Most days though, it was like you didn't exist as he would be nowhere in sight.
It was all so confusing, but you couldn't say you hated this particular moment.
"Well, hope you had fun regardless. I'll see you later MC~"
As if sensing your thoughts he cuts the conversation short. He was probably heading back out soon anyways. You sigh. At least you both a had a somewhat friendly interaction.
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orphetoon · 6 months
Different person, I desire info on the ace attorney au
idk if i'll ever do more art bc when will i ever be interested in jjba AND aa at the same time again but just for you. the rough timeline of the entire au
basically phantom blood but without vampires. jonathan is a defense attorney, the assistant switches between erina and speedwagon; first case is probably defending speedwagon. zeppeli isn't a hamon user here, but rather a spirit medium who gives jonathan some training. jonathan can't actually talk to ghosts, his ability is probably more similar to apollo's; maybe he can sense someones spirit 'wavering', aka when they're unsure.
main antagonist is dio, who is the opposing attorney. he's done a lot of shit he's never gotten caught for, but jonathan manages to reveal his crimes in the final case. dio gets sentenced to death, rip king.
PART 2: uh. battle tendency doesn't happen here.
idk how long it would've taken someone to get executed back in ye olde england times but for this au its long enough for jonathan to have at least two kids. one of these is george ii (joseph's dad), the other will create a branch family (aka giornos gotta exist somehow)
shortly after dio's execution, he forms as a vengeful spirit and is able to forcibly possess jonathan and kill him. dio's a bitch tho and continues to possess joestars whenever possible, but due to uh. reasons? he's not able to kill the next generation of joestars until they have had their own kids. deciding that going after the whole lineage would be tiring, dio just decides to focus on joseph and his descendants.
PART 3: jotaro fucks up
joseph manages to spirit train well enough that dio can't possess him or whatever, and lives a long life. holly manages to avoid him as well. jotaro was on the track to be strong enough to shut dio out, but decided to be an idiot 17 year old and try to banish dio for good. by some means both he and dio fail at their goals, and jotaro is stuck with dio...not really possessing him, but giving running commentary 24/7. joots tries to live with it for awhile, but the thought that dio could eventually succeed in possessing him and hurting those around him (aka baby jolyne) causes him to distance himself from everyone.
apologies to josuke for stealing his part number.
anyway. almost completely unrelated to all that, pannacotta fugo is a prodigy prosecuting attorney who has one of the highest success rates in the country. he has a found family sort of thing with the rest of bucci's gang, who he's all advised on legal matters at some point. they (sans fugo) run a restaurant; this isn't important at all to the au, i just like the idea. anyway, fugo's life is pretty good, until.
giorno fucking giovanna.
he arrives out of nowhere and quickly becomes the best defense in the country, even tho he's younger than fugo (both of them are too young to be attorneys, but this is aa). doesn't matter if his client is clearly guilty, giorno can get them off the hook (he only takes clients he believes should be seen as innocent, but giorno has his own interesting moral system). these two idiots battle it out in the courtroom, until bucciarati is framed for a murder.
unable to defend him, fugo turns to the only person he can, giorno. giorno completely clears bucci's name, unraveling the truth of the case - aka taking down diavolo, who's organized most of the crimes in this 'game'. since trish is the assistant for this game, she becomes kinda the main character during the final case lol. either way diavolo goes to jail, and both gio and trish are sort of folded into the bucci gang.
the second 'game' would be giorno with jolyne as an assistant; he clears her from the vehicular manslaughter and both of them resolve to solve the conspiracy behind it (it's pucci. pucci's behind it). josuke is here as a side character, being a police detective
the final case involves revealing pucci's crimes and jolyne finding a way to free her father from dio's spirit. no universe reset here lads :)
50/50 onto whether giorno finds out he's actually related to the joestars or not. he still bills them either way
PART 6: feedback investigations
fugo gets his own games but idk a whole lot about the investigations games so uh! lets just say its normal aa shenanigans with the purple haze feedback characters in there as well
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a-cat-in-toffee · 5 months
me: yeah im gonna go to sleep
also me: *proceeds to send my friend 650+ words of pepsisprite analysis*
thinking about john being a literal embodiment of the narrative and davesprite being an embodiment of the game. the game and the narrative are intrinsic to each other's existence, but without each other they would be useless. what's the point of the game if no ones watching, and whats the point of watching if no ones playing? john and davesprite’s relationship sort of mirrors that, davesprite wouldn't exist as a sprite if john had never died, but john WOULD have died if davesprite didnt save him. they're necessary to each other's creation and to each other's continued existence and relevance. 
