#< not by gr**ming but still
punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
I get that online groomers are a very real and large danger but it's nuts how often adults being friends with kids is turned into pedojacking by adults who're like.ACTIVELY hostile towards minors in fandoms and i mean both the ageist bullying and even just the extremely unnecessarily aggressive 'minors dni' disclaimers they do that may as be monologues.Like in my case the reason i have so many close intergenerational friendships is that i was always taught it's good for people of widely different ages to love eachother as long as it's platonic/familial as it builds a sense of community and helps out in child safety and i'm an eldest sibling so i've been hanging out with younger people like we're best friends my whole life and i'm buds with older people too and the whole reason i'm here is that in elementary school i had a high school friend that taught me english.Again,you need to tell kids what grooming and explotation and other such things are so they can avoid abusers,not that adults shouldn't care about them fullstop.That's VERY cruel and ironically enough opens them up to grooming itself by isolating them!Please,for the love of fuck,just treat kids like kids.If you're friends with them be their caretaker instead of the reverse because that's how it's supposed to be and if you don't want to be near keep that shit to yourself because they ain't doin' nothing to you.Freak-os
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jrueships · 2 months
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here's what i could find on the situation ..
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jiggolo · 2 years
you guys know autistic (or otherwise neurodivergant/disabled but especially autistic) people who are 18+ are still...... adults, right. and should be treated and held responsible like they are.
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cindermon · 2 years
Not 100% about the current situation, but dream stans DNI please.
Genuinely hate that bastards guts.
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softxsuki · 2 months
Hallo~ I’m not sure if urgent requests are even open~
But, uhm. Could you please write Kyojuro fluff and comfort abt gro*ming? It’s been something I’ve struggled with for a few years by now. While it wasn’t anything too bad, it was still traumatizing. I was often talked about inappropriate subjects online and was vented to by the person. I feel kinda dirty and shit.
anyways, uhm. If you’re not open for urgent requests, then take your time :). Thank you so much!! Love your works <33
Rengoku Comforts Reader Who Has Been Gr**med
Please don't read if mentions of gr**ming is more triggering for you than comforting please! I don't go into detail with it, but please proceed with caution!
| Pairing: Rengoku x Gn!Reader (PLATONIC) | Genre: Comfort | Post-Type: Headcanon | Word Count: 470 |
Warning: Very brief mentions of gr**ming, mentions of an older man talking inappropriately to someone under age, trauma
Note: Hi DB! Sorry for the wait. It's always a struggle for me to jump back into my writing after not writing for a while. I also don't think I've written much for Rengoku as a whole, so I'm pretty rusty still. Regardless, I hope this provides you with even a drop of comfort after going though this kind of situation. I made it platonic since I wasn't sure what you wanted with that, and I also tried to make it fit the DS universe rather than modern time, it's just how I prefer to write for DS, so I hope that's okay! Thank you for your support <3 Hope you enjoy!
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Kyojuro is an upstanding man who looks to protect those under him
So when he found out about your situation in receiving letters from a man who was older than you–too old for you, he took action quickly
He could immediately sense what was wrong with the picture, an older man having inappropriate conversations with you, who was much younger, as if it was normal…
Many questions formed in his head. How did you get in this situation? Had you realized right away what was going on or did it start to feel wrong over time? Who was this guy anyway?
Seeing how shaken you looked speaking to him about it, Kyojuro took you in his arms in a tight hug, his warmth immediately consuming you
You were his student, someone he had sworn to protect and teach–how could he have not noticed this was happening?
He’s already looking for ways to track this man down to give him a stern talking to and making sure he doesn’t do this with anyone else, hoping to put a stop to it before the man decides to take things even further next time
“You’re okay. It’s unfortunate someone of his age has resorted to such gross techniques in conversing so graphically to someone under the age of consent,” he says with a sigh, gently patting your back as he continues to hug you.
“This isn’t your fault, Y/N. I failed as your superior to notice something was going on. I should have been more vigilant so you didn’t have to experience something like this. I will find him and ensure justice is restored. He’ll be locked away and known as an outcast in his village. This I vow to you.”
He’d pull away from the hug and glance at you with a smile, patting your head gently
As the man of justice that he is, just know he will track this guy down and make him pay for traumatizing you
From that moment forward, he’s more aware of the letters you receive, hoping it’s just from your family, or friends who were your age and you knew
Kyojuro becomes your support through the days moving forward, continuously reassuring you that you did nothing wrong and it was only the man’s fault for targeting someone who couldn’t tell what he was doing was inappropriate
Tells you countless times that you aren't dirty or ruined, you're still you, his precious student; his view on you has remained entirely that same
He does a great job at keeping your mind off it though. Taking you on strolls through nearby villages where he introduces you to some people closer to your age that you’d make great friends with, as well as being his joyful self
He makes you feel safe and secure, the light of his flame surrounding you almost as a shield, ready to burn anyone that even thinks about hurting you physically or mentally ever again
You’re in VERY capable, warm hands
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Posted: 7/8/2024
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finallydelight · 2 years
My Only One | Ming Chapter
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January 19, 2023
Ming stared at her phone, her chat with Mark open on her screen. She had been excited to see that the young man had sent her a voice message, it wasn't something he did much, only if he was too tired to type his thoughts.
So, when he started his message with that he didn't want to talk to her anymore, her mind went blank and she had to restart the message several times. His words weren't the best thing to wake up to in the morning.
Mark's voice broke her heart, it was scratchy like he had been crying for a while before recording it. She didn't know where all of that was coming from. Just the day before they had been sharing songs with one another to add to their playlists.
''Hey, Yer! Do you want pancakes or eggs- Oh my god, are you okay?''
Soomin ran up to her best friend, who hadn't realized tears were running down her cheeks. She sat down next to her on the bed and put her arms around Ming, rubbing her hands up and down Ming's arms.
Ming didn't say anything, she simply pressed play and Mark's voice was heard through the room. Soomin frowned throughout listening to the entire message, just as confused as Ming. ''What does he mean 'someone else'? You don't have a boyfriend.'' She noted.
''He doesn't want to talk with me anymore, Min-ah.'' With her teary eyes she looked at Soomin, not believing that it was Mark who was saying all this.
