#;the zeppeli famiglia
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forfamily · 1 year ago
the famiglia.
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dario zeppeli. 81. 6'2". likes cat naps in the sun, a strong coffee, and his wife's smile. dislikes slackers, pickles, and modern architecture. former don of the zeppeli family; still commands great respect. not as scary as you think he is once you get to know him. hamon user.
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beatrice zeppeli. 79. 5'5". likes afternoon tea, playing the piano, and the opera. dislikes messiness, unnecessary violence, and sour foods. the wife of dario; some claim she was the true power behind the scenes during her husband's reign. a kind, strong woman. a master sharp shooter.
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dante zeppeli. 39. 6'2". likes dogs, sleeping, and when the day is relatively stress-free ( it is, in fact, never stress-free). dislikes fucking paperwork, incompetence, and when someone takes a romantic interest in his cousin. the son of dario's younger sister, giada. the current underboss and the one bianca trusts the most in the world (next to her grandparents). hamon user.
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vincent galilei. 60. 6'3". dario's consigliere, now bianca's. knows the law inside out and backward (in italy and other countries). cool under pressure. manages all of zeppeli's legal financial interests. stand user.
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tommaso "tommy" granita. 24. 5'11". enjoys chess and mathematics. capo of chiaia. rumored to be related to the zeppeli's consigliere but nothing is confirmed. hamon user.
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tira "titi" misu. 23. 5'5". capo of san ferdinando. likes collecting earrings. enjoys tea at the end of a long day. originally worked at one of zeppeli's brothels; intervened during an assassination attempt while the don was visiting nd saved bianca's life. stand user.
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giotto "toto" panetone. 29. 5'10". collects keyboards. capo of arenella and the intelligence squad. the watchers and gatherers. this squad knows things before the government does and knows things the government wishes they didn't. stand user.
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petrarca "pet" affogato. 25. 6'. capo of vomero. a true playboy and lady's man who enjoys collecting perfume. he and leo have beef, much to bianca's dismay. hamon user.
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donatello "dona" ricotti. 31. 5'11". capo of pianura and search and recovery. when there seems to be no hope or the government fails to find a missing (or stolen) loved one, sometimes one needs those who can move where the police cannot or aren't willing to. often partners with the intelligence squad. stand user.
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michelangelo "mich" pomodori. 28. 6'1". a self-proclaimed foodie. capo of soccavo and the demolition squad. the heavy hitters, when brawn is needed above everything else... or a good distraction. stand user.
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raphael "raph" scacci. 30. 6' capo of Bagnoli and the assassination squad. a group who moves in the shadows of napoli. once bianca issues a hit, the target is already dead; it's just a matter of when they stop breathing. stand user.
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leonardo "leo" panello. 34. 6'2". capo of fuorigrotta. enjoys fast cars and going for long rides when he can; he also enjoys building model cars. has a low tolerance for bullshit. may or may not have a thing for the boss and dislikes when petrarca (attempts) to flirt with bianca. hamon user.
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valentina-lauricella · 2 years ago
Ferragosto, di Achille Campanile (1953)
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(Giorgio de Chirico, L'enigma di una giornata, 1914)
Nell'aria immobile della città rimasta quasi vuota per il Ferragosto, tuonò il comando: "Tutto quello che è finto, diventi vero! Beninteso, quanto a statuaria". Immediatamente, dalla base del monumento a Cavour si alzò il leone di bronzo, diventò all'improvviso di carne e d'ossa e, dopo essersi stiracchiato e aver fatto uno sbadiglio accompagnato da un quasi impercettibile guaito, con un balzo leggero fu a terra e si voltò ad aspettare che Cavour lo raggiungesse. Cavour intanto, un po' impacciato dalla redingotta, cercava a fatica di venir giù dall'alto basamento, badando dove metteva i piedi e borbottando: "Piano, figliolo, io non sono un leone come te, e poi sto molto più in alto; avrebbero fatto meglio a metter te qua in cima e me laggiù". L'Italia, la formosa matrona in costume succinto, che sedeva sul basamento, l'aiutò a metter piede a terra e dié una spolveratina e una rassettatina alla redingotta dello statista, che nella discesa s'era un po' gualcita; poi la brigatella s'avviò verso il centro, Cavour con gli occhiali, il leone scodinzolante, la matrona solenne. Qualche raro passante già fissava la donna prosperosa, incerto se mettersi dietro. "Piano," diceva Cavour" venite dietro me. Cerchiamo di non perderci. Ormai la mia famiglia siete voi."
Il punto di ritrovo dei monumenti cittadini era stato fissato, naturalmente, in Piazza Duomo. Dove già scorrazzava e ruzzava una moltitudine di lupi e lupacchiotti latranti, cani e strane bestie, che fino a un momento prima servivano a sostenere i pluviali del Duomo. Erano stati i primi ad arrivare, per la buona ragione ch'erano già sul posto. Intanto si staccava dalle mensole, e con uno svolazzio leggero scendeva sul sagrato, una folla di santi, santoni e santerelli, con barba e senza, uomini e donne, grandi e piccoli. Vittorio Emanuele II a cavallo galoppava in lungo e in largo intorno alla piazza con la sciabola sguainata divertendosi a mettere in fuga i lupi e i santerelli, seguito a passo di corsa da una doppia fila di piccoli bersaglieri scesi dal bassorilievo del basamento, e in atto di andare a un attacco alla baionetta. Nella lunga palandrana, veniva in fretta da via Orefici l'abate Parini, mentre, fiancheggiato da quattro valletti, Leonardo da Vinci in accappatoio e cuffia da bagno, traversava la Galleria, tra le scappellate dei tre o quattro perdigiorno presenti. Con un rumore zoppo di zoccoli sul selciato, arrivò al piccolo trotto stracco da via Mazzini il generale Missori sul suo cavalluccio a penzoloni. Intanto da Monforte arrivava San Francesco d'Assisi a braccia aperte. Dall'altissimo piedistallo, sempre a braccia aperte, aveva fatto un vol plané di trenta o quaranta metri. Roba da Santi. Da un'altra parte arrivava l'asso Baracca. S'udì avvicinarsi un coro di voci argentine: dal Monumentale arrivava dietro il Duomo una fila di vetture tranviarie piene zeppe d'Angeli che cantavano, di sconosciuti e di mezzi busti, i quali ultimi pagavano mezzo biglietto. Intanto, alla Stazione Centrale succedeva un parapiglia. Al comando iniziale, s'era visto un brulichio, un formicolio sulla facciata, sui fianchi e sul tetto, come se l'edifizio s'animasse tutto. C'era uno starnazzar d'ali, uno scrollarsi. In men che non si dica, vennero giù con fracasso certi strani e massicci cavalli alati, condotti per la cavezza da uomini nudi, o quasi. Roba da alzar l'idea. Fortuna che non c'erano vigili in giro. Scesero strani grifi e mostri, chimere, sfingi. Aquile come piovessero. Già s'allontanava verso il centro scodinzolando la lupa, seguita da Romolo e Remo. I due frugolini stentavano a tener dietro alla bestia, correndo a piedi nudi sull'asfalto rovente, nudi essi stessi come mamma li aveva fatti, e ridendo e giocando, ruzzando e facendo mille monellerie. In cima a una colonna dell'edifizio ferroviario, il toro che rappresentava Torino, scalpitava e sbuffava inferocito, non osando fare il gran salto. Qua e là per la città avvenivano altri episodi. In piazza Scala spuntarono gli Omenoni, col torcicollo per l'incomoda posizione in cui stavano da circa cent'anni. Nel cortile della Casa di riposo per i vecchi musicisti, Verdi s'alzò dalla poltrona di pietra, come si fosse seduto un momento prima. Non parliamo poi di Beccaria e di Manzoni: naturalissimi. Un certo contingente fu fornito anche dall'Arco del Sempione. Ma erano mezze figure, altorilievi. Il Napoleone nudo di Brera arrivava disinvolto, pavoneggiandosi, seguito da Gabrio Piola, Pietro Verri, Luigi Cagnola, Tommaso Grossi e certi Ottavio Castiglione e Bonaventura Cavalieri; i quali tutti esterrefatti, dicevano all'uomo del destino: "Non si può girare in costume adamitico". "Nel mio vocabolario" ribatté il fatal còrso, senza voltarsi "non esiste la parola impossibile."