they're the world's shittiest soulmates because their relationship is so riddled with the game and narrative but davesprite and john are tied together in a way which ends up with davesprite always ending up right next to john again. johndirk and pepsisprite are very related what with davesprite mirroring dirk in a bunch of ways, but the difference between the two ships is mainly when they would happen imo. (canon) johndirk can only work postcanon, mostly because they simply don't actually get to meet each other until then, whereas pepsisprite HAS to happen during the game, the 3 year trip to be precise. 
all they had were those 3 years together, really, before everything went to shit. obviously they had known each other before then, but that was john and dave. the "real" dave, before the specifications had to be made. it's kinda sad how because of the timeframe that pepsisprite would be able to work out in, they could never actually have a relationship. like they were both dealing with their own issues (most of which never were resolved, not fully) but it mightve fixed them tbh.
thats really why I'm a big fan of back to the beginning post game aus that include the splinters because their stories are never really completely resolved, most of them are sort of just brushed away or swept into something new (e.g. davepeta)
also going back to what I said earlier on how johndirk mirrors pepsisprite in a way, it does! but there's a lot of nuance to the situations? davesprite is more like bro than dave is, thus making him more like dirk, but he's still a dave yknow. pepsisprite is actually a closer parallel to jakehal, especially by the end of the boat trip with the vaguely antagonistic relationship the two of them have.
actually i think they should be kismesis sometimes as a treat. john has so much emotion and anger built up and having somewhere to vent out that frustration would probably be really good for him. at the same time, though, they're also moirails because john and dave are quite literally the closest humans can get to moirallegiance. john and davesprite transcend quadrants in the actual definition of it, embodying the quads all at once instead of vacillating.
davekat (a ship most people consider to embody all quads) sort of does something similar, however a lot of the time their characterization is of vacillation between redrom and blackrom vs where pepsisprite is happening simultaneously. 
davesprite *is* proud of john and he does really love his friends, however because of the trauma he went through growing up (which was later reinforced by all the shit that went down in the game) he can only express so "ironically" or backhandedly, and john is so repressed to hell and back that *he's* not even sure what emotions he's feeling half the time
I think the fact that the two of them can so effortlessly communicate despite all that, though, really shows you their relationship. john can see the genuine in davesprite's "ironic" statements, and davesprite can pick out john's feelings through all the happy freedom bullshit. they communicate so well despite everything because they're best friends and because they've known each other so long. davesprite is important to john just like john is important to davesprite, and they always end up right back next to each other.
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shynetyme06 · 2 months
OKAY you already know I had to ask some questions of my own as well >:3
These are for Mc! PJ, of course!