Soomin pouted at her words, giving her a big hug. ''Oh, Yerimie… I don't know what to say.'' They remained like that for a few minutes, Ming silently sobbing in her best friend's arms.
A thought suddenly came into her mind. ''What if he's talking about Yeonjun?'' Ming said, pulling away from the embrace. ''What if he knows we kissed?''
''Did you tell anyone?'' Soomin asked her.
Ming shook her head, the only person who she had told was sitting next to her. ''No, only you.''
''Well, maybe Yeonjun told someone and they told Mark.'' She nodded at Soomin's words, that was the only explanation for the entire situation. ''I'm gonna call him.''
Just like Ming expected, it didn't take long for the man in question to pick up the phone. ''Yes, Yer?'' His voice beamed through the phone.
''Hey, uh, small question- did you tell anyone about, uh, well, when we were in the practice room and stuff?'' She stuttered, a bit embarrassed about directly mentioning the kiss.
Yeonjun chuckled. ''Did I tell anyone about us kissing?'' He seemingly wasn't as embarrassed as her.
''Yes, that.''
''I, uh, told Chan.''
Ming's eyes widened and her heart dropped to her stomach. ''You told Chan? Lee Chan? My member, Chan?''
''Yes…'' he trailed, ''was I not supposed to do that?'' Yeonjun got nervous at her words, suspecting he made a mistake by telling Chan.
''You only told him? No one else?''
''I only told Chan, I promise.''
She knew for a fact that Chan isn't close with any of the NCT members. However, other members are close with them. Which means that Chan told one of the members about her and Yeonjun, and that member spilled the beans to someone from NCT who then told Mark.
''Okay, thank you. Bye.'' Ming quickly hung up, not caring if it might come off as rude.
''The members know.''
Soomin' expression mirrored Ming's, disbelieving wide eyes. ''You think Chan told them?''
''He has to have told someone, how else would Mark know?'' Ming argued, not seeing any other way to how Mark would think she had someone else.
''Are you gonna send something to Mark?''
Ming shrugged her shoulders at Soomin's question. ''I don't know, he's probably not gonna respond so does it even matter what I send?''
The female idol stood up from the bed. ''Well, I'm gonna go to the dorm and I'm gonna kill Chan.''
Soomin weakly laughed, still concerned about the situation. ''You know you can always come here, right? I'm never too busy for you.''
''I love you, Soo.'' After putting on her shoes, she approached her friend again and embraced her. They have known each other for 13 years, they practically grew up together. Soomin was that constant she could always fall back on, and she couldn't be more grateful for her.
''I love you… now go murder that dinosaur.''
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Ming was probably going to receive a ticket for the way she was speeding down the streets of Seoul, but she was angry and ready to combust at any time. She sprinted up the stairs and instead of taking the normal route, and going to her own dorm, she went to the other one.
She typed in the code and didn't waste a second to storm inside, not even taking off her shoes or jacket.
''Lee Jung Chan!''
The eyes of Cheol, Joshua, Jun, Dokyeom, Seungkwan and Vernon looked up at her, most of them flinching by her sudden appearance.
''Is everything okay?''
''Where is that little bastard?'' She ignored Joshua's question, looking around the living room and not spotting her fellow member there.
The members glanced at each other, not knowing what to do. They hadn't seen the young woman that angry in years. Wonwoo was the one to bite the bullet. ''Kitchen.''
''Thank you!'' They were surprised she still held her manners and thanked the man for telling her where the maknae was.
Ming angrily stomped to the kitchen where she was met with Mingyu, Minghao and the culprit. She pointed her finger at the latter. ''You! I'm gonna kill you!''
Chan's eyes widened and alarms went off in his head telling him to run, so that's exactly what he did.
''Come here, you punk!'' Ming didn't waste a second and ran after him as he left the kitchen and took the other door to go back into the living room, hoping to use the other members as human shields. ''Yerim, leave me alone! I didn't do anything!''
At first, the others thought it was funny to see the two youngest play this cat-and-mouse game with each other as it brought back memories from when they were teenagers. However, it quickly became clear that Ming might actually wanted to hurt Chan.
Cheol stopped Dino's running by grabbing his shoulder, while Mingyu easily picked up Ming and lifted her feet off the ground to be sure she wouldn't run off again. ''Let me go!''
''What is this about? Why are you so angry?'' Their leader asked, looking at the woman in Mingyu's arms.
Ming rolled her eyes, her anger still not simmered down. ''Why am I angry?! Because of that little shit, Mark thinks I have a boyfriend and he doesn't want to talk to me anymore! That's why I'm fucking angry!''
''I didn't tell him anything! I don't even know what you're talking about!'' Chan yelled back, defending himself from her words.
''Stop acting innocent! I know you blabbed to the members about Yeonjun! You're the only one who knew!'' Ming continued, Chan's defense making her more frustrated.
Cheol pulled his hands from Chan's shoulders. ''He's the only one that knew what?''
''Yerim, I promise you, I swear on our friendship that I didn't say anything to anyone! I don't know how Mark found out!''
Ming shook her head. ''Don't swear anything on our friendship! How dare you! You're the only one who knows about Yeonjun, he told me himself! Just admit that you snitched!'' Tears welled up in her eyes, upset that Chan would swear those lies on their friendship.
''I didn't snitch! I'm sorry that Mark doesn't want to talk to you anymore, but it's not my fault, so stop yelling at me!'' Chan started getting emotional as well, they had never fought like this and he wanted it to end.
Ming struggled in Mingyu's arms, wanting to be let go. ''Why are you being like this! Just tell me the fucking truth!''
''Stop it!'' Cheol's voice boomed through the apartment, followed by a silence where a dropped pin could be heard.
Mingyu dropped Ming from his arms and she fixed her clothing, while Chan took a couple steps back, still not trusting she won't start chasing after him again.
''Both of you sit down now.'' The leader's voice had reduced in decibels, but the sternness was still there and the two youngest followed his demand right away. Ming took the seat next to Dokyeom, while Chan sat next to Wonwoo. A clueless Vernon in-between them.
Cheol pointed his finger at Ming. ''You have some explaining to do and you're gonna do it calmly, without raising your voice or attacking your brother. Physically or verbally.''
Ming looked down at the ground, feeling like a child being grounded by their parents. ''I got a voice message from Mark in which he said that he didn't want to talk to me anymore, because he thinks I have someone else.''