Il pittore Hayez, con la papalina in testa e la tavolozza in mano, s'unì alla brigatella e per prima cosa buttò via la tavolozza. "Sono cent'anni che volevo liberarmene!" esclamò. "Mi hanno fatto il monumento con la tavolozza in mano. Credendo di farmi piacere. Come se non avessi abbastanza tenuto in pugno, nella vita, questo strumento di tortura." Per avere notizie circa il grande movimento che si sapeva essersi manifestato contemporaneamente in tutto il mondo, si cercò il monumento di un giornalista. Allora le statue fecero una curiosa scoperta: fra i monumenti non ce n'era nessuno di giornalista. Nessun giornalista era stato mai ritenuto degno d'un monumento. Fu giocoforza ascoltare la radio. Le notizie cominciavano ad arrivare, e venivano diffuse di momento in momento: a Firenze s'erano mossi il Biancone, Ercole e Caco, il Perseo, Proserpina in combutta coi suoi rapitori, Savonarola, il Porcellino. A Bologna, il Nettuno s'era messo alla testa d'una sollevazione. A Roma, i primi a scendere in piazza erano stati Mosè, le sfingi, le tartarughe. Il piedone di via Piè di Marmo s'avanzava da solo come un'immensa sogliola verso il Collegio Romano, per accodarsi al corteo diretto in Piazza Venezia e del quale facevano parte Madama Lucrezia, Pasquino, Marforio, il Tritone, i tritoncelli, le Naiadi e le Sirene di Piazza Esedra, che ebbero un successo strepitoso, Vittorio Emanuele II, grossissimo e dorato, il bersagliere di Porta Pia, il ferroviere, Goethe, Toti, alcuni imperatori romani. Chiudeva il corteo il muletto di Villa Borghese con le salmerie. Gioacchino Belli scese tra il popolino di Trastevere e cominciò a molestare le ragazze con la punta del bastone, rispondendo a tono ai loro insulti. Sull'Appia Antica si videro avviarsi intere famiglie avvolte nei sudari, scese dai monumenti sepolcrali.
A Recanati, il gobbino Leopardi s'avviò tutto fiero: "Sono l'unico monumento del mondo che abbia la gobba" ripeteva.
Un senso di panico si diffuse quando si seppe che dal colle di Arona stava scendendo a passi di gigante il San Carlone alto cento metri. A Venezia, i cavalli di San Marco, Tommaseo, Manin col leone, Paleocapa, tutti con un piccione sulla testa. A Torino, gente a cavallo da tutte le parti, con le spade sguainate. Giungevano dispacci dall'estero. A Parigi, poco. I monumenti in bronzo erano stati portati via durante la guerra. C'erano la Repubblica, De Musset. Nel foyer del Théâtre Français c'era un po' di confusione. Quel seccatore di Voltaire pretendeva assumere il comando. Napoleone in cima alla colonna Vendôme aspettava che lo facessero scendere. A Londra, l'Eros di Piccadilly scese nella piazza eseguendo sulle punte la Danza delle Ore. Nelson in cima alla colonna altissima, impossibilitato a scendere da quell'altezza, strillava: "Tiratemi giù!". A New York, la statua della Libertà s'imbarcò subito per l'Europa, ma a mezza strada ci ripensò e tornò indietro.
Ritornando a Milano, s'incontrava un signore che girava spaesato tenendo in mano l'epigrafe del proprio monumento: "A Agostino Bertani gli Italiani riconoscenti" e mormorando: "Ma chi ero?". La piccola sfinge o chimera di pietra che sta dalla parte interna della stazione di Milano e si vede solo dal treno, fra le locomotive e gli scambi. Come deve soffrire in quell'ambiente! Scese anche lei e andò al raduno. Mancava il Sant'Antonio della fontana di piazza Sant'Angelo.
"O dov'è andato?" si domandavano tutti. Con la sciabola trinciando l'aria, Vittorio Emanuele II galoppò a cercarlo in piazza Sant'Angelo. La statua era lì, nella consueta posizione. Come? Il Santo non era diventato vero? Sì, era diventato vero. Ma, appena diventato vero, invece di andarsene, era rimasto nella stessa identica posizione del monumento, a guardare incantato i pesci rossi nella fontana. E non si muoveva.
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kira-kween · 1 year ago
Chapter Two Glossary
for Wining and Pining (a Caejose/Gyjo fic)
Keep this open while you’re reading for translations to the Italian (and French) words and phrases used in the story!
Here's a link to chapter one glossary. btw I'm not going to repeat translations for things from chapter one.