1. How many fan kids are canon to their au? I know that Crescent is canon as well, but are there others?
2. Related to Crescent, how did the two meet and become friends?
3. What are *her* magical-abilities?
4. What's her personality like? Is she similar to the original PJ or completely different?
5. Do the Star Sanses / Bad Sanses exist in your au? If so, what are her thoughts on them, if any?
Oh boy and u thought ur answer was long... get ready I had a lot more to say than I thought ;Dc
1. Only PJ and Crescent are here. Palette used to be in like the earliest iteration but he’s been retconned, and I’ve considered adding Lux but it’s unlikely she’ll show up cuz I haven’t come up with a real reason she should lol
2. PJ first learned about crescent through Ink’s description of him, that Crescent frequently tests Ink’s patience by seeing what he can get away with in the aus before he gets told to leave for messing with the script, but PJ was more interested in the fact that there was another outcode kid out there, one who also doesn’t have a script of their own. He was definitely curious but was hesitant to seek him out bcuz of the worry that Ink would be unhappy with that. and uh Ink is also the reason Crescent knows about PJ, and the reason he immediately didn’t like her because of the similar beliefs she must have to his. He was kinda a dick the first time they spoke yet as the conversation progressed, he realized PJ wasn’t how he thought she’d be. He took a step back and realized he of all people shouldn’t be judging anyone that easily based on who they were raised by, and he continued to hang around PJ while she pretended to hate his company (still unsure of the exact circumstance of them finding each other so for now they just happened to cross paths in some random au)
They mostly stick together due to their shared fear of never being able to find their desired place in this multiverse, and while they still can only ever hope for that place, it doesn’t hurt to have someone around who actually understands. They’re pretty reserved with emotions like this so they’re kinda just affectionately mean to each other most of the time instead of getting into all that. they're pretty important to each other by now so let's hope nothing bad happens <3
3. Her magic is very simple and close to canon but differs in some of the ways she uses it. She can’t summon ink or paint out of nowhere like her dad does, so that’s what the bag is for, she keeps extra ink in there for creating small objects, shields, portals, and attacks. The ink strings come straight from her hands, and her last ability is being able to revert to a puddle at will, she usually does this when jumping off of really high places to land painlessly
4. He's got the sarcasm and sassiness factor you'd expect, as well as a habit of trying to hide certain emotions from others. A defining trait Mc has that I'd say isn't too close to canon is his level of recklessness. Like 99% of his decisions are made on impulse and he doesn't even warn people before going through with his foresight-deficient plans so that's fun. And he actually gets away with it a lot of the time so W I guess
5. The Star Sanses exist, but they aren’t as close as they used to be. At this point their relationship was work only, up until PJ showed up that is. Blue and Dream are still friends but haven't really heard from Ink in a long while, until one day he called them for an emergency to the Doodlesphere. To their absolute shock the emergency happened to be looking after this kid he had now for a reason they couldn't even begin to guess, (that looked to be at least 2 years old, how could they have not known by now???) while he leaves for an unknown time to fight off error as he had just begun attacking an au. Before they could even speak Ink promised them that he’d tell them what happened as soon as he got back, introduced PJ, and explained what they needed to know right now about taking care of them (they can only eat art supplies, don’t let them touch water, etc) in the span of like 20 seconds before leaving them to it
Alright that’s the background covered, time to actually answer the question lmao. PJ is 3, but they had only actually gained consciousness about a month prior to this point, and in that time Ink was the only person they were ever around. And now these random people showed up and they’re left with them. Great. PJ didn’t trust them at all and just tried to do whatever they wanted while avoiding acknowledging them, (which included climbing on the walls multiple times, something Ink failed to warn them they could even do. They also tried to eat a lot of random stuff lol) They have warmed up over time, and Underswap became a place they’ve stayed in a lot while Ink was away. Nowadays, PJ loves them like uncles but compared to what they’re used to with Ink, (ridiculous amount of freedom to do whatever, short of messing with scripts ofc) their advice about what they should/shouldn't do can feel smothering. they don’t interact as much as they did when PJ was younger
And oh right the bad sanses uuhhhh.. Killer has to exist for Crescent to be here so that's 1, aand I actually have no ideas for the rest of the MTT sorry LOL I'll try to brainstorm more but Dust and Horror might just not show up at all.. 🙏 and PJ has not met Killer or Nightmare so they just formed most of their views on them based on the things Crescent has told them, which are not good things in the slightest
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So what was the thought process you and @twinanimatronics had for Moon and DJMM being besties?
Like I know that's a huge fanon thing (though i think y'all were one of the early ones) but is it something yall based on game data or character analysis?
A pretty good question.
I think part of it had to do with @factual-fantasy's wonderful au and comics of the DJ being very close buds with Sun and Moon.
But I think there was a bit more to it then that.
I think I just wanted a fanfiction mostly centered around Moon and the DJ's friendship because they're both Security bots and are the only two animatronics in the Pizzaplex that go back to being "mainly chill" after their initial segment. (Moon showing up at every hourly recharge being super easy to avoid outside his initial Daycare Segment and Sun just stays in the slide all other times)
I also remember seeing the headcanon in @paper-lilypie's old comics that Moon had a music box, which was a popular hc, that Ceph and I have actually proved to be canon with our rabid exploring of the Pizzaplex map like its an archeological dig site.