Joshua went to stand in front of her, next to Cheol. ''I thought you weren't talking to Mark anymore?'' He recalled their talk from a month ago where she said that she hadn't spoken to him since she went to his concert.
''I lied.'' She mumbled, but still loud enough for everyone to hear.
The silence irked her, and she looked back up at the two men. Joshua seemed more disappointed than angry, while Cheol had an unreadable expression on his face.
''Just talking or also meeting him?'' The lack of emotion in the leader's voice scared her, her eyes hesitantly going to his.
Ming observed her feet again. ''Also seeing him outside of our schedules.'' She knew one day her lies would catch up to her, but she didn't care much at that moment. ''But that's not the point now-''
''Oh, is the fact that you've been lying to us for months inconvenient to you right now? I'm so sorry, Ming.'' Cheol's sarcastic tone resulted in a loud sigh from the woman in question.
Dokyeom briefly glimpsed at Joshua who was already looking at him, both having the same thought on their mind. ''That was you in the park, wasn't it? With Mark?'' The American asked, already knowing what the answer was gonna be.
Ming nodded, remembering how they had almost been caught by the two vocal team members when taking a stroll in the snow.
''Why did you lie to us, Yerimie?'' Mingyu joined in, feeling a bit hurt by Ming having lied to them for several months.
She scoffed, all her frustrations returning. ''You're actually asking me why? Did all of you suddenly forget how you admitted to not trusting the guy? Or getting mad that I went on a date with him? Or the time I invited him to our dorm and Joshua was blatantly rude to him? And I still want my explanation as to why he thinks I have someone else! I should be interrogating all of you, not the other way around!''
''Yerim, I didn't tell Mark anything.'' Chan spoke up after being quiet since they sat down.
Ming stared at him, unimpressed. ''Bullshit!'' The two went back and forth again with each other, arguing like two toddlers who are fighting over a stupid toy.
Meanwhile, a guilty Seungkwan watched them from behind. As soon as Ming started screaming about Mark thinking she has a boyfriend, his conversation with Jungwoo the day before came into his mind. He recalled singing to himself that she had a boyfriend, completely forgetting that the NCT member could still hear him.
Realizing it had gone too far, he interrupted the younger ones. ''It was me.''
At the confession, Chan and Ming stopped bickering and everyone in the room watched him. Seungkwan took the space in-between Joshua and Cheol. ''I was talking to Jungwoo on the phone yesterday, and he said something about that new restaurant by Han River that you went to with Soomin. I told him that you went there and I was gonna look for you to ask you about it, so I asked Chan where you were. He said you were on a date with Yeonjun, and I might have said something about you having a boyfriend. I said it jokingly, but Jungwoo must have heard it and told Mark about it. I'm so sorry, Yerimie.''
Ming attentively listened to Seungkwan, remaining quiet even after he was done. ''I'm sorry too, Ming-ah,'' Chan added, ''I shouldn't have said so carelessly that you were on a date with Yeonjun.'' He apologized.
''You're going out with Yeonjun as well? Were you planning on telling us that or not?'' Cheol interrupted, shocked at how much she actually had been hiding from them.
Ming stood up from the couch, she had enough of the interrogation she was being put through. ''I'm leaving, this is giving me a headache.''
''You can leave when you tell us the truth, Yerim.'' Cheol stared down at her, motioning for her to sit down again.
She groaned. ''The truth? Alright. While I was seeing Mark, I also started seeing Yeonjun. I felt conflicted about my feelings, because they're both great guys and I wasn't sure what to do. However, I made up my mind. That's why I wanted to talk to Yeonjun yesterday, but-''
''You've been going on dates with two guys and you didn't think once to mention it to us?'' Joshua interrupted this time, absolutely flabbergasted that she had been hiding this much from everyone.
She looked over at Joshua with wide eyes. ''Are you even listening to me?''
''Yah! Kim Yerim, don't talk like that.'' Cheol scolded her, not like the attitude that came with her words.
Ming rolled her eyes for what felt like the 100th time that day. ''Oh, yeah, defend him again! Like you always do!'' She argued with him.
''So, all those times you said you were with Soomin or with Chaeyoung, you were with either of those guys?'' Joshua demanded, the question coming out urgently.
She shook her head. ''No, not all those times, just a few times.''
''You said you were with Soomin yesterday, was that also a lie?'' Cheol asked her, his patience running out.
''I was with Soomin yesterday, that wasn't a lie.''
''But Yeonjun said-''
''Yeonjun canceled, he was too tired from his schedules and I went to Soomin's house instead.'' Ming interrupted Chan, who clearly hadn't been informed that Yeonjun had called her saying they should meet another time.
Vernon spoke up for the first time since Ming arrived. ''Is Yeonjun your boyfriend or not?'' He was confused as to why Mark would be upset about Yeonjun apparently being the girl’s boyfriend.
Ming shook her head. ''No, he's not my boyfriend.'' Since it was Vernon, she dropped her defensive behavior and calmly answered his question. The man simply nodded, having all the information he wanted to know.
''This entire situation is the reason why I don't involve you guys in my love life, or whatever is left of it. I get that some of you still think of me as that 11 year-old girl that always wanted to hug and hold hands with everyone, but I'm not, okay? I'm 24 years-old and I'm allowed to date whoever I want to date!'' Ming got all her frustrations off of her chest, she had been wanting to say those words for a long time.
Cheol looked down, before making eye-contact with Ming. ''I understand that, but we just want to look out for you and when you lie to us, we can't exactly do that.''
Ming made her way to the hallway, just wanting to be left alone. ''I don't need you to look out for me! I know it's hard for you to accept, but you're not my fucking father, Cheol! I don't need to share every single detail of my life with you.''
''Alright, I'll stop caring then! Do whatever you want to do, Kim Yerim! If you want to be an adult so bad, go be an adult! But don't come crying to me when those boys are gonna break your heart and you want to talk to me about it!''
Ming's words had broken something inside the man who had been taking care of the young woman since she was 11 years-old. According to her, she didn't need him anymore and that was the last thing he would ever want.
Hearing his ramble of anger, Ming threw one last dagger in his heart.
''I hate you, Choi Seungcheol!''
