#;amitiel hc
iomadachd · 1 year
Once upon a time, Amitiel's favorite color was yellow. Soft, creamy buttercup. Warm, golden sunflowers and deep goldenrods. So much so that her robes were soft and golden, and even her wings and grace took on yellow and pale brown hues.
After being cast from Heaven, she could no longer bear the color, and the shades of her grace darkened, burned and blackened.
She never wore yellow again.
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
For the ship questions: Promptis!
Who said “I love you” first: Noctis. Prompto wanted to be the one to do it but he never felt sure enough because Noctis is the prince (!!!!) and Prompto is well... Prompto. So Noctis finally says it (with encouragement from Ignis), and Prompto stands there in shock before Gladio taps his back and he just ends up kissing Noctis
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: They both do, but Prompto was the first one to do it. It’s a photo of them together at the arcade.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Prompto. Although Ignis sometimes leaves his own notes like “Eat your veggies!” But Noctis can tell the difference between Prompto’s sappy love notes and Ignis’s (they don’t tell Ignis that, though).
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Noctis. Usually it’s because he’ll pass by something that reminds him of Prompto- typically it’s chocobo related. He gets it for him because Prompto loves getting gifts but will never admit to it.
Who initiated the first kiss: Prompto. (Kind of answered this one above.) He’s so overwhelmed by Noct’s confession that he just kisses him.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Prompto. Noctis sleeps in any time he can. Prompto is always up early after a morning run with Gladio (and sometimes Ignis).
Who starts tickle fights: Depends on the occasion. If Noctis is losing in a game? Definitely Noctis. If Prompto finds Noctis lost scrolling on his phone and wants attention? Definitely Prompto.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Noctis. It’s not so much a question as it is Noctis just telling Prompto he’s dirty and needs a shower and jumps in with him. Prompto lets out a lot of yelps and Noctis doesn’t even realize what he’s done until it’s too late.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Prompto. Noctis gets overwhelmed with being THE PRINCE so Prompto often catches him when he’s on lunch just to sneak away for a few minutes.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: They both were. Prompto was incredibly nervous and shy to the point it was hard for him to talk. Noctis was so nervous that he kept saying awkward things. The moment they said to just act like they “were friends” the tension released.... Until Noctis kissed Prompto. (Because they’re definitely not just friends)
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Prompto. Noctis originally wanted to just kill them but Prompto was NOT having it. “They kill other bad bugs!” Prompto takes them out now.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Prompto. They don’t often get drunk, but Noctis is a sleepy drunk and Prompto is a mushy romantic when drunk. He just tells everyone how much he loves the prince, and everyone thinks he’s just really loyal to Lucis. (They’re not wrong.)
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amitiel-halfm00n · 3 years
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Brarg pequeninos! Postando aqui uma parte desse tema, a outra mostrando eles fazendo a trend “I’m just a kid” do tiktok foi postado no instagram: @amitielcosplay ♥
Um hc bobo que surgiu entre Sam (Lulu) e eu: Como o Alfred crescia muito rápido, Arthur doava algumas roupas do garoto para o Portugal dar ao Luciano e em visto que Antonio sempre deixava alguns dos filhos dele a Deus dará, às vezes algumas peças paravam com os vizinhos do Lulu, por isso o Martín está usando um macacão que lembra o do boneco Chucky na foto e Lucho com trajes que lembram os Minions. haha
Eu disse que era um hc bobo, sem pensar em linha do tempo de quando essas obras foram criadas e nem a coerência em vestimentas da época. hahaha Luciano da Silva (Aph Brasil): Sam; Martín Hernández (Aph Argentina): Amitiel;
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siderealxmelody · 7 years
Black Sheep
@nptperfect-indadseyes Chuck knew something was wrong with his son when he saw him slowly stabbing a butterfly to death a pin in the garden, he’d known for a while but something snapped and he couldn’t deny it anymore, even though he was only 4. “Meshabber what are you doing?” “Fun.” Chuck sighed and took the butterfly away from, Meshabber moved and stabbed him in the eye thankfully missing his cornea and not causing too much damage. He picked him up and put him to bed early and gathered his children. This wasn’t the first time, it was a time in a long list of times. Stabbing Phanuel in the leg, tripping Samael down the stairs, almost letting Raphael and Gabriel get burned by an open flame, chasing Zadikel around with a knife. He had tried to tip Amitiel’s crib but thankfully Samael had seen him. He even tried to carve his name in Michael’s skin, though for some reason Michael didn’t say anything, Samael instead had. “Meshabber is too destructive, I am sending to a children’s hospital where they can take care of him. Any questions?”