Made me get to thinking if Moon used his music box often, what songs would he use?
Also got me thinking about how the DJ makes up his own songs on rotation to avoid copyright. He's essentially an AI generated song prompt, but far more endearing and self-aware. DJMM makes his own bouncer chase music to capture Gregory and that's pretty endearing to me.
Thought about Moon stealing DJ's songs to use in his music box. (and yes, I know real life music boxes are made with a set song in mind and he can't rotate them unless there are discs in there. But idk. lol don't think about the mechanics of this too hard of how a music box actually works)
Made me think that Moon would like relaxing Lofi beats that the DJ would make for him.
Lofi Beats to Capture Children to was initially planned to be five chapters. Just showing glimpses into the lives of DJMM and Moon interacting, from a more DJ-themed perspective, with the pov changing between Moon and the DJ...
But I kept adding more things into there.
Once I realized Sun had to be a character in this, the perspective strictly stayed with Sun and Moon.
Like an OC that was meant to just be a foil, and die for character development for the Daycare Attendant turned out to be more complex then I thought as he just became a worse version of myself and I wanted to see him get better so I made a spin-off entirely about him.
I realized I wanted to have Vanny in this, because I love Vanessa. I wanted to show the toxic but completely codependent relationship the DCA has with Vanessa. Because... Well, let's face it, Vanessa is a non-character in her own game. Many fans don't love her in the way I do. Even the most hard wired DCA fans don't really have anything to say about Vanny/Vanessa.... and either ignore she exists... or she's a meangirl background character not important to the plot. Despite the fact that Vanny and Moon's relationship is the driving force for so many things that happen in Security Breach. To the point where the Daycare Attendant is literally a thematic parallel to the Vanny/Vannessa relationship... Something I've been screaming about since Security Breach came out and no one listened.... But I was right. To the Point it's explicitly confirmed in Help Wanted 2.
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And I also realized that if Sun was going to be a character, I had to establish life for them for a good chunk of it and how fast things go down. I had to determine whether I wanted them to be their separate things, or one person with DID. And ... While I do think that DID is actually canon..... it's something I don't have experience with writing, and I feel that I would end up saying or portraying it offensively. Especially since the DCA already kinda has the "bad alter" archetype in canon. Plus, to coexist with Twins where they get seperated and they're learning to be their own people... It just makes more sense to have a level of miscommunication between the two. So we understand Sun's fear and need for control. (like in canon Sun has no reason to string up fairylights in his dark room... other then just to never have moon switch over and make him uncomfortable. There's no kids in their room to capture. The generators can stay on in the pizzaplex and their room could be dark and the children would be safe. Sun is making it so Moon can't switch at all... and while that is horrible for Moon, it's important to see where that level of distrust and anger and controlling behavior stems from, and why Moon might be afraid of him in twins)
And If I wanted the DJMM to be friends with Moon, I also needed excuses for Moon to go there. I also needed to consider his relationship with the other Glamrocks and animatronics in the pizzaplex. I had to show how isolated Sun was and how much Sun cared for the kids, genuinely.
So the whole thing snowballed and it sometimes becomes intimidating to work on.
I guess long story short... The DJ is cool. And Moon is cool. I love them both and they make a really great non-verbal pair.
I absolutely love Lofi. So thanks for sending this ask. I know I haven't updated in awhile. But you think being unemployed would give me more freetime... lol but I'm mostly depressed and stressed.
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Announcing a fandom community server!
Hi, guys! This is sorta directed at my followers but also Obey Me fans (and other fandom people).
I mentioned, like, a looong time ago I wanted to do a community server, but I didn't really understand how to use Discord, but since then I've been in a zine, a few collabs, and hosted my own collabs (currently running one for Lucifer 👀). So, I have the experience and knowledge of running a server now!
My urge to create a fandom-centric server has really bloomed and after sitting on the it for a year, I feel confident enough yet still anxious to release a link of an invitation to it (found at the bottom)! It's still fresh, and bots haven't been implemented yet, but I really want to push this out.