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Taglist: @seolboba @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls @seongwhaffels @kimhyejin3108 @smoooore @smh-anon @cixrosie @allthings-fandoms
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ticklepinions · 1 year
I think there's many problems in the community. But I feel like 2 in particular are merging quite a bit. So before I begin, this is in no means supporting or condoning the negative actions of others, I'm just thinking out loud basically, trying to understand why it's a problem and what not. The "explains but doesn't excuse route" to help me process things. My heart goes out to everyone who has been a victim of gro*ming.
So I've had a discussion about certain words being thrown around a lot. Words that are used as an insult, a word that triggers people immediately and follows with loads of hate comments and the classic kys.
While there is most certainly predators and p*dos in the community. I think there's a secret third option that doesn't really get talked about a lot- if at all. And that's "well intentioned adults". Adults who got the spirit! But execute in very questionable ways compared to people who are more, for lack of a better word, mature in their experiences.
I think I was one of them to an extent, but had some incidents that made me have to make decisions that would have been difficult in the past with my previous thinking (will explain later). Personally, my blog was open to all. And I hear the sfw doesn't mean safe for minors which is so true. But I still let minors follow my blog and that was a choice I own up to. Up until a couple months ago I was somewhat ok with it. Until things started happening that made me ✨uncomfortable✨. I got 13 year olds following me, minors trying to initiate tickle talk in asks/dms, trying to befriend me in ways that were just not great lmfao (trying to comfort me if I made a vent post, or in turn trauma dumping in the DMs). And this led to a LOT of reflection. I didn't want to have this responsibility so to speak, of taking care of children, who I have no previous relationship (/p) with in an online setting. So I changed my blog to a dnf. That's just me tho, I curated my internet experience to suit me after realizing that what I was doing or rather passively allowing before, made me uncomfortable. I didn't engage in the conversations that were initiated, it made me queasy lmfao.
But for *other* people. This feeling doesn't occur. You can have the extreme of being so delusional and enraptured in your own personal gains/pleasure as a p*do. Or... Be the self appointed teacher, parental figure etc. Which is a lot like gr*oming (actually it is a sign of gr*oming). It's such a complex issue in terms of the way some adults could have a genuine desire to help and not harm/manipulate but there's this disconnect where the adult doesn't recognize the harms they're causing unintentionally.
There are adults who don't mind being the educator because that's what they needed when they were a child. And I get it! They want to help. But! We've seen what can happen. And I think the reason some people are hesitant with the whole it "DEPENDS on the context" is that you're taking away their ability to *help*. But they don't realize by shutting down those conversations *is* helping. There are very few circumstances where a 30 year old should be speaking to a 16 year old about sexual topics. And in an online context, even fewer. There are SO many resources online that people can use to educate themselves, you do not have to be the sole educator for those slipping into your DMs.
From experience, minors are very impressionable and still have a lot to learn when it comes to boundaries. There was this time one of my friends sent an ask teasing me and then I got flooded by people sending in their own teases. Minors unintentionally (giving the benefit of the doubt) making me extremely uncomfortable trying to befriend me through "innocent" tickle talk. There are other instances of minors as I mentioned before trying to comfort me when I'm venting. Very thoughtful of them for reaching out and all but also they're endangering themselves. There are adults who would easily respond to them and because the adult themselves are emotionally not stable in that moment, may explain their worries to someone they realllyyyy shouldn't be sharing experiences with, sexual or not. The adult has the responsibility in this situation, as they hold the most power in the dynamic. So yeah I'm gonna put the blame on the minors. Gonna hold the adults accountable. Because it's absolutely not okay.
I always say while intentions are cool and all it doesn't really matter much. The impact, and what your actions will be after the fact, holds much more weight.
It's so frustrating to see the same old arguments pop up in this particular community. And I've said it once before, at our core, seeing the recent discourse and posts from both parties I can see the want to keep minors safe. However, there are some people who don't see how their perceived innocent actions are actually harmful in the long run. Not only for minors but yourself as well. You deserve to have a community your age as a healthy support system. What's not okay is the waters being muddied under the pretense of helping other people. You can't fix people, and it's really not your job to do so as hard a pill that is to swallow.
I'm losing my train of thought so...
TL;DR. While there are p*dos, there are also adults who mean well but go about it in very wrong/harmful ways, and I hope that eventually (sooner rather than later) they realize the harms they caused and work towards bettering themselves.
I also want to recognize the extreme privilege I have talking about sensitive topics I don't have personal experiences of so if I spoke out of place or said something incorrect please feel free to correct me (if you have the capacity to do so). Thanks for reading.
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deus-mendacium · 1 year
TW: mention of gr//ming, abuse, and s/a.
a masterpost of some, unfortunately not all, of the fucked up things intergen has done that directly involved us. these are screenshots from the more recent events, as we werent able to get all of them due to it being too deep into their activities.
note: our usernames and other identifiers were scratched out for our safety.
a bit of context before i get into it:
intergen ( .eternalcountdown on Quotev) is an 18 year old supposed DID system ( i will expand on why i phrase it that way at the end of this ) that abused and gr//med us and a close friend of ours, who we will simply refer to as "G" for their safety, for at least 1 1/2 years. both G and us were 14-15 at the time. they also had multiple romantic relationships between them and us (G and this system), despite them being legal. whether or not this counts as p/dophillia is blurry to me.
the last issue that we had before we were cut off/cut them off was that an alter in their system named Gold, 11, the gold medal proxy, was dangerously obsessed with G's Silver fictive, to the point where it began making the fictive uncomfortable and felt unsafe to front. This escalated more and more, and at one point, Gold outright sexually assaulted somebody with a serrated knife. Intergen continued to excuse this action, justifying it with how young he was and with the excuse that "he was raised badly" and that "nobody tried to help him", both of which are not enough to excuse r/pe.
ive collected an assortment of screenshots from this specific situation to demonstrate the gist of how bad they are, and unfortunately, thats not all that theyve done, however, as stated earlier, i cannot go too deep into their activities to find more things, but i will still explain them nonetheless.
lets start here, context for the next few screenshots is that Gold outright posted that if somebody didnt split a new Silver fictive, then he would kill someone. Note that this took place very shortly after G, and their Silver fictive, had just experienced sexual assault within their system. I will not be expanding on this, as it isnt my place to, i merely provide enough exposition to understand.