Italian Glossary:
Rilsassati: Relax
lo farò, te lo prometto: I will, I promise
GM: short for grazie mille (thanks a million)
Sfogliatelle: sometimes just called sfoglia. It's a shell-shaped cream-filled pastry originating from the Campania region of Italy
Famiglia: family
Comare: godparent
Figlio mio: my son
Arlecchino: a famous harlequin/clown character from the Commedia dell' Arte Italian theater (he often crossdresses and was always my personal fave)
Giuseppino: a cheeky way of saying young Giuseppe, which is the Italian version of the name Joseph
Il matrimonio: marriage
Confetti: Italian confetti are different from the colourful paper kind. Literally translating to 'candied,' they are sugar coated almonds given out at weddings. The almond symbolizes the bitter-sweetness of marriage and the beginning of a new life.
Molto facile: very easy
Cognato: brother in law
Festa: party
Buon Natale a tutti!: Merry Christmas everyone!
Presepio: Italian nativity scene. More about the important history of it here
Zi'Anto! Dov è Gèsu?: Slang for "Aunt Antonia, where's Jesus?"
Nel cassetto, amore mio: In the drawer, my love
Sambuca e castagne: Sambuca and chestnuts (yuuuuum)
Figlioletto, aspetta!: little child/little son, wait! Figlioletto is a common term of endearment, a more cutesy way of saying figlio
Mi scusi: Sorry/Excuse me
Benvenuto �� Casa Zeppeli!: Welcome to the Zeppeli House!
FIFA CAMPIONI DEL MONDO 2006/FORZA AZZURRI! UEFO EURO 2022: Basically just soccer jargon. Every Italian I know has some variation of these posters up in their homes because soccer is essentially a religion to us
Orsachiotto: Little bear
French Glossary for Polnareff:
Oh non!: oh no!
Putain de merde!: Fucking shit!
Desolée: Sorry
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m2024a · 8 months ago
Jennifer Lopez in vacanza in Italia senza Ben Affleck tra le voci di divorzio: rilassata e sorridente saluta i fan sulla spiaggia Jennifer Lopez è sbarcata in Italia. Più precisamente in Campania, per una vacanza senza Ben Affleck e figli al seguito, dopo le frequenti voci di divorzio dall'attore degli ultimi mesi. È stata avvistata prima su una barca a Sorrento e poi in un albergo di Positano.  Avrebbe dovuto essere in tour in questi giorni, ma sembra che abbia venduto pochi biglietti nelle prevendite e abbia deciso di dedicarsi alla famiglia e agli amici. L'avvistamento a Positano Il giornale di gossip americano Tmz l'ha paparazzata in completo coordinato di seta giallo chiaro con una stampa e zeppe con tacchi alti mentre scendeva per una rampa di scale a prendere la barca con un'amica. La postar è sembrata sorridente e rilassata mentre salutava i fan sulla spiaggia. Negli anni Jennifer ha spesso scelto la costiera Amalfitana come meta vacanziera preferita e gli abitanti sono abituati ad averla come ospite. Le voci di divorzio I Bennifer starebbero per separarsi. Un indizio schiacciante, secondo i giornali americani, sarebbe la messa in vendita della loro casa coniugale che avevano acquistato a giugno 2023 per l'esosa cifra di 60 milioni di dollari. Ora Ben Affleck si è trasferito in un appartamento in affitto nel sobborgo chic di Brentwood (Los Angeles), non lontano dalla ex moglie Jennifer Garner, e JLo sembra stia cercando una nuova dimora. Numerosi sono stati gli avvistamenti dei due insieme, soprattutto per eventi famigliari, ma non ci sono stati evidenti segni di riconciliazione. Le voci di divorzio sono esplose in occasione del Met Gala di maggio quando la cantante si è presentata senza l'attore al suo braccio. Affleck e JLo si erano conosciuti sul set del film "Amore estremo - Tough Love" del 2003 ed erano stati in coppia una prima volta tra 2002 e 2004 arrivando sul punto di sposarsi, ma il matrimonio era stato cancellato a soli quattro giorni dalla cerimonia, ufficiosamente a causa della «eccessiva attenzione dei media». Si erano poi sposati due anni fa in una cerimonia di mezzanotte a Las Vegas.
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forfamily · 2 years ago
The dungeon was exactly as the label read- beneath the palazzo, hidden. Several old cells and rooms for questioning. Thankfully, rarely used in this day and age, this is nonetheless where Mich led both Bianca and Jotaro. Well, Jotaro, anyway- Bianca knew the place by heart. Within one of the rooms, a young man was cuffed to an old wooden table- the cuffs themselves were part of the furniture, thus his hands were laid flat, palms down against the old stained wood, the metal holding them laying just above his wrists. Dean was already there and held out a pair of black leather gloves she took and pulled on as she approached the table. The man was already roughed up, but not seriously injured. He was nervous but cocky.
"I am told you do not belong to a Famiglia. That will make this go far easier, so you have my thanks for that." The only thing that would have made her hesitate was if he were associated with one of the Families. That would have been a "diplomatic" stress she wouldn't have wanted to deal with. But he was just a free-rolling asshole- it made her task more manageable. She wouldn't have to provide compensation. However, his friend was. That made it tricky.
"I'm sure you're aware that within the Roman Empire, stealing could be punishable by death; however, if the thief was not disposed of when caught in the act, he could instead be sentenced to reimburse the victim, often four to five times the value of the stolen goods in question." From seemingly nowhere, the knife appeared as she stabbed the pointy end hard enough into the surface of the table that it stuck, standing rigid; given the many similar slice marks in the old wood, this was not the first time she'd done such a thing. There was silence for a moment before she continued. "There were no goods stolen as our friend had been victimized earlier in the day- yet you, Mister Diaz, and your friend took it upon yourselves to nearly take his life… and for what? So I will give you a choice. Either lose a finger or give me the name of your friend. You have until... well... I change my mind to decide." Bianca then stepped back from the table, hands held politely behind her back as she stood in silence, waiting, Diaz started sputtering. If it weren't for his hands cuffed solidly to the table, she was sure he would have hopped across the table to strike her. He argued over who chose Koichi versus the one who actually did the stabbing. On who decided coming onto Zeppeli turf was a good idea.
"It was Marco! Marco Agosti! He's a soldier in Passione! He said- he said a woman could not lead, that Zeppeli turf would soon become Passione territory--"
Bianca watched passively. How easily a friend turned against another. Sweat beaded on his face, the collar of his shirt as panic and fear settled in. Yet not once did a true, sincere apology leave his lips. Human beings were truly disgusting creatures.