I myself am in a lot of different fandoms, obviously Obey Me, but also Baldur's Gate, Stardew Valley, Kingdom Hearts, Persona games, What in Hell is Bad, a few obscure fandoms (like Alien Stage and Touchstarved) and older ones (Homestuck), so I have all the intentions to have this server be inclusive to webcomics, anime and manga and adjacent media, games from standard video games to phone games, graphic novels, books, otome and romance stuff, indie media like web series, cartoons, and games, and more as it grows.
I also want this server to be a hub for writers and artists to share their stuff they're too awkward or anxious to post and receive feedback, and as a place to get to know fellow-minded people in shared fandoms. AUs, theories, headcanons, crossovers, self-inserts, your MCs/OCs - all allowed!
A few things to note:
This is a fandom community server, but it might start out as Obey Me heavy because I'm trying to direct attention to that fandom since that's the one I am mostly in and participated in most things as a fan.
Adults and minors (16+) are allowed, but there are rules implemented that divide channels into SFW and NSFW categories and channels.
Writers, artists, content creators, cosplayers, fans that dabble, etc. are enthusiastically welcomed
The server can also function with channels regarding roleplays and self-publishing (commissions, Etsy shops, etc.)
I really want this server to kinda be a central spot for small fandoms or dying fandoms (like Obey Me) or old fandoms or growing fandoms and ones in-between basically non-existent and probably way too big. I want the server to be a community of different fandoms and the people that incorporate them, and I want it to be a fun place to just either relax with other fans and share works you like or works you've made or as a place to just dip in a silently lurk to look at what people are talking about or look at what is shared or as a place to lose your fucking minds when updates happen or something wild or devastating in the media occurs.
I want this to be a respectful but enjoyable place to come to and join and feel like you can invite friends or maybe even make friends!
Hard rules:
Before entering though, the server has a soft screening process for people to join.
Verifications will be done by me to make sure no one with ill intentions has a chance to cause harassment or harm to members. Fandoms can be toxic and mean in public places like here and Twitter, but this server will be, to the best of my ability, a space away from that.
Absolutely no pedophilic content is allowed. Like, none. It'll be one of the fastest things to get you kicked and banned and blacklisted.
There are rules and specific channels for certain ships and certain explicit content that can be talked about in the server if there are any questions.
This server is for fandom communities and politics and religious hot takes are not applicable here. This is a designated relief zone and none of that is really welcome.
I think that mostly covers the sales pitch and important stuff, lol.
So with all that out of the way--
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Link to join: https://discord.com/invite/g8VeSe4t
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Here I'll write couple fun facts about random characters and other things in my AU
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Once a week all mutant girls from Bayville go on a 'girl sleepover', meanwhile actually they dress up in their cool clothes and go to kick ass. The OG team you most likely know(Jean, Amara, Tabitha, Kitty and Rogue), but like I wrote, in my AU every mutant girl from Bayville is one of the sirens and if some mutant girl is not on the team, it's not a problem! She's more than welcome to join Bayville sirens, because more girls - more fun.
Also, Bayville Sirens is such impactfull thing, as soon as it becomes more popular and other towns and cities find out about it, mutant girls or just girl with superpowers from other places team up with each other to kick asses just like Bayville sirens. However, girls with bad intentions exist and they kinda ruin this thing by committing crimes and calling themselves 'sirens' and that confuses many people and makes this vigilante thing even more questionable and controversial than it already was, so, more than half of sirens that were stopping criminals now stopped their vigilante careers.
That's upsetting, yes, so Bayville sirens decides to stop these evil copycats, and just like they expected, they've stopped them. At least some good news for them in these hard times. Obviously, the fact that they've stopped it didn't made all other sirens return back, but it still made few and that's enough.
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S.H.I.E.L.D. and Brotherhood
Unlike Proffesor X, Nick Fury don't believe that freaking teenagers can make good decisions on what to do with their lives, not to mention that they all grew up either with no parents or just shitty ones, so he believes they need a nice good push in a great direction. His direction, his S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, to be exact. Selfish, perhaps even immoral from one point of view, from the other? Kids will live in a safe space with good conditions for living and no evil bitches that'll give them commands, besides no one's gonna judge them and everyone here is welcome.