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after this was posted, Bennett (who went by Gxld at the time), a fictive in our system (who was dating G's Silver fictive when this happened.), confronted him on how messed up saying that was, which caused Gold to attempt to guilt trip/play the victim, claiming he didn't want to be that way. In fact, Intergen originally justified Gold's actions under "an act of mania" as well.
context notes: Eurydice was Gold's caretaker in this system, though the role was very much forced upon her, and they expected her to solve all of his issues. Insomnisilver is also an alter in G's system.
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Now, after this incident occurred, Intergen decided to let Gold latch onto their Silver fictive, who was also dating someone in our system, whos referred to as "🔶" (the emoji shows up as an empty box.)
"🔶" was not informed of this whatsoever, and while it may have been "needed" for Gold to not hurt anyone else, it was still insensitive and wrong to let a genuinely dangerous person who had previously committed unspeakable crimes cling to anyone who was previously in a relationship, even if not romantically. This is the conversation "🔶" had with them after spotting them on feed. Understandably, he was extremely upset, and left front.
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This is where things get worse. A persecutor in our system, the ❔ proxy, confronted Gold, and Gold immediately lashed out and began to threaten them, accusing them of hating him, guilt tripping, and claiming insanity was the reason he did these things, including the s/a. This is the conversation they had.
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(note for above image: intergen has, multiple times, suggested or implied that they wanted us to force a split in this system for various reasons, Gold saying to find another Silver is an example of this. he also claims insanity is the reason that he's llike this, when he was 100% in his right mind and aware that his actions were wrong.)
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In regards to the "nsfw shit" ❔ talks about, there was a deleted comment before ❔'s that consisted of Gold telling ❔ "go fuck yourself with a cactus". Gold deleted it after it was called out as wrong.
these posts was made shortly after the conversation ended, and it was Gold claiming that everyone else was attacking him for how he is, claiming he couldn't control how he was and trying to play the victim when the fact id that he was a r/pist, there was no working around that, and everyine in intergen tried to justify it or blame others for it.
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Now, a good handful of things happened between this and being cut off, but it mostly consisted of the same thing. Guilt tripping and claiming it was everyone elses fault. These next screenshots are from after we were cut off, and were found through a spare account they were still following us on.
1: Felix (the host) disregarding the abuse he caused and abuse victims, and claiming that he didn't care, and "only wanted to survive".
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2: An alter in their system (no, not a sexual protector or anything like that.) posting explicit NSFW knowing that minors followed their account. (hidden via link for safety.)
3: Claiming that it was our fault and that nobody tried to help Gold after he committed s/a, which was a blatant lie; multiple attempts were made but fell flat, and there is only so much "help" that a r/pist deserves when the crime was voluntary, no matter how young he was.
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"But wait, who are "Ellis" and "Bailey?"
Ellis/Joel (.YesIHaveThoughts on Q) is a 22 year old adult host of a system who was horrible to a little in G's system and outright chose to try and stay friends with us, G, *and* Intergen, even after knowing Intergen was a gr//mer and abuser, before cutting both of us off and staying with Intergen. They also willingly accepted Gold into their "found family", being aware that he was a r/pist, and agreed with Intergen claiming that Gold was mirroring behaviors he saw, and that we never attempted to help, and also tried to justify the fact that he sexually assulted someone.
Ellis would also continuously bash an alter in G's system ( who was a persecutor ) for doing their job and speaking out against Ellis' abuse. They (Ellis/Joel) would also act like a child whenever an issue arose, and tried to justify the fact that they stayed with an abusive groomer with the excuse that " they were too attached ". Ellis was *not* a victim in the situation whatsoever.
Bailey (Account not shown in screenshots) is another friend of Intergen, and the host of an OSDD system, who did the same: chose to stay with Intergen over us, despite knowing about what they did, even going as far as blocking our accounts when another persecutor in this system spoke up about their bad actions and mentioned that it was causing us to be suicidal, and attempt suicide.
" So...what does Ellis have to do with all this? "
1: Accepting a r/pist into their found family.
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2: Agreeing with Intergen's claims that it was our and G's fault that Gold was spiteful and the way he was, claiming that he "got labeled as an issue". In other words, disregarding the fact that he r/ped somebody, and Intergen justifying the action as " self defense ", despite the fact that Gold was not in danger when said incident occurred.
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" So, this is all Intergen's done? "
No. Not by far. Here are some incidents that I wasn't able to get screenshots for:
1: Felix severely injuring an alter in G's system while fighting. The alter was 10, Felix is 18. Others in Intergen's system were constantly egging him on as well.
2: Ruby, a fictive in Intergen, constantly was doublefaced and two-sided to Flores (a littlex in our system who was 8-11 at the time all of this was happening), doing things such as lashing out and threatening to leave her when she didn't want to sleep due to her being too anxious and needing to plan/work, yelling at her for being upset over him supposedly committing suicide and coming back, and trying to turn her against the little in G's system by playing favorites.
3. During a moment when I was venting about our bio father starting to abuse is in more ways than one, Felix said that he "thought you meant sexual abuse too, and was like "oh, so this guys doing that too". joking about s/a, knowing we have s/a trauma.
4' For a long period in our life, our abusive and s/xual offender uncle was living with us, staying in our room. One night when he was sleeping in our room, we expressed worry that something would happen to us, and Intergen posted openly that it was "hopeless" and that "it was going to happen anyway". They were well aware that we were in a bad situation and were openly choosing to be pessimistic where we could see. We don't even remember what happened that night, and due to that, I assume the worst.
5: around the time felix and i first met and became "siblings", i was struggling with s/h and suicide urges. whenever i vented about it or mentioned wanting to or about to harm myself or off myself, felix would threaten to do the same, or threaten me until i was too tired or too upset to harm myself, even though it only had a worse effect and hurt me more. every time i expressed the urge to harm myself, he would threaten to harm himself as well, or tell me to "share the blade".
and no, this is not everything. however, i will update it with more incidents when i have posted it, as my main goal now is simply to get it down.