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iomadachd · 1 year
12 Days of Romance Tropes - Day 5
:: What is your muse 'stuck' on? Is it a bad habit they can't quite quit, a slight they can't quite let go of, or even just a memory they feel haunted by? What do they need to start moving past it? ::
Amitiel can't let go of the 'slight' of being cast out of Heaven at the dawn of humanity.
It is the defining moment of her whole existence and she still feels the punishment did not fit the crime of questioning their creation and how they might affect Earth. It haunts her day and night and is constantly thrown in her face by how prolific humans are, how widespread and numerous. The closest she ever came to death in all this time was the Great Flood, and even then, she was sustained, floating upon the water as she could neither drown nor starve.
She can never move past that anger, in spite of having to walk among humans all these Millenia. Every single human she sees is a reminder of her banishment, and every one is a thorn in her flesh, her wings, her halo. Falling and being reborn as human was not a possibility that early in their creation, and she never joined Lucifer in Hell once he'd fallen as well.
In order for there to be even a hint of a possibility of moving on from that anger, she would need impossible things that she knows will never happen. An apology from her Father, or the death of all humans, or being welcomed back to the Host. She knows those things will never happen, and so it makes her all the angrier.
Her anger and bitterness run too deeply at this point for her to come to a truce with humanity, and she's too stubborn to rip out what remains of her deteriorated Grace and Fall.
It's possible in some far off twist of fate that she could find peace with humans if she was forced to be reborn as one of them, but while she has the choice herself, she'll never do it. She would sooner cut off her own wings than attach herself to humans.
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iomadachd · 1 year
Character Alignments (Pt. 1)
Adramalech - Lawful Evil
Amitiel - True/Chaotic Neutral
Ben - True Neutral
Copia - Lawful Neutral/Evil
Cowbell - Chaotic Neutral
Dean - Chaotic Good
Dewdrop - Chaotic Neutral
Diego - Neutral/Chaotic Good
Drusilla - Chaotic Evil/Neutral
Ianto - Lawful Good
Imperator - Lawful Evil
Klaus - Chaotic Neutral
Leila - True Neutral
Manfred - Chaotic/Lawful Neutral
Mary - Neutral Good
Michael - Lawful Good/Evil
Nihil - True Neutral
Nora - Lawful Good
Phantom - Chaotic Neutral
Penelope - Neutral Good
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iomadachd · 10 months
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@leschanceux asked: “📂“ x 3 for any of your muses!
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have (accepting)
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Amitiel collects mosses and mushrooms
She's left-handed
Would rather have her wings cut off than admit humans make good food.
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iomadachd · 1 year
if you were a deity, what would you be the god of?
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winter and death
you’re known for your self-discipline and rigidity. although you may be perceived as cold and intimidating by those who don’t directly worship you, you’re actually quite fair and polite. your followers pray to you for a safe winter and peaceful death.
tagged by: @freak1ish
tagging: whoever wants to do it!
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iomadachd · 1 year
What does your heart look like?
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a tangled ball of red strings
Who are you without the company of others? You aren’t sure, but you know that you aren’t fond of whoever it is. You are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. Many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. Your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. It can’t be untangled from the red strings they’ve attached to you. You deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place. You don’t have to be everything to everyone.
tagged by: @demonstigma
tagging: People born in June, August, October, December, February, and April
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iomadachd · 1 year
🔞 for Amitiel, Primo, and Dean :)
Send 🔞 for a NSFW headcanon. (accepting)
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Amitiel does not like to be touched during sex. She's likely to give pleasure to a partner if they ask and she is close enough to them to trust they won't take advantage of her.
Primo is big into tantric sex. Regardless of how attached, or not, he is to his partner, he likes to draw out the experience. The build up towards climax and then seeing his partner fall over the edge is a high that is difficult for him to replicate anywhere else.
Dean is a brat. He likes to toy with his partner and wind them up if they're open to it. He'll spend the whole day sending absolutely filthy texts and pictures, and just wait to see what they do when they get home. He does enjoy submitting if that's the case, but it's always on his own terms.
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iomadachd · 1 year
The sin Amitiel is most guilty of is Pride.
The virtue she is most associated with is Chastity.
The heavenly virtue she is most associated with is Hope.
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iomadachd · 1 year
Amitiel is mildly claustrophobic.