Fury is even dissapointed with Charles, but fr, if everyone is welcome at your academy for youngsters then why Brotherhood kids isn't a part of it? Oh, they're not ready to be here? Yeah, tell me about it. After seeing how Spider-Man succesfully recruited so many young heroes with just his frienly behaviour, Fury actually asks himself a question about what the actual hell is going on in Bayville and mutants?
So Fury thinks really hard and decides to sent few of his agents to Bayville High School just to check wth is happening there. Soon it's revealed that Brotherhood teens are under strong influence of Mystique and Magneto, and he expected it. So, to recruit kids he has to deal with two devils. That's a hard task, but not impossible! So now his agents doing most possible to find a way how to separate kiddos from child abusers.
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Ben and Spider Slayers
In the show they died as quiickly, as they appeared on the screen, but not in my AU!
In my AU Ben adopts these guys at some point, after defeating Kaine and making sure do it in a way none of them dies. Then he claims to be the oldest brother here. No one objects, since they...can't object? That's a problem. Being able to say No is a really important skill and now they have weekly lessons like this.
Their brotherhly hierarchy goes like: Ben, Goliath, Ghost and Bone. Soon enough Spider Slayers get the idea that their purpose is something they can choose and it's not just follow Ben's orders. Shocking, surprising, bizarre information strikes them hardly. They need time to think about it. And they do think about it. They even ask other students at S.H.I.E.L.D. academy what it's like to be 'normal'.
And after some time of thinking and adjusting to new lifestyle Slayers find their first hobbies! Goliath's hobie is GYM, he has undeniable passion to lift up extremely heavy things so powerlifting is his first hobbie. Ghost is interested in acting and drama, he starts often going to thatres, whatever play is there, he'll be there. That makes him also interested in literature and soon he low-key becomes emo and tries to write his own poems. I really wanted to write that Bone Spider is fortnite player, but something stops me so...Bone is a fan of Sonic, and a huge one. In just a two or three weeks he played in every Sonic game that exists and now he often asks for money to buy Sonic Merch.
Ben is so proud of them, even though he doesn't understand their hobbies, but it's nice to see your younger bros that were just your followers to have a life now.
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This girl is wild and she is EVERYWHERE. At this point whenever X-Men or Champions need an extra help she's somehow always there! It makes them all feel a bit suspicious of her, like, is she stalking us or something? The truth is....Yeh, Aroace Icon sometimes spies on them just for fun. They'll never know though.
Also, yes, she's an ally of X-Men and Champions, but who said she can't ve friends with people outside these teams? She's a little bit besties with Tabtitha/Boom Boom from Brotherhood, after all she's also down for every opportunity to make things fun, even if it can get crazy. In any case, Gwen is easy outgoing person that easily becomes friends with people(just like Evan/Spyke).
That's how she befriended with MJ before all that Carnage mess and also that's how she befriened with other Gwen. "Twinsies!" - she most likely said after getting to know Stacy, not exactly caring that she borrows Ms Marvel's saying.
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acre-of-wheat · 3 months
Tagged by @spybrarian! Thaaaank you!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
I have 26
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to write Clexa, but now I just write Tanthamore
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Network Connectivity Issues (ahead by a lot)
A story I'm deeply in love with writing, due to its closeness to my heart and because of the novel way it's written-- which is live on a discord server whenever the mood strikes. Fanfic is typically serialized work, but this feels like...even closer to that immediacy, and it can be quite electric.
The Pieces
A collaborative collection of one shots in the Kinkverse universe (talked about below)
The Bite
Canon compliant fic about longing and how it can come out in your teeth.
The Stones
Essentially a sick fic with some fun world building
The Test
Long distance edging and denial. The fantasies were some of my favorite things to write.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! Sometimes it takes me awhile!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Out of finished fics I suppose it would be The Beloved Prey, though I do have a handful of things I've written to continue that.
Unfinished it would be the unpublished sequel to My Own Echo.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
I think maybe The Stones. Magic holding and accepting Jade because of Kit's love for her feels pretty happy.