"I make peace. And because of that, people think I'm soft. People think I'm weak. You won't make that mistake again, will you?"
She stepped forward once more and before anyone could react, she lifted the handle of the knife with a gloved hand. Smoothly. Effortlessly. Backed with the crackle of Hamon, she brought it down hard at the left wrist of the man sitting there, slicing his hand from his body in one smooth motion. Blood arched and sprayed, and she neither blinked nor flinched, even as her pretty face was splattered, her pretty white dress stained crimson. Diaz screamed and screamed, but the Baroness acted as though his agony was simply background noise.
"Take him. Get him medical care, then dump them somewhere on Passione's territory." She had stepped back at this point, carefully removing the gloves, finger by finger, as two soldiers removed the screaming, semi-conscious thief through a side door; Mich followed them. Not once did she look at Jotaro as she murmured something to Dean before sweeping through the door they had entered without looking back.
It was Dean who broke the silence first. "Please follow me, Doctor Kujo. The Baroness would kindly ask that you wait in her office for her- she shouldn't be more than ten minutes."
It was good to know he'll be able to meet Giorno in a rather easy way. That is, if the boy agreed to it. He was as sly as a fox– Koichi told him so–, and a professional thief who's probably able to manipulate anyone who'd let down their guards, only by how young he looked.
Just like Bianca, Jotaro was wielding strong instincts– all the fights he's been through since childhood have helped a lot on it. But his trust would never be hundred percent offered to anyone, not even his own mother (he knew she'd just tell out a secret if she ever gets to know, she's as nosy as Joseph). Of course, there were different types of trust, but he could determine between good and evil fairly well. It was unbiased to judge that Zeppeli was not evil, and basing from what he knew, Giorno didn't seemed to be either...
Though he didn't mind her talking, Jotaro was contented that she understood his ways and seemed to acknowledge that he simply was just a natural quiet man. She was not pushing him to talk or just go on pointless conversations; he hated those. She'd stick to the important matters and while he'll nod at what she'd tell him, she wouldn't pick on him by thinking he was shy or just afraid of speaking his mind. He was not. This felt like she respected his social boundaries and it was appreciated.
When a knock was heard at the door, the marine specialist has looked over his shoulder to see a new face from the gang. At first glance, he already seemed friendlier than Leo, his smirk favoring respect over sadism. Now Jotaro got curious about the recognition.
''What do you mean...?'', he asked, wondering who was this 'Raph' guy Michelangelo just mentioned.
He didn't get the answer as the Baroness proposed him to join her, where they shall meet with one of Koichi's mysterious assailants. His jaw clenched immediately at this, and no words were evidently needed to prove that of course he'll follow. His weight already shifted up from the chair, he moved to grab his cleaned long jacket, the previous blood stains hand-washed away.
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the-cooler-kira · 3 years ago
the-cooler-kira's JJBA fic masterlist
SOUTH PARK: @kira-broflovski
YAKUZA: @kira-yu
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Dio Brando
Talking to The Moon
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Joseph Joestar
Totally Not
Caesar Zeppeli
"That could be us."
Tired, Are We?
Birthday Boy
Suzie Q
Prom Night
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Jotaro Kujo
Afar: Part 1 ☆ Part 2 ☆ Part 3
Mistaken: Part 1 ☆ Part 2
The Family: Part 1 ☆ Part 2
Noriaki Kakyoin
Never Again
Nights Like This
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Silver Knight
One Last Time
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Josuke Higashikata
Okuyasu Nijimura
Just The Way You Are
Jotaro Kujo
Happy Little Family
Happy Medium-Sized Family: Part 1 | Part 2
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Giorno Giovanna
One Hell of a Nightmare
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check back later!
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corallorosso · 4 years ago
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ATTUALITA' Il Mondo vive di questo. Solo quello che é recentissimo interessa. Poi lo si dimentica per passare a quello che é avvenuto pochi secondi dopo. Della LIBIA oggi non ne frega un cazzo a nessuno. Prima tutti a parlare dei lager, dei barconi pieni di Esseri Umani riportati in galera, del Popolo libico (come se a qualcuno fregasse qualcosa). Poi il silenzio. Trovatemi una notizia sulla Libia che non sia in 15a pagina. L'attualità non permette di perdere tempo nemmeno per la SIRIA o per lo YEMEN. Per tutti quei posti dove avete consumato faccine piagnucolose. Si trovano in 18a pagina (forse). Oggi l'attualità da ormai due anni strombazza Covid e da ieri Afghanistan. Vi parrà strano saperlo, ma l'Afghanistan esiste da un po'. Anche la scellerata guerra occidentale esiste da almeno 20 anni. E anche i talebani. Le Donne in Afghanistan ci sono sempre state. Ma oggi Voi sapete esattamente come la pensano perché presumo che TUTTE voi abbiate vissuto la realtà femminile afghana. E non parlo di una speaker tv, ma delle Donne quelle altre, quelle dei villaggi, dei piccoli centri urbani, quelle che tengono in piedi ed unita una famiglia, quelle che hanno i figli "studenti" cioé talebani. Eh si, anche i talebani hanno le mamme. Fa attualità parlare di loro. Tranquilli, pochi giorni e finiscono in 14a. Ma c'é ancora l'Irak o si é dissolto con Saddam ? Nessuna notizia. E di Patrick che ne é stato ? E' ancora in cella o Saint Tropez ? Non é d'attualità. Come diceva quello ? Carpe Diem Cogli il momento. E il "momento" vale poche ore, al massimo qualche giorno. L'informazione ha lo spessore di una pozzanghera. Asciuga subito. Una volta si chiamava "infarinamento", di tutto un po'. Peccato che quelli sporchi di farina facebucchiana, pretendano di saper fare il pane. In particolare le fornaie. Che sanno TUTTO sulle Donne afghane, sui loro Diritti, su cosa vogliono e come lo possono ottenere. E le faccine piagnucolose si sprecano ancora una volta. L'attualità vive di notizie. Molte volte farlocche. Come quella che ai combattenti talebani vengano offerte in dono le bambine da maritare. Mai sentita una stronzata simile, ma molte "valkirie" ci credono e ne discutono. Farà la fine (la notizia) delle bambine infibulate a tutto spiano in Egitto. Non c'era bambina al Cairo che non fosse infibulata. Poi si é scoperto che questa criminale usanza veniva perpetrata sul 2% delle bimbe. Sempre troppo d'accordo ma diverso dal 99%. Ma gli Attualisti, quelli che parlano solo per pochi minuti conoscendo i fatti per soli pochi istanti, lanciano gridi d'allarme destinati poi a spegnersi nel silenzio del giorno dopo. A chi interessa, ricordo che le prigioni libiche sono piene zeppe di Migranti. Che in Yemen anche ieri ci son stati morti. Che le barche partono sempre e molte affondano. Per i distratti, confermo : Dio é morto. Claudio Khaled Ser
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fortune-fool02 · 5 years ago
Caesar Zeppeli x female reader
Requested by: anonymous
This may sound vague, but can I request for some family fluff for Caesar? Like just him and s/o with their kid(s)? My manz deserves to have that big happy family he wants and the world needs more Dad!Caesar content.🤧 And your writing does him so much justice. 💕
Thank you so much for the kind words! And please enjoy. 