"About earlier's strange wording about Intergen "supposedly" being a system..."
to put it simply, multiple things in that system happened that we blatantly impossible. alters forcefully "putting memories" into another alters heads so that it matched the source memories of someone outside of the system, nudging us and G to force splits just to please them, even going as far as claiming an alter could "take someone (outside of the system)'s consciousness and put it in a jar" and "demonstrating". it did nothing whatsoever, and since it was "demonstrated" during a time where an alter was being severely harmed, it was seriously fucked up. they go as far as turning everything into a roleplay between our alters and theirs, which made us extremely uncomfortable, as we were never roleplaying being a system, but they seemed to be content in roleplaying and acting as if our alters and theirs were merely characters. i am not outright saying they arent real, but their behavior was extremely suspicious, and these are not just speculations: they are solid evidence.
they also used "execution" as a guilt trip: whenever an alter in their system did something morally wrong or fucked up, they would be "executed", which was just them posting a bunch of shit about killing them and supposedly doing so, or the alter supposedly committed suicide, both of which just resulted in the alter coming back the next day or two after more guilt tripping, and doing more fucked up shit.
"Do they have any other contacts to block or report?"
Yes. On tumblr, Intergen's accounts are as followed: autobluephobia/originalred/mikiappreciation/theonethatwentunheard/christmasgrave/pokepastaparty/catalternate. their discord is gameboysys, just in case someone ends up adding them to a disc server w/o knowing.
Ellis's: yes-i-have-thoughts/upstairs-is-noisy
Bailey: Horror-Theorist/d3partment
" Harassment? "
I'm not going to tell you to harass them or not. Do they deserve it though? Wholeheartedly. All 3 of them were aware that their actions were wrong; so. i'm pretty sure their anons are off, though.
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gossipgirloff1 · 2 days
This whole Endrick relationship is a mess and he got married at 18 because she's 25 🫣
🫢 why is his parents say anything about it ?
I hope nobody stood by his back about this he is still a child 🤦‍♀️ even if she loves him that is gr**ming doesn’t he have friends who would smack some sense to him ?
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I found the tweet abyssleaves found and they make some good points with call out posts.
It also got me thinking that call-out posts just ruin people's lives. I never wrapped my head around it because I was either too young to understand at the time or the call out was a victim of gr**ming(I was as well, so those hit me hard)but trying to "cancel" or "Call-out" someone over opinions and liked posts? Real mature 😒
How can someone make a post knowing that there is a very high chance of ruining something that person worked so hard to build up. If you didn't like what you saw, leave. No one should force you to see what makes you uncomfortable, and if they give you hate for you being uncomfortable, then tell them to leave you alone. But don't drag someone through the mud because you didn't like what they liked or their opinions.
I'm sorry this is so random, I may not 100% agree with Tom's post, but what happened to him still pisses me off. Those were his opinions, views, and side of the story, yet people wanted to call him all the names in the book even when he asked for proof. I hope he is safe and doing okay. 😔
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sockori · 11 months
shmupdate 🧦
very long, hastily written, but a look is appreciated
greetings- to those who are somehow still lingering around this account or came up upon it during my desolate time off. it is sock. or sockori.... or raven... my name is actually raven (they/it, 20 yo disabled autistic goth nerd whatever the fuck). howdy
im still on the 'undetermined hiatus' so to speak that i described in my leaving post, but i will say right now that i have no near future plans on returning. in the tags on my newest art, i mentioned my naruto hyperfixation (of like. 6 years i think) finally died out and other interests have long since captured my autism full force. for me personally, when i lose a special interest like this so drastically, i just full on abandon it for as long as it stands. however, this isn't the only thing that made me leave, and i think its time for me to be completely honest & get some weight off my chest.
i made this account around the cusp of turning 14, during a god awful pubescent era where i acted as any other edgy teen does and i'd much rather like to forget these days. what im saying is i was not in the right mindset at all when i exposed myself that much & got the attention that i did. a dismayingly giant coping mechanism i had in my youth was being online 24/7 because i had no one in reality to lean on let alone feel comfortable talking to about anything that was happening at that time. this of course leads to what the kids call these days being 'chronically online'- desperate for some sort of assurance or interaction, i crawled into internet spaces i shouldn't have been for an also incredibly unsupervised child using the dangerous worldwide web.
yes, naruto was apart of this, as well as other interests i had at the time. throughout my journey i met unsavory people, suffered abhorrent things like stalking & gr---ming, saw things i didn't deserve to see, did a bunch of stupid shit an angsty teen does, i believe you understand the rest. i am in no way proud or gleeful about any of these years and have some very sour memories tied to fandom as a whole, not just naruto, and i really don't like reflecting on them. so, unfortunately, this account sorta became a bitter reminder of what i went through as i grew up & finally matured and sought to recover. that's the first part of why my activity fizzled away & i began backing off from internet use entirely.
the second part is sasori. yes, the puppet man. sorta the sole reason i made sockori in the first place. as the sasori enjoyers following / who followed know, this puppeteer has an incredibly unhealthy philosophy and worldview (if the carefully preserved corpses turned puppets and complete lack of humanity didn't give that away), and is safe to say entirely detached from his reality to a nhilistic and suicidal extent. when you autistically fixate on a character like how i did, sometimes this character's rhetoric can seep into your own without you even realizing; Especially when you're a spot where you are incredibly vulnerable and psychologically unstable, as i was in my youth. now i didn't go around believing you should uhhh murder people and preserve them Obviously- actually i began to believe that perhaps there was some peace in obtaining a robotic existence. maybe emotions were useless, perhaps nothing truly mattered, my life didn't matter, art in eternal in the sense that death is scary and i should avoid it at all costs, why make connections with people when they just die or leave, cant trust people at all to help me, xyz. anything in these lines. without going too uncomfortably deep for everyone's sake and mine, it fucked me up severely. i suppose in a way it relates to how he uses poison. his toxins got right into my nervous system, but the pain i felt from those toxins was the only thing i could really rely on at the time, so i just let it happen. such is the depressing case of coping in the worst spot of your life.