Oh! And Network Connection Secure. The Cam girls having a proposal moment that's distinctly them? Very sweet and I wrote it for Christmas.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not on these ones!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Yes, yes I do. The majority of my work contains it. I think the weirdest I've written (so far) is probably Spare the Rod.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not really big on crossovers, so this isn't something I've done. I'll go hard on an AU though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Nope! Translation is an art in itself-- I think I'd find the idea of someone doing that a little daunting?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Kinda! @swashbucklery, @spybrarian, @commanderbuffy and I have all written pieces in what we call the Kinkverse. It was a brain child of mine that started with The Lesson, but has since become a collaborative writing world. It's been one of the most lovely experiences of my creative life. J has also written some supplemental material for NCI that I adore. @barmaid-anon and I brainstorm deranged plot ideas constantly, and she is my best/worst little gay graphic critic.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm going to need to say Tanthamore.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I'm not going to speak this into existence. I'll say that there are a few fics that I have agonized over for a very, very, very, very, very long time.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I get to the point pretty well. I keep action and development moving. I think I do some good figurative language. I trust my instincts on where a story needs to go next.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The Agonies. The connective tissue between important scenes. Not knowing what to have characters do when they're on their own. Run on sentences. Too many WIPs and not enough commitment.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I haven't ever found it necessary? I guess I feel about it the way I feel about captions for another language. You know when captions will say "speaks in a foreign language?" Bane of my existence. Either translate it or get out of here.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pretty Little Liars. I was a big Paily fan for awhile there. Those live back on fanfiction.net
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
The Past feels really good to write because it pulls together all these threads in my brain for the Kinkverse girls, and it feels very unifying for that vision. It's satisfying connecting the dots.
As for who to tag on this: @barmaid-anon, @commanderbuffy, @swashbucklery, @multiplefandommess, @vetiverriver, @onlyshestandsthere, @claymoressword, @kittanthaloselorashield
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Even More SequenceShift Facts
I know I've been pretty quiet on my AU's front. Part of that is because I was briefly disheartened by what I saw as a lack of interest in it from other people. I'm willing to admit it does kinda sting to see all these other AUs popping off while mine only gets a few passing nods, mainly because I can't draw any of my AU. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful though. I mean, there's always a handful of peeps who always like and reblog my SequenceShift stuff, and I do really appreciate you folks! With that out of the way, I decided to do another round of these facts with details that I didn't add in the guidebook, either because I felt they weren't important or because I forgor. Again, if I haven't mentioned something, feel free to hit me up.
Mooch is an adult by the time Clover is in the AU, but she was still a child/teen when the Outlaw (one of the Renegade humans) committed his massacre on the Wild East. It's given her a good dose of anxiety that she tries to keep covered up. There are times where she wakes up in the middle of the night after a particularly bad nightmare, with Moray calming her down and watching over her until she falls asleep again.
Starlo is the only member of the cast that interacts with Kit (think like Flowey and Papyrus in the OG Undertale). Due to Kit's reluctance, she doesn't really open up much to him besides some small talk. Starlo does have some suspicions about Kit, but due to being very busy with his duties as Captain of the Rangers, he hasn't looked into it just yet.
Echo Flowers are still existent in this AU, but they're very much endangered due to their natural habitat completely drying out. Some are still just barely alive but clearly withered, and any conversations they may have picked up are either partially or completely distorted. There is one location where they're still alive, a hidden cavern in the Barrens that only Ceroba, Starlo, and Dina know about.
Starlo still wears his poncho and sheriff's badge to this day (Ceroba does want her Rangers to wear proper uniforms, but she mostly doesn't mind any customizations beyond that). It serves as something of a reminder for what life was like before the Wild East Massacre. However, on a Vengeance run, he completely ditches the poncho to symbolize him embracing his role as Captain of the Rangers.
When it comes to SequenceShift's Genocide/Vengeance/No Mercy route, none of the boss fights are killed in one hit. All of them have different, harder encounters and fight like hell to the bitter end. There'll also be environmental changes beyond just the populace leaving.
Also, a Neutral Route will have a lot more variation beyond just the endings and NPC dialogue. Even a very ruthless neutral run will be acknowledged by the Monsters and treated as such. Clover will be punished for a near/aborted Genocide run. (I always found it weird how the original Undertale never did that, and Undertale Yellow to a lesser extent)
There are four routes planned so far: Neutral, Pacifist, True Pacifist, and Genocide. A fifth route might be possible, but nothing's come of it just yet.