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Soft footsteps tapped against the flooring as the blonde Italian paced back and forth before taking a seat outside the room beside the door. Finally, after nine long months of waiting, it was finally happening. [Name] was giving birth. 
The two had eagerly waiting to meet their child and now, it was finally happening. Excitement bounced madly around the Italian’s body but there was also nerves that bounced with it. This was their first child, a new step in both of their lives that will bring a new dawn to their lives. And he could barely wait. 
When he was allowed inside the room, he took a breath before entering. The world around him stopped when he did. There, laying on the bed was his beloved wife [Name], worn and exhausted from the birth; and in her arm was their daughter sleeping peacefully. [Name] smiled tiredly at Caesar, who stood there with wide eyes laced with shock, all of this setting in now. He approached quietly, his emerald green eyes never once moving from the baby in his wife’s arms. She smiled at this, looking down at their daughter before looking back at him. 
“Would you like to hold her, Caesar?” she asked, both pulling the blonde man back to reality and throwing him off guard. Hold his child? Caesar wanted nothing more than to do that. He nodded, his lips lifting into a soft smile as he stood by the bed. Nerves shook beneath his skin as he held his arms out, [Name] carefully handed the bundle into his arms and he immediately ensured he had a secure, safe hold on their baby. It felt unreal, like this was just a dream. And yet here he was, holding his baby with his wife smiling beside him. 
He gazed down at his daughter’s sleeping face and noticed the two pale pink marks that mimicked his own. His finger gently brushed against her cheek. 
“Hello [Daughter’s Name].” 
Soft babbling was heard from inside the living room, along with clapping as [Daughter’s Name] smacked her hands together, giggling at the bubbles that floated around the room. Caesar sat with her, creating these bubbles with his Hamon and even made some shapes out of them to the wonder of the small toddler on his lap. His beloved wife, [Name], watched with a warm smile at this from the doorway. 
After all the horrors they went through with the Pillarmen, they can now finally put all of that behind them and focus on the future. [Daughter’s Name]’s future. In truth, [Name] has never seen Caesar so happy and relaxed. Out of the three of them -her, him and Joseph- he was always hot-headed and prideful, and while Joseph wasn’t too far from that, he wasn’t like Caesar. And yet, here the same blonde Italian was, smiling and laughing with his daughter. Something that [Name] was unsure that would even happen but she had remained optimistic and that dream was now their reality. 
[Daughter’s Name] turned and spotted her mother with those [Eye colour] eyes of hers and babbled happily, reaching over to her mother. [Name] smiled and walked over, careful not to pop any bubbles along the way, and knelt down with Caesar. 
“She’s certainly a ball of energy.” [Name] giggled, brushing [Daughter’s Name]’s golden blonde locks down a little. Caesar smiled and nodded, 
“Most likely got that from you.” he replied, handing the small girl to her mother but not moving from his spot. [Name] took her daughter and smiled at the way [Daughter’s Name] seemed to cheer and latch onto her in a hug. Even for her age, she was affectionate and wondrous about the world and those around her. [Name] could easily remember the amount of times her or Caesar have nearly had a heart attack thinking they have lost their daughter only to find her someplace in the house exploring something. The first time it happened, [Name] had never heard Caesar shriek with such fear before.  
Now they look back on it, it was funny for the pair of them. 
Confusion painted [Name]’s face as she looked around the house for Caesar, he had told her he was putting [Daughter’s Name] to bed but hasn’t come back yet. The [Hair colour] woman wandered about the house before heading to their daughter’s room and peaking through the door a little. No sound. Pushing the door open a bit, she peered in and felt a wave of warmth flow through her at the sight. 
On the bed, Caesar laid with his head tilted back a bit against the bedframe with a story book weakly held in his hands, and [Daughter’s Name] curled up on his chest. Both of them sleeping soundly. The scene was purely heart-warming for anyone to gaze on. Quietly slipping into the room, [Name] grabbed a spare blanket on the side and slowly removed the book from Caesar’s hands, careful not to wake him, and placed the blanket over them both. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss on her daughter’s head and then her husband’s. 
“Goodnight you two.” She whispered to them before walking out the room and closing the door behind her. 
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forfamily · 2 years ago
....It had been a long time since she'd been called a broad. The last one who had done it, a middle-aged acquaintance, had gotten a backhand across the face and never called her that again. Then again, she was on the phone with Americans, and well... they did have their ways, Bianca supposed.
"Doctor Spengler," she began in English, only the barest hint of an accent giving away her origins. "From the newspapers. My name is Bianca Zeppeli."
She proceeded to give him a rundown of what had been happening for the last year within her home. The hauntings or possession or... whatever it was. She got up from her desk and started pacing her office. Even there, the place she considered her sanctuary, it felt like she was being watched- invisible eyes upon her. It made the fine hairs at the nape of her neck stand on end.
"...Naturally, given my location, I will pay twice your going rate as well as provide room and board for however long you need. Zeppeli will owe you a great debt as well, to be called in at any time of your choosing." This last part was not given lightly- for a Famiglia like Zeppeli to owe someone a favor... it was like gold.
"Can you help me, Doctor Spengler? I need you."
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❝ - Ghostbusta’s. Is your haunting an apparition, poltergeist, phantasm, wraith, banshee, demon, specter, tortured soul or…what? ❞
JANINE MELNTIZ, ALMOST ALWAYS THE FIRST VOICE THAT PEOPLE ENCOUNTERED WHEN THEY CALLED. It was unmistakable, too, her thick Brooklyn accent and low tone almost as iconic as the brand itself by this point. She was a formidable character - no-nonsense, efficient, assertive; a perfect combination for the individual that, in effect, greased the proverbial gears which powered the entire company. Of course, one of her biggest traits was her inability to maintain a completely professional demeanour sofar as objection handling.