cant help but feel incredibly strange telling the tale, as it sounds so obscure doesn't it, but media can truly get inside your psyche like this if a consumer isn't careful. not sure if anyone else out there fell into a similar headspace dealing with interests in this nature- but regardless. what i mean to say is, sasori is now a kind of content i cant consume anymore. i am in a way better place now, have grown wise and balanced with careful recovery and patience, and of course have grown out of whatever teenage nonsense i was on. sasori, who was once the only thing my autistic traumatized ass could lean on, is now an extremely dark shadow on my life. yes i see this homicidal anime puppet dude from a fantasy ninja anime and get psychological distress. he's somewhat of an aggressor or abuser to me now, which is tragic. ive been actively avoiding everything even vaguely relating to him, be it the art of puppetry, anime clips, robotic/sci-fi genre, whatnot cause i just. man. i dont wanna go back there. shouldn't have to explain why at this point. ptsd at its finest
feel like ive been honest enough. sasori enjoyers out there who were just around to enjoy what i made, anyone i happened to be good friends with during my time on this account, this doesn't have anything to do with you guys. i appreciate everyone dearly for supporting me and cheering me on in whatever i made despite all the hell & anguish that was taking place beyond the keyboard. im just glad that i managed to find some way out and get the help i need before i gave up & took my own life, which depressingly i almost did a handful of times. carrying the horrors is an exhausting burden to bare sometimes, but that does not mean i can't look back on the good parts of the era too. and seeing you all happy and sharing my memes or whatever made me ecstatic and at least a little bit hopeful for the future. fortunately that little spark of hope grew into something more. thanks for being a light in a very, very dark room.
that being said, i leave you all with this: i am not dead, just greatly changed, a new person at last freed from apathy & exhaustion, with now enough room to finally grow. the memories will never truly fade & my disabilities will be a part of me until i pass on, but at least now i can manage them a lot better than ever before, surrounded by way better people who love me for who i am. i will hang on the best i can. i wish for you to do the same. find freedom and happiness wherever you are. take care. happy trails
trans rights. i eat fascist souls. free palestine
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hamsamwich23 · 2 years
⚠️Tw: gr//ming and manipulation⚠️
The fact that Sonia claims that I was harassing her with my call-out post as well as the fact that she'll go and pretend I "turned against her" because I suddenly"hated her for no reason" is so fucking funny (more below)
When we were friends it wasn't like that at all, I never hated her until I realized what she did to me and many people around her. In fact I was in shock when I found out
before I knew about the fucked up shit she did, before I knew about the gross stuff she put in her aus and before I found out she's a fucking gr//mer, when she wasn't, y'know, manipulating me and making me isolate from people and when she wasn't guilt tripping me for stuff I couldn't even control...
She was my friend (or so I thought)
I loved talking to her and I loved hearing about her aus, almost every day we'd talk and I'd listen to her talk about her latest works and her artwork and her ideas
Because a lot of her au concepts were Interesting and fun to learn about, she seemed like a nice person for the most part....
Until I found out about some of them including nasty stuff as well as just, finding out she's a horrible person in general
I was emotionally (platonically) attached to her, which was part of why I was in denial about her grooming me.
I never hated her until now. I considered her one of my closest friends until I found out the truth. So no. This is not something I'm fucking doing out of "hate" or "spite"
I know you can see this Sonia. I know you're stalking my tumblr.
The only thing I really did was not finish something for her for a trade, but that was because she was shit talking me and I called her out on it, I deleted what she made me from my entire phone (I took screenshots of me deleting them). She went on a hiatus for months as well and I had no way to contact her for more information (starting in June) until after September of this year(I like having people active for me to talk to just in case I need answers for something), it was halfway done, over 800 words and I gave what I had to her before I blocked her. She complained that it took her ten minutes to do sketches, but at the same time she told me to take as much time as I needed, and I told her that if I was working too slow she could rush me if needed.
In fact, that was the only reason I didn't block her immediately. I was still working on the rough draft of it (it was a really long one shot, more of a short story), I wanted to keep my end of the deal before cutting her off (even though she literally fucking gr//med me) but I found it even harder to complete, working on it began to disgust me. I wrote over ten pages in the rough draft, I wanted to make it special, and then I find out she hurt me and so many others. If it weren't for my friend blocking her and Sonia running to me to complain about it and guilt trip me, I wouldn't have been able to block her yet. I still would have been stuck working on the stupid thing.
Sonia is just a disgusting person in general, she may be gone from tumblr but it doesn't mean anything. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. She still has a platform on instagram, a privated account, because she's aware that she's been caught.
And yet, this isn't even the most disgusting thing she's done. But I'm not going to get into that yet. Not here. I still don't feel safe knowing Sonia is stalking me still (come to my face instead of just watching me you fucking weirdo)
All I can say is block and report Sonia, avoid her at all costs. Do not harass her, and PLEASE Don't harass her partner. At all. Leave her partner alone
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toxicbabybunny · 2 years
ᴄᴡ: ᴘʀ♡sʜɪᴘᴘᴇʀs
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Hello everybunny!! I wanted to spread awareness about pr♡shipper emoji combos to watch out for. You can still use the combos as a non-prosh♡pper but make sure you state that in your bio
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🍓🍰 pr♡ship
🕊⚠️ C♡mship
🐰🎀 L♡licon
🧸🍯 Sh♡tacon
🚫🐜 anti-antiship
🕊⚰ Dead Dove
📚☕ Age G♤p
🌸🌠 gr♡♡ming
🚪🛍 Inc���st
💀🖤 Necr♡philia
💞🔒 Emotional Dependency
🧭💊 Dr♡g Use
🩹❤️‍🩹 Ab♡se
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Just wanted to spread some awareness, yall pr♡shippers need Jesus.
If I missed any put it in the comments pretty please 😄
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yanderelmk · 1 year
tw; mentions of pedœphilia, and gr∞ming
I got sick and slept for a few days to come back to this blog to someone trying to argue how simping/lusting for a minor character isn't pedophilia??? so a very bare bone but decent enough reasoning as to why the annon or annon's are wrong.
- 1 - it is, by definition, it is. there's not if's, and's, or but's about it. yes it's a fictional character, but it is still a child, so by definition you are defending pedophilia.
- 2 - children characters, regardless of how old they are in human years, if they are defined as a child by their species or peers, it's a child, point blank. so the whole "but they lived so and so years" argument, is an empty excuse to to be a pedophile without the repercussions of your actions or the judgment of your vile behavior.
- 3 - I'm 19, going onto 20, if I see a child character, I don't think about them past "damn, it's a kid" or "wow, that's my sibling now" because thinking past that is disgusting and concerning. the absolute worst I've done, is aged up characters to feel comfortable with the idea of being *friends* with them because I don't feel comfortable being friends with anyone 2 years younger than me.