Not in the ways you might think of with humans, though it's not far off. She is deeply uncomfortable in man-made buildings that are not churches. She feels too vulnerable in something entirely made by humans and fears that it might be warded in a way to trap her inside.
As such, she's not often indoors in places that might otherwise appeal to her. If she is inside, she'll either make her exit as quickly as possible, or will double and triple scan to be sure there is nothing there to entrap her.
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iomadachd · 2 years
Amitiel is partial to the scents of pine, juniper and sandalwood.
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iomadachd · 3 years
Amitiel’s halo has all but shattered. It barely has a flicker of Grace to it by Heaven’s standards, though humans would think it bright as the full moon. It is cracked and tarnished, with signs of decay and dirt. Separated from the Host since before humanity, it is fragile as aged paper.
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iomadachd · 3 years
Amitiel is somewhat inspired by the SPN and biblical lore, but she has no particular version of God as her own, and resents him quite a bit besides.
She told the truth about her feelings on humans and got kicked out of her home.
Amitiel has been Fallen since the dawn of humanity. Because she has been separated from the Host and God’s favor for so long, and because her name is mostly unknown to humanity, her grace has deteriorated. It sustains her in that she continues to live, and she has her blade, but her wings and overall power levels are in poor condition.
She’s considered that she’d have more power if she’d joined Lucifer in Hell, but she sticks to her guns and accepts that one day, she might blink out of existence entirely.
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
Shipping Gladio/Ignis please.. At first I never imagined about this ship but I changed my mind after read Gladnis yaoi manga. I recommend myreadingmanga website if you haven't read any.
Hello! I love Gladnis and I have definitely checked out some of those doujinshi you mentioned >.>
Who said “I love you” first: I feel like they’d prolong it for so long that Noctis or Prompto would do something like “PEOPLE WHO LOVE IGNIS SAY WHAT?!” and Gladio would go “WHAT?!” and that’s how they’d confess. Or it’d be in a heated moment where someone did something foolish (likely Ignis getting hurt to protect Noctis) and Gladio would just blurt it out.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: They both would. Gladio would proudly have a pic of both of them together. Ignis would scoff at it, but it would later be revealed that he has Gladio as his background pic.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Gladio does it at first. It’s just small things he says, but Ignis smiles every time. But when Ignis goes blind, Ignis does it. He surprises Gladio with it one day (after practicing of course). It’s just a simple “I love you.” But Gladio breaks down and sobs and they just hold each other.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Gladio. He’s a huge romantic and every chance he can get, he gets Ignis cheesy presents like a teddy bear with chocolates.
Who initiated the first kiss: It kind of happened at the same time? They confessed, there was a brief pause, and then they were both kissing fervently. No one knows who started it, but it was likely both of them acting at the same time.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Ignis claims it’s him, but it’s really Gladio. They usually wake up around the same time, but Gladio loves being the one to give Ignis the morning kiss. Ignis indulges him behind closed doors.
Who starts tickle fights: Surprisingly, Ignis. During an argument, if it’s getting too heated, he found out that tickling Gladio pulls him out of it. And then they just end up laughing hysterically on the floor. It’s a great diffusion for tense moments.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Gladio. He wouldn’t ask normally, but because he’s so tall and so muscular he asks when they’re at a hotel and traveling. It’s more a practicality thing to see if there’s enough room. Otherwise, they shower together all the time. (Sometimes it’s actually just a shower. Other times.... Not so much.)
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Gladio. While Ignis is their resident chef, Gladio does know how to cook too from taking care of Iris at times when Clarus has been busy. It’s not as good as Ignis’s cooking, but Ignis doesn’t mind. He just loves that Gladio thought of him.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Both of them. Gladio thought he was going to screw up his one chance with Ignis, and Ignis thought that Gladio would find him wanting. They’re both incredibly nervous, but then something happens, and they end up laughing and losing themselves in a good conversation.  
Who kills/takes out the spiders: They both take them out. Sometimes Ignis will be busy and will ask Gladio to do it, other times Gladio will ask Ignis to if he’s in the middle of something. Neither of them mind, and if they’re both available, whoever spots the spider first is the one who gets it.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Gladio. Definitely Gladio. At times if they’re walking around, he will legit just pick up Ignis and carry him off. It’s only been done a couple of times, and usually he’s just screaming about how he has the hottest guy in all of Eos while he does it. Ignis would be annoyed if Gladio wasn’t so adorable about it.
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