❝ What'dya mean, ya' want t’ talk to someone who can help? Ain't I good enough for ya'? Yeah, yeah, whatever - Egon! There's an uptight broad on the line, says it's urgent. Upstairs phone. ❞
THE MAN HIMSELF HAD BEEN KNEE-DEEP IN UNTYING WIRES WHEN THE RECEPTIONIST'S SHRIEK HAD BEEN CARRIED THROUGH THE AIR. Head cocking towards the stairs, brow raised as he listened to her words, he glanced wearily at the large multicoloured mass in his hands, a brief breath of exasperation uttered as he disregarded it atop the nearest lab counter, legs swiftly carrying him over to the sitting area - where the telephone was indeed ringing. Making himself comfortable on the sofa next to the table on which the phone was perched on, he picked up the receiver, placing it to his ear.
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❝ Hello. Dr. Egon Spengler speaking. ❞
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ladykailolu · 4 years ago
Paxe walks herself into the house, past her father Gyro who still processed the revelation that her mother had died sometime in the past year while he was away playing cowboy. But she stops short when she spots Johnny sitting at the table in the kitchen area and sipping on a cup of coffee Gyro had brewed for him. She knew it was her father's brand of coffee--the aroma was all too familiar: he used to brew it in Italy when he visited and took care of her. There was simply no mistaking it.
But Johnny was a stranger in her new house, and she wouldn't tolerate it. "You are you?" She demanded. Johnny looked over at her then back to Gyro and his unreadable expression. Something was up and his partner knew exactly what it was.
"Gyro, who's this little kid?" Well, the secret was out now! Gyro knew he had to come clean about his wild past, but given all that they went through this far, perhaps Johnny would understand.
"She's my daughter."
"...Daughter? You had a kid this entire time?"
"My name is Carmilla Amelia Zeppeli!" She puffed out her chest and grinned wide, showing off her silver teeth and bright eyes. "But when I came to America, these big men told me I had to change my name to anything I wanted, so I chose Paxe! Cool, huh?" Johnny looked at her, her boldly proud stance, her cute, endearing face, and her tacky teeth then to Gyro then back to her.
"Yeah, I can see the resemblance already." He rolled his eyes and shook his head with a small grin then sipped on his coffee when Paxe stepped towards him.
"Papá," she pointed an accusatory finger at Johnny and glared up at Gyro. "You left Mama for him? Why? Aren't I cute enough for you?"
"...It's a long story, bambina." He rubbed his neck with a sigh and sat down at the table. She lightened up a bit when he spoke to her and also claimed a seat.
"I missed it when you called me that. I'm so happy I found you, Papá!" She grabbed onto his arm as if he would suddenly pull away soon and leave her behind. "Now we can be a famiglia again." She yawned greatly that lasted more than a few seconds, lon enough to catch Johnny and Gyro's attentions. When she finished, her eyelids drooped and she nearly passed out from exhaustion.
"Have you slept at all?" Gyro asked and looked over the dark semi-circles underneath her eyes and the way her smile sagged and eyelids slowly closed.
"No...I don't know? I don't remember..." She mumbled and soon after, she rested her head upon her arms on the table and closed her eyes. He continued to talk to her, even nudged her to get a better response then a few tired moans, but she passed out after wandering the Wyoming wilderness for days with hardly any food, drink, or sleep. For a moment, the men looked exchanged glances then Gyro lifted Paxe up into his arms and carried her to his and Johnny's shared bed. They only had one bed in the house after all, and no other place to put the sleeping child.
Many questions swam in Gyro's head still, but the child was firmly gripped by sleep, so for now, it would have to wait. He placed her on the bed, removed her hat and placed it on the end table. He would wake her up in a few hours to press more information out of her. She would probably want food and something to drink by then as well.
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forfamily · 1 year ago
The Mafia
Unlike Cosa Nostra, the Camorra is not an organization that can be separated from society, disciplined in court, or even quite defined. It's an amorphous grouping in Naples and its hinterlands of more than 100 autonomous clans and perhaps 10,000 immediate associates, along with a much larger population of dependents, clients, and friends. It's an understanding, a way of justice, a means of creating wealth and spreading it around. It's been a part of life in Naples for centuries- far longer than the fragile construct called Italy has even existed. At its strongest, it has grown in recent years into a completely parallel world and, in many people's minds, an alternative to the Italian government, whatever that term may actually mean. Neapolitans call it "the system" with both resignation and pride. The Camorra offers them work, lends them money, protects them from the government, and even suppresses street crime. The problem is that periodically the Camorra also tries to tear itself apart, and when that happens, ordinary Neapolitans need to duck.
The Camorra's influence extends to Italian politics at all levels, from local to national. Historically, it's engaged in vote-buying, intimidation, and other forms of corruption to secure political power and influence decision-making. Its involvement in politics also extends to the judiciary, with judges and prosecutors being targeted for assassination or intimidation. When it comes to the economy, the Camorra's role is significant, with estimates suggesting that organized crime accounts for around 25% of the country's GDP. It's involved in a variety of illegal activities, including drug trafficking, extortion, money laundering, and prostitution; however not every Camorra gang participates in every illegal activity. The Camorra's control over certain areas of Naples has allowed it to exert influence over legitimate businesses, with some forced to pay protection money to the Camorra in order to operate. Within Neapolitan society as a whole, the Camorra has been known to provide social services in areas underserved by the government, while causing the perpetuation of poverty and social inequality in other places, much like a double-edged sword.
At the top of the food chain is the Boss, or Don, the highest level one can achieve in a Cammora gang. For the Zeppeli, this is, of course, Bianca Zeppeli who is nicknamed "The Baroness" due to the title her family once held.
Next is the Underboss, the second in command. He is sometimes a family member, such as a son, who will take over the family if the boss is sick, killed, or imprisoned. The power of an underboss greatly varies; some are marginal figures while others are the most powerful individual in the family. Traditionally they run day to day affairs of the family. For the Zeppeli, this is Dante Zeppeli, one of Bianca's cousins.
The Consigliere is an advisor or counselor to the boss, and who represents the boss in important meetings both within the boss's family and with other crime families. The consigliere is a close, trusted friend and confidant. By the very nature of the job, a consigliere is one of the few in the family who can argue with the boss and is often tasked with challenging the boss when needed.