- 4 - fiction, can bleed into reality. people who engage in that style of "content" can and most do, act on it. that's why it is repulsive and vile, by defending it you are actively encouraging it and putting real children at risk.
- 5 - what if it was you? seriously, what if it was happening to you? what if it was your best friend or a younger family member? would you be comfortable with it then? if you can't say you'd be okay with something in that context, with nothing else changing but the person it was happening to, then clearly something about the situation is wrong, and if you cannot understand that, you need help.
a child, is a child.
children, cannot consent because they don't understand, their minds aren't developed enough to understand and quite frankly, it's repulsive and terrifying that someone has tried to defend this behavior. worse if it was more than one person. I am not speaking from a place of "moral superiority" but from the place of a past victim, I was groomed as a kid. it was a terrible experience that haunts me to this day to the point I no longer celebrate my birthday anymore. 3 years of my childhood was lost to someone I thought I could trust, and so did my family and I am lucky that they never went all the way with me despite their best efforts. and if you think a monster ruining a person's life is okay, I hope you get the help you need. it is on the adult for behaving in such a repulsive manor and to the annon or annon's trying to argue that this is okay behavior, I hope you seek out therapy and get the help that you so clearly need. this isn't okay by any means and the fact you are trying to defend it speaks volumes to what kind of monster you are.
good on the owner of this page for discontinuing the content that led to this issue, you are a good person for doing this and I am genuinely very grateful that you have done this. I'm sorry for the petty and idiotic drama it has caused you. I hope things stop and you get to go back to your normal life and get to enjoy the things you enjoy without dealing with grimey monsters who try to defend other monsters like them.
- 🪷
AMEN, YOU BETTER PREACH, SEND A BUCKET AROUND Also thanks for the kind words! I've been doing my best to get my steam back up and going. I'm working on one of the more detailed requests bit by bit. I've noticed a small drop in followers since the post and tbh all I can think of is "Wow so all of those people were so mad about not being able to sex up a minor they went to pout off when someone had a reasonable reaction to something absolutely despicable and horrific." See ya, you creeps won't be missed! I'm sorry to hear that you're a victim, as a fellow survivor I hereby bump my fist with yours in solidarity. To anyone who still wants to try to dig their heels in, allow me to present a question: Do you not think it weird that you are fighting and kicking and screaming for the "right" to draw/write porn for a character of dubious age when there are PLENTY of confirmed of-age characters? To the specific point of the 'immortal who looks like a child' argument: Why are you so obsessed with proving that a religious deity (in the case of Nezha)/fictional character who is clearly physically/mentally a minor can have sex or do sexual things? Get your head out of the pants of kids and into a Bible cuz y'all clearly need some form of Jesus.
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gascon-en-exil · 6 months
I mean, I've already seen some online call 3H a "gr**ming simulator" so maybe we're not too far off from that being a thing. Though let's be real, FE is never gonna let go of the horniness. Who knows, maybe FE4 remake is going to introduce a new level of horniness in addition to what was there in the original. The next game after that? Maybe horniness over ancestors?
Oh, that rhetoric has absolutely existed since 2019; it's just that for all these years the people who prop up Houses as being so much better than the rest of the series and the model for what FE should be in the future have done a remarkable job of ignoring the fandom's anti contingent. The block-evading screencapper who kicked this latest round of discourse off has amply demonstrated that just in the last few months by screencapping one of my own posts whining that Bernadetta can't possibly be fetishized, or dismissing my dark magic video out of hand apparently because he doesn't understand what the male gaze is or want to seriously engage with how it applies to Houses/Hopes. Even in the face of FE16 being FEH's darling for years and the subject of many a fanservice-y alt, there's a real desperation to act as though the game isn't as shamelessly horny as the rest of modern FE.
As for future games, there's still plenty of off-color angles for IS to explore. I had the funny thought that they might continue cribbing from 10+-year-old young adult literary trends, and that as FE16 cashes in on the popularity of Hogwarts houses so will the next original title go after the vampires vs. werewolves thing à la Twilight, and lean into monsterfucking in a way that Tellius never really broached. FE effectively already has werecreatures, and draft concepts for Fates apparently would have had the Nohrians as vampires, so it's not totally farfetched.
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ca-cupid · 2 years
The Elvira Cleavage Controversy (and this is not judging you BTW). Anyone reblogging please be kind.
I think it's honestly fine that her neckline isn't low. Frankly, most of the people complaining seem like perverts anyway. I get that it's Elvira and that's a main part of her design, and that it's an adult collector doll, but selling a boob doll under the name of a kid's brand wouldn't go over well with non-pervs and non Elvira fans. Parents often think "doll" and just buy them for their children, so they could see Monster High and buy it for their daughter (or sex-obsessed son or her brother) and who is like, 8. Elvira looks fine the way she is TBH and you can still tell it's her without "oh look, men and lesbians! Boobs! Don't you want to do the devil's tango with her if you know what I mean!". She still has the giant hair and the dagger. If they did the boobs it would have to be under a label like Horror Icons, a sseperate line not connected to MH, same I'd say with Pennywise and the Shining sisters, but they're not dressed in a controversial way.
I think if they wanted the dark goth lady in a long dress, they should have done Morticia Addams. No giant bazookas to cause controversy, she's family friendly, she's got a similar design, and due to Wednesday, the Addams Family is THE THING right now! (Also, it's the Addams Family, I'm surprised they haven't done a doll yet)
I totally agree they should have honestly just done a Wednesday Addams doll (again, like ldd is doing)
And yeah putting massive tits on a doll that has its main series as a kids toy is absolutely fucking weird and would be called gr**ming of sorts because even though the collector dolls are for adults (I believe they say 18+ but I might be wrong, still not meant for kids though) it is still a monster high doll (also side note have y’all seen the stuff about the lol/omg dolls getting called “gr**mer toys”??)
At the end of the day elviras boobs are iconic but tits or no tits on the doll you can still tell it’s her and I don’t think it matters that much I just think it’s a funny choice because why do it if you’re not going to go all out yk? Also i honestly just want to hear Cassandra Peterson’s thoughts on the doll boobs I don’t care for any other opinion
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