Frisk is also in this AU, having arrived some time before Clover did and basically had this Sequenceshift's version of Undertale Yellow. Again, still haven't thought of much beyond that.
I'll add him to the guidebook, but Mo is indeed in this AU. He's pretty much entirely unchanged too, because he's perfect.
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nonchalantatall · 10 months
PRSK Kamikou Phantom Thief/Detective AU
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For any issue that gets brushed off by the state, any personal problem too embarrassing to file a legal report for, or anything too small, simple, or mundane to bother paying actual professionals a different business to handle, there’s a member of the White Rock Detective Agency—or R-A-D-W for short—ready to assist you!
(Don’t ask why the letters are out of order, it’s a touchy subject among the staff.)
Explanation of the AU under the cut
All of the relationships are ambiguous, so you can apply your own connotation headcanons as you wish. There are strong mizuan, mizurui, and mizuena vibes lol
The explanation includes mild fic spoilers, but you can read it before the fic if you want and be fine. Although if you want to figure out the mystery while reading, then I recommend coming back to read the explanation after. The plot in the fic is very vague in the scenes I wrote, and I also don't really feel like writing any more, so you may need to come back to get the full picture afterwards
I know I said it's a kamikou au, and the fic itself technically is, but Mafuyu, Shizuku, and Emu are all kinda important to what little plot actually exists in the fic, but they really aren't mentioned by name except for Mafuyu at the very end (K also gets a name drop at one point). I left all of it kinda vague on purpose to emphasize the kamikou characters since it was based on a kamikou event to begin with.
The full story starts with the disappearance of an Aristocrat’s daughter (Mafuyu). This daughter had a fond friend within the aristocracy (Shizuku) who became seriously worried when she disappeared. Shizuku hired a high-class private investigator (Emu) to find her.
But Emu doesn’t work alone. There’s only so much she can do when there's so many people looking at her in high society. She can get away with more than the usual aristocrat, being the 4th youngest in her moderately prominent family, but she has 3 officers (WxS) running more of the dirty work out in public. Emu took the case of Mafuyu's disappearance seriously because she's also emotionally involved like Shizuku is.
WxS quickly realized Mafuyu covered a lot of her bases when she vanished. It was almost as if she never existed at all. It doesn't help that Mafuyu's parents don't want to talk with WxS despite trying to find their daughter. They're lower class, no-name, prying eyes who are sticking their noses in someone else's business where they don't belong.
Despite being backed by Emu, they needed to get access to a detective agency's credibility to go searching in more places for any clues as to where she could've gone all while without giving themselves away to mafuparents who grew to be strongly against WxS' involvement in their daughter's case.
They heard of R-A-D-W (White Rock Detective Agency), a "new" office trying to get its feet off the ground, and they saw an opening. They're posing as rookie detectives there while still investigating the missing daughter on the side and keeping it a secret from the agency owners (VBS).
It's important to me that you know Emu is WxS' sponsor while living on her family’s estate, and Kohane has a real job that pays for VBS's room and board (me, coping with not including them)
VBS... they're just trying to do their jobs man, they had no business getting wrapped up in this but oh well. "White Rock" is a direct translation of An's last name (Shiraishi, 白石). The White Rock Detective Agency or R-A-D-W (please notice how I stupidly rearranged the letters to make it close to rad weekend) is her family’s agency that fell off a few years ago after a tragic loss, but she is determined to restore the agency name to its former glory with a few other aspiring detectives--particularly two young gentlemen who have been helped by R-A-D-W in the past and are determined to repay that debt.
As you can probably guess, Mafuyu is being hidden by Niigo. More specifically, she's being sheltered by Kanade, while Ena makes their money with her art, and Mizuki steals back things Mafuyu used to own. In the months buliding up to her breaking point and running away from her abusive household, Mafuyu's mother took things from her that she deemed to be a distraction as punishment for not focusing on her studies and family affairs. The other 3 are enraged by what mafumom has done to her and will keep Mafuyu safe and hidden from her old life, no matter the cost.
This AU has been a great source of brainrot for me the past few months so if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer 🥹
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