The boss, underboss, and consigliere constitute the top three positions of a family, known sometimes as the "administration".
Beneath the Underboss are the caporegime, or capos. A "made member" of the family who heads a "crew" of soldiers and has major status and influence in the organization. They report directly to the boss or underboss. There isn't a set amount of capos an organization is required to have and the soldiers under them vary in number. For Zeppeli, there are eight capos in total.
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ask-dario-brando-ii · 4 years ago
Gaius was sitting down in his room, thinking about what happened to Dario. He wondered how this would affect the state of the famiglia, he wondered if it would all fall apart. Then he heard someone enter his room. He turns over and sees the tall figure standing before him.
The figure had a purple trench coat, a black fedora, dark skin, black hair, teardrop tattoos and blood red eyes. “Scream and everyone in this building dies.” The man said, sending chills down Gaius’s spine. 
Gaius was shaking in his boots right now as he looked at the taller man. “What the hell do you want?”
“I heard that my brother was in critical condition and that your little organization is in panic.” The taller man explains, smirking. “I will help give you supplies in order to sustain yourselves, if you all pledge loyalty to me.”
The brown haired man was hesitant about this. He knew who the large man really was, but he knew that at this point there was no other choice. “Impero is at your disposal. Just please... help us.”
The larger man pats Gaius on the head. “Good Zeppeli. Always doing what you’re told.” He then tips his hat before walking out. “Farewell, for now.”
Gaius then fell onto his knees as soon as the man left. He knew that it was a bad idea, but after Dario’s recent failures, he had to keep Impero stable somehow. Still, he also knew that Dario would panic if he found out, which definitely made this worse.
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tergestin · 5 years ago
Ieri l’ANPI unitamente alla famiglia del partigiano Attilio Firpo nome di battaglia “Attila” sono riusciti a far rimuovere la targa intitolata a Fabrizio Quattrocchi posta dal comune di Genova su di un piccolo ponticello.
Non nego di aver provato una forte delusione quando nelle immagini video ho visto portarla via. Nelle mie parole che seguono dovrei evidenziare la superiorità morale di un coraggioso uomo di destra.
Dovrei offrire spazio alla superiorità morale di un soldato che ha difeso fino all’ultimo la propria dignità.
La superiorità morale di chi pur disarmato non si é sentito impotente.
La superiorità morale di chi pur consapevole della propria sorte, con lo sguardo, ha sferzato gli occhi dei suoi carnefici.
Sarebbe utile a tutti voi che io ricordassi la superiorità morale di chi nell’ultimo impeto di generosità sconfinata ha detto al feroce nemico che noi Italiani siamo tutti capaci di morire come lui perchè coraggiosi come lui. Povero Fabrizio, tu che da lassù ci guardi, forse nemmeno ti capaciti di quanto a volte sappiamo essere passivi e vigliacchi anche dinnanzi allo sfregio della tua memoria alla quale abbiamo appena assistito. Forse è vero Fabrizio, ci siamo abituati ad assistere ad ogni nefandezza e a subire ogni angheria di un manipolo di cani infami che opprimono il nostro paese, tanto che abbiamo perso addirittura la capacità di reagire.
Quando ricordo le immagini che pubblicai l’anno scorso, quel breve video di quel lontano 2004 in cui un italiano parlava da condannato a morte al TG, mi ero sentita una nullità. Io, una semplice giovane di 14 anni mi ero già resa conto che avrei dovuto fare molto di più per essere un’italiana migliore. Un’italiana migliore anche di quella che credevo o mi illudevo d’essere già diventata.
Nella ricerca di materiale per poter scrivere di te Fabrizio, non posso dimenticare nemmeno le facce incredule “dei leader della sinistra” che ancora non si rendevano conto di essere stati, dopo decenni di indisturbate ruberie un pò legalizzate e un pò no, scoperti e moralmente svalutati.
Oggi, a distanza di 15 anni da quel tragico e lontano 2004, rivedo nelle nostre piazze italiane, il “popolo di sinistra”, quello delle sardine che si definisce moralmente superiore. Li rivedo, nei loro rigurgiti di odio e intolleranza verso chiunque la pensi diversamente da loro, ritrovano coraggio in una massa di cerebrolesi perfettamente conformati che appunto come stupidì pesci vengono spostati a banchi di città in città per testimoniare quel nulla cosmico che portano come “esempio morale”.
E non nego che mi sale la rabbia al pensiero che mentre tu Fabrizio morivi, dedicavi anche a loro il tuo ultimo orgoglioso pensiero riconoscendoli come italiani senza distinzione alcuna. Loro che poi ti hanno insultato, schernito, criminalizzato definendoti un mercenario.
Quel “popolo della sinistra” scalfariana, per nulla diverso da quella sinistra zingarettiana di oggi o dell’ANPI che ha temuto di confrontarsi con gli Agliana, gli Stefio, i Cupertino e i Quattrocchi che il tempo ha regalato alla storia di questo paese. Chissà, forse evitano il confronto perchè il contrasto farebbe sentire “il popolo della sinistra” dei Saviano e delle sorelle affrante ma con le tasche zeppe di soldi di Cucchi molto meno moralmente superiori a chi accusano.
Dovrei parlare, dovrei dire tutto il disprezzo che provo per chi ancora oggi insulta con la propria vigliaccheria questo nostro paese diffondendo menzogne storiche. A chi nega una targa a Fabrizio Quattrocchi, ma offre spazio a criminali come Carlo Giuliani e lo spacciatore Stefano Cucchi. E non lo nego, provo disprezzo per chi dedica una piazza o una via a quel Palmiro Togliatti che con l’amnistia cancellò tutti i crimini efferati perpetrati contro decine di migliaia di italiani innocenti. Provo solo disprezzo per quei partigiani comunisti a cui apparteneva anche il partigiano Attilio Firpo che regalarono solo vergogna e sangue innocente versato ingiustamente nel nostro paese. Ho saputo nel frattempo dai miei contatti di zona che la stessa famiglia Firpo avrebbe scritto al sindaco di Genova Marco Bucci per far togliere quella targa a Quattrocchi rivendicando l’intitolazione di quel ponte al loro parente della resistenza, il partigiano comunista Attila. Ho saputo che l’ANPI unitamente a centri sociali e altri tipici esempi di squadrismo avrebbero addirittura fatto pressioni sulla famiglia di Quattrocchi tanto indurli a rinunciare all’intitolazione del ponte al proprio figlio. Vorrei però ricordare sia alla famiglia Firpo che all’ANPI, che il partigiano ATTILA non era Attilio Firmo, ma bensì AIMO GROSSI nato a Villafranca in Lunigiana il 29 settembre del 1920, Comunista convinto, partigiano appartenente alla 37esima Brigata partigiana formatasi a Merizzo divenne poi sindacalista vicino a Rifondazione comunista. Trovo giusto precisarlo perché se proprio dovete raccontar balle, imparate a raccontarle bene. Di seguito il link: https://www.radiomaremmarossa.it/part...
Fabrizio Quattrocchi invece non era figlio di un sindacalista di sinistra come Carlo Giuliani, non era nemmeno fratello di una vicina al PD come la sorella di Stefano Cucchi, è stato ammazzato in terra straniera, è verissimo, ma non era vicino nemmeno ai giornali della sinistra come Giulio Regeni.
La verità di Fabrizio Quattrocchi non deve dunque essere testimoniata. Gli eroi e i martiri come consuetudine sono prerogativa di una sola parte, tutto il resto genera solo scomodo contrasto e disagio per quei mentecatti ricolmi di livore che nascono con il pugno alzato e oggi dalle piazze ci dicono che noi non abbiamo nemmeno il diritto di essere ascoltati.
Ma alla fine, di questo, quante volte ne abbiamo già discusso e non abbiamo mai fatto niente?
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mxjules · 6 years ago
The flower shop he frequents once or twice a week is nearby, just about two blocks away from where he is now. He walks quickly down the street until he arrives at the flower shop on the corner. It’s quaint; outside is a white iron patio set, flower beds of white and purple pansies are mounted underneath each windowsill on either side of the door. The awning of light green and white stripes stretches over to provide some shelter from the sun, while four hanging planters showcase vibrant red flowers, two on each side of the storefront. Hand painted on the window in green and gold read the store name; Fiori di Famiglia Zeppeli.
Chapter 2! I couldn’t wait to post it. pls be gentle
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swanmask · 6 years ago
[AO3] Famiglia, La Mia Famiglia
This is a birthday gift for my very dear friend @skepsys! I love you buddy! ❤️
I've honestly always wanted to write something focusing on the transition from 'hey we're big shot hamon users' to 'we're just average dads and if you make fun of my daughter i'll have your ass'. I wrote most of this in one day and i'm honestly really proud of it. Also here I am out here shoehorning in my, "Messina is Suzie's adoptive dad" headcanon into everything part 2 related that I do. Love that bastard. On top of all that, this was me practicing some Italian, so if I made any grammar mistakes Please Tell Me. Anywho, enjoy the ride that is fatherhood.
Title: Famiglia, La Mia Famiglia Author: SuzieCutie Fanbase: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pairing: Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli / Joseph Joestar / Suzie Q Length: Short story | 8265 words Rating: General Audiences Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Polyamory, Parenthood, Slice of Life
Summary: “ But, hey… I’m a dad now. You’re a dad now! We’re both dads now! I never thought I’d get to say that. “
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bergamorisvegliata · 3 years ago
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"Siamo a tal punto disumanizzati, che per la modesta zuppa di oggi siamo disposti a sacrificare qualunque principio, la nostra anima, tutti gli sforzi di chi ci ha preceduto, ogni possibilità per i posteri, pur di non disturbare la nostra grama esistenza. Non abbiamo più nessun orgoglio, nessuna fermezza, nessun ardore nel cuore. (...) Ci basta non staccarci dal gregge, non fare un passo da soli, non rischiare di trovarci tutt'a un tratto privi del filoncino di pane bianco, dello scaldabagno, del permesso di soggiornare a Mosca.
Ce l'hanno martellato nei circoli di cultura politica e il concetto ci è entrato bene in testa, ci assicura una vita comoda per il resto dei nostri giorni: l'ambiente, le condizioni sociali, non se ne scappa, l'esistenza determina la coscienza, noi cosa c'entriamo? non possiamo far nulla.
...Invece possiamo tutto! Ma mentiamo a noi stessi per tranquillizzarci. Non è affatto colpa loro, è colpa nostra, soltanto NOSTRA!
...Ed è proprio qui che si trova la chiave della nostra liberazione, una chiave cha abbiamo trascurato e che pure è tanto semplice e accessibile: IL RIFIUTO DI PARTECIPARE PERSONALMENTE ALLA MENZOGNA. Anche se la menzogna ricopre ogni cosa, anche se domina dappertutto, su un punto siamo inflessibili: che non domini PER OPERA MIA! Ognuno di noi dunque, superando la pusillanimità, faccia la propria scelta: o rimanere servo cosciente della menzogna (certo non per inclinazione, ma per sfamare la famiglia, per educare i figli nello spirito della menzogna!), o convincersi che è venuto il momento di scuotersi, di diventare una persona onesta, degna del rispetto tanto dei figli quanto dei contemporanei.
Certo, sulle prime sarà duro. Qualcuno si vedrà temporaneamente privato del lavoro. Per i giovani che vorranno vivere secondo la verità, all'inizio l'esistenza si farà alquanto complicata: persino le lezioni che si apprendono a scuola sono infatti zeppe di menzogne, occorre scegliere. Ma per chi voglia essere onesto non c'è scappatoia, neppure in questo caso: mai, neanche nelle più innocue materie tecniche, si può evitare l'uno o l'altro dei passi che si son descritti, dalla parte della verità o dalla parte della menzogna: dalla parte dell'indipendenza spirituale o dalla parte della servitù dell'anima.
E chi non avrà avuto neppure il coraggio di difendere la propria anima non ostenti le sue vedute d'avanguardia, non si vanti d'essere un accademico o un "artista del popolo" o un generale: si dica invece, semplicemente: sono una bestia da soma e un codardo, mi basta stare al caldo a pancia piena...
Una via non facile? La più facile, però, fra quelle possibili. Una scelta non facile per il corpo, ma l'unica possibile per l'anima. Una via non facile, certo, ma fra noi ci sono già delle persone, anzi decine di persone, che da anni tengono duro su tutti questi punti e vivono secondo verità.
Non si tratta dunque di avviarsi per primi su questa strada, ma di UNIRSI AD ALTRI! Il cammino ci sembrerà tanto più agevole e breve quanto più saremo uniti e numerosi nell'intraprenderlo. Se saremo migliaia, nessuno potrà tenerci testa. Se saremo decine di migliaia, il nostro paese diventerà irriconoscibile!
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ALEKSANDR SOLZENICYN, Vivere senza menzogna, 1974